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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 5

San Francisco, California
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aaaV ss rH i BB mi ii i i riij 4 JiMCllvStOEI aA IK SW tS fc 2I Pjfv 3c Wffc 2 WjO TSCISCO CHRONIC1VE fEDKZSDJtY HAX MiJ 18J Charged HVith a Fathers 4thippp IJ J1W1MV1 4Jk S5 Arizona Bank Officials Are Indicted fpfyiinds Left In the Concern il Attempt to Brak Jail MM That Failed mM i fcatiatPispatebes to the rKBotficXx BBxinrooD Citt May 2L The trial ieiiJCiancy who killed his father on the I ijjjttof March 17th at the Holy Cross QtaibiTjt was begun in the Superior Canrti to day The young man claims tilt the death was accidental Tb8ed aimt WM committed at fJiejrMideacs ot tbe son On the night Vja qaeitioa tbe father returned from a Ighborin ssloon considerable tbe worse Iox4iaor and began to abuse his daugh ri law after which be retired to his rooin continuing his foal language The TOBjjj man followed bim and Ian altercation took place between tbe two during which the old man received bis death Tpunds itjancy Jr told several witnesses that ki coibed and struct his father a blow fiad the old man fell striking on stove ligvewakine i aknll icoording to the testimony of Dra Ross SinJ Halcomb to day there were five i jwmnds on the head and face of the de leased and some of them conld riot have tbees produced by a blow or a falL The prosecution has in its possession a fmot alleeed to have been worn br the wf defendant on which are blood stains and iw kslr which will eo to show that the pris 3S entr kicked his father after be had fallen jgj The stoye teg will alao be introduced as jS tbe weapon with which wounds were cede at the bands of the son The pros station will conclude to morrow reserv 1st important evidence for rebuttal I NO FUNDS WJSEE LEFT i Official of i Broken Arlsoaa Bank Indicted pHdJii A TX May 21 The investigation into tbe affairs of the Bank of Tenipe which has been in progress for Wtsral days by the Grand Jury re sitad to day in the indictment for em besilement of Daggs president KP and A Dagps directors Ta Horn cashier and McCabe fdirector and altorney The bant failed just a year ago this loon lb Its affairs have since been In the taands of Receiver Abrams It is altered ttit in January 1894 five months previ to the assignment three of the directors met and declared a dividend or 13 psr cent really amounting to 127000 in ttth and being 100 per cent all the available funds of tbe institution Another allegation is that some 10000 of the heep which were entered upon tbe books as an asset of tbe bank had been sold previous to said entry and that when search lor tbe sheep was instituted they sere not tobe found having been driven to parts unknown There are seven counts aralnit Dagps who is held in 12000 bail and three counts against Daggs whose bail has been Hied at G000 Cashier Van Horn though a director at tbe time of tbe failure is released on his own recog ias inn sieppea mta me 2f5Vul ihvivBraftr ctosinjt the door lUned to climb to th driver1 seat Wa Uh horses became frightened and madi ipge Iorwafd throwing ihadri et ta the sround and started Vapiolr down Ihe atreet The hack was npsetand dragged two blocks before the jhoraes were atopped I Dr1 Patty vas taken from the wreck in an unconscious condition and on elimination It wai found thai his left arm was brokes arului head dly cat fid other iDjnriea The attending phyiiciana ay he will recoTer ANSKL VTHITKS TJEATH CERTAIN Work of a Court Commltston Seat From Jew Tork Post Towwryn Wash May 2L Tha death of Ansel White the lost heir to a 000000 estate hat been fully established by a special court commission sent to this Coast by the Probata Court of Ultra It apprs that a period ot fifty year elapsed from the time White hurriedly left hia home in company with another mans wife until bis heirs learned of his death near Port Angeles He and trie woman went to IHinois where they separated and be drifted out West to California and ultima telr settled on a lonely ranch in the Olympic mountains where thirtyyears later he died His will bequeathing all bis worldly possessions to Preston Trov is pronounced worthless In so far as it applies to tbe Eastern estate It was some years after Whites death before be fell heir to tbe Utica estate and consequently he could not will to Troy property he did not own TO SECURE RIGHT OF WAT Fresno Beg in Aetlv Work for tb Vller ltoad Fbesso May 2L TheChamberof Commerce held a meeting to night and appointed a committee to act in conjunction with the committee from the One Hun dred Thousand Club in raising tbe necessary fund to secure the right ot way and depot facilities for the Valley Road It cannot be stated what sum will be necessary but the belief is that 50000 will be enough when taken in connection with the rights of way which will be donated Several practicable routes in and out of Fresno hare been examined but not in an official way When the corps of surveyors arrives next week there will be a consultation on one or two points and from that time there wilt be some definite shape to plan for the right of way FIRST 8EIZCKK OF THE SEASON A British Sealer Taken br the Cutter for win SiATTLXWash May 21 Several days before tbe Topeka left Sitka tbe revenue cutter Corwin seized the British sealing schooner Shelby for violating the sealing laws and brought ber into port 6h was turned over to tbe British cruiser Pheasant which sent ber to Victoria This is the first seizure this season Port Towksxnd Wash May 21 The United States revenue cutter Commodore Perry to day arrived from San Francisco en roule io Behring sea The cutter Grant will leave fr tbe north Saturday NEW EVIDENCE GIVEN Second Trial of Wlloox for the Harder of Charlotte retting Skattli Msy 21 The second trialof William Wilcox for tbe murder of Charlotte Fetting on Labor day 1833 developed some startling new testimony today It ihows that the State will en dravor to prove that Wilcox and James King the womans son in law who was afterward mardered In Ta corns conspired to rob her and one of the principal witnesses against tbem was King son Charles CTlry at VI alia Visaua May 2L Troop I Fourth niTnm rii Airnir TWrOnr I i ii I Uui States Cavalry in command Of TRIED TQ BREAK JAIL ilffJLttemTit at Eseaiw br Varrant la Prison at San Bernard 5 i6 Berxasdiko May 21 John Frazier Jja bp has been serving a thirty days sen Unce in the County Jail as a vagrant niade an attempt yesterday tf cut his way out of tbe jail with the aid of a file He was located on the ground floor where if he had been successful only vagrsnts like himself conld have escaped sad for this reason the officers believe thtthe is wanted somewhere else for a mirt grievous offense and wanted to Btke his escape from cm tod Hewss snrprised while at work by the Wleriand placed in a dark celt He will tried for attempted jail breaking NAPA BANblT IN CO CRT rreHmtnary Bearing of tbe Unhurt Robber Commenced Nata May 21 In Justice Bradfords court this morning tbe preliminary examination of Beckonridge on a charge of highway robbery was begun Diajrict Attorney Bell appeared for the peple and Henry Hogan represented tbe defendant A Palmer driver of the Calistoga and Lakeport stage Lynch and Gerdet passengers on tbe stage on the day of the robbery were examined and told the story of tbe hold up substantially published The examination will be continued to morrow Buck English the other robber is rapidly improving now and will doubtless i CHINESE ORDERED OCT gl an Euiployrs Allowed in uriuiiiigurcBrui Fpuoji May 2L This morning a coro tee ol Ibe inhabitants of Orangevale brganhed and called upon PC Drescher MdSlTs IiJB Eager to discbarge their Cfineie occupied in Ihinhine peaches In tiisir orchards Both the growers pave kfl3twben pres3el and there was no vio Wnci although fhe corumiUee was pre jJMfd to carry out Iti aims even If it had tsontoforra KoCnintse helptfiti be anowed in Orangevale In the future Two vWofBcehr were present from Folsomb but lif it serviceaweranot needed The Chi Bna vera escorted oat of the place by yearly a the inhabjrants yA CHOKED HtS MffE OUT ttrrnlntd Effort at Suicide Meet With Success vojirfaxusOr May 2LWHlara Uhl RopenHtendent ot the Coast Car aeiind Wapbfi Company who alx jioifjs ago arrived here from Moling i3lSf4mmitted wcide to dayybjf atrane iSijebhriseSt Wfien found he was lyinj 45 floor with acfird made of cJoth jSptltf about hU neck and tied ta water IlpipeioirrWet above Tb held bi Jeat fe ahni4era aapendeL He bad beea EL fdthtee boars 3rokea jcords scat IWIiW Jndicatrd that sewrat at VBbUatalf deafTacti6nwejaade4le WdncT JKnd a the cause ftof mis Alleged Bff amUt an a fe jv i Anielaa 1 -SB-- IfiaARTT Hf 4i jniiAir SKiriff gpfrfHrrji alias Baogh a locomoti ta 3glneerwanteaLln ldahOffotbigamyv Kfnitb appears fobe a smooth indif KlJbaijbeenf eluding arrest fcftiome tantfJHeJhiiriHjaife adlhg the arriTal eaVJteadenttaawAit Captain James Loakett arrived here this morning tweivs aaya ooi irorn tne rresi dio The troop will leave to morrow for Seqnoia National Park which they will patrol this summer rllialeiaisiji i felJriredtttiiaornle ibardenlsrETTl No More Salvation Dram LosGatos May 21 By an act of the town Board of Trustees of Los Gatos last evening tbe Salvation Array members bere are in the future restricted to the nse of their vocal melody alone The use of instruments will be an infringement of the law Carsen Shooters Claim the Record Cabsos Kev May 21 The Carson Gaaras deuy thai tbe worlds record was broken by tbe Marysville snooting team in the score they made in tbe recent match Filty men of tbe Carson Gusrd made a score of 2006 November 11 1894 Breach of Contract Charged Sacramisto May 21 Henry filed a complaint in the Superior Court to day aeainst the city of 8acramento to recover 563285 for violation of a contract to supply the city with clear water A Spclal Mond Election Sasta Asa May 21 The City Trustees have passed a resolution that an electron be called1 for the purpose of voting on bonds for an electrio lighting system owned by the city TO SAVE FINE GOLD plXcek mines located neae sacbamexto Plans to Take Treasure From the Biver Mud Sear the Capital City Special Dispatch toibeCHBoxrcLX 8ACRAMMrro May 21 Considerable interest has been aroused here over the filing of placer raining claims on property stated to be situated in the American and Sacramento river bottoms In the ImmediateImmediate vicinity of this city There are already tour of these claims and prospects of more They are all of one size from the bank to the center of the river and 1500 feet long One commences a half mile below the BacranientOfriver bridge and runs touthi another ia locatf at the railroad bridge over the American rlverustpnt aide the city another hear this latter and a fourth ia located in the Sacramento rlfer within the cttr limits JBelroertJwhose hamesafe attached to the paper filed are etrangers bereibat ihav nim tn have a nrocejj itbereby fn ffnld mav be nrofitablr extracted from thefkrer raudjaten up by dreagera The upposltion upon whtcatney are go fngrb worlt ia tbat inillioni Of douars worth ofRPldhaj escaped from the tnpun rinHnir thaL vean iherhaTe been inrainiihaatblaJirdadUuiited alontrthei heda oi me rivers Experimenti In the past bayebeen made with the aanaeio tna upper oacra mehioanifAmerlean riverli and lhy tiaT1ptaee been found to bevery rieh bat thi is tb first expeHraentbf the kind ever madeiao close tn this city Atthe time iand aa taken bat before ho applK aritMB werakhbwfi by which gbid could takenirota ltvThe enjwbtt havatbe present enterprise in hand claim to nave overcome this daheulty and aeem certain oittln5toM IffUrge uarUUiea Jost what their method ie they refase to eay nrf nidrmtnersfaie waJtlnr anxtotuly tor themobgglaorratinayf ntatTof sl4rsSaya athe Ontario 7T ni which teems not aitotttuer ln XWfVt lA Jt tlvVanrf IMMAfif 2SSPXZnvRZZZl jarxair fi jrT Tiiiiiiii Vs Jl A Peculiar Shooting at A Sugar Fcrory Manager Woundea Bis Assailant Taks His Life Pursuers Meet nBesiSt ahee Bpeclal pispatch to the Caaoxicta WAtsosviixt May 2L This afternoon at 140 oclock a Waters superintendent of the Western beet sugar factory was shot by Harry Davis while on bis way to the factory office A short time after Davis had shot Mr Waters the intended assassin sent a bullet into his head just in front of the left ear From hs wound be died in a few minutes air waters was on his way from his home to the factory after luneb and when at the corner of Fourth and Walker streets saw Davis coming down Fourth street with a rifle in bis hand When Mr Waters reached the south corner tbe above streets Davis put the rifle to his shoulder aiming atthe superintendent and pulled the trigger The ball struck his victim inbe lower part of the side The Wounded man was taken to his home and the doctor summoned The doctors found that the ball had passed through the lower portion of his side but did not enter the abdominal cavity lhe ball came out abont eight inches from where rt entered The doctors report that tbe wound is not necessarily fatal The shooting was done with a forty four Henry rifle After Davis had shot Superintendent Waters A Ball the gatekeeper went to the injnred mans rescue Wtaen he got to the comer he asked Davis to surrender and Davis then fired at tbe gatekeeper but this did not stop him from continuing tbe chase Davis was again asked to surrender but lired anotber shot at the gatekeeper Dsvis then walked to his board ing house and left bis rifle and then returned to the street After he had come out the officers went after him and he ran up Fourth street to Rodriguez and up Rodriguez to Mrs Padcliffs residence pursued by tbe officers He went into the back yard and entered a shed Tbe latter were not far behind and turned into the yard on the tun As tbey approached the sbed in which tbe fugitive was concealed a pistol shot rang out followed by groans When they got to the shed they discovered that Davis had placed a pistol to his head in front of the left ear and sent a bail into his brain He died in atiout ten minutes after be tired the shot Tbe exact cause of the shooting is not known nut from facts learned after the tragedy it is probible that the mind of Davis was unbalanced For several days tie had been lounging around the corner of Walter and Fourth streets and has had a rifle with him and it is supposed that he was bunting for gophers Divis bad been an employe of tbe factory tor several years and when tbe factory was shut down be wss let out with tbe rest of the men He had asked Mr Waters to be employed aeain and had received an affirmative answer Monday he went to tbe factory and saw Mr Waters and be was informed that as soon as the rails came for the railroad he would be put to work This did not suit Davis for he came op town and made slighting remarks about Mr Waters Lately he had been eambline in Chinese lottery and bad loat ell ba money Wnen be had not secured employment again be became insanetyangry at Mr Waters and attempted to kill him Mr Waters at last accoums was resting easily at his borne on Third street W0EK AT SANTA CRUZ ACTIVE PREPABATI0NS FOB THE CABNIYAL Wheelmen to Have a Bier TournamentProbable Bailroad Rates Special Dispatch to the Chboxicijl Sasia Ckcz May 2L Preparations for tbe carnival are proceeding rapidly in a thoroughly business like way that cannot fait to result in a complete success Every detail Is considered and each department is in tbe bands of a competent committee which has entire control During tbe carnival the railroad fare from San Francisco will be probably fixed at 2 50 for the round trip These tickets will be good for the ten days It is the desire that after this carnival there shall be no complaint ot ill treatmenttreatment from any source All who anticipate a visit to tbe carnival may engage in advance their accommodation through tbe proper committee An efficient force of capable men is in tbe field making a record of accommodations Every home is open An extra force of police will be employed by the city authorities and those who msv plan to prey upon the unwary will have an element to deal with not compatible with tbeir style New sporting events are added daily Major Frank McLaughlin has written a letter expressing a fear that he may not be able to attend the carnival At the executive sessinn of the carnival committee last night the bicycle tournament was taken up and much encouragement was offered the new cycling club the Pilot Wheelmen wbo have large ideas as to tbe numoef of cycling visitors will assist in making the carnival interesting Every cyclit trill be glad to know that roach attention is being paid to good roads Tbe streets are being nut in perfect order and the cliff road ii being watered daily Attention is being given to the Improvement of the bicycle track and valuable prizes will be offered for tbe events in the tournament The wild flowers from the mountains are now molt beaatitnt and nature will assist the nurserymen in their efforts to adorn the town The electrio display contractors report tbey will be abie to give a test of their clrcnih in advance of tbe festival The vote for queen gives Miss Anita Gorixales a rood lead IUY LOSE A LEG Copeland the Wall Known Athlete Has a Peculiar Affect oil Stocktoit May 2k Aleck Copeland who wMat one time one of the best known athletes in the State andwbbse nameii familiar 16 afmbit every Cale donian In California is lying at tbe County SpspItaT jnear Stockton infier Inp frdta tflgtiarafflictlpn through which may lose brie of his legs Last week he had ticdp aome work at tie CniWn Mills wberehe Is employed that necessitate bis kneeling most of the time on a concrete floor He wore knee pads that were fattened to bis tejgs above and betortf 1hekriee Last Batnrdar his legs from the knees fawn became numb and it was found that tbe circulation had ceased iThe physicians bave been unable to restore it and it is feared that amputation must be resorted to Alex Copeland waa atonetlmeacele tmfiidHhteU6liritV1emislli tbis 3fate audrvras acoritestanttnthe Caledonian games every year ateheii Mound vpark Sacramento and Stockton winning humeroui medals for his feats ot strength and akilL He was an all around iiiiCkc uui ri imttiiuiari wvuaii wirowiug tne Dimmer nutting oe snow tossing the caber pole vaUItiuz and such ports as are most engaged in by the bcotcn NOBTHEEN BASK STAiLUBE Snspeaalon of the Merchants National or Seattle BJtATiM Wash May 2L The first failure of a national bank In this city occurred this morning when the Merchants National Bank closed its doors and It was announced tbat It would not reopen The bank was incorporated July 21 1830 with capital stock of 200000 In explaining tbe failure Angus Mackintosh the president said This misfortune is the inevitable remit of tbe ba times and the Inability of people to respond to calls made upon them Our board of directors met this morning and decided in view of the position of things not to open to day and to have the cashier notify the Controller of the action taken We can do nothing until the examiner comes in The bank wilt pay all its obligations and our aim will be to call upon our stockholders and not togo through the hands of the receiver The stockholders will be able to recoup themselves from the assets as fast as tbey are able to realize on tbem and they will be quite sufficient to make the stockholders whole again There are no really bad assets the only difficulty being tbat they are alow to realize ATTACK ON A GIEL HARD FIGHT ON EOAD A LONELY Rescuers Arrive Just in Time Bloodhounds on the Brutes Trail Special Dlapatch to the Cnaoxtcta Sax Diepo May 2L The people of Buena a little settlement forty milec north of here are st fever heat over a brutal assault upon pretty Ruby Carver the fifteen year old daughter of Carver She is quite large for her age and ber strength and pluck saved her from death or worse Yesterday morning ibe was on her way to school and wss passing a place in the road opening into a canyon near the Hill ranch wnere tbe road is shaded by heavy brush and trees Suddealy a man jumped from behind a rock and grasped her around the body She screamed and fought desperately and managed to eel loose Turning she saw thai the villian had placed a sack over his head to com pletely hid his identity He asked her to go into the canyon ut she started io run when he struck her and again tried to drag her into the brush He Was a man of great strength but tbe brave irl itruggled so bard that he could not overpower her He then threatened to kill her if she continued to scream This had no effect and when he appeared about to carry his threat into execution two men from the Hill ranch who had heard the girls cries rsn up They could have captured the brute before he dodged into the brusb but tbe girl fell fainting and tbe men devoted their at iriiHon io uer aiu ue urnu rsvapry a TTneertalnl ar Ht I iiatoplitten gmsSlif iB fthe jEesnlt of Scratch at Plocky Sir Watte finds the Parkway Stakes From Basse tlaw Special Dispatches to the Chsoxicx Locisvilli May 2L Interest centered In the first rsceat Churchill Downs to day in which Jack Chinas great Llssak and Walbaoms lamplighter were entered Llasak however was scratched atthe last moment The once invincible Lamplighter lowered his colors to Lady Diamond a fast filly by the Emperor of Norfolk and owned by Baldwin Favorites captured three of the five events The meeting at Churchill Downs will close to morrow The attendance this afternoon was in the neighborhood of 6000 The track was slow Summary Five furlongs Lady Diamond won Lamplighter aecond The Princess third Time 101K Bix furlongs selling Katie won Dr Reed second Major Tom third Time 113 One mile and seventy yards selling Despot won Pint us second Santa Cruz third Time 130 Six farlongs MalmaUoo won Mate second Porthost third Timell7K Four and a half furlongs selling Rondo won Sir Dilke second Alteden third Time 056 apOBTIMO EWS IX BlKtV A special from Tallahassee Ha ears no prise fighting fighting with gloves boxing fencountert anything that such engage menu may secauea wtu nereaitertase Place in that State It is announced that John Jacob Astor will go in for the turf now that the sport hat GAME SIR WALTER WON The Parkway Handicap Stake Taken From Baeeetlaw Niw Yobk May 2L This was a miser able day at Oravesend and only 1500 of tbe regulars were present The track wss sloppy Only four horses started in the Parkway handicap Bassetlaw ran his head off when tbe flag fell and at the end of the first half mile had all but Sir Walter in dfficulties At tbe head of tbe stretch Sir Walter took the lead by two lengths but Doggett gradually palled bim back and won from Bassetlaw by a head in tbe easiest possible way Summary Five furlongs Joe Rogers won Fred Train second Arline third Time 105 One mile Belmar won Mirage second Ineoldsby third Time 147 Hanover stake one bait mile Brisk won Forum second Bessie Browning tbird Time 050 Park war handicap one mile and a sixteenthSir Waller won Bassetlaw second Patrician third Time 151J One mile and a sixteenth Captain won Charade second Prig third Time 151 Six furlongs Wernberg won Ed Kearney second Factotum third Time 116 TOOK THE FLAG AT 8T LOUIS The Winning Mouuta lnthe Five EtidU Contested St Locis May iL Six furlongs 8ew the rebrafediipUcbefc anMeter wss oneof the leading members ef the Ann Arborfctballteam and BntterJias for years been one of tSe Crack amateur oars xBeaotmiSUtftfJbateilfbirrtb foundation and with the training thejare doing and lhe excellent barge they are to TaerahonldfwalkfawarirltbllbbStirst ttojby K5Csft jiEaetTOornthg at sunrise the members ot the ere ware op and take a ran out on ibe lower Sacramento roadand back for the Dumose of exereislnr their lunn and atrengthenlngtbeffl Eaci evenlngfindsj inera in mr Darge xr trjewaier and im the last few days with the wind coming up the channel they Bave bid to contend wih as rough water as tbe course at El Campo wUlarer present in a race Southern Cycle Bee ii Sax BiBjUBDWQ May 21 neb interest la the bicycle races Wednsdsyafter noon is manifest among the local wheelmen Allan Jones of San JoeWUliera Burke and Casey CssUemanoI Los An geies ana can ay ot ceatue are among we cracks who will compete tor prizes ldSoffitiBci i MirLS Brancli 3JteiZ ij ause iSasf assumed the character of the Kbi Hih system ids report says he win at once ii 000 in a stable It wu given out vesierdev on trustworthy autnorlty that Charles Flelschmann tbe yeastmanr has purchased the great three year old Halms from Byron McClelland The price Is beleved to have been 23000 ToungGriSo the tmgfiltt was arrested In Philadelphia yeaterday orl a ttrgttlve warrant Grlffo is wanted la New orlc city Io answer serious charges preferred by the Geary Society He was committed to prison without ball to await requisition papers Kentucky breeders have come to the conclusion that unless something was done to elevate racing and put It on tbe high plane tt occnpled lessjhaa a decade ago the breeding business will be comoletelv deatrored and the I valuable studs and coatlr arms In Kentucky uecome aimou wortniess At Faslg horse sale in Cleveland yesterday forty two horses were sold lhe following brought 500 and over Foote blk by Stelnway to Harrington Troy 1410 Prince Walt hc by Stelnway to Walnut Hill stock farm Lexington Ky 1750 fieasle 1horn bik by Hawthorne to Farniwortb Sew London Conn 650 Jay Eft gee by Charles Derby to Martin Baltimore fllOO BY SLED AND CANOE Foua THOUSAND MILES ALASKA IN Terrible Winter Trip of Gny Merrlam a Cnttoms Inspector Ruby was taken to school and there she told her story to the teacher Instead of notifying ber father the men returned to work and the teacher with her a nils scared out ot their wits stayed at the school until dusk going home in a body The girls father when he beard tbe story immediately gathered a posse and spent the night hunting for tbe brute but without success and the search was continued all day to dsy The neighbors arned themselves and determined to shoot the giris assailant on aight In tbe meantime a telegram was sent to San Bernardino for bloodbounds usnd for trucking criminals and when tbey arrive a systematic hunt will be made It is believed from tbe temper of the ranchers that if tracked down tbe brute will be lynched on the spot ANTI DEBRIS ASSOCIATION Watchmen Report That Slnloe Mining Ia Golac On SAfibAMisTo May 2L The executive committee of tbe State Anti Debfis Association met bere to day Chairman Morrison of the Sacramento Board of Supervisors presiding The associations watchmen reported that there is considerable sluice mining going on through sections of Plumas Nevada and Placer counties causing a muddy discoloration of tbe water of the Feather Yuba and Bear rvers The report recited the fact tbat there bad been a good deal of illicit by draulicminingatlowaHill buttbatit had been stopped by tbe act of the Anti Debris Association and the California Debris Commission Most of the illegal mining now going on it is said is being done by Chinese underlease by white men so there is great difficulty In fastening the responsibility and securing facts on which a conviction could be obtained Devlin attorney for the Anti Debris Association reported the condition of the iitizatiop carried oa by the association especially in the suit ot the United States against tbeKortb Bloomfieid mine The association is of the belief that the brush dams recently erected at different places in the hydraulic mining region are not adequate to restrain the debris from polluting the valley streams Remarks were made bv ex Senator Johnston Supervisors Morrison and ilreman of Sacramento and John White and A Irvfhe of Marysville i STOCKTON 3ITOICIPAZ ELECTION Republicans Will Control the City Council Stocktoh May 2L TheA As controlled the city election to day electing most of their men The elected Baggs Mayor whose plurality is 354 0 A Bidwell Superintendent of Streets on a plurality of 256 Bowe Assessor 32 plurality Haines Treasurer 718 plurality Haines also received the Republican vote they having ho nominee against him The A As also elected one Council man The Democrats elected McCsli CjtyClerr 99 plurality Compton Surveyor 357 plural it and oneCouncU man Qumrvby id plurality The Republicans elected five library trustees who also received the A A vote The Republicans also elected Holman and Jcnes School Directors with tbe opposition of the A As The Republicans elected one Councilman at Large wno aiso naa tne a a vote and two other Republican Cooncilmen were elected giving tbe Republicans control of the City Council The election was a surprise all around bat general ibodleelinspvaiIed7nhd everybody takes the result good naturedly or ai riLIKOi TOR vLAND A Yona gWotnan le the FlreS Apptleant on theTaaktea reservatioD JJlTCHiXt XfiDJ May SL jTfar Lend Office at this point commencerjto receive filings for land TO the Yankton Reservation at hoorr to day The first appiicatlaa wastbatt a voungiiroronv Dp ta i oclock about 100 soldier4 declaratory statements bad been filedVTbe rush here will commence tomorrow wbeaythe homestead applications will come jn phone third Time 120 Five eigbtba of a mile Royal Princess won Philetjtecondtlra third Time 107 One and One sixteenth miles free handi cap Linda won Urania second Oak wood tairo lime One mile Couronne dOr won Dovle second Shining Belle third Time 150 futeen sixteentns or a mile Ruck Ma sie won Moilie second Key del Mar third Time 14L MORKIS PARK TO HE LEASED Wealthy Tnrfmen to Take the Track for Ten Years Kiw York May 2L The World tomorrow will say At a secret meeting held by members of the Jockey Club at tbe Brooklyn fack yesterday it was decided to lease tbe Morris Park race course tor ten years at an annual rental of 25 C00 and tbe taxes It is believed tbat August Belmont James Keene Dr Gideon Leo Jtaapp and John Sand ford are at the bead of the movement aaiSKi iii KiiiaWfiii itiiii iaM imtia JOUSSON A PROrKSSIOXAL He Ia Bo Declared by the league of American Wheelmen Chicago May 2L It is stated here from reliable sources tbat John Johnson wbo was suspended by the A racing board pending an investigation into his amSieur standing has been declared a professional Johnson was suspended by tbe racing board abont a month ago and was allowed thirty days in which to answer the charges In company with bie trainer Tom Eck be went to Philadelphia to see Chairman Gideon and answer the charges Itis said that when Chairman Qldeon asked him to produce his prizes won at the different races in whicb he bad participated he was unable to do so and on this ground it fs tatedhe was declared at rotes Ional by tbe unanimous rote of tbe board and barred from the amateur ranks for all time It is alleged that the charges against Trainer Eek are for extortion PLAYED IN EASTERN CITIES The Winning Rail Teams and the Scores Had Clevclasd May 2L Cleveland Runs 12 base hits 15 errors 2 Brooklyn Runs 7 base hits 9 errors 2 Batteries OConnor and Young Daileyand Lndd CixctssAti May 21 CinclnaatI Runs 10 base hits 13 errors 0 Boston Rans 7 base hits li erroft Batteries Vaughn Parrott and runups uantel ana stivetts Locistillz May 21 Louiiville Runs 7 bsse hits 5l errors 9 Baltimore Runs 8 base hits 10 errors Batteries Welch and Kneil Robinson and Hemming St Locis May 2L St Loafs Runs 1 bsse bits errors 4 New York Rone It bas blt13 errors BatUries Ciarkson ana Miller Rusie and Farrell PrrtsBtniff Ma 21 Pittsburg Rons 10 base hits 9 errors Washington 1 Runs 7 case nits iuarrors Batteriea Kinslow and Weyhing McGaire and Ma larkey Chicago May 2L Chicago rans 2 bsse bit7 eqrdrS i Philadelphia Rans 15 base hits 19 errors 2 Batteries Hatch tnson and Donehue McQill and Buckley lis actiyb tbaisikg Crew pt th rStnekton BargatIIard at Wrk and Iope to WlaT letio AsaiaiioDargecrew iharisita entertheracej at Et CsnipOoaTJecora viuu mi it uu tiu jo a uuivn av wees before the eve nts jakacpUcaoTJbHerfto uain in tne jroagnerwaterashas been repprleThei Tnedarntehtando toSanFranelscoliv steamer Wednesday It will go to Tlburon and be in mdlnetsfof thettce the foliow InBday ZUtgfr MSi Tbia city has never been represented by a ere thstihas trained so faithfully as the present ronrv and the foar men hare all bad much prerions experience as ath leUa Hart and Perrott were well known as local players in the earljr days of bus ball the Uast riamed being a brother Special Dlspateb to tbe CiraoxtctJL SATTLWash May2L Guy Merrlam the first man to descend tbe Yukon river alone in winter time after a 4000 mile journey by dog team and canoe arrived at Juneau on May 8h and left at once for Forty Mile Tbe Jnneau Aewt saa Merriam has ac complished a feat of which Stanley might be prend Last year he wu located at Oonalaika as Inspector of UQatoms and received instructions to ascend the Yukon to Forty Mile and report on tbe trade and traffic of tbe interior He took paaage on the last trip of the Wesre from St Michaels He left Forty Mile on Octo ber 3d when everybody was going into winter quarters At ihe mouth of the Tanana ice compelled him to leave the canoe for a dog sled He left the river ai Kaltae and struck for Norton sound through a thick timber of spruce At ooneusrs eighty milts from 8t Michaels ha stopped several weeks making toar of the coaat on deer hunt Two men there borrowed a stun and rrro vislons aad went further np a river but never returned They mast have per lsnea as toe tnermometer was degrees below zero November 28th be reached St Michaels and rested till January 27th havin trar elexi 1S00 miles His bazsrdon trip was stil before him through the Kuskokuin river nd the IUarana take country At Koserofski he left the Yukon to penetrate a country without trails a barren waste of ice Show and almost impassable gulches uparsefy settled br natives with Indian guides be kept on at times almost frozen and worn oat living on bacon beans and dried meat At Kill bucks Mission he met a Delaware Indian now a Moravian missionary living a martyred life among the natives From there Merriam traveled to the Nashagak river pushed on to the lltamna lake and Dually reached Katmai on Shelikoff straits He reached St Paul by schooner from Afagnak April 27th fully 2000 miles from Su Michaea Thence he went to 8itka by the steamer Dora His fare and hands were frozen and he lost several dogs The natives were astonished to see a white man in winter bat were friendly and wilting to barter venison for tobacco ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE Dedication or splendid Building let Philadelphia Phhadmphia May 2L The Odd Fellows Temple in this city which cost 950000 was dedicated to day with Imposing ceremonies This magnificent monument to Odd Fellowship fs nine stories high and is tbe largest and costliest secret society building In tbe world It is on Broad street Offices tor the grand officers the State are oh the ground floor also an auditorium 98x65 and forty feet high with a seating capacity of 120 Directly beneath is a drill ball ot the same Sise except in height On tbe second third fbatth and fifth floors arc 105 offices for rent The remaining stories are tone devoted entirely to tbe order Four lodgeroama are upon each floor On the ninth floor there are two encampment rooms which contain many new and novel features for conferring degrees A roof promenade commanding an excellent view ot the city and surrounding country is provided Most Shew the Booker New Yoag May 2L An Order upon Charles Tidicastle transfer clerk of the Oregon Improvement Company to exhibit his books to William Hoftraan a stockholder was granted to day by Judge MeAdam It was claimed that Tidicastle had refused a representative of Hoffman access to tbe books on tne ground tbat it was the letters purpose to influence the election of directors in Janev Special Dispatch to lbs CsmnsrcLK i ViraEJiaNerVMarj2t low vice president of the Nevada Bahkv arrived tcayforthefmrseotAwinding np the buslnissoltha branch bank at this place tbe doors of Which will be ciQKu oiay ouiu ounuisis vuuucn on tie ComstbcK fa given aStfie yreasoa for this action The locals branch tbas been in opeiation fortwentyne years and an til two years ago transacted a large volume of business TbaVittinlanty agency bruLeKevadai Bank waa eaUbUshed in ihe latter part hi 1875 soon after the discovery of high grade ore In the Consolidated Virginia and California minea George AKlQgi now a resident ot Oakland CaUT Waa the first agent Hewas succeeded by Bigelow now vice president oi the Nevada Bank of San Francisco who had the position of agent bere intll lSSi Jl Daring Mr Bigelows administration the volume of business transictetl amounted to severalmillions moajhlyV the local agency handHnU the cbln required for operating theirilnes Innderj the control of Maciay Fair Flbbd OBrien The pay rolls alone foot ed Jap 800000 monthly The agencv ahobah died all be bullion produced from the mines under the control of the txrastiiar firm averaging 1000X1 to 13000 OOOf monthly from 1875 tdtX i Buying and MUfnt jraihlni stocks irSjraif lnclnded in the business of the local agency which after the temporary pension of the Bank of California JnlsTfL controlled the entire local business Jn that line 3J Mr Bigelow could not give anapprbxl male estimate of the volume Of annual business wbn seen to nicbt but Jsad it amounted to many millions Front others sources it was ascertained that the nit profit of tbe agency in its palmiestdas looted up more than 500000 annualiyrs It was the hesdqoarters of John Mackay and the late Senator FairdufiogW their residence here aud minine stock deals involving millions were projected witntng tne ouuang ocenptea sy tne a agency George Brander wbo afterward engineered the famous wheat deal which resulted in a Irtss of eleven milliotUtol Meckay and Flood viaited the irency semi annually to expert the books After nts retirement a Angus aiterwara Senstor Fairs private secretary occaiioo ally visited the ComslockVfor the aarna purpose Wildes succeeded Bigelow asagenX of the local branch when tbe latter trshe ferred his residence to San francisco after hie election aa a member of the Nevada Bank directory Wildes was super seded by Messrs McDermott and Block1 the present managers of the local branch The depressed condition of the Com 1 stock mining interUduring tne bait two years has resulted Jn a continual de crease ia the business of the agency wntr giTeons me uuibboj iue mao age nients deddine to close Its doors I The Bank Catllornta agency jdlvr tributed a printed circular letter through jg oat the city this afternoon soliciting the pairoftaiM of the Nevaa Banks local client ffeiJi The news that the agency was aboatto suspend was received with regret by bus ness men who fear it is tbe beginning Of a still further depression In local trade and the outiook lot Improvement aLau early dale is considered rather gloordy 5 ALL READY PlGHT The Ronntrer Wratnaereland DaelA I pranehlac Climax Atlakta GaX May 2L Dr Wliiis1 Westmoreland and Colonel Daniel Bonn tree the Georgians who left NefY6rk yesterday presumably to fightatuel ift Virginia arrived here to night rTttejri5 came by different routes butt arrived 5 within twenty minutes otaepUic3 Both were met at the UoioastaUoaby groups of friends Westmoreland ad hardly ieftTiiatp tlon before Roun tree arrived ouhtree immediately Went to his law offlceandjf cbhsulten Cotbhel B1U Ufenriiwaoi only a few mohthsago senia challenge to i the nephew or SenatorBrowasiGleaa has had some experience as anadvjser IrioaH fairs ot tbe code and it is said guarantees an apologyor a fight every time it Westmoreand is at nla hbmewHer says he naa nor seen Rountree since sUppfhg his face last jFridaynlgbi Both tbe principals have jdeclined thos far to make stiteraentland their reticence is considered aUnifl cant Dr Weslfnoreland Isa ion ot the late Dr WllUs Weaimorelahdiilwnbs fame aa a surgeon In tbe Isle war and np to recent years extended alt over iha country The elderWestmoreiaHd was once about to fight a duel with halloa Brown eon of the laie United States Senator Joseph Brown VVestmcreland arrived at the appol A ted place and had waited some time be fdra one of Brown a seconds anneared aiAn TOK Kv4i ic tTL i tnbrejand rWbertfa your principal OB replied the aeMidiha abseht on a good excuse Hes beeaspnt under bonds to keep the peace Well retorted Westmoreland yea have come here to represent him so take yoor choice ot tbese weapons I cant fight Brown aawaJfigiitr Bat itlu dnetwashot fought ya John Regten who shot end ktlleUlhta13 brother la TocsovA Tc recently publUhed ais card of thanks to his friends and acaaalnt ances for their kindness and assistance at the1 fnne rat ot his lamented brother 1llfMMwwaaaaaaaaMaaaMaannaaaaMaaaniiienir YoacAH get money on your piano fromT Xm an 1017 telO Hiulon above ttlt APuiTioAAL naippiaq AKwgT oaUed TKtnBaiTrMay2L Bchr Ooldea Oate jobnAab Karluk tirK Ddmeati Port CBLaYfiatted Uar al tmrjlralefori JJPorelga Port JtrotnBdSbn 7 3K a J3s HWPOA Jainsher or lieecLemnl Tires 4lLpfir own rnlcraiid fully guaranfeed I HE WlVERLLT justly won ahVghlatMjimoijtiw xtimm ftflT TlrtuLhrjbct fulflUmentcf its uaraatefiidfMaJ ration i a Catalogue frea Ho wiVelghtyaaaedVjRldinAcadmy fci3MICT0LEC046 i8 2Q McAllister Stlll Ak a akitiMliiism.

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