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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 9

San Francisco, California
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iWiiWWPf 1fflfv Bjwvr Twi Fi fJUtii iy 4 4f lit is yoe cm LEflhU HMK tftma 1 I 0 8M iRNOJSCOf OLM I0A NPPMBERr Sli 10I3i TiO 130 i eir KH iff TM 0 vvi VR sir riaMetsaeoKe at mat jaa 0 oo na inee Cap and Ms C3 Two Plays The Represeritatlyes otThlrty Threev Counties Organize at Big Rally at Marysyife GOOfrtOCOME fefeTH Business Menof Northern and CentralhCalifprnla Will Wbrfci Hard op bevejbmehti I III Hit Tty WILLIAM JACOBS lcll DjapatctMO tbecronlcia MXRTSYIliiiNovamher 80 XJt chambers of I commerce anoTtV ooarflf trMe of tnlrty three California counties north of tho Tehaohapt gathered In the lodgeroom of thou Elks building here this afternoon and organised what will no doubt be known as tbe Northern California Development lioage At thla stage of tho oonveVtioto thin brand now organisation has note boon Officially ohrlstened but regardless of the title that may be selected the gftnulno enthusiasm displayed by the delegates during Me initial business session spoke a whole library of volumes for the good that must oom to Northern California through its Inception The reason why the convention was ailed and Its object wore explained mot eloquently by Frank Stern of Eureka a member of the Statu Board of JBduoatlon Stern who was called upon by ITosterj acting chairman of the mooting an president of tne Marysville Chamber of Commerce dot dared thai after twenty yare of Inactivity the time has arrived for the business men of Northern and Central California to discuss and solve the business problems that oonfronted tholr sections of the State and to dot aa a unit for the general development of the seoyon in question He ol tod the progress of southern Calif ornla as example of whaf oani be aoopmpllshed through rganled development worlc meanwhile oomparlng the natural aouroos1 of the north and south HOltlll SEICKEnj ARE NKEDBU Wa ned visitors and1 we need home seekers In Northern and Central California Stern said Naturally we xpect greait numbers of vialtora In 1815 Down south the boosters have long since had their publicity campaign under way If these expected visitors and home seekers are to make a choice between us and the south It is up to us to let the whole waiting world know what we in the north have In store for them and we oannot afford to lose any more time about it Following Sterns Opening address nominations were in oraer lor wie ouioe of temporary chairman Charles Dunton of El Dorado who was nominated by Wilson of Humboldt was the unanimous choice of the convention It Brown of Santa Rosa and manager of the Land Show re oently held in San Francisco was unanimously elooted temporary secre tary He was nominated by A A Den laon secretary of the Oakland Chanv ber of Commerce Chairman Dunton made a brief In atallatlon Kpeeoh which he brought to a clos In saying all of us well know the work that lies before us and It now beeoiriea oui duty to thresh out such plajsa wlir let tne world Know aUOutNflrlberni and Central Callfornlav DsANfilJNT ADVICE jkDeBiiylionias Hunt of thi State IRjlego of AgtlOuWiira was the next xpeakeo and ln addreaa on CaliforniaCalifornia and the immigrant declared that Mo State Bhouldi waste no tlmevlro preparing for aniimmense Immigrant populationpopulation expected with the opening of the Panamiv canal Dean Hunt had two ooncrete sug otlon to mWe to the Infant orsran izHtlon rolatlve to tlio Immigrant and tlif wiiii In Mioro for the league I inili ilpt ndvlao Hunt said thHt vmi start a movement toward necurlng it 1b rate from ports In Southern ICurope to any point In Call fornla and to make arrangements for their oounl dlatrfbutlon throughout the Stat Next want to suggest the estn blinlimint of a atrlng of authorised HKem lit wlieie tho Immigrant home leeltir may lern of the SOU characteristics and peculiarities In tho different Toulon Colonel John irisn or uaxiano iot thirty yeara a member of the California Development Board oommended tho spirit displayed by tho delegates to the convention but foared that in Its organisation It proposed to do certain work that overlapped and duplicated the work of other organliations alroady in the field The Colonel contendedcontended that progress in California was jiotoonflnod solely to the southi and called to mind the growth liv popula tlom and wealth of San Franoieco In tho last seven years NORTH HAS PROSPERED Aooordlng to Irish the northern part of the State has proapered proportionately with the southern end of It Right here it became evident that there was to be some opposition to the organixatlon of the new development league for the Colonels views were loudly applauded from the rear part of the room Opposition was expected however principally from some of the delegates affiliated with the Saoramento Valley Development Association but It did Tot make Itself evident at the afternoon session Mrs David Powell on behalf of the Marysvllie women told the convention that the women of this city were quite to accord with the northern oountles movement and would be glad of any chinoe to co operate In the work before the league Mrs Powell was followed by Clarence Kdwords of San Francisco who spoke on the right kind of oommunity advertising In place of William Wood head president of the Assoolated Advertising Clubs of America Edwords prefaoed his remarks with a statement to the effect that a recent communication sent out by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce In which the Northern Counties Development Idea was condemned did notvoloe the sentiments of the San Franolsoo business men nor the sentiments of several San Franolsoo commercial bodlas with which he wa identified The afternoon session was brought to a olois with the chairmans election of a committee on organisation and resolutions and the credentials committee He appointed the follow Organixatlon and resolutions Wilson of Humboldt Ayres of rsairFrarotscorAv A Dsnlson ot Oak land Phillips of Sacramento Judge tsisssssssksi TISZ WWsf tLKmL BSMjslJSJfc fisBBBB SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSFleisWBnffff I lsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssflssssssssssssssss fit im LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHsKsBBKesiBHl IIsbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB Mk fTXBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKA BBBBBBBBkBJBSSSSSpV lAP sT ft A HlHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHF 791ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssmVfssKillV I sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB 44issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH WsIbbbbbB i 1 I IslllllllVJslssssssssssRllMiillWsPljsssssssssssssssssasV Vrf alssssssssssFisssssssssjf rtKg JTaBfBP SJsxsssssssssMISitvi ti Trt51 i A sBlwiHRyS iCwrIBP PH i mf 1igy fa T11Trr rT sHHHHHlllllllV ssssssssTTTIsllllWIi i IT vTTi ri sllslllllllllllllllllsls sT ITT tfm i ft 1 1 il sKsHsM sMfcislM tv I i KBbssVbsssssssssssssssHLT i TsllreiMflSri fssisifoSsISS V4BFssssssssssssIr ST YSH Sl nSsteli WMN sssssssVisssaisllllHsWllxl fA ki OislsssBlsM HIlsVssMsskaVl sssssssbjJPssssssssssssssssssbsR ietAvsVesssssssssBBF7SLlBsKpBSsssssssssrBV4UBr sisssssssWbsssssssssssssssssssb9v s2LnP I JssSSSSsMSSSsWsSSSSSsKtW SBsHBJsalBBBBBBBBV yjhfkasssssssssBssssf sBn ibW bsbsssssBP5fS5 sssss vjr sJY IX fivJ a MVViSsssssjy W3M Love Is the Motif WSffe of Each M2xVii Xi Srf NJAMC Tenie 1 1 1 nil i I I 1 1 in I I 1 1 ti Ull I 1 1 1 HI I las 1 1 1 1 I I Vr Paok ofiLakowood asjpresldent TJ 4tA tlA to suooeed hlmeelfj Mrs Bmmons EVeryDOQlrin LOUriJ Crocker Fitnhhuror Mass vloe oresl deatjN CMcLoud Washington Di Standing left to right Leo CooDer Mrs Walter Stevens Mrs Richard Rees Mrs Ella Sexton Sitting left to right Mr Arthur Crynnrand Mrs Oscar Jaspar Jr Lorver picture lejt to right Mrs Louise Drev Coutherie and Mrs Lda Powell Carlln of Tuba Graves of trelta Donohue of Willows lit IX Goodwlw of Rodding and1 Morris BrOok of theeJaoraniontot Valley Asso Qlatlon sv Brodentlals ic Flley Sata Rosa Storn Humboldt Smith Tehama George Netlengi Shasta IS ID Westergreon Solano Glenn Andrus Sacramento Brown San Mateo and Ben Blow Napa aoVlJillXOIl 40HNON SPHAKS After the appointment of the oom mltteo an adjournment wiui taken until this evening when Governor Johnson addressed the delegates In the opera nouso Tho Governor arrlveo1ate In the afternoon aooompanlojMfy Colonel Frank Snook and Snbok of Sacra mento In his epoeoh heartily approved tho organlsatlojiSf the Northeru Counties League deolarlng that If the northern part of tho State Is to blossom as it should tho counties In quest of greater development must work in unlsoa and without bickerings and petty squabbles i At the oonoluslon of the Governors address Congressman John Raker father of the HetchHetchy bJU was called from the body of the house to the stage He was strongly In favor of the leagues organisation and wished the1 delegates every success The ohatr men called for reports from oommlt teesi but when the oommlttees failed to respond beoauso of lack of time In whioh to complete their work business for the day was1 deolared at an end The oonventlon will meet again at 10 tomorrow morning Among some of the prominent dele gales In attendance here are Carmichaol president of the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce Judah and James OGara of the Southern Pacific A Fletoher of Sacramento Richard Collins of Saora mento member of the State Board of Equalization Miller fecretary of the Sacramento Valley Development Association and Dudley Saeltser president of the Three States Good Roads Association ARMlFRFnS i ll Ik wi I VI llaaVV1 I Production Recalcitrant Navajos Believed to Be Weakening in Their Desire for Vengeance FARMINOTON November 20 Continued rain for twenty four hours had rendered the position of the recalcitrant Navajo Indians encamped on Beautiful Mountain near the Ship rock agency very trying today and had oooled materially the ardor of I their sympathizers These conditions I gave encouragement to agenoy offl clals who have been fcylnif tc seoure a settlement without oodTSedT Th hope was expressed tfilay that continued unfavorable weather would cause the Indians to weaken In their avowed determination to flglit If any attempt was made to capture the seven braves wanted by tn United States Coyrt In New Mexico Another hopeful sign was the action of one of tho accused Indians today In surrendering to Indian Agent Shelton at Shlproslc The brave was oonflned In the oounty Jail awlting orders from United States Marshal A Hudspeth at Santa That orfer will be restored and the nrasant dlf hferenoes adjusted with little If any actual reslstanoe was the opinion expressed today by Agent Shelton THIS COU3VTT NOT nEPRESBWTED The failure of San Franolsoo city and county to be represented at the oonferenoe is due to the failure of the Board of Supervisors to appropriate sufficient money to oover the expenses of a delegation At last Mondays meet ing of the Board Supervisor Emmet Hayden called attention to the lnvlta tlon to participate and the Board agreed that San Franolsoo should be represented Supervisors Hay den Bancroft Koahland and Glannlnl expressed a wUUngneH to attend and they were named as the official delegation But when it came to a question of making an appropriation to oover the delegations expenses the Board suddenly lost Interest and declined to spend money for that purpose With no expense money forthcoming tho delega te tlonv also lost Interest and decided not to delegate I I OBomxx osaxss ato ouvt cxrotmo KOYTJTjra 1STH TO I0TH i adneedf rootd trip tickets rla Sentxers Ficiocvrrooi sis rraaaiiee oaklaadl Alrmia nWirulS4lIiClftxii Bikerrtild Saa ion utiupi ma points Between Oat lale Hev SM to sots Uetam Umlt Swr 84 AdT VENERABLE peiest has PASSED INTO HIS BEST Father Governo of Centerrilla Diei in Oakland Hospital Rev Di Governo for mallr rears pastor of the Portuguese parish of Cen terville In Alamedaoountyi died at the Provldenoe Hospital Oakland yester uy ai noon In the early days of C1ttfnnnti Father Governo was placed In oharge of the Portuguese settlement in Center ville where the first Portuguese settlers eame In larg numbers While a man of simple ways he was of scholarly attainments and a linguist His loss iwlll be greatly deplored not only In the parish whioh he ministered so faithfully and whioh embraced Center vllle Alvarado Newark Deooto but among the Portuguese oolony In Central California The funeral services will be held at Centervllle next Tuesdays Bishop Hanna will preside Jttli Bjkmeyri petltloa la banfrsptor waa aied In tbe trnlted States DIs tFlot Courts yitMilav VSPE fraselaee wltb llabilltlw of ftbat tie Paolfjc PrsTikt tod TraMportatloi Oomeany be aitjacred a tirinkrupt 9Bfli7 Undauer OLear an Aa WUUaBSNk Situation in Strindbert Tho Stronger Demonstrates the Strength of Silenoe THE Cap and Bolls Club yesterday afternoon entertoned with Its drama section presenting two Plays In the auditorium at 4S0 Mason street Strlndbergs The Stronger as a ourtInf raiser andf An Intimate Ao lqualn tones as the feature Of thebro gramme The Strlndberg play was substituted at tho last moment for Peggys ideal and while the mombers and gucstB of tne ciuo logrolled 1oggy and lierXdeal in the charming persons of Miss Mae OKeoffo and Foster Krake Tney re Karded the prenencci of Mrs Lyd Powell and Mrs Louise Draw Coutherie In the eluildittlon of the question as to which was the stronger of the two women as an unusual and notable incident in the drama records of the season The play presents the striking situation of two parts one of which is perfectly sllont the woman who has stolen the affections of another womans husband listening to a torrent of accusation without response And though tho accuser asserts that she herself is tho stronger because she has only been taught to love her husband the more the audience Is left to be IJeve that the silent one demonstrates the greater fortitude Mrs Lyda Powell who had the speaking part gavs a performance that was a work of art from both the emotional and the technical viewpoint and by attitude gesture and facial expression Mrs Loulso Drew Coutherle gave as faithful and dramatlo interpretation of the wordless jarfc Leo Cooper was warmly congratulated on the auooess of An Intimate Acquaintance the participants In wniobi snowed the result or tils exoel lent training and the stage business progressing with the precision and swlftnoss of professional direction Mrs Oscar Wood Jaspar Jr who took the leading role not only acted the part of a beautiful young society woman but looked It her face and gowns being pronounced altogether ravishing by an audlenoe that has become discriminating In the matter of olub dramatics Mrs Arthur Gwynn as the Intimate acquaintance played a character part with charming graoe making a young Woman who forces hep presence on another young woman in the throes of considering a proposal an annoying but most picturesque intruder Though Mrs Walter Stevens as the girl who steals ifnother girli lover sobs convincingly during the repent ance scene she omitted to make good the theft Mrs Ella Sexton and Mrs Rlohard Rees as the mother and the maid respectively assisted materially In the development of the plot A group of songs by Foster Krake formed a charming interlude between the two productions The president of the olub Mrs Coiburn was assisted In receiving the guests by Mrs Daniel Patterson chairman of the reception committee and Mrs Thomas Morflew chairman of the hospitality committee West andSduth Fight Resolutions Approving Federal Control of Water Power ARKANSAS MEN BOLT States Rights Delegates Will Makeitffort toArrangef ojt Another Convention WASHTNQTbN NoYSWbor 10Mo nopollstlo control of water power la private hands was denounced with a deolaratlon that no water power rights owned by the publlo orer should be removed frofn publlo ownership by the national Conservation Congroasi which ladjourned here late today When an amendment to the resolution by Fin chot had been read JnefCeotlve efforts Jwers madO to rule It out of orderi Representative Burnett moved to amend1 it by Inserting state oontrol wherever pubilo oontrol appeared It was upon these motions that the con vention was brought to a stormy on max and at one time some of Pin chots friends Including the president of the congress urged him to consent to an adjournment Motions to adjourn were made before the final roll calls but were hooted down by the oonventlon Efforts of the Arkansas delegation headed by Walter Powell of Little Rook which bolted the congress yes terday to spread the revolt against tho Federal control element failed today but another effort to have state rights delegates meet with the Arkansas faoHon will be made tomorrow If there Is any response to the Arkansas appeal plans for another conservation oongross will be made The majority of the delegates however left Washington tonight CLIMAX OF THE FIGHT The climax of the water power fight whitthi had nirllatnri tnnirrefle fti RAVAral days oamei after the Committee on Res oiutions to winch had been referred divergent reports from the Waterways Committee submitted that the matter had been taken from Its hands by actionaction of the oonventlon yesterday In adoptinggeneral principles upon which the Waterways Committee agroed No mention of the majority or minority reports which differed as to State and Federal control of water power projects was mail In the report of the Resolutions Committee to the convention When the report had been read Glf ford Plnchot former Chief Forester of the United States and father of the minority waterways report in the Congress moved as an amendment to the report a declaration of principles on waterway oontrol similar to the Ideas In the minority report signed by hlm solf former Secretary of War Henry Stlmson and Joseph Teal of Oregon This amendment was adopted by a vote of 817 to 6 after one offered bv Representative Burnett of Alabama wnicn injected into tne resolution the matter of state control of waterway projects had been defeated 378 to 132 SOUTH AM WEST OBJECT The Plnchot amendment which waa approved after repeated attempts to aajourn naa ueen made by somo Southern and Western delegates declared that monopolistic control of water power In private hands was Increasing In the United States far more rapidly than publlo control thereof and that ihvi easing oouoemrauon ox water power ln some handwas aoooniDanled by growing oontijoi over the power oon suming agenoles the publlo service oompanlesi of the country It con tinued Wliertls This pentfnLrifnn 1 fotl 4 tu tbe past by outneut grants of public powers lo perpetuity will IntTitabl remit in a 111SU17 luvuuiwmug souu oi 91 mttQuaaicfti powers them fore tie It KeeolTed Tba we recognise tbe firm tod ef feullve public oontrol of water power oorpori Uoeik afl a prfissing and Immedlato necessity urgently required In the pulillc Interest that we recocnuw tuere Is no remriliit so eownletfi effective and permtnsnt sm that wblcb cooies from firmly Intrenched public ownership of tbe power site and tbtt It la the solemn ludimont ut the dftb National Conservation Conaress tost lioreifter no water power now owned or controlled br the oiihllft should he inM ntbi Wen away In perpetuity or In any manner ra iiiuvu ti viu inn iuuii owuersnip wnicn aloflo can site sound basis of sutured and uermsaent control In tbe Interest of the people The congress elected Charles Lathrop rooordlnr sedretary Dr Hsnry 8 Drinkeri South Bethlehem Pa treas urejr and Thomas Shlpp Indlanap ollsi oorrespondlns secretary fleoretary tAne addressing the con gress today urged Government ownership of railways In Alaska and pre dieted wonderful development there Instead of giving land grants In Alaska to railroad oompanies to build the railroads said Seoretary Lane rth Government ought to build the railroads and we as the aovernmeni should take the land grants to our selves i THOMAS PtlDAJf DIES AT CARMEL Special Dtspitob to tbe Chronicle PACIFIC GROVH November 80 iThomasPudan for thlrtyfive years a trtisldmploye ofr the Southern Ra1 cllloi Railroad Comrftny died Tuesday at hshome Ini Carml by tlie 8eai He i wasi native of England aged 7 3 year Smiles Except Lyman LOU ANGICLKS November 20 Bv erybody In Panama knew tho Panama development Company didnt hav any land The company was a laughing stock down there When Hernando ds la Ouardla for msrlv nreafdent sf the now defunct Panama Development Company gave mat testimony in the united btat as Dlstrlot Court today everybody smiled exoept Dr John Grant Lyman the Panama land promoter whose trial on charges of having used the malls to defraud was In progress i WIIITFIKLR HELD FOR TRIAL SANTA ROSA November SO Joe Iwhltfleld was held to answer by Jus tioe A Atohlson at his preliminary jexsnilnatlon and will appear shortly jln the Superior Clourtf omthe chargeof maintaining illicit relations with a glrV ot tenaerv years jnoi girn wepi oti tne witness stand andf admitted tho relations The New Era League wM hold Its Freguiar monthly lunoheon today at the aiace notei at a ooiook and the menu wlllbe followed by en address by Frank Develaroof Vallejo om ConstructiveConstructive Politics and the Rimiriv1 John JlranclaNayJand a member of tne Board of control wills speak on the work of that organltatlon DONT dope a pony child Parentsdont give that puny all isundrrWoight child any of thoso so oalied tonics contalnlna alcohol or dangerous drugs suoh stuff wontl give reuei ana neaitn to grown people let alone children Its purpose Is to stlniuUto fOr a short time after each dse Just ajwhljiky or morpliino does thus making you bolieve it Is doing real good Give that ohlld something that will really build It up replenish the wasted tissues feed the stunted dwarfed puny muscles make It lively strong well full of the animal spirits children are meant by nature to have Give It Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion Is wholesome nourishing free from alcohol and dangerous drugs Its the Ideal nerve blood and body builder It does the work It Is planned to do better than any other medicine we know of and our faith In It Is so groat that we not only urge you to use It and give It to your children but we guarantee that it will do all we say It will or oost you nothing Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion should be given to children who catch cold easi ly Begin right now and use It to build up the ohllds system to such strong health that It can resist oolds croup grippe bronchitis catarrh pneumonia and other cold weather diseases You who are weak and run down and you who are well now but are liable to i suffer from various cold weather all iments use Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to get and Keep well and strong For the tired out run down nervous ema ciatea or aeouitaioa tne convalescing growing ohlldren ayied people It Is a sensible aid to renewed strength better spirits glowing health Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion king of the celebrated Rexall Remedies Is for freedom from sickness of you and your family TouU be as enthuslsstlo about It vi are when you have noted Its pleasant taste Its strengthening Invigorating bulldlng up disease preventingpreventing effects It It does not help you your money will be given baok to you without argument Sold irr this oommunity only at our store The Rexall Store one of more than 1000 leading dr ug stores lfl the United 8tatesr Gan ada and Great Britain The Owl Dtugl company For a Purpose s3 o6ts have their thou shafts and their thou shah nots quite as much as Suits and Hats Shirts and Cravats Regal Shoes being Shoes For A Purpose chime with the hour and chum with the occasion from daybreak to sundown and from nightfall to bed Astor Button Top Walking Boot 4 A style that never seems to lapse in favor because it is simple smart and serviceable made of sturdy Black Kinp Calf medium narrow slender taperine toe close trimmed sole arched shank military heel six buttons and silk sewed buttonholes a jeneral utility shoe that belongs in every Well rounded boot kit Also procurable in Russet Calf or Patent Leather Exclusive Custom Styles 4 to 5 REGAL SHOE COMPANY MENS AND WOMENS SHOES 772 Market St Phelan Bldg Also 1426 28 San Pablo Ave Oakland What the New York Sunsays of TEMBAROM Mrs Burnetts New Novel In these days of intense earnestness when the disagreeable things and the horrors that may occur in life are flung in our faces as the only matters worthy of attention whereveswe turn for recreation it is comfort and a relief to come upon a story that is so uniformly cheerful amusing and in its essentials true to life as Mrs Frances Hodgson Burnetts Tembarom a story moreover written with greater charm and skill we venture to say than the experienced author has ever shown At all booksellers 1140 net postage 13 cents THE CENTURY CO Want Ads It yon cannot come to the office of The Chronicle Ton can leare jour Classified Ad at any of tho following Stations 1714 FILLMORE STREET at Post Street 3264 TWENTY SECOND STREET at Mission Street 1467 HAIGHT STREET at Ashbury WAIBELS 1515 POLK STREET at Sacramento LATHAMS 1303 POLK STREET at Bush SHAPROS 4411 CALIFORNIA STREET at 6th Avenue PAVENPORTS 304 SIXTH AVENUE at Clement STADLERS 2101 FILLMORE STREET at California HARRY COHEN 3096 SIXTEENTH STREET at Mission GEISSMANS 2290 MARKET STREET at Noe DONAHUES 661 HAYES at Octavia GREENINGERS 83eDIVISADERO at McAllister PRICE OAKLAND 1462 Broadway BERKELEY 2029 Shattuck Avenue ALAMEDA 1306 ParkrStreet SAN RAFAEL 805 Fourth Street 1 IM i I iJ ii VI JE3 ijjj uJa.

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