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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 12

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

12 THE SUNDAY GUKONICIiE KE1BBTJA1Y 9 1890 QTTADBTJPEE SHEET Lfi BCStNKSS OPPOKHJMHE8 DBUQ BTUBb3l f9OOn4f600 iCendy stores from 209 to Resieuraute from 300 Setlonsirres irom X00 to brocery tats from 200 to 1200 H00 Butt SO JO 1000 600 Jot sale by 11 liLChJiB 0 Market st 8250 CMfill DAI FKODUUi A5D BAX bargain KUK i eamysv 500 lines for sale Wo0I A VkC vm aire a i minnvnvnftv cvj plum ua MS 11 trade hnn tiarneaa in i rutin floe On ponnaity fur man and eife Audress t4UH LbY box UP this ontcfr Kflfi PAltTSfc MAAUFACTBB QtJuU tag rsniractlwork ma by owner 1 reus uveatlgaltoa 1st led and eatlsiae tfoa guaranteed Apply yVKLLas 388 Kearny BEST OYSTEBr AND FISH Mull in th IdylUO steady cus tamers Incoming man te drive wecun and collect STAU 5 ittraia Market 5oo 500 THIS AMOSJiTOFCOUf WILL seinta a business mac tulnr from xl to ZOu a nu ntT do eompetlln and no nam work riu unicuan a iCTfi 9S7 sfarket si OBOCERY AM BAB CHEAP reus rood location a eaigain GOD A VVOOli S10 hearny si 700 M1M15 BV STOitE FOR vale axemen first class business will bear I6iliiHflTeathJofl owner leaving the state LV BAttfyAlilJ 29 hearny st Qfiflls FOTJrtTH JlTBeJsT 8ALOON vOUUi cheap rent bargain oa account of eicknesv KWiUTnt Kearny st Si quiring bis sole attention wilt poe as istereat a rapidlr Ixrowli a rooo paTHZ csli otbineae esdy work gvaran eed troio large erbolesale firms uciee to superintend hep lor lire mnnlwho wiH txt atisH th a i return toclmonry Invested this WUptot upoulovs gatoito be eneep tiobal oppoitaal Aidless BB box 1 tw omte lacludlna buildings furniture ana lease neen running over 4 year an drew A baxJ2tlifsifflos ooon cuACK AvoowiT or JX tne trKc uue4 or me proprieior a nau micros1 it inaoiuy ooiej in xturoa or fttvd rw V4ief 4 pia ttaUHox stw two Btorieti furnUorwl newt ii bourooms largo liBUiroom oaf 00m Bico kltcsen new trpnch rmicial I In go order good ruo of plrotge goiweL and tank Home borr powtr JJTprv stable couBected intb the house price fJdOOJ W0 cub the bal nc ooe year toteres Add eee IX A Ceo tral Hotel bunu rrenocuaotn A1sVr YOttK ThATKICAU PK1NT in cofapavy deelr to tnake au arraage roenl in a UjotuurUi rtl A aa rtetwual bie Urmia aatranclrOMxaKercbarieoraa armcy for ue ttdaurb el of Uieit tbeatrt cat etoek wuOdcttta aid aUek Ulbocraph auilabit lor all brand of Lie thow butm tmladin eoUety weiUmend ttaBdard ptaya andPir atidfur ll jearMy burieetto a id tiiaetrel bmlnt a tyttab draraatio kRvkl etbruitpr preiwred d4n at cowojubI aUoiia wiib aiuQtiatti oomuuialon required en eaui and all nert anaiy larteularK to tMUWiiWT WwilotaKSewVorg oily A It AUk Ol 1MR1 antral 004 beet turn Ola A VkhUor kfMWItA III Itt tlKK iutylb book am udketJCMtUb or tub and kUUon BAUklt A KtUkNUiU OPKUITUN TV IL 01uioi a rurnrtuiv and rarpet More la a ninaet par 3iipToi lov and etailAAer auira ro aalAel eaaaa 7OUNTY kiUHTalruB HAIJ5 0IUSAT VJ eel monev roaktne lnvemton ol Lhavm Ad wtth etaiup USrlU MANAQMt uakiand nraocQ usao via juoauway OF NOORJt His KKAUSY AYtt eaab fur aioanjreta6iaut erocortea Tl ablns country tuwn at WO a barainr tU tell ball IniereiL I mtiairtr AAi 1 niieiej kiuw ENi BaElIO MAK WITH UOUNTBV dear trade deelreaj ty punnaM ball or full Interest Is lahlUbufftltv baa dcm capital 30UU to eotwu none not pnno pan need ap ply AadWskiBUSLNfcaaDuk 77 thliofttca TflOK BALfc UARDWAJIB BUSINESS only eiduMie barawaro aKtre In toeSLf souupapaiaiioBis ujiroraia one otxainf Tor young man ptoflta la go Address a it DWABfc care 00a at iron a IIOK UAIU akJijBHAL it KBCILANDISE bustnenlaatowolratheraUroaU In Sao ramentocounty a jbllea from bacrauonio FOR 8ALE FISE pBDCERY ASD BAB selling account of rckneka Address dox tio uiu omce 1 5rOK tlVUi FOB fpoOO CIGAB STORfi well located pays biz proflt must be sold onaccounrof alckneea Inquire of JLLJiS KJttr at svi onigomery si ALA5IEOA S650e rra 101 ouoss tocujist nnt station 10 01 ot 60x140 east dd Broadway 20 House 8 rooms batu tuony ildo st eeu asooo arew eotiaje roomi bitn near Perk It statton 10 000 a 100r23S noe 13 roomt spendld barren JOlUi HAXIs 1503 Park au Alameda are above Park skirltb mod em cottage 6 rooms as I bath patent stone sidewalk aaa water and sewered redw ed from 3SOO ta make quick sale oiily 800 eaab BUTHBUiL A Co 18 Montgomery A LAiLEDA BAfiUAISi I700 Lot 53x13 cot ae of four rooms aodbatb snosy side of street goodnelcbbor howl 230casl balanc as amooth18 33U0 Lot SoxlSO cottat of are rooms ao batb Sne garden lawn eta two biooa from elation atOO oeab balanee flu per month flSSO a1750 Lot 30x108 new mo lent cottage Of Ati rooms and battel best aelgbbornood ono block from station ffcOO cab balance fSO montbly No 391 VtOOO Lot 801150 cooage of six rooms and batn alt modern improrements 30O rasB balance 50 monlnl 1 Na 320 1 40uo Lot 30x123 dr sew modern two story bona 0 eeeea rooms and batb on Central arcs will be sold on easy terms 1U C7000 Lot 30x150 two storr bonseot nlna rooms and batb fine garden lawn etl a ne cor on Alameda ar terms easy Nal3j laad by toe kt block or acret booses to let and moaer to loan MOBEAL it XXJU 1428 Perk street Alanieda and 402 atonigomery atreec eaa eran lav F0BALr TWO aJOEY EIUMTBOOM Cttajf 1521 Central aranear Broadway DOrtn side lot 80x00 arioiu weUL wlod mlll and tank large lawn Call or address i JIuLDJsJT Alameda IF QD ABB QOOO TO BOY A SUB nrban borne this year lose no time in ses ing JOoEFH A LEON A BTJ real estate agent Park sL Alameda cboice lots at bargains and booses sold oa terms to suit every one ban Francisco office wltb PATTLON at SON d0 Market ovtAa HANDSQtt COTTAGF F1YB jJ lame ronmA batb larae 7ard near railroad staiion no children 1387 Twenty third avelaaet Oakland 25 LOTS EVhEOB PARK Bast Oakland CS montblr install dents JACOB HYtLAJS 6SJ Market at S100 boose of 9 iarxe room most conveniently arranged all modern waprore tnests beaatiful views fine stable out bouaetc lot 53xl8Jrare ckance also a handsome and convenient bouse of 7 roomt In process of erection en adjoining lot 7k ISA fr 650U terms easy Apply 1762 Mntb ave or to AlXX CAVPiitX 61S BLMINB8SPBOPEUTYIN OAKLAND Sufcst ntial impruvemebts stores and S8 rooms all tn good order income tlso Cranurai price iouvu Appiy to wa lxo la Momsoaiety su BvuiuiKHorisxkcuroit win cil a rnoil cori or In Oakland occtlDleJ as A isloou snl awe 1 ng a rate oasoce a bsf re ssota Apply uuaa aw ta Atooigomery ea ULoVtii IlknivKLbV COlAfi UAUT OAKlt HfiisT iV 7LUU eUUmesta tine rooni hi um CALIFORNIA WINES Continual ot ElK iVlde LINCOLN GRAMAR A Well Known School and Its Teachers FOUETEEIT HUNDEED BOYSr Hflw Principal Jlamiiton and His Jlssiatants Manage Affairs FK HALE A FINK BtiSIN tbS IN ftAA Jose carrying a general stock of 1 12000 to 15 WO good lease low rent leadtng thoroughfare will teas naif cash and good ranch tor balance Address A UhlTKK room 8 Book block 4a Jose IP VO WAiJJ TO BUY OB SELL A business or want la partner ial at the reliable CUITBAl BUSUNtSd LXVUaUa tvu aiarxet st ro OT1GE AX OUKLSTABLISHEI book stattouerv and eertodlcal bus nass In Stockton Cnl It oilered for sale owner must retire on account ot lauing seaitn splendid chance for man with moderate capital lull iniormattof 00 humnuic wOl be closed at aautijn lt not sold in 6udays Call en or address Bf 8T0WK 272 Alain At ettucktsn I aL PARTY WIT1IJ bStALI CAPITAL mtshRStobuy as interest Insomeenao lUned paying business 90 agents Address buziAitnisumcB ITIHtBE a merchant and make culretL 1 knowledge of wLoeann JOOO to Aouu casnt adver uer is an eduaated feerma 1 6 raised in wine business thoroughly familiar with Vineyard and cellar trork and has beau wine broker fur 4 years Ming alaays considered Su expert satisfactory pro can be shown ved in America forte years representing an Aljiew York bouse and knows tb American trine market very weU Address stating particulars a Tjbox 140 this office rno PH YhlOANii A 1 IBST LlAbti drna store and cractloe for sale the finest osenlne and best lolailon In the CLy for a physician those nraning business inclose tamp at JA box 1J4 this office boxiM VKLL rATEi WlJ4 ETABUsUED Business manufacturing preferred in ex change for cboh tmpioTvd real eatat in bonthern Callioru A Address a box 10 thisorBce UAKTEI1 A BBUaHTSTEADYYODNQ I man wltb C5t to tlOOO as a partner la commission dry goods representing Eatern bouxen AdilrsstsJssboxlOdinisodlce flAAJtClAX If OSTUXY pAlfa lNTEBEST guoct 810OV raatioan 0 pcrceaPon nslalUuent loaaSff Belure mortgsguig your property cad on sV bAACa 41 trtarreB SI lean capital to loan on faacbea in sums to suit mow market rates HOYBi aid Pine at LOV ell iOUUVU oacltr cotttrtrT realestaA any sum A bUUlf LLEB 40 CalUuraia at OZOOOUUll amount losoiL JOtLN 3 Id rTLE ilS Montgomery at 6325000Ji 1 LOAN tf JiORT juuuMtajs oa rancnea large amounts below market rates Mown sUjiUAiaova iaiuomavsb a AT PEB CKJTT JKyVEY IOANED OT al estate eecorlues mortgage tax paid Ji UOHKltlt lW Jaeatcomel SS boRBOW UOIffeT AT IBABTrLDTS i Lou omce 11W Market st bet lasoa niaTayior private entrance 1 Turk at ITY OB CODKteY LOAKS AT 6 T08 percent these bavlng small or large etuns to loan please call 2u HOLWAYlt Jlontgotmrryat MONE1TTO tOAK ON REAL E3T ATE at low rates lot Interest Apply 10 the CALIFORNIA MBBTOAOB LOAN COM PANiS3Moul ktgbmerys VKT LOAtD CITY OB COUNTRY rral estate loweat rates fc bXADi CATE AND TKCJjC CU 1ST Montgomery JTCTi WTUliE lOtt iXL A PRIVATB 8ALE ESTIKE HOUSE Vho Inrnlture br 8 room house enure new ramuy returning Easri possesston ot prvpWty and premises gtven March Lit a tmrxait awucuiuia vnsiHu9vuiva A10PPIUKSI4 PLALK riOLBEBOS lottaJmeiita wUuont lotcrest on can iuralsa your stomejas cheap as 4or cashelae where at ItEA Yb iarae Vumltore and cor pHAtererooms iq to 4 BUUst A UOODCLXASCE YOUBUOUBIFUB JX uiihed complete with furniture carpets stoves curtains pictures and mirrors lowing beds at cash jirujes on asy lnsiAiimentx anuIldepaaU ft BLfclOlAS ot CO largest initaument biuseoa the coajt i and 23tfbocKtoii at dor Post Open evsaiags Prompt attentieit bald to country ordara BED KOCK PBIC23ALL BOUXD JTSW chamber sets If parlor sous fit and ranges t00 ssood hand carpet comegooaasnewjareducuoa In the price or srreryuung cash uc ln Mailrneaa jouos ship rlfre i ItaJoNlJd tuutttx 3tf ICY PAKLOB AXD CHAKBEB TXXBSU Hayes st noautft BAtta BBorf COnSTBYBITT kB3 WlSHTNG 8EC0VD band fnmltnre or carpets at reduced prices tail at 110 1 oortb st satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded goods shipped tree bLeoai lidUeoi 4KT jruamTtmiB tt htu Kl itllmn tata are And house islet Apply betwrtn 10a3t aml8r at company carpets and fumltore 1033 sttdle Market atasenthsl bailtimg hJfof that amount and hTnotz ceeUed 5CW 0U0 gallons annuiulp To pi still farther back in tho filnory of wine riroUucUou in this country it interesiftii to note that in IS50 the entire output of the United States was only 218000 gallons Of that New York produced KC03 gallons Call fornla was second with 8000 gallons and Ohio third with 4ic00 the remain der being divided between several iocul illes In lSGO the trine product had increased 00 per cent and was 1617 UX ealiona Ohio ltd with 503 bl7 esilona ew oL had 557 030 California 20U Kentucky 180900 and Indiana IOSCOO It is something of a consolation to California wine producers to know that agreataeai 01 tne eo cauea rrencn Wine consumed in this country was made In California while our wines have within a year or two been gold to the extent of many thousand cillon in England where they have given the greatest satisfaction A constantly growing traffic has resulted with that country TVine Adulteration Atone time the opinion prevaied to a considerable extent that California wines were habitually sophsticated and adulterated with substances which bad not the remotest connection with the Juice of the grape bo widespread was this belief that in 1SS7 a law was passed by the Legislature dehnidg the character ot ail pnre wines sweet and dry and of champagnes The methods ot fermentation were dejlned and the use of all materials Intended ai substitutes for grapes or any part of grapes was forbidden The rise bf any of the substances which were supposed to enter into the adulteration of wine was strctly forbidden and a stamp system was devised for the use of the wine makent It was not apparent to many wnat profit there could be In the sophistication of Tines while the pure juice of the grape was selling for 10 or 15 cents a gallon ana it was evident that this supposition was to great extent correct for the law was never enforced and haa become a dead letter on the books At present it 1a reasonably certain that any one purchasing California wine from a reputable dealer in this city or elsewhere en the coast will obtain the pure juice of the grape whicbrhas only been subjected to the necessary manipulation and blending to produce a palatable beverage In may be of interest to wine drink era to know tome of the substances Which are used in tho adulteration of wine in France It must be remembered that blending and adulteration are two entirely different things though many do not understand the difference Blending is simply the mixing of different qualities 01 wine in order to produce one of uniform quality Adulteration is the addition of foreign substances of Various characters to the wine in order to imitate flavors or qualities that should be present in the natural wine but for some reason are absent From a French authority upon the subiect It is learned that artificial bou Lquet is produced by the addition of the essential ous 01 vanous sunstances such as ins root raspberries vine hlossoms cloves reseda muscat nut bitter almonds sassafras etc Artlbciat coloring matters are used which Include several harmless fruit juices In addition however extract of iitnms cochineal tincture of orchil and coionne of aniline the latter containing a percentage of arsenic The use of these foreign coloring substances is forbidden by law in France bat nevertheless is of frequent occurrence The IJustrstxina ta this article are from photographs furnished by Wli utUng COXYEYED TO THE CITY Damages Awarded to Mlssleh Street Lud Judge Heard ea had under considera tion yesterday the two suits brought by Eliza OConnor as guardian of George 0 Connor a minor and Idliie OConnor an insane person against the commissioners for the widening of Mission street and the city and county of Ban Francisco Alter hearing the testimony of Commissioner Smith the Court granted a decree as prayed for to confer on the guardian authority to convey two pieces of land necessary for the widening of Mission street to the city and county It is also de creed tnat on presentation 01 a ueeu to the land the commission shall pay JS71 and juau aamagesawaruea Tootbail The first of a series of five gsmes of football we played at the University grounds Berkeley jester jay between the Volunteers composed chiefly of members of the old Posen team and the Gmvmrsilles The Cniversitiaj won after an exciting struggle Thar will be no game next Saturday An Old Stabbing Case rmU rWal was arrested last night by Officer Dslton on her arrival from San Jose on a cnarge 01 teiony named Frankie McMahon was 1 tabbed in aKearuy atreet bagnio and sne aO cusedltamOKtaio bete her an gallant For the past twenty four years has the weather beaten ststue of the mar tyred President raised its historic scroll over the bushes and plants ot the garden which surrounds the Lincoln Grammar School on Fifth street near Market and been an inspiration to Hundreds of lads who attended the Institution The shade of the immortal rail sphtter seems to hare rested upon the school to its great benefit for the Lincoln Grammar Is now on of the best known public ecboos on the Pa cittc coast Its graduates are numbered by thousands and the names of Tery many of them are well known among the prominent or rising men of California As graduates they maintain a greater esprit de corps than Is maintained by the alumni of any other grammar school of the city They take pride in tie progress of the school in its standing ana in the fact that it is the largest in thexity The school now has ml pupils all boys It has always been a boys scoooL There are twenty three classes Ever since its establishment in July 1335 tne school has had a large roll on account of its central location and the fact that it is convenient to the denselv populated districts of the city Its present attendance Is about the gh water mark for a local school The stiff of Instructors it is well known is composed of able en and womei who devote their energies to the proper instruction of the pupils and the consequent sustaining of the high rank ot the school The work done is not for show Lut has for Its object the thorough ground ingof the toys in tit tranches of kuMledgtlnciuded in tb curriculum ot a grammar school Thoreagh instruction ii given in arithuatla geeg raphy history and what may be called the standard studies Proptr attention is alio given to reading pupils wing taught thoroughly coniprentnd tho subject mailer and to read with preitlon renrotrublo Is aha sell taught The pupil hare always had tho reputation of being eteeUent penmen Mutlo is well and systematically taught fifteen minutes being devoted to its Instruction in tho classrooms every day In the school hall the various grades meet successively on Mondays where for forty five annates they are insarocted in ntuaia by a competent teacher Instruction in the new course in drawing is given the teachers by Mrs 03eil who excels in this line of work AU of the teachers are well advanced in this branch of instruction The popils take considerable interest in the new system teaching this delightful art Monday is the day for drawing composition oral instruction algebra and miscellaneous work Declamation also receives considerable attention in the school Patriotic selections and others of a didactic na tue are chosen The four grammar grades and tbe two higbest primary grades go to the school hail in succession for declamatory exercises Exercises are also held in composition be sides those in music borne of the ex ercisea are held in the hall every Fri day afternoon and tbe classes of eacn grade nave tneir turn every six weeas Lvery pupil in the school is on exercise in the hall at least once during tne scnooi year One of the mostlnteresting and ben enciai erercises 01 me pupus is mat calisthenics For blWu minutes every uav the small army of bora perform the movements in tne yard keeping time to the beats ot a drum The principal believes that a sound body is necessary for a sound mind and as far as he can he therefore attends to the physical condition of his pupils Hamilton Hamilton principal ot the school has the reputation 01 being one of the best schoolmen in the department With nearly 1500 pupils under his direction he must needs be aa in srxuetor of more than ordinary scholastic and administrative ability tosuccessfully managaso large an institution Twenty three teachers look to mm tor suggestions or aavice ana thousands ot tarents hold him in part resnonsible for tbe education of their children Ills position therefore is one of great responsibility Like most Ohio men however Air Ham ilton bears his duties easuy lie was educated in the DUblic schools Of this Mate and attended Pro fessor Bcencere writing academy and Calkins Business College lie taueht for fonr and a half years in the tan Jose Institute and Business uouege anting inree years 01 wnicn time he was principal ot the institute department fie was also principal of tne aiayneia scnooi nan a year in July Lots he was elected vice principal 01 tne Lincoln urammar ocnooi ana served in that Dositlon for ten Tears Upon the promotion of JK Wilson to the principaisnip ot tne dots ttign bchool in July 1886 Mr Hamilton was elected principal of tbe Lmcoin Grammar a position which he has since niiea witn nonor to nimseu ana benefit to the sen department Tbe Ylce Prinelpals On account of Its size the school has two Yice prinapals Mr Leggett and Mr Faulkner each ot whom teach an eigbth grada class ins tin Leggett Is a graduate of Jefferson liege and holds a fctate hie diploma and a high school certincate Lie waa principal of the public schools of Hot lister for about ten years Be was elected to his present position in Octo oer 18SS Faulkner is a native of Illinois and a graduate of the university of that btate He was elected to this de partraent as vice principal of the Lincoln Grammar School from the pnnci palship of the Livermore Grammar bcbool and assumed the duties of his new position on October 22 1833 Mr Faulkner holds a Call oraia State dtploma and a high school certificate Seventh Grades There are three seventh grade classes all ot which are taught by ladies Mrs I OSeil was born in Massachusetts and educated In the schools of Boston and of this city fcbe is a grad cata of the Girls High SchooL Her experience has ben in the Mission Grammar and tbe Lincoln Grammar schools She has been in the Lincoln Grammar School for the past twelve years and 19 considered one of the best teacUers attached to the school Miss 0 Clark also a seventh Sado teacher wasedacated la San lego bbe graduated from the Stat Normal School inl83i After teaching for two years in Banta Crux county she waa elected principal of one of the banta Crux city schools which position she held until October 1887 when she resigned It to enter tnis department Another graduate of the State Normal School ot this btate Is Mrs MeXewn who holds a life diploma Sh Is a native of Mobile Ala Sixth Grades The first teaching experience of Mrs Virginia Smith waa gained in the North Cosmopolitan School whence she was transferred three years ago to the Lincoln Grammar She teaches a sixth grade Mrs Bmjtn was educated in tho public schools of this State and is a normal class graduate 1 he experience of Miss Mary Thea has not been vaned as she has ttnght only in tho Lincoln Grammar School when ia no tartracU sixth grade Though a native of Xw York ah waa euucitej in tne public schools or this city and is a graduate of the Girls HkhSchooL Mrss Hurler also a sixth grade teacher was born and educated 1 inimsciy fcbe is a graduate 01 the uins xiign ecnooi Fifth Grades There are four fifth grade classes in the school the number of bors in this the middle gradeof tho course being evidently greater than In any ether Miss Julie A Michelson who teaches one of these classes Is a graduate of the GirUf filgn School of this city Though connected with the Lincoln Grammar School for oniv four months and for only a year with the department she is recognized as one of tbe brightest and most promising of the teacners ot the city She formerly taughrat Virginia New Miss IV Cnilen has tanzht in the Lincoln Grammar School ever since sho entered the department Though born in New York citv she was edu cated in the public schools of this at oeing graduate 01 tne tienman uram 1 raaravna us uim ruga scnoois uat tne city normal class For over ten years Mrs A Palmer has been an assistant instructor in the school in which she is now one of the strongest pillars She is a native of Massachusetts ana a product 01 one 01 its high schools ohe began her career as a teacher in this city in tbe Valencia Grammar School whence she was transferred to the ncolu Grammar in 187a Maine is ably represented br Miss Soule another fifth grade teacher She is a graduate of the California fctte Normal bchooL Fourth Grade Eva Elder teacher of one of the fourth grade classes is a native of Maine She wts educated at West brook Seminary Leering Me and taught at Bremer in her native btate Since loTSrhe has been connected with the schools of this department Most of her ten years service in the local scnooi was witn tne Ktnereon Primary scnooi on tine street out tor tne past two and a halt years she has been at the Lincoln Grammar Mrs Mmon ot the fourth grade has had many years experience as a teacher in tbe schools of the dtr She is a graduate of the Girls High School ana tne city normal Class Miss It flarby a teacher ot the fourth grade was educated in tbe mio llo schools this city Sue it a grad uate 01 tne uirit nign scnooi and ot the Citv Normal Class fche has taaaht in this school threo years Iter first experience waa in tne urant iTimary Third Grade Banta Clara county it represented In tho school by ono ot It daughters MIs I Mount a thlr grsdo traoiicr hoe molted hr education chledy in tho ichooli of this titato Prenoui to teaching tn this city the taught In Ountra Costa and Alameda count Min Ailco Martin is on ot tho many instructors who hare been born and fducatfd hero and who aro now devoting their faculties and energies to th tultf ration of the mind ot th youth ot thft eit Miss Martin is a graduate of the UirU High School and of tho normal class Miss Kate Crawford also a third grade teacher it a native ot Philadelphia Mie 1 a graduate of the Sacramento Hith School Second Grade For fifteen years Mrs Michener has taught in the pubho schools of Jbls city and Sacramento She is a graduate of the High School of Burlington Vt and ot a Massachuetts normal school Miss Hatia Wooll is a native of est Louis where she was educated principally in pnrate schools Upon coming to this city she entered the mxoiie scnoois ana graduated irom tne California btate Normal school First Grade The very small children are led upon their pattering way by Adele Grimm who has gamed her experience in the Union Primary and Lincoln Grammar schools She is a native ot this Mate and was educated in the public scnoois of this sty She is a graduate ofthe Girls High School and of the normal class SXYT ADYlCTtTISEXlTSTS CO OPERiTIVE ID EEESPI Grreat Success OF THE PLAN 0E1 TheMiOt RJriis Co By Which Nba Mdeafs Hij Sih in urs mm of fiuii frodactioi Unparalleled Opportunity to Secure Bearing vineyards la the best Itaisin District In tho World The 7th Syndicate AON BEIiG OKGANIZEDr ITCtr ADYERTlSEJIErfTS SEW ADTWEtTISKMENTS The tract selected for this syndicate com prses 640 acres and It a portion of the FRUIT VALE ESTATE Thepropertyof Mr Theodore Kearny which estate is Indorsed by the Board of Trade And Bankers Of Fresno as fully equal tv Miv cij isuu us uie iwuut aa peciUy adapts to raisin production to the very best land in the count and es adabta to raisin nnx We propose to hanild this proper for non res dent investors to prepare tbe land plant rooted vines and cultivate and care ior same for three years ULder contract While each individual purchaser will acquire a particular tract of 20 acres or more all interested will CO OPERATE In the Planting Expenses In order that the cost of the vineyard or vineyards until the vines come into bearing shall be reduced to the miadnuGl Tta Frico of th Load is S15D psricrs Payable oalrw following mdiartsbly aiy Terms Only 0 Per Cent Cash so per Cent February lit 1W3 25 rerceat bruary 1st X894 to percent February 1st a So percent February 1st 180 Interest oa deferred pnviaeptt 8 pet cent rer aiinum payable hall yearly Cone queitly no payment will be reqettett en the Hand except the per evnt eash until tbe vines are thre yesra eld and tn bearing This th most liberal ofief ew m3 in the State it afftirds rorlaln prodt and assuranc nf rfflclsnt manatnueat which should attract rtottvrvstdoiil purohamsra Th cost of rooUMi tinea nrenaratlan of th land planting Irrigating eultivaUnc and ear for thrve years together with the nexwa rv tencmg and butldings is estlnated uadertbUplaaat 8G0 Per Apro wnicn wm be caned ior as follows 10pereM tu per acre 5 per acre 10 per acre 10 per acre 10 per acre per acre fcpteniberl 1SJX aJeoenvoer 1 taiiu Marcft 1 lttu Septcw 1 1831 Uecemberl H91 September 1 1893 December 1 189 An examnla Is iven in the adloininff column showirg the amounts and dates of payments under this plan and the est meted profits The cost of improvement is based on ionexperience and the estimate of results is very conservative as many vineyards In Fresno county on lands no oetter man jn wis tract produce yearly crops i from SOO ta 400 per acre a fact which anv intending nurrhaser can assure himself of by investigation GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL IT WILL IOT BE ERECTED ON SCOTT STKBET The Supervisors and School Directors Will LookTJp a Suitable Site This Week The Finance Committee of tbe Board of Supervisors met yesteriay and con sidered the proposition of the Board of Ednoatiou to erect the new Girls High bchool upon the Scott street lot The fact that there is a cloud upon the title of the lot In question prejudiced tho committee against the site and tt was decided to defer action upon the matter for another week Before adjournment School Directors Tialton McDonald and Ford ot the Committee on Schoolhonses and Sites appeared and were informed that tbe commute did not favor the bcott street lot as a suitable site1 for the High School Director McDonald said that there were only three lots to Which tbe Board of Education bad given attention One was on Washington street between Hyde and Leavenworth another on tbe same street between Franklin and Gougn ana the third was that selected on Scott street The location of this lot he said was more anna Je than tbe others as they were io far removed from the street car lines Director Dal ton said that there was a eood school lot on Aliister street near Brodertck and the Supervisors expressed the opinion that that locality would be favorably considered by tbe board It was agreed however that ooth committees should meet next Thursday and Inspect the various lots and agree upon some satisfactory site TO BEMOYB CniSATOWX Ta Democrats Indorse Binghams Ordinance A special meeting ot the Democratic County Committee was held last night in the Tammany Club rooms on Bush street to consider the ordinance presented by Supervisor Bingham at the last meting of the Board of Supervisors relative to the removal of the Chinese from their present quarters toj OoulQ Ban xrancisco max topper presided and briefly explained the object of the meeting pointing oat the law which authorized th removing ot the Chinese Bamuel Newman then presented a resolution covering the case which was adopted and a vote of thanks to bnrjarTisor Bint ham was passed for his labors in behalf of his ordinance Mining Stock Litigation Birdie WHson has sued Kakey Pllkington and Stevenot for the recovery ot 8000 shares of the Cala veras Consolidated Gold Mining Com Sany limited Of Londonv The piaint And Pllkington accomplished the sale ot the mining property la October 1838 and for their services were to receive 60J0 shares which hy agree ment the plaintiff was to recotve one nan tne stiptuateannxuDer 01 snares was delivered to Stevenot who refuses with the sanction ot Pllkington to de liver to the plain UrT her share Purchase ot at Taper The California Farmer and Dtaler a monthly paper devoted to home horticulture and business haa been purchased by John Isaacs formerly proprietor 01 the San Bernardino limetr and Mr Rice son of the Quarantine Officer of the Stat Board of Horticulture They propose to put new be into the Tjaner and cossets the onab ties which are requisite to make a suc cess ot tne venture BOGS BY TUB aULLI05 0nIy93iec a dasen firth beat Banch Eggs aod choicest Butter 35c a roll Guaranteed good BBAB OBO es CO SSI Washington street between Montgomery and Sansoma IJBTJCK1IST3 please note Wholesale Agents JK Smiths Caloric Ylt CU la Baa Personals That Fresno is the most iennortsnt raisin district in the world that all conditions of soil and climate in Fresno are exactly suit to the successful production of raisins that more money can be made from producing vineyards In Fresno without risk or experiment than is rea lied from the same product in other sections that Fresno 00 nty Is tbe recognised raisin center that Fresno dry is One of th most prosperous rapidlr growing business cen ters in tbe State and possesses high edura tional and social advantages cannot be truthfully disputed The raisin Industry ot Fneno has already reached Targe pro portions and the ossiollities for the future are great That the quality of Fresno raisins Is su Derior and that the fruit commands the highest prices in the markets of this country is an established fact Fresno therefore is the district in which 10 plant a iiuaiu luivjam ouu uus nrviwiiiuvB piau the most attractive ever offered to non resident purchasers For farther particu lars can at The Arthnr Briiss Co Ed Estato Apts ani Anctioners 314 CALIFOMU ST SAN FRANCISCO Lartra a tradimark i Sqaarett IAIN White Bottles The Finest Holland Gin distilled by I A I ISolet Schiedam In cases of 15 largo white bottles In cases of 19 luge black bottles TheOaMiGENIJIl SWA35r Q1NI In Octaves Imported into the United Spates sines 1819 Beware of Imitations All packages bear the above well known brand CHAELES EEINECKE CO SOLE AGEXTS 314 Sacramento Street 8 I neiMi fstitlTtly Gtqtt 7 ttartLSilsIEl Thev alo relieve Mali turn treim fWa pepsia BtdUgestWE and Too Hearty Sating Aperrec remedy tor vizzi nMbi ranfleArjrow naa Rod Taste in afnntb ax xosgusuvn in tne aeKLta Tbav rem late the Bowels and prvent fSmatrpatiOB mnA SMi 1m fa fwun aTt fmAm And trrUatlng matter Concentrated medicine onryt very amau easy 10 taxe so paus to griping Only one pm a dose Purely Vegetable Price 25 ceOa vials by mail lorousA 63X12 XXZZZX tX PtcjTfriTltrt rAirrm lT3rm5 LVR I iriifc 1 Wdmk CO OPERATIVE CO OPERATIVE rds Raisin li FEESNOIFEISIvO Grreat Success rG reat Success TT 1 1T1 TT viaeyaros itaisiii msm nan mm JT OP THE PLAN OF TheArthapHBriggsCo DeTciopaent el Co operate Tbeyards is the Rscoiusi FRUIT VALE ESTATE Conservative Estimate of Profits Un der the Best Plea Ere Offered The 7th Syndicate In this Fruit Tale Estate hOW EEIXG 0BGAMZED FoCowlaz Is ait examnie abowlnr amounts and dates of payments the purchaser of twenty acres under this plan witl be eal ed upon to pay and giving a eon servaflve estimate of anticipated results laepncepi tne lana per acre neingfiao and the cost of development 80 with Interest at th rate of Der cent tsr annnm payable half yearly Cash payment 5 pet cent Xt S3300O 150 00 Angut 1 1890 six months Interest 85 50 September 1890 preparat oa oflaad 00 09 December 1 1890 vines and planting vuu vis Total first year f835 60 February 1 1S9L six months interest 5 60 March 11891 cultivation 10000 August 1 1b91 six months In terest 85 80 September 1 IM cullivaUon 200 00 December 1 133 1 cultivation SOO 00 Total seoondrearv fC71 00 Feb 118P si tmoB tils Inwrcst oo Aug 1 ISOtlxmontht interest 4 60 Pcpteiuber 1 1W1 cultivat on SOO uwsiaoar isvd cuturauon liw 00 Totat third year fi7l 10 To althree years 1H7 60 KiUamted value ot crop this ycarf ivuO 00 Feb 1 1W3 wVper priBrtpai COO 00 Fol l0 tigwratbs Interert It Aug 1 1U03 lis months iaterett iSt 60 Total fourth year 07S3 00 KiUmated Ml value eropthit IT VVUVV UV Frh 1 aU 35 per et prtneipal 7M 00 Feb 1 iim six months Interest 07 60 Aag 11894 six months tntersst 43 00 Total fifth year 8ii3 50 Estimated nt value ot crop this ir avvuv Feb 1 1893 S3 per ct principal 750 00 lea 1 l93jix months interest 45 00 Aug 1 lBD3slx months interest 2 50 Total sixth year 317 60 Estimated net value of crop this year suw ij Feb1 1R93 25 iver et tvrlnelnaL SWM rsl Feb 1 1890 Six months interest 22 SO TotoS seventh year 772 60 Fstimated net value of crop U113 TESX MW VJ 4933 00 Total gross cot Total estimated receipts 12000 00 Total net profit the year the land la paid for In full S7117 And twenty acres of vineyard land In foil bearing which should yield not less than S200 per aero Income per year No frnlt specialty can make a better snowing tnan this ana every parcnaser ot 20 or more acres nnder this plan is certain of an income paying property which with proper care and attention can undoubtedly be made to produce much larger re turns tnan nerein esumateo Early purchasers can secure choice of locatien Full particulars of The Arthur Brlgcs Co Real Estate Agents Asctors 314 CALIFORNIA ST SAN FRANCISCO OP THE PLAN OP MrtoyrigpCo By Wufcl Km Residents Ihy Start toe Large ProSts of RalsaPraktia Unparalleled Opportunity to Secure Bearing Vineyard la the Best Baistn District la the World The 7thSyndicate 10TV BE1SG OfiGASlZED The tract selected for this syndicate comprises o40 acres and is a port on a th FRUIT VALE ESTATE The property of Mr Theodore Keamy which estate is indorsed by the Board ot Trade and Bankers of Frrsno as folly equal to the very best land in the ronntv and oa pecially adapted to ralrin production propose to handle ths property lor non resident investo to prepare theiand ant rootod Tines and cnlttrate and care for simelJr three years under contract While each lndrridual purchaser will acquire a particular tract of 0 acres or more all interested will CO OPERATE In the Planting Expenses Tn order that the cost ot the ncf aid or vineyards until the vines come into bearing sb ail be reduced to th minimum The Prea of the Lid Is Si59 per Am Payable on th following remarkably ay Trrmi Only 5 Per Cent Caslk SO per cent February 1st lift St per cent February 1st 104 S3 per cent February lit 1K05 35 per cent February let 1893 Interest on deterred prmnft pr cent per annum payable halt yearly Consequently no payment wAt be required on th land except the par eettl cash 111111 th vine are three year Md and In bearing Thin is th most liberal offer over mad in th State It affords certsin prelit and amnrane ct rfflrlent inseement which fboud attract non resident pureh assra he cost of rooted Tinea prcjrtlon of th land planting irrigatli ruHlvsUrig and care for thre sears toother with th areaury frncius and bulidliura is estimated under this plan at SGO Per Soro Which wilt bo called for a foUowtt 10 per aero Septmbcr 11890 iu per acre xiecemoer 1 mint 5 per acre March 1 1891 loperacra Sep ember 11891 JO peracr December 1 1891 0 per acre September 1191 6 per acre December 1 1801 An example is given in th adioininr column showing the amounts and dates of payments un this plan and the estimated prodta The cost of Improvement is based 00 long experience and tho estimate of results is very conservative aa many vineyards in Fresno county on lands no better tban In th tract produce yearly crops of from f2oo to 4 per acre a fact hich any Intending purchaser caa assure himself of by investigation That Fresno is tbe mOit Important ralstn district lath world that all conditions ot so I and climate In Fresno are exactly suited to the successful production of raisinst that more money can be made from producing vineyards In Fresno without risk or experiment than is realised from the same product in ether sections that Fresno count Is the reccznixed raisin center that Fresno city is one of tbe most prosperous rapidly growing business cen ters in tne state ana possesses nign eauca nu ML THE LEADISG CTJTLEB AZSTT3 AAJRI Carry th Finest and Largest Asso mentot SPORTING iNLTAIilLETIC GOODS At prices that Defy Competition Fin Worsted Belts 10c to 25c Wooden Dumb bells per pair 20c Iron Dnmb bells per pair 20c Flesh colored Athletic Shirts 40c Flesh colored Athietie pants 40c Indian Clubs per pair 50c Laced Supporters 50c aymnasiom SJppers per pair 50c Dare Elastic Supporters 1 00 orated Trunks all shades stripes 1 00 Pocket Gymnasium 1 00 Rubber sole Exercising Shoes 1 00 reneing Foils per pair 125 Full length Cotton Tight 1 25 Horizontal Bars 1 75 Boxing gloves per set 2 00 Flying Kings 2 23 Fencing Masks per pair 2 23 Clogs fancy colored leather all sizes 3 00 Punching Basti 3 IX to 5 00 Chert Ueghla 6 00 Dowd Home Exerciser 8 75 To the Profession We have Just received fine lines of 5 orsted and All Silk lights from 50 to 7 50 Send for our mnstrated Catalogue nailed free to any address Country orders promptly attended to 818 820 Harket St 15 17 19 21 and 23 OFar ell St PHELAK BLOCK THE MEXICAN EXPLORATIONS 8CSC1UBED CAFlTATi 230000 The company has re able experts through cut the United State of Mexico and is prepared to undertake the surrey of mineral aod aa ricnltnral nrODertle timt er lands raflwar and oher works Communications most be by letter aaaresseq to tne secretary THE HIOKS JODD CO Tr Inters looKbiuJerj inlil Blank Book Mannfaeturerj 2B First St nr Market af ml sr rpKE COMOPOI a Kan warehouse and Storage Cont panytn its five story nre pruos im ruing 770 Mission st has the best and cheap est accommodations tbe storing FnrnW tare Fiasos jijr rors aruuM aois Mexchandi ln BIZitEStVuata WOMANS HOSPITAL ITTTiKrXTV AKl ALL JTKTSART rv I un Aa A tronbtes easay qotctly and safely cared by DOCUTA CAPSULEat Several cases cored tn seven Cays rold at at 60 per box All druggists or by man from Docuta Manofaetajrlna Comfiany 112 Whit street New fork Indirections 1 irra OALrroiKiA wojLora hospi ai An rummmia uaax necween nan and Lyon sow open ior th reception of patients anere is a tree waiutv wu rooms forprtvat patients Pure ar good diet and the best of nursing and medloal attendance are bestowed on all alike Out patients treated gratultoaaly For admission apply at hospital i UUiUU Ultl BWia IMlaUal99 UUlHUt truthfully disputed The raisin industry of Fresno has already reached large proportions snathe possibilities for the future are great That the quality of Fresno rsis na Is superior and that the fruit commands the highest prices in the markets ot this cotm trvds an established fact Fresnor there fore Is tbe district In which to plant a raisin vineyard and this co operaUve plan the most attractive ever offered to nonresidentnonresident purchasers For further partica lerscallat TheArthupRBfigffsCo Real Estite Agents uii Altars 314 CALIFORNIA ST SAN FRANCISCO I1ISCELLAXEOC3 TRADliNU MANGE FREE SAMPLEi i of sdl iriift Grain JCarl Mi I 1 Ho li Ifee Grain Markets Qaiet but Steady CALL BOAKD MAMtET WEAlu The Only Scrolnla Catarrli Jilood Liver and KiM Medicine on Earth A JVewr Bra tn the Treatment of All Blood Liver and Kidney BlseaseaTae ureaiest stoea nrmer 1st tho World xx latum rxiT usTaSILI Eeferenees for Elienmatism Catarrli Blood liver Kidney aai Ualarial Troubles It IIott vwilh Callfomla Lead Association 631 Uarlet Street San Fraocijeo If WxasTia 530 Kearny Street Bin FrancisM CArrint MxsTBt Eaclnd Man Co San Franeuce Kiii Kasxt Sight Inspector TA 8 Custom house San Francljcj Janxsiloaoaa 310 Fine Street 8aa Francises JiKtsHni Policeman 8ia day Street OaiUnaCaJ1 A AsrrHOKT FoUeemaa S27i Post Street 8n Francises JousaBtmaa 1220 Bush Street Ban Francises Baows ove Cutter 93 Folsom Street tea Fraacfeee Mas Mat Bxows i033Foloni Street StaFrsnclicj Wniiajf If Ross 7 3 Mary Lane San Frandjco Fatn Dans Sunt Bouse Sept for Eastoa EHrii3ge618 aUrket St San Franclsea XB Lacex TraveIing raoengar Agent Southern Pacific Eailrotl HMMcGru Attorney at Law 15 Pott Strjel San Francisco Tboxas Dtrrr Policeman Sn FranriscoT bsiswoLb President Sonoma Coun Land and Improvement Cc 29 Kev liongomcry ttreet San Francisco CHASE TiZKtirc 29ew Montgomery Street SaaFranclW AXiXAKDta ILsAcaAM and OE Office Eaa Francisco IT I IS TxlSTELESi 50 CAPSULES Vt EACH B0 Medicine dcllTercd CO to any part of the united States or by rnalL Price II Box 6 far 5 Prodneo Quotations Internal Bevenne Onr Foreign Export Trade COMPANY 125 CFarrell Street San Francisco I GRAND EXHIBITION or Oriental Art Goods AT BOTEE TOY COS Salesrooms 10 Montgomery Street A BPLESDID COLUKCmOX OF TURKISH PERSIAN CASHMERE BOUKHARAand DAGHISTAN Bogs Tmarolderles Portieres Tale and Piano Covers lAmbreqolsa Arms Curios etc Just Imported direct from Coostantlnop bv Iskender Bey Isnow on eihibttion at IS Montgomery street and will be od at ATJl TlOVon WEUVKHnATand THTJHSDAY Febroaryl2t6aa1l3tsbegnningatll asc eacn day uoyjitiot uu Aucuoncers AT AUCTION yonEheinCo 524 California Street THURSDAY TiicitsDAY rsunvAitr 0Tn at la oCMra atuar Clay and Commercial st Bii3ines3 Property XA8T OT DATIS SO feet en Clay 23 feet runs thronch ta Conmerelalt Jfee 47 49 and 81 Clay and Mo 40 Com mercisll Imprsvements are bar rowms lodglag bousa and two cooperage shops Third St near Market 33x77 6 22 feet south of Jessie frame and brick improvements Sos 43 and 45 Third St New 10Flat Building Rents 200 60x80 os 52 54 and SS Clementina between First and Seeondf the building Jnst finished heavy brick fonndatlon and tborongbly constructed throughout rents 9200 per mouth High basement Fonr IraproVed Point Lo tos lots line of Point Lobos TV of Boyee 26x100 with Chinese waihhouse tt SCixlOO with tanks and wlBdmill 25x100 with front and rear dwelling 20x100 with doable cottage 4L0 No 4 TVlLl lams on near Point Xr bdst 50x130 125 feet of Point Lobos ave tvitts family dwlliagi Ko 923 Talenela 2il80 bet Twentieth and Twenty Srst 9 rooms bay win low dwelling should raised ana store piacea unoerneaui Nee 1317 1819 Ellis S3itlS7Jf betWebster andfTJmore 2 front and 1 rear cottage soid to close out aa estate Park A 3 Story Family Dwelllnr 25x75 Hos 28 and 2Sf Park are of ant near Blxth renU steadily lor ail cheap Falt01t 9t Bnlldl Lots Two lots each 23x100 tin of Fofon Wi of Lyos graded end macadamiseo ready to build on Ashbnry Heights Investment Lot Thre lots 25x80 earliw 11a of Trtmost ava 80 feet a of Wader bet Asbburj and Clayton nice vjew near th park 25th St Cottages 23xll4Ift 1221 and 1221TwaruJyfth bet Iolores and Sanchez 5 rooms each good location Two Dnncan St Cottages 48x114 Kos 390 and SElDancan bet Doleres and Sanchex 5 rooau each ail mod era improvements Car Sanchex and 21st 87x103 1 402 ranches cor Twenty first with dwelling prospective bestness corner valuable mineral springs on tbe premises Onerrero St Dvrelllaav osvlOO 1610 nnerrtiro bet Twentr elrhlh and Twenty ninth new housa 5 rooms and bath wen improved locality Alttbaraa St Improvements 28x1001230 Alabama bet Tweaty fourth and Twenty flfth 4 rooms ears on Twenty Tourth at within nsii a nioctv VendsU EaatOu Geo WFrlak WUt 1 Last fa Palt Han Fooni THAT THE LAG EB Is tne Best Brewed Beer on tbe Coast CS3 nx I iW flEiOHLY DflITlVCFol 0xtorFsJngMANHOOD isrUOIlllQnerai Mryoua Dsbilitv At Auction TUESDAY TtTKSPAY FKPRCAnTlltm az 13 oVtoc sroof aAtxsaoon 3 G18 MAHKET TREEl Opposite Palace llotet 4 ImproTfd and Unlmprorei Residence Properties 3 So wn Town stesldknees Two dwellings fNoa SOI and 8041 east of Jones CO feet nerta of Suiter st storks bar ttladowed 8 rooms bath and lunar each neurbborhond chores street In fine cos ctuon renu no par montbtdet aoxtielt ITeStern Addition Choice Bestdencs Lot ft otn tine of Farr11 at 100 feet east a OevUadarost This is an extra choice re deuce lot sanay exposure 1st graded ant iFaay iov ouuaing nae neutnoornooa soc tun unprovms rspiuiy scnooi only oncek Frrachr Bats wooM rent readily Geary au Kills at cablasiAot 27x137 Western Addition Residence South side Ml Turk si 137Sf feet east af Lmvenwortbi residence 2 Wrte 10 rem bath and laondryt French range bandy down tows street paved with basalt blocks Turk at cars lot 23x137 Western Addition Ttesldeneev Eontbslde 2917 3aystKbi test westet Devisadetvt residence eonta ns Sroems bsax etc modern coaveaiences sow nnder rail of 142 50 a Tery tow rent to first class sat California and Jackson st cables and coming cable en DeTiaadera st lot 17 10 8X Tfeatern Addition Large Coraen Southeast corner of Ed 3y and Srodanel sis This large floe and eiqtast praper worthy the attention of any party as aa la vestment view Tery imposing elegant cor ner for a Una residence do not fad to examine tt cable line passe tee proptKri hddy street sewered lot S5XX160 Sunset Heights Besidence Lot SI set 758 Choice and easusome bttUdtnglotiaSaasrt Beujhts Block 78 This rhoee lot is 1st very com mending spot view rpndMit blocks to GoJdun Jate Vtrt location a hancing in value rapfcity 3 blocks from i BOH vcma nsuivaa wotca esopa XOE psSSSTB gets near IHevolhavnn paskvak fnoTa railroal on street to the property i aot 8 fall to exanrtne It lot 36x12a 5 fillislen Home In the Warm Eelti ata bteenth st near Mission Cos boras north side So 306 Eighteenth street lit fee east of Mission modern 2 story bar window ewaumg or large ims oa a aa stable on the premises cement walk Hoe ard aenoa and Mission streHCsrx parts wanting a good Dome shown examins us property rat zyz Bnildine Xot la Gift Hap So Tiur rmUdlnf lots near Cipcswn rouse rbetng 2ee 147L 157 1S7S and UMl irontiogvnsvisil hhivi musksuii wm east cr tsurornut avenoe i me view asv walk from Folsom and Howard etraet et terminus improvements close to this pat erty Howard and ruisom rosos win pw Howard street flreflow car to Twenty foEtt and Aiaoama waiaaoata so vreiumoia turn east up Parker to ilonlcaaa lot mi For cataaoaues terms eta Inquire or EASTOS SCLDBIDOS A CtVJ Auctioneers 018 Market gteamers to depart day ar the 8anta Sosa for Astoria and Portland the an Walla lor Victoria ana insget eoana toe Mexico for San Diego and way ports and the Axago tor voo nay Steamers due to day are th Eureka front gap Pedro and way pofts thaATinasictta Valley nd the Faralone front Yaculna Bay and CorvsJlls the Coos Bay from little Taver and way ports th Pomona from lureia and Areata and the Taqulna from Salinas Elver steamers te tan to morrow are the Em idre for hanaimov the Areata for Coot Bav jhe Bontta ior SanBIego and way ports end the Coos Say tor Little River and waj porta The steamer Cty of Poebla Is due tomorrow from Paget Sound and Victoria BC UW VWWfl MVWC alnoe February 1st aggregate JJ2326S 73 Of this amount 5303789 83 was ooJeoed dariaa the best week Th British Afclp Firth of ayde 1207 tons was re chartered yesterday te load Wheat to Called Kingdom or Antwerp at 37s 60 The Bank Commissioners hare issued a Wnse to the Mutual SsvLor BahaxH San Frtudsco to commence business on the lOh Inst Anthonxed and subscribed Capital flX 000 10 9 eent of which au been raid in Offlcsrs and directera ar as follows JsmesO Fair Presdntf James Pbelan and 8 Murphy Vlce Fresdenti rldwsrd Barron James Mof Ott A Hooper 0 Hooter Charles Cadwalader lame IX Fhelant James A Thomrjson Secretary and Cashier Overland railroad receipt February 7th 8 rolls Leather 03 ct Boots and Shoes 14 hUt vfhlsky 8 cs Mgars 65 bWs 70c OIL 2490 ctls Urd 1733 cs Canned Goods 404 CU Uara and Bacon 890 Short Bibs SC9 kes Fish kxt etL it Ctls Tobacco 60 feUs Alcohol 5 gt 0 tstwaro 13 pegs Drue ISO bl Spirits 143 veils Carpet 4 cs Bobber eodUfcO pags vr 0 eon ire 17 pigs Hardware 253 a Linseed 03 Oe Chatt Overland rallrevid ltdj aFebruary 8lh SSS pigs rr 4 bxs SoaN 43 pitgs SUeL St s4g Un i 10 bU OH 61 Butter S4 tvh Crpt 9i3 ct Toot and aov SJ3eUslArdS08 etla UamtAnd Heron 44 lt Tobacco JW0 doaFggvSS tU llArdsra pts Flab pkgt CUtswarej scigattl Cdt ad 700 Vanned Goods eoa pkg Pspefd bbU Whisky has Candles 500 ptg Iron 20 lana Coal ISc GgaTttesOO HK 8j4r UJ rolls Ieathr50eU htct Ribt 0 Kuobfflf Ctxvls 4 pkt Euthaaware 7 ctls ChKte tO bbULardOlt FiaaaciaL Te1oel Koney maikst Is quotabl st jpnowii CommerclxllanT eent per annum UJ10 CommerciatBins prim 637 Call loans gilt edg 610 Cell Loans mlxedsecnritiee o18 Mortgages rrime taxes paid by lender b7 MimaaWZ bd taxes tald bv lenderlOsU3 fw ori7 Bight Drahs 10 Xrw Tori TeleiTsphla s15 Xondon Banicra todays 84 Itindou Lerchants 4 80 lendon Eight Bankers MS1 rahl f4 8 Jtefned Filrer ftonnee 79iii Vexiean Dollars nominal 76976H Krw Toax February Tha iollowing ar the closing quotations for Uovtxainent BcndrRailros1 Stocks etc LnitedBUtes 4s registered lSSf TJnlted States 4s eonron 123jt sjiuieac iaxesKSreg2streaM imj LnltedSutes4Ss coupon w10t paciflc6sofiBm American Express 115 Canadian rdfic liti Canada Southern M6M Central Pacific fb1raerL BnTlinetoa and Onlnrr lOs Delaware Lackawanna and UesternLi7W Denver and Bio Grande 10 BH 1UCM a Lake Shore LonisTiuesnd Kxhvllliv Michigan Central Missouri Pacific 75K orthem Padnc 2 Northern PsdSc preferred 7 horthwestern 110tf Kew York Central 10W Oregon Improveaent 47 Oregon havigatlon 100 20U ILKUS CO MANtTFASTUKEtiS 07 Mens Foraishioff Goods apnCITTyrForLortorFaJImgMANHOOD curecsss toampsoii rant RotiNoblMilx lMlrRMtCTd Bmrtotalani A NOWWEHAfBll A FTRtt WnilirrKQ TOft OVU YfiAiTl a tTWsvlr Asvurn th AtiOi vTiATTtl nriflrm ior toot RifleSe and refuntt to iB wiem as preHuuiaa unuk couia vuo wi iUDscnietsapncVUaia ureoca a ue oaro gncceettea xa our enori This Beats EYerythin TVchave secured try mating a large tract one ol th pretiiU Bird Babbit and Tarffet Bfceeh toaif Rifii Of 2 eallber ever efTered which sell for the reaiarkably low price ai Incindinsr the Weekly Curoalea Ior One Year The above cutis a renw smtsHnnaf FLOBERT BIFLI1 FoRtff CetaOtrlfs Toa cat rit i tbtftS Book FttH mlfsk THE PACIFIC MlBATORiBBOODER Best MsoWne In titer world la universal Best OyeraLL Made Our goods are all fall cut and measure what they are no Aa arva7avsu Qold UMal at 6ao Fran mirJCed VIVCX esVHU trsareaXnPSaAA I Toronghbr 4 Pottltr aa4 PcnaKrr ADDUaWCaM cutli intciuioKrfbe convinced that you can Send us a trial order and convinced that vou can isu cenrsst osutund ot do better with us than else MaiiV I XivosDAi XI i asrastat st si KJ ssaes Strsnara fErf arrsiTyt IkEI trass casadssl Be Ctarialt Oala I faSoaam i where for th certain car of this GH7lwoASAirr Amsterdam ST I We have sold Bis CI for many years and It as riven the bast of satisfaction i ELKUS CO Ka 101 103 ml lOJlSiiji 5fl TJBDTCHEACO idcaS SACRAMENTO CAL 5 eatf ttnrtnorftS VTarnant medium weight for S3 cartridge nflad jB tol grlp riled walnut stockv case hsinesaH mountings This Is a grea ppportaoisM cTciyvnetanecoma a A CRACK RIFLE SHo And good tuarlannan EveTy fatbef JB bay one of these Bine for tbXJfa practice at target shooting jS This beahtlftu weapon and wirG TJjjj WEEKLY CnROKICjJl Oil OSS TEAS tXyf QA TTe pacx the Gun la hoxaaidaTW San Francisco express charga br ttia nnrrhsspr DONT PORO do not open account wfy The money must accompany ta ol Jf SHflA vrrl at na a -Baa Frstn Seeding 43 Rock lsland 3 ftPaul 94 TetuPacine wva3IK Dion i raciac i Fnited States Eirress ells Firro Express 140 western cniotu 847 aioney on eaa easy with no loans Prime if ercsntfl Paper 46f Sterling Exchange 60 day sM 831 de snd4 67 Il rer ft ounce 9Pi Crain freights by af tut to llTerpoo tHd bushel IosnoT Febrasry 8 Cnltal Cuies Bonds 4s 126 4Ss1001tV Elrer Bullloa 44 ConsolrSTllS aak of England rata of Interwtv 3 Wt California Prodoct af the East Special Dspateh to tbe CsaOTTexe Chicago February Califorala Dried Fruits are ruling quiet Prunes are irolet on account of small supply There la a good demand with pricesdrm Choice un peeled bleached Peachee are salable and steady bot eommon grades and ai peeled goodrremaln dull apricots if large and of choice amber color ar salable and steady but II not of this class they are low Balsinv are moving moderatelyf stocks reduced th cheapor grades of Dried Grapes having been pretty well cleaned out Quotations are Peaches Cnpeeled Chines bleached tacts lOttc unpeeled do 14Q15C peeled de choice to fancy 22ac do lair to good 202Ie Apricots Choice to fancy large sacks 12314c good to choice 10311 small end ordinary 79 Nectarines White choice to fancy sks l2J4c Bed good stock sksUx12c do common grades sacks glOJc Prunes French dipped sacks 40 to 50 to the Is 9 50 to CO 8JiSJfc 60 to 70V 7KCJ TOtO 8fV737JiS SO to O05Jc9 7309010100 do iJJiS3ie10O to 120 e6ie undipped bring nearly th same dipped Plnms Egg according to ttnality sacis 15360 Prunes Hnngtriani tacxs SVf3Ufct according to quality Pears hoic Bartlettx llJi3t2a Jl other kin is common to choce 59c Dried Grapes In sacks 232d Boxed lota of th above descriptions bring about io ft premium over siou Balsins Sew London Layers box tl 6032 Sew Xoudoa Layers fancy ti 253 40 8 crown chaic Jfascateis Si 5031 80 3 crown cotamoS fl 25 1 35 2 crown loose 101 25 California Green Fruits are quiet with fcSecngs small and light sales at the following prices Pears Pound ox 275 3 Easter Bsarre S3 5033 Winter iScllU S2 7593 dAienceau tj3 23 Ortnget There It a Tery fair business doing a namber of car lots recently having been sold FlordM remain at reduced prices end Calif ornla ar a shade lower California Kavels large lota 37534 box Navels In a small way C44 25 s5eedllngsl50 to 200 to box f250iWt do 100 to 12s f333 23 Hope meet with good demand and a firm market is quotable with sicca on hand and la tight very moderate Cahfor nu ar selling at I031 4 9 a Beans A moderate demand for chde Kavies tut mediums though salable and steady rnl quiet Common grades of alt hinds rale dull California Lima Beans choice Se POj common The Eastern Wool 3farkeU Special Dispatch to the CaaoTfeta Kaw TOac FshniarF8tr Bradstteets ys The general position ol th Wool market continues about the tarn Fries st 11 rule in bayers Lvor and value are a trifle lower oa pulled We and Territo Hee Texas Wools are In rathrr light sap IJy and the narkt la nnUt Tkara Ta howeTir a moderate demand from mano saeturers CalUornle Wool move very lowly The London Wool ear eontiaue to he ailended with eeenatetition Active Wth Wool sold tt dataecBl ota half ha been for I have drorpc ll December scon rea and tits but vein I are reported At PhtladJ surgUhand loidWrj the able decline fieeccstrsbed scdptloasberl fact that thee fromtheWorJ Kesr Tor epedalDispal Saw Toacl ticnt closed 1 paints down I ary 1616051 1580alayr 11 raucarzoes 1 Sugar Bawl fining 1 1C Ikx cost andl hhdx Porto 11 it mora actlTd Hepe StrotJ Copeer Lead Jlrma Tin Steady 1 Sew Tl Special Dispell Niw Yoax1 were narrow 1 while aiewStl terest 3nspecl was strong issue otiheb itsnne sarplus reserT the market at small frsct lag figures at i uplkficent Oovctiiment Pti pedal DIsnat Ktw loac opened steady gainfel tolC firm at IBffiJ Hew tori U8 hfahcel UiglObi Cousolidati highest ItfJ 1VTH Chicago I cpcciatDUpstl ciKaeo tl Febrntry IFl Oats toy 1 ln aerJ SflSTHMJ inr 10 05910 sn Mb nominal Kan TiaU tpecltUiirbat Kostox jt eiostaiauetai nauroaa sa lOTttt HxU co tint ttorl laad Cow pai I Movement Th Niew meats ot plying bftwtl Untie and Or nxs rv UwTorsTi i orusna Portland VAi4 China and Ja I Victoria KewYorktiH lexleaa China and Jrl analmo Hormluln AuStraiiatKcl Steamer-State efC City of yd oi omc Zealaddia Queen Fastis MsniaKoas is hewbernl Coiima fl Aestralis II Chlnall Empire eig PnbHo MH CnitedStal ports the 1 January 31s i Gold Coin GoldBalUorl SundardrUN Fractional Silver Itclliol Trade DoUarl Total So TJnited StsK National BaJ Current MorJ Banc holes daittloH Hinortoin Interest pa Total as Internal I The coUeci this district follows LUtS Beer SoiriU cigars and mnn Tobaccoii Special Total The amocBttoSl The follow age fori years 1889 Double Eagll agies Quarter Ear tanaamoo Fire Cents Cent Totaly Clearln The oners I Clearlsg iwt follows Clearings Balance The desXil week in lcl the balance 1923 4331 The Britil cleared for ware valued I The Sri forWestper Cawlth Flour Lumber Total ts I The strati with merer I To Anstrtlia Hawaiian 11 hew Zeala Elsewhere Total I The shir ToAustra Bops 1C2 Qpods 970 pkgsstaistt 61s codnsh Whale Oa ToUawai Salmon 59 143 cs Caa if ToSew os Hops 1 monandlt Te other I Tea Tig Canned Gel TheXarl United Stai Bank oft The LOKDOJI andforahld off coast puifonui 8490 goeso5Ll Flour in PJ ktts ileal Steady Vil Farmers price 23s Lrvssrol quia bull Btsnda WhttVh 1 Ltier5 nol irj Eatrin gi ijsafeaaaggIM8ga SiCiliVI JJfe 4ac lc K1 fc 2S4XfcsKh.

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