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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 58

San Francisco, California
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AH FRAXOISCO CHlrONJCLE BJAOCT09En9llHSJVfrirmnnw Tr rig AVipmplii Bohemian Club Occupies Unique Niche fl 4o 00 Famous Names on Its Membership List TT Uma a oTYTreT Ifnn itm mm mtinni itnnnninnfii nil ranar I I jjuaxunuui uuud aiijj 110 ixiwi roiioiujuii in SIAKI IN EARLY 70S Newspaper Men Are Credited With Originating Idea of Famed Organization GROWTH IS REMARKABLE Hiah Jinks Staaed in rd dummer in urove wn nus sian River Distinctive HflCAT th BohimUn Club of San I Francleco wa started on Iti iJL mora or 1 venturesome and vertataiy lively ira luccvniui twt by a bunch or newspaper men way bach in tne 79a i a rcoro in in cloba arshlve Prlmarllv th object of th organ rmtlen wn the promotion of rood fellowship among Jeurnatlsts and the Iff tb popular estimation to which entitled It wa proposed that only professional newspaper writers and Jornalistsshald be eligible to aCUvo membership artists actor essayists wrlttra of book poota and dramatic author having honorary membership on payment of certain fee It presently wae discovered tbat such an arrangement would not work out and the original constltu UQH WO MHniUU iw mm Iv membership not only to tnoe eon netted nrofeaflonany witn literature art muslo and the drama but to ruch others a may appreciate mess Meets OBOWTH Of BBBHir tii mamberahlD has arrow from Iwenty four chart member In 1IT1 ta nearly 100 regular member In IflS Tha first meeting at whlch the pro pal to launch a Bohemian club wi mad took place In the editorial rooms of th San Francleco Exam tier February i 1STS there being present Daniel CConnell of the Bul i letln Jame Bowman of The unronKie josepu Bvamlner Thoma Neweomb of the nalL hand Formal Froderlsk 3 Vhyniper and Knney jl appear irem meeting held February 21 11 that than was earn dlaput aa to th dee fr igiratlon of th nam Bohemian for tho dub aom on naving tii that auch a tltl wa not rpeet able Th Alacuaalon which followed pro duced om oratorical flraworka In whlrli Colonel Cremony of the Commercial Herald who propoaea tho designation and Daniel OConnell outpointed and overwhelmed tho nnnoaed ta th nam euggeeUd So lU club wa dubbd Bohemian a nam that ha dung to inrougnoui Ita forty three year or me jj ut or officer Th war th flrit officer Prea Idcnt Thoma Nwcomb vlce prosl eient Jienry mwi Band Forraam treasurer Arpad Karaaxthy Director 81 ka Edward BoaouL Samuel St Brookea A Hawaa William aon aaauaaa ivu wiri Certainly there waa nothing pre tastlotu about th nrat ctubrooma wbloh wero altuated la the Aator ttulldlng aouthoaat corner of Eacra aneato and Webb tret CarpeU on the floor had boon bequeathed to th lab by former tenant and there iwaa money la tho treaaury with whleh to purchaae furniture Ar rangemenU wero made whereby number of antique chair roUc ot nobody earlier prosperity war extended br a dealer who ant a aide hoard lata th elnbrooma Bom kind paraon donated a tabi Th rant waa 110 per month 1 Th formal opening which took iu Wareh la 1171 brought to-rather the elite of the ilteratl and i tho artist of tb city aad waa auch a uecas that thereafter tner waa et tho leaat anxiety concerning th paymnt of financial obligations VAMKD WKITEBfl JOIN Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Mepped Into th club a an honorary anmor uciooer ai Bart About th aama tlm jr of iaua to accommodate a liln mr kt14 the ilfTIUI fr Sohosuana to remere to mora ppauoua araaatera at 410 Plaa atreet over tho Cattfornla Market ta January 1ITT tarh MHh Aa of new cheea and atala fish and th crowing of dlsal 7Tj lt tAM nlhft war distinct Inaptratlona Thl huildlng waa deatroyed by flame No ember 4 lilt but thi wa after the Bohomlaa Club had moved out February th cb moved Into Ita clab building at the northeast jaoraer of Poet atreet and Grant ave au where It remained until th Or April 11 10 UOt At th tlm of lb Are said a former official of th club one member a lover of art saved some of our art treasure Another a hard beaded fcnainaaa man eared our account kooka together with the statements which bad been mad out to bend to i member It waa only natural for oh man to nave aono aa no ae upilieu with tub best Thoaarh amoked out ot bona and boene the Bohemia came back Jvat aa though thay never had been Sway Now thay bare th beat that Boney can buy and ar Justly proud 1 I OPEN NOSTRILS END jx 1a cold or catarrh Jw4r8UlUrWTiaH4d tsr Count fiflrl Yourcold la bead or tsvrrh dlaappear Tour clogged no will th air paaaageo ot koad wilt clear aad you can treaty mora anaatiag woaaa diatnarg ryaa a no WUlig tor breath Mil bottl of Bljfe Cream I aaa apply a aatuaptia It penetrate Mdr iasw of tb head haaulag th awollaa or giving atki cold and xitz wi i aVPIaaaBmm xutaxa Aoorcs iiTiamaaa imnair nn jt iaWLjBa1wwa XMom tYuJcir nrweta 2MwmmwklaHM nnarwevi ysW5SatfaHiHapper gginirrfSj iBBfcCdNeMftCNNQKVfi of their achievement And with John Boyle OReilly they say Id rather live In Bohemia than In any other land Th new home of tho Bohemian Club at Poet and Taylor atreete waa dedicated November If 111 wlthdba ceremony leave It to the Bohemian for ceremony and Indeed It waa a night forever to ba remembered by those privileged to attend The dedi catory play The Oracle waa written for th occasion by Pater Robertson and aet to rnuslo by Humphrey Stewart It repreaenta th vlalt of the atranger Bohemia to tb Temple of Apollo where he conaulta the oracle aa to bla future and la greeted by Euterpe Thalia and Calliope and crowned with bay a a message of good fortune from larea Bohemia dellvera hi message to th oracle Nor car I for th but of woman heart No boon I crave would but aak Th counsel of th god My country I Bohemia There wa have raised a temple CLOSE OF CKLEBRATIOY Ilenry A Melvla pronounced the valedictory and the aacred owl and feL John of Nepomue patron aatnt of the club were carried aloft In great atata amid tho glare of torches The houaa of th Bobemlan Club la four atorlea In height Tho flrat floor or court la In th Corinthian style Her they have the red room loung Ing room bllllard room and win oom finished In various thadca of color Tho library Ellxabathan atyle la on tho aecond floor where aao la located tho theater Th third and fourth floor ar devoted to mem ber and guests room air furnished la exquisite fashion All ot which coat something over ttis 000 Of the jlnka ot the Bohemian Club books have been written The central idea according to the tradltlona of the club la tho annihilation of Car by Champion Bohemia and to thla and they aay the jlnka ar suo ceeeful beyond measure Th first midsummer high Jink waa held In June 1171 In th wooda near Taylorvllla Sonoma county aa a farewell to Harry Edwards TORT OF TUB JIHKS The story of th high Jink of th Bohemian Club of San Francisco really la tho atory of the club Itself Low link com la on tb Id for special mention A to tho hlatory of th term high Jinks the club borrows It fronv MCWalUr Scott novel Guy Maanaiiilg where high Jlnka prealdad eor by Counselor Pleydell I more elevated In character than tba drinking bouta of the Scotch Upon one occasion In the clube hlatory many yeara ago an attempt to Introduce broad and unaaemly vulgarity waa promptly aeppressed and alnca that time nothing of the kind has marred the enjoyment of a high Jlnka Tba method or high Jlnka procedure la described In tho Annals of the Bohemian Club aa followa Tba member cboeen by the trustees or dlrectora to conduct festivities Is a roan noted for aom one of those talents for tb foaterlng of which the club waa formed and which tha club aver delight to honor II la called aire Thai aire from hla own store ot wisdom If he haa any selects a topic for tho evening literary or otherwise and eelects from th roemoera at large men io ueai with It poeta essayists orators humorlala musicians singer and naintera Ha then leauae a printed Invitation to the club setting forth th nature of hi entertainment with all th odlglnallly and ma irienaa possess ma irrs extrroked On tb appointed evening tha club seat Itaalt Individually on chair hired for th occaalon while the sire enthroned ae It2 ware on aa easier cbalr on a platform at on and of the sgsg3fiBgs cfgfZe 5JT room with a gavel tn hla hand and a hug loving cup filled with punch placed within eaay reach on a lectern In front of him bring the meeting to order Then la tha theme of the evening dlacuaaed In pro enahrlned In verse aolos are aung about It and gleea Instrumental pieces and orchestral ef fect make It their motive all of nnica aerved up witn an accompaniment of auch llqulde aa each member prefer together with tho Inc nee of tobacco forma a mellow and pleasing entertainment While the house Jlnka of the Bohemian Club have attracted attention throughout tho land a distinctive feature la tho midsummer Jinks In Bobemlan Drove on Ruaalap river There the Bohemlana present their annual play upon a stage framed by giant redwoods which tower 110 to 100 feet 1n the air Thee playa are of tho highest order and are gWen for roembera and guests alone Th mat tar of axpenaa la not considered and It Is aald that the laat production Apollo cost tha club more than 11000 One thousand merabrra And gueeta wltneeeed the performance Critic declared that Apollo the book by Frank Plxley author of th Prince of Ptlaen and th maal by Edward Faber Schneider wa one ot tho beat of the thirteen grove play rod need In thirteen aucceeslv year th Bohemlana ONBI ETB OF OWL CLOSED Concerning th tutelary deity of the club tb owl that aifcleat bird of wisdom Jamea Anthony Froude wrote In Oeanat Their the Bohemian presiding genlua at tha olub la Palla Athena tn tba ahapa of aa owl but for aom reaaon thay could not or would not explain to ma aha had one aye abut Sir Edwin Arnold gueet at a club dinner referred In tbla wlae to the bird Aa I entered tba club I caught a glimpse of tho great owl In Ita niche at the head of your beautiful staircase and he seemed to wink In a friendly fashion and say to me Be wise but be not too wise Tho lata Joaquin Miller the Poet of tha Sierra waa a atauncb member of tho Bohemian Club It waa hla request that tho Bohemlane should duct his funeral Hla wlah waa carried out and although the mortal re means of the last of tha pioneer poets were not cremated on tho fundrstl pyre he had prepared for hlmaelf at Tha Height on Oakland hills his aahea were acatlored there after Impressive ceremonlee CLt OWNS A MUMMY On of th club priceless pouej alona la a mummy of a prleeteaa of tho ancient rltea of Isls preeentel by Jeremiah Lynch Tha high Jink reception to tba Udy two year atanda forth oyone of tho bright particular lllurnlnatlone In club history Many yeara ago Lynch gave tho club th mummy of another Egyptian princess but thl valuable relio waa deatroyed la tha big Arc It waa with great difficulty that Iynh while In Egypt aecured the aeoud princess An event which tho ploaoera ot the club have engraved upon memory a tabiete waa th reception to th tragedian Temmaae Kalvlnl which data back ta February 111 Than there waa th dinner to Charles A Dana of th New York Sua la lit roceptlona to Edwin Booth Janwia Anthony Froude Sir Edwin Arnold Henry Stanley Oeorge Augustus Bala and to acoree of othera whose namot are upon famoa roll of honor In 111 Rudyard Kipling whoa talent at that time had not bean recognised wae a gueat at dinner In th Bohemian Club Wbll be waa not heard from oa tbat occaalon It developed later that ha wa takla notea for he faithfully deecrlbod oa paper hla axpcrleueea of tbat evening So th BObemlaa club of Saa Francisco contlnuea oa Ita marry way ever watehfal lest th ogre Car ehould ahow bla bead and ever ready to bounee a roek on aald ogres head whan opportunity araeenta Itaelf Tb Bohemian spirit deth prevail Tb wis old owl with th winking starboard oya still occuplee bla alch and hold Bla place in the center of tho groat which ear tho In acrtptlon Weaving Spiders Com Nat llere CONSTTTtmOW IS BRIEF Probably no social organisation In thorclty haa a coaetltutlon a brief and to tho point as th Bohemian Club It I Instituted atat tho constitution for tb association ot gen tlemen connected profeaalonally with literature art music th drama and also those who by reason of their lov or appreciation of these object may deemed eligible farther declaration ot tno con stitution la that no demonatratloa on behalf of any rellgloua or politi cal object shall aver ba made by th club Tha hv law nrovlde that raaldenta of Saa Francleco or of plaeea within fifty mllea thereof may not oe in vlted to the prlvllegee of tho reetau rant department ottenaf han onca In elxty daya except by permlaaloa of tha board of direotora Folio wine la a net of charter raem bera enrolled March 1171 Arm Strong David Belknap Ambroeo Blerce Bloomer Boaqui James Bowman Cremony 1L 8 Dalllba Henry Edwarda Baada Format Arpad Harasithy JN Irwin Jobna Kenney McCarthy Frank Murphy Napthaiy Thomaa Neweomb Theodore Newman Daniel 0Connell It Roger Well A Wetiaore and Frederick Whymper LIST OF OFFICERS Officer now la charge of tho olub ar President Frank Deerlngs vice president Elmer IL Cox ere tary Scott Hendrlck treaenrer Oeorge Kllnk dlrecTore Seth Mann Schneider Livingstone Jenka Gordon Hall Charlaa Dick man Joaeph 8 Thompson and Lo Hoy Ryon list of honorarv members David Blspbam Luther Burhank Ina Coolbrlth John Drew lloVrt Howe Fletcher Alexander Harrleon David Btarr Jordan Jack London Pletro Maacagal 8 Murphy Ovid Musln Forbes Robertson Theodote Roosevelt Tomaaso Balvlnl 1C II Sothern William Howard Taft Doug laa Tllden David Warfleld Benjamin Ide Wheeler and William Winter Life membera Albert I Bancroft Joseph A Chanalor Andrew McF Davla Walter Dean Henry Fornrann Oeorge I Ives Mark McDonald and Benjamin Swan Honorary Ufa membera Barton Hugh Burke Frank Deerlng Charles Dick man Donald da Graham Clay Greene William Greer Harrison Bar bour Lathrop William Letts Oliver Jamea Phelan Joaeph Reddng A Robertson Humphrey Stew art Vandetlypn stow Edwaid Townsend Frank Unger Raphael Weill Theodora Woroa Charlec Tale and Fred Tate ujji MISS CLARA ALEXANDER who will offer a scrU It charactsr hterprtUtloni each Monday In Norembcr for ha benefit of the MeUphrsIcal Library i i mJmR I vfMJoBBmmmmmmWlBomaaBk SbT iXKKMKB iamwsfwEKjasa jifcfrjwi8r i BwaBBaraaawaawa I amrif ujMt9fFiJKSsrwuJMvfWtKKM MmMmmTmirmMWrm 1 WwrmyWLJtKi 1 mbimiWmMmm IS tSmmmBfstmna fc jLj VemmmmmmwHW I I IT MCI oaao aa n8BammmBPS BSSHarftBlRafl Candidate Convicted Of Slandering Botha Sentenced for Strinr Premier Had Not Accounted for Gold JOHANNESBURG South Africa October 0 The Jury la tho eaee brought by Premier Botha again a national lat candidate for Parliament la tbo recent election named Mannlk rendered a verdict agalnat tb defendant today Mannlk wa charged with having laadered the Premier during tho campaign by aaklng what he had done with gold bars valued at It HO00S left In possession of Botha Pt and two other persona Oa tha departure of Paul Krueger from South ca tnnlk asserted tha gold never had a accounted for He waa aea iced io Imprisonment for three month or to pay a fln of ItIO Tho ra will ba appealed mlCK SUCCEEDS FOWLER CHICAGO October 10 Director of tho Atchison Topeka and Santa Fa Railroad Company at a meeting hero today choao Henry Frlck of New Tork ono of their number aa a mem ber of th executive commute to ucceed th lata Thomaa Fowler of New York MayerleV New Double Vision Glasses Combine both reading and dlsuaee correction la on lea avoldlag tb eoooyence of hanging glaasaa when yea wian to eee tar or near Marerle glass relieve ere strata freshen your memory and ttreogUea year Jai gold medal aad dlple na of beaor awarded at California lad trial Espoeltlea Oeorge Marerle aradaate optometrlat aad Mtiilia eeuklleked twenty yeara 010 Market etreet Saa Fraaclaco Meyer ere water freebaaa aad etreagtbeaa ta yea draggUta II eata by smJL ft ataAt YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE THE FINEST AND LARGEST COLLECTION of FOX SKINS EVER SHOWN CONSISTING of SILVER CROSS BLUE RED and WHITE FOXES REPRESENTING A VALUE of 10000000 AND COMPRISING A SHIPMENT FROM ONE of OUR ARCTIC STATIONS OWING TO THE FACT THATjLMOST THE ENTIRE LOTaHAS BEEN SOLD TO ASTERN FUR4 MANUFACTURERS THIS TRULY WONDERFUL COLLECTION WILL BE SHOWN TOMQRROW MONDAY ONLY IN OUR POST STREET WINDOWS SURE TO SEE IT LIEBES 167 177 POST ST BE tv Missing Link Will Be Topic of Lecture Today Profeiior Waterman Will Be Heard at Muieum of Anthropology The tltl of tb Illustrated lecture for today at the Museum of Anthro pology at the Affiliated Colleges Is Tin Missing Link Between Man and the Apee which la to be given by Professor Waterman of the Uni versity of Callfornl Wants Pay for Work At Home of Veterans do Camp Beg ini Salt Against State for 3103 de Camp had charge of the chlckena and hoga In th year from November 1 1111 to November 1 lilt at th Veteran Horn In Napa county and then waa ouated from hla Job In a ault for 11101 14 begun yeatarday In tha Superior Court Moat people think of Darwinism aa Sr3T hi A AA dlrectora of the home Do Camp a theory that man la descended from monkey Tha probability of th theory will be commented upon by tha lecturer and especially the Idea that this missing link might still be living Professor Waterman will apeak ea wlally about some very recent flnda England and elsewhere of fossil remains which repreeent man a moat remote anceatora STCOY UfGLISH LANGUAGE In th secondary schools alone In Japan more than 100 000 boys and girl are studying the bnglleh language allegea that a contract entered Into with Commandant Burton for two yeara waa repudiated at tha and or tho flrat year and that he la entitled to th money ho expected to make the second year He appealed to tho Board ot Control and hi claim waa not approved LYNAR RELEASED Olf BOND NEW TORK October 10 Max Ly nar alao known aa Count Max Lynar Loudon who baa been In tha Tomba atneo October llth on a charge of bigamy was released today on a 110 000 bond furnished by a surety company BENEFIT LECTURES mp iirdadvp iun California New Thought Asyr sociation Will Give Scries on Race Characters AN effort ta secure sufficient fund to permanently maintain th library of tho California New Thought Association tho expoaltloa committee of tbo association ha arranged to have Ml Clara Alexander preeent a aerie of Interpretation ot varloua race character at tho metaphysical headquarters and library tin Poat atreet According to Miss Orace Wilson librarian Miss Alaxaadar offers a quaint and fascinating programme of atodlee In characters of southern people and different typee of Caucasians Th plaa to raise funda eonatata la weekly performances By miss Alex ander two performaaoaa to bo given each Monday In November An after noon performance will be given Beginning at 110 clock and In tho evening a mora elaborate programme will begin at I If clock At tho preeent time tno aeeoctation has an sxtsnatv library oa meta pbyafca mental science higher thought and all preeentatlons of New Thaue hL Thla library was originally atarted for tha benefit of exposition visitors bat owing to tho number ot requests that It bo permanently mala talned Ml Alexanders exceptional aervlcee were obtained for th woeaiy entertainment Manufacturing Plants Are Destroyed by Fire Glycerine and Cotton Go Up in Smoke Total loii houwu AURORA 111 Oetbr 10 Fir arly today In tha plant of tha Jobblns Chemical Company In which glycerine for uaa In high Jxploslvea I used caused damage sstl mated at 100 000 Tb can ot tb fir 1 not known BIDDEFORD October SO A toe estimated at approximately 1150 300 was caused by fir which swept through half of th larg torehau ot tb Fepperell Manufacturing Company early today destroying several thousand bale of raw cotton and much of th finished product One fireman wa badly hart by falling from a ladder Woman Is Remarried To Former Husband Mrs Angle of Connecticut Ac quitted After Death of Friend BRIDdEPORT Conn October 10 Mrs Helen Angle who obtained a divorce In February 1011 on tn ground of doeertloa from Frank Angle of thle city waa remarried to him here today Mr Angi come months aao wa acquitted on the charts of being responsible for tha death of a friend Waldo BalloU who fell down a atalrcaaa In tho building in Stamford In which bar apartment waa located RECEIVES fB YfUAR BKNTEVCB PITTSBURG Pa October William Bowera of Waahlngtpn convicted of complicity In a plot against tho lite ot rranann Schneider a weaitny eanay manufacturer alao of Waehlngtoa who waa aaeaulted In a hotel here waa today aantanced to aerva ono year In prtaon 4 ROSEM PIT MAO Latest Bronte Kid Gypsy Button Shoe natty glove fitting and the very ntuttt detlgn plain high tops leather Cuban French heels lAf jsajiS I Select Shoe Styles It Li raw aaaaaFftV aawA wS Tftm nmiaaa Exclusive Side Button Shoes in blue tlace hid dull mat kid or as shown tn fhe picture made witn gunmetal vamps and dark aray glace kid topi leather Cuban French heels The fashion in shoes this Season are per haps more beautiful and artistic than ever before They must be seen before the slightest ldeabf their attractiveness can be had This means that a visit to Rosenthals is necessary for at Rosenthals you will find these select new shoe fashions at their very best The latest ideas in design delightful color combinations all the new touches that go to make up select and high grade footwear are present in the exclusive reasonably priced footwear at Rosenthals Come and see i ej rj Do not fail to investigate our magnificent assortment of Evening Slippers Your dancing or party attire cannot be complete without them And another thing bear in mind that we have just received a splendid assortment of fashionable footwear for the ladies which we have priced specially at 500 All Our Storas Will Closed Tuesday November 2d Sao Francisco Day Cf nC NTH A At AM HAO ILn Sole Agents for HANAN Shoes Mala SUe Me thoeo Oaly Oaalaad ItMM POST BTVEKT 711 BASKET M71 XTTEHTU STBEI1 tea rraaetae STREET Oakland Cat rr Mea Wosaaa aad CaUdeea Sea irya rr MeaWaead Chllarca eA14 OUR STORES OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS.

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