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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 14

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WlSjlig i rsTtep rr5 si i a fii 1 I 1 1 MM Sk iiEitrmT flHE gTOTDA Old Singers in the Big Metropolis Increased Interest in the Kacetrack Tie 8tardy Half Holiday The Chinese Quarter of Hew York fepedal Hipieh to th Crooners Kif Toil Jun9 Jam Hgxtn arrived on Wednesday in Urn to two of hU crack wis races et Jerome Park Baldwin Emperor ot Norfolk li tb acknowledged monarch of th thr yar olden Hearst stabl baa krrlvtd ind the Einaior blmieli I explored hereon llonday bow that bU political labor at EL htoIi ar concluded The KoWi yisterday printed a hand on wood enl ot th liU DaxlUl Manning labeling It Tery of Cilitornl ranch to tb edification of th Democracy Th Flood ot twij lit and i ound on wdneday Tb Union Imurinc Cotnpiny tu tit only Calltornle institution that bad any risk on Tammany Ball which took fire It ta uppod from ipontaneoo Demo cratlo enthuilaim on Wedneediy Bngh Dobblni of California li ona of the Sort boner men at Princeton thit rear delivering the Latin ulntatorr Among the prominent arrival are Colonel Borate a Piatt itlU flushed with hli argument at Washington la the Pelton cue William Bawler IX a 8hattucx ttri i Owen ot San Jo Jam 81mp oiltraKopl a StranjaJLJXewla CToetirraoTaeeJLOandr and 1 Lachman i JrxaBixx or th ranv Welkin alone Fourteenth atreet the other afternoon when for a wonder the nn til iblnlni brightly I met an elderly gentleman who onee upon a time waa a rrsitfivorlt In Ban Fraoelieoi operatic and muilo circlet It wee glgnor Orlan who mored alone ilowly diictronig Ulest opera OtUo with bu blend 6tv Uuiitt Orlandtni doea not ling In either opera or operatle concert now BU splsndld baritone to nie a vulgarism 1 bat one back on him bat tne iniirneuv method remain and he eonSnei bimiell Imparting to other what be knowi about muii and long Hl only daughter unfortunately a cripple la with htm In appearance ahe itiongly remtiidBono ot her mother Mr Agatbe States nee aiandevlll whom Orlandinl married In San Freneiseo when both war in the height of their eareera aa vocaliata Orlandtni seems happy enough ai he morea along Thar It quite a colony of Sultans bare ot the higher deae with whom he misglei talka Italian politic between muilo lessoue and eata mac caronl and spaghetti when he feeli hungry ilerecalla the old dara In San Franeiico with pleasurable iitlifaetlon and would like to return if only for a while Sure Maaattt and Orlandinl are great chutes and they frequently dlnetotetber iwopving remlntoncea of the chlaotl and recalling the acenei of their early triumphs with a gusto that ahowa how deeply they are appreciated A HOUDiT THAI IlSi A HOLIDAY The LegUlatnre adjourned leering the balf bolldty business lnuct Quite an ln tltnaon tnia ball holiday buaineaa At IS oclock erery Saturday at noon the holiday beelnt and we are loppoaed to baa and entar npon the enjoyment of a half holiday It remlude one of the early noon eloelog in Ban Franetaco By we 1 mean the people of tbe State of Kew York forao the Leglalature enacted In 187 Ss In a fit ot trlendly consideration for the worklngman The fun ot It that the worklngman doeent enjoy the boll day for if ne lakea it ba baa to pay for the fun The bank and the mercantile and ipeonlatlTe exobangea cloie promptly much to the gratification of the elerii whose aalarlea to on but to the dlfguit of the brokera who wouW like to enjoy the eommlaaiona tbat would result from three hours more work The half boliday la aupposed to run all the year The dry goods stores and mercantile houses generally dene early on Saturday in summer but during the other aeaaona run aa usual The operation ot the law baa demonstrated that the ay erage worklngman doesnt take a holiday that be baa to pay for An attempt to repeal the law or amend It by making it Mart big tra and il a traaea 01 a parent etmllsr bona here Mr Mack would much prefer theglorious climate of California bat with blm it ta a caa ot bnslneu beforepleaanr If the reeerae waa the general rule how mooa happier woeutx manatno ew CALtfOBPIAJiJ OS DIOOSAnOW BAT Tbat wai qnlte a gathriBg of Callfor nlanj and ei Callforniana which wit neued the Decoration Day parade from the baleonlee ot theHoftman Hoaae Con splcnou among them were Mrs Theresa Fair accompanied by her danghten Mill Teaale and UttU Miai Blrdia With them were Colonel Barry Boaenei and ilra Koeeoet and their beautiful little Charlie and Far id Wig Smith daughter ot Hank Smith ot the Comatoek Mrs if English and aon JoaepnOaTcn formed the center of another group General WUllam Lent Milla and Joalah Balden eaw the panda from their Ftftb atenue realdeneea James a Flood and family antfed at Ue Windsor Hotel Just In the ntek of time to uke In all the display Including the gorgeoHi President himself LafamlUe Dean occupied lereral window at the Flftb eTenoe and eaw all that tu to be eeen General William Dimond waa also ineky to arrlre betlmea end from one ol the Ho3mane windows took a blrJs ere Ttew ot the military display including the bald bead of the Democratic President The General waa charmed with all that be law IflSQl KOTia The McAllister family are obtaining much notoriety la coneeinence of Wards celebrated 400 blue blood interview The rriimac made the following announce ment yesterday uaiiMcAUiiterotcaii fornla a nepnew ot Ward McAllister baa gone to England to Join hie fiancee Hiss Laura Benshaw Their wadding will take place next month The McAllisters are retting 10 much mixed tip that too cant tall which from tother Only a few days agotha abore named Hall waa a student at Harrerd and some one who knew blm declared hii name was Kobsrt Iglre It up Among the lady oolonlsta who leare for tnroDa next week le Mre Belle Garrer widow of the late William Garyey bet ter xnown in political circles aa Biuy She will accomeanT har nleee Miss Belle Borea of Kew York The party expects to pnt in tnree months ot good loita traTeL I VIBOXNAL SABLICKS SCHEMES SOME or THE FAIRY TAXES BX CONCOCTED TaiS bv me GoTernora reto the other day So the bank and exchanges are still to oloae saiuraaya as dwd wuii am worktsgmen work and the sewing women ew ell day long It la claimed to be a strictly Democratic measure and I be lere It la TUX HAK1A FOE HOnil KACtXO The racing season is in full awing and il poaiible the mania la more prevalent than it waa iaal year Since early in May there haa been dally races In and about Hew York and faat as one series closes another opens There la no question about the American lore for horse racea Some carping critics declare that the crowdi who attand are limply attracted by the opportunities for gambling and they assert that if the pools were suspended there wonld be only a beggarly account of empty seats in the grand stands That la probably true but what of lit Wban KopU down to tne races they Uke to interested to the extent of ar lean a French mutual which may pull them out on expenses True the bookmakers are all professional sports and gamblers but than if a fellow wlna he doesnt stop to Inquire Into the moral itandlog of the man who caahea the pool tickets The fact la that hardly one man in Oily who leei a race can follow the horses and know exactly what la going on and wbleb Is which but if ha haa beaked the winning hone Its all right and it he baant he can try again That a the difference between baseball and racing You can become Just ai much interested in a ball game without a cent np at though it waa a bone race and you had to boy a pool ticket The Pacific coast will be well repreaentad on the turf thla year Bn All Hsgcln representing paler faml Ilea is pulling together A Woleott baant loet all laureat in the turf and ia euppeeed to hate a contingent intareat In a promising stable Baldwins advance guard haanl done much but before long the Santa Anita Stablee will get their work in vPoner Ashes a tring will be welcomed here and at Seratora uiine Kelly Jr bee developed a panebent for horse racing ana aa ne le weu nxeo nnanaauy Ot Will sajvr us lustur vui aibuw the wblta aatied olunrer of the Pacific basal got airly started Before the lesion it over he eaya Todd will ba heard tromjand one victory will pay a big dividend over tne seaaoue expensee Many trienoa are anxtouaiy waiting tor the Hearst Stable to come alone and glee the Beaters eracka a tut of their quality Hearst li more enthusiastic on tbe subject of bono racing than ever and will back bli fiyirl to the top ot big contingent fand JimKiue attend nearly all ih racea butlinottntereate4exceptwhea bli aon FoihaHwlnaagantlemanlmonnU Then be teele pruud An old Kentucky turfite aajsthatCalljornlaoughttogrowaplendld whlatT because she ralata each elegant raeera He aays Wnlakr and fine bone go band in hand In Kentucky we ralae our Jneat atoeka of whUkyand borsea on bin grass In the Vim country vCalif oriua raiaes epteadU hurti by wot whtakyf If your graaa and Ume la rood tor one It moat be for the other There ia a method in the Kentoektane logic but Boon is California claims any apeclal xceUene tor iu whUky It may grow in time ntuso esntxii a catH AadeUU the world do more An Irish man hu been lentenced to fifty yeara In the Iilltrote pealtenOary for the supposed harmleaa amnumant of killing a heathea Chinaman Such a thing wouldnt bare been tolerated a taw yeara axo I mean thapunlabmanv And right here in thla DamocraUe dty of hewTYork Ue beatb at fairly wU treated It only oc caaionaUy that lb window of a Chinese lauthlry are demollihed and yelall the objectionable 1 eatnrei of Chinaa Ufa and eastern ar present except one there ar gta Chleeee prottltalea even In the heart of Chinatown Thee bay ret to come and only a queetlonof time If tb Jhinae keep eomtng Tber ara at tot optum amoklng den here moral ten than in Ban Franeiaco tu Jeaaeese dote eeem to Uke kindly tobltflng lb plpr Ttbaa be cma something of a fashionable dlssipa tlcaa and In the punult ol the narcotle In fluentw tb yoyng iwella ar not partlen lar where ther CvCblnatown IVNew York la apcillroonfined to Mott atreet Ko one raallte bow many CUtial ther V1 rtata Uart atraaL which I mat deleeUble portion 1 tb dl Joetcfr Cnataam etreee ana us biuikiwi JCr rtttAlajia ltott atreet ltT waa ta ttnr oi wee touhoniea ar already wn5iB Chinee deUeaetei are for aale Tb only fe vlden of Clattel inhabitant la OihM jsorttona sttae eityt thbr and tbr waehhewei Andptey aUJiaT plr tsSsj ibniintaM iiteAjurrrMca ifAii jT rXiitaek waa wngrafnUUd tb otiar afbrtbletriendilBtbeCallfomlaoolonr ra tb advent in hU family of aao eaA Jv i belri kit Mack the bead oft he Front JUwetarng aoni in ban laacMCOwnica Tb Manner in Which aa Ignorant Canvasser Impresied FeopI and Defraadad Them Alex Sabliek the gay canrttiar for pianos who disappeared from the city a few days ago leaving A Bancroft 4 Co by whom he waa emplojed In the lurch to the amount oi about 200 waa a moat ingenious and unmitigated fabricator Numerous stories of how be gulled poos and needy people and defrauded hu employers are gradually coming to light and the majority of them ibow him up In a moit undesirable manner One of the people to whom he sought to asu a piano by soft words and big prom lass was an estimable lady living on Cbesley street with her only daughter a brlcnt alii of 12 summer Tne wiir Sabliek professed tbe greatest concern for the lady and the deepest Interest In the little daughter whose musical talent he pronounced moat exiraoratnary out oi goodness of his heart offered to give the daughter three months Instruction on the piano by hia new improved Sabliek European method if the mother would purchase one of nla lnstrnmenta He also offered to give har a aeeond eouria of three months if the mother would allow him to bring the prodigy out in eoncerta at the end of that time The Ud delayed buying and it ia probable that the daughter will not appear in public under the management of Professor Sabliek It waa Sabllcks custom to Inform bis customers that ha waa under bonds to Baoeroft A Co for an immense sum not to misrepresent bis pianos and tbat under those drcumstanoea It would be Impossible or him to 11 A music teacher to whom he was attempting to sell an instrument waa informed by the professor tbat a rival piano concern bad ottered blm 10000 and a largeealary to sell and loom their pianos bat that ai he received a yearly stipend of 15000 from Bancroft A Co he could not afford to aocept tbe offer Though almost utterly ignorant of the mechanism of a piano Sabliek would speak grandiloquently of the Sabliek Irama In which all the planvi ha sold were set giving people tbe impression tbat he had a hand in its Invention One of the professors great stories was of the intimate relations existing between himself and hia employera Manager Hamilton he claimed was an old ehnmof fala and nhenever he went out of town for any length of time he commissioned Sabliek to look after hia family and to take hie wife and daughters out tor drives to the park and other places Several ot his victim who hate slnoe his departure returned nia ptanoa because nnaoie to pay ior uiem eay tnat ui oity and affable canvasser promised to get tbem large classes at the rate of 2 to 5 a lesaoa iitbey would purchase Ia one instance be promised to give a lady who anew nothing or music lessons tor tnree mouths br blssTraatlmproved method and Iben proouie ber a Urge and remunerative class It will ba but fair to state however that though Sabilck knew not even the first rudiments of music be endeavord at least In some cases to bave his customers get lessons oy making arrangements with other canvaeaera for the firm who did know how to play and teach When asked questions about mosio on hia inatrnmonta whioh ha could not an swer because of hia ignorance the professor would immediately begin to talk of technique and use other musical terms mlxiux tbem up with bixb flown language calculated to confuse hia list ener BHUIIU lWHk WU Jl VU tall and aland with black hair and muataona hia eyee ar prominent and heaoeaka with a strong foreign accent Aa a rule he waa rather alovenly in his dress and manners though be wore a silk hat and Prince Albert coat Hia stories were in the main ao nranostaroui tbat It la hard to Imagine bow ne could sueceed in impoiing on peonie out inia ia proDaDiy explained by the fact that he worked principally among the poor and Ignorant Ai yet tbereli no clew to his whereabouu ON THE FLY A MagQifice nt Racoon tlie Parramatta The Canadian Oarsman Outiwed The Scullers Evenly Matched bat the Australian Proves tho Better Kan Basalt of the Shoot at Birds Foint Yeaterday A baker doien of shooters faced the traps at 3 oclock yesterday at Blrda point Mr Blade waa the first member be fore the traps snooting a etxteen Dore Greener He waa rather badly handicapped though hi Chamberlain ahilli made hli ihootlng clean and clcie Be made five straight before stopping Maynard pnt In some remarkably good work getting seven first barrels in succession He lost hie eighth The ninth waa aisrprli party apparently It tu ihot dead llxty yard from tie soore but the bird got np ana cleared tbe fence May nardi tenth and eleventh were both killed by tbe nrst barrel nu last oy tne aeeond Mr Honghton lost hia third Mr Beck loat his sixth and tenth Kellogg after three first barrel killa cam to grief over hi seventh and oa bis tenth bird lost a black taller Board mauarslavcnth inould have been collected but we not Cad man and Schroeder abet np In old country form Knowltihad th hardest bird of tb wholi day toeing fir enl ofhli doxen Oaborn maintained hia high San Bruno reputation losing only hi aeeond Brown scored ten Appended I tb official loore CJubsbooti UUrdaeacb SOrardarlse 80 yards boundary i Blade 1 11S1010010C 7 Uoaki i 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Adams 1110 12 113 1 1 11 LeAT lllillOOll 3 10 Houghton 3lilii 1 11 BtctT 5 4 1 1 I I 1 3 1 10 Kauoxr Ti liisioSioi io lourdmka3 1111110 3 30 3 19 caiman 3 30331080110 8 Schroeder 1 3110133131 1 11 iyii 7 After tb mala event ot tb day a boot at six birds for C3 SO a aid waa inaugurated Th money waa divided between Joaee Brown and Black Black killed everything with tint barrel Slade loat two TClllard Kindergarten Tb Wilier Kindergarten cloaing exercise will be bald In Saratoga Hall on Bemrdey afternoon June 16th at 2 oclock Mrs Cooper will make an ad drtaa Mrs Louis Humphrey Bmithe dees give Delasrte movement and th kindergarten children their aouga and gamea A delightful bant 1 anticipated a loose eisfs cux 6f the great sculling race for tbe championship ot the world between Banian and Kemp which took place on May 6th on th Parramatta only meager detail were received by cable The fol lowing graphic account of th Australians victory il taken from tb Sydney Morning Herald of June 7lh The honor of the championship remalna with Australia Nobly won by Beach it ii nobly held by hia successor and the good lodgment of the veteran il ratified so aa not to lean room for question la tb matter Not a few were displeased with Beach at tne time for retiring and leaving as they thought tbe championship at stake while their number was many who found fault with blm for making Kemp bis heir so to speak To Beach it must be gratifying that hi choice proved such a good one and that hii confidence waa not misplaced aa un doubtedly to sport loving Australians it is a subject for congratulation tbat Kemp did not allow hi formidable opponent the world renowned Banian to match from him the coveted prize The remarkable sneeess of Beach gained for him the name ot the phenomenal Soulier and people wer loth to believe that Australia could produce each another Kemp won th day with lometMng to spare and score ot loyal sportsmen went home on Saturday evening exhilarated ovar the triumph It baa been attributed to llsnlan that he complained of the men he bad to battle with in thla country aa being giants This time however there can be no inch complaint of disparity of alxe for Kemp la about th earn weight and the lame height ai tbe Canadian a little older and can boast of nothing like equal experience Never parbspe ware two men more evenly matcbed in thla respect That Hanlan waa In good form was not only the opinion of his trainers and admirers but waa testified to by himself in unequivocal terms and certainly those who are considered good Judges described him on Saturday as being in tbe pink of condition The only conclusion than would seem to be that on mis occasion Hanlan waa beaten by a more Skilled oarsman and ibis must ba the opinion of any unprejuaiced person wbo saw the race throughout It was particularly noticeable that while Hanau showed great excellence In propelling hie boat by firm and quick action on tbe sliding seat be bad not tbe same length strength nor cleaunasa ot stroke with the sculls aa the strom armed Kemp The performance ot the latter was Indeed splendid and far exceeded th expectations of his most ardent supporters It waa thought In some quarters to use a rouch and readv expression that he would lose bla head and that hi clever opponent would somehow confuse nlm Quite the contrary Kemp was never disconcerted and rowed tbe race from beginning to end with confidence almost amonnting to nonchalance Some would accuse him of Indifference for allowing Hanlan to get away from him lu the first part of lb first mile but ee lni that Kemp held him within easy distance we are Inclined to pnt It down to confidence and the fact that he waa reserving himself Hanlan will recover the championship youll It waa said over and over again during tbe last two months Hanlan wai unquestionably ths favorite and not only with the general public but with those gentlemen alwari to be seen in some of the busiest thoroughfare with notebook and pencil in hand commonly known aa bookmakers They commenced by laying 2 to 1 on Hanlan than reduced the price to ti to 4 next to 5 to 4 which could be got on Saturday and waa not freely taken and flnallr made the betting even money Some laid 3 4 on Kemp Tb tribe was larrelr represented on the Gosford and the Peterborough the only eteameri permitted to touow tne race They exercised their leather lunga inroarlnz out continuously IUtakoS to 4 on Hanlan Even money Hanlan and tbe like until they made themselves hoarse and angered the other paueneers considerably They did very little buaineaa though and getting impatient some of them offered to take anything at all Some dozen persona who had backed Kemp applied for tbtr mooer whan the race waa over but there having been a protest enured on nenaii or uanian tne bookmakers refused to pay until the protest waa decided Th auspicious ollenta resolved forthwith not to part the com pany ot the fraternity pending a settlement Ai far aa tne weather Is concerned a matter of momentous Importance in all these races one can icarceiy nna leuii It wai not ona of ihuee blazing hot after noona with not even a rentie lephrr to fan the sweating brow but ratber chilly though the aun waa brigbt enough In the morning there waa a clear blue sky and tbe sun wai pretty warm but Just an hoar or so bsfore the rioa dirk clouds gathered over the Parramatta and a strong south wester began to blow The numerous steamers that piled to tbe course were crowded It li no ally matter to estimate the number but aa an approximation It mlf hi aately be calculated at not lesa than 50000 Tha race was for 500 a side and the sculling championship of tbe world and waa rowed over the Parramatta course Strange wai th umpire and Deeblo tbe official timetaker Though a protest wai entered on betlalf uf Hanlan on the ground that Kemp fouled him we have since been Informed that it haa been withdrawn Notwithstanding any protest tbe umpire laid he would bave no hesitation in awarding the race to Kemp A bitterly cold southwesterly breeze wai rippling the mrface of tbe Parramatta at ski Bf JJaCaifrua iTZ rafe i A-L ggaggaLSit mM ipiem2 At seeing her eharmi of face and form de parttng and aer health Imperllai by tnacttonal Irregularities at critical penoa ot lire waa taraad to ioy end gratitude au a brief self treatment with Dr Pteroee Favorite tteecrls tloa It parifiad and enriched her blood gave a healthy tlvity to tb kidneys stomach bowebj and other organ and her rat urn to robust bxalib perdUy followed it la the only medicine tor woman sold by dmggtat under Paorxstox Arruca BAAitb eminent cbamlat of Great Britain recommeale Klardtwd Cora march oaly to be given to tnTa3ldaaothr starebaa ar liable to gnat adulteration SPlTrri mandlnt vacation in th eeatv trrhjldnot fail to eud or tin box of Uiaecbagtni Ba candle 30 Kearny mm 33of when the umpire boat th steamer Uostord arrived uff the railway bridge at Ryde At 410 signs 61 life were observed at Kempe shed at Ryde and at 413 tb Bawkeenury man pulled out from the wharf la an easy eareleas manner The wind now lulled a little but tbe water waa still vary lumpy in the open parte of the river He waa leated in a magnificent boat named the A Smart bull by 8nlllvan of North Shore Thla craft carried him splendidly and aa be pulled op to tbe Gosford hi looked fit to row against any man In tb world Kemp weighed about eleven stone two pounds Ai Kemp arrived at Charity point Beach and Nelson got afloat and paddled down to Putney At tale time 420 oclock Hanlan bad nor uken to th water 10 Kemp took a short spin to keep himself warm According to the articles the race waa to atari between 4 end 4 JtOr At 4 22 oclock tbe Cauadlansmbatked in th Millie a twautlful shall also constructed by Sullivan Hanlan weighed about eleven stone two pounds aa igainit ten none thirteen pound when rowed th milch with Beach on tb Nepean Ha wore a cap of red and nary bine Like nil opponent appeared in the baft Kemp and Hanlan got on tb mark at 49 oclock and mad ready to itart tb foimer taking th southern ihore It wn eeen tbat both men wer apparently well matched a they looked about th sam air in their boat Their physique waa iplendld bat ot th two Kemp itemed the beat prepared forth itrnggl Hanlan asDeaxfa to be somewhat ex cited Another zolnnt and tbe lime ia up Tbey toy wltb their iculis for a second or so and then mighty cry of Tbey ar off go np at prectiely at 430 oclock tbey itruck th water together Th great rac bad commenced Kemp ihot ahead at tb lamp and obtained a lead of folly halt a length after pulling bau Cozen strokes Th excitement 1 tremendous Both men ar rowing ar ton spd Kemp striking forty two end Hanlan forty on to tb mlnut Th boat roll a little but lb eontMtanu ar settling down to their work in rial earnest Hanlan ineree nl speed and with a mighty effort draws level with Kemp In leaa than WO yards from the Mart If anything th Canadian leads Kerns har and about ot Hanlan wlna Th other mana bcattn Be rowed him out and Where your champion an beard on the nmpirai boat which la following th men at a fait rate of speed Kemp now went ratber elos inihorc and it waa feared that would go to piece on tbarock bat quickening bli strok and rowing In grand form th Australian pulled on to Uhra point where he eeemed to eboot ahead Ilk arrow and aoon led tb Canadian by a quarter ot a length Up to tbii point tb ipeed had ba tremendoustremendous and tbe rac a magnificent one Banian and Kemp sow mak aeroa for tb beacon tb former splashing good deal and inexlng a bad conn Tb Canadian look acron at hia rival and trlei to reckon hint op He imagine ba blm nuke a duparat effort to row blm down Both men throw tha water np as they feel tb fore of th wind in th open pert of tb reach below Ryd Karap rawing thirty four to th minute keepeon ateadily when suddenly a change come over th Keen and a wild yell of rag and Indignation 1 heard a Kemp iffip rowlnx and Hanlan apparently make an attempt to ran into bLn Anothir iuantr shut oat th men from oor view for a iieond or and then Banian raw away with a lead of laagUt and a half to two ienrtha A nnani mouaery go np Banian hu ionlcd hlmrAsd eneiporttng jainbawUoBiat tb top of bit ToIeaIfl 100 to lb fouled him Ai tat aa can ascarUlned what really happened wutbiif Hanlan waa getting too clos Intoth northern ibora and laddenly polled hii right to it clear Tbi bad tb afreet of throwing th bow ot bit boat round toward Kemp ihetLand th latter ty way ao ax to avoia a ioui tneraoy losing two lenatna Hanlan now quickened up rowing thirty two and polled down to the mile point in pretry good it1 passed th beacon In minutei 14ieonda and ber lad tb Anitrallan br a good length Kemp now set to work to leaaen tb distance between bis opponent and himself and polling a splendid long strok be nor down fipon Hanlan in magnificent ityle amid frentio aboute of applause fromtn thousands of onlooker who lined th bank ot th rivir and crammed th stsamera Great ercltemeat followed a the Anatraltan acoller waa eeen to range np alongside of Banian who now began to realize what manner of man wag against whom wai competing By sheer pluck aided by bli wonderful ikiu and nndoubted ttrengtb Kemp rowing thirty got on even terms with the Canadian at Putney point From here to near Putney wharf Hanlan did hia belt to row bia opponent down but It wai evident tbat tbe Canadian wai getting by fir th wont of th itrnggl ai at onlimh conld hardly sit in hia boat A aeeond more and cries of Foul He hu fouled him a second lime followed by a prolonged storm of India nation and hooting and boohoolng were heard on every hand when Hanlan made what appeared to a deliberate attempt to foul Kemp who waa rowing an easy stroke and certalniy naa me rac weu in nana Aiiaraacouia be aeen from tbe steamer Hainan did not foul his man as the latter kept out of his way and passed Putney proper ilightly In front of the Canadian Tim to Putney Dm 40a A treiaeodoua outburst jot applause greeted Kemp aa he crossed over to the Mortlake tide of the river rowing about US Hanlan striking 39 A little lower down the stream Kemp waa leading by nearly half a length He now rowed on in magnificent style pull ins anlce even stroke But the Canadian waa laboring at hia work and all hi mechanical precision of movement in a wager boat learned to have departed from him Before reaching Caharlta wharf Hanlan who waa pale and perspiring very freely seemed to be thoroughly done np and was evidently greatly distressed Cabarltawaa paased by Kemp la 1H mln utea Here the Australian bad a lead of four length Tbe Hawkeibnry man now sculled awayf or the eouthern aide and Sot rather close I a shore on approaching in Man wharf Her Hanlan mad a final effort and went op a bit bat a scene ot unparalleled excitement ensued at th wharf ai Kemp spnrted grandly passing that structure two length In front of th Canadian th undaunted Australian being received with wild enthusiaam and a continual roar ot cheering from the assembled multitude Kemps time at One Man wharf was 1020 From thli lime out Kemp did aa he liked and putting on a spurt and rowing with consummate skill and ease he ibot past the winning post at The Brother three clear lengths ahead of Hanlan Time 2130 It ia doubtful whether tbe Canadian rowed as far aa the beacon Kemp finished strong and will but Hanlan waa completely rowed out Tbe contest was decided on alack water with a slight ebb at the end of the course Thui was concluded one of the grandeat race ever witnessed on the Parramatta river and it can be stated without tbe slightest fear of contradiction that the best mm won From first to last Kimp fUiled a magnificent race and had be felt ncllned to do ao he could have won by a dozen lengths Hanlan waa practically beaten at hrs point and from this out If thsre hid been no incidents in the race Kemp would have been in front The Australian must hare led al the mile beacon if be bad not been forced to sop in tbe reach below Ryde It wai stated on the nmpirea steamer that Beach himself could not bave rowed a more determined race Kemp was acoordeda magnificent reception aa be backed bis boat to shake bands wltb Hanlan Th champion said ha never had the slightest misgivings ai to what the result of the event would be He waa confident throughout of victory Thle confidence waa born of a conviction tbat he waa a vastly superior rower to his antagonist especially in regard to endurance The conviction waa strengthened by tbe tactics of the Canadian whom be acouses of having twice deliberately endeavored to bring about a iouL Mr Kemp waa very Indignant at the treatment be received In this respect and said thai tbe conduct of Hanlan waa such aa no true apor aman would be guilty of The champion won by about four lengths but he could he said if be bad felt disposed have reached the post at a much greater distance ahead of bis opponent Hanlani account of the race ai subsequently given to a representative of this journal Is a very lmple one and easily summed up In a few words I cannot account for my defeat he aald and am thoroughly disgusted with myself and aa much surprised at the reeult of the race aa any one eise can be For tbe first mile the race waa one of the easiest I ever polled and at the end of tbat distance I waa about three lengtbi ahead and Imagined tbat I bad tbe race well in band However in tbe apace of the next 500 yards Kemp came up on me gradually in spite of all my efforts to stop blm and at tna mile and a halt we were einict level On three different occasions Kemp although be had won the toss and thus selected his own side of tue river came over into my watar and ti I had fouled him I should bav won Once indeed about three quarters of a mile from the start when be waa evidently in my water I tried to foul him knowing toatl in in the right but be wai too quick for me and got away before I conld touch aim nnen i lounu inai emp wasuraw ing ahead of me I beaan to aee that 1 had to row if I wai to win the race and I began to row all 1 knew bow but somehow or other although I had all my old energy and courage my physical itreugtb seemed to be lacking ana i was not aoie to pics Kemp up It waa not until I waa off Una Man wharf that I beran to fear that I waa going to be beaten and then I spurted ana using eu my enorts came up wiiaia two lengths of Kemp but it waa no use and I waa beaten fairly ai I am willing to admit It ia no nae ssklng me how I account for my defeat for I cannot understand It myself When Hanlan returned to his hotel after the race he found a large crowd waiting to receive him and In response to their repeated cheers he appeared on tbe balcony and made a abort speech He said that he felt himself to be In ratber a try log position baving to apeak to them aa a defeated man and be waa sorry that bad been defeated but waa still none tb won for that Cheers Mr Kemp wu a good oarsman and he gave him all the credit doe to hia victory for no one in Australia appreciated Kemp more than he did He could not understand wby be had loat the race and he migbt on several occasions bave won It by loading Kemp wbo wu in hia water but still be acknowledged tbat he bad been defeated fairly With the exception of the race with Trick ett which had been aleady arranged they bad to day seen the last race which Edward Hanlan would row He waa now in bla 33d year and bad not the aame youthful powers which he possessed a few years ago He thought that a man might itlll possess all bla mental energy but might lack the physical condltlou necessary to carry him through a contest such aa tbe one Jnat paased It waa ao with him in thla race for he had seen Kemp coming onand bad done the best he conld bat bis physical powers bad not been sufficient to wlu th race He did not Intend to row any more racee himself but he hoped that within a lw mdnthl another representative of America would be out here to battle for the championship tCheere waa authorized to back Teenier to row anybody in thla colony for any sum from tlOOOtoJtSOOO Cheers 1 telment Oyer tfo Chinese Two Patal Explosions in Mines Experiments With Inoculating Babbits Good Crops in Kew Zealand The Occidental and Orlentaf steamer Marlpoaa arrived yesterday bringing Sydney advice to Miy 16th and Auckland newi to May 21it The Anitrallan paper are full of discussionl of tbe Chinese question th virion colonial appear determined to rule ont tbe coolies deiplt th protaitt ot th Horn Government Foot man winkUlid and two badly in Jured by a premature ixploiton In a mine at Kiama 8 Tb New Zealand wheat crop toll year amounted to 9424 059 bushel an avirag ot 2812 boibai to tb acre Fears ar entertained because of th rapid ipraad ot th phylloxera in Paramatta viniyard a THE C1UME3JC QUESTION Th Anitrallana Determined to Bar Out Caollea Th Hw Zialand Herald of May 21st iayi Th Chinese question has excited mora lnternt throughout th colony than any other Several vessel arrived at Anitrallan port ladan wltb Chtnamin and a reiolnte opposition ha been ibown to their landing Ona iteamer brought 100 men to JJeW Zealand and although tber wer aom damonatratloni ot opposition it Invercarglll and Dunidln they were allowed to land Tb Government bag determined to prevent an influx ot Chinese and haa bad a bill passed No vessel is to be allowed to com bringing a greater number ot Chines than on to iviry 100 tons of the tonnage Chineae who ar British subject are exempt Tb feeling against tbe Chinese much less violent la New Zealand than in the other colonial But the conviction li almost universal tbat It would be undesirable to bave snob an influx of Chinese into thli colony aa would seriously affect the population Every com munltv la Justified and entitled to defend Itself against an armed foe threatening Its existence and Its permanent welfare as a State Tbe Chineae do not oome with arms in their hands but if hundredi of thousanda war to arriv here th existence of thli But would be no lest imperilled Two racea which do not Intermix cannot exist side by side Immigration from England Scotland and Ireland wonld cease Theae are the chief reasons for oor objectioni to a large Influx oi Chinese Tbe Premier hopes to be able to act In concert with the Australian colonies and to get the assistance of the mother country In making a treaty wltb China by which we will be aided to prevent what might become great evil Tbe steamer Afghan arrived at Melbourne April 27tb from Hongkong having 263 Chinese on board Tbe vessel waa admitted to pratique and proceeded up the bay and anchored at noon off Melbourne Sixty seven Chinese are for Mel fifty eU htare poeseued of naturalization papers which wire detained by Mr Hus grove Secretary for Trad and Customs wbo is satisfied that none were issued to those by wbom they were produced It la tb intention of th department to carry out the law in reference to the Immigration of Chinese to the fullest extent Therefore tb passengers referred to will not be allowed to land An officer was placed on board to prevent any landing It is stated that tbe captain entered into a bond of 100 each or a total of 28800 not to allow any to land The yellow flag wai hoisted to facilitate the carrying out of the precaution Subse anently tbe vessel waa removed to quarantine Two police were placed on board to prevent any leaving On May 2d a disturbance wai caused on board tbe Afghan among the Chineae It originated by one ot the under oooki deliberately pouring a quantity of keroaene Into tbe rice thai waa being prepared for the table Tbe Chinese were indignant and would have aasaolted the delinquent but for the Interference of tbe police TWO FATAl ACClDKJtTS Othera THE PBKS1DIO IMPllOVEMEKT tbe Kb Instructions Hegarding A pprapriatlon The local army authorities havJ al jt received no definite Instruction with re gard to th manner of upending th appropriation ot 10000 or th improvement ot th PrMldio reservation Tb xpectatlon la that the money will be apent tn beautifying tn reservation by tb planting of rare ornamental trees tha rectiou ot fonntaine and uther ornamental improvement tending to beautify tha landscape Specifio instructions will first have to be received from tbe Qnar termaiter General odor anything can aon to xpnd th money and before th manner of expenditure can settled Four Men Killed and Badly Bart A Kiama 8 ipeclal of May 7th aaya A terrible accident took plaoe at the Bombo quarries to day It appears tbat two men wer charging bole twenty feet deep In a column of basaltlo rock some sixty fiet in height While ramming home the charge it luddenly exploded bringing down a huge mass of rock which In its descent killed a man named John Hughes out both legi off a man named WUllam uammona wno waa ornerwiae terrioiy mutilated and burled hia aon Timothy uammond beneaib tbe maaa ot stone where the body still remains in ipite of every effort to recover it One poor fellow wboae name la Myers waa thrown upon hia back underneath tone of rock wher remained several boors Jembed a it ware to the earth and hli foot had to be amputated before the nn fortunate man could extricated Besides Myers two men named Fan ub anon and Wiseman war seriously injured A mm of rock some fifty tone in weight fell upon bora and cart crushing them to pieces Myers wai conveyed tb the Kiama Cottage Hospital and the other two wounded men were carried home Myers died the same night A aerlons gnnpowder explosion occurred April 22d an the Fortitude Valley Railway line Queensland now under construction Fonr navvies wno constituted nart of tha nleht shut were eolnttlown tbe ihaft Into the tunnel whin one dropped a lighted candl which exploded twenty five pound of gnnpowder and lome dynamite detonator which had bean lift at the bottom of the shaft Tbe men were almost blown ont of the shaft and then fell to the bottom Tbey were promply rescued and taken to the hospital They war found to hav been dreadfully injured but hope are entertained ot their recovery THE BABBIT PLAGUE weidUeovered at Camden the New sooth Welti anthoritle wer urged to follow tbe example ot Victoria in leeking to confine It at oncata that loeailtv Th raore lentationito thli effect were dUregarded 1 consequently in latecM made tneitwiy into th Parramatta vinijartl Xr Dow suggest to Mr OllHei tbat8Ir Henry Fsrkei ibonid nmiodtd of th action taken bv thli eolonv and In form ad that tha 66Gti advanced by Kew Sooth eies ana eoam Australia to Victoria ior th extermination of the pest at Geelong woe Id available for a similar purpose in Kew South Walea It I not thought by jsrsixiw ia vis oi tn aoeence or any effort on the pert of tb Kw Sooth Willi Govirnmtnt to arrest tha nest that VI torla should called upon to bear a larger snare uiao toe amount couinoniea ny tnai colony lnaimuefl a inch a large contribution might not have been needed had the put been effectually dealt wltb at Camden whan it first ancaarad Mr flll Uei ba th matter under consideration NEW ZEALAHD Oood Crop in tb Colony Quicksilver Mines The monthly summary ot tb New Zealand if erald ot May Slitiiyi Quite recently the agricultural return which were collected durlni February and March war published These returns ar very instructive and show that though there are complaints ot tb sttingmoy of th money market Nature has been more than usually abundant In her favors to reward tb labor of th husbandman Th stimated yield of tha wheat crop In th colony this lesson li 9424059 bushels giving aa average yield of 2013 bushels per acre for tbe whole colony Those who are conversant with agricultural operation cannot fall to recognize in this a very strong evidence of the exceeding fertility ot the loll of Kew Zealand Thli li more marked when the careless system of farming prevailing here li considered and when it ia remembered tbat colonial farmer seldom manure their cultivated lands Cootraeted wltb bar liitir colonies Kw Zealand holdi a conspicuous position as a productive agricultural conntrv The average yield ot wheat In tb neighboring colonies over a period of fourteen years ranges from 710 bushels per acre la Sooth Australia to 1820 busheli In Tasmania but the highest of these occupies a very inferior position as compared with Kew Zealand tor the erne period of 2008 bushels per acre The crop thli year though above the average Is nothing phenomenal Indeed the beat crop grown la th Auckland Srovinca exceeds th general avarag ot il colony by no 1 than 233 bushels per acre Other crape are in Ilk proportion and steady progress appeari to general throughout th colony Thara of land devoted to fruit growing li rapidly increasing At th present time 16329 aem in io mployd of whioh Auckland orchards absorb 0429 acres It ii evident thit in tbe near future fruit growing will assume a vary prominent position among the industries of th colony and a large ontald market will bar to be foond Within th last month levers pieces of ground bay been taken up in the Tbamei district for mining purposes and are to be worked by eompacties formed In Australia Mr 1arkes of London wno haa devoted a large amount of attention to the beat method of smelting valuable ores and wbo Is tbe patentee of process which hai been proved to be very effectual has been for about a fortnight In tbe district and has examined a number of the reefi He la thoroughly eariafied with the evidence ofrlchneaa they ibow He li confident alao that he can extract tbe preclom metals by an Inexpensive procesa Hli machinery will soon be erected in a position favorable for obtaining qieru from the mlnee A piece ot land containing aeveral hundred acres in tbe Bay of Islands district baa been sold to an Australian company for the purpose of mining for quicksilver The existence of a large deposit of cinnabar there haa been known for many yeara and quicksilver baa been obtained but no systematic mining haa been attempted Sir Oeorge Ony is usually in his place in Parliament at tbe beginning of tbe session but ths time be Eaa given notice of varlom Dills by proxy He delivered a lecture In Auckland a few days ago on tbe Chinese question There is still talk of Sir George going to England after the aeaalon and a hope la generally expressed that be may make some arrangement with the Government io tbat hia influence and abilities might be exerted st home to Induce a stream of Immigration of a good class to Kew Zealand Sir George Grey left Auckland for Wellington on Friday laat Tbe Kew Zealand Government Intends to propose the renewal of San Francisco mail contract for twelf etnonthe and tne Kew South Wales Government hu aented to the proposal SOCIETY ISLANDS NATIVES OBJECT TO FKEMCH ANNEXATION OCR IN A DAI Gel Photograpbcr Cobb Wtf a Divorce Judge Levy granted Mr Margaritt Cobb a divorce from her bniuaad David Cobb yesterday became of th bnibeade deaertlon They hav btn married 11U1 over three yean and bav on child Lydla ftfuinrar wai granted by lude Kearden a divorce from ber husDand Ed i ward on account of hli desertion Judg itearden alio accommodated Hit ti Smith wltb a divorce from Arlington Smith becaus neglected ber and freed Mary McPherson from a ST Mcpherson became th husband had been untrue Attaching a Petition The Suprem Court oa technical ronndi refused yeaterday to make aa order oom palling Judg Cheney of Lo Angelei to eettl th bill ot xeeptloa In tb Anichlaf Cue BOOB TUP KXCtBSIOX Tb Oreat Middle Koute Santa lyi tem bat arranged to ticket delegate anlpar ttse desiring to attend lb Bepnblieia Unrt Ooa at ddcaco at the Jew rate ot 92 SO for th round trip Tola rat I opa to alt TVkeu will be oa sale Jane lOtb good for return natll 8ptmr IS ISSSVaad good to return via any rente without a idiuooa coax Call early and Moar you Ueeping car ao eeundadoa cormpoadingly sew reand trtp rates to all poiai rju can be procured oa above date General TtckeXMic No 4 Nw Montgomery atreet oncer lliaoe HUet li Bpeen liaajenger Ajrent Aw Wawtl tie era Agent Whfce Traffic Manager Experiments to Be Had In Inoculating Disease The Royal Commiaaion representing the colonies ot Kew South Wales Victoria Sonth AtittraliaQneeniland Kew Zealand andTumania appointed to inquire as to whether tbe introduction ot disease among rabbit by inoconlatlon or other Wise or ihe propagation oi diseases natural to rabbi ta tor the purpose of destroying or promoting their destruction would be accompanied by danger to bnman or animal ilia bu been holding iltungs Sydney Ithu uken a mail of testimony ot expert and bu decided to bold a series of xprlmnl 8ydniy to tit th nature of the variottl dlieaeea which it propo to communicate to th rabbit and oi ascertain ing how far if at IL other animal will affetd by taataA portion ot th inerimenta will carried out bvtb Llnnean Society of Sydney and tha remainder will conducted In aom properly aeoluded area near Sydney the locality of which ba not yet been fixed Sheep horns goan and a variety ot otner animals wtU experimented oa to dl cover whether they ar Uabl to take th dlteu or not and tha axprimnt will be of thorough nature the circumstances of lb caa will permit in order toat the whole qnaiUon of rabbit dlieuei may be put on a practical bull A Melbourne special of May 9th aaya The Premier lu interviewed to day in rf ertnoe to tb nnutlsfactory working of the Babbit Extermination act It wu rep relented to blm that tb ffort to carry ont th purpoa of th iterate were quite futile end that wu attributed to divided authority Th denotation contended that th Government ehoold undertake all atnr operetioni fox tbe eradication ot the pit Mx tjiUlea replied by Mating that while aom bad been loyally doing thairdntr nthre ware inaetiv and th Government txpeodltur of 000 bad bn frultleia It wu most advlaabl that tber ihonld urns common action Ha would remit th object to tb Mmliter for Mlnee and suggextid tbat tb lonemei be submitted to bia Irving of San Franeiico bu wlrun to th Oovirnment to th9ectth4ib bu dlicovered a mean of exterminate rabtdta ny xnocmaoon THE FBTaXOXEItA Ravase of Pt Parva tnatta Tlayatd TbtMinlitw for land for Victoria bai adlmied a tainnt la th Premier on th subject of phylloxera at Farramatt elnU out that when th die broke outuOlongihQovrnmint at one took th moat drutl xaeucrei to etamv out So ferfrwr Kw Souti WJ and Boatb Anatrall that tb CUM 8 onld extend beyond tb border thu ey consented io bear a proportion ol tb caatof eradication and eomocneitlon Th mm paid br South Anatrall and Niw Sown Walea retpecUvely i8666 13 lA but Victoria nad to xpend a tar Hrgegamonnt bfrvtkpit wu ffo uaU cp4 wttb HihUan nosui ga wbenphvaoxere A Chinese Certificate Sensation KingKalakau Snubs His Farliament GoTerninent Deficit for the Past Two Years Japanese Immigration Hawaiian advices were received yesterday to June 2d It has been discovered that 834puiporti have been fraudulently issued from tbe Custom house aom of which hav been found In tb posisulon of Chinese immigrant Parliament ad journed on tbe 28th ot May and met again in regular session the next day King Kal akan taking advantage ot the occasion to mob tbat body On Jipinet vessel brought 1057 Immigrant BOOC8 CERTIFICATES Nearly a Thcnsand Smuggled From th Custom Honeo Hawaii bu had an experience with the liming of Chinese certificates somewhat limtlir to that which hu afforded aomuch employment tar the Federal court in Sin Franeiico On May 17th tbe Collector General of Customs A 8 Clcghorn read a letter to fire employe of tha Customhouse The purport of tb letter wu to tb effect that the Collector General having conferred with tb Cabinet on tb disappearance ot veral hundred passports it wu deemed advisable to lammarify dls miu ih following person Mark ham port surveyor A Qlifitlaa militant port inrveyor Richard Mourn an aeeond 111111111 clerk Oeorge Ka waaxoa atatiaucai cierx ana uvorge Mil aalitant storekeeper Forty thre ot th pais ports alleged to hav been atolen war discovered among tb 252 Chinamen who arrived by the Ccly of Peking a taw days previously Tb Chinese wer quarantined Mr Cleg born whan qusstloned by th Honolulu AivertiuT riportar said After th City of Peking arrived which wu May 14th we found among tbe passports aom which had our private mark on th back I Immediately mad an examination and fonad that 934 passport war missing of which found forty three had arrived by the City oi Peking The five clerk removed all had acceai to the pusporte although thev were not the only one Mr Stlllman and Mr Chamberlain had the tame access but had excellent recorda and I am entirely satisfied that neither of tbem had anything to do with the milting passports THE PABLIAMIST Snubs Two Boats Crews Attacked at Bnabelne Six Marlnee Killed and Several Badly Injured A cable dispatch a few days ago gave ia account of a fight oa tbe island of Hua beine in ibe Society group owing to the attempt of tbe French to seize the ialand Full details are now received in a Papeete letter of May let to the JVeu Zealand Herald On Maroh 15th the French flag wu bolited it Piputa end the island wu formally annexed to France At Huahelne the natives protested against tbe railing of the French flag but offered no resistance A French resident wu left on Ibe Island who managed to enrage the native by hi domineering manners The French war ship Decres returned on the 21st of March to Huahelne still having the Governor on board and tbe commander of the Aoral complained of the language of three of the natives and requested tbe Governor to havi them arrested and punished This the Governor consented to and an armed tarty wltb an Interpreter was ordered to and and earry out the Governors order Meanwhile the natives had armed and conoealed themselves near the landing place Juat at the moment that tbe troops were landing tbe Decree opened fire with her Hotehktse gnna on some eanoea which were crossing toward tbe acene ot action and which were aup poaed to contain arms but which were uofortanatalj full ef women Tb canoes war icittered by tne fire one wu cut in hili and one woman wu ahot Som nail a called out that tb French vera ale entering their women and the armed native at once attacked the lendtnej party and drove tbem to tnalr boat with th loss of their officer and two men killed and fonr men severely wounded The recall wu at once sounded from the Decree and tbe party retired to their ships leaving tbelr dead and twelve rand arm In the hands of the enemy uurmg toe nigm bne nauvea taiaea over tbe situation and seeing th hopelessness of continued resistance in th morning they banded over tne captured arms to the Governor The dead they re fused to hand over it le agalnat native custom to give up the foes killed la battle but they carefully burled them near tbe spot where they felt it la not xnown now many nauvea wire killed or woonded tber at one retired tb tbe hull After tome parleying with the natives th Governor agreed tbat no reprisals should be taken for thli unfortunate affair and the natives on their part acreed to quietly await information from Eugland Meanwhile affair in Balataa are in a most critical state There are between 450 and 5uo ao called rebel who ar well armed and hav Urge quantities of ammunition and who have established a fort in a portion ot tna mountain elmoit lmo cesslbl Tb French troop have taken up and fortified a position In the town hip and the lucres Ilea moored with springs covering this position and ready ior instant action on eiarcn zotn tna rebel leader Teraupoo notified th whit ruldenu to ratlr lo a email islet tn ih neighborhood intended at onee to attack the French position This thiy ail did and boialltiii eeemed inevitable Th missionary Eev MrKlcbardi London Missionary Society however vlalted the rebel camp and entreated for a delay until be onld oommu nlcat wltb th Britlih consul at Tabid Teraupoo then consented to an armletlc for fourteen daya Meantime Mr Bichardi wrote to the Coniul imploring him to use bli influsnc in preventing bloodshed Th Governor alao requested th Coniul to write th native would believe him and no on cli that lb truly ot 1S47 wu abrogated A letter of Mar 3d iayi A imill boat bu nit arrived from Huanetn with th nWthatibnatIrM bad again attacked a party of French wbo bad undid armed for th purpoae of watering their vessel Three men are reported to hare been killed and eeveral wounded All la Siwwiui Mere lull bae sukuwiuvi rv uie patebing the Vlr Jut arrived from Nou mea wiin vry avaiiaoie man ro aonot it thla report is true the French will exact torribla reprisals Notblnr seems known of th caua ot this attack and ai tha Kicnmoad li jnit on tn point oi uavtng King Kalakaua Snlka and That Body Th special union of Parliament ended on Monday May 28th Tbe Assembly sent a message lo tbe King notifying blm that It wu ready to be prororued but he refused to communicate with that body except through his Cabinet Later In th day Chlet Justice and Chancellor A Judd prorogned tbe Assembly in th nam of th King Th new regular session of tbe Legislature wu opened by Kalakaua in person oa Tuesday the 28th Tbe speech of the King contained tbe following it principal features My Ministers will pro pot certain legislation concerning the patent lawi the inauguration of a parcel poet domestic and foreign to limit the time within which Chinese return passports miy be used to carry out more effectually tbe laws relating to homesteads and alio thole reining to the Postal Saving Bank lo provide for the utilization of the surplus deposits oi lb uvlngs bank and of the unissued portion of the loan authorized by the Legislature of 1886 in carrying out certain public Improvements and ooncerninz other matters which will promote the national welfare I wonld recommend to your consideration In connection with the Appropriation bill a policy of liberal expenditure for internal Improvement and the development of the industries of the kingdom I express my confidence that you will be careial to aee that tbe Appropriation bill which you may pus shall limit the expenditure for the ordinary purposes of government to the amount of probable re celpta from regular revenues Th Adreniter remark that the omis alone made In the epeecb from tbe throne are limply the ligai of a conuict which it impendin between the King on the one hand and th Cabinet Legislators and the people on th other and prints an Interview with a representative of the reform element la which be says oi the speech It does not fully outline the Ministerial policy It omita all reference to three principal meunrei of the preaent Cabinet first the abolition ot Governor and consequent transfer of their duties to various omcen second the military bill and third a bill retarding the police It repeats the bill of laat letiton on the same subject with slight amendment Hi Mijiity refund to read tbe passage In tbe speech referring to the three tuples mentioned He uld I believe that It would make him appear foolish to recommend bills which he bed vetoed Tbe Cabinet claimed tbat tbe speech from tbe tnroo shoild be aa outline of the Government policy and not an expression of tb Kings personal views and that th tack of Ii might lay tha Cabinet open to criticism Th King admitted that the omission migbt subject tb Cabinet to criticism but itlll refund to make the reference wanted The Cabinet therefore unanimously advised him tbat such reference ought to be mad and that th omiatlon should be on hii own reippnilblllty THE DEPICIT aid ti hoax wbtra iaforsutioa had ln dlcated in itorag TtuiWemihip Takuago Mam brought 057 immigrant oudr cherg ot two pnunvi doctor Tb Immigrant oomprtil 861 male ind 193 famalea th proportion of emilei being thui 2278 pr cnt Thli installment otJapanea lama under th provlltoni of tb modified treaty betwun the two countries which doei not lmpo upon th Hawaiian Government th onirou obligation of provti lng for Japanau doctor and Interpreters to which wer contained in lb original convention Th Japan moreover pay their own way Into the country A 8TBEET SCENE A Xorth Beaeh Car Bnni Off tbe Track An accident occurred about 730 oclock lut night at the corner of Kurny itreet and Montgomery arnue which resulted in th aheddlng of much blood but luckily th Wood wu ihitof ahori Tbe driver of a North Beach and Minion car allowed bla team to go down tb grad at too great a speed io when the car wu turning th eurv into Ketrny itreet it jumped th trick On of th animal feU and wu evenly truck on lb hip bribe ear cutting a large wound from which tha blood flowed In great quantities A chicken tamal vender wbo wu etattoaed nearby bad hi outfit pread all over the itreet by th derailed car The injured horse after being disentangled fromlti harness lav awhll in pool of blood and tben mid denly Jumped to it feet It wu led off to a vacant lot in ta vicinity wher it Injuries wer attended to Another animal being procured th car proceeded en iu trip the umal vendir gathered np ht scattered uteaslli th crowd after morbidly gazing at tha pool of blood left by the none dispersed and tha thoroughfare thin euumid it wonted upect DESERVED orriCIAL liECOG NITION U18CKLZ AJCEOTJS Tb Government Examination of Baking Powder Royal Officially Bported Par Montreal Can Star The riporu of th Government analysts mad public from Urn to tim la the official raporti of tb Commleslooar ot Inland Btvtnue form useful anbject for study A great deal of attention 1 devoted to th examination Of baking pow din and vry propirly ao for thiy ar article or gnralnie and many ot thsm being so grorily ad ulurated ell posslol informition ihonld ivtn to enahle coniumin to dlitlngulih tetwein th good and th bad A larg number ot ths artlelei bav bin analyitd tb iimples being collected from dealer In all lections of th Dominion Th impurities foond wer principally alum and lime bothv unwholesome Tho alum rued in place of cream of tartar became of lu low cost The Urn both tartrate and sulphst being found wu preaent fom the nae ot improperly refined cream ot tartar The analyst found and reported the Royal Baking Powder to pur free from time alum and pnosphalt acid and of high leavening strength A complete analysis would undoubtedly here ehown no baking powdir iopt tb Royal tlrely free from aom on of thsse objao tlonabl ingredient Thla preiume account for lb lack of leavening power In th other powder sometimes complained of by the cook and for tha bitter tut found in th blsculti ao frequently complained of by ourselves But aside from the inferiority of the work done by these powder the pbyxi clane assure ui that lime and alum taken Into the system are injurious Their phy loloslcal effect are indigestion dyspepsia or worse et 11a Th queatlon naturally arises why do these cheep baking powder makers use thai thing Alum ii 3 cents pound 11m itlll chssper while cream ol tartar costs S3 or 40 The reasons for the chemical purity of the Boyal Bikini Powder were recently given in the New York rimes In an interesting description of new method for refining argola or crude cream of tartar It seems that It la only undir thli process thit cream of tartar can be freed from the lime natural to it and rendered chemically pnre tbat tbe patent and plant for thli coat th Koyal Baking Powder Company about half a million dollars and that they maintain exclusive control of the rights Thli official recognition of the parity end value of the Royal Baking Powder by the Government will add to the already wide popularity that article and deservedly so This baking powder la now oaed to tbe exclusion of all othera Dy the United Slates Government lu advertisements for supplies calling for it bv name the oontinned tesu ot the official chemists ibow it lo be much higher in etrength and purer in quality than any other brand Asswic Wavers fee Dr Camotwlre Wafrra when Toure feeling ill and wretched then MISCELLANEOUS Tbe Rate at Which tb Kanaka Kingdom Kane Behind The report ot the Minister of Finance contains some very interesting figures A mmmary of the most Important items follows Balance on hand Aoril 1 1838 1 9174 88 Total receipt from all souroa 481U7S US Total revenue M8217W 80 Th above mm len bilanc of April 1 1SS6 la mad op aa follows lingular recelata of tbe Government from duties Uxaa fines etc 680813 34 Borrowed nnaer Loan act of 1896 1751300 00 Borrowed under Loan act of 11J74 10 000 CO Special Loan 60000 00 tforrowra tare rosiei naving av nee aAvji 01 1 Imn JLARA a llMSd 60 208474 03 Total l699117 38 Tb total amount of lb bov expeuiu devoted to th ncourigEMat of Immigration expenditure lor roads bridge Uctrlo llghti tc I 393035 inducting the 3tU035 from 369L 010 58 th amount ot Government expense over aodebove what vui riled to the national debt a balance 1 ift of 3297983 68 which would repre uot th current expense of tb Government for th biennial period ending March 31 1888 The imount whioh tb Government derived from lu regular revinne daring th list bUnnlal period waa mentioned akove 3680843 84 Subtracting thli from thelaat figures given ivu t17l40 24 which represent tb excess et th current expensss of tn Gov rnmtnt over iu regular ncelpU for th financial period LESSEIt ITEklS bsL JU it 1 Good lame AT HOME 13 A TOTv EB OrSTRESGTTI Abroad aayi tb fkmlCar proverb and II la tolly vetified by tb history of Hoods Bare peril in nrst wore oxcommeniauoa ana praise lor thla medicine were receivei from our friend and nelgbbrsand from the tim tt wu fairly iatrodaced np to the present thera ba been and la now more of Hootis Saraapaiilla Sold tn LoweO Mail where it I made than of all other aaraaparfllaa and blood purifier comofned Thla gcol name among popl who bav known Hoodi SarsaparOla and proprietors for yean ibouli certainly strong videnctopcplinotherctleaand town of th excellenc aad merit of tbU medkJne Bead fit book containing ititemantipf cure Salt Ilhetira Aitr tb fafiar of tare skinxnlphyaiciaa to core my bor Waalt rheum I tried Hood earsaparilla and Olive Ointment I have now need fonr boxee of Ointment and on and aniabaIfbctaiorsrsparllla and thbo Is to all appearance completely cored He ia now 4 year old and has teen aSlcted sine he waw 6 montba of age MasKSAHDES SOS 85 Newhail street Lowl Maaa Hoods SarsaparHIaie Sold try an drureWa il alx for Pr pared byaLHOOD4CaLowelliUat 100 DoseoOno Dollar ft WLDOUGIiAS S3 SHOE GISILKKS THE ONLY riXB CALF 3 tTEAMXESS SHOE in the world mad witbocw TACra oa haul A stjliah and dnrable si nails to wear the stocking or hurt the fee xnakea them aa romlortahla ami wen ftttln a a haad eewed shoe Buy the best iron cranio unlets stamped oa bottom Ik OoogluM Shoe warranted UWI IL NllUE th original aal only hand eewei welt 4 Shoe which eqoala cuatom mad ahoea costing fronx DOCGLA8sk snOE is worn by aa Bora and ta the best School Bho la th world All tbe above foods are made inCbngrees Button and Lice and if not sold by tout dealet write DOCGLAS BaocKTOV Maw FOB SALS BT JOS KOHLBECHEB lfS Fourth ttreett PHILADELPHIA BOOT AXD SHOX C0 IO Third Street near Market Be Beautiful TJSE YOSEMITE nm0 ST PERFECT million ot home for more than a Quar ter of a century It need by the United States Government Indorsed by tbe heads of tbe Great Cnlversltla tha Strongest Forest and most Healthful Or Prices Cttmm Bak tnf Powder doea not contain Ammonia Lime or Alum Bold only Can PBICE BAKING POWDER CO Hsw tobk cxicaeo St Loon A PLEASANT EEBAND York ato waiekr to Go to Ne for Tnnar Jsnp Hmry Kowaliky and Jamu Glllaran attorney and admiaUtrator respectively ef th Jesaup tzl will oon go to Niw Tottonanarraiidfortbtaitat Thygo to get from Stephen Bogart executor of th eauu ot Lt Jeuup ot York ail th money coming to the Gerahom ieasnp atat Thy bv th plaunr at traveling en tbi errand at the eetate expense ALCAZAK TBIATO To morrow evening flrar eppeinnce In tVmlYaaelaco th charming oomedlenne pretty plcuant ptU Llzxi Evaaa tn tb tnahtfe comedy Oar AbgtV npported by brewaatropoBta eompaay ne he a maraocitaAitwUh new kaagav dan BeuTta flvy Immigration of Japan Labor ra Aprlntor In tb Molokal leper lettu mnl propoae to itartanwipprif can get permlsiton from th Board of Hialib Tb terror of Walkolu valley hug boar wilghlng between 330 and 400 pound wltb tuiki about four and a bait inehea in length wu ihot and killed on the 4th Inst by Superintendent Wilson At tb urn Urn a brotbir probably but younger wu given lu death wound by Frank Godfrey The tuiki of both boars hav been forwarded to Honolulu for mounting Kalaupar th leper settlement en Molokal Island Urn jplled with an abun danea of pnre water by pip tin Just completed from VTilkoin Tb Honolulu Adttniter bu bn pur cbud by th Gauttt ind will run subetltut for th daily and supplement to th weekly Oautte Mnhl Soper got elw which worked op with vigor resoltln la a larg laizur of opium There wonld probably bav been a eiptur of owner also but that Indg Dayton could not found at tb right Urn to lain a aearch warrant however th Mirabel did th but he could under th circumstance htm ulf Captain Hopklni and Larn and three officer working np tb point At 1030 oclock tbey wer rwarded try find ing ix tin packtgii uh containing twenty tin at th contraband article ta a baaana patch at Kimtkila on the 8t Louis Coil road Tna wnr bad avt dntly icented tb bait and posiibly avoid rreit will a a lirrer ilxnr lky placing tb itoek abov ipielfiid out tlSry errirfiNoW nfil tttZTT ear iy UiuLsaiitag TheT alio relieve Diitrea from Br and TOO Hearty urt Aperreot remedy gor van neeaKlieaJJrow tlnenBsd Taste in th Month Coated APalntntbe SMa Tha Mwn let tb Bowel tad prevent Orjtlp2o6 and Pfleat Ar fre from aa crud and Irrtuangrnatter Owcmtnttdtaedidnt onryi Terr mall aaarta take na vJn Bogriptne Onlyooopflladcee aawry am AKa vxsaa wfHitnta Mfimm 1 IKE Insures Yelvety Skin and Clear Complexion Unrecognizable and Perfectly Harmless SAMPLES SENT FREE SOLD AT US BAimiKWTEk HARKnifPOWEaTSr BriBCu Store Geary ul Slocttoa Street HDNTLXGTOX EOPKINSCOilPM GENERAL HARDWARE SEW MODEL LAWN MOWER Th Bst la tb UarkcU Sample Hfl a test rrtt merit cent t3 anr Mdiwa Tb old reliable aal never faiuajr rem wvnuig 01 awe tb reeult of routbfot follle or eieeaaea Prlc a bottK ortou limes tb qnantlt la AddrenEBtJ uan MKnicATi DIBPZKAKxTlI Kearny atreet 4 I SC KAH CO UaaafaetarUg Optician S2S KKABMT tmiT lt SPZCTACLGS mCROSCOPia IKT aad 0ra01aaaeaMaaialamtrna Baron ten Thermometers Oomoaasea JOeotrl Be ten Drawing sluing Hnrveruvt and etna SUlantle IXItf Untint PtIOiUUsUPMC VvTHTS AMI SCPPUKS Claatrated Catalogue an Iy TU rre PIMOS fetael Tania Devtre eravtBi mimM wt no other pktao by which on plane stacd 14 taayeart cood for lOOi isSt tAeoted fettmate Nowoodle efdlv abkSav or wear Mtf rowwood eaMtVatsidonbl JtsSS 1 PTath street Saa rtaactaco 7 i M2slxh li tga8 4aeBesr SJitx3Meiia iSrajSiiT8iieeia3 VefeiisjeirJtJga jrtafodfc s5wB iC it s3a.

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