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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 13

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i fg ZZ 4ZJ AiabimttmrnS ctfV iw iZ it iMV a Wmed RISKS DECEMBER 18Mr is 1 Fwlwg 1 Jr JISSEB 3erhala READYTQ SPEND TWO Southern Pacific Will Change Ljnes From Steam to Electricity OAJCXANP December It daj General Manager Calvin of ih Southern Paclflo road mad the an aouncement that the company bad Ut contracts to the amount of IltJIMO i for ths complete changing ot the nar row trance line from Alameda mot to the corner of Fourteenth and Franklin streets and from the mote terminal to 4 the High street terminal In Alameda and to the present terminal at Mela toss from steam to electric power This work will be pushed forward a rapidly aa possible and when thla portion of the local tyetem has heen lnade aa laleotrle system the company will then i proceed to make a similar change In the Use from the Oakland mole along 8v fenth street and on the Berkeley line Taers will also he an electrto ewtg line for passenger travel along the wattr front at First street The new care for the electric system are now nader construction In the East and will be modern In every particular The present ralla wU beiueed I for the electric traffic as they will emr have to he welded togetner at the IJetnta in order to make a continuous etroult In fact a large amount or electrto welding has already been done on the line In order to use the block signal systim Manager Calvin said that the announcement that the company Intended ito abandon Its right of way on Webster street and run Its electric line from the mole to Fourteenth street on Franklin waa not correct as It would entail an enormous additional expense without corresponding advantages As to the extension of the line out Frank llln street from the present terminus at Fourteenth street tt Twentieth street Calvin said that the company had prepared plans covering a number of additional cress town lines but that nothing was contemplated In that direction for eome time to come to what the Southern Pacific Com will do In the matter of erect central terminal station on theprep erty owned at the Junction of Fear teenth and Franklin streets Calvla said that he was not yet tn position to announce anything definite although several suggestions had been made from time to time Nothing however has yet been positively decided on WORK WILL BE COSTLY The contracts which have been let cover the road equipment and the construction of a large power house which wllr be built at Alameda point near the location or the present round house and turntable Altogether the Improvements In contemplation will call for the expenditure of nearly two million dollars Another Important move on the part of the Southern Paclflo has been the filing of an application with the War Department for permission to widen the Oakland mole from Us present area of fifty acres by making a nil which will Increase the surface area by twenty seven additional acres This application has been sent by the authorities at Washington to the Ualted States Harbor Line Board at Ban Franetson for a report on Its advisability Major William Hart of the engineer corps has called a meeting to be held January Jtn at the rooms ef the California Promotion Committee for the public consideration of this application Some time ago the Key route people made a request to the War Department for permission to build a mole and fill In a lame tract on the water front for the construction of an extensive mole and basin for foreign snips mis application was denied on the ground that the proposed fill would Interfere with the tidal currents but permission waa ranted to the Key route people to build a mole on and ship basin or concrete piers and that company will proceed with the construction on these lines It Is prsbable however that they will he repreeented at the coming meeting to see what acuon is taaen It any favorable to make lag a flu on the lands adjoining the property which they Intend to Im prove MAT FOUJTO LODGES OP ELKS NEVADA CAMPS OAKLAND December 14 A dinner waa given last night at the Elks Club by Colonel I Bromwell In honor of Parlee Christiansen prosecuting at torney of Salt take City and a member ef the committee on appeals and grievances of the Order of Elks Among hose present were Grand Exalted Ruler Judge It A Mervln Captain Freeman and Cal Ewlna One of the oh Jeets ot the dinner was to discuss the question of establishing a number ef Joages or Elks in the State of Nevada la the new mining camps which have sprung up there within the past two years It waa finally decided In response to many req nests that have been received from that section that Judge Melvln should pa a visit to Nevada early In January and if his Investigations Justify lodges will be established In Goldfteld Tonopah and Bhyoilte In that event the establishment of the nw lodges will probably be under the auspices of Oakland Lodge which will end a Urge delegation there with the greed exalted ruler to properly herd the banda of wandering Elks i PICKETS PTJHI3HED FOB CONTEMPT 03T COURT OAKLAND December 1C FlVe daya la the County Jalt will be the penalty to James Brock a member ef the In te natlenal Shirt Waist and Laundry Workers Union Local No It for dls obeying the order ol Judge Ellsworth to refrain from picketing the Troy Laundry of Berkeley or Interfering with Its operation A fine of II will be the penalty of Mis May Hampton another member of the anion for the tame offense Albert Wolfe secretary ot the laundry company teitlfled that he had been hit on the back after the issuance sf a temporary restraining order a by an egg thrown by Brock He testl lied to other rude attentions also Miss Hamptons offense among other things sonslsted of calling one of the nonunion women workers who took the place of anion women a skinny faced Ll and a Los Angeles scab i STtTDEirrS ARE CHILLED BERKELET December 14 A wall at protest has arisen from the lips of half fhoaaand undergraduates at the fcute University over cold examination rooms In some of the buildings Forced to take their Midyear tests rooms that at far beneath a temperate degree the students claim to be handl capped la doing i their theses Justice ta Hearst Halt and the Harmon gymnasium bolldtsga In which are located two ot thelaraeat anditartnma in tt University the complaints arc especially numerous voeiFisiafa nave neen made the authorities br savant i Instrdetor and hi term promise rail fiesta at Oakland railroad wins QQRjGEOOs AFFXIR WITHOUT SUIT rr IMMsssPJssssss KmfiVk 3UlMrigfgMsBl HAl vin bbbbbbbbbbbK W1 WY MsMmMMMiW IPMsssssMPNM HpipFrWjl VelagggggggggggggggSw Parade Is One of the Biggest fSM Ever Held in a Coast rJMf city 77 MBSfeHtJC Ih AOU KAHN OAKLAND December 14 With tone of red lire and the glittering blase of thousands of electricelectric lamps with the blare of bands and the cheers of thousands of enthusiastic citizens the new era of prosperity was Impressively ushered In to night by the greater Oakland electric parade and 0sta With an absolute unity of purpose the business men of the city led by me inamber of Commerce and the Merchants Exchange Joined to make the event an Imposing one and to night Oaklands business center has been fairly ablase with all the conventional and fantaatlo forms of Illumination Ostensibly planned to commemorate the larger Illumination of the main thoroughfares of the city with electroliers the celebration early took on a broader purcoee and the Inspiration for the nights festival became the marking of a new chapter In Oaklands commercial history with a city transformed from passive flulesoence to militant strenuoue business activity and quickly taking rank as one of the great commercial marts of the Paclflo shore The parade with Its dasallng color Ing Its picturesquely beautiful floats In which a miniature replies of the varied Industrie and business activities of the community were most ad mlrably presented was viewed by thousands who lined the stdewalka of Broadway and Washington and Intervening thoroughfares Certainly It was Oaklands night to celebrate and cltl sen Joined with cltlsen In a spirit of good will and cordial fellowship and laying aside the care ef the work a day world Joined Jubilantly In merry making STREETS ARE THRONGED Long before the automobiles n1 th floats Were ready to start Oakland streets wsre lined with snaetators oroauway waa packed on both slde walks and out Into the street Clay strset and every street on whloh the line of march had been outlined was In the same condition Chief of Police Wilson found It necessary to detail a large number of policemen to keep the crowds from surging Into the street and getting In the way of the automobiles No celebration In Oakland has assembled a greater gathering The bad weather of the past few days made many skeptlral as to the success of the affair But the people poured out every car that came into Broadway after 7 IcVHnneer Bint outlined in Hcitrif lights Jimn clock deposited a crowd of sravlv cu i irinr rai cltlsens And ths Scbhwtera Tot Btwce elx iWnrttM wim Wilson and Patrolmen Mulholland and Hunlay mounted The Piedmont Parlor 8 Band came next followed by Chief Marshal Edwin Stearns and his staff each carrying electric wands donated by the King Electric Company The balance of the magnificent parade was made up aa follows Glrard Plana Compear Host rrproeeBtlng Jspeaeve rammer bwiae wttb plena In fore grouetl whlili fare forth mrlocloue atralna aa tSe parade woveil rurwanl Oakland tuancr Company huse load ft tunibor rhllllpa Lelea roramlealen nwrcbaota deenreteri wagon containing pyramid of fruit vatetahlea aad foetla 1 A Mnsre A Co anctloneera nx rp tloa room In decorated wegoa Century Etoetrlc Company tUumlsated float Mlae Ruth Bniner as toe Queen of tlectrlatty i medtnas rur nltnre Company decorated wisnn with Santa Clsua tn sooth In rear Whitehead lano Coaanaav dworated wasna itfcotO DIVISION A Rharmae rhlef of dlrliloa attlns band Polytechnic Bualneae Cols re two floats each eentetntng pyramid of etsdenta fifty hoys is Brat float and fifty Siris all draaaejl Is white In ioctmd float tanilard UnSrrsrounrt Cable Company deco rated wagon with bna a wboal of cable Paclnc Coaet Iimbor and Mill fupany float ahowlnc cene ef the worklag of th dqMI Lhnhardt a Candy Compaay aceoo of tho mannfacture of candy In huge float Prledmaa Purnltur Com ney wagon Smith a atore carrtas ampbcll firocary omnaoy carrlagca rnotainlns baTj of pretty glrla labelled The Prlrte of Cainfi boll a Campbell float dicratiJ with ever fceoaa and flowera followed br thirteen de Ivery wagona from the aame flrtn and one auto with the offli era of the company lidlug therein INDUSTRIE IM LINE THIRD mISIO nanraban chl of Atrlalon Welgel a bend SkMdo Renoyatory float ahowtng cleaning acene Culllian a Purnl tnre Company fonr decorated wagona mag nlflcently lllnmlnatad float by the Oakland Tree Uon Conaollilatcd ahowlns toe construction of a oar the weole ear hdng outlined and em blaaoeed with electric llcnta of rarona colore Piedmont Rkatlns Illnk tallyho aad band Oak land Oreem Depot fourteaa wagona with deco retloaa roUBTH DIVISION fir Duilley Smith chief ef llTUUon hfcBaln a band carriage containing guaeta of the commlttea Maatar Bulldera Aa aoelatlen carriage end decorated wagoo Ililsb lasd a schttebly contractora lllnrol sated float ahowlns lighted abowcaaoa with Japaneaa lan tema laslda Oakland larrlas and Implement dressed and merry crowd did not go home after the parade and oeremonles were over They had come out to make merr and hours aftsr the last automobile passed by thousanda of people surged on the street The crowd was the beet nstured and the least boisterous that has ever assembled In Oakland There were boys girls and even grown upa with confetti to throw and the multitude looked aej If a many colored snowstorm had visited Oakland before the pro eeedlngs had fairly started But the rowdyism of confetti throwing was absent The rich mans silk hat was made the target of many a handful of the paper bits but he did not care any more than the boy a generation young er who thought It waa fun to hit and be hit CROWD ENTHUSIASTIC There wag little other call for the police It was not an occasion for anything more than Innocent enthusiasm and yet the enthusiasm was so genuine and so strong that there was no necessity to stimulate It This enthusiasm and earnestness was well shown In the applause given the various floats as they went by on the etreet There was discrimination Those who represented element that had always stood for the good of Oakland were applauded vociferously and their march and counter march on Broadway was ss a triumph The gsneral officers In charge of the fiesta were as follows Qeseral enteeea Georae Aoetls eetdaeri Jena I Censors treasurer Stuart Boeta secretary EseentlvelTesk Bllger chairman Oeorse Austin Ony Smith Theorlaro titer Eo wia stesras ott stnart Booth A Strarss rissscs Theoaore 71er eoatnnaa Cap well Logan Uymanee Wither Walker fctmrte Gar Smith chairman Prank Oakam Beeestsaa George Anaftn Penl Car Speakers Trash BTicwr rtialrmari Sfott A Leet Sol Xabn oagrM Parade EMwIa geeerao chairman 1 1 fleeeeuss Cssrlee Hewmsn Clay Hawsaker 1 Clay I Streets sad street Intunlnetfos ChsYlee Ott chairman A Leach I Brown Chief ef Peilce WUaon store umanlnetlfleis sad decorations Zln ksnd Lea A Owens Press Stnart Booth chairmen fsrlln A OBrtesv fildeoa Dsrls OFFICER Or PARADE The parade was formed on Clay street right resting en Fifteenth The officers were 1 Chief marshal KdWUl Steerns chief ef stag ut waiter smin aioc tt rim moTsnai Chartee Snook Henry Oalton Joha Dsr smltn aonert aisr sac acssr mas cler or sist oivvaion ur iiaywarn Tsotnss chief ef second dirlsfon A Saer i chief or taira sieuio a uanrasas chief ef fmuth dleialeo Dr Dudley Srnlthl chief ef rfth IMiha FranK A Leach Jri chief ef slats dlrlaloa Prwlertek Taylor chief ef seventh glvudaa Wmian Watklns The parade was led by a platoon of Assrtn a Fnrnlture Company lira decorated wagona Hawaiian Conee tompany two ileco rated wasone rilTII DIVISION Frank A Leach Jr chief ef dlrlafpn 8n band Bowman a Drug Cnm panr a ana nhnwlnc store Id 1S71 ami ItMeS carrteseH ail autoa in prnrualon SIXTH DIVISION TaiTlaiee SIXTH SIVKNTI IHION arr1aie and autoa Division Cari laie and antm Society Events Across the Bay 0 keived that condition fn the room will poUeeJunder the guidance of Sergeant se bettered ff ISaoctr fnllaWaA he CThUr nt Police 4 mm HCA AKLANP December 14 To morrow chief event of social Intereat will be the large and elaborately planned recaption at which Miss Edith and Mies Fadle Alexander will welcome over a hundred friends In compliment to two brides to be These are Mlse tlertrude Thayer the betrothed nf Tr Kdward Alexander and Miss Elsa Llchtenberg who Is shortly to marry Harry Johnson of Indiana Chrletmns decorations will predominate In maseen of sploy green ery and rich iui trrs ef California holly The rereivine party will In elude IgVss Kdlth lctander Miss Sh dle Alexander rtrude Thayer Mlas Elaa I rhtnhi Miss Ethel Richardson Mlea We Kroll Mlas Ger trude Evans Miss Annie Alexander Miss Edna empc Vtlsa Elale Kver son Miss Marian Morrow Mrs Ely Hutchinson Mrs Kdward uruke Miss Clarlbel Williams Mlas Dora Thayer Miss Laura Mi Knight Miss Elsie Ames Mr Fletcher Ames Miss Cleo Posey Kiss Lillian Thlten and Miss Irene Webster Miss Eva Kerr recently the guest Of Miss Orare Reynolds In Alameda la now visiting Mr and Mrs Clarence Crowsll at their homo In Oakland Next week she will spend with friends in Berkeley Jbell has sent out rnrds canceling the birthday luncheon December 11th In the new clubhouse The date of the affair will have to be postponed until the building ta quite fin Ished Mrs A Beretta was hostess this afternoon to the At Home Euchre Club A daintily nerved luncheon preceded the game BEItKKLET December 14 A troth plighted during their childhood days will reach It culmination on Christmas day when Miss Dora McNeal and Claud Warren will be Joined In marriage after betrothal of sight year Warren Is a graduate from the Polytechnic Business College of Oakland and I well known here Mis McNeat has beer teaching school In Mendocino county No Legal or Physical Clash to Follow Quarrel Over Water Front OAKLAND December 14 The sen satloa caused by the alleged attempt ot the Southerrf Paclflo Company to dispossessdispossess Cotton Brothers of their hold ings on No Man Land at First and Harrison arrests now promises to vanish Into thin air Conference to day between the belligerent have brought about peace where on Wednesday and Thursday there threatened to be a clash ef armed men While still In slating that their right to the property nrwlAi dlamit valid Cntteirj Rrethari have decided to compromise differences It was given out this afternoon that the firm would take steps immediately to find a new location thereby signify Ing an intention to Abandon a site which it has held quietly for sixteen years Attorney William1 Ki Davis on of the few men tn this city who has the tangled legal features ot Oaklands many water front battles at his fingers tips and the attorney for Cotton Brothers during the present trouble has taken no step to carry the dispute Into the courts The Webster street Wharf and Dock Company traces Its right to this land and to most ot the land lying along the estuary between Webster and Hanson streets through a title obtained from the Dameron Doane claim of early days a claim which caused a costly fight on the citys water front many years ago Attorney Davis knows this but ha also knows that the South em Pacific Company overrides such a claim by pointing to Its title gained through the Oakland Water Front Corn pan Although the attorney for Cotton Brothers anticipates that the legal struggle for No Mans Land would be long drawn and bitter he Is desirous of making the fight He particularly dislikes the manner In which the Southern Paclnc workmen entered the yarda of Cotton Brothers snd forcibly took possession of equipment loaded It On fsrlght cars and curried It away But Cotton Brothers to day manifest hardly as warlike a spirit as their attorney Ernest Cotton one of the members of the firm stated this afternoon that the company would move off the premises at an early date as soon as a nsw location oould be found Furthermore the Southern Paclflo a conciliatory spirit offered to return the flat cars loaded with the Cotton Brothers private property which was removed on the first day of the attempted eviction of that firm Cotton Brothers hesitated about accepting this last offer fearing that there might be something tricky underneath this spparently innocent act General Superintendent 8 Palmer cleared up this Important phaso of the difficulty to day when he authorised the following Interview The property In question belongs to the Southern Pacific Company The Cotton Brothers have been using It by sufferance for the storage of their Junk material They were notified some tlm ago that the company wantsd to use the property and they were requested to move their material They dlil noth Ing They were then notified that un less their material wai removed within a week tne Southern Pari fir Company would remove It The time expiring snd the Cotton Brothers who are noth Ins but trespassers on tho property refusing to hudgc our company proeeded to clear the lot Them Is nothing In the whole proceeding In the nature of a land grab Although It Is generally supposed that ths old struggle between the two rival roads la behind the recent little spat the Western Pacific head has never once been reared In the controversy LURES A MINOR FROM HER HOME Italian Who Leaves New York With Young Giri Is Arrested ABBBBBBaBakBBBBBBBBBBBBSBSatllsaBBBBBBBBBV1 l43 MlWlleHpP jM 4abjsj WLlgssiV esssvaaaraBswwsSsk 19k 11 OAKLAND December 14 The local pollen made an Important arrest to day when they took Into custody Kaffaels Spoaato an Italian aged 27 wanted In Mount Vernon for enticing away a minor child The girl Josephine Carlo aged 15 was with the man and was taken tn the station to be held as a witness and to nwalt the arrival of ths Eastern police or her father at whose Instance the arrest was mads Sposato la alleged to have fled with the girl on October 25th coming to the Coast with a man named Pletro Genoa at whose house the two were arrested Two weeks ago the father of the girl Salvator Carlo awnrs to a warrant charging Sposato with child stealing which In the State nf New Tork Is one of the most serious of offenses THIEF COWED BY MELODRAMA Woman Finds Intruder in Her Home and Says Begone Villain OAKLAND December 11 Mrs Krank Lewis of 1074 Eighth street ha proved conclusively that sometimes a rlml nal confronted with a direct charue of hla guilt will admit the same by hastily shrinking Into the background and effacing hla Idently from the landscape Early laat nljcht she tried melo drama On a would be burglar and frightened him away Mrs Miner says she went Into the front room of her home at about 8 15 oclock and saw a man standing there you villain she shouted What are you doing here The man replied that he had found it necessary to go through the house and without further words stepped through the window on to the pnrch and disappeared A number of articles In the room had been disturbed but nothing was missing STJBUBBAK BREVITIES MAY CONFRONT MURDER CHARGE Centerville Hotel Man Is Held Pending Condition of Victim OAKLAND Dc rnnk Brnfiir rhtr iel with an Maault wltb a ile tU wipon on Jamn MrClitnnftjrhin wt dlttrharrerl folic Judg Smltii to day OAKLAND De 14 A rharvr of tbbrr han Hnn plaisw acalnat Harry Smfrb a meMwni gar boy who ana bin Id fha It Hritton Mf ral an 4 who in ftllftctxl to bar attarkM Er Hbtirtora wltb anofhur lad and mhh4 blm a watrti and rbalo at tH ornrr of tttxtb and Jff fentoQ atrffta irto of tta bat rbo burn a arbnolboniHt bat rbo waa rnlaaaad tatirr ror law or ntitnc4 waa faivn Into en truly arala today br Hpodal Offtoar Rrnwlny at tha Linooln Hrboul wber waa aftla Ma act lug la a quttar maaar OAKLAND 14 In ordpr fo further the ronittrnetlnn of tiw ImluatrlaJ pur trant along tb AlaiDvtfU aid tlM tidal cnnal for wfalrb tt Al itainftd franrlilna Novarnhr 2ft litOA rh Ontral Pacific Railway Company fo day bnma lit euu to ronneMsa tna una or Harts anri Al fit CVrrnfllan at Oi tBffmctIon ot tb rtt prtnloba of Blandlny Men a aid rearl ntff tita Alameda OAKLAND It 14 Ton follow In marHatra HcaiiM haw bma laauafti John Marklcr Jr JUi i no ii ami Aaa itmini im Ayr villa ClArnra Pnrffa ft1 ami Edltlt nil too 2 both of Oh land HI lam nkf 41 aad WlnnJw tiwnrtl both 0f Han aarlra Earahard ft Pairaon 30 and Ell John aofl 24 both of Oakland Thomaa Prltt 23 Oak land and Ada A TbrnlfaU 24 Prmton OAKLAND 1 Tb Watr Balldcnt ichansr and th Maatar Bnliora AaaAtrUrlnn har arranged fr aa Hit4rtlflg ntvrtalnmnt aad a mo la id cndaaTnr tn awaken mots Uualaaai anioiyt tba 0Mmbra Id work of J1j ortQl UoD It will hw bald In tlie tchangr OAKLAND December 14 William Bantoa for twelve yean proprietor of the United Statee Hotel In Centerville and one of th moet prominent cltlinna of that part of Alameda county waa arretted to day and broug ht to the County Jail by fonatable Vandervoort pnnd Int the determination of what charffa la to be preferred arnlnat him for his part In bringing about the present cnndl Uon of Angelo Gernlicnanl who Ih lylngr at death a door at Providence Hnnpltal If Qemlsnant die a rharfte of murder will he plftcod aalnit the name of Hantni Hantnn male a atatement to dav In which hn admitted havlna had flffht with Oemlg nanl hut denied having Mtrurk him over the head with a beer bottle an la alleged he did Arnnllnf to his itory he and the other hcftin a frame of atu1 poker In which large atakne were wag red Gemlgnanl won ronrititently which arouaed the plclon of Santos who watched tn catch him cheating On the occasion of a large pot Santos aaya he did ma his opponent cheat and told him to The right then began which ended In Oem fgnanl becoming unconscious with a fractured skull and serious concussion of the brain There was no one beHldes the pair In the cardroom at th time but men rushed In and found the hear bottle only a few feet from wher Gemtgnanl dropped The Injured man was brought to Providence Hospital yeaterday Dr Hamlin who Is attending him pronounced his condition critical to day PREFER TO BE SINGLE AGAIN Alameda County Judges Busy Listening to Unhappy Couples OAKLAND December 14 That abe had to live In a basement because she waa too poor to live elsewhere that he did not have a live cent piece In the world and was an Invalid were soma of the things that Mrs Elisabeth 81e told Judge Waste to dajr As a result the Court granted the request that she hadjnade and allowed her lid a month al Atony from her husband Jacob 8 1 eg Instead of the 50 that she has been retting pending the trial of the divorce action between them Mrs Sleg told the Court that she had paralalia bronchitis fainting spells and waa lame and had Juat recovered from an attack of typhoid fever The basement tn which sho lodges she described aa damp and unhealthy Her husband sued her for divorce sarins that she had deserted him Juat before doing so she said to htm he allseed Jade what would rou do It ran away with a nice young man When she did ro tt was to tork ton with a young man Sleg also atlea ed that bis wife had the reprehenelbts habit of staying out all night and telling him next morning that she had stayed at a neighbors house to nurss a sick child which he said he did not believe Mrs Bier came back at tilm with a cross complaint In which she alleged extreme cruelty According to the tale of woe that she related tn the Court her husband slapped her upon the face with a piece of meat and called her bad namea On one occasion he re fused to give her oar fare 1th which to return home from Shell Mound Park thus forolng her to walk a long dls tanoe Samuel Shut to sn employe of ths Oakland Traction Cotrpany was sent to jail by Judge nilsworth to day for contempt of court for refusing to pay his wife alimony ot 36 a month as ordered by the Court to do A divorce action between the pair Is pending When Paul I Daniels left his wife Dorothea he said that he would be back on the following Sunday He did not return but few days later sent her a letter In which he said that he had nothing against her hut that he preferred a single life Mrs Daniels was granted a flnnl decree of divorce to day by Judge Melvln and swarded the custody of their minor child Mrs Oertrude Dexter failed to day In her attempt to get counsel fees from her husband Newton Dexter because she and her attorney Griffins had made this Impossible by ready making an agreement as to compensation Judge Waste also delayed allowing Mrs Dester the ISO a month alimony that she asked for It being shown thnt since the supers tlon between herself and her husband she Is In receipt of more money than hs la This phase of the case was continued four weeks Mrs Dexter alleges that her husband had the habit of pawning her belongings a diamond ring a mandolin a satchel trunks and wearing apparel that belonged to her going In this way The following final decrees of divorce were granted to dav Margaret A fundy from Bdworil Iundy Miry ureon rrom Oreen CAN NOT TRACE BAG OF MONEY Berkeley Police Still on Hunt for Coin Taken From Pharmacy POTATO FEOM LADE0NES IS VALUABLE PRODUCT BERKELEY Dmwr 14 Professor Wlckson hnl nf the department of agriculture nt 1 Htste tnlveralty has succeeded In propagating seed from the monster swci potato brought here a year ago by Captain I A Macomber of Berkeley from Pgan Island of the Ladrnne group whl attracted the attention of all ajrowiir throughout the United States at that time for Its splsn OAKIAXP Dne 14 Ah Tennf a CeleaHal oi peculiar irmieiKiiee who waa arrtad a feWf cL dan ago im a cbarso or Daring atteinptail to in upepinaj propruen nr rpiy 10 tin mand trom prominent growers rro fessor Wclton now offers to ship seed to those who Jvire to cultivate the unusual species It Is expected that the potato will provn great boen to California growers an 1 consumers The pntoto Is white fleshed and at tracte the attention ot Captain Macomber because of the delicious flavor of the tuber when he stopped at the Island for a brief stay during one of his cruises ills attention to thslr keeping qualities was brought out when after a voyage of eight months potatoes he tok with him were In as good condition as the day on which they were taken aboard the vessel El KCT 1EW OFFICERS BERKELEY December 14 The ladles of the Catholic Aid Hoclstv branch ffr met In Woodmen Hall this sftsrnoon and elected the following officers Miss Kale Byrne presl am rifiiin ri ir J1 mi vim rnnma aeenisg December lAta OAKLAND Dee 14 Two mora ennrfemsatlm Baits were krongat t4Ur hr tba Wratar Pa else Bailway Compear Botlt are Is eoenaeUoa with tbe trasaeostlaeatal rlbc ef war In ess salt Joel Tbaasev sod Ambrose Tnarker are Blade defrwlante The property In qneatloe fs at TalM sna filbert etreeta tk Mker arrlon area eels SS4 Herman Bsraa are mad fee lead la Hesssstea president Mrs Andrsw Canavan second vice president Miss Carey secretary Mrs Bankers financial secretary Mrs John Caberly treasurer Mrs John Schmltt marshal Mrs Dwell guard The executive committee Is Miss Byrne Mrs Finney Miss Catherine McOee Mrs McDer sautt BETtKBLKT December 14 Despite a double posse of officers detailed to solve the mystery of the disappearance of a bag of gold from the pharmacy of James Kwlng at Addison street and Shattuck avenue on Sunday night tho police of this city have not vet been able to name the man who eluded two watchmen and got away with the plunder within a stone throw of the local police station Charles A Royer a former cnnflian tlal clerk of Swings was held yeaterday being suspected of the crime but waa released last nlirht after proving an alibi as to his whereabouts on the night the crime was committed Kwing in reporting the burglary to the police stated that no one unfi miliar with the premises would have been able to turn the trick ho hclns of the opinion that a pass key had Deen usea The robbery was perpetrated almost under the ejes of tho police Policeman Tyron patrolling the neighborhood being In the vicinity of the store several times during tho nlftht He and Policeman amphell claim having seen a man answering Iloyer description leaving the block about 9 II Sun day evening but failed to identify him as the guilty culprit yesterday afternoon NEW FODDEB WILL GROW WITHOUT CULTIVATION BERKELKY December 14 In a bulletin distribute I today from the department of agrle ulttire of the State University bv Professor Wli kson and Wnnsel entitled Tho Dls trlbutlon of Seeds anil Plants an In terestlng article appears un 1er the pen of Trofessor Wl kson describing a new dry land forage plant known as the Potentllla which has proved to be of great value to cattlemen hecause of its hardiness Severitl years ago species of the plant were sent to the agricultural station here by Howard Overacker Jr of St Helena The plant was new having appeared to hsve sprung up by accident and caused a deal of discussion al the time The scientists here analysed the plant as the Potentllla elate Ijiter reports of the plants were sent in by Rnthwell Hyde living In the same locality expressing the merit of the plant as a hardy grower on poor soilif tfnm Habltrformfng flUdmalim or the tu ealleil batsni medicin oon Ulnin injurious wgreaieni as oroaaw jj abllshed In some journal ot more or let isas Inflnanesv this DuUleitT ha certainly -been of great benelt in arousing nedaf attention ta this subject It has In onstderabla measure resulted In the most Intelligent peple avoiding sneaV oo4t and medicines as may be fairly suspected of roiiUliJngU Injurious lugre dlenti complained of Reeognljlng ate lace some um aguv ivik auaiva took time hr he forsloelr as It were and pakllsoM broadcast aw wai InMullaiitt aaklflh bla ndnelae SQadUMi elnea ar composed Thus he ha eoss 4 1 pletslr forestalled all harping enwas aoa i all opposition that might oterwlsotbst urged against his medklaes because they are now or khowx coscrosmog Tur thermore from the formola printed ea tvery bottle wrapper It will be seen that these medicines oentaln no aloohoi ri othr hahlfc rnrmlnv ilrnaa Neither douNk tney contain any narcotic mjaneu gxa a lltHrrAIt TAKES WONKY ALAMEDA December 14 The John Oreenwood home at 923 Pacific avenue was entered by burglars last night and 130 taken from a purse belonging to Mrs Besrdsley a boarder Mrs flreenwodd heard the thief In Mrs Beardtlsya apartments but thought It was Mrs Beftrdslty The thief had started In to ransack the apartments but was frightened away He dropped tho satchel on the front doorstep and later dropped the purse on the sidewalk after removing the contents BZ1XCLBT Dae 14 The aala eatlea aoiiara Meek Tamable West Berkeley roalty lying betweaa Third aad rsnrth and Brtatol and Delswsr streets srarfleeto tnpnoees to rapraaent the Beatbersi PaBe Ball read Compaay kaa see tensunmatod agents their IngredlenU belog purely veaetahle extracted from the root 01 medicinal plants lound growing in taa depths of our American forests and ex wsll recognized curative virtues Instead of alcohol whleh even In fmaH portions long continued as In oballnato cases of diseases becomes highly cJo tlonabie from It tontlency to proeluee craving for stimulant Dr Pisrosem ployi chemically pure triple refined glycerine which of itself Is a valuable remedy In many cases of chroalo diseases being a superior demplcent antiseptic antlferment and supporting nutritive It enhances ths curative action of ih Golden Seal root Stone root Blade Cherrybark and Bloodroot contained in Oolden Medical Discovery in all broni4 ohtal throat and lung affections attended with severe coughs As will bo teen from ths writings ot the eminent Dr Grower Coe of New Yorltj Bartholow of Jeffar son Medical College Phlla Scudderot Cincinnati Elllngwood ot Chicago Hale nf Chicago tnd others who ttaod at leaders In their several schools of prsetloa the foregoing agents are that isrv tot ingrodienu that Dr Plsres could have chosen to raake up his famous Discovery for the cur ot not only bronchial throat and luag affse tlons but also of chronic catarrh in all Its rarious forms wherever located The Christmas Dinner Your Dinner win be more satisfactory if you supply your cook with Golden Gate Coffee Teas Spices Extracts Baking Powder The Satisfaction Line Your Grocer will supply you A Folger Co San Francisco CARTERS flinalm Mutt Bear Fao Sirrule Signmr REFUSE IUIITITUTII SICK HEADACHE inevuBta PoslUrelr en these I4UU Ihey also rsBeva tress firoaa Pyiitptla In tOgssOaB aad Too Daarta Baling A perfect ren edy tor Dtsttnee Saasssv rnisilness Bad Tast tn the Honh Coated Tongue rata la the Hd Torino uro nsa regulate tbe Bows Fursty Vegstabl SUAliniL SHALL DOSL SUALLPKCE CARTERS CARTERS Tlwi I MILS sjtnuina Must Bttr Fac Simi Sigmtur REFUSE JUISTITUTESa San Francisco Office or THE LOS ANGELES TIMES MIDWAY BUILDING 779 MARKET STREET BIT Id AND 4th STS UBBCY Representative 4 1 I YOUR EYES WHY Is our OPTICAL BUSINESS GROWING SOf Is It because eiFGRT KVIIWU EIXJK ot ones business deserves success We believe so So will vol Let us be TOUR OPTICIAN Perfect fitting GLASSR4 from SXS0 JBlKBIq OPTICIAN 1S40 Vaa Was Ave bet Bush and Butter JENKEL OPTICAL Co Now on Van Ness Ave 1330 to 1340 Twalva Tears Is Academy af Seieacee B14g ssswDEVVTY STRONG ACaiBtW CSrfrfrsQ COSMOS CLUB BONDS 1 1 bis si lis Or ef ue Isterat wlU csss as 1 Wlilrk ar tn aad pajsbla al the efllt ef tser a elohi 1234 SlTTEtt Jaanarv a WOT i Ww i Itbn in lV jv Av fl nM dmit Ah4Mi.

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