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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

t4 MMMMM tl im irfl 4Mtoritttfc iv jr Wn irf jJ A li 1 04 VtrtrviV wnronrcic TTI I voLom V1bTFiW wotwwj i vTjfap i ldkji i iyfw jf Ti i f7i oii ni at alijV li a TMuj i VB IVJijyr I1 Ni 7 JJ 4 i 0 a 4 JZ3r riiW TJl ta dviv 11 MK kV fluTlAW illWW AbdlA im jVIM rkft4W i JUf Si Wr il MMJJk ftt iffi ifeW ry rli Vttr VMilMrii viV iffeVBHMr frAl i wtfil A 4 i aM iSwM Hi i ylinwrfT rj iv Adnii cxa WIaIII i irvt lliiil eI pi i iiWy 1 ii wM fyi llH Hi FH 1 i I Hf ViffrAI vJVf mMMMYMmrWM MrwWM 1 iAt 13 il 4 I ht rt i 4 4 wnuur jmooix iiijiit I i 11 1 5 XiciU reriMw rat Xvptfrf ra JiwJS Tor i 4 i i PffllSUM Oi i fv Aiin Ml iMt 11 M1IK uuMMtHut lAjtJ SAN FRANCISCO CALMONDATV DE0EMBlEBTi29 1913 NO tf jf IB Great Britain and Oermanf re Nowf in han AlHance Against United States WOULDHALT COMPETITION 1 The Recenti Developments on American i raae roini uon clusiveiy to Agreement JtoMtil tlptch a tk Chroolold WASHINGTON eomlr SI In frmtilonla tachdi asltlnrton tt Oftat Britain and Oermany hav in Uretflnto anr oftnlv and dfenya eojrimerolal atllano kfaJnut Iti a United BUtar Theav two powars aoordinB to Information reclvd hr aro ratine iJundar1 an asreamant tbat la dlnd to ohaok the grbwth of Ameri can ommroa In Try market In which i oormxtefwlih German and Brltlalt latrJtitv It underetood that tUlnaovern rnent tBtHuted an Inquiry throua diplomatic channel to determine un ayw iaireajainv iaVif ecope mnapur pete of tuts Anno aerman alllanoe Two reeent development bearlnr on American trade are eald to point 6n clualrely to the ezlatenoe i an arree ment between Great Britain andGr many to restet to the utmoif the en dearera of thle oenntry it broaden and extend iU foreifh marketa BTtDENCB OF AtilAlfOB The flrit wu he refueal of Great PrltaJn and Germany to participate In the erpoeltlonto be held In San Fran cltoo In If If The leeoadfiwae the abandonment by the National City Company of New fork of ltiplan to ettabllah a blr branoh beak In the Argentine Repnblloi Deiplte the denial made by President Tanderllp of the National City Sank the atatementli made here that thle tnetltntlon waa threatened by German and Britlih IntefeeU and ttatf accordingly it abandoned temporarily at leaet Hipnrpoeeio eetabllih a branch in Argentine ttepubllo for the beneat American trade The atatementlsmade further that Morran flehueter who wentt outh America for the National City Company had proaTeeied ao far ia hi work a to have obtained aubaorlptloni from wealthy Arentlan and that he waa dliiuaded fromeontlnulncfurther by repreientatlone made by official of he Sank of River Plata i of Suenoe Xyrea lnitltutlonoontrolediby the Jrtlih VBJBCTf IN IOIfORAIVCE The etatement la made Ini quartan eloee tothe State Department that the people of Sncland and Germany are not apprlied of the alliance thua effected by their covernmenti It le un deritood here that thla Oovernment Bret became ituptoloiu of thev Ant lo German agreement when theae gov emmentf gavevaotlcethat theyi would not be repreientedat the Sam Fran eieeo expoiltlotu ixhe Brltieh Government1 refuted to reoontldor Its determination In thlavregard deipite etrong urging by Sir Thomaii Upton and oth eir intereetedlini trade with the United Btatei With a aewourrency law Whrohihai a provlilon authoriilng the eatabllah ment fforelgnbranohee by Amerioan nationalibankafitiexpe8iedithaltne eonteit between financial Intereett of the United SUteeiandthoeijotGreat BrtUlniaadyOermanyy wlllbeVeneweit If1 ijrwproyinces Thai Pftflnr ofJCropiiMidvIlilierln Cue Thotiicidi t0iPacst3iB WontFamine Siaos 1869 peeiel Wepeteh te tteiDliroiilerv TOKIO Deoember 8 The Japanee In thei prpvinceeifoff Aomorl and HoTt kaldo are uIerng from the woraf famine alnos It l6ni aooount of ilie allure of Jhe oropevandfleherlei thou aarideof pereone aret etaryingi Many parents are reported to be ellt ng their1 daugijterii pthere are eald tohve yeehfablditofrelgni White ilavedealere for ehlpment abroad There haveSbeen una jntmany oi the local pankaiand the Oovernment Intende to appropriate 3000J0 for heVreliet of jthav banluf and theitarrv Ing peaiantry i Girl ICrusHed pcatli byalMvyg Timber Struck lj Bigr Wave Eolli Oyer Head and Shoulderif WltliiEatalEe8ult i i jhaV0lltctef0liiepieiei synsiKAvi ooernber Jryh watohirigthov breaketaif romth eipcean baeh backb3imoiafternopn jrgjfWvecauedtheHoguponwhioh ereilttlngiiioroIloeThegirlfiwai ierualied todeathii KoefleicapedjHiiiin Jufedi bufl nearly unbaItnodfrpni thehoek rhrgirlheadVai4body BOSIIMS iMusic Reigniat t6utdodr Fejte i 7 eat A mm A i fr Is Fay oxm a Balmy glit ipiiiiimmwiwiW iim mum Maw ii a iin Mmiii PbstppneWeiHinI tfAvoidThitfeen Santa Ana rjiri wm Marry 811201 A JUL on new Yeara Bay ys laiTWi city tpeolal Dlepttch to the Cbroeline LOS1 ANQKLE8 December 8 MI Alpha Hove of Santa Ana but now reeldlng In thla ctty leaot euperetl tloue But1 Juet the aame the prefer not to havev the flgufeelSTl any thing at Important a her wedding wBo the hai eoatooned her marriage with El ffiTiX Police Oppose the Apparent Effort to saveuontessea J1B14 1 4owe hat bualneat lnteretta San Francisco and It was necetaaryor htm to be in that olty before the new year Thai wedding waa planned for Deoem ber 85 th with the expectation of being In tht northern city by January tit This was tolia ve been the honeymoon trip I oant juat lay that Im euperstli Liousij iujea noifoi expiwnievi yeetvi dabut since it la nar4itTde elded that I would postpone the ifed ding 1 lowe wentMo BanTrancitooi yetfer dayir 1dItow obtained theooneent of herparenta Mr and qttKiR Howe to Join Howe the northern city 1 Quarrels Over Nickel Stookton Man EeHerd of 170 After Rjrht Orer Price of Cheap Ileal Seeeltl Dteptteh to tie Ohroolele STOCKTON December II Because he quarreled with two Jepeaeee restaurant keepers overs oents due on a Hcent meal Frank Brooks a recent arrival from Jamestown waa robbed Ust night of tut ti Brooks waa eating at a Japanese eating place with two other men and when he started to leave he threw a dime i on the counter The two Jap anese proprietors demanded a nickel moreand when he refused toi pay the Japs insisted that he did not have enough to pay ior his meal That was too much for Brooks He reached into a vest pocket and whipped out a roll of seven ten dollar bills and twenty flve dollar greenbacks and snapped them in the faoea of the Japanese eAThe little brown men thought no more about the nickel but rushed at Brooke rho i tt years old and snatched the roll from him The Japanese were arrested IK Wedcling of Nevada Clubman Is Surprise Union of David Staunton and ITew Tork Woman Reveals Romance of Long Standing A romance of a year1 and a half standing and whlchv begun ln the di vorce oolony of Reno waa revealed yesterday when Mrv and Mrs David Btaunton registered atHae Hotel St Franols Staunton is a wealthy ranoher and mining man of Wlnne muooa Nev and with his brother Edward Staunton la a member of San Franclaoo clubs and It waa the first intlmatioj that there was a Mrs Staunton The wedding took plaoe Friday at the home of Mr and Mrs Nicholas Neary at Capltola and James Sheehy thei Wtsonvllle apple king and Mrs Sheehyweve thef otherwltnesses The bride wassMrsi Elisabeth BlmendorflTO wealthy New Tork divorcee whom Staunton met when she waai residing in Reno during the summer of l12t Sheijreturnedifromi a yearsoiournsn Southern Europe two weeks ago and SteWlonwentEast to meet her upon fleyarriyai HealtfeoJiCzarowife lfeCausesjAnxiety HefctoiThrdne 2m jia Orerexerts Hinuelf and Suffers JTronv Blood Effusion Special Wspateh te the Ohronlols LONDON December zs fne umy Malt prints a dlspatoh from Ita oorre epondent at St Petersburg to the effect that itJS learnedfrpm a trustwortny source that the health oft the Ciaro wlta who has been suffering from skJni disease fpfmore than a year Is again causlngjanxlety to the Cxar and CxArlna Tlie heir totMe throne sellevedL to Itavej overreiertedlhlmserf and Is suf ferUgf rontv tueipnbfttlie blood MalliTraM IhWDitch NoneSurt BAKSJRi Oris December1 8r brokehrall JitifJejdV the Oregon Wash ington RaUroad and NaylgatlonCom panes fast mall Into the dHehi between Haines and Baker this morning Thi train ran for S0 rail lengths before coming to a stop arid piled up Wong the track withevery car standing PnOts trucks except the diner whlehiwenttieertot Its slde Not passengsr wMelther killed oi in iliired sbmexottheoarsiwere eef tij flf i teenfeeifromVinetraek reif 1 RIOTOCi SBtOPROIONOHD AGRAM Cr6atlafe pecsmberj Ur OTettroefwirtoiOfrthDietM began Saturday afternoon dldnot end iintlBloolobkithis morning Deputy NedakowiM wasVJe electedipYesident He eervedaspresldent4fithelastitwa 1 IF ME puts it A Murderer From Gallows INSIST ONDEATH PENALTY Train Robber Twice Convicted of Burglary Was iNoto rious Gang of Thieves T01JT bpppllon la bolng made by the police against the apparent er fort to save John Bostloktbe California Hraln robber from the Im position of the death penalty following his plea of guilty1 toithe chargeiof having murdered Horace 15 Montague a Southern Paelflo passenger agent during the robbery of a train at El Monte Jvos Angelescounty on Decern brlitf I rder to check any sympathy cam nalsn in behalf i of Bosttck the poltoe have made publloUhe known orlmlnaV oareer ovneLOonaeninvuuiiv It le shown by the police reoords that Bos tlok has beenv en gaged In the oommlsslon of robberies and burglaries ever1 since Uevwas 17 years old and he le said now to be it yeart 61d He has served term in two reform schools on charges of burglary and In this city flveyeereego he was amem of the notorious Hddle Fltagerald gang of hlghwaytobbers and bur glari whose depredations mm upi lone list of bold crimes lnciuamg holding up and robbing of street oars saloons stores and pedeatrlans I IT TnOUBHI HERB BEFORE The Eddie Fltigerald gang of crim inals tad Its rendezvous in a dark shel tered porton of the old Italian came terv at Land End All the loot from the gang numerous crimes was cached at this weird uncanny spot and it was there that Boatlck whose true name is Ralph FarlssWM arrested on November 3SD8iust atterne slunk Into the robbers roost wlththaproooeds ofwoj burglaries which he had committed In the Xlkltorn Jfot tiylencia street Twc daysbefore the oapture of Bostick three members of the Eddie Fitzgerald gang had held up and jobbed the orew of a street car at Clement street and Twenty fifth avenue and Fltigerald himself the leader of the gang had been run down and caught by Mounted Polloeman Frank Black while he was fleeing toward bis hiding place In the cemetery The arrett of Bostlck under the name of nalph Ferris was effected by Black and Detectives Daniel Drlsooll and Arthur MoQualde Just after the police had looated the rendezvous of th thieves Harold Webster another member of the gang was also takes lntooustodyand he was charged wltn having aided Bostlck in the burglary of theElkhorn Hotel SENT TO REFORM SCHOOL AeW moment of Bostlck arrest he waa opening and examining a parcel of plunder which he had brought with him from the1 Elkhorn Hotel Under the nameof RalpKFerrls Bos tiok was brought to trlai in the Superior iCourt for the Elkhorn Hotel crimes and upon January JoiHO after cbnJctlon upon the ahalfge of burglary he wsi oommitiedvto the California StaWReformi Sohooli at lone i Hei was thenv said toi bei7 years oia and it was because of hi youth that he was tent to the reform school Instead oftb the Stale Prison Hlscom mltment provided that Iieahoulili re main lnthe reform sohoorruntilhe was jiiyearsibldi ButbFebruarylSlSi he wail granted a parole and his final pdischargeilroroi the reform sohool was reoordedoniFebruarytlWl Jlli While he was at liberty on parole Bostlck went to Seattle and there during September 1111 under the name of John Haynes alias Ralph Ferrlss he was ocnvlced of burglary and seh terieed to serve from one to fifteen years In the Washington State Reform Sohool at Monroe CLAIMS TO BB lOMAJf Hewasreoeivedat the reform school at Monroe on September 23 1911 end at that time he tated that he was fJi yesfs old Later he was given TtlsJIb erty oni paroles He vloiated the oondi i tlbnsoitbeparoleandthevreforrrt schbAl authorities Advertised for his arrest and return to the penal Insti tution Bostlck now says that he was bcrn1 at pttumwai Is February 14 180 i would appear rbmthat the police eayf that he falsified1 his age when he was arrested here November 8 Instead of being but 1 7 years old at that time as he said he was nearly IS years old It Is pointed out by the police that Bost1olc since hj confession of the murdrvandvtralnrobberyjafcBiMbhte and theTrobberyflf the Southern Pacific tratntaftiphmondiTh eadf astly irei fusedijtosayanythingabouthisJpre yibusoareeriiadVbailreslstedaUiieforti tbvoveaIhls itrue identltyiTbepoiice sayifurtberthatBostlokadmlttedhls identity andfsSan jFrancTsoo crim lnalo0fd onlyafteithese thlngshad beenvprijyeaagainst Bimt Ands anally ltfs said bythe police tbatlBostfbkihas 4CaUaue4 Fsfce CvIuiajlV HM cBjWlHwB zibIvsHBLHH fHHRDHLTSKiMHrnejHBralnBffiVMRIB 0RSPTlrf4WsjPV11 wEiwi sHIPCilHHi HBaSiHSIr jpi tl SBEt WmWLwl j3s9snhtHH sJSSSIglsjL Si ifosfc 3 FeBszBsBjV3 sf fBeu jSmWmmSSBRmWmLW sVRssSMIIJsHP TtjfmmTmLmmmmWmmB PtH fe rJV oHMMIlSr Tl aFsVeBaHsDsKBVel sLJIrm vkMfjMFtmfSfiki li I LLwFimLTSHtKsi JjESFtMHBBBBHsP tfmmmabrTiMZJiifAtf isiii mix to i IiS i Commission to Australia on Board Craft Ashore In GtilfofvPapu8CjJ According to dispatches recrlved here yesterday the Dutch steamer Tasman Is ashore in1 Bramble bay Gulf of Papua The steamer was bound from Sydney New South Wales for Java The position of the steamer is said to be exceedingly dangerous and a number of steamers summoned by the wire less calls of the Tasman are hurrying to the liners assistance Muoh concern was felt here upon the receipt Hf the news In view of the fact that the Tasman oarrled among other passengers the members of the Pa nama Paoiflo Exposition Commission to Australia Alva Adams former Governor of Colorado heads the commlsr Ion The other commissioners are ONeill Sevier a prominent newspaper man of New Tork Thomas 0 Stall smith ohlef the department of agrl culture for the exposition and Major Sidney A Cloman A who has charge of the military department of theexposltlon With the Commissioners are Mrs Cloman Mrs Adams and Mrs Stall smlth Both Mrs Cloman and Mrs Stallsmlth through their residence here and soolal prominence are well known The fearsi of their many friends however were partially allayed by the re oejpt of a cable message from Stall smith to the effect that all were safe at that time The message was sent byVireless from thesteemer toThurs day Island and thenoe by cable via Brisbane to the president of the exposition Aooordingto Stalismlths oabie he ivesseliwasonitherockSi but likely to be jrotten on Tniswas iaier oonnrmea by a speolal dispatch reoelved by the Chronicrei Aooordlng to thls dispatch among the other passengers on board the liner Is Mme Nordics the prima donna The Australian Commission was appointed by President Wilson along wfth bther commissions to go abroad in the interests of the exposition The members sailed in September their itinerary including Australia New Zee landthe Dutort East Indies Philippines and Slam The steamer Tasman has large passenger list She has a tonnage of SJV Movies to Be Used iri Treating Insane eiiiil Patients in AsyinnjHoweyer Will Not Know That Mental Test Is Being Applied Speelsl Wspstoh the Cbreolole CINCINNXTI December The moving picture used a a medium through whJW eduoatlon andknowlV rtri ofsthe dolngsjbf the world may be bbtilnedi will sobnjbe Installedas regular if ajttor bfnteoiiriitiye5system aif Longf ycw In Asylumfthl si oityi itiilsjtojVfinadiiioTti Unkrtowni treatment Undergoing whlohij the pa tintrwJUot3T1Ihr18n subjectodi tOameritaf tes THe patient wjljseVplyh hlsnWtanmVnfewAeiiiwir aptirtepyoVbtlnWhUsUkbrainy beflordsdV Above in largerpicture Mme Florence Drake le Roy tinging I Love Yout California to fhe thoutaridt Tahb attended Jatt evening postponed open air Chrittrruu Eve festival atLoitat fountain Belov it Paul SteinJorff directing the thugc band and chorus of mixed voices New Invention Will Revolutionize Ray Efficiency in Control and Application to Be of Great Benefit to Therapeutics peollDlptrt te tbei CbroBlele NEW TORKi Deeember5 An in ventlonthat Ills expected will revolutionise the use and application of the ray was exhibited tor the first time In public In this oitySaturdaj at a dinner given at the Hotel SsDenls to Wllllami David Coolldge ofooheneotady bst Dk Xi 0 pole of New Tork Men versed In the elence of the ray who witnessed the demonstration of Cob Hdges invention said that it was the greatest advancement in the study of ray slnceReentger Cooildgei who 1s employed lnv the Oeneral EleotrIoCompartysxlabratory has been working invseoret1 en the new ray tot thTeeV years He has far perfected but twor tubes one of which he showed Ssturdayi night His method of manufacturing the ray dlffersr from the old one end Enables him to secure such efficiency in1 oontrol and application that the greatest benefits to thera peutics are expected as soon as the teonnlque or me ray is inorougniy understood Coolldges ray will not cheapen the cost of production but It will enable ray operators to oontrol the power they wish to administer absolutely whereas befere it was Impossible to gauge theamount that would begeti Vrated or toidireot It They aiue of the new ray In thi treatment of oancer and similar diseases Is expected to be enormous because of the oertalaty with whioh1 it can be bontroiledl Rockefeller Contributes toBiographicafFund But Trustees Must Raise More or Lose 10000 Gift From the Late Jv Pi Horg an ii Speelsl Bispttek teChrenlele NHWriTpRDeoembeSSi JOhrlrii Rookef eller has glyett il0O0tbward a l5i00bundifor rainewTbulidiagwhloh thd New Tprlc Genealogical and Bio graphical Soolety itrylrrgl to raise befOTeJan uaryflstirThe7qtaJtubserip tJonjiipitobdayaaVISllilSSJnrthe next twbdaysthei trustees andbfflcer must get tliJIEnTJtbe fait they lllloseithe opndltlonaiglftof10000 freottirlat Pierponf Morgan Plucky JVpman Is Captor of Burglar Mrs Bohr Chases Man Seen in Basenient of House and Causes Arrest Through the daring of Mrs Bohr of UtO Jackson street a negro who gave Msesame as James Thompson was arrestedyesterday sflernoon after an exoitlngchttse and locked up In tiie Bush street Station on the oharge of Committing burglary In the home of Mrs Harry Curtaz of HIS Jackson streetiy MrsfBbhr Is the landlady of the preniiseSaitlJS Jackson street and when she visited them yesterday afternoon she sawhat thebanement door was standi jjg open 8hewss suspicious adjoaledtent asklnglf Mrs Curias was rthere i A mansf voices answered Testy MrsBoiir ascertained that nobody wiasi tv home at the Curtas apartment and went down Into the basement As sheidld So a man ran out of another dbbr loeklng it behind him with a passkey Mrs Bohr ran through the house and chased the burglar up Jackson street to Hyde1 street where she saw a policeman who nabbed the man who had a Jimmy and a passkey In his possession as welT as a football and a scarf he is supposed to have seoured in the basement This Is the lCpnd time within ten daysUhat aWirglajThasbeen confronted In thefCurtashpme Early on the evening of Thursaay December Itth MrsiCurtasfand ijeV daughter returned home to nnd weltyiressetl man un maskedvlrtieiiartway The intruder calmly brushedidTaVi Curtas aside on thestaireiindtiwalild out to the street At theitirtSuftas unable to get sal Isfactlonifr thepallce appealed to the press for protection through publicity CT irft Insanei Cninese Will Be SenfeBackHome PORTIiXinJil Or DeVemtfer il Twenty twdylasanlfiChinesej rom the Bute InssieAsyumi willV arrlvei in P6rtian Monday morning for deportation to thelrfnatlveiandvThe men will be taken from here to Seattle where thy wiij be aoeabard the steam sHltiiMlnneeotaiiwhlch wllfeall fbf MpTigkon Taesdity i if SunerlHtendent Stelnar of lh viim announced scVie time a go when he be an neaotiatiojisfor returning the man tVrhtn tha HrH HnutflVi ttt life of each man of ten yearWithe State wpuiQ aaye apout ay tne apt Twenty Five Thousand People at Lottas Fountain Listen to the Musical Stars AUDIENCE JOINS CHORUS Musicians Onion Celebration Keeps Up Standard Set by Chronicle in 190 vl ORB than 55030 Joyous musics loving1 San Rranclscans last evening congregated af lxtta fountain to celebrate as only San Fran clsoo can celebrate the postponed open air Christmas eve festival of singing Last nights fete was In every way success Everythlngiwas an argument in favor of the bontlnustlorrof a cue iomMnaugurated by the Chronicle onv Christmas eve 110 when Mmt Lulta Tetrasslni sang to the throngs folt lowed in lill by JanKifbeIlk the violin virtuoso last year by Mme Berplcs de Po equal this year by Mme Florence Drake Lt Rov end Edmund i Burke under the Musicians tjnlon auspices The night was Sublime The stars had retired behind an overhead bank of Jog from tho pacific ocean Thls with the tall buildings en all sides produoed a remarkable outdoor sound 1 ing board to catch and fling back the sonorous notes of the band and the thrilling tones of Mme Le Roy the prima donna Miss Ruth McKenzle and Edmund Burke the Irish baritone STIIEKTS AnK PACKED Long before the appointed hour the squad of sixty blueooats under command of Captains Shea and ODay were busy keeping early arrivals in a sem oinngB ui oraer ay ocjock wnen the band blared forth with the opening strain of Cantlque ie NoeJ trafflo on all sides Kearny Geary Market andThlrd stceetsirgiUrtaJtftgether halted Tauaderbtisf applause greeted the opening number and this as a mark of appreciation from the vast audience rewarded each of the singers and the chorus of mixed voices in their turn It wasipleaslag to note the character of last nights conoourse San Franciscos best were there quiet and orderly despite the Jam Their lines extended past the Palace Hotel on the one hand half way to Fourth street on the other Following the Initial mrmber Miss Ruth McKenzle a sweet voiced Native Daughter sang the old traditional Christmas hymn Adeate Fideles Her father McKenzle dlreottd through this number her sister Miss Haze McKenzle was at he piano The refrain was taken up by the huge chorus and band which occupied a tall grandstand platform flanking that of the singer And the muslo swelled to the very skies Then the rich baritone voice of Edmund Burke of the Melba Kubellk combination accompanied by Gabriel Lapier re at the piano overawed land entranced the multitudinous throng The old time Irish melody My Dark Rosaleen was finished and the ao oompanlst struck the opening ohordVof Klllarney when there was a mighty shout and clapping of hands in recog nltlpn of that great tune pf tjii Emerald lsle JOlJi I PATR1WTIC HlMN When after TOeta Clty the band swung into the familiar Star Span glad Banner the acme of patriotic music the audience as one marv Tt moved and held hats over hearts the while a great many joined in singing the refraini Mayor Rolph was to have addressed the gathering at this Juncture but as lie had been detained one of bis sec retaries 3 McAtee erese to express the Mayors regrets I wish it were in my power to ex press what Mayor Rolph would stty to you wr here said Mo A tee I am surs he would call to your attention the kindliness of nature to San Francisco how we surely cannot take amiss The fact that for the first time slnae these open air festivals were ln Coetlaaed Pase Celneaa WeishYonAU A Happy Nevy Year cX AmmmmmmLm Jewelers Watekiaakess OsUclaee rk Sl Hsu OkU BMf TlltMarh Brea4k IBM MlsaSes It Heat San Francisco X3k lSk14k WeSdlasilUBeM leMlr tVelgat tyMCasBlsedby SelMtuTs 0tielm TaCToaT on tehoiw Os ea Kveal DHagDoesr.

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