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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i fiViM trE5JStsKaa saNsif i mmmv JS SA3T ffBANCISCO CXgBOyiCKE MOKDAY AUGUST 31 1891 iODGISG HOCSE3 FOB SALE FTAOGKSCISBBA KG AIS GO TO XT BARVABDPO24 Kearny St 3 8 EVES BOOM FLATS50 S400 S6S0 iftim fc 60 800 3 12 coom boue 400 750 1000 316 rxrai boa S50 500 1N 3 SO roora houses ltt 1S00 2009 Toombooc 1100 1000 16 aWjmmWu 1KfK 220Q C0 30 room Jhw 2200 160O S500 S5 roorabOTw 1500 8200 6000 3 4oom booses SOOJ 4O00 2000 3 SO rooni b0ae SOjO 35J0 4900 Fpre byHKSRY DECKEB 906 Market St rT 12 BOOM SEW IVY FUKXISKED OFFEK wanted eay terms 204 Post si ASICELYTUBVISHED HOtSEOPSEYES room for sale eaesti 2HEtst TJiLEGASTLY FrBSISHED BOUSE IS Xi room nil rented center of ettyi greet bargain REAL ESATKAGICTt room 123 Phe laa building srt ii ffi14 1 1 T7ISEHOUFORPHYSICfAE 11 BOOM1 ArreTy central clears rent besides Bring rooms fin garden cheap rent Apply room 125 Pneian buUdint HOUSE IS BOOMS WELL FCBSISHED sett on account of sickness seasonable central AddeIC box Bq this pace UDEBX TWO STOBY HOUSE 85 BOOKS ill new snd handsome fcrotar location best tnxity full roomers dors 150 bargain Apply at 323 EBta tor pertienUr SCMMEK RESOKTrV A CITY 8JBSCR1BEKS TO THE CHBOS tci visiting the errantry seaside or eprinrs CmTit the summer month ran have th dally ml to them tat a lc or loom by prepaying the ttmt at th paMVgon office A TEW DESIRABLE GUESTS CAN BE AG commodate at Elliott VOle Bfrredere perfect sponsion baalmR serf batbtoe cod oasm pasaed coJsnie 35 minutes trom the citr GAZADEBCvSOSOMA COCSTYSF CBS termmss poTiTar rason scenery drives walk redwood foreat nmbM trout fishing kuntmt etc cottages and delightful fltmm tend for circular to I KBCBSd oHLASD BPRCiOa LAKE OO CA rounder new management qneen of American health and pleasure esnrt this resort baa no rim fa variety and medicinal properties of tt nnersl water lu mrigoratlng bataa climata or scenery TS SAUSAUTa Itt TwohaedaomerjrftirnlshadliOMeilona JO room and cce 11 roo jj eligibly attaated and adjacent to the fcrrr Apply to WrTARKIQN SliCaolMfswat Si rAPA SODA SrBTXGS IiOCATXDOXTHE nnaw0 Hue urr uv mc vuji eiimte oaifona and areeatae natural mineral watercaaturat aoraery nassrpasBed hot Sap aJ wtex kn aa AdOreaa JAClvaOiJ WOOtJ Tt Napa Soda SprtBga PonaOea PAanct oOBS3 svnvxat orES axl tbarear carnages connect atlxsGstotwita Booth Pacftc Coast Railroad with trains leavlag SaniraQCUcoat81AKaBd3 SiavlXWU AaAai rroprteor PRIVATE BOARDESQ AT BA2TTA CBTJZ Good table VCiiom combra 1LRS 1C BESS ETT ZOO Fdo are SEE LIST 07 RESORT IK TAILT HOTKIi OaxMta Offioa 420Eearnrst fallfakrbrm tianfraaatoratearootraaoa sttnctlona TITHITE OIK TARM r7EAB CTjOVEBTJAXJB II Address WB HIATT Oor errtaJa GaL mrtaSattvroaka cotte oet aa Jeae and Lit Oatoa on narrow oare railroad 3 boon iron city BOOSTER A EVS10X a IM or 1I1K CABNALL HOPKTSU CO624 Varket st Han Fraein ISASSKGT AYOUX01 CERHAX IAliYj ALCOHOLIC band robtSsa Sat rheumatism and paralysis boors la to 8 ony Cnt dasa pMipls seed apply SUUi6troom2 A Ml SCHMIDT STRASGEB GIVES Jm beat massace and alcobol sponge batlis 863 Uovaxd eetr sistb first floor door open JOSIEJOHNsOKBESTMASSAGEASD rcaspetscticatmrat lHthatTOom8 AT 602 OFAR STiIVME PALUEB medicated and Taper baths magnetic massage A XIBH LILLIE PXinv FBOX DEtVKE two new aitaats atcobal sponjo basis and vaoorbatbv SMPoweilt pTHEL UUkSXTNO BEilOVED TO 186 Xi Third st room 10 aecond floors magnetic OtflSK ST JOBS MAG VETiC 1IASSAQS aj anaTspor oaus lua utocnon at rontn 3 tB ACTHUB ALLEVIATES PACT BY real acnete treatment salt water and Oder baths 101 Harset st room 82 third floor ill ho and Arabian baths 811 Sutter at room MME DE GKEY AVD MISS TAi 8CIE tific massage electric oaths 1153 Market st AY THORS 21 TDRK ST BOOJt 26 aiconot Tpor oauu ana massage 433 Buss at room SESOBITA EMILIA PKADU 209 EDDY parlors 1 and 2 boors from 13 to 12 GERTIE STELLA ASD ROSE CLBVR land oTJJY JSocleta 3d and Market rm 18 209 EUDYEMMA HABBISOK GIVES jnassage Boom 13 FlItiMTCKE FOB SALE MA LONE HAS REMOVED FBOM 84 1 Foorth to 136 Foonh farnJwre carpets ett at bedrock prices cottntry goods packed free A SPECIALSOTICE IHAVE REMOVED tolargeBwsreSil2S Fourth etprlces doced to bedrnck abroand parlor seta S25 to 870 ranges 8 np BOO aecond hand carpets chamber soita 15 to S75 esah or Installments goods shipped free THELB0N AUlf eMAACE YO0B HOUSE FOB Btsbedcorjurietswlthfhrnrtare carpetavrtorea cnrtaJas pictures and mirrors folding bed at cash fiees on easy installments small deposit JC KlKDMAN A CO largest instalment house on the roast 228 30 Stockton ft and 237 Post prs evenings prompt attention paid to country orders 1UY PARLOR AMD CHAMBER rCEXI rar on lirtUilments easy hums ZSaHaye tuaeartiosgh BARK BROS TOMPtJETE tKT OF SEVEN PLACES SIS SO UstMiWtAH BBO 117 Sixth at tOCJtTHT BUYERS WTSHnfff SFOOSi nana fnrettar or canetx at reduced nraes money refnnded goods idjimedlree cs FUBXTTCBE BTEBLUTO FUKMTUJtB Company Carpets and famltnra 10J3 sad loll Market it Rosenthal bnUdlg LARGEST STOCK LARGEST STORE LOWi I estprce easiest terms on new And second hand fura tora and carpets stoTes and ranges highest price paid for second hand goods open erenlngv litlT 10191 1 IC3 Mission St bet Sixth and Seventh JOOSaN TABTTES OOESa HODSfiKEKPISa WEt A naa it to weir htuuv ki hhl uij prices in fnriitore carptaioldlng oedsstovesand house rnrnishng goods cah or payments coontry orders solicited all goods are speaaities AROS SU2TS 1310 aadlSl Stockton if open tiU 8 at 1 fcWrSTCTVtTAirn fARPKTtL ALMOST new for sale very low 1 JOOSAS 10171023 Mlssloo at open evenings 500 raarwn BnrTn si IT 1 VXTITV PTIWtt mria iSOZa room sets XTSOOKAS 1017 to 1023 Mtsslonat HORSEB ASD TYArtOJiS JFW LEFT SUOHTLTSOILKD SAMPLE XX gloves JIMlllil8lATHmrw FOB SALE OB XCHAIQE AHADMJME road bone works singe sndr doable Inquire grocpry cor rati ana tagana ata TTOSt ALl KJD AAD KNTLK FAMIL1 Srhtl200 2iihtv tfttttorer IfTuuKfc For fnrther parUcotart sddren IX tox 7 5w tbi UOB EAVY HOKSB TOa SALE 0B EX chafige luf dtocaton st fUST JROM THE C0C2CTBT AiD FOB Sale ABfleiPIPW mj uwv mamvnriv gentia and feted for acohd to drive perlecUy FORRESTERS BTJL1AHEATJ HORSS Repos tory 370 iTfteenth at cor Valencia always 40 good hrvs on hand for sale aactloa sJeof horses every Tuesday at 11 a sharp ADDLE H0BS THE HANDSOMEST siegefooterln Callmrnkv for sale or ezeb sage for fat rauMer or real estate Address BivAUT 1 box 1 tats otace TirANTED SifAIi SHETLA51 POSIES IT will buy pair or emrte one CHICAGO CLOTHUia CO 3tto40ieaniygt XTfRTTCiVTiFflllrlYEAROLDiniLEa I kmV nil mihwihif mlA onn dranjbt horses xLlVAaHBCByjiJm and Bryant 150 SKWLNO aiAcHIMUU Ahold J2drUce American li kinds bought rented repaired ail machine supplies whWeaAhdiwtalt 1 OuH JuV 145 hlai CABPfcTa a 2f ICE ISE GOOD MATTTSCSOS CESIS A rryard window shades spnng 25 cnts oniL acfi BhuieJl cjarpts60 per yard tewed aiU4 OW EHlBilt ia34BlCCB OO mm mm Maber and Kelly to Battle To Night Petersons Match Witt the Australian A Colored Pugilist Wins a Skln Glove Tight In Three HolfEoandsv The Important eTent of the veek In local porting circles ru the iinlng of articles between Peterson and Dutch for an international rowing contest This will settla the question of whether San Traccico has as good a repre senutiTB la aquatic sports as in other lines of athletio riTalry Tat boxing clubs are still booming the sport To night the Occidental dob gins iuregolax monihiy exhibitioa Arenic Btrtv Maberthe Australian lightweight and Prank KenTarounglocal weTter welghl who has had some success in the ring will batU before the Occidental Club to nizht The eon test wtHbetoafinUh and wHlbepiecededbx a ten round go between Paddy Gorman and Jim Morrlsey These doable events ought to furnish a good sight sport Gormans lighting abilities are well known to local ring goers He tu met several of the noted middleweight and always shown himself rushing fighter and a glutton for pnni lament Tin rounds with Gorman are generally as good as a finish He has been attending cartluDy to ha traininc and Is expected to be In better fix when he strips to night than In his previous contests In this city Jim aiorntey has a local repuuuon but has not ben considered hitherto in Gormans elass He is a willing strong boxer however and is as anxious for the battle as is his opponent and unless Gorman ha fallen oil badly from his old style the ten rounds will be about as merry a mill aa the moat enthusiastic admirer of hard earnest alocging wooH desire to see saner ana Aeuy woo came on alter ue mlddle weighte settle their differences will fight anenUrely different battle The men are totally unlike in chrkiane or itvle Haberrea phenomenallr tall lightweight standing about sleet 10 inches and scaling in condition not over ls pouoca ltisimmons an uncouv tariaoiy lat man rn com pariioa with his lightweight countryman who has won brunani mous consent in Sydney the appellation of The Shadow fie is physically little more than the shadow of asfozzer Tall and taunt with hollow eyes protruding ribs and iegsof crane axe attenuation ne more uxe a goblin boxer than a veritable pugilist of flesh and blood He has fought some great battles however for as far as cleverness with bis hands is concerned he haa few superiors It is fully expected that he wtH land on Kelly hard and often in the opening rounds of the light but the question la whether his staying powers will prove equal to tats sklUv Xelly is a well built young fellow about 145 bounds who has Improved very much since bis first appearance in the ring about two years ago He is about fire feet eight Inches wlta good shoulders and chest and fine arms and if fie can mix jx up somewhat with thi Shadow from Kangaroo land there will be a peek of trouble on the Sydney boxers bands before he eets them on the winners end of the purse Kellys record is as follows Beat Jerry Foley eight rounds Tom Jones three rounds Ed Beho twelve rounds JSd Praser of Denver nineteen rounds Joe Leonard of Butte seven rounds Ed McCakney of Benicia four rounds Jack Fairel Los Angeles six rounds He recently fought a six run nd draw with Martin McCaffrey in the California Club Martin was rather tat weighing about loo pounds and Kelly who bad lust fought McCakney Benicia was in good trim He outboxed Mar tin but the reteree called it a draw He not an sy man for any boxer to lick who Is not cler and strong The Ocddentarciab exhibition to night will commence with the ten round go promptly at 8 oclock Billy Jordan will be referee The bold challenge ol Charier Mitchell to Jim Corbett has occasioned considerable comment in local sporting circles The general impression among local ring goers Is that the English boxing champion would not be in it wlta Pompadour Jim a contest on the boards Qaeensberry rules Every one who knows anything about glove boxing is aware that weightcounts and Corbett Is a lotbiEger than Mitchell who Is merely a heavy middleweight grown stout He is inches shorter than Corbett and at hla best has never been speedier than the ex professor of the Olymi Club There was a good opportunity to size up Mitchell when he boxed Mike deary in the Mechanics Pavilion He punched Cleary pretty hard and had him in a bad war in six rounds but there waa nothing in his fighting that would Indicate that he could defeat clever heavy weights of the caliber of Corbett and Jackson In fact the Ideas is little else than preposterous and Beddy Gallagher who boxed ten rounds with Mitchell might just as well suck himself up against the big ones in a glove contest as the English boxing champion Ont on the turf In a twenty four foot ring and fighting under London rules Mitehell might make a creditable showing with the big men but unless he is a lot better than he was fire years ago which is very unlikely a man as big and heavy and clever as Corbett ought to liekhrm handily under any rule and upon any surface planks crass or cobblestones a long as he could get a foothold Jimmy Lswson the colored boxer who lately returned from Australia after a long residence in that country defeated Jack Beardon on Saturday night at a sporting resort on the county road near Ocean View The contest was with skin gloves for a purse ot 100 About 200 sports went down the road to witness the affair which was expected to take place at 9 oclock As usual in such arrangements where the bar and the gate money are prime consideration there was a dreary delay and it was well on toward midnight before the men appeared Beardon wed had some fears that toe purse would not materialize seemed at one time on the point of canceling his engagement but he finally consented to take the necessary tlnTl chances being encouraged thereto by the idea that he could whip the colored man in a round Lawson is not the most abstemious of men and had been in the hospital for repairs after a hard tussle with John Barleycorn After hia discharge from the hospital he obtained work In the new cemetery as a stone mason and the beneficial effects of hard work country air and spare diet got him into passably fair trim at 137 pounds Beardon who is known to fistic fame chiefly as the trainer of Bilir Maban scaled about 107 pounds not a little of which was the superfluous remit of too much steam beer The efiVcts of the long wait and few Jorums ot Mis ion road whisky filled the colored Invalid with fight and the men had scarcely put up their hands when be staggered Beardon with a hot right on the Jaw following up the advantage and fighting all over the eighteeneighteen foot rtag The secoud round was even worse than the opening hue fpr ae Budwdser champion who Reezned totally onaoletoatop Lawsons right from pu verlziug his nbs Tbe colored boxer tought so close and Jast that he was an easy marc lot a La Blanche awinsr which caught him fall on the Jaw and fairly scattered him all over the ring A fcouple 0 well directed punches finished the rxre atded battle In the third round Xawson did not hare a mark Bis opponent was considerably punished and so were the spectators who got back to town in the early hours of the morning feeling very foolish alter trotting out seven miles to see such a contest at the charge of 1 50 a head drinks and Hack hire not included After the lights in the Occidental Club tonight the next local fistic event Of unuxual Interest will be the battle in the Padao Club September 21st between the heavy weights jack Davis ana tsiuywooos coasts an aspirant for the championship and the coming battle will help to show his claims to fistic distinction Aside lrom the ordinary nrofesaional rivalry there is considerable persunal feeling between Woods and Davis and their immediate haeki ra The flzht will te a hot one while it lasts a jd Judging by the way Daris srem after Joe Choynskl it will not last long Th new Occidental Club directors have de cided to set aside Wednesday and Friday evenings for wrestling and boxing lessons Joe Acton will teach the former art and Professor Vt alter Watson the latter At present the pro fessor Is laid np with a osd antie out win oe around soon Meantime Paddy Gorman will act as instructor commencing next Wednesday night by which time the shower baths lockers and exercising apparatus will bi ready Young Mitchell and Gallagher are Doing well In ifcf training Inquirer Daris Tras not knocked out by cnoynsxi lu ui nrss rraou Athletics Th nivmniA Hubs boxing entertainment last week has been the talk of the town so far as sporting circles are concerned There Is seldom is much excitement in a professional fight as tu concentrated into one contest be 4Xa mtfim Tt rt Mvrimr with a vengeance The next entertainment la Ukety PMk AflTISIITsrYraT The PastLns Amateur Jibletla Club has elected directors a follows President OKourte Vice president Evans treasurer Charles A Bergen secretary Jenkins The directors wiH meet on September 7th to adopt a eoncuiuuoa ace ov taws jusuva futw atw VUO wv West gave an athletic exhibition last Wednes day evening at Exceptor uaut9 juwou street Sparring was between Proieasor Bean editor of the Omptyta and Motion Cook and Donnegarx ilogaa and Dooie and Otto Emit and Jim Hall The last was a rattans set to Song and recitation by A Waite dasby Schisslen banjo solo by Professor Mime and club swinging by Professor Meyers The amateur races announced for the Clan Frsxer picnic at SaellJiouad Sptember9th bare been canceled aa the athletes participatingparticipating in the Olym pie games on the same day cannot attend James Jams the walker has retired perma nently from the cinder tract Oar and ShelL The conclusion of the preliminary arrange ments for a match between the local celebrity Peterson and the Australian Dutch appar ently produced a salutary effect rowing cir cles Yesterday was by far the liveliest day noticed for some time More members of the various dabs were to be seen around the boathouses than for many Sundays gone by Moonan Larky Pleas JBatteau and Coxswain Fielding caled the consumptive crew of the Ariels bad out the barge in the morning for a spin and Wltkopp who was out Is hi shell at the same time give them a hard run the crew being utterly winded by the amateur seuller The crew were the butt of a large amount of raillery upon their returnepedaliy on the part of the Fat Mens crew composed of Nyiahd Dunfy Adams and Witkopp who are caitea ue oeer annsers xne incessant Jokes of the beer drinkers at length resulted In a challenge to them from the consumptiTes for a race next Sunday and much snort Is antici pated aooui il oreiocE Mutrneaa ins cacxez01 Petervjnand the two Australians Dutch and Stephenson got out their shells for a consutu ttonaL Mui faead and Stephenson took the inside of the course while Dutch shot straight out into the bay on the other side of Mission rocx joining tne other two at the point trom whence the ttfosealied up the water front to the Broadway wharf The crowd of members of the various elubs were all Intently watching the Australian oarsman hoping to see some exhibition which might give them an idea of nis capaouities on tneir return the trio met the Espy brother Pioneers In a two Oared uci iuu ihi cvuiett ikucvtt sueiu UlU Dutch was the result but he easily maintained his distance from them without any apparent effort Peterson was one of the closest observers of the movements of the Australians and ou being assed his opinion of Dutch said Ha la a good man and will put up a good race MUireaa also expressed himself as being farorablr Impressed with the Australian The nera opinion of the rowing Club men is that etersou will not have any easy task in defeating Dutch whose rowimr has tWvorablv im pressed all who hare seen him He and his companion are not idle while here and are keeping themselves in good shape by daily exercise Theywin leave next Wednesday evening for Sew estmlnuer to take part in the regatta there on the 23d prox imniveanyoi toe noneers ana tne ex cnam pion was seen in a wherry taking an easy spin yesterdav A Witkopp of the Ariels has purchased a new wherry It is said he feared that his pr ent shell would break in the middle and spill him the next time lie had a spurt with the consumpUtes The South Enderswere laxuy inclined yesterday and no boats were out The members are reserving all their energies for the and reception and ball to be given by the club at BnsiBrith Hall oa October 3d All sporting men are invited to be on hand The Tntons entertained some oLthslrladr frlends with a tri from the clubhouse around the waterfront and back vesterdar afternoon The barge Argonaut and the gig Iris were used tor the occasion Ttie first named was manned br Solomon Kehrieln Smith Beertnr and Captain ehx ein while Bartlett and Dowdy manned the gig The ladies were Misses Berne Homaes uertruae ana juiarea small Hannah Hughes and Dot Webb Secretary Solomon was out for his usual morning spin in his wberrr A meeting of the Triton Club will beheld next Tuesday evening Oa Saturday Henry Peterson and Charles Dutch called at the Cheoicu office and signed articles of agreement for their long talked ot race The meeting wet the outcome ol several Informal tilts and Dutchs representative Kaughton came prepared wiin tnc matt ui a set vt articles which alter considerable discusilon and soma amendment were accepted by John Mmrhead for Peterson The main points of difference were with regard to the water the selection ot a referee and the manner of starting the race Dutch wanted a start by mutual consent Mulrbead favored the American style of starting try word of mouth Are you ready got and the Australian finally consented It was decided to select the referee ten days be for the race and to let him be the judge as to whether the water is fit lor rowing on the day of the race The Australian waa very cautious about every point The articles aa signed provide that the race shall oe three miles with a turn in best and best boats for 1000 a side said stakes to be put up in the following manner One hundred dollars a side at the time of signing the articles 40O a side on the 1st of October and the remaining 500 a side five days before the day of the race All gate or steamboat money or other privilege that may be obtained from the race an to be divided between tne oarsmen in the proportion ot 75 per cent to the winner and 25 per cent to the loser The referee shall be chosen tea days before the race and shall start the oarsmen and be Judge of the condition Of the water and sol arbiter in everything appertaining to thence The date of the race was sot decided upon further than that it shall take place not later than October 31st Ditch is going to Kew Westmlnate next Wednesday to take part in the regatta there on September 23d when Han Ian and OConnor also participate He wants a slight rest after that event and Peterson is not certain when he can get his new boat lrom Boston for the builder who has the order is one of those exceedingly careful men whem no one ean hurry He never turns out a bad boat and will take his time no matter who is waiting He has promised the boat for the first veek in October bat it may come a week later and the exact date of the race is therefore kit Open The important points and all minor details about stakeboats judges etc having been settled the oarsmen appended their names to the articles and the first deposit of 200 was paid over to the stakeholder 1 nomas Fly nn The two sturdy oarsmen shook hands before parting and exchanged manly expressions of a wish that the best sculler might win 111 do the best lean to giro you a race Dutch said Peterson in his easy going good natured way The Australian who Is about as communlcs five as a lamppost and Is withal a very modest but determined fellow showed his white teeth in a smile as he answered the Long Bridge giant On I know youll give me a race Pete said be I hope you wont make it a proces sion for me thongs This ended the conference and barnne ac cident the local lovers of aquatic sport who nave Deen a HJiig ume wiluoui a race will see a rare contest 01 speed and endurance in October Dutch haa been rated as a first class man in Australia to put money on and Aus tralian spommen are notionaoi Decking a dummy at any game In thirteen match races Dutch lost but two and one of these was as accident and the other a handicap in which he made the mistake of giving a world beater five secouds start Be has won a good deal of money lor his backers and if fit and well can make any sculler row bis best The fact that he is go ng to New Wesminsterto measure blades with such men as OConnor and Haitian and is offered no inducement ex cept nis chance of winning one of the prizes shows that he has no mean estimate of hia sowers In bis last race in Australia when he gave young Sullivan the ex cham pion 01 isew Zealand nve seconds start he rowed the first utile in 5 mln 19 se and was beaten in the pbenomentl time at 18 mln 1H ec for the full Parsmaita course of 3 miles 330 raids breaking the record 19 mln Ji sea put up bv bearls when he defeateddefeated Stan bury The wind and tide were however wit Sullivan and Dutch for no man living eouid thus lo wer Sear lefs record The performance however shows that Dutch is a first class mau Great things were expect of hint in AnstrauaandSulJranwho beat him la now so well thought of that Kemp has refused to row nnn ana nis next mates will oe witn Stanbury It may be thought that Petersons backers are rather rath is pitting their man against the Australian stranger but it mast be remembered that Peterson baa been beaten but once In a match race and that when he waa notoriously out of condition and badly boated and by no leas a man than OConnor In all his other races Peterson has won handily Ha rowed a great taoe and on cliTerly from George Lee arter tne tatter aaaoeatenarvery mau wen la the front rank la America except Hanlan One defeat is a small blemish on the record of a good man and wllhhbi great strength and experience Peterson if properly trained and boated ought to bo a formidable rival for any man in the world Two Whitehall belonging to Henry Peterson the Belief and Alert raced yesterday from the Oceanic dock over the Fourth of July course The Belief was the wlnser by teres minute The tVheelmea The annus meeting of the Bay City Wheelmen will be held Tuesday September lst1801 at which time In addition to the reports ot the various officers for the past year nominations will be made for the succeeding year Thi is the most important meeting of the dub and as the progress during the past year has been un rreoedestea la toe history of deling dubs on this coast the report will no doubt be very in teresUnc The photos ukeaou the recent hoto ran ottheBay City Wheelmen hare been received and are Tery good The Intention is to hare oneoft heparans evjry year and la this way keep aliTing proof as it were of the progress of the dub George Hall and Thomas AWhltelaw went down the old county road and Tie San Bruno and the bay road home again resterday Tsompwn president of the Bay Cttyt came np to attend the annual Eteetlsg of the dab next Tuesday night The Alameda County Wheelmen are progress iugxpieidldlywae twenty members now being oa their roll Bumor ha it Jthat the Oak Leaf Wheelmen are about to come oat with a nw clubhouse The dub ought tobe most successfuLfor it haa some 2o 1 workers in its ranks The Oriental Cycling tlub held a run yesterday to Petalumtc They left on the clock boat or iAUsali to and from there took the train for San Anselmo Junction which was the starting point ot the run Araong tbcr who oartieinated were Dolan 1 ITaler 5 Behan Paddock McGrew 1 Hansen Moauon ueorga March A A Alcarsga A Dietle anilT Virhv nolan Paddock McGrew Hansen Mareh Akayiga sistte ana lcnj maae toe return tnp Yachting The yachts Xurline Captain A Spreckes and Aggie Captain Barry White of the Pacific Yacht dub squadron returned last evening from a cruise to Martinez a race being made both going and coming The flyers left Sausa lito at 3 oclock Saturday afternoon the get ready gus being fired fifteen rdoutes before the hour mentioned At the signal to go from the flagship Luriine a perfect start was made with a light breeze Both yacht were almost CTen until the Brothers was reached from which point the Aggie took the lead When well off Pinole point the breeze freshened a bit and the Aggie catching it first rapidly poshed ahead and reached Martinez at 705 at the Lurline following eight minutes later making the race tne most evenly matched one ever sailed from Sausatito to Martinez the two boats being within hailing distance during half of the race The get ready gun was fired at 1120 a yesterday the yacht Jessie Captain James McDonoush having in the meantime Joined tne other two At 11 45 a 34 the signal gun waa fired The tide waa flooding at the time and the breex i fresh The Jessie was slightly in the lead the Aggie 100 yards to leeward On the second tack the Lurline crossed the Jessies bow but a few minutes later the Aggie assumed the lead which she held until off Port Costa when the Lurline took first position the Jessie then being far inthe rear and few minutes later a standing in too close she went aground She was got offuninj ured after soma bouts of hard work TbeLurlines lead was short liTed or in a few minutes in close quartets the Aggie went to the front After clearing Mar island a fine bracse was encountered and the Acgie commenced to draw away from her rival turning the Raccoon straits when the Lurline was away dose to the Contra Costa snorey obliging her to standout around Angel island After encountering light winds and head tide through Raccoon straits the Aggie reached sausaltto and anchored off the club house at 4 45 at the Lurline arriving one nour later nannj sauea around tne isiana The guest who enjoyed the hospitality of the yachts were Charles KlngsleyCon OConnor Davis and George Avers on the Lor line Chanes ana Albirt Wlelana Bernard Hughes Charles Palmer McAiesterW Jones LO Brown and Weaver on the Aggie What would otherwise have been the most pieasant cruise of the season was marred by the receipt ot a telegram by Charles and Al lien teianu at Martinez announcing tne aeatn of their mother Botha once took toe first train to the city but the sad tidings casta gloom over the pleasure of the balance of the pe ty Toe pilot boat America win not enter the proposed regatta on September 9th her present rig being unfitted tor racing in the bay The cost of coaueing her rig to that of a first class yacht would be considerable The Aggie Lurline and Jessie wLl enter The Bamoua ia out of commission for the season It is yet undecided whether the Coipa will enter The Seven Bells and the Sappho left Tlburon Saturday afternoon and raced to VaLleji The Sappho reached the point of destination tea minutes ahead of the yawl On the reUrn trip the two rachta left at 1130 a yesterday the Sappho taking the lead which she kept until off Baccoon atralts when ahe en countered light breezes and was thereby forced to sail around Angel Island The Seren Bells happened to be ouuiae of the flat calm and was able to getthrough the straits thus reaching Sausaltto teu minute ahead of the Sappho The Annie intended to take part la the Pacific Club sail to Martinez but business arrangements prevented Commodore Cadoc front participating in the race The Chisoawas out with a bartr vesterdsT also the Frelletn Utter mrrylia nll eon ongent pi tne Boaeieai wun Doing tneir last sail of the season The sloops Linos and Feda sailed to Goat island yesterday and returned to Tlburon The former in crossing the channel encountered such a stiff breeze that she sailed the greater portion of the way with her main boom In the waves Cricket The most exciting cricket match that ha been witnessed in the California Association this season was decided on the Alameda grounds yesterday afternoon where the Call forntas and Atamedaa who were a tie for first honors met to decide the supremacy is skill between the two teams The game was takes by the CattfornSaa by the exceedingly close score of 107 to 94 but the result was due more to the bad lack of the Alameda in both lata field play and batting than to any brilliant execution on the park of the winning team Alameda was particularly unfortunate In her wicket work Although the bowling of her opponents waa exceptionally easy her best batsmen were unable to do any thing with the ball Lawrence was the only man whose score ran Into double figure He took the bat on the second wicket and held his life until he had marked up S3 out of the 94 runs which the Alameda had to their credit Boh Lawrence and McLaren who are rated among the crack bowler of the coast were also badly off in form Lawrence particularly was wild and the Californias slaughtered hi delivery mercilessly For the CallioTnlaBobertson carried off the batting honors wits a credit of 38 runs out of a total of 107 3andall followed him with a scon of Id and Sheath came next with a credit of 14 Gadesden bowled effeetlrely and proved a puzzle to all his opposing baumen except Lawrence who solved him easily The Alameda went to bat first and were retired with 94 runs The Laiifomlas followed and the game hung a tie for sometime with seven wickets down Skrimshire was finally tent to the bat and his good work was the California salvation The victory of yesterday gives the California team tne pennant unless tney lose next sun days game to the Pacifies in which case the Alameda will have a fair chance to again tie them The Bumabys lost an Interesting game yesterday on the KUnknervilie rrmnds to the Pacifies by a score of 178 to 8S The only feature of the game waa the heavy stick work of the Pacifies TheAtemedss have lost one of their best players in nave smitn who will leave this wmb Tor CnmniL The Pacifies haTe secured a valuable acquisition in a new bowler who led the old Occidentals to many a victory He will make his first appearance agilust the California in the game at KUnknervilie next Sunday and the taient are Dae tmg nun enthusiastically The Burasbr and Oakland will play Sunday at Alameda Bod and Line Bockeod fihing continues excellent on the favorite fUbing grounds is the vicinity ot Sausallto and Tiburon During the week some Ttry large catches have been made particularly in the vicinity of Point Catalla and Ume point where fish of very large sue hare been isiea On Thursday Fred Schuberthe well known angler with two companions canght about 120 poand of red tockeod at time point the largest weighing fire and a half pounds and six 01 taem over taree pounaa eaeo On Friday George Klrby and friend caught eighty six pounds of red and blue rock fish at the Sutrarloat rock the largest a blue rock fish weighing four and three quarters pounds A large number ot blue rockcod haa been caught lately at Point Cavalla ty angler attaching a hook oc two about ten or twelve feet above the sio ter as the bine cod will nearly al ways go signer in tne water wan we genuine red rockcod There will be no lance tides for some time to come and continual good fishing may be ex pecteo Lawn Tennis The second annual tournament for the opea double championship and the ladies singles championship of the Pacific States win beheld at the Hotel Rafael San EafacLon Wednes dav September 9th commencing at 9ail Prizes Will be given 10 winner of final la both events and to winner of the championship matches winner ot we ooaoies event win be called Upon to meet Messrs McGarln and Tobin present champions The winner of the ladies singles event will be called upon to meet Mi Msad Hklcson the present champion Finals will be played on Saturday September 12th at2 jc It Is to Come Here From Pittsburg Special Bates Made Against California The Local lfantifsctcrers linen Exercised Orer the Aggression The pickle manufacturers and dealers of this city axe much excited over a report that Pittsburg pickle men bare decided to ship a trainload of pickles here and turn their stock loose on the market A tram load of twenty 13 re cars of flour or of hams or of oysters is not ranch to quantity and would excite no one but a trainload of pickles is a big thing as Ihe consumption percapita is small and the pungent appetizers would remain in the market a long tune before they were all retailed off A representative of the Pacific Pickle Company which has the largest works of the kind is California said that the re port seemed almost Incredible but that If It were true it only showed that the railroads ve missing a pood opportunity for favoring California products The pickle men here all look upon the possibility of the making of this Iarjre shipment of pickles to California as a result of discrimination is favor of the Eastern mana factsrers as against those of this State The Pittsburg pickle men can send their product to San Francisco at ft 43 a hundred sounds in carload lots said one of the aggrieved manufacturers hat ft we wanted to send pickles to Pittsburg we would hare to pay 1 55 a hundred It Is stated that the special rate made on I he pickles which it is proposed to send here In a big train of twenty fire cars is 125 carload i ow we have been after lb rail road people for years to get a reasonably low rate on pickles one at which we could afford to snd our product East end the lowest rate ever conceded was 200 a car to Missoula Mont which is very far short of Pittsburg Sapposinir howerer that no such low rate as 125 be granted to the Pittsburg manufacturers and that they ship at the regular rate of 1 4 a hundred That is only 336 a carload while they charge us on eastbonnd shipments 1 55 a hundred or 310 a tar load which a big difference in faror the Eastern shipper California is a very large pickle pro ducing State It ought to supply a large territory with this nrodnct and it surely ought sot to be vndertudden by Eastern pickle manufacturers in Its own local markets By favoriDir the Eastern shipper however the railroads admit of this and our hands are tied We mske better pickles than are made in the East but if they send out a lot of cheap stall they will doubtless dispo of it toDuriietriment DCCATIOXAL ACADEXT CP LA5GCAGEK FIUPTEJ 320 Pcststt established 1871 Prof DeFuippe artdaateof the academies of Pans and Madrid coosL toes to iBMract la ipantsh ana French cy his aunplined practical methotLsaTlcg months of study A GREAT 8CCCE VS THE DELS ARTE rvol far the it udr of elocution and expres slon In all tta branches the most complete school of ttsfcmdon the laclfie coast papfis prepared lor th stage public readings or social accompUah ment thorough and systematic training tat all professions cure stammering and stuttertngv cUa Mday and evening SCHOOL OP EIvOCU TIOV ASD SXPBas TOSi 11TO Market sCovsv the Mas MBA MAY JOSEflil JC1SCALD principal ACOSSEBVATOIEE OP MUSIC OPEB atlc and dramatA elocution elocution la alt branches pnpJa brought out when competent clas es an private tesadns dramatic classes Wednesday St Delsarte calisthenics redao pno to teachers and children HELYILLB SSYDEB1SS McAllister av A CTnG ELOCTTTIOV VOICB BUILOIXO 2itJ ADLE1 Kna nle de Fore tV Saratoga Hatt 814 Uearr Cabiia 430 30fio 830 A SPANISH ANT WKllIXQ LESSORS given bv yoana bpaaMi ady coofidenCal letter smttaa Ws Sutler it EJSGLrsH LITERATURE LS CLASSES orpriTteSIItalIrJIRMAS1223tBajh ALL BBACUES Or VOCAL 3ICSI0 taoett MME iBTES BtSHOP D07 Sutter RKELFT SCHOOL SEW TOBsT CTTY Autamn half twelfth rear wiabe ta MON PA ptember28 1891 laUs new fireproof building 18 20 2i 24 West Forty forta at The acbo4 bodsahl oordftbepreparaUoaof boyslcr he leading coug aid schools of science haa an armory gynastnm swimming bath boathoa and ten acres ufplaygrouHls seventeen bearding student are taken For latest reetsfr and descriptive pamphlet address CTAFK BEAD A Regf trar DAXCI5Q ACADEMY 1S10 POLK PBO les OT Ot Lent wOl now open his classes for the season as follows a class tr oong masters and sses will commence on Wednesdays at 3i30 oclock a cass for younger pupils will commence en Thor days 3 oclock when ner fancy dances wfll be tanvht also a class on Saturday commends as 130 oclock Adult classes la the evening wtl be opn oa Mrmdavs for advanced pnrflls commencing a 8 clock a ciaw for beginners In the evening on Thursdays eoainffw tar at 730 oclock terms made known at the ball reference required HLCST FBENCHLATI AND GREEK GRADUATE wishes pupils In families Address box 44 ut office FBFM31 LIBRARY SUPREME COCBT building cot Larfcin and McAllister ta Opea everyday except Scndays from 12 to 6 and from 7 to 10 the librrry receives reroiartr the latest works of Uw be French anthers GUITAK AAD PIANO LESSONS S3 TO 5 per month plane tor practice S9 Fifth INDIVIDUAL 1M5TBUCTHK UT HOKT hand and tjpeirutriig 109 Montgomery st JASE CBAY TXACHKR OF ELOCUTIOUl room 113 and 134 Marphy baiKUaav MAKDOLEt ASD VIOLTS rSSTRUCTIOSS Iialianmetbod PBOIALKLSTE1N music etud 1019 Sutter st iN IS OBK NlLtTArlY AVAuMi OUL WxiHiHT it OAJL cornwau PACIFIC SUSIVE COLLEGE CO TOST ft cad or nd for circular PACIFIC EAOISKERIM SCHirOL ESfir peering arejitrctuiu eying 131 Postr29 IASCH LIFE ASD HTUDY FOR Aaezperleoced teacher graduate of Tale tvil rereive a lew bora en his lasch oa the toHhiUa above the ujal valley lo ei tura Co and fit them ioc fclege Peftre ces ProtT Bacon Berkeley Cal Prot Irving strjgfcam Berkeley ci Pres Timothy Dwigbt Sew Haven Conn Hon Phelps Haven tone Rr Edard Everett Hale Boston Mkm For circulars and Information address THACIIER Sordid EEMOVAL JCteEPHl KISCAID SCHOOL i oftVxuUpt and exprestim 1170 Market st Donohae buiMrn SHOBTHASDTYPEWErnKO BOOKKEEP big tMegrashr and penmanship taught aj HEAI Da COLLEGE 24 Kit tt Saa Francisco SCHOOL CIVIL I I MKX1IASICAL EN ginsering rarr eying drawings aasartng archl tectare stlM A Vandernailen 23 Market CHOBTUASD ASD TYPEWBITIrtU JPA 9mJ sAViJkl04aaftgC TtAIM OtV AJ UBwFt THESTESOoBAPflEBOPTHK MUPBEXE Coort wiahes to firm an erening class la shorthand EAOIBVIS 8C5Xarnat tLtUtTrwrAMs SIIA3TKOLOGEK3 VOLSTA IOiOLA THE GR AVXhT LTV it mg can royant ana jonnne teuer tells past prts add rsture lore bnstness inarrtag mw clmrms giTiiig Kii rack and love at erst sight alia tells lo I timet and abows tine olctiir ot the ue yon wui marry lor SI Jove charms oa haadofaJlsiwriortaui ttlilng teatht ptnres given tne isSli Mission St nzvlweslietlx 1T TDTJ WAAT A WESDJOIli Task pump and complete waterworks erected oa your premises la or sear San Francisco call on or address PadBc Mannrcturing Companyr575 Mission jeeten Francisco eperifiranonv and drawings furnished fre A BOY FOBTCTELLKR IMPORTS gennloe ypanlsn lor powders or drops Call or write with stamp 1 80S Market st MISCEXLASEOtrs citt PAEI OF Monday August 81 1891 IMMENSE DISPLA oris Iiiterestiiig Novelties DIRECT WlEtOL E1XR01JE Eicli Silks at PopnlaTP In Binclsoirie Woolens an Endless Variety olo ajbs Of th Latest and Most Tasteful Styles Mada Especially ft Onr Trada New Laces and Colificliets RICH PABiS TllilffiES 111 UTEST 0ES1GNS 51 See Display In our Show Wlndowsih YERDIER CO YILLE PARIS Cor Geary Street and Grant Avenue 1 Sr STYLISH DRBSB TO ORDER Bf ARTIM P1BISQS SBQSUSEt AMTjaenKSTs GBASD OPERA H0TJ3E Coder the Direction of YtUgtrm CosntKscnc Farnar Erxamio Parr 4th Appearance for 9 Sight Only of Mm Sarah lERtiHABDr Under th dlerectloa efHasrwr izm and MAtratcsi Gaau Friday September 4th CAMTLLE Batarday MaUnee i lEAma rABC atarday ggnntta rTT 1ryTrKt A TOSCA THEODORA Monday Sight Grand Production Tuesday Sight Wednesday Matinee Wednesday Sight fBOC PBQU Thursday MshtADBIESSE LECOCVBEUB Friday Sight FEDOBA rmnj eatardar Matinee Saturday Siiht Farewell PRformance PBICES Orchestra Parquet Circle and Dress Circle S3 Family Circle S3 an reserved Gallery 1 Proscemam Boxes SC5 and S30 Mezzanlae Soxes Six CI OF SEATS commences TODAY at the Grand Opera honse tttiVr CALIFOltNIA THEATEB Handsomest Theater in the World Ma Al Hatxax Lessee and Proprietor Ma Haxar sinafe Bzounrixa THH MOSDAY SIGHT Th Kings of Farceurs AVE ion oMABj YGOR LAUGH THIH YEABT Jit THE ONLY FUNNY TCX IS T0WS1 SYU frA TV DTTO rrYt JVAr9 AXIU uuci Edition Xure of that Popular Comedy tfABLOB MATCH Theater Parties la order j3 Call carriage at 1 0t30 oclock Fixsrr Maxrrxx Satuildat aT 2 NEW BOSH THET THEATER Ma LxArrrr Ma oonat Manszxs Wknjnssnar 8 vtusbst JOS GBISMEB PHtEBE DAVTES lathe Ideal Amerieaa Comedy Drama THE BUBOLAB By AugastnsThomsaEs author of Alabama TIVOU OPKBA HOCdK Caxtxxo Barrs Proprietors and Manarsrs TO TIGTlTi TO MOHT TO MUHT TO XIOHT TO MGHT TO MOHT TO flGHT TO HHT TO SIGHT TO MOHTl TO NIGHT TO SMUT TO XIOHT TO SIGHT oara waaa jestir SDarkllns i rvmiArMi VTH IHSTtrW I PRINClg METHUiALEM METIILSALElt FRIVCR METHL SALEM PKISCE ME i HCALEM PRISClv METUUSALESI PRKCR METHTJxuai lRtSCE 1METHCSALEM First Ume of our Jew Drop rnrtaln by Test MOSDAY SEPT 7TH TATIMITZA POPTTLAB PRICE3 25 and SO cents BAUJWIN THEATER At HaTnay Aubsd Boortssv Lessee and Proprietor rr TO ViaHTl TO aGHT Tin CnwxsT TrsTtVAi Bssjixa Every Erenicg Mstlnee Saturday Only Sees a Lot Few SAT OOODWIS His Companion Flayers in the Hilarious Comedy Till SOMIVEE THE SOMISLE By Blchrdsoa ardley BawnT Baxfizr aso BhiixiastI 16 CoTexctmne Wkstes isjs aw 1 oar 18 THE SOMTSEE win be preceded each vanlng by the one act drama BABBABA Sg Fecare Youreais In Advance AXOASAR THEATER WAixrcraon Stock wxix A Wrtxirr ii i i Lessee and Proprieaar OSEWEEKi COMMESCISG iCTSE WTEK OSLY I MfifDAY OXLY EVERY AtOCaT SlSX MATINL EVEN ISO I ISATUBDAYV STOCKWELL Supported by th ALCAZAP TKlsATEB CO MPASY In tae LangBab 1 reach Comedy A VICTIM OF CIBCCMSTASCE3 PpsorfcPaiCTErealnsxfaa 60c and 7f5c Matinee 25c and 0C SKST Baxch 10 Stock wrtl as the Jgboz orphetjm oPKHAHonair ucstsv wax DITH ST CLAIRE FOKrusfcrrELLEB aaa oosuess mearom Jiozwaysr IP HYaltlAM MBS VS APP WELCH MIS BUsK Snpefflnooahalrretnored by electricity TRSJ AlKISa29 KEABSY SPECIAUST Aeye Jang chronic ails cancer pllesrbeamatisra tJTfapoaitTcarniedJclaetccoasujfreat ittarend Manager Tremendoc Sacces ot the CALIFORSIA OTAR OPEBA COMPASY TKM trmiro ISIosoat acotbt SIst Suppers Melodloa Comic Opera TBIF TO AJRlOA In Three Act Magnificent eceneryl Grand Chorus--y Muui i Tenor Ma HkaXAjt BAaoBCalnoounodsMasi vjC A U8T AnddebutofaB Hanonl in hla great part Me phistopheIesaadthe enure strength of the com J5ce0evad7o BEST BOfXEH MADfi CHOICE EXTRA FLOUR Guaranteed Always Highest Quality STAKR Is CO IS Califoraia ftrtsat TBE TTJBr ETJSSIKO GOLDEN GATE 7AXR Svk3k II MOSDAY AUGUST 81ST TO SATUBDAr eEPTEMBEB era MOSD AT AUGUST S1ST BCSS150 FTBST BACE mO two year old 15ntne 8ECOSD BACE lmfie 9 Entries Falrr Captain Al John Treat Srrtsa Initiation Hlla Bose King HookrMsnils vatcsiiu THrBrrEACr mllebeaU Toisdat Szfizjtsra 1st gbeAt srao BACE TBomsa Lee 3 30 Trankha 2 20V Una Wake tUftf jl Cnnid2tai MJT Lin2 21Tlank 1 SSOBaca VTith Six EsTaras axa Gxstl srara Vtarvrva Huts ar iu Entries to additional parweloae whth see retsry attSe6C iOLlshthstOsXlsSrM Baong each day at 1 FUMTEA Pnsfoan Job bnuixB Secmary MXSCELLASEOLS SHB0R1 VAIL CD FINEST IxlATERlALS Tor the Use of Artists Oil Colors In tubesL Wate Colors In cakes Moist Colors In tubes and pans Water Color Liquids Mediums Oils and Varnishes in bottles Brushes for Oil and Water Color Palstmg Oso vasv Academy Boards Eketehlag Papers Gollj Paint Materials for China Paiatmg Palettes EaseA btcdles Handoooks oa the Fine arts Alt other articles used by Amateur aad Artista WH0LE3ALB A3D SSTAIL 857 859 od S6i MarM Streets 0 FFICE Or THE COMMISSIOSEBS i OoUfen Gslj Part Don Vista Fare Moon tarn lAJte Partt San FrAtwtefin rl Aiifnst 12 leL At a meeting of the Board of Park Com xcisslooers of the city aad conatyof Saa Frss dscobeldcn the 12th day of August 1891tM foirwng OBDEB and RESOLUTION were adopted brthe Board sard ordered printed tstbe San Franrisor CHuosmje for the period of tea Oars exclusive of th first day of tu puhUcsBOo Sohdsyr excepted I YV BLOCH Secretary TtT HEBEAS CSDEB ASD BY VJBTCE 0s II certain ordinances of the Board of Supervisor ot lbedyand eonatyof San Francisco the Geary Street Park and ocean Railroad Company a corporation existng noder the laws of the State of a street railway tam tr rporate limits of i said dry and county to wit as a wire cable rail roaa oa ueary street rrota nearny to ursiru avenue and from tbeaee as a steam motor rsBroad along point Lobos avenue to lirt avenge aad thence along First avenue to Golden Gate Park and Whxrris By aa etder of the said ard of Snperrlsors anally aptrored and carded on tie 9th Cay of Decetuber 1SW being order So S29u the right was granted to th said Geary fSreet Park and Ocean Railroad UDavaarby aadwta the convent of the boarl of pane commissioners to viea2 ns raiiroaa tracas ana to maciein am a operate tta street rsLroad as a Trire cable railroad bx uw anexpirea terntoi its iraacmse aon ami upon the folwiag described axeeta la the dty and county of Una FraacKco aad between th termml ihereissvter xnecUoned towtt Commencing at the intersection ot Point Lobos avenue with the east rtrhne of First avrree thence aonf and noon Pblnt lnhns avMst to Firth aveana anal thence aong and anon Futa avenue to Golden Gat atKtAS Tt Geary Street Park and Oceaa ltailroad Company propoem arid Intends that lined raliroad ou point Lobos aTetnod Fifth avenue under th said crdmaaces shall be oo erat bvwire cable instead of ateam motors as tnat its Dae for tbe entire length thereo toGoMea Gaie Park abali be operated by a uform system of cable motive power and satis change wflt be for the greater convenience and safety of the peopleof said dty aad county an waxBZAs Br act cf the Legislator of th State rf Callfbraia the said avemte known a Point Lobos areune haa bees placet ande th Jurtwlction of the Board of Park Coaimrataoers viuisucn powers ss area niwa uesicsiaw tare me cribed Sow therefore be tt JTSOtved That tts boar doe hereby consent that the Geary trees ra krul flnn flw f7minnv ft VeUAirS aOO aignv may coiistrnct main tain and OF nnat raiiroaa oft ruins ajju Central avenue to Fifth avenue under th several fram4m teirlbm ma rrsnted brthe Board of Supervisors of the Utr and Coanty of Haa Sfi rrsncisco ana lor ana oaring ue mrnm said franchise were granted th same betas herebv rsi lfll arul nvurtvd i ViV BLOCHf Secretary RypryRS GAtJTIOiN curiVBichemJi thesJer dcureof Bupture Atom oar gwooa called Treatments A uepoaa td Kb Jost been sued fcr and eaoorred byoae who ta TestedlnthsaopaytScsrerplaa IWff thewlaelssuffloent Beware of false pseaaisea Th only radical rur fbr Buotar la Pierce Paten Magnetic Elastic Trua lad Mt or sew i Aadress TMSacramsntost car Kaeray Ssst Fl seals orpomaAaWrdskyssy cured jtieaasafsssw fianssssT 1 IsVafll IMP.

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