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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 21

San Francisco, California
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vfli SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE SUNDAY AUGUST 1008 vV 4 1 31 I bOvlhlid Lady Teazle Coatlsmesl frm Prediag Vigt irothr lw and sister Mr and Mn tiarold Dillingham In Honolulu Aftef jhe wsddlns of MI Gertrude Hyde ralth and Baldwin Wood In October airs Hyd Smlth will probably go to trie inlands Mr a short atay Mr and Mm Laurenrn Scott who have been touring through the Tahoe fcountry In their automobile will return to their noma thla week Lieutenant Colonel Lincoln Karmany tnlted States marine corps commanding officer of the marina barracki at Mara Island has cone East on a thirty iaya leave Colonel Karmany will Irave shortly for a new atatlon In tha Philippine I Mr and Mrs Pafry Syr and their Daughter Mt E1B4 who have been traveling In Europe for the pat elz montha wilt leave for1 home In a coupla pt weeki expecting to reach her In October Mr and Mr Llvermore with helr daughter Mlaa Elizabeth Liver pore contemplate leaving for Europe fhortly whera they will Join Mlaa JSdlth and Mia Mattl Llvermore who have been living abroad for the laat fhree year I Mr Arthur Dodd was the hoatei laat week at a card party In honor of Mr Charle Fo who arrived recently from the Eaat to Join her hua band Captain Fox who I In com mand of th South Dakota Bridge fur lined the diversion of the afternoon nd th Dodd home was charmingly decorated for the occasion Mr and Mr I Goodman announce the engagement of their daughter Stella to Chapman do Wolfe of Philadelphia They will be at home to their friends Thursday August Uth at 102S Washington street Smsr Mrs Vlneendon Cottman wlf of Captain Cottman of the California entertained recently at a large card party aboard the California in honor of her gueat Mr Schwerln who spent several day at the navy yard Mr William Porter was also entertained hy Mr Cottman at her home at Mar Inland Among thoe who motored down for the week end at Del Monte were Mr and Mr Robert Coleman of Bur llngarne who brought with them Mr and Mr Ueorg a Aimer NewhalL Mr Henry 8teven Klerated who wa re lently the house guest of the Coleman cam over from the Prealdlo of Monterey and wa with them at the hotel during the greater part of their atay Mr and Mrs Horace Davl Pillsbury nre anujng those who are apendlng the fummMt Del Monte and Mrs Samuel iKnlght was also down last week with llier friends Mrs Charles Hooker jMlis Jennie Hooker and Mrs Oeorge Ih Lent Mr Swlnburn who has been San Francisco for the past week a Ith guest of the Cuyler Lees has fa jturned to Del Monte Mrs Swlnburn will go to Honolulu the latter part of the month to join her husband Admiral Swlnburn who I in command of th raclflc fleet Mrs Emll iBrugulere who la at present living at iJel Monti contemplates accompanying Mrs Swlnburn Mr Peter of Stockton and her daughter Mis Anna Peters are at Del Monte for a months visit and will be Joined in a day or two by Mr Six who waa Mis Genevieve Peter A Jolly automobile party that arrived Det Monte on Saturday to spend th week end included Captain McKln try Simpson Selby and Eugene Murphy Mr Clay who with Mlsa Madeline Clay and Mlsa Harrold have been enjoying a motor trip through the southern part of the State In Mrs Claya new limousine were at Del llonte for a couple of day recently Thomas Lyon Mis Lyon am Mlsa Dlckeinann of Chicago reached Det Monte last Thursday and were Joined next day by Mrs Thomas TC Lyon Mr and Mrs John Gary and Master Kellogg Gary who made the trip up from Pasadena in an automobile Other whs motored to Del Monte Hit week were Booth wh brought with him Mr and Mr 8 Booth of Chicago Mr and Mrs A Beadle and Mr and Mr Adams whe made the trip from San Franclacoj Mr and Mr Bjrron Mauxy and Mis Marjorie Mauly who also came down from the city for a few days stay at th hotel Mr and Mr Walcottj and Van Walcott of Berkeley who were accompanied by Mr and Mrs Carter and Brace Carter of Lo Angtlea Mr and Mr William Ed Mr Catherine Ede Dr A RoweH Mr and Mrs Bartlett and Ml Van Guedepe i Mr and Mr James King Steel and It Campbell Shorb pnt the wk end at Det Mont Mr Robert Herrtck wife of Pro for Merrick of the University of Chicago who tame out to take charge of the department of economic at the summer school at Berkeley were at Det Monte for a fv daye lat week having accompanied Mr A Mirier of Berkeley ftlchard Hotallng and Dudley Sale were at Del Mont for a few ilaya laat week A party of Lo Angele poI wh mad th jrlp Det Monte from the outre fcy automobile comprise Mr it Mr Dan Murphy Mr Mrfc tt1 Ilotterhoft and Mil Sue 8lnndtt tr and Mr A Hornby Ml Jt Hornby and Hornby of Redland are making their third vlltr of tfte ummer to DeJMonte andhaveho included tormalitltI after the do hoV and Wolf tournament which are scheduled for th latter part of thl Tnonth HTMHK KJKInf ipnl lnfWM fr at Det MntHiimer6vMrHmr King wbe 1 camping Tosetafl valley Is expected at the hotel later for an Indefinite stay Mr and Mn Downey and Mr and Mrs Warton motored down to Del Monte early 1n the week for a short stay Mr Roas Miss Emily Daniel and Miss A Tllllngkaat of Prsscott A were recent visitor at Del Monte Cyrus 8 Long vai at Del Monte for a few days last week Mr Long la from Oreensburg Pa and is the father of Captain Edwin Long United State Army who married Mlsa Georglne Shepard Mlsa Patricia Cosgrave who has been visiting friends In town Is again with Mrs MaurU Casey at her home at Ross Mr Covington Prtgle pent a few day of last week In town Mr Windham Carey of San An elmo entertained at Uneheon on Tueaday In honor of Mra Emery Win hlp Among the guest were Mra Wlnshlp Mr Clarence Kolll Mis Ethel Tompkins Miss Patricia Co grave and Mr Latham McMullln I Social Events I of the Week 0evC One of the pleasant social events of the week was the luncheon given at the Fairmont Hotel yesterday afternoon by Mrs Edmund Mould Cleveland Whitney of I Monte Vlsta avenue Oakland Covers were laid for nine The table were cozlly arranged at the northeast end nt the main din room where the guests could en the fine view of the bay Dainty and appropriate flowers were uaed for the table decorations After the luncheon the guests were given an automobile ride In Golden Oafi Park Mrs Whitneys guests were Mrs Robert Coleman Mrs Walter de Martini Mrs A MiEwen Mrs Frohman Mrs Robert Lovlck Mrs Arthur Whftney Helen Jacobl and Mlsa Edith Boronlo te A beautiful and simple midsummer wedding occurred on Thursday August 6th at high noon at the country home of the Keystone Wood side when Jane Garton Kevston their only daughter rfnd George Herbert Arthur were united In marriage by Rev Dr Pond The ceremony was performed under a rand old oak tree with masse of delicate pink and bluo hydrangeas forming the background and the marriage bell Th bride lovely In her white gown and veil was followed by her two attendants Miss Arthur and Miss Florence Morsn both In pale blue chiffon The groom was attended by Elmer Bosart Only relativra of the two families were preaent numbering about forty Mrs Arthur Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Jame Keyaton of San Francisco Mr Arthur son of Mr and Mrs James Arthur and a graduate the University of California Is a rising young business man of this city After their honeymoon the young couple will return to San Francisco to the attractive home built by the groom Mrs Stanley White Marshead with her son Stuart is enjoving the beau lea of Lake Tahoe at Tallac The wedding of Mlsa Rehecea Goldstein and William Altman will take place this afternoon at 210 The bride will wear a tailored traveling gown ad will be attended by the Misses nnle and Jessie Goldstein a brides maid Benjamin Altman a brother of the groom wilt be bt man Th bride 1 the daughter of a prominent business man of Mendon Nev received her education In Virginia City and ha marked musical talent The groom Is a brother of School Director Altman and ha been curator al the Park Memorial Museum for the laat eight year where his artistic ability has been manifested In the arrangement of the numerous exhibits Invitation hale been Issued for about sixty guests at the ceremony and the banquet which will follow After a honeymoon trip to Tahoe Mr Altman and his bride will make their home In this city at 533 Sutter street Miss Eugenie Ferris has arrived from New York and la visiting her mother at 5194 Vincent treet Oak land Mr and Mrs Charle Colton of 142 Oak street have recalled the Invitations for their reception which was to have been held on Sunday August 9th The wedding of Ml Elisabeth Stevenson and Ralph Bundlnl took place Tuesday evening August 4th at the home of the brides sister Mrs Paul Downing The bride la th youngest daughter of Mr 8tvenon avd the late RUhard Stevenson for many year a prominent official of the Southern Pacific Company Mr Bandtnl 1 a member of the old California Banrlln family and la practicing law In Lo Angtles Mr and Mrs Bandlnl will make their home In Pasadena Mr and Mr Joseph Rothschild celebrated the first anniversary of their wedding laat Saturday evening at their apartment at th Hotel Majestic Among tha guest were Dr and Mrs Tauber Mr and Mrs Bean Greenhoqd Mr and Mrs Alexander Mrs Rothschild Mr and Mra Schoenfeld Mr and Mrs WillardMrs I Browrnstone Monroe Rothschild and Maax Goldsmith Mr and Mrs Hartwlg Traube celebrated the golden anntveraary of their wedding yesterday at the home of their daughter on San Jose avenue In Alameda Mr Traube came to California In 1858 and has resided In Alameda and San Francisco ever since He Is one of the few surviving me li bera of the Exempt fire company The members of the family nf Mr and Mrs Traube who are 74 and 7 years old respectively Include Mrs Brine Mrs Schulx Mrs Robert La Motte Miss Rosa Traube and Miss Irma Traube Mr Bennett announces the marriage of her daughter Miss Carolyn Ollnaky and Charlea David which will take place on Thursday evening August 13th at 30 Max Heller of New York Is visiting hi sister Mrs Anspacher 137 Central avenue About thirty guests sssemhled at the home of Mra Falrchlld 536 Forty second street to witness the marriage of her granddaughter Mni Ethel Mabel Chapln to Harry Edward Tharslng at noon on Monday August 3d The home waa prettily decorated the color scheme being carried out In pink and green The bride Wore a beautiful gown of cream allk poplin elaborately trimmed with princess lace and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley The bridesmaid Miss Charlotte Chapln waa gowned In reseda silk and carried a bouquet of bridesmaids roses The groom was attended by Monahan Th Rev Dr A McAfee of the Flrat Presbyterian Church of Berkeley officiated Mrs A Wlgmore assisted by the Misses Mollie Randolph Ora Chapln and Alice Sherwood received the guets Immediately after the ceremony a wedding buaktist Waa sered and the bride and groom left for Del Monte where they will apend their honeymoon Mr Tharslng is In business In this city The wedding of Miss Maude A Trlt tenbach and Edgar Fisher took place on Wednesday August 6th the Rev Warner performing the ceremony Harrv Ashen Is at Selgler Springs spending his vacation Miss Lew of 440 Capp treet I th guest of Mrs Burrls of Sonoma Mr and Mrs Max SUberberg announce the barmltxvah of their son Ar thur at th Bush street Temple on Saturday August It 101 Reception Saturday afternodn at thalr residence 15S4 Geary street Rv and Mr A Berntha an nounce the engagement of tlielr daughter Clara to Frederick Boeae of San Francisco Mrs Clareme Sinclair of Pinole and Mra John Lelth Si of San Francisco are enjoying an outing kt Lake Tahoe Miss Kernandes of PJnale Is so journing at Santa Barbara for a few weeka In company with friends Later she will proceed to Los Angeles and Hun Diego and will make an Indefinite stay visiting all points of interest The Willing Workers will hold a prle whist tournament on Thursday August 13 1S08 at 330 in Assembly Hall US1 Buah street Mrs Jason of Piedmont and niece Miss Florence Murphy are at Lake Tahoe for the balance of the summer Mrs John Altken and daughter Florence hav returned from a trip to Los Angeles and San Diego Gay World Condemns Fat The new modes having rendered fat ladles de trop that Is to say not In It there Is naturally enough much earnest Inquiry among them as to the best method of reduction Their demand being for something that will do thework without Interfering with their meal or their leisure eliminates every thing of course except Marmola Pre scrlptlon Tablets Fortunately these pleasant Inexpensive least so of anv an effective quantity costs only 70 cent little standby of the overfat do neither but take oft their II to SO ounces of fat a day without a particle of help or a morsel of Injury to any one The Marmola Co Detroit Mich by whose authority these tablets are made guarantee them In strict accordance with the famous oreacrlntton XL nnncn Marmola ounce Fluid Extract Cas es a Aromatic and 5H ounces Sirup Simplex and this as any druggist who has put It up and moat of them put It up aeveral times a day wilt tell you Is suite narmiess so mucn mat doesn even cause a wrinaie Dr Lyons PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleaniet1 presertei tnd beautifies the teeth ant Purine the breath A iuperior dentifrice or people of refinement Eitbliikedul666 by 25 Off this week on all Wigs and Toupees Made to order Match and perfect fit guaranteed SSTR0ZYNSKIC0 1 350 Sutter Hybla Skin Food Guraatd AboloIy Pvr Plc 100 pr Jar rnrnoTM vtrr ttoui of linimrity from tb bid kin bMitiflt iDii prMrvM tb cptnplMxlDo it jifiua io in in ttitnuwiiODe trua nmiriHDmvnrr inn wur or iitaic quiciigr ampm wrinkles frMklM twl tin HuOura HXBLA mn rraoiiiB au mooa rranrnn uoj FULL VALUE at BRITTAINS HAND 8EWING MACHINE THREE 8TORE8 An up to date big little machine that does plain sewing as welt as any high priced sewing machine SOT A TOY BI7 A PERFECTLY PRACTICAL MACHINE strongly constructed for hard work A perfect chain stitch machine with automatic tension and stitch regulator which adjusts to any size stitch Takes all sizes of Wilcox Otbbs needles and sews any ordinary thickness of goods Height 8 incheB Width 9 Inches over alt Weight packed fof shipment 7 pounds complete with work Guide Screwdriver anil screw Clamp for holding to table Regular price 00 SPECIAL AT HRITTAtVS 235 Mall orders tilled promptlr for shipment by express or freight TAFT OR BRYAN ELKfTIOV FOB Neat leather watch fob with excellent portrait of Presidential candidates In colored celluloid or brass The latest thing out Kverybody waivt one AT BIUTTArVS IvJC BATH COMFORT BATH RKiT of polished hardwood with nickel plated adjustable supports fitting on sides or any bath tub Oet one of these ami bathe In comfort no slipping or falling In tub Kegular 7S cn SPKfMI this week OUC BATHROOM FITTINGS Best gride made of tine brass heatllj nickel plated Wear for a lifetime and can neier rnit Latest design Com plete line note tnese prices 1 TtlMBIEB HOLDER of seamless metal heavily nickel plated and highly polished Artistic openwork design as Illustrated SPECIAL Me TlMBLKR AND TOOTH Bit LH HniDKR same as above with additional plate to hold 5 toothbrushes SPKtlAI T5 TOWEI Bins Length 15 ln4e IS Ins Met 24 Ins T5e AT MARKET 8TREET 8T0RE ONLY 8PECIAL8 IN OHINA ALUMINUM WARE ALUJrmCJt JELLT CAKE DECORATED HAYILA3D French China Din ner seta at greatly reduced prices Two beautiful patterns one1 of which we Illustrate lUW riJJVJi lUVlEIC SET rot ine ff SPECIAL VUiUU persons T1ECE DIXNER SET for CiO cf persons ttlluuU Elegantly decorated China TOILET SET pieces la a set A number of handsome shapes and tinting Regularly 300 a set cn en SPECIAL wfvJ JARDINIERES High class glazed ware la new and unusual color combinations Attractive shapes with design la clear relief see IllustrationIllustration Reg 80c yatue SPECIAL 35c PASS Make the most perfect cake Light clean last tor ever 9 Inch size Regular2ve SPECIAL this week 15C ALUMINUM PIE PUTES 10 1 inch size SPECIAL 150 Other Alnmlanm Kltchenware at greatly red need prices fishing Tackle Guns Ammunition Sporting Goods SAN PRANC1SCO Market and Mason Polk and Sutter OAKLAND Broadway Btwar 8th and 9th Mail Orders Filled Promptly Write for catalog THE WHITE HOUSE i Cloak and Suit Department is now showing a Vast Selection of the Newest and Smartest FALL MODELS in Womens Suits and Fur Lined Coats Tailor Made Suits inplain serges attractive mixtures fancy chevrons and diagonals 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500andUP i Traveling and Automobile Fur Lined Coats in plain Broadcloth and Smart Mixtures Squirrel lined Black Lynx and Squirrel collar and cuffs 3000 and up I fJfM Mr iyi mutdriaa NWC0RVANNESS5PrNE Ma 4i Jl Corsets New models are added to our Corset Division almost dally AIL corsets are fitted and altered If desired by experts The Store With a Reputation VAN NESS AND SUTTER Patterns wm an A LeTinson arc sgents tor the most popular patterns on tha market STANDARD PATTBEWSi 10c and lSe Great Sale of Linen Und Lawp Skits READY TO WEAR Four styles of suits are included in this very attractive offering for to mor c2 nc row Princess effect Lawn Jumper Suits in black vrjiite brownand red priceu at D0 Linen Juniper Suits in pink blue white and brown HK offered at OD Plain untrimmed tailored Linen Coat Suits in blue pink white and natural ry color exceptionally reasonably priced at 47UU Fancy Linen Coat Suits in colors of Copenhagen champagne lavender pink white and blue These are trimmed in lace embroidery dM cjr flJ JC tf7 CH ni4 f1 fi and medallions and are priced variously pZDU 4 DU iinu fkjj Suit Division Mezzanine Floor A Bargain in Chantifly Veiling A limited quantity of ALL SILK RING DOT CHANTILLY NETS very suitable for LARGE VEILS 42 inches wide and all fashionable colors Gray Navy and Sky Blue Champagne and Black The retailers usual price for these is usuaily U5 a yard 7C At the Newman Levinson Lace Counter to morrow morning a yird DC Hand Embroidered Collars At half their regular prices Newman Levinson will sell to morrow some very high grade European made LADIES EMBROIDERED COLLARS in a great many designs and styles These collars are manufactured of the very finest linen and their tt if YfX workmanship is unexcelled lToU vII 1 Tr Fifty dozen of them in all colors Oft WinOSOr 1 ieS To be cleared out at only eachZUC Final Clearance of Summer Silks A veritable harvest for lovers of pretty silks EVERY YARD OF THtS SEASONS SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTY SILKS AT A PRICK WHICH DOES NOT REPRESENT HALF THEIR COST Fancy Pongees Novelty Kuhla Fancy Stripe and Check Peau De Soie Washable Novelty Taffetas White Brocades White and Black Fancies Etc Regular 75c too and 1 25 values Silk Gloves Below Cost The very best that are manufactured too Fownes or Kaysers 16 button length all colors all sizes jr 16 button length all color alt sizes The 150 quality 3C The 175 quality VERY SPECIAL Beautifully embroidered 16 button length silk gloves Always sold for 150 a pair WHILE THEY LAST a pair in all colors Mift I tWlaWft 4 I 50c a Yard saa 50c a Yard 1 195 Stylish New Belts SeveAl hundred of them purchased from a leading belt manufacturer at a very low price Novelty Leather Belts Patent Leather Belts and Elastic Belts all colors are represented including black Take your choice of them at 50c Each Lace Curtain Sale Three groups to be closed out at small prices Housekeepers should visit the New man Levinson store early to morrow These prices form the reason for our advice 375 to 475 Curtains offered at 0 ac a pair yZ7p 5x0 to 550 Curtains offered at 0 a pair JO7 5606 to6so Curtains offered at a qc a pair fiT 447i Special Values in Linens At 42c a Yard At A6 aDpzen At 16c Each At 35 Each Cream Table Damask S4 Inches wide llearr Irish malm In Hlrrrni natrra Regular 60c values White Damask Napkins all linen Irish make New patterns Rerolar value tt50 a dozen Heavy Quality Bleached Hnck Towefs Size lx49 laches 50 a dozep Breached Damask Dinner Cloths Siie Sxlv with border sit round Various patterns from which ta make seleetlon Regmtartr 200 Regular valnea Childrens Hose Childrens Fine Ribbed Cotton Hose Lines knees heels and toes Cotors olack and tan Ths fsmous CADETBrsnd Special TOC vstae a palri3C Art Sheepskins Extra targe Usually sotd at tt25 Red Green Tan and Brows color AH skins poughtJtONDAX AND TUESDAY only will be JC stauped without charge eaSC ChildrensUnderwear Childrens Cream Fins Ribbed Cotton Union Suits medium weight ton sleeves Ankle kngth 8pe dsJ value jrt a salt vv SI Ti raW ife ji Ji Sfu.

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