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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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ft a WtiMmttim QSktrnkh voi xovi AJf FRANCISCO CAL FRIDAY MARCH 11 1010 NO 55 PHILADELPHIA POLICE IN i BATTLE WITH GREAT CROWD EXPERT REPORTS flnU DiiLnTi Ul 1BBBmiW4i f0WMf IK Vouchers Said to Be Missing From Tax Collectors Office in San Rafael JURY QUICKLY SUMMONED Marin CountyGrrand Jury Investigating Alleged Shortages Foreman Samuels Determined to Probe Matter and Place Responsibility BEAUTIFUL WOMAN SAN RAF meeting Marin i riBH Several Hundred Workmen Join the Ranks of the Strikers SlTrJto1tTZttxrA ai The picture above represents the City Hall at Philadelphia around which occurred yesterday the fiercest battle between the police and the strikers and their sympathisers Murphy president of I the Central Labor Union ot Philadelphia Is the real head of the strike 0imMninitnt fXyHJULDEWHIA IT MareH I Many broken Head ana otner Juries and greatly Increased bitterness sre In erldenes tonight follow las the vain attempts by ten thousand striking street earmen and sympathiser to held a mass meeting In the National League Ball Park and a subsequent rlet In front of the City Hall The authorities had forbidden the meeting at the ball park but a great tkrong attempted to hold It notwithstanding the order Hundreds of po He were drawn up to repel the ad vanee but there were no hostilities until Pratt and other labor leaders pushed through the crowd in an auto mobile and finally succeeded in reaching the gate After formally demanding entrance and being refused they started awsy followed by thousands of angry men woo raised the cry On to the City Hall News of this plan Was immediately telephoned to the police reserves and the mob was met by a formidable force No courtesies were exchanged but the police began swinging their clubs upon the heads ot the leader whoa ranks were speedily broken Fighting was general all along the Una but the mob gave way quickly and acattered In all directions In the general fighting many were beaten an crushed under foot but they were csr rled away by comrades March on the City Hall Is the sle gan that has been heard before In dla turbanees here Suspecting that the crowd of 10 00 or more who had been prevented from holding an open air meeting In tbe National League ball park would take up the Indicated line of march today the sutrrbrttles took measures to prevent the invasion of the citys central districts by what It was feared might prove a turbulent mob Unas ot police with clubs partially checked the marchers on their wsy down Broad street more than two miles from the objective point A mile far thar down they broke up the parade altogether Halt a dostn persona were Injured In the onslaught and a sue eeealon of arresta were made Big erswd thronged the spaces about the City Hall until nightfall but there was organised demonstration Tonight at meetings of workmen tn various parte of the city and In state roents by the strike leaders Incidents of the afternoon were used as argu menta to convince men who are still sticking to their Jobs that the time had come for all working men to atand together There were a few scsftsrsd points whsre disturbances of minor character broke out today Filing stones broke windows tn many cars More cara were operated than on any other day aince tbe atrlke began Hit the company reported or thirty alx in excese of yes terdaya high record UBNBHAL TRIKK A POSSIBILITY The spread qf the get eral strike over the whale 8 tele Is still considered distant poaslblllly Tomorrow the busl nsas men of Ibe city will make a new attempt to bring about a settlement Tbe strikers gained today through aecesslees from the Baldwin Locomo tire Works pt upward of to men On ths other hand various msnafacturers reported th return te work of mapy hands who had gone out An envious defection frob the strikers ranks was that ef 1 taklceb chauffeurs scores I SAYS PEARY HAS GOf ALLY Wife of Henson Who Accompanied Explorer to Pole Tells of Neglect Special Mapatrh te the Ckiralcle NEW TORK March 10 Mrs Matthew Henson wife of the only man who atood at the North Pole with Commander Peary bellevea the explo rer has treated her husbsnd coldly since their return from the north My husband she ssld todsy at her home In this city Is in Syracuse lecturing Since they returned from the Pole Peary hss dropped Matt en tlrely and has held no communication with him nor done a single thing In recognition of hie twenty three yesrs service to say nothing of Matt having saved Pes rY life on more then one occasion It aeeme to me such treat ment le not fair So far as Feary Knows or cares for all the Interest he Ma ahown Matt might be starving to death Such In gratitude la pretty herd Probably Peary who la getting all the money has no time to think of Matt to whom much of the auccees of the sxpedltlon waa due Matt has never mentioned the matter to I eary but It doea aeem as If his hard work of over twenty yeara might be more fittingly re warded than by silence and forgetful ness STORY OF INE Studebaker President Says the Report Is Substantially Correct OF AIDING BURGLARS Loot Recovered in Her Rooms Boys Arrested as High way Robbers A tailasvsd a Cl iiiii SPOKANE Wash March 10 Raiding the room occupied by Miss Oladya Leslie today In search of plunder stolen by burglars from ths horns of Jackson last Sunday night the police eelsed silverware cut glsss furs and clothing valued at 11000 Miss Leslie shoes wore found to be of the esme else as those which made tracka around the houss On the night of the burglary The polio believe a second woman asslatsd In the robbery Miss Alma Barnes roommate of Miss Leslie ba been taken Into custody SEATTLE Wash March 10 Florence Turner and Don Reagan sixteen year old pupils of the Lincoln High School and prlsonsrs In the County Jail have confessed that they held up and atteraoteed to rob Miss Edna Ilea ton a schoolteacher near the Stat University campus last Mondsy night Turner said that tiy needed spsna In money and jobbery wealths elst way of ttlaT ILj Numtreu kurgla ttarged these boys rlisirs1 Special Dispatch tn the Cfcreslrle SOUTH BEND Ind March 10 Studebaker president of the Stude baker Company today confirmed the announcement ot the gigantic automo bile merger aent out from New Tork and Detroit yesterdsy In connection with the purchaae of the Com pany by Morgan A Co He atsled that the story substsntlally corerct Further than this he hsd nothing to say Colonel Oeorge Etudebaker Clement Studebaker and Frederick Fish who plsnned the consolidation will re urn to South Bend tomorrow and an official statement will then be made Notwlthstsndlng the silence of the Studebakera concerning their plans Is taken for granted that South Bend will We the headquarters for the com bine and that this city will be the die trlbuting point for ths output of th lactones in the combination It waa said here today that the Simplex Auto mobile Company of Mlshawaka la In oludsd In the merger but up to to night It hss been Impossible to secure statement from the officials of that concern DETROIT Mich March 10 Upon a telegraphic request today from Fred erick Ftepherie of the New Tork banking firm of Morgan A Co President Flsndsrs of the Automobile Company gae out a state msnt that thers wss no truth In the report thst the recent purchese of the concern by the Morgan Interests heralded sny romblnstlon ot automoblls Interests No such com blnatlon la In contemplation aald Flanders Chester Wesver vice president and generel manager of Studebaker Brothers Co ot California left for South Bend Ind last Tuesday evening via tbe Santa Ke Dlspstches cslllng Weaver to the Studebaker headquar tars received Tuesday stated that heJ waa wanted there to discuss automo bile matters Following tie publics tlon of the newe of the Morgan deal tbe local Studebaker officials received additional raeaeagea from the factory Instructing thsm to rommunlcats with Weaver at once on hie train Informing him that his preeen wss absolutely neoeasary tn South Bend nof later than next Saturday morning Estimating ths time that would elapse before Wesver would reach South Bend It was discovered that he could pot reach his destination until Saturday noon at the serlleat The factory officials wsrs Informed ot this and Immediately wired back that a spi cll rata would mast Wvsr In Chi cago erfd he weuld be rushed to Beuth B4 a I arrive Saiard morn le AN RAFAEL March 10 A special Grand Jury ot county haa been called to met here tomorrow morning for the purpose ot Investigating aeveral start ling discrepancies alleged to have been found In the accounts of one or more of the sanitary districts of this county Expert Murray who haa been en gaged for the last two months In ex porting the accounts of the county ofllcsrs Is ssld to have informed tore man bamuels of the Grand Jury that he has discovered what appear to him to be discrepancies In the accounts of moneys received from certsln sanl tary districts ss they sppear on th books of the Tax Collector and in the books of the Tressurer Sheriff Tsylor In addition to the office of Sheriff alao holds the office of Tsx Collector snd as Tax Collector It la his duty to collect the assessments paid for the benefit ot the districts snd to turn them over to the Treasurer eking his receipts for the same The disbursements for those districts are under the law msde by the Treasurer The aantary district accounts had rjot been checked over for four years as the Supervisors did not deem It necessary they regarding the affairs of the eanltary dlstilcts aa not being county affaire BOOKS DO HOT TALLY It Is understood that foreman Sam Uals haa been Informed that the Tax Collectors books show that certain moneya were received by that office and paid over to the Treasurer but that the Treasurer books fall to ahow that these moneys had been paid to the Treasurer It Is understood alao that the expert reported that he had been unable to And vouchers snd Treasurers receipts for these sums in the Tax Collector a office thus Indicating an apparent ehortuge of aeveral thousand dollars about 11000 of which belonged to aanl tary district No 1 which embraces what are now the Incorporated com munltlea of Ross snd Ran Anaelmo Theee particular dlscrepanclea are aald to date back aeveral years and whether In the event that a crime has been committed tbe ststute of limitations baa run against It la one of the matters that will be considered by the Grsnd Jury today Whan sipert Murray failed to find the missing receipts and vouchers hs consulted Fallon vho Is and has been County Tressurer foi the last twsnty yeara and allon Is understobd to hsve advised Murrsy to call ths mattsr immedlstely to the attention of the Supervisors snd acting upon that auggeetlon Murray placed the facts be fore Henry Cloudy of Tomsles chair man of the Board of bupervlsors of Marin county FALLON nKMANOS INQUIRi It is undsrstood slso thst frallon de manded that the matter ahould be brought before the Grand Jury and that accordingly hamuela of Nosto foreman of the Grant Jury called the special meeting for tomor row morning Justiwho among the offl er WLZLiJM gSeVKril cB yBaXnltwE wmmm HvvW UAH 11 etas j1 I I IV SrLs al Cj 9 XI OFFICER Lured From This City to Los Angeles Robbed and Left Penniless SWINDLER A CLEVER ONE Foreman Samuels of the Marin County Crand Jury ana to county officials vho figure in the Crani Jury inveihfabon of recently discovered shortages Posed as Confidential Man of the Chief of the Secret Service DESERTED BABES RND HOMES IN THE SOUTH Carload of Sixty Foundlings Quickly Distributed in New Orleans laches of th Tax Collector a offl could have been reaponslble for the shortage if any should be si own sxlst baa not beeo revealeu loretnai bamuela Is determined to pursue th rustter to the end and to place the blame where It belongs Expert Murray tl Is event admitted that he would have an Intc report to make to the Grand Jury at the special meeting tomorrow morning He aald that tl Investlga tlon of the booka of tl sanltsry dls trlcts had revealed a peculiar Jumble In the a counta of some of those who handled the funds tut wl ether or not there 1 ad been any peculation he waa unprepared to state He added that It might all be explained away The sanitary districts wl use sffaln are Involved In the Grand Jury Inveatl gatlon were created for the purpoae of building a great sewer through the county extending from talrfax to San Anaelmo and Ross Kbr tl Is purpose four districts were organised Only three of tl ese lave thus far been In vestlgsted by Murray and the time covered la tie years 1001 snd 1MI In 10I thsse three dlstrl ts paid In ao cording to his Investigation tie fol lowing sums Dlatrlrt No I 13 41 No limit No 1 Ills 61 These are the accounts In which it is slleged the dlscrepan lea were found to occur THANK JOHNSON TO FLY AT DEL MONTE MONTEREY March 10 An aviation meet Is being arranged for here The event will take place under tin aua ploes of the Monterey Merchants change on March II 30th when rank Johnson In a Curtlas biplane will take severol flights from th Hotel Del agate race track Th coming event I being widely advfrtlssd and a larg Iattenassee is llog iooxs ror from tewm la tbU part loo lllal RpeeUI Dlrtch I the Cbmslcle NEW ORLEANS Lav March 10 Sixty on bsbles from th New Tork Foundling and Orphan Asylum brought South In a special car were given away at the Lnlon denot today at noon Thousands of psopls crowded about th In A corps of trained nurses and two sisters from the asylum cam South with the babies and Joseph Butler speclsl representstlve wss hers to meet the train With tnAmvm lot there hnve been ISO Of these orphsn bsbles given awsy In New Orleana this being the fifth car load They are only placed In Catholic homes and a representstlve ot the aaylum visits the foster parents once each year to see how the children are being raised Two or three of the rich families in New Orlesns which have been childless were provided with tots from todays consignment The babies In such esses sre delivered with the greateat secrecy being slipped through the crowd and taken to the homes in closed taxlcaba These moth ers snd fathers aa a rule legally adopt the children When tbia car left New Tork It con tained seventy bablea but a few were dropped In Chicago three or four In Memphla and some st Hsmmond La In today a eonetgnment were thirty eight girls and twenty three boys SAYSPlTEAlGIVE STAFF OFFICERS POWER Sulzer Declares That the Line Men Are at Serious Disadvantage gpertel Dlspetck te ths Tbmnlcls LOS ANGELES March 10 Secret Service officers and th pellc ot Baa Francisco this city and all th larger places along th Coast and in Ut Mldtn West are seeking a flaelr dressed young man named Dsn A Boyd alias Sam Myers who is believed en of th most daring crook In the country The specific charges against him er Impersonating a Federat officer and passing fictitious checks Ap parently has served in th Army hss traveled extensively In th Orient is generally accomplished and will bl bard to capture About the middle of last month Boyd was at San Francisco and at th Falac Hotel he met Mrs Georgia Turner of I Michigan avenue Chicago a handsome young woman reputed to be wealthy He accompanied her from there to Del Monte paid desperate court ingratiated himself deeply tn her affections and th result was thst they traveled together to Santa Barbara and finally came her registering at th Angelu Hotel aa husband and wife On March 1st Boyd foundan opportunity to rob the deceived woman and she awoke to find htm gone together with her valuable diamond ring negotiable papers 150 In cash a ticket to Chicago and some Jewelry He left her practically penniless and she had to appeal to her relatives In Chicago for Special Dlipatch ts the Caroelrle vulasd with laughter rer th tstl ehk Md mony In a cat before th high court ot i ua mtn other In a similar mannsr wwww aaa uiiavvsl IU WIUVII lr aZleaal Owners of Adjoining Property Get Damages Because of Noise and others seek to sbat an alleged nnlaanc arising rem a roUer ekaUng rink Such rinks which are the rage In London and several other European capitals are said to be making enormous profits for their owner and at th same time Involving them In legal difficulties right and left the occupant of adjacent property aulng for damage and getting verdicts Some rink com panies have had to buy adjacent houses The proprietors of lodging souses testified that all their lodgers had moved away and that the nolae from the rink was like tbe continual passing of trains through a station It had got on their nerves terribly thsy said el WASHINGTON March 10 Army start officers In Wsshlngton exert In fluence because they attend pink tea and dance with the girls declsred Representative Sulser of New York In the House today In suggesting that opposition in tl House to the Senate amendment to the Army appropriation bill bestowing the rsnk of Major Gen eral on seversl officers of the line hsd its origin with atsff offUers They reach the esrs of members of Congrsss he continued Th line officers are on the frontier and they ar not bear to plead their rauss in boudolra and reception rooms The House rejected the amendment by a vote of 111 to 17 and returned the bill to conference MBS CUTJAHY GETS MANY OFFERS TO 00 ON STAGE KANSAS C1TT Mo March 10 Mra Jaek Cudahy whose husbsnd st tacked Banker Jere Lillla Sunday morning aald today she had received a scors of offers to go on the stsg but hsd declined them all Really though she added If It were not for my children 1 would go on the stsgs The stsge always has appealed to me Net th glamor of th footllghta or the plaudits of ths people but the life snd the people It Is ths good fellowship you find among ths members of th profession that appeals to me VAsAH IMOFKSSOK STHICKICN FOUailKEEPSIH March II Professor Mary Whitney head of th astronomy dspartmsnt of Vassar Col leg suffered a stroks ot apoplexy yesterday er4 trfJ he conditio la Cttticat it A FEW THINGS THE MATTERJTH GOTHAM Playwright Eugene Walter Says New York Shuns Anything American Special fXipatch to the ChresWlev CHICAGO March 10 What th attsr with New Torkl Nothing much Just lobster pslace Anglomanlacs oon tlnentalleta a haughty disdain of anything that ts American big thieve who live on little thieves little thieves who llv en everything eJectrUlahtilla megalomania marling of Svomen and a few other trlfiea Mark me aald playwright Eugen Walter who returned thee count In a mild colloquial Indictment today tn the office of the derrick Theater 1 am not panning New Tork because some of the critics there roaated Juat a Wife I see all of these thtnga and they pain search of the nan effects dla cleeed correspondence showing that her posed all along the Coast aa th confi dential man of Chief Wilki of th United States Secret Service AMERICANS WOUNDED BY JERUSALEM FANATICS WASHINGTON March 10 American parties visiting th Moqu of Omar near Jerusalem have been fired upon by Afghan fanatics Miss Mathilda Maurice of Mamaroneck NT received a alight flesh wound and Miss Parker Moore of Terre Haute Ind waa seriously wounded but will recover The Information came to th Stat Depart ment last night tn an undatsd telegram from United 8tates Consul Wallace at Jerusalem The official express no doubt that tbe Turkish authorities wtlli tsk prompt steps to punish the assatl ant Th Stat Department has lntructed the United States Consul General at Jerusalem to mak energctlo representations to the local authorities to spprehend the party guilty of firing upon and wounding the two American tourlata MEXICO BUYS CORN TO BREAK A CORNER GUADALAJARA Mex March 10 War on the eo called hadendadoa corn truat la now being waged by the Gua najuato and Jalisco atate government which have ordered 1100 bushels of American oorn ehlpped at once from the reel flo port of Mansantllo Thla corn will be sold to the poor at coat by the etate governmenta In an ef fort to aerure a higher price for the Mexican product the commission men snd hadendadoa have aeoured a prac Ileal corner on th market which the Government Is now trying to bresk LOOK WHERE SUN SETS AND YOU MAY SEE COMET NEW YORK Msrch 10 Halley a comet may now be aeen on nights when conditions ars favorable with the aid of an ordinary field glass according to mambers of ths aetrononilcal faculty at Columbia University The most favor able time to look for It la between 10 and 10 with the glaaa elevated somewhat above the point where the aim sets Th comet 1 at present In what the astronomers call th twilight region It I in line with th aun and It brightness Is therafor dimmed It will be visible through April and May but at Ita rnaxlroum brlljlaaev Utf 11 ti Kll a YV i MsBMIKItSTOMa NOfraCNTsV THIS SEASON THERE IS A STRONG LEANING TOWARD THE BLUE SERGE HAVING ANTICIPATED THIS WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SERVE YOU WITH THE NEWEST WEAVES SHAPES AND COLORINGS OUR COMPLETE STOCK MAKES A SELECTION EASY FOR YOU PRICES TWENTY TO FIFTY Thla LaWl Marka JIhaxxtluAB A smart Pfeeaer la arterites a bin eerfr Kilt frrt rare Soald irrrlarit la big a rolor that Ul sevrr fade er rheoft tv Safe sw4 Mr iirrraulU la ra ef out our clothe aod ttitak bare acreeOra la flsclag bclor a llae of MCa that wUI etasl th rala the ass SometluMS there ts a holt a a that la epoUe la the drtn aaJ Ilia ult tursa StOrest eelere If thla erer hsppra we jladly tasks gee Jewelers ttUCting osttrert TumcmipJT 4 he AjJiJfN ATVJJ 7 a ft ns.

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