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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 2

San Francisco, California
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SAJST JFSACISCO OHEOOTOKE 3TONDAT ATTGTJST 8 lSSE i TEE CAMS OF MARS Astronomers Differ About Gemination BalT Side With Camille r1 JFlaminarion The Yale Observer Kidieulos Schi ap8relIiV theory and the latest Defense FpeeSai Dispatches to the CHxcuricxr Hear Yoes AORnt 7 The Heralds correspondent at TVubtnctoa Beads the following 1 think FJammarlon is correct was the brief comment of Fro feasor Halt to dar on the great Trench astronomers cable letter in this mornings Herald Flammariona conclusions said Fro fessor Hall are snared generally by astronomer the world over lqtslu agree with him that ScnUptreUfa tneory Of double canals In Mars is not disproved simply because tbtj cannot be seen at the present time 1 tee that ffammanoa quotes Schleparelll at saying three years ago that the total absence of geminations must be expected during the present observations That shows how thoroughly the Italian scientist understands its subject Hare any other astronomers besides Bchlaparelll noticed these double canals la Mars I think not the professor replied They cettalnly have net been seen by any American astronomers 8chiaparelll however is an expert so far as Mars is concerned He has derated the better part of his observations for the last fifteen years to that planet He claims that the atmospheric conditions at Milan are eipeuajljr adapted for astronomical observations and ns puts tins forth as the reason why he has made discoveries there that have not been made else There I think he is mistaken so far as the superiority or Milan astronomically considered concerned for I regard this atmosphere as well ns the atmos phere of California as eqally good But ScniapareUt as 1 sayN has de voted much of his time to the study of Mars and it is not unreasonable that he should have made discoveries there that are not shared by astronomers elsewhere Are the telescopes in use likely to be improved upon or have we reached the utmost development in perfecting those instruments We labor at present under one serious difSculty The glasses now used In the best telescopes are crown and flint glass Ther are made in Fans The trouble is that the two glasses do not give a perfect aehromatc lense when pnt together I hope there will be some improvement in making these glasses so that we may get better results These improvements must coma before we can hope to possess better instruments than those we now have of Cimacho and itis not at all improbable ihattie wilt renew his attempt to rain control of te executive machinery of the republic Vasis August A dispatch from Buenos Ayrrs reports that an insurrection baa broken out at Chtqois Bolivia that the leader Cemachotand seventeen Deputies have been executed and a state of siege proclaimed yEMPiUlOR WILLIAMS tLA9S An Elaborate Programme of Imperial Dntles Lokdo5 August Emperor William plana for the Jail are rather elaborate After the accouchement of the Empress which wilt take place in fewdaysbe IwlU review in detaif with hit Ministers the work to be laid before the coming sessionsession of Parliament Ha will attend the grand Seda review on theTempeihofer Cold on September 24 and then proba bly wilt take a few day elk hunting with Kins Oscar in Sweden Thence he wilt goto the military review at Cobleas thence to the maneuvers near Metz DesDite Warn es that dots to assassin ate him have been suspected the Em I peror wui wanaerupanu a own me uer man frontier inspecting troops looking overfill new estate and testing the quality of the wines which the yirioustown councils after nights of argument and sampling have decided to set before him on his visit JIKX1CAN BONDB AX PAR The Beit Has TALES OBSEKVEF SJIILES Dr Kitties Poohpooht the Schiaparelli Theory Nxw Hatxj Conn Ausiust 7 Dr v7 Elklns who his charge of the Yale Observatory smiled to day when shown the opinion oi Camilla Fiammarion re gsrding the gemination of the Martian canals Schiaparelli theory said he has been disproved He had only an in slgnlficent telescope to view the planet with and what he saw with his little glass no one else has been able to discover with telescopes of several times the magnifying power of his No sir we take so stock at Tale in the geminated canal theory whatever The theory that the seasons render canals in Mare alternately single or double is Only fancy LEWIS SWIFT HAS DOUBTS No Season Why the Gemination Should Not Be Apparent How York August 7 Lewis Swift of the Warner Observatory at Rochester hts given out the following for publication over his signature There has been too much moonlight lately to decide the question ot the duplex character cf the supposed canals of Mars The difficulty is lufther increased by the planet low southern declination Nothing of the kind has ever been seen here though carefully looked for and so far as my observations go coupled with like failures elsewhere 1 have great doubts about their duplicity I see no valid reason wby if they exist they should not be visible at ths favorable opposition D1ASIIBLM1 A Notorious Desperado Fate George Hudson Killed by Officers Twenty Hurderg and a Lonjr List of Inferior Crimea oa Bis Rrcord BTViSS QDalSDS IO DISBAND Loan tba Kepnhllo Ever Secured City or Mxxico August 7 The good credit of Mexico was never more thoroughly demenstrated than it has been in a loan which has lust been placed For the first time in the history of the country Mexican bonds have been placed at par The loan which i for 60000 was taken by English and French capitalists and is payable in two years It was made necessary by bad crops and high rites of exchange caused by the low price of sdver This loan tne best ever effected by Mexico signalizes the entrance to the Treasury department of Bstior Matias Romee The poor are suffering greatly for the want of the necessaries of hie though the Government has established depots fOrthe sale Of corn at cost The effect is only partial as the quantity of corn is Insufficient to supply the demand utriHa or st cloud at auction The Site of the famous Chateau to Be Cted tor Publlo Gardeas Paeis August 7 The ruins of the historical chateau of St Cloud have been sold at auction for the ridiculously small amount Of 600 to a Fansian building contractor named Jtlessel who has undertaken to remove them within four months The site will be transformed into gardens like those of the Tuilleries A new Ecole Polytechnique will be erected a Utile higher rip The Mayor and inhabitants of the pic toresque town protested in vain against the removal of the ruins on the ground that they had gradually become a resort for tourists aud a source of great profit to the locality Bin DANIEL WILSON DEAD President of the Toronto University and an Author of Note Toeosto August 7 Sir Daniel Wilson president of the Toronto University died this morning in this city Daniel Wilson LI was bora at Edinburgh in 1316 and was an elder brother of Professor George Wilton the eminent caemiit He had been sec retsry to the Society ot Antiquaries in Scotland and a fellow of that society when to 1853 he was apix nted pro essor of history and English literature in the University of Toronto and in 1881 succeeded Dr McCanl in the presidency or the college The growth and prosperity of the University were largely due to his efforts He was for four ye rs editor of the Journal of the Canadian Institute and in 1659 and ls60 was president of the institute He published raanv imtrartsnt woks among which were Memorials of Edinburgh in toe Olden Time illustrated by himself Oliver Cromwell and tbe Protectorate The Archasilogy and Prehistoric Annals ot Scotland Fre historic Man Researches Into the Origin World and many other works CHILES ABBITBATIOK FLAN A Joint Commission to Sit at Washington New Yoke August 7 Tne Heralds correspondent at Valparaiso cables the following I learn that Chile has decided to request the Government ot the United States to appoint commissioners to sit at Washington and act conjointly With com musioners appointed by Chile to arbitrate all American claims against Chile The Chilean Government requires however six months in which to make the necessary arrangements United States Minister Patrick Egsn has announced to tba Foreign Office that he intends to leave Chile by the end of the present month Choleras Deadly Work St PxtxitSBCaa August 7 Cholera re turns for all Russia for August 3d ana 4th show a total of 6741 new cases and 3496 deaths Loxnos August 7 In Moscow nine new cases of cholera and five deaths were reported oft Saturday and ten new esses and seven deaths to dsy The Gov ernor or Moscow nas issuea a proclamation ordering that precautions be taken to prevent an epidemic of cholera and fixing severe penalties for non compliancecompliance with the regulations A dispatch to the Timet from Teheran says cholera of a mild form is spreading in Tabriz tbe official accounts reporting twenty deaths daily Tbe Armenians and and Europeans have tied from the town The mortality from cholera in the Jewish quarters of Teheran is from fifteen to thirty daily A Vice President Hastens Pasajca August 7 A dispatch received from Bogota announces that Leonardo Cinal Second Vice President of that republic has for some unknown reason resigned He is succeeded by Qaintero Calderon Senor Calderon while a Conservative a supporter of the National part First Vice President Miguel Antonio Caro takes charge At the Special StsMten lathe cxaonci Jonts Mo August 7 George Hudson a notorious thief ana terror of the Southwest who has twenty murders to his credit was shot and kilted about oclock last night in hi saloon at Granby while resisting arrest When A farcical trial at Bolia resulted in hjt acquittal on the charge of murdering Jit How ard and with which case thenameof a wealthy St Louts family was connected Hudson hoisted the black flag and swore to drive out of the country all who bad ttstifitt against htm which he proceeded to do The necessity of ridding the country ot him became so urgent that an inquiry was set on foot aa to nis career in Colorado and one of his pais in that Stale fur nisned sufficient evidence foe his arrest in connection with a heavy robbery there A requisition was secured from Governor Francis and an officer of this city left for Grauby last evening to arrest Hudson accompanied by an officer from Colorado and four deputies They arrived at Granby about 10 oclock and found Hod son in his saloon The officers entered and called for two boltles of beer Hudson took the bottles from an ice chest and as he turned around Officer Stout covered him with a revolver and called upon him to submit to arrest Hudson with an oath caught the OS cars revolver with his left hand and struck him vicious blow with a beer bottle on the right eyev Hudson struggled desperately for the possession of the revolver and the officers were com peilel to shoot him Officer Babe dow fired the first shot and the ball struck Hudson in the head Stouts re volver was discharged in the struggle and the bnliet passed through Hudsons heart The officers carried him to the pavement and put him down dead This raornths the posse went to Neosho and gave themselves up to the Sheriff Hudsons career of crime began in Mississippi while he was yet a boy He killed a negro there and fled to Missouri About eignteen years ago he killed a German shoemaker at Granby and subsequently killed a deaf and dumb man who had knocked on his doof at night while drank In 183L at Granby he killed Tabor and Uoodykodntz the latter being the Postmaster at Granby The Potlofflee had been robbed and Goodykoontz attributed the crime to Hudson and Bdd Blunt Hudson killed Goodykoontz for charging the crime against him and he killed Tabor because the latter endeavored to prevent his killing Goodykoontz His next victim was Dr Howard of Joplrn whom he killed on tbe night of September 16 1SSS entire strength of that organization Will be utilized to help winr the fiebr The 700000 members oi the federation wOl be I asked to contribute money and to be vlgv Isnt In boycotunejCarnegie material and preventing workmen from coining to Homstead iJrompeT said to day Wet jhalt certainly leave nothing undone to bring vie lory to these gallant wort men Sunday was quiet both here and at Du quesne Battery wilt go home to morrow and the Tilth Regiment will 1 follow on Tuesday The Kilieentb and sixteenth regiments will be isit here The advisory committee to night gaveut that Workman Boiler receive a letter from Manager Potter stating that he would return the charge of murder would be wfthurawn and he would be given his Old position Outwardly tbe strikers are as firm as ever but many privately express a desire to return to work and say they are deterred only by tbe influence of the majority An attempt will be made to start the Duquene plant in the morning Tbe residents if Dnquesne are greatly excited to night and fear trouble AsaxaSD Wis1 August 7 AiliheJ rallies under tne control or me Wisconsin Central Railroad Company on the Gogebic range sve the Ashland mine closed down last night aid some 2900 men were tnrown out ot employment The shutdown is Indirectly attriouted to the Homestead strike No ore will be shinned ex cept from the Ashland mine until the Homestead matter Is settled BOTH IN GOOD TEIM CORBBTT AND SULLIVAN WORK IHG KABHESTLY Th California 5ow Has Two Trainers Snapper Garri sons Illness SPASMS ONCE AM A Pittsburg ITans Peculiar Malady i Hydrophobia in Recurrent Form Seven Strong Hen Barely Able to Control Him Dnrlnj an Attack HIS LAWFUL WIFE SEQUEL TO THE F00T BL00D DIVORCE CASE The Womans Hotter Says They Were Married Before tne Substitution The Pope Wilt Dispense With Bis Slimle Standing Army Rome August 7 One of the famous tights of the Eternal City which has furnished entertainment to thousands of Americana is about to disappear according to current reports The Swiss Guards which has seemed for so many years an lndispensible part of the Tapal household it is said is to be disbanded owing to the economical policy of tbe Vatican All impartial men will praise the efforts ef the Pope to reduce the expenses of his Jhousthold at thprasent time bat they will regret without exception the disappearance of the guards The discbarge of the Swiss too would add little money to tbe Papal treasury Since the eventful year ot 1570 they have numbered all told only about 100 men With the Nolle Gnarda they form the last remnant of the standing army subject to the Pope in the xlays of his undisputed sovereignty Their odd uniforms and medieval appearance tecail the days of plcturesqueness and variety now fast passing away Their duties it is true are purely honorary now tint they seem an indls ponsable appendage to the dignity or the TvllH Ih Mwt f3nrl fcllf rttfttt 1 riAtaMkt MAM VA pear from Europe almost th last relies Of ta titular President resides in Cartagena the mercenary troops once the standby of every eovereignand bow replaced by great regulararmies 11 i UPfilSIMd IK UOUVlA Prominent Men Banished and Uartlal law Proclaimed Kxw YoXK Aujrust The StraUt correspondent at Valparaiso cables the following Official telegrams hare been received at Santiago to the effect that General Comacho issued a pronuncia mento and atarted a revolution a Crura iBoliTla The Bolitiaa Coremment at once tootsteps to suppress the uprising Comachowastplaced under arrest Six teen deputies who were supposed to he in tivot qt Comachos movement were ar rested andtwilh their leader were de ported to the Chilean port of Antofigasta All the cltlea of the republic have teear declared UraHte of sieget and Coagress has been summoned to declare Baptists President Tneindians are supposed to nolo favor Work on the Panama Canal LoSDOXf August 7 The Standards Paris correspondent says Mr iloachlCcnrt liquidator of the Panama Canal Company his signed a convention with a syndicate of financier and the former Pans ma canal contractors to resume work oa the canaL It is rumored tnat no appeal will ba made to the pubic tor funds until the work Is well advanced 1 Don Carlos Yields Losdos August 7 Tha Paris eorre ssondentof the lime aajS Don Carlos has abandoned his opposition to the republic in deference to tbe Popes policy lie has published a letter announcing hat he will no longer maintain a representative In France 1 1 ltlllUrdtit Ire Beaten Paris Auirasti At theFolieS Bergere yesterday Ives played Cure a game of ISO up cushion caroms on eVen terms which the latter won hr Dve points Ives big gest break was ihirtytwo and Cures twenty stx Special Disvtch to the CaaOXmm Philabslf hia Anguat 7 The sensational divorce case of zra Park Foot of St Paul Minn against Florence Miams Blood his wife of this city which resulted two months ago in the sundering of their matrimonial bonds at Bed Wing Minn had a temarkaole sequel hereto day Foot who is the son ot Silas Foot a wealthy merchant of St Paul secured the divorce on the ground that his wife forced him to tattty her by procuring from Mrs Campbell in New York a baby which ahe fraudulently alleged was his own He forthwith married her in Cam den JK in December 18S9 Harry Blood father of the divorced Woman lives in Philadelphia and his wife to day told a story that may lead to the setting aside of the divorce She said It was in November 1857 that young Foot and my daughter who had been intimate for some months came to my house and said they had been married on Thsntlgirmg day For six months they lived with ns as man and wife and introduced one another aa such There was no shadow of doubt of the marital relitlon In the middle of 1639 Mrs Foot gbve birth to a boy during the absence ot her husbind in the West and although she Immediately communicated the fact to him she kept the bsbyoutof his view oh his return East The story ahe told was that the infant was tic It was la the tali Of this same year that my hnsbmd and I insisted that there should be a second marriage by a reputable minister This was the Cam den marriage It was not till almost a yar after this in tbe latter part of lSOO that Mrs Foot my daughter secured the Child from Mrs Campbell in New York She look it to her bus band and staid it was hit It is therefore plain that the two were man and wife long before one child was born in wedlock and before the Campbell bab was secured inNew York Why my daughter used tbe chll to deceive fier Husband I do not know but it was not to forca a xnarriatfet for the marriage faal at ready been performed A itftlfi tOR ItfcCOGtfmoi Ten Thousand West Virginia Itinera Affected br the Straggle Faumousx Va August 7 Three thousand miners In this portion Of the Monongahela valley and the Wheeling district will begin a strike tomorrow to force i recognition of tbetr labor organ tallon The operators throughout this section have made a hard fight against tbe labor union and they declare that they will dose their mines permanently if necessary to win the struggle Consider abfe dissatisfaction exists among tbe union miners of the Kanawha valley jsnt It is probable that the strike will spread to that secto when 10000 men will be at reeled 1 1 TWO BBOIMBXTS TO STAY Nearly All the Troops Be Id at Itemorpd Fffeta liomeitcad Hoxetxp August 3 AS result of tbe secret missron on which tsimuai uom pars president of the American Jedeu tion cf Labor has been in Homestead the CpeeUI ZHsoatcb to the CHiostcta Niw Yok August 7 Pugilist Jim Corbett who is in training at Loch Arbour JL for hts fight with John Sullivan has found it necessary to employ one more rainer 31m Daly wbff has heed Corbetta sparring partner found that the big Ciliiornlan was getting too much for htm alone and as Corbett must be worked very hsrd front now until the fight John ifcYey of Philadelphia is now present to assist him McVayisaglant Weighing 233 pounds and has no mean reputation a a wrestler and fighter MoVay will have a hard Set to with Corbett about four times a Week and Jim Daly tbe other three Corbett went through his regular routine training to dav at handball with Daly as his partner against Larry Ford and John Brogan in the morning which was followed by a run to Long Branch and return Then he went at bunching the bag in a ferocious manner andkept hammering it for an hour This after noon he again attacked the bag for an hour more John Sullivan is getting rid of his superfluous flesh rapdiy He was weighed 4 alter his Ubt miles to day and tipped the beanrat211K pounds and Wat feeling remarkably well He weighed 2HK pounds when he started out on the Walk It looks now as If he will have little trou ble in getting down td 205 pounds before he leaves for Sew Orleans Over fire hundred people visited tbe champion and looked him over carefalj Among them was a delegation from tbe Manhattan Athletic Clab On behalf ot the cherry diamond organizatiot Eugene Van chaicfc presented SuliiVan with a gold atop watch in recognition of his services as referee at the clubs recent boxing tourney Garriso is illness which seems to be far more serious than Was at first said to be tbe case will In all probability prevent him from ndmx Sir Walter and the loss of his services is a great misfortune to Dr knapp whose gams colt seems to hare come to an understanding with Snapper la the event of Garruon being prevented from riding Daggett will in all probability be given the mount whde Murphy will have leg np oa Montana in the Champion slakes which are worth over 16000 to the winner Choynslct Wants to Fight Daly Hew Yoee August 7 A London cable to a morning paper lays Parson Davies on behalf ot Cnoynskt ssys that he will match his man to fight eight three minute rounds with Jim Dily Cor bettt trainer who recently offered to fight FltzsimmoQs on September Sth the date intended for the FitzsimmOhs contest wuh OBrien MONETABY DELEGATES CHOSEN Representatives of the Cnlted States Plan of British Liberals Wash13GT05 August 7 The President has named the following delegate to the continental monetary conference Senators Allison of Iowa and and Jones of Nevada Representatives McCrear of Kentucky Frauds A Walker of Massachusetts and Henry Cannon of New York Mr Allison has been for many years a leading Senator the United Slates and for a long time was chairman of the Committee on Appropriations and a member of the Committee on Finance He is well informed on financial matters Ben la tor Jones Is also a leading member of tbe Finance Committee of the Senate and has given special study to the silver question He has been noted for his speeches on financial Isiues Mr McCreary is a member of the House of Beprtsentatives and wea formerly chairman ot the committee on Ofetgn Affairs Haintroduoed In the House the bill providing for the present International 1 monetary cooierence ana ess taaen spe cial interest in tne SQDject Air cannon ku for veara taken a leadlne part in finan cial operations In New Yorkv He Wjs formerly Controller of the Currency and iiihow President ot the Chase National Banc cf hew Yore city Mr Walker is a well known writer on economic questions He has been Superintendent of tae Census and Was a member of the international monetary conference held at Pans in 1878 He it pNUent of the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology president of tbe American Statistical Society and honorary fellow of the Boyai Statistical Society of London Lopoirr August 7 Tfc new Liberal Government is likely to add one delegate a prominent monometellist the delegation announced by Lord Balisbury vesterdayto represent Great Britain at the international monetary conference The appointments announced are considered unsittsfoctory SirW Houlds worthisatt ardent blmetaiiitt and Mr Carrie who is a member of tbe Council of India kIio Hs a leaning to bimetallism BlrC Fremantle was nominated solely I on account at his official position in the Mint and win taae no active part in tne conference Special lUpatch to the Chsocla PrxTssuaa Aujrust Every August for the last fourteen years Jobn Alles has wen seized with a violent attack of hydrophobia To day he suffered hit fourteenth attack and seven Strong men were insufficient to control him as he writhed In awful contortions Hs was taken tooths Homeopathic Hospital where he was witn great difflculiy strapped to a bed la few hours the paroxysms passed away and the unfortunate man practically regained his senses bat in a short time the trouble returned and lite to night Allei was sf fering from another but less violent at tack Alles is a member of a real estate and insurance firm on Fourth avenue His brother and partner In business Jacob Alles sntfereit from an attack of vfo eat dementia about year ago John Alles i27yersof aire FItteen years ago this month while playing at the corner of Fifth avenue and Dinwiddle etreet he was pounced upoubv bis doe Before he could etoaprthe dog tore a piece out of hi leit leg just above the knee The boy was laid up for several days with the wound hat it healed up and nothing was thought of it until a year afterward to a da when he became sick As the uay wore on he became excitable and feverish At 4 oclock the hour of the day when he had been bitten the year before he was seized witn a terrible spasm His mother ran to the boy bnt be did not recognize her and to her astonishment kicked and tried to bite Tier whenever she tried to hold him Every year afterward at the sime hour but not always tame day he suffered a 1 return the frightful malady and each time fully recovered within a few days As he grew to manhood the attacks became more violent and it required more force to control him but otherwise there was no change This afternoon while sitting in the rear office with his brother at their place of business the disease came on Its first indication was an outburst ot tears and rocking to and fro as if in an agony of grief His brother realized the truth in an instant and calling an officer and five other men they entered the room as with a howl dl rage the rabid man sprang at them Kearly everything breakable in the room was smashed to pieces before thev seven men could control rum the East ty the Government arrived here at 6 oclock and pulled out immeaiaietr At Council JIufia the train remained fortv minulas for lunch As soon as the irain stopped guards with loaded rifles appeared vn the pisiform of each car and no one was allowed to approach them Even the conductor and trainmen were compelled to keep At a distance until the train was ready to start 1 ITALlAS AND KSQBOE3 TIGHT A Lively Hace Conflict at Orange Hew Jersey ObasOxK August 7 A race war between negroes and Italians broke out here to night and one man was seriously stabbed and twenty others were Injured with Clubs brickbats and stones The row occurred on South street in a quarter wd eh is occupied by Italians and negroes About 600 men and women were engaged Stones bricks and other missiles flew thick and ny the time the police reserves arrived twenty persons war severely In inred Manuel rocker a negro nas a baa nife wound in the necic THE INMAN LINEBS QUESTION AS TO THE 0FHCKES ClTIZSHSHiP The Company Wants fo Betain Allen Employes Under Ameri can Registry GDAKDING TUB TKEASUKE TRAtX Armed Men on the Platforms at Eyery Stopptng Place Omaha August 7 The TJnion Pacific special carrying the 20005 000 gold coin being transferred fremSan Francisco to tfpeclat Dispatch to the Caaoxid WashWqms August An inUrett in question has been presented to the Treasury Department in regard to the steamships City of New York andCity of Paris the owners of which are preparing to have them documented as American vessels in accordance with the provisions of a special act of Congress granting them that privilege under certain conditions The steamship company is anxious to retain the present complement of officers of those vesstls most of whom however are of foreign nationality and in order to bring them within the law requiring vessels of the United Ststes to be officered exclusively by citizens of the United States the companies toolc steps to secure their Speedy natnralixstion Tbi bow ever ir a very slow process Tne officers in question have already taken out their first papers but have to serve out the fait probationary period before they can become full fledged citizens Leaving out of the question their ability to remain idle doriujr this period the company Itsotf is unwilling to sacrifice them for untried men of American citiz Slllp Accordingly as a lest cose an application was made to the Treasury Department for tbe retention of Captain Wstktns as master ot tue City of Paris during his probationary piriod oi naturalization Tfte Commissioner of Navigation to whom the matter Was referred replied that tne law was obligatory as to the citizenship of masters of Untied State vessels aud that such citizenship in the case ot an alien was not esublisned until he had fulfilled all the requirements of tne naturalisation Jaws Unless tms decision unreversed the steamship company will have Jo secure tew sets of officers for the two steamships Or 14e delay the documenting of the vessels under tbe United States Taw until the present officers can If gaily serve Whitfield Wilt Step Out Washisqtok August 7 Colonel A Whitfield First Assistant Postmaster General wilt shortly resign He has been elected vice president and director of the United Btates Postage Sump Belt very Ooftipany PILLAGE ATO WAR HUES OF DIRE DISTKESS ITAXGIEB Aim Tbe Saltans Tr oopi Drives Btafc Tdtvard 4he City Kefeel Hoors SreeUl cueatefc to the casaownttm Ti votes Anenst Three thouainJ natives have arrived from different parte 1 of the country to strengthen the imperial it army which is now encamped atScharef three quarters ot a mue xrominu city near tbe ocean The contingent aent front Fez brought two large field pieces wneh have been placed In position On the summit of two hdts commannibf the valley The firing continues Troops of soldiers are patrolling the Streets nlaht and day They seise upon truf able bodied Moor provide him with a gun and knapsack and march him to the camp The Khalifa has ordered all the native shopkeepers to pro ceed to the camp with their goods and buddIv the soldiers Mnlsl Amu the Saltans nhcle Is expected here every minute Detachments of the Government army are constantly entering tne town lor the purpose ot plundering As most of th police and able bodied mm an in tbe army small opposition is ottered Gre arrxletyand excitement are felt among the Europeans in this town Tfiey havebeen watching th operation ofthearmifs trora their housetops sad repart that the skirmishing continues unabated Great clouds of smoke art ris lag from the region beyond the hills where the ariiltery is placed and this indicates thst the Sultans men are Corning vife lages thatmight offer shelter to tbe em The tegular cavalry of the rebels is advancing rapidly LtTta A special Courier has jutt tr rttrm4 mn th fimtA ft rtnntit that tht lm eriallsts attacked the rebtU at 346 wiia iw men iojt nu 1 em Being about equatly divided The fighting it very fierre and dctcrmtfted on botn sides The Sultans lossea hare been very heavy from the start TUB TOTAO fcKa BTJgT CPSXT Disgraceful Kow oil a Columbian Celebration at Xtome Rostx Anut 7 Two hundred mem bers of tbe Clerical Association with bands playing and banners Dying marched in procession to day to tbe Prlndana Gardens to place a wreith upon a tnu of Christopuer Colo tubus A group Of Libefjlt carrying national fiaes tried to place themselves at the head at the Clericals wherenp a scaffli Vfcvuiivu i nuiw fruv uu9 n3 uiri turnea jue com Daunts were atspers by the police and some arrests were madeW i Xor4 Tennyson Birthday 3 Losnosfc August 1 Lord Tennyson cei ebrated his birthday yesteriay Here wired a number of congratulatory mee Sages from America A xreneb Dramatist Dead Losdox Atutut Tm diaih It am nounced of Adrian acourcelle a French dramatic author in his siity eUhth year I Death of a Leaalna Odd Fellow LocavtiLS August 7 William White aged A years grand secretary of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows died 1 here this morning of htmduease Vuveta makes the skin soft at vetvel sate brail druggists SO cents tot ftVwVwwVIwvVrt LAST WEEK it Red Utter Days nnizmmo fggBii lag a ffr7tsaac1vrsIiVSf 1 is iriSm HI en 1 11 7 ST ZIm gOLOlClt AKO gPlTOK DfcAD Gen era rfohn Tltison asses Away at Qntney lit Jnxtrr III August 7 General John Tillsou who was Colonel ot the Tenth Illinois Regiment and commander of a brigade in bhermihs march to the sea ana later editor nf the Qnincy tiTlfa died here last night General Tilljon wa verv prominent in Kepuoucan poimcs alts widow is a daughter of Governor Wood one of the early executives of the State Miita BaIbs warm tea wktef 715 tllbetf tixeet luce swtamlB tank Bet tubs SIX DAYS OF EXCEPTIONAL OFFERINGS IN FURNITURE This begins the fast week of the much talked about Red Letter Day sale AH the advantages which have been offered In furniture during the past week are now 80 well known that there is no need to say more Just bear this In mind if you need any furniture of any kind or are going to lathe next fewyears come in and look at what we offer and then at theRed tags and see the prices Vte have marked on them for these Red Letter Days Bed Room Sets I The same old story yes we know that but they are necessities and we Tant the whole world to know that there Is no place in theworldwheteyoucanpuya better bed room set for thtaame money for the same number of dollars than here And mark ou this never at quite the same advantage prices as now We have sold many bed room sets more than you could Imagine but we have this particular one to offer as a sort of an eclipse to all the previous ones Its not ontwhit better value than any of the previous ones its different thats alt different in quality Jifferentln design but just the same In point of price that Is just as much of a Red Letter Day reduction as Its predecessors if anything a little greater reduction Do you grasp the Ida of the detail of the goodtyslze and the charm of design Weve only the bare little picture to help us tell our story until you come and see it No finer pieces of oak ere ever cut than those employed in the building of this set For Tidiness of fibre and beauty of grain this wood Is simply beyond praise and the high polish which has been put upoji It has emphasized its thdrm to an exceptional degree In point of carving we can only say its the acme 0 good form The bureau is liberal In its dimensions three ample drawers and an ample top antfthe mirror beveled French plate as welL The washstand matches it well The price 1s petty thats the only word to express the figures weve put on this Red Letter Day revela tion Until Saturday evening then this price rules 14200 you must see It understand what a reduction that meant Theres a subject we havent touched upon yet and nevertheless its a very Important pne Hows youf hall furniture If the doorway to vourhome vou know and first Impressions mean a eobdtfeaL Now we can help you greatly in making thattmpressiort a good one Weve picked out a number of really rare articles In hall furniture and put them among the Red Letter lots and we want yoi to see them They are out of the common and the prices on them are really remarkable Hall stands and hat racks hall tables hall chests and hall chairs these are all essentials to a well furnished hail and the probabilities are you arc lacking in one or mc rc of them SO just come and see whatwe are offering you thats all we want Heres a bookcase that wuTdeiightthe heart of the librarian or anyoneln fact who loves books of any kind and particularly ofhlmwho fovea to keep them in good tonditlon The oak Its built of quarter sawed showing the Ah grain to perfection It has two drawers of convenient size for manuscripts or papers cf reference a cupboard for folios uncommon size Or to hold prints to safely and suchample shelf room Then theres apretty French plate mirror in the attractive llttlerecess al the top a pretty place for a stray took and a bunch of flow ers Remember you an buy bookcases so low that it would bUSeleSS td quote the prices Yoti wouldnt believe ItuntU you saw for yourself mask jBiSSfc JsySaturday Is the Last Bed Letter Day CALIFORNIA FDRMITORE COMPAKT rVtmfVwVHH11 117 123 GEAHY STREET KrVCOLfi tf XXX 4.

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