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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 5

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

RUODfi Stonea Along tie Cycles of Siderial Time. CHANGES A YEAR wtU BRING FORTH TloTutlaoBjof Hillary ul nU y- wuu.41q SdnUii Xia I of au. tb. ZutVi Zn oeeaif eu II spas efsom waenee ennoble explanation. Every Manet szo bean Cud UM In relation to tnI7 a.

Atom tad world vitk rftetMUMBttU lud OIMtrl. ealfcarBoay on eaB a law iotJ34 all' tMn fond tad Com ta UH a ca a feiriieaaii aea i eftlngooevajttnd consistent who Prort. VIIII ItSiZI creator and Ipiei followed by f-ertodjrfectiTitytndeoraparalirereat V. dan nark I IssUI xdi4 drop and tnhetar sppssr it their pointed timad Each Iba40w mark Un hour oaaoB dial labitr OoaorUtal rerolatioa ta nil our sin com put solar yew. Longer cycle mark yean of th Pleiad ds4 vs the eeUitialdialef ssrth1 northern by I or low siid1ss1 tnasiu of tan.

pW rear UPM warn Mess. On central Mar el group craw tk meridian at sri1eigk whence. eonrrat- OB the meridian earlier everr night 1 tMI. a prscpaloeal ed. of 25827 year th trsae of the equl.

MZM. Fan prom rtiodi obediently to the perturbing Inferno. of annual tIeria of about 6021. feeling element of I. Bon minute pr OB iuiial petted indicating tb year-cycle of MOM distant orbital center towards which the SUTthU polar axle e.

Itlluy point Tbe. geometrically later- kered. trttemt re into uniyrrws miner OrWI around progressive nadcU or it- trietk. within grander tilt BO maitibIn of which. ii eompnbcndod within th infinite All la All.

Every star Bore in appointed sphere end 117 atom. peeking it place ttracti earth total II trJy II earth attract th item. From Kepler law Newton deduced a theory of atonal imitation. determining tile pen- tuI of aQ material be ex srted directly la the ratio of their man and inversely ii th sqoaree of their distance. Til tow op cnTTIO By the perfect application or this law no portion of God' nmrene I without Ito ex.

irtly defined influence. upon nt117 xiing form of matter. Infinite wudom aleogeen forpee. the ItImaL. null of nua intripet.

renHuiUom of 10. yet aUli dearly du! that onziedent rover 110 can Una cart to the tweet inflaencei of the Pleude9aiKilaoMthe bee of Orion wfco MnicU forth Uanaroth in hIs and guides Areturue with 1 Ulni who eIbbIhe the ordu.a.- of beaven. and ordained UM exact tflinioa of eenII. loOteocee The polar oppoution between root and iewkkb magnetically uuataini the vitality of vegetable forma from doled germ to rtatebert mouarell ofthelorert. ii a methodical agency of that upreme fountain of life which is above all.

aid dwelling in an. to quicken the vibration of atom and guide th rolling world amid their utirry Lost. AS things quickened late life at. endowed wUlatene of compound change of eondi- a wherein all effect bear a direct title to th parental unit of Impulse and a one to each other Our sun Is a tar. nearly a petItion and a half time larger than the earth and 80000 times a.

heavy. When it powerful electric light strikes our planet it quicken the circulation of that earth nwgnetum which tin become en ac tin end obedient agent in th orgnniaaliou 0 ma Ural form. The action of this most IB mediate I. Illustrates bow utfisenees reach earth beep neighboring rtems. whose beets act directly In the ratio of thell' maw ead.

inversely a the squares of their With 1. tyriitioeii whirling through I sympathetic brotherhood ot ton tar transcending tsr sun In ana unwind a radiant influence 10. electric thread combine a warp and woof woven in chaise. pattern into the Tart fabric surrounding every world. toii rtrtrurcrs.

Proter Btlfosz IStnart. treating of points connected with tesreetilal magnet. which he pronounce ripe toe the mathematical ea of solar phytuicta. an- onneee that with the ro-ocntioo of Sir George Airy. utroaomer royal of England.

he baa reached result showing that an Increase or deezseae solar urtisity eorrerponds to III Increase or deceases both of magnetic and peeteeeelagit1 artiiity but so certain changes in be progrw of phenomena from west to east lair behind oor solar chaurnr. we in er that mag De weather travel tan atmospheric weather end may prove to be the determining came 01 UgTCiYS change in earths meteoroloqicI pbenomeiia Lortb' simon- pibere ha been gradslb growing clearer ted peers retne4. hence earth is emery powerfully affected eolir a. As material conditions de nlent oupri eocur un condition to impreosel upon all it planeta. lnclsdiug every tiring thing tnereun A grand parental lore also reflected mm that great olu heart which vibrates soAahucg pulse and beau tees the thither ebon ot our anl verse- summon with all bodies in the e.

yields an exact proportional obedienie to innumerable Ulllueocea ap- pycachicr II a the Cow of light at dawn. be drent or withdrawal of direct tour ny inaugurate sadden changes of toOseneci. both at sunrine sod or wbn by intervening clouds yet earth' rotation. which determine the apparent sunburst or sppniaebing twi light. moves with unrarying repulanty.

It undepe to Ignore tb test that the advent of the suns genial awakens entirely new eoripe in every atomic formol ltieezpseed to it dim presence AU on earths face are YJIIIbl effected by radJen tmoFpbene phinvs lodnied by electric equalizations The influx parental tepee teem currents or poatare lecln awaken negative elect In fpsing we look on a nignetre Celestial revolve subject to controlling inSa- eore which are central end paternal while associate SateltiteaOceasIOS perturbstioui. the Doom olwr the earths Suction. a tb earth oxw thaaof the pea and sun it rrand center br end. thus each lentils of satellite in tars receives tad trenopeits parental influence according to exact law. Itueauer Soc keuvon and earth to on little of that law tonui.

In common with the adyanee4 thought of the age our Stewart begins to look to a teal pontinos lot' eau eontrolltng influence exerted on earths magnetic weather tad eon- sequent toeteorologicaj condition. riACZTARY orwrxcnon. rioollo 01 planetary conjunction occur when telli become Impregnated with fresh 1. tale tare deve ipiug. a new fern Ot peagne- tana trrva tb combined odaioO or two bodies inter ntyolvibnbon of seine ad tinny light become so quickened it periods of renheLoa as to inaugural and impeltbe development many new form upon rth.

These at. destined when to eonae along progreBir steps et relation and when tllal ortanned. to dir ptaM end replace those which. during a and tees developed age. la.

a-exhausted and attained their ulmort limit under existing conditions of se Uch hour beings it appropriate nrtx of hands upon th tars St every watch with wecidiisul eonjunetioo at noon and midnight. Thus rosier conjunction planets and den mark with ainoluin exact. fixed Un ea and seal on the undeviating dial of mighta astral eyele by tb oaojunc- tioo opreelute and perihelia II aura present keI enerzy and peaceful decadence nurUngth dtrntoa of grander en ahmgjtte tmBMne tIItUUlfI1OS S. ai4rial urlifli. whose stogie Uc are truly aaatbousandof nil solar lean.

Atsaoh aaana pheomeesia occur. More tnoa iitacpicnnotnndrar unia th SOBS ssion6e esceispe revesli. Uirouth dark pat penetrating it lumInous outer sZWOWbCr. the surface or III paM rood oditioMiieoeaanly feU our earth when diptu4ied perturbszmt Inflaeoeee from planetary perihelia tnd ie eupeez euciene- tBjaVpenneU et angnty Bear kin- dndofouremv arth thua ubjeet to di well a delegated taflujnoe wnen teethe tcn- on Is met with izaereaAfCI Owe. along lines of conjunction.

Uaea attraLtMJa outweighs earths general. sag local liniit af Rsuncapsraodi ilieosis oompel restontioB uS lost eqailibnwBi tweea lmtsrnsl aid xtoraalfone dutarb- tag eutJJenL along U- 01 least As th electric eqaalnaUons every torm ruy MB tainted tkm ttmorpben riI1. the linear maIne. of earth III. Belling nadjUftBentof 111 senga level.

quietly devciae peceadasy effect aoe new tome ofgrVatk is rendered Lurpeonicue and poaaU the detoemteon lseFtu of thBw Impulaa. Tnuvtrjrog chance necemry 4 TaSett ad. erylop on yet include I. outset entepBeat rid tnaaguntiM meaUl tad ita tlonal dearly detaedjajiTuaaf Taaod toward i Ut ti WSiONUd. Astawsomeculuies' on tb nar 1181.

tool dialed iad rlnnl year efaur Bdenal keoveas. tidjetted else tor Tenet. zessuksti known Aaejon oa of th SnoBd oaudrd setup th ocatrtl Botat seend wkioh ur olr i n- Telviog. VrgB tU AatfsaiaBlrat hphajuuey I fJaTilasbeJ byJta Vailed tJBte era- JyriS nrcrranrs rtAim Ootauriac dariac IB yoir 1S81. tot HO BTODAY.

onnONIO AUGUST 15. 1880 junaia ve te been efKroDg UoB in aearty a rift linTef sttrurtieo dertagthe ippvoulmit. ronjunctlon theplunet Osytan. Saturn JuptteraBd naandIsaiuedlateiy after our Mooa. urle the i mUl 7 trf nrt CB the pea.

direction and Man messes ak a tow lairrlravlBC I whole tslar rtri. far known on lt half of tha aollac aa SSS10 be fcwn. with It moss toward. Atf tmt T. whet.

88 of th. ahen onwnorUoo. sear Tb srr re right aecenalon of the green of ffl befyB42i. MatrJeiitBr S4ijyta Sh- 6 017Saturn 2n. 2wu.

Tb. TUWh sit ether pUiwt. ii 1881 will cr alercaiT 41 Venus. March ttth Mwrar iar2oih Olin Xay 3bthM r- rarrAuxuM iota VCBB October lilt. Me- cure eve 9l 12th.

TM perlbrlla On- 1892 111 occur follows Mercury Starch 25th Vranse TCUTT totor 31 th Mireory uid bums- tnn4ta tubs pU aaK ug them that of norma the 8 dIe DMMnbcr 8184 TlMfent lna of Suture ocean 054 hrpt B. 4. la snsreut psetheilas from 1 7 to 1846 the height Being about 1881 Thee. skilled in astronomy inform a it Is fully 1000 years sine the ooeurrenee of a simIlarly powertul situation although conjunctions and perihelia hay. occurred at more frequent in tern' of urns.

To form un approximate opinion of whet earth uliable to experience at a eh periods we must review the records of effecta attending similar situations remem hence that with the ripening ol our planet the effect upon earth sad its inhabitants will be more generally distributed. Uiee Redoa. the treat French phyniciot. sours that careful aoentifie researeb dearly seablisbei that the outer crust of' our globe presents three wives of upheaval separated from roe another by three intervening deprecions Ourillatioco of the torTr trial envelop hays their regular cycles determined by COOK affecting the whole penis or to. planet.

in obedience to on general law 01 regulrr oeeiltattona once the teat certain because still unidentiSed lie treats is well established. the fact now generally admitted that continent sad sea have soeeeeMrely shifted their tuattlono around the planet being alternately elevated sad depressed by ondnUbon of the so-called rtid crust of our globe. Continent ri and nnk and eaufee impelling thee ph alterations he intimate may be weight for the revolution of some satins The time will corn. when geologirts will consider the qqieacenee of the terrestrial enut through a oar period or its history to a impossible at an trolate in the ttmaephen during a whole season of the year Sir Charles Lydl Iris that tbe shallow part of the ocean en almost always In he cinch of land sod that' an moot of ele- ration that would make little dtterrnce to I lb. hi of the wan would ran.

up ei tenure track of drr land in the vicinit of existing continents. CUlGU or urn lye KEA Alnd RuMel Wallace in his tmeogeuphl- il Distribution of Animals Bay It is almost certain that change in the distil- botionof land and oea have taken place more trequettly by additions to or modifications of pre land thou by the upheaval of en- tinlynewcortinentilnmidooean. Connect ed with proof of recent elevation in the Sahan we hive most rcterertiEg indication of sub- menoe lit the urea of the Mediterranean whirls wen1 I contemporaneous. Europe hoc undergone many fluctuation in it pltmiel geogrujiby in comparatively ver remeet times The rising 01 land and large Inn of large-bodice of water re unumlsts.ka- bly recorded In water-tiers tktrtlrg the Platte caller. WilLie.

continue It seems probable that a sense or elei ation and snbndenee bate taken pSare separating and uniting continents it different epoch Almost ever mile of land baa been again and again depraved beneath the ocean sad man-clone alterations have taken place over half be known surface of the earth. 11. R. mji that hv la uow to. rJ for Odmntists to answer hew far the Internal Sortie sees ot the earth determining lIexion.

tbe outer craft an rendered active by rtel hr exerted at eritnn period' Undoubtedly earth bir two reeds. the outer somewhat raised up like lsmen in pastry and the loner layer of creel mat yet be subject ti nzi. to which in earlier periods the outer. now greatly relieved by are wu thrn expo Like earths outer surface we may export that the under tide of both outer sod incr mutt' Onoi. of curves sod mIsdo- jtie with valleys and mountains projecting downward being furrowed and Iteoured.

i alljr along lines of unequal density where continent join ocean beds. lie say while the ceases attending earthquake dn turtene locales very complex phenomena satronomieol condition are now te all looked to as a precipitating steal. impelling the effort restore the disturbed equilib dam of earthsmarnermn Ordinary ih Ls occur more frequently when sun anti moon combine their action and the Sum. principle in its prosier ratio applies equally to planet and influential Marl sit of which are beginning to he recognized by leading scientist as powerful physical factor who Internee has rmrioaKly pawed unrurpeeted Profortir ltadnu quote results chewing that two earthquake maxima hue. been dearly demonstrated to occur it periods corresponding to the pasege to Ui.

upper and lower meridian which lunar midday and midnight. un or CELESTIAL WEClUaICI. TlimboUt enumerated 407 ytlesnoes. of which 227 were active. The the prtgrees of ofgeornuphietl discovery has Increased to see- real thOUllJ which 323 snat present active.

Both Fondue and Professor W. alley locate them principally tour large bull- of water alone mountain ridge near the harder' of continental submdeoe. and up- rtinp The rigorous principle of eeleatial mechanics observed in the formation of our pOlar system appear capable when rirblb Interpreted. of unleeking all naystenes. Power is used charity and mighty ehangee of the grandest character on conducted with the minimum of force.

When during the lone bps. of new rosditioci re required. nh retnmnvlrsct her seas and continents neon. bed become at Out dry plain and rid deserts. and ill move snceeesrelv around her surface.

Sudden end violent upheavals occur under intense perturbations attempting rpo medically to reetnn some kvtequilibnaB. tol towed by theiuet energy of slow and eontu sod geologies adjustments consequent upon the fret over-action. Minor rhanre occur periodically but complete ettaelyctsc. Ilk that of the Nsscbasa deluge. in widely reps- ted by immense eras whkh occur only it a birth of satellite Assuming that gnat and universal deluge to hare recurred bun drediof tbacwtla of years ice.

letu seek toon recent tosrinonr. nmembenng. that the Pentetench was entirely rewritten in time when nears Oldytiattie. extending over loo periods came lobe eoscidredu as those of ample Individiaai oma ran. ruro.

la Plato's Tt Ct rebates to Roe. rates in account which Solos narrated to Zrtitddaa. hit great who told Mm oaleunedu at a cite and district rifled Sanat the bead et tne tgyptiaa delta wbent eKadivUe BoloaloldtbEpp- baa priests of to. semi of DeaeaBon and proceeded to count th generations BBC zbssxjs sfi ran miakWyour aatMB ha luffered tms nbieal of sates for sear from Urn to Urn 11. to peahen tb heavenly bodiewhen portion of path an by two nat pgnmesof tin aad wiles- At rectal.

periods portions of mankind tierish Its tb water od rude rnvon isisaiSEr VoabfHhen bare keen many. loakaow A Bowof that fairest nd Bobljst rue. Vwbai you an a eed or rmniat Then tb huh priest read to III. Soon to. steel HBJ Rrypt events ee rriBg In there.

9000 en before and detailed loundattoB of the aty of Sib. 8OOO year oret which seesust Soles studied at naaMrtfamous of arth' mtadyiBttBereia gr a 3fSS :4 tbTAvaareto other isGdand to us- pf. thtfdjtorrne ttOSA ffBl Her. wifcatVBlTOot totti Uatiou bttatpart of ente was th kbtorr Wbea itsu beard uMla qeutiut UUrnu of tnm aaatee el steer turbueei i St abott 8000 yean. erei oi Tt Bat us Its hut lad ChlueM usual.

wbt bcheeaprBrTe iwith taort pep by erametii oeaaon upeslaflj sdseat4 a rsliabl. wdUwel auvry record that dviac the ran of i ad TM Tans. a. 3204. a udoleut Maetyim deluged tAeea provInces of China orowaln real timberi of Inhabitants.

This enormoniiTolnieftf water rushing loom the forth Clam I. than 1. by Coo rt. te 6k King TIle waists rise tilt aUbetereruidei they orWa the BOU, ehanelD7the II St rinse from their former SEOMD8 Or A maran FLOOD. Ii the thtne.

Boot of are fonnd parucskn of this flood and on af the mast remarkable record of the rein of Ye. II an Insmiptloei traced atheioekJofUant- son of the mentIni where annual woe. made by tit. instant upesoru. and preserved in the city of Oingsa In hHli.

This nam-iptios relating to Us. inandatwB. which uppsan eomeidet with that of Las- thraa which followed others lone heroes when the surfacs or ta earth Varied with each eatadjim. zacordi the. word of the yenenble emperor of the house of UM The treat and little faded and inhabited places eve.

to their mitl the suede. of the beasts and birds and all beings are widely Inundated. I repose on the tsp of the nmutain. Yohla. By pradenee and labels I have oomBanKated withipmtt I know not the hours but repose mynlf onlylunid mtemnt labor By the dark influence of na and the DoOntaum lies.

lob Tal and Hang piece remain boo tilt water. Upon them bee. the beginning and end of my snerpsls When my labors were completed I offered a thanksgIvIng erill at the My affliet aha eea eJt the rlllioa narar ha dlsslteearedz the deep nitrate coining from the tooth flow Into the tea. The flood betu at onIaoE. The kie rained Ioen of iron of xtraedlnary durado.

me portion of the country remained sailer water several yean until a. c. 2233 when euuroIa ordered eat by the Emperor. Ya ed to the me the Immense boiieeor water which had been precipitated upon awl overdowed so larte spnrt of China. By this mean rite beds were finally mat.

sheddIng water in new directions and motioned to be worn deeper by the receding flow. until the whole coon try waa tolerably free from tannda- ton. SATETT ormxccALioir. The period of this formidable but local chance la earth rarfaee level. was probably that or the preceding loner which affected the Grecian Irclalpel1cot at the time of DeueaUoa.

and several thonnand years after the sinking of the- continent of Atlantis. eoealinn. King of Phthla in Thly and ion of Prometheus and Qyispos. according to ancient tradition bemi forewarned by his tether of in approachinc deluge befit a vepeel in which he and his wife Pyrria were ed from an inundation which destroyed all the rest of mankind known to them. hen tbe waters suheided their ship rested on Mount and their flint ear was to consult the oracle of TIetuli.

A Theses was riot deetroyad the nbndenee appear to have been local. lemurls. Lb. Rornan fertiral of the deed. or Halloween sod Small' nawH kMariaaa tay thai neat aftm rthe telebrUw itrahmla prjeat Jaeya afi landa aee rertied tbeav Mlame surly Mtronomiml esleqintacas Pmen4 them Anetesi llradoo eonslilsred that tiwrrtl roDnUloD of to rid took place every tea of about eocJ yean OIOIt" at of oo years.

aunt Ut' pi The approaohiat perihelia and onjaneMM toeioau a ar terminal point and mark the ead of the third andbeVinBiat the lourti unor of a rand of wSb27 years. tthme records qootsi by MallU. rusced elatiranouotMO taur elpssextpeidtng frema0. 9150 to a. n.

Toair kaowa IIaI on. now in we make ext yesrihe 1DU year of th THth eyele. or 461 8 ear slce Its iaititatdas. The year lunar. but tt eemmenessaent la rsenlatsd ta van.

and New Year' day falls us the flm aewBooaaHer the ma sole A aariaaor th Rat. which mat. It OMB not earlier than Jtnsary 21t nor after February 19th. Allnattona hare their account of different 84545. akea generally their early IaIItoI7 WM loot and dicta rime.

of earth sprain to hare experienced perlatu ebaate by reason el eqtal7Iai al way. Hidden la their action. and distrtbsted along variooi periods of time. Uamholctt say. The highest and most important renlU now from to thstntereosnmunl- ettiotil and mutual dependence of th dote.

of nature. At eertaianleBn moment augment by fleeter 7 of lsates rays seems to the quiet lib of our planet when two or more planets approach like thunder stood. within dia- lances adnittint of tssl sqaatiaatiosaa. Electrical easeri become manliest in ma I effects and the peat physietl problems of meteorology tie. II lather Seodu re- tess-ks.

in reality it the applioaUdn of the beet know. law of phyitcu. tiow intimately connected are yariationi of electric rendition in the atmosphere and mafnetw sesiditiom. of the soil with man' physmal ortaaum and moral condition Flarimerien to. live of electricity regulate polar heat sad th barometrical preset.

of th atmosphere. which in reality Immense machine. by which on this planet is subordinated everything endowed with life. Earth. enure of air Into water would sorer the planet two feet deep bet Qustelat By it now naturally ezpondi to ill a apses one-fortieth of eartal tIOOO mile diameter.

This atznosmpherle en- yelope is an serial laboratory that forms nourish. end sustains man. Breathing afford hiss three-tauten of loll physical nourish- moot. quarter only being reeelyed Irma solid. and liquids.

Atmon herie diltarbaDetl therefore elect man meet direrttyinnaeadnf hbireneral condition of terrestrisl snistrore. Ire ms Jlieemai the peonies- ton of epidenuoi are upennduoea by the aerial eurreutst cholera smallpox ellow iererand disease which periodically attack whole districts seem to have their prinelpa emote. of propagation in tile atmo phenwhieh I the factory or death a it I of lira. rLAIITUT TIOIIL In eases of ylseetarm' aUrmctioo. the earth' Orset heroines attracted a poled whole.

It. fluid and aerial envelops retpomi when Irregularly attracted by oscillating in high and low tide atrnatiM with unequal prusuze. We are seprosebing both Cellar and planetary rocilitions which. tortunataly will require a certain number of yean. my 1880 to 1885 for the complete unfoldment hence their action may not he wholly manifest in a special mouth or any year.

but this whole cycle of Condition of the Starry Clock of the Heavens" as it will be Sunday June 19 1881. IUNS OF THE ZODIAC. Signs or Planets Neptune. trunns. 1 Saturn.

Qt Jupiter Man. Earth. Venus. 2 Mercury. Sun.

Moon. Atcyone or to Tllari. the central stir of the Pleixiles ay are by tome thought to exit In commemoration of the snuiveresry of the vubeidenne of the Asiun continent of Lem Geology I. a faithful said enduring witness. outer crust.

1 he partial I submerged temple or Jupiter SeraIll at on the bay of Sapl. also romaine to a testimony of these periodical changes occurring in the elevation of earth' crust. Other proofs of an interesting nature ire found in coral able it Faster island. Teneriffe. among the West Indies and la Yucatan.

Lord Qrmathwatta in his recent work. Astronomy and Oeology Compared sail Let no one bully despise or deprecate the early labor of the ancient on tbe rood of astronomical science If Pythagon and Ptolemy groped where Copernicus Galileo Kepler maid Newton saw more dearly. throurbout the whole sour ayttem. fixity and uniformity of law is every when found the vastmeeban- seal sun worn in obedience to a common principle. every put consistent with every other.

stud no symptom or variation from th mighty plan tall be now detected or antio paled in the future. Speaking of earths geological change he adds. how morn has perished I how small a residuum ha escaped I11TIQnTT or rnaosoay. Geological reseed. agree on these general sets Pt.

the great. incalculable and unknown are of the earth second the long series of well-defined eking. ttzuander- rooe third the innumerable cycle neory loT the earth to PBB through the constantly recurring change. Geology i confined to earth but astronomy deal with a solar system of the intuit. universe.

displaying- npuu a grander scale the wudom of the intelligent spirit wious breath termed alt Ranihoseon. Laureate of the Institute of France site peaking of the undoubted treat antiquity of Tather Mobil's lug lhaJdeaJII next in th antiquity of their observations. When Cyrna entered Babylon. a. c.

321 Ito astronomers pt seated to him ene of observation extending over 1903 yeas dating back to the time of Ximrrid These Colirthene transmuted to onstotl who tells is that some observationstill mannaotederived by the thaldeaams from a more ancient rues were tort hr being destroyed. Ell. do Beau- monts in an oetronomical paper read November 361872. hater. LAoademie de lay the Egyptian priesthood I.

2500 whose temples were vast satin- nosoipal observatories had a civil calendar of Rush dart a zodiac and a period of 2163 8-12 tional to tb preee ional 01. of the equinox. Table of reliable results have steadily accumulated for over 8000 year task more perfect. sow enabling aslg000snsre to predict with certainty the exact position each etaria th sohr rjrtem will occupy at a given morn. Slight deviation in date occur trout uncertain tough attending the exact dun two of some of th many anneal cycle by which widely different nations measured time.

ir- it. alluded to tb next renovation of the world. This early belief in the renewal of world has well treated by Pr. Pritchard. bowiBgrery deai" sees generally trial catastrophes inevitable at certain period showing hew Nmaertta.

Ceosonani. etc. connected them with the revelation of th me BI MB or mat. rear. marked to- change which the angle of the Uneof the ecliptic nuke with th plans of Ik eetestial equator.

Uodfny Iliguins in sumsamg up one of tit. morn perfect seteaonc durentMaacMatOn- ental kbtory. euro ma Lbs Anaealyptia. roL 1. II.

2731 wTb extraordInary cb re which have taken place at different and re mote era tone interval th enut our globe tanaot possibly denied. If. 51111. In hi Itrouotpl ladtnn et Orieatila. profee to bun discovered by exact eslenlaline.

that en febwy 1" BO 8102. there wu a very rettartable eon- JuactMB of planets and eobtpss of th moos. Tkwutbe moment when th Brah min of India nu their Tat tuna. They raid tank bad penodieal ngenenUaua and they predicted sawh haagea. a the BBNBaaMra thedunaa tyfaU forstald tb begwahigefBeweTtt Plate.

utludlag to th renewal of world BMBtloatsinclof Delphi tb.derooit- 117 II cnt prophede regarding muted rAeor Hug BrahtJa doctrine tb Call- Tel begins whoa me enter Ariel at ta venial squlase. which our LbitaBaa se. nd waik Tan after their last Osod I. lado dir WilliaB JOB aay tb Blade. aboutwhiea dmILlMbannekeo tb SaaeB data.

xna of tltt UBJBT cMhees eels who spank began at 7 leMroB act of ion. mess pad planet. p. a 8483 and 3430. Quadrature eI Bar Bly bale earth Baton ea sias4 with enlnon 7 niliaai DnuaBoad to bu tnatie OB tb aHae7Esa UMDBdaiBdapti 1.

tfF tk taote Btteodar oaatod earn i liable to be affected bra generally disturbed condition of the earth and its in hbiWlII Having found by a review of ofhn.1Id carnal study of our bolt scientific authors that mtaclyems do tour and that the lore- most scientific thought of the age is already engaged in measuring the proper relation ex uting between their perledi of maximum d. turbano and periods of retool lunar planetary solar and stellar attraction by reason of their trroater influence locally heightened by conjunction we naturally in lire of astronomers us wttehmen- of the puirht retartiag the nla of planetary eon. ditioss now approaching. Paid Snu astronomer royal of Scotland who spent many yeses in the measurement and mathematical ttndy of the pyramids ay There II soils than science in the great pyramid- there is a revelation" Let us follow his scisutito researehe in beautifully lllutruted la the last London edition just published of hu chum- big said deeply instructive work Our Inheritance in the Great ramid. showing the strict earth eizth-commencunahilhty of it linear and suItes mOUllJOlDelll It now appears as a national astronomical monument ouurtrocted.

ii was the Ark of the Hebrew covenant. to perpetuate the stirred cubit of 26 025 British inches one twenty-fifth of which wus the nil- vernal astronomic and mathematical unit rommensurste with all forms. weights and distances on earth and in celestial mechanic lie argues ably that in th age of pyramid builder which we feel confident cannot be than Ova thousand ear ago. nothing lea thanBena revelation could hare stretched 111 perfectly oriented line or laid it cornerstones snortloed within its foundation rock. sad planned its interior hJmben and tea iatoneetedwitbBarkedbneaeclerly prophetic in their Interpretation The sides ol tbe Grand Gallery of the Oreal Pyramid an absolutely ha.

from tOy emblem of heathen Idolatry and bell extraordinary marking at a point of linear measurement u. ctly eomopoodin with the year 1t18J1Ia alter the Christian era each year being s-c- corded as a pyramid inch or wt of measurement. raopniczu or vu. eniT mump. Some marked event In earths history a- peers to be here Many devout and bmht Biblical scholars both in Lump and America retard it as retest-mg to some event connected with the peimmo or Jeans perhaps tb second solvent of the Holy lariat Spirit.

or promised Comforter. coming a still. small YO within ths soul anxious to eater at the open pie to dwell is every human heart sail thus inaugurate the long-expected millennium i the time of the setting up of the fifth kingdom of Dssiols prophecy when the mortuary of human hearts shall be cleansed when men shall run to and fro shunt lb. earth and knowledge shall be increased. The measurements.

joint line sad minute hut exact markings. calculated at th nt of on pyramid unit or inch to a year. agree with put event of history which must hays been a prophetic revelation when built late it ehronotogual pages. As time one. past never returns.

what remusi uaMtlleil new concern us most. Th ding- onal of th Great Pyramid bass give mckeo 91828 pyramid units whirls recksued a yean gtr for the two nearly 28 82 a tb date of the pyceemian of the equino uateortao equrnoxea that peculiar celestial which tb Great Pyra mid marks OB the grand ckaraologKal dhl. destined only to repeat itoWT after 25827 yearn ihall bar sore. and gone. At.

each vernal Oqalnox whes our sun an- pears Ire. tb math Is th north lid. of th earth' celestial equator. artronoeaeri note an savariabte or asanal writ- era deviation et shout 80 21 1. th peat of transit.

Earth. progress responds obediently to thu psrtsrbing influence emanating from distant a7Memsand Is consequence thereof complete ia shout 25B27 yean a grand secular cycle or compound revolution. mutfeot to as aa apparently retrograde ponar around the aodiae. along tb plan of the adipose. until it again appraulnwtea th Isle Iii point of th tart quiaouhal VU th celestial equate la 1837 Sir John llsrtbsl seaMed tb ataj to what notabls star had been at th polar distance of a degree 43 minutes.

requited to thin dew. th entrance at Ureat Pyramid. rweaty7x eacne sigh. minutes en. the bastion tit latitude or thirty decree Berth.

perfectly xaotar th motion of IaoaYellll bodi that found tb tme- keeperof th ancteaU. etlls4 lVueool. by modem adrossese was is that central peel- tioaoaUaaenlua below the pole about av 2160. and PIsut Smyta and Pr Brua- now late aacronomer royal for ire- oabmlatod tarther back tadiac alu thee. about a.

Co us whisk by on believed to tb period th buiUing of tlill great utrosioulcal stem. anneal ilaaoBi ebtri story and tempi high priests were propbeti vies mea of ypt and wIae seught and is- rnd by tnspszalies UeauaaK of tb Meet LA. AleyoBretaTariatrieta tn- peesiril iss il toeaUlt banavecyetos tiontotki wedrfullp pnportieeed ate. depoBtary. of meseurat.

BrhsiB tisandta iBeli Plessi Ii teator of tBtJPIiail. aru tan Mart bouad vm ktman MMory BOM dfHUBfttaM ta4l tkroufiottt ta to Marca tot orotnl poiiti to tU utnl iueriao. thit dlstjBt a foana to other Milky Wart a galaxy al ineladin auUlio and ayv WbttJuT recorded with abalurl ttalV laUld iTT Jennuah Gad neat which Ml Bg tad prophati of old applicable to this ton altar. wbo proeblaieJ th greet tb BlgVtr IB counsel aad Bight ta work sira and wonder la the land oi vca aato bta day. nfemd loan altar uau tk Lord.

la th mldrt of th bad of En and a pillar at tb tIIoreet unto th Lord. and It shall ha row a lip said iwltnse pale Lbs Uost ia th bad of Eiypt Job inquire la daT4 who hath laid th pieseures thereof thee kaswed wke Eath stretched th Ha upon Itt Whereupon an th foundation thereef fastened or who hath laid th tloii thtroof. when the tnontng rttn se togetherT" what wet. tb morning utars then roe- WaedT Tile It own wit- ase. whose suet testimony thousands of years old.

Planet Smyth declare could not have been thus recorded. other than by divine revelation. being beyond tb ken of ancient man. and modem ilaa until deciphered. What then to occur la 188lVto which era in earth.

history thus UUanomiea1 monumental index signincantly potato Do tie reread barking a time coincident with the approaching conjunctions and perihelia of planet and tan sound to a any vets. of warning Uanag explored the teetiuKtnr of socnd and profane hutory. geometry and geology end summed up th common law of terrestrial physics. the technical evidences of acknowledged science have east a divining ray us the niyitoiaa influence near at hand. What further ground require.

examination to complete thi inquiry I U. P. Vuleth celebrated claim tb present an a us Inqairluig one hut said the world at larre ridicules what it doe not unden land. II adds the fierce antagonism of modern nutenaliihe thought ha rendered OOIIteII. anti near sighted and undue exaltation of the scat nature of man have riot unmerited contempt upon religion Scientists too ten SergeI to recognise the Power.

whose Intelligent presence insure systematic conformity of details in Ubyrutbln paths they blindly explore iou uvio rixDicnoss. nail religion through any of it various sects any recorded expnaiion without which this unqairyonould fail to be complete We know of onus. except printed communication which have been published in the ye. papers during the post yes which many deOIII people claim a ODIDm. to- eelved trots spirits of th departed.

are wen twar that In collecting and revlewung these us-called myrtle utterances we are passing beyond limits oouinuonly applied to exact earnest but the worlds a ounoaitr craves continual Btnfaetwn. and a simple digest sp. peen pertinent. to record unmuukabi opinion often fiercely disputed which the item logic of advancing facts must son confirm or set maids tear statement of their caw wul jut and aim to be a clear a mystic subject will allow. They believe orderly obedience heavens fint law and.

euanaaderiug iliemselvee surrounded by au intellgent Power teach the acceptance of wtro a heralds of new en. Propheewa they claim are fulfilled Is times of great commotion and ill era preparing tor earning events. 1 heir saris regard thpenud 1861H as imply the close of lb. present and the advent of a new dupenBtioa of religion thought and not a material ending 01 the physical earth. as some vainly feared.

They foresee Inn-eased magnetic 41- turnaDeeein 1881 and 1882 and again in 1886. resulting tress extraordinary oIeorie tension awakened by conjunctive posiUotu indpenheliaofplanetiandrtan. Thevhare predatted that next year will nvea more sun- pot than even it present. They regard every change of condition a Involving eon. formation.

The 01 the earth is now so eetablvhed that it no longer ehange. much or violently. Is the history of the earth many eatadrsmf involving vast destruction or lit. and obliteration of ancient records and monument occurred. The lat treat submersion was tkit of Atlantis about ton thousand ye ago Uprising and depression of nirlac now take place more slowly and gradually.

a sano' or CASUALTIES. Astronomical ins anaraent the normal action of bodies until they reach maximum of nertnrfaation and the exact time when th teat agitation will be malt felt i not likely to rear when planets ore St the highest perihelion or Man anpear in greatest conjunction for the influence of deceit. attraction when highly rrtaiet pal. sits quicker thin light can travel. Greater are positive to all leaser while beeper ire it orally satutive to nester The condition Ut mother earth and her atmospheric envelope influence all her children.

Many antagonistic Influence will arise daring the summer aioh as accident murder suicide madden aic deaths Ores and an kind. of discordant ele tention to th importance or conjunction said perthelta which cl earth to regain II impaired equilibrium between her external and internal The pertnrbtrg power exerted will tightly ate the elliptic orbit of the earth and deviate it polar axis a hi tie less than one percent The of the tall stream will ha slightly detected. Local cataclysms have occurred involving danger from Ore and water. and earthqnakee hare occurred ml such periods but with earth greater itge arid cooler erupt they are more gentle and less frequent Their effect more mantled in the agitation of human thought. or mental and spiritual conditions of fOIDma.

nities than among the physical solids of north. it-eater oeoutations of in fluent stars beyond our material vision and outside the sour It. will influence the magnetic climate 01 erths aUsohere through the suns in Oxenre thus affected. Disisat conjunction Ire never radden acting slowly over in ex tended time and earths era an terminated by changes tiding a gently a approsehinc twilight. Quick conjunctions of planets nearest our sun aired the physical eat more rapnlly Then.

more distant impress themselves wore powerfully upon the spiritual 1. luenta. I nun or oremuuasyca. Preen March to July In 1881. during the conjunction in Taurus much contention will excited among men and this lime roves's a period when treat disturbance Ire likely to occur Tne astronomical Usa pyramid and spiritual dates clustering arnund 1881 appear to agree chronologically.

Peeves tiber' Ied from within earths outer crust. pro eon- dueled by an OJaliaiDa media lots the external envelop. of ether when they gravitate outward from th surface to their proper equalued rendition of harmony. Is October an important. but daunt stellar conjunction ocean when seeds tot spiritual prorretll.

are quickened upon earth. Atlantis yea submerged at a well utzoonoaicmub era. It is predicted that Europe will be prineipalt' dwtnrbed dunnir the local physical and general rptnuul conditions attending th prevent era. Year sot. for a good Father ii ever at the belie.

raiding worlds sad all therein with in finite wisdom and mathematical truth. What. sool Is immortal but ed the purposes or Its formation when abs hall OWerT in her diurnal peat and her oceans roll their last billow and wind breathe their last it will alter age of gently approach- vilight. powers sow coming into act" eon- ra-p mrt- Tb stantly unfolding lit tOe growth of flowers will act dautnoaly on all that is evil and beneficially tor all that tiiood. Itnannitel- ligmt power.

The purer natures whe have faithfully labored to live In all possible her- snout with the dictate. of law. will benefit in their physical health by tb ethenatmtMO of the air end consequent improvement or eta- mate which must follow. Tam iLimrr or GIIATUT DIXTTMAKCI. There no special month la th year else whole syrIa will he generally affected.

Many win tail to rsallan the change to looted until the period of muitmore exertion It put Tb greatest disturbances will occur in th air od water or movable envelop. or tb earth. sad to It magnetic weather. The will act upon all forms of animal end pUnt Br Th more perfectly de vlcped types of each will be beet able to meet said nil the trying change Tbe ntreet will survive. During the pert- outi earth' olunate will especially Irregular.

Si uaaal cold alternating with unaeaeosaaita eat thronghoot tb igitatwa already eom mllcH Treat agitation' will occur among different races men. Many or malarial disease will appear. Not only tererand pestilenses-niap rigS in some localities. but t- sitniiherie dvturbanea will affect many forme of vegetable as well as animal lit Local flood an likely to oecer. of atmospheric waver and ex traordinary electric tonnoa wfll Inevitably succeed soeh esneestrstel planetary Mtree- tie.

sod rends poauble many dvloviaeata of latent upon awaiting lee atmoaphari pressure and sew electrical eoadition to evelve sew forms of II. en. will be uneaaaJ sail meaty ia sratsta but flourishing is etben depending on their Immediate surreuDdlnga. AiaUnwDtal onnditioB of man at tSlT connected with th physKalModitioa of tb earth inhabit social tatsllsateal said national du- pat. win an with local famines and phya- Kol peatilene will manliest Ii tb warfanef jg The coming changes.

attbeab set wholly willb Bon euddw this th tianrnwoastaadUyBdrarxaagorb. tb star Alpha nth Dracea la 8lW DraceapaBe th St the. Great 14. who th pnphecy of thiaporilloliea wa sapeistakiily v5044 rr flr tkousand yoan ago slearly engraved fat obd prbl raismIx. Tom AT Tk only pi.

lit a tax. urfo rt nttlngrto koto tk To- rsds their BaaIIai" stoSSSja Rrtb OadontalaJaf in- phpisel at Halt The lubU in tho Light of a Drim3tio Censor. TWO CASES OF QUEER AUTHORSHIP Coaiar Xlss IHxt La rntattin of Vyptz ruff De at of 7. T. Tko reeest Ptodaetlon sad lit nDsr of th Baldwin Teat eat people taliiM shoal taaBemttyf there being in examiner of pLiyifcrth United State with powers siaUlw to those held by the EadlshDramati Tb however by keeping diligently sway from the booaeUMoa a UM i JcharartoroftherMrrbrmaaew trod.

prm4 that San Yrsneficni. at us nte. are capable or uopressinc play of a reprbibLs ebaracteg by staying away boss tbkoas-arno bettor form of suppression exists than that of publie duappreral a hewn by a stsdloea absence. flail th tame dross. atitrength bees yet into a play of purer mould ta houses would sot bar dropped down to one people Is th orchestra eat on oo might to thlrty-slgh kt another and to as average attend- sacs that loll law short of tog th expense of raw.

th ZWrpfc wa kept upon the stage for two weeks it I tome bet the busts. doss did ix entrant remaking there for on Following a pernicious New York system an enforced sun wu inflicted en city patrons Ira order that. with a tales verdict If the play might be taken around th country and. with an inferior company palmed off as something that bad Neal-cud a metropolitan In dorsement. Tha rill working of th last local example of this schanme wmethmf boat which th member of the reentry soap are already feeling anxious for th ihrewd peter for amueemeat in the lee are not impoead on.

and the ventdatioa of the utile game in these columns will surety produce Ito proper effect. The whole spirit of the ifiairifiu perfect keeping with that which animated th presentation of a trashy adaptation from tile IruaIi a an original California drama. The struck amateurs smiitltn tobe somethIng of which he Is not capable to 8. an actor when he is bat a ludicrous bungler and to lie a dramatist when Is incapable or writings a ngie toeae. Is sees through all.

and is all the time dearly seen through. The ability or the paUietoaetai a dramatic riser was one. more illustrated daring the put week. Again. an amateur actor.

Joseph Oodoyby name. has put forward a drama units peculiar dr. enmstaaeeaofantbonhip. Mr. Godoy has hot recently returned from Nw York.

where he aw George Hoe adaptation of IYEsnerys Lee fhiteiss COoed. Raving It II supposed and hoped. I copy of tb play in the original the advantage. of observation were utilized and the result was offered to the Baldwin management. accepted and put onthevtage.

It true Mr. Godoy did not tallow Mriloey In every particular. for such noteworthy change were made II that of calling A Cull lbs I. A Orpte. i toning down the curtain scene in the cyst pet and Omitting the eoovent hula.

Is the final seene or the piay but the oniptial- of the adaptation was most of all indicated by the change of names given to the characters. 1 ha th Count Maurice de Laney" bfearne Count Alpbona de Courey Von Helnnch" became VAB Werther Oertraad. we altered to Yolande and Paradol" capered instead of Oros Boos. Nowithataztung all this originality Mr lode was so modest as to adopt a nom is llnalfr There are not wanting people soul- Seiently unkind to By that the hidden lien' tit. was the cleverest thing in connection with the play.

A to the play itself. proved to he smirched by the male brush that blackened Ztaxpdon. A. sate offence again figure in th although the actual urns was less horrible it beTertbelen belonged to the Sums eaUWmie of sine. The oOurof Mr Nimnel Percy's new" and nasty play vu uti1l hanging around tie Baldwin.

and when to it was aided the rarmcious tness of Mr. OrpAaa If Sintt there us small wonder that the better else of people felt timid about veutar- lag there It we are to have the prodontaoei oTloeal talent presented at soy ret. lot the tholce he made III those that ore clean and let as too. have honesty in hip the uperim or th last three week bare proved that fair-dealing is the best policy sod that it ii quite possible that a play is not necessarily interosting because it trenches upon the indecent. TV.

Week. tor ported itself of Dtrtpha et I although the muctuef caused to thu establishment by amateurs and Incompetents cannot perhaps be so easily undone the BjMwin management will this week produce U. Uyron" now celebrated onmed entitled The Upper am. The was written for Tool. and with it he has It Vm rd The indicated by tbe circumstance that oole doe not inland to etc.

the Folly Then- UtifSTnents he au urea wioruy reproducing thus play at Willack' 1 Theater New York a well as at theaters Barton Baltimore Chicago and Philadelphia. It is presumed. al o. that the proper arrangement nave bras made for its production her. At tbe end of September tbe same piece will be performed with Byron's sanction in Auatn lii and Sew Zealand.

Besides this two companies have been formed lor the representation of this comedy in the principal towns I cities of the United Kingdom and lastly negotiation ire in protnw or producing a French adaptation it at a popular theater is Paris ram alt tois it will be seen th it Upper lust. which is bised on conflict uetween east a was Owe Boys is one of the prominent tureenee of the day. It will be rInD with a 0 east end it well acted will undoubtedly prove a paring relief to the gloom and failure of the led two Bjjrces. The tint production of Tk Upper MM the bill will ha supplemented by the by. with the her- tneque of Lutiie Ami Voinrt is set lot Weoneodv evening next.

as to-morrow nig it will be nedlotted to the debut 01 J. T. Malone in c. Mr. Malone Is we believe native of San Jose where he bus gained utc a reputation an amateur actor Holding the opinion that his talents are of a mi Ociently high caliber to warrant him in taking up the stare a a profwnon he has abandoned hi practice as a lawyer coal hi thus burnt hi ships.

is doubly determined to usoeed What his quality we shall sea when he dons the purple and ermine of the Cardinal- Minuter. It must Ion. been with a sigh of relief that Mi Melville sow her liteearn dramas put into their trunk Urt night. Par many many weeks she his played in seven pertonun. II week besides attending frequent lid India managed rehearsal Tae train was beginning to tell on a not strong voice and although th public could not help being pleased with her grace ability it.

like herself taw ant hoard that restwv needed. for a short time. she toes into retirement. and MBS Helene Uingeoa relies In her ttesd. The letter young lily i favorably known to san a a concert singer but they have not seen her In inr than a wag.

lid much curiosity felt a to her success in Viaee Unkiualem. This Is a rondo opera written by Johann Stream. ond Mold. telling an agreeable story mad re uniting a number of gay costume abounds in that rhythmical music for which the welts- king Is TO celebrated. The production of Vioce MatAinOIO.

will also he ioteeeatlng for th reUOll that it will afford th tint real opportunity to judge Max an. ability III a tag manager know what a hi PI nude said shall anxious to note the improvement We hall also WTKXU to see what ha become at Florence McCarthy A strong IMta. la the rent will be lb. appearance of Frederick BoekeL the tenor of the icon company wb ha Men encaged by a special arrangement with Mme. OUche themes.

Whether it Beverly' or Locke1 peter- nrue that ha brought The aV fe iof Company to a Francisco is something about which theater do not ears a rep. Both managers must be pleased with their shea. in the eowrpriss. whilst tb theater-goon bay. flocked to th Standard ever since the Widow" ha been there.

Th Pmolla" Mr. Burrs. and tb Bidet" of Mr. Stoddirdl will not sins fsrruuttes. said that tb eecautndti at both anus ta people ran he holt proved by standing he lie box ease.

or tb Standard and i- the wavassi laughter that roll aadi- tutluss doers with th frequency and regular ity of th bnaiera pa tb Uit-t ouf oeacb The third week of the Wsiew Ed commence to-morrow arming. with Try prospect Standing Room Only" Wing seam the sightly condition of It will be perhaps worth while to remind our readers that lure ire tw Widow JsodoU" matinees. the artititiotial en being givaa a Weda day altemooa. 005 doubt were felt at Stat whether th three- laugh would reed for three weeks' busineas. but It look II present as though it wen good for six.

UM OmxvMt has proved a bating at th Tlroli. th attmdaao every night being unfailingly good. lUttieMoore erpolua limy UeW UnrJcasux" mpton Uatpard" an thn ere Tee an waiting lor a drop tath busies topteul pN' opera. i4ll3e a which ha long We. la preparation.

The cpsrutis season at lb. tietmin Theater to with tb production 0 OIInbacb WueieoW. Th pert of Mte- will be takes by tWera Josephine Puny who a as opera seobrette ha bees a great ttronteia Vienna and Bert nradBon Utterly at ta OmaB ill New York. whet' was th tea to appear Is both fweewm atilt. UnUdtt.

Max Lab is set Iowa a KiagBobeehe r. VeIns will play Wa BobarV1X eoIIII will amass. tb part of tsat 114 of th oacopaay wIU Bar. aided by a fall eberu aad sade tk lsdsnihlp of Mr. Funnel.

A Binlil wiU bo frroa at WoJwrdt aardeBatbMtJMnooait bsaag kg UM benefit St Mean Hawley sail lull- tvwtoBmtaJutkewdenarttr Tb. bill will an lespesa. aa a hundred relunteeni ppearing and ga balloea ne eea ridiemii fsilla' sall ijsi sail IS of Uaw- UV agaaBianBde irOwmcteth I JUTiam at a7ltealbir ill4 lltrerty kM a. ti TU OBO Is th dOck. Charley rU tmT Is HWa hf It Is HU that Barry Sullivan has doa alt lalratkM of oiaia to Aeserle.

this address peon. seeming of Jbaa Boste lad any la CU! with Harry Unenalos a th Pu eentaur. Mart a lUo dtnaninilWDtoa tb "Baroa. Wkilst la Ben tb esengemest listing twa a Xii Mouse and Jiiu food- dui will essaspemaind adopter of U- Tjnity wh happily reads. la thllmmdlato vicinity.

0. Han. late of SUable. opera paayaBdwbo a to bather tk UT at th fSwiB waiter it CkaapCi rietasrait by th otag aad A wa given at Wail Brit Han oa TaesdaT evening but by M. Fraser t-atilh under the directorial ef Fred Inter.

Two young lathe. free Aoatrali Mon Vet. andMnw A. Allen. and hair dehet.

both UTUC Cur wcea but esdly In need of eu- MIlirJAllOTESL TV. A. WWikW ha bee apporatod Senses onthofUffof th lit lafanlry rww TheNatioiialaCotan o1b Isfustry Captain IL. 8. TIIWM.

late amn at Friday sad T. The sampsetwxll named In honor of Bob AdamaandftindwiD ed tertained in bendsome style so tb lest day or tb oama. Lieutenant William Newman iii been pUcdapoatbniird list with to. rank 1 ComnanweDand I of to First Zafantry give a battalioa drill next Wednesday evening et the red mental armory corner of Howard and New Montgomery Majo D. WUwCOrdnaiie Officer 8ee: kuJ JB IM with th rank ef Mvtr.

Major Jam. Uaah tb popular Major of First lalaatry. to hi reonert made SOB tire. since hi al been placed upon the retired lot with the raakof fiajor. An election will forhissiMeesaoroa tb lId Inst.

Captain U. P. Bash being txioedasUeproUUeeandidate. The BOW equlpasenis for th Pint lafan try have been received and will distributed by Major William B. Bards.

Aawtaat a sues pesable. Company First mushy will elect a First IU tenant en the 26th aad a Osroad Ueu tenant will elected la Company of the en the OomnUioaa have been received for the following om. B. a. Conroy.

Yuit Lieutenant sad Adjutant on staff of tb Major or th First Mralrvi 8. D. Simmon Juilor First Luutasaaut Vaien Guard. Company A. Oattlun Batteryl J.

C. B. nebbardTFirst Ueuuteaani Oty Guard. Company ii. Strut laiantry i E.

11. Selleek. CaptainCoBpaBy tint Infantry lad 1. CTOXbnnnr. beeond Lieutenant Company A.

Third lArutr- THE BAY DISTRICT PARK. A WeH-CowieoK slave SB IIre Starts mmlj. There was quite a fair attsndaoee ycmordq afternoon ii the Bay District trash to witneut a Make race for 250 in which were entered G. Pacbooo. Meows Prince.

Mr. Ralph. Merge Roy's pacer. Jim O. Eeynolds Echo sad B.

I. Millers Mann. These bones havalla tend local taIioa In Mann county and th no noted a pt-eat may vuuor from Sea Rafael anti it ymialaity. wha generally showed such a prserenes for Marl. to make him trot aront Ii th pools ten Jig Ten against all the others combined la the lint heat the number of contestant was reduced to three.

Lob. not appearing anal we Pt being lilt at the wit through boa driver thinking that the send-off was merely a false start Tae lead wa take. by Jim. wbo held Ik until well in the straight when Ralph nroie winubig a mien the favorite trotting levunb te the rear. Time.

A There wat to change Is betting a th rues was suit roondered a pretty sun thing for Marin. be to the consternation of his so- mends bMkers Ralph the next best to hold his own. although earned alone at a rood taut and although Mari eases in on a long run. th. host was liven to ltalnh lime a 37V The betting wa now reversed in the nim.

ratoo. but in th heat Ralph mails a couple of bad breaks and Marin logged to ass winner ia 3 JIm. lbe pacer being t. Again Los betting changed at a very lively rate hot this list' Mann was off hi feet almost at he start and stain when well la the heaOltftteh sn-l Ulirfi you tU heal and race in 3 i5Vj. There war 110 I snatch between tie through long and tuo1l breaba.

weather was very beautiful and thefport to exit. Baeh pleaaun and interest LICENSE MATTERS The issrssre fleakevu and 1101. The reputable elsa of insurance broker Ire about perfecting so orrulsat to be known as the Board of Insurance Stokes. They lave already Sushi one or two meetings. a lave nrniZed their intention of iAi1.4 Li.

cense Collector Slulon to the full extent or their power in collecting the brokerage icenra allowed by law. The enforcement :5 this license has already sailed materially to the municipal revenue a will have effect of driving mm tie busiaer a certain mpocunhws and uu-i i uimlooi class that hay. been UtinJ upon the ragged edge of tkt nsitnnce business for years to the financial and social detriment fth better clam of the cnft. Since tit. License Collector has been mak- ng arrevts atunow the Chinese peddlers when ever one is oundplring his voroten wittoi a license It has It a tendency to frunlen hem and they an now paying up at the rib- of about twenty or thirty pr day.

eat at Liberty. After the moat unreutlttiag' efforts on the rt of hi counsel. a. Duncan who has In the meaty Jail tine the 18th et March. 1878.

wa at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon released from dual roiled having nvea bonds in th aggregate amount of $61500. There are ei ot indwtinentjlor forgery and on each lor anal larceny and felony against Duncan. There were filed ton bond with tile following sureties Jams. Phelan and Robinson in the sum of 53100 each on two sad like amount 1. II.

UndallandJ Ii Wttld R. MeMdhui sail I. 11. Tajkw on two bowl A. P.

Stanton and a Smedberc. Joseph U. laatIiand sled Alex- wile Abel. A A Jibes and baler Lake an on two boiij for SIS OO each. and Wer.

Duncan and O. N. Pet on another sin or the came amount. Then. were 400 new regIstrations Tester day.

makIng a total ap to date of 4620. The total registration by wards Is ma follow First wart. 1691 Second 238 Third. 78 ssurtb 1831 Filth 40 Siitb 173' Seventh 2tt KighthToSttt Tenth. 6281 El entiS 3Twellth770.

A centenarian named Peter Joseph presented himself for racial ration yesterday havnu walked unassisted tress has residence. No. Hl Kearny street to th new City Hall. Sir. Joseph wa bon he St.

Lawrence county. New York April 20178O. But- ngthewaref 112 he a river pilot ea the tit. Lawrence. Its writes a urn roead Land and wears a glass LM egsee vtloillauml fats-a Th8outkern Clironla Uortiealtanl Society will told an xhibiton of product or that teetioatf to Stat.

In th Berthed- tunl PavUienat Lot Angelea. commencing 1 123d. It the Bier. premium offend will snuisuhiedly Insure a display and a large aHeadsnoa. sUntCe tral tesidUA 11' Morrow.

wwa adayortwag re-elected cu-- of th Rpabinia State Central Commltto ha tendered his Uoaef that potiUoa tad als his Withdrawal tOe. meanbT4P la tb Osnissitles. A meeting of th Msesdvs Vosiamttee wa kid lad vniM at bsadqisaieaa. bit pepoctrea wentoJd that thbatnB was ttneUyprv. vat and that nethiac WM don sheets Mr.

Morrows a. TkoCtty Examinerasetyeator- day BMramc aad sited apptteatlem for no. of paper Tb Commlae us edential tad QuaBflcaHoo of the Board of Uacatioa also hot yesterday said heard application tar certificate e. University diplomas. Tile eotttae us Clsssiaealioa slai met with tb mode tb Uvpartmaat to tepere a oun la Her.

T. Dot Witt TahaanwHl preach Is Calvary ell. this rrth Ssmeiesths organist has staged a wea-k rBair roa8appaa umrtt. Dr. Tauaago dettrenJbw tanwell tasgars tb Oraad Upora-tlou to aught.

ass Jut teeslveds tars. aaWtBOnt of tt tylkfallsn. whkh see et sep kviatak CU efcaaiJellsn Isti mmt anataJag. cae aa tstssB ttnag al fv sally rWa aetcai. Boon.

ITS Hater areostntaUar tleMB ta Caj uactJ. rultMt. an jiaaail PITM a FLOWS LATEST UMILUL Viwti to XrtU E. Kutpkny A MlM Ort' rtirmlni porsoaal ttllti to thslrbmelaart its of warm Mead oro th guests el lUrarraakLCagera a Lilt Hone hurridiyiTtarac. with Mr.

th JnaMM Minister. to oa and wile. Mr. x. it as btUtfnotVMof JaniMoo srtssfl and Mr.

Tenatiya Mac mutually' dense. of meeting each other. Ya7. ssjspabls 111 WMapeatorer s4css and Bekasaltia werM-fcaaea Japass. artist of work ta bromrkt a foil set fume Japan.

U. QnntJril to urift. this its sent boa th Bid. Apropot II reported that UBM Flail paid too head. sum of bandied .4 dollars to dames at Newport whtah i a a preasut al daughter upon her marriage.

Mrn laB wrUnltlia ld. win OBpletod th riag time sheet th time wt forth happy neat to oe r. TU uac eouplaan to soeapsy th present rtaUono wall Mr. and Mrs flood wUHakonnualaa of ta new BOW Is traO Mr.J.DeFonetGimahageMfreaMoa- tenet to Santa era. whets she will remain durinctnireMatBMBthwaeaao wIll tar' toth dtytoBee BOOB and iaufatoc whom A 1.

II' tea ItaJ Sins. OtBaIstb. wit. of a celebrated lawyer el New York city Ik daa ktarr t. Deforest HewHTataefouadrf sew- seulstholssuhtmof Tal Mrs.

Desauic. sad tumSr. and Mb Jennie th daughter or 1. Tallied. who left Sea rnnoBBO few Boati ago on a That BavF AJSpuaujBiBwuaui wauaav Siisttutias i very a-ABO the assay girts which Genscal Tm- jt etohJ rileMkOrdwb I will known Is Os.

FTUMCMO. wen a pair af met- niflesai diao gaieties and fcieeiet together with aeeklaoe knkM aad rina aQ set wu Zl ad Ts uSaS otlvW resent a Mexican saddle with direr stirrup and exquisite w-c-tj Mrsad Mrs. May gave a reespeacs last TIaandar sit their readanre. en Octter th oceasua bsg th Scat geamvuniury of their wedding. The affair was very select.

only a few yean friend being rarited. among. wets Included th forms Iarroie auldaandgroemaoMa. A An eoUabeawas 4 shout lO a Dr. T.

Oe Witt Teisnana and Vn. Tahnag were entettaiaed by a auwer last Thwreday. which we extended to them by th stew. Jobs Umphill sail She. Uerapam at tBeL Ludsoas reanlence.

No. 1238 Pine street. A Sw 1 were- the affair a having bees most enjoyable. LJltoB 1 WiTunrUI th city for Hen ftfgolait Wedsealay. The evening before their dltlran waagiveai a duner at the lo dab room by a few of the Bcatben tbe slab.

Mr u4 Mre-kmrnetlicjUe their silver wedding last Sunday by giving a baa. port to I few personal friends. Among tb pert wen th rulalsvss of th family Dr. eort Woods of Mar. Island Ube Kato WooJ and th family at riy.

In. Eciwar4 wile left this out a mouth sue on a visit to eStildius. hor at school fa arrived in Para the latter July. Alter a tour of a few Boath through Letup. th lady will titers to this country.

Mr and Mr E. A. Read and t1amibo. companied hi Mill Maggi Uanulloa sad Ureorte lleeristjrted lost Monday se a isis- rty to Wsiasr lake. Their tutor.

i ooked for some the daring th Mm. A. QaraeU. us tn earner EMI sail jwo streets. entertained a few tri.

artTnesUrbya. lunch party at I aeloek Th gentlemen ed the feasting fur a etupia of hour sad the ladle remained during tbe tbsulemees the hay. r. and Mr Stone cape to the i a ibortly alter their rrtam went a a Tint to tie fh Sulphur rinjm. where they are 1 1 1imU rlLwy T7 kB that ta Dora's health Is somewhat laproc.

lke ente euofll House No. I J42 tins sueet hare built Inca tnais court. sit. fool sonar. by sue hundred lest uiig.

inthegnua isefthet elexant The fret game. was played last Monday altar. nouji in the praseelce at seven tithes. Mr. anal Mrs.

W. Dean have reCorrtJ their anticipated trip to to Saadwteit Is. months owing to tb ru- kmrlomotKing Kauikaua. Tk Lorug Qub prorose raving their rutseaet the 25th 1 the present These nodal gutherinpi an always looked forward to witi ptsases by th man Mead it th club. Uopkin earn a tothech.

bcV KTelelS nnU bILasUe. Mr JpIa Austin who returned some time since British Colombia. un trip Monterey within a short time UriC White of Santa trni i now a th tit vwitlra Mt Wallees at Vaa NM avenue and Eddy street. Mr. sail Mrs.

11. Woods left yesterday the overland train for tae Last oo. a visit so their son. who ii at school Is Boston. They or.

expected homo before the winter set ia Mr. and Mr R. Uaraisa will asses to the ala aoout the 1st at September where ify hare engaged an slegual salt of apart- MrandMrcL LLMlxnerofBeameiaand 1 Ii. Miner at Uauau Oastaa are preseet tb dly at th OceideBtal. Mr.

and Mro. I I Berth Shoe' of Pea GI hove come to the city on a short visit an it the Occidental. The marriage enragemeat reported to no. wt between Mb Haiti boktmon sod Mr. tmriell it.

authoritiaTely tented Mr Claarieo MeLsurhha I again at th Palace having rotane4" MuntereyUst Sra QIIo Eddy and Miss Eddy have ret. to the oty an. sums at. the Alrm. Dr.

Spaaldlng wh wont to Monterey mate time sue is again at horn Th Mien. bophiud Quwa Smith have rtoraed to th rib" from Monterey. Mm. Colonel I D. Fry ha retarnoifrora tbecouatry.

HUSrT il rn rlelaia Clerk Tat AelTnmina n. Uere. Simon S. Burling shag Berlin. a ang gesuilemsa formerly .10104 la the store of Ad.

Lewis. 319 Samoeseaut. street was art yeMerd-iy by d- Iman 00 four charge at obtaining Boney under isles pretense A few day ago weotto the slant of Richard Nickels tiSO Fourth street lid rifled row a cigar. A box being r-J to I ambled them a moment isiS tea eltaUeapd th or with having nfilled the bos ia ft of th rove- sits. h.

dealer denied It but Berlin a seam- mg a hhtorilll air. iuldm 01 eooseaew. you cant 411. I ass an. ex ert ia th revenue service of tit.

tleineritmslit. Lad I shall have to art yon for nnUmf tamped box. rb dealer began to bee of hire not to so lard oa a poor nun. and finally Berlin re- onted sail toil that for a stall Ieratlca tie woutd condone the Offense. The fright nt dealer gar him 3 and fait glad to ge off sorbeaply.

was raMaaaeotjy learwed that Berlin lint been uasiaaiicsuy taking advantaaeot liii knowt iif th trick th trade to Wed pi dealers. Atit ubla way msentitsed tb feUowingt Julio Morria. Third street. 23 A. eere-Dspsal ona :1 fib PeterUnlhuFewrth tne 3611.

the I attest State. Marshal alsnaraied with a wart-mat for thrretofBerlnaB athargu ofimpenpeatingaaCetrof Uxnreaaa. THE CRIMINAL Uuit wr hi. In Depeztme 12 St the Superior urtyesterdayth wen mpoaodt Caun Ah Cans. grand i44ran In State- Prim DuIoI Barrica.

wian ghler. sweat yearn Lo JOB mall larceny. six Jean Le Lay. ape. offense yeats thn Boatka sad ley tw enarge 01 bartlary.

CT la Department Ne. 11 roil Oeld- mita sad Frederick tlbtrt. Sit. robbery sad Margaret Mslaemey for grand tiressa wore ewhnntretheBtatoPra lnrteayasaisad HilliaBlItt thln ccaBJt to Harder. yean.

Bin rat TirasiT TwUekswaacaianand beautUalbbd. wenreoeiredby WKJoknaa Agent of the Each. Stall Steanubin COB- pass It this ty. boa Aastnlla. whmo they arrived few day ago.

They wig. by ala live to Joaon. Gray. lbs Bar torComaiBBoa. 11110 placed themia th atan Uk ui the Nassal.

Cssiecry whet. they en. to a It I bslIrid thai ties intbeeeUyblaee waa tagee si. Alta exy HyV a err atyaad County Attoraay Znrpby Is tb aUtad oftJUganow rh Bia ith rilkt to do hi eOe at aay boar that pleas. hissBotirithstondTnt tb Bet this th law require all musisipal sets.

be open i oB Aia 4pat. TkaUtyAtur- OUMwtlcioMdartl aster assay. aadaetOer ta Boitepal kegal teaatlsa ry ioraay at hi aaustaatt an innearikl to ta Art Material 5 peliaebe PorrlslaQa mad Water Cater la fan at as. 0. ma rest tam Be Zegaaitaga aO A ow so tnmf tad 5i o- the- as i IxaUthegaa thoUBowaUgal ketUithanaBMuvncerafteneoabgaU anx van ii.

rmioB on an xrUat guaranty of stability. raJByBaMtanUy her Bra ttz 5 n5H anally food gtffl IB representedby a tw painted oa an Wkgroaad. tb asperts and tb downy fostbae lass. very simefsllj worked eat us toseatoaty In artbsg Uy4 la a Jaely pslassnguru BMC Lime lue. repnswt.

ing a jua KamaapeaBat girtreediog BBM tin pas thegtrl Mtq graearal. and ptttensmnix en harBoay. Situ. wi weflriSwab local sit cwi i a a III of tb Maftilea a ipy. ta with pair of wild dnek boast.

be a toa area i Bu a ul work. TO. boll. cogue to teach hecIo water and work sad Oar. avers II tpertna a Cad pant3 from phrspOa kresaxat by 1.

W. The palare hinge to ta Fair gi narttstiapteeeof work th hair sad ra Mac sseofall soA ad labor. It atwhas. ac so weflhaadie4. tlBtt.

new of tb eUre nd JB UBcmlty than lIgOte cm Uxit. Mr. Ksnath Is now ttsi 4 OB two eel SftVjF 7 Sk" ground fgoU. Sad or sail aadiBBw tea. boa dnwuc sad hav taiaad BIB ui enviable I rspstituea foe tslnl and skill loan for Pin OB oartoat fTibrtw Teruad rBojnait wnjJderote iDisetftotWknMVwB.

Bieatadtlcta toeratar a snort tua BtoMaatareya a theirt tn sad slier- winter IB th Roeky aBounbrn a. freak M. Pubbie. and Dick Boob bus eaedaKaJtotoretaerta Weo fa UftaUaUMsL Boaika racatioa. Tb specoifotL full her Stnue rivet an wnn a perauu toil toeiskgcb.

II 4 Is tile wult 1 The Fine Arts. Ns SOW OOLAitDalara9a rest St. to sttaarfna to eeatpIMB Is KaqTavtaqa. sad Tn lauotthliigapV tccnphBth stile panel Jon tetritacil nTena. 5f BO liJo it theilelOry Art.

417 kteutgisaan a I blast design la Jtweby at Randolph MLSCELL15EOCS. tide or pills and drastic cathartics FOR TIlE CURB 0 CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS ARISING FROM AN OBSTRUCTED STATE OP THE SYSTEM. One Lozenge is the usual dose to be taken at. dissolve slowly in the mouth or eat like fruit or a confection. Physicians and the faculty prescribe and indorse it.

1. TR01IcnUIr LAXATIVE pit up tm boxes only. AioiJ ARk yo jt for Dracelptive Puaphkt seaddn. to J. E.

rox Now se San. Trsiicisem1 It DR. SALFIELDS Toss Hr ei so i BXmaotiMailww at Xtcaiwal TtniC Is tae a. SKSC Masct ctH Onwea4 rkyslcal La at MY SOeumianl ag drain upsi laesjst anreatBa B- reTaatarT Wut ln areaaM eta ehttO KaeuvysMree4il. IV.

Col. VeuhtilIsse trnnly OjaaJattial. lee- treeeteVlna I Ikaiw PI rl a til GARDEN HOor lug UCAUTT wwsei CtKJU aUI TUTU Per Water rrrrtaiea. ZUSTIEBI lDIIlLItN' I It. tlld.

St Ott1e1 tU II' Iaw 7 ul uI In lDlaa4orI4I I ertcMMlDItoalaa4 UI th. I I whos. It I adh id i red. I. d.

lal at liar Os aUoeIM pleUl a tilt 1. ll tnlltar sithit the eelwJlMridiaa rWIaa rfleyey ht. It the I III hie 1 aI orioitaIter. orbttIIuolua4 Ye ruder. reIlcDde411ithia tomlMkiac tie rth.

tnI the Eer ler' deel 4 aIllDterial Ii io e17 the IIII nne 111II It Ii OIo all II to earth Pleiades 1141 0 III iiGa bM. root. eh lIIIQliaIlho lelJelt I 01 tit. the with asertee lUIitoI art ud. h.

Iti mapetWDhicb boco in IL. material TIIe im- 1 illlla. taD etic ru IC biJaO 0. PD puita eCMd ca la 01101. OOs Oll reoultlho J6that 01 ritr da 4 lactiY1tbut rteiJJ e.

lObreha- jeer pberie hatn he to 001 eoDdi dprtIt oar im t8 ereun. Umtalloe i. tar er sat- Earthia mlDOll bod aIIi ebod pt as Tb. Io latreD AI I ftltllantr it the eu nnyatomle fonDoIlilee toit8cti earthlarf reDta1lo I ea tlln et tlDtelli eooeuioa the th it8lt eDh t.o.- adn flour us- tiOlll iDlla er PLUE" cnut" mon. lazlelu1-'DDCtioa e.

01 ti Dtcuib01 ribraboulcf1CIetne. It impel the Jlopmmt euth. neeo. ctHtitHidbeD aAi tiooM ipecise wt Iieat bria Its taDCtioa dI. tile wwlt1ritla ecMU nllllar rooJa u411tr1 State ii the boa.

pen vi DI ar the II a aouIaad 01 At IlICia I a tho i ene Cia crests Ito laml at e. I nt t7 GlOIIn- ai. II batl Ii IIJns1limttol ie: rJ IILII: feIlU.rr- I. tal 17. era.

1 lften1lIC Jar ad- tuaJ ns at. tIM. zr1La 01 r. t. 1 v' 114 1ItP1I no.

ji I y. 111880. I Iwr IItJD ti l. I 1 y- I. oo' time J.

ICM i v. It r- I Wdj a It" 1 ij J. v. lit A' IV' I 17 nlei 1 Jes. v.

T. 1:1 111 N. 11I. fa 18 1 54 18 na JoLin 1 Aries 6:1 21 1Ittt. jM 21 11 111 t.

I 61 1:1 11- a Iiptae UI Tra 2 67 Can ICaarw 78 15 1 T. 88 lit NIJCIUO 11- I 61 I 10 Xl V. 1 Gtnlat 4 A 1 I Oct. 10 jrr 1' Tinge it 30 1 NIIeIUJ ha 63 2 1 1 About 46. pe a.

la 19. tIIrbatioa of IiO pI and lediaIooI while 11 cu later DO tile aad aIotI1a the the 4. 01 I. pisacte will i. I JupIter.

3h54a. Vb ha.lIatva. i 41. sad era. a Meg of Jepitie wm 18S1u1 lIrrr Jo V.

20111 Itek II. en. nIIa February MellIIOft1lFJ UraD It. 41 eI The Optics :1 llji Tb am sine. or.

poertlLllitll OOQja etioDi Dp opiD 01I ortrbatrth t1eadi I I th ot oou 00. lll nr lenT' sod cen3n" fin" Vt 1 el be llr intimater. I tho II aee mm. be up tmOfl hne themr. paruof nre IT ke ofthn ra llup xt a.

in u. eatr i fh bo" rta' oc n-es Dl' brei ne. tlliHDtI ID mlOOonIl. Nh lone. terert lr iJJdi atiotII wcreerhaps mn lIactua oDl is its rJ' 7 I Ia a t.r-li..trtlrJ con DIlH thallrri elevutins rparatioo entl kn.

IJ" In feiCat rtlIo DII met- efthe CTJttre I I to nth 1 li1aren put 1a7 ill" at' upooood. an inner CTUItI a- Ii. nlle 1 be aI ti cni 1 tln turbo ooubtiolltlre ally at. pn: eqaal1t in I 1 O. ai ph1liCallact n.

whose inlltl DtO lt tta emxim rlerrlydemocietroted nr pe. IIlanar I etJb of at 1:7 1 nt. onIItiDeatailabrid. Dicr C8to rb ted IIll. loa D.

a lad1I ftt a relwa. ooIlqai1i a. to. eter Jl- daa like CII' I rt a IaI' toA dreds at fGteL us relDm Unf It tro I athJcoh a is of 84 Dt the II erearnd. bout 121.

'JM a tim. h. of the Ladies. when rea 01 IIb. rr 1 trick' del- IiJ 01Aee Tees snow the ber ia recorded 1rith1a their Ii lbe thoow IIlthe great wined of AtlantiS.

This it d. eat lriDIe pguinsttke tartl. the Ie IQ ADd ether li1II. 01 the Me4itetTu- nr- the Yr if within to. Prnan.

tUUJe wu. a great Urdaa u4 aD unk U4 Us aJ. fA ri- athe hiaIi. DIII TWITtS. dtnet r7.

tioU the 1 tile r8OOC a I w1e4lt tJ JIOD I. lIMa. i mtI4l tQ arI JI I II. III AlPtIa 1Iria eal I tftUI la I I I eaa more I OOOr 817 i1 atWl Z1n4 III iaDt otlillriqu Cbl I. volume of or lb.

811. ten eo. I tile the 8 CIa I alUlluariptioa the reeks or U. 111M 11 1IGriJIoeI. InDdat JI the orthe venerable peror no be wldelrJDDndated.

a ai. ind oIlDDd IIIOIIJItaiDlU. prr tII1OIItIce. I atIbetioa 1 In utan I tb skier lOII" utn 81 ral7oan. 1IDtil.

i Ye7ed ba bodies fer D. tinod toI wat via OP" atCLlO The 1 I Dmk tiJleDI ime Qan tU II eeI from. len As edLe ter Sulls- laWt. I lIft IICIIY ililoiDe. :1 atu4 oral Fi 1111 and the worI4 181I pIaeea17 trIetI uoIC UIl TII eIaa rk tIaIr UII araacIe Go 0It" sesmakes a i Its OCIIIIIII Ibo N.

falll. olI after Aquriss. or the onteirlier i i 1m 1 IJao to. oInatIIn. metal.

IDle. t8 11II reaai rrh ea Uoft pb1I caJ ther Ct aPJ bOll head ODI Cll monlllDDdtioD the the bhich wataoaId :1 atmOlJ berio rillI- Atmospheric iuduenelrg Iilid 01. ui ea Cl ar 1ipe f1 diatricllm atmre hich 1 aoI lI tIh Om--lI I I1I nldmentj h. D1JMOiaI th th il qdoI III Ty ntral PI. Wits.

or of limo. eerie four thoueanil year CO the Pleiades culminated In Sepembor. wito cih and ehangej the solid level of earths The parliall.nblllera-od us I oraOf tm tow Yaca mJ ofthe indention Domlallclnee ed thlilenJtepler Ci fI ff il 1 nerrwhere foaadj vast mec a I lI. fiOID OOtII nriat the mi bb" reolnJ cal holDIal III. lJTaOJll ri Jrl tb thil-oa tart dalswith tath teUD pinlhoee r-Jat Ulltoire 4I lAsrouonie Oases.

the DII 1. tod series oal uristote ob obeerratioosstillmoeremotderived OJr rr l. 86 the preeeioaal ma- rr7r Tc uf' sactdllntioD the woridIlau euader14. tile hiob 01 th. p01 I mbaa 6e 1 the el 1 E' proI tMe Tt' tata ot a7.

Pla wwWI tioM 11I0. as be .1 Br aaia ha the Jr. W1 I1I1I theWadoe LC5100 ilitrik: net. eac e. cu tioM au Druarc.

pu na 1 11" 1 Diralin reie a tad a. properrelatio. ma1 lllllm oe odl liIIa prnach Ui. nfSontlaad IllAn can mathematieshtad- I be" ea rob. editlooju 1 UllUaet1.

wo. Oar IU eartb- llllmen arabililf it8liJJr eec ril amm etft8 IeatO fLeI Ita Intersected 1ri1b me4lioa clearI- tb rnI nl PO EcrU I lW thmiM Ui. wtthiIIth. I. Ith e.

iard lI lines. rat. of. ti ounces Tb. ua JI 7U the uoaC pean" the tit the Olthe O211a the pl1a 25 IJUId uth' utIllt 1DateIhe ofth.

the UlrIObeIlaJ eeI the tan Mar-had the poW. oa the tw. the lie ate the blIthe. Ied she et Us. aiGaI Jac1l1r IItIheproph ud.

upped the e. tees Taut. 1triIt II iaal at eaU it. has I. rI aQllt 11 SlIt kiIIa- liar.

ma foil lic lIIa C. sag 0110. 01 una AOIO JTenoll thaI tV. pump II tIiIOeom lit ilia II Ie nil If I pr.w..or..u-aIe a17 Fr tW5 alar III boocaula lID II JIOII burn all tatllg 11 distant alii I toW moss I ra- th1 lta Ia. tJ woaderlia rmecl rtlle tII.

bact. lar th. the utolhe 0ItI blth. 10b tDqairaia tho cr IfJia fW" Ild' a Ran. What.

tile is its 0I" litallj the VD Jl't JDOdorulnaC ha 18 la to1Ihiab umetltal as th 1 :1 the moo oIlorreItrial IIUOIer QIII iDS1O 11tud. nn a thillAqairJ the DI IT. il lie Tda IUItllOJI lm baa phniealllat. h. lit tempL teD re caithe its Tioo pt liahe4 drinth whiela.

O. 1e ruinllia ore2 re I liod oarioab I 1Q fi t1 it. on obedieiIIlteaOIIlIntla b. th. Oll eJet an a.

DOli tf a rell eaT if cu etodhat DutearillreyoaI MIOD- spots I be forma Tbo. loa ob :11 i nrora atr I i re id A tb the i ilft it DOIlikeb pla forth th ft gI- rbl1 dir ehild n. M. d. thuDaoer fI dto nm ld' i rmraJIiWI rme IiHto modes 01101.

equaJluhon dInrtb atrestng earth blaU ytng the Iapl tn n' talorio which te orp lIPuMr lOoJa Olllllld clu ter th. la peverul year extending from 1880 to 1882. The must be lair one us no OOP baa aD" to dOlI it. Tho perihelia tlf Ulluloo tI1o eqll brium i htl1 1Ii tic1J earthnd little 1 per 00IIt. afrd mod tblre Dt I ac tation mntalnd ni3 0 frt mte ei lIIr hm.

n- nd ttltlel QII Fi hr eal rat 1) UJlca mid eDIo tb. eoadiJ 3 oz It Dn. a bat. eIl tlaed is diPta e. bi ill- wiIoIomDd tieallratb.

be aller. offt 1orIUhat umitel- a I oIi. to nnn uJII. Jft wIIllail be umlCll Tile dllt wI1Ir Usa suit the Its rf I ha cti NII' IIOD r1a14 PIIIM1nU I sad bat.t: W- MII1ihb oI.t/DOIJ 11a. ai If oIlo.

ImooJatIllnftJldiD As aU tal ii. mateIY1MCIte4 ct lId wll1 ha lbs 1ItwW1T 1IIddoa tile I parent senchi iiJr adr orb. 1Ut. thellar a the tilt the 0C7 rd8III. y- 188 A n.

U1IItIe bah It' rear lair psenetod a tr IIM Bar' A rIIoII1nbMI I' tbeLf 1itot QU En Dbrta II" Ill. JI PIortTa u41111tJ the Jtr of th plays for the taIea. It Dramatic The brims dwwter of the WI' tIa7. bJ1taTiq the 1ID4Iou. lbs ills strength the thu ta tile lbs btrw a not its N.

aIIlD' tacl lbs 1rr. OODIJIUTpalmod 06101D. In- lbs tile the 18 IDI aDDd tt1aIiOa ra th 001. 41ta TII1IboIe fair II In the II toto hi I alll Ii public to let. JICIIIt.

God. hait dza a eumetancea authorship. G0407w N. 1IGeom 1M. is th.

nri atil lod. on the stage Godo Mr. oeln re lw AaOrpIao11. steta. fi a chalfu tme ehaJ fJV PanJOIClt 8redhlltM to ti a an T.t- pi" As 1t1.

i od I UIII 011" bi I of b. ne. 1 1. JJed OUl Slow tol tti Dtl the 1t 4 kI 1. MI doIIe.

1. J. illle tCI dOOllllot PoU 1I nll h' uoru hrIa I iD1 or pi mc nn ha 10 lllltdolll. i 11 tht The metes us Bor1s It pron. 1.

il A. In nigl Ji1a fift. is O- nilo1N II limbo ia I. r. lit' fi PUlPIui Cald I.

fia ter. with. II i lo be iar Ioh Ie orr 111 sod an rest 54 for. Mm IJ lad II a oal' iIlllt Tbilli. II SIn 1I000ad m' t'm th.

thAllIill th. Jad his be be ioaIlo baa ereII red al 1100. the TII. the trielrialet the Ie llID4i nr ha WWI perhapoort1a c'- hU the three-suit be euU the I. a BrutIaenwaitmr Ion In the pIItlp e1openLil1m.

m.r a lbs B1 h. rc Para71a tile wb tile as Klsg lbobasks lJrt a8 1II tile au r1tr a take Mar no. be. I I ef to lbs au M. 1166.

3. UV at the M4 the daIr 1 IN. Me. ta. nIkttaM1a a Ia.

tH tnt tI torW Jv Dr1ahIue a III Ui ii Urunii Opeca-liouse 1IeUoJ. ands Ii. rooot Ie Iu i cbW roe FIa a Q8UJt OMtnaIaothe tIU M. II Mile Woad. WDIft.

tile lbs Btom u41 18toct. be a this BaDlale pest audwh. the UTt to. wplteia I. Ji De riIIIir MIUTIA NOTES.

le. W. WUoWIau bass on the staff of lb. tent upirecL TIle ea. u41a1ar be Adams.

frieMa will be thiaIt WiDlaraNwmaa Jw plseed span the retired 111 Lieutenant. lb. erecitaI Bo wOll I W. Laud. uce I'- tile IMI the Lii tulle.

ht ruk 01 ho MId the Iafaatry as LIutjiant be iIIIIII1Id lb. the tho I w. IUtb 0 lJeuenuUiu a C. wsc 1 paeorl1rao. aU a Ibo fuvunt.

the lag biDed. tutaata. DdIII 4' Jiho 111. tbo Ct- tre Tllere. the the I t.

th Ciiith pl. lIer ilibO. O. 11. bet ht7J 11t bi 11 1 3" bel.

named Brown Prince eDd Eeb Il I a flu Yn slthoagh tDrInl have I hint speed. kausag his NUlaiN I Tit. Use up- mb MATTERS. r. I repabbleIaIS on.

IIIIII I have eeti. I halii I i I eodlaby t. fO thillieeDfO pal 0 dn. nr imtlOCllnloulDd 11 e1tbt iNb tll rl rt ee LIe. :1 I' I nt d.

1ten theme. tile OflLboul D. LIMn uretaittirortl put his 1. hen nine. the onJa a LI Ihen.en follo.

J6 11. Randall sail J. I II 1d I Ii. I. A.

it. hDd elolle fnrI OOoaeh C. DaJICIUIlnd aDO for Dt. I --Ire klntr. totAIp w.

FIllrtlt1821 Rlh17S 22O1tbtJa. SSitt Nin o7271 md 1 hpI re the N. YortApr12o1780. Inr thr 1U211. amII' aDdearI D' n.

no Samthera eI the the blth. 1 2W claimed bat this Ctho nt in the Stat. aaklfWII Ua1aMlaartioaI. a. UIlalecatJoal ace tile eoaad w.

the Ulttae th IIa Yale no thy St Ezanilsecs aen. I aaorDIqad. rite ttl ar plbUaDI mstjeiutij the pan wane" I EEVT DtWJUTwm the IL. eltlll 1t WeIt 11ft. II.

Bon173 aiL k. JjiD tmW auDQluGal h. 1' r- IhwI SellttWcr I. Xsy' Hit frrPiefle Co I a ad A Dr. JI1aa Kr.

Jn. I gailihles tWr mare. O' he Xn1Ia t1IIIw II yt tit. ter II. fa the.

an. ataDr a. lb. .1. I lbs 1areqU fall' Great Jr.

II. tlail1 lie IIIMI MIlI1a Xn. BedJow. boraisid. Is as II' IMn the fog lbs IT to.

sitar mejil. I JilnlIoo4 wUltIJIl tile rat" Man. J. DJ 015. au.

Ji darIs. ha to the Is meet hter she 1 ma II N. elZ. Do" N. Haves.

lbs Tale. 1aaiIT. 11Jao DJ r. 81i11t to the Bastes' lay 111. to hJal ra Yeno.

:7 Uo1fJl1a a L. 4 dismesul r-- a willll YW Ie lr. lad VittidZst 1IoiTt. triadillem lari- 1a adeoi tile maids sad aa beoUaiea 20. lb.

tMIa N1 Tile few perta th Diego last 1' gives et. Mr. In. ilDllMt IIoJ oelobnla4 4 C. lb.

the iswena I bI thtor Atterattaurofauiw f. till tII1Id1 ntuJIle I IflII the eek the arriIoJG ed I. Tneelav by a I Tb. a pl. hours.

in rlra. 8t 5117 WI Park few days uJ riei tIoIiM IUeet III" 1 in tO. greusas at I oI1ial ties mt tllT next rt on tf. nL -tL: itr I1 I the AI uti 1111. III up to the ek1 ubv rrlI nlJi.

Mt-hal Castle. Mn. retanaed. Brit tnf- lot te I i. bit.

yen II illlh rib MI I Lllr If toocb a. 1booI ter in. Mr1tId Mrs. J. tlan IIilI ba Jr mentl.

Mr. tB1UmerolBe. aDdln. U. ilMrof uIoDan in be the Its rieII1.

ri tTII In. Is the Vbee II. Monterey k. Mn. I 8paaldinrhe the MOII ir1.

nbuJaoc1 the roestry. HUSH MONEY. tt tq St De. leans raU. 1a1Jao cigar Xe.

ad FA- eIu a. he at to No. i be. he I I. Us.

I trl Ieft the II to be rallim pi tiJI aj1lll olla kDO ei he the Thirrlltnet. JIfi poat I Peter Ota1hea lowrtIIltreet ollmJlUlOllltitll effacer of lb. COURTS. Ti. T.

Ji. QIwt terdQlM. eight Jtallia tilt I Long. iv. 1brMat 550 I to th1tate PrM lei tea u4 WdlisallaaebinscsmeaIi its 8 Tn.

are sat Wd by W. M. 1. a tool. taJ7 tile.

at. the saty Luck thus -ae Ott anal Ui. wlllUri the auttI' II WiI: I1 DecerHhetrt CA UlU Ouu and ww. 1Iif' MI R. lb.

set tIaM 1I1IIftI. IN We IMf tv III tI. lbs I ertaa ir :1 t. a eanr I lirbKn- 10. eoIort8 the.

Ii x. wall II. au of CIM-- II a JI aII' Ihu. JIG Is tIaH th0na4 wI' loathg u. sbheat bibI.

Mn. WiIiI. Will it. adM 01 Is sad pineS which don 0. walls amiss' rarut7" Ira.

Ham. Amuse IeaI. Lung 54 ucI the Sail ui 8a-- 1Iae flUe laca tIIect18 1M. ID lira. onion lib1ftiIbO.

t1te. eDP7ta. 1Iak. oIIwwt" OIICAI Em 5 IP" tie pDaI: lqu ta. theelin.

11 lanpiltua. ha a1tJ1e. nm. 8- 1f 1 They an WIa Sal but. the.

deesrstlvs geld M4. Yates. iDIa 1Ia. talut. rowltria rtatmII Hi lliontaok II tafIIr He wi In It febod bta term an.

has lure. nYW. One tile- I fa II the- Ie ea Mt Tn bIIIt1a 0. lat ilastasasey 9P' ND do an rucri rse A roiclltail4tiou. your dnI or SALFI ELDS TtIIIIeeI aa.

II I I. 1I 11 w- I. b. D. f- I laleaIarJ' 6IbIUtar.

II we. IT ZoDt i DL8unao. oW w- Great REMEPY 1o. sid witt n. Po.

U' I 4n a. rx rJ. WIt ALLEN. CO. wo.

U1W riles. U. ruo nnu NZNI 1M :1. Etones cHANGESAVEAR WIUBRING Tsdeiy SC Isw. SUl St s7 Vit IthIII4 I Mrcmy fcv SUUl oda 2iyS I roreN.

I bneit I a 4 I uo i. cs1tiI e1 vuepersrs Ulsr1 Igbt the. XN. rot 1j ors ssoeI the ti tuu ofl bob. been- 0 1' ottbe Citomi.

bbs reaenI et Isa rth ot bostaactdirvetiy ibesrosace. ts ii to lies. so a eorreepo A rein reepondlncolerchancec hi. 0 icalao a on ip- ow odireot ealarraysinasigmzrstesonddenchanxcs Itidiceit Uve dues Its i beend it ii eider audtopsmthao tea5p5pe00 oevurwben lorve. deveiepsnt th.

Theinteg sity eit vibrations sod ds Tb. adyane. jteiOol tho S. lia ls eves slate eos asathuuasndstsrths aaeau4 Irequent depeewseon and rupture Is tie Su. cla teoditice.

tw be n4ine i re usa St1 ten-hon spd aed se liniltst tnot toreSu. the St ltOF P1r117 eupel 1 esrthi per to readjustment of pee uscomemy permodle etsdiilosil ittendict hsaliky gvewtk nd peesrun of evesy laact. hasctsos gradeaily ubres. 1 ih andta. tb the new I I Thou.

rn 554 4''S eqsallrIdeindInvidealuin ike us. tncfuea life te ssUassi me Inn ice ertodi estsi Lung a. pvwry. 5 wudetaeutonleioss. iIJS Lbs sleet PflRi4 1 Zcpt.

bcisw the eels. tea marts a qwtsr sri on the estee- il dial the prsemeIoua 1 set sne the Lisa4lu. is the ct I st. w. eussetsin the ieUsei pbacmess 5ioefl4UOVLLflfl tegtLu eti81.

Ci SUNDATCUEONIOLLAUGUST1 s.l Ii lisa ACid CAn. seMfl NJJSj S. aLma Iq euy si CC linotsi. es55 nirus A Ar. ISsisru gun irs sru see.

1 Sea Si sri 805 time Veeve suns inron 2 28 suse tos us Nj. i titUs ing turns I has tire. I 4 0. suns I menu 3 il7teeteae I 4 311 Peters espe usrs 9 17 Pus i 1St. lIspu jut 41 6 Vious Puree.

suns I 3 Neptun. Jurts Ttrtss 2 54 1 Vine. Jspi 2 insane Veum 5 4 Ce nowaci lme 152 Sitar. Mees tspe 2 ow4an. Woos Tiurus 2 84 Jut iStsr Tsare 84 8eptnnVszp Mercury icanir 7 40 eel.

lOSGes Teacup 2 3 eeesslto Tupepe lv Msr. Moos uorpe 10 iuz 21 Var. Tsp 18 Au 20 tees Tlrg 10 38 rinse Veoni it- Die siamese. a isaday. Ius-i woi5qj mesa thou.

Vs peiet rpr- men In iii. I untied uw dsrtng the Jupiter tad mi ooa 9salsslso ermad stzncticgmschthtks. along dsye Issetag sebinctid atoue caste. utiouetlsss ottO. sheveensjuaetiosp Tb.

cut hem Njgas20. 64. Vespa iii. 64oc- bataraibntnLl srO lh47 Itezoary tb Leo itihAls. Tia psebbotlo.

wr 0U Ceepeb 25 luau roTiuielia leests litres Trtwamr cary Asne Vents. lOthl Sovepelee 8th Mag7sh Msioury- M. 2d11i tenpe Ann. ad. Mcu th Msecsryac test pine.

anmeng Icusp Psi' Augnes. Is is7t nm owhst eseb thatwith ripeumg ttrplanet Recl or. pipeS row forjstb agict wilicotizider cTorttbztstgi yer tb. dc- tloo eats. exten alec odrv Al ed cxl 1 Lotion of be lace tirely neweortluenta proofer 1 he It ha Radeseep.

tebismew aeloc yr he mestlee evpeciallr qutjegener- earths mognceiim st-'cks qankemaxims moon' These sre Jt Mallet spas- Is- contin- rated thS crest an- bet Urns. lout ilutas. whotoid Solc learned it tJtsie 1) son. ltceurrtprobsblvabout Lc4121. the end atmene too oIen fall 0 toamisnalt such huterissl nowedgn.

Ye. remember age bpthe othtl sow el and nobd 1 which yesam' annals e4 eceulviaf 1 detail the otbe S000J5ZI belee. studs us withl lame. wil Ike ever- 5' a ostinet gins mar rth wtitheyssezte slt ostlaent sea am saly the barboet and within the Ptl- bars. the enanlr.

OlAtlantis reached to Egypt qig ma Msddecruaus ity cuvsti repelled lbs Invader ead lilslrt7 to all diis PIllars. boe. was sand 1b ar. bound1that 9554 Ui. iumztie seesn.

8U85cet. the QUas inea Pesls gin 88IsP elidmes vs seum4. us era. dsrtngsetsla Doul 1 beavenig Athes lb. ft ses.

shcrst 0C ume rs to i1 me. eueh metres else. pvsh. a of seen Ncssi1ea ink- pspem A40 man sujptjn bela aj. nAffurla Sr Ike Jitlyli.

1 tealaiss at time. no 0ateaangwel tloshivs ii teats. wh general rmennsd at I eent euspplstqlsda. lsk sv lag basi prspevwi with 110- as essuedlan. 4 kasteit.

enormous eeorded Ceetinrtus I. Tb. kill. easvsiy4ii erto ekanitcttb. foondpirticalgris oceoftite is oUsag- 1 encheatnelpuma.

peupeiti. an widel cosesanira with sputa. only elnld olson has qatnoz oderdeat Eieperor1faYa o. pltate4 boli country ehangelo mend When OodOrejiins lbk4liIhebLbae dlI. IS IP9e 84l8 lie sea 1 voes KadikpIqsI aiaol at a.

o. 8044. Vsney. 505 rptbsSI esew aI5a4 Is In ci a klan 51 the E8iIsIb APU se diiabsll eel ma- I Es to netinn1 sis ofaboist tJQ Saob arirvan4 unailsusu e. nasrktbeend sad bsilnnfngf grind aIjaervaiions 4 480 tdip16IsV.

Tb.lrIsiw- eat knoersehresologleal sssnowmn lee ha eiel sr4618 psame by sew All nadoem ha theizssrly bavesupertecoad abwayi letbeir reasladowfromn sotemiasooseuta re- a entiretams ofairsompreesed feeldeert psItow earth mtetdaretly him I MIseInaIIh. lever and ctmtcpherewhieh uthefactory ofdeathsaitimof Fill intay tides. Wears bothitellazandptasietary se- 1 9. mv t2 0C 0Cff9 4 44 I a 0 iiLiTlCfl i 0 3 7 is 0 o0 0 I. Sl IJX ix' Day Lemuria a ama recoding earths nun succenive eataslyatni.

which have at szieeeedvs intervals ruptured partssllv ma hieet a beroadofoitro- meehan' these Ii mu Chineca astronomy qootos a de a a from 25 1872 C. eta Is lb. iyutetnwitl alteedingtbsezsdduntsoo the iii ahowingeeryslsarly bowpkilosopberu Inmost described and onsisidereil let- rustrial riejg. seen. uiesasr etsasotthe makeswitbth.

Lb. musmintp diresut tatanctet On- The cosages re- enuor IOIsgIateVYalhIA eustof be hI. 1 3. C. a.

to. This Ui. the mini rustaeraicsssi. is peas meaner. en the esnasea eeIaIag sinew ccii lbs assUres lbs oracle St depost- as tisord1uj I.

use 1188 led WiUhseaJeses yn the eciresoendase Is if- third VsrthaCalgs begni a. c. suite about which time L54ebsrS reckons the lamessilate. ilsof iesessat I pen lnWillls Dapeos4tabhteaIlseu lbs Jesa and Dssdsiupdi2S espUslamuflmelathetelsofneesuslsd 4 a is by a in- llavingfoundby revlwofhlrtorysola mod in' ofila utonumentcotautructed totts 25025 FntLej. on a tbe 1ev pear.

than morei pse- wtlsmarkadtineaolaarly dbaToftheflnat scttyeorrespoodlng coal. everf lb. its iast the 12- anita. fl 25827 as the assalnoxesthst I7ra' mologieul ItSilafter have a p5 lb. 5021 iysteies and 25il7yeans db the th.

idesyeri pmes twenty feet suet he lisa keener of ths anion a Uon us themecidaaa a ua- onocosr Iaat back. lows Ir Is th or skssreatofy templswbcs tbelcotibetI. lbs or as urist chases peesust teall bests 5 veskes tqy mathepesbas and gemesby 8ytbMeallioflt 5IIiste5iLlitu thekhghtosteng camel agkb but t. lbs sfthI4w- ss at wlIi Arneioasuoi ThnshelL sasmowtee4 pep sks crstesIesItsMUo Wa7pa4p perlag Ia the OlystUire ths go. uenns.

Ml timog Airy soilmaw4jis Isbareitailsaator sjap euwofsatrosmM lals very si11plueee lbs toe 90 Js eumpoud mucus rest In. frm ha seesmosd Iau hi orbit. wttbin wlek II neladed. rig- 54 a Iammpelso setaJas dI What ha asses wonderfully adjusted cocnsrsones weasel meaning up aighep wlak Is sMwoodenlahej7 laths atthebocdeietbsreotsutolhe Lordapdl siJlestlnthelaidaf stgypt Jcblnquirulhsdsy wiobathlaldtbs bath the Its. a It ar Ibis thereaffoitoned or the sn asodernslsanWddphered Whatihes ln188iatowhIeh these colneldentwlth stare.

as pe Its. Vsnley' the as en atlarge uldoesnounderotnne withoutwhicb as the We In nmiotakab opinions Ii be as Scotia. is man remit Their the period itch re- conjuuetivspcstiouia nod penbeiaofplanetssod stain. Thee have recoil as ha year. oaurtace sloeiyand whcnthe nit dsrln suicides ne- apete are of solar equaliu by uatj acts on sort element a5fltefl845gfle pub the fin.

riadtUalhf cluster with- a eapaord disposed deny Theperihellaef Ipsitostlmnlet. Its eeo Theire2ect be anuonpthephyeieutsnlidsof laflsen hsl in- as as be 18S1h the diotorbeddurlne thelocalphyticatand the itthe to- tznt ever transpires mans when earth ehell hue. ben grow fl ltwilibs like lIe toralIthatIaeod. we lb. iLI is the Its alfected beet- These de- hess unusual bent.

the uf spites Is at- ills. flosdsarulikelytooerit. en- hl. api ecrusc liJ mssstol lbs phyobul etosdiclee lbs he sn lone. wararsfeisaesdig will be 4ea a- noa otaediljdranitagcrb ihestagAiphe sew five ash eheve.

aa or to ba 50. nsh at se by MaidaaV sbtip 2i7MssLeonn 0 aezt a. sos us. Inape l0bsasl. Mama lasofen useless.

tMsk Ul8ibceQeerwure an 50555. sese lsteraut Meatgmeesy onset. 5 i assatl oreiai smera TbePub1IO1n L1btof TWOCASES Dbitsfl.TLlitis Uun eMrflamssl Plerryinuw idnaitiplijat the ta Mgllsh Cesst us pessaiaase rutseacapsbssosappredn ofa is us theIst pthliedlesppqvulaa seats on. a. was I.

Is cress. ofmecme offu lastlocal en who ingie all ottO. set a. by of I tapposedindbopedaeopyofth plsyla As uS. MUse ut null thus th.

Irtis sdoptaasu. sislntgurcsin the lit racyletous ofpnuiple iug of loril I awing a mbahieftnue4 tithe fort Is t-eIialaril of Mr. Byron's latent proluctirn Ii Itln-iently thecurcurnatnice conic ii in also brIbe ot a Irons promiaenlit4peeeans wellucted The the ofSan glue on- hi. Is nester. Mica the u-er.

it a thing more jrj-ing Ii us re- ogay thu faartbereaaunthatitwtll thefrot stage We wh. has eunagedbyal arruaugesnenwith Whetheriti. p' Wisw BdaJ Sail the of the be liistennge laagbterthatrolltbroatOo a lbs ireqaencyasd Ityot the th.Uaff-luowa ho deu psetsu we us a. Wednualay eotutheoghftweae4S 5 the a let. and Ii' Thenipuuoa pa ta slmng1Baethevarewaitmg astus dep9eu Agk Casiry has eneee The ruatua ssebpecsbas Isvcri Ia lteeandacee ssbesrd the la abs peon be akzedvlsntsocs 5r2 home Owici 51 lbs 12 esesea me54sI Xutss peniS be ssIbeateta en a.

cil4s Best snoned wnb the Aaiuiihaisssaer hTh5 sIh patLwiUipt pow esaslag Dr. TulmsqelsivenkIsewefl a. As Caine. 555 to- Sims. Medjesba Lu lateodneed i noysltp Is Londaasnlabypecaass TIioOLI.

Adam" a hllowFpiack ylollaist. ofNeenlniomaLubeen barns meaI sayesa ss3. iooksaMchamalmeeaosOto lIes. ha. peeved masse 1.

is lbs Partaguce. Mile. 51a between AIn byadootegat vl abs OssUalllatsoth. tobsthetbUtuusts pIi was ft. sad Mi.

vs1esa XM5eaaM Cssopascolrsets Wilder has iee TIM go ones as- sad rtaIned the tb 1nt eo First Coutpsnies sad axtWsdnsday srnaoryriraer Micr lCilsshs lbs seas abs. neath. retIndlMw84iherakgf for his the tmenet is the poohubla saadiilai a. be as Lleswaaaiea the2oth anile Coin A fit A BAwes sea Cesey IlmO the Its was Jimwhohl4 Issatfiwellia up by halt-a- tiettin lnthrvz 251h. as ers ii trot was btmtlai thie ebad hbi.

thy and sill. aatd usel JKlles ilisre. us the mselipleaauur. ku. sea.

rddIeiw. cmi have thoe he rmtpnlono inasranes sILL. Inc ereruan tounaf pining loss was given eight uhcprunl en hands Ph. areontwobondufor13300eachsod A Waler fbi Migbtb. Ninth 274 a Uaqesth 9231 Twalltb 7O.

rugiatretics was 20 2780. lagthwaroflol2bewaa pilatoum plauss ofthai of the 3fl Is tha ealy samety which ashes sinevitiiaal sad borticul- tanS prolate the lmaa far as 51905111051504 fins mrs. Ppbllnda BtatCitnul WOe dayer tea has tIcs etbat ttcs ala. the were told hi bWAses otrietly Meawsrmignalieu. M4esUmeal.

met mornlngand Crudentlali siths erday mer. 51 nimes. a Ear the well-has. as tat Is thi satmsstoftha we Ieneu eliasdslbeasubcesaids vuritsud Op kin. ssremti ndontisteai 54 505 rk.s-.aua ImDocpa rovutssana nliseltIsIeltheIale 7 of bg L1c no IriValagel to Mra4xLLIIqs psiiona wiaslagiLses a web stifle lal7itdp Ymegfyetbs ad ma Me IsthsdlncUosofJapsse hi Ukmel 8.

is aselve Is tha5Jaae a. 54Mw St reel- Is 01. Mr. Stead' sew residsues. It Is mid.

etsd hi the sri lb. will take DeSorsit baa frees Mae- As pp. ally a ma ledy. ettyaM lb deeghistlof of Xe. fosidetof foal hi 011.

tittua gr Slag Bang N. what. they wall memo probably until aeni mamas. Thedat. it heir retaru I.

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