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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 2

San Francisco, California
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i js wwwfr jm WmTyw WiTTWMr1 nfpTflTwr7 tswjjttww ipiHHBHlHllHppwPfflpvvrs gBBwwfws 3LffiflkroiiaftS MtmifiiSMaswi uivuvA a jt 7mmmmymjMtei mwtt1 cfolaffliAytisfefA wrfVj sw7suw jfi it4twr tfisiriw tw s1 i tuw m1 irr iuwssr87sf ITKJ eIV iA It tTIjMiA SAjlTClANCISCO CHONICLK THURSDAY ANUXy17 lull i 1 i i i i i we saw i a NSS ja91LIJ3itOirl5vvvt Ujj lift Mr IK uri en I UH iivM Representatives of English and jy wiA uontnenta svnmcaies i4 Enter Loud Protest WT IwOVERSHADOW JAPANESE mm Ul Demand Made That Diplomacy PresCftllfSKbMaY0iie UWtt a Tt No Sob Sasf in Any Act ii KfS tt KB KlMI 1 ra Be Cut Out of Measure Aimed at Aliens SACRAMENTO April Not th exclusion of tb Japan farmr but i ilh probable fftet of tb propoatd llen land law on the million of Hu Topen eaplUl invested In tbe Stat li now th principal uu Involved la tb bill to reitrlct th right of foreigner In California on of which waa pasnd Wysitarday by tb Assembly Vy In th loud promt that hai ariaen from representatives of Entilih and Continental yndicat th original ob 3ct of th law ha bn obacured and a far stronger Influence than that rp CTtMntad by tb formal complaint of Japanea Government 1 being brought to bear In an affort to kill th inaur altogether or to amend them Sin uch a war aa to affect only th Japaneae i Tb Assembly bill prmlta corpora ftlona controlled by pereona eligible to ltlsenhlp to own property but th Assembly bill make no distinction which la In line with th strong aentl taent heretofore existing agelnat glv In often to Japan by discriminating In favor of the aubjacta of any otijer nation Th Senata bill class all fwr i lcn ayndlcat and corporation aa i aliens and It la admitted that If th guarded Impartial wording of th act 1 to be retained It will be Impoaalbl to axampt European MA1TT FBOTBITS MASH Within th paat twenty four hour ioora of latter and tlgram bar eK Wt Slthun rflveA anj a Anwmn attnraeva and capitalist hay mad their ap pearanoe all proteatlng afalnat a law that would Inimical to th prnt or fntur lnrtmnta of th banking i ayndloate of London Pari and Barlln It I potntd out that th atoakaot tnany of th larg corporation of California are dealt In on the azehanga of European capital and that at a particular Urn a majority of such atock might be owned by peraona not cltlaen of th United State a Under the Senate bill th property Owned by auch corporation would be kv lJt to cheat to th Stat after on yr fl Th point la railed alao that the law rj wouia unjuai to American ciu jji an wno owneo tne minority atoca in il auoh a corporation lnaamuch a thy 4 Would be penallied after th aam i manner a th alien 4 Senator Thompaon author of the Senat bill I conrlnced Uat Intarna tional oompllcatloo can be prerented nly by enacting an Impartial law re fi atrlotlng all alien alike and tor tl raeon he I oppoaed to th Ambly tor VJj ATTTTDDB ON CORPORATION Practically th only dlffereno In the two bill lla In their attitude toward fOOrporationa said Senator Thompaon ffitoday I am not aure but what th Bnat bill I more reetrlctlTe upon th fll Japan than th meaaur paeaed by in Ambiy That bill prohlblta corporation aompoaed of parson Ineligible to cltl nshlp from owning land where the RAmmlrta Biihatliiil IV fji VWHVkVHV 111 III h7VUfc OTrl elarea that a majority of the atock ijri a ft a 5 inui De nia oy citiien or by par von wno aiTi ovciarea ineir intention JbbbbbEsT BBHHFlBl4fll isf jaA4Bd BfeLaabaaa JEt jasssBBHKotlBW Wlrr vTvlW ifdiHHfe HsBKfiiiMls tB ieSissss HB HtaWfliBaaaaA tsBBssssssssssssssassssB I alalHfltV ilbHiliaBBl MkjE IFRANK 9 ilffIA 1 ll ALIEN LAND BILL Frank Thompion bauo and Burr Mcintosh comedian bolh of whom Vill appear in the Preu Clubt Seven Yean After short at he Cort lomorrov afternoon and midnight Saturday Newspaper MeiVs Annual Performance at Sort Will Be for Laghing Purposes Only THERE Is a kick In erery line of the big Seven Tear After Pre Club how to glTan at the Cort Theater tomorrow afternoon and on midnight Saturday Th book of th Jinks waa wrltUn by Jacob th lyrloa by Al Joy and Clyde WtoTr and th mualo by Herman Heller From th tlm that Tom Bellow wl oomaa the Tliltlng editor and foreign oorrfpondnta till th mul In the mOTlng plotur kick th poor Dutchman who la pursuing Franklin Mora through the trta and newapaper office to make him pay for a pltoher of plllad beer there 1 oontlnual merrl ment Al Joys Scotch aong 1 a graat hit Burr Mclntoah an Interesting rub Loon Wing an artlatlo Italian while othar natlonalltl have worthy repre aantatlT Harold Pracht I to sing Barman Heller1 poppy song with a ehorue 6f forty voice Charles Bulottl enJTrankThoropon will alao be haard In vocal number A wlreleaa aketeh written by Clyde Westover called The Return of Rob Inaon Cruaoe Introduce Jck Irwin of wellman balloon fame Other role are taken by Weatover Arthur Knapp and Harry Robartson Al Joy and Burr Mclntoah have a comedy atunt while Willie Jacoba and Waldemar Toung old favorltea reappear with a new aketeh called When Ceaaar Backed a Show Thoa who remember thl team at laat year ahow can look forward to twenty hllarlou minute Dick Proa aer aaalat aa a Nubian alav Louie Bennlaon of th Alcaiar Jaok Pollard of Liberty theater Oakland and Al Joy take part In a vaudeville whirl called A Three cornered Bluff There la also an attraetlv numbr pr ented by Weatover and John Terry local cartoonlata who draw at each other The lad lea will be prntd with attractive souvenir at th big matinee Seat reaervatlona Should be made early The atage direction 1 In th band of Fred Butler who I aaalated by Mickey Sutherland If Vi i fi to become cltliene according to law wE Ther 1 atlll a queatlon aa to th rTV al It fuwSi jffbfOT th Supreme Court to deter irC IS eligibility of tb Japan and I hare JUSt read in the newapapera that their Government plans to bring a test suit i ajAt a BAle Htlk a aneae are successful thev could form BJ jBJ itscorp orations ana own all the land they VT ViJW AHtmOlJ Dill tv wre paaaao unaer tne senate bill JS7 fttna Mn7 fti fWfer Bntor Thompson found upon In MVMtlgaUon today that th nubility uii iAflininlu tA Mltht TY K7SUts had nvr been carried to th i 5 i wfc ma wu uuiveu Dl Velroult decUlona th flrat In 1IIJ and Di i I the SC0nd elaht veara later the rlM f4tn ubjeta to cltUenahtp are TQ 1 IflakJi1k axsi arAiinl 1 WiP r74 denied ah erAiinfl nf ma rf Many of th rprenUtlva of for eign capltallita who art here to pre eent thtlr argument have uggetd that diplomacy amended out of th bill and that they state their object direct the elimination of the Japan farmer Senator Thompson had two confor encee with Governor Johnson today on th lubject The Governor aald tonight he had not haard from Prealdent Wilson but Intimated that he had reoelved telegram relating to the matter from other aouree in Washington would not atat what hla action would be If one or the other of the pending bllla war brought to htm for hla algnatura Both th Senate and Ambly bllla ar awaiting action in the upper Houa but according to prnt plana they will not brought to a vota until th queatlon of amending them Is definitely aet tld In conference WILSON COJflCLTl LANE WASHINGTON AprU 1 Prldent Wllaon canvaaaed with Secretary Lane of the Interior Department today the altuatlon that has arisen In the latter a native state California with regard to the ownership of land by alien The Prealdent and Lane atudled the two bill now pending before th California Leglalaturn No comment waa forthcoming from th Whit Houae but It la believed that th measure eventu ally pasaed will not differ from alien land laws already In effect In th Dla BULLET STOPS A LUNCHEON OFFICE Woman Sees Dentist Put an End to His Life With a Pistol Coattaned frem Pa I Celaaaat from th cabinet In hi hand he waa holding a revolver He stood there a moment and turned the gun on hlm aelf Then I realised that It waa no idle movement and that he Intended to kill himself There waa a ebot and a he fell I realised nothing more WITNESSES eUESTIOVED 8trangely enough Defective Mac Phee who waa detailed to th caa waa a Ufa long friends of Dr Mlnaker With Kalmbach he took the wltneaees In hand questioned them closely and established beyond a doubt that the dead man had ended his own life The plight of Mrs Williams caused the de tectives to secure a nurse to take PreidehtoDeclaresthe jiijvi BEYOND RIGHTS OF STATE iAr i jrtt i ft it uir iii jJHl J7 Educator Shows That Hague anese ArdMfMongbJians HTANTOTOiWrmatStTn April it David Starr Jordan prealdent of Stanford Unlveraltri today cora the pending legislation of California against the holdUigbf lands by trt Japanese aa unaonatltu tional and declared that it Contains the old1h6ry of nuinflcatlon in which a Swt mar assume to Itself power delegated to Ipami kn i i M4 rwwiH uvfiunuu fl 1 According to Dr Jordan the United Statea Constitution1 forbid the making of treat and agrroirttby ut with foreign nation and therefore California cannot markoutaa object tor peclal lglalatlon the cltlaen of any foreign nation who nay be real dent within th Stat DECLARES BlLtS IWVAtlD Tns four propoalllons sasm to tru said Dr Jordan 1 A 1 Such bills as thej Propositions made In each recurrent California Leg Vel charge of her The woman waa borne trlct of Columbia and territories of the i to a chair and reatoratlvaa admlnls taTMA frm ttmA ir tlm ah I union jror tni reason mere i utu bop entertained In official circles here that th popular feeling In Japan will sPf ffrr vi WM Ttxny PoJr nmZrrr wimiDUui dv une KfrQffcrriQn mmmfi Banister Shoes are Wwi hand wrought to t8 si ueiaii Das tidious men for three generations have known their worth Is that test enough for YOU Its a test that began with the steam railroad cnc crrj STan Yrerner ENCHMADEBGDTS eGtilsShvef I itiaejjviii mm be allayed though It confidently Is expected that the Japanese Government will understand the dlffloultles of the situation for the Federal Government and that Its baals of protest will be removed by the final construction of the bllla The attitude of the Administration and of the Japaaeae embassy here In spite of yesterdays action of the Cali fornia Asaembly must continue to be one of observation at this stage because a generally similar bill though different In detail remains to be finally passed in the California Senate Then there must be a conference to reconcile the differences between the two houses and back of It all Is the action of the Oovernor of California While the situation is In Its present stage there 1 no official ground for action on the part of th Administration or th Japanese embaaay though no attempt la mad to dlagula th fact that privately every effort I being aet forth to bring the alien land hold tnga bill Into an unobjectionable ahape The American Asiatic Association of Japan from its headquarters at Yokohama baa cabled to th American Asiatic Aaaoclatlon In this country On account of aerloua unfriendly agitation throughout Japan due to proposed California legislation strongly recommend aendlng United Stat Am baaaador alio concerted action against legislation adverse to Japanese other wise American Interest will auffar seriously laADEBOl UrsTTRAICCZl POLICT Th 1st Prtdn Madero of Wel tered from tlm to time whan It aeemed aa If ah would succumb to th awful shook of the tragedy that had been enacted before her eyes so suddenly that not an Inkling of the contingency had come to her previous to the report of the big army revolver Between sob sh tatd that aha had known Dr Mlnaker alno sh was 14 years old knew him whan I waa a child and Tve always seemed to know him well because I admired him from the first I do not see any reason why I should bare my own life for the amusement of others who may read and alnce I am not oompelled to talk I perfer to remain silent aba sobbed WOMAN ALSO DIVORCED Later It waa dlacovered that lira Williams name had been Mrs Florence Samuels She was unable to get along witn ner nusoana ana secured a dl vorce the final decree having been given her about a year ago together with custody of her 1 year old child Victor and alimony Samuels paid but iiitie alimony it is alleged He la aald to have left the State Resuming her maiden name Florence Williams the woman went to work as a stenographer i or tn looacco nrm January 1th last Dr Mlnaker had been an old friend of the family She visited him profee alonally and he la said to have become Infatuated with her at once Seperated from hla wife he found much time to spend with the young woman and she grew to love him In return He wanted to marry her and oontlnually bewailed the fact that It waa Impoaalbl Th doctor weighed down by th barrier took to drinking apent moat of hi night at Turklah bath Hla wife re mained In her home at 1111 Valfejo acreec aliens are unconstitutional If directed against aiiena of chy ptrtleular nationality I They ar Invalid If In contravention with any existing treaty thl and th preceding being matter to finally determined In th Federal oourta 3 They ar not valid If attacking th present legal right of ownership 4 They would It directed againat all alien ownership have sweaplng effects not yt estimated As to the first point continued Dr Jordan under our Constitution a State as such cannot make any treaty or agreement with a foreign nation nor with any gnoup of people considered collectively a members of such a nation It cannot therefore single out as object of special leflalatlon th cltlaen of any foreign nation who may be reaident within tb State Thl condition la not changed If auch alUn ar named indirectly ai alien not llglble to citizenship Such subter fuge doea not change the Intent or the effect of the etatuta If this I correct declared Dr Jordan then no State legislation against the Japan can valid In regard to the seoond point the Stanford president stated that a statute would be invalid If violating any of the provtalons of an International treaty of the United States The aliens In the United Statea aooordlng to Dr Jordan are In a sense the wards of the Nation acquiring their rights to travel and residence primarily through international treaties SATS JAPANESE NOT MONGOLIAX Dr Jordan sided with th little brown man tn declaring that the Japa neee 1 not a Mongolian by race or origin and that it has not yet been proven that he Is not eligible to cltl sena hip According to Dr Jordan the Japanese la more likely derived from the Caucasian race and has been tam pered greatly by the Malay race and aorn of th early race of China A far aa Mongolian ar concerned th apeaker declared that many peopl of Austria Hungary and Southern Rus sia which countries were once invaded by th swarming Hun poaeesa more Mongolian characteristics than th Jap anese In spbaklng of the third point on the legal right of ownership Dr Jor dan aald We have the decision of The Hague tribunal of 105 In the noted hoase tax controveray In Japan the Britlah tale Germany and Franc Japan In this caa it was decided that a nation could not alter the condition under which alien hav obtained title to land except with the conasnt of auch ownere RULING OF THE HAGUE COURT If Japan cannot Chang eoncesslons or sal mad under former condition to foreigner reaident in what were the treaty porta of Yokohama Hakodate Kobax and Nagasaki without th consent of th foreigner then California cannot force alien having legal titles to property to sell euch property with in a anven time nor can ane in any legal way take such property away from them An antl allen land law cannot be made retroactive or Chang condition one legalised Continuing Dr Jordan sJd If California with to ahut out foreign capital that Is another question Th bulk of alien ownership In California Is British As to the theory Involved there la no doubt something to said on elthsr aid but how tha Stat would coma out with a audden reveraal of policy no on knows Concluding the Stanford prealdent RNES tmmi slain wm I MammSw wef4AMM have Dri shot whlla In th dicharg of thalf a0 within th uat tnra mourns ruaryith the body of 8rt B1anhar i a warden who Uvea uan i found In th hill Beat Stoge Junotlon rMa nnaM Miintvj TBtrS iWllil WV i gaping wound loltb baoKorma llnvtlllvMiJ47 FIGH iijl Battle onnHe Bay OyeKithe Seizurelof pts Ml sriaicMiiciuVvw mSKfzxi s5 VS i Ceatlaatl frem Page fv irSrvWil vV eWKif I stooped down to examine th engtna of th launch In response to thmut uggt1on of on of Bltrrv cora oanlon an Whan I lifted trnr head again lrswYBltrttrlkItTnaudj witn a CJUD Kaynaua iu graapeu oer aaderackedTthe head of tb Italian narct wltblVfor I knew other I den trememberibelrnam ik bal aaeaaa I1 1 AVa irMa a at fvl I ae heSi jtaaJr sJs saAi JdMan afiBT th battl was on concerning Th wxt fawmlnutr werofbuty ona Th otheft launch had approached ndthhout of the occupant and thlr not very well almadblow with oar at dlaconcartad we and I know dlaconcerUd Clark Iwaa lighting with an oarrnot having an opportunity to draw my plat oL im th thick of tb battUlaawv Raynaud fell on man then anothr Tw ofitb nahrnn from the other launch Jumped into our noau Aaynauaanocaea in iir mw bottom leaped bottom of th boat and th next thing I knew I found myalf alruggllng lnth water I drwrnygun now and held It abov water Th Taunohe wrom Ilatur to reatrlet land ownership by hjutande aheaa arid I on Italian xoeptJthtlthanratjnaiaotoevof thm wai Ignatius liWJaiili While threiwertnnh beach fth two cam wardn cam tou and aia i com aing wun ioerana at ntrprtrsw wntjrilTfPr proached my uncle and demanded tta know whvthvwerflhinr with un derlgnd 1ntaS Thy tordered nT unciea to craw in wnat tney aia vei undrig nd nta but SalvitOra prt ttd and aald th pU wereof Mgal sigBj FJ nv 1 ffni MliAVilal tertilinA of the boat vTh tMinteT manj grw very angryiThAwardenrRy dlotly upon me borm to tb naud leaped Into my iuicleshoat Alter1 mor quarreling Kynaaoarw gun and struck at Uncle SalyaUre My uncles and tha wardens then befan fighting Salvator wa ahotbt Ray Lnaud and fU In th boaL ThcnUncl Anton wrested Raynaud pistol from him and struck him on the head ind Raynaud fell in th bottom of th boat I dad not aa anyone atrlk Raynaud with anything but his own pUtoUBoth Kaynaua ana ciarx tn otner waraes fired hot my uncles When th shooting began I ran to tha how of my boat and remained ther SEARCH BEING MADE After Uncle Salvatore had been killed I was truck on the hand by bullet Immediately after Raynaud was atruck on th head anil fall In th bottom of the boat Then Warden Clark aelng Raynaud fall leaped Into the water When the hooting was over headed my launch back to San Fran Cisco having aboard th bodle of Un cl Salvatore and Oam warden Kay naud I alao towed a amall boat con talninar Unci Anton and Ignatius When reached FUherman wharf my Unci Anton and Ignatius leaped ashore and ran away I went ishor and met a policeman and said that had been shot and that there were two dead men In my boat Balssterl dsnled that the five tlaher men arrested aa they approached Fishermans wharf shortly after his ar rival had anything to do with tb af fair He claims he doe not know them and that they were not fishing near the scene of the shooting They were arrested by Policeman Dan Toomey and taken to the Hall of Justice where all were examined through an interpreter The polite believe that Carlo Baleeterl and th man with him war part of an Illegal fishing party headed by th elder Baleatarla Detectives Tom Conlon Harry Cook and Nick Bakullch hav been assigned to th caae and are now aearchlng for th men who acpd on their arrival on thl aid of th bay FIRED ON AT RICHMOND RICHMOND April li Folic Chief Jam Arnold and a poaae fired more than forty ahota at th opoupant of two launch believed to be Italian ftahermen concerned In the shooting of Deputy Game Warden Ernest Raynaud near Ban Quentln last night A the launch neared th ahore near Shrimp Camp Police Chief Arnold houtad an order to land ana eurrsnder Inetesd of complying the helmsman veered sharply and made for the Marin county shore at full speed Then Is was that Arnold and hla posse opened are The shot were not returned After Warning th Sheriff of Marin county by telephone of the approach or the launches Police Chief Arnold ordered out a launch to take up the pursuit beating poor Ernie FIRED THREE SHOTS I fired three times I dont know whether my shots took effect or not Tha I haard another shot and knew Ernie was using his gun I thought these shots would arouse the San Quentln guards A launch operated by a Green Brea resident Joseph Asuro ar rived on th scene shortly afterwara and picked me up Aa soon as Clarks story was heard three posse of deputy fish and gam commiealonere aet out In aearch of Raynaud and hla caDtor It waa be lieved the fishermen would seek refuge ud the Sacramento river Deputy George Genews waa In charge of on poaae Deputy Thomas th econd and Deputy Peter Sterna the third Before they completed their search of the hay however one of the anal chapter In th tale had been written The funeral launch containing the bodle of Raynaud and Baltarl and three naherraen had raona Moigga wharf It approached lowly quietly Th moon ebon down upon th occu pant but tho who were alive paid little heed to It They were thinking of their eafety Scarcely had the boat touched land when the three jumped therefrom and fled each one puraulng a different direction Balssterl alone tailed to get away and he was ralhr weak from le of blood rrom his wound and from th tarrlSo beating he had apparently received before Raynaud breathed hie laet Only a few minute after BaUatarl had been arrested and the police had thrown a drag net for his companions a second launch drew alongside that containing the bodies of th dead war den and the dead fishermen and nve Italian fishermen Jumped out They were immediately arreated the police believing they operated the launch that want to Baleeterl aaalatanc near Green Bra and the launoh that on deavored to run down Clark while he struggled In th water Raynaud was what la known aa an outald dputy flah and gam oommla aloner had th deputys badge and all the authority of the regular deputies but reoelved no regular compensation from the Flah and Game Com mission He was paid a fee for eaoh caae he turned up however and ac cording to Commlaaloner Carl Weater field had been quite actlv of late making vral good cases among Italian fishermen who had landed crab of illegal lis WMterfleld bellev that because of Raynauds recent ao Uvltte he Incurred the bitter hatred of th fishermen whom he had brought to account for their illegal catches For a number of year Raynaud ha been employed by th Mtrehsnta Exchange aa a marln reporter THIRD SHOOTING AFFRAT Th Italian arratd and booked In detinue pending an Investigation Into the affair are Cerlshl Giovanni Orlando Faderano Carlnl Salvator Carlo BaleaUrl Salvatore Onoaato and Orlando Glutto Th Raynaud tragedy la th third of a erlea of hooting affairs la which iiimimtuHitiini eO aid Any atat statute applying exclusively to alien of any special nationality however disguised In phraseology must apparently be unconstitutional Such a statute would rest on the impoaalbl dootiine that a state may form alliances or have differences with any foreign nation without Involving the United Statea Thl la In another form th old theory of nullification that a atat may asaura to It If power reervd to tha Federal Government ShreveSCompany Established 1852 91 AUBURN STRIKE SETTLED AUBURN April II The lra eat atrlk In the history of Auburn waa aetuea tonight Whn th workars la varlou departments of th Columbia Rop Company mpleyinar HO onara tit votd unanlmouly to return to wr ar tarns submitted by th com MINTONS CHINA PLACE PLATES Shreve Company are displaying a new and unusually attractive line of this famous ware Post Street Grant Avenue San Francisco Would a Smart Black and White Shepherd Check Become You Or would 70a prefer a nest pla tripe in blck or navy Either la fashionably correct snd when tail ored to your measure Into a perfectly Mtlng suit which win always look exactly what It Is a made to order suit ts about the smartest raiment yon can effect lor Spring 5000 Is our Special April Price for a Suit of this kind either from these materials or others which our Tailoring Dept will show you Mr Baron will make and fit it for you OConnor Moffatt Co will guarantee that you are perfectly satisfied Tailoring Sept Sd Floor im Post Street Near Kearn i tri wmm rsii mm i OWi yV vt iTaVf at wmar aneah for a few dan Seebwmochliealtliitrlui pier yoBOlweTtryBoaTiiBt the UoJvmtty i Cltr mi New Yerkta relenesa awrrfceaafceea uJeprla waters eeyei Thr a reireebias eaU walee SK eea SeeeleM anaatk fiF iininitfiai Aiud ynJKrum 8I0t rALrjaS TAir ajrSfl i liiiia eA faixliaS vmag dt Blk FomiIUiUnlorfoouuty ft jy A stae lawinmltiT saloons to en for15 eaV I0 4nhbltanU la i town anA uwahuvnnDonjn By anuntjBe nasrsviousiyrr tnattn wi Viiii5 nMawh 10th John Oallowaya iankpr hukH br Fallot 7 Marln eounty wardnwassnoj TTTyr vhiik aeuaaiaar taa ai Luruww i irr LViirzi orotners just ouiaiaa oi aaiipwayjhowvr rcosrowi ereUfkjaKTiAtlernlna nrttcariou wnw tliri or vral days after the ihootlag lJhZlLXfc a jLUtSTBITJIaViS UcarioiWstrof4MysU It Anni14 tntha rlarhi hand In th K1I ah veralon of mmyv evv in sreray to tn pone aiwr rrsstdisatVnlhrtr tei rsalvatert BalstrV Who was Jtuiu bythagamwaranwaniyvuncll and hla brother AnttrVBlU alomrbncIvwraflhng 8an QUentliiwIth net and I was near with my ownj boaUV 4 Aliad gone to fish Tor clams and was accompanied bjrt two ai WIL Mr i kftr 1 ATeaspopiiful On Steak doubles ones a loyment of this favored dlshi LEftPERRINS SAUCE THB ORIOINM WORCtTrntSrtm Sharpens th sppetita for stoast rUafeJB8aladet Soli tr Gncat aryrs a ma or tuirrr I jot rotrrn Dr FEUX GOUPitlSDS ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAlinnK Imun Tan Wsv ple Prccfclt koth raKbeataah ead Skin Diaeawa and every blemish on beauty and dene drlctloai basatoodtlMtntor year and i ae naraaleaa we taste it to be ear it is properly made Accept bo cjoanarrfatt einillar aaaaa Dr a Sayr said to a lady of the haottoa a pauent JAs you Isdles will aae them Ire coaalBa7VibMa tb least harmful of aU tb akin preparatioa At draaaial sad Oeoarmieat Store fTlopmeMftlIJrstJltjttJLU USE ALLENS 00T EASE Tke aetleeptlt pewe be akakea late ta sboa vast rest and eoestort fee ttrea acklog awollee sweeties feet a lileee rtatEase It relieves corns sad buaione all aa prereata eimere eov aea csuooa ca Jest tb tale fa DandBS Parties PsteatLeethar Sbee aad for Breaklag ta New Sboea It la th areateet evasfort dlaeevery ef the Try it taaar aoui ererrweer see Dea taeeeptaay setatttete rw rSl ffll perkage addreaa Allea Olaaated I Bee I What does Daddy want A Few Choice Offices SINGLE OR EN SUITE TO LET IN Chronicle Building BBSBIBSBBST SSlBMSlSSBSBSSSBSaSMIISSasaSBBBSM APPLY ROOM 213 CHRONICLE BUILDING Polk St Sfoni TO RENT Now occupied by Wells Fargo Erprtss Polk St near Sutter APPLY ROOM 218 Chronide Butltfing MHIII Mission Branch Office TTTSJ Chronicle a kott a Hubrs Statitner Store 1 8254 22d STEEET ad Advermerncata and i SabwCrJotloni RecdvedLr 1 Richmond Dktricl BRANCH OFFICE i thg Chronicle It Located at Hanseas Stationerr Stoti M0 CLEMENT ST BU 6th and 6th Aves DoormvEist 61 6tb Ava AdvertlaeraenU and 8ob fatBBS1l li Illaitfa Tv hl WWMmibhiMMM7 Tl iV 1iJaVa isfraiifT an if1 iv 1jJftf yyf us asyiis sltte 1 I laaajaIiaaaidUaaSSTft ialj jV7 yijAijJIuaiitaatI iftHylTilrV Wt1 IWAt ii 44 kiVt i frx viViTjrTsM J8ffi JaTSasTK rmmlmtmimmUuVl.

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