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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 4

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mi vwliir Vw urT 7 MKi MB111 jm -MK TIlJHiftiiKJftiiifiin Whis rrh Hr iiirtTiirn iw ift A HBnHaa HtHHtHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHHHrHHiHl HbTHH HI HlHHt SB HI SB HI HH HIHI HI SH HI IH i Hi HH I WWIM HHHTAVB WH H3 Id lllliKVITilllir III 111 III III I fhJ I V4 ii iiPiiWiiwi Vh ttKlB uiwi mi iv yt ir a it TBJ MSI Annrnurn minnAiirn TIM hnr Iff IHvkKVH HKV hTnrrrliir 4fi iv iinirnirii in iiniininri atulli iiml mx iiM iiiiuiiiiiii 111 iiiiiiiiiiiii 11 ai nrr 1 uiir i tfft SlkW TT jr UIHLUI 11111 fc Jiilffifffl iMi i ir i WW rV mi mm 1 WiiHVi i ItfiT 3SBWp nt feF flgK 1JQ Jk lk tf iff 5t JlP if if1 to of JlurkeyPinaersito Be us IN oott to xiundreds ot uity a icSyi fjiiyr Iriisdntan ttc Jaild Feast TH a iasSs THANKSGIVING JU be cbifTd InSaa rmcoo today with lllou irvlcg in tbtvu lou eliureb ana cathedrals and ftlto with a practical demonstration the aptrlt of lha day ror hundredi ot tnn women and children wio otherwise would kaowtty tradition only the day ymtollted to Americans in a bountiful table will be eupplled wlthv boun t1fuThanltHyln dinners Everyone wtll eat turkertoday lri Bn PranolioO There will bo none hungry and there will be no destitution for the one day at least Ample provision has been made for all by the citys oubllo spirited and by vari ous orranliatlona Never It Is said hare the organizations that have undertaken the task of feeding a great citys needy met with suoa generous ONBlvOITHBIAnOIllT Probably one of the largest dinners served will be tnat 01 tne wnosoerer Wilt Reaoue Mission at 20S Tehama etreet A dinner 01 turkey ohioKeu roast veal and beef with all the accessories has been prepal ed 1000 persons This Is for man and boy 1 only Tn same mUBloa naa delivered between 500 and 800 dinners lri baaltets to widows and orphans and families that are In need These basket contain meats vegetables cereals and all of the flxlhgs of a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner The Salvation Army will give another big publlo dinner to about lot Of the citys unemployed and newsboys This will be served at 47 Hunt street at noon There will be turkey roast meats sauoe pie candy and nuts for all In the evening the Army will hold religious services at this hall and at Twenty fourth and1 Mission streets AT THE VT A The Young Womens Christian As sociation has thrown open lta doors to ail young women and gins who are lonely in the city today The association will serve them with a free Thanksgiving dinner at the A home on OTarrell street at 1 oclock and in the afternoon the rlrls are Invited to remain for an entertainment that has been specially arranged Yesterday the member of the Fruit and Flower Mission with the aid of twenty Ave automobiles delivered too baskets to needy homes where there are children and grownups who might otherwise not have a real Thanksgiving dinner today The baskets Included turkey chicken vegetables fruits pies and many other things ft it rf vir IJ li CV IV niiAfrMA simtnm nunfrtrMm VmnnmAaL i vAo sktv OAJTL XVA WU31UWf niVUiX 1 VJj UfUW A Jt UVffiJIBlSK Oi fey IP Pr8icleiit0iMClarK Cbmmlsiioa Ii Queit1 of TtiiiiiitUwvi Patrick tfarans jptwlahf Joseph MbscaitBadlyf injured Thanksgiving wUl enter the barred windew of the Jail andthe City Prison Sheriff Bgger has prepared an unusuallyelaborat turkey repast tort those at the jail and at the City Prison equal prevision been madeJ forrieedlng prlonerft CHURCH BIIV1CB Practically all denominations will hold services tills morning many having arranged to hold union services while In a number of Inetanoes tbo churches will observe the day individually with song and sermon In the case ot the paptlst Churches of tlie olty there will be a eervloe at the jirst unuron innwhion many oi hm other Baptist churches will Join This service will Begin at uoolockw At St Marys Cathedral the Knights of Columbus will attend a solemn mass Thl Is praotlcally the only service that will he held by the catn ollo churches ot the olty The mas will beam at 10 oclock rather SulU van ohaplaln of the San Franolsoo ohapUrs of the Knight of Columbus oonduotlng the servloe rae Juongregationai onurones win hold services and the First Congregational Churoh will Join with TempleTemple Bmanu ai In a religious observance of the day at 11 oclock Many of the other Congregational churches of the city will take part There win tte ssrvices in some of the Episoopal ohnrches the principal one however being at the Cathedral where there will be early oommunion at 7150 oclock Tne Thanksgiving sermon will be preached at 11 oolock IX MBTnODIlT CHUaCHBS The Methodist churches of the city have arranged a unloa meeting to be held at the California Street Method 1st Churoh California and Broderlok stxeeta Rev Beller ot IheOrac ID Churoh will preach the sermon There will bs special muslo for the oooaslon The time Is 1080 oclook The Presbyterian ehurobes win hold two union meetings one of the Presbyterian churches north of Market and one ot those south of Market The north of Market service will be at the First Presbyterian Churoh Van Ness avenue and Saaramentoi streets at 1080 oqoolcrKeVy BibleypreaohingJ tn eermon a ne omironos eoutn or Market street will Join at the Trinity Presbyterian 23 Capp etreot at the same hour Bv Watson will conduct the servloe This afternoon tue exposition win offer a holiday feature In the form of a band oonoert In the Court of Four Seasons A speolal programme will be given by the Lofortl Mllano Band beginning at oolock diemwifilenl1 was the tollt of the Halgbt street trol fley lneeterday following closely onJWiBitoitrrPrn rneaTTr mmm mmm ber82dir Patrick Haran yeST old a foreman for the Board of PubllO Works was the death that the line claimed yesterday while Joseph Mosoat a teamftertiWMthe man who was injure rHaraiiwholived with hi wife and eon at MT Walnut treti tried to board a moving Halght itreet oar between Soott and Dlvlsadero streets shortly before 6 oolook last evening The oar wa lnboundand Haran endeavoredendeavored to jump on the front end He missed his footing andwent under the oar tha front truck orusning nis Vnll When an ambulance rushed with him to the Park Hospital he was ueao fi Joseph Moscati who lives at 1287 Ninth avenuer wasi driving hi team at Market and1 Flrt treeti yesterdayyesterday when a car orashed Into his team Moscat was hurled to 4 the ground and badly hurt about the head I Tne motormeni in potn aociosnis i were arrestea uan Manoney wno ran over Haran bemg charged with man siauKhter Andrew Hanson motorman of the oar that hurt Mosoat was oharged with battery on Kovemoer ittn a iiaigni street ear driven by Motorman Jesse Davidson ran over and instantly killed two year old Cojrothy Hall daughter of Mr and Mrs William Hall in front ot the ohllds home at til Haight street November S2d Benjamin Swan son a sailor was run over and xuied at Market and Beaie i 1915 0MVClarketPrtladireldeaf ef the Oregon lUSBxposltlon Com mission was the guest of honor at an informal dinner given In a downtown oaf last evening bybout sixty former Orgonlns wbdkiH4r live in thisollyi WhW Louis i A iColter preMMst of the Ban Fraiiolsoo Ad CltreS was toast master and OetrTog etheti tor the nuNaAfrna Awt ai theme Of the speeches LiPepnsjtre madahy tw ciatk secretaryf the Washington Commlsstoni Sani Davis of Nevada Judge a Fenton and former Ssn ator 8 a Beaohof Portland Frank 0 Todd Mrs 8 BiIllsley Mrs Em us Mouormiox Mrswrrank a Toaa and MrsJfWHoward 1-v 1 fmmm etreets by a oar run by the same rMlfMVmflvi HAMMOND NUKES APOLOGY TO HALL The suit or 160000 damages for libel begun last year by William Hammond Hal agatnst John Hay Hammond mining engineer was dismissed yesterday by Federal Judge Van Fleet by mutual consent of the attorneys for the plaintiff and defendant It was statod that Hammond had apologised to his oousln In regard to the act that had prompted he bringing ot the suit Following the filing of an answer prpoeedlngs lasting only four mln ute were held In oourt The matterhad its origin under a previous muniolpal administration when Hall put through a deal by which theiolty wa to buy1 certain properties known a the Lake Eleanor and Cherry Lake lands In connection with tne development of the Hetoh Hetchy water supply Following the consummation of the deal Hammond sent a telegam to Jesse Llllenthal In this city in whloh the Intimation was given that Hall was attempting extortion Seme months later the promoter Instituted the libel suit Inv the answer of yesterday Hammond admits that he wrote the telegram to Llllenthal after having been led to believe that the charges made therein were true Later lie discovered that there was no foundation for the oharges and had acted Ill advised ly and Immediately wrote a letter to Hall offering an apology In the an swer le reiterated his retraction Part of the telegram wa fol lowsti Tellvhlm under no elroum Stand will 1 pay lilnv one oent more than the amount offered and that un 1 less he aooepts that um I will reduce its that he oannot frighten me by any threat tomake publlo anything that I have done In connection with bust 1 ness ai It has been up and above boardi But If there le anything un derhanded and dlnoredltabla whloh I dont believe the case he alone i re ponlblr Theietterot apology toflow lolin IItys Hamraoud 71 Brosdwsf iTork NoTsmker SO 1H1 VIr Dfu Blllf i Bteot which Bve eoonrrea witnin toe put yw mmtlhi btT itrlfiflMl me thtt thA hilifn sod Oellog whim inspired or teletmm of April i9f iia upon which Tour uuB flute asainit me Is foanutd were tbe rault of 1 MfAnl ooefldeBt srive fntireDrMflDtftHmi itit tb roar rtlimi end metlTM moe by oUtnr Joyed ay follest mnllltncS Bolo ooorlnrrid efthts net henlute to retnet tbn eiitrrM exprnsMl la the abet teusnm and efter roe as apoloitt whlob I fM is due you ka aul MBH IA ttAltlrf tn AtfcAW Mt nvan eartilnlr Sot a relatloa and I tin itfi xlad that snbteipisiit events nd tnfortnstlon tMoree sr poirvM ssroowAnu nnvv tc wmll yesls Uie iolDM out of whloh ouri esmrtunsie DUMaofrwinnoine nn triMn sin 1 r1r ymrsl J011N HASSlIAMMOMr WJ ni Bill Eq 0 Frnrlwo Cil i i i i i 0 1 1 IInmatefJailto HaveTurey Feast A epeolally arranged Thanksgiving dinner has been arranged for tlv prlsoer ftb County JalV for to 4ayby Sheriff Eggers Among the stnueual delicacies that Will grace the rison hoard this noon will bsstoam Ing brown roattea turxey ooo pounds Bj oti Calitornla bred birds personally selected by the Sheriff For this same fi ooaalonvwojiawcJS yranoerries i iaveDeenpuroiiiipu oe Bvrvea miiA ndClM sounds of chelae Irotoo meat enough toroake pies ror1 IK fy Mi mdre prlnrs at airt I fJ vw IHV iw Wm ether vegetables from tiiSJall garden AwilJiwmplettJiemeafi i aBsMalltmnf la1 the fornw of movies JisVttowuoKwiiijD g4venai tne i Ji jaWJWPV Jl MfCTB a REAl ESTATE TKAJTSrEES Mlebsal Coslello si to fleene Mealier lot ea line of ttefeoteiota avenue i68ll ot Olement straet 45iW 120 110 lvestora InveatmiDt Oompaoy to Andrea Sberbero at lot on NB line of Oelnmbos arenua 1M10 KW from Una of Bar i treat JJW MlllH ISKta 1SB 10 a Ota te rredarlok Uualtsr lot 8W corner of Ansa atreat and Tblrtr BfUl arenua a loviw to sio mpyp Churches in San Franolsoo are urged to consolidate and reduce their number sell the property of the ohurch that le taken into another change their doctrines and the way they are presented to the public This Bourne is proposed uy tn San Fran olsoo Advertlslag Association to which the San Pranolsoo Churoh FederationFederation appealed for advlce a tohow to increase onuroh membership Member of the federation believed that If modern business methods were Injected into the ohuroh attendance problem theyoould fill the pews every Sunday They believed something must be wrong when many persons stayed away from religious services and the way out they felt was through publicity rightly applied To this end they went to the advertising men lor aavioe The advertising men held In their report on condition and recommendation to the ohvrohe that pulpit orators could do mueh better work when they were talking to a orowded ft i i A iWONRBnjiv BAI1 lii1 ivij icmg PMietyjoi uji Nneof1 7mo ot ohuroh than when speaking to half Grant STanuo aSxN TO lid empty pews For this reason oon jamea A Bnoos and wife te roi solldatlon was advocated The Churoh Federation does not take kindly to the recommendation mads by the buslnesi men and take exceptloK to the consolidation aoheme The federation has asked the adver tising men to investigate further 1 a aim am Folio Morlane nl wife te Klbler lot BE eornar of Sarjant ana Haiswa I Klbler to Koriano and wlfa lot on BE coraar of Bariant aud Balaton Toss xo aiv Morrte Wlndt and wife to Adolph Blohter lot on 8 Una of Commercial atreet 30 or Kutn SAtlMl S1A Jobn Broiler Marsaret Parcel Jot on una or uaj arr et iov ei vv nana nhM OAvO mitt zr ueginaia tverr aou wica vaaniii uo mnH 1A rut 10 una ai naiaauaiDDi atraat 100 feet Ht of ElgbtaentD wis i Bonaidk Srmoiv let on 8 Una of MUalailppl atraat i ioo aie Oaoar Barman Brother to rrank Stack pole and wlfa leu on 8 Una of Balboa atraat 888 ot Twoatyalgb aroaue SoiS JOOillO rilomwa Vltala Oarrla et at to Alsxaadar Paantp lot oa vt line of Verannee attest of Union SOiW 0 110 Tbomaa iladawlek and wlfa to Manr Hall lot on line ot rarallonea atraat Z20 fa of Plrnoutb atanue i lUlH 125 10 wm jBroma coma ana1 wire to onarlaa SoUItio lot on 8W Use of park aranua as teet sb or Bryant SB iiw Jt too two other panels II Cbariaa lolllran le William 3 and Wlnl fred IV Oorna lot on Hit line of Park aveoua 220 faet 8B of llryant atreet 811 aSlStV It and two otbar tiircola 110 Bank of Abderaon to Ilarrr tbelpmaa lot at NW eoraar or Ulloa atraat sad tblrtaaau arasoa wn iww Danlell Mortaa to Ra flower lot on KW Una of Naplaa alreat 300 feat HI of Bnaala aranua loOxNB 110 Tbeodore Bulfi aod wire to Trederlek nwiiw vv vn nun vi murawMH airaai lSOtll Wef Keanr 58iS UT 110 Tit IvaiiraDce and Onaraotr Ooopany te oeuarine uiacu iot on una oi iniriT ulnU aranua 173 foot or atraat tOOsw 190 10 Lewis 1 Oannliatt sad wife te PaBlniala Land and linprovumobt Oompanij lot on A Una of Waahlonlon afreet MfcO ef Qoofh eMNwiisw io Lewi Uancbatt ad wits te aaoa seme AONpn UBsaoiann 10 Aineue uasv nans oua bair of lot on KS ooroar of arrant a in Beoknjaa aud wife lot 21 block 5 Foreai lam uiauB vurMai vi it wruvr vi and Blahlb traaia KB lOOiNH SO SIO v7 a iiawtu Mnmora Ataaiv uompinj viaoa UIU t0 lot III S1U Thomaa flemmlnsa to utk nammlaga on Tina of Tanttt arauue koo feat and five of California atreet Nf SOtW vuip tiivvva nnv Orbaa Realijr linproremant Oonpur to oltf and countf ot Han Pranolaoo lot blook Amended Man Lulalde trracand taa other pltoea I3M Owar llarmae A Xrotbat te Catherine Ben naau lot on NE line of Han Bruno aranna 71 feat KB of Woolaer stroet RH SCiNK 100 110 Niool Paanlnl to Loula Olmo portion of lota 80 aod 87 block miror tarraoa 110 nsruaa Kalin and wlfa to Cbariaa Ub beg lot on Una ot Kanaaa alraat 800 teet STantTftbS 80W 100 MOO William Walton ti Jonn uncr lot on Una of Fertlath avamm 1W faet ot It atreet 11 20 kit 1110 St 190 and one other parcel 110 Harry 8 Allan et al to Rlaooba Hand Wil lata Jot If Allan Coa Subdivision Wlnevr Tarraoa 110 toeapa a rarrr looawara Minaaaama lot on bjidv or rmo aireot iw ipws or Vivian daroW S50l8 1370 aod fOurtean other par oela 10 Wdellty Improvtmanr Company to Harry AiA faHMttnA Alien Tne NW flnA nt atraat and tevontu avanoo h0W 10 io in lOtVtt MVOt 9ivt Dana same lull 07 to Alias A Coa BoMlTlalon VVItilor Trren 10 Winifred Allrn to Harry Allen lei 1 te 13 14 to 34 mi SI aiid tSana other lota in Allan Coa iubdlvJalos Wlnaor Tsrraca Rata Allan to Lallrooce Tn Allan lota 57 aid SO ami otber lota In Allen aj Ooa Hub dlvlaioe of union Jrrnoo irm wmianvw nednall sad wife UPrederlek Waabburn lot lluo of Graao atroel win of Lrofli io hikn iaa no tlarUn Hold sooor eaiate of RIIhrtH Pleroo ilooenaeill to rtiarlolia Marlnuald lot ooN lino or Twaihv wIkMi Mtreat U0O ft of Caairo nosMJH liiooo Mlcllaal MoPevlll aod irlfc iu Ilohert a kiooalr end wir lftuLL T1nurtai uk lot ilnnf rtwo atlaff 5 foef of Jflnaieenili 0w 1428 110 uanr nrrmaii mum i joliil Klixa lot oa Una il 11 iiHi nvoiiiioi foot fnlli atreet 00s kl itm wife lot llno 1 JO Mlll I Unooln Minorv 110 BUI1DIN0 CONTRACTS fi Yi Roherta Wllh VrankVMriiei rik Hone aod llloii to a one aton fraoia linimliia on laoo Urea UWkwit 111W MraJiirUluiiHiMerlj4i linitiwn om nanrAll workcanocnr nhiuililiu rtttk dv wlrtli for alterations ami ailOltlona to anu4 vnnieswiMvorori La 1J i lann wiiMis1 ror alteration jot Callfnlas TlOiveois I hiiiirtiuimoHiKt itnui own wffamesWkbuttli illtuayAigo Pimiiiriiij riiionini aeM Howl Ja ni gii wnitiu VftH a st a decision authorising the Southern PeoWO Company to buy equip ment costing ii9SJ70 wa rendered yesterday by tbe Railroad Com mission Thtk will oonsist ot thirty looomotlves fifty passenger eoaohes and twenty four eleotrio motor ooaohes The oompany will Issue hi per cent ten year equipment trust oeruaoate in tne sum ot llTOooo Thole oertlfloates will mature annually In equal lntallmnta from December 1 HIS to December 1 ilia end will be callable on Deoomber 1 111 or at any Interest date thereafter at 101H per oent of par The Southern paolflo Company will guarantee the certificates and it Is pro vided that the oompany may purchase the equipment under certain conditions nsMtrtllektswiU be kow as aarlei 0 and will dlffn from tb eom panri aqnipnent traai eartmoatea knew aa aarlaa A and la tbat tbe ereaant arreeaent provides for tb parmaoe la eaak of 18 par oant laatsad of 10 per cost et tk porebkae price of tbe equipment aid Cwa not oblltata fha fliaitlieiui Paelen Gnfflein te pay tie federal Income tat for the beaegt oi va aoioara oi ina ramnoaTea Tba Ootnmlaaloo autborlsad yeatirdty a trsokara srremaant betwees the tittle River Redwood Oorooair and tb Northwaetars Paoloo Oompany whlob oovera traokaga rlibia near tlttia Rivan Jvinotloa between Buret and Trinidad a ni ftHk a ah- revtuu uiim mm rwrr vorpgriliqn ilDare vaiuornia oaa aakaa tbe approval of tba Oomraiaaloa ot certain uriae wt eaie vr vtoocnoiCT ror Iirntll and power In tbe vicinity of Its Bis Oreat aanaratlna Dlant In Freano omlnrv Tha neA naa iTorioe ror tna oarmant of 11 cants pat KWII for the flret KWH for noaeO tar OflDU iirtii UK Inrand II eeiui pat KWH foe the Brat rrn ror powev The Taller Talephose Oompanra appllcatloo for oartlaoata of publlo conrenlonoe and naeeaaltr to oouatruot and Oneriie atelepkoea ajatam in tbacltrot Iloltvllla Imperial ooun tr waa denied br tbe Oommlaalon Tbe dealal wai baaed ou the rounds tbat tka our wu alraadr bolb adequately sorted by tba Inv narlkl Toleooone Oomsani and tbat in In vaalon of this territory with a duplication of plants would reaoib In tbe anbaaquntit failure of one or the other of tba oaapanlel Ina mnett as UieVillay Company made so offer of batter locali aereice or ducraaea In rates Tbe Oommlaakw kss sntlioflsad the Paolto Bleotrio Railroad Conpanr to laaoe IJMHOOO of Its rerondtnp morttaie lftryear sxild bonds nc not Jail man orn por oant of faooValno it jne oompany proooaoa nmeHene laaelmhttrelna 1e fnaana for Mtpendlturea niadel for bollermedta and and aoorued Intereai to nae tne additions Raldnnoei washiubmuted hr tlio Paelllo da and lllootrlo Company to Coramlaalmiar Tbelen roNteidar on Ma npiilloatloii tor rebuerlna of the bel wlierohl tha UomtntRalna enilnne Hie rifen roeelootrlclly In the Ran Joeo du iTioi Aim irnpwi tvobi leertuoa raataruar war I Llpplnrott fonaiiltln enarlnoni of inqjiN Aiicetee aiieiiueii nan uenlar of Un roiuiii Innii lortmnnt ami VlnrWf MWatloii nliio ottheeiinpanr DALT CITY JAIL PRIED OPEN WITH BEDPOST HAfiX CIW Novembers 25 Qeorgej Miles aveuave inaiviauait who ta ked numBer of I Xaly Ctty residents Into giving himiioieooni roifth oppow tunity or uuywig wioov vuiir Jor tit bears the aitlnclloii of bing the tfoHr M1iiedttheTlgt lrrb sd toi nrv bnea thejRll door lil arreat foiwod tH discovery that tn tai CniiiawwdA forlisao toiiowoo tnoisaovery tnath tai icniaiionaj RfKielUinlorlhgfflrmtni heVpttipoitdrtorep To provide tixbti for running the wnrnenViinstruments business WU1 have to be stamped nt and after pombr lte The new war revenue tax oontam numerous otlons ihc llylng the value or oost of the stwop requlred to be affixed to a great variety of oontraott certificates eeds hots etA and attorney are Joeing asked daily by business elientr or adviceregarding these stamps In order that the UmpU reyeme may not be evaded through failure to siteoute doouments in writing aa speo ined in the law a penalty 1 fixed for allpanle who vlolate thl provision The uss ot the varlou Instrument upon Whloh a Umo tal ia lmnnert is required by the act so that stamp uiuet vs usea it any person issue sign or makes or cause to be Issued anv In strument in writing without the paper being properly stamped he win iianmn guilty ot a miMO meanor punishable by a heavy nne at the discretion of the Court MVJT DO OW3T CANOCLIsa Every stamp used on a document must be canoeled by the Person using or affixing the tamo This cancellation snan se done By writing the date of using and Ithe initials of his name aoross the face ot the stamp Failure to do this is mad punishable by a fine hot exceeding 80o or imprisonment of not more than six month Whan stomp are affixed to oertaln enumerated article tnsy shall be so plaodon the boi bottle orpaokage that 1n opening the packagethe stamp will be destroyed Default so to place suoh stamps a on druggliU articles is punishable by the same penalty The act declare that unstamped document are Illegal after Deoam ber 1st It makes It unlawful to re oord or register any Instrument or document required by the law to be stamped unless properly stamped HEAVIEST IN RHAITY TnAJVSFER The document stamp tax schedule Is heaviest on real estate transfers or deeds bonded warehouse withdrawal and oustom nouse entries For the guldahoe of patrons the Savlnsrs Onldn Bank and Trust Company has issued the following synopsis of the act covering all the Instruments of business oomprehended by the new laws ArraemaatC ef salt of products or mar chamllHO oh anv eichama or board of trade par 1100 01 Ajrreemcnie id1 mr ae DOTe Bflla of ladlns on eaob dooumentw Bllla of sale of produote or mercaudlie on anr exobabse per BlOO 01 Bouded wareboaee wltbdrawala aaoh 00 oonoa aeoaornrea or oeruDaniea or debtadnaeaon eaea sioo of faoe value laanell iiii4hiu nil I Broken note ot memoranda of aalea 1 aark 1Q oertincatei or aatnasei ana an oertia oaten leaned br port warden marine eurvojror each 38 1 ueruncitee oi pronia on eaon ioo or faoe value iwit4 Oertlflcatea other than tbea named but raqulrad by law to be laaaad aaohw 10 uonvaraooea or real eav lexoiaiTe oc lnonmbranaealt vv More thai sioo aodleaa than MOO 4l us aion eoaicionai fww value oo OoiWm hoot entrleai klJLi aaaaImm I1AA lb aBialM ffktf iiuf HAueyvuiiiB fiwiH ritiifiniiHii iD KxotUf lMji but oti tdlO 500 AKOwWini fmW keitlrl4jf41k4re1laflaW Indwmiiltr tHVtult wok jimuriaHD poiioiwr vi too I pnmiuo i wk PPE9H Assemblyman Oect I Conard DeclaresiJofinsoh Does NotlCbntrbllt 5 wmmmL I UU I LIUI4 Is UICI1I yrnjp ohaion will hot be toi control the Assembly at the next MilotvtthafUutuii li the opinion et arant Conatd former Mayor of San Diego and Assembly man eleot1 from that olty Conard 1 yUitirar iaSaaFraaoioo vvConardwaireleqtod again tbe strenuous opposition of Johnson defeating the Prograaslve and Socialist oandldates by substantial majorities vwoussing pernios yesterday ne sajdi havethODesthatth obralns ses sion ot the Legislature will be the best In the history of the State While the Frogrsssives have control of the Senate they oannot oontrol the Assembly the Republicans and DemjocraU unlt their foroes I think even Frogresslves nowreallJe that wiera wuts 0 return1 moreoon servatlvw mauresf and that we oan not attract eapttair to develop our great resouroes id long a continue to Impose unnooessary burden upon their development Conardi preparing number ot bills Which he hooes to see enacted Into law One I a measure relating to qualifications of voters at bond eleotloos providing that only Individual resident property owners and tax payer shall be permitted to vote at oond eieotions If this beoomes a law he said l1t win great strsnrtnen our credit The property ot vry taxpayer would ennanoe in value There are forty two states which reouirs nrorjertt quallnoaticns In bond election ArJ sona peingtn most reoent The other measure I have under preparation is called sv land settlement law It Provides briefly for olty oeunty and State aid in1 settling up our vastvacant lands It provides ior teasing or selling state land in small tracts to actual settlers on long term and eaay payment at low rates of Interest and also tor advanolng money at low rates et interest for improvement itlvemkillei iii Battle of Ypres The first native son of 8an Fran olsoo to fall in the European war was Lieutenant Herbert Husband ot the London Scottish Volunteers He Was Z2 years old and was killed In the battle of Tores aocordlna to a oable received yesterday from his mother who was Mia Constance Berryv elk1 vl vil a I connected with the flrni of Balfour uumrie at uoinere cut went to lDng land many years ago Several relatives reside in and around San Fran oisoo Nomm Wbricln iZealouly for Red Crow Benefit ciiieriamqieni iM jiiAirj ittf iprepatatlenVtoiiith iti et tloxtfW theblg Vneattoihejrlven by the FooUlght Our atbVsavqy Theater on the evaniigaoXOeoember 7th ad 8th in behalf oa the Red Cross Association the city ha been districted At a ntaatlneefeeefnmiet yesterday at Pot street presided over qy Mi watningtOO COdge It war arranged that alo station are to be in oharg of the followltl Mr Eleanor Martin and Mrs James Shea with a group of rjend at the at Frinoi Hoteland tbrFlrt gallon Bank building Mrs Peter Martin and friend at the Fairmofrtl Baroness DanleldeCro with a bevy of French glrj at the French Bank and the Anglo califorhla Bank Mr Umben and Mr Long at the Fa Jeee Hotel MrsFlohel Mrs Volkaan andMlae Bdlth Hess at that QermanBanic and it branohes ltti Osmond Blohl and aigroup twenty gtri at the Frrybullding MrsnTfoolesley at the Merchants Uxohang building Mrs Tom Of Grant at the Emporium Mrs Brougtt atthe Hotel NormandMr Lutlen and ft irrouo of German jrlrle at the German HouejlMriPw at in Jiotei Victoria Next Saturday the committee wlil meet tor final arrangement tor the whirlwind tloket selling campaign wmen wuiDs neid on Wednesday December lid The women who will sell tlekett will be distinguished by a Red Cross pin and by am arm band The Footllghc Clubv wUl etageV the musical extravagansa Butterdv 1 UleiSit the Bavey Ohif Vth special feature will be the daaolng ot Mm Agnes Mahr who will pr seen ravlowas butterfly danoe and the peaoook danoe Wlfc W8 Tftfl if lie nil a a a 1 I rt I if i av Golden Gate Park Is to Have Concert The following programme has been arranged for this afternoon at 2 oclook in Golden Oat Park Anthem Star SpaHled Baknar Marob yiorutlu TOolek Tba weddlnx of the Roaa1 Jeejel Chloeia Wedding Proeasloerjociaa Boemer Overture Bsestt um Anbef Snlta Atlantla or tbe le Con tlnent 04ii 8afraaeok 1 Moralnn 4 A Oburtrunctlonu8 I tova Tbeot Baatruetloi a jurlnrla tOaatlenad la Platos klatoryaa being extended acroaa tba Atlantis ocean approximately from Europe to Yucatan This oeetueat it wss believed was tbe home ot a great race whloo ooo quered and elvillHd tka wand Blderpta II Trovtorea4 Ot Vardl Moeale VWorkt of Oooaod0frer Laro rom Xarbaa i 3indal Saacriptht fantasia A Bust In the Black Foreet vi yoelsar Oama from Plok LedriOarjll I et UBSCR1FTI6NS to theiiBel Si glan ReliefvFund rto tthe Oamountc ef 7 wer re oivd ytrtaybysTheChn -Itle Thle brings the totarameont reoelved byThe Chronioie fortue 1 litoftheufferriiri Bl sraisA aakiaal Hks aajl lHHfjfaHS in Wi WsiSv rda tlX FJ ChrwrWe furMf Isnrtr alum to IS1S Theae gift are being reoelved hyTheChroav ii loie at tnereqoeet oi ineigian Hellef Committee and eheck hould be made papaoie to Belglen Relief Fusd San Fran eloo Chronlol Tetrdyron trioution received eyine nron acleweretl fravlaejly eortad usl7fj kptae uat 4 Hi wriaee aw a Awaii bevrftH I saa nates nn i imi TavJtaSSU4aXaaealiiMii 4 TMajM1 ii ai yjjHMi A a eeeeee as a a a a a aeQ X5 Si ff io Wft4 eh a mM Jj MiHsVfTAiii IwCLs i Yinvf Commrftee CbnsiiJerinf the fm0M Cpninjt Klacefofeiebfationaf At the First liaptlstCburott the annual Thankaglvlng lay service will be held tomorrow mornjng at ryoJCck The churoh oholr1 will render four seleotions row Handel Mes stah and Pastor Burliagaoi will priaoh the aermojv The ordor of service as foUowit Oian rMloJov MrH eflt Hymn Blessl tW terdV Isvooatloak Chorua And tbe Glory of Its Lord tHaodal MeipooaiTreaajasfl Taeor reoiraiiTe ana ini wil mendell Rrert BaltedM lr HlJoos Oaafnrt Va krv Paopla HndIi RreryiiTillej Bbsll Be BaltediH Ur Blevoosk lSyMrnTlorjijnte atIOommVii Ma Haidall Iflu Be beooa Tbarer HlUla Ina nraiinaaca dtd faneTba Bieaalnt of Wational roaaa proelarsatlM and rob Christian Boldlars am rldeleaf Obarlea Bf Caanaaa director Ideate rrls nolo ea VThe preSldelfs HarnsDB ib i Paator Oeorse finrlinaaaia Tbaekafiving offering for tba peer Cborna Halnlual Handel Peioav dexology BaaedlcUoe Orgs sosuede CHTUSTIAI JgCIBflCB CHtJnCBB Thantacivlng aervices will be held In the etiurahe of Christ Solentlst in Ban rranjoo atlt ooioot this morning These churches are located as follow First Church California and Franklin streets Seoond Church National HalV MIslDn atreet near Sixteenth Third Churoh no Hhrader street Halgbti Fourth Churoh U0 ArguellOK boulevard between Clement and Geary streets Fifth Churoh Native Bone Hall d0 Mason street between Post and Oeary Sixth Churchi Majeatlo Hall corner of Qaory and Fillmore streets i a nOWELl APPOINTED lUOSNTr SACBAMtttfTO November ti Chester Rowel 1 editor of the Freno i Republican was today appointed a member ot th Board of Kegcnts of the University of Calif or nia to nil the place mad vacant by the death of Frederiok Wobrmann ot San Franoleoo The exposition rourAd lntdi ot aoiaen oate yarx asrewtora may be selected a the place tt heldlsff the annual public Chrltmae in oslebraUon for the ehildren of San jrrancisco Plan iftb twtivitlaiaravatlVI tentative but theohSJig ini location 1 being 4touaed bythecemmlttao which le seeking the tlnen Christ ma tye obtaihaltorVth ig jut tairv I JohnW MaotlawinvlnAteliii services In organising and directing a large choru which wlHlng oarolA Anyone who possess a good volne and who desires to help make til Christmas party a uoca 1 Invited to 39W tn cnorus rynicn rehearsr Ing every TUesdav nlffht Jtnr Bilers halljt 7tMarltei treet i supervtior smrnet Bayden ohair rbanof the oemmlttee In charge of the festival prcrolees other Interests i lug foam ra PressiGluIiaSal The auction art sate under trieauN pioes of the San Franoleoo Pteeg Club at the Hotel Bt rranoi last night netted nearly IJOOO for tli Belglam relief fund The highest prloe paid1 for a singl picture wa IS89 by WU Ham Jt Croeker er Bdwln rreaktn1 painting of the Muse Cluny The blank canvas oentributed bgfWaVtr Cox wa purchased for lite by Joiln Moperaott bidding for the Aomev Clubi after a spirited iontstwitn ktio Koentirn i i REDWOOD CITT November SS The Supervisor today dlspoaed of uon worth of Ban Mateo county highway ondv representing the final lot ot the gioonoe voieacior gooa road The entire issue old In le than elghUen months after the lu The bonds were taken at par by ia HHolUn Sons of Ban Franoleoo1 i I i aibpirNeWS jl Theiadli ahxillary to th Mtbel otlonOf the 8Frano1oo Labor Counell gave a whUt party In Car penter hall Valencia and MoCoppln street whioh1 wa numerouJly at i tended John Mahar lecretary of tie Inter national Union of Steam and Operating Bngineer and trustee of the In ternatlonal Union who has Just returned from the convention held at Peoria lit addressed the local union at It meeUng iastTuesday evening 01 01 4 kf anlfaata aaob Power of sttornsy for voting stock each rower or attorney ior an oioar purposae eaob mi4 Promliaorr notes end renewals thereof on each 1100 rroteaue eaon 01 Shlpplnf recelpU each 01 Stock oertlooawa en each ortllnal laaua pet 1100 t4 i rf 4 Da 1 wv aaa vr uu a ii a llvirlei of tranefera whether skrelaal truafars or otaerwlae per 100 DIE AFTER TAKIJIO POIIOJf Angelo Marphe a laborer who on November 15th iwallowed bichloride of meroury at his home at Greenwich street becaute he was out of work died from theeffeot of tne pcuon last evening at the City ana vounty iioipitai uno eooy was taicen to in uorgu ThciCity in Brief iVi in Jt Oil Me laaotveat tees Brjlra and www anvwa eiaaiera IB oil Had petitions let bankruptcy yeaterdiy 1 lvUsr Uielr Ulbllltiae as U7SOB US Teatk Breaks late Otleev A yettk rnl maraodar who save hla name aa rank Kafar waa eaptured by Polloama Ollvar uox iaai BisnT a low minniea srrar ne Die broken late tbe efloe of tie Pacllo Mavlaa tlon Company B7 Market street Be bad secured no loot but waa booked on a oharga wwieta netelClerk laTronUe Jatnea Oba nan forma olark oftba Hotel AiheetMi wee erreated laat eight on complain of Mrs Marls Patora landlady of tbe hotel who earn that several gaya aso sno gaTe unapman paokasa oontilalni elotnln to aiall to relatives Is Geo manr It Is sllefed by tbi woman that Chap man naver eeuTem ibb pBasase i taa aro ofdoa numi wa i au mm iTHiieura jmnm lUKeiaraiB 1 taller et 1184 joott atraei was arrested laat night on a warfaot awora to br Ilirry Shapiro 119 IxM Anteles arenne Half Oltj ws lagaa tbat yinkaletelo neaaed a boina okaek or aioy en nin ineiBEui waaf reieaaea on I1WU Dill MU SCIENCE HAS PROVEH tiat cod liver oil la a wonderful blood maker and strength builder It is quoted lnedlcat text book sri4 prescribed by the best BhrsldanB every dv yet yon are often salted to believe that certain wine extract or toraiai will rive thesamo beneflclaJTesulUbnt physicians who know the Jacts merely smile at such absurd ursrestlous Such substitute are usually charged wua aicouoi or narmjui arujr to jpiease the palate ana eflcct a false summation but everyboUy know that alcohol In BiedlcJne or otherwlna Is a menace to health and should never be tofkea as a biiilderv Scotts Einulaloncontnlna 50 oufeit Hr jiri man wi iwin me now vi rcoa nvi oil au in every bottle you receTve thbenenTo natureiTgreatest hotiy nviijdineforceimedieiuiy perfected It cou tains no alcohol onlate or harmful fdrujf jaud Is yonr iuaraiitVfi AVW imcpor or Hiuiwmon on.

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