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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 32

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TJI JifH iKS3 5Pt swssWiJKaw liiiiilii x1Wiift btffectedby tHe QAEjMm jmmmm MSf tv KXZZZrrrrrrm stDEWSlTSvAREf INCREASING mi rV 3ffiS00etftl Pcfihdstm I I NeW Orleans Residents Cancel I PloiintsVitHricHBahl6 fr fin This city CfTBuMrlntendent of Bnk Vldeni An LiCjTdsroa has compiled en abstract oih KWrprt jjof th conditio of iijtn 8tate 6ft Jbapks at the close plbuines on Jnn iifrrnm which shows substantial USrlV In the total resource Xol the iff banks Individual deposits aJ other ilSKS ii iJ 14 hullk In tha nnlaral WeHVi Call jfornlaT There are Stat banks in eluding orty hlp branch cpef atlas vnlir the tuTladletion iof th Ett i a jiiiij1 lews1 Commercial banks 110 savings 114 departmental banks itl trust companies I The tout resource and liabilities aggregate 510110 OS this must be added he totals of six banka on October 1 1910 whose reports have not en receUcdowing t8 btarrupted Bis mall service making the total re Si aourcei I5S7S538D 62 an Increase of i8Hf108 13 since the date of the pre Vtoue report October 1 1110 The individual deposits aggregate I4S7IU iutit a train since October 1 ill of IJ130J 75 plus the deposits held br fit the six banks In distant parts of cail Iji A 1 tfftrnla nrhnim rfinnrti dM not reach In firiw This Is a splendid showing for Call Jfc is ornle and most significant at present Wiethe United States a material shrinkage appears In the principal Items which fu i3r considered the barometer of the jh iMSweeltlv of the people IW Indlridual deposits In the 7200 na tlonal banks of the United states de creased 191S66U8 between November 19A 1A1A lnnv tail UlnvA thtSk 11 Rt Unit AHA ivb wIlhArawn tmn the tDtny nine national banks of New Tork clry while the offlclals of the tt JTreajury Department are at sea as to i Kc rnere vne money nas sone xne se UT aHl iivmtik I that the earlv Avm At i rr i January an anjwn avs luwivu avw SB inaiicve CAUnrORNIAMU ABB CIRATIFIRp een AiltJ CVUllB oeiTIBCH ksVllVlUI saau thi reit nf th nountrv In flftaatft I most gratify in to Californlans at It howi tht th nnlddti KtAtii 1b not af 0 ffetd bv advcraa condition In th ij Th Antrlo int Iondon Prla Vm 4MMfifisil DsnV In Ita Ananil Isbttski nf February 1 111 sums up th flnan clal situation In California as followi TtirnTneSrei1 InriuatrlAl and Anancltl condition on this Coatvt continue rood A Mm corcsiRfoicvcHT nl I IIH I Ml PgiSe IsHISf HlsssssssssssssHlslsslilK ssV bIssbVsIsbsbsHsIIP sstsslrl IsaaaaaaaH SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW JSSBSel III BBeBeBeBeBWBeBBBBUBeVsSSBSBSH HI1 BLtjikBHl aSSSBSBSBSBSBSBsBaSslSBSBSBSBSBSBn 1 TfwiliflinTiBMlinmm TTT 1 1 1 i rrFflv II i III TTPr mnV ilgBloiMrHr HfTOTrwW ffifRwi tr wlTffTfltyiti tTffr Sw 7 fcTff iTf il BslHB7fsUlilaiHstBslslsBtt gggggggg imiriHei ii iuh i wi i riwj ti iiifmtPaui ipiiVia iikiia i wmri i aBsm Kjnav sessaesai sl a bsbsbsib aum bl bl ei sr jsem saeaav arm i BaiM sisv savv sskaei sssmasaasi I sisej seassB fills BWsl skSBfjsf sfesa A jXVaexUIMB fV J1 le mt vl sV MWU Vtsa tr taesasia un I UsJ ui a fr a tJWHJiiill a ww lk utt TW luftlt lATV iefcsss aJS 7 Ja tT A lit ssBsBsBsssssssr I iK mJS Mmmmmasmz a I niesill ssvw IVUI tt UI rj iJH Ciei esesesesesesesesesesesesesesesese TJKV Sfci bfXe JHTMf Ji rrjH sisbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbb li i eSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBB SALuAUUiTULxF9ruaryFrura TraB i 1H fsBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBst 1H rviH sbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbI sbbbsbsbsbsbsbsbI i aBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSM i sbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbB Central Jacob Smith itw fi The tlmelT rainfall In this Bute has re nawed confidence Dredging has re Sstored California to the head of the Hist of gold producing states and our Output of mineral oil Is embarrassingly large Our canning Industries are having a good year and will apparently make a complete cleanup of the 1S10 output although at a eome iwhat lower margin of profit than usual Irrigation and power development la proceeding as rapidly as Is desirable iMoaejrl available a treasonable rates tfor all legitimate business1 purpose Two residents of New Orleans who i had deposits in the Frsncft Amerlcan At DavtMVM In Kla Uw wlht ithelr deboslta two davs esro The nt VknrftnVB mA lhal HnnAw illuul ffU Ml Mf inrpugn a commercial dihk in vnis city acung xor a dsdk in vne iuaei xnv rtwo orders for collection reached this fig i clty a few days after the action of Congress on the Fanam PaelDd Kxpo tS sltlon and time and circumstances aroused a suspicion that the depositors were piqued at the action of Congress land ordered their deposits here wltti drawn In a moment of anger It was said In financial circles that ther residents of New Orleans having business In California had withdrawn thslr accounts but the rumors could not be verified as the bankers were ret lcntv and declined divulge any traneactlons between the bank and Us Clients Tbe bankers say that the withdrawal of a few accounts by New Orleans depositors at this lima may be ansrs coincidence end not tmnallari til Digue I iHKTW BANKS ADTHORIZKM Buperlntendent of Banka Alden Anderson has emitted rarttfliafaa tA An Tateilianks trust comnanlee and tranches of banks and trust companies Ik all laaltl ri w4iiv ivuvwfiii lusiiiuiiuiii aorins ins fflr lat Week Security Trust Comnahv ta ItSC eonduet a trust and banking business at Bakersfleld capital 1100000 Klngs burs Bank KlTimhura canltal IIISOA bm MiTia yiji I avuiaLvr ruiai nviiinier caonai BIO iW 00 An slo Callf ornla Trust romnanv Ban Francisco to conduct a branch at Bliteenth and Mission streets Amer 5 loan Savings Bank Los Angeles to op i i rantn oana iocaiea at ver mi inontvenneand JtiTerson street Ios ngeies pSsni JTranclsco chapter American In slltutehOf Banking contemplates or ganlalng i shooting section among Its Tnembers to take up the practice of tar get shootlpg as a feature for the young bankers President William A Day tr ai Prsdent Harry I Clapp Treas ify tivaw Vlftnn rlA1r That anil IAaaal iaMkaaa4 aa Ua tr Amtivr llMl ar a auArJ DI Ruvir it jipre ins naniper oc oiner memners rprominent in chapter affairs favor ft eoang uen a section to the features itlte organisation They will confer fir wlthf officers and members of Oakland V7 chapter on the subject who have de vsiopea good marksmen with the pistol Vwandrolyer and greatly enjoy the aoorr and wnicn mhues them with a jjfeejlngjof security In caee of emer iiBeliral are progressing for the trtlnstret show to he rlvan hv Han Vn vclsco Chapter tn the new Scottish Rite pHjlIaIlpnfVan Iff avenue on Friday iWvKfijiaaiKury Gain 10 ee xoiiowea yaidane Among the bankers visiting In this i Ai WftSi titXia aring the week were the follow UT lll aaist 41 iVl iLSaak rii Mff iuarmru prviuaan Jusaiora Wi Witip Bank Med ford Or Joihua ilfil EjtliBiiifcIiiilMllli Tiy An fdreway president Beattle National Bank nl eaeniet Tanejo com ftfiiwl5frclBl Pt nrs president rWWltd tatt National Bank Balem vir Miieoeii president First Nail ItlonaPvHaBk VUallar 8 Clavtoo President lrtrit National Pnii a lf4Jc serPs Ooytev ashler Exchange HOtlndie president Mendocino Bank of vvtaianercv ntnaormo city Mervin Monttette vice president Citizens Na vORTSMOUTH OL February 4 Oeneral Jacob Smith of Samar Island fame broke bis years of silence Thursday night and defended the course of action which preceded his retirement from the ArmyV following his memorable campaign of 190 General Smith denied vigorously that he had ordered or countenanced the killing of women and children by his soldiers He said he had been severe with the savage tribes of the Philippines because they had mutilated wounded soldiers and aet fire to their bodies He bitterly assailed Theodore Roosevelt who he said praised Qaaeral Wood for conducting a campaign along tbe same lines as he hsd used although the then President had arrayed himself against Smith SOCIETY RHEUJBUND TO HOLD FOOLS SESSION Will Present Parodies Upon Local Events to Be Followed Fools Cap Dance The Society Rhelnbund organised one year ago by natives of the valley of the Rhine will hold its Initial Fool Session In Mission Turner Hall Eighteenth and Lapidge atreets on Sunday evening February 12th at I oclock The session will be replete with familiar local scenes and events presented In lu dicrous costumes and some original skits followed by a fools cap dance Hans Veronl has charge of the affair and Is assisted bv the olio wis offi cers of the society President Oscar Hocks corresponding secretary Otto Toung financial secretary Ernest Scbrelbr treasurer Frits Pohm i i lECTURK COURSE TO CLOSE The closing group of Illustrated lee tures by Professor Don Smith un der the auspices of the University of California Extension will be delivered In Franklin Hall on Fillmore street as follows February Ith Cathedrals of Franca and Italy February ljth VPalaceslef France and Italy Febru ary 20th Architecture Spain February 7tn vureat Jr aincers at spam and Their Contemporaries i How to Stop Pimples In Five Dajs Tea Can Get Bid of 111 Skin Eruptions by tbe New Calcium Snlpbide Wafers Preclseiv at four minutes to I oclock ttithttolfav ueMrti74W frudlari aMku waMAk iuaV irtwAiiatlMnilll1 e7aUUaW 4TAAVUartIVTaavll4 fje a lnlSanIbse vCOurtsi ipeelal DlsMtck to UeJJtareaiclsip ausjunu reoruary i Muan suin anairs or lata ueorce jh MCAnenr who dle aftlneompetsotC In this county had been brought to a close by Mre rBUsabetlv Hcllwals theiad nuaistrawr of a will probated eere and iwhen her account was brought Into coort yesterday for ftDal settlement a protest to th distribution was presented askler that th entire pre satecase He opened again Tn pro test was made by Mra Mabel Mc Any the divorced wlfexOf George MeAneny whaasserts Vthatfitba pre eeedlngs had In Calif rniaar aUI regular and eek to have the admlnle trator recover from the heirs Vrr centtidistrlbutlon Of l5oai MrsMc Anenx sets forth that In the will of her former husband who ahe asserts was reldntof N4wiTorls at th time off his death she Is given rut right besides other property lrt Santa Clara county IIOOOOIV together with a one fourth Interest In the remainder of lh estata iAftrthl has been paid the will provides for aMoo elghthUtersst for each of the sisters Mrs Elljabetb McEl wain Mra Emily Wlnaer Mrs ary Hay Mrs Mat rivkl win isncpiMMCADeDr ana un esual share to aalece Mra Annie ToVing The will referred to the petitioner states was not admitted to probate in CaUfonlalbut Is in course of probateprobate In New York This will was sighed on October Tl 1I0U Thees tat lit California amounts about S2S0O0 The property consists also of raining stocks and prbpertVss In AM sona valued at over 11000 The protest of Mrs McAnenr was filed by Mlstlck A PartMdge of Eaa Francisco WOULD RBXAIN COUNTY CLERK At a meeting of the County Clerks office force yesterday an announcement was mad by County Clerk Harry I Mulcrevy regarding his political aspirations durlng tho coming campaign He said that he desired to effectually quiet all rumors that he aspires to other political honors by formally announcing his candidacy for re election to the omce which he now holds Mulcrevy also referred to his adherence to the repudiation of political bosalsm and asserted that he would welcome any good practical measure rhleh would Canon Department Commander 8 nave as us oojocc ine institution ana perpetuation of this policy in all State county and municipal offices It was announced that an Indorsement of Clerk Mulcrevy had been signed by all the Superior and other Judges and leading members of the bar Fourth atfeetandonUnW at i this languldgait tenUl dlrecUy oppoelt the fatTancotUfJllUtttar rftingtUhatpi Wh seemed to wake iup suddenlyand anlmalrushed around the corner at topdwlthaearfulelatttrad dlnVof iwhl cobbiestoBMa bTh nolMi greatly rdlstiirbenth desk st reant in the station and Captain 8hea 4Uiid PoticemanfWJiJFnnsfej to aakfJlfkVl1lal hf vttiiiaiii Fennesseji waited and lust as tils watch showed the tint Indicated th peddlers horse and wagon reached a point pposl tb police station Then the horse flashed around th comer the wagen turnlng oh two wheela Fenhessey chased th wagon a block tefort overtaking It The peddler gtv his name aa Daniel del Seco and was charged with driving too fast over a crossing as prohlbltsd bj erdl naac SoSjV Meestrit was titu nitMii said yesterday when Ms cas was called by Judge Shortall rDa borse he alia toblam too smart fstVH knewaEecomaito home He runna Ilka da tool fee 1 pullii pttttron da brake I puttajo da vrrthlngjr I no can atoppa He mnna tor da bay DelSoco was lined 15for not haying better control of his hungry quadruped irsi SPAHTSH WAB YEIBASSi TO HOLD AJmiTJ EAaiTET Members of Order Will Meet to Commemorate Opening ol the Phjlipptaes Campaign The Spanish War Veterans 6f sail Francisco will hojd their annual banquet an event which commemorates the beginning of the Philippines insurrection on Saturday February llthv at a downtown caf Among th guests Will be AdJptant OenSral A Forbs Assistant Adjutant uenerai rranic Canon Department Commander Kay and other prominent veterans Past Department Commander Otto In Sues wilt act as tostmaeter and th banquet committee le composed of th following mmbrs A A Zellnsky Jame Smith Whitehead and Lewis Welsbach TO BNTSTAUt fkai talahaa Oak IS aNattva HaaSiOI lh OoMettWaat Will gtv 0T 1 sarMball UliIVac iH telpa wdnaiVaiafibtnty Hi Tha omlttS WTarf or arrang 0PBrar4J irari prepared brlMatyr0itti Hominei brushfrass and forest Hres In OalUer nie as aaauisv sea xor Ena aamej oema of J0wTh xee rerJIlOdWlibt rtlukiaetaial amii bnt VraataikafflAiafin IWv llraLflrhttirkr asserts ZHputyBUU Trestr Hodge iristiuM wortwardsiV rpotdtf awtTreBUftthfite ttanjw reported the previous irirslwrrojUvreelasvsfN JowstWSiiian Vnt autby maai llr ftres mining boK ten i aers and flres wblchgave considerable tioviile I1U Theiaveragelflra burtied over 114 asres of land and JIS000 feet oflombrwrth II4 b4ldsdariT ag to new growth and tfi watershsds in other words th averag flr burned more than a aeetlon of lead and took seventy fo ar men ten hours to sxtln imuV Vai Thk tflta WnAlha KbMsna tknbil OTtimmwa 4lt2 against IT 4 in lttut again Deputy Forester Hodge says this Is became vthe wardens reported mora accurately last year man tney aid tn year previous Aurusl ka in 10V wn tha orat month of the year Dnrlng August SO per cant of the fires occurred and during July ith next worst month il pr cent of thrfirs occurred Itiwa on August tlth that the disastrous fires la Idaho and Montana war in full flam ff I1 rr EEBE1IJ0US JLEAB3 DEFT THE TuHaISH iVBMr COlraTA WnNbPLB bruary i most ssrlous situation that aires to tne viurgisn uovernment great apprehension and anxiety ha been created of late at Baufkn th ancient Hebrew Bashaa on the cast side of th Jordan rausy by th rebellious Druse All tn ottoman attempts to brine them Into a state et order and submission ar proving futile Great arrnje are seat to subdue them and vry possible Strategem employed to disarm thelt tribes but all In vain Th Druses continue to remain In thelt former state of obstinate disobedience refuse to give op their anna to pay taxes to render military service or comply with any esUbllshed laws of Ottoman Jurisdiction They offer a meet stubborn resistance te all authorities and make desperate attempts to preserve their original Independence flsunual a i iarTr i ta DbtSviJlvfr anwnv 4 i it in Sheehad tii iUrn7KKvlbrCyrW Bert iH01tnUUWirftfel yC PJ WJrrwj4 SMt I mMj a mmmmmm 1 aa nai 1 ADIF TAIL0R1I1G I I Hnfnk aH 1 i lf 4 rV jW Mml i i sW vsj vt rv iK ik ia1 jrjTvti trt maV a mrtfttA rv ttV WSP rflVAt3 inut miarte mM riTrHct ia everv wu1bax Ybuhav twIonICBatiaHsera must HUBworBrawm BOtitllowavtlttoTleavr my pari Otlarffl AtJkr flt 75 and WK Cffil VaiyattlS Fifty dollar myrtCe loVi fmoatatvllsh and Derfect fittme avut In towit ilSJ AXL Spring atid Surnrner styles on display A awa ti bkPiHa tn Second Floor Opposite the Ttyhite HoujA St i 4 1 i i Tl 1 mMM INDIGESTION MflJlIS yui rv fe A Uipiites bad Stomacha in five xniiiiutes ErerV lamHy here ought to keep some Diajpepeln tn the bouse as any on ot yon may haya an attack of Indigestion or Stomach tronbla at any time day or night This hannleaa preparation Will digest anything yon eat and overcome a aistreasoo out oi oraar gtonutcn svo minutes afterwards If your mealadont tempt yon or what ltu yoCMlo eat seems to fill yon or laya like a lump Ot lead tn your stomach or If you hare heartburn that Is a sign of Indigestion Ask your Pharmacist for a 60 cent cas of Panes Dtapepstn and take a iv a itttte just ai soonvas you cart There will be no sour risings no beicnmg of undigested food mixed with acid no stomach gai or heartburn fullness or heavy teeltngrln thestomach Nan sea Debilitating Headaches i Dtszlnesa of Intestinal griping This will all go and hesidetnT there wilt be no aonr food leftover In th stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors Papas DipepsirrlB a certain cure for out of order stomachs because prevents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests It Just the same as if your stomach wasnt ther Relief In five minutes front all stomach misery at any drug store watting tor jotu Thele large 60 cent cases contain mora than sufficient to cure almost any chronic case oTDyspepsia Indi gestion or any other Stomach trouble wWr i Bank Hanta Ttaaf vrnaw Uaa vr jar TwalajaVHlNKUaank yJtiM i I aa ija aiii juiiii a nri in xourtn JfM ftwpnfctibtft 61 ataton Fiiwtfnwiwvr TaiatTiivr II fljPjik jMasesja hrMlte a is bww I urvvaiu mtivriij pal fowldnlght 4WtMin jntla Schwerser yap lllill thecashsne hay at theoiiitJfcj Jridacttoari iasV rob bewh wor a red bandana about the wr hairof aMf iatvemad g4 Ju iM a inSfe Trial Package Te Prove It Seat Pre Any man or woman get awfully tired going around with a pimply face day after day And other people get awfully tired too seeing them go around with faces full of disgusting pimples If you are one of the unfortunates who cant get away from your pimples and you have tried almost everything under heaven to get rid or them taae a few of Stuarts Calcium Wafers every day Do that steadily for a tew days and in less than a week look at yourself In the mirror Tou will then say that Stuarts Calcium Wafers are a wonder In getting rid of th eruptions These wonderful little workers contain th most effective blood purifier ever discovered calcium sulphide No matter what your trouble Is whether pimples blotches blackheads rash tetters fesema or scabby crusts you can snlemply depend upon Stuarts Calcium Wafers as never falling Stuarts Calcium Wafers have cured boll In three1 days and the worst cases of skin diseases in a week Every par tkle ot Impurity Is driven out of your system completely never to return and It is done without deranging your sys teni In the slightest Most treatments for the blood and for SKin eruptions miserably slew in their results and besides many of them are poisonous Stuarts Calcium Wafers contain no poleon or drug of any kind they are ahsoliitelyi harmless and yet do work which cannot fall to surprise you Dont go around with a humiliating disgusting mass of pimples and blackheads on your fsce face covered over with these disgusting things makes people turn away from you and breeds failure la your life work 8too IL Read what an Iowa man said when he wok up one morning and found he had a new face By George I never saw anything Ilk Itl There been for three yrs trying to get rid of pimple and blackheads and gueea I used everything under the sun I used your Calcium Wafers for Just seven days This morning averv blessed blmnla la wtm aaT And a blackhead I could write you a volume of thanks I am so grateful to you Jusfsend us your name and address tQ full today and we will send you a trlal psekege of Stuarts Calcium tva If ere Ire test After you hay trld th sample and been convinced thit all say is true you wilt to your naars nrugsiar ana get a tec box and curea or tout isciat trouble Tbey ar In tablet orm and no trouble what ever to take Tott go about your work a usual and thr you are cured and happy aend ueV you nam and address taia and wtlt at one send ynq ky mall a smpiwpcktg fe4 Address A Stnafteo ltlj fuBW Marsball Ml rf jV ir erlin Two of San Franciscos great furniture houses tinite interests The Bunster Saxe Company one of the youngest and without question the moat enterprising aiid progressive furniture house iri the city consolidates with the Sterling Furniture pompany the oldest and best known home furnishing establishment on the Coast Vyith bettered faoilitieS with theolder firms prestige built on i imrcy seven years pi Dusmess lntegniy umiea mm ine energy wat has placed the younger firm in the foremost ranks the Sterling will take the lead among the big enterprises of the Coast 0 Punster Mr 0 Bunster who will take an active part in the management of the new Sterling was president of the Bunster Saze Company The success of that company speaks volumes for Mr Bunsters able management ttis identity with the furniture business in San Francisco for th past fifteen years has won for htm a host of fiends who will be ready to welcome hlip at the new location AND THE There will be no clxange in the management or the policy of the company We propose to continue the same courteous treatment the liberalterms of credit the saihe consideration we have always shown our customers in time of sickness or trouble that has gained the Sterling so many friends in the past William Moore Mr Moore will continue to act as credit manager and secretary of the Sterling Company He has been associated with the Sterling Furniture Company for eighteen years lie is the ion of A Moore who founded this company in 1875 and was on of the pioneers in the furniture business this city under the firm name of Ollbert ft Moore The Sale of the Bunster Saxe Stock Will Be Continued at the Sterling Furniture Company 1049 Market Street It is suffioient to say that the Bunster Saxe Company ield the mbt successful sale ever knowri in the furniture I business at their old quarters notwithstanding weather conditions The remainder of the stock MH be closed out immediately if still further price reductions will do it Everything needed to uniisiiyour home will be found at this sale and the prices will be lower than you even dared to hope Remember the sale will dpen Monday at the Market st store Harry A Saxe i For many years the buyer for the old California Furniture Company is a matr versed in every detail of the furniture business Mr Qaxe expects to make the combination with Sterling almost tbe oldest company and the Bunster Sax almost the youngest company stronger better and bigger than ever FOB ITO tOMIW 7 rpyr J1 OPPOSITE AtAlHSTRf AND THE BUNSTEiyAXE eOMRANl Fofei2rTy nt fjay jjid iLwtreei ft Cole Jr naaVea with theSterllng Company for the past twelve years and a graduate of the old California Furniture Company Mr Col a son of FCole he fcloneer furniture Merchant Thanwccmblnatlott expects and intends Wilinmetisely increase the tnBWrlljirOjinpanjt ljt i i4iJ tali is rT mt fcrtfj wf4 ity fpir i mt 4V4fe WAa tl JuV.

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