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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iii m1 i i AT WmHt Va Ib yrf A sTem ejsAA aTAwaws sa mmi A1 i Aw mm fi TT ibtTV tlLj A I ULi 7 IU A IV II IJh liV f1 A A I I I Li JC ltM SBWUBBr ltMstsssiyrpfrw JWttWJJJftBhiJPWPWB Bl EieiavAK flfe vLvavaM FaKr Mamannm 1 HsssssssssssssssssB HasssiBaAAAAAAAHBa ssssseeeeaaaaaaaaaaam WEEK IN REALTY CIRCLES tHIl ftF 1 IfrfW Records of Week Show Falling Off in theTilumber of Deeds rNECORDS of th wek tn nd in eluding Thundy how 112 dcedi reoraa acalnit zit far MA tint litt week Mortsages num i ilntr oi knountlnc to 4733 rfldrftj ef lsht knt tacreaa In juiiotmC orr lMt wfek of MI1 TJr rr wnty four dtds of tfuit re orJMv or an tncri of 6urtn orr iretk ReltM number fifty four i of three Building contract lorttie weK number1 flftr soraiu for fatSi OjtO or f0lirlei than lat week vtxii A reduction In amount of ho leas i The real aetata market prjsente no hw faaturea the wek harrng been a all one In alt departments The large aalea noted In the prevloo review were encouraging and injected tltaltty Into eraarlteffrotnj which little wu i to ko exjxeted It le the eoniesaua at 1 eplaioa that ns revival of activity 1 to be expected until money become let stringent and the uncertaintlei pertaining to the coming election are anally removed The activity dltplayed In suburban Srejxrties is SLmaxlng not only la tbe enormous demand for lots but In the Inexhaustible resources displayed by purcnasers in payment Zq many ln ttaoees buyers In placaot acquiring lota on Installment termsK aro paying i cash a feature which Is very encouraging to the community In general and Unest of lire pak growths Nowhere on the peninsula do the live oaks grow to greater also or more luxuriantly The land will be subdivided by the new purchaser Into villa sites of large dimension not less than one acre each and sold only to buyers wbo will be restricted as to class of buildings to be erected The subdivision will be opened November 1st next The Oakalda Land company Includes Our Wavman Rothchlld LeadalM Gray JL Watklnaoa and Burrell White From advance proof sheets of Themas Mages A sons saa Francisco Real Estate Circular for September 1107 8ALIS IN OTTT A1TO COtJNTT T0 rfp TKMSIK 10T gMtloiie Ne ftiWa ABeent nfty Tare Si 4ST Ose Hoadrea Tere St US75 Fetnre SoeU Sea rru vt TS500 UlMloa adCIOea 141 SMS0S Wn ASdltloo 121 oaoo Oatsloe laaits sad toaesttedsloa JWOSO brings joy to the hearts of the owners Another land tranaaetlon of Urge proportions Is reported from San Mateo county by which 1S1 acres of finely sltualad land near Redwood City owned by the Oakalde Ind Company was sold to a client of Ouy Waymas for IJ1S 00 The land was part of the Johnson estate which Srst paid 10 an acre for the tract and a year and a half ago was bought by the Oakalde Land Company at a price approximating MOO an acre The sale nets the land company one halt the amount realised The tract Is bounded on the eaet by the Southern Paclfle and Peninsula railroads on the soutb by Wellesley Park west by Los Logos road and north bv the Brtttlan tract The land le beautifully rolling andeovefed with theand nominations Is greater and Is yMHtv HS Virtr5 take tTOmtt i listed to day ombrse is1 oraparatlrelrlintsd but most Important seetlof Baa rraaoisoowCUneraltr peaktnr the got bounded by Post and Market streets as far west Grant avenue ti lower end of Ooa ry street tennlnaUng at Market the latter street from the sits of the Palace Hotel nearlr Plfth street is delineated with partiaulaTcTeaniess Xdoklng I awy from the eenter of tho pleture ths great south of Market street Is portraysd In all this Vast district no building tscaped devastation Only half a dosen struotures were left upright The square building at the extreme right occupies the site of the former Tlood bulldihg at Fourth and Market streets The tall building at the left is the new Chronicle building at Kearny and Market streets With few exceptions all of the structures to be seen In the foreground are occupied aeltber as offices or commercially Business Is fast resuming Its normaleondltlon within this region The streets are In fair shape and pedestrians sre no longer Inconvenienced Every day witnesses some nearer approach to the Ideal future when construction no longer disflguros the streets and the vacant lots are covered with magnificent stores MHMMMmMIIMIHMt 4tl fraught with more serloue woe or wel iraurni wnn more serious wov or wei wjip a vuni ir fare for Ban Francisco than any slm LZZi Wvl liar conventions since the city founded The Milding eontraota for the month of September amounted to 86121 4 aa follows 2m70 lisasst i3STi TUU txjnxw Deeds for it sales of real estate were recorded during the short month ef September and though there were only tvfnty oae justness days the sales amounted to a total of I23711IJ The sales recorded therefore are Kit 000 greater in amount than those recorded In AuguiC Thie Is a remarkably good shewing when It la also taken Into canilderatlon that It has been a montn of peJltical conventions thalmportaaoe of whose dUoseslons Brick Prime Alterfttloas TMil W3S21M The total building contracts since the fire amounted to 7BI971C THO WEEKS RALES 8 Srovne it Ce rreort the eele ef three kuJHin nets on Ue Mif line ef PeTlsadre treet fnt north of WeihlBflon ttrwt 43tr 110 feet Oion Iillut to Bias of tats Ores Cl tor tko ens ef S3SIM0 Al re Btu ee the eeeth Une ef Weebisston itrool 110 feet tut ef Bnxlerlck street SOilJT fet Blss te cUfmt ef theflm forthe inn of I1300O Alee rtoldrace of rooaif eed hoth oe wott ole of Devlaailore otreot herweoa Brood way set ViJIto treoU 7Stl27 front Ooorfi TsUaat to Boor for the inn of 113000 Two sau on Clayton atrnt aouth of rrodorlcx met rrom wouiai sonuteia euest or ui Urn for SlMOA Uarrlon WcldosinaUor si Keeewtln resort the followtas oaleo tot Ue week For acctmnt of the Hind Botato Co to cUont ef the ofOco the northeast romei of Twontr foorth and abet wtll otrooto 6Ai90Ooataialns otorea eed lets for the sum ef 20000 ror scemtot of rrlnile theaortlwaat eenor of Twosty foerth treat and Trrft stosoo OOiIOS te gamaol Hthlaa far the aula of S1JL0OO ror amount of Utsrr Wuur lot os the north Une of Lombard trout between Hj aed Larkla etrotu 1 by aidfon eoeth of U7 to Manh fot the aun of f9000K epoa which bo will buUd six tats Burshan slank On report the tale for rouat ot aioKJUoe te euont ror szo ItrooL SO fool oait ef Clarton itroot anit Im proTod with a otory frame bolldlng of elsht anartnosts reatlac far Si7s a month Oooar Heymaa ana Brother rrsort the fol lowing ealee rolls Baebud aoutbwoiit comer of Dwlfbt aad Borlla itreon S0xl20 ftt A Potorooa lot ZM Hermes Tract Thorn sic Connlck lot block 1 Falra nbdlrlalone ef Holly park Tract I Perloa northwest line ef rVromlus atroot 113 tut north of tfrrse stnor ouxion root joenrorarnor lota and block 3 Uorman Tract Mo Hush UetMrmott woat lino rorty trat arosoo S2S feet enotk ef Point Loboa annua 25120 iflot esa loor roora cociaso rraaS relay lot 03 Gift Map Ho 1 John Dowem soetk llae Hanover atroot SIT foot out of Lowell traot SSa2U foot wnilan ant tm Back lots S8 sad Si Jacob Uermaes sus oiruiea or uoee xrsei nowtoa roy lot 1 block vralra subdltlalons of Holly Pirk Trees isVtaesfre Ce1 report te fonewint aloa Fer eeeesnt ef alra Small to Baylo lot ea smith llae of Croenwloh soeot 73 foot waal of Xaaray atreot I08TS for 1300 for aaeouat ef Derle Koalfy Company to Boutry lot ea A1U ttreot wtt of alee fooory street 10s40 ftotV for seoo for ao rouat of Mrs Laeoote te Chsrloe gaponUs ear lot on AJla etroot SOieO foot for tbe tun ef 00 for account kit Lacoafe to It Condlslclt let oe John street eat ef Maaoa street foe the eon ef ie00rfor ae eount ef hfrs MV Leeoete to Okarlre tapollin lot on Joha streot eaet ef Maaon atreet sil8r tS foot for the sua of SienO for account of Mra Jamoot te Dolatbolla lot on Alia traot zOiao feet for the sum of 800 for ea const ef Ed Boutry te Borfentlso lot on Aita atrMiiuKv raec tor toe run er siwi tor eoreest of Benlesals Beatr eauta to Tkeraolala let ea Ctreeo etroot woet of Hyde troet zOiOO feat for the eum of 17Mi for eoeount of Mrs A Bra te Mrs CmcU lot en Taylor place oaat of Taylor street iSxeS feet for the eum ef 1780 for account of Nat tieaaar to Sulllran lot on filbert traot eait ef Larkla atroot 3SiSIa foot for the sura of CO0i for sceount of Pator Oowhl to 1 Vlfnau 1st on PielOo atreot writ ot Vlaeon atreot 23i8St for the auia ef 9800 for account of Jeaaae Ceachl Trank llootl ot aL lot ea Taylor plsra eeat ot Taylor atrert esila feet for the sum of JMOi for accouat ot SulUraa te Bo hill lot oa tbe avutli line of BuaaeU stroot till it Byda tint lot Jiao feat fur tie ana of 100 tor account of Mrs Alborlsit to BattooL lot oa union etreet went of Uent somery strMt 3iS foot for tbe suet of 300r tor account or uuiaasee to ropputn east Use of Maaoe atroati aerth of Greenwich street 45IS0 feet for the earn of 3700 Coffls Co report taav followlss at lea i Let es BUTer srasoe ilsevet lot Irnsular buyer Jeeepklse Abrahajuwa eoher CofSst lot sad Uoeroremesta uows ee No 10 Saa Jose aroma esxUO foot sarrt Ura JT ftaat lot on aouthwoat corner sllter avenue and Madrid atraG iSrtOOH foot buyer Victor Palefollew atllar Cortai let es waet llee ef Lapldfe street sear Ushtesstk tro 33im buyer kl Howard aaller Jobs Lyas lot sod UBDrevemeets ee wt Hoe ef Moultrie treat sew Powhattan treat 85x70 foot bum Mrs It a Frost seller 0v Terser lot 0a wn i a i i i 1 1 Msllt aot knyer Mrs Balatead erl WL IV Bwirtt lot oa eoata line or inateosTe etrrot seer Dolorta atroaC COilli boyir BtUln seller 0 Bryant lot ea writ I of Howard atreot near Twentidfth treaa 13x11 5H fMt buyer alckarl Specktor aaller Darldaos lot and improvement kaowa aa No 0 Cbittanaes a street MxTS fiat kuyae Elisabeth Oteary lot on woat Hue ef Potrore ava sear Twenty Brat itraet 90x100 feet bayer Bet mead llemmlnxa let en eonth llee of 3eraer etneunoer Diamond atroot senile feat buyer Mr Clara Lens lot oe west line Caatre etroot near Par etreet 25x106 feat buyer Barr eollef Xlebard gpecktori lot oa north Une ot William Pheedovlae aolltr Blcbard peekter Dor etreat near Ceatre ttreet SSxlte buyor reof on eonth llr oremtekallll treat aeer Diamond etroeL I alls I esniiiiin that dnvlse eallw Bickard Specktor lot ouTieath Une of Twenty ninth street nar Diamond street 11x114 buyer John BtJsaburj sailer Blch rd Specktor Let en treat llae ef Ltilnjtoo aTinac scar Twaetleth traet aiae ef lot 23xH0 buyer Noll Dnrionai lot ami lDproreuiaeu knows an S2 tits Clipper street alae ot lot 20x114 buyer joeopn xjirup aciicr Mr xwrtrcmt lot ana Improreineoto knowu SSU Howenl atroot alae of lot S0xl23 buyer Nick end Adnllno tVertx aoller Jourdao lut aori linnrove moets known aa 137 Koo itwt ilro of lot 23t 100 buyer Mortn seller ura II Jm lot on eat lino of rolacm street near Puwbattan lee of lot 33x70 buyer rrandaco and Anfelo Cono aoller a Capp lot aad lmprovemenfa known aa 4341 Twenty third itraet alae ofjt 13x114 kUTre eunre end Annie Bodxaral lot onortk line of Twanty aiyth treat near Plamond buyer Thomas Wootta lot and Improrementa knows aa 731 Anderson treat alae of lot 23x70 buyer Walter Caraos aellare Byan A Mitchell i lot and laproTrmenta knows aa SO Paue atraat also of lot KlilXl bnyare 11 and A Olras seller 1 Klrby lot oe northeant corner ef Diamond and Day atreeta else of lot 2HxlM buyer Carl Pater ann aaller Jtlokard specktor lot on wtat line of Ceotro etreet neat Twentr elnth alee of lot 25s 103 buyer rrad Kalb aaller Blchard Bpecktnr The following aalea sre npnrted by Getai Loi 70x130 oo weat Une ot rorty tblrd erenue 120 feet aouth of I otreet Banner block to esa end wuiiiin a uunter lot saxuo oa out line of Forty fourth sreeoe 235 feet north ot I otreet Banner Block to Walker A Cloeor lot 00x120 eaat line ef Twenty Oflb erenue 200 feet north of Qoiaeat street Ontatde Lend block 13 te CoJbmsa and Inns Baca lot 23x 120 es eeet llnf ef Tweety lf th srenne 175 feet sorth ef Clouest Hrret OuUlde Mnd block 10 to Cberlee Mertoe lot 23x120 oe weat Hue ef Foity tbtrd erreee 00 feet north of Banner block to Fraek Lewreoee lot 320l 100 es oortbweet corner ef Twentyfourth uto sne and Clement street Ossrlde Lend block 15 te Flarher ssd A snd Wilde lot 30 slOO en eoetheaet corner ef Twaty fth srerae and Callforeie etreet Oatalde Lend block ISO so Berrasi snd Cbrlaune Schmltt lot BOX 100 ea eaetsweat corser ef Chine svense sad Leadoa street block EieeUlor Homeettad Aeeedetlea to CHsabotk Ooullej lot SSiUO on east Una ef Hlneteeath evenne 230 feet north ef kf atreot Outalde Load Mock 47 te Mary Menten lor 00x100 ee aontk line of atreet 820 weat ef Twenty aecend ereone eyota1de Und slock TOO te AHre Oortaai let ttx 120 ea weat Use ef Twenty third evewee 200 fret sorts ef Callforeie etreet Outalde Land block 04 to Bcksgeri lot 2SHS0 en eeat line ef Twenfy dfth avesoe ISO feet north ef Clement etreet Outalde Lssd block 13 to Martin Lanslays lot 20x120 ea weat line of Twenty fourta avenue 2S0 feet aootii of Call roraie street trataioe isa Slock las to jeba Blomborj lot 33x120 on weet line of Twenty fourth sranue 225 feet north ef Clemest etreet OuUlde Lead block ISO to Thomse Pi gesseyt let 20x100 oa soutkesM Use ef Edtsnarib etreet tod fact eoatkweet of Japan sveaae with lm preoenesU block efcj BxraWor Bomeeteed Aa soclatlon to Mercy kf Landuccl lot 20x100 ee eratbeaet line of Naples etreet 2 feet aerre eaet ef Japaa evenne Mock 02 Excelsior Bonw eteed Aaooclatloats perid Celaosi lot 35x120 ea eaat Uhe of Forty elgbtk aeesne 130 feet north ot atmt Outside Lend block 02 to Ellas Dnpllaoea A feature of the realty market at present la tkedemand for some lots sad reeldonco Ites One ot the belt oxemploa ef this demand la the rapid aale of lota at Bakar Besch In tko laar two weeke Lrea A Hoes have effected Use followinc aalea auowlns sot only a sood AB I ks lu innrflu 1 A that It para propert rwnera te pet their property la ant class coaUQon before srertng It for salei To Fred Kldd two lora en the easterly Use ef Thlrtr aoeood sranue distant toeraon 50 feet northeily from tbe northerly line ef California treat lise 30x1070 price 1730 each To Joseph 3 Matthewe lot en the eaatrrly line of Thtrty aceond erenue distant 510 feet northerly from the northerly llee ef CeUforsis etreet also 00x107 price 1730 To Loelaa Berlins two lete es the easterly line ef Thbrty eecond arenue dlatsnt thereon AM feet northerly from the northerly Una of CaUtorsla etreet else eoi 120 feet each price 1730 Te A ssd Elisabeth Bncconegra two lots oe tbe eeeterly Hue of Thlrty eecood avenne dlatent thereon 00 feet northerly rrom toe northerly line of California treet else 0xl3o each price 170 each To Francis Kennedy snd wife lot ea the eeaterly lino of Thlrty eecood avenue dlatant thereon 275 feet northerly from tko northerly1 llae of Catlfortia etreet else 23x130 price 1400 To mideet A Byrne lot on the eeaterly line ot Thlrty aecoad srehoe dlatast thereon 230 feet northerly from the sortserly Use ef California treet else 33x130 price 1400 Te Henry aad Cllsabelk 0 Orshsm lots ea the easterly line ef Thlrty eaeend erenue dletsst thereon 175 feet northerly from the northerly line ef Cttlforule etreet else 29x120 price 1400 each To Careoe two lota en the weetnty line of Thlrty eeeond svenue distant thereee 413 feet northerly from tbe norUerly liae of California atreet else 90x120 feet price 1300 seeb To Mery Ev Oallasrber let ea the weeterly Une of Thlrty eeeond erenue dlaunt thereon 4W feet sortherty trees the northerly line of Cali ferule street aloe 0x120 price 1500 TiT Mrs Ases Bromhant jot ea the weeterly line of Talrty eaceod evesue dlatast thereoa feet sertherly from the northerly Use ef Callfornls iismt eWOO To Mrs Bertha Bartholma let os the weeterly line of TMfItJJ dlrtsst thoran TO foot northerly from the northerly llarlof California atreet else STxlot Irrnulart price 1250 To Aorutos BelL lot on the weeterly Une If Thlrty eeeond arenae duteet Oiareon TDJO feet sertherly from I ha northerly lino of Callfornls iPXL verolar price lSo ae2S levrietea tbe westerly Hue JlJKliE veawaif distant thereon las feet northerly rose the northerly line ef Cnll forals street else 2Txd lrreiuler tsrlce 100 CCemtraoe4 oa yi ik iigiL i imn aaaaaaaaV ml ml Wam A Sw a Xnwsasasssflama was -I mm rush I to wM HEiciii yt DEMAND mm IDEAL SUBURBAN HOMES i Sj 1 i I I1 1 use IV Crowds of Hometeekeri WHl Visit Oaklands Future Nob Hill Sunday Attractive Residence Spot Along a Famous Boulevard Erery dark cloud has a silver lining Is an old trite and true adage though not often demonstrated Much has been ssld written and printed about lb damage caused by the disaster of April 1101 with morel or rather lass Wgard tor truth butfrarely has any thing foutnd its way Into print showing th vast bnflts which have accrued and the stilt greater blessings which will evantually be derived ag a rssull those memorable events and specially In building up new and eboica rssuJenoa and business seetjons on both sides cf the great bay ot San Jran cisea is Ideal locations which hers tofora hAve remained barren their VOAtlogaiid advantAgea unnoticed ntwt arfvrn tmio ewMwe wwarHviM eeeeivia ai lun Hlveur Using adage may be found ea PS ILL OAklssd aids af lha bar where a ijBAV Arid Idsaf residence section Is now atelilal4 out aad sites are eagerly jemlTd br beat And meat Prudent 1 i nlssaof hema aeeksra and investors i iTlxoaw wh wilt avail themselves ot i Atke opportunity and visit Tolsr Uslghta s4 easrrow wlUaerUIniwanijor A rars ittat The antlra tcoaerr and sr kloVtwvrlU prove A rrvelatlott te vtwitAf sJtSAding upoAA sUght UmmmTlnrti bwbt4 spread out eaveerwoadarurg gas tnc xaoot ksaga ia1snsiii fTsl mrtf At letwrttva twwsewatwbroWtvui taAoea I eMXaTjsyev tstobsv stipvais cajuxy hwut tlbawaer of BeJa Trtoesoo MAJmlt MaTlr A VlU BAA I tWssjp TtdAT atslghU Wlrbrttd tawst still wetawtard MMsalnptt I gtAbmrt aw otiag an tlbo eemt iSMUzicin Bags i i glli llllJlii 1 iJHBJHllMiBtt I I jDssssasssssH JWillllffP I IHHmI Msaffflnasasasflojsssssss Or llemHHiBKaalSSmaaaaaB lliaxJMBwaJaaBLslilll UL PjaMnlarTl lIT ITlLZVjlaaLflELl nr I 7S KW KlMM ttf GRrctZfirCF JCQ1T oat vqcjek jnBrrzW jifll iMtfiffi AmaaaaaaaaUW JaaaaaaaJ aaaaaaaaaaaaV MCijiL SiiLiwStt SJt lTBwBaaaaaaaaaaaaaamJ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH forts ot a quiet suburban borne with model schools churches perfeot drives With the advantage of being within A short distance of the two principal cities Oakland and Ban Francisco Just a little further on la Fruit rale one at Oak lands beauty spots with Its magnia cent homes while to the other aide is San Leandro bay And in the distance are seen th Mils of Baa Francisco terming a grand picture for the back ground PICTURKjara VIEWS Toler Heights comprises 1ST acres or airoost 1004 bulldtng sites Aside from its admirable location and pictur esque view tt combine aUibe beau ties and advantages ofob Kill Pa olio HelghU rAad Piedmont Uelghts but without tbe cutting winds blinding dust and siaeperating fog of tbe for mer and a under and mere pleasant temperature than the choicest rtsldsnce sections which are closet to the Ooldsn Oat And te tbe bar shore The blessings of eternal spring and an abundance ef sunshine aye Added adven tagss and attraction which re essan tlal to A dsslrable suburban ten A graded school within two square ef th Height the rntvaJ Kit Bchool 1 within easy welkin distance while just beyond tbe hill is on of th best young ladle semlnailM Is CallloralA Th approaches from the eenter ef the city Oakland Are throngs th ehotcsst rssUeteoe eeetlons laoludlag last Oaklaad and rruitre Along Toler Height bouiTarapoik dghte ly 1evtln of undulating bin with beAOUfuJ BlrnbUTSlAt It AsTTLsB CAR gatttYICit TliO atret oeoeielrifeite iiil lwi comfrtabIs fcy tawJtlmhurt jBan JU 1 ri5 fneii endro and Hayward ar lines th bsst quipped street car service In Oa land and vicinity and Tolsr Heights eaa reachsd br sither ef those Une la twenty four minute from the cen ter tt Oakland To add still more to the many attractions of what Is esrUin to become the ehelceet resldeneesrctlon of Alameda coudty an ostrich farm I to be started at once for which a fire aur rinU of Oakland ITrultvala and th en timet ha been sst Aside A fdrce ef laborsra aad striaV of horse ar played gradlnr th tend eutUng ttrjsughand leveling stretti and are nueaS grading and levellna buUdlnsr sltea making them ready for the build er and making all ether preparations tAbegta construction work a house Surveying partis are bur 4eSning home bouadarr lines while investors end prospective purchasers men and women from San Franciscoi OstklAJutrAJamsoA rmltvalo but prW clpally from Slmhnrst are eleetlng alto for future heme er Investment IfAVbRITB ORIYEWil The grand Foothill boulevard jittrt iig Tolas Heights I ensvof thvflat drive ways for auto and earrlagss aad the favorite pleasure drtv ef alt rest risnts Of Oaklanif aVnlrveJ anA 4t am trunoundir country It Vihroad Sd wU pared and kept in perfect con dUloa At all season thvrearivand lead berondToler Hslghti a prtnclparcltleeand townaln AlAmeda and Bant Clare cAuati The gentle undulatlAg surface ef the land ondowa If with lnoihaustlbl possibilities fy enhancing lu maglfold naturAi bean I ttirilrymtii Already been eotrunenced and now progressing a rapidly id isat And th expenditure ef ample fund wlU AcoompUoh erteU end avenues are being graded aad a water system is being oastructed which will supply every house in the tractwith an abundance ef water The fare isoaty eaat to and front Oaki lAsd ea oomrauUtloB tlckelncludlng fre transfer to all part Oakland aad Brkeey aad only oeatta or from Baa Tranelaoo The ti4sl cr7stmU to be jjt tended rlghtrrato Tolev Height aad th frwfJ hAt fitsnsionhaa a rsady bea applied for with every a surance that It be grantsd aad the ar irnsssitended Into the rry ieloiiJ ww eviee avoiaasaet 3 orrtRiTJ JriTTe tunlty been offered to the people of Ban Firnolsco Oakland and the bay cities to acquire such ehotc property at low a flgurs and on such casytarm Large lots St br 175 feet mar Aad a low a taOS and from that up according to location Th term are easy enough to bring them within reach ef pereone ef moderate means In set the cost In the end will amount to less than the rent of a very modest dwell IbbV Ten par esnt lof th purchase price say from fit to ISO must be paldi when the purchas 1 made and then 1 per cent or from 14 to It a month until paid but without interest or taxes This Is perhaps ths only land which I sold on suchsasy terma Th lot art all ready to be built upon and within Vshert time the tm proroment must ef necestlty greatly enhance th vain of the ground which wilt yield investor a handsom profit Home seeker and investors need not fear1 or have the slightest apprehension that anything except good home wilt be built on Toler HlgJjJjrhwpr of th tract impose csrUla hBdnr stttctions which ar Incorporated lath transfsr of property giving assurance that neither Oriental nor aay objec tionable person er thalr house will evirp toieratsa oo theaeigbu susAtrr ron worxcTtowi Tolr Height wtU be epea for 1a peetlon to the pubUo to morrow tua chase er sot are Invited te Joint the procession and wand their way to Tolsr Height th future beauty spot ef Ala nudA cooatr TrsporuHon free ms so ue luexaeoa wawn jstjii be IHf 1 llr LX oedvfsr thatth owArAewetvryVlVitortorbe 13 I sursd thAt the de fl LoVefreitM thah the number ioi Al Investor and dealers are quick to aewanadvantAge aoels as fte Tol Holghtfc The wl ottnis thV opportunity othrmar Theonlr war td mAJt otln Ta ht tthr In securing a let er aot to Inquire into the real mrtt Bouthwstrn Becuritlea Companrwim Broadway Oakiand and I4 Van Ness avenue Eaa Franeieeo The offlees are open ever dav evenina until oclock and Sunday But th better way I to go to ToIr uiighi to morrow cur your trane portAUon to day andee the sronert th urroundlngA Judge with your own ye and senees askM all Inforatttrbri roudr fron th pepe who knew alt about it whoinyttw7itinet on th groandi and then you will he able to Judg latlllgntlr If you do not buy to morrow and youwui net be abl to get a lot som other darJ it will hejourfauu alone THUESOr PRQORESf The offer is grat th term so goarrSus and th opportunity ae ea ceptloeal that It 1 apt to Ak people okeptlcAl To these wbo hesitat douKt Ui exceeding good tctn ef the offer It 1 only necessary to call ate lentlon to th rapid trldoof prog re vialbl in th ImtaedlAt rlelaltr of Tol Hlgbt The barren aad unsightly land pf but a fw rear ago has a by mag become converted lntothetriost sightly and comfortable suburb home altetv covered wlth Ca dwning stABdlng la th midst of Uwna aad gardensC and th cluster of hou sseaea the way to Toler Hslgha and A It InmedUte rlclnlty dtmanatrat the weodsrtul Changs wrought vrlthla a yry fw rerlby Judkloua investment aad making the best us ef the pportaalty offered Those sits aad hoaa hay been acquiredacquired in exactly the aamaway And en similar 1rmaon which the site ea ToIr HelghU how being offered Th only dlffrnof la thAt Toler Height ha addltloaAl advanUge of location aad pAnorAmlo view Va A 4dttdly better future Uts and women of dgmnt aeeet only go to ta grnndj Mdw An4ith will Uj October Ith and ail person ta Urested in th growth Oakland te IdAt homes whethtArwih taTpur feaslybe eoavlneed thaitiV acquire aa wsai wt either for home or for futureproot 14 1 venr rar eoa Bunday jj aa aeneikt ay fc for in outing of bAt Wad Oees te TT7 Wto mwrrW tioiltAt4 1 JUtr if rrvhA eucaan eppor Jspreadirlth lvlk JioltaHtr1 fir Wcntimg ft to a if.

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