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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ik mm jr5 J5 TlT jPyff feJgyggfi AW fsfwrf ss 5V pa SllS mm i tei Its sS rail tl Irjt 14 fc ilfi ill Trr Iftt IStf fc SAS FRANCISCO CHEONICEB TIIEPAY APEIL 12 188iV EVAKGELISTIG IM Et 6anibier Ned Forest in I the Pulpit GOSPEL OF CABD 8LAKG First Sight of the BeYiral in the Central Methodist Church TbeCentTslMetaodirt Episcopal Church a Minion street vu well filled Uit night for the first appearance of Ned Forest the evangelist did reformed gambler After the singing of tbe hymn MKeseu the Perishing ml a prayer by the putor of the church Mr Forest came forward on tbe platform First I whnt to ur to yon be re marked that the devil hu a mortgage on the eouli of a rood many of you and I propose to try to lift that mortgage If there It any man who hai a heart for tbe drunkard or the gambler I aa that man Kw I nay rive It to yon righrback of the neck tmt If I do I dont want yon to get mad aboat It There are some fine haired preachers who will give you pleasant high toned sermons which they take a whole week to prepare Yon hare got some of those flacks In this city but I am not that kind If I give It to yon strong take it like a little man and dont squeal When I first started I knew what ancient eggs meant and they dldnt throw them oTtr the roof either Did yon ctct have an egg do you Fed Forrert up Well It la not pleasant but I propose to go right along and do my work Evangelist Forest then announced his text which wu tbe opening of the parable of the prodigal son as given by St Lake and continued Youve got no preacher before yon tonight bnt I am going to talk agin this old text anu I hope it may touch some boys heart It Is for boys who are going down to hell and they are tbe boys I want to reach Forest then went on and In a curious mixture of slang and attempted pathos based apparently on a bad imitation of bis great theatrical prototype and namesake with a dah of Jiia oNeil or Edmund Dante described the departureof a boy from home and flially landed him In a large city hotel There the youth encounter a hotel clerk with hair parted In the miaule and a diamond cluster pin He remarked en patanl that the typical hotel clerk was a dandy and described We effusion with which the young man from the country Is greeted when he announces that he is a blue blood and carries the parental ducats in his pocket gbsss tablz MiTxrHon A little bit of personal history wss then lnterjeitcd which gare the audience to understand thai when the speaker left home be wu a smart young man himself Why he kaldl wont give you up old Webster himself I wss smarter than that old fellow who fixed up the unabridged There was nothing 1 could not let you know For fHteen years I wu an outcast and for seven years my name was not mentioned in mv home I was a dead loser May God help you to make a wL ner ana to nit a card mat win mi your band to gire you the hand of the nister whl 1 never knew to be beaten It will tue but ore cards you ever hld in this world 1 have been a gambler and know what I am talking about The evangelist next described the yonng nan from the country as starting out on Oils first nights caruue had him robbed in a gambling den and landed in his room at tbe not el at 4 a with a oken head and an empty pocket With the morning came repentance and a desire to go to work He found It ulfcult to get any one to give him employment because of the prejudice of those resectable people who have a prejudice against gamblers and drunkards and whom the preacher called seaUkln Christians In another burst of confidence he aid Boys Im staying with yon Im no admirer at sealskin Christiana myself He then urged tbe sealskin Chrtatisni to be more considerate for their unfortunate brothers and said You professing Christians who permit your aaughlers and sons to play cards are bringing an instrument into your house which will hurl them to bell I beg you to take the cards and tear them up or burn them and the last spot on the cards will sev Youve saved your son speaking of members of the Church who thought there was no harm in card playingplaying at nonie the ex gambler said 1 met one of those fine haired ducks who said playing cards at home was not likely to lead to gambling He said he riai three sods who did not play 1 followed their trail and ran across a man who kept a saloon I knew him when I Mi Bat him in IJu nect was a gambler He told me that the eldest boy bad lost 22 in a game In his place the night before In a game of poker When Hold this to that old duck he went tight down into his ulster SK1LSKIK CBtlSTUXS This tickled the audience and after the laugh had subsided Forest went on and aid You sealskin Christians who say prp fressive euchre is nor gambling stand up want to size you You say you are the ehild of the King Yon lie 1 Thats hard talk but its straight Let me take It out ef your parlors and put it in a 12x14 room on a table with a gteen cloth and see what youll call it Yotl say women dont gamble why one of them don me op fer 260 the allekest yon ever sawat peker Some of the finest and moat erpert I ever seen wera women Kow thats a strait tip 1 am not much on grammar ana you wont get no pointers from me on that but that talks regular One day when some of you stand before your Master and want to enter Heaven and aay you are from San Francisco He will step to sis too us There are not many rant Sao Francisco who go that way He will aay My friend I dont like your hand those five cards yon hold are Just good enough to condemn yon to hell Some time sgoltnetaledywho thought talked too bard against Christiana I told her I Dever touched Christiana but that I wu after the hypocrites and said Are yo i on that line Sue said she was a Christian I said let somebody else give that dont yon tell of It I took her up to my room and prayed with her and ahe got regular I see some of ber kind of Christiana her to night A man does not set back 6f a faro table for seven years without studying faces A fTsUISRT TIP Evangelist Forest then spoke of the sin church members in visiting i and continued let give you a strait tip When you see Forest going Into a saloon you fell me that I am no good Two and a half years ago 1 wss in a saloon playing psker There was an old fellow in the gam I dldnt know the duck On of the men with me told the old fellow wu OB of the pushers In a Baptist Cburcb He had seen him doing tae basket act Tbe next Butiday and my friend went to to chorea and each gblppea in a dollar At did ao we Whispered that we had don htm up for a roll IU bet he collared the 3 The revivalist next told story of a Tonus man whom he saw ou the streets San Frantlsco strlk his mother In the face and of the struggle which to speaker had to keen rrom tutting mm back ef the Jugular end explained withpbys tnlnrij al vaKSMS how a sood knockout blow was gives by Mite fighter andre riaraea toes is wowa am aay woes turned his cbert to the maawhoitrnck Vtii then lnvlfethos who wished to fcad a new Ufa to rise npbst noon accepted the Invitation and crop haired youth In th body of th church Uttered Ittdlbly and then blushed to th end of hi prominent ears whtn the people looked itbtm andnctedasthouba wuoneof pair to whom Forest referred a eouplti fraaaBlMrablacoandrels Finding no on responded to bii invlta tloa tt TaJgemt itealy axelairnvd jtiQ i ti WTa tt Sta The prarer had none of th slang which cnaractenxeu to sermon ana eucnea many amens irom the audience After the alngtng of a conpleof hymns th meeting was let out and tbe people dispersed without any enthuiaatie comments on the discourse Forest will speak rrery night this week at the same bouse DIVORCED BY DEATH sxncisK or a bigamist Sensational Conclusion of Case la Court There was a tragic ending to th divorce suit of Barah James against James The decree was recorded in heaven sparing Judge Vagnire the necessity of adding on more to tbe long list of eases of severing th bonds that God had Joined for eternity The case la one of more than usual interest and is rather like a leaf fmm a modern romance than an actual event in real life But it is too real James came to California about 1870 He was an expert photographer and one of the first and most successful instantaneous operators Be worked for House worth flrt and then forTaber On coming to this coast he left behind blm in the East a handsome and intelligent young wife with a number of little children At first the letters and tbe remittances were prompt and satisfactory By and by they ceased altogether Then came word to the patient young wife that her husband while at work in the Yosemite valley had fallen ever on of th great dins and lost his ate She believed the story and considered herself a widow and her little ones orphans She remained Id this belief until two years ago when she eame to San Francisco and met ber husband spon the streets Tbe surprise was mutual Tbe husband had in the mean time taken to his heart another There wu no reconciliation Of six children all bnt two bad died These two are boys now well on toward manhood noble sterling young men the staff and the consolation of the mother Btonny sceittl ensued between these boys and tb lathan and between taem and the woman who bad usurped the place that belonged to their mother James was not dead to the wrong he bad committed His conscience wss not callous Tbe presence of the wife of his youth and the traits of that union the rwo bright boya were too much for blm lie took to drink and left the city Latterly he bat lived in San Jose Horn time since his wife Sarah began an action for divorce The case came up yestet ay in Judge Maguires Court ani that magiktrate was about to grant the decree when he wss Interrupted by the announcement that tbe respondent had Just died at San Jose The stillness of death reigned ver the courtroom as tbe dispatch was read and the case was continued The powers of earthly courts had been anticipated by the Great Judge on high His trouble weighed on James mind and he took to drink He grew more and more despondent and yesterday ended his life by taking poison He leaves a womau who claims to be his wife and one child in Ean Jose That wife is the daughter of James King the poundmaster at ban Jose The wife of his youth resident in this city is a daughter of the late William Robinson of Kew York city Though not possessed of any real estate it is believed that James Is worth considerable money end the are chances that the romantic story may be fully told In the courts at no distant day BATES ON VrOOI fetltlon to the Interstate Commerce Commission A meeting of wool dealers wu beld at the Board of Trade rooms yesterday afternoon the object being to take action retarding the recent increase in rates 3t freight on wool between Pacific ccast points and the Eastern market The new rate Used at the conference of railroad managers and agents is 3 70 whereuthe old rates were only 62 eents to New York This it Is held Willi make a difference to the wool raisers of tbe Pacific coast ni oOU000 on the spring clip alone and another 400000 on tbe fall clip In stating the object oi the meeting John Wise said that the claue in the rate sheet relating to long and short hauls effected wool more than any other product In tbe case of Califor nia fruits and wines tae effect is different These products Dot being shipped In such quantities from intermediate points ou the lines of transportation the same competition does not exlstu in the case of wool which la shipped from almost every station on tbe roads between California aod New York The long haulers are therefore at a dleadrautaye wnich threatens tu cripple the industry by driving all tbe small dealers from the field of cometl tton In order to advantageonsly market the wool product of this coast it Isneies aary he said to get the ring clip In no later than the middle of July or before the Western wool is tent forward As this cannot be done by shipment by eea four months being required to make the trip around Cap Horn all the transportstlon must be done by rail Tbe purpose oi tbe railroads they claim in raising the wool rate Is to protect the short haulers or the shippers at immediate points ThU position is shown to be untenable by the fact that the products of tbe different points along the lines of transportation are all sent forward at oiffereot aearons and the short bsul men could not therefore be effected in the least by the rates fixed for California Tbe sitnation wu dtsenssed at length by thoe preot at the meeting who are interested in the wool trade and a committee was appointed to telegraph complaint to the Interstate Commerce Commissioners and follow that up with a petition asking for the suspension of the clause relating to long and short hauls on wool for four months This committee is composed of Wise of the Commercial Insurance Company hairmau Hume of Hume tt Co Shubert Eugene Avy and Parks They will wait upon the railroad people this morning to see what If any relief they are willing to give The result of this conference will be reported to a meeting ot the wool men to be held some time during the present week and such other action will then be taken in the premises may be deemed advisable THREE INDICTMENTS The Grand Jnry Begins to Investigate Supervisorial Hatters The County Grand Jnry wu In session yesterday afternoon After two hours deliberation three indictments were filed In Judge Murphys Court Two were for felonies and the other misdemeanor Bail wu fixed in the sum of 2000 each on the felony charges and SlOoO for the misdemeanor One of the persons indicted was ex Clerk McCarthy for emberslement The names of the other penuns Indicted will not be made known until their arrest The Jury ater filing the indictments resumed its session for the purpose ut making inquiries luto the charges preferred against Supervisors Bnab and Knorp Half a dozen witnesses including John A Rueael clerk ol the Board of Supervisors who had an armful of records were examined BPTJBIOC8 COIN A Counterfeit Dollar la Circulation A counterfeit dollar of 1833 Is in circulation in this city It is apparently made in a mold cast from a coin of the San Francisco Mint bearing the mint mark 8 Ihe counterfeit Is made thicker than the genuine to give It additional weight and It is slightly smaller In circumference evidently from having shrank in coollug after being cast Instead of stamped with a die Tbe spurious coin Is a trihe lighter than the genuine and gives a metallic ring nearly like that of an honest coin The outlines ol the atari are rather Indistinct but altogether It It a good imitation THE FCEBLO IANDS AddlUaM Med Thereto by the Jijtntnl and Offlew Alerter hu been received at th Surveyor Generals officii In tali city from the General Land Office Department of the Interior transmitting tor delivery to the Sarty legally entitled thereto the patent ated March 26 1887 In favor of the city and county of San Francisco under a special act ot Congress approved December 20 188U for lands in the State of California Tbe landi referred to are the addition to the Pueblo lands of the city and county of San Francisco comprising 23393 acrea Attempted Suicide Frankte Mayfield a prostitute mde a futile attempt at suicide by swallowing some laudanum while in state of beutly intoxication last night She wu pumped out at tbe receiving hospital and then placed in a cell to recover aud repent Th Coopers Strike Th Coopers Union at a special meeting at Zlntracht Hall but night resolved to sustain tbe fifteen men who struck at Lacbman 4 Jacobls shop and forbade any nnioa man to work under Gang th firms foreman Th Journeymen Tailors Th Journeymen Tailors Union will tend two delegate to th Cirarmeni conference The onion gives a picnic May 22d at Sen Rafael THE IOXIK CRAZE ataxia hid lair to Croat extended an excitement tbroogh th country a the easoc orr of Ska tesepbowa It oxtTecao hamuli la Jmpuctiy and extraordinary power over th liquor banK aad aerrooe exhaustion la weakly ease ere enouxh to snake aaytaingdoao Is seem to coverarieUt sodtentooicao4 stimulaat cannot reach while It readily recover from their abuses at once seemlag to act like a rood a it create ae reaction ner tosyafawagaet itssaja Uawvatoea jiorstaos AkTaTi Hataax th emi axnt chsmiat af Oreat Britain recommends SxAU oaiza ahj etc for banks and rcesrerk at Thomas Day Cot new store Butter street above Kearny Go to Swain new dining mom Sutter Uaauarnylteaflnhiach8nai CHARTER ELECTION The Day tobe Considered a Legal Holiday CHANGES IN TOTING PLACES Vacancies on Election Boards Filled and Tieket Peddlers Appointed The Registrars office at the new City Hall wu besieged yesterday by persons seeking to be engaged ticket peddlers In connection with tbe charter constitutional amendment electron to day Although 176 peddlers were appointed and while they win carry supplies of tickets for voting either way they bare been warned against urging on the voters the acceptance of any ticket There were also some 300 vacancies on the precinct boards toe filled and when the selections had been made and the newly appointed officers sworn in they were all directed to be on band at sunrise this morning to arrange preliminaries for the work of tbe day Tbe oard of Election Comialuioners hu resolved that each voter must vote where be It registered even though be may have changed his residence since the general election It Is understood that the saloons will be closed during tbe voting and that the day will in every respect be like a general election day The attaches of the different departments In tbe new City Hall have been consumed with doubt during the past few days not knowing whether th day wu to be regarded a legal holiday It wu expected that a proclamation would have been laued by the Governor declaring the status of th day a guide for th courts and th municipal government Auditor Strother directed a letter to the City ana County Attorney uking for an opinion on the matter and received the following reply 8a Faascisoo April 111887 Hon nert xtroOur Dm Sis Your favor of even date herewith easing my optn state that I nave not had sufficient ti amine the muter carefully Section 10 of tbe Political Code provides Holidays within the meaning of this code are every Sunday every day on which an election la beld throughout the State As to whether the court of thin Slate wul decide under tbls secthin tbat to morrow la a legl holiday or not a matter of auue donbt jn mv mind bot I advise for lear cf complfcatljus tbat might arfee in tbe future that you In the dbcharge of your duties as a public officer regard It as a legal holiday Tours respectfully GEORGE FLOCRXOT JR City and County Attorney Acting on the City and County Attor neys opinion the beads of departments at me new city a an win Close ineir omces to day As hu already been stated in the Chronicle the Executive Committee of the Bar Associatiou have adopted resolutions em bod ring an opinion that the day is a lesral holiday There will accordingly be little or no legal business transacted by the courts and from the stand taken in the matter by tbe Business Mens Committee a representative committee of the mercantile community it is safe to assume that business men generally will do little beside cutlng their ballots and watchinz for results Betide the two men who will be paid for tbat purpose the Business Mens Committee hu detaied two ol its members to watch the count to night A member of the Bar Association hu also been appointed to tbe same office Registrar Walsh expects to have the whole of the returns in bis office by midnight be do a not anticipate that the vote will exceed 100 in each precinct He vlshes attention drawn to the fact tbat there is a mistake in the list of pollfog plaes posted around the streets The polling place in the Fifth precinct of the Forty third district will be on the northeast corner of Golden Gate avenue and Fillmore street Instead of on the northeast corner of Grove and Fillmore streets stated in the proclamation Althpugh the majority of the polling places are located at the same places at the last election there have been changes amounting to forty five in number a list of which is hereby given TWINTY SINTK niSTBICT Third precinct 1 1 Sutter at rt tftti 8ft Benson si rift Sutk SO i Polaum street THIRTIETH DISTRICT First precinct 117 Jewile street seventh 2S Second street THIRTY FIRST niSTRICT Third precinct Ml Pad 8c street bixth 621 laafbrnia street THiaTT SBCOND DI8THICT First precinct 6 cor Front and Yatlejo sta Filth 1128 Dupont street Seventh 804 Pacific street THIRTY THIRD DlHTBtCT Second prectnet cor Union and Kearny sixth corner Jones and pacific streets fcZguth 8 Jane place near kfadon street THIRTY roCBTH DISTRICT Third prert net NE cor Greenwich aud Mnti omerv ave Fifth 102J Vallejo street Seventh 8 cor Clay and Leaveowortb sta THiRTT rirrH mbtrict First precinct 231 Post street Slith 702 FoNOin street Seventh 337 Fourth street THIBTT SUTH DISTRICT First precinct 240 Farrell street Second Ill OFarrell street Third cor Mason and CPFarrell streets TBJBTY aSTWtNTH DISTRICT Second precinct 119 Eddy street Hall TIUBIY EJ8HTH DISTRICT First precinct 514 ueary street THIRTY NINTH DISTRICT First nrednctN cor Larkta and Gearvffts Second 618 Edi street Koarth8 corner Seventh aod Stevenson i Fifth corner Seventh and Mia iion i Eighth 30 Seventh street rORTIXTH DISTRICT Second precinct 619 Larkfn street Eighth 13J1 Howard street rORTY riRST DISTRICT First precinct Lombard treet near Goub Second 1231 Green street California Hall Thrd 1433 Jackson atreet eventh corner Webster and Filbert Ninth A cor Sdcramento and Brodexick roBTT ancoXD distbict Seventh prednctN cor Post and Fillmore fOBTY THTRD DISTRICT Second precinct cor Grove and Oough FOail rODRTH DISTRICT Xinth prednctX cor Ierman and Bteiner rOBTY SXXTH DIBTBICT First prednct 545 First street Third 430 Brannan street Fourth 27 corner Third and Townsend rORTT eiVXSTK niSTBICT Fourth precinct 2801 Bryant avenue RiiUiN corner Twenty fourth and Fuisom rOBTV KIOHTH DI9TBK Second precinct 1002 Valencia street A large number of voters of this city received by mall yesterday envelopes containing two tickets for use at the election one bearing the words Against tbe new charter for the amendment number one for the amendment number two for the amendment Dumber three The otber ticket reads For the new charter for the amendment number one etv A good many of the friends and supporters ef tbe charter bare been disturbed by a rumor which hu gained ground to the effect that the legal fraternity seeing in a too th rough allegiance to the charter danger to their amendments to the constitution hsve resolved to surreptitiously put a split ticket in the field bearing the words For the amendments and against the charter and so make themselves safe Kumor further hu It that in each district agents of the legal profession will be bard at work Inducing voters to use said tickets and Ah Sing were lost Mate Frank Net son of th coaittng steamer 8an Vlncente which passed the place wher tb wreck occurred at 11 oclock Sunday night la of th opinion that th Teasel struck on a long reef that runs out from near Davenports Landing and not on Point Kew Year proper The Seavert dimensions were Length 1068 feet breadth 2a3 feet depth 81 feet and gross tonnage 23a Her cargo wu composed of five tons ot salt and twenty tons of hay owned by A gimp son A Brothers tb rest being ballut Tbeir loss is about 600 Crawford A Co lose 97000 by tn wreck aod bar an insurance of foOOO on tb bull placed la tbe following companies California flOOO Snn 1000 Firemans Fund flOOO South British and National 3000 She hu always been regarded a safe Teasel although not very fast and in tb last fifteen rears she hu not discharged 100 worth oi damaged cargo What remains of ber crew are being cared for by dairymen near where ah wu wrecked THE CONTESTED SEAT FEIrOrTS SIDE A Few Witnesses Examined Tester day hr Plata Charles Feltons attorneys and assistants do not wear that excellent appearance which all good champions of a revenged man should wear when they are engaged in the noble task of vindicating an Imperiled honor Even the happy vie aged Boyd looked gloomy yesterday while Piatt looked worried perhaps at the paucity of bis witnesses Kotary Knox on the contrary wu all tmilet and good humor aad wittily Introduced a woman Into tbe meeting room with the remark Mr Piatt Jet me bring In here a lady to give color to the testimony whereupon a colored woman stepped into the room and Ur Piatt hurriedly exclaimed Have no time to see you now Come to my rooms soma other time and a very perceptible grin illuminated the countenances of all present Mr Flan hastilv called tb meeting to order by presenting the first witness Henry Cohen of the Fifth precinct of the Forty second Assembly district a saloon keeper He testified that no money wu left st his place by Felton on election day had been testified to by one Kinney before FJ Sullivan The next man called wu Daniel Shannon a turner who had been one of the Sullivan Bernal Height titers Yes began tbe ex tiger the tigers received 30 from Frank Sullivan and they voted for Sullivan too Mnliany bosue and Sherry the Executive Committeemen received this sum to ensure the support of the club but they spent it ail on themselves Mr Barry elicited tbe following information It wu a Democratic club and the money was to be used for club rental etc Yes it is generally customary for a clnb to get a subsidy iwu subpoenaed to come bere by Mr Madison I believe he Is a hepublican He wanted to know what 1 knew of the mauer and told me to come It wu well known In the club that 30 wu tnbscribed by Sullivan for the benefit of the club The next witness was John Bauer who lives near tbe Six Mile House in the Ninth precinct of the Forty eighth Assembly district I remember he testified tbst I took one ticket out which had Sullivans name scratched It wu acratcbed in purple Ink and the ballot wu not counted for Feltou on tbe ground that red ink wu illegal Under Mr Barrys hsudling the witness said that the Flection Board wu composed ol three Republicans and three Democrats and that tbe fate of the ballot wu decided by a majority of the board On Wednesday Superintendent Lawrence of tbe water works and James Kealon will be examined THE FOSTOFMCE Increase of liualness During Dr Bryans Administration The following figures taken from the monthly reports of the heads of the various departments of the San Francisco Fostofflce will serve to show tbe steady progress which hu been and Is being made by the office From September 1S86 until March 1887 the period ot the incumbency of Postmuter Bryan for which the reports have been compiled there were delivered S4H3rregistered letters aealnst 54609 delivered during the corresponding months of lt5 and IScU During the samepertrdi mail letters were delivered inder Bryans administration 6S9054 under Backus administration 6 151 461 Total postage on local matter Bryans ad ministration 801 54 Backus administration 734 US The re elpts of the office for tbe in three mouths ot 18Hi and the corresponding period In 1887 were follows ISmST 18S7 Sale of letter stamps 123S00 00 S127435 00 newspaper stamps a7i rot 00700 Postage doe stamps 803 U3 147 7tf Box rents 8968 0 2314 00 The decrease in the amount of the receipts for box rents is due to the employ Jloyment of additional carriers From suuary to December of 188d the number of carriers stood at 101 In December tbe number wu increased to 113 and this number hu been employed ever since Tbe total receipts of the odice for the vear ending Msrch 31 1887 were in round figures 334000 ualnstSM3O00for the year ending March 31 1886 IXTKKEST TO IMMIGRANTS Government Lands In Shasta and Tehama Counties Street Secretary of the State Immigration Association returned on Saturday last from a visit to Shasta and Tehama counties He reports that he traveled through the southwest portion of Shuts and the northwest portion of Tehama and examined a large amount of land suitable for settlement He found It rolling blU land well timbered good soil rain abundant and adapted to general farming fruit grain or stock The new settlers who hsve been sent there by tbe usoela tion during tbe lut three years were found to be doing well and to be entirely satisfied wltb their location There are some 8000 of these settleis in all They are putting out a good many fruit trees There were not a few orange trees here and there and all appeared to do well At Iago Mr Street saw two orange trees fourteen years old which bore lut year about 1000 oranges each The fruit trees are now loadedwith blossoms There is no snow and no frost of any account The rainfall Is never less thsn twenty Inches for the season and the average rainfall Is more than thirty inches AT DEATHS DOOR QUEER TRANSACTIONS THE STBAW BONDSMEN A Depnly 8hTinT Bail for nn Optnm Ffend On taking hit teat In Police Court yesterday morning Judge Hornblower announced that be hi by the papers that the bondsmen who had sworn to being owners of certain property in order to obtain the release of Minnie Rollins bad both perjured themselves In this Mr Kenny the clerk ot th Court wu not to blame he wu obliged to believe a man under oath but now that be had teen that tbe men committed perjury It wu Incumbent upon him an officer of tbe court to do all that he could to effect the arrest of these perjurers Minnie Rillns for whom the fraud and perjury and the Kenny error were committed appeared in court yesterday in answer to the charge of robbing John Calhoun of 15 In her bagnio Unfortunately the evidence wu Insufficient and Judge Hornblower took a lenient view of the case supposing that because the left 40 in tbe mans purse that ahe had not taken the 15 She wu consequently discharged In the afternoon the woman of ill gotten galnsappeared at thepriaon wicket ready to procure the release of Clem Preasy or be appeared on the prison register Chariea Merlon Ue wu arrested on a charge of vagrancy and had in addition to a diamond scarf ring a huge gold watch chain and 60 in currency on hit degraded person Oi course he wu promptly released and then It wu learned that the 150 euh ball presented try th notorious courtesan wu furnished try Francis Doran a Deputy Sheriff and Bailiff in Judge Hnnts Court For some Urn past ugly rumors have been floating round Police Court and a thorough inveittgation into this bail bond business would doubtless result In some startling disclosure TUB KEW TEARS FOIST WBECK A Woman and Kight Children Starving About a month ago a well known pho tographer of the name of Wendtdied in this city leaving a wife and seven chil dren the eldest one sged 11 years Two days ago the unhappy widow gave birth to another child Her delicate condition preventing her working and the expenses Incident to her sickness soon exhausted her tittle store of money which the bad obtained from tbe sale of ber furniture and finally start at ion in all Its horrors stared her and her eight young children in the fac Too proud to make her poverty known tbe woman and tbe unhappy familv stleutlY bore their sufferings hoping for an unforeseen relief Their circumstances were however known to their neighbors in Lathsm place which Is on Mason street Detween rarrei ana Ellis streets and their condition wu told a lady in this city who ia widely known for ner good worn 01 cnaruy The poor family wben found had been two days wttnoui 100a THBEE BAGGED URCHINS Kara of th Drowned Sailor List th inturanc Baetnt advleni from the teen of the wrack of th 3 Searer giv th namet of the envoi lh Teasel and those who wer lost Th vessel carried a crew ot eight men when ah Bailed lut Friday Bobertson Captain John Brown first mate John Moore ateond mate Edward Bamnalson BevuFjieaaoa Joseph Smith Hairy Linden seamen and Ah Sing cook Oithtw John Brown Edward SaanaUbtt They Get Away With a Huge Stock or Clothing Thomu Hlgglns John Winters and Mulachy Brannan were taken before Judge Lawler yesterday morning Tbe three of them all under 14 years of age had been boasting of their exploits on Eighth street and Robert Murdoch a clothes dealer living at 327 on tbat street informed an officer that be bad lost a uanttry of clothing from time to time rom hit store and that he suspected a gang of small boys As tnis story coincided with what the boys boasted of they were arrested In the course of the bearing before Judge Lawler Testerday It trans pired that on seven occutont in five weeks the clothier had lost clothes in all amounting to fifteen coats seventy pants end twenty vests The boys cried in in harmonious unison during ID nroceea lnea and were ordered tnannear on Prldav before the Court Thev will probably be teat to me industrial icnooL The Street Pavers Superintendent Atuworth feel very gratified over an opinion expressed yesterday by Chairman of Street Committee Farnsworth which ia in effect that the street pavers employed under the present municipal administration are performing their work In a more faithful and workmanlike manner than hu been th cue In this city for twenty yean past Firemen Brwarded Fucht Euler th rdmltar manufacturers ot r33 to 937 Fifth street hare tent 90 to the Chief Engineer to placed in the Firemens Belief Fund Th firm desires to show their appreciation of the firemens rood work in saving their establishment from destruction during the fir on th 8th inst jHiBADiLUt prepared cocoa most ex ceUsmlrabstltutefbrteaaBdcofle OtLT TIGHT POLUES Orer 600 ladies walking Jacket latest styles tailor made regular prices tig 90 aiw an marked down to 3 each a atonrrovn i Sons 110 Kearny street They are eeUlag these Jackets at a aaerlfice on aocosnt Ot orer stochv Dont fall to see them 15000 fouxm CaUfornlA glse frnttJ 61iTtrwnsrscandylaotcCTIacska fflESpiIYISORS Stetsons Railroad Again Discouraged THE DYHA1QTE OEDDfASCES Hew Hsterial for the Fire De partment Street Work Ordered Th Board of Supervisors held an nn niualiy doleful session lut evening and transacted little business of Importance are ordering th payment ol monthly bills On morion of Mr McDonald th aid tendered by th California Title Insurance Company of Its legal staff to assist in defeating the salts of Joseph de Fitch and others was accepted Tb resolution appointed VT Cop to usist tb City and County Attorney The Superintendent of streets wu em powered to lay a alxteen tnrh iron stone sewer pipe in Lyon street between Fine and California and remove obstructions from Garden avenue between Broderlck and Devisedero streets A resolution wu passed to print grant ing permission to the Telegraph Electric Hallway Company to place a ten horse power plant at th corner of Folsom and Twenty fifth streets until August 1st for the purpose of generating and furnishing motive power to the herth Beach and Mission Eallroad The clerk wu directed to advertise for 5000 feet of two and a half inch carbo lUed soea With coupling and eight hot cart for the Fir DepatUaeat Th fouowlnr erroneous assessments were ordered remitted Henry Bingham 630 Green street 375 Mary Gardner executrix of the estate of George Gard ner 2610 Betty Kosencranx executrix of John Kosencranx 1950 and Catherine Martin 633 Union street 000 A resolution authorising the Superin tendent of Streets to have Golden Gate avenue from the easterly line ot Buchanan street to nebier street paved by Perlne with Santa Cruz bituminous rock at lti cent per square foot wu objected to by Mr Joost who moved that the matter should be laid over for two weeks The motion wu carried The Superintendent of Street was instructed not to permit the construction of artlficial atone curbs upon streets in the city and county in the future Mayor Fonds ordinance regulating the storage and transportation of dynamite and other explosi vi wu pused to print several resolutions authorising tha Appraiser to cousider the value of lands In various quarters were laid over The payment of tbe last installment of 10211 26 to Kenton Holmes A Co as signees of Owen Bruthers the contractors lor tne new addition to the Almshouse wu finally pused and 1250 wu authorised paid to Gibbs secretary ol the San Francisco Benevolent Association te ing tbe societys quota of fines collected in tbe Police Court The roadwar of Cushman street from California to Sacramento was conditionally accepted and that of California street from Mason to Taylor wu accepted Caroline street between Moth and Tenth wu declared an open street Tbe Sutter street Railway Companys franchise wu finally passed Again did tbe stiadow of Adolpb Sutro hover over the board when Stetson reintroduced his petition fora franchise to run a tramway from the Junction of First avenue and California street to the ocean between Fort point and the Cliff House Supervisor Lambert again objected to Supervisor Burns motion to pus to print tie moved to lay the matter over for two weeks but the motion Wu lost on the same vote of last week Ayn Corran Pes da Bush Hawkins Lam ben and JooHlG Noes NfcDonaid Boyd Burns Euorp Hyer and Morton 6 Next Supervisor Burns motion to pass to print wu lost by precisely the same vote reversed Ayes McDonald Boyd Burns Knorp Hyer and Mrton 6 Noes Curran Peseta Bush Hawkins Lambert and 00 Before the vote wsi announced Supervisor Burns changed his vote to the negative so to have the right to move for reconsideration He then gave notice of such motion next week Foundkeeper Jake Llndo was directed to keep books and not burn them Tbe public In general wu instructed not to tue hose for wuttlnz sidewalks gave between midnight and 7a at A large amonntof street work that wu to have been ordered don on Golden Gate avenue Fulton Lyon McAllister Buchanan aad other streets wu referred back to the Street Committee A sarcastic communication from a disgruntled bootblack In relation to the removal of bootblack stands and barbers poles wu placed on file ITALIAN MASTERS The Works of Angelo Letonardo and Raphael A fair audience usembled In the Unitarian Church last evening to hear a lecture on Gothic art by Arthur May Knapp He compared the works of Michael Angela Leonardo da Vlncl and RaphaeL The lecturer estd the predominant feature of Asgelos works wu tbe strength portrayed both in his sculpture and in his painting He spoke also of the Influences which had tended to influence his art the downfall of Florence and the treachery of nts people ine cmei coaracicrisiic Leonardos works wss tbe Intellect portrayed The thougbful expression on nearly all of his facet showed tbe anthors fine mind Leonardos own mind wu so deep the lecturer ssld that although an iniustrlous man he accomplished very little because he brooded continually Mr Knapp iaid the works of Raphael do not startle us the works of Michael Ao gelo do nor fascinate us do the works of Leonardo He divided the Madonnu of Raphael Into three cluses Those showing merely sweetness of expression tose expressing tenderness and those delineating majesty of bearing These latter were his lsteat and best works Ihe lecture wu Instructively Illustrated by stcreoprtcoa views of the best works of each person Spoken of WHARF AND WATK month to th interest of th union and tak op a collection for It benefit wu next considered Secretary Borard warmly advocated a eosapUaae with th request uylng that the victory gained la th hut Legislature by th union against th saloons la th matter of Introducing temperance Instruction into tha public schools wu th greatest Tictory ever rained for tonparaneinthli8tata After discussion a reaomtion to tbat effect wu passed Or Iter then brought up th matter of a chaplain for th City and County Hospital pr MBtmonds offered his services gratuitously In that capacity if th brethern uw fit to designat him for that purpose which they did by a unanimous vote Finally McCoy presented th need pf th Young Kent Christian Association in th matter ot defraying the expenses of the International Young Mens Christian Convention which is to meet In this city next month He ukedthat an opportunity might he given to th Methodist churches to contribute with their part toward tb expenses of tb occasion and also that committees of ladle might be appointed in tb churches to consult with toe Entertainment Committee of the association in the matter of hospitality to the delegate He stated tbat 3000 at least would be needed for the exnenses of tha convention not counting any expense for entertainment Tbe meeting on motion voted to accede to Mr McCoys request SOLID SILVER AS INDIAN KELIC Bar Present for Frlnec ton College There win be tent from this city to day a present to Princeton College New Jersey valuable unique a relic of ancient American civilization hu yet rewarded th searches of an antiquarian It consists of a solid silver hatchet and wu forwarded here from the merchants of Nogales Mexico to whom it wu sold by prospector Th Slats of Bonora hu long been re garded by mining men seamed with gold and silver and in oonseanenca of tbli belief It 1 very thoroughly prospected some tew monins ago a nana 01 nrosnect ors were In tbat section of the country anowa as so cteaa une ana in waicn no foreirnerean locata minlne nronetrtr and discovered this remarkable hatchet It is made of natural silver from the mine called Lu Planchu de Plata which lies some twenty five miles to the southwest of aogaie sesiae tmi specimen otner urge lumps were found which proves that tbe district Is enormously rich This peculiar piece ol silver weighs nine pouuda two and one half ounces troy or 110 ounces and goes 1 to the ounce It is four inches In length and tapers from three to three and one haif inches and from one to one and one third inches in thickness It hu teen hammered luto shape but has not been melted It is identical in shspe to a clumsy wedge with a cleft In which could be inserted piece of wood or other substance to serve a hammer or a mallet The Xogales merchants sent it to the Selby Smelting Works end information of its arrival was carried to Sew York when Henry Marqnand of that city made an offer for it intending to present it to his alma maicr Princeton College The Selbv people st first wanted 300 forit but finally sold it for 150 FBOBATE MATTERS Rough Weather Along the Southern Coast On account ef the comparatively fair weather yesterday numerous small craft which bare been waiting for the weather to moderate cleared for their various destinations The bark Ceylon la unloading sugar at the seawalL The ship Flngal Captain Balllie cleared for Hull yesterday Three ships of the coal fleetthe Raphael Buck and Commodore sailed for Nanalmo yesterday and the River Fallock goes to day The bark Columbia is discharging lumber atMission dock No 2 The tog iEolns which wu sold to the Compagnle du Canal Iuteroceanique a few days ago sailed for Panama yesterday in charge of Captain Nlckerson The American sbiD Thomu ar rived from Liverpool yesterday after a iuick passage ot 110 days sue lost ner oretopgallant maat at the Horn and came in adei a lurv mast The steamer Eureka arrived from San Diego and wayporta yesterday eight hours late The trip op wu rough all th way As the touched tow whaif ahe wu boarded by tb Health officers and an of the passenger raceinatsM JOHN 0BRIFVS TRIAL Embesslement of 91000 of Money Belonging ta th State The trial of John OBrien charged with embejtUng 1000 in November 1832 while Assistant Secretary of th Bar bor Commissioners wu resumed in Judge Toohys Court jesterday William Blandng an ex Harbor Commissioner gave testimony In reference to the duties of the employes under his supervision I Banford Paymuter of the Central Pacific Eallroad testified tbat during November 1S82 he paid 4050 to OBrien for wharfage CBriena stub receipt book showed th amount turned over to the Bute by him to be 3050 The prosecution then closed and tbe following witnesses wet examined by the defense in reference to OBrleni character and general reputation Stttesv Jackaon John Coffer not thdetettveDR alnlan Charles Baanettand Gallagher Polk who hu been a clerk in the Harbor Commissioners office since 188 drew a diagram ot tb office showing the desks and positions that hai been occupied by John Grayand his assistant OBrien The case will be resumed to morrow forenoon PREACHERS MEETING A Session Deroted Entirely Business Matters Ko etuy wu read is th Methodist pttacben meeting yesterday but Yarloua lrailAaMMitaMra Alacnsad and dis posed Ot Th first wu th proposiUoa to assume wita otnsr oaiaui i responsibility for tb lupport of Rt Aaron Matthews thonld he be sent by the London Society lot the CoaTeraion of Jw to labor la that eauM In thu city After discussion it wu Toted to refer th matter of the ncouragement to given to th odetr la lending Mr Matthawf to tha Ministerial Colon th general expression of opinion being that sympathy and Individual assistance would given but no retponslbiUty lot ate HattEew lapport ahooMb adorned A request of tha Women Chrlstlaa Tapraac Cnlonthat th sntolttcn would dTott oat Sundaj cTtninff Uthig Richard Jessup Petitions for Hi Fathers Fatate A petition wu filed in the Probate Court yesterday by Richard Jessup for a partial distribution of the estate of Gresham Jessup prior to final settlement Tbe petition goes through the nsnal form sis of giving tbe details incidental to the death of Greshsm Jessup sod the probating of his will and then describes in lull tbe total estate of the deceased showing the real property to amount to 89172 50 and personal property 23 434 40 The petitioner next states that he is the son of Ureshsm Jessup and Josle Lanois both deceased the latter at one time of Micolaus Sutter county He wu bom in Saa Francisco on March 20 1S60 and wu an illegitimate child but wu always pnblicly acknowledged by the deceased though legitimate and was cared for and educated by him such and further that In his will the deceued omitted to make any provision lor the petitioner Tbe petitioner further explains that Issac Jessup Ca oline 0 Bogart and Ann Augusta Morgan sre brother anu silters aod tbe deviseesol the estate tbat the estate Is bnt little indebted aud nothing remains to hnder the distribution of all or at leut a portion thereof to tbe petitioner who is the rlgbtful beir Eugene Dubedat has petitioned the Probate Court for letters of administration of the estate of Menu Agel Dubedat a daughter of the deceased also asks tbal the petitioner receive tbe appointment George Presvou Larcom and Nellie Lar com minors residing in Merrick county Neb hsve filed a request tbat David Booth be appointed their guardian in this State Booth the nominee has also filed his petition for such appointment The will of the late llatthiaa Gray wu Sled for probate yesterday by his widow Susan Gray who is named in the will as the executrix The decedent has provided in hit will tbat nls wife shall receive all pf his property explaining that he bu made no provision forbia child because he desired his care to rest wholly upon the judgment of his mother He hu further provided that his sister Mary Gray shall have ajo a montn and the revenue ot the estate during her lifetime unless the monthly Income should not exceed 150 In which event her monthly receipts are to be if In tbe coilcil he commends his sister to the care oi his wife and gives her the right to sell all or aay part of tbe personal property at her discretion The estate It estimated at 25000 The wUl of Elisabeth Walsh wu filed for probate yesterday by Patrick Kelle hey wbo petitions for letters testamentary Tbe eatate la valued at 1S00 Tbe estate of Patrick Brieslieo bu been appraised at 400 Helene Hymen hu been appointed guardian of Henry Hyman an insane person Tbe estate of Isidore Boudln has been appraised at G37B The wlU of Susan Brown hu been admitted to probate and letters testamentary granted to Frederick A Brown The estateestate amounts to 4500 Judge Coffey hu appointed Paul Liedelt guardian of Anna Pnerson an Insane person The final account of the estate of Mary Ann Doyle shows the tale to be worth 2013 A very unusual scene In probate matters wss enacted in Department 9 yesterday and wu nothing more tban tbe appointment of one Chinese administrator of tbe estate of a deceued countryman Llm Tom a servant In the family of Cobb an attorney took out letters of administration of tbe estate of Lea Hop who died in about ftMd in cash Tbe deceased left the money with bis wife with the ipeUal injunction that ahe return to Cblna at once and divide the money with ber parents Instead she married again and la now tb blning bride of ton Pin and the 4000 for anght that is proven to the contrary hu gone wher the woodbine twin eth Llm Tom Is determined to sue You Pin and wife and hopes to secure enough to pay counsel lees The Tiffany will contest wu on briefly for bearing again yesterday but nothing of Importance wu brought out more tban evidence to support the tbeorv of Insanity at the time Mr Tiffany made his will CONTESTED IN3LBASCE The Travelers of Hartford Repudiating a Risk In the case of John Tennant vs the Travelers Insurance Company United Stale Circuit Judge Boss deferred rendering his decision yesterday until next Monday Tennant a San Jose capitalist died In June 1S35 and tb administrator of his estate seeks to recover from the Insurance company on one of its policies the sum of 5000 Thacompsuy contends that tha policy in question lapsed two days before the decease of Tennant and that the renewal of the policy by the local agent wu unauthorized by the company The Lnmbermens Picnic Th Longshore Lumbermens Picnic Committee last evening met In Irish Amer ican Ball to consider arrangements for next Sundays picnic at Shell Mound Park Th committee will bold meetings to night ana to morrow nignt Harder Case Continued The case ol Jamu Sullivan the mur derer of A McVTborlhy and of Thomu Rallar lmnUceled In the killlne of Umrlm Nugent were continued in Judge Mar pnys uoun yesurraay nnui to morrow a 1 JCTlKKiBUC CTaE OF LTJWBaGO BrtrvxalCoL FebrnarylS 1888 For nearly six years I suffered matlv with what th doctors caD lnmbago Iwuaa MtowauraiBx mtarval mors tban a lew ateo at a dm or to its from achaJrafler esiceatatngdvwn without swttstaacev A friend arged me to give AUcocks Porous Raster a trial and a went aad got aomefbr meand nolthainon mr back iRiSeaaser wttbtAwm en than anything I had rrar triad and conttn nea wear nsw sar nanar tare moouaa InaTthaun averrweafc nam I was ahaoli eared cured ao that from that day to this neatly six mmtansi a nar ikcd aoiewwvjK a jaw wsbiwaifc MOITffiPlAAmS A Chsanning Opera at the Baldwin TABIETY AT THE BUSH TTBE Tbe Thalias Baritone Hakes Success Priie Iileals General It it a very extensive versatility that goes from Th Staff Trumpeter to Th Trumpeter of 8cklngn Th Thalia Opera Company hat been naturally so tar closely Identified with eomlo opera Th performance last night ot on ot the most charming of romantic oparu was therefore somewhat of a surprise to thoa who hsd tb opening work of th organization In their minds It wu a pleasant surprise ad on which will help tb Thalia Company to popularity with tbe best of our music lovers The Trumpeter of Sackingen is a pur romantic opera based on a poem by Ton Scboeffel It story is th simplest possible and It told In delightful mnslc In three acta There la no comedy in It no need for comedy far It deals with th simplest and most romantic of love affairs and Emit Kaiser hu most certainly brightened th romance and added passion to feeling in the music The Trumpeter of 8acklngenis a work those who appreciate and enjoy melodious charm in music should go and hear The Thalias broadest comedian are laid off but th rendering generally shows that the training of Gorman singing acton goes far into art and touches grand opera Th central figures are Otto Ralhltn and Selma Kronhold The first I a baritone of quit exceptional talent and he mad a most pronounced hit in tb part of Werner last night A fine looking heroic actor he hu a superb baritone voice which hu been trained fot and li remarkably suited to romantic opera There is nothing Involved about the music or the plot aud Werner hu the beauty aud melody of It for the most part He is a wandering musiclsn wbo carries a trumpet and It ii one of the pretty features of Kaisers compel tl on that the trumpet off the stage produces several of the prettiest muslcsl effects The generous and enthusiastic applause which followed Rathjena all through last night testified to the unqnali fled pleuure the audience derived from his singing The second act with Its lovely duet between Werner and Margsr ethe and Its charming farewell song of Werner wu ss complete a musical success hu beeu heard here for a long time Selma Kronhold Is a different singer in The Trumpeter from what she wu in Tbe Beggar Student She hu a fire clear powerful voice and In the flowing music of the opera she showed a sympathetic quality and a finished training which made her a perfect companion for tbe heroic baritone The best music lying between those two the honors fell moot distinctly to them But when Felix Schnelle laying uide all his character comedy came out a romantic youth with a tenor voice very telling In the wldely different chool of music and Otto Meyer ung with great dignity and taste the pert of the Magistrate while the chorus seemed to be as much at home there In the comic opera some idea wu given of tbe enormous advantages the German stage hu over theAmerican In the matter of school ing Herman Gerold made a lair Count and Paula von Varndal Elsbach and Camilla Clairmont appeared in unimportant roles The opera bu a great deal of clever as well charming music The concerted numbers are in pieces brilliant and the orchestration is throughout beautiful and effective The finale to the second act la one of the prettiest in opera The Trumpeter hu beeu ordered out of tbe cutie for loving tbe daughter of the Count The chorus hu a lively number fun of warlike spirit for there Is going to be a battle Suddenly the chorus stops the Trumpeter Is heard playing the air be hu nt snn and on thil the curtain falls The libretto is even more stupid than tbe usual but that doe not matter The Trumpeter of Sacklngen la well worth hearing Tbe Bush street Theater caught the crush last night It wu packed and the nallen A Hart Prise Ideals made a very decided jucce When a variety show holds Its audience to the very last It is a go forua rule people feel at liberty to get up and walk out In the middle of a performance of that kind when they dont like It The curtain fell lut night on peoplepeople standing up at the back of tbe theater and for the rest the lavish applause and laughter during the evening spoke for themselves The company is a large one but not large With rapid changes and widely differing varieties of entertainment they keep up the excitement without a break The programme began with two Irish comedians aod May Howard followed with songs Both were successful The bar performers received a very demonstrative acknowledgment from all parts of the bouse McAvoy and alien Ella Wesoer Mile Eichierette and Polly McDonald gave enough variety of a very clever kind Hallen and Hart the proprietors of the show were very heartily received aud John Dyllyn wu welcomed quite affectionately by the gallery who sympathised with him In a sore throst One of the best acts wu that Bryant a very humorous negro comedian and Uxsie Richmond The Luclers are a clever musical quartet The most notable performance however wu Baggesen the human corkscrew When a man can turn bis body around aod keep bis feet straight In the opposite direction and walk be is out of the usual and If Mr Baggesens head is attached to bis body by bit skin which he makes It appear to be he 1 certainly a phenomenon A number of doctors examined Mr Baggesen on Sunday and they cam to the conclusion that some night he wonld screw his body off bis legs or turn hit bead off his shoulders or something The show seems to please that wide taste for amusement which hu always madeagood variety performance popular here There wu no change ot bill either at the Alcuar the California or the Tivoll lut nlgbt The business wu generally good The Mirror of Ireland is at the Standard To nlgbt Samuel Fabians concert takes place at the Metropolitan HalL He will be uststed by several well known local musicians Tan oath ground of th iefendaaf des gertioo and granted th custody of their children to th plaintiff i The dlvorc enseal Ellxabeth Terr tb Jamu Kerr bu been referred by Judg rum to Commialonr Hon to tag testl moay ir A diYomiw rraatadytattTdaTto Bixahath rom Edward Clfluxh on th ground of faUnr to proTidOv jv joagwsrina aa neniea a new ansa th cat of AttguK Ohm Edward Ohmv -Tha Mmart araa etrenlatM TeatardaT that the defendant In th divorce cue of Sarah James tl William Jeme na committed auldd aomewhm la Santa Cru county and later In tha Taniat th report wuconarmeo a FOCHD BEACHED jWI8tTEXXJUgBOt7S A Watr togrsl Beat fikd UTn Uit Ufs Fsarsd An Italian fisherman named Jo Leoul found a WhltehaU boat nineteen feet Ion yesterday morning oa tha beach oppoait Fort Point She wu painted green on th bottom black on top and whit inalde Ther wu a small tail la her nearly rotten and th boom wu broken Leont towed tha boat to tha Wuhington streetstep and reported th matter to th Korth Harbor police station a rumor wu ro circulation tnu lour men had hired th boat from the Wuhing ton ftreet steps on 8und ay for the purpose of going fighinr and a th boat wu found full of water and with one of her side stov in tha Inieranc wu that th men had bean drowned Searching Inquiry made by a Cbioxicxi rumor although it ta not at all Improbable Akenlntnlir Diia that some accident huoccumdr HUSOIUloly rUlC BffAi rruiis nUu UEt vttm A iaennneainDOUUonoiaoymmioux a marvel ot urtty atreonuJ whoJi or flv week ago to a yoong man who 1mn UmZgltSrLaI2 ti Hr i iw fthln iiiiimii aeoaeaueai than taw W1V itmtr awui mm aannr las soldi mninarirtHn purposes Unfortunately Mr Jackson with th mularndeot low test short wilit does not know to whom be disposed of alum or Phosphate bowsst Bold oalr ta th boat and uno report had been made ftSfwJZcBSa KwmTjDC AH at COt Agent Baa at th kforrt or polle tUon op to a TRffl Iff late hour last night of friends being ml rraaoai O0LM iBg it cannot be stated whether Joss of I HI 1 bu occurred or not TEMPERANCE TOPIC Opening ef th Srl of Jabil Ho tint Tb opening of the striec ol Jubilee temperance meeting nnder tb auspice of tbe Independent Order of Good Templars wu held In Grand Paciflo HaD last night An interesting and instructive temperance lecture wu delivered by Miss Amanda Way of Kansas Sit graphically described the origin and progress of the order In addition tb following programme of musical and literary exercise wu rendered Piano solo Miss Jennie Clark reading Mis Dlllard Strictly Confidential a vocal duet MIu Warren and Mrs Smith recitation Miss Lydla Clark song Mrs Lewis remarks ex Judge Thompson song A Tabey song Mrs Smith Three more meeting will held nightly To night an Interesting musical and literary programme will be given and lectures will be delivered by Miu Wsy and Bar Goodwin of Illinois THE BOHEMIAN CLUB Result of Its Annual Election of Office ra The Bohemian Club beld Its annual election of officer yesterday when the following gentlemen were chosen Benjamin Swan President BradV Vice President A Gerberding Becretaryv A Thompson TTeuurerj Directors A Hswes Irwin Stewart Menzles John Abrams Committee on Election of Members George Bearer Stme Mountford 8 Wilson Myrick King Henry Heyman George Spencer Horace Piatt Colin Smith ii 0 Hellmsnn Castle McDonald Charles Yale a Abbott Samuel Ma er Martinet George NewhalL Pbelan Wadswortb Rame Robinson and Osgood Hooker PERSONA MOTES TBE DITORCE COURT Bom Complicated Cases TJnder Consideration Judg Wilson made an order yesterday morning lath cue of George White va Frankie White denying the defendant motions for an execution and to show cause An order wu made In the cue some time ago by Judge Wilson allowing the defendant 3300 alimony counsel fees etc and from this order an appeal wu taken to the Supreme Court Soon after th defendant caused a certified copy of tb order tobe served on the plaintiff and next moved tb Court to have him committed for contempt in falling to pay directed and for an execution against bis property It wu this motion tbat wu decided yesterday on the authority of Sharon vs Sharon la wbich tbe Supreme Court decided exactly the same point that is that an order allowing alimony is appealable A ease ef verr similar nature Is that of Maria Schammel vs Henry SchammeL which consumed th Courts attention off and on for about two years resulting in November last In the plaintiff obtaining a divorcee There hu been a onarrel ever since over the division of property Th Court at on nme made an order tnat in defendant should pay 1000 counsel fees and 123 a month alimony and from this orderhesromctiraSDealedtoth Supreme Court where the matter stands at th present time A month or two ago an order was maae oy tne won 1011 sue books of the SchemmelPackiDg Company ahnnlil be axnerted ao that som mean might be found ot hannonirng tbe conflicting account to Scbammels finan cial conaluon ana 10 matter anas vaiae up la court yesterday wu a bill of 620 presented by th expert Rwu not settled In th divorce case of Madge Dennan va John Dennau which wu up before Judge Wilson oa Friday last on a motion lor alimony an oruer wu maa jesterua that the defendant should par to th plaintiff 35 cost of court 50 counsel fee aad 950 a month alimoTiT payable oa th 10th of each month la advance till runner oraer 01 ui3urt Judg Wilson hu ordered th default of tb defendant enured in th divorce cat ot Mary Ston vs Georga Stoaa and the easa referred to a commlxtioner to tax tettimonyv On the strength ot a letter from th plaintiff ta tha divorc cat ot Thomu Cox Carolla Cox Judg Lvy ordered tb MB Alamiaaad TesbBrdar Judg Finn hu granted Mary Elea 08uiaTaa a dlTorco from DtnU OSulii If BLIEBIGS Wdfiderl ToyENV cFRviiwniRiTnR Ta iTrBesTrsmsdy I iwv vi nerves Of Physical DeotWty tEshawsioo Pram grTTFlIITO lhaod as all tte result AkI 0K IP i abased natAre excesses FLIIX8 FIB I eta Th Uanaaa Trsa SSXilXT OE meat prevent perssa niriaMi lies from th system ao rnV i bow tr occur 11 JJf wbU andertDla th coa W0XDK1 HIi srtntlooresalring In mr POTTSBVt bid lingering and waning THIS 1 aiaeane from wkids OtJALgD BEX many men aafiar aaooar it ni CQMCttCASTbeRZABOy raOjr TIOK8 IgelAMM CANNOT OCT OK Ft a IBED of Waakaesa Till I iris1 alanhood and t3 iwiB 1 Vahoveasealwtnt i 9 A I a complication eaid Pro OFFICE atatarrbea with ti sauka wbleh Hyper nqmrea tnnca TOR is ln only pnaslve eur lot Prosta orrnee mo or lnvigorater east ot ala notUaa 10 ---DR LilBro A CO tbr nearly a quarter af a rentary bar nvide aa exclustve specialty of DteeaMS of men Disease however Isdnced Henly thoroughly and perrnanensryearadi recent csaea In a lew day mveterai can skillfully treated chargt moderate Call or address DR LIE BIO OOi 40 CoBsoUaitoa and advk ne and privatav DR MCNULTY Dr McXewr la a uotjtaa ao txauxt culified Physiciaa and DBzaaoB edacated ia xi the LSASTxa Mental Ooilamsaad Ho pjtataol Philadelphia has devote a Ufa time to th atudr aad has attained special eminence in ta tnabnratof SpacutarD Chboxio Disxiaxs in Dnuuaxs Of Wuiixa YOUNG MEN Jir Whs suffer from lb many diseases facidnt youth and foucBiaf nervous jihrsial aad mental debility secara his Talyabl sel rices once or Att Mfcf ml mO dk taMata Hi Rsstoua Touix is the best MIDDLE AGED and OLD MEN Who suffer from eoatmeted Special disease lot tridtm HisStJXiBor Lirxria Bsrivalsd wv LAQtts Those of yea who eager troaa the maay cH trussing Diseases and Deraaeementa pecvliar to yoar sex ramem er that Da McKoiTX can asaiaa you if yon vara lit BnobMSw awsfcattta4 maaVfeB Tot can always onssalt aha Comre nnrriatXT and bo wilt eortahnY reliovo yew Hia methods af trsatoaat for alt rout Cow 12 rsxatiCBB Hat abargas are always nedarat aa4taMsiSTiaPiJCiTxxaialiiiir wiua Psnons taffarlaa front uy IklXOTJIJirrrxs or BIalth oaa eonsalt him tj katter aa rs eeiva treatmoat for th Trouble or Diaaa by mail ar erprves BrmAfur fifecAii Special Die aws sod Ladies Gnid to Health His Dittusss Ho it Bn orrrcsa Oo SCLTitiosi Farx CnmMnf ParbrtVrtma ir nmfi OVTICB Hoca 18 TO 4 DULT to KTuaxosStrTAlsHtoU CalloraddnasjL ROSCOE McNut TY fLXK 101 6RAra AVENUE foftrwryDopoirt Street ccr of 6earj Sin Fnreijcs Beecber wu naturally an artist Mayor lon i is exceedingly popular Oulda is recovering from her bronchitis Herbert Spencer is writing reminiscences lesson the horse tamer is In Wuhing ton The Blaine boys have all located at Chicago Hopkins Louisville Ky is at the Baldwin Judge George Williams of Flacervllle la in the city Coleman a merchant of Chicago is at the Palace Senator Frye win forsake malarial Borne for foggy London General Stone man wu edified at the Bush lut evening lev Fred Holmes of Sallnu City la tt a down town hotel Fire CommlailonerSlebedeparted to day on a European trip The Empress Eugenl contemplate a trip to tne um otes Grant a mini or man of Breckln rl Ige Col la at the Grand Cnamberiln merchant of Redwood is at a down town hotel Eastern people have an aversion to the smaller denominations of gold Albert Gallatin or Huntington Hopkins A uo Sacramento is to raiace Moses Bauer of New York Is 100 years old aod hu drank beer 99 of them A baseball umpire says the Ciars life Is a comparatively safe and happy one Thomu Thompson a leading mer chant of Tulare county ts In the city Wananiaker tb Philadelphia merchant will build a hotel for working women Ilowells and James the novelists have organised a mutual admiration society Peyton President of the Santa Cms Powder Company la a guest at the Palace Daniel Dougherty Philadelphias silver tongued lawyer hu removed to Kew York John Markel of Sarta Rosa a member of the State Board of Equalisation la in the city Willis State Librarian is down from the capital and la tegiitered at tha Grand Mrs Broadwater tbe wife of the Mon tana millionaire railroad builder is at the Palace Clay Taylor a leading attorney and Democratic politician of Shut is at the Palace White prominent dtiien of Lake vllle Cat is in the city a guest at tbe Baldwin The President it Is said lives on two fifths of hit salary saving the rest for a rainy day Pulltxer of the New York KVW denies tbst he employs a private detective for protection Judge Rearden hu recovered luflclently from a serious Illness to resume bis duties on the Bench Harbor Commissioner Enrllin is said to be a man of tha most generous Impulses out of politics Steve Elklcs accompanied Blaine to the Missouri river Could this account for the Plumed Knights Illness It la now Mid that ex Senator Mahone la to succeed Jones Chairman of the Re publican National Committee Sturdy and brilliant John Bright hu a nt 01 melancholy He says 01 England She must go on to some catastrophe Edward McPherson now occaslonallv writes editorial for tbe Gettysburg flar ana douxnci sfdu rennsyivani noma Senator Stanford compares San Francisco to Constantinople snd not to tha credit of tbe former Tbe Silurians are to Hame Ex Governor HoadleT Is laid to coin ing money in New York 80 Is Frank Hurd The Ohio man isaafe In any coun try Rev Frank Thompson United States airy Chaplaituat Mare island ti ssld to be the hardest worked officer in the United Stales great fhiplesi navy Mitchell of Thurlock In town a guest at the Grand Ha uy the wheat neids loot very promising MrNiteneu owns many broad acre about Thurlock Ex Governor Fattlaoa of Pannayrranlv appointed on oommiuion to investigate th land grant railroad ia a compar atively young man ana a lawyer 01 scoot arly tastes Hs wss the tidal wave Gov eroor and lar from a success Thomu Hill the artist returned from AlMka yesterday and 1 a guest at the Baldwin He hu improved iu health aod hadadeligMnttrip Helsehanmvi with the scenery In the north and brought back wlta nm several picture and many sketches It Is said that there it a a movement 00 foot la this eliy among the worklngment associations to mat Senator Clunle a handsome present a donation from the workingmen ol th citr ss a recognition of his effort in behalf of their meuun before the Leglilatuxe A Washington rorresponoeni saya 1 nr Hii hfS tZMll7m Zi iL awsmeliS50O0000nlg agalr ta ggg Satto1bioBtT3Vuto Sens aectten of the Senate wan not larger than CSfoi mailltuKml lour wiue i iwvu if1 pvwwaEW vArauuia jur lAa Hop Bitten Are the Parestand Best Bitters Erer Made THET ABE O0MP0TODED FSOlf SOPS Halt Bncfaa Mandrake and Dandehoo th oldest best aod most valuable medidae In th world and contain an the beat and moat curative properties of all other remedies be ing tae greatest Blood Purifier liver Begula tor and Life and Health Restoring Agent oa earth No disease or CI health can rjoasibly Ion exist wher the Bitter ar used so varied and perfect are their operation They give new and vigor to theagsd and Infirm To all whose employments cacaetr regularity of the bowels or urinary organ or wbo require aa Apetlxer Tonic and mild stimulant Hop Bitters are valuable being highly curatlTB tonic and stimulating without Intoxicating Do not suffer or let your friends antler but uaa and org them to me Hop Binen Kamembar Hop Bitters no Tile dragged drunken aostrmn but the Purest and Beat Medicine ever made th Invalids Friend and Hope aad aopenoa or family should without them Try th Bitters to dar jjrp hsb cr bat I TRIAL REMEUYand SERVE JTOMO cures wnhoot tBOTTLEfcal DebiatrtOrnlo Weakness Fmnarar CDCC Decline Exbausi Vt ntcc talltj and Luw of Men TO MOTE mlSSLgnSZStfSi AND TT05B aE losws dralns upoa tbs FCL EFFECTS ESJS2SS li ti bl resslt of lndkcra Uonssod eicesBetaod the cause cf the abovv aod many otber enniplaints frosa woleai THOUASDa UF Itmuta jftaa namwat of the real cans of their Idling also cure an Kidney plainta ImporerMaeel and Impure OonllUona JUMtOUTOSM tt Wood PliEB lea Sti3 Sdper bottle er bottJee for glO all eouunnidcatlnna atrierlr BfdMtialnT Utter or at office free Call or andresa Sin Sy MJ SAkSjaSjUr 81 arnyR San Francisco Cal 1VI Ml EWifiMW E0ICAL1 Nervous CHRONIC PmwTt nSEASOll I MSPENSvRII YOUTHFUL roujes tocccsscsr SPCEOILY CURED ago The wall stood the weight very well I BLADDER QUA VEL eta notvVISTnf GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY wer liana ranion jrinmoxuia wno WT iA TJtiiAtwi iwwxvoawjiowvoy Is said to be worth 75000000 and James Fair Nevada who if said to be worth 50000000 Tha two millionaire wer talking earnestly together Stanford had hu hands la bis pocketsvaad Fair wu tin fl AUPTl TtnTTTVP UTftftt wlth of th twVmen wu nM to emy utaBTBiirtoB egetacd ahnwrt hv thalr clOthea Nlthrnf nam I BB4SWBXT SBWoL shown by their clothe Neither of them wore purpie or sue uneu anator two fuiti together cost Probably mora Oaa 970 They wor no jewelry and I noted that Staaford cytglasse wer rimmed with black rubber They bad good strong feces and that of Fair wu rather intellectual and ciuale Fair la the grayer headed maa of th two and hu hair and beard ar now of dark tron rray Suoforda hair la dark brown aad hit beard hu a reodisb Ung Both men ar tall and well made Both have good physiques and doubt not both sleep wll of nights A generation ago natther wu making ovr1500 a year and now each Af thm snnat havnan lneamaf aanr than that a day Veriiy Untruth of great fortunes is stranger lhaa th aeUonaof MontoChrlsto rsiv Sir Q3Z1 OK DOHAE bTaildoO ladies bonel Jeoer iackets mUsaMvyaJrjdwme alie from SI to 42 bust to Ale to day aJtosgrevss cloak house 110 Kearny street VThh Jacket buslway bean sold fur 3 00 Dont tall to sauaiBi aissmry nasd Cut guaranload TJxW XIHTIE Ena MetUTJIiptaJarys liSaaray It taa rranci llSptIlltJOP JBXrwrtrt iiirKJUicisco tia trill Tell Tow Trobl ATltnaut AsklKf Tont Slngl Qneatlnsk 1 gEJrOTAXTiAanHAYTNO AST FBI i HA rate Nervous ewcrev mwaw 1 rpHE XOtfi rtiXTAlfrJS jfOTSBrrsH a lMUTauKLKt risHiTiu 1 auiiv Rh Fltaa Baakstl aad a fall saoptT of taesi TackMoa theeoaat iX PIhE1Ba a law a xunja 91 ws ws 5Cai LSU 0J3 Washingtoa treevn js.

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