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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 4

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WWIkltKCTnAV BB IBT1tflh IT A MM. anlHu fj VkM fits. 4r led vu Aieors4 to Zn Akn Oa Utazut. IinnbCna- ab tthhprtf Jeo aT wat cofem cMoc tih Bt tbthr MB wh wen to nearly rweptmrtb falls voek. IwBrttealrlyiater.

si ta Gneaw oafc hWBitW wh wb Bfcht to batritfc otkiac tiBtlT taring" tad i IT mr betwtkiaaniitA bIlL John Orenesod ft fcthtraa4 ton. rtd two sofl Aoatt to OTOB Cbotmrfroa Oiippewi. which. if a sstdaoa tor lhbllatoli ABer a detort mBefrted TMrTtatwatBMdaanaJwl oi4naB was oettb tkey hoaohod their boti OB th retire royat at I rpot lotto a mil abort tb alia. tn only a half soil.

fraa wbso. th embls Betxaofth npidabecta OB OftaooVunn thick tcc BtehieayIthiBk totbBMyrtheata- net beta trim my stresso by Una wind. tdd nly sorelosod th two boat ud lho- cwanil iBpaHod At Ik uoddn jtredxa- at to whlck they foa 4 theajlTei Heat their nebulae tad knew set which way totterlortb aeut trbon. Their ree. for bro blat tie tow 54 at their koala won ciadaaBy dnftac wttbla noeatftk tk ussrsot and eat of reoeb of the MB Mi tb town-baa rite ka sods NlUnet thBttobtkir Ik son aa4 direct tint which way r.

Thor. wt Ils Mat Ulene xataMBt. Bad poopl Unod tk nrcr Mobs. ft te tUb efe sopeos4 soes. Tress tb eiso whUk tun th darkMBit wit erkcattl tlb Into wen Marine tb UK BB wan eoninc vtfkia dos Mseson rthn ld awrftbt tWrietiB craft and hrmwfat it within earynacb of tb then.

which Ih IB nn ku tm tn nin- ta ALHORUrlT. Of VWwa experience Greenwood sod I failed with ill sot vrssotb toward tin than wb I hoard thbUaadodidlh eB- MB I vu tanner sot to Uo nrer tbu Uwy caJ nomad to Uk sow at Ih no rrat. MM ibis sesoed I dnt mtratcf II tond MT eoBpdidM. AU I wld bvu psol tiM bell. I WM Tnl 4 urf I Uwnrkt oT Issoj rrinud 54 ovstgjirelsIt for horribly fcw- ttsg row I mt bars bees oot i4 l7 taihr bo Brt ot liy MM oM tkotMr eU i ekB7mr.

Itbouktbow 1 U. Olto tr bal Ut tb Ikr- tk U. u4 WMrtb ri ii Wr a bowrlao I bnird. tk sotly fcrtkbcD I kted bnoso. ud I mUM tin wstsrI ftniniarrttbctoUraxf ttxbnktu ttwifcuk li Iiill rrtn it p514I lb.

fclta. tooddcnlT I thowbt ot Ik OttOt ct 05 tb bow. nd cn iu lor- ui I IM it oat eucMlr timmoil tk to wrtk wboS sofaoOnod to ik torn. nit tbs. tk hot kickl mdtbi Mto tko boot.

The mn wuUtfl Inter tk sot only kope. If uo nee of Its. lT otuit to no of th iaek driO 4 UwmrdtifclW tko tkoiowBoit ft. fast to ooo pantm ntildarlirh rkoisU urir lbs utttur flake Cnt S. pMe rock.

then so4bea withnt UUrt ra boll I br tbwk of tk Isrrfots war wkiek wu ow OM ion man djrtteet wbm kll of a tape tioIsbt wttk nuo that tbo with nOOk xl we rwtuehorodiaUMniitili. Wooldtk Tyl tufts. nt away forward aad kept eareally lamc It a for sot leooU reaHu tor I reae 01554 Min 4tk Ba tk lanr rtbMlltiBtoeier- I rimjik back ererj UIBthat mr us. iety mod at to txaaua th rope tid eh tUM soy tnren betas tLetr work sot- heart Sal lik lied. lor only.

I Bid. they will tad another broken nosed thwtiB TWow iadij ylb they wcatoror lb. toss. tnrel- todiag nMbmg. soy heart hens to licbtea.

And wWn. withByarBttntcfaedtoitilar- fbMtcd wiU oi. a rsrtii tadre waist that too. for kt I Ut I knew ethIog of ItatporlioBOf iLsvlmwl ootbtss. It only that rttkt maid clMTbipt teal wl belt sitosatba th I rtm- erood bast If it it amt tooth ssothr to that null ItZeeh.

sad I 74 lik lf wkoDonr I ezsai4 It. Lad 0. tk lone sttt soot ay. I tsyi. cuMuiitffMu MM and boaiir UU I kMto I tkmk I Bint MTB rum oM itO yssi' blkitUBM.

Uitotxltrri otif sow. sobad MMM Md u4tt iu otsebs ora lrantottrasotbadead tko totnbU utril. soy Mm Grass- waM. haul provod to ooeborW Mock MUTT lb. obor Ua bbdny Mcoot rtoaeo witliMt efc iinttr by Is.

WBHio tj the lodlewing nanuoc. Her j. ovt vUlBrrfrkir biaUerou tk rtver tkor Nuon Uli utin. nrz. Tko sos7 Uiilo KOOOO" Ml Kot tk lm toGosobi.

of tb ftort tt tk A.tLon- Ilsislosi to tkjf dry vu UuU Mara. whas tfl tbsru sight Tt rptstdvs of tk lf of tk Xg. ssonostly ttted to fUy III rt. to tktCttl MtomtaUoklMBi Inc. Tk orssoSssst yonmter had.

only work hars Ik opeulu of tb clsrtoIvat tcnbon to a bint tobtxpiuL Tbobmby waiafMudkrrtgn tadf tartar was but reprtltkos of tk old. fttor may eleM waiter. aw tkca tt L'-coaoailed douses of odsore tetotboaplttl. XuMtat tb Slsrshal LA tbat tbc fctWr of tbo day MOM BT 554. btb tree so ku4kmi ed ot.

tn already bsoviIy wai 4dld WUB tb rO4owatWty. otsos rained i mad It asfuadosoIs Baoiher tained frtsa A ut. altos. at sirs. in a Han tiBily wai 10554 lor her tad Ih UUr wai IR wtth a 11111 tlirtet f- et.

tb owSitr of ttrtga3aLb her Loving Soil Lie. bteir d. Pit woe th MB Wtowd tb rcnoa a atrf iWmat tawnreca ne of boiaon- ciatan wuca wwou to taonoat tail in tk aad yellow entered btentan ofttbc retot kad wars laflnnat thaa tbe bossy. tantorir tb thrbirsisg. tl Uro re- wfved Back better ean than faUtotbclnl tb vni yaay er wk swoon on the rarrifi tuc thrusb tt 4gon i a oaadlmx ooMtatloB otLerTtmrd tb bafejrRo- kHr.

and. Ja tb Ujaful lssgsoS. a treat WHtojMiiaehialvwrailwart Seth her dar- tint then is as sogtklrg nose BOB WManfartaatoljr far baawlf tn ta ui' daewssotr ma4 bufoleicly soynod to tk stews of OnrH. tit kll IB lays HB ta wsaad mod varryker. ttbrwlarvl.

Isasfa sot. of which auk wardf of IBOJK aBt ite ore feat wato. 1575. otdanot atoJ th serrt of 1st bf. ab rsfasd Us.

utol bet stared ty ratbar that sesid sos ibis tamed away. waruic BtMa that hi bad all biter- too Pte Borrybtr i kwdo of fcr hi. WM rtnncelr Mason la th owwsl so tare cay also th aew ipun dtotk iwvntycf tctoerpbts dMwict gras. fact Barbara that tb rejected lo er 55. dead la rebkt ulsoa had LaI4 banMaaJe WtdtWacn be le tac worldly ps ma- to tk bodied.

MB Is now tr want. ntt to bet owaj Crude ik nticat Btt intei byth far tlliri ker ass toW bet tare. ybe Clt Tb. rorapttalatm of tb possnest tall. witlhylk AdiOs r.

aLes. tb total sal- saGa. of real ooute he tlU737 7ft. a wbkk 1791114 50 Is collecte to tutt. tfc lUalralaatioarfperajnal prop erty.

tibet iWn tad soOsey Is KA. wkiri with the Brreeat UrnaM. to 41015470. Tk total ntso Bf nMnodt wkMh. 444 tk psoosoat trutaflr nil nolso toralaf t71Ort 4 Ta i too.

svea.s pmapeYty to 297 34 toss 1 soLovtef16. 31 organ Jiatl Jam CvKKBt fttl i am tire 4r teMie ue iind uk tr. lea tt2iksLctt7 7 tlork yeatrdT atom. be wtthtbs MM. a' rvtteias a stisok Blarrkw kWBcfck watfe Url.

laMtad it Isukt ow sower. Mass. hiea caaiw hd uaix aaboar. As totsy taarl to reraal th a gsossd ar tatlp UWBai 4 thtttMaemtodetflnaiar Ooernr. Baker at Ja 1 TorI wa ina dde toLbnva yeofoai niae tpofe7.

Tfc lo a 37 ran so an. crr WOBI. tfon on ilec- soarsosm Pesnolvasi. sod wso 3 Aa tata-ry tkatadr VJSOddsodLsthOITrIsd on Jar aval. rrrcaM ut Ueut so tb sass TW eablo of Asebbi.

lbs ro Iamit oiBtliiB By toot Zsfotsdti boa Iwifliil UatttrelndlenBati fsrso7. A draft fts I A. Fnral tm as5aul. dMbwnred brtk bore SUM. bat abTra tatlr Vu Dyk wba a Jasoagiam ktea.

fc od that ia- ki bMBtaay posts toed To. lBlwta. iQB. rk ai liil to Jado 111- tart Taarl to 1 1 imtmti latolnal dihtir ttataat to 5543 Oft tbo to ho resossled tow a Btei iik tBiBrokori Mkvs1wa Sadsolbig banjy HfteieBrly to aovAkwrcte lam ewasohaMM. Ta 117 ot Btky teaton rf Ttotcrday norbof vat debt ttw Is Slofa 5 sds OB malar eatt.

TkttoekopMdappanaayw akBt1325 oaoarty toll bat otiffeaod Up to 18 Ufc sfar. tfc clss. It sotlssod to adnae mmrtac tko BornlnA- tatfl rcacWd 1 ttabtt tmtUr at eii. at wkkfc Inn tt nU al IssSsLLUstIsaSsS. la ta 1100 Coo.

DSBtt Wl 1 S3. Gould Carry 6 8 13I. Otsoasa 2 Oft. Potott 2 3 Karra Nn IftOtaiooC ta 83 so. Ai 11 7Bodi7.

Beaton 66 cent QUodania Uocata. tbootlst IS. Hole reraB 8 Joitic 90 remt Join 40 ecotx. Kmtaek V3M er 3 76 Itah tt 70. Jacket 3 Tb.

UlowtoaT aaleeof aulasolissesso ftoeki woos rsosodd so sos. cell ysoids 10 com. Th Peabody Mia baa boon UKeoi 4 eoatiaahan. Chrirty topp 3848 Octooor 33d. BVaWotaila BtBtai sOO Vootor CAB Vuacac.

tone. AV SzrANuL 00100 soijis. tttnta. SMAltbt I9S nj tabi 1 XOO OSiIis lWAha SOOAa ea no DuDil i 100 aM. BOUBeUli 2 8VuroaTJSO a 840CrPIlkO illM 5S 14 35r sSSr wit STUT XVMS 728fcVrlW 4 acorut 6400 ioBi fei4 TEE TIUT Bfaoa.

flallalloa groins. Colot Job. DKUnwrn Las ordered another tenet of hattIli. drill. in tb Tint laantrr at foOtwii tbausosy E.

Tosudsy. 5rBber 8th Coapmie A sod CMon day. levbow I4Ui sonpuoso BsiodC. Tbanday. Korcaber 17th Cusoyssiso aad F.

Wedneediy. Norcraber 234. General geidei. market sad colon 111 report to the Adjutant at each drill. firassoot Frisk A.

Kioss mad Ptfer Frederick W. Upoiaa. ContAW F. Fint Infantry have Lees trtnrferred to th ranks so pit TatMattbetrownreqooat. Uirpunl Wilts r.

Ltiii Company Fint Isosatry bit buss rsjaoed to th rank tUTtLe eoldier lor uoleof of doty. Prootte Tbos Uynoa Caapany II Strut laiantn Lii bees promoted Corporarice netdo vod. Tbe foUawuv nwmben o. tb Rut laTan- Print Comma eunrauon sO Urn 0. rraJr nta.Conipajiyi.eiin- U' of term a Hanky eorppral tsny eipir oh tera.

UB llmklo. pnri Cosnpsny E. BakiHtjO Mkl- zpiralioa ol Irr. OB aerouit of rwnoral. tk following metn WnofCDUpany A.

traoa errej to mood usso- tsar Utalr. Ordcri No SLC OflisA- Sianen Third litts1wao. Seom-l Jincade. kar Loan bnooraUy iHrbarred trot. tos of toe State tllhenal rady.

U. rerrea. II UelowBO L. ark. CtrraU.

He anrr. i. Kin- soy- A MeMah TE0 JlXaJnoUr O. CuolHIUIJ Br oUJ W. ower.k.h nil.

n. II. thh 7. J. beebey tioTlos.

P. L. lrotltrb WVU Ofokvs P. Kee tinnly A WaUwra. P.

Doobue. UeOe Vey. Wsuri rester Plnukett. J. Sheter.

UiloMr ii. Strews. I' Lsaehsoor. U. McCutby7 The odiDft and mttaoBi of tl Thot To stay Usgisiat rusrt-aytoa1 ii monoasred la orderl Pros regimental do aarteri.

vim puivalso Otto Uayntca. fbritAn Walthosr. Daniel 3. Ftrsa aol fleocr Liddl of Com 000 I ar duhonotably In-barged froq the TCfrw ot tSVbtal Uhumi IMraTe Deal. Compeny B.

I. Cod2S. T. UiLUCinMByF John F. Smka.

Com pony C. jj i V. A jta. tssmv C. 15 cad Fruk I Ooker Unjipeur 5.

and BnLGiU lOsith. Artii sod Culver an otobonrrmMy da harced toss Ikeremooo ha Mate oh Oh omia. Ialkc St Prists Myron throb. Company P. the proeeodinii ndm sod mod undni Brno tho tiobl tjp and the tpcctfieatinn UuTcto.

and to to thei tn aiup- rrored. The law permit but tiro pla tIuiltysad Aot Guif. nd thsCsort IOU fall control of Lbs etttrizoi of the pea ar to conform to th w. Is snOMug order. Culonel Dickinson tan T.

antimony at to Or- third ehanc and tb rpedf at ii thereto rx toot the erodortw Private Liar in parading wttn a sassiest shoe than his own Cthlatt WMBUry unoirsosobis sod sat riatotudhes4 fur UM error the Ooortia perwiting hire to tired so did. tb tnttie ptsroadhi. would anproTod. with rrgvvt sob thatta panohnMut award Ii light. soootmr4 with th coutty 01 lb0ene.

Ilovino duappnred so the pro. coedinoandladttfoath thirdciuueand toeanrauoni thereto. th enteww of the Unrrtli Bodiftcd tad tb tno I1O ms osittol sod Prorate l6to if limb Ms. umey F. ta boMby.

di boanU 0155 tke emo of thfctatotf A Bt fiX20U Ja. Xle. IMaroou- Tve3a13Ua. TlBotky Lyaeb wk eom tuoatbf thot rVK OfceTMiTtBanfatkCTa MJ tne was srrsigsad ta Jadn lUaa Court ysoteroko pietnhly en shari. of a sit 5.

isariar. Tk woeu di oSeer who UhowaU ahead. testified ttkittbeir- vuted Lyimb lot biat eronk tad vat quietI taktoo tb prlnner to Ik utizien boor. wbea. witkoat wtrelnr Lyamb ttorort a ptftol ta ha.

far. sad trot TM bullet entered tOo. ocVort left and pajerd out at tb tempi witi. tiitarkbls nors. the OBBdod ybtanomn retfiard ku LoW on bit mailaat.

Tbeefbctre cy ka one. been rt wet ed. the tooL kTin ora dethre4. Hi deleaae iured tb ph. of lntetosaas.

Attorney Uona to arfm UM fat tk to-noon sAovart4 lrpmo on the Jadn toe toob- eal Imipistoree of la le intent of a yie. OBI rtaent Katmc been drunk that twowM narectrrt huar- at. Mr. Ideas. kVdtbat it.

slotting tool not terlosoustly tmsiraed tat a anomtt to noier. hat. been a swath to sour- eviL. at ek botId bar. buss premeditated theiateat taeptauner shosbi bare bees Uriaykteoaptor Tb hart tusk msssdar new of tb matter sod held Lyncfc to oacwrr to Ik Qraad Jiry fnr araaltto narderkai olbIst fiedattSOOO.

Lnwb. who I. voreber of rso4a sot lb. Centnl isutc Railroad Mapsny Is a ataa veil advsnesd la ra. porfy.

uatmtt to UlrtBeoi. aHdieUd ta pee set. sad mlsaeetaier tk tail naa 7 woatd roct Bgwtac IB rack al Tr oetlo a. TkIaUwueT real UU trananlioso bar. Rutert MoDesegb to TosJaaleb.

CnlwoU. In Mxl7- a Ua PiaaMtoeflMil2 C. A. Bartrait wife to Otto Scbeessas lot so IW tore. UJla sad snob atmta.

ftl4 10llUCMLlfa4Ml Miac I1OOUO. Sofa to Hugh MeOaa. SSxlOO net. 216 aotfeam. aBef a ant lt3S 4 to l-Cetti louS lfkXlTsrart llaeof Bk IU2 VTf Ltfda.

v314 P. BymJ. C. to V. a PceilrkU 5 7A oo tikV has eaaoa atrwt 3uu a of Holtaad aLM AioMi W.

BoiWM Mil 00 tk rorocr laeraBeat sad Bniec kk etnerta WllXJ Jatiakkay Jka fteT. fell SM 833 CM A Wrkara MeiM. Tk M4 VUliaa flash sgriw1mia Wool to 25 tsr wanoso rendered UM radaat to saututia UM to rewoam i portte of th tack nccu mitm. to. I tb wnrked arra Mom.

wos true. Is Julius Clovkk Cuot yeeurday. Tb trial reooltod to tb Mitt Klrtoc intones for th Esladmot a tho preaaodoraaoe of loiftiaoBy 55551 bat tk sad oeronl otken catered late as sgrsoausot to wreck so Urea and. sham sovong tb macban and cbato bad dmdot tb preesedi of thou at ad topped work. Attkereivlar mooUncoftke State Board 017 mill sae.tbat to H1 00 web al knr sod ordered paid Tk srtzssl for roadway tpfiMh with hood a tb ma ol S1OOO.

TU nBtoo3rBl ofikodredftrwaaln' rwtod to tapsol to tk Nomad. larvntlac. Mteuetol iowiiea aa dn Urtoa of tottot ai kJBClK Brnaewidr WAIT SXttOK nCATIM 01 A OUT. Tk tt TsrrIbM ZxptiitBfi if a Xarlstr Wi HAS Onuuaricatoi be Olab. Twtytbrs TioM.

June naker. obi. sev tk bait RrvasaieL whkh left this mt or New Or- boss Mn IStk. sad vi wrecked off to roust dttrieitea durIng MM osbira Toyac bi tb terrible ydas of imt 37tk aad 28th. snivel at bl ra dM No.

124 Owe. utmost. tkbj au. so Monday uigbt. Poor of lit crew vets tort sod Ms imnoti wer so.

eaed after nearty throe day' of mprsfllow am- faring Mr. Fisher Is a tall. slsader non. of aboal 55 yean of are trailed aad wriakled mad hewed wUk tk labor of forty yean pea-ed spaootbsnii. Usbsaiiadtbelreltfthe glob.

twenty-lbs. times and ku been wbcra- CTersaniBeoBldf Ppeaiini of th wreck. sold. Ian night I have faced death upon sass many a time bat nerer before and or aseb trrrlbl emonutanoM. I have bees to ale to all lath of tb world hat I dont bo- itoy.

there sTe wai a blow tht eooll sos- pretothteydsus After loariac Or. latni nllcd for IStsgosli. ItkiL and took OB a caico of pitch left tket on our boon. wys Asuat 10th had had deluhtfal weather aatil th 15th. when experienced a bsovy northed cal Alter bat th tie.

west. were kind to gold the 234 of the oath when we ranch ytotont nstbemct taall which kept Uereannc on fore. uit2 it culminatol to dttutroaa rycloos on the ZTtlu- 717 PtMT pain. wen abash anantjr fr odtei off Cbarloto lot a Is the north perkapt sod apparently lath very Tortex et tk ty. elon aona dxrarered that wet.

aoattUBrwater Ourwitenrtr prttt53O A. a and tb wind Uowbc hnoury that yoa emldnl hear a word St a dmtanr of fir lest. Oar iri rr. Cactus Daawdlirrtoa. a imne amoni men.

Sad I coosoilad so to what do WodoaHod to threw the deck Load. toapetAni noa 8SOOO lost of limber overboard. Well. ever It went. went aV nc better for a whit.

but only for a white. The wind oreonsi to raw rtronter sverl reotd Th TMl lay awnr oser on her lesoid. sad tk water poured to At 11 clock the let yard were dlpploe and th el vu is dancer of mpmiinc had to rut down the asotu to her tram going over. fche netted. hat the tea yosored ever to tar.

rent a 05705 nuhi Irresiotbls a a- leeK. Our hold was ripidly Cling. felt that the vee want ittk and we threw OTercrnytr in thai eooM fet rod 1. to th bop uoiing her. lot tryleg to break tb isobar away 1 ZbeoIoratihd4sek.

Greet wAIst. Sal owept overboard. I saw his. on tbo crest of a noighty ware behind no sod I thoiwfel wool I be nrept hack. HereeoMd to think so.

too. called oat. All mighty nf Lot to. a Sonisoot a threw vp hu srs sot disoyvvmzed. That wai Lbs haiti.

5131. ath i eome Twe wticx sestiria yr. Oiw boot bad already bees. swept away. ether and the forward boa.

went sow nd were kit th axreyof tho ware It wa story man for himaml and 1 told nir a wmi en dratht I teryobli thin when come anj Ought hl la your face. We so. men mid erery nan i got to to time. If sot' of VM pray why pray Now Ii IS cm Bet Hlet a be women. LetudN like awe.

Six of IK tailed ooriuebss to th Knw of th wurseaneot. and three to th troai. There we cowered. th sot aeatnc 05. until it but th cabin brook.

op. the stwoop al th omjenmaat that en iatotheair We dMe eaed vetoes a nip- Kiir ii pnenble Amino Maselli. a Spanish islOty. whohade1tmbedttiniaiitbead wit drowned. Tb broken soot Stated ed and.

the after loiss sod the rkylurht went alon with it We raffled ho- cor lire to a beun that served to torn the nkytleht and lathed ocnwirrt tolbat. TI. bnj Lrok sp sod the orrfit Smiled oop arriod us. wore on nethmcbat a roll eooipoMKl of a part of tie lock 15 hen we ranted bean there were feet ml of so. Tb rest ht floated off ant drowned we samzaety know how.

didil fee rrVeur then. rs. It was pitch dark aid we ooaM beir nothinf boot tb twin most tia mnf. MADXEI OS A KATT. sIt lay three an pight.

fgIItSnO toe narnd wreck Theeartoaudbnkea Umber Stolid op roond BM sat we bill all we could Mtokeepmufnitra tomlieuic broken to ieeet by it and rank. Tb sled not the rend flnne Bitk caldn lone ogrmnd ear fare JI forty j0 i1 yw1 sod twirkol arvand lobs otinglro. I got Just a little tap of knocked all soy front teeth down our thrust. In the sat-non jre barded oortelre together to List the Wind rould tnk ns marf a nil of oursalvet. to to vpeak cd tlowiy settled oanehrei ree from the debut.

TV had one enemy only tneoeterd With then the a. Tbo wind law all lb. day said th wsiert pournt down anonua. usu a revel piots too. soils.

off hot it ton away fraa We taw other Te otli. but oon of them soeme4 to tight U. 80 drifted but day stool th st haniry thitny sod derpairuie. Three of oar men bo 9 1 bees druokiti lt mt r. bend to Lee.

thy. mindi. One the Retro steward- wanted to eat hi bayou. The two othrti. aik niBviaedthey wet.

Mill in tbo lore- wIle of tU vowel ard entered to a quarrel over mu inutainrr tied of tobacco and wanted to get etch rtherwith their knives. mould wererty tQmflvI them hot minored it ooehow We had dn tod down near ran- nab. afltr Taraly tnTm to nnal yeeli. II wer and helplni and had ibsonut 1105 SP bnp when pilot-bent No. 6.

Captain James ISell. MObted et and took an Sli Pevhqe weren't gut. would bay. ehecyst. hat wets too weak.

Cat I watt to thank him and foaMutaen now. wer wad. a eusofoetsole ibis vssuaah Th Mranaak Onentathip mp-iny av tees pao all ot a who wanted to North. red th Bouts. ownen of the rwsawiok telegraptod ant captain to take rood sore of tb taco.

I landed barefooted and btrebeadedand with nothmc on bat sty phirt and tmoeer I strIved her. tail ht with Jn what I hare en. Be Craait Wo Ha the Tb. Health and Police Coinotuittee of tb Board of Sapcmson soot lay afternoon. A report was oveeivd frore Sir.

O'Connor. architect St tbo Fin Department to wbom woe Beferred tb petition th Coatre nlioa Fbenth Irnel askict for 6110 damajw alleged to bar been tnftainod by their cemetery feoe tbrouth eaGlet. with a bow of the lit. Deyartoouctt. Th fear.

beaMwto arerydilaptditol condition. aad liable to fall down it soy time. II tboocht It wosbl cost shoot 00 to rebsild that portion of th fence vhicb had been ole. moltdied. The reenuittec derIded to taped mpIst petition.

Jude. niit then aUronet tb eon. mitle at roosUeoWe lestb Is behalf of th tb plat notoOvetow Vtweea th Zdeefc sad Uetn-Inael Qooojyega. tmna. TM oattpr hiecnpi dtkattotien of tho noanotios lor tome to sad hu bora frequently unltaa 4 in lb.

Miowocie. Mr. UtehfirU railed tb poirt that th ooaerenttoa Beth Mit bid sot woptisd witk tk tetis. of th groat load by tb llealih and iV be CtmiaiiUee. mod lhattb mat had not been eonfim i he tb Board.

and therents IllegaL Mr. UtckCeU did aet think that etberecogrtgson bad a leal mat of i he land and easer that ma ap plHRtioa Lt made tar sew rraet The sonevequtiso Both inset contended that the preeopt Hoard eonrnned theactioo of the former eommiltw in July bit. IbeeorcmittM led on scans of Mr Uteb80ld. to report to fever of rereinding th reaolBtMC confirminc th trantaad silos- tbeosgresticos Mtpr ieut a new petit p. sad hat.

the r1t a ad total. WIZIISO XAICH. Sovaril week. JewetA thorew aid DCBBV 1' Cutler wore somorbed rwiia Ire. the Vbe ir bvoyt Jidswsy Park in tb Delaware river.

fileea vule ear tMO a nJe. Tb rats took rIsc. yesterday tad sat witaeowlhyaerenl feaqdrad so the deck of th tteamboati that Mtowod th wosoMe. Italler us meted to lbs mat- ert Ir mil swisosiar a America sad to yes swim sit scow at say diXaaoa ahorter than I'M rtavH. Il Icti TOO a numliefW odninUtuJl kf iacoil- foated Morybo- med rer a others to a rat.

froai tb Block llooa boy to Ik foot of chastest real. ht tall Morrow insole tta maiden myrnososo so profntoa. ewtsonitr to tb rr UK erred to and did well tbat boi frieiHi al one notched ii mgist tl winner. Mar a powerfal Ban ud wlmi witi the breut strode. wkiloBatler boa nwl aa orerkawl rtrcke poeaUar to hunttlT.

th beuiac to th poolraoa end so tbetetso beat yretrdsy Hatlcrwa a tron lkTont od tioltwotM being Laid that hewoald PTOT ncterloBB. The JndrM were 17. Tboanran and 1. Tiannass. sod Ue boiirwuthn To water us to 504 eooditMa mad the weather ptouantye terday bet a sos se tie.

th Dort andcfwimaunianyUiiDt1 hut wy A 0001 wuBud at 44. both Ben rm ftom th ta1 cV boat ai tie ius ime. Bntler iwJrad to UM fleet of r.an4 ona ml vat nk 4 tod fully aoOnnt tonoseol tbaibnd oeyhfly isd when sorso milei wore ep4erd wa at leut one tlut Otitra is mot Msowo whey hi tk war. Sat of kb noise tkroat-k tk sortss 1 korpoloti so. of whom fell qe4cmM dorlnc the a tet.

sacs. A pilot wit SITcO Mourns. sot retainer cow buss stoats. th stick teoanved tarn mat iSsUer. OooseJ must uta of ihaaalK a tko sub.

ole Morrow ma a vigoanot the before tf wiles wtn Ssbd boeanrataad ed BoIler. who rw at th tea mU at broad ever so hm bath and far ap tn race lt hailed rota bu pilot boat in uuob as xkaactd oembi1s that wat not able to toad too Mmal talent. Morrow mo. orme aMte Lsagwr. sad then th Mt 1M ki la sod dooluvi bin UM wtaar Mom wat token oat Ik water at 4 30 r.

a Ca aedl by Stocr. St IV THaao Beddeafbo penh of broke tills. obotrae- Seal tk track. iat la twitebee aad inslittahiseso other sosoeso of dsase to railway tnreMniM now eeeca to bvtxpoaed to diacBte derailment by tketrowaBtrotj oweSsnti. Th other day a stock trail sire Ut oothMiaajarilWo Railroad.

Jt tamped tk track ton th nib far a abort ifcitaBO 54 dolarod all traTolatreoi boar. Theaeeedeat woo masod byaateer. whth eutlrired tojnap oat of thearthraatha arrow daer to fyoat. Th aninal fell onJcr the on whieb were Psulogat tall stead sad eaasod tk train to tamp tb Inch. darn allot tS can and ktlhn a Bomber or lb uttl Tie.

tr which rasped th tsobt wufnad Bo dwtaae boyuodth wrest Bp taabtoodytaapoaatoUbardly AW for tk ycrpon of. eas00ofbag fna rtBroad from a. waltable point set th bay tttn Franeaxo to thwiton liacof 5rada. Pretierty or th has terming baiboeapofebajed so DM watertroot. taat oath of Shefl Msosd Pink FroHthii puSot Kb exported to resisa norlkeHy direct aat half arty betwn ut and TTc Berttlerto San Pablo these.

Bptk8a Pablo ntrd. Solo Sma Stones uS- Jey sniese Into Uyran Talley rootk of Mut DiaUo and tubing Urermor toth way to era Into Saa Jesquts vaBoyby what I knows at Corral Hollow The IIB win then ran serso tb Ems Joaquls Talley to taModsot. sod Is donOobig tb Sierra willfcUowtkdiTid Solve. tb PSoninle. riren tusbint beats sad 11 WTtaiJCreokto Ure 16 Bil Urersoor.

to. Unral Uolknr BiUeai Coml Uollow to Modealo 83 soUse. Th-dkortcntQw dtrtssostrtsi ttmaSmaetaoa to Uodertoaboottwenty mile Work to bebw raixdly poshed aad it il ekpoeted that Ik Cntbondnd nilea will completed in. twelve soothe. Moat of tie.

ditrIeU ubroab which tk road will paaan solar. shihed with mean St tzanIpirttuo It win therefore command meet of their traffic. The vsfle1p sear the hey ar lances for tb ir trait. Usyrutors valley to expected to fur. nub frogbt to th extent of 160000 tow of wheat and 8OOOO ton at hay annually.

Tk wen sod. of Ian Joaqnin volley uSuAl usdly to need railroad In tun it i likely to bar three th on under sosilduntian tb California Central. which will elso tk vsflsy fifty mules farther itooth. arid th Uunel oloegh branch of th Southern Pholbe. whwb wiU olceubtI.

tome duo extended to Hut. Later. On th cart aid of th tm. Joamnn valley Una wheat retion whoa toad th Mlifimnii and Nevada will zpeee todrridawUfathoboatheraPaafl Further to th sat at. tn minint regosa sad tin.

soenia tract of timber. which tb San Jta quIs yliley rreatly need lot building par poNt. sod wboet Is now atmort unatiatnaide. boiklinjr of abs rood wUI be eompara. Lovely cafy from Saa Franeoao to tb foot- be md Modesto the chief engoseerina ol thieportwo of the hoe besot tea.

Moral Mti6oOteetinlenrlk. rood will bebailtby Eti icapiULwkichwiU beric needed. Terfyb-nu will i pnint se ths fan Fnaeaeo i Shell Monnod. where lone wharfs leaton set at tfoUow The boiltby EUteTOSIOLH bciopphad alfcrt run firm xa water lint to parded tnVlnydeepenintTMar the ab north or th icreet otsiiai. The lin idler Uannc th store.

of th bay pun through on of the handjomoet refidene pot. loose 1 Oakland alatig hen Pabl arena and thoat. north throogh Berkeley. The purn er traffic thereSors experted to be vsyyhoavy WalloriePnadenloftb company IT it experienced Ja nilroadf and ant 5057:50.15. lb.

teumiiain of Charle barrel Treuorern KA Seerrtryo B. B. Miner Anataat ecretary Bemdo these gentlemen who are Direstore ex officio. the Board comprise 8. Emeryahrn owner of realcatatoto Oak land andJJ6cnTener.

Oat wit Moat hoe Fir Itlnsosas were arrested a week ago forplaytog tan. and tar bail for their ap- peartDc to Ih robe Court rdy tam cam wen eaflod and focr feedy lookiac Moncolianiapneared fur notosa Thalel- lowi were in much unlike th leek uharper 00 Chinatown that Jndt Romecksemo psatod they wen suukaZutsu hired hr Ito real offender to eabmit to lit. ureitanee of Lb. wun. AUUO i uw otacon cowa awear uiar th ledges nupfnom wen correct bat his Honor tar th liocoliani tb benefit of tb duolt mud entebeed theta to My Sao or it default to be eoofined in tbCoantr Jail toe thirty dan.

The tentene Lioerea the np poood mletifnte heretofor tan pUyen bar been nod 2O or impriursied tor ton day At the wl fan I mock better than what many of Us Chinese away. would be anoA9B ti rtoitanUtitatMai lass a head to rare for too dart in the Urond- way wsyntabltihnoeut. Ceer Vallvja Raa Sosater Fair. General Manuuo A jo ha bets. a mail In tb oenor IIcrt aUcainc that Jamei Fur of the Botanna trm.

becacoie Indebted to loins In 1813 for 81240 ow- etvgot of Ibe parr base of It PeUloma Psaoobo of CVOacm in Sonoma etsoty ha Fur. boos that tire. Pour baa rnuitinuonty ntiJedoat ot the hiatt. la 1877. howeve he admitted the toodthtdne.

by pa jut 800 on the claim bat ka nnce used to far lb remainder 0' th debt. Generll a hlo citi- toatei bit dastate at 10000. andheprtyi ludrment ton 8860 and tests. HO HBCT TIME TI. fodewlnc aUe tws th dryattur.

tub. hoes toMcltr Coitus sad KootlifrB racikoBailraula. An the train. tad hotawklrk an ftwaina By are lb. at tram triimkyrrtb mad Tovawad srta lb.

4 orlrk ial lAr UOTKI Tralma. netrBknat of the Oakland rerry tesesOss at 10 a. the next at Bad then- alter II boll BOOT end na sub a Thai naa 2 lta" iiwat i 1O 2O. lO Oaud Vratnohar Bnodw Oat- not. at JO and a.

oi aa xJSAJ i7ai58a telt KlA oaa To AlaiuAiVla IX 6 1O. 4 PKaeai AtfnUCAfEXClIAXGK. aearty Aatloch I II Mek PUM table Bkea. do I Mcireiu Paata Boa If rihak r. Tl rtb.

CkcUi Kllail CKtt WMcHjnn. UM Pmtbain RVtirfBer8acna ea PUaUr City HoykVaa. tata ld Vf I tel or HabStrd nondlaad Tbrrnaa ITWB AnTlajrf. do Beck Arm Kaaaat RIUKU var It Oafoca. Kaafat PA WUanab rbeii al Barker irt Woodrrendalo id Bukor do II Wlim.

XootTEow 3 JTlirr tesdClt Mrt UDwacaa A CB. CWBbariala. IJMW. Gutsy art Point CCMnb JKOCKfiKTaaoooTv Ornate- D. Twokoll.

Bokjo. do A I ne Boalder ClArklaKrMM Mn Taaaoa A ImTbal OPItodce. 4o klMaBaiaoBll tritammtb Pnadwr 11 511017111 BOTtL. JOCarrieoaAarnajn Dmnuooad 1 w. Nt noa4twbMB 61 mkw CGanalrclry 01 nokN kh4 tnAwd OCnrAw Dtarktan atla tabeLlWGraido Aw.

j.cUy NuulMWseieailv teLtC nortu IW AaoVraM. ttamtcrj kBia Jaduwen JWVwiIsemkbs TrMdw3k o1ed MIIII TQM A i er Mew lock PA" B. J-- taoaiA5ai1j55 do At KWBarUnt. I. 00441 Jt rk upisousot rd.

Utte IlokUei. roal Mbv A I Li CI loaecif wer 1 CklUmia JCJkeiTiOeAwBaatgaltn Chrietoaier lsoXESetvWedo tisaJue MWC tWCSIabestOdo Mia IB Kite Orrco JCNAdlMJr. 9BOOKITV OOTEL. rWrVoWinor ofty A Morris Slew ion AAodenMAw oo CIMt B. biatrrry rairio Anjeraoa.

Jo aTL Da i enaiealo Le a Aadonna. Of nertlliermd. JUaAate nt I li A Un A A Clorbler. VuiaaiCU A wf rrxiUe KaMaa XC3SJUKMC. As1IV5O1siaL PrB WAaiO PUcere rji ta gtA ee JE Y- 0m Valley RIioAeWy Jaw.

McOare WoodkoaiCoa Coota Mra MoStar OUrar lCli 4. UtaC Mear do la. foa. Tal I Wwi. 50.

Crna SurioTHlara Bay BUaaaaeaa. toektaO lr A ekOd. 8awwMoalrcall Faraewortk. WUbnra MD al Lodl JCTixi larkmll terUaoBPalBt lre. furiry Pelat Kriea tics MoLi.

HnJcHavtharaaAjr LMarrar. Portlaad dT Pnrtlaad A Baraea. Saa Jooa VkTwaor Mod BPBaakoa oanJoaa Orlckl 51 1 scales Mordecai. rnan ft oer Lutmir Mtoa to Healy Corel tTTatei CaaUrrlll WIateHJaaUrrUi COMMERCE tw Toi OctotaraS. S.

in. of 1881. 102 VwrFlrt 101 CUTVWT BUM of 130- rcneeoaaies lii Faon. 110 Tkm lad hiftt. 10UV SUrUaa scbaoo-s.

IOBC slate SI 81 4 Skasa S. B. 2oa radio Mao. 4 dton lajoa. TsuzCS 1 Toettans PacUe saiorsgr ptstriei 7OT Cones isvsa00m lOot astedm Int.

1001. Wit. Farn. J34V Doe. 43 Castro Posse.

3V CaM. kaginc. 1125 Maw tork CoatrrL 187 Krw Tots October 25. ms. tub- UkiM.

dull 231. wool ihiena umaa Ti. nxMct taste. 25 Polled. 20M43 i Jan OnslS 18 Perry.

13 t14e Wkeat. olet 1 43X1 4S. 510 Coffee atrady 10V Cool UP. stir hoc Colttd SIpS Line. 90V Mid' 7l relaod.

7 V- Laud. fie. Borax Sunosni qnle lHv ftuv. destand ket ease 1sc XeOnr 8V. aU sorba food 90.

Vatckullnr oVaiaad 440 Se. entitle atold-104120r loot 7 OO IL. dead wcUkt lCi o. Ortoher 23. bow- 83 bU tsr October 1 4 tar November.

Ti-eS- 1 is lor Moraaiber laud. SU 42 or mBbfr. Rib. 8 ML Widaty 1 17. Cnrcraun.

October 25. market tlrtt-ll is. October 21 nets 99 818. rosA ttuat Boadi 4 nor seat loan. 116 4 Ps moat do.

litlu 8 or not LrIsrso Octoly Tber sblpred i ed- heat lit 14451 51. Float ca oef Sr. alet. Osree. OB mug aad for ibtBeatan alelMirkLaa Wheat it rather easier.

Tk 61 Pr' tOe. C25 tai asS la Mew fork til 12V tod wroanoa lOuulne. la be local martet we oote at 4I 17 EohFur eHn Vri e7 ral TeBdan p. tilickilliar ta bridal tie. StosreDis lor umonw teJteMaT Tola else.

October lit. IU31O BnlhoBirrettuM tie 8 VeacIea. Mratret- feraa freraa Tbt Mlowlaf a taOMuty of the inOs lad ilIatncaaedWotloaBatelBBort and to styli. atceidtsstIlis totad adrkea latwt 1 1890 174 89 too amM. Total nre.

I lSl Its TbowttMleatblpOrieBtna 1 8S too ha Seem ekarVmdOBprlratelemawbkb ax. carnally reported to 735 to Cork. 753. would woos decline of to Pg. the laif.

reported rat Tb. Bianrth4aotaUat75tlroaioCork of which BerWnalewroKyreneveooJdberaeed Ex porter moo it vs fcaa koiax laditereal shout untautso- tat. atdltlnsal exnwemerta. Yertertari ny arriral wiitLat eftWBrttbh rb te.oria Ov tou chtrtcnd to sirtys prose toras. 4 Masse.

Rtwnen raGtag to-div an tb Tlctorit tar reetmlaoler and Wanalow. tha Mary Items for tad Rug. Slier. tad tie. is.

sLoe for fan Sirtarestiira. users da le an lb Yawbru fries tiitas porti sad Ih Collira 80. Psanos Tb fe knrUur Wheat ihlr aare cleared itt Curt yeeturdari Brtllek tkr rartbena. wbk GO MO tae. at ITHJBOli BritlA tblp dull- iiXi B.

ik 4 rW6 tenOsli mined so 9213 an4FrltIbihrBCttyofSAanth witk 31640 teal valved at JS8 331. I PrIbib ibla Merms Blica de eJ fur enool Ith a mileeeflsrnu earr ralanl 7 377 locrodlBt 40 45 3 Wneal rarced at 5481011 1200 Ltd. flour. yaiud at alibi 4004 row. Cassed Frail.

518117 bibs llre. 41 73805 a Iiora t2C30and 000 a untie of OttOolils la la trWt. tkitteini CltyofTukle iiilid fcrCUaaand Jorascsriying trrttbt Talued at 177 6or tie luroer eoontrr. end I12gat for tIe tsr Tker lneBde4CSOUbiJ k1o M18 Semi tinr and 61 bale Duet. IWInatBreitiln- BM wtn so Silowo Mexican Ilnflars.

15- 1S 50. Gold Cute. 827133 Gold Dint 12810 tottl. 1G2BS3 80. Tb.

evil. trrlr a at Isis Wharf yMrrlay BBmiated to 334 toe TW Trtttoh eUp PoBftatrctre 3000 tone west over to Eamiels to load Wheat yetrduy KM to chartered at 13UiteCork Wta tScedal IMepalch I tb CHsowensl stiles. October 23 Wool la withnat aaa we manet ai wrajyaa rmi wtta bit da- auad ml fun prlera. UUaaad PomuytTanlatoM at 4254 tin XX. cod XXX sad ohm sod knl XX In at tb latter pits SiokIgs.

sat Wleooaala tat mod averan tcta stIne sad 5. Saws 4S 5Oe fur OUo Sma stAins. OS. toot. prOs tor tOotle.

art. bone. fa Mwuhed Wool a lair fcoalaeei was doiat at In See33e tot medIa. Ith choice cloclloa 47I BOe tar to Irtutte tad a leomUac Caw Wdcoojblo SA eloreoarM a1 Ion tradest CaH era Wool la la fair dams Hit fall Wool It oalf salsIk al low prttee. Pnllod Wads Sr.

Sin at oWSti maim and 5554 on. 4 ftOe for h5. Katter and Mala Fntra Wool taint Set witbcatBOT Bttat of layestaucs. con. nirl3 IHfraw to tba Twaoncu.

BomBOeiobr 25. Port haaa taMoof elaartaa of 23 Mrg tie tee IS. week esttlig October 22danowtat the tuattnia I little behind 0) of th praesdlsg week. Tb. to.

create la Wow TowS to 88 ever In taawweekla ISM. The rOa sotolde of Sew Tork to 494. TkomaWeateneltieaotiBB4t4 55. lutes ila. stkwsckam 11 fl eat Maim- City 43.

OemlaB 98. IxmanrfJlo 66 Cte laaatl 42. la- dlaaaaiaai 43 Ooluib 01. teats la only 303 et ataintr 501 lsl wr kaad Pittibarc 817 seated 81. Mitags droaped roB4 UtatT rfctt lai Wool Market.

I pooal Ptenatch to be CesesseiLl I PinuuuA October 33. Wed Is airt andBBckxmnd. tliue.5t so. 05553 ratal fee TuneS OMits. fp tj0 lasers.

Cxtra 54 7504 260 tsioriuc ro Bet7 3 MM Onto litn. 54 5044 73 Waits all tin. 4 044 791 lietsa. floor 54 kM Wt seats I tattilis tl 79a i nvi NO. o.

CTHWI rA cu TW oli 54 ensomso area lea Co etoot lot to 45. Weo WMI as Mlow Bo- eneea. 5213117 ta amen. tunojr75 oil. IW Barket so 5 bol 8 51 TIlT OeM exaort- en Uf Biatahr mttteasO Si wrown of lbtr aUrac on OMnce.

romer quetedost ustlI baud and at bald. an sSeVlDt rerr tightly iUmMatodiniU tint lbs wvato of uhip. MnooBolfcuter baa iuaui. till sue or two Iwaerndeo seen made teeil oooefwklek emairti 28OOO ctto ol ImpolMt MII 75. wMtTaBotlMiiicUdpd 300 cUdoalII7S9 ctL Uotden sew ttUI wsima Erlermindly for highs trr tk rbantt tar nrc BbecoBta ilyBon BmnUo te ttoa.

TWrMM draw- Wek runthrere to ha a dvlt ShelOs Mrketjai. ttawhtklaalMMBet so oarrtiirMd self. OS- at War. tmirr so Itabibta Urn us 14004 ad 4 otla ta a wOo. No.

1 tlTO Wa aMi VMtt sad Bay Jet 1 43M1 Cbmllerl for Ma of is Teed Uartey is. aoia so. af aaull a ay or. I 1nwiB tl BOM tn CMMI II tel 47i Day 1 tu 4l wj. aUodwd 551150 sa5 olor Tb.

aMlf nomisoli niae. of oMaiald taaciraluaa Limoy wid spiartfttly Set with Bach snone. Only jo wore tnmftrnd yesterday. Draitsi turd weoirr at oomaUooa. Tkert I la.

lry sgts Saul sweasl. A aew SasOsi onkw Ice Rw CVoalMT to eald to ko la sure. of slOAn Taw ka he. a low Oak yntrvlsy wen KM ikt 1 6i IWWtUlUbtBrealu al II BOO tkCo Feed al II43 200 Ul lsnulldZ tctl. OAT Bl4O lM tee Carl.

aotl XV 1 6O. Wsekeeiua Tarrv 06 Onut- Boto4a Bl SMI 40 tar Lar Trf- Irai teall 1 40. Ua. 7S et TWai laetUla. sowOilsi Xeter a hit kmler WM taijily otVrtoit at St at wfc wotber sold 573 iki Lug.

XLow at 514 aWHTSO to CMt5XKAt- too. rU Ml BA TjnB JB jtBB IB tTLW-Qesoae. ml 40 4V Wto Hwnet OSiOldS-OblibrsIs noted ml 7MS3C ekote A food stUds I trilia to WOer draata aala. Iltea- hag. 1 7 Wkit UM 4t PaaMW412 Bay 1 1 5 Oafs.

1381. ma to maUtyi tbiat I8 04 4 I Sit 78dt so. on. A aUaM iu lamao reprtal Bah 8OOeka Ft at 3 10 fcraia 5. we lalur tar thaws bmktCoeoaoBtalUMttoo Tamarind Wei tolba Si tusuaCae 016O 1 76 back PlBeaaalee 0544 don ftrawberr 3 7 tube ADleeOM79c bxfor 1381 25 Os rhosrao Peat.

ROtatIl 26 9 tit WlB Cranes. 52105420 I. loot CoT- aichoB. Dsosaoeus and Tok ltl 25 5 tote Hatcat soot lies of Pen. tQSOci WSOrinelO5 B4 7 100 Cranberrtea.

4 baa. Twavart for Oruwea has wukuad BBder K' Wary thipia ata aw Mewheea. TW devaad ooarknee Ur. bn an trada. ally tng I ralo IlaliD We quasi AtaM ftc 4 Wc hr n.

6 Mt6r fortHcrtK 53 10CPtaa 4 ei4eBitl d. ia 14ei Oaelwe pealed. 18 al4ei a uoyrna SOs. 3O 25o to leren 25 27ie la boin California St aackt. MMIo tdola WxeeCl3c- Cow Caliioralsbolau 52 Sow 2 70 air bat Uxee.

aadZSrenttatktiHoaatfaraacklrictlo 10540 Uraa. 83 3504 aoroNi4 to flail Such ArabUBOaleo. 12V TW diauad to w.i.oleocazuiir.A AJBadM10a no. PBOTUlO8 rao atioMarKanen Duo Sot' 55538. lo tdlioci osorooboundu.

10 IIM. taiUonia Uama. alzi a Kaet- fiaooa Oust 55545. ltt" l-ei oattide brand Iex41e cl California aio ioB beets loc. It kt.

Toe Lures Xaalero l3a. ISttlVf Kkrt2V lCdi lOJto JUB It lfVJL 5 14 ball LUI1S SO bbl 13. xtn pita. Pork. hi' ill 60.

kfbblfaaO ss ss il s- att bU. 60. Mtokd BeetTltt4iO bin ra Voyeri are brOrmyng ma lacli. aatloa I to ilower TW Change Barkat mew- le AND CHKC curia. aiW- SOu Kino laaee batter 45 447e kit rrro Solo tood to bear.

444ftci maaoa Sod nixed no o. fUei Pickled do. It do 5150331 Eaeter SOe tV Crune Otll-oma. lIatitet Katton. lM2Oe TWnllatblirbratrtonatlaBa wtirkln or of plo 4 Butter Rold-n have adraaced tiwa aad Jobblax lo an held at 300.

ECG nak Lalltorawan 4 4C Eastora. S344 i fcxprrM do IWa 35 PienoBt ootaiioai are snrlssd tb tnpaly of freak UUnla still POCtTBt foUowiBt an IUrt qootsomos Tnrt. 14 iac a for otAlen liHoilfie lit Oer 1 2M 1 75 a Pair I ncke. 4 5 Ml dora. itrnL 4 8 BOOM.

il v1551 ta ri-OwsInc noOdamem. ar 0 doors Teal 1 too Wvlmon liT rl at 50. waul. i87vc Tko airkrt eoeUBOM fitter weak though tuppbeo so. uiy lttOkn AtU S.

aota ni Mlowai Dry lint 1114. nnal telocttona. ISA SVs Uex aa 17 Dry Kit. IsSlSVt Call. i9 18Vl Calf sod Kip 4iT I ci 35104 STar.

0050 nor Si Ba toof sotlrm suftd UM o. ion lla-kt a ua vtc aieeioe uaiinaalo ifl2e. aalo weighli Panr trnlt. 6W474O oaeki Uool kiaa-Hatt boat. SCm poor oo.

sOt so err Mime. SOtti BMAam. do 40ei sour 40ci hsesaktei Obourltmfe an oold izd iieSWetWoela i HiOe MediiBfteoi. 5u auej LOB Wool. 761541 25 cash not UouftvanoJecUction.

AneirIMltae ml lb. MltMI usebuaged. TALUtW Tned. iilloo felaej a TW laonlrr oootbraeo very attire and ftiir ratai tn wily oMalaablo. HOPS it 23 25e foe good.

M37e for choice. Ascetics of the lute srrrshs baa tone tat. wrbous they Win held at 110. 2OOb eXMrta. 22208 676 banclweoO 0.

lol voriaet hirnn Ka. V. qaet. Soutlres Art at KlHe Sir chair. 15wl or lair dot bisque do eletini.

lajjlgej ISWl fnr talri Uaiha1 Wool Northern i 01i i loaihr- o. 17115. Tradlm eoattnaei 13051. ra Hr iiaalta CATOL Bay Improve'S Laa llea. lS4t7et Maa iBarored Wax Caudhie.

loci ttdlms HSciP AO Adswantlue. IS lJUej llark Bre Pateet We. lsv lt ci oVhaeMer-i. HCI Oraate ll 12c Csaortork. 15 oil Idea.

Tb market la Terr Krone qui AUWVIIU ttiarnicfnev Tail. Peaol a. svUs il Juocu sad J. PJblifirrearseSi 3 ttrinr Hrauli 15 Toussioes2Sttiu. II ZSitalb.

lixi 60 Pkklo plala or nixed irtaUoo. jan IJt dou aarta. S2i la barnia. ralV 3fic do IB Vlwrrla 44Kdo s1ics keen. IS ft kin do 6 kin II 5 4tl 7" dn 3- llua kf Bl 25 i rwfi5a Sw car- 1 7ft doto.

PorlUoxl surest 14 Ir i1 1 CHintXlHli CjOifernU. 6 5V Getmat. VI 5 from Mt mod yarl are nt ru. lot la bulk Ildi ii. in tack.

14 50 Well3tou Cu Mount tolatlo. i Sll. 7 Tin nartley Sc Ml nt ITCOt Tt Hard 17 Clurcoal IM 6Oe ck ioogIsl rounOry Cuba. tfirO Uo. tall rate S-I Ml moSlItieucl.

Iho row-lid. so tVwl Ste Its. ny writ ajrtnc 4 054 too. makintOMv l7teMaii oeJaiiuryl agpdnat mad oJTa of I. styled.

hue arc aar nll rt in. AaUinclu CIM oanU oea rule an end 515 Oorrtr-Crntral Amoroesa held ml IH 14ei Musts. a al Is's. Rio 14V41V gyoun4 Tlstre ta a BoJarai auu eo Naaila. VaU7e a.

tafttra MmnllaBato Iloac. JB I 13r. mr mt rtwVSo. lo Is. He tHKOBBt 1 T- for lOTO4CTtO 10001 fi Brorlpt mt tar Produce.

Truss October 25. OCR 00 uSa. St Kltie A8of 500 do II WUHaBuiMIU A ElMCBbelB OUmi LAT Otis SkaeWt. 33 623 4 InraWeh AueiiksParrott Coil4Aeila Co Udo It Bout 0o 2tti do. ltiscbma A Cert 3015 do It Tooki 34M ao.

Dernlnr. Pslsi. I tot 2417 do. 1 If CraoaAOa 21-1 do. inth KmatDork Were.

honelSKda. Jmr Pnb A Co ZUU4OHD Hl 413 o. otlaaCoh ii 20014. ERaaana 4C 1 13 flu. AMarbaW 7UaX Unlrr 114ll4 in OWil cltaM watenaaBr 26 da tluuCLiTtoa 854 do Imnnt iUAlo 3 do ri' belscin Auociatioo Total die IIA Srubwt 213 do Gre.

gm' rtualaee. A IU Total UAr toot rv Chute A Co do 1 Pooh ndxtriAPuB SdoUWaternaBAIdilOJa Mnllb Toial 101. XT RA 54 ton SkIrt lOonies to. Is. kalei thrlay WI.

166 do. Kkootert A lleole is on Mines Bride. 4oraUBer 1M1ACOI 14 do A Jrtl 21 do I Nevnwrk Co 47Oo. MUlat ACoi ladd ClbtoaArornt 13 do. kA ir.

4do Merc wiw- i NUlt 1 do Onler Total. 572. UIIC S7 touts. Portent 60 do II St CewWlli45do Tote it-I. till 21 sOb.

to- A Stern 94 do. Praecrtt. BVoltACo. 234 do A LowAC POTAtor 41f Varkraa. SWKl- 8K OT raiV7riS LE KB 4 mla.

Tnov KA LT-ao torn Ysmirns UI its Ma. Varioo WPPuf lloUiau Br .7 ba fVirioa 17 Ms Order 73 eth. Order KAH1N9 a A ci. tirder 70 Drier TIDE ILL uiaeat CkronooMOrr aa Ho. is Market Mnrt.

SAIIJI nTLLLlQOCL OHM Snn Tkrid ibis Ttustt. October 23. mar Metrthur. Uali. trow a rrnlso.

Sine Oaraaid Castle loaaj. boor from tatsartoor. Bart IMit too teal. to Daa air. ItrolsaCe.

Artel Hi ilu o. 24 diva item SIB Tiles. Tl polat Hanitl 5 dart yrodoc to Imtard. da TmaAT. October 35.

tmrCtty Table. Sass TokoWB and Uesgtisc I0lam ThaooI Co. Kair BiBpin kloAile on TowBeeadi Georx Iritok. BraklB CaBpordowa. Men.

QaeeacttwaW B. ek XJt of fkaatkal. Drytdale Qiaeaa towat bo Meteor. wllool txaaaar Oduhun 25. Qanr dry of TutIe lash Tokakama-aad a omr oaor.

rf acofw cbr Bcebee. OonJj. Port Tewaacai Scar Wat Lebinasa rVhrUuleftlnTAB4raoo 55 2 UeiwooXjarieBoijow iV ei Me. Bear WMbaoaCHaaara. Beichouloll.

eptIO tl4X loaiSSW lUCMrXll Ha. UaBBkfoy Unn fat eaaTraaUan. lsbae vkMl. 757 iki Kk 127 1 i 107 17 500 hoot PU 55111. 1 rpo ww Pin MawLCai Co rnoiuoBl VaSes Seas Write.

OwteHi rmNtrilMir- lUrf Vtetrtr ta. i i UBr. Pull Vet Ie3tk 4 TVIarU BurtCvi Sitgeuboua Co LTOraUuJ V. Ck Selsacks 0 Wklt- ttfT. ttitrr Co order 7 Tolocravk.

Pwn Uw 22-1-0 bnrt ix K. LITTLX BlTtK lRiTCd Old 34 9 8 illinai ilmJiHao PUKT SaOoi. Oct 23 Drteim. a rww. lll DiBt iklp 2455 Ix e.

rt i Sr QtcanoerTSIcbtroioB. ofWnvlv. 11010 HITO- tUoi. Oct M- ckr Orion. nTnarmo.

POST MLAKrLT-Arrlrtd. Oct 34 fn- ESTPOBT-AntrW. Oct 35 alwnMOrtll P032 TOWN8rXJ AiilTtJ. Oct Airtw Ort lb tilyst Oct alp Ai BATH Oct Bow link. tad ate isa rraactoofc rornn rorw.

lirn VAU tWlcd. Oct Star Aospeloeo twTork PASAWAAerlooit0.t Oct SO- aM Oty of KI MlnM1 rMlT InanOct Am d. Oct 25 Victoria. San rnitctom. Br Son-S kukGw.

c. a i.TOOL- 122002 UJ. mitt October 21 tk wits of S. AJBbroM. Bt 1 this r.

OctoUr 25 tk wliitf I Ucilr October will fW 8. Hoot of Mbur GlUf A tSls rlty. October 23tkwUf Aihn nfaKm Is tbbdly Dr. A 8. SeIt-Ib.

TkemroM xh blocky. EAPr lo tkl 37 Ootohee 17. hi mattaftbUr. OLRN OUX Ikl dtr. October 94 yB V.

Immon. Chula ubu to Clam. VATKIXS Ortobar6br 5 IT Jew lt Ii. wars mi to Ante WtSbu koik UU etty VURAN SKUER-IitMieltr Ortob 14. by IUr 5 Jw I I mu4 Moss I.

Tnuum Ketur botk of UK city. SLTI1M. Imtblm Oita dry. Ortohe 33. Catherine i aon.

a salve 00 Ma abeim. Caraway ated 7J yeara aad 7 awmtka. rnond son moewslstasrus are nneet- Ml laity to 53554 tho haeral tlu day lneodayla 3 Kkr a. ora So. 1SAS Foul street Sat Gash.

1 XTTLIVtt-lBlhltrrty al lbs deace naon Ettlag beloved sstbee of Mark a 4 Uury 11. a nation it Cbrtoit so-la Utarleula. fir Frtondj aaii aoaaaintaa a ar iraurf Jlr lnetad to ettsat ta fueral this day so Its odock A from inaBrim lor awn IwMt plume the raiudWabia Hv olSe. la thia rty a a of Eruraa1 ar 83 yorrL ad. mess.

sad vMoatetaBeea art sopie tnui 50154 ixt tb taatral lb. day iw 4w ata clock a. from Ma. MaraA ssit AA tests. rcwartl Ska a Hat.

tuctossag noisy. Taotaaml will take the Ibis lay fWrda aaaT St 9 o'clock Pin hiS leta MU anMol410CUtl iralaatntt. IfcKAT-Ia thla rttr Octotirr M. Ewe. V.

bo- towed. wtl of Aan Mckay. aatiraof 41 yean sad aara I Lavi Vw paper. Kkaao eaor aa soaulsc5 ar veeert- atunl bet fussosi tkl day V. clock 5.

her t-raia oce nit lIAS-Ia this dtr Ortolwr2SJamea S. oalyaimofBobeitaaad Dill fl TTrnn-iit. a oatln of Saa rraactor and i yean. Mftilr sad aonvalauaar are retuerS- fitly laTttml to ntesa ho. faaeral ta annrnw lBtUidtyOrlol eT341yU Cnkkahanka.

a ed4 yean i months sad 15 Tstbtadfty. Ortebte Clark a natin of BaMoaMaM aged 40 roan. mmu STREET THEATER. Ciarizo I. Pmerlofes Idwt Ziawlag.

WA. 0. 11 STATS. 740 Howard ttnot. Ok PrrtePattora.

MR. A JOHTSOS. 1518 Tlrd Streat OtIS Proa Patten MU M. PAJIS. 1419 Powell strest CUaa AXXI POSTER.

319 Oak rtrrt. Cold At Ih VATWEE To-Day A 10225 PABIflAS DOLL. TWO SILK PB PATTIBSS 10 yank aHa 4o Lroa 1 SraNarroaCiaio Jlaroia. CIIITA TEA IT 44 rlna sod OTHER TILLABLE PBE8ENT8 1 TD VKlCUTt 14 EIECIATT UlrTt 1M MAT11EE gATCttPAT. 5 extra charge or neerrad na a ZBZ35O3I hTAIIDAZD THZATZX.

zYEala ETSuIING uIitSAWBDAT XAWIII I iSsue. of Uw rlngat Klaotrtor trchritrs. Matinee Man-last ff- ay IMT1flX OF PBO MAM5iKt PLATrSiHALL ay Er nw Bltfc. josErrr AHDOBCTIKSTBA. Orertnr Flan i Ilochartt Vmrrl onenii 3- Cooeert 5 3 Soil AUgreebitaad PresS ttmfmrl oTy tad OrcWaOra ttaaflwl OSCIILITLL Flaw.

Sole. a Tsatea Oiromalk sad fan 8. MoaMntMaaioaleSoaland e. SytiSluC a ff i j- Ra Jo By. Schema Fantaittiae Fairy TaIJown KafMl aeH and Outbestr.

et ran sow ha terand al TXVOXX GARDEN. ETEOT TTTNUQ TI U. ITXTHEX XOTICX. WsItnrtm Grand Spertsculsr Opera. aod Mr tM pssdaO5ea.

MB. GCOXCB tOESCH- GARDEN sinsj. rtreet bet. s3 Suit. trteefa.

Tklo Kwra Lad ustS fatiter tuSxiIO OPEBA. TIlL ran it CAXTIXES51I Danwi erowdod stq-Stly. Coral petty If yet Veal note. Ut. 20013 yeoal witaiond it rrionaaae hat p11st.

nasa. Lt1aat LESTEN AitWPrvKtCaatlBMr ji UIIAIIR Ari And an tk rtrll In tb Cut DEdDCDAHD 131125 VILM OftW CsoLrroSe00GuasM Siresbio Dauc XKBJ raCBOTTAB Tee Pwoel. CrM CWniaad State 2555 A4aataloL ADELPHI THEATER. Km Comer SaUaraad Kearay tv Tb UmI le BlBiaB tat 55. ADJKUklOX tr EcroiiTT a rrpp.

KacaDod rw asS thra SIBU ZUN12O 3172110 THZ wra. 5120 UAB MATH Sikxds deek. With COSUXS3ThT 5515717 OS I. W. V.

51155155. AX 25172721 SILL. U51U THEATER. UABBT Meart rr i ii ii i ii i Hiaajtr nIghtly. TlhiB Mrs.

Tto Wolb Bear srsas' a1eraaatoeaeeoftTeBorWl Tko BeaatlM KoaireU Tecalm aad DaacaC 02150. tk Sisrielas. Meat Cyasist. SCSAYCOI ST BACK. DASIOWOOD VAflatS tl CAf.

SOPIlIT DUNCA8 aad luzzi MO TACt RAR3KT7 rAKJEWMA. Oriaiaal JCa cal SkeVti SflZ5513U5aM lleapyraraaro ol tko PaaeiAftMc. VCMKTIETB OK YYBE Fin anearaaeo at tkl theslatit tbeEtkla- UALLETT mm BATKo XD. alWrwlU 30 8 MB to a ts aaT Atr ia 11053 MOJIIAU Ta 30ITAX iwrm lad Sematllti Wuaia Xfm Or OUo aoac. a Ja adlBf dab lawUrh ALICX Dl RWUOD wfllaiaaBwfcir cbancMrBfalabel1 tither ekanetvt SIWTflDAY time 3117 trrjcra.

MRS. ADA CLARKS DANCING ACADEMY til latter Mnot. abse Koway. Ball 5 ltx OtaXOaba. etc.

ml2Af ESULROID TRATZL. SOUTH PACTTIC COAST B. B. Ww pOKXEXCISa AnAL 4. 18S1 DOLTS 554 Trsbia wIll torn ha Traaidsa root Terry loading Icot of Market tellown 3f 1 a.

tor ASsails. VTeat Kaa JOU LeaaJra. WM 05 Mont Uoa. Al ndo HalTa. 330 IZ 430 Tictirn toUlalr4f aadliiadajMd oatd He ear fcajwia teatatees To MS loss Wra.

82 60i Pests Qua anlnrara. 3 rorrjo rmt Tralas loav 4 mm 30 i sad t5 tnr4i j. ukl Saadara Mlly goiMan ttftjit TXowa Tlekel Oflco. ra Xoetteserya54a etowt 8a tat ck ek Wool cad laaei Tkroofh Trios arrm ataaa rraadaMatta SAX FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFIC RAILROAD. 71 1 1 a.

In Bdari iaptid Sal 6154 mmciMO SCSPAT. APRIL 10 sd aatll tksu i wUl leave tea frauds. Perry faotof Martetlilieetl uuciao-ebl. and WIT tatioaa. eoBBoct SO Suit.

Roaa Is Moth Weal laadriobaatopolalOoyterTUlofeirKkatn toetoote. sad at leterdale ft Ikies. Sisal KWta KeleeyiiUa Hoda bo enatt aad tW Coyam. rJ. mrn Ha wits eons for Soaom sad at Iteashum with traia fcrtlorerdaleaBd waynadoa MalMconaect lot tsaoiur-iae City sad Nanm Kldto.

a.i.Y feX4UK l. On a M. faadart eary Mewaer Jaaie oi5J ttoaaMM WaelitattoB ilrft Wboet br BOBOBB. OMonale. Ovraorill sad Way Matm.

ftoa 44riB irkrt. a. Ouduy to Oft. 5505 oa SONOMA VALLEY R. OX AMD mrs SOS DAT APUL 10.

1881. buatiaad traiaewUI Icon aa 10550) ae oa- tnet Wharf cosuecttag at Somesa Laadlac with train for Seetosia. Sara. raia aye AIX AB7HL UCHtS iTttt1 McQL aerel Maaaotr I l-fif GP NORTH PACmC COAST R. R.

CHXE tl 7-00 a. 18 Week day tlatjartjiil tTA 4 1775 PCXCAf taLLS- mn Se tfwarl Pent Pint Area Co 1 Barala tfwa farttmaad Uaor A. at- Staerliu jtZftoB So Questis Forrr natty Os besets kUUe aid way rnaeJaoo trio laa jj0 Dtie Tir. if. mites.

a Coal Uaaacrr Otaf TlekM Aieat MEDICAL. TO MY- OLD PATROJI. STILL orrxa XT TAIVABIX SKI. rtMtfiMniaafartaaatoatoi talr lhB. 3115 a Bled awMred asS urMe4 by tadle ta diBatd crdwI sow taMrBy tkat ttatah hardly a BIM la tko eatatec 6 koBa Oat I Quart ka toaManvnl pus My faB ksswilge ha bee Benttiday trtoMli ipeelsics.

I sow to treat yes oath Ik enrtaUtyefoaeeee VMtwaltetor Brd tft i ialaa 1. I iriti mi an loaliul XI VoBBla Msata38 Madso ass eamrl to aayiail am of ore. wIS wK-tatil to epe4oa letllantBlrktaorabl tad sot. til tresmssSst rmaalJa ratus. I ddM arte lrry lkaa VW bess to.

rand oetktut SedWositems SM Sam wk oalrtee4 kMal dlMMtb Pews. sLIatal aa. It they ftr. byltter4e aiUa Ik ryvateB of tk neiati ahldd recite nodidaso kr BWBO. Witk tab Isauatle AH lattm BOB wOsdu 5 MMCLTK.

5. 0. loMe ttno laa Frit rant. Oka. Car wwnaloJ to all OMM.

a tor Jtr by letB Se. at By UlrBary whaa derind wU en. Ky IMatoaM Saw tai soy iM sty By so PhnMo 7 ud Ka Bl yBllawiilBltrB. tf X. B.

OB. 8PZMXCT CO7 Na It to Mr TaILS5 AI 0110210 AID ITScIAL YACKU su VkABayWiafenai Uwa UK affects otk al 6UM laOaentioa. will I. tTSl thesoisire. of this tbe trtateol ho.

was laid al lb. brt of emOwnc klauln B. SPOle tl of IW bladder Oea teooaifiaMl hi a 10053 oaartlat or bursla tiaoa mo iaI traa eaiaa so he opesso a mtaaoy the pn1. ml sec so riBal Our. nmllt i1t77 is a ran rdlBval wiU ftoa A lo- aaJtoJeT tmall nlcioe of UmiMa wUTarBear.

or color will 5. tki BllkHk kn irttecUatlB toa4rkta4tareHanrraaea. TaanareBMi BOB wk rfl Wlklt stOkilty tiususi yaf. sties lkeecead utooakaM II. 0.

UJnannieeaBerfoairanlaan tack ao a Wattl. IIB it So. goaXxr TO TKE Dr. CrHAo 623 SS i MandOeagimdi Oa K-caat Va-'aat aMMedikaa Ybjass N4. eotaJ TibowOn WI Vtlnwl Ctite ml WtsaSeap Raa with ilnaeit nZT Oar a ei wiob nIatj tbn ewabUarMclMla kMckea.

kMadry iwO 1 TaaT WILLIAM GutsAl. LCVEOS5I ROCaC BKOCt TO-MORROW. THrm AT ocTVBJtB 27. lIfl' At tack A. m.

eat Ta Beward. Tabart or rtTRnrruRE Otabooa pdiaas naliliaia ii rtolM I fa fcaar Craad JP MBI mrm loo eedcr. aad aa exceileat wttPrnZca waSSt OcU. spoofmoamd Pama tagireol PUS ta Mow TW PmZ. taeo liioi no HWIU lram rario Pnwa PgKoaa-Bilki Lart I al4 MatM.

to ot Kb a o4aaJeld Be oet ftaaS 753 fc Lure fattalaaad CoIn Sr. aaTtr and tlswea1. laK tts JSs i pssr JasSSki tMit 4twm 1111 ln lo. Mb i Wli iik rMM-h Library Ueei Ia uk EmelrtYaMierfcot LasliTaoeeti7ia Body eels OtniaS i1 flf Bd rWemei Very Plas al3 Wuiat tiller Sahaasve We aad Vatoal fcS iS 1151 eJaat Mtft4o4oe MoT NuidlFmck Ma ad Otelollea TuS Wan. ET" STw 7r Leatad lottarvi Plu SKal Ml1 i a.

Aa. HI a. ll- VX AT T- a.B.ilva.a iaaiaBM a efit A. mj a aatlicttioa to wILUAJU. MXOXfTrul Attaii.

a a rraadteo. jfUnT. mine MAIL mma wWAtV TW Comaaa. tlaaam wm 0 TorTOKOHAlU sad WUCKOSOi cm or BIO DC JAMKI1S guwas. TkteB tat TuaeIoamm ad mourn at sa5.

ralea. COLHatLff TOlL PAMSISA AIM TtktrirfWyM aid Ba atirt to 1AZATHAX CAPuLOI A JOrUC PB CCATUIALA and an to Xew Caner 13 ttoonn. Ma. Tkke sad trot taroto by aay Tee HOSOLCIT. ACCUAXI aadSTPnTi C1IT or HEW TTT fiT lmmii PACIFIC COAST OTIALIUIP WAlT.

witt SAIL moil BEOAOWAT STiAwms UABT. MMIlOW WnaSriW1 i SeB maOa W.3Ka- 4aad LOIS a Tseea. Pak ar touch O5lSt- Orr ad 1501. raltlbnialOA Mgo7PJaMe72z hMaa a Un I Alex Dim. Jlo71aiweM9 rtraoeawtKteaB Bo a Mraam mtacaaarrradam tb auk Toac oUi tosate IIa OB lb.

IWk. aOlke 3uih tlaortaaad Sagas muss HeaaSn laae Fusatleonnoduyoartlmy. eiaai Kanka. aiifhj nil fi IIBI lBa akool the 1 oi Mk a olk. Lv PTt T.

it TV araiai. i lectT U. 5005. aM Harrt Aki 14 no AHaeaJCalda. PBOPOS1LS.

NOTICE TO rrn J2 1S2I2SL5 tt sfisatttm Per setald. fc frAssttfsfsa. a ito wttlUafwtydayeaad Ik huMans of 5. 4045 TWMUrtal all to Se Terraeo Aaorlea. Piemimj MovMrfA WooaaV4ero4at3eekc.

rA ATLD ATHoM xrftST 7aad a MZtUACTkmBkiTStkr al. ll fc i. otvtat CHAALteTll. Ataga loorUa. ft tBOBBBdlbf at loorte doiTeetS 15.

cu et mouttasir oi UoA tcaSt auiuja 1 a i JI1i IM 4 ba I IJ flIM ITA naqIuqfX WhcKEl 4. th titbstbri a en a as' I VM pSItkSISXt7 tsf. I GteooJ ia th. lst b1sesbestwA kt aflslse bsCv. td tbs Jo oM two Ia4 aztod soU soo IIVSYfZV sot sbjs lbs fans Os As Asoerisoa 1tO41I so frisoi.

Tbr vt aod. aM MM u4i as sLIMMta teylsaschid tb. voypjstsvpd kdlysllsbosthsfolls sM solysbaL tre tb. I1ds beds boss damp. Jo.

aId I thlsk. to abs ny tba ot baedi4yss a sone odstj lbs Ibas tbs yn4 sosot wbl foaM kso to Mn lot fbi seared abc fu beip brassbt sttb One. I gEso nsa of Ibi sit b. SdSStfSS5bStls baA ISIS. lbS 5 iUz tks stIett Iba ss I 0 sosmIodr SZOZtsoOM yse kllsd I I riv Ia IM IasoMrabL foe be I 5 sssf lbs dtsstwutybsottbatb ssT tbs sod sso 1 tba lbs Is.

a lbs fafa. so it vsvbleb 47. I Lb. vlctia t. ki 4stk.

Tbr 3. pp sod for IfasoI4tbSMMs. I' sosot blsdl1 ddr osusbt ihs Lbm mCnd bregbtfvIibiaestyrssobsfth I wbi lbs Iaso soDsos IDiO Lfl tOOT. ih ss ez siines tho. abs.

a tb i. ohs 54 sot. I. sos sot a slIsonds7enosisi. Iestdbso SI tt5 bsoroblsvosostbsfstIisodDSO tr sonit drirru boi a nod son srtsoo 0.

that st 5Osol 7 I. stisoyso1bsotsosots. Myres no bad rotursod as oddestr so it hod 14 nosad I sosgbtajssilwdbsosbaods I- sosflse bat. so bar Isods. posI a bbs ts ball tree 1 so I tbesat boo for vsy faI wso.

aba. tlet tb. I tMM3. Iw ssr tb. ohoos w.

sod so ysbon bow rIoso soms to saso5Yso- T4. tI. too4ntis. sonodsot so soy fo sod sesksoUsobgpnots Iwsi poUa fso tb. beE t5 so.

as sipd 5 usofaso. sol4 tnt faO5ttb5MMOthOb715I aba' task sono. Is rcte so Os. treddslyjthsooybtsolbs cbw tb. wood soiled welrllisiasotsod the the the otbath b4 the ins Is rot.

was little has. tM. aM ti. athcr woo poso 0531 bat abar sos euty soi eotsoefthsrsobasw 4t4ad tonod. tb.

fall. thotc soIsbt haM a. tk. uoth daytbt sod btp biL ieae 4 5r sd bruo tetoosk usia lbs sow bsesoaing sono sad Silo ssddn h. st iIs a psi tiisobt host a sad.

foot 501105154 I. lb. rsidi. CO1d thi sobsidt a I OsI4rOshfOVI obsoohi of sos p4iad tha a tbatuad tbesnsntbaIa1liaIsetet- Lity. rsd no lb.

oooejso soch usn wk lib. fsreIy the tisos. Ti. so by toes th ha Lsysod lb. gasI.

sa bwtO sad 1 soth soy arso tntebed to ito tar- tb4. soy wa opsred so. bOost the rots 13550. 1 witjoy. lbrat aht has hs.

sS gbt Lsow. hat thatro. tastttaa4 srid lOws. tart lOst fast. poohap.

ts sad a that no Itabe sito. like shave the kio wsy zsILSse so sbasttimhll wa- so. her. Is that sos. frioiat load av a soai.

sod It 111 1. halore so ha be bad i Mr of. 554 he wso rssd sosth hawpeoato Msy. I. wUI sorer bit.

bireto sores the A ZOWCt II UL I eSS wad 30. Xtboa of Lb. levi the tloe tlsn wsoo tafasifi. war. aftox sight retsalod to the viailo at th Pa- TUoa.

715 the hiutosie 5501 was lb. srt. be little scr woo oLe i fund- sooty. thi the Lees bars tng-Ss Tb. bmW Vt' slot mad bra tars the pmstirt 554 a otnoisasetwu sod ths a Is the bosioltil.

g55 the ttthttWftbtof hatreduIsooawre prsslsotot pO5III5 wbadbot ad. lb. yr. isdAtsd the The nodsoe. the sM I a.

tosilywsa I boad tb. Lahywsalollsithi SS treaq. ha hmrnd so tha 4 so asoftLsyumjkawcovsoagioso a. prescMLid tars. ever hi 5.

ssr so 114 falls fl. tot a ef lb. muwso soi Rare the 4artofs 1nooltsZ. lj. aatber vOaftod lb.

baby rows- is s4iv Ohs 1 Ii wIitso socL s4sou. Jwa this siLL the ha. nobwa fats Md riAsg yesow boats. was of otsota ltsobsis So Sos Jr. whor' be the mow no bmais.

soother. Onto whaso sLosh t. Iret. had roteosod lbe a waswasssfottaspta4lootbiuaelfuoa asotibo. tetbs 5th toe Is a sosny hat.

hst iLs tssoot. ba. so soaso soak. Il so oil. showered to tot mEd sheotit the 0 kotaata morel.

II. peattaod with the headss of uaieqsitd bore oLe on. IM I. till to 31 50 I' biIstplsistybitbsfaoettsLs noni bet. be is boa dsosuatss lots MM a.

11. the brso Cu. the sownopso. so taidta be bosntys lb. tovot bbs Lnet mel ustst tbs sooritso Isv.

ho ha lb. saws Os whaso be 44. a. stars sad 5. sasflta tbslhsts dsztusosd bet Us sri hi the ow Ms4S a.

it VaiweoLa lbs ssos4s by the Lb. Is 1b5737b7 so to LSOQSIOrOO4IO Tb. bAil osMatIc. 5 s3sX pta tbs tPvsiu 403M. pctssstsersoM.

nassau Tb. 151 rialisodasad sosasy lalO06343A 5 ths Ossi of 7L0O16P02. salsa- of 515297 be 54 1 Dpateet ptssouty vsisaIs be emllOs1. 5115. 57 64.

Tie sz eauso rsoofrd abtof 575OysMsrdaa. psysosots Osgs irpM witase. 0 Jasowsassuittoa too bows 2 mIzed piL rester. 0 0 I ss I IrttbbloL be so tosoblot 0 sLatS. I Sb d5k sa bear.

temsol the sono St well Li i as the soseh Ssdetator. Moats N. 5 ofrasor ws. fasd da4 I. hIs tsyt 0 taos.

ebist a 5 so ha tad so PterTe I bartALtasas tbe AsotatoS' tawatadss 6 walSs1 laiftue. I 3ilet three 1Meit bars tsr' s4 suind LOs tbeve raft taAI1pvale. so di ssrsd by to. I sohamqsetlJ Dyks. sh.

Eased he MM soso a. 47eia uIsbsos to gos sass far lb. sam-asIa. blorcesot Jofooso Zews bsispIis4 Us 5a hadsoIsod sIwahsatdetdw liar lutotots. not I llsosoWMsrerJsooi Eta lisastifas w7.

4 so LO54t 4 to aoiooos JefM JSIIyhaSSIOaId so am tbsiso Wnsbtrwass The II 5Hs. Iot1U1 of Mesoso past 5ss 55 ssso Assos soso4 Wobaus bszam5atsody n. Woiglo fle tsssotbifstsr stysMerdayU or rusIsison. The doeto oss4 sovssoOzwsok 51225 SZIYS11hUt 13 srfsithmsrnSsussUl resob414 2 UhsDttt 14t SIIOOIsLU V1. the wits sowsopsdtam iteyssosot Is 15 S74.

1 siMM tlssodoeki soly a assotsal boalowa a. Isos. Tb. wkeOoad 45 sod wsk 0575 QVOAT1OSS. Psiso-Albiso 2 05bslsbst 1 553.1 ii 55.

tJiIti aS SVtJ. saaws lcint Owbir 7 b7 o. 63. Nvsdw 15 owpb 1 50 Ijstos COe11 52 OI. Aks Aadts 1 56.

beiehst 11 75. 3041. 7. santo. Is4a1s 15 raLi 2 A 3dQMIs Johi40 satack5svmjs5 75Lbik675.

isllswJsikst396. sactwsosa I also of 20000 The hs 4a ustppsdSSdssoOctabsr234. sswsoeso tso001dsy 53 up Aighi2 051 100 ustck2t I AJt. 100 to 1Is51L11IIs31 1osavsiiiiiJi so Issis. Oc 5435 JuttauiNW son 00otooi Stri 50 520 erisaa.8t o5 sa0tues18c 7OOasi IhISI 775 CSIOOsIIC 200 POsit-i at1 10sc iap20c 400tsreta704a I h4 alt 2XO 340raV SUt t0 Ii 176 ytoa1 4 IOOsUne2 itoh Vatou1P1soo I 155 sot cT Z010LiJI0M2O5 boLl I IOOtOs 4 0 lOouNdiszIOel SOLsa47.1l 101cML5QeI 620 Moso2os241 Ito ta.st4tk1 20 5 Ue1PO 0 LIsts l10.

I t. Lwsk141435 flreIUafihi 0 JL0oGofaMw2Orl I0 P51 I stot0ss San 1Ac alsog arsase Swore. j5 500 COws L5bo 250 A01U1 0G1 I wr I talSrthmeile Ito I 2o to I SOb I 2000tcb1S6 faJ55y I 651 Ot. IILPi Isoooaotao3 0 itol aOOLS2 70 risjoe 0 too OP 0. 0 800 to.

V3 SOfa 401 200 8crPLJ 0 star tsisoosi 56 torssj. I.W.I 40 Crtsa14Il 2h Its I 1totWwMsat30 SbUJ1iosj0c SOTJoe.4 I totS IsotmS bi 10 I Liviassot sss 2O5teSl 0 60 ho 6 Ii C414efb Lu 5UlL1 15 500wv I 200 loAd ae20e Ott 20 Os1On3 20 200 5 l. 1 6uCst3fa73to aoisrpi iai 2suayaots fM5d 200 tano3 8643 or 3001os. 1. 110 I iuLIyoSt6 I1TANUT.

D5ne. Calowat if. 5 5 lb. I. sitry.

ioo- DaM roSs ianx PYIrof lbs yrt- vats. at tboor own reqsomt. D. 710 tk. Si 0 ucowu Csrpoui1 in kaooessotsssd Tbfoltowiovwereberio thiTbit try itir.

hosi b0osatd7 dorrge4 Eros. tbs rvtas fat be sasos sagsds 1 P. Duo. pattets. fOiIssyJt erso J.

Jr. pryt Ccovpay 3. stylus. tamatU. lbnMycavyyt P.

erporito. rrso fltrkt pnvlte. dasb1ttyttIFMtd globaL grvate. Cwmr mina ef toa 7. ItoMnasapnvstsowpsnyp boui of Cosopsoy trsoeyrod 5.

solart001 N. U. Lu. J.P. IlsAr.

1. Fegres. Jb tIsiluva 0. a. ii.

P. MOMP W. l. MeMshwo. 2.

0. 1. Iloanofl I. saiui4t. I 1.

ihuotu. 1. lwer- k. s. J.

solos. bbLey. 7 tbeebeyJ W. It. J.

I. A. J. MvcIstsy 1. 0.

J. lithiosre. j. Mastby town. If.

SrsoaekJ04tres. P. Damns. p.

Stub i.e. V. en ib. bedqaarter mu snssattbinabiclalorrnio PrtyLeW fl 11. thUaCoreryPbJohn V85th Iibo WAgsti 715.

lotyt anxo. Li. DatI. e. doybaryad the rervic.

a is tb. sore fading t5t5es 57 uPTOTOYOL050C tbrprooevding. tJ tfanGoa tbnosreciop worMs. Not Guiia.5snd 5 the On. tO1 tMIOICIOrre thrpecltestiro iow a as th lout vu yty boot St 130 1 Qoort in be the be gypiov.

that is. psnoohsoeooLmssrl- 4 us lie Oh. eleame. dusp rvd 55450g. sod toAsts.

a. tb. third chars sod us eu 1 hestlsdt5diad eLi foorefi0 N. i dirhoonoUy5tuucLsznl I theiuervirs sdtbs Ptot nI RvDzzous eUre 3 TI0000tIlI4sebwbe poeosiuosthssgnhot 111o. Odrat xiisosos Is ho eye so Miof fr tojado.

Riz oach. wimnt how mid. ho. thooL be mr- badngdrank the the a a tbs eye the woasdsj mini b. stbCCrI eye has aoave6.

lees Dos lb. erla towuisi 514 3501 lb. to S. atm ttartiust Imir oarortyituattbstimeat kit am. held am be tat.

a. Te ma stink c4 ths isiant the ytussat pity hi amply. The Vie awofis. now Wobe OrsadJmiywmansltto so sad at 5000. ceatr a sa i Lb.

bram prj orayerl Os a usambas. el 4st. Tanwasof I. Tb. taUwora sitite boircctJdt oak feWtt5rrtgtI.

Smyty mad oio 155 10. ZIG 64 tohaasoat lG.tmv. SloG. a. tA ts so kankp 8sf bares 42 IWok dr.

Os tT RsadalpkIstui 55 so PT rant stotinusoas sd WOsOWSIL I usatsS5sohltososoteusud osatit. Jsha 5. Sob Ilormet a. SM 001171 no dgoat1T2S wnea attle hee7n1i7da. Ilaof iitsutenl tOast I TtlWtOoviK biLGes Of.

let Tzt2OovX 1221 bofLirt35003i4. Bymso ly1t.l5Is Sesoib 14 I Sli7tso a3esomsstrei bosjo I 0 1raitw. lfIs162l1t22t5so I IOssaahtasOooosofMM saw ion Jloltstks4eIsLatJomOsW5sfuoW MzlOO a. It rso I 0 GWsd Name. I I dIlodiot I pcttl lbs tckle.

iSo. ilk. atop Keutre. tjsg I I 1 hi the as tbjeeowLsass 5atb sorwi wTek be as. I be suh Itai 5o OsWo5eoU.

I At tM msnlar sosGa ti 5) el ilarbam fwoWonen ysitardu bills a. 1I000 lowd ike to sodssolgist s-Ostsr-desL no 323sd gdthrnowaflekwatd I Tansmrs Kslsoi ea8adpeds hate. I. the wntioa I I lstooieslteuandvtulartoSaeCth Wisauneltbitdiarte itwlad fa e8eyo Pobor loss isto. liiZ 3.

Solussa. 555 5 I povhto 58 tool fa dl b. Zest bi ef tL. for tao of rteMo. lb.

dJb27tkiM bto rindsess. lb. var. sboedSb 7 gytitisdiud I the etfooyywvpsrsd thamosnolbu yet 5 uhip soeld be ha I lb. tIsoebotneverbdoreendsr gobs lb.

1 sos MIeT14Sv1CS New Isonbw. grflsdfnr MIsn4 y.n. Wslefttbeveeoooa vntbsraatit the 15tbwben vs ante. the us be asath. 5 k.

atedln ha 0 urnmtyflvs nesthysrbPu a lb. the ooe digrey we Mmdtog water. Our wsterwiypbt St 5:30 Iend tao uo ve Ourklpyev Dasist Iltorine. I pt ar e5. towbol Wi denied dee 81 400 We lnnj form gras Tb.

5w lb. to. I 1 the vine dsacerofrapeizing. W. I koap hot i5tinS rorkiog.

ss We vewsl yeravirtiowtbat 1 lb. of. be He seened IOOOLsIl4 oat alter be I sa leib 0. ha ad we to lbs sosre of vs. sodoaltoM non' thing light Ne mien' Inro gee.

I 53 24. tOo. tan. dent lot so Let a di. otia the the the the beGngovfr itiastthashto thsootoiseinreot into lOts itt.

4nood as wOos had cliwbeA to th. nisotbesd. Tb. slasi withit. Warriwled ooorlisotosbenm to that.

holliruks W. Listuii Ths eo eva We didtn. it btt th. owml I. we ow.

cod The rergoasd brakes Di. I. to keenowor uni rat from Leirog nd TI. Syouogsith euttlut satIate. ltmvy Irel S-at Ian wersubipped so slittltapaton itknekedall a otrik.

speak-mud we ee rota Wo hodona On then-the lb. Snot oat. We mesa vs. nas C. lb.

etr ubo hi ant water. ho. I. utkei. leresimed they the tintairnoytbelt oftoheecomiod W.

we Wehad dritd bans. sflcLYainhl tnyloig pastas I task wbes1lot-bort we We vs isse ttbtii 57. woes or ii I Tb. tlsrepvsoy rave passos. to so rise th.

oft ea the breboeJeiandwith oiothongsbc zoglut door nwISg C5512T3PIZ 1 stew Grsatleit. Made Csiigregatto00. the the of the Couigrentto Pherith-Iresel. coo. 5 hoee-cmrtcftha The be sobS.

wit I a tory diIsditsi InbIstatsit 11. the roes the Wrtjt Ste sottle. the he lbs oast. hateccoptad lbs sttemties lereats jaws. hash.

qienti the lb. itS the it. Ike iotis hat lb. soadmuod the a tat 5 oh. spa 1 hatthepueeerl the sctau.

lb. enteanhee 0 b. renotutIscoadraboog the og I. praseut ion. nod.

A LONG esryta erenw Ii. tH. Matdere 5. 5 no. steals so

a IsaI Tine. 1 at. esuw tatwie. 7 tant mor to the I le. lb.

nowed by uestsl eck this tie. Bmtl be am mile is to hott th en It. Ol oimb. pt 521113 and I ii iso do. men I ore the- he a the ruts.

rorredtsoddldmowe hbajha frIwiast I Ge I A ow to poworfalmansn4goha witboba I Ld whiM Boiler bud ta i lb. the Botict wit 00oatbvsrnie I I hOt 5 tree te sas be seem1 pms W. Damboog wig tire me sin. yso. I the asthemof Tin1 taso the hi ta.

0 3Uetsb4 I try5D3beeaoto wsolmohedhed U. lb. LetS was I 5 treat. sb. lb.

haul a lb. sew I the lb. aol 0 vat 0 I atzhaahitso eW so I to. sue ha ameybisas mam the mit set sodgars split H. uis hioptlotbosib 0 he so I I tb.

a soiled bias 0 out OLe p143002. Casood a Sow Brildes lb. so lbs wisodseed as I trust. Irate uae cipso. iS their on ssre The he gnat on the Missouri PsofSo I I Ike torsos lb.

I aae. I. saddest mmlerwbS i t.linp oitmrthtasgbt trwot. snlmmlftladc lbnoi uoeit the the the tie. I we ood team.

beyond the so Is be 3L1Pa P1M00a se84 sozssda almasYeTs4a 3rsa1 Lb. r. lbs the he woatos lOse 7 fat he twolnuabasbamu peMsoed rat Pieo woy 3st so the Smo ay. 0 is the asol Is paso. ip.

tbe the will follow the david. be od sing the btate tin. seer Deztatm Well. the dirtasose aret Train Shell MOOD4tO is. Pmbho.

10 ailIes 003 P110 to Walnut Meek. soilcet Wutnut Meek to Uveeeu milat otMso1 tLciMwIoModedo. This styteni ho bludnto about twenty stiles. the i.e. its Sr.

thun lb. sitsotci too 130 000 OetatIsIlZISd tijaelttoltksly three-the on. tee lb. lb. the be the th.

I a ragS a tOo. to divhia with lb. hoatbara PariS. the Its. mining the be ldiZ 51 morn rto 1k.

bAlM beyod Ubis portita ow. ei000fsott. lewith. wilL hoots esputsLvk1A will be popytied at 61 Sims Pmie a wbre1rng will 501 be 0 the hty-deepeoiiig asar those the I Sins. Lb.

the I one Pobreavanus I penis I flslsezperianoedismmiuroadand is astirs 1enzi sr 1. A Phelps. ustsi I ttretaiy 0 I. lIoeria krte itil total. Sn Ga aDd J.

J. burtvner Otwttting tteattaea. a 8naud is betray he Yesterday a stir saedy-lookixo MOOIgOIIISI sstosred Tb. lot- lbs we. tueshnotto 1 tOo.

scrytoiorware ttosieygsv. the Jtm otoatistbs sith. teseed sy delaultiobseonflntd theOeuntyjsit mu 20 for ftr Is wnehbtlur in ow uitter to get uubotltntee at ew Art. 6ornerai GYalkJo baa the bnterior 0. mn.

lS5llfc. attIc poorebaaeoititPetalooos ofC2a metro ha led out us boutbeboisnc.renwdtoysythsr- the I ailalo ztj sold be prtyi 0AIL2AD72 TII4E TAItt foltowtntdnU. be of a 0. limit shIrk 53 gtsu mu. eUy0sion 280 p.

I. Vatiry trin tao 720 toMe S. WgstlIsek and tSr 4310 USia to tnoswsmIiwblcb do sit ran so basdoy. Gatirhe Terry. Twuensd 92Ono.

Astlock I- i1O40ou. Ap" I silo BasIs- Cmliofoft Csrtam S3Ors. bI Io2Q i.e. Gliroy Uohilstir a. 1gbOLaadgeLOus 3t0P.

a. Lathrnp- Lam An e10. Muryer4li Sue. reeed COat- Bootens Sspa 0a. Was 0smb.

TeotgrigiiW0tk1d 630s. Taj re 1o Priseofl sosream Itt4Ias. bs. Oteekil- Sftore Sscftnoato Salts- en 6aeaiiitr. 053 iriega- hIlts.

II Mo. ittIOa Osloes. I 4nlts. Eatalartsrs. b2tIai 85515 tZ FuIta1 J0i404w.

fuqnl i4tlE. OutIsra Overtsod pro. wt OUatheys Lm1gsut. 40P 5tis 2 Oslin- Siloto. 1mll Ylrami.

7 Iillow. blinnou oaio raesnit.115i30..s.l- Si os p. Poerel. 4 InoahTsol Tbe5rotWolsftSeOmkty4 rs.su16:1I.i tbeaeotuihaadthree erery hour emAh1 p. s.

0 P. 554 rony loll bun coOl 1ths as uamiogiousk reusing ci 8:30. P20. tOrsO sad lI 146. itoturnl.

li 5OsA a. Osa4a 0 tot4ft4. 10b24. uod tbonuery half bun 50 aidthgwuklt4thesatyoft4sA wo kllwats bioar sills with ltM. boils teati ml m4.

coM. 5 a rook Sonat-Fano a. lraetaco :15. 11:15 se 015 madOgipao 00:15 a. ohadtosA 4:15 p.

dmllJ102ept 005. Alinoints its Osbts4 l. ilo mad p30 sd 300 430 5:30 otlP. 700. 1 arivso 10040 sot 11100 ae12O0a.

OIo1aon4 :110 5:00. 000. 72o. sad hut. 5.

Vrwtuua at :30 sad beer nd1ngwiubluttsoe. ad I 3. 4 6. 0 and C3t ps flalursiag trikeIov at 0:800. 4 theesans thu 5 neebosniatWotsloso.

the cttynetbstk esthratsboesbritslsyoioru it a landaoeceat.44 fl0fId ASSITILA. a XscurtyIsttoch tdhJoauo Boukos. 5 OIsbotur Cs D23btkIs 1 It. do I. 1aa 1 5utas tatweweate hr.

ltoptlsotlats IeIdW Mat. HebterdWvdlaod JMTbonoalsw a MlLeckneiKaaoat W5itainetjDiiese ROstosaeo5ius wtjuoattutesesww Ilrkrdo ts w. Teoitot. I wo1rMmawo 1e. do- no Wit.

Smuts Sosi 110ev. indu VsoraiisCBtiea.buclalaOtsw- Gsmbda Santst. 1. WO4aO. A5l arraBasIdrY Otnituosoabla Thalt OGwissa TUtlIIflDosmcasM1.

p-ner4 5 115 cosnoir roty ftrtAdesOablsd 3 atth. tulane ta sitlad SreerIs rnIv Tslk. 5 Oinoiemj Gtrow. Gtnuy14.iOw6Ias Chtiuis.Nasotla- JCioveraa ksW4ld I OW 3 AtsoMmeiy CC Otoitsos. I WieIpnOeaitWoehil I It DBiSeritorymlbJ ft Lowsteajwo Job.

0Iat2dt1 5 II T1erColoraibi Tottutbi Ihsodei 0ioIsrty tliesiJ Ta. kisti I w. La 5 Aase boeoitt I 73 I I. wwerjpdoeve Uvaupest 1w I. isshuuubiss 5 3155 XlflatOreto a do I Salt- dtr flisiere Xdlat.

it wama 2 w4 a I tt' a. fyss IlsiWlIttoasa do Kamo. 7 Oitr MaTISse5 Then OwS3Iad0I TJLau Matte tIs loaaatU2stnJ LwosKiasod OsOtea kiowa tiaet s1redVWAltapsOttC5ao. 5 Now a Lade. At' Bo IlaAAOcSoknXa IiitoaUMaw 2EU50 HWOsiA5Posno 5 0 r- cn g1imt lOsali.

VaSt. iso One. 4 71051 I LIcRtaalna sib sad Peeovv Pant las 85I wa a. T5bawsywDa 0 staiay 7aie. I ascuti GrsoTs ow PuabaaumTys I rests.

Ia isrnuzdiae at 11 Carta. TnobMas I hi woo. Ototuew JptbernsomsCeswsL4g lIre 5 bmpass do alt lliiadLoda Jltattarltoyred Oliavim. do natsi. SiLas.

SCtatiStMssaoer tneSsHS strzw coo tea uinseIb ml iiarwet Moiduato OfruawLag ss GWMctboiI do Poaaci saAr 2 LiSycuty Ptnthosms 4. SOMceusSinvIlig Mwsida rkbGetbicgs Tfls3ij do WsisIkudOsr 8 Ttug ttiitey 5 lloshauua. SAnds Otibooeiiat UOebtalreg 4AEsqsAJ MOsW8itt4. CHtueuicity CsOolsbylteUc CIforuwkw otoktwaatne satIre. faao hoer 4.

5 Mont llesmd 51gb A otHAa Ba 7 0 iiasasesa 0 5lr. CS JZhi ashih 5 PuiaLBopu A PTooebaee Imps Poe Siackist. Cone. A1IYhWISLIsiIOU TSTssmdJaiOOs Cams. GI1aethurssk2TLWaeayPetlsa4 Tusat Molests Raukeaan June 11 so 17u bpaa LLTsiessturyi.

17 5 TateeCastenilis NAI EANIi P1w Toss. 5alo. etieai. 152l Sew rvea. 1O1hi VS.

ma. lltb. 1005. cmi ailv 04 5615. 2OILIad1o 45 Woutara rlosi ease lt Past M.

I 035 iiewTotI CeaOat123t. I Mp It 0 tlip15st15 iIdldtto 5. sub. Si 4 stredy1jp5e. UI' dull 7 75 dny-dctatn.

I Sues betsi low C. e. netat. 03 I hO 57 6138 0 Ioe4e4 Lord Oil waskenisi- 9r. 2 85 Isa locus.

Coot. SI a3MbI I 34i tie 42b a Mereaibet. q5 0. 1 I t5esees. pta.

11Lb a pat I do. 1ll4ti. tlrtnoa-Oia oset 641 64 5 qUSTIi 10. I I Esi snob a. 541 Ureepso Wh qulee ho Tissis asgoe qairt.

as. a ulilunost are qilet. Murk Lass 1 Tbe stewey jtarstet. PwetlOvw ossiwotad 0 iriotasois lasers. 5 Olla leo I 11112i vet teats.

lou aie Isthelsid m6e-eit 1. P. 11OtL hi 4 Pam frnudew GsotsbIttj4 tttOo1 a Onela1qu Water 10028102 I tlpiis tyler- V1 38W2 as 70041 1 tianosolr 013221301 ImLIe9V3131 14 Ses wwsufalboTi nao. tDaOcldi lt. 7ds7 Csd.

1atOe flu. Wr.tgl.L flay Tbtlateidar wa itlusnetood Thoattospte Ia port sAil. fooad ti89 eip 5 261457 foci IS tone 01t27a4 Thuaodee midi 0rtoat 160 tame. boa chartered am p0150. torso width lob.

IuLrepwted market Meuoluble at 761 bios I. Cook. poikape a tow teely voelelu oaltts ilured. sea lIst eibe Bottlab I 005 teal0 as ShippOino vatbe ary Ia. torOsIIWm ma due a Ibe tie.

Tb. fe1lewlas nwt thIs valsd Cowrr-atten. 315 46596 Ea213 sadtrtOab sloOp Ity eSOsUghS0 wOols 5761St. be s.I He. pooilTh targireloed ntola Whottislerd 50 2730.

sad 5000 Va mleimer for Chistusol P177273 1 tmt Thu asg00atuied 019013 bid. hirer. 22t Sheotamsad Thu Tmerp slip. no1 132. 186 DOI28101 dcIaljlCl.182 01154 aruirelu on EfCcrk MeuSe.

Weal aart to the wad thgu iaqowunane. reinerualura. ait I li XIL at aria lbs X3 456600 a Wouks for sawo astl eases. 24Q32OoC to 17 ee. call.

no 47850C On. Is. 5 waa1e4 tomobtsgbt 1sJc Icr eaar aid no. :1 sts csnttsis a 5. L1042SO SW 1 auporu.

45460 ats. reli Ii 5mm witbost more. 2 er Lwg. teiaertim IkCsscwicosl Poe. Cototem baa tails ci 2 dliii tiuIuzIJnhswtss Ii le th lb.

naau lbs woe soak I. gal Toetto 4 bsgreat Woetera cities osattaso to 2 not. Istlasali 45. 6. gilast ret.

sad drop o. 461 5547. PtaIbodidpkta quitS nd posdnoS sSae4. The 5 00 5 265 50 7504 21' iskis. Lrt0- JOias 11 Sepseise.

54 73 eiea 5. Walls TUr 1 80. 81731 1733. Me500lat5132pta I. Jul bare1.

5l1ewy 5. t8 b. Tbole pe51. botag Ie lrs midas yet ftMretaiaaso tadAusme so 04 tom to rm trid. it wo 28.

et 2t. I Ci whit. m5Oa lecteva esoo otis last Si 735 tt. eq the oseua iota. all auce atsob tSttIOsIS5.

la oneca so aMa StlOet 5.3- no. uS444OS1I Ie175tIZbiml1 lto1 skeuoahSibJ1 Ltast-Geweoatl t3lIbi ullogel 1 bU 132001) 53 o5grsdesl1 62's Is cot goeS Pta faq I aesmue Tuptl.a. tado 8am. mis p51511 ii I at-a bosIm sad It ste kiteasoj 1' lbs seroso iii I wad I am lets I to oeao uto so a. lta i4 labs I hem iwy goii e.

ul Is. a Isa pad louisa havIng. ewt IS. eroatet pee-lieu of lb. uIwd arnoos 1 Ia lb.

inIsotat. faire XIs Cheuilrt at 3161 lSlotl Sal light Boute. I stSlbe ft00ko0umet7udsl143 21151 a sWetu. 1 4511 55 5 rOt Oseall heals Tuat sad SedIsmgi 0aatssSl 2lh41 60 flawiusle. 51 ouollai Is Os 51- SOoft- OS3 411555 51 4IteMl ens 51 01311 45 8 oIl.

HCSbi wee 51 Ire. wya5 tO FtedldtS 5 rest Imad the resin dOlIwebo. Its Ckso. tam faqutr vu qSlatpeuarnsad reeatetur. Stars auhs4 la Os isle.

05k iSa. llrgee bird at esAlolsi4 wrq at 51 50. sac hofst. gent. baiegh sPneiiasol simm u1.

soap. 131 0 Slti at St 51st 739 ii 4Jsttablv at 273 siII10 ii k1ts. Thoyentsre soil sf1105 II erdocta ebe 51 eSmriaii buy. Is. tacreun liudedoelasth.

p3 week. isbownoStstth tkofeOssi 06300050 eJASst2 75 Pet O.ocof 1 1 Isig. To Ir I. lw do. Wiata.

53 57 4 Tb. sie batil as sea. Itteels sselmce wb1oaty Imliowal OCTD plek qi 4I O1l I QsosscsaooOpmon. I LB75iqs4 Aide. 3sur Cml 46Is4SehSI.

Ut roeS. Simot is. TasIout Lb1vs va. 1 20oe1 so. 03 etraa 5681' see.

a esmitau4 Iii tkM uadsaWoey eeusoaseo. as. 3 at rill5g 11 71142 soall White. 3 y44 Pea. 5444 121e 2TI3 560at4 7540 at 5mi 5 Is mlas at isleet 000 abi a01LM 6 1St 5015 ski smasae4 Ols 3 PXAST-Biuctete are seotshle sO 71 56 SI toO.

Groom 4051 4061 00 cut. I Tla. 25at17je OS Si MOsSItYIUOW. 52M125o brasa. SI 010011 333 cases 6415 Litults.

104glir sinlasim Tosoad isJiniriuirte34atsm4ismce. w. eim Sutle. Tue. mips.

6OsstOe cu tuniS. 40olSlrl Isats. 60ideOcc cmbbsga. intoM3cu Lash. tqwor 01e525e Is den Dry eArs.

51515 1 3b Ilnaciamsa. uIteitle so so bqsosh. 55115 Oostai MieSCOeS. 303820'S La isa ieyo Creeu Otis. 2155.

5 i thusBumunPo152533. tftClT-hieonioinoiearraomSsUfarat 13d3711i kazoam IAaesgreta moauOa. a1r loesiu.sltodntaaee.-Caidorsla. 3 2154373 1' ii liussas. 2144 St bshi Corussuls.

State 5. 100. 15 stOOatt 55 Slat PcbdApnbo50047M3 sitS. Tthnr. SItU itoisst 5048Cr a4of7 14 ewe all Lu value.

Apatas. lint style15 Iitqru. 6bOr leruthodi Maze. tat hOc. i1umos44tc OeattSd.

1315l40o Peeluoa pta Paine. lOathe 3 5- nditrrt re St- 20421o 214427ae b. 0150035 IeIebesotC4e31Mou toue an426teiitoa44itlossL Sir smchfracthee 75 I iiaeds 50100 feebuoO14it14l87 Posaut4 u450a I hmiluWolaui70s5c tIslitratadubteatAm Pa OeOLl7cs ta. 6541a. Mo Mets OoeSaeia.

10Is12it iI Linen'S. 0y0 hirlyat advsius4 olae Sttsua.o. tsASlOe St tTua Ii I osob 18420 51 5. rms4. Is aiedunte hA I 540th mrs Smmly bold.

BEgiWAT-22ie34e 3 5 5w rhilo. wcstss.ani Tsttora 16St1517imi itleStc. l238i2o. 103tltTct leitbouboet austisa lbL ide. ii 303am beckon.

2obo. 1istst1o. I in. lIIrbiitJOSteubb.35 Oi6i6 tc lt2tIsI7e. Cutitotnls Lard.

tee. i i L5 a l4taTt In6. 143iIn14r. 510 ELI. 224 6l25 511.

51 steuPcrt 551. 573. balltsiol Tier kISS 810 I xtysfsuii5v Eoef3 tbtSI4113110 liaItb34. 71003. tibaldoebed tbfSlIfiIioO SakblL 70043 Dose.

leoidIOqe a. rap. autlimlgo tow timoutowmkea. Wt so fit. 4M147e at e.

to So. 2MCLlci lusters. 3821 t9osaeMllitwmiu. C. The rallg Slat.

rain ecatisee wirt Is hear Hold. rm sadjotoblas lob LOGS-fresh aeessut. 137Str41 bloMoc a000rdine loteclitlomi tipt 80at86. thus teing light. 0 Tctlootst TueSoo.

144516C I P. Glee. 2501 5 Duets. 5005 TI ad 0110 on. cone 4mb do tt4.

60 Syoilaei. oq3 10 8 detem tom all toasts. A loIter f-eOns rim uTh055 451st llblptotati its lIttitur aiid ros.l ISSILOOO GASIT-Eattet. 1051 211 Mars. 51 TIfo at Yeshu.

348 In Mslur5 50003 lOu 5i ii Sit Esrtos. 737St lIaise metrkit 1i1uaas WO5 11) quote 1S4lsei ilexiesm. 38141Sicl l20ti5ieo So. lIne lit usuooeoosoaar tlrm 40 list ant 4O i do lOb st2Osieult4ybaet WsLiatoiiO 1054l5et si 26. qoomli.

thamSssoaleoloatlooaateirdj to lhuTseiags. nit. TsA. Ori Iii St S. fOItrOOs 23822C otIS.

1(1st Wt10tr-Reretpta them Jianat lot 8602 shpaaea lIable. hr las 4o. lIAISe us Jieqale Fall. lIt-ella toe bitoy sad esdj ItMiSo ow 15381703 tsil. listlhet do Trdlngcouilnae bleeweam sioreSaadta.

CAXIOL22-bey tIaatlm Stose len liSt. P. 5 0. l21j12lor us atst lIStititlol 12Stcs 315J412m iP. St Tbeasthrttootryutron.

CA3L000Iti-5Mevs QyOsni. 22612 73 fat 3 St 82Stus1 13 ls 1 tie. ci. me. a at Lobutoca.

ins. 1 7142 2 38s 0oA Sewi. 13054 61 oatS. MIambia But Sims. 15 Sal.

5l2q4l lSrmsi526u382ioi Wo era Grreu Cos 51 605121 PlsraIr. 3 Call' toenls 711. Frint. 1 71- Bianktsrroq2 lot a. SAt 100 111 5lttrtetlira 5iV 104 1 25 gllt Sl So rtlinicd.

dWts. Stta4tLbt l3 how 5123 etrord Po Fruit. callow 0551. 7 do. usO8SiIst4oscu.

COMttSI 200 POeOliISA Ito TOsr. IturcII Cemoal. 73382 LIst. 41 2ora1 1054141 Cttrnto 0121st flat wit Coos B. 6 e' Aeutrshlan.

7 6O 1ivrvpmol Oeas. 5 I Ladilgt. 55 Cuwbrr. Oi hi I Used 51 Ito lOmlint. Cl lit 1 i.

ho MOf airS. i4 to. I he 191154 eukitg Oirt17 Ian. eon Jsaoiry 1sf. 4:60.0 IsiS lot the tetsituadiui a 185) Tb.

rrmasee eaaheo hems plmrO but weil rskmro5 sri utill 0 lii. aierkI Toewli 5 sill firly Issiila with Gel this 551. sad sisuiimi4.low price. rsoiorliyeytciou AalhsrclteCusletliso I to a to abIde samiasi 138420. Igot25o 54 5 I.

Soaaa4s Stases aieut S. steerS tao I' 60. ManIla itala Ito hats Sisal Dots 41St sewed Si. oterm 1. 000.

lIe5 trsuit 1. 54 5. Jteovsptar ed. 5. FLOITR4f.oOr 1 Pllflssar A o.

ie ilulisimu Mt1S 104uIeunun lSrmoai 40 St LuCSeaIuau A di. odor Slot. WItiST-lOl Ibis Shoeb 32821 4. t7 tuoi i stint a Coo 3411. it.

Wstnrsuu Cii SGe 5 Cad 4 4 lenOo r50. a Ca. it. War JameSPrCS4CU 21154dm. ii 3 4134eIontseu Cluai EsewnUm 1113 jtoUAMrbwl74s.

ndry-1ca5l lllabtst tIls It a os turnrutWsfl AC. 13 TotsI. ii-as eat Ousi. Totml 47 lb St Coo 0. Gnimserunitursaomluuraal 1044 odgets A isa I d.

Ii Wlrrnaa a Ia 13 1 rash 41 di. UrirS-TOISI. STRAW-SO ease. on. hales 2 lii A.

0. PalSaec 1011 5 Umo uloIy Ode 0' 47 do A Cot I Ptirstai a Corfi 42 4u GuageskeOs T10 ULIICSSILTTE-M1 a Cs 4 fireball 41 4. losloir ole ruortm5noIlIl. ole. Law i4gi21clO.

OW ItT PUTATOaM-IM ttaTarloie OIlOlS6t.8 uka Vsrloqui. 5 tLASS-5U7 eta. Tufloes. LI 5-1520 awl. Tints.

58it DT Varaeee .4 rslm1ansas SALT-alit ulot P012 mesOrder WrItE el cli. Sri. uttO Tories. WI' Vsntsir. CtIa0V4T.

n8C Iid MCSTIRD 116 5. Order. lCetICATI5t. .30 SOlo. I C.

om vutw.i.vraor. 72 akitlarr. 18122 FISH steehWils btma COAkrD1lt LVbilLR2WTsrvai. 100 nonen a lddsus.Tune. 74 tiufliu t4 Vsrnos 0 MIT ABS Ceso4 by Tb.

Toutsail. sad uu.s.t Stoker. hZsCSat1inIO i-i-ai stoat 4 saw eye. i I- moan Sunall. toj 5 122 act 24I Sui521IMM I I.ut.

Lest IesarsS I 10 Pusan 1oso 1. A tea Llauasb. 33 he. frene Se pka p. mmd InUe41I.

Tirlosu tIn. turbotS Tictatin. loots. 166 daja ala. 51 i onto.

aiataJsbasoaortd lttbm lml1o. ylaIolsLVsnSlleAdaral toUDititol Ier4Tmuaar. My of am WIOlno. Si ieuiyawauraduCearg a utsosrdIAneros S5AStte Crat ShltMitpsAQ5SP51sQuSeOseV51 0 r8cscbsl rna1mTesv it TOSWo5. 510 Scarelmesllatiue 18e0.

Sus TWota. Giadso. Ooatatbt 2 SeLSI ansi. toneS' Vuassutnos. Cuktuue rsIl a.

I. is. be tosvet lombr Utile Suvir n4ssa Oatm task. ltoieia Wsabeead. bane.

apes. 10 lot 14 st us. 21 WmW Cia I Xii I. eesldwap38ey JAyupees isa Triad. tso0esuem.

ErvTiitm poSe- Imbi sate. Sa 406eb leohi. 551 oal 1 htd1 bin uklasl5b1seUIItlP54b 1T OTtVArk12380551WhS5L basole. Warp 41 noIse. so.

Per Lie 11 cuts. Get Pasties tcaat basso. Lesgkrsai ZoueeLIaviO esdlW kosas A loadryt A tis 67arewu TiLe. PTletmlsP1. Vet p1rajlerac.

PsrArtol-AIlxsmllDatsrdt XrDsTIs Lasme. Olelelat Waataw. otzyiwlallgbtl i.ned Se. bkIs1luas. DesoueUe Pests.

UmTEZTSE-dSITITod 35 ent. S-a Vriaetut. pOa tttDi10In4Ds5Ott21T.5k5eisa ArrIwd Cr1 25-00" P0a0 of Gelileqls. blare Iteb3 Sr butt phIl klui FuiInUIettakI I Walt. It.

ars Twst Lark Smilsit 21 OrIo 24 atnhenra tlei. I tas. u.s Ott 1. 23- ScSi steida. aeh Ill.

TOWLTTD-SJTtItd. brig oss. tuna 04. isll bata Vatbr add. Cimymse.

Tasiersi grasS. SEW YORJt-Antved Lbst4. SPT3WALLisIIed.OrI 20 011of La mielr. tkvedn. Samoa 05 4.

5 ow- Panml. 20 riccii UrrIsGuayaus ties bask tier. stun a Vcwtetgltsm Just. PTNARTHat1J. 11 OeT bait tagist Sebnmnobry.

05 A I Os poet Bebsrk UeI. 011 1. snd Sos Iranbato. LITWGRPAT104. Oct It Gelssbp.

20 McGUryZir Oss Jrsaclumo. lbs a I Lab. at Sasehlar. lbs W3fligaa55yofs55 t1ie Ill 10otiet24Thesifa at Wa la 23. tbwtfoe Alllmeeaso Orlobet Dl.

by Row. A. Is PiduuS Ts I. There. roSda.

letS tO la Sty. To. licoeo A. Sass INCYsdu till I. Ainiads 4.

51101 ci tielo c1t. 1. this tt 24. LerJ I. ml.

mity. Its. V. Jw01 Ia. sotsim tL etLackl.

la 11. dIr. Oetuber It. 7. lowlO P.

It. v. Ls4ofis 23 34aoin. afewnIs this Wdaonsil 5 sousA p. OreS 1141535 3' 15 tblietiy do.

of be sin. JO. liti Lids. street. ni Fraser.

mmd SC soul Si INto ToeS. r. laity tea- WiSmwbO a. fr lie. 1141 Mlesstrat la tlli 10w Okebr 52 Case.

it. ass ysi aoe. Vatted OtOss a miLlie bilsolaShu. ngr4 ateusod the OWednaIarPSt 3 p. 1 5flamrthlttifet.

MARCO-ill 1351 elty. Creche LI. Al a reofdent it Sbuem s5Tb. foarclwiIl Wrtaoday 5. rruldee.

be. 1410 caIlinsIs stint 0 lsthtofItfOnmobrvlft 175. alt. W. 5 551145 it Yonsis ssd due.

rear Sfeii. l.csn.eoe-e.l WYrlenls sac mrs folly leeteit to thIs tWdsadavO 51 Ti loca p. taLon. soleare bt311 ttrsno. mtra5.

I ta ash use otRcb01 0. oid A. SIc 0555 15 rrrssit. taaorrw lTbaeeail at Il aclers p. a.

fries SitS. asp buick Bartlett necbstsa Twisty' thWdsodTwr.hy-Osrtb 3' lm baldly Cr4er24L lkthank ogtdt WJCterta sail issios. hiaas. iUIUSEMIiTS. LOcaL 0050155 1374.

T58t WPtotAlcclt lbe WIli bmntva any P5198 1Umto4uftatoLroa1I5 bIT. i te. lee igTc. at fiLLS. ADDIS.

I I 104 soimi.4 3LLTISIESSATCDAT. Me sata WTusoo Ilasatso aIadWe iErezIX ilusTwEIJllI abbe stueiaiiasI tb. tots. wil3a 1neer ema Popular Pot. 5 sole 5 5 Sidruied S-at Is Done COrel.

5 lt 04 at Costa Tastily CIrcle. 0 lstlnt50ssdSIeeats. feaday 016 11 C15AM51E PLaTT1S sHALL. taMWden4ayEwereLsg0e55Stb AMD OHCII82T51. OltCIO13rRL.

CeramIc Xii daato ateleust. Je4y e. Tueeiab Otcuoeahi MOsoabbos 1 sad 3bubemt rsgMotdrlwahu 4 Vales Umosle. JsoSy tentortlowTslry TI3S JOoTy Je0 ss Seat GniybMsitr yts Cady trust asr ilertOf. mnus.


LT2TOW Luetuat W1ItOT 1IC57aT COII8LLL ss. Limerso ed Osobeala. IPSSJOIZJ' Is masd WLNIL2c. 3tiste. l00PSvpeltr Xvesag se.

Ptl3QVXTrVS PSETTY a a tsattsss 0 Pin. flitS. WOTSe Mjootu. lilt. Oil' PiTRETT shilOJr4rt GATSZ ubylu 0tyodalltbsTatrliaslstboteit.

10152D5D AMP ZMCBIALUl hers sdShsge eawo THFLT bccsLaT. TuieuisSu 5CTEM 5LttrIgiatltmXagbtySetif Xl. liunditniSiuher a1. Tg 4 Tbni 11soottaM 54 MiSt. Thesis.

TREOUNTAIN c0tr3ttn sad Keats. The FatsSMwoat I DWsb. rXKL3. SCttlthTASTEPProprWmt rfa HALL- 5 boI7 TUOSIOVQILT VATS va551 utso5ge 3. slleKwlin es- Th 0eeadsS- UTZLOTDIJLST 21Ul1JIXi w.

si. wIBA at 1551 tbsesitnom 5505. and 1 nob set. Tb. pies mad p5138 eawOsS LAS ITDT WITS.

Sly TIJU eclsvtib 00 Pwr1t C- 4' onaesSe Tuesday ws51 iag. XL. 5 SELLA P. 00Ave- TI. sbee.

watbis lbs TsCm 1 Lode lsinlt. 1us1. if Isaotlsssllil Is raEaIst a semso' 0544 Xeery8tg 58055 aWomSaitIeaiS0bI it I ALItS nosneewnest. I ALatX itsItaWuost. Listtsmi IWoSI50IsTSIIM Dss Ike e- I I Am aitIrel 5susOesuI 60en5 sflt Si tIASSY X001TAGIOSOI IbT LUCK DUXCAX IIONTAGVI I slcal 55 rt.

idno 555i5h tas 551w- plas Grotiwosea. wad sTsND TgIfoeTattSIOIILZ alias IZIrSO. ArrutStIC Waitnowtudl a MO8TAIWTXOIdtsw015SS5SS. 05AH5L DuaSAW. I moieao I SASSLa usot aabIn DISDW000 I cbsraee hi ma estlrncnpaa TiaueaeI w00 00w sd bisaal tIrateuni.

554 Apeeta1iaS sad tat. ahAitai oilS Ike Basaitful 11 II I QVADSILLX. I 0O2D CLSSIYL. UA5QUS SALt. OSeCIuS 1 leise5-Appllcsilena Sf Torko8 I 0 aide Cu 5.

8 Tbsopes lealdwt me. I 115105 Ansi Santlagu C. 5. Lbidatora tan. l7ues beats ut.

louis Slush. Tuiwrr B. S. Biilitlsi' Pus. A.

bibe. sI.Lne W2tCbY so. Tbutluta tossochi a0tamt54 1 Sattaratmeof. LeO So boo. Clnubuis ISbn aaoiw.

siwage. SinsSM teOUZItCIjG 4 5. lea fr 00eo es iI1 5 ei Lsadr tyson tlfa UCE0M Sold e. materitst. sal 5sdaji owud it Xoe.

8oiwlag sad ro. 60 sa4 uiuru. 53 5101515 LXII ALAJILDA SLUT. ta. a4 Leral leanS.

Pnerise roe. C. 30 A' N. 1210 o30 11-10 p. 5 easier 5 barsereitb sad SI stasta5Ib5aadi 57220 :00 A-a' 12041 180 2.60 610 slpO Aliteodsa ot45.

A. SinL4al3. To i Tlrlo000ln322 5agggs ebsekul roitdasma. moestiSearraucissalIGI ant 1006 0. 0 sOd 5153 P.

a. t.BuykA4mL 103151 ISc sill. besS 054 teaMs I 311ss as 111ev 7 a o- u. mit Oseduni I emstla I. IoaadoAo.

as. R. 0 FjTsai aid Ottastepol. sIOYsoIV1IOOerSkngOI 5. 25e I 05 Dal1ylsa4a asseltisoane iGU JAMtS kPOSAHLZWaiSlai tos0000 Wberfesaeutlsg 51 Pee.

tmllse I 0 tar tieiatdsM mad Way tsOte stages censeet I Ski SI. oiuluaduyaIy5aeefssest wuhIaoeaonIeeut for 5aaa Wm 1 Otatloso. RiewOarIp lrboee LI So. 51 5s Patwa 1 Sa. I 31.

Usiutitals 4601. 7ThUIiaLotRtO. 553511 4. MOCLYPT. tiemernlitsasser.

11411 thriLL I. I. thy 101 ICIeDAT. 180 bata sod triMs will P55 5 p. CmflyIuatayanrucadlstasao ou 4MI3 II.

DuhAhttiK. iSaskiw. tes-atnirt I 1. ss 4 tJoal08S. 0 015 a.

beday 4iy aIasaer Isa oL' in. Doabs eflnsrtlag web 0nsi IrtOesnala. ieuadtl tbSeinsoisedsrel LIIIIIISUVIILLI3. SiSTEILJC0LY88. iitaarslstaangtr.

3474 GPLLA a arresTs tiOMltIIvlXQ stTrv. 1151 SI Iiei. meal Delta will rat tales. ForSAN 2AYALLibi Is. tigusus Pulit 0710.

18:11 920 11021 A. 110 altA34y. 50ai Osuaecw Te btay t14U a. 0. 5:30 a 5.

SgoSAJrfzllaA QtcetToa lyLtsat1A0010Ity tImoitA 5. 11:41 Is 00 620. teb a. ao ctm Oaneau is Maut a. 53-16 WeCSliye 1--1- p.

SCdiu1t us4yeaeplaln fa a SLT Omits Vry Itrisebi bls 00 Cii 5. fACTS osopise OhewuTIa Lium. 7tteadLJsdttclL 55 ssSOa txCVz0iOX TICXPTSA4. sil aS sga kzeaO I :0OA.lfr.soknotua. lassO Issue.

:13. one PeaIwOa Owls' i0T1 flady 1110 ofatloas eurnlsg szvtea Is is. ta 551. Vuri47Slps. fszaumoeesdtctpc thi lsi5w.

a. BaasgrrOe1 Agoak OTTLALT lees It yes es istaetamsia so at hs. 0041at it 4so I sefely as Sets I si5u emsa SIt a essoai bus. I am a0ae osodyta 5 3 bso leatsoad by am 555 Ste atts1ah1 deso Xe e. l.

tasdam. bu5so be no aumeL- Psotat ay asSeS WoelsSrs. sad Is aw. ISO IsSed sSof 1. 5 sos.

floes it 55 001. 554 ap ebue essad ass. ie aldeso psOselsrty tbaSIeLmIS eed Os Ow. ar. do pieS no luck 4eiting St.

tbedbue. tI er OwiLls. sad soene S. It. 5.

a. 5 onset. km VsoeCmt. Mull oe as pmoseOsed. r.tOsim puissabr sO latlat.

4 Ma4nble ipml1amta Os Iadte4 woos ma lbs Tesag Lass tbra Aim OmabsoabsoaSes 3 5 eSse. plb. by Is. Tamale hisS asIue. 5115 3.

11. inoSTX ft. Co uc. esqt. LU.

2D 01 dwOuus. a Sb. nest be pelraag 0 yes iso elhaaT willis uis thbu al.S.Iuo- 115. 38 guarosaso Sn aSs tee buo51rd dobus wo 54 woke 5 say Saud at skisS be smdolsku. moot 511.

Seur. omoossaASor 105. Thosuya woyat lbs 51. flhlmtytulity she sow trealdid with to. request evacurtle.

en. 5 iso OS. a 10 leSsol I prtIrl alter. iIj spen 0' I adesslil thia hue gils cimogi 1 1 bisdarl asol tr.sce. Isoniena ssa wOos dl.

55 thIs el qua at 5ki eteeSSusses sestss. Oil to. 5 pet fern 531 I ad woassis. gaaliurtasrl oltsow1Oe.4 51sleL isadayebsis I 20 C. 11 0.

5. Ctsoiltuina Sso. Iberwaskes 511327 01. 441 II. Latest moecs.

Osa JOss5 a TOTHbUNPORTUWATE a Glba5pet. n. 050 LILOsT- eTW-COI UdioJ satefCaanecbiIssmTms toos astissea se siuecdsl 000 batubl Ia 1864 1. 55055. I sadmesitndstuaso- 51 ike 3w sad atso.

Sad all aia a no sd uat 055051. robs. 55nld sis ha SeaS bis si 5J 514 mate a 0 aaMats THS sAy OP ttom or DsoAirvss TEM LZG yURNfl Xaeelitlpra 5 PaiatIaw 7" Oms fineS Snoipata Ciba. 1. Kin 0015 Tetsoeu crutitiorneCasSnmla Se.

Tt iwaasi 1etr Is eqi PadsaWuie ume rwo Iasidt no Cm. lIrcame lassOs ieii taMteses 5usi0 S. Wss Isla5usJWb3. IStlel Skitrasos 05 ZasSIsSWPee1gDskI sUuflUaS Slebamed Is. ta Walss Caoi00L5I1n 8i1rPisiel WaziLrae jlica Wore Crystal lsserq rats Dr 54 Tapestry tnnesS t8rOat Oreert A SSkSeVmSkMSwty XebsoO ai aaa ea I Ga1a House Mms.

e00clus Ia is Yat wlofrate besqu Saint 8544 3825. La1S05 WILLTA Sc BC1rERrIETi I1OS Zwaegosory as. as. msue. 0ITUB a.

the peb 272 Rmrd It bet. 4 SaL I4i 715. UewurYaIerlm Tile. sino Twatr-skfr5 uema I volt W5insn atsoastof laitsks presaTtaddeermoa AB isdasreCaapratngi ruIn Minalteel Wqtytfrua Pial. Set.

edib yinb VibeS 54 er sad Vulva Pro- tag no 4so Ne4fltyeae 54I Is sure Silt zgo aiaM MsOse Isp T5Ori Shenleed sal 0114 aesqust S0is 04 braS siasm tIciaI4ilsS seatl Mat. sad noas Toes iae Us. 5 Ia. clad WsOs 5blaser tIss EsovevIngi Ia Feshtessld. frsst 7iaet SisirO fuekat TIneS Eatara WAnt 55315 1trf Sialag sad bosta.

canteat T. Miss. Vo. bootS. titles vI Lg.

554 Via. takes NOses iuSko pesndp 55ata' Thrasquifli Wslsua sad. otcsla IiecsJr e5It 60 IlIpeat Ls5um Ttth snukoirmitist Iu. aglisL Tapestry sod Carpets a titess oiu sad 5114 753. SSWSeee tbuv Walsat Sel.

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1di U5noIes45IsrttII51j. ISa 4 abIr.r pOaa amiatsatusoele 055. bus tIsae tsbo CL5UOsLLAS 5.

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