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San Francisco Chronicle du lieu suivant : San Francisco, California • Page 3

San Francisco, California
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rl MI WW 1 MMl i 1 njtikWCtvli iji ZTmZ irk mmwiilJji ijiro7TrTrrrrSS ki 1 i i if WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 27 1911 TW ME1SMDER IN TH LANDSEIDE E0R KUHt 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 mi 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 11 uj I ma sa TH PB VPsim 1 I H1 i ii i ii 11 ip 1 iiiimbiiiii wiIMi iiiii HI iiiiim I II Ill ii 1 1 i whim in HNrWMAKKFH VtJ Pi tTHE DAYS POLLING Tornn Farivntfl VaA Wasn Feature 01 tjie tiection Yesterday K0m LlNESAfeB6ofHS Many a Citizens Stood for an Cast Ballots TKE iection pid qnitlyyl tTdayvthpliMnt wUiiirJeon trffcutlag teTtth cood ilari oi Ucton whll tb rnit dtttir xnlntion at th cttlttna t6 iput hlr ballot tor Bwi nd Tbttr ttrlo icon 31tlon aetedaa a chcJc ioflUturbanoM nd madth day a eojnparatlTlr or crlr on Th ftur of thloton wa tl larf and arly rot cait Thl iwai petally notabl In th known Bolpb dlttrlots thiToten eoing toth poll tb tlrwi tblnronleavlnf thlr bom maklnrtbatutlnrof their Tote fori newdeal lot San Frahclico th opening uiyoi ino am In om reel net Ion line of Tot ri formed early In th tnornlnf and in some intanca cituent wr oaiictd to wait mor than an hour for an opportunity to cut thetf fcalloU They war rood natured durlnr th delay and talked freely of how they war Bolnr to rot and th purpoa they aouajht to aecompllah and of the auo eeaa of which they felt eonfldeDt The votlnc waa heaviest In th Weat rn Addition and In the Mission On precinct In the latter aectlon havlnj yotea an out twelve or Itt regiatered lentora at and had automobile out to brlnr In th laggard In the labor district th vbtlng In th forenoon waa light ail those man not ot th building trade who had been ordered not to work on election day unaer penalty or a tin ot lit waiting for the afternoon to cast their ballots The employers of these mm In conformity with usag allowed them to quit work at oclock thui giving th worklngmen two houra In which to proceed to their home precincts and vote Before th noon hour not less than CO per cent of the registered vote was In th boxes and at 1 Chief Deputy Registrar Zemanaky after making a tour by automobile estimated that 1000 votes had been cast CANDIDATES VOTED EARLY Jamea Rolph Jr and Mayor McCarthy the principals In th Mayoralty contett wer among those who voted early and both received th applause of their respective friends en route to the booths Shortly after 9 oclock Rolph left bis home at Twenty flfth street and San Jose avenue and proceeded to th booth of th Eighteenth precinct of the ThirtyThirty fourth district Cheers went up from many throats aa he turned Into Twenty fourth atreet Dont forget to vot for HV and Vote for yourself Jim were some of the facetious remarks of his friends who shook hla hand Juat hefoja hniard tb booth re mained wrrnin Tor aome llule time evidently exercising much care In his marking of th ballot When he emerged he remained In the neighborhood for several minutes responding to the greetings of his friend Abou 930 oclock Mayor McCarthy arrived at the polling place at Seventeenth and Hartford streets At the time he left hla home ho too waa cheered bit his reception at the booth waa not so hearty as that with which Rolph was greeted at the other voting place After marking the ballot he merged from the booth and chatted with a number of persons sbou th prospects or the election smilingly expressing confidence In hla success and promising there would he no hard feelings If he were defeated John McGllvray veteran Trinity county mining man and 8S yeara old allowed neither his serious Illness nor his advanced years to prevent him from casting a vote Like hla father Bn uncles who perished at the battle of Waterloo he had made up hla mind and nothing would stop htm He waa carried out of hla home at 417 Baker street to a waiting ambulance and accompanied by a physician went to the booth In his precinct and voted Pale and weak he was returned to hi nome wnere hla only word were Well I voted for Rolph IKO BROKB2V BCT VOTED Frank Dougherty of 1832 Fell street a clerk In the Hlbemla Bank broke his leg yesterday but that did not deter him from voting At hla re queat an automobile wa sent to him from Rolph headquarters and propped UD In tHaL he waa taken In the rwilla Aa Interesting Incident occurred at me Almshouse shortly after clock when twenty nine blind inmates groped their way quietly into the election nooth and cast their ballots twenty one of them voting for RolDh These sightless unfortunates unable i to write their choice In the ballot were compelled to announce the name of the candidate they wished to vote for AH but eight of the men announced the nam of Rolph Joseph Sullivan president of the Police Commission and George Kerns In charge of the commissary department at the Almshouse were present at the precinct nearly all aiternoon and things wer rushed through In smart order In the hotel and residence districts aom of th McCarthy election officers mad themselves obnoxious by challengingchallenging wall known residents on various pretexta Cltliena who had been apendlng their vacatlona In th country wer th special target of thl erW They undertook to make the question of a eltlaen having slept In hla bed In this city for the past thirty daya a teat of eligibility to vote Most of these cltlsens being well Informed as to their rights promptly swore In their Totea buraom more timid electors permitted themselves to bluffed out There Wer ssveral case oi cltlsens losing tbelt votes because of clerical errors Frank Lankanaw of 821 Greenwich atreet iqet hla flrat rota because the registration clerk wrote th street name a Green Inatead of Greenwich He appealed to Election Commissioner Cator but the latter could do nothing Another question arose during the day when a voter Incapacitated since registering by loss of his eveaia ht asked to be assisted to TQteXnrgal IBITVUUII VVUKH lUIIOU IQ llOW 1IU itl flrmtty and the Registrars Office decided he had no legal right to cast a ballot JIMMY LAWLOR IJT TROtlDLB Jimmy Lawlor who barely ascaned Indictment at the last election waa In I trouoie again yesterday in th Second precinct of the Forty first Assembly district Lawlor who haa been doing McCarthy politics In the vicinity of the booth during th forenoon entered the booth at noon and took th place Of one of the election officers who ex pressed a desire go to lunch The policeman detailed at this pre clnft wad BO objection but when the RETFURNS INDICATE THATfTHESE CAEpiDATESCE AND ARE ELECTED JKAay i a fi rr ji ixsvc GfojSscZmzp 1PM vrmajeict ZbSSTT BXJ3M Wl L0llecTOC matter was brought to the attention of Commissioner Cator he had Lawlor promptly removed from the booth and administered a sound rebuke for his violation of the election laws in acting an election officer Without warrant Smith walked Into the Regla trars efflc with a tal of hard luck Up to two Riontha ago he lived at 1109 Turk atreet and then bla landlady walked out of a window In her sleep and was kinedwhereat the houa waa closed and hewas forced to seek othetaheJterTha Reslstrara check Ing aystem discovered that he had moved artdh waa told yesterday when appeared t6 vote that he waa pot ntitled to cast a ballot He was told thfrewaano Vay out of th difficulty aara to swear In bis vote and he final leftundectded Ao Cutten a son of Supervisor Cutten reported at the Registrar office yesterday morning tnat me election cards of Michael Casey had been placed In the voting booths of ten of 1111 DICUIIVII 111 1IIV tllllJ HIIIM embly district Th card1 were re theaftrnoon SO per cent of the total moved and th matter taken up with votes were cast In the biggest Assehi rn QtJSCjbTxaxjztsr fbzjactafts SFhrzaa aboar WV3Lr rf wxjic tvrre Contractor Sheehan who had no ex planatlon to offer WPMKV TAKING IBHOSJ In many precincts women were out In large numbers at the polls probably looking forward eagerly to the day when ithey shall have the same ballot advantagea aa men They were not a bit hesitant about electioneering and enthusiastic and smiling performed their work with an unusual xest Thev atioeared In the Thirty sixth Thirty seventh and Fortieth districts and many gave carda favor ing McCarthy and the Union Labor candidatea Probably the largeat per centage of these wefe members of the Waitresses Union whose services were volunteered The Twenty eighth VTwenty nlnth and Thirtieth Assembly districts oom prlalng the section of the city south cf Market street from the water front on the east to the Mission on the west once the most dependable district to labor proved a disappointment to labor politicians this time The voters resi dents wage earners business men and owners of property were dlaaatlsned with the present administration and the manner In which that district was treated The district is said to have been most shamefully neglected th streets sidewalks street lights and sewers being In a bad condition and seriously retarding the rebuilding of homes and business places In that section The Twenty eighth district failed to come up to Its voting strength which Is probably due to removals and so sentees Many lodging houses patron Ized by seafaring men are located In that district and many voters are ab sent from the city at this season The balloting which was the heaviest In the early morning progressed quietly all day In the Fourth precinct In which 178 voter are registered the voting was heavy all day as many as twenty voters being In line at a time awaiting their turn VOTE HEAVY IJT MOlUtlJfO In the Twenty ninth district the voting was heaviest during the morning and shortly before the polls closed at night while during the rst of the day voting proceeded steadily In some of the precincts of this district the precinct officers allowed citizens to vote whose names appeared on the chnl lange list as having removed from the places from which they had regiatered provided the citizen waa willing to swear that he was still entitled to vote as a resident of the place from whjch he had registered This method was deemed advisable because the voters are known to be absent from the city on business but retain their residence here In the Thirtieth district rotlng was steady all day with few challenges In some of the precincts the vote was very light caused by removals Voting began with a rush In the Thlrty flrst district at every precinct when the pools opened the stalls being continuously run until after 9 clock Again at noon there was an Influx of voters that taxed nearly every booths capacity for an hour and by 110 In the afternoon 75 per cent of the dis tricts vote had been cast in a quiet ana orderly manner At the booth at Sixteenth and Shotwell streets the Judgea looked for trouble they said during the counting of the vote They had been notified In aome mysterious way ot trouble in the evening but were prepared for it As a fair sample of the votlnar In the Thirty second district In the ninth precinct by 4 oclock lit votea had been cast out of a registration of lt Th rotlng was steady all day with the usual morning and noon pressure Th rotlng was heaviest In th Thirty third district early in th morn ing nearly naif the ballots of the dis trict being cast before 10 oclock Throughout the district there was great entnusiasm all day for RoLnh th Ma Carthy forces being silent and not much in evidence Thar waa the general morning and noon pressure of voting In th Thirty fourth district and also a considerable rush In th evening From 5 oclock until closing time all th stall ware filled Everybody seemed confident ot Rolpba election but all wanted to have a hand In It WHEN ROLPH OAST BALLOT In the Thirty fifth district Jamea Rolph Jr cast ballot No I7109 at Twenty fourth and Valencia streeta at 925 oclock In the morning A crowd followed him to th booth and waited for biro While he went In the atail and marked hla ballot Soma on aaked him If he waa tired Not a bit waa hla quick and amlllng reply He looked aa fresh and strung nun th nramyoT ine campaign While the voting waa contlnuoua all day In th Thirty sixth district th early morning hours and the hour between and oclock saw the greatest activity TH voting day passed without an untoward incident In th Thifty seyenth district and early In the aft ernoon 85 per cent of the rotes had been cast That Rolph wa th favor ite with most of th rotors was quits apparent ana no on sesmea to car to nid th fact Everywhere In th Thirty ninth A sembly district the Rolph sentiment prevailed yesttraay At 4 oclock la bly district In San Francisco At nearly all of the precincts It was given out that Rolph would carry the big district by at least 8000 majority The large vote In this district was not surprising as It was the consensus ot opinion three weeks ago that th Thirty ninth would poll the biggest vote In the history of the district Everything In this district as In the Thirty eighth was quiet and orderly and the precedent established years ago by this reform district was carried out In every detail In th Thirty eighth Asswmbty district the Voting quieted down after the morning session and until nearly 5 oclock In the afternoon the balloting waa straggling The early vote however was large and as In the Thirty ninth It was predicted that nearly 10 per cent ot the total vote would be east NINETY PEnCENT VOTED Practically 90 per cent of the votera regiatered In the Fortieth district cast their ballots at the different polling place yesterday As this Is admittedly one of the strongest Rolph districts In the city It meant unexpected atrength for him because of the unusual percentage of registered voters who went to the polls At 3 oclock yesterday afternoon In the third precinct of the Fortieth dla trlct 200 votea had been cast out of 249 registered In the fourth precinct of the Fortieth 202 out2f 269 had been cast In the seventh 131 out of 178 In the sixth 125 out of 150 No disturbances or attempts at Illegal voting were reported In the Fortieth The election was uneventful In the Forty third district though a strong light was made there for Finn and Flckert In addition to the active campaigning for Mayor Some of the booths of this district were in the Tenderloin and more than ordinary in tereat was manifested in them The vote was very light until the afternoon when th voters who rise late appeared at the polla One Incident marred the day at the booth on OFar rell street west of Jones where a group of hard looking rounders tore up the Rolph tickets and threw the bit of paper into the faces of the Rolph workers Aa many aa eighty votea were challenged In the sixth precinct of the Forty fourth district at Grant avenue and Bush street and these votes were all sworn In The administration workers at this booth were freely criticised by voters who expressed themaelves as surprised at the selection of McCarthy campaigners From this booth clear acroaa the city to the bay the streets were swept with automobiles filled with push politicians More than 100 Chinese votes were cast MANAGE8S A NT URPRI EO First Reports From the Polls Forecasted the Landslide for James Rolph Jr From th lime that the flrst returns arrived at the Rolph headqusrter In the Magee building last night when three Rolph votes were recorded to one for McCarthy the Rolph campaign managers were figuratively rioting on great waves of Joy When the seme three to ane style of returns began coming In from all over the city the men who for weeka have abandoned their private buslnesaea to work for a man to redeem San Francisco could hardly restrain themselves Before the first ballot was counted Theodore Roosevelt Jr declared that be waa satisfied that It would be at least two to one for Rolph Young Roosevelts prophecy came aa near the fig urea as that of any of the propheta about headquarters At the Rolph campaign committee headquarters at 71 Market atreet a bureau was at work all night checking in the returns that were received from the precinct voting booths throughout the city and from the Municipal Conference corps of watchers who were reporting to Frank Powera at room 115 at the Russ building Direct telephone wires had been Installed between the Rolph headquarters and the Russ building bureau and the candidates the campaign managers and other Interested persons at headquarters were enabled to watch the progress of th vot all during th night ROLPH AN EASY WINNER It was less than an hour after the count had started that It became evident that Rolph had been elected Mayor of fan Francisco on a landslide of votes The silent fall of ballots Into the boxes throughout the city told the story of public sentiment as It could be told In no other manner IL Brandensteln of the Municipal Conference remained at the Rolph at the bootha on both sides of the Chinese quarter and one Chinese voter gave his name as Mong Joe Isaacs The Italian vote came out strong In the Forty fifth district It was said at a booth at Stockton and Filbert streets that never before waa audi eagerness to vote displayed there headquarters In the Magee building all evening I cannot add anything to the statement that has been made to the people by Msx Kuhi of Mr Rolphs campaign headquarters management said Brandensteln last night The election of Rolpb was Inevitable He was the man In whom the people 6T the city hd confidence He Is the man the people of San Francisco want for Mayor during the Panama Pacific International Exposition of 1915 He Is the man who can and will prepare San Francisco for that great occasion He will have a Board of Supervisors 1 believe who will assist him In that great work He will bring San Francisco together There will he no Mission or Potrero no North Beach or Western Addition so far as the United feeling of the people la concerned He will bring about a new San Francisco The people have spoken and Ihey want James Rolph Jr as their Mayor RECEIVING CONGRATULATIONS Max Kuhl and Francis Keesllng of the Rolph csmpalgn headquarera management were buay last night snd un tlil long after 2 oclock this morning receiving the congratulations of their friends They remained ut tholr posts working on the check of th returns and keeping their many workers out In the field watching the count Very little trouble was reported from any section of the city during the evening In one precinct It was reported thut thirty one ballots had been thrown out because they were improperly folded but the returns showed such an erwlielming majority for Rolph that such a matter was of little consequence The Rolph McCnrthy fight so onesided thut It didnt have the appearance of a contest took up the attention of tlio workers at headquarters and little attention was paid to any of the other offices A number of Supervisors were at the Rolph headquarters but they became so Interested In Nie Rolph returns that they thought little of their own fights SAN F2ANCI3CAN TO WTD BOSTON WOMAN BOSTON Masai September 28 The announcement war rsie here today of the engagement of Mrs Robert Brifee Falrbalrn of Beacon street to Captain CeciV Stewart of San Francisco Mrs Falrbalrn Is reU known In Boston so elty First Harvard to Attend Harvard 1 English Descendant of Relative of Universitys Founder Aj rives in Boston BOSTON Mass September jj Lionet de Jersey Harvard of FoVst Hill London arrived in Boston today He la a lineal descendant of a sscond cousin of Rev John Harvard th English clergyman who cam to thl country and founded Harvard Cnlj veralty in 1S28 He cornea here to i enter the Harvard claas of 1913 1 the flrst Harvtard to attend Harvard University since It was founded A Llonel de Jersey Harvard Is 18 yeari qld of good height athletlo and quit English He Is also modest Please dont make a face over me he said when reporters crowded around him at quarantine Do you care anything about atb ltlcae he was aakeo 1 ffi 1 go In a bit for lennls he said 1 have played soccer but not on school team LOWEST DEKKITY Recent census returns show that the density ot population of Spain la only thirty nine Inhabitants per square kilometer 101 per square mile th lowest average density ot settlement In Eu rope not excluding Russia 4 ritZNCH REPUBLIC PHOPgajTY i BBraBrll Natural Alkaline Water Unexcelled for table use Standard remedy for Dyspepsia Stomach Troubles and Gout Ask your Physician Not Genuine wllbont the word tfSP MARRIED TWO DAYS WHEN ARRESTED BY WIFE NO 1 LOS ANGELES September 26 Two days after ho had married Miss Edith Had lock of Santa Ana Joseph Sanl fer of Salt Lake City a student In the Los Angeles Cwlletfe of Osteopathy was arretted today on complaint of 4 woman In Salt Lake City who claims to ha Mrs Sanlger No 1 The alleged Mrs sanlger JSo i says she left her three small children at home and will stay here to prosecute Sanlger fix bigamy She claimed they separated two years ago and that Sanlger had not secured a divorce Sanlger was 1aken back to Santa Ana today foi trial ZD ill iv I SETTLE YOUR HAT BET AT WHERE YOU GET BETTER HAT MARKET AND STOCKTON AM FRANCISCC Ck EXCLUSIVENESS Exclusiveness in true Fashion Style tempered with the beauty of conservative taste and molded into a type its very own imparts that air of exclusiveness and distinc tion which brands the wearer apart from he great army of fickle willed fad followers To be exclusive one must be different and yet discreet to be different ones clothes should be tailored to order by discreet tailors tailors who know That is why the Kaplan mark in your suit is a proof of good tailoring Well Worth 80 All the newest most fashionable weaves in exclusive patterns for particular women Such colors as stone gray Autumn gray blacks creams tans browns etc blue in all the latest shades from the Kings blue to Washintgon navy KAPLAN 270 Sutter Street Opposite White House floor SBSsiisr 1 TJJ yfKAjvji cay ISfii Mrorliffiisl US fif aaflatH MM MM1 50 Second FJ 2 IS JJ It is fortunate for San Francisco that It has ample and rery rod bottls mhrre travelers find th beat accommodations and polite terries at reasonable rates The following list Includes some of the first class hotels In Sin Francisco nhlch earn be reached br street can da and night and it her rooms can be secured In advance I HOTEL ARGONAUT Society a Callfsrala Floaters Ealldlar Fourth St near Markst Callleralaa Mmi Foaalar lloI 400 Rooms 200 Bitbs iropsa rias II 00 per oar and as Dining room gtstlnf loo Tiblo 4Oou or la Carta ierrlro as dralrod SPECIAL LUNCHEON EVERY DAT from II i30 A 1 60 Ota EDWian ROLKIM GEO P1XON liassfor Asat UfT HOTEL TURPIN MtWHt tod Moat Popular OftmintrcU Ho tal 1T 19 Powell St at Market SI i ttrlM of wMil eotuftirt 19 QrMt elam ratiof bonaft within 1 block RatM II 160 to pr 1ar 223 roomi uot a tlrk room In ih hoti I A A TURPIN Prop and Mrm Former owotn Royal and Hamilton HottIa mtEVUET HOTEL A Qnltf Reflated Hoaa of Unuaaal Excellence Amarteaa Plan with bath from 00 day luropaaa Plaa with bath from M00 a day Sporlal Monthly Hataa Poetltlrtly Plrtiproof Half Block from Columbia Tbaatae HOTEL HARCOURT LARKIN AND SUTTER European and American Plan Blatantly furnished modern home First claaa tabl Country Trad Solicited CHKOXICLE WANT ADS Bring Results HOTEL COLONIAL ftocktoB street Abovo Sutttr Saa Fraadaoo Americas plaa SS OD day Bnropeaa plan 9100 day A botal with arery modern convaalaac Kfry room connecting with bath BALDWIN HOTEL GRANT ATE ABOVE BtTTTEE Flrat lam absolutely fireproof hotel located la btrart of abopplnff and tbeatar districts All outnlda room a tacb with Srlrata bath Rate 100 to 230 per day ppclal ratca for permanant gnmnU Take Markft trt car at ferry or Kaarny atraet ear at Third and Townand and tramfrr to 8nttir 0 BALDWIN Proprietor A QDINN IJauagr HOTEL HERALD EDDY AND JONES STS Tba anxr psTrsiTTf plannM ijfiTpprl6dT furnlsbed hotel In tb country 160 Outside Rooms 100 Bath TB Showers Salt Water Showers nates 100 and 1100 a Day Low rates to permanent slelts DIRECT CABS rBOM BOTH DEPOTS HOTEL YORKE AMERICAN PLAN 200 rr day 40 mooth and up Horn Ilka tm usually food tablt California aaJ Iarkla 9 la a THE JEFFERSOH Lradlnf family hotel Noted for 1ta table and ftrat elaaa aorvlce Bate 40 a noatc upward comer Uoufh and Turk treats Frootlot Jaflersoa Park fe aJ i iv vJV.

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