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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SHHW1 AiHW JPU f5SBWR BAN FRANCISCO CHRONIOIxB SATTTRDAY JAKUAltr 11 189a Mictim of Ignorance and Routine JKailroaded to tha Agnews Insane Asylum jralevj the Persian Is a Han of Uany Samoa and nationalities Further inquirtesmade yesterday lpto the strange case of Chakel Halevy the Bagdad HeSrew whose remarkable adventures and shameful treatment were recounted In jester day vbsoxicxx show a peculiar state cjf facts as to his commitment to the lfcsane asylum The first records that the authorities have of tbe man of sorrow is his admission to the County Hospital There he remained only a fiw days and left ot hu own atfeerd lie is next heard of on November 20th when be was arrested as a vagrant and btaten because be attempted to fas the feet of tbe ofn in Oriental fash ion fie was then taken to tbe Alms hpase un er the name of Escaid Ji arcien whence he as tent be ore the Jtv ainity Commissioners The officials In torn declare dhim insane on iovm berSStn and ordered his commitment el Escaid Siarcien a native of Morocco aged 43 years a laborer from the Almshouse last from 2ew York and ten years in California was in sine qnd sent to the Agnews Asylum aedicted to the excessive use of alcoholic stimulants That night Cpastel IIalevy tUe Persian Jew or lie id arcien the Moor passed at ttje Home of tbe Inebriate as Haskell id Lawce an Arabian Tbenre the ntanf many names and nationalities si well as of sorrows was sent to Ag njws Asylum from which he was liberated by Dr listen tbe superintendent at the request of Rev Dr Massing Then the attention of tbe J2 irrka Benovolent Society wss called to the case of the unfortunate man at it very generously made ap a pi rse and started the wanderer on his bi meward passage This might tie taken as an amusing co medy of errors were it not for the mmial as weQ ax tbe physical suffer in to which the unfortunate Halevy hi been made it victim while a still ire serious phase of the subject is commitment to the insane asylum wi thout proper examination and an da a wrong name and designation AT THE HOSFITALr Jlijor rood Had Mo Fear of Hy drophobia inquiries made at the new Citv Hall yesterday showed that Halevy bad be sent to the City and Gounty Hos pi al on November 14th last bv tbe health authorities which place he left voluntarily He was seen there on the davof hi admission by Mayor Pond wao in speaking of the matter yester day to a reporter said lie Was dirty and filthy He came Or to me and kissed my hand and mi de signs that he wanted to get out Tl eman appeared rational to me and dn not look lite one who drank intox Icatuig liquors His clothes had been shed and I gave instructions that as soon as they were dry he should be let go He acted in a very strange mi nner but whether it was doe to his na loiiahty or insanity I would not like to lay TBE ALMSHOISE STOUT Desire to Escape as Evidence of Lunacy Tbe Almsbouse was next visited ana there Superintendent Keating was found In as very much surprised to see that story in the Cheosicxb this morning said the superintendent remember the manuelL He was sent here on November 20th from the I city prison First of ad I had him in the new building but he annoyed tbe other inmates there so ther safd and eo removed him to tbe hospital the last chance as orae of the patients call it There he did not appear to he happv for oneiigbtat about 3 oclock tha watchman found him over here wandering about ontside tbe old build Ins stark naked No one hut a crazy xnajwould do such a thing But Mr Keating is a nan crazy tiecaaie he want to get out ot this place and get back to his friends Mo but when he wanders about in the open air without any clotbnghe tn 1st be craty Besides tbe nurse at thd hospital told roe that the otuer pa tiefits were afraid of htm He raid thtjt the fellow used to pull the bed clothes off tbe others in the middle of tha night He tried to bite them too 1 then thought it advisable to send him before the Insanity Commissioners end if he were not insane they would hare sent him back it seems natural from this evidence to infer that poor old llafevv in his frehzv to get out of what he mar have tbdtrght was a lite imprisonment did Jiot wait to clothe himself and it certain ly seems fair to take the statements of jihe watchman an the nurse with a cram of salt when it is remembered that the man was a cripple with a shriveled up ana paralysed leg and could not possibly walk without crutches while to reach the old build ne the nurse asserts that he mast vhftte scaled a high board fence surrounding tbe hospital Jock issAxrrr kx feists Tbrlr Singular Record tn Balevys Cue soon as the County Clerfcs office a opened yesterday morning a Ca jomcls reporter entered and re qu sted to be shown the register of Insanity commitments After a care ful hunt the following entry reirnng to Chaakel Halevy the Bagdad He brew was found ucatd tardea examined for Insanity twoi iuber 29189 aged 43 a native torocro ttKudtngat the Almsfionsc single nd bv ocruDalion a laborer Last mm to Cal fornla from ficw ork and has been in tnl state lor ten jear The Jm attack ip eared a week Ago IUaonfrin8an tn not restrnined In the wants of tbe fit tai attempted to throw tumscirout of he window Is saicldst and used aleo liOl stimulant exeenively Alleged ctioi mswit union li evidence uroru lo bv Georee Facan anttFafnck Ryan the former a nurse and the latter enfniiiate ot tbe Almshouse Xx iu lied before 1 tibded and grauel tSnuoilMigneri ot lusanltrv liho Order for comrultment to Ag xicws Insane Asjlam was signed by ac ge Garber To find oni on what ltcry the Insanity Commissioners tJ iLdced Halevr a dan serous lunatic the reporter called on these two gentle i in their once In the new Ciiv Hal On iwR told the substance ot thefofd man story both doctors taaiju Wedweilvcanthathesor Tut ticiiiR asttd to explain tneir jieUioJ of exaniiiunp tbd man Dr miad the fQilomog remsrsable srmt He lav there in thtt ifer in a stral iacket his eves looked wtldand he constantly moanedV jle was very violent lie couiaai tli 4 oru of nelhibi language Jne were lohlvould bite any one approacned near cnongh The Vnccas aafcd in ihe eomtnment prJqr was pven and aora to before li lr Sbtjii snd Rran and as no neud of ids appeared before ua to tes ptcerwua we were ouiige wc tia men statcmeats 4 Ifut doctor dont you mace a rued ZTZTZ 777 anmuu expert inuriiiga eo ma io be sure no mistake is being made Certainly we do Both Ur Windell and myself examined the man and came to tbe conclusion that he was hopeless insane In what did yonr examination con i iiaii Oh we looked Into his eyes spoke to him he would gvveno answer and taking into ccount the sworn statements of Fagan and Ryan we concluded he was insane Deputy finenff Robert Fidder was standing bv and interjected Yes and another deputy jacked that chap from the gon right into this room He couldnt walk a step We had him in a strait jacket as he was violent out at the asylum so they sasdi bat I didnt find him so at all when I took him to Agnews He was quiet but wouldn speak There is tbe jacket we had him in The reporter then let this scene of official bungling and was about to de part from the City Hall when be ran into a couple of dusky laced turba heated men evidently Orientals Weretbey sent by Providence to add their testimony to the overwhelming evidence already gathered On being questioned one of them at once answered in omewhathroken accents ieSjweare Persians our religion is Mohammedan Tte arrived vester uav from New Orleans and have just come trom uror to sen some lace work which ve make ies the custom in our country when we want to show gratitude or homage is to kneel and kiss the feet or haids AT THE INKBUIATES HOME Another Name and Another Natlon allf Given There Inqumesat the Home for Inebriates elicited tbe following facts Halevy was Committed to the home on November 29th last He was entered under another name The register of that institution shows tbe following Hascel Lafeeborn In Arabia aged 45 sent by Commissioners of Insanity on jyth of November charge Insdne bust ness laborer no employment no reu dence sent to Agnews November 30th Dr Jewell the superintendent of the home remembered tbe man quite welt I saw him when he came in and in the morning when he went out said the doctor He was an object of commiseration at first sight One of his legs was withered and the other was not very uh He was in tne habit of anting with his legs crossed in Oriental style It was noticeable that he was verv docile and Dolite and his ueer appearance attracted much at tention ana mpamy uhi you taae him to pe crazr doc tor at the time Well be was committed bv the Commissioners of Insanity and we tate the tact for crameJ I made no damnation to discover of course as he had been properly committed iid lie ten you an vol nis storyr Verv little I took him to be a Malar and knowme somewhat of that language addressed him in it He onehtened UD Immediatelv but sieni bed that I could talk to him in Kne lish which I did Bv this means I found that He was not a Malay and that his deformity or injury was Irom childhood I took him to be a lurk at fir and then an Arabian Did on notice anv bruises or evi dence of ill treatment on him when he was committed No I did not I onlv saw that he Was comfortably cared for and had a good room and on the following morn mg I saw htm off for Agnews I saw toe article mine ijhrosicle concerning his treatment at the latter place and if it be true it is ertainty horrible If an attendant should strike a patient in this institution I would discharge him instantly Liid tbe man attempt to bite vou as the Agnews people thought was his habt Oh no When I asked him if he wanted some supper he took my band and kised it 1 understood what it meant and the custom that prompted The doctor stated that the old fellow ate well hue at tbe home UE WAS NOT INsATE So Says the Agnews Asylum Super intendent A reporter also visited the Agnews Asylum near San Jose yesterday and obtained some very remarkable testimony Dr Hatch the superintendent of the asylum said When Narclen fthe name under which we received him came here he was very dirty and ema ciated his legs were badly bruised and he looked as if he had not received good treatment His body and hair and beard were covered with vermin and his clothing was old and Tagged As is usual he was shaved as soon as he entered aftd his hair and beard were cut and de in clothing was given him He was covered with sores his lees particular These were at once dressed snd attended to daily He also nan a complaint ot a private nature He was given a single room and part of the time slept on a mattress He was very dirty at first in his habits but greatly improved I did not consider urn insane nor in anv way dangerous and I know of no rea son ior his being sent to anv institution except that he was poor feeble and without friends When he left I gave bun some good clothing I never saw him bite or hurt anybody He often tried to kiss mr feet and hands When Dr Messing came I let him out wiK unMy Dr Pratt one of the resident physicians who attended Narcien or rather Halevy alias Lawee said When he came here his beard was about three inches long and very dirty I did not consider bira insane nor at all dancer ous He was never violent bot on tbe contrary was always very quiet nd grateful for any service done him He trud to kiss my ieet anuaiwavs oowea to the ground when I entered his room The hrst two dtfvs he refused to eat atd was fed with a spoon Bailey one of the attendants who assisted to take the 1 ersian irom tho wagon which brought him up from the station said The Deputy ftheriif Kobert fiddes woo nrougnt tne man down here told me that he would hire I never saw him however attempt to bite any one Karcten beard was only half an inch long when he came here end looked as if had been re cently cut Roscoe Jones another attendant said that arcien was always very quiet and snowed no aangerous symptoms and that when he arrived be had nolb ing bnt ragged and dirty clothing i or five days he slept on a mattre in tbe clothes be arrived in ana was tben riven a bedstead He also said that the patient was not ill used while in tbe asylum LV Armstrong the supervisor of tbe asylum made a siiuuar statement On examining the room in which Itaraen was confined the reporter found it to be eignt ieet wide and ten feet Ion with heavv wooden minted door and an iron grating for the window There was also a bedstead and woven wire mattress The room appeared dean and wholesome Dr Messing was also seen again yesterday and stated that he wished it to be understood that he did not charge Dr Hatch the aupermtendent of the asylum with having ill treated Ilalevv On tha contrary the superin tendent gave him some of hi old clothine and sent Mm to tbe station in his buggy Tbe following is a copy of the discharge given to the rabbi by Dr liatcnt Statc Itoiki AsTttnt at Aokxws AcrwsCkL December 1918S9 ail is to certifr that Lscaid 2 arcien was dtat hi ed front this asylum on the lath lmtr a 18si at the requ st ot lr Aaron Messing who wtli be rerponsi Lieiorhiia UiTCH Medical Superintendent Trom these statements of the asylum officials as to Haievys ssjuty and the discharge given him by the superintendent the publio mar draw their own conclusions at to the conduct of tbe Insanity Commissioners la committing tbe unfortunate Hebrew stranger to madhouse on the bare assertion of an Inmate and a snbordin ats of tb County Almshouse THE WATER BATE Mora Expert Testimony Introduced AS OLD BEPORT EEYITED Proceedlnj of tbe Supervisors Hater Committee Meeting scscu iota CIS BILLS The Water Committee of the Board of Supervisors resumed its inquiry into tbe financial condition of the fcpring Valley Water Works yesterday Mr Alla dt the oni engineer who had 7 test ed at length on the previous day again took the stand ion behalf of fcpnng Valley A large ntunter of citizens and local officials Including Mayor Pond were present Attorney Henm Questioned Mr Aliarot as to the basis upon which he had calculated the raine of the plant on Thursday Mr Allardt repl ed thai he bad taken the record of the works and compared it with that of similar pla ts fhere was no guessVork about tbe computaton ft was based upon figures which he was prepared to explain to tbe fullest extent In making my comparison continued Mr Allai dt I have made it a point to err if possible on tbe sa oe That is to say I desired rather to underestimate figures than other sc The valueof the works is deter ned in my opinion upon tho water capacity and the io er of be works to fun uh acerta supply dad regardless of tbe seasors be they wet or dry Tie reservoirs of toe Spring Valley are so constructed and tt amount of water on hand is in such quantity that it is safe to assume that a supply suf ncient to last the city for two ears is on hand The cheaist simi at supply from the same sources would cost at le si33tt0 000 to procure i tbeSprrag alley worts were non existent The distribution sjstem of the Spring Val lev has been operation for thirty tears and as calculate that it will remain sound for 100 tears I regard the present conduits as being nearly as good asne Tbe cost of renovating the distribution system would i Jl 000 0j0 or nearly one half as much as iKik originally At tnis point supervisor isoya asked Mr Allardt to explain how it came that tha value of the Spring alley orks had increased 17tXW 000 within fouryears lihe increase in property values the extension of the works and the consequentmvestmentof capital replied Mr Allardt have tended to increase value of the system In computing tbe cost of constructing similar works I have made no allowances for profit or interest bat simply the cost of building the works As I bate sai it would cost anv company to duplicate the bpnng Valley system as it is at present inlly 13 0J0 000 in your opinion asked Attorney Hernn has Eood judgment been ex ercised in expanding the works 1 think tew if any mistakes have been made the construction of tbe works It the work were to be done over azaj tbe aatua lines would doubtless be followed bpeakimj in connection with the needs of growing cities lorasumcient water supply ilr Allardt said that abundant water was an absolute necessity Ihe bonne Valley has a conduit capacity of 5 OJ00O3 gallons daily and could be doubled by drawing upon sources which practically adjoin the city limits The reservoir of Pilarcitos which has a capacity of lOdOOOOOuO of gallons is eiht miles from San ranuco while that of Crystal bprmes which has a capacity of 300000 of gallons is twelve miles trom tiie city With these sources of supply a shortage of water would be an mipo siUiity HowisitakedMayor Pond to whom Supervisor Kingwell had yielded tbe chair that if you have a ca icity of 52000 000 000 gallons a day you squeezed tbe supply last ye urine the dry season down to 18IXK 0U0 cations That is a question for the engineers and business men to answer replied Mr Allardt What is tbe capacity of the two city reservoirs asked Attorney Hernn About 90 000000 gallons Do you think the citys demand for water will increase within the next ten yearsv and if so how much I consider that San Francisco will require 34000000 gallons a day ten years hence How will you bring that water here By gravitation from high levels and pumping from low In order to supply the demand it will be necessary to nave one reservoir of 230000 000 gallons which can only be lound in the Livennore valley Do yon mean to say asked Mayor Pond that there is no site on this peninsula is it necessary to have one central reservoir and why would not three or four answer the purpose here is only one site excepting those of Pilarcitos and Crys tal springs which Is suitable ior a reservoir sue and that is located at Hock Creek a little south of the Twin Peats buvervisor Boyd called attention to the report of Mr Allardt upon the value ot tne spring vaney property made upon the order of Mayor Bartlett in 18SS Tbe reading of the report was called for by bucerrtsor Boyd In his report of 1S Mr Al ardt est in ted the cost of the conduits at 1 450000 distributing system 401 870 numotnc works sitiOOOO dams tor storage reservoir 60b000 real estate S23t2i00 total 6xt 5 0 To this total was added the prospective cost of the new pipe tine from Crystal Springs to this city which was about SjOO000 To this also was added ju9130for contingencies and possibe omissions making a grand total of fUWUM At the time I made that report said Mr Allardt there were several items which I did not mdude in the cost of tbe works For instance I did not include a loton Geary andstockton streets worm 120000 tbe old bpnng Valley works now abandoned 2I 000 tbe bausahto property 3019 ban rranctsqtuto property 134003 stocks and bonds SLOJ0u0 the Calaveras property xilU4i making in all 4 100 000 or a total value of SI267V 824 Why should the value of the a an doned works be included in the present estimate asked Mavor Pond Ittat is a question which remains to be decided butjiot by mo was the i wish to know relterat Supervisor Boyd on what bass Mr Allardt calculates this Stupendous in crease of Sl2VOOOCO in tho value of tbe works in four years ume lhave answered that hefore aaid IMr Allardt I calculated what it would cost to place In operation similar Works with property values asth rare at tbe present time xou say in tour repon ior ia that S1500O0 should be allowed the company annually for operatic ex iMin LI Mamr Pntl Amrnn of that opinion still Weli replied Mr Allardt I think JIN 030 a year would ba sufficient it the cost ot extending the work were not considered Do you think the purchase ot the Calaveras and San Frarcisquito properties was a wise thing asked Mayor Pond I nrtalnlr do The comnanv needed the property and bought it quieuy Ail corporations must ao so in order to protect their own interest Mayor Pond asked if tha company was not aware that tho city was nego tiating ior tne Calaveras property at tha time it crept in on the sly and eougns iw What doyoa meanT asked Attor rter Ilerrin I mean that tha Spring Valley Company bought that property for no other purpose than to frustrate certain designs entertained oy tne aty Twenty per wat sating So Mowing muring cr breatlna of zJobes ana your lrj In dd a ilv IV ehft hT irii rx with thai statement asked Attorney Hernn I amTeadr to substantiate what I sajjf wis the reply The compahy fcnewxhat the aty was negotiating for tha purchase of the property and tearing mat tne taieit Consummated would injure its prospects privately boaeht ttf Mr Ahardt said that was true that the Calaveras property was recom mended to thenty as a suitable rese voir site but it was subsequently dem oustratea mat me supply was msum aent and the city would have been compelled to secure an add tidnal arte Attorney Hernn announced that he did not desire to introduce further testimony nntd after the remittitur ot the Supreme Court had been received The supervisors thereupon adjourned until Tuesday UNHAPPY MAKRLLGES CACITOX COLElAN SEED rOB DIVORCE Wealthy Dr It er Must Continue to Pay 8700 a Month Alimony to Hli Wife The case of Dr Washington Kyer came up beforoJulgeWadace yesterday on a motion for a reduction Of the amount of alimony which he waH or Uered to pay hu wife Mary er in December of la year Mrs liver filed an affidavit in which she stated that her husband was perfectly able to pay her 700 a month alimony as be owned proirty of the value of l000 000 which yielded him a monthly Income of 5000 and that all his tate is community property bhe also claims to he poor health requiring constant care and nursing She needs the money to secure proper medical attendance In reply to his wiles statement Dr ter asserted in an athdavit that bis Income was less than 2000 a month and had not reached 0000 during the past yeir He denies that there is anv community property except Long island and Kyer island both of which he claims are not as yet productive The recent divorce proceedings cost him 1000 for shorthand reporters fees and altogether he has had to pay out 15 000 During the past year for bills and other expenses on behalf of his wife He argued that 150 a month 4 snouid be ample for nis wite a nvirg expenses After hearing the arguments of counsel Judge Wallace de mett the mntimr rmfrfrfk Thff nil roomy and decided that 700 a month tawing into consideration the doctors income was not an exorbitant amount Domestic discord in the family of lam Coleman tae well known mer cha it has resulted In the riling of a suit for divor bv ins wife Edith formerly Miss Blanding In ber com ploii Mrs Coleman charges that she bas been de erted by her hushand and that he has refused to live with her any longer notwithstanding that she had given him no reason for this violation of the marriage vow Thedefend ant has not vet filed an answer to tbe complaint On December 28th last his attorney applied for and was granted an extension of time in which to plead The defendant in the divorce suit of Maggie lncnwald anainst Charles Inerjwald has bled a cross complaint charging his wife with desertion Judge Garber has granted Mary Balpb a divorce from Willarn Balph on the ground of extreme cruelty The custody of the couples two minor children was awanle i to th plaintiff in defendant in tne divorce suitot Jennie Craig against Charles Craig bas been ordered by Judge Lawler to py bis wife 20 a month alimony and 50 counsel fees pending the further oruer oi tne court Judge Lnwler has granted Henry Fuller a divorce from Pauline Fuller on the ground of willful desertion The divorce suits of 1 Kascb against Amanda A Rasch and Margaret Murname aatnt 1 homos Mur name have been submitted to Judge Lawler on the report ot the Court Com missioner i TTOODSOVS WEAL Memphis Young of Worth Becomes Luckily More So Upon the principle that none hut eagies soar with eagles tbe Apveal reportonai capitalist yesterday sought out Charles Woodson the extent of whose good fortune is only excelled by his handsome apjearance Mr Woodson as the tucey ho der of a one fortiethfortieth part of ticket No 93455m the December drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery which drew the capital prize of 000 000 Tbe Avoeal commissioner found Mr Woodson hard at work at his desk holding tbe responsible posi Hon of head bookkeeper and chief of the business ofhee of the well known retail dry spods estabLshment of Hun ter Brothers corner of Main nd West Court streets He is a gentleman of fine appearance and apparently a genial ojpiable ompaniou Tbe Appeal reporter approached him with the bgurative question ell Mr Woodson I suppose your ship hs vome ml How is that sir said he and then as if catching on to the idea continued On yes avv 1 made the riffle the last drawing In replv to further lntir rogatories Mr Uood on elaborated i I held the lucky lumber deposited it with my hank received toe returns 15000 promptly and have not yet decided what investment 1 will make I own a valuable farm which has been receiving my attention very closely and I may place a portion of it there in the way of improvements I have received any amount of advice as to how I shall invest it hnt I have decided to resign my place here on the 1st of January and devote a good part ot next year to travel over the United States and perhaps may go to Europe 1 am a Jiaave born est Tennessein Fayette county being the place of my birth and early training I received a good fteraxy education which was completed at Lexington Kybut studied boot keeping at Leddons Commercial College in Memphis I have held responsl le positions at XL enkens and tho house 1 am now engaged in 1 haver been in the habit the past five or six years of buying one or mora Louisiana State Lottery tickets mote as a pastime than anything else ou may rest aa nred 1 was surprised to discover that I had secured tbe lucky number 1 will still continue to pat ronize the lottery in about the same way am so ears of age nave been married and have two ons who now reside at my farm Cood by sir JTenlpku lenn Atrfeat JMftmber tStk LOCAL NEWS TOTES Mrs Xeland Stanford has arranged to present ioecn oi toe vrgirasKoa ex ingbersonsnamea handsome wit ban ner with aa oaken ta Charles ilahoney an escape from the House ii CorreeUon was arrested Utt night by Officer Barges who booked hita at the oty prlao i oa charges bf using vul gar language There were 124 deaths in this city during the week endod sterdar of which 35 were due to polqiona diseases For tbe eorreaponamg wve ox last year tae aeatns numbered 115 8 Barrett the well known stock broker and member of the San franc sco Stock Exchange died yesterday at bis rest deace 124 Uotdea bato avenue of disease ot the heart Burke carpenter and II Smith a real etal and rent agent have been arrested ior violating the fire ordinance by repairing toe Tonaemnea ouiiaings 1124 and iLsi Mission street Tbe County Grand Jury held its first basiueos session yesterday Street Super tntendent Ash worth snd a number ot police ooicers were cauea ana iraye testimony in a secret lavesti tUou now pending On Thursday 1800 boxes of raw silk from China and Japan were passed through the Custom house for shipment to fcew ark It was brought on the City of Peking and was taceu xas nj ue vcuuai fiunei To morrow afternoon at 8 clock an ad dress will le delivered in the Younz Men I Christian Association Hall by Iter 4 Silcoxon Iianlel aa a Rule ot life and Conduct for 1 oong Hen of Modern Times The service will he exclusively for young men Pliir soap secure beauUful eomplexn Ettush casts tar order S3 30 stylish salts to order SIS Gabel a 308 Stockton JW CiJdaxTi51LeafnysLjustopes4 new stylaaKarts ghmaaod aalrtiaja i Foaflne Christmas candles to Gruen hacsBSOKearaysUast RAILROAD NEWS A Trallie Manager for the Santa Fp GODDABDS KEW POSITION Tea an Silk Shipments Sent East Union pacific Sur vyintr Corps An important announcementreached the offices of the Atlantic and Pacihe yesterday It was contained in a Circular signed by President Allen Man vel and sUtmtr that Croddard the third vice president of the Santa Pe i and manager of all of Ihe system east otthe Missoun river had resigned the latter ixsitiort and been appointed to the entire control Of tha fralHc both freight and passenger of the fcanta Fa system AH appointments wil henceforth be inale by him and his jurisdiction will extend to all btate nd Federal business as regards traffic he will attend al trade orgamzaTiorrs and will act for the company except in legal matter The mantenance of ra es and the observance of trahic arrangements will also be under his control The position 13 to all intents and pur poses that of general traffic manager and is similar to that recently created for JC Sinbbs by tbe Southern Pacific Company MrGoddrd lunsdiction also extends over ail branches of the svsteni in wis and other States Tea and Silk Shipment The City of Peking brought over he usual large cargoes of tea and silk from China On Thursday night ten cars of raw silk were sent off behind tne regular passenger train and wdl go directly Throughto New York over the Central Pacific Union Pacific and Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul roil ways The tea left by special tram of twenty carloads last night and will be sent turougn on last ume A scarcitt oi fruit cars has been felt of la bv the bonthern Paific but it is confidently expected that a few days vu re win oe a sumcient nuiuuer an the ground to move the orange crop from tbe southern portion of the btate with ease In the matter of equipment tbe company is much better sup lied than many Eastern roads and in fact tnre 1S6 has never been at a lo for cars to move all its ireignt 1 be wash outs nave demoralized tramc to some extent and are the cause of the temporary shortage of fruit cars in tne south Union FaeiBo Surreys A Los Angeles surveior named George Wright received a dispatch from the resident engineer of tbe Union Pacific at Salt Lake lost week asking him to engage a rtvof surveyors to assist in the work of survey lag for that company from Barsto north A parly of bve engineers was read ly made up and left immediately tor Ludlow on the Atlantic and Pacific lines about fifty miles enst of Barsto There are now about five surveying part es at wore in tne interests of tbe company and this fact is a strange commentary on the presidents reported assertion that the company would not bmld beyond Pioche this year It is thought that the work will be done by anot her company in the interests of the union fttcinc Track and Train Tips The Canadian Pacific 19 making great and successful efforts in reducing time between Yokohama and the East A dispatch received by Uielocil agent of the company yesterday announced tbe arr val in ictona of the steamsh rartnia trom xokonama ana made the trip in twelve davs and twe tvtwo hours or nearly three days ahead of scneouie time sne nas 00 Doan a large quantity oi east bound freight A Fillmore reneral super ntend ent of the Southern Pacific Company left for Knights Landing yesterday to be absent three days Wiikins who recently srned the Position of general freieht and passenger aeent of the Sonora road 1 nas oeen appointea assistant general freight and passenger agent of the Mexican Central THE EL0RAL SOCIETY ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THIS YEAH A Move to Secure Proprietary nights to the Originators of Varieties of Flower The State Floral Society met yester day for tne election of officers for the ensuing year The attendance was good and the large table in the center of the room was decorated with two magnificent bouquets Of roses rown out of doors which lent beauty and fragrance to grace the occasion One was from Mrs Walker of Pied i inont and contained fourteen varieties of roses all in full bloom The other was from Mrs Athearn of this city and contained many beautiful roses some of them ot rare and choice vane ties After the reading of the reports ot officers amending those made at the last meeting tbe election was held resulting in the election oi Wick son for president Mrs CvUodg kin vice president Mrs Al A Sperry secretary A 1 Bancroft treasurer Mrs Jtixford accountant Pratt and larkerdi rectors Upon the representation that there had been some delay in the manufacture of the rus and medals awarded at the last exhibition of the society the directors were given further time to prepare and distribute them The directors were also instructed to arrange for one or more evening meetings when those actively engaged in poncultore might be present as they cannot uuring the day A resolution was introduced that a committee should be appointed to consist cl A Bancroft Leonard Cosies and Charles Parker to act wita a like committee irom the Cali fornla fetite Horticultural bociety the two committees to form a joint com inittee to work for securing a scheme of national rogistrat on of 1 lant life to be known as the American Horticultural Register and to provide that the originators of new vanetiea of Irnit flowers and plants should ba allowed exclusive propagation and sale right thereof ior limited time The resoin tion was referred to the directors with instructions to report at the next mtmi i After Informal discusskra of the propagation and rearing ot tuberoses camellias and out door roses the meeting adjourned 1 a INQCKSr POSTPONE The Coroner Still BUves That Bartb Wu Murdered coroner Taylor bad intended to hold an inquest yesterday on the remains ot John Bantu the cook who met such a mysterious death on Wednesday night However at the request of Detective Bohen who has not yet completed his investigations of the case ha consented to postpone it Speaking otthe case to a Cbbosicxc reporter yesterday tha Coroner said 1 am just as firmly convinced that Barth waa murdered aa I am that I am alive bach an injury aa that which caused his death could nof possibly hare been received by a fall it was tha result of a mow ana a gooa hard one at that The police are equally well satisfied that Earths fatal tnjuries irere the re salt of an accidental fall daBon to wind up all the societys anairs 01 ineryear just passed it was its final meetin the annual election of a ne board of officers taking place tnis attemoon at 1 nocx There is 10 far only one ticket in tha field andunless an opposition puts in an appearance at the last moment the following will be elected for the ensuing year Dr Tavlor president McKinstry senior vice president Fifield junior vice president Burnett treasurer Jr Deer ing recording secretary Brewton Hayne corresponding secretary Charges brought herore theUar Association by Manuel Eyre against Milton 8 Kisnr ana Ceorge Frank were to have been considered by the Grievance Committee of the assotiation yesterday but at Mr Franks request the hearing was po tponed EROM FAR SHENSL BISHOPS DJfcCIPLE SOME TTODEKFCL FEATS OF M1ND KKADLNG How Kellogc Entertained an Audience at tbe tlov ard Street llethodilt Chureh A very instructive and amusing entertainment was given last night at the Howard street Jiethodist Church by Kellogg the mm i reader under tha auspices of the Ladies Home Missionary bocietrof tbe oove church Mr Kellogg was assisted by Mr Emmett who be an tbe entertainment with a violin solo played with the instrument in seventeen different positions Mr hedoxg next performed a feat in mmd reading which surprised all present Three Tetters written bv a committee selected from the church congregation were seated and addressed to per sons in tbe audience The writers were then asked to fix their minds npon the persons addressed and while thus intently flunking of Uieni the wnters were led about tne room byilr Kel ogg wbo blindfolded and the sealed envelopes were delivered to the proper persons Two or thtee other feats ot mind reading even moredifii cult were penormed bv Mr Kellogg One oi these was to draw from the mental impression one of the committee tbe picture of a person in the aud ence whom the committeeman had faxed in mind The cture was fairiv ell drawn and the per on represented was found A cood portion of the eremne was takeu up by Mr Kellogg in exposing the mysteries of smruualism He gave numerous examples of legerde main wnicq aemon tratea toe ease with which people are deceived aud all of which he said comprised tbe es sence spiritualistic oemonstrat ons Messages from the departed and crayon portraits ot well known per sons were produced in proiusion Jrora blank pap and all in a wav inex plicable to the audience ine programme ciosea witn an amusing penormance by Hugh rmmetrwno lmiiatea voices and a vanetv noises with the violin na agreed to play tbe air of any ot the most recent songs that have been sung in the United btates Rev Dr Har court suggested that he should play McGmty whereupon he produced ah imitation of the Virginia reel with which he bad already duped the audience a half dozen times previously Air nmmet also gave some entertain mg examples of ventnloquism that were greatlj appreciated SPORTlNw EVETS Work of Franciscans in North China 1TA5Y STAVES TO OPIUM The Pr ople HUl Killlns Tt male OiUdren Father Anto nlccls Health Weir and 3Iurphy Ready for the Battle Notwithstanding a report published last night that the Murphy Weirbght would not come off on Monday night at the California Athletic Club in con sequence of Weir being crippled President Fulda declares that the lieht will take place at the appointed time Mr Fulda visited the men yesterday and found both In good condition and ready for tbe combat The under standing was that tbe men were to weiga 12U pounds give or taca two pounds It was found that Weir weighed 124 pounds and Murphy about 120 The latter has agreed to waive weight and meef his antagonist on Monday bight Mr Fulda says the club has not yet disappointed the public and it never will il he can prevent it Those interested in tbe contest need not be alarmed as to its coming off The drawing of dogs for tbe open meeting at Newark on Sunday was to have been held last evening but was postponed in consequence of the coffdl tton of the grounds Pat Kerngan has telegraphed tbe directors of the California Cuib that he will leave iew Yorx this morning for this citv He will proba ly be mat bed at the club against Iseedham for I ebrn ary THE SLACCHTER UOUSES The Order Regulating Them to Be Reoommended The Health and Police Committee of the Board of Supernsers met yes terday and derided to recommend the passage of the ordersnbmitted by the Board of Health regulating nuisances mam tamed in Chinatown and controlling the management of the slaughter houses there The matter of appointing a supenn tendent ior the Sailors Home was con dered and tbe clerk was instructed to communicate with the gentlemen who had been appointed by the board tojelect a superintendent ior the home and ascertain If they were willing to accept the appointment The Indecent Cane Pictures The walking canes containing inde cent pictures which were seized recent ly at tbe Instance of the Society for the Prevention of Vice in a wholesale importing house were returned to the firm yesterday afternoon in tbe Property Clerks urhce Secretary Bennett burned the pictures in tbe presence of a salesman and ClertCulIens deputies There were ten pictures in the head of each cane to CRT NOTES II Norton has sued Ann Johnson and Robert Roe to recover f3J OS on a street assessment Fletcher an overcoat thief has been sentenced to five months imprison zuent iuthe House of Correct on John Tan Bereen bas sued Geor Atuinsio rt cover ew sow rent ana to secure the rest taboo of the premises at noted at 715 Clay street Simps in Hall Sillier Co a Connecticut corporation have sued Ackerman Brothers Insolvent to recover 13 481 21 for roods Mid and delivered Thomas Sprig pleaded gtillty ot bor I ry ininesecoDO aegree oeioreuage soaiicr yesterday and waa sentenced to two years1 Imprisonment at San Quentin The evidence in the opium smuggling ease of Yee Gar was submitted to a lurv in Judge Hoffman court yesterday and the charge will bedeuvercd tins morning TV Splits who stabbed John Tobinln Lyons a loon at Thlrteentn andHarrson streets about a month asro was he by Judge Joachlnuen yesterday to answer a cnarae 01 murder witnout Dau Thomas Noonan was convicted of an assault with a deadly weapon by a jury in Judge Murphys court yesterday for cutting veuiber 23d last Re wulbe sentenced today I JGeorva Zachariaswas placed on trial be lore a jury in nug an lteynegom cnun yesterday oa a charre of burjrlary or en terms the fruit store of James iiorphas at the corner of Baight and St nyan stre on November 18lh last Judge Wallace denied the plaintiffs motion lor a sew trial yesterday In the sua of Ben Morgan er rel against the Supreme Court Commissioners being an action to determine the legal status ol the com misslon under the Lea alative act creating It Crrr or Mnico January 10 The regn 1 lar aoauly drawlufof the Lottery of tb Beneneea iaPuMIca took place to day la tha Voorlsh TavUIoo The following Bombers drew tbe principal prices SOS3JW3 ISO 000 1 Me 6180 fOOOO KG4VS nMrM 10UUV aies96 sooo So 70 5t 1000 1 Ko ei093 i 000 Ko 020 i 1000 Casual nan sola la City of Mexico Mcotid prize sold in More la thlrdpri oldlaFon laadMe tfoarthpri gs ldmjaatt iiei oo iter Father Athanasind Goette a priest ot the Franciscan order who has beea eight years a missionary in Northern China rext to the Chinese wall and Mongolia arrived here on the City of Peking onTharsday A Chsov icle reporter saw him yesterday at the home of the Franciscan Brothers Golden Gate avenue and he recounted many interesting facts relative to his experiences in tbe province of Shensi where he mainly labored To get theiV aai I he I went by steamer 700 miles from Shanghai to mkaw an the ang tse then on a Chinese boat for fifty days on the llan river Thence took mujes and rode grit days over what are called the bouthern mountains when we finally arrived at Singaniou the old imnal city of China This aty is the capital of the province And has 800 000 inhab itants There we have two churches a college and a school ot about eighty Chinese boys We also have an orphan asylum there with about 1500 Chinese children These children we have picked up trom the graveyards where tney ere tnrown to die 1 hey are all gtrls Lately since the Chinese know we take care of them when fern le children are bom they are Often brought to our doorsteps and left there Bishop PagnnccI of the province which is as large as France lives at Koolen thirty miles from nganfou There is a seminary there The Bishop has been there twenty six years Neither he nor I ve ever had any trouble with tbe natives Sometimes have to loot out a little for the Chine students but that is all The Ch nese ot the north are a much finer la of pie than th of the south There are now about 30000 Christians in tbe province Not far from the great Chinese wall as a massive monument erected in the seventh century a Onitis inscribed tbe whole history of the creation and tbe story of Christ A good deal of the inscription yet remains bis hundred and twenty years after Christ there were missionaries here 1 have been lanonng Father Goette says the production an I use of opium In bbensi are having an extremeiy demoralizing effect on the people The Emperor has formd den the production ot opium but the iranaanns permit it ior tne reason mat thev have secretly laid a tax on it and are growing very rich from it Father ooette says ne has seen as much as forty a res of opium in one Geld Three fifths of the peope are absolute slave to the drug Father Goette speaks the Mandarin and three or four 01 her dialects which be has acquired during his long residence there In hs work he wore the Chinese garb Ur also wore a cue which had grown very long and which he did not tart with nntd he reached bhanghai He says lhat Father An tonicci wbo le here four or five mo ith azo for China having been appointed icar A ostolic and Bishop of Han zung is welL He has not yet been consecrated but probably will be next hovember Father Goette contemplates remain mg here about one year His healths not the bett by re son of living atthe high altitude of Northern china and he hopes to recuperate it In San Francisco Union four men were initiated Tha greater part ol the everting waa consumed In congratulation over there cent victory at the Union Iron Works The Facine Coast tatioaary Engineer Cjon anied the time of hut evening in discuwng the propriety of consolidating with the Arpaleamated Engineers Both societies view tbe proposition favorably The semi annual election of officers ot the Undertakers Assistants Association was held last Tuesday at 31 Eddy street Tne following is thelst of those chosen Presided Cof faoy Tice president George Horry recording secretary Bernhardt financial secretary John Burns tie ts urer Uummer sergeant at arms John McGmty board of trustees 5eii Cochran McGinn PRE00 METALS MR VAtKMTfE ESTIMATE OF THEIR rRODCCT KISCELLsWEOCs Ilontana the Xeading Producer With Colorado aa a Close Second Californias Bank The annual report of Vice Prendent Valentine of Wells Fargo 6 Co gives tbe production of the trecious metals in the btate and Territories as follows California 12842 Total 127G7 5S6 Of the amount credited to Caiuorn a 10309 019 is gold dost and bullion tbe retiiaiKder being silver bullion ores and base bullion Of the amount ere ited to Nevada only 3082153 is gold the remainder beinrr nilvp nf i ouuiuii The gross yield of the vandns metals nrrviii ail in mel ia approximately as follows God 2j8 100s 5329463 Silver I 15 10O 4 60 Jib 107 Copper 59 KK 1479J 763 Leadll 43 100 1S W33J Total 127e778j Tha aynApla ail Hn0 1k year to Japan China tbe Straits eta hVA hr fltl Vrn 1 Anjn 39 232314 from Kan Francisco 18 iio iuuu oi toiu as against uitoim ia i year rounds evening estimated at 4 84 Ihe estimate product ot gold and silver in Mexico in 1839 is 111719000 of which vniy 1010 0U was sdver B1GB AIU1 SkWlMl MlCUCtK With complete attachments and ihe Wskkit ChroskxS one year for 922 Warranted to give fdU afiLntire atsfae tion lu every cs Light running and noiseless Call al CnaoicU ollice and ex amine theroacluiie STEINd SPIRITS HE WIEI OT FLINCH HIS ATE Tew and Startling Evidence to Be Used If a Rehearing Be Granted Xry Scored Gasbie Stem the convicted counterfeit money passer was found in the best room of the jail yesterday afternoon in company with his wife What are your plans of action now Mr Stein was askeJ Weil I have been sentenced and I will serve it oat like a man I believe that it justice were done I would be free and Louis Levy who is the uncle of my wife would be in San Quentin Ha railroaded me here 1 have been this town twenty six ears and was never arrested for an ienae In June last I was arrested nd in November six months later mv trial came up It is strange that during all that time only Peeler and ootf could be ioim i to bear evidence against me although Detective Hams was on my tracks all of tha time Tben you will submit quietly to your fafet Oh no not by any means lam now in possession of startling evidence which If I had been posse tsed Of before would hare saved me If I get another hearing I will produce it and I tbink it will create a breeze What is the nature of ltT That I will not reveal My lawyer will do that at the proper time 1 er haps Ill have to do six years for Mr Levy yet CARRIER JIAERER HELD Character of tlt Evidence Against Him WAMaurer the letter carrier ar rested for burning up letters which he was too tired to deliver was before United States Commissioner Sawyer yesterday A number of witnesses were examined The Commissioner held the accused for indictment in a bond of 500 Tbe mail matter shown in eviuence by Inspector geibold con sistedchiedy ot envelopes which had been torn directly across the center with tb ir contents rney were shown to be filled with circulars and never to have been tbe Postolfice Police Officer Donovan testified that Maurertoid huny when arrested that he had been playing crib at 4oo btevenson street and had left some cir culars there Inspector Siebold told about gelling the mil and staled that Maurer ha 1 acknowledged delaying the tuail lienry Aiartin wno swore to the complaint strange to say laded to appear TEMrOKARILT I SANE Nevada Oregon Wash ton Alssiis Idaho Montsna Utah Colorado NewMexlco Arizona Iatota West coast of Mexico by steamer Blush Columbia II 903 6l 7oaJ61 217O0O eioOOQ 17 14400 J172o4I2j 3 013 23A74 8i 3J7t77 MS07 34077 512538 41 1W POWDER Absolutely Pure ff HT3 POVFDEB JfEVER VAEIK8 marvel of pu Br Ktrcagth tx ria aouvMMM Mot economical than tha nary klsas and cannot be sold to conp tafa wilh tbe muIiHbaa of low test abort mt alum or pbospbala powaen S014 bscuna case BotAL Piata powssa Co is WaB trVir THE JOKN80V LOCKE MERCASTUb ca sol apsu tor tit Pscsfle Coast SIISCECCAXEOCS aa raiiEDiATt xecessittt Joys vegetable 6ar aparDla was as 1m mediate necessity Let us explain The older Earsapari las following tBe old Idea contain tha mineral syphilitic tpedae potash to purify tho WoOdV Aa ho prevad ing His are dyspepsia indigestion constipation pimply skin aud sick headaches for which large quantities of the potash sirs ta Ua are daily taken aud as those disor ders are now known to be purely stomach troubles Mr Joy saw the necessity for a vegetable stomach remedy that would be more appropriate than potash and blood purifiers Again Mr Joy did not believe the Untainted masses should take se much pot a Hence In consultation with physicians Joys Vegetable Sarsaparilli was evolved It discards potash and Is a Mtnli vegetable liver stomach aud bowel alter ariveymtuiiy laxative It Is certainly tbe most modem and appopriate remedy now before the people for stomach disorders Scores of testimonials dally attest its ef flcacy Have you profited byit yet Dry warm feet Weirugfor jsl i nn ftsiuvtlr CiMtjl tiriLtvrci I They also renl Distress from Dt Pepslali4ig tfc uung Aperfeq remedy rorin i nes3Jaas aDro slnessiadTiseto he llouth Coated ionguePainuith late tbe Bowels and pp ven Oncstipauo eao rues are ata from an crude and trrttatfiur matter Couc mtratedmediciiH only very small easy to taxe no pain TO griping Only one ptTI dose Pureh Teetable Price SS cents vials by maL orauu arm xzsasa kw Sr ttirTs a timm i LVn I I TiMa aHi 1 1 1 ncjcyjf fisn mi iyiertniTtutt art The principal sea fish that servt as sjiounahiiient to the human race are the fkate or ray the shark family the sturgeon the tunny the mackerel the codfish the herring tne sardine the 7 anchovy the salmon and the eel gome readers may be surprised 4o see tftc shark incinded bot ft ia a noraer ans family and alt are not man eaters Tha shark fishery a regularly established industry some parts of th world At Hurra tehee at tha mouth of the Indus no le than 40 090 are caught each year Many are caught In tha islands of Australasia and sent to China to basotd The other principal porta of the world where they are taken for commercial purposes are the Malabar coast the Red Sea and in all the waters between Eastern Africa and the isl nd of ew nines Tb fi ns form a Chi new deli cacy They are aa regularly quoted In tbe market reports of Canton aa tea and opium at a price varying from 115 to 13 the hundred Al Canton alone the Importation Is valued at L40U 1 OOfli not counting tho furpished i rfiEJUVEMWL orttabie aix lui rHg OHEAT lh i BTBBNCFTHESrVII rKEC NERVKTOvTn to auovr its co without na ORE Nrvoos DcMlity a3 merit will bo re teres Lost VI aolwai sent to any one HovreTer Compu WJ MM a 4 ID Vftlf a may be nis symp turns permanently prirt i and Ing all tavolaatu waakonlmj loaasa J4 IR hmv 1 trim 1r rA nn nrt A eour limlEMlngalt ard effects of yoatS fal Indlncralloos and ex es a It also oil all Kidney ted Bladder Complaints Imp tonditioos of the Blood FuudI rim race i ov pec ooHie or 9 ootues tor lia Anoommanicationssulctly co flleattal tt letter or at oOcerree CaU or address DR SALFIELD CJ 218 Koarar St San Francisco CaL DHLIEB1GS WONDEEFBL taiMfrt TRIAL BOTTLE SENT FREE TTOREASO THOCSASTDS CASHOl pUint harrooa bility UanaJ amZiZ 01 ataa osa am 1hi rilhm illiiMia Inula in Jfc eomsllcatlon called rrostatorrhosa vhhljwF esdi Ia rnch enii i el ltr tiDt lal Dlt UEBIOo ISV1GORATOR Is UM PoU cure for Pro Uterbc a Price of atott2 cat of nt bottle KO tsIfaalJ es halfprl Boots to men free DR IiEBIO a ca for nearly a Qwvrtwtf ota bar mad an ex tostr pedallya ej of ea Diwa boverer mitxat jweduy thoron hly sad pemaotntly Cttt osat cases In a few days ioTeterat easts ttaif ai tteated cbar ea saod nta alt tyn free CaU or address Ge0 bnt Frmnd co ui frrnM eutraasasl MOVERS WORLD FAMOUS ILVD1 Mi VINEYARDS MISSION SAN JOSE The FneUaret3 Ude in Call lornia mOy trade applied aC whlsal ta Telephone to 1B if BALFE Agent 141 Jfontiomery and 303 Bath tt IHiiin Cbteititg tansy on 1 by the Chinese junks and neihbonnA nations Whole fleets of Chinese junks fare engaged In fishing for sharks which are usually taken with harpoons or nets sunk to a depth varying from 80 to 150 feet Thaskia of the shark has been used for useful and cm i men tal purposes since the Middle Aaes The handsomest fish skin known is that ot a species of ray inhabiting the fled ia and ro of the Indian Ovean The skate is cot a great favorite as an art da of food in tho United Stales but is oneof the staple dishesJTrancand elsewhere in Europe Neither is the sturgeon highly ieemfl in A rrtarxra Tf flesh at th abort nosed variety found on tha Pa 1 dfia coast Is eaten but most peope prefer the smaller and more delicate fish that abound along the coast of California There was a difference of opinion among the ancient Romans regarding the edible qualities of this fish which was at times a great favor he among the rich It was highly bab association Ba A Kevr Board of Cffleera ta Elected To Day The board of trustees of tha San Francisco Bar Association met yester 1 day afteraooB at tha room of the asso Exib lo days llpttp about the CaWornla Colony In ir Torav Saarnxstf has the only VellaMs method tantaatacufasta 4J7aarayi 9 Ton Infiamiaatton of the tangs asa KallsPalawuaryBalsaia IrteeMcM lira Julia Wellsford lVoneed to Be at Best A Coroners Jury bed an inquest yesterday in Ihe case of Mrs una Wellsford who committed suicide by hanging at her home 20 Greenwich street Thursday morning Joseph Wellsford tbe dead womans husband explained how he had found the body hanglig and Qumones a brother in law ot the deceased testified that Mrs Wellsford had seemed to be out of sorts for over a week On one occasion she had asked hunt What will you ail uo when I am eoneT lie had also heard her aay th she longed to be at rest at tbe bottom of tha bay The Jury Tie wed the remains which were taken to th Morgue tor that pur pose ana arter a onei aeiioeranon returned a verdict of sndde while In a fit ot temporary insanity LAUOIl OKUA I1ZAT10N3 Substantial shoes Youve a Ja TiDaew on health with the right sort of foot rieeioz but not much ot a chance witho it Weve a corner on rattling rainy weather snoes in eycry department Styles upon styles 0FPBIMB Wet Weather 8T0BM AN WTSTEE ITootgear CKOWBED FULtOF JDfE GOODS AT Popular Prices Hi NTS Ladles Tticnlc feather weight French calfsfn foxed kan Karoo top button oootnana welt toe esp a perfect cent for Off AA weiweatner WLFsVV Ladles fine kangaroo button boot touh triable dre snr a 1 ft stock for winter wear SiUU Ladle solid pebble goat button boot sewed a fine shoe tor Of A lie season vZOU Heaps of Gesfs sboei toa 50 ts I0l WmIW Market Street Branch Broadway Oakland A0 Country orders filled promptly Catalogues sent free VO HVKft 8CSATCH13s SAfiPt ii ana Harness ualis cuts woaaas Cracked and Grea Heels Matrre Itch posiH veiy curea oy sn use oi EC A Ij Antiseptic Cream Salve FOR HORSES Pest and Ch spe rraiedy on tha mart I For alebyanUTB stsaasd 11AUI51A5T I FACTUKlNU CO 10 Mission it 1 tKU THE MARKS Iteclinins Cliairi Best Chair In tb Wide Wide Warld I Engineers TJnlcna to Consolidate lctloa Officers The Carpenters and Joiners Union metlast nght at Odd Fellows Hall andwitlatedthreanewtnen The new system of tecurtnjr new members ior tha union has been put Into practko and is working latUfactorfly Pries ranging la valuer from 50 to 10 and consisting of planes tawr Blows and I other carpenter tools will be given to mose wno penorm tna oen recruiting temce 1 At tha meeting of tha Ironmoldtrt T3 i Jlia a AdJusUlft vajT JtSjftEffiy to Over jWIMjf Cbana ea rf fff Position si TlAT a vmuniuV niT nr Al The bert remedy lor LNFLVEVZA Asthma Coughs Colds Bronchitis Lo of IWWUN luuptfU ae 21BpL10Xl X7Ce SOeents i ATES 4 CO Froprictcrs 417 gaasoma street 81 CALX AND EXAinVE BURR FOLDING BED CO d03 Market Street TT JOBSOS ProPiet ASDREWS ePRTOHT FOLDINi BEDS orncs isn scnooi FnRNITimR Onara aa4 vaarca Vaairf WEBER At CO Wkfi Pot and lr nn rif iir St fcany aactica DltlAII RATIIOAI IWrMUO SS5 FRENCH ASrflM ASTHMA Fr sal by IT I I dr its threai aa aas a ssssii nuto ia HAVE I 4 aualjataxl SU ODDS BiflC tux iftccse na sm iliwwfa ran 111 PaofiaV rao um oireRt one i aft aUlta TanlAiL Aa JI 33 tyhfaron Sa rr PATEISTTi JOHlf 30QHI Attorneyat Law and iolif American and Foreign Boatawest cor Boss and Mon EaU Francisco teemed at the epoch of the Renaissance in tha Midde Ages all the stnrgeons caught along ihe ngttsa coast belongei to tha King Similar nrrvi ee were accorded ft in noblea in France at tha ae epoch The sturgeon has Is Dointa ot resemolance with the alli gator the shark and with the 402 ae the iatterltias the rooting habit The distnbution of tbe sturgeon over tbe face of the rinha neenbar Trose I uatljave the horny protuberance In ae center of the spots are found In he rlveraandlakis of orthAmerica on the Atlanta a well asthefadttc coast while those which lave tbe pro uDerancftit the extremity or the spots are confined aimost altogeiher to ihe basins nf tha Ttl rt and Cmnign sens and in the fresh wafer lakei farther to I 5 the eav even as ar oi the frontf er of chmsv The aturgon inhabits geH 4 yoe cower Tiarts of tho tetrperate wnev OccupyinsT uke the ahad and almonHh large bodies ot water in rfl WE sJ jirfva tWllaW tf IS 1 alfrtW yS PrtpaHAf iciioi nterIt a cends the nvars tospawn ojiuig in iiussian waters it is Cftan i jjeeiir wugui anaweigusi tromaoooto S0O0 pounds Of course rf at 1U I Yn fnn If I iwnd In all ihB nvers ot EnMia In the Dannbe Jb it ateenda as fa a Boda Pesth rivra of France not ao often aa 2j ad eUewfaere along tha uiH awaatv Jj5fcc SfcJiB fc wtiv iSJ Sfc 33rast iciiSt vSc SiS jpr fejartTBfljjSi gasa aateg iaaa.

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