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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ii4fn Li been settled out court Ir Hi ie i it sented to lfe the ivon on the crueit Taen there wire matters regard to te the prnerr which Mrs It was wnti ityuOJO But had heel settle and Mr led to take i lttle over 100 pecree vr wo then hd a suit hi might have an interesting story it Iscd ICUiriKk Home Again lilasi rpi from pa nd in nuiirin to Itae oar ui ih iv since Ii our ii te reokii sent oi te i 1 i the ltof in ltorney Jjiinrri had linie to a savi that if thai tie had the 0eti ai oMiiient of an In niii iiok up the law ler itv Asionment Lsst Moiuv completed late ye tcrday ihi I as sm jtl of isn ni a ast4 year mn int 911 increase ve rn iin iiri cx 81 I tic rti a Halation been made tern In llrlef of Trai unit this even ensii ha ii rn ae I a 1 Me a st on tlo ifki St in was tenia lvr i ti naiiiii the gr in 01 ru ty and atii i an envied aiil ti in oral lind so to iciitirs will untn er for ttieir lc arii who JI 0 it iiiluW and joii nii lil fW as a i ein Judge 1 ad Uil to tlt ALUItlll Note a Tvnt imps Kr nil lilt rue ha roiirned titing i sli icino ei iu 1 ad I heir OH ait 11 11 in 1 io hU 1 hi the em Tt jii i 1 elltral Jans ii 1 his ei i 1 teal an 1 uip Mr Ii tim UU 11 1 il lis ior a ii hare 1 cm taWa lit Th 1 i vard ih raivs the ell III tho working liil Ji In tes i I tie lnal lie 1 1 to a in vet itli i cm ac tin i iat is niti ha Ml had 11 ti waj 011 1 a tutus lU i aj irht iiavs tun ekv hat til 1 iliiMted ftli I to mi Tin 1 i how a dvJ to or i iv and 1 a to a1 lii reason his ov 11 a fi av hs 1 ear 1 3 1 lis ei i Yrt 1 DO Ii tetter Mi laih 0 va a JEM HKATII 0 iuj 15 at liar ec al iicen casi a 1 kiK waa li ljat the re AM for the tu di itu lhe jury diet that Mr Sclieile tli it oion 1 mi rra the result jr vvi eiioru th ItAEOlS the in i i tlie 3 ULKY 1 milinr to San It oi John II rurley tho laui on AHhirphfor ko Mtirini ry street 3 firs of th ionhended nt the iiuure oi has UV11 uir rfereral a bis uni raMecjatfj rVci te Mi I write to Cn i ihe a irtrr 1 it ct ii Ili biriieU spe ihlng ill imnirl taking Btmi ii i ar hj ol I Ill in It ami nver Ihi riirtedo lalRc i ii li 1 lavtttiecn ulihfal logtuaMl thouaiid In KCEPTIOXAL Corner at Auction IKXT JULY Sth VOX fillEIN oa 1 1 sAir immciscQ csnimnrT TRADE AND FLNANCE The Cereal Market Quiet bat Steady THE LOCAL COFFEE MARKET Vroduce Quotations Tonnage Statistics Our Foreign Export Trade Ptem rs to depart to day coHertion fla art th jueva of the Pacirlc for San liero ari iiv ports the Gipsv for Salinas Tivrr Kil th Mry nuirre for Lillle vorail way port sn airu duv today are the Wetlin rt in Jirn Ifc partur fuy the City of PueMa fr irn Puirvt Sound and Victoria and the Eureka irHi San ledn atia way ports On riali Kailmat Receipts July 15lh JU pi iroii 1ipe 31 iS Cigii i 4 cj 0i nrvtb i bli Wlisiy 30 pkgs rafn lti tManuiM i nl US pkis Hard rare SS rLi Tubatr 7 lbs Opiuro 6i pttgi Flth cn iia uiir 1 oa Earthenware 4 ikg5 Jniiti 5 i Boots aiid uoeii Ibl cU Ifais and Hj i the ray to this end nelghrriat ports tCfday mrtwiiny rExi aid CHA mara vaeo CbirimA Jot crala S175 1 MiacelUoeotuchaiten li0JO liistugajed 21119 183S 1W7S 28775 Total 87100 83007 A neighboring ports Toultoaa 4793 lyear 243t7 Toaxass oa thc war 1889 18S9 To fan Francisco 245i0 321WW Sail redro 7060 51C8J tcfcaalMego 2L721 5302J TcKais 274841 425533 FlnauciAl The local Money luiriui foo Commercial lyian cent per ann Commercia Bins prime all ljin rilt ed re tall Loans mixed iwurltie quotable aa i6M0 fii7 tvias Ntw York Hsht Irafts ew iort Tciepraphic 13 Ixindun PanV rs Ao days 4 7i Ixnidon llerchants i4 S4 Lcndou Sifhl liankera S4 iM1 Cahie 49l Hifredrilrer oance SSMrttOT1 3iexH ii 1oI1btti nomlnAl 7575 Kitsr ToBKJuly 15 Tollowins are the rViinir qnotstions for GoTertimeni Bonds liailroad Njclu et Vniu Males 4n registered Vnited Pta A coupon Imti fit registered Vnitid Slat fV coupon PaciHc rf rrx American Kxpresa Canadian Pa tic Canada Southern Centra Pa ific ChlMKO BurllPi trtl and Quincy Iiolawsre Lai kawajina and Wtstem ll VenvvT anu Ulo Orauae 12 12 IIS 115 lOo ii Erie Xarsts snd Texas lke Shrre lriTiil and Nash Tflle Michigan entral MKiun Pacific Mrttcrn Ia flc orhern Pacitiei preferred hcibv etm YorkiTtral inpon Improveiaent i regHi Hvialirn regnn 1 raiiscontinental 1 aiific MaiL JtadiM i lik Island Pnu lens Paclfir liiui lacinc 1 mini Malis Express tfli Karen Expmsa Vmtf ni Union Money on call eaiy 4 Prime Mercantile Paper Aliei Sterling Eichanga 00 days i4 S6 Band HTi fver f1 ounce 92 lirain freights by teaa to IJverpoo 8J husheU Iindos July 15 United Statis Toids 131 4s ltWv Silver Bullion 4Jl Cols 0 Pant oi taulani rite oi Interost cent Uution itidrawn frnm Bnx oi England on baiauct i1at 000 SO1 Kl i 64 1071 lOoC 54 Bo 32 4i ifH 138 85 de alirornta Fruit at the East Fpeciai Diwpaiches to th Chronicle Sew YnnK luly 13 Gdell sold tlay at aui iio for account of the Golden isteFrnit Xssociatton Sacrarnent 2 cr Inads California Fruit at the fntlon iag av rage price llums IVach if 4 50 tVasU luirtor 5 Purple Duane 2 GO Brari fhanr 2 lo Ikrman Pnue 1 90 Bart leit Tear 3 Royal Apricot 1 25 i incri July 15 Moutoni ry A Co sold to day for account of the Earl Frill Company and others 2 carloads of California Fruit at th folUnrini price IaHiti ars 1 OOiiJ Grman Prunes ffltif Brndshaw Plums Ur bad order SI loal CaKiOo July lo Porter Bros tCo Mild to day carlomis Caliornla JfuJt at the Ldlowiaj icis Pears Birtlott 1 355 1 05 Peaches gOel 55 German Prunes 1 152 Poiras Purple lu ane ifl 2Dil 25 Washington 1 115 62 65 InUinU au Grarwf 1 3532 Bostom July 13 snow Co sold toAlay 1 carload of California Apricots In hod order for ao ouot of iho Golden Gate rruil Aaaociatliwi at an aTrage oi 1 10 i 15 16 Ux New Tork Stok Market Sprrial Iispateh to the Chsonici New Yora July 15 The tock mtrke was quiet to day all thc way out but there was unlit he lact hour a decidedly stionff tone which raised quotations to a mate nallyhlghrr level than those oi Saturdays ipeninff i rices and generally 0 nt jtler than Saturday i closing njiures but Missouri Pacific waa the exception with i rain of eent Renewed inquiry for Grangers in which London was very prominent resulted in an dvanceof U4 tent in Kock Island while others gained fractional amounts In the afternoon Big lour Stock rose 2 cent and new and St Imis i reerred calned a hka tutu ihe hiithert prices wore reached ly i tlul Keliiatious then beean and At iiison then ied off with a drop of 1 cent followed by St Paul and Missouri raciflc the marki tinally closing quUt but weak with most stocks close to the opening prh es Government Bonds were steady Xew York Ovneral Miurketv Fpeciad DO patea to the Ch aomexc Jkmr York July 15 a Opti openol tiruv 1025 points up closed barely steady 2530 pointa up Sale 83000 ags Including Jnly 1470 August 1480i314ttj September 147515 Octo ber 148015 Kovemb 14851505 Iieeember 14851510 ki ot ko sftonj er Pair cargoes 17jc Sugar Raw is entirely norainal awaiting offer and demands fair Refining TV Caattiiugals 96 test Se Refined la Heady Hops Quiet and steady Copper Firmer dnll Lake July 12 lead Dull and heavy domestic 3 87J Tlo Quiet aiid steady Straits 19 7a Boston Stock Market Special IMspatcti to the Chkomiclk Boctos Jnly 15 The following are the rlodng nuoUtioiis Atchison and Topka First 7s do Land Grant 7s 108 do Railroad 38 Burlington and Quincy lOltf Mexican Central common lUii do Rood Scrip do First Mortgage xSooda bbt can Diego Land Company tv Fetrolenm Market Fneelal Dispatch to the Cittoxicu irw York July 15 Petroleum Kew York Stock Exchange Vpeulag 2 highest 8Zi lowext BHf elostna 92 Conaididated Exchans Aniraat opening at 92 highest 92 lowest 9i cloa lng 91J Total tales 303000 barrels Ckicaeo Pork Market recial PiEpalrh to tho CHBoyicus Ciucaeo July 15 Aiternooa Board roaldcrs JJ5 05S5 37ii Short Clear 05 12 Short Elba 5 73 sl TH Drltlala Grata Trade Special Irtspatcb to tae Chboxhxc Lohdox July 15 Th Mart Iae Ex rresa In its reriew of the Britiah grain trade lot the put week aaya Crop reports give promise that the yield through oat Great Britain will be la exces oi tbt average aUsh VTtttu is inaellenla Tor and price adranced Od Foreign Wheat and float are Dm AtliTerpool Wheat haa risen 2d etl aai3 Floored JSugllsh Barley advanced Cd At Uj day market EsaTUsh Wheat waa sell In aellera aver at a fraetiosal rise Foreign Wheat waa dull ior Rusaian American Bed and White Wheats were firm Flour advanced a fraction Barley waj 3d cheaper Com ad 0u Tn orm Tonnaja and Cluu Ura The following a suamaxy Oi tho en jajed and diaenxitod tonnas hero tad oa The disengaged llat hers numbers 12 vessels 9 of which ara American aad 3 British The list of vessels la this oort chartered for grain etc niKatwrs 31 oi which 26 are British 2 American 1 German 1 Hawaiian and 1 Italian Miscellaneous charters Include 3 Tor New Tort 6 fur Honolulu 2 for Melbonrne and 1 or ach ol iht feilowini pace San Weirn Central America United Kingdom and Nancirjo Th lohuwing is the list of vessels chartered for grain loading Vessels Charterers Tons Amphitrlte Kppuiger A Co 1708 Andrew Welch ioore 83 Ariuida Dickson teW i Co 1U24 Astoria MeNear 1429 Ausiralla ik MeXr 2J73 Ctias MnodyTrubenbaeh A Co 1915 nariottoCrttom Eppincer Co 1661 Cochin Starr Co litX Iruuiburton StarrACo l40 Kursmla stnno 18 23 Kusrmere ftone SiOO Evelyn Starr Co 1170 Ciampl McNcar 15 7 ItiompianBilfoui ICilleati lwrth Kentm re ljingiale Jimara old Censlnctoi Kaliane Scottish Iochs fcberwood Sierra Cordova Stvckbridjre ilrafDbli Mtheria ids ton Eppiijier A Co Meear Blum A McVear ear Blum AG Var surridi McSear Blumil iU Pa ge Blum AG Baliour 0 A Co McXear ne Evans dshireLoweuthal A Co McNear 51751 Totai tona The above vessels hare a total carryins capacity of about 82S10 tons At thia last year the tonnxd under enr ment for Wiieat loadlni amounted to 4533 ton with a carryinr capacity of aoout 30O tons Ttie disengaged iist now amuunts to 21319 tons as against 2S77I tons a year agi Kep ort of Eastern Barley Crop The fuUowing Lt taken from reports of the Eastern Barley crop recei red by Ulien thalACo The reports we have are very encouraging from Minnesota and Wisconsin for a large crop and good heavy berry pending aaiii faciory harvest weather ur orjespotBlent from Minnesota says we will have an old time Barley crop larre quantity heavy Urry color depends upon weather until harvest Nebraska has a nd crop and as they are the first with Iowa think will secure good color We no reliable reports as yet from Iowa but think the crop will tu ont the saine in other Sates mentioned Canada re porti less acreage but believe they will have as many bushel as last year while the berry is heavier and plumper With favorable weather an extra good quality may be expected Ohio has a fair crop ol Fall Barley araple received shows good berry and bright color The Ohio Winter BariL will not bo imjortant as to market values being ued at home exclusively The Coffee Market The following in reference to the local iiffec marxet is from Hochkoflers cir cular of the 13th inst Boih on account of the tnterrcntion of the national holidsys and the continued ss i other markets buaiueas from 27th ut to th Jih Inst was almost at inlsrl the only transactions being the fore saie of wviral hundred hags Sdra dor on the hass i717c for good unwashed ajd a few its oi common to medium Guatemala The New York market has beaa very erratic biit a more favorable seutixaent ap pears to be gaining ground there and de ided siguj of unpiovemeut within the past three days has 11 to some Inquiry from the loeal trade resulting In sales of SoO imgs good washed Guatemala at lS Hc and alKMit 1300 bags common to fair grades at irreirular prices A few parcels ot good unwashed Salvador were quickly taen at lsc and there are buyers to day at that firure but no tellers holders of this description belug nerally disposed to await further developments There hare been no suies good Costa Rica Onr Export Trade The llawailau steamer San Mateo was cleared tor Coranx yesterday with machinery valued at 4300 Additional mYChandise valued at 311403 per barkentine Ii Dimond for iion olitlil was manifested at the Custom house yesterday The steamer Mexico whifh sailed ior Victoria on Sunday carried merchandise maniiettcd as follows Tv Valne British Columbia 7724 lWiroit Michigan 1933 Total value 9639 The shipments include the following To British Columbia 30 ctls Barley 243 gals Wine 123 nw Tea 3113 Ihs Coffev i14 cs Canned Goods 13330 Bs Malt SO ks Feed 677 lbs Tobacco 33 pigs Lead and 3s9 tts Butter To tietroit 131 sks Bark Per Canadian Pacific Railroad The steamer San Bias sailed yesterday with merclianiiose destined and valued as follows To Value New York and Eastern points 22121 Central America 41093 Mexico 27143 Vnited State of Coiombla 4844 South America 7379 rattier easy lor Shipping grades Exporters are not evincing any anxiety yet pareaa ins freely of all offerings ot standard grade at about 1 30 eti Offerings are moderate and considerable Wheat la changing hands tn the country The Board market was active Cau Boaao llasimn Stssioit Opened Highest Lowest Cloiwl 18i9137 1 37i SI S7i 1 VtTi 1R89 lS7i 137 1S7S 1 S7H 8 89 new 1287 i 1 29i 129 Wi uj Boasu Amasoosf 9asfoi OpenM Hlarhest Lowesst Ctoised 1889 1 SVi S7J 1 7St 1 SJX ason 1 43 1 4St 145 1 tiH After Aagost 1st Total sales Buyer 1889 4100 tons seller 1SS9 100 buyer season 600 The Barley market is quiet but steady quotations are unchanged Offerings of old Feed descriptions are liberal New Feed is in demand for oil Bovd purposes Brewing grades are steady and unchanged The Call Board market Is steady iall Board Mosvrsra SRasiox Opened Hlstiest Lnvmt Col Bay I8890 85i ao8 f0 83H 0 S5S 89 new 0 77 0 775j 0 77 0 77S Call Boakd ArTxasiooN xaarost Opnet Illfrhert Iowe Ckwd 188a0 83 SOSS S0R5V OR6 is 1899 new 0 78 0 78 0 78 0 78 Total Sales Buyer 18i9 800 tons seller new 189 900 Oars are arm and moderately actf re Supplies are liberal Corn is very firm Receipts yesterday were 835 ctls For Larje Yellow 1 23 ctl was bid Fruits and TpgetaMe The Fruit market continues weak In tone owing to liberal supplies and a limited demand Trade is still of a quiet char sci There Is very little Inquiry for Apricots Peaches are dull at lower figures The canners are still buying on the dock at 40il3Oc ft basket Nectarines and Fias are very weak Cantaloupes hare declined slightly The weather being cool the demand for Wat rmelons is light One carload oi Melons arrived from Loll yesterday Plums are In heavy supply and dnll at the tow rates quoted The factories are baying Green and Washington Gages at 25s fi basket and Egg Plants at 30c The receipts of Berries yesterday aggregated some 800 chests Strawberries are still neglected Raspberries are quiet at unchanged figures Tahiti Oranges are higgler Vacaville Tomatoes are very weak Ths market is still heavily stocked with Snm mcrSqwash and Cucumbers Groen Corn is in OOd demand and firm Dairy lrodQe California Cheese is active anil flrra receipts being light and the demand good Tle market for flue grades of Butter continues firm In tone and as high as 22c lb is being obtained for offerings of iancy quality Choice California Eggs are scarce and firm at quoted rates Holders are asking alichtly higher figures for iresh Eastern Eggs All dealers now refuse to sell choice stock below 17c dozen and for jobbing lots 17l3e ad even 18c is charged Peultry anil Game A carload of Eastern Poultry arrived In the city yesterday and ill be placed on the market to day The receipts of Venison are lignt and stock in ood condition sells readily at advanced hgures Potatoes and Onions Rd trnlrms are almost unsalable San Leandro Silverskins move off lairly while Rivers are rather dulL There was little or no shipping demand for new Potatoes yesterday and the mar kt was quite easy In tone a decline in some varieties being quotable YEGETABLES Wa quota as follCATT Artichokes dx uiooagerfieu Caalirower fldox 15320a i73cfl Toawc Tiumtp White ak ji575e Turnips Yellow Parsnip Garlic a a Green Oira box Carrot Bt Beets Peppers green ft small box do do large box vacaxnoers fi oox jcim 12C TV Ipiai 23 4tV50c 50V373C r20rl0e 25a75 2533 30S5Oc 25535o wSjim 25 40030s 1U02C lSi3o lUic do Pickles box ToTaatocs VacaTiTle box tto Elver bor ShiharbfJ box Grn Peas Garden String Bean Wax Beans th Summer Sonash Bay Vt box Green Corn Alameda small crt lt 10 do Alameda large crt 17592 EaTtFlantVhox 1125 BUTTER Fancy ft 21822c choice l19c fair to pool 15l7c store Butter ll12iic Eastern old 1012c do new l315c ptekled roll new 18 21c firkin new 17Q18C CHEESE Fancv new tbfjgiOc god to choice new 7iS9e California Voting America new choice to fancy 9010c New York new 13lSc EGGS California choice ranch dos 2723c Jalifomia store ehoice24rt2Cc do common IHfJilc Eastern leV17c POULTRY Geese pr 15031 75 Ducks rtoi Sf Hens doz 8557 Kootters old do 5 5ocg6 do yming doa s6509 Friers do 93 MXieO Broilers small doa Stg4 do large 1 505 Pigeons doj 1 752 Turkevs Bens live ft 15ial7c do Gobblers UvT ft 1921C GAME Rabbits dOT l23ril 50 Hare dos rijSlSOril 73 Venison ft 12H14o PROVISIONS liams lee cured ft 13Hlle Salt 12VoI3c Eastern ft 14Hbitl5o AAaB 15c Bacon Medium ft Extra Clear sides ft Light Medium nv Extra Light ft Pork Clear bbl dohfbhl Extra Clear bbl do do hi bbl Mess bbl do hfbbl do Extra prime bbl Beef Extra Family bhl do nt oni Mess bbl do do hfbbl Extra Mess bU do do hf bbi Smoied Boet ih Lard CaiUoruia full weight 10 IS tins ao miins Eastern 10 lb tins compound do 5 tins do loc do terces do lOJc HIDES AND SXINS Local dealers quote price as louows lleaTy Salted steers 53 ras and over se 91 moaium ao vh ns 6c do under 40 fts 5c Salted Cow hides 5c Salted Kips 4c do Calf 4e Satnl Veal 4e Tairy CalL 20cO 30c Drv Hides sonnd 10c do culls or damaged 7c Dry Calf sonnd 91 Oc dam dajte 5c prime Hair Goatskins 40ca50c molium 2035c small Skins UXitMc poor and damaged 10c JJeerskius good summer 35c medium sue tntn and winter 20c Sheeosklns shearlinas 10rt 25c each Short Wool 3O0e medium 70fa9te Long Wool 90ettil 23 Batch ertown Green Skins sell relatively higher TALLOW Refined GCASut prime 4c8 ac rase omc 00 quote spring clip Total value 102387 Thc shipments Include the folio wiug To New York snd Eastern points 32048 gals6csWrne 100 bbls Glue 39103 fts borax and 20O fts Rags To Mexico 70 fislii Quicksilver 720 ft Tea 112 fta Sugar 13337 ms Cofee 75 bbls Flour 9 cs 1133 gala Wine 9385 fts Tallow 24 pkgs Bottled Beer and 330 bbls Cement To United Ptatcs of Colombia 2893 fts Rice 933 bbls Flour and 21 ctls Beana ToC ntral America 23 rs 943 gals Wtne 24 cs Salmon 2102 ctls Wheat 58 ctls Barley 29000 fts Rice 4769 bbls Floor 2 3 fts Tea 434 ctls Corn 183 pkgs Bottled Beer 45 cs Canned Goods and 44663 ft Lumber To South America 153 Bs Tea and 1515 bts Hour The San Bias carries a shipment of Co valued at 3000 to San Benito and also 100 flsks Quicksilver valued at JH6O0 in transit to San Bias The English Wheat Markets Loxnojt July 13 Cargoes oa paaaag and for shipment slow Cargoes off coast dull California carsoea Just shipped 6 Cargoes nearly doe 36a Cargoes off coast 33s9d936a Wheat la Paris quiet Flour la Pans rather alow French country markets rather worse Weather in England stormy English country markets firm Farmers deliveries 25402 qn average priea 29s 3d qr UvaarooL July 15 Spot Wheat alow N01 1 and 3 Wheat Standard CarHoraia including Club Wheat Mchoat priea ft ell 6s lld7s Si later 530 tjuiet demand poor holders offer moderately The priceia ot futures at Liverpool aa furnished by wis Pwduw Exchange compare aIliows JatylSth Jtlylith Jaly 7s l4d 7a OKd August 7s Slid 7s ld tscptamber 7s 2d 7s laJ October 7s IVa 7s 1V Movrsahar ws 14 7s Id Iwcamber 7s Id 7s 0id Thc raster Whaat Jiaxkata The New York Wheat market was gener rally weak and lower ior an options yesterday ThaChic ajo market wugeaerslly hither Thsloliowing thovt tha range ot prices yesterday Csitcag Wheat Xarxts July 1 5 th SaUnrr 1st S4 SA oiT uutt Cash I T7 Jnly 71 772 MX 76 August 7 Ti TiH TSJt Seplember TV T7 TT 73f December 78 T8JK 79 77 Kew Yenc Wheal MarKsi July 15th DeKTsry 1st 3A Sd IntylSth Cash 7 87 Joljr 85 MX 85 P8 Annat 83V 3S 8S tH say KHf 3 JHJf Th tol Orsifat Markets Xlu sAxpIe IMuat Dixtct qulaiuut Produce Quotations FfjOCR The receipts dnring the 48 hours ending at 10 a at yesterday were 16 252 qrska Net cash Family Extra 44 25 a IW snperfine 2 SX3 10 Bakers extra 4 101 20 Oregon extras 3 80 WHEAT The receipts at this portdnrlne the 4 hours endtng at 10 am vesteday were 64049 ctls Including 59170 ctls afloat from Port Costa Weqnote So lShipping 1231 30 ctl Port Costa delivery good to choice Milling at 81 32Sl 35 BARLEY The receipts at this portdnr iu the 4S hours ending at 10 1 it yesterday were 6242 etls We quote No 1 Feed briirht at 67Wc 68 tl dark grades 557e do new 75c Brewing No 1 old 87ic 992VJc do new SohiTHc OAiS We quote Surprls 1 2531 30 ctl choice Feedfi 12yl 15 No 1 1 10 No 2 do 11 Oregon Black afp icil choice Milling 1 23 CORN Small Yellowl 22U01 25 ctl Large Yellow 1 25 White 1 15 1 20 RYE Quotable at 95e etl CORNMEAL Feed from mill 20Z7 9 ton BVCKWHFAT 8J3 50 ctl nominal MIXED FEED 18 Ion MIDDLING From 17 5013 ton according to quality HOPS Quotable at 14916c ft BRAN Quotable at 14 50ai5 9 ton CRACKED CORN 2Q 5027 50 ton OIUAKK MEAL Xew or old process 30 fl ton from milL MILLSTUFFSBiiekwhcat Flour 5c ft Graham Flour 3c Rye Floor 4c Rice Flour 9c Rye Meal 3c Commeal 20 Oatmeal 4c Oat Groats 4Vic Buckwheat irons Wic Hominv 3Vc Cracked Wheat iflic Farina 4ic Pearl Barley 4V44Kc Fiaked Pearl Wheat 3ic Oat Takcs 4Ve Split Peaa 5Sc California Cut Oatmeal In bbls 6 00 Schnmachersdo 8 23 Pearl hominy in bbls 3 Capital Milts new process Buckwheat Flour In bbb S1L GROCND VRLEY 15 50Q13 50 9 ion HAY Wheat 78pl3 Oat 9 Alfalfa irti 50ts 50 Stock y8 Closer 0 flO Wild Oat lt Barley 33 STRAW 50370c bale 6EANS Small White 2 1092 35 Pea 2 1X2 35 Pink 3 4J2 50 Bayos 2 75St3 Batter 2 503 lioisj Red 2 652 75 SEEPS Yellow Mustard 1752c Brown 2aii31ic Canary 454Wc llerap Hc nax aasic imm lrs iim Altalta 1 othy 7c 59l3c lp ft DRIED PFXS Green 1 75 Nile 82 Blackeye 2 eU FRCrrS We quote as follows Apricots box 25S50 Apples large box i6Jk Crabappiee i box 40ra5 Pearabox 4055 do Bartletts boxes 11 23 Plums box 23iO Lemons Sicily box do Riverside bx i Bananas bunch ff2M Limes Mexican case 4 50 Watermelons t3 100 10a2J Cantaloupes crate 1 752 2 Nectarines white box 40 do red box 60io76 Strawbernes Longw rths 1 eht do feharpiess cnest Raspberries chest Blackberries peheit ilrapesi 9 box Currants chest Figs white ft box Figs blact box Peaches box do What Oranges Tab ti box Pineapples Mexican doz do Itonoluln dos DRIED FKCITS We quote the market as follows first hands Pound Apricots sun dried 6So da bleached 8011c do evaporated 9A12KC Peaches sun dried 3W5e do bleached 68c do do peeled 163 12c do evaporated unreeled CSe do do peelea 10413c Apples sun dried quarters 3W34Wc do do sUced sKpc do Alden and Plummox 6W47c Pears sun dried 3ic do do quarters 3UI36C do do sliced 42c do bleached in boxes 7tc do rsaporsttsi 6lpi9 Nectarines snn drleA 3U4c do blaathed fv Oc Plums pitted 3s7c do unpitted 2rt3c Figs tn sacks 23c do In boxes pressed itidc do Smvrna Ih 10vai2Vic French Prunes 4JalJc Silver Prunes ft TiiH Raisins London Layers fl 20 ft box fl50re10 Fractions 25c higher Raisins Loose Muscatels 90i r2i do lnbulktb 34c do SeedlcssJIascatelsVbx83c3110 do Seedless Sultanas box gftjl 23 NCTS We quote CaHfarnVt Almonds at 453o for hardsbeTl tad affile fer soft Paper shell ll12kc Standard 57e California Pesants 77Wc ft Pecan 712c Filberts lli2c BrariL 6K9c Hickory 8Jc Pine Nats 20c ChU Walnuts new crop 10c CalUornia Wal trata 7gi3c Cocoanuts 43 100 HONEY We otrobs hew crem as follows Ctrmh While and ixtra White llrs13c fHe 20001312100 11001150 rll 5tX22 00 U50M12O0 fl9 5020 00 1000J10 75 16 0017 00 13 0013 50 7 0O 750 J8 004 8 50 sadU if9 009 50 ssiJ lfA12Jy lCCic lie S50B AB31 409 Bodiel 10 1 15 80lEolweriJ0c 100 Cbotl 40 25SCC VBKStSV 180U LOO Y9O09M sor vt 100 8 New 200 Eicheq6560c 100 GAO 83 00 run 290 Or Pr 85c 50 Com 10DHAN 2SS fiOTJack 12aJusticl4olSJ fAgirso Srocs xesastaa stoawisfo aassEOr 100 Jt OrcWenCl OS droaa 1 hoits 1 cs ulsters 1 bdis handle 100 Occtdeatl2 30 1 cs traps 4 pkgs dost paaa 3 tx slat SO 250 OphIrA 454 35 errs plates cits washers cs smretopes jtwreer lie 60 Potest 14S inSas 180 20CeoSdencsSl DoOSBAiL 7011 a IV lvflcmpvHnm nc ioorT 110 Union 218 80 70c 45c 2 80 139 Alpha lOOAIta S9Aiides69fe5SC J20 Belch V5Jl2i S70 B3loi lOOBmBe 119 5OChoU145014O iriUv 01 200 Cos Im 37e 1750 Con Y9S87Te 265 Cr Pt2 2032 IS MSQExch gOktBle siiaoAcieefifro zouurrr vac lSOfHftls 100 Ner 170 ISO OcchL2 25S2 35 OOpbhr49594 50 100 Over 9c 200 Peer 18c 320 Potostl 551 45 4O0 Savajjl 761 63 250 SHAM 185 lOOSSev 9 20 3S9Ulah 7Se 220 YJackx 852 80 ATTCBsmox ssnarosT as Alpha Alta Audea 53 Baltl 5 Eekrher 2 75 Briunsla 25 Best A a 3 25 Bodl 1 Bullion 60 Bulwer 80 Caledon 20 Chatlang 1 73 2S5 HAN 3 8092 90 6J0MSI2 80il3 90 200 Com 1 35 359ophhr 4 454 0 SOOOver 90c lOOPotosU 143 lOOSavas 185 150 8BAM 175 lOOSSev 2 20 TOOCalon 383 200 Utah 7570o lOOWeldon 20c 300 TJack3 752 80 i Hllil lIKUDil Bid Asked BM Asked 85 lOOJnlla 30 S5 1 30 Justice 185 kentaek Bs Idv Mexican 2 90 Mono SO XaTaJo 150 Alpha 90c 150 All tf 150 Andes 0c 230 Brich 2 2 73 200 A 33 1043 15 50Bolic I 1041 15 90Cftall80318S 110 ChoL 140 90 CCA 6 ISna Con Y87i986 3oOCr Pt 2 lSa 220j 101 Eaeheqner 60c iUOliXl i so 2 80 1 40 2 93 2 15 5 2 00 Chollar 1 40 Comonw 4 15 CCAV 8 87 Con TY 05 Con Aden 6 SO Coa Imp 35 Crocker 80 Crown 2 1 a Kxcbeq tyO a Cue 1 95 Orand Pr SO 95 HaleAX 2 90 3 95 Sroos Asrr Bsr Bid Askad CS4acpl23l CB4sr1381 MkttCal25s PCBH 100 PBRlt9i NReCallll 114 CsakOaBalO aS farctiJKlil lii Kevon 1 65 Isle 1 40 Occl deal 2 23 2SlOpinr 85 jUvetmaa 1 50 Peer I Peerless 30 7 00tPotosU 1 45 1 OOjSavags 1 65 IbBSJ 1 76 40corpioa 170 2 23 4 70 100 150 170 1 80 33IS Sevad 3 25 2 30 Sliver IL Colon 2 95 Cuth 70 JackM 2 80 2 85 Pf BBs SxeatTia Bit Askad CatSafDe 60 First NB ISO 260 Pan BankliT 163 Aa NevA 96 Callnxur Comet Ins2 flresmtias Horn MiltlSO 130 128 145 1174l8tate Inv 83 SVWBS124V 1 23 Union Ins 100 Cal stRRlOO Allan Dy 47 Cntrat tT 33 CalPowa125 lty sal Want Pw 88 Geary 103 130 SafNllro 10 SBill 83 VljPowd 5i OmnlMR ViS 60 CaUrtSt40c PresldioU 42 CaLUecL 18 BLLakeV 23 Cat RIeW 6 Marin 49 HawCom Sfl1 SpVtW 85 Hatch SP 35 Casual a 5s JudsosMf tii Central 80 92 MExBhttOO IsAagit 57SS OakArtSt OakOJL 34 Oe Stm 98 PacGImn 68 67 PacIANC Pac LtUo 64t PacKMlU 95 SFUas 59S 60 rWCtfo 25 BaakCaL243i 147 aAtsa 300 Hawn Cora S9lJ130SBfety witnj Wi 5PacBankl5Vll00Vlgorit Pw 5V SSCalArt St4Sc 20 Hatch Su PC 86 275 Cal Eloc Lt 18 6Oc8UusaCo 93 10 Ombs Cable 55il 108 4X 175 60c 18S 9 39T B9c 103 106 Wlninr Stocks in Naw Taric Jtpwlal Dispatch to the Casosma Xt Toaic Joljr JUalnffSwsks dosed aafouowa day Asoador Bodie Caledonia Con Cal ft Vlr Northern Sacramento Valley ft ft 1 Humboldt and Mendocino 2124c MliWle Comities 1618c an Joaquin iim Commoowaltn onmern lj5C DunKin 1 uarry ana poor I Xlljc Valley Oregon 22it25e Eastern Oregon lt20c do fair 125l5 San Francisco Meat Market The following are slaughterers prices for whole carcasses nogs On foot stock 5Se 2 ft hard 07a iig berCOExttVTUtei Sc5rilo H97e do LlfKt Amber 5WjtJc Amber MdCad5ed43c BEE5WAX KKJ34C ft accordiusJo quality POTATOES Peerless ctt OOngfl Bnj banx seedlings bis ettfl 3301 40 Bnrbank f5csjratifsawsM ett775cffl 10 Early ttoae bis ctt 11 40 Garnet Chiles 1 ctl bOtftSSs ONIONS Had 2013c ft ctl Siiver I ntlat AUmAda efttOc doiUTar2530 7Ua9c Rief Pipat nnalltv Arttltc ijl ft apconit 4taic third 3tt4c Mutton Wethers SWiaJSc Ewes 5e 3Jc Spring Lamb S9e General Mretuadia soar aaxx axo casdlss Published Tuesday FOAP Product ot the Mission Sosp snd Candle Works Mission Nonpareil full weight wrapped 20 fts 110 Wbx do 100 fts 3 50 Morganthau Chemical Olive 20 bars 50c do Maiden Queen Bleaching wrapped 85c do 8 ox 400 bare 200 bars 100 bars black or light color 10 S3 2 50 do 12 os 14 7 3 50 White Borax 20 bars SI 20 Products of the Co operattTS Soap Company White Ruby Soap 20 cakes 20 fts wrapped fl 40 do 20 cakes 15 IBs wrapped 1 15 Diamond Medal Borax pressed cakes wrapped 20 cake tn a box 1 20 do 100 cakes 5 75 White BoraxSO pressed cakes wrapped 20 cakea 80c do 100 cakes 3 50 Floating Lilly Scan 2 ft bare 12 In a box 2 50 Capital Savon flat cakes full 16 oz wrapped 20 cakes El do 100 cakes 4 90 Topeka SaTon 0 cakes 90c 100 do 4 40 The King of Soap 20 cakes fl do 100 cakes 4 90 Idy of the Kitchen 20 cakes 90c do 100 cakes 50 Ammonia Bleaching pressed cakes WTapped 100 cakes 3 50 Capital Chemical Olive 12 os fiat cakes not wrapped 20 cakes in a box 65c New York Chemical Olire 20 cakes 50c Bonns Cold Water Bleaching 20 cakes 85c 100 cakes 4 Golden Laundry Pale Soap 100 fts 4 Castile Toilet Soap 1 4035 box Co operative Washing Powder 24 1 ft papers gross 9 TO TM In bulk 20 boxes to grots 9 CANDLES We quote the product ot the Mission Soap and Caudle Works as follows Mission Chemical Wax 14 oa 13c ft do 16oi lbHc do Solar Sperm 14 01 12c do 16 oz ltc do Adamantine 12 oz lie do MCW CMonofrram75ic do Hotel 16c do Miners Lantern full weight 19c San Francisco Candle Companys Crystal Wax 16 ot 14c do 14 oz 11 4c Stearic Acid 14 oz lie Star 14ox 10tc Eureka 14 os lOe Eagle 12 oz 8Uc Eastern Cincinnati 12 oz 8Wc Harkness Patent Wax 13c Werfi Stearic Acid 16 ot 40s 12Hc 20s 13c 14 ox 20s 11 Me riam A Morgan late Thayer A Jndd Para fUn Wax 4s and 6s HSc Is and 2s 12Vc SALT Liverpool Salt from warehouse Holmes extra sifted Aihtoni factory filled and Hisrins Eureka 27 50 tn 200 ft sks 100 ft ska 28 50 50 ft sks 30 Wellington Worthington Bower Hlckson and Cheshire Company etc in 200 ft sks 17 10O ft ska 19 50 ft ska 2L The Pioneer Salt Works Howard XL Hogan agent quote trade pricos as follows subject to discount to tho trade In 19 toa lota Table Salt bl 2 25 Dairy Salt Per ton First Premium Red Brand 16 00 Los Angeles 50 ft sks 15 00 Hall Ground Ground Alum 50 fts 12 00 Ground Alum 100 fts 1100 Ground Rock 50 fts 12 00 Ground Rock 100 fts 1100 Ground Stock 50 fta 1100 Ground Stock 100 tbs 1000 CsXttMlftackTbOtts 1059 Coarse Stock 100 fts 950 Keselpts of stay Prodnos rot 48 wooaa a SDLs at sroox TSsrraantT 1 00 Horn Silver 1 00 1 10 Iron SUvar 1 73 3 01 Mexican 2 80 7 26 Mutual 1 40 Mt North Belle Isle 1 00 Ontario 14 00 Daadwood Tun 1 40 Oohtr 4 75 Enreka 1 25 Plymouth 7 00 KICristo 1 SJavaia 170 Oonld A Carry 1 85 1 Sierra Nevada 1 35 Hale Norcroaa 9 85 Union 3 95 Homastak 8 00 1 Beat Estate Transactions The following real estate transactions were recorded yesterday Samuel Cowles to Baldwin lot 45 x76 us sW Iim of Third street 23 feet SE of Minna 10 Virginia Ecker to James Famn lot 26x70 on 8 line ot Jessie street 136 feet MW of Ninth 10 ltos Wbeeter to AnnaO Danwi lot 26x100 id line of Bampshlr street 175 feet of Twenty second gift Oara Hubbard to A Harrison lot 30 xl278V4oaSllneof PaciBcaTenoe 2276 of Laguna street 10 Joan Farrrn to City and County of Ban Francisco streets etc John spottiswood to same streets etc viosbie sietn to Joseph Franklin lot on line of Thirteenth streat 50 feet of Berenice 25 732S 238 liiS to begin nlng810 Oastare Pavel to Joseph WHtilot 36 bloca Park Laoe Tract 1760 afand Holmeis to Mlchaul Joyce lot 50x too on SE corner of Twenty slaUi and Florida streets 10 James II Johnson to Slmoa Johnson kit 25x105 on line of Sanches street 766 8 of Valley 10 Charles Roberta to Frank Singley lot 50 x80 on KK corner of Prospect plaice and Te hama street Slo James Flood to Rlordan lot 50x 1376 on 8 line of FeU street ISO test Eof rlllmore 10 George trerle to James Roach lot 35x 1B1 6 on 8 line of Twentieth street 80 feet of rjolerra IV Oertrode Mcintosh to Alice Beon lot on tine of Falcon street at line of lot 3 block 17 Ptoche aad Robinsons subdl yuoas 8 60x190 1 Alice Bean and huaOaod to Behrend Joost same 10 Robert Searles to Annie Malooe lot 23 1 876 on line of Devlxadero street 100 fet of Uaitht 10 Alfred Piatt and wife to California Bibto fJoclfcy lot on line of Stocktoa alreet 90 feet 8 of fatter 8 80 100 50 20 8 20 80 to beginning 58pua liana Lockwood lo wiuiam A Lock wood lot C3xl938 oa line of Guerrero street 270 Seveoteeth 5000 William Patterson and wtfe to Ton Rhein low 27 to 281 Park Valley lota 10 86 pkgs Cher ware 8 bxs tnoldlags cs cambric lea pootsL29 criacai1net17xy1g presaea 31 wamt gales 3 cs ctettuax 1 ra lead pencils 17 cs hams 32 pxgs ehalra 4 cna glassware 3 ttbds chlnarS bblspunsx Uock 6 cs brqskea 1 cs brooms 380 cs con oaased rank 64 tuba 4 bbls aaxar 14 ea oil cloth 87 bis comforters 3 bis quilts 18 hxiii caiico ooxssueata ox oiautaia cs cut ton goods 8 bis aeep ----Seattle 2S bdis Vidas IS stswoot lert laebs 1 ca mors and ahoe 8 eahata3 pkxa hardware 1 crtUa cs clotlnc 1 stove 1 cigars 4 sates 2 anvlla 4 hsuaa 1 ak drlad peaches 1 bull Tacxxsa 4 pkirs machlaevy 1 piano les Cigars 18 bdh kldea rort owsaend ito mum at sax eats a cs salmon 1 plrg hardware 1 cs clothing Nanatmo 582 teas coat Vancouver I bbl codnsh Consignees Per Areata Schacht A ttnrke Oreson Coal and Nartgatloa KSet FaUuig A Itenrx Rater A Hamilton CK Whitney ACO CM Votkman A Co Rlsdon Cahn A Co Tiade roaa Welch A Co Wells Fargo ST Co anCo Paclfla Saw Jlfc Co BJSBm Mayer Bros Elooki WCalaACv BO Partridge BConiforl OS Co Murphy Grant a Co Paciac Wooden srars and Coop srageCo Per City ot New Tork WeUa Fargo A Co London Parts and American Bank Siegfried Rrandeni teln TT Low P21 LUIenthal PMsscmDrEf Self WSJ Woane A Co Baik of California Co Bear A Cot London and 8an Frandsoo Bank Parrots A Coi Per City of Pueb 8 Jones A Co Oregon Improvement Co Wells Fargo A Co Denting Palmer A Co Lynde A Hoogh 8 Llebes it Co BIssiiurerACo Baker A Hamilton Hinckley Kodtak Prcklng Co Maxwell CahnNlekelsbursACo Feigenbaum A Co iiortion Bros Barker Bremmer Lvt strauas A Co Mlenell A Eichaxdaj ssauldlng Both Bhun A Co Baaaat Telephone Co scnweluer A Co Cohen A CO Sumner ft Co SiaV Franctaco and Pacific Haas Works Wclmah Peck A Co Anderson Back Parker PacUc Balling Mill Co CnristyA Wise Sicaemra A Iahman ADen ALewtsjJCBeedACo Jollu it Riehardatm DollrTerBroa Saeba Bros A Co Sherman Clay A Co 8 Canon 9 Co Smith A Young TUlmana A Bendel Bass A Co Triest A Co The Bancrdft Co Tomrend Mc3owan A Co Caldwell Wbruier Fuller A Co Paclfio Paper Co Berw Bros Payot Upnanr A Co Padnc SpriDf Maureaa Co Osbogt A Co Rosen baum A Co TansS A Co Seller Bros Jt Fran iU ii A Co Main A inchester Mtehei lUchfce BroS Kewhall Sons A Co Nolan Bros Oafeora A Alcunder Ostarman A Co rnntetspeil ACo iSStoneACo LD Cu Straoss A Co Indianapolis Furniture Co Cna ACo Johnson Lock A Co LSar doniiKohler A ChaSaCK Carter 8 Heller A Son Dunnam Carrtjran ACa Kaberg Bachmaa A Co a Chadoooxne A Co DanertACo PAS Levy WOiH Caben Greenebatua A Co Hnlse Bradford A to llej neman a Co A Zellerbach Armes A Jmilam A Waldentel Arnold Pollack A to Huekmcham Heeht ACo Bmey ll A Co Baker A lo Bsra Brja Meyer A lo lH Jeualnga Carolan CoBakeTA Uani Utoo Spoken May 27 Ini 52 14 lonx 63 10 Br tdtn Annesley from London for San Franctaco By Telegraph U1 LOSO 4 July 15 13 Weather thick wind SW velocity 18 miles per Domestic Ports MENDOCINO Arrived July 15 Schr 8 Pbelpi nance July 12 WEsTPOKT Axrived July 13 Br ship A ndea Queenstown ASTORIA ArriMd Jnly 13 aim Corntn bla bence Jaly 13 Sailed 8ar State of Oallftralar San Fran rtecv 8chr Joonle Nona SAN PEDRO Arrlred Joly 15 Stmr Al catraz schr Artbar I Bougn and Ready NAVARRO RIVER 6aUed July 15 Stmr Navarro 8a Francisco san DlKGO salled July 15 Stmr Silver Spring 8aa Francisco XS BAY Arrived July 15 Schr John afRler bence Jnly 6 MOXTEREY Arrived Jttno 1 Schr Garcia Point Aran Kastern Porta incw YORK Arrived July 15 8tmr werra Bmneo strar Alaska LI rerpoot PHlLADELPOXA ArrlTad July 15 etmra Eriinh King Liverpool Foreign Ports AsrnrWAIJ Arrtved Jnlr fl Stmr City of Para Sew York AC APU LOO Sailed Jsme 10 stmr Collma PANAMA Sailed Jane 12 Stmr San Jcrae nan Francisco DUBLIN Arrived July 12 Br bark Qneen of Cambria Oregon HARTLKPOOL Arrived Jaly 12 Ger brk Nleolal Oregon via Falmouth TOKOBAMA Airtwa Jaly 19 Br Stnr Porthla Vancouver 13 stmr city of Syd oey beoce Jona 20 SCILLY Pasaed Joly 14 Br bark Honolulu bence Mcb 17 NEWCASTLE sidled prior to Jnly 13 Br ship Helessborg San Francisco CALLAO Sailed June 4 Scbr Cballaoger for Plsagus and San Francisco ACCKLAND Salled Jnly 15 Stmr Mariposa San Francisco VALPARAISO Arrived May 26 Bol bark Don Carlos Port Blakeley LONDON Entered out Jnly 1 Br bark Laroarn San Frmndsco LIVKRPUOL Arrived July 14 Bhrp Philadelphia atmrNlrjrlbfan Boston Arcnoxi SAiis GEO lAJISOX ACTtostBEB axD CotrsrrsBiox Xkbcbxstt 425 steamy at bet California andPIae T1113 HAT TPESDATi JCtTlB 1889 At 11 oclock on the premises So 1701 GOUGH 8UUttT BKAB PLVt wxueuiv On account of departure for thaTsttfhe kaA HT tjenitcbe BI 81 i SOB ootntsanr One Kegaat parlor Set tn Suk Tapestry one EK Jit Franc Plata Mantsd Mirror UUt Frame one Magnificent Group In Carrara Marble by the world celebrated sculptor dmonla Lewis aiemed in Rome subject Ulawathaa Marriage coat 400 One Valuable Parlor Cabinet Costly Mantel docs On Elegant Walnut Inlaid Cylinder Desk Elegant Ehonixed Center Tables aad FlowarStnnds One Elegant Bible Standi Costly Oil Paintings laagaat Eboalxa Wall Cabinets Pine Brie a brac Valuable Books iaclnd lag Sickens completa works 56 volumes Slxty tbree Totnsnen of Harper Kagaslne from 1850 to 1881 Inclusive finely bounds Body Brniaeli Carpets Costly Rugs Oa Grand Kegulnror aock Howard A Cat coat loo inv best clock ot Its kind ever sold In this city Oa Slegant Eastlake Walaut Chamber Suit Eleraot Walnut tnree qnarter Bedsteads best Mattresses ana Cnloa Folding Bed one Haircloth Bd Lounge One Uaitasom Vienna flower Stand one elegant Mis es Walnut Borpau one Lm Wood chamber Set One Leather Covered Lolling chair One magnificent Eastlaka Walnut Sideboard One Palace Walnut Extension TabU Walont IflnlKg Chairs ona elegant Walnut Hat One magniflcenl Decorated China Dinner Set une nrst claaa Heoalion lianxe Store on OtalOil Stove Patent Kitchen Table with an Immense qnastlty ot other choica FarBitant Terms CASH a LAM30N Anctioaeer GEO sVAUSOS Arcrrosinnn asid CowMtaaiosr SCnacHAwr 423 Kearny at bet California aad Pine SPECIAL AUCTION SALE 4 BOCBECEEfgBS ATTJSSTlOSt TO MOBKOW WEDNESDAY JTJ1YT 17 1889 Atllodock AM 0 tha wanuses So 49 UTTKB ST BEST Notable Consignment of the ENTIBJS NEW and ELEGANT FVBSITUBE Of THE LASOITAJI HOTEL San IHegO Cat nadcr Instructions to dots out the entire nvctoe at Public Auction ksinnACTSfo 8 Elegant Antique Oak Chamber Suits with Bevel Plate Mirrors richly Bnlsbad 8 A ntlque Ash Chambar Soitar 5ieeant Mahogany and Cherry Chamber Baits 4 Solid Cherry and White Ash Cnambss Suits Handsome Parlor tph gjtery Is Crimtoo vesvet 25 Choice Spring Mattresses 50 Extra Fine Feather Pillows 150 Ftne Sects 0 White sfaraetUea Swreads 641 pairs While Mission Blaatets tins ilea ioucge cane seaz taaus tTocx ery with a large lot of other tine articlea Tstaws CASH GEO LAMSON Aqcttoaeet fcCt AB riDt TABLE risr Pacifco srtTBtao Trsta Computed ky Thin Tranent Chrontmstee aad astramnt Maker 18 Market street tioa waraa tow WaTaa Small ii 331 1 tm i Small i Larc 198a 83ral 808aM buiuk 500 1 sua seta HAIU1K UrgLUUtnc 922 Leather rls apar rms ozz iiiaes otus 260 Calfskins hdla 210 Skins bdla 28 WooLhla 8 Hay tona vo Etraw tons zu 621 Lumber Mft 45 7015 Egg dos S900 780 rln gals 32390 1756 Brandy gals 600 153 Pelts bdls IS 331 COASTWtSV 16361 Mostart sks 36 828 Wool bla 186 Barley ctls Borax ctls Cora sks Tallow etls Batter ctls Chorea ctls Beans aks Potatoesy ska Oniona aka Braa aks Middlings aks Unbbls Beans ska Corn ctla Potatoes ska Mining Stocks TbefoWwlRC la a list of the assessments now pending la costrawT No Jt NevadaTtneen CO Jaly 4 July SO seg Bet A Mid 3 23 Joly 6 Jaly 29 Best A Belcher 43 25 Joly 7 Aug 1 Sierra Keyada 9S 25 Jaly 8 Jaly 31 Eureia 12 a Jaly 1S Aag 8 Andes 3J 25 July IS All a Crocker 7 10 July 15 Ana If North BeUe Isle 15 80 Jnly 28 Aug 33 Baatmar 6 25 Aag 2 Aag 24 Crowsj point 61 60 Aag 8 Sept 2 Medusa 38 25 Aag 9 Sapt 3 Vaacoii 25 Aug 9f Ang 30 TheltiHtvwuigwaretaaaaaasatui dlflarent etecttBoards yesterday Has FxAstasoo Stock A Bxckaw stosarxsrs assuox 14d ia is 150 Belch 30si3 73 100 Occident 05 339 Occld 3 3S1 40 9WOphlr4tl54 80 6wOTr5o 100 Potnsl ISO I00 8avag 175 s0BAMl So 350 8 Neri2 25 tiPOSlUlU 45c 4Chnlla160 1 VU Comir4 2034 25 010 CCAVT TiSSIk 4C Cn tsWaSSe iHcrrui2iei 250 Exohad fini 300OO2 805 Ualon I froas 93 S5 rr9ief 06 Ctmt iTioe iciia ufor iavjaioaag5 rreVFnf stspef nsMrilJ 300 AlrAav90e SO WakiiS3c ISO AIULA AlliWDWl ivVJ 80 Aadeaw euaf Momi80 2a0Btich2v2lwf JWS CamTl3U Arrived MosBAT July 15 Stmr National City Koealg 22 hours from Hamboidt S40 ft lumber to 0 A Hooper A OoC stmr Westport Jacobs 18 hours from Westport 310 Mftlumber to Pollard A jjooge Stmr Bav I Nansatlon Co Sunr Alcaxar Hanson 30 hours from San Pedro baDast to White Stmr City of Pueblo Debney 53 hrs fm Vlc torta pass aad sndsa to Horalon Persdn A Co Stmr City of New York Searts 2St days from Hongkong via Yokohama 151b days pass and mdse te Wuilanxs Dbnond A Co Stmr South Coast Tarbekerg 7 days from Tillamook Bay 330 ft lumber to tha Treckee Lamber Co Bark General ralrchOd Bnvd 7 davsi from Depaanre Bay 2300 tons coal to BJ Chan ilier Bark Temmar CardelL 10 Aara frfn Boaittai 1500 tons coal top Corn wait Schr Hat Jonrensna 9 hours from Rnsaian Landing loOMftlumbet to Hill A Co Schr Ruby A Cousins Ooustnt days from Grays Harbor 348 it lumber to the PactSc Pine Lumber Co schr Daisy Bowe SoreoaenlS hoars from Bear Harbor 150 cords bare to Hlggma A Collins Cleared MoSBAT July 15 Haw stmr San Mated CotTtnq Nanalmo Paclflc Improvement CO Stmr San Bias Johnson Pasana WTO huts Dlmoad ACo 8aild M0TOAT Jaly 13 Stmr Greenwood Lub A Stmr Onus Bay Letand Fort Bragg Stmr Banlta Inland Lonipoc Sunr Alcosar Ifanann Greenwood Stmr Sow Bias Johnson Panama Bi ship Eudara McGlaaben Liverpool snip Ooardtea Manden Pert JlasiiocK Importations COOS BAY Per Areata 400 tens eoai 23 cs cheese 333 ska bark 1 bx batter 1 cs castings 200 Wis broom handle 1 aaw 4 windows and doors 6 cpa chickens 2 cs mdse 1 piano 1776 bdls stare HONOKOSUETVj iJrtTor jsew xork ASfTSKSISTNTS ALCAZAR THEATER WAttsrs aoo as SToccwnibMaaagers THI3 Toeaday EVENING Joly 16u Entire week Matinee Saturday The Author Actor I MR EDWARD HARR1GAN II IS And His New York Company Fpidal engagement of Ostsut Rain Maanlflceot production of Mr Harrtgahs dramatic picture of New York city life entitled ircnox 8AXJES KOtYAJ8 SPXAlVst CO rcoxrrraxv book ajts ozitcnAX Aorfoav So 31 aad sAButtot street TTJI3DAYJTJIrial3 1 Ve wflt seS try order of KB tt VZ SEVER ANCE oa accoant of departure for Haao tarej as la xmbbatt riraipsrsre 18St OCTATXl ST SsUR CAOTOimA The Magtilflcsnt Ptrior psdroom Lt hrary aad Walng roota is xiyaris ANTJ RICH CPH0L3TEBY 4itisrstai TheTtry Hegant Pxrtarlrnitars Rady BiBSsets Carpets Turkish Sogst OU PalnUngsl Steel Una EngraTings Fancy Parlor Chairs Burr Folding Beds Laec Curtslns Brlc a Brac Mirrorsf Book eases Willow Chilrs library Tables Brass Fire Fenilers and Andirons Three Elegant Walnut Chamber Suits Spiral Hprlag and Hair Mattresses Feather Pillows and Bolsters Mission Blankets War nut Wardrobes Chiffoniers Three qoar tee Bedsteads asBeddlns PateotChaJrs Parlor Desks Elegant Walnot Mirror back Sideboard Walnut Pedestal Extension Tables Dining Caatre aBholstered la Leather China Dinner aad Tea tsa JflegaatCnt Glssswire Cutlery and Piatsd Ware Walnut Hall Stand Halt Chairs Bordered Bugs Clocks Step LaddcrrGaraeu Hose Tools Kitchen Fnrnltare Complete etc EDWARDSBPEABACO Anctlonoers Nos 31 and S3 Sntnsr st COBB A CO AUCTIONEERS 331 KosTWosrxaT Sxbxet i STOCK A A tT CJtJOV I For account of whom Itnisy eoncernl TBI DAT smroAYwJriT19i889 At 13 oclock sr At Salesroom bf Cobb A Ooh So 311 lesfIKiriIBESr wm win asnt 980 Shares or the Capital Stock of the Calt forui Fertiuxlng Company par value fl0 each Terms cosh COBB A CtX 321 Keatgomery street STEAMSHIP TRATKt GEO LAMSON Acrrrostcn asm CoKwiasiox SltHsirt 435 Kearny st bet CaUforala nod Pla THCTtSDAT THtTRSDAY JXTLY 181333 At 1 1 oclock a at on th premaesa No 71S POST STBBBT nBAB 30TE9 writ sxtt On Aeconnl Departure THE ELEGANT PUBNITTJRE In residence of MBS WEBT1LE1MER oosmxarsroi One Elecrant Upright Piano of splendid tone and aulsh with Stool and Cover On Elegant Parlor Set aphoisterel In Brocaded Crimson Velvet richly flnlahad Ebonlzed Frames One Klerant Freneh Plate Pier Mirror with GUI and Marble Vaaa Valuable and Elegant Parlor Ornaments In Bronze Bisque and Parian Marble Elegant Ebony Standards Embroldsrzd Ottomans Extra Easy Chairs Corner Chairs and Rock rain rich materials Extra Fin Preach Loc Curtains Elegant Bronze Plaque Oil Palntlogsnod EngraTings one Wal nut trams Mantes Mirror EMgaat Jar dialer One Magnificent Walnut Bookcssu with Scran Cylinder Desk coat 250 Two Elegant Eastern Walont CBember Butts wtth Variegated Moral and French Plate Bevel Mirrors on Magsdsosnt Mirror Armotr Gloce Fine Walnut Bedsteads Walnut Wardrobes Walnut Cblf Iowa SorlDa and Curlad Hair Matzresses One Writing Desk Vienna Chairs Tripods Cabinets one Domestic Sewing Machine oa xbenslon Tools Dining Chairs ninges one Elegant Decorated China Dinner cot Silver mated and Crrstal Gloss Wareitwo Walnut Hon HatStondsi mou oaa staartarpets tea csaa laan Cry Articles Acato waret Garden Una with a host of other choloa articlea Terrus CASH UKO LAMSON AocUooeer CHESS VTEXI BROS A CO Heal Estate and General Auctioneers OX aad Salesrooms 1043 Market street Opposite OBrtena THIS DAT TTESDAY JULY 16 1889 At 11 oclock a at our salesroom No 1045 Bsrket St etp OBriras ws will ssxl A Beoatirul and Elogsai Consignment of HOUSEHOLD PUBNITUBI Of All Descriptions which must positively be sold without reserve or limit A CBES8WELL Aacttoueer OLD LAVESDEB tt 25 60 and 75 cento Nrt THE LEATHER PATCH BALDWIN THEATER Prices Every Evg except Sunaay Matines Sat Per Three weeks only ACOCBTTN DALYS COMPANY From Dalyi Tbeater New York Under th personal direction of Augnstln Daly and comprising Mis Aba Rkbuw Mas OiLBZBT Miss Kim CssUthah IaASUttns Ian xo saaa Cmiuxaa hf a axes Lkwis nsrant aint CRaxlxs LxClxscxj FasmslsacK Boss CHAxtxaWnxaTLxieB Johk Irtxw etc etc TOR THIS WEEK ONLY OirtT MATisrsra SATcnitAT Jolt 20th Mr Dalys company will appear in 1HB BAlLKlail vr UIYX 2651 a mdae 8903 pkgs rice 3119 pkgs tea nkn silk 198 skn OU 143 Dkzscnr los97 ptgs medicine X0 pkgs spioa500 tea 3 pkgs silk 198 nan homo 13 ca silk 79 CA narcess torereriaad 63 cs mdse 3653 pkgs tea 409 page silk 109 pkgs ctirioe ea alXk 14 pkga lis rr Is To Honowm 73 cs mdse 100 pkgs riot 31 pkgs medscmei To Central and Sooth AnuiMra 158 pkgs rice 137 cs mdae 60 pkgs tea 1 pkg cartes a tlik 1 pkg paredo VICTORIA Per City of Pirehta IOK bga rice 28 cs vermicelli 6 cs tobacco 1 nalr eta Yaacenw 1 bsrtnk1 CS A roUoro 3e5 bxo 30 crto SO bbu stoTCB 14 bxs Dtacainxou3 raiasuaij wwisimj ucaos 3 ox wire 2 bu Carthage 7 bbis carztjrt 17 esKU ware TJ his coflfc snUH I cs fnrds 84 pkgs hosiery lbx toys 3 tda saddlery 3 cs asnaa bx screws erta bicycles 3 bxa stationery Scs tablets lMschoot bagscs point 4 bxs pasteboard 10 cs ratline SbbU camphor 10 bbls 10 bgs 50 cs reEndoota 10 planes 605 pkas paper 3 ana paper bogs 19 csaook3t3crmhta10OerUwad platra 3 cs cigars pkgs tnachloea 7 zi llather 2S5 cs boots and shoes 13 bxs aeola1 3 bxs blresv27colDkgrop taeoatr 1 ca thM laa IX ea heuiaaBdBaA aa katalaa CS canned goods 14 Wa dnek5 bola tbrka valve 123 bdla 153 pea Hpe4e asdirZas ii ca hardware leawrencbes cs Ales II tss aueeuna on aairna as tohaccMca jot wabtUng cs NEW CALIFORNIA THEATER Handsomest Theater te th World 18 Exits Ma al Hatwasi Lessee sad Proprietor Ms lUnfcv Vusj Mopager Eve Prlcee 25e 50a 73a 1 All Reserved Matinee Prices 25c 59c 75c Beat Reserved Seats Last Week Th Heroic A visit to Actor Son Franctaco MR JzOBEBT lnrompteto MASTKIA Without In His Great SeetnatbaNew Sooceos California ItONBARS Theater A Great Cast ICANTELL Great Scenery and GreotCostUBies M0NBAR8 NEXT WXE First Appearance la this Elegant Theater ef tue xnnctpai lrrsu tomeaxon ol th World Mr JO IT 3 Seats ready Tharsdar MATINEE To Moasow Wednesday at iSovlocav NEW BUSH STREET TU EATER LlAVrrr Leas aad Protjjetar Manager GOTTLOB ETsramas ax 815 oclock MAtlSKB TO XOBOOW WKDaSSBAT Th Vermaxn Character Actor and Cesnodtas charles McCarthy Aa Larry Howard thai Firemen In ONE OP TXtl BRAVEST i i Supported by WILLIAM CRONIN and a Great Company The afoot Realistic Fire Scene rer bt seated tntrodnclag all to hunt apellanoen for llfe savtcg now used by the New York sire ueporttDeni A REAL riE STSTQINE AND HORSES ON THE STAGE OBPlXEfJa OPERA llOCSE OTarrea St bet Stockton and Powett Gcstav Waltwx A Co Jattw Mosiarr Pronrltors i Monaget aoafar Ttrrsur ErsiiioL JctT 18th T1LEMENDOCS I5TXCIS8 HOCSSV PACXa TO TBS1 DOOSS A SECtDED jVoVELTYP Direct from tb Soith Sao Islonda the first ever exzunoea ouasrae ustr country 8lBginrDanotug Jog gnug aiie tiuwsrvagetoi 9 EJ NUMBEB9 Beaded by thetigTeat fightiag Chief DrrTAO KATAsa Tha zocet tBtrrrsung entertain ts rails bis tsckiag 3 ea locks 38 watw to esrer preseated la Sow Praircisooy wujiliicweawnaiBe lAINDON srECIALTY COMPANY Admlwlon tSfcats fiewerred seals MeentS sjevoa aa eoeao eaa oaiWk AMCSEMENT8 PACIFIC COAST 8TEA3L8HIP CU KJ mmj wmur jiaacum mm awvwii ForWraaael BItxa Jdneow AjMka etc 0 am June and Jaly 1424 Aug 1333 sept 723 For Victoria Vancouver Port Towneend Seattle and Tacoma at Juaa A 14 19 24 29 Jtrty 8 9 19 2A 29l A eg 3 8 13 18 23 38 connecting at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific aad at Tacoma with Northern Paclflc Railways connecting at Port Tewasend with Alaska steamers Fer Enreka Areata and Fields Landing Humboldt Bay 9 A at Wednesdays For Point Arena Cuflys Core Wbites bero LRU Elver Mendocino and Fort Bragg 4 it MoBdays and Thursdaya For Sanu Crux Monterey San Simeon Coy acoa Port Harfbri esan Lot Oolapo Uav lota SanU Barbara Carpenteriav Vewtnra Ban Pedro Los Angeles Newport and Santo Asa 8 a Jan A A 12 18 2U 2428 Jaly 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 Aug 3 7U 16jl92327sL For Son Ilieeo stopping only at San Ltua Obispo Santa Barbara aad Los Angela 3 sc June 2 6 16 141822 2830 July 68 12 lb 20 24 ZS1 AUg i JJ at XJ For Ensenada San Jos del Cabo Mazot lan to Paz and Owiymaa Mexico Ua zotn oi eacn monio office 21A XI GOODALU PEttaU veneroi Agent No 10 Market street Son Fraadaco PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO The Companys steaittprs wig sail FOR KEW YORK via PANAMA ACAPCLCO Tuesday Inly 301889 At 1Z oclock noon Taking freight and passengers direct for Maxatlax AcarcLCO CHAjunsaxco bus JOOSI DB OAT1CMALA ACAJOTLA Lo LTBWBr tao La Uaioa An arAXA ConixTO Pcata abkxas ana rixisi FOR HONGKONG VTA YOKOHAMA CTtyof Peking Tuesday Aug 13 8 TiX City of Sydney tatgrday August Si 3 su City of Rio JanelroThBrs Sept 193 rxt Excursion tickste to Yokohama and mora at red ocod rates For freight or poaaoga apply ot th office corner airst ana straiiTiaa atiauia uio mi acai BICE Traffic Maaagtr AFCTIt3 JJaTJoW rjjjfi AAab 2nr iTTT fTTT nTT BrtAJtoRNSTisTH CO tEonxnAL AtrcTronsamw an COaaasna Wcor Sew Alontsromery sial7snTtan its Sy order cfrGNoU from AmadotCftyV WWHASSIAv 3 TOH6BB OW WED3ESJDATij iiJTfIY 1T1889 At it eiocr A tmaVotrh loam at Knrral Hnrs Sonnet stock Sand 6 years old weU bros atngla and double sound and ftae drlveri one team Norfolk 7 years old sreR broke stogie and uoaoie ana soana one uxy uerea saaw stocky 7 yeare old On sing dirrar also on Bacgy aad Donbi Bet Kornos on boy Soddla Horoa 1 a hands blab Boand with Saddle and Bridles by order of a commercial drummer on span Match Boys 163 bands high well broke with Harness ond Boggyi Sn Farm Horses sad Brood Mores Terms CASH 8 BOWLEr Auctioneer TtAIXROAD TEAYEU gOtTTHERjr PACIKC COJsTAJCti PAcrxto snaxvaj Tralnslav and are Du to Arri re at BAN A RANCISCU tun Pat JeVr iwi 730 A TOA rtXA S30a lh39A 1200 Mt i30ri Uaywardav 3M and Sacramento Bedding 1 and 8issooTla Dava I Mortlnex Valleja Col 1 tstoza A Sanu Bosh too Aagslesi Express i Nil 8 An A a I RtAckSoiiOAlttaBo pw wn i IMIIH Sacramento itarys vUUi and nod Kins Isaq Jooe 1 Baerameato River steotaers i fExprose for Hayi i wardA NBes and San 4 i a ose 1 1 awiftM i Stockton and I Jffl Ajtoan A Santa Rosa Secood ctons lbr Sao 1 raineatAigtrea onar EostcoanoctsotDo vtefor Kaltkhj La imar jl aues onu uvtrmoro KIKsond ttoa Jose Hinnnu aaa kdh rj i tonirol Atiaarje aa i prsaaogaaEatT I Shasta Route Exsreas i SaerameBta Marys vuia xtaaing rort land Paget Sosind anaEaat Sonset RanteeAtiaBtts sexdrss eanta nor SaOPil baralAArdlaS uemmi riu Aew OUsons ot East 11 1343 JTtifs OJ tlilS 3tI3s St4JV 3i Mi lOtUt fcoitv It445 THJa BA5TA CBCX CITIStOJ 745 A il5A Newark San Jos and I eantvToawi iSsntlt Cnler i vllle San Jose torT Boobiar fi and Santa Onr CanurvUI Son Jose PajtonTfioaUei Croak A Santo Craz CeutervUle San Jos AlmadenLos Qatos and Santa Cruz twr COAST DITOIM Third A Tesraaeai StiA 7aoa 1080A 32 01i AJS wri 3I FOR PORTLAND AND ASTORIA OREGON THE OREGON RAILWAY AND NAYI gatlon company and Pacific Coast Steamship Company will dispatch from Eptoi strut wbarr atlas at for the above parts one of their Al Iron steamships vis COLUMBIA June 7 19 Joly 13 26 Augost 18 18 80 OREGON May 30 Jan li 23 July 6 1729 Augnst 10 22 STATE OF CALIFOHNIA Jun 8 18S7f Jnly921 Angttst214v20 i Conns ting via Portland wtth the Northern PadSc Railroad Oregon Short Line and other diverging lines for ail points In Oregon Washington Territory British Columbia 4 lata Idaho Moacooa Dakota tjlob Wy omtnzvYaliowstone Park and Ml other points East and Soath and to Europe Far to Portland Cabin S16 s4eeragef3 1 roimii tnp cwiin eou TicktomiolajJ214Moogoar ery street GOODAtl PERKINS A CO Oenl Agenta 10 Market st Sea FrasKisca ifossir EvinlsoJtnT 13TB Third and Last Week ef the CELEBRATION OP OUR TENTH ANNI VERSARY Housvs caeWDKn NiostTLTf Gtlhf it A Sullivans Greatest Success HM PINAFORE 8 PIN AFORE CaaBlmoasly Conceded tob tha Boat Par formanoa of tata Opei a Ever Wit nessod in San Francisco GoxQiorsscxsuTt SrLXHniD Cosmrkst A New Bolod by Me Wm HAuriToa Wonderful Silent Bruit Master Lnnls Songs and Dances I NEW SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK OVER 100 PEOPLE OH THE STAGE Souvenirs containing a osmolet record of our performances from July A 1879 to July 3 1889 will be distributed every night Next Week TBS YEOMEN OP THE GUARD Reappearance of MlaaBeil Thorns Onr Popular Prices 33 and 60a PICNICS EXCURSIONS EXCURSION TO MONTETAET THTJBSDAT IDLY iSMt Dmi Moxt asto Pacxxki Cssts FICKET8 3 JJOOD FOR TWO DAYS rnjer tb auspice of the YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAX ASejOCIATION tntereating exercises at Pacioc Orora Special train leave Third and Towssend stretaat7 a Tickets tn sale at the Association BuHdtug 233 fatter street Saturday July 13th Monday Tuesday and Wednesday July 15th 16th and 17th LIM1TED EICTJRSIOS Positively only 700 tickets will be sold A grand opportunity to Visit these world renownedrenowned seaside resorts McCOY Oeneral Secretary SHERIFFS SALE JTSTICES COBBT N0338a FRANKLIN LORD Plaintiff JOHN tJXE3l Defendant TTJrbEJA AS1 BY YrBTTJE OF AW EX ecntlon lamed oat of the Justices Oban of the State of Caarornla In and fer the dry aad ooauty ef sen Francisco on the 19th day of Jnna a 1889 la ton ahovaBtltlod oe tlon wherein Froaklla Lord the above named plolnnhT obtained a Judgment against John Hstamlegway aefeodaatv on the 24tta day of February a 1886 I am commanded to sell all that certain lot roeceor rjorml of land situate Irtnsr and bsina in the city and county ef Baa ironcleoov State of tniiiornia ana nounoaa ana aescnooa as follows Coanmeocldg at th northeaateTTy coraer ef UBnmsan avenae ana zsorwien street ran ntntBOeasrly along th northerly Iu or Norwicb street flfty Bv 63 feet theno thanes at rtzbt oaslo eootheriy along easterly line of Gtmatsoa avaase ninety 90 feet to the Dorat of oommencoment Public notice ts hereby given that on WEDNESOAV the 7Utdayof Aigust a Dt 188S at 13 oclock noon of that day rrons oT too new C3tT HolL lAWklo atreot wimcln tha cttv aad coastv of Baa Fran dsco I wm sen the above desertbed prop ertyi or so mncn tnereoi as may to raise smfSxtent to sstlxfr said with tntereet and costs etc to tha hlgbaot ana oesvLKHMr tor gotacotnoi to vnued SirIscisco JslylS1889 --J sXtm WOMEISTXB6hrtnl OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO FOR PORTLAND SALEM ALBANY EUGENE CItyV And all points la Oregon via STEAMERS TO YAQULNA BAY snd Oregon Paclnc RItfJo By this root 225 miles or steamer travel la saved over all ether routes Steamers or built of Iron wtth water tight eomponntentt and will soil aa foUosvs from section A seawall WILLAMETTE VALLEY Botorday July 20th Ml a ic Passenger rotes Portland Brst class 14 second class 8 round trip 261 Albany First class 10 75 eecnmt dat8 round trip 19 to UK HASWELL Jn sienerat sraians ana asaenger Agent 3 Montgomery st FOB HCMBOLDT BAY EUREKA ARCATA and FIELDS LAND US and Di RECT ROUTE TO NEW RrVtSMlNia carrying the Uaited States Alalia Tha steamer HCMBOLST win pcaitivety lpav Weahlnvtmvat wtiarf for ahova TMWta on SATURDAY July 20th at 9 a sharp or ireigns or paosage oppiy te tsRARLEBAlaUNE20CalifoTBmsti ANCTJOB LINE AiLAwrto Kxrstii BztvieL LIVEBPOOr TU QTJESNST0W5 Cm OP ROME fre New York jniy oa ea ax ept XV VO IB Salooa pasaago sAo to 100 second clas 33 GLASGOW SEMYICE 5teamrs Every Saturday from Now York to GLASGOW asp lAjNTJONDERBY Cabin passage te Glasgow Joodosderry Uverpoaf nod 80 rtaoond csaes 30 Btoaraaellnr eerflce 2a JTr sjoloou ExcuTsioa Ticket at reduced rains Troveleraf rsn Draft lot oar Amount lssned at jowsst cur jw sose jror coots ot Tours Tickets ar further information Armrv to ten BMW trnrrn trpj irw York vGiW RGB rUtTCHER 613 MAT kot street or TD hfcKAY S3 Koatgomety st or A FfjOAZAI A CO MosuoisnMry avcSan Fronclrco or OH1S RaAJIlAN 1B73 Broadway Chiloo A lUXkCBeVAEEUCAJt PACKstT CSKPA3I Exrass Sxsvick betaeea New York Bouthampton and Hombon by the new twitHKxew i etesunera of leeOO stone and 12600 horsxyoowez root tlmo to lAndmt I and th Continent fcteanura anoxneUed xor UBI7 speed ana comfort i BioutAB Sksvicw every Thursday from jtiiw YORK to rtymooth Loadea brboarsi Porta and 1LA1LBCBO Tonoajn ticket to and front London Paris and an European point Excellent tar Rote extremelylow General omoejHam OeTerot Pssoenger bMAjarienPeketOmc bicaaan Ccustpoay 37 Erood lA Co 61 Broadway wayJvY NT Pactne Coast Agracy A JC TEE General Agent 401 Lsalfornla street San Frsn daco Son Jos and Way fXentnrey nad Santa vawa nusvaa zri a ewe rfeeo umi rtee Rao pajaro Santa Craa5a terey SatinaA Baa MlgustPaao Bohlas and Santa Margarita fsan Jals Ootspof end Prloo nai warsiaaanei Sao Joaa Almaden and War Stations Cemetery Jaonla Park ud wv staxfama GUroy Pmiara Cas trovui Monterey only fTMt Moat xjmimai Monterey and Prlne Opal ay ctauoas MealrpaT had Way Statlona Bow Jos anA Way iuatlntia Mealo Park and Way i jSiai 73 0J WPy flirts Ii wo starions AorMornla for Afteraoon Sundays exeeptod Sotardays enttt Sundays only Saturdays except A oe ntondayo steutsj I Saturday and tsanday only la Santo Crux It Sunday and Moeilay only fjomoanat Craa SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFIC RAILWAY The Donahue Broad Gang Beuta COMTfENCCTd 8UNDAY MARCH 17 1839 and untu further notice boats aal trains wIIT leave from and arrive at tha San Frandaw Paaeeoger Depot Markst stress Whaif as tbOosva Leave San Flancisco Wnsac T40a SCru mDOrm TUOaj 740am Pctalama and Sola Rossi VviUn Windsor gOOAstlHealdsbg toverui and Way 8WAM StOaast Hopioad and Ukioh buornevle Bonomo lioitOoif aad I S10rwl IwenMiea 610rt HlB 65 ri 5307 63 COMPAGNIE OSKIBAIK TKANSATTJINTIQDE rRENCH LINK TO UATRK sosrrAirrf prEn ngKin sasra BIVEB footer Noram st Travelers by una nxe avoid ootn iranxtt vf ejignsn rau way aad the dLseetnfon of eresmng the Ctuur nelln a email boot LoCuamptgne Boyer Saturday Joly 13th a st iABretagne De Joosaelln Saturday July 20th 11 A La Bonrgcgae iranguel SaWrdoy July 27th 430 a La Ooscoglle Sontelll Saturday Augnst 3d 9 Ajt tK tsetght or passag apply to A TOttGETyAgont jtsSwniiM ar JFrtnGAZIACCvAgiotaNaMoat Bswnefy wa ajan aroojcioca Oa SATURDAYS to JU at traU front San Fraud sen win ma IhroaqhtoCxIob Retm nln will arrive lev aaa rtanmaiia oat OMDAY at 1030 a st Stage eounect SanU Roes fur WWta Sslpanr prints Sobostoeoi and Mark West Springs at Geyearvni or Bkaggs Bprlmrs and at CSavaraal tor the Geysers at liopaud for Highland Springs KalwyviRe Soda Bay Lateport aad BarUott Springs and os 0kiafe for VlchyBprinsa Saratoga tjprlags Bi jAkes Wimta Cahiot Calpallof Pottar yaUejr BberwoM VailetaAdfefeadoeineCUy EICTJRSrON TICJIirrS from SaturdaTsV Mondays to Petatnma 1 60 to Soot Roan 9 26 to Heoldsbarg 3 401 to Carrerdalsv 4 5 to Hopioad 3 70 to Uklah 76 to OcrnAvtU 3 7j to Sonoma 1 Mt to taen Ellon 1 80 --EXCURSION TICKETS good for Sundays only to Prtotumo 1 to SantaBoaoSI 60i trHidsbojgri 23 toovrdal7 tr Gaorueviu J2 50f te aVaswene 1 to Olaei From Saa Francises for Point TTbnron aag Son Kafaoit Week Days 7US 920 11A a i MBlJU stendara ta It AK 1S0 AC20F at To Bar FraOseo from Sod Rafoolt Westr Day rJ0 755 cto ahi 12 45 Stso 6iOArit SanaaySgilO 940 a st 1215 To SanFrswssMfrotnPetntTrbsironrWwx Dys 660 20 953 A at 110 45 6r3 On Sotardays as extra trip win mads from Saa Franetssd to Saa RafaoL loovtnc at Iv40rlt tt WHITtsfU GinH Manageak PETER JMcGLYNNGenTpasa ATktTAgt BAtsiiarosiSnArAire wifwiiTri srio -NORTH TACiTiq CdAST Bi 1 rTTafX TA3XK fMjiSCIXoBtJNDAY riv sj ilA00 5farthz notlco boats oaT trarnswfnrunasfollowar ---Froni BAN FRANCISCO tar ttAlrBAttTO and SAN RAFAEL fwstkdaysV 7jitt 00 a sc 1S0 sVei rrit i8uusys 8uatVroff loeo tl0 a al4A4r2Ot0T8t rst Frem SAN RAFAEL toe SAN FBJtC A stt 143 3 23 4 6 iv at JT fsarflJsjsV tlO 9M I0W itSB I st4 ItlS SAS 4 00 60 Ks3 7 09 rnt I Extra trips an Botarday at 64 st st jMmxrt ev ww wow aif Froai hAUSALrro for sOfastJEjaiv fwek daysV 645 815955V Ml50 A str s4r 43 3sV lli3 a U4S islil 4J40 tV45 7 av ExttrlrtturdayatTVi aovei AgBVlMOfaewHw i XOBJj BKL4CIUaXaAYI FAST BOTJTBTO LONDON AND THE CONTINENT PXPBXSS STTEAITSR eERYICfi TWICE as weexjtrom sew orx to ttoathazexfea flondon Havre Brecwn fin rioivWedneady Jaa JA 1 A SsuiStntdarJwB 89 ss st Ss TrvWtdnes4T jBne 28 4 Fald Bauraay June 29 rM sr st Hs MvrrMjeranaT 4six as a Nroras ramnwtster inaMiu NATHAN OELRtrrns A cas Botrunr Green lora Aty I cabin witeT rotes 100 and aowsjAjVoUii kDOISENBERaACo AgntslTii 3 501 IAN MKYEH Aca JffanFraocteorrf iCENTs tsr cents Jrie YfZKETXJ CK StTltlCiie TB WBAPrstS BNTATNTJa THE news tor as entlre wooA er seat three sntoths ear 49 eeatst to aay address la the TO ANT FROM jnTBOrifc THE ACOOiTMODATtONS AND TN sacement aaVred the UrsaAS AND REDi BTATt lnTlW Antmnrassssad istensnen stave New Ynrz woanesaoy ana isaBraayB toe new ana elegant steamers City of New York and City of Perls are now running For tlcliets saa snxnatca antt caoin plane appiy tsr WflIATtULB AgBBA sUMrkatsiW Grand JJjettialkla jnAivott TPtAINS 10 Kk daily BotoMays aad Soadays JV exceptedV xrons Baa Fraarisew tor rsiadora and talamiedlat etstlons Retara lac leave Caxodero oaliy r8andayaxeptd at4 Avar arrtvtag tn Saa Praadiao 12rJ StJt a Xzjh 3Qet at SaxurdSrs only ftom Saa Proa aw etsco for Catadero aad tntermc41te Statleaa 43 Aft a IC Soadays oolj from Son Proa OUU Cisco fxa Caisderoand lntrmdito statloua Rewralcg arrives la Saa Pre aclass at 315 is 2 I CASIrKS arjMAl 1AAL1 uiaBlv rraaa Fosat tJone sootn azrivhjg teSoA AeXCfJRSItJN RATES Talrty Dar ExsirralOcRouad trlpTWfv te aad tam an stations at psi nnt redi Boa frtnaszagUMAriffratekj FrUAT to Monday xacurston ROTBd Ww TVckei sold on Frrdayi satnTdays ami Saa aays goea to Eetuxa iwaiwingsaonaayg Caatp Taylor 1 151 Point Rerae Sl To tnases2 23 HowardtS3 60 Catadero tt i Arter ExcnretOTi Foand tria IVfa ni geod an day asM onlyj Camp Taylor 4J VoUit Roy 176 Tatnolea HwrAv iuntaw ouu auia lyuauexo ea 1AA tAlNNISCriONSfcr Ueem CasadenAallt ItnHailha teays tbr tsts srtra Potnt uaiijfcrTtot Areaa CoCeys CovA Navarro Maadeotss iMoatoeioytatiaai ZA rxt LATJtASfcf te rasa is lPiasvfc ami ywj AU UUU aienevaf sieaasror taen rosses Astv Aaa 4ioTaljlIcoAPiMslvefc.

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