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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 34

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ifrm i Uvis fei A ft If nil lifo ITS IS iV i 34 i WA saw ftriAcigcbl criitoaoifoi stiYlDECEaiBEfe 7 ii9ii HUSK II ill rr I I 3r if r1 vm I PepprtrhatDictatqr Plans Jo new oirice rm a caoinet Minister AfteNevear Ienorigorostieta NAMED --The Chief Executive of Mexico Intendst to Take Field tot Check Revolutionaries i OoatlkaM rron Piur S3 Cllina BaFbrces fllfbt from Chlivuahu reilsned an4 orossed toiPrMlaiOi Japanese irmtt who faar4tt General1 Villa mig ht show resentment to their oountrymen lriMejlooi eeuse ffuerti had plaoe orders for rrailIn Jpan tiiai thtyhd reol vsl twodifremv Mexloot City that Japanees subjeots wouia be protested by the BrIUsr Vice Consul la Chihuahua Villa had assured1 the Japanese that he was not unfriendly to then On hearing that hla father mother wile and hlld had bean burned to death by Federals at Torreon a rebel soldier In Juarei today beoame Insane He wa t61d tnat hU family had been killed because he wa flthtlnj with the rebels COMMUNICATION RESTORED HERMOSILLOl Sonora Mexico Deoember ST The extent of the Conetl tutlonallit oonquest In Mexico was etldenoedi today In the renewal of tele vraphio communication between the provisional oapltal here and the Interior and border points General Carrania stepped from his ofDoe Into the telegraph room of the provlnololal oapltal here and oonferred with Luis Zalce Constitutional Governor of Zaoatecaa at hla provisional capital The conversation was held over more than 1S00 miles of telerraph lines leadlnr Into the feographloal center of Mexico Governor Zslee told his ehlef that practically the entire Slate of Zaca teoas was In the hands of the Insur gent forces KEBEL ACTIVITY IK SOUTH Constitutionalist Troops Almost la Control of Oil Fields VERA CRUZ December 27 A careful estimate of the number of rebels In the state of Tamaullpas1 plaoes he to tali at 16000 The majority of these are around Victoria but a oonslderable force is near Tamploo and It Is possu but that another attack against tha port will oommence early In the week The federals defending Tamploo and outlying districts approximate 8000 and have the assistance of two gunboats Twelve hundred federals are at Alu mlra twenty three miles to the north and a little farther northward rebels In large numbers continue to hold positions An additional oarload of ammunition sent from Vlotorla reaohed theee rebels yesterday To the southwest of Tamploo the rebels under Caridldo Agullar hold Fa nuoo and the railroad from Tamploo to fan Luis Fotosl Is reported to be out The rebels are almost In oontrol of the oil lone An element of Internationa danger Is to be found in the fact that about sixty Americans at the Kbano oil station west of Tamploo have armed themselves and threaten to resist any Interference Rear Admiral Henry Mayo with the battle ships Connecticut and Kansas will leave Vera Out for Tamploo within two days It Is expected that the scout cruiser Chester and the hospital ship Solace will also proceed to Tamploo jTliirjyai jwtto inwi tne street van Cleveland CLEVELAND 0i Deoember Jiw Thirty families and elrhty guest si rtrn Hotel wm djrtveav latothe eariy xoaarv wnen nrs damaged a three story hrlnlt hulMiAv iwhinh housed the hotel the Perry Theater several stores ana lamiiy suites i Johni Caldwelliy Impoi Wlid WAf leeprng ln the rear of thai bulldlhg wa awakened byK the smoke and ran throurhthei building arouslnyth oo oupants Several wonien and children were oarrled out unconsolou An overheated furnaoe is blamed for the fire i IV ENflli ili ilfi VVilson ReceivesVManyf jvlc tsages of Congratulation vat ithe Winter Capltalr BiRpMjyERstojtobAy Chief Executive and family Greatly Enjoying Their1 Stay Jm South Hendrickson Clan of Moun talneers Conceal Themselvesi In MlnetoEvadeArresti PE0PEETY IN PERIL News Prom Central Mexico Tells of Chaotio Conditions WASHINOTOrfi December ST Con dltlons In rerardi to the safety of prl vate property In Central Mexlooi continue to be vnsatlsfactoryf aocordlng to the latest State Department reports Owing to the fact that the territory from Durango northward Is In possession of neither warring faotlon and that both telegraphs and railroads gen erally have been destroyed oommunl cation Is so slow that It required seven days to get news to the department from the city of Torreon A week ago that Important strategic point was still In the hands of tile Federals but the revolutionists were In control of the surrounding district On the Oulf ooast the rebels were active up to Christmas and the ConstVat Tamploo reported that General Agullar with several hundred men took possession of the town of Panuco on December Nth They destroyed some buildings and committed other depredations and the State Department Is trying to as certain If American life and property were menaoed The State Department has caused representations to be made to General Villa at Chihuahua In the Interest of the women and children of the Span lards and other foreigners who were expelled from that town by the rebels Although the American Consul was assured that these families would be permitted to leave Chihuahua for some reason the promise has not been kept and It is asumed that they are being held as hostages Further pressure will be brought to bear In their behalf The naval supply ship MoLear arrived at Topolobampo on the west ooast of Mexico Isst Wednesday and sailed away yesterday In reporting these movements the captain of the ship made no mention of famine among the American colony there although he had ample provisions aboard to meet any probable needs An oflsr of Japanese anar offloers to enlist under the Huerta standard In Mexico which the Mexican War Office claims to have received through Its embassy In Toklo has not been made WJV th 8tte Department Whether this service could be rendered it Is pointed out would depend upon the status of the Japanese offloers making the offer and It Is not doubted that their own Government would refuse the permission to leave their country if they are still on the active list of the Japanese army 10 WORK FOR OUTSIDERS lOS ANOHLES December J7xvith a view toward stemming any tide of unemployed that may be headed toward Los Angeles the City Council today adopted a resolution warning and advising all non residents not to oome to this olty with the hope of securing employment at the present time 04JLYye Colonel prNEVTLLar Ky Deoember 17 i When darkness fell tonight no attempt at esoapen had been made by tha twenty members of the Hendrlokson clan ofv mountalnoertikWho are oon oealed In a mine near here The four mine entrances are guarded by thirty nve militiamen under the oommana or Assistant Attorney General Ji Tandy Kills It is eXDeoted that the frseslng weather and a laok of provlilons will soon roroetne rerugees to surrender Thomas Hendrlokson father of the three brothers who are the leaders of the olan oonoealed in the mine was arrested today and oharged with oon plraoy to kill Thomas Miller whose murder last Wednesday caused a battle between the Hendrlokson olan and a posse Presley Hendrlokson Is known to be seriously wounded with a bullet wound in his ohsst and hla two brothers are also wounded Bonfire biased at the entranoes of the mine tonight and the troops and spectators settled down to a oampalgn of starving the olan The trouble started bn Wednesday when Jack Hendrlokson killed a man and after reaching his home near1 here gave battle toa Shertra poise One of the Hendrlokson 1 party was killed by the posse After this skirmish the Hendrlokions fled tc the mountains and were traoed by bloodhoundi to the mine shaft 1 i i Newspaper MenFayoiv iMcstoroiEnghsh Press IT Will Present Address to Lord Burn ham on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday LONDON Deoember ST Renresante tlves of the British and foreign press gathered today at Hall Barn tha country home of Lord Burnham the grand old man of the British prsss to present him with an address on the oocaslon of his eightieth birthday tomorrow Lord Burnham Is still acttva in his oontrol of the Dally Telegraph The birthday address was signed not only by the leading English newspaper men but also by representatives of the American European Canadian Austra lian souin Airican ana jcast Indian press PASS CHRISTIAN Deoem bei STr presldent Wilson will bejST years old tomorrow and letters and telegrams of oongratulatfon poured in today frdravali parts oitheountryi some of them were from personal friends but the great1 majority were from persons hitherto unknown tovth President Some were written In penoll and half sorawled and others appeared more formal but all brought a feeling of happiness to the President as he read them Th birthday will mean no change In the aulet atmosphere of the oottaac whleh the Nations chief exeoutlve has ohosen as his resldenoe during his vacation here In the morning he prob ably will attend services in the smau Presbyterian Churoh whioh Is perohed on the edge of the beaoh road half protesting into the Mississippi sound It is a wooden bulldlnn1 scarcely thirty feet wldewlth a belfry that extends praotioany over the entire root or tne structure Theohuroh seats less than 100 persons TAKIIto LIFE EASY With the exoeptlon of ohurch ser vloes the President has no plans for tomorrow although he probably will take an automobile ride with his family He is taking life Just as easy as possible After a game of golf beyond Gulfport early today he returned home and dictated a few letters lolled about the parlor of tha house for a while reading some newspapers and then took a napi He Is doing little work His mall Is oarafully sifted for him beforehand I Ti Relieve the storv toidbv a aaadlal mas 17 Bger U8tM leVw shownstfce tiews papanNdiasyitoBea fV sv TWkrtsiipievwmii pf Jyv4 that in ma seviij eeu aeiense ra ituiing Bbstiekhosf iii Haipni anssConaemneaio ayDeathienilty Cos lined Piem ritseiciliisi Wi olisoo about week befors I robbed the train Rlohmon4iivemberr14lMt I ha4plentrfmeafthortvfbiiViI wanUdtofg inoVthWrestauantvlsi sjboidoic thii if terndoitv wrtotr HEALTH BOARDS UOLIDAYH The Board of Health has been informed by the City Attorney that Its offices must be kept open1 for the regular transaction of business on olty election days and so called municipal noiidays as tne ueaitn Department is a city and county Institution and can shut up only on State Holidays and general eleotlon days It Is also advised that Its meat lnepeotion oorps Is employed In abranoh of police regulation and can be reaulred to work on1 any day Including State holldaysi Ionv whloh the who ssale bu toners may reaeonably require inspection nessitor TOyselfandrneaadSinor Thatiwas wnylbeoamevaitraJm ro bar ivgot I400 from that roowry rButyout reoently said 7 out were brok eV just Before you robbed the Sunset Express two weeks later in terruoted an Interviewer What1 be oameof the 40vT 7 7 a Tarlss ignored the Interruption merely looking at the floor until he was prompted to resume hla reoltal of his criminal oareer That was way nenao tnrougn tne jnterviewi wnen na aa nov wiin to answer ne simpiy re mained stient until another Question HMVUi liI7Mifoke7waniIoametoiIos Angeies1 said As 1 navs aaia before pawned my overooat for fi tOpaymy rare to Pomona wnerei1 boarded the train YICT1MS BXAOGEItATE LOSSES And you obtained t600 from that robbery No dldi not A1K II got 105 and a diamond whloh 1 pawned for 75 The peopW I robbed aU sald thelr losses were about three times what they wert I suppose they thought they oould oollect what they said they lost from the railroad Although asked repeatedly If her had not given the proceeds of his crimes to his wife who was said to have been with him In San Francisco last month he steadfastly maintained silence Onos or twloe a tear ran down his cheek when asked about her but he gave no Information oonoernlng her Were you married under the name of Bostlok or ParlssT he was asked but he made no reply 1 had hoped he said after a short silence that If I oonfessed I would not him beforehand be hanged that I woulrf oniv be ivn and thus far he has had no oommunl a life term If that had been the oase oatlona of ImporUnoe ronv Washing 1 1 had Intended to devote the restof my toa and hli rest has been praotloally iif tot trying to prevent othen young undlsturbed by official business He men from doing what I have done I hashad ampla opportun ty to yaryh s1 rftehded to write while lm prison diversion with sv sea trlpt as ths Wl 4nd send my writings out tothe world nona a CnltedSUtes revenue cutter i But thatr all ohanged now he has been lying Just a mile off nded sadly shore In front of his oottage and Is at Presldnthasdeollnedjo usslt how RohaPdlr yesterday found that Bos ever and has done likewise with an tick had lived at the irateii ltan nV sas invltatlonjfrom theConservatlon Com MrtwtrrM mlsslonof Louisiana touss their yaoht Dsoember 2Sd a diary kept In a woman hand enough ashore trxd written mostly in shorthand were FAMILY ENJOYS STAY the addresses of several persona In The sea was rough today the hither unmna ana can Franoisoo and in a to still waters washing the sand flats straw suit case in the rooms were a and running a aurfolose to the shell jrown silk hat blue velvet hat hair road that borders the lawn of the Pres Wvth with Initials brown fur Idents oottage The members of the J01 three mens shirts slss ISHj Presidents family are enjoying their Prlnoeton sofa pillow blue bird breast stay here The Misses Margaret and Pin string of blue beads Parisian Ivory mu A wtiatn Mir a Iatc hnrahair hand mirror mans hat bandans hnd ride over the shell road today They 5rw hot water bag hatband enterUlned the Misses Mary and Lucy Cleveland wire braoelet see shells Smith of New Orleans olose friends of or halr combings pair of mans inn enooi the Southern Paolfio agsnt basing the 0ontentlononr the fast that his sob who has aUoVorkad foritkrllroadi recognised MonUguevfeared the latter was reaohlnr for a run and killed him toaTMiilwjKi7 iti sanaipbrarlsshas been 10 Bakersfleld Inoe tnev train robbery as several persons vhavet reported seeing hJmi hera and at Tf three weeks and one raan la positive he talked with hlmi jrarls father admitted thatii he was called union tha telenhon trrin unknown man who informed hlttiat hlsnso watn Taf torty miles frorn nera rarlssnaskodflast nlght7lnreirardV to hlsi sons beingher reoentlyi was an weringrno when1 a small nephew who wai prsnt bWtedj outii Tea ne wa here and was Drorantlv ejeeted romj thl roomt 7 y---AT COME HIGH i Ratal oost thai Missouri farmeren oentsaftiaorora0oo6iunastyea ft rxOiiji Ksmssammmmmssmmmmmmlsmessesssgssss3a I Arrkhrh ap attai i II Irl Ui If 1 1 1 1 1 lil I i i ft ftta 5F liftU lTiQERaraoiBTgu iAMBmailH7QAXN iM 1 Thirteen Plants in South Caro llnaiPass lunden CbntrpI of 1heslkepst Thlneen ootton mlllstn 8outh Gup lliiW CompanrJAVHtf Vnl aggr captul stock leioess of S3800000 filed oertlflaatee of dissolution of joiaartsr wlth th soretar a8Uf today The charters were dissolved fThiaaetifonl livonWfstepVlttMaj organization of th so eaiied rarker inerivr Mbv nflivwrn ikia December VarlouaisWndsi Sj fraalf1 7whioriJj ari Stealing tatoi pjuiarttr3ufeniwSin3artati Vt Tigar skln Hottaa arthe7rerjUatw wear for the Tarlslenne whovwlshes to iUpf abraasii ft thai ahlonj eo VI iJ uiuWiinu tnaatlns at Autsull Um elegant Amrloan womarloraated eeneauon Pf pparing in mh if her7ownwtatement tOianvenyusi Mend to believed coati Svi Last spring an attempt waatwada to Jntroduoepantheraklni oloak fotnosa Who oould pay the price but fashiotfj hada fwblea suooeei aitblv tatetetrav4gancel JSAWkeiy titJhateii Oee 111m41Mi1 lumoia geniiraii manager oti thVJJatnp ItoniMllla aoomponentv oompany at the PaTkarMllli Companys Thl Step was neoassltatad when thav Parker nu Company the holding oompany took 6VrthesmHltwoyearsagoi bulide layivtlavPvnted this 1 legaVformal ltytjelng gone through with PARISS GOES TO SAVE SON the family who have visited them In Washington PRINCIDTON December ST President Wilsons personal transec tion from his own shorthand notes of Father of Bandit Will Work ta Hbt his Inaugural address made In the unl 5 WUJ W0 WJSAV0 voaui acuieuoo bonunuvou varsity library at Prlnoeton has been plaoed In the library archlvea along with ths original address of President Madison who was also a Princeton graduate i MEMORIAL WIMDO DEDICATED Speil IXspstchi to the Ohroalcle RHINKBBCK IN Doeembsr tT The new memorial window ereoted to tne memroy or her late husband Colonel John Jaoob Astor by Mrs Madeline Talmndge Foroe Astor in the Churoh of the Messiah her was dedicated this afternoon Mrs Ator Is a guest at the Aldrlohi home at Barry townsv Mrst Astors young son John Jaoob Astor remained ln New York Vlnoent Astor also was not present BAKERsyiinLD Deoember ST James A Farias father of Ralph Farias oonfessed slayer of Traveling Passenger Agent Montague of the Southern Paclfto Railroad left for Los Angeles tonight prepared to make a dee perate fight to have his sons sentence of death ohanged to life Imprisonment or less The ladi mother who Ideni tlfled a published photograph of her son this morning thus acquainting Sheriff Hmmel of Boatloka true samei Mas suffered a nervous relapse and Is under the oare of a doctor and a trained nurse The father7who has worked for they Southern palflru far tSl years Is employed at Famoso and aiai noiiearm or nissons crime until Roetrt Morrow Kelly ft nftj DeeeubM fOf DaDTA hl years a member of the Keetwkr btf se4 men noi ejiior oc iee Monr lie uny oemmtroltl1 trtm UW lrdirf Here todir Co6m Kellr ws cutis nr Xeotsekyt end eerred ttrenf boot the Civil Wsr we 77 keeteaed by the reoeet death ef his eon Lieu ei wo iforaltiL -The IllPiore Brtnrb OITlM of tbe Chroolole liceUd at 171 ItUuwe Uev assr Post a lenui ni Miro t7v ws wu S1W PH rvyMU VVUWI 1 VtUU PHiuuw sHorfi SSSi BjjHajiaSjMr SisW SJSSSSSS1 VsHiatJlW fsS sm Wfk TT The Greatest Shoe House in the West 825MARKET Latest Fashions OIPOfIIE STOCKTON forthe MAT KID PUMPS Beaded Vamps A Dainty Evening Style soft kid vamps new opera toe shape Fancy jet a fronts short forepart light turned soles French Cuban heels DULL KID C0II0NMLS Steel Beaded Tirlmmed A Model of More Than Ordinary Prettiness Elaborately trimmed on vamps and front with cut steel beads handsome buckle ornament short vamps stage shape toes hand turned soles high arched French Cuban heels MM Ink ml Ms Mil emJ Mm JfiBw mJm sikrsavw trrrx int 825 New Year FANCY SATIN SANDALS Shown In Ten Colors Evening slippers to match your gown newest short vamp shape silk rosebud chiffon bow trimmed hand turned soles satin covered French Cuban heela we show these in blue pink rea oiacK American beauty gold bronze brown lavender silver gray and peach colors lieo A3 VM rrf PATENT COLT TANGO Silk Brocaded Backs The newest Parisian novelty siiowji for the first time in this city patent colt fore part fancy silk brocaded rinrU a latest flmi lnnrr rmA vinvwu es nana turned soles brocaded silk covered French lyouis Uidan heels VF3i fjlrk fM20 KHk tO TiAUnft I IPP1T tt All Blackand WniteSatin SUHe 250 liIlVJie OLIrrClVa All PatentLeatherIJ5b 78400 ml 4r Heels AO Sf i 4i00 oxonnor Momw eiiucbneason tomorrow the greaesf feahs pf the yeWyvM Qffetf isubstaniihl saying wMcpn0fes fount the moti Not a sinde suit in our entire stock which has not fbeeri anectedby theblue pencil of price reductions terypneisl the most of them very much lower Not a suit in our entire stock is now priced higher than 3375 and there area limited few at7975 which were prigihally mothan 1wiceVthisi reduced prXcev and particularly fine selections bi bargains at 1875i and 2675 AUiTHIS SEASONS STYLES All THE LATEST COLORS AND FABRICS ALLISIZESUP TO 53 BUST MEASURE A11 reduced to SUITS for practical wear andan assdrtment pfJ pretty1 wool dresses The suits were priced formerly from 2500 to 3000 Now Reduced to SUITSDRESSES COSTUMES This is a wonderful lot of very smart suits which were priced up to 4250 dresses which were up to 3250 and costumes which were up to 3500 Now Reduced to 4800 4750 and 5000 SUITS stylish winter models in smart new fabrics Also a lot of afternoon dresses and evening gowns Now Reduced to NOVELTY TWO AND THREE PIECE SUITS of brocades velvet and broadcloth which were up to 60 70 80 and 8750 the entire balance of our high grade suits Now Reduced to wtiups 18 15 26J5 3375 No Sale Joods Sent on Approyal Nor Exchanged Annual Sale of Household Linens Etc Thrifty housewivesrwill find the greatest of economies the most desirable bargains in this great Annual Clearance Sale in our linen and domestic departments OddTableClothiilots7oionlyone or1 twowlmall7 sizes from2 Xf tos4 yardalongoddidb2enofnpklns ln both Irish and German 7fr linens Table TopsTbwels Doilies and7Remnants of Table Iflnens Now oa Sale at ll NAINSOOK REDUCED Pieces ofl2yds length in boxes all following prices per dox Regular 250 pieces reduced to 9185 Regular 350 pieces reducid to 240 Pamnsnfc of Flannels White Goods and Colored Wash AemndIII Goods left from the seasons selling all the A PflCQ latest patterns colors and weaves Reduced for immediate 4ale to i vw Sale of Waists Theresult of careful pruning in our Waist Department after theChristmas rush has been the making of three or four big sale lots of waists including all the broken lines odd waists groups of but twp pr three of a kind or sizes all of which arein the sea sons most favidred models in nets shadbwlaces and voiles and now reducedto one of these remarkably low sale prices 3 MM Final Clearance of Millinery All this winters trimmed hats have been reduced to the last point and grouped into two sale lots Never Were such bargains in such beautiful stylish hats as you will1 find here tomorrow Hats which were 10 12 15 18 to 20 nv Reduced finally to pTDl7 Hats which were 25 30 to 35 tifQC Reduced finally to lJiJ AH Untrlmmedi Shapes including our entire stock no matter how short a time they have been ut Ji 1 Reduced finally to 2 rffC6 Suits Tailored to Measure Special 40 Beginning tomorrow morning we Willi make fromtany of our smart mannish tailor fabrics a handsome auifr to voui measure iserfectlv finished and in every way the same as sttsj anar guaranteea tp sa tlfx iypu1 or Post St near Kearny jfj2 Kearny Sf I mi vAff HBnBvSsSfilaWjLL SA Kearny Sf Entrance i I fa.

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