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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 12

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

hi rx 2 41 12 3fv3ffi tP SMT TBAtfCISCO CHRONTCLE SATTJBjDAY FEBBUABY 16 185 it HfSPlfrClERSj Interest in fho Indoor Tournament The Affair Promises to Be a Big Event Edwards Ztegftr Tbtilf er and the Biff Our toEace Club Got fp tlbrecoiC teeer A Wi CC HirbotilfcEAa Tuira neai coulter ws OOMn fourth hAt FMter 0 6 VT il CJrWAlerrUlJfC une nsu Die a nanaicao nm Beiv UlCTOn AU HWWLO 1 A Tlll San Frielseo catr rcblfnny claim Its title of heing port loTing city and a Drfa Mpportef of amuements To nlcbt the whtelntfn ttilt held iHttrairatd partdeon rneelsUrtlti from Van Nets and Golden Gite sTtrtues iilo clocl The line of rnafch Is down Van Kess to Siarket to Kearny to California thence by coflhtMniteh to MarSt to Golden Gat arenne where the parade will disband TtW Pacifio Cat Weydindoor tcuraa ttent management propose to gift fire retting I most exMUrtint bicycle racing tt the Mtcbunitt ParilioA uhlch trill eomraene on Monday ereninc next and run until Fririsr evening On loe afternoon oi ashibgton birthday a grand special nature will also be glren Daring the daytime ifae cycle shows which surround the track wnereln tUe racing takes plate will be open for in pection by tbe public and to the man woman or child who has seen bl crelsi in tbe street as they silently glide br but have had no cioer Inspection tnrse parly driped booths With tbeir man Hsflline neteties will indeed prore interesting All task of wheeUfrora the smallest and lightest to the tall girafte wheel will beoneibttri tion Wheels neighing seven and eight ponndi which are built to ride will lighten some ot the amateurs who hire Only been allowed to fiatigate the beary tracks kept by lb bicycle renter or tbe man who is making the first attempt to master tbe an of pedalling JEtery champion On the Coast is en tered in one or more oltheerents sod tbe riding dt each will unquestionably be fitter than erer befere Wfuiesied it a blryele race meet the battle of runts royal Will take plies on tbe opening mint when ibe mile Invitation race is called When it stated that in this one face the SpeciatdM 1 see Wilbur Edwards the roan who hs ridden his mile in 1 34 1 5 the fastest time ever laasa on a wheel ly any one In tbe world and Otto 2lgler Jr rightfully termed the Little bemort come to gether hot to mhtioft the others every One of Whom is a star It iaappa ent that the treat 6f a lifetime ll assured This rate was arranged solely for the pjrpos Of matching tbe best men and the entries re all men of well known racing dualitr Har bottle Coolter Wells Foster aid Tefrilliare ten6s familiar to every le aftd besides these there are Haley Del fiUt DlviS Cnslnnp Ulbrecbt Smith Lscey ind Oin who Will each contest for tbe valuable trophies offered An exciting race from a club member standpoint will be the race oi ten miles open onlv Id one man from each club for a 200 loan cup The race will necessitate the riders rfrllng the track ninety times before tbe race is finished and ss the cltibs will be tberi in a strong boy to root for their respective Clubmates the ex ollement is sure to run high The clubs which will be represented in this rto are the Bar UtybeHmcn Olympic Club Wheelmen Reliance Ath WtieUab Hung Mens ChrUtlan Association Of cling Club Acme Club Wheel tath Garden Utv Cyclers San Jose Koid Clab California Cycling Club and Imperii I Cycling Clab Besides tbe cap there is a special prize to the Winner of the rice for his own lOnal une as the Cup is to be the property of the Club that this racer represents All tbe men who will compete In these races are amateurs as the management bit decided to bar tbe professionals Thei men represent clatt A and riders meaning that a diss A der can ride for a prize not to exceed 50 in value and a clasi min cin win a prize hot to exceed 150 in value Tbe handicaps Will be an noUhced on the evening preceding the fic In which tbe different men ire en tered Tbe different style ot Wheels to be seen at tbe cycle show 4111 Consist of single Wheels tandems tripet ind quadruplets The first two darned machines tbe gen eral public bai seen frequently upon the Streets bnt tbe triplets and quadruplets hive been viewed but by a few Wheels ballt especially for children indestructible yet light and ladies uiichines with the drop rami for riding in skirts of the crossbar for riding in bloomers will be eihlblted The dealer rcouiie the fact that the Women ire gradually dutnnm bring the mile contingent In tnll health giving sport and bare prepared a greal Tarteiy ot designs likely to create a favor able impression The maxirnum limit of men to ride on the track is tabulated at follows Scritea races Three men to rid in a qnr teMall rsee tear men to ride in a hail raile race the men to rid ineQne ntlltrice eiiht men rtdt in a ten mtiree Haddieip rites I We men to fid In a bilf mile rice seven men to rid lb i one mil race ten men to ride In a twotolU rsce Owing to the site ot tie trait it is not reticbl allow a handicap of mora ihifl ITS yards in any race by reason of the fact tint a greater handicap would permit the man handicapped to Ian the srratrh man Tbe ttnisrmig point of all faces win neon toe uayrs street siue ot lfi Pit I lion The prlit effered foot np folly SOO which nfans thit tbe races will be correspondingly fast Each of the cycling ctubs have been assigned a special evening for visiting the tournament a body and sections Will be reserved for them on these distinct tTenlngS fh flight a arringedire is follows MomUy Bay City Wheelmen Tursdir Imperii Ct cling Club Wednes diy Olympic Club Wheelmen i hursdaf Oiklihd count ricludlhg Acrai ttb Wfaeelfofk Hellihi AlHlrtlt iub Wheelmen Oiklirtit Cvclift Uttfb Fn dsy Ivahing Sin Jos anfl fiinta CiarA countien including Oirdea City Cyclers and Sin Jos Road Club Herewith ire the entries for the virions head fa the different event for eieh day fiiBWiYlSya pnefafte nofiee iie first iit Rttller fXrC Yi i tlihoB A a Jlilgrt 1VWP 6ieitt hCiit Linger nnitucned Second fieit a roikr Wi litols ft i Uehteutelii CRCI ECBlr 1t tMMl VkiCUTCoBtetrrCCMniBCVT inieoa vv ietjond hiit MersrUnd 3 TLCCT IjtatBOn iff HOwe CC BL pewidr RCWji Uectnuinn fi Jl Tblrd St i Cbptnn CTV Minis VlfJ Jaegeiing Day BClt VJV Beu6nA RC Fourth heat AX Jonei0 lc Fuller Caw Jletrtlf I a BaiUes Wrsecker a tilth htkl 0 A Mn BCW Fnller ocvift a ooddsrd a il BrrnIatt lFiekrdA sixth beat Rose A VT Hob sen0 Cirjs aBareyi ca cent tt A A Mmew a ft fierenth but Ungnein fl CW a gottithsr naHf Uiely A Taora son I Two mil hindlrap class A First heat Zteger PJ a Foter IL Dtlges i Lushing ii Smith ribrichi seeofad het coulter aru Dri De 8 I ait Thompdon Wi Dtoxer AC ti ATiefaon Seventh heat Chanmaa 8 Biltl 15 LtcUMUln Cttit Hejer ii nsk krjtftT 21tT One noarter mile elan Kriicn om neat ir JK a lexiiu cu mj iiuavisvuu emitnru u1 becond heat fdwards Clbrecht coolter a Third heat OseB Har bottle a as Weils uw Haley a Fourth heat Foster CW 4T Llcey AUtT Ueltti CC Two mile el A aaodicap First beat A Johe iiG Cc BrweetLO ctficw Cottgerl UCH VKeeddy tt tangaeMn ft CD BU A Fuller CW MearlsndK Second heal fc Chapman vr itobson a i Brme iur Dr oddrd DieUnun RAO Barler Ivcxer A 5 Third heat 11 Dieofcjnan IrIMC immon a A NUxn Merne LT1ompin Lnuser un Piciard Iteiuon 8 1 onrth Iie Roe A Fuller tt jMgellne 6 Botile Fawcstt Jienne rf a I FiekaratAaW Ttutvxkr 226 Attzaxoox One mile it Joadieatv flrst ht ZtezUr 8 WATerrUlBCWS Feeler acFrdL Davis ace Ucey a a Cr Cnaina GCO IL 1 Seeend beat rt JKdwards CI llarbotUe A Cj C8 weuB wt Haley OCW a Own CC A FilUbnrr ft A Third hat Coulter OC Ulbreeot tf Jt DlltB tmlth 0 a Deimaa 0 Oxi mtr smJ nan handiotp first heat fi Chpata0 Wt Battles CW Deaeoa A cvj takaley BA VA Beasoo i SeCftad ueet Mssen Fawoett 0 WJ pieckntin A CJ a Flrtard A IL fteaddy Minis Third heir A Johta GCCiELan sue tin tluenther uu Brrne Bar Fourth heat Roe ITohnoi I 9 Vlocent Bate ACA i baiord CRC FUtn heat Mrlarland lolier 0 Thompa boorh OYM CAUCBC Mentis CW Fissvaet 32t Evrsfo Halt a mile class a flaxc ty i AArf fr a Ktith4 iif4ftahaif vyT rilikekyit a Wdger Cfct Jlsyr I rv hheit JL Bintdn 3 Ct i Jitttmt ucrlt HMjoddro a vr J6ost unattached Ontmlleelai Blnttrtont First beat Siinl i ti CIUbottto 8 a a Fourth ht4 I MUt Lectyj Bondhei it con0p llr lnflMn WF roff aAj HreehUB fcnufej CC ttA yLw wa i ki ft A Jti Jones a a tttlVMatfriiiRVrWij IV ffi TeamSuiK vrinrix itL 4atili Oj tt Hiiey A 6 Wr scratch 1 ba vis it fietondt tat Wf Edwards a CCjE lmCElXAJTEor some of The crack bicycle riders of tnE pacifiu oasi a Lacey LA AC Well PilUhnrT Third hatW Edwards fi Kftlejr 0 narbottle Osen A Terrlll i FlBsiART 20th Oti third mile claw A scratch first heat A Joiies Oct Kawcett tt 3 Pieckmnn A McFsrlind 8 A iteu Second heat Rjrne 0 Fr ne I Chao mmon 0 I ncuet fhird het Bi ti A Fuller 0 8 Battles ncent a rourth heat fe Menne Hobon 0 HI Rose A Readdj On mile Clil scratch First heat I 8 incn Malfrib a One mile class hai dtcapLp rst heat tswardi UDrecht Dilfe Second heat Foster I Dai 1 cer I it Harbo lie 1 Zieelef A Lushing en Gl Wei A Fi Ubur PAW Del Third heat RCoiltr Haley Smith ma 0 A lerrl QuarteMtille Clas scratrh Urstheal Chapman 0 I Bate McSarland Peadd IS Battles Second neai a Jone Hobaon I I ieckman UhguetiT oucntltcr A srtch First heat A Xlnen Frett CD Bates Battles Decter Al seiond heat MstarUad JR i Fuller 0 Dteckmin I Menne Ready Third heat A Jones 0 ft Hob son FT Dlectman A Lahfuetin Fourth best ChspfflSh 0 SB Vint ent Byrne ICC A Gueuther un One third of a mile clsss tcrsich First heat Couller 6 DaTia Llbrecht Bf Delmas 0 Second heat JEdwards Laeey A A OS Hells Third het 0 7ieglr KC roster 0 Siulth 0 0 Oseft Smith Davis CI Delmas I MlOMlSKIkf ASPIRAKTi 6R FREbH BICYCLE LACRKLS a HarbottU A A Terrlll Haley 0 vt 0 Osb Leey LAiAtt Second neat Edwards 0 a tlrbrecht Foster 0 Tjrbreent Ukrt ftiillh Third beit Zteeler Well Coulter 0 CD Ditls I ft DUge Oh rati etias A kendteip First heat IKKarland RJ Linger un Fswcitt 0 Minis SB Vttteent Second ha 0 A Xlssen Fnl itrO a A Ouentber Dleck miri A conger LOT Third beat 51 Boas A Fuller a i i ii i Im ji lOBiat a eSYTH orncrii HiMicarm 0 i Wf WCTBowe I CJ A Bnzard i firuriji omevjw viid revi varici iflfi Rtiddv BC Ufl CUenc IfcU i ncaaxu a FutSheit A Benson BCJ FJfel eilf I Oiy Bob 0nVl aw Cixth best Menne Byrfic Third heat Ful er 0 Byrne I I ourth heat Men ft Mncent Bt a ktw A Fourth heat Harbotlle A A Terrlll It Haley a One mile class Hni heat Mctarland URC Faftt 0 i Ma grin I Blakeley A Menne 0 Pickard A Guenther Ln Second heal 1 A Kln Irnmon 0 Mauls Howe I A Aguew A A Benson 6 Third heat Chspmsn 0 CD Batea Jr A Brrne ICC Ready BCWFLDyBCtt Lich tenstein AC Fourth heat A Jones Fuller iV FT Dteckman Metealf i I Thompson Lac uetlB Filth beat Dieckman Jr A roller Bar I 8 Battles BC 8 Vincent Hobrofi Two ffltl cleat handicap First heat Edward Coulter 0 Wells Haley 0 ft A Cushlng Smith 1 Deltnael 0 A Terrlll BC1I Secdiid hit Otto Zlegler BJRtCC Harbottl A Foster 0 ft Dllge ft Darts Osen Laeay A A Ul brecht The Pacific Cvcllng Club will bold a run around Ibe city to morrow taking in the Fark beach and Presidio Captain Etting states the run will start at 0 jo a from idy and Derlsedero streets The entries for the California Associated Cycling Clubs twentr five mile race oi Washington birthday close to night John Hammersmith tbe leader Of the Olympic Club is a lite cycling enthusiast UNION CYCLES Closer was tonics STRONG DURABLE LIGHT and HANDSOME 2QT UNION THERE 18 STIUINTIL CRAOKERJAOKS RIDE UNIONS HOOKER CO Oert rl Agu Northern Callfjfnta 16 and 18 Drumm St San Francisco Cal the jsttWARue cvci4M Co Cor ftanynn And Page streets City Itetall Aeentes ife Saim Jijfcj 3s Str rfft isi jT WILBUR EDWARDS on his RAMBLER RAOER Rode 1 Mile in 1 Minuto 34 1 5 Seconds at LVehaore CaL Feb 0 ISSO Fastest Mile Ever Made by Man or Beast PACED BY RAMBLER QUAD rV A LOZIER GO 304 ind 306 McAllister Slrwi DkLMAS THOS VARNEY RAMBLER BICYCLES and TAMDEMS 1326 Market Street San Francisco 427 south Spring Street Los Aiticele 1895 THE YOST FALCON BICYCLES THEYOST MFG CO TOLEDO OHIO Sfnsible of our own lncompKo abul r7 Qio9 from others PERFECT AND PEERLESS A fitting and comprehensive exprfion of entimants GEO WEBB ALEXANDEE PACIFIC COAST AOKST 401 Market Street San Francisco Afents lTantea mm Milh JlltLi AttlT iTni 1 But btiore Buylnc See Onr Danble Blcyele Cnlforrai Shoes Stockings Laps A full Una of Bicycle Sundries Lawn Tennis Cricket Polo Golf Clabrough Golchsr Co 605 Market Street Grand ilotel Block LOOK FOR HALLABAY MARION CYCLE CO Manufacturers of High Grade Bicycles Baeer Weight 17 to It Ibe 6ctffeBr WelrKt il 4 Ibe Ladles Scofeher trlght 34 lbs Model teerther trelht ii t6 91 Ibe SEE EXHIBIT NO 14 CGMiHb BICYCLE TOURMAMENT 8 FOTf It State AaecL WALTKB OKLnfeBT City iaUsniam Another Carload OF THE In Exhibit 15f This Trade Mark only appears on goods at the Highest QukHty Ae A MARTIN 128 California Street SPECIAL WHOLESALE AGENT FAJtTJKS ozstitp Clueelct eaue St ornrKM aiag abeaidTaf Vt TBM nsse SaulT Urn sfitieAaUadsat it VsUtta a iw 2Ti 40 Bicycles BMaHaMaM JUST REOEIVED 8500 UUCSZXAXOC CLBELm BICYCLES THE NEW NUMBER 20 The Swell Special IS A BEAUTY BRIGHT It Will Be the Sensation ol tile Circle Sliow A fall line of the CltlBd Kdts fdr OS will be foand at Space 1 first exhibit on lert baad eide artsre tertng tbe show WHOLESALE Branch of factory RICTAlL LEAYITT BILL 303 Urkin Strfest Cat McAllister The Phoenix BICYCLE Has a reputation above reproach IT STANDS THE RACKET EDWIN M0HRIG DlttributtBc Agent For Paclsle Coast 1510 Market Street IAS rBAXClSCO CAL We are nowre4r to allot territory and five liberal discounts to proper agents MESH fOB CATALUOCK At Auction TCBStJAT FXBttCAfiT 10 1843 AT 11 OtLOCK OOS if 639 Marht SI Opp Palace Hotel Onldea Gate Park Hattdeaee This Wentlfnl rlaits Is taeital altunw trout ot ins Msutlrui doUra uate rut en ti wcor off el end Scott IU Is of faSMsdm esixn is psrtrci in its loiinor sitt TO OI ircnllecttif aitlrts a mSitit beatutr in 11 rMdM ad4 btrti eietant oi rrrscoMt neaera sanitsi I HCS caUiedral mThi lit irssldeace nalshea wtuoat fSjtud to eeslt i fpiMail tnrJlirHt itnittr plattblnit elsttno aoplUjAwl tlCS ttlhtitii im Dxa poitBDea wood nniwi Tfrvnmi ia IkS Ailtll MMlMm jXM il WW fiefreet faeme Ren4some subUi arte let SlSs i ih i mm mil cFmenwiOTS wsiii a per feet bene tor attnftemaae Untiy KismiB tMiUjreawautabemstosait xerui atlak WeMetn Addition Investment Propsrtr OOnW IlB IBTe Tr TB OT Fflflr St 87 I tstof evlxsaere three pMtf restdeaeee ms ana bath etcb brtck lotsaJstUa ooDCtMS iscaireaae70iet SQtin tarstet est walks irttltaMn electric cars Paetfle HthU ReStdeiiiw so ice en latfili stroentMcraftitawaja tsitrtr aia xsauTisu Western Addttlots Handsome Cottage West line I A 111 ftroirtk st riArtn it flatter elrgaot cottaaa 8 reoAS erd batb sttte aid barmni raodtm hrirt nuua woods eeo CfsUwalk street la tfttafblaod rgeki tiaal ibis BetteMU cable lot 27txl37 8 Western Atlditloa itesideitee Itortblirie K620i8KttJnttesit ct Tbstf stniy rsstdsaee ot Brooms entfbsn ttrHtbv tamlatoeat cetdiat wslt tiftttet and Ueafrtt nn ioi it tun Qeldea Oate park tets feeatb llfieof Oak IL Ill essi tt dlsvi okj et Pari a haodsoB teWe Hadr for bttttdlne Street lf4fMl tenetft eaoe ioit seweno THEY SBLil THE SECRET HONEST VALUE CAutagne Ill BICYCLE CO 18andr201TcAllUter St BAK fRANCISCU trATK AlVMlTISainGTW AKt 1 1 eeiuUoae lar im LnxATictn hmiu JysBoxvaaocKaca WBCA VutlietsaTt i tffktl catiieit lot Hxltl ueeaa View ltAprete4 Property KutllBek uUISamMllvsutW fewatrra ot Cetitrulssrtsst noose of JroOtns beteosn Chtckea hoese Uisslon i electric cars iad Oceaa View steatat lot oxiOO teet ratraennt Traet hetldenee Lot tvest tee Cbsasry ft Hi tet nbrth ei RaAdut Dtaosome lot readr tot trauaifif street lewend eleeute cars lot 26iit trek Administrators Sale llae ot Cnsflirf iL IBS feet A a or 6a seies eiectne carst lot 80100 lesb 4J lu in Girt Map ma kASTUX LtItaB A CU Jtaetleaeen MS Market St jf S5v rflDDTLS CO llioat6merr2tfeii 2 resratr oaotsaa AtttMatnes Attnts rerebtta AW JlaihtnSrlsu Oona WH0lEAL1 AHO 4TAit MTtlead sVeent sump tor eateionie 1 TJ ssf SJftili isfee SESgy 5f jS i ifafe JKJ atetjttaBrf gort Jaff fc fc JILrdgjbaawiSMtjtawl rfcWrMftfH HABILE W08J tar Atx Ki iulu AsncuiTT 8S8SS Kfth sv 53.

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