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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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CbbbV aSBBBar aasB taV A 5jLr 7 mtiMKl is js aTar aVBamBaflB 4ar Mafvtaa SilJiBj vrftiittw qrSEJ Ibbbb rv 2f bbbbbwbf asm bbvLbby Hi laaf bb IB ih jb 1BI Bl lv HH I IBrBPB BiK ir i2 iV ier Jjaaaal pArg WMycip TiparaiiT tump i 1i2ygg1 a HBlndes avPosse of FiftyeiiWhoad LBBBil 4 fPsitti fv iSsggapnipiiai I Priceof Jnly Kun Up to WmBBBSMmMk JY mV penfnn 1 feiPSSi i Gates nU i HHHBSBBi i ifi i I BUB PB i JB I HHPnMjl Ability of Secltorii toMalntlu II PIJPBK 1 BShIhBHHIHwK Special Dtspatebto tba Cbronicle iililBBwlp llm nfifi HflHHBB CHICAGp July 8 With no WJmHBBB rMWr 1 BBBBHBBBBKaPBWIIBBBB trace of excitement and with no turmoil WIBHIO ZP nfa llBaaaaBaBSSaBBa55i fc the pit the members of the Board of mKBUIiFMWSL JhtlixEmbZ i I Trade saw July corn go to 90 cents 4l BBJlf BB JBfL KrmhSS Ca to day under the spur of Gates 1 1 Mmlm uWm3 4 I Jy 24X bull clique Traders especially shorts SjsbtBklfcl BFtfelBB5Pii 1 i TfiHTi gSg3KS I looked at the trice of 84 cents yesterday frgteVM IMM yjfeS JMMraP iMFTr 4 ATf5 Tr gasped and were silent To day when IswiaBHSMHSHiiBR 7 A r18 6 centa Wgle added and corn was worth B6FBbBBS 16 cents more than wheat the short In vSSBij J4 fiintr ii iEtT 1 i I siiMMSMyM i i i a Ui 1 i 183 I BATTJiB CFaah July 8It Is simply incomprehensible that Harre Tracy bntlaw man Uller philosopher gallant and sren ral passed through to day without be jng jddted wlthibulleti He has done things thatiho otner man would dare attempt and he has passed through ub Bcathed A tralnwlth a posse passed within ten feetsifhJmi Sixteen armed men had hlmaWTOtindd ln the Gerrells house twofniles iiroxn Rentonand yet he llppjpdiwayfrbin them like a phantom Renton on Lake TVaahlhgton about twely oCnf teen rollea east Seattle 331oodjounda have been within 609 yards of hlmwjth twenty anned men bick of therivjret Tracy waved his hat at his pursuers and disappeared in the brush He bothered the bloodhounds by uring red pepper and laughed a the Joke He passed through Rentop In the middle of evening In plain view of fifty people nd not a hand was raised to stop JnlmJ Where is he how The presumption is that he has taken to the timber near Black River Jurietldh where Tom Blanck tneljhl8 Waterloo Lucky for him It he is not there Hanry Tracy va enjoying peaceful slumber within hailing distance of what Is sometimes called Seattles Coney island jaat Sunday whlle armed posses and njuclj bvemorked reporters were wonderjng whachad become of him eincp 00 disappeared from the vicinity pf Bothellh theprevlous Friday From a secluded little ravine on the wesid Of Seattle harbor with his Impressed slave John Anderson se iurejirop8 Tracy reclined at length on Mje greensward and commented on the beautiea of nature When Anderson gently remonstrated to fotther iervice under TracjVs ban neripaJlinp attention to the fact that fihaflrowd him tqpeattlefrom Fort Jdlapii between 9 oelock Saturday evening and daylight Sunday ail the tlmetlpokjng Into tbeLBiiggeBtly mus ie pBrifle4Icyedimelit on his ejbow jmdiiratkedithkt as An derspn wasajitrong mn andiftgree 4 keep nlfti hWSiiJserviijorKor three daysu HHiofceetJaaljy silenced aertofo live took a ap Meanwhile Cndersdn figured on the Juek hiehbadill6wed Tracy tar run bis boat stralghtthrough Seattle har bdir 1 ihei earlyJIght of imbrnlng pass argaTvesseln halllng distance apd reach a Jlttle ravlne vWithont being In terrapted the slightest Jt was really yesy remarkbeVproceedlng Wlthlthe closing In of darkness Tracy releasedVIhlt slave JandVbrdeced him IakcampLlkeSnut6ntbnnder eon obeyed and without fuf ther parley VolC heoars and commfneed rowlnar ror tfie entrance of White rlverl Obstacles in the shapepf logs and cross channel which Tracy evidently did not nAderstand prevented him folio whig this viator course to Black River Junction Jtt prdert reactt this point he was compelled to IpJid at jf ewell mill and wth Adersbniaaa pack horse made the trip by foot LL Most ofonday he passed In the woods northeast of Black Rfver Jijnc tipn Which the same locality In which the notorious desperado Tom Blanck was compelled to hide after he ppened up the ng County Jail From thl woods lanck broke into the open and was later shotSdpwnipn the Northern Paclftc trackyi Jphrii tShpplch and ypUngCrpwidf KenfL Tracyas nbtpresSed as was Blanck and so he calmly cooked breakfast meanwhile philosophizing for the benefit of Anderson on thP danger of trying to leayelnuntllthey had reached higher altftudes Overithehpticpffee and bacon Tracy cpmraeriton thewpnderfut strength of hls lunwillingcompanlon and sug vested that he preserve It by taking a gleepras they had rnbeb territory aneaqOivtnem Anaerwn laiieu iu bce thefb autyOf the remarks because he flgurthatlfheuldnotwalk faster tbahAfJia4Tracy would repeat the painful admonitions whlchlie hadpr vlously fmployed to hasten Andersons pace i i tf rilhlnkowa had better be moving EaidacyJaboutSbclcik In the after n6onAndersbi did not object and they entMbwn tbe hlllandrstruck the oldColjarabIa and gettBoundRIlt road jtrack whlcwnsXifroni Blak B4verJuntiw th arid on across the coal belt to JBIaek Dfamond and iffafjklln ym5Tankllnbrels a short cutacross thejcbuntrjtpthe jnalnllnerofitheiNprthernI1flcJjiist outsiSuLbf jBehtonTyrmet urJneb who erijataijdlngfonJevrt lowlihe raUroadlifillHe kneWithem and theyknwihimi ir iaellQ FreaidTdlPy aahe jumped dpYHndJplned tlierlMYinBTAjider4 of ftjtl mehguaeoAtoderBPn hlle ihe reit of the crowd went awaytorjaf drlnfcandra chat jyheyretuTnea witn released and the three went up the railroad track Now as chance had It Miss May Bake pretty and chic and Mrs WJt McKinney were picking blackberries at the side ofthe track when Tracy appeared on ibelfccehe Tracy smiled bowed and lo6k as pleased as abpjr guess you have heard of trie he said Sorry but I liayfrit got on my best suit of clothes to day Sort of a patchwork suit Why certainly said Mrs McKinney Jestingly youre Tracy Well youve hJUt right Im Tracy said the outlaw Ills words created consternation Now dont be afraid said Tracy I wont hurt you Well Mr TracySaid Mrs McKin pey recovering from the shock I am glad to see you I would never have known you by your pictures exclaimed Miss Baker Ah how you are Jollying me said the slayer of half a dozen men But dont be afraid I never harmed a woman in my life and as he spoke he took off his hat respectfully to the two before him When he hearxl that young Gerrells home was a few rods up the track he informed the party that all would have to go there Before they had reached the house he sent the boy on to warn the mother of their approach Tell her said Tracy that I bring harm to none of hers They entered the house and Tracy took oft his hat to Mrs Gerrells Excuse me lady he said for entering your home but you have nothing to fear In less than five minutes Tracy had calmed the fears of everybody in the house and was comforting Mrs Gerrells little daughter He took her Inhia arms patted her and said tfo one would harm a hair of your head my little one The child trusted this man Then Tracy took out two watches one gold and tone silver and told jfdungGer ttlrw aTentWexchangehem for two elx Bhooters indv a boiDfl eartrtdgt01 whisky aridiefeirirgbpd eplritaTIslng iniiwniATiiii advanced jruardV they fmareheatraig iwentitatocarap intne wpocispernps atVftrid VbaK e6ai of Jhe town Af teg oanetheyborind andgaggedArider spiii HwwSfhsfasft alllnlghtalone WhrTraV ah ty nyerlpua frlenda went no one but they know In the ntfnrWtorrieo arid vtoblc deripntillHher Into the wobdsj TkeffiweatawayUhTri When Tracy came paca no urouguu i IumUtUeQtrrellaj i A ins SI While th4 bpviWasVraakittg for tha Sheriffs pmcailatjHlptbii Mrs Oeirell that heswbuldtfcUlher other two small children lf tbetbpy be trayedf him Observing tneaiari he caused jhfrsalds nOh that waslonly bluff WelU said Tracy 3 guess I had bet ter clean up a bit and lie went Into the5 kitchen where he gave hitriself a good scrubbing rNotlclngiAnderpbn be said Get out on the backjjorch where you belong Dont ttpyejtritil you har frbmme Mrs Gerrells commenced preparing dinner ancl Tracy helped her by chopping wood and doing other minor duties I guess I will get sorne water he said and taking a pail went down tp a spring nearitbe track He left his rifle some distance from the spring Just then a speciar train with the first posse came sailing along Tracy dropped Oat and the train passed him going a mile up the track It returned to within a quarteif of a inlli pt the hpusp and stopped Tracy returned to the bouse leisurely remarking Well if theyd seen me thattlme tbeyM had me He was not alarmed in the least and stood in the wlridor watching the men get off the tralri Tesr said Tracy to Miss Baker as usual the newspaper men with photographers are in advance I can always spot them See that ellow with the red bead with a bundle of paper I am fleeing from those fellows those jntervIewers riot theother fellows vYucn uiey reacnea me nouse tne pursuers scattered and took positions so they could watch the house to the best advantage The peculiar actions of Mrs Gerrells convinced them that Tracy was still In the house On the arrival of Sheriff Cudlhee the posse closed in on the house only to learn fiom Mrs Gerrells xthat Tracy bad given them tfiesllp He had left the house by a rear door ten minutes previous while the posse were taking up their positions to watch the place hid for a few minutes In some of the bushes and then quietly slipped away through the woods toward Palmer The wonderful nerye of ithOJcbnvlct tiraa never mpre fully exemplified than ln thlsT Instance In the bak yard qt theXrrelWpmeBbundi spn the manhe hadjkeptj a prisoner from the timer he leftPbrt Madison tedto a rtree Tr hadbouridAn deirittpthetiKhlUithe posse tyerq in full vlewof theJhbusei beforemaklng WhenTrocy eawthatiltwas gttteg tpo arnpriWtniie jiuletly slldtjy under cover of sbrneberry bushes arid trifckliLijtito asriiaPgbacktiHe ihd beemgpfte abbuttenminuteswhtgine btthe iSeputsheriffsiappP5ached thei1jptA daakedherejrhel jwaa ibas beeri1goriersonCtljiieald Mrs GerrelU iTheilblbiihounda had nq trouble In patphlrig ihi aceriiariCSwayibeyriti held Jribytbeash iThey jpyeifbjh tpnguCiln welrdi styleai jtlsejf tugged and strive to gtalongfsster Sheriff Cudiheel Xftdi werity inrirrien 01 lowediiolpel IMTuridPirj tihlrf6bTari mMmmmimm AliMVihi 7iscs1m VrUkiiJB MkJ HTf37ft frr ferEu i sr then did not shoot because he was uncertain The chase led along theold belt line road and at one time Tracy was only 600 yards in advance He waved his cap to his pursuers and disappeared in the brush Then the trail was entirely lost It was later found thatJTracy had taken to the water got across the lake near the head and struck the wood near the boathouse at the southwest corner of the lake He took a course through Renton and was seen by fifty men who made no effort to stop him Tracy is somewhere hidden in the woods His pursuers are expressing confidence that they wjll soon be his captors But at present Tracy is hidden and his death or capture are yet to be recorded ANDPRfyN TORf 0raiftiii fr Statement proves Tlmd Tracy Hasccoinplicei to Assist Him warehouse when two men showed up 1 thought Tracy would kill them but he turned the boat away and went brck up toward the head of the bay landing near a mill When we got out of the boat he loaded me down with blankets and provisions I was like a horse but I couldnt take the bit In my teeth After following the Northern Pacific rail rood track south almost to Black River Junction nine miles south of Seattle we turned to the left and crossad a grain field und entered the woods tlio same woods that the notorious desperado Tom Blanck entered and from which ho emerged to be killed It was breaking day when we got Into the timber Again I was carefully tied Tracy prepared breakfast and gave me a good share He was In good spirits an al4 was time to take a rest He1 slept tiMit 3 in theofternpon ButTdia nat We werftPutofthewoodsj Vt I iV if Hj ana strucK xne rauroaa iracK wnicn I goes to Renton from Black River Junc tion Near Black riVer bridge wejhet four men who were standing below the track Tracy immediately recognised them and called out Hello FreoV He left me standing where I was and went down the bank to ithe little group They talked In Ibw tons for a few minutes but Icbuld notijiear what they said TjiiP One of them finally took charge of me and the others with Tracy went away After an hour or so they all came back I noticed that they had a bottle of whisky All six of us walked straight through Renton and along the track for a mile and a half beyond town I wan then taken into the woods and tied and gagged Tracy cautioned me not to make any attempt to escape while he was away He and his companions disappeared In the brush I was alone in the woods Special Dispatch to tba Chronicle CHICAGO July 8 With no outward trace of excitement and with no turmoil the pit the members of the Board of Trade saw July corn go to 90 cents to day under the spur of Gates bull clique Traders especially shorts looked at the price of 84 cents yesterday gasped and were silent To day when 6 cents were added and corn was worth 16 cents more than wheat the short in terest coolly accepted the absolute sway of the bulls as a matter of course and wondered what would happen next Everybody on the Board of Trade curb to night had a rumor that the July corn shorts had settled privately and that the deal was over If there have been private settlements in July corn said Samuel Scotten of the Harris Gates Co firm to night I have not heard of them and if July operations are all wound up I have not been taken into the secret Such an extraordinary July price so early in the month naturally makes the speculator incredulous that the figure will be maintained for three weeks more There has never been anything like that attempted before and corn men will not believe the present bullsj will maintain corn at almost 1 all through the balanceof thU mpnh The SEATTLE rtVash July 8 John Anderson who Beryed Outlaw Harry Tracy as a beast of burden from the time he left John Johnsons house till this afternoon passed through an experience that is more wildly impossible than the wildest story ever conceived by a dime novel writer When released from the ropes which held him captive In the bushes backot Gerrells house two miles from Renton this afternoon he was speechless from fright Giant thouxh he Is he was like nuttv In the hands of the putlaw who makes Jesse tied hand and foot all Monday night I was commencing to think I had been left to starve wben all of them came Anderson earned Tracys praise for Quietly back and Untied me They made me go aneaa into me wooas some distance where we had breakfast I asked him again when he was eo Jamea and Billy schoolboys the Kid appear like good service except that he was a trifle slow which caused Tracy Xo administer a kick or two in the interest of haxti This evening Tracysent wordVtp town in to let me go andhe told me to shut through one of the young iaJdles whom 1 UP and ddnt argue with him I he held up that he desired ihriews win haYe to tie you up said papers to contradict tali Btbriesbbut T0 ad with that he put pn the his cruelty to Anderson treated P8 again I was sick of being tied him like a gentlemanfesatd Tracvi i up a11 tho tlme rn be back In an hour il a 1 ttairf lroW anj arar ia nrA AbdVwnTwwthen Feek dbkd kl rlUiieri4 want It understood thatf am a iren tleman Tracy is rlght said Anderson But he kjeked me and once he choked me I never saw anything like that man He gets over thfe ground like a deer and never gets tired He told me this morning he was growing stronger and never felt better In bis life I did not Arid him a very talkative companion He had roe to do his work and he kept me going all the time No sooner had we left Johnsons house last Saturday evening than he ordered me into a boat and told me to row and iyou uei uiu aa no sam juijine time he watched mllfce a hawk and never said a ivprd abput where wewerbgolngi He knew his course arid did the steering When gotitired he made me row ar therl ItwaB kllUngworbutl didnt dare let up We entered Seattle harbor on the est Seattle side Sunday niorriing and passed close to one ship No one bdth erectUBpr seeinedtopay any attention toiwnatjwee re aping wear the head of th bayTracy iriade a landing Near jby Was adeepravne and into this he iwk me nwc ucgui oumining to eabe tied meup so I cbuld not make a move let me go and he repedOh perhaps in 0q or thdaBxoiiare a pretty Strongman and I need some one to help eunttlwe getpver to Ellensburg I ttrAfiftA ovtin1ntr rnsi ntAttntnlM try iddnot like beins his beast of biir eovttheajhkBpythatrlfiejbri itl4heirftevi7n8 UihinieibJriklJhadbeft keepmyStb8huK 7 eillarltneslfi icatne Tnwyrriarchctt mo bo wnjttic wui ouv tu iiitf 10 row ifineetjf5viuM4ipefBtinineaa of the baibfC TCputd obitatt4finjM iyltriiwfelfewitWcItyiejia or so said Tracy and away he went with his friends He came back with a little boy named Gerrells and then untied me I dont know where the other men went All three of us went to Gerrells house Tracy made me stay on the back porch Stay where you belong he said when I startedUnta the house He kept me out thereof or three hours while he was Joking with the women getting water chopping wood and having a good time Wheh1 he saw he must move he took me Into the bushes tied me and told me to stay there Tracy walked away leisurely and I did notknoye until Mrs Gerrells came to me dont want to be valet to any more outlaws even If they are gentlemen and humorists STORY OF A STRANGER ON THE PRISON WALL SALEM Ori July 8 A report Is current here that James Simpson night guard Inside the penitentiary at midnight last night discovered a roan on top of the prison wall surrounding the yard Slinpson flred when the otnnvA HlannnAff1 Aaf YiaIIovaI MT7 AtetvAV 1w vAt i rV I haw going to that Tracy and MerrlH Tecetved weapons that were brought over thcfwall at night and secreted Inlthe foundry by ac complices it is thought that the appearance of a stranger ont he waif last night lndrcates further plans to make an attempt at an butbreak by bther prlsonerjiTjeprtspn authorities are rUceritfbQti lO Q1BVUBB Ui B6 hiona the waterfront with lights twink iraHiajuiyl are itb Indications of ari jeairly abate meitof Itbe hbt waveTbe met ryat MCrtee0 deaths and seveni cases iPfe prostration liaVelbeen reported within ithe latthlr1 fcrowri ty ix nouxsjr SZH7 4 EXPEDITION RAVAGED BY DREAD CHOLERA Hondredi of Persons Who Were Sent to Pnniah Head Hunter Die of Diaeaae LONDON July 8 While Harry de Wlndt has been undergoing tragic experiences in Siberia his nephew Charles Vyner Brooke son of Rajah Brooke of Sarawak who married De Windts Bister has been having a terrible time in the northern part of Sarawak Dispatches received here from Singapore Straits Settlements under yesterdays date give details or the Buffering from cholera of the expedition said to number 10000 men sent up the Batang Lubar river Borneo tp punish the head hunters When the expedition of which Vyner Brooke was a member started June 10th it was composed of 815 boats By June 14th the flotilla was reduced to forty boats owing to desertions and on accqunt of the fear of the cholera By June 19h over a thousand deaths from cholera had occurred and hundreds were ill The Intensely hot weather favored the rapid progress of the disease The remnants of the expedition however successfully fought the bead hunters and Including Vyner Brooke returned safely to Singapore INSURGENT GENERALS GIVE UR THE FIGHT Colombian ltevolntionary Leaders Take Ad vantaae of flovern menta Amnesty PANAMA July 8 General Salazar the Obyerfabr df PanantaTharf received a dispatch from Bogota the capitaL announcing that Generals FedroJaV Neenito yilpaalvaridiTeoplIp Qar cia and their staffs together with Gen eralIarlrithemost Important leader of therpepartmentgOSjTollma baVe laid down their arms on account of the guar antees offered by the Bogota Govern dM i i ii RS ALINE OMALLET the ypung wife of Austin OMalley prof essortjotsErigllsh liter ature atptrePamerUnlyerslty South Bend Ind has been summoned before a Pennsylvania magistrate on the charge of larceny Thefharge was lodged against her whenwjth her hus i the bwseoihrhusJja5iC brotherT where vheMiaft enaguesb jewelry valued atrJ300 1 itz She had gone fromSbuth Bend to Philadelphia ostensibljfor iher hps baridvnetthhoriiralPBf to the pny8cjans was Bunenngiram pip tlgation was held with theresult that evidence believed to be su fflctent to con hect the ybungvwom anwlth a plot taj eaa ner auana me oy aaminisier InarsenlcjwaadfscbveVey Itlsstitidl that Mrs OMaUey hadpurchased ar senle at a drug store afewldaysbeforei professor OMaiiey was taken sick and traces of the drug are alleged to havd band lying critically ill Itiwaa alleged that she planned an Elopement ifroml been found In hertrunkr PhlladelpblandtoUklauaierfrorii The Vimpllcationoiilra20Malley iS WejlJShaiftSaagnlirf Willis AilllBrCellr bfn rpkeripl was corn pit on the alert for developments MainpjOiaonuisv ATletwriKDTMauey ItJteeisIthijflierfilaKlU iwajce mad Jarrastrbitheiarnyjarganta ysmsp9iithatwijcpmpethesbprts to capitulate The S0 cent figure looked almost unendurable There was the 90 cents to day There might easily be 1 to mfarrow There is a limit to any ordinary capacity in the matter of fur nishing margins Corn is up 30 cents now in less than a month and that is at the rate1 of 300000 on each 1000000 bushels involved The July corn bulls so far have chap tered vessel room for about 1000000 bushels of their cash grain about one third the amount delivered to them on their July contracts so far It is un derstood they have marketed a good deal of their stock already through New England Philadelphia Mrs COtfley frjend4 shl for wilUai Hea aypurigCpr uci Biuucjii migut i urnisa a reason103 rested withMrs0aHeyon thecnafgW in Ti rr Tr ii iia 1 a 11 1 iHs FrT A aXJ aia4iLiii li ji 1 iV MbTlni IHiifiJIMSM rjMmm Mm Man Who Won lyealtli in the KlonSike filled iu New NEW YORK Jujy8 James McDonald formerly a Wealthy KJbndlker an employe of Frank Fisher Co real estate dealers of 44 Columbus avenue died this afternoon In a rw York hospital from fracture of tite skull rer ceived at 3 Av tprdayjnjrbntbf Jibe Rossmore Hotel Broadwajarid Fofty second street in a flghtwlth a rnari whose Identity hasjPQtyetlbeeri learned by the police and bp escaped Several menywere talklpbutBlde the Rossmore Hotel when rasport stout gray haired man arid McDonald who was much largeft got lnt9 arivalterca tlon From words they came to blows and grappled The smaHer man got the better of McDonald and Jammed bis head against onebfthe Iron pillars of the hotel The men weefeparated by a big man who ateppfd froni the crowd but a second laterihisiadver sary jabbed at McDonaldiwltK his umbrella stabbing bira ririder the leye McDonald fell to ihetpaTOment His assailant wjth twocompanlorisdlsap peared at oncel As Peckham president of the Fisher Compariyiiald McDonald was once a prbmlrieritVreLttebiker In business pr himself About three years ago be wentjttOAlaskaHl3 brother adrrgbnetheree befbre filing and Ail aL IaaIaJ Vi ti wgeiner vue itaicu a nuiuuci rl rr bf claims He came back tothlasityjWltk considerable money but spent It very fast PYPPPIMPWTQ WITH MEEBAiWA mi rnent rmM At Carmen General Detacap defeated thb Llberalfjf orcesunderGerieral sMn ribiikllUrigbrSwounlngpveV This Generar also vwpn victbry Ibver thpj prices bfjriemtarclaw Rl veraJ thus lt iBclaImed rendering ituseless to 5iuk uivrc uiwiniiieu XS HStrr i 3W InterestInaTessto BeAIade InlVew ToU bjhAntOtori NEW ix6Rf Jui mental sections pf ifeei rpadfaiispPr to beUdd thlsrcItytthgsexpVneepf thb AutpmbbilClubVbf niertcaiarjd sbriiefritBjri5emberBJiridl gtveiiheriewlfbrtri hlgbwayiavafll testrieXseptlbrirwlll beUaidlnX heav I trucklng4regloridown tbwnj another4n 1 aitreetiof gerieral Vraverad thajthird on a suburban road us rg Thfbfbfhlghwayrtpb4este ltabrIgipJriitheJsteelrpad Sriimlxwttehlliasvprped economical ialmoartindestructtble and In everylWayi practicable Tt corislets of parallelrigrobvedtrackofshee in vwnicnine wneeia 01 vemcies nxay run ptv etthersIdeVTptBhbiiclal ehape pfatwllledwaVthemajiiVdlfl epcpuntere4k aa Indepeqdeptmins rp fusedttbe brderwlth any assvrapcejof promptdeilvery Tbealdjof Charles 8cnwk1jeUriUedi8taSteelo joratlonwhOJ8 a member the club wa soughtr eieellttpreildrit lethustticuiwrt0 cunaanajnpniiiiji ot jys cyjupany wiu RUSSELCur Krbnau afe5SiiwWvtbJt ociKiausi rnuvuaBinxu iu luritDrnP iimF pastSpaXigtumfebakuIden worse and Is lb an alarinlnircon furniihsfeel track plates lnthe shabeS miiotH 3J5Hf i ilesired vfrUr SLvur hkmm Snicide pf Oolonei BarnettJJ lieputy ynartermaster Gterieral WASHINGTON Jul 8 The Watf Department Is advised that Lieut en fi wv vuau xw tmrneii aeput5 Quartermaster General committed suiciae July 6th by Jumping from fire escape on the fourth story of sanitarium at Battle Creek Mich BATTLE CREEK Mich July vuvuiuw jjBiueinaa Deen a patient here for some time affllcter with asulcidal mania Colonel Barnetf familywas at the sanitarium withlilm Lieutenant ColoneliBarnett was born3 jo juissoun 1845 and entered tha United States Military Academy la uinH Bjauuauon iour years later he received his appblhtment as Decia Lieutenant Inthe regular Army He was stationed at varioual forts and barracks ongrhp Atlantldil vuaai umfi 4oi wnen with bis ap pointmentjtP aFirst Lietitehahcy ha was assigned i the Peftfasylvanla Military Academy as professor of iriil nary scienceand tactlc8 With the rank pf Captajn he leftfhelirisUtutiba ri Vntt came ncsvxaiu occupying responsible pp sltlona lb Nebraska Wybriilhir Orei gpn and finally waa staubriedi in Lbtf Angeles Jassistarit to tbet chief of the Quartermasters Departriierit ofc Arizona He received nhls coirinilsslbril as Major in i8S4aaridln1898 was maae a xiieutenanttColonelln suai7iiituiLCf aeparunenuij HB stood tJJecpnd on the Jistiof iniit Quarfrmerfl pej SEAYWOHIS IpOIXOWEBS tAp3Arabla jTML xjniiBupuQiuveexpeaiuonmnaerCow pnelfiwanBeritf to Somalllarid 32aslf AfrIcagalntliheiMaV Mia ports thatj the ilbliab ls iridulgfpgBt wbplesalekllllrig of his followers la brdertbtielWthe resti andijmtS si mM ffeytSKttf MISCELEAKKODBJ yti Painsin the Back sUaritrcbriditT6n of 4tht Wdrieys oti lwer5aridaf elajwarning it rrextremel hazardous tonglesosimportarit fa ahealthy aciionipthesergansK if ftTharemnpflJyJatten4e4by tTtriitthlVQUn8ldtpr Hint vbyiigloomy Iforepo4mand idl lbaye JMdieyitroubleandhWatak6W fSarsaparlUa1 whioh fca doriemal morel inodhairirriotbmBdlcisft tr iwould notibe without JU ttAkea mystifl aha glva ltto myJtttfe gJrLMfSSIeoaJl WfimoMm es ia ja 5fef rK JasSii 9 PJSJKS CurcskidbeyiaridIiverBiroubJes lieyetthti back ktid buildi tliewkohi Ia i -mm aiteabfe Vf Wi wi il 5S 1 ii 0 mKm Att Sa jsrtAXr rEtT jsIrVtieiJtarV iih wi 55r3 jPBf3rg.

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