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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 8 THE STJXDAY CnROXICLE SEPTEMBER 2 1883 If tMOMsIIO PROM THE EAST Tlie St BernardsWelcomcd Home BUTTS HATCIUS HOTEL BILL 4 A FaUl Explosion Forest Firef on Long Island Deaths in Xew York The Bt TJernart Comirj udery ai rttrti home Tharaday aad vera given a royal welon a they Ibaad no tmaJt wit th drll dot bo nc uf ifcTti UM wp i tb TcOwtoM eaaotiy dtvcd Bate Bate f07 tor hod aad a taack Thr1 wan MM by It earaea of taawa4Bu rrafiktrlDTead several etk en JaTto JDvfT fan oTforutoa Lone la I en heroes yeteraay Tbcf wen lata to XewTcrkdwrtag Aa epscl Plsratrhat to the CHnoaictJt1 TUE ST BEKSAUDS BETVBX Arrival Irin fJarw at WI 1 Tracy tray OncaM September 1 St Bcniard Com SDaadery leavlcg Council Kaffir at 10 IS Thursday aa boar late ran directly rough tna lnf so tnu wewtary atop to XWUsgtOB wncrt ey arrive at 053 oclock Thursday nomine Then th party wen met by a delegation of Chicago Knight iiwiiinllni arret local Onnv manderies raider the direction of fix XighlJJ Badenoch of EL Bernard Oom manderyorC loag EU Knight BiT klna XL cheacn amor of th uccasi on wel txtoedhotuethe returning fratert la fitting weed oi eooACBdaUoa which wen dClT ertd In verse rtolknrtns tli Eir Kulfhii John 8 II tamer an and Cot aaa aan a lajodyon a tamlllar Irish oi the chorus ef which tu Mitly enacted la Pantomime falling at it Gid tor an elaborate display of Ok a Uercuelk mat wen a tuy appuea at proper time with sxx openTing note of apparent crteL Leaving Burlington at 30 JO a at the train snored oat of the depot and to Aaron wm mad lea fatiguing and If poeslM more pleasant than any other during the eastern toond trip Th Aurora Sir ilnlght In honor of the EL antra delegation very considerately and banoaomcly decorated the engine which wn to draw their train Into Chicago On leering Aaron rrnlncnt Onrannnder Moolum appointed a committee to draft ap proprlato reaulatidn thanking the Burilng ton road and Br Lowell General I acnger Arret At 430 oclock accompanied by two land of music tho aoo odd homo Mr Knight proceeded on their way to too depot followed by a large crowd The line lialied on lark street opposite the Grand radfie Hotel for tho purpoa of reeling up th Ean Francisco Guh composed of Sir Knights of Philadelphia and escorting them to the depot at ihey wen to take the IS train Fa tL On rearhlnt the depot tho On nuaaaderte marched wilder tho ahed tailed and faced to tho front The princt 11 officer of the dlfiereut hodlet then took the FanadelphU KnlchU alone tne line aa lottof at they taed and when the rhCa aelphian boarded their train they wen Udden coodtiTwIth three cheen Thetpe dal train oa tho CMcaco BarUnrtoa and Qafney from tho Wot wat txhlnd time and to reliero tho monotooy of waiting tho Landt played almoatcontunUr Tbotandt and tho Sir Knlthtt toctther fffled the depot fun of people and when the train came an a lew minute anerwaraa ui pilfrunt moat hare Imarlned that a pretty larra tee Uoaof Cstcaro had tamed out to weleoae them Then i eat cheerlns all alone the tine Anwax tho pectaton wen the wire fweethearta and famClci of tho Cnlfhtianai toon aj tho train atopped the KnlchU Jumped off and ran to them yxt they turned to their Mend and book band bnt did sot kb them Theae individual weloomiup took npCfieen or twenty minute and wen ended by a bogle call tho tin 1 to rwible In lino Thl wa quickly ccompllahed by all tho ladle and they were aoon on the road to tho ELBcrnardi Armory en the SCorth aid tat kind of a time did yoa haret aikeda Trtmmt reporter of Captain 2urln aonrannander of tho drill corpa The finest la the world Mow came yoa to tali taking tho fint jelnT Oa account of oar formation Were the lodge onfalrH Xo they were impartial bare one complaint to make agalnat them The trouble wu Imply thl Our formation ha alwtyi been fron Iwentyfcmr to thirty alt men and nine officer The tactic prorlde for a formation and drill tor a certain num tctof ElrKnlghu and their oBicen com Xnandcr and right and left guide to Ukt charge of the platoon and tho command an glrea from the right of platoon and the UcUcaproTida tethaC but the judge being regular army officer decided that all abould hare guide that I two of them 10 decided while tho third admitted I waa right So I told them would bo obliged to withdrew tat they atked ta to go out and drill and thia would cool maUert Af tera ard they cooled It by gi ring the third prlae Oar raat Commander Woodman who wai member of the JTlt DriQ Oom aniuee here went to tho Chairman of the Itia rrfU imlllee and wanted to know 1j the eondoaloci bad been antrod at clalmltg that oar drill wm rood a that of either of tho Oommandetle but be could not explain II atked for oar eon bat wm glrea that of tho Pe MoUy BW and that of the tuecr TV la the drill crerythlng 1 lathohandrof tbcjaagea It doe no good to pretest Wo on aaUaded and a I aald barn no com plaint to mak bat I think wo drill well enough to htra earned at least the second Jane Oar formation and manual aa analtotaatortleotheraWM acanowi edrod by the Judge and rrery one else wo mad one or two bad break but altogether too much treat hu been laid on them We won aot used to tho ground It wat soft oil and that mad It difficult tor the boy to march on Tho other Cctnmanderie wen used to It they drilled two ot three boon oTcry morning while wo did not wing la reception wo bad to bold at tho beadquarteta which kept up until 1 or 2 clock and wewer oat of bed agala at ft raL Too mock reerpUoa bad a bad 8ectr No It wm simply becaoM drilled without guide and tho army officer war not saUaSed with oar formation ruling it wulaeornc ome of oar mea fatt son beraoM they wen beaten and started a atory that we bad Dot attended to business There 1 ao foaadaUon for tt Then was not a member of the corps who wm any the worse for the reception AS behared themsalre Ilk gentlemen They gar exhibition drill ta tho rcTiUoa did lb other Command ria and all summed that own wm tie best A an todlcirton of tht frellng of tho corps it may be staled that they claim to be tho champion of tho laltad Stata and they an wUlln ta pot an tho basnet they now bold and let the Do llolay Eapu or any other Gotamaadery la the country com twtefarlt XX THE TnxowvroxE dark Ean rnaetem At tho Metropolitan Uamr 80 rrancifeo Vitsx and wile Xls DaUOB California At thd Repben JJLBreck rortland Mist or San Frandaeo At the EC James Mrs CSMprain ILEranilcnrtclnWO Brandon Mrs Rdd Eaa rrandaco At Sweeneys Ilote famiTace RA Uayes Battery Ean Fnnelseo At the Etnrterant nous IT Grtret Kn Long eta nancco At the Grand Cakm Breck Portland 8 KuHer and wie Ban rrandsoo At tho Pnacott Hooa Bchloaa Pre San rraDcUoo At the Contlneatal CJ Eob crtsaadwife Todd Eaa rrancjjoo At tho Eresea noose Wslker Km Walker Vha Walker Berger 8an rran dieo At thVetlnteT MrOrelUa Ore Oakland At the Atbland AlLGsy lor Mrs Heed Eaa Francisco At the Trindsor Beardaley and wife UilH Eocdain 8a rrtnelaco At thoAitor Doaaa A Iiteomh Ban Fran clseo THE TEXAS PACinC GRANT Argwasent Agmiaat Ita Traaater to the tacrw raetne Cxicioo Beptember lvA Waihlofton tpedal ujt Jodre Partoa Is prepartcg an argument against the transfer of the Texas Paofie land erant to the Soathem Paelne Railroad to bo Sled with the Secretary of the la dor Tba Jodge tu fortloed himself pretty Uioeoughly with prtrate and pub lie documents Then Unbelief on the part Of many persons who hare watched tho course of UK Teller that be will decide against the transfer and would do so without any argument Then Is room for plenty of doubt about the Southern radfle claim and the Secretary hat generally denied the benefit of the doubt to claimant corporation There an about 15000CHXJ acres of land In this grant and Judge Psyson is deter minen ta seouiw wa Kiutn turn van 01 take extreme grdund In the ease of these grant and will not admit that Ten la tht cue of tho Northern Pactne then is nothing Metbai can no none In tha fint nlaee the Korthera radfie has several subatdiarr mm that It tu not tamed and ha no Intention lor tht present at least of earning About 1600000 acre of the beat land in Oregon wen granted tor the Portland and Aatnrta line which the company shows no inclination to construct There art 3000000 acre along the Colombia oa both sides of the rrrer which the fcorlbern Psdlle will nerer make a route thrnogn becaoas It has eoma into potwaiaton of the road already built then by the Ore gon tuiiroaa ana aruauon uompany then an about l2000oo acre along the propoaed Cascade line when no road hat yet been mada Obrioaaly theae tracts an still within the reach ot Congress fcren In the case of land granted to the main line though the lint bu been completed where patents hare not been tewed to the rail mad company Jades Payson holds that Congress can still deelan them forfeited This ta not agreed to br many persons eren those who would be glad to see the grant soneuea ii post tote nut joage i syson ermcura with sir Bolman of Indiana in the belief that it Is not yet too late to deelan the lands forfeited Be will a soon a CoofTTi meet oner hi bill declaring the mrfeitnn of all unnalentad land crania The Forty aeTentn Congrea bad under connoeration tne ctaun ot tne lduu i aci Se Ralltoad Companj to a lapsed land grant of 15 000000 acres of land Of the Southern Pacific Company Judge Parson of Illinois and Proctor Knott oi Kentucky wen originally the only two members of Congress who opposed the legality of the transfer Subsequently Knott wu taken tick and Parson wm left ta firht the scheme alone This he did so well that on the final rote the transfer wm defeated and tne bill declaring the grant forfeited and returned to the public domain wm reported to the House but failed to past After adjournment it tu stated to Judre rayson that MesKs uuntigum and Crocker of the Southern ratine would endeavor during the summer to induce Seen tary Teller to recognise their road as the landirnnt read and certify to tha Southern Pacific the land grant In order to forestall this action Jtfctge Payson reaueated the tweretary of the Interior and Attorney General to notify him If the company attempted any loch action in order that he night present an argument in opnnritlon Ituring hi absence In California Judga Parson noticed in the news Epcn a paragraph that Mean Iiunn accran and Cobb had filed a protest against the transfer of the grant andasub seqoent item to the effect that Mr 11111 claiming to represent there had made an Ineffectual attempt to withdraw the proteit supposing that something had been done ha cam to Washington and found an elaborate argument filed by Tweed of the Uw firm of Tweed A Choate of ew York uklng that the Texu racinc grant trans fiirred to the Southern raclfle company IVraoa Immediately set about nrenarlnr a reply to this and is now engaged at the Interior Ieirtment In collecting evidence then on rile In support of his statement mat tne lexai nu tac cm do legal uaim whatever to tha landrrantot the ittutbern Itciac Company In eanreisation to night ne saia ne out a a icpieacpta uto tne tot4 to fisht acalnst this eflort to teal 16000000 acre of the public domain Thia ba said Is onlr one caaa out of manr inroinng upwards of 13000000 sere of upsea lana ran is nti up ue present time ha received far too little attention finta the pre of the country and which will certainly become a feauin of dlecuj sion in toe next uongraa A KAILBOAD DISASTER XMaeaaed Trawl A Gd Jah a Carwoo September 1A Trftaar special frota the TtUowttone Tta Urlngiton Aoruat fist tan The rnsidenr trtyls Tsryaaae cnagriaed with thon aull of tne ing to oay in us icugvuan riTtt Tht trout art sot only toft but In tested with panattea The cans tt supposed to sulphur and hot water pouring late tho si mis KoTu Hatch and tea of kit party returned to day played out Qt My hi sickaestwu only a subterfuge deelan that be vUed the President la the CMsgiilss of a cowboy and seat oat a report ttf hbtlckncaiAa an it tnt mat eomptett Tha Pnaldent tried to hide from hla taaa rH regtoa but bo sucoradedia gettbag an cjurmsiuttdaBt into hi jsisenn ty tit rate Safui It bapttbecut Ot Jretidcttt bad to tend and purchase tnn pUss of hlmand ear that the road an so nbomtnenle in the psj tk that ata rxosUeney wm recommend ta trrropriaUoa of 100 OOO lor their Improvement A great Jokt wm played em llatca Be stopped over stlgM with tho only rival hotel taeparta the trtcpatrirtBoUandfar this and a laach the maa charged aim f97 Bafa wm so mad a bo ordend bis mea to cnot a toot hotel to day right at a pot at sear by which shaa cut off travel from hi rival Me tan be trOl beat thai hotel If be tu to provide tne aonommodHor at the xcntoroLxs ftlc Coast roacdo at Jfew Tork yrwToaa ecpteraber le Tae tallowing Tacifit cot people art tt tht hotel her At tbt fit KlchoUs Mnvja Mlsh Mo Ckvm lefc Mia MeCtetaiek Baa Frandseo At tit Oread JIotet Mla J3aeomh lira Sara Baa franciaco At the Tremont ITmaw Tmr a plPlrii At tho Uoffhian PSaerwood rranciHMlWUOrofon At the Grand Ctntral Voorter a Btdneg Eaa rranetoeo At the Cosmo PSua Gflear Johason WWm Aa Open Switch Cause tho Lou of Two Uvea Concctt BixTrt lay September tr terrible accident occurred tt Crescent City a ttetioa oa tht Chicago and North western road Bear this city this after noon Freight train Xo 10 coming west ran off an open twitch ditching tht engine and the six cars Conductor eslerM unn and eulneer John Mabln wen buried under the cars and instantly killed A fireman es caped by jumping clear ot tne wreex a tramp aged 75 yean wat burled beneath the train but wm token out alive It I not known who I to blame for the witch being lea open tadlaa Belle la a Cemetery Catcsoo Beptember 1 Workmen In the Forest liomt Cemetery in tat city wnu excavating opened a pit disclosing a lot of Indian relic and among others a white mummy or doll bead and some stone scalp en nseo oy inc aTerea in ptac ot tarn to ahawk beside a lot of arrow heads and Clots Is a mound wm discovered a copper kettle and two wooden ladle Two Uoro Case of Tellow Jack PgnacoLA Fla September Two case of yellow fever wen reported at tht nary yard to day Mr Paymaster Brown 1 convalescent Doctor Ikiaao the notorious yellow fever medicine man is ill at the yards A Moral Railroad Dorxrx Crrr Kan September I The City Coondl Instructed the Marshal to enforce the ordinance ta relation to gambling and prostitution after September 6th An ordinance at also adopted to go to effect at the asm time prohibiting mude ta saloon and deuce balls This action wu brought about by the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad and they have assured the city authorities that If an earnest effort ta mad to relorm a branch road would come ben and the company would at ooceoommenos the erection of permanent and cxpenilve building hot In the event of no ruch effort being made all shop would be at one removed and the road taken to some other point Several of the railway officials were hen awaiting the action of the Council and art ptrtBctlj ttttifled with tht result A Xystortows rrtaoner JTrw Toax Beptember 1 Inspector Byrne and a detective arretted la Wall street a mysterious prisoner The police would give no Iniora tloa concerning him It wm learned however that the man wm arretted en tatpteiott of being on of tht partita concerned In tht Northampton bank burglary in lSTd when over rJOu00u0 wm stolen All the men connected with this crime wen arrested except William Connors nd James Byrnes tt It thought the former It now undergoing a term of Imprisonment and the maa now ta custody must iheremn Byrne Deatk Record la New Tork Xt Yoax September 1 The number of death reported at the Bureau ef Vital Wansttn daring tho month of Aoruat wm 1 4 a deereaie of 541 from that la August miandadcreof 4M from tht cor responding month la IBS ta Xrtfcw est Cncaeo Beptember 1 The Tiase pub Bahcttterttt of Inlerrtewi with rtprtaen taUTmnln various boslnease Theyn port trad In aa tmnsoallr healthy condl tloa here and thioagboat tb Ixvtawest and predict a proBlaUe normal business dsrisf tht oonuf tall and winter riliall Tarwat Fires Hnmalt Peorr LXSepUmbsr 1 The wood rxtween TVett Deerptrk and ram Ingdsle along the line of the Long Uland KaUraad em find by narks from a locomotive Over tour mile wen burned and tne ait It ttlU extcndlns The district Uipanely settled bat several families wen driven from their booses by the approach of the Idaiitlia llatka whole district rovartag many mUea will be devastated litre arc no ucuiuet ur arrcsuni ut an A tlsrper oT thy a Track EsvcjrxA rTXJ September 1 A datsetlve iwftth threw tht rear truck of the tleeper of the Cleveland aad Pittsburg txpreat off tb track ThccchwMdrsgrdaomsdl tasee esdilag tasatda of several ean eg local freight on the aiding and killing John Borteorh who wu standing between the tracks Ike passenger ta the sleeper et Arreated aad Discharged Xtr Toxx beptember 1 Camoel Logan wm arrested Utt night by ITakertcert tecttvea on a charg of stealing 12noO frota Auams Expra Company at innl pe Commlas loner Osborn discharged the accused on tht pound of Insufficient eri Spraga Agala fftrtfl pmrTTMxes cepttmher le A a aettng of the Qr Company that afternoon the stock being repeeMated by Jnrtgnoo Ponwroyand Trettot ramiworth Stephen aaeUred Pnaldent aad Cbaiiet Oooid Eecntary Ilarris proceeded I to the cAotofUMcatanaayiewVuiiaa Bpragu And demanded of tha property fc prague tatd be wu no longer President but represented me lTtsaeni aou uarri ajr tempted to tax poimujuiiiom iv www am Kt vtpHfl tJMniff remonstrated with the irate man but bpraeue reiterated that he would kill him and II Hani went to the mill in hi absence he had men there who would throw him Into a trench a cold corpse Harris then withdrew AX EASTERX FORGER TJew Ha Worked Hero and TTa Caacht la Itew Tork Another cut of fraud and forgery hit been brought to light and the criminal cantund by the energetic conduct of Cap tain I lee A man giving the name of Addison Seymour arrived front hew lork via Canon Kcv oa August 4 accompanied by hi wife and two children and took room at the Brooklyn Hotel lie brought a letter of introduction from one of the Car sonVlntsmnlorestoB Lalhrop who at that time had hi office with General Turnbull the tock broker on rue street The letter stated that Seymour wished to par cosje some isnas on wnicn to locate un Saturday August ISth Lathrop ordered loo shares ol ravage stock through Turn bull for Seymour The tune day beymonr called at Lathrop loffice and atked him to accompany him to the Nevada Bank he whbed to get a check cashed payable at St Joseph Mo lathrop complied with tha request and Identified Seymour at the bank The bank thenaiked Lathron to lndorie the check Seymour wa a tranter to them ana relying upon tne letters or introaocnoa Lathrop oulglnsly indorsed It and then left the bank in company with his new friend feevmour aald he would ro directly to the office and pay Lathrop for the stock but lnnesa of that na went to tne Brooklyn paid hi bill and with his wife and children left for the East by the Southern route The cnecK wnicn aa lorwaraea bl jotepn for cancellation 1 follows St Joketh 1VV Anmat4 18S1 Mate RTlnr Baok of ft JoaepX Me Pay to Jts MCXMuaio uearrr fiao feigned BAILKY Indoned on the bark McDonald ana Isaac uosea anaceruneu nyuit I rands cashier Upon its arrival at It destination the check wu protested before 8 A Meeker a notary public on the ground of forgery The National Bank of bL Joseph to which it had been forwarded thereupon telegraphed to the Nevsda Bank of this dry and Informed It that the check wu worthless and a forgery The Nevada Bank placed the cue in the hands of Captain I Lee on August 23d and after Investigation Lees discovered that Seymour had fled to the East A dispatch wu Immediately sent to St Louis and arrived lour boon after Seymour had left that city It being also ascertained that Sevmoor formerlv lived in Casanova 29 Browvell the Sheriff or Madison county in wnicn casonova is situated wu Informed by telegram of tht affair Yesterday evening a telegram wu received from Sheriff Browvell stating that ne bad captured Seymour and would noia him at Morritrille Madison county until further order Chief Crowler aniwered that a requisition would be tent for the prisoner tomorrow and he will be returned to this state for trial a HIE LOCK OUT Action Taken by the Sacramento Knights of Labor Sacramento Aacembly No 855 Knight of Labor met last Monday evening In Pio neer nail In that city and unanimously adopted the following resolutions Wkxbuii Labor is tb source ot stl wealth therefore those who labor are and of right SDouiaDeireeinaepenienimen anawnere aa tha preorletor of lb San PraiKiseo Call and AWm ta seeking to deprlva their env aovee at tnalienah riehla have at once uw rsrea tbetff lees and their Influence agalnat us cause ot laoor ana tne uiguiiy ui laoorug men therefore Urmltrd That so aong thorn newspapera eonUnuein this snhuly crnaads agalnat right anil justice the members of this orsmaliauoa withdraw from them all patronage aad sap pon ana csu npoa au otnersano eynipai with labor in Its nruccle fcr lndependeuc da likewise JttmjtveH That wa bereby tender to tb iacaeo euK prinirn cm nan rancsHxj our hearty sympathy and earneM support Aejolmt 1 hat sll newspaprn friendly to the caie of labor tu he State be requested to publish theae resolatlutia Another meeting of trade unionitta and Knigbls of Lstwr will be held on Wednesday evening In Metropolitan 1111 to uphold the loeked out printer of the Call and EuHe Urn and to express public sentiment a to the tyrannical refusal of the proprietors of those journals to allow their employe to join the Typographical Union The cook and waiter held a meeting last evening Twenty five new members wen enroueo i ney aeciaea to aiiena the man meeting in lavor of the printer next ft ednesday evening In a body a A Fluvial Phenomenon A little before 10 oclock last evening a tudden shower of rain extending only par tially oxer the city fell drenching In an ln tant those who were slow in finding shelter It fell so roddenly that most of those In the street turned their hesda upward thinking that ome one wu throwing water out of the window on them In a few min utes the Stan reappeared The street presented a singular appearance tha dividing line between the wet and dry being perfectly marked Montgomery street wu drenched yet Sutler Bush Pine and other streets were dry a bona and many person were unable to account for the damp street not having seen the rain descend icopi rutnea out ot tneir itores in toe ram and looked incredulously upon the phenomenon perfectly unmindful of their drench A Dinner to Sherman The Military Order of the Loyal Legion Commandcry of the State of California will give a dinner to General Sherman on Wednesday evening at the Occidental Hotel at 630 oclock General John Tldball and Colonel Dodge aids to the General have also been invited to be present Members of Eastern Commanderles of the Order who may be la the city an requested to report their addreue to the Recorder it smedberg 310 California street To Do Ousted From Office All the Democratic politician who have aspiration toward th Prison Conualstlon ershlp an anxiously awaiting the arrival of Governor stonemu now at Napa where In conjunction with ex Judge Wallace he 1 preparing the finding in th Prison Com miaslon investigation It seem to be a fors rona conclusion that the present Commis sioner will be ousted ft ho will take their place I lest certain although the matter 1 said to fully settled Drowned la tho Bay Two teamen employed on Captain eimp ton new tugboat lying tt Bcele ttreet wharf found th body of a man floating In th bay about 3 oclock yesterday afternoon Tb deceased who had evidently been In th water about twelve hours wu about 40 yean or age ana ugnt combiexionea a there an no evidences of foul nlar it la supposed be fell into the wster bile Intoxicated The body await identification at tbt Morgue a Collision oa Sutler Street Dummy No 4 of the Suiter street Railroad ran Into a team yesterday forenoon between Kearny and Montgomery street Tht warou wu on the track la front of th dummy and th driver wu evidently trying to get out of th way ft hen the collliloa occurred the wagon wu thrown clear of the track ana tne driver wu nunea violently i i rin am ikuut stones severely cut his hand and face a Passenger List OatXA rassed through to arrive In thlt city aa th 4th inst Mrs Cooghlan Baa Francwi Vetta Mew Tork Jones savannah Oa i Alfred Six Baa Frao rttcoi Kahlmaa wll aad nephew Lima MS Mrs Jllniaa Portlaai orl Mrs Ooonlnr AUc Coonlng Lest port Mei Mm anaaa wb Caaux Ps rd throoga to trrtvt ta thi city to day I Ashley Denver CoLt DcLvaTssItLake UTI Phil A Baloome aad wUBVBanalo YI ltosd Cbarles toaB 6T Mn I sdla Red HIUTCaL Etevens and win Omaha teb IX Negus Salt Lake CTI Mn Manley Kaa saa Thompaoa Kew York city A JUX A 1 Lwwnws uei uwre a ananaris armoctooa JalesWeaburrerJana Franc aaunael Haudheles New ork cttyi Mrs Smith SnrlnrOelu SlsI A Davit and wife San Kranciso William Oruvtll Kaclaad Steven ran Franc ot IX Fsber CKuaaa Mebt SichW A FriedMa Hww i era curt Jamas AOiarlea Baa rraselace Cnertie BrehaJLee UT PKodabuaa fteatlBllrMlKodehwjhC uternlai Mis Kii uo en an a targo stun vny Aaas 117 emigrants IncJodlag dgnty mor mains te win aeptaaibee to TTaa inri rasaril throarn to arrtv tn thi city today I speoce Moo Wllaea 6r Wlas A Branson Lea Angeles Mis Rede Mrs Laru aa Mia Charles Iloavcbera John OaJ aa Mi TaafSni la isa Los Aerates IX Htuiraham win aad child Ctucaso IUI A Usher Kan Dtegc tail Samuel Gray baa Pedro Call Krlckson Los Aa Utibmaismi flrrttatlcai all kldnev and nri narv complalnti cored by Bochn PalU a WSXX350 JACXXTSftrmerty f8 nowB3 00 WaUlacscaMaa3rortyeitBew CO Battarbadanisclrculsra quilted Ualng for collar and for edging axmerty aas now HBO AlresJaieestarmattrtlSanw tM aAaeeasI omsnana inawe hi wu ear merty 30 new IS 00 Black fur eapet fcrmerlr BIO now ft 00 CJiiMreeT suits aw all ages to easamen wool aal price monv vaaiiiaaia eut the leading doafe aad salt hoa Jut a aarnjsuecw A rctx and beautiful asaortment oi learara tmtbsn aad bird has jest been rs atvrd ftwaa the Xm at the rsahVowFlo er Ad Feather Store loot Mark tree ell cheaper tbaaanjhoatsUU dry Wnn Wreak Voaroa and ele gant variety eompaay at Weodwartrs to day nr in nrm and ehoicmt of candlet at Inwfl ea ty ttetery OTT Palac Ir yoa want a box of fin candle call at Oratahagea a 30 Kearny ttxeet a ritniL IrnxtM Birm Warm salt water Open day aad evening Tns tha fineat snita at tha lowest Tirinn to BclllvaasHO Kasrsy street Wnre sv a eim lined aritb enflterl aalln aiBelllTaailMaUanyitreet Doxy fan to tltendVtlddleton anction FROM FOREIGN LMDS SearcMng for the Dead in Java ABEEST OP COXSPIEATOBS Uore Frencli Troops Jfecded In Tonqnin Riots In Hun eary A Bark Lost There no fetr of further er nptlont la Java at present th straits of Sosda cloned to navla4lanjBlx Irishmen soapected of complicity In the Glasgow expiosloa have been ar rested A large French force It needed tn Tonqoln Ther ht fresh rioting In Hungary Theomierclsl treaty between Germany and Spain hu been approved by the Beicb taxTh Queen of Madagascar 1 dead Tha British berk Joaa hat been lost off Feasance with eleven menu JSInee the cat break of cholera In Egypt then have been 27318 death f8pedxl Dispatches to th Csaosriein1 THsV eTAYA DISASTER Digging Oat the Dead The Strait of Snndn Closed New Toax September A cable special to the Sun from London eayt From dls patchet recelTed from Beta rialut night it appear that fears of further eruptions In the island of Java in the Immediate future have subsided and all the efforts of th people are concentrated on the work of burying the dead and preserving the health of the living All along the shores from Point Lampon to the river Pagulseon the north em eout and from the river IJemardcric to Itlpan Kok on the southern coast then an found corpse thickly strewn lathe forest of tb Interior from the river IJiedom to the river IjIeUrram dead bodies tie lying closely together In tome Instance only partially buried under the sulphurous white mud or hardened lava that flowed from the eruptle enters About df break on Wednesday another of those startling Incident attending upon the great disturbance wu manifest With a cessation of the paronyms vapors were given off containing a variety of add and as the lava cooled down salt wm deposited at the mouths of the enters The adds of these vspon issuing from fissures In the divided mountain caused an unusually npld decomposition in the exposed part of the gnat rock at the summit or the seven peak A number of them split apart suddenly ftednesday releasing ton of depending earth Thl caused several hundred tildes during the morning and they went crashing down Into the valley carrying destruction and death with them On the edge of the town of Nam tome fifteen or sixteen Chinese In a section of the sanitary corps were burled before they were aware of the cause of the deep rumbling above them A few njore bodlet were found to day tt Bantam Warring and ralitla Most of the corpse la th lower part of Batavia hav been disposed of and there are no fears now that the health of the city will be affected Four vessel arrived late Wednesdiy night One of them had attempted to enter th straits of Sunda but had barely got through the entrance when she struck on a harp sunken rock newly thrown up ahd had a hole store in her bow She had great difficulty In keeping the water out by hard pumping long enough to reach port No attempt will be made to navigate the trait until a new survey and soundings are made Large force of men are at work In all directions digging out bodies from beneath the lava and rock At Compange Boera many bodlet hare been dng out At Groro the corpses seem to be more mangled than In any other town Most of tha death were caused by falling rock and debris Report Just In from Ttirocva give the number of dead ISO San Jorre lort about 1000 souls Of the Darian SirlloM population 130 perished Many other Tillage and hamlet report a large proportion of their population gone THE IRISH CONSPIRATORS Money for ODonnellt Defense More Arrest of Suapect LoxDox September 1 At a meeting of Irishmen In London last night money wu subscribed to pay an eminent solicitor to defend ODonneli the layer of Jame Carey Since the conviction of Dr Gallagher and other dynamite conrplnton the London police hare closely pursued clues which have been obtained in regard to other members of the gang and which it is believed will clearly establish the fact that relation exist betaeen the illegal societies In England and America Glssqow September 1 Fix Irishmen suspected of being connected with the dynamite trouble in Glawow on the 20th of January last when the largest gasometer In the city wu blown up and otherproperty destroyed were arretted here Tnursdsy night The police decline to reveal the source of the Information which led to the arrest ot the Irishmen charged with having been connected with the attempt to destroy property here lut January The men wen all apprehended at the same time in different parts of the country Tb house in which they lived In wu searched by the police The prisoners were charged with blowing up the largest gasometer In the city destroying railway sheds and attempting to destroy with dynamite th aqnednct of the Forth and Clyde canal Another Irishman named Donnelly wu arrested her on the seme charge TUB TREXCU IX TOIfQCIX Mora Troop Needed The Chinese HopefaL Lovdox September 1 A dispatch from Hongkong says the uneasiness over the Ton quin affair I unabated and the movement of Chine troop continues Th French Admiral Is watching everything closely and la la constant telegraph communication with tha French Embassador tt Peking The French force Is considered Insufficient At least 10 000 will be required A dls Kteh from lia Nol ssys th recent defeat of neral Courbet Is generally known and that the Chinese are greatly elated thereat which feeling the downfall of Une hu la nowise checked Binux September 1 Th French Minister hu attempted to reopen with the Chinese Embassador to Germany negotiations which were being conducted by tho Marquis Tseng Psars September 1 A telegram from One tayt tht King of Anam undertakes not to correspond with the Emperor of China Tho Storm la Newfoundland TotoxTO September lA well informed and relltbl party at St John having been telegraphed yesterday to make a statement about the losses by the recent storm and tidal wave sent th following unexpected reply The storm of Thursday last wu not heavy here Hare heard of no casualties worth mentioning There are omt rumors respectiog losses on th Bank No tidal way whatever 8T Job September 1 There an no further details of tht recent dlsuter on th Bank Tb schooner Sabine arrived vessels wen all deeply laden and ht believe could not survive th storm la Memory ot Cbaxnbord Losdos Beptember lvQuee Victoria hu Mnt a magnificent bouquet of lUlet and while rose to Frohsdorf to be placed on Chambords coffin 8t rrrtMtrao September 1 Tht Knt dan Court roe into mourning fire days for the Count De Chambord ViKXXS September 1 Emperor Frand Joseph yetterdsy received all the Orleans Prince here Three thousand Frenchmen arrived at Galitx to attend the funeral of Count Chambord It i expected that 400O mora will be present on tho day of th funeral Countess De Chambord received th Orieant Princes with royal ceremonies FeOBsbOK September 1 The Papal Nuncio st Vienna consecrated the remain of Coont Da Cbaabord to day la th presence of a delegate from th Emperor hu ds Joseph a number of Lcglumltu tnd other A certificate of death wu placed la the coffin Th American Method Recommended LosDox September 11 dret ar hu been tent to Britlah port by th Executive Committee of the International Fisheries Exhibition recommending that the American method of catching mackerel tad herring be ahowa the eout population and accordingly raggest that an American flsh echoooer be hired to com to Great Britain and visit all the principal centers of drift net fttherlet for the purpose of demon traOng to Engtiih fishermen the mode of th working ot tho purse at In net and it treat eflec vrnra Th circular taaa eat that th expense be borne by the Exbibt Uon OoniinktoeTt Distressed British Swbjeets I rrK September 1Tb teamrytir wkCuamTamaUrAnnnWhTU Mauritius hat arrived at Durban with a number of distressed British subjects InuM the ta Hhaar the Kna liah inuaion ary imprtaoned by th rrench iaMadagat ear 8htw complaint bitterly of hit treat ment on board the nagsnip xuiraow taw He area SnrhbMen an iMimmlAU with UM shoes at Tamauv Th French Consols account of the engagement tn which the Hovu were reported defeated art declared imrtllahi Blot la Dagry petti September 1 Tb military hen oppressed fresh attemptt at riotltuy agmlnst the Jew ta BohL Many rioter wen arrested Then ba been renewed rto agla the Beejedta cUtuict Band of peuant an parading singing the toon of 1848 tad riioclalmlnc nnmmnw tie tentimsnta 1 a Jwa44 VMVjjt IV tniunilaaaiiie wa to day tor th pnrpoM of attacking th Jew In that place The mob wu fired upon by the military and one man wu killed and three wen wounded Fourteen peasants were arrested The Cholera In Ecyyt AuxAXCtls September 1 Twelve deaths occurred fromeholen yesterday The death rate among th British troop In Ejypt hu fallen loo per cent The official report shows that there have been 37318 deaths from cholera in Egypt since tha outbreak of the epidemic Of the 140 were British troop stationed in Egypt Fighting 1st A than tee Land Loxdox September Lr InteUigenee hu been received that fight occurred on the 3d and 6th of August at Ooomassle between Kelkoffl and Mlnaah Sixty of the latter men were killed A Commercial Treaty Fasted Beaux September 1 The treaty of commerce between Germany and Spain passed the third reading in the Reichstag to day A meuure Indemnifying the Government for carrying the provisions oi the treaty into Immediate effect wu also passed An imperial message declaring the Reichstag closed wu then read Anarchy la Zoluland Dvaaax September 1 Zululand Is in a state of anarchy Cetewayo hu uked for British protection The Old Wound Reopened Bxaux September Baron Von Man teaneL General Commander of Alsace LorraineLorraine hu closed the French Literary dub at Met Alfonsos Vacation Vixxxa September 1 King Alfonso expected to arrive here on September Oth and remain one week A Sensible Monarch CorzxBsoxx September 1 The King of Denmark declined an offer of a municipal fete tendered tn honor of the Czar because he say the Czar came to Denmark for repose The Queen of Madagascar Dead LoxDox September 1 A dispatch from Pari say that th report of the death of the Queen of Madagascar is eon firmed A niece of the late Queen who 1 hostile to the French succeeded to the throne A British Bark Lost Pexzakck September The British bark OLJma which tailed from Bull Blrer 8 July 31st for Falmouth with a cargo of pboapate wm totally wrecked off Penzance Two of the crew were saved but it is feared the others numbering eleven were drowned A Missing Steamship Mottseal September 1 The steamship Ludvia Is sixty day out from Antwerp and the owners bare abandoned all hopes of her saiety mere were seventy persons on board twenty four of whom were passengers UODERX C1I1VALRV A Waiter Who Wants Blood for nn Insult A modem Don Quixote hu appeared In the person of a German restaurant waiter named Charles Runt who in support of his claims to the lore of his fair Dulcinea del Toboso a certain Miss Louise Wiesenhavem residing at 1630 Polk street hu Issued a challenge to deadly combat to one of his traduccrs The facts the case are follows Hurst wu engaged to Mlsaftieaen havern whose sister wu alio engaged to Albert Schenck a picture frame maker with Housemann Brothers on the corner of Snt ter and Sansome streets Schenck did not sppreciate tbe worth of Ilurat chsneter because he a employed in the humble occupation of a waiter and therefore did not wish to have him a brother In law lie insinuated to the members ot the Wlesen harem family that Ilurst wished to marry Louise only for ber money Hurst heard this defamation and upon meeting Schenck at the family mansion on August 16th a quarrel resulted ending in the Hurst engagement being broken off The waiter brooded over his wrongs for a time and finally tMntpr that the quarrel should be ended on the field of honorbe wrotelh following challenge to Schenck Fa KCrnco August 31 1883 Atbcrt fkkenek Bini I the undersigned Charles Hnt herewith take your challenge from Angusl 16th about facing you It shall be a duel tor liie oa weapons John MUler fprenenl la my second Sena your second ana make amngemente fur time place and weapons Your truly enemy CUABLE8 UbRT The ehaHeiure wu intrusted for delivery to John Miller a grocer at the corner of Kearny ana vauejo streets miner nanng more regard for his friend life thn hu feelings showed tbe challenge to Officer Peckinpeh who thereupon arrested the bloodthlnty waiter for sending a challenge The case hu been continued in the Police Court to Tuesday a A VACANT OFFICE Death of Fire Commissioner Edward Flaherty Fire Commissioner Edward Flaherty died at 7 oclock last evening at his residence 0O3 Clay street He had been affected 1th lung disease which combined with general debility caused his death at the comparatively early age of 46 He wu born in New Torais Twenty five yean ago he came to California working at first In Donahues foundry Afterward he opened a saloon on Morton street and a similar establishment on Washington street From thl he drifted into politics becoming a strong Republican As such he served two terms Supervisor of the Tuird ward from I860 to 1870 At that time each ward elected its own Supervisor and Flaherty had complete control of tha ward which he represented Subse quently he wu appointed Fire Commissioner an office which be has held by means of reappointment and defective legislation on the matter of succession or eight years the question whether or not bis successor Is legally elected being nowln the Courts Tbe deceased wu a member of the old volunteer Fire Department holding tbe position of foreman of Knickerbocker No 0 He a at unmarried but leaves several nlatlves in thl dty Tbt firt bell on Brenham Else wat tolled for an hour lut night In onor of hi memory OAKLAND ITEMS Osgood hu rmrchased 200 acretof land in Washington township for which hu paid 820883 Henry EadesWM arrested yesterday by Officer Taylor for stealing money from th till of a saloon on 1 lrd and Franklin streets James Wriarht a shoemaker whil wsik lng on Broadway last evening fell and broke his leg at the ankle lit wu remortd to his homt on Fourth street rt1l lVu It mt of the Central Padfle had his right hand badly crusnea yesterday wniie coupling can at Bay wards Two of his fingers had to be amputated At the lut meeting of the City Council A liersev wss eDOOlnted deDartment mechanle by resolution and yesterday at temntca to cua on warrant tne Mayor advised th City Treasurer not to pay it th appointment wu contrary to the Charter which provides that a new office cannot be created by the Council except by ordinance The warrant It now held by the Treasurer pending the opinion of the City Attorney A wrestling match took place last night at Germanta lieu between Louia Bchroeder and Al Klrchoff for the chamnlonthlp of Alameda county in tne srst aairnour nramRnia atria at lntta raanlted in lour falls for Bchroeder and the other two round wen given to him on fouls The next half hour wu given nn to cttch as eatch can In which Klrchoff played off so plainly that th referee denounced him for shirking Tbe match ended in a draw each man having eight falls On Friday night George Potter a cloneer died at hi residence In Oakland of pneumonia at tha eg of Si years Mr Potter cenxeto California in 184 stand settled In San rranasco In 1808 be came to Oakland and with hit brother Charles Invested largely la real estate taking up his restdeacalnthtaeltyM th close of 1SS7 leeva usaina a son in tn oaaawica Islands a damrhtar In Washinrton and two tlsters ln lsw The funeral will Ukt place oa Monday from bis late residence Tb funeral of th lata Derby took place yeeterday afternoon from the family residence tt Fruit Vale A large somber of the Intimate friends of the family wen present and the services wnicn were ot a most Impressive character wen conducted by Ber Dr McLean of the First Congregational Church Th oral tribute were tleborete and numerous At tht dot of tht services th body wu born to th my by th following pal 1 besrers Hermit a Weiim7j Rartan Canta in Georre Cn minr Henry Weathertea aorge Payne ITeMA riiannon on xnxiox fit hcipi thociaid 1 KMVvnsinmvinetcliTa ties man tiactund by Jaooby A Co Sew Tork arrived last Monday to Arnold Pollack A Co the raa ita 1 jo Battery street Kea iTrMdex iniwh iivUaicUNlaas arday Vox Sam A Oot nooulsr auction Thurs day aextt Taw new Sastlak bay iadew dwetn gs 1183 and 1183 Valencia street atoartwniyihey wlndow hoot cm Valencia ttreatt tee rwmed boo tarn lot 714 8 eateenth street near Church iJWJ Clay street Bear Dertasdera eight reonia rl sis weueler at ec r1 IF roomed mode eouags aioloMteaua60s 1M A Shntwrll street tear Twenty first 73 1 IMA Dhotwell street tear Twenty first 75x Capp street near bevt nteenih 49x137 Jackson street near Van Wees avenge 61 ex lS7ABrea raear Baker el ec raUlla Barter cur Beat etate walflgne eaa uAinua street 1 eoti meal tak a dot Of 8 sw Ilea Bitten It kelps dl alea and raUaTastatnufcliiigtwt testtt i Taw ittiiM rut mta andns have nra i tf it Ut seat SsmOy rssnedy In th work Irsnu proper to sssert tht Samaritan arr u1cnrm dytpep a No cure no pay i tianufanma nfoah eksts at Bainvaaa I3Q Kearny street 1 rceat of UoB Brfnp Ala uyt a 1 Nervtna ennd of fits Ta am i ii win rr Boat Bitters th aTtathT ar tnr Mitoijtox aacUoa salt to morrow 1 tht best yet THE PACIFIC SLOPE Cliinamen Stealing Into the Country CHICO AND PETALUMA KACES A Steamer Bans Down a Fishermans Boat A Sawmill Burned at Astoria Sebable citizens of Port Townsend say that Chines hav entered Washington Territory from Britlah Colombia recently Th fain at Petaluma and Cblco closed yesterdayyesterday Th steamer CUy ot Stoetton ran down a fisherman a boat near Jersey landing Friday night an Italian whose name la unknown wu drownedThe Astoria Box and Lumber Companys Sawmill at Upper Astoria wu burned Friday nlgbtjenklns Griffith a brakeman wu killed at Eureka CaL Friday morning Special Dispatches to the Choxicx1 JUMPING OtXB THE BOBDEB Chinese Stealing into Washington Territory Post TowxsctDr September 1 Tbe United State Customs Inspector at Bchome arrived here Tuesday night wtth a Chinaman In charge who was arrested at Whatcom for entering the United Slates In violation of the Restriction Act Th Chinaman had come In from Yale and wu trying to St to Seattle when captured The Inspeo rs duty happening to call him to that portion ot the country he found the Chinaman then and seised him Two boon more and it would have been too late Tbe Celes Jsl wu sept to Victoria Colonel Enoch Msy a respectable citizen of Oreo island uys thtt on th TZd Inst a boat direct from British Columbia passed that Island with nineteen Chinese on board bound for th mainland of the United States A Mr Ebey of Whidtbey island states that Sunday night six British Columbia Indian canoe tried to land on Point Pan ridge on tbe northern part of that Island all of which contained Chinese Seeing a man on the beach the canoe steered off and proceeded up the sound The Chinese and Indians on board will probably go to the Pnyallup valley where hoppicken are now in demand Mr Ebey thinks there were between forty and fifty Chinese In the party The gentlemen who gave these report are leading citizens of the localities in which they live TWO FAIRS CLOSED The Last Days Races at Fetalama and Chico Pxtslcms September 1 The seventeenth annual fair of the Fourth district closed today The attendance for the closing day like all of the others of the week wu large The Interest In the races wu maintained to the end The feature of the forenoon at the pavilion wu the awarding of premiums After the list wu read Judge McM Shatter made an impromptu speech to the young ladle of the district who for seven or eight years bad received premiums at bis hands of elegant silver plate rewards of merit for good cookery Becoming he said a member of tbe state Board he had wtth drawn his special premiums to the district and would award them to the State But In esse he should withdraw from the fetat Hoard he would resume bis premium to the Fourth district if convinced thsl Its rising young women would be earnest in their endeavors to excel in that most Important art good cooking This is the second fair at the new grounds snd is by fsr the moat successful ever held in the district The crowd though unusually large hu been orderly The gambling games prohibited by law have been strictly suppressed The closing feature of the speed programme to day were first the finish of yesterdays trot The sixth heat wu won by Johnny he pleased in 3 41t The pools were declared off and th driver of Johnny wu fined 923 for throwing off heats and suspended from the track until the fine wu paid The decision gave general satisfaction The fine wu promptly paid and the effect upon the afternoon proceedings was good Th next wu a trotting race It wu won by Iaura Nellie second and Huntress third The next and lut race of tbe day wu a running race three quarters of a mile and repeat for a purse of tJOO Pscheco entered Garfield McDonald entered Butcher Boy and Sam McMullen of Mendocino entered Billy Vflnthriea The nee end first money were won by Garfield Billy ft lnthrics second and Butcher Boy third Time 1 21 133 Chico September 1 To dsy wu the fifth and last day of the fair The first wu a running race a dash of two and a quarter miles Fashion Stable stake entrance C50 25 forfeit a30O added Ilowsen named im Douglass Matter named Maria Jubilee and Augusta The latter wu withdrawn Douglass won the race and first money Maria second Time first mile 148Viiwomllesndaquarterllme4 OOSj Douglass came in ana wu taken to the stable very lame The second wu a trotting race a one mile dash for 8icgleton and Lanarp yearlings Mcintosh purse of 200 This wss very interesting and good time wu made by the winner Sherman named Ben bimpson naired Sunrise Denman named Starlight Mcintosh named Delight Scnaefer named Millie Delight sold favorite and the knowing ones were again taken in Ben won tbe race Time 3 34 The next reoe wu a match nee best two In three between Roanoke and Skylark Koanoke won in straight beat lime SI 2 40 Another running race not filled wu declared off A large crowd at the track and the week racing wu satisfactory Th premiums in the pavilion will be announced to night MONTANA ITEMS throat In which he bad Inserted a sharp pointed pocket knife and had cot tnd slashed first one way and then the other until he bad inflicted very ogty looking wonnds nearly severing tbe windpipe Subsequent examination proved thu he had several severe wounds in his right side Hit recovery is doubtful Franklin Is a native of Maine and 40 yean old A Dwelling Burned Walla Walla fW TJ September The dwelling of James Ounn on Edgar avenue wu horned this morning loan 92SO0 Insurance 91100 la tbe North America In cendiarism the cause Belle Harrla Oat ef JalL Salt Lakx September 1 Belle Harris the polygamous wife who refused to tell the Grand Jury the name of the father ot her children and hu since served three months in tail for contemns ana made herself a Mormon martyr wu released on the expira tion oi in term or imprisonment Tne Court hu ordered her to appear again la December tUSCrXlAITEOCS I1 ll ll 5 IMI I HUM tfeira yflFfBpswM A Skeleton round Stocktow September 1 A human skele ton wu this afternoon found In a plot of land cut of East street near Washington street and known Gambetttt addition to the city of Stockton The skeleton is that of a full grown person It wu found uncofflned about three feet andenrroand by a laborer engaged in digging a cellar tor a house Bullion Receipt and Shipment 8alt Laki September 1 The silver boll Ion receipt at Salt Lake to day were 811r 000 The shipments of silver and lead bullion and white lead for the week were eighty eight cars A New Road to tho National Park Salt Lake September 1 The Union Pacific Company are now making a preliminary survey for a branch narrow gauge from Bear Canyon on the Utah Northern Railway to Western the boundary of the National Iark The grade will be euy and the distance will be about seventy five miles from Bear Canyon All surveys are to be com Sleted this fall Tbe work will be finished i time to secure tourist travel next season Three lien Killed by an Explosion FaaxxroaT tn September A steam engine attached to a ashing machine exploded In a grain field to day Instantly killing William BonneU Clarence iteed George Storm and an unknown man and injuring fire others four of whom are in a critical condition British Colombia Visitors Ogdex Tl September 1 Tb Gov ernor General of Canada Sir Alexander Campbell with hi suite and a number of prominent English ladles arrived her in a special car from British Columbia this morning and continued east bound for Canada via Cblcsgo They were met here by a number of citizens and army officers Including General McCook commanding Fort Douglas forty miles distant who invited them to his post but tim prevented their accepting the invitation T1IE RAILROAD COMMISSION Reservations to Do Inspected The Helena Fair ntLtHA September 1 Senator Vest of Missouri arrived via the Northern Paclflo this evening Be and Delegate Maginnla of Montana are a special Congressional Commission to examine and report to the feasibility of opening to settlement parts of several Indian reservations They will leave In a few days on their mission The TerritortaQalr tbateglns on Mondsy promises to be on of the great events of the day In the West Several of the fattest horses in the Northwest an here The fair will close on Saturday next TheViUard party will arrive hero on Friday morning and spend the day at the fair On Saturday morning they will leave for Mullen tunnel to witness the driving of the golden splk To day Marshal Botkln who baa been taking testimony to contest the election ot Hon Martin Maginnls wu served with notice by th latter waiving hi right to take any evidence In tbe care He My that Botkln hu failed to Impeach one single vote of the 1600 majority by which he Maginnls wu returned There 1 nothing for him to meet II i willing to submit th case to Congress on the testimony taken by Botkln and declines to tak any further part In what he calls a farce Colonel Uses friends an indignant ovr the statement that be deserted hu wins and family In Prussia cam to this country boy Joined the army never wu married and It supporting In Germany a white child that he rescued from th Apaches by very gallant action In 1867 th child I parents having been massacred two yean before A Fisherman Boat Ron Down Srocxroir September 1 The steamer CKyet ockton nn Into a fishermans boat near Jersey landing last night and on of tht occupants an Italian whose nam la unknown wu drowned John Mathewa th survivor I a resident of Benida The fisherman had been fishing severs hours after tb Game law expired and to prevent detection had no lights out Thy expected that they would be abl to banl In their seines before th steamer cam along but baton they could do th vessel bore down upon them In the darkness Th body of the drowned man wu not recovered A Sawmill Burned AxroatA September 1 Th Astoria Box tnd Lumber Companys sawmill at upper Astoria wu burned last night The lots I 2000 It wu Insured for 2O0O la th Eho and Leather and Springfield companies Th origin of tb fire la unknown Duffy tht engineer wu asleep in the mill and had to make hit escape through tbe flames wu badly burned and his recovery la doubtful A Brakmaa Killed Fxxxxk September 1 Jenkins Griffith a nativ of Wales aged 34 yean who wu employed as brakeman on th California Redwood Company railroad at Trinidad in thlt county wu Instantly killed yetterdsy morning about 10 oclock by falling between two cars Tbe wheels passed over him severing his head from his body Choked to Death at Dinner wnrrow September 1 Joseph Ch ataal aged SO years choked to death wnlte eating his dinner on Wednesday Llagerlns at tbe rolnt of Death Viboutla Nov September 1 John Eagaa who shot himself ta th mouth Thursdsy treeing tu iUII allrt at last accounts but there art no hopes of his recovery Taklma City TV 2tote Yaxdu Crrr ftsptembei a fin tt Etlensburg destroyed a storehouse and a stock Of general merchandise belonging to Thonuut Johnson The lee I B3o 000 tntured for i 15000 Three dell lugs wen also burned loss 4000 claaton who killed Stoat at The Dan passed through Yakima dry on horseback en route to British Columbia There 1 BO doubt of bis Identity Attempt to Cens Ut Bnielda Xoe NvK September 1 A man named Ben Franklin came to the Ohio House this morning 10 oclock drenched to th skin and told John Boy th proprietor that bad fallen Into th river He wu chilled through Boy put him to bed lie went to Franklins raom at oclock and sound him sitting oa tha bed with hi head resting la hi liand and hi right at hi Alleged Evidence of Queer Fractlca by the Majority Some weeks ago when the Railroad Commissioner were considering Humphreys proposition to fix passenger tares at a maximum rate of 5 cents per mile In this State a reporter of the CusomcLi obtained for temporary use the original draft of the schedule of redaction In one column the percentage of reduction wu marked out A few of the calculations were evidently In the handwriting of Humphreys himself but the major psrt of them were dope in a neat and clerkly fashion Tbe writing bore no resemblance to that of the Secretary or any one connected with the Commission in a proper manner This being tha ease curiosity wu naturally aroused It did not take long to ascertain that the calculations were made at Fourth and Townsend streets and the name of the particular clerk who made them wu also learned A passing allusion wu made to this matter at tbe time hut the reporter wu obliged to surrender the original referred to it wu of course impossible to emphasize the charge fully It deserved to be It appears however that the Commissioners hare not profited by the warning thrown out to them on thi occasion They are required by law to file with the Secretary of Mate a copy of tbe schedule of fares fixed bv them Tnev hsve recentlv token thlt coarse with the schedule adopted at the meeting in July last and which professes to maxe a suDsutnuai reduction in fares it is notorious however that the schedule Is only a clever piece of Jugglery and that It wu devised at the corner of Fourth and Townsend streets The nroof of this is con tained In the fact that the original copy of tbe schedule Is made out in the writing of xowue a cieru vanuiu comparisons nave been made and competent judges it that there can be no doubt of the identity of the writing In tbe filet copy referred to and that of the Clerk In question This discovery is regarded positive evidence of tbe collusion between the majority of th Commission and tbe railway otlicials and It is claimed by certain prominent Democrat that the Governor will not In the face of thi exposure dare to withold hi call for an extra session of the Legislature to take steps to remove the recreant Commissioners from office THE BAT DISTRICT TROT rv v7 JJ TTl TO I tk ettiKsi tkeSkia Seam aad Blood ef Itea tng scaly nm My Bcrofulnue Inherited and Contagions Homers Bleed Polsoas klcera Ate and Infantile sxla Tor tores th Cc ri CTm kkxti are fallible Ct traa KanlTETf th new Blood Purifier ipli tfei srmna from the blond and prrspu ion and thus remove the cm TK VTaa tbe great fekta Cure In ajitlv allava It hliur and I aHamfnatleaj dean to fekut and Scalp heala ulcers and ores restores th Complsttoo Cr ricra Boar an exquisite Bam ueeauner ana lot Bequialtr ta Wtop ble la tre atuur skin die eaa a aa idt rot a ciu or ay aa blacHheada blotches and baby burners tVTl ccaa Kt aoim ar in oniy mnuuni niooa purtfien and skin beaotiner rniSLrs iinrnirml Uwrer State amt Boaaea reports a eaae ot Kelt Hbeom under nle eeeervation tor tea years which covered th patient body and limbs and to which all known method of treatment had beea amJled without beneht which au eared solely by the CT ricraa Bsaixsisa leaving a clean ana a nanny at MR and IfRS EVERETT frTEBBIXS Belebertowa Mass writes Our little boy wm terribly afflicted wtth Scrofula salt Rheum and Eryslprlaa ever since be was bora and notbliur we could give nun helped blm antll we tried CTTK1IB1 Baaiis which gradually cured him antll he la now fair any child CARPEXTER Hendareon If cored of Psoriasis or Lepreef oi twenty years steading by ctmcraa Raw xniae Tbe most wonderful rare oa reeved A deacpaa scales fell from blm dally Physician and hi friend thought most die atar worn to before a Justice of th Peace and ilmderson most prominent cttuena HOX WILLIAM TAYLOR Health Oom wtinA AAar Uitii nonlkr el tb CCTlcVaa Rr icdiks and twelve years ef tt constant uneTugiTOa bctoiuiou stumor of tb race neck and scalp waa ever en dared I can say that I am cored and pro aoonee say case ana samara aoie Jioldby alirogKistfv cotsa 60 cents sfcsuv a i ea over ctmv Fatter Dng 4 Chemical Ce Bests Mass XrXSCX XAXEOCS BAXFORJrS RADICAL CURE Instantly relieves and permanently cures every form ot Catarrh from a Head Cold to Catarrhal ConsumpUou courLKTB TasuTuxaT WITH IMHIIKl Bl Tb riWRnuil rr fli JeeOTlKl is nrittixa lad Ifelllsle rw crarve ErTUtrricFm srasm Falling kSlrkaaaa Con rvulalooa Bt Vitus Dance Aleo boi Opium Eating Seminal natknesslm putencyBypiua eaonusAAy aii NERVOUS anJ BLOOD DISEASES To CIfrrmenawTIJtrtrT 31 tn MerctunU lUnkei LeVdU i ana il wkm ntijr mpleynnt cmastn Nerrota Prrk tton Irrvtruir tics of tb fiiood Stoautrt Bowels or KedMjr or who rejqulrti servo tjoaac ppenuetr or sum a itji UVUIe II lflTsUOr jf tem tlfiOat Druggista Tb Da 8 A Rich so ManicaLtJa Sol Proprietors 8 jotepo no REDIKQTON A CO Agents San Fraoclaoo gQ The Palo Alto Blare Bonnie Win in Straight Heats The reputation gained already by the Palo Alto mare Bonnie for steadiness and speed msde her such a favorite yesterday In the purse of S600 for four year old and under at the Bay District track that a great deal of the Interest in tbe event wm discounted th broker say and that is probably th reason why the attendance wm so light when the weather wu so beautiful and with a very fast track conducive to an excellent showing of time There wu a comical aide to the pool telling in that after a Uttle preliminary skirmish the odds settled down to 25 to SO and at those quotation a little bean of monev wa poured into the Dool box hrWith no exhortation trom tbe auctioneer save that the buyers of either field or favorite should be sure they got their right change Th three horses that appeared against th Palo Alto flyer were Bonnie Wood named by 1LW ileel Roses Le Orange and the bar mare Olivette lu charge of wllllsm Johnson Under the conditions agreed upon that the distancing should be waived there wu scarcely any doubt at the placing of the horses lor th race after the first heat Le Grange wu the only one that appeared to be able to make the Palo Alto mare exert herself and it wm she won each heat in the easiest manner with pricked ean In OVa 3 taand 2 27 Grange showed great signs of improvement and finished a good second In the two first heats but wm hut In th final one in which Bonni Wood mad a good struggle on the homestretch but wu always held safe by the winner There were few beta to time to beat 3 2A and these were lost by tba backer of lb mare but it i doubtful whether under pressure ah could not yesterday have reduced her record to ri3 A mile and repcat race between gentlemen roadsters would bare added greatly to th interest of th proceedings that under the present circumstance wre tame to a degree JOTTLXGS ABOUT TOWX Jame CarlJshn and Helnrich Rammer lick war mad dtlsens ester ay by Jodge ssrraL During Angust th police made 1870 arrests 9 of which were fur murder It torsborg lary 17 for robbery and tie sat drnaheuti mi Frederick Townsend wu convicted of an assault In Police Court So 3 yesterday and sentenced te three months incarosnlkuiu the Uoui of Correction A memorial service In memory of th late Jame Waters who died of lung hsmorrha wu i neta in ssoasuon aian natter street thl afternoon coounenclng at 3 dock John allu Yorkey Monaghan who reeameB hack driver apoa kta relaaee from Pan Qnentla rtoa and robbed a piemtii of 10 paid a tn ef tat ymestaay sa tha fotte CoartnMh one A A iwsximiat or a beverage Ghirardel ITs vanilla chocolate hi uneiceUed Da Bimbos Celery and Chamomfl PHI cored and myskterefnarTOMheadacna MlaaMChambarlalaI atFalrfltluO Jfo last should purchase suit or cloak without calling at Sullivans Cloak anJ Salt Koaa IM Kearay street MISCELLANEOCS EOYAL Powder Absolutely Pure rTTjrja POWDER SEVER VARIES A IHaiTWU I nuuj araau i aw aa utaau uia ass Hot ennotnkl thaa th ordinary kna vand ca ttMso la coca petlUaa wttk the mult Bad of low test short weight alum or phosphate powders told only ta can ROYAL BAKECO POWDER CO 108 Wan at at New York OOLEMIS 4t CO Agents Ban Mcrojil Shirts we are now ottering up wards of one thousand dozen choice Woolen Underwear at prices most astonishingly low In Underwear and Shirts we now lend all GEEAT Ed COltNEIt OF Kearny and Commereial Streets 47 Xo Drench Stores ANNEAR SAUCE Finest la th World AXNrHR SALAD DRESSING For partly maA deilcmcj of flrtr It 1m KiOtUaVL AXXEAR CnCTXEY aXXEAR WALNUT CATSrP AXXEAR tXRRIE POWDER AXXEAR PRESERVED TAMARINDS FOB SALE TO THE TRADE BT ALL WHOLESALE GROCEBS ROSS Pacific foist Atncy Its California Street 8 AFTER THE CONCLAVE BUY A STOVE OSCARS LEVY Nos 830 3 634 Clay Street XEAR KEAIUtT DEPOT FOR ALL EWETTS STOVES OPTICAL INSTTrUTE 5si ft wtktv trees fat rr 1 TUTTS TUI rlMttlT Hf KcTAlLES IT Xilateoca Lower graded Spectacles at gi foe boa and 33a Specied Lens nude to order A UasHm pectacle Insult sU th various ad llrunsafl sslgarspacla A aerteiiag aeati VeUaiae iwieoeaaof ta tertettng A Watryl 4tl Kearny st near California STe Bewan ef frauds who ton yoa they mak Spectacle Lenaea sa an th only OpticUv en i hie nam who do WOMANICrwPfTAiw rrryr CALLTOKSIA BTAT WOaTAW anu rpltak eat BkeradLyoa of psUenta Thi and room mr good diet aad lb new epea tje the raceptloa I a Free ward Pay ward private patient Pan air baat ef aarrsc and lacal atteadaaee an beatowed an all alike CMS tlaaire treat rateltoaely atleaeanee eaua geona tor aamlaatloa every day from a 10 a st Fuisdn sslnaspplyalilospital MORITZ NICOLAI ptsnsr tt HOtSCH RESTAURAIhT Pine Street TMltSTCLAfW BAXERT AXD OtntTEO rtloneryeonaecttd Special attentloa rtvea la private dinner parUas werhllags eta at DR ZEILKtJ TtTR isn bo ax 8TEAV roijirrii or say other medicated baths 6 to 6M paetOe ate eetweea It toa ry aad Karay mumt rveea tor eaea bmit A detached depart meat Sue latUea A detached department lor gentlemen All en ground door no basement Wtth brat tralaed astend aaca The airlrev larswi aiid beat lathe eooa try FjatrareteCariaa lie a area atera Opera ft orn 7 a te M1 Mrx 7 a a ta 5 Price ef single bath six tkktt beeorid clat6Uceou a ticket BIEDS talaii ftin llarmaaai ajatir TALKIKO BIKISS A BOBItOr BIRD STORE 331 Kearny street REEDS STEAM PIPE OJYEBISU BIZES COSSTAKTLT 05 HAStt Asbestos Boiler Covering aad Uo er Coav poaad ltoo ng Uatara Paiat eta Iaa ptwvad Asbestea Bteam rackmg eta MEBRKLL 1 Tew tend street Branch Office 03 CalltoraU street PILES I A SPECIALTY nABTLET JC OT JfE Dauauor room 11 Ken Fnnc co UemarraoUs Iptlas nlcers aid atl darease of the reetasa treated araxea taUT tthoet al lla ate er adds Tpermie stoa refers te tbTuUowlng pallenU i OrWrnN SSSRigSS ooldaotS Itov UOBT Boys Clothing Departmt GEEAT SSLi HEADQUARTERS FOR HENS AND BOYS CLOTHLXS COBXEB or Kearny and taercial Strefli far Bewarw of Inaltatiea slgaa fa WOJj1ES SCHIEDAM AR01IATI0 SCHNAPPS At a genersj beverage neceua corrective of water yeadered impurg by vegeuble decomposition or otii canses at limcjtone sulphate of copper etc the AROMATIC SCHNAPPS is toperior to CTtry other alcoholic preparauon A pub lie trill of over thirty jean dartdoa in ever lection of oar country of UDOLPHO WOLFES SCHNAPPS its unsolicited indorsement by the medical faculrr aad a tale nnenaled bv any other alcoholic distiHation hare insured fax It the reputation for salubrity claimed for it For sale by all Druggists and Grocers UDOLPHO TOES SOX 4 CO 18 Bearer Street Xetr Tork fflL COLEM Ctt iGEiTi SIS IXUCLSCO CALIFORNIAS EXPOSITION The 30th Annual STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SACRAMENTO CAL In September 1SSX T5 OOXSEQUEtCK OF THE ACCTD STf and th mabiary toproou sufOdent chanlra laar te complete tne yew lap a oa Bolidtng the Beard ef Mr tors kae re v4 to bold tlie snlbUkmlbrUiyar IntneP vlllon now la use A th apace I limited parties desiring to aihlhlt abuuld apply tag space at one Motive power nrnlahed tre of srg 2T charge for space Article transported to and from Uw exhlhitina free hy th Central FSc iHe Uroad Company Tbe Preenhun List anibraeea nberal award fcr all kind of Llv Stock Machinery Ins plements eta Teitfl Fshrics liechsnlcsl AsncaitBral aad Ho rU cattnrl Ft lucts and FlaeArta 1 he Fair oron on tb 10th and clot on th 15th of September Any farther msbrnudloa may he had ope application to th Secretary irons wb a iPrs mlam 1 ft csn be eotalned A TLtlO AX rrUlenC IawtariitiXMBettUUt Drawer a crsmenlo WOOL We inform our friends and others interested that we bare for soma years established in Boston a successful Commission Business for the tala of California and Oregon Wools We solicit consignments of good lots Wools from the interior will be received and prepared for shipment free of extra charge Liberal advances made at low interest Charges moderate Additional information cheerfully furnished upon personal application or by mail HECHTBR0SC0 25 aad 27 Susone Street Ban Tranctaco Bay 13 1883 1 and a Front street TORTLAWtx 11 sod Uttl Summer street aKHTUX NEW YORK AND LONDON Tailoring Parlors 421 KearayttlMtlMaeftCallftrala TJI1C SCOUT COKPLaTE TAILOItnra J9SV tobllshmeatoe the FacUlcece raiZTa rLADKHth popular tailor announces thai a sseraas iauriarr riors are aow paa aad eeauua a stock of aje Olio wartb of Eugy Frdc Scotch iitricu Cm A1I th latest daslga an Imported ptBr fcr thl bouse elegant niinsai sane i eraer traas as PaaU te eeder rroai to ap Remember giianal very sart tnt a flt ornaaaia uivettatnai i on wm i nen MlliANDER 5w Trk tad Ltaaea Tatleriat Farlert 431 Ktany strtct iear CaliftraLi aVaahatnm rfcHMnirt raTt Oaas Xauwa raura IX Hattrn Loclaa naeia Hardie Dark relRTETSr LKOEEDMr OILCLOTH BHADES HA ADDED TO TBXLB STTOCX A aesalaeUeaei Deetrttire Payer Haaiir ee0ar8totfc Uftn rartfc tf Llsrwaert astia CaeerfaDy Ctvea CseatryOr ua sobhs aossats ei atsTBottetngni th Wan Paper Cbmhina Ion eaa giyaIClAL PKiC7 etrao 72T Market Street BUt hal Tlal Ct aaa4 Vaak DGHTEEiTH MUiiTElll EXH SITIOH MECHANICS PAIR Of taut rrnsrctseay 183 TTJTLL OPE AT TBE JTEW FAVrLIOW JSJla HXN1 OraetrJ ee TU E8D ettPT Rataa Usm aad Uane a tu tieaeaee iatT wiai Tola wiu seta axial eompnhastv Trot ittloByet held ta thl ttl of MASCriC TCaEH AHT aad NaTVUAL PttODCCTaW a una ej vaj i aa aaea aattOv a iiwiiiiai aen eiaain JM 7T VTLiT ta oww aa HI IllatJ I SwWtl tww a a a S7aSI lalaaillna aalKl kL ui 1 jw a iwPt aw an Mine a applying for pace Ton tarormaaon wm gtrew and sent a appucattao to the aecrata Fort street COESI WAAJ aal tttvart tr PRPC npiTyPTftV CPPP TXIR the annmY awn wrasiaJtr eonaf Eaaaueted Vitality rvrmatan De ctiae Herveue WaakaeT laaklka Loae aaae ajerora to tae we arao ea eaa Con yoartrlve tend year sddreat to MORUAPoatofflc hot 1V8 West OaAlaad HICKS eV CO hMkotedere aad E4aak Beak aCaaa Cera Btttaa tad Gt utat i TOL XXXVJ tETEfO BOTIC GOLDJZt OATE COX5 ary 2t la Ksngaoi Tt I re 111 ra Siiese ar aw THIM kVOl ttecjork Member afs terc aad sotoaratsw Kasraa Templar savao svy eruar er a a wiiuaMTn IXC DECTAL ODtJCJ 23 and A The oil and a btv mnaa Ibatiae ea xvxaucu ilaX ti la am Teas sea as ectock Mssoee Bt good stead By eraer ftk tt w3t fcler taaak umcens dmaaohera of tot la anwaottted to attend a st ted tog tart at THIS Xeaatay kVIl as aaci rrTSa Klin holumo Lni tir Jen aad A SC Tal acaaee i eeraelSi aliaa aid Lertge ut eetvOy aotUed ta stteavl stated meeurtae ot titistao L0 at aetork at tkeur aaU a sat Oeerr aad etetaav etr rate tee uaaetaq ami Slally lava 0f TU BXT urs riDixiTTLorstaita IrwX Ttt Laar rrta a aaetta ta SSaraes I naaOaV dayEkJfL0alieteck i anal interest aad ta pera we wt Tae Treatwr aad a aew MaJry raw sneaaDere at 1 ticket te ear tenia anarr try el JtiMt trrtaiiJ IX 8 Tss vov a tmrdiag tw fr a CAUPOnaM I Itv I ewarterrv fitrrary estertainmeat ertheCalec 1 Tot wm bs beld a Iran Hall street ea UUSDaT HVOIM I A Iass3d arai ia at 7S eata rJ wmmi as Meet ca aeeeaat aieanS trwads ss l1v kmted Ke max kj oca Pa TCbaasa eimnaryy trm HiAWaTnATial JMeea Bera wOl rlri lake aaM 1 tbat ta test regr eoonctl a1 la True wiu a aeki in taa vrllka Jaraaeatre a ale atreetl ea kOXOaV Ss a earn tally re aaaii asei tmpvf will ewn re lb I twoVr UlCtRT WILbO a i st VVS awmi a nTrvae tt tts a ulai raw Ha wis MKXDXH IVkJiLtO neptemi Irtsh Amera aa HaU AmU aited lys the ntpta world bJ tbe jr wtJertid era a ttau a ato ati kvuj last at a ra the erp 1 waa tee Ira KM Una I tun a Ii Iiml Hue Jul in a laavai aad Hash Bea a win I aaeettaw Mnatae by MaaTWay ll a nosa von tai iwnau 4 1 Aau Tae pe llo ar lavtaai I lUks a oit toBE ar tJUCJaueBaBcriiary rrS the omctits axo as mm 111 er raraes 1 wute TtaT 134 ta Ol are arrabv aoUfled artead lb nesl regalar sxrmcr a ol recalar rneatm Cwart eia Ne Cam Aetieas Cade seiiniia a ee news 1 unwa 1 tral tlall reraer ef Mxtk and Xs 1 OH TIE HAT EVIQI1U He isrtj at a a Moca xemneneri rBCMl KeTe sa 9USDi dava a tka Aa vrlraar a at I re erbaod I tore OaU ktt uoa I at iela eaa te uraatt oaera ate ltAYar peaha fluil lb raSDaeskll Mtler as Ir Jenrv lewa canaln lend I eater eomnelltrv short dre ea I anrwamen TIMaubUevalaUjkl rr 3 TOTUtorricit II and Bsetnaera ertwanMMMi ai aaaia aa a a a a Yen an bervbv anttned to attesd the next a tin be beld est Wll IVLMVI KflaaiSr Ota at SI oa ae avra uaip rra la atwUuwa araeee Uy tavuaH CtAB rv Bee BeCy a aibara ef the a eve Tvw plmiie altaaj a wwmimt ewarOwi Ue Tribe to be held at MrtrnaeHal el sac acreas aear strta on vsaj EkUtta aapteriibn Ata at prorana aj am i ar a ata bbssoob Chief ef Ba rue KcT tab a apvre ai ef the art avtatera ia reaiet lag tbe aaw rraaM uoe or ta proprietor or to tnu 1 In Bares tUMt IB lela their 1 Salve the Brtalere rear aw ewnneti preaaaa as aseeanir By eerier atatea AfcavUWATklA rr xoBTimtw belle eV toe teas peay he mn aaerimsr er tae ateraaeei wn aw bbi eMrooratMMB the alultoi tun aad Ike traaaartla ef eark at ae may be ama lowui Be aa DAYitrptrnthsr 10 ltetA ssi Svpre iberr as the hear ef 1 i that ear as tb WV ef the ee 1 1 Ne3wKee a rk1 Ml aivaaa Boa Srmae rax Tvaa I will be clusrd ea Tbarsuay art I an as a ari WILLIAM wnlAIO I Offlco Hiio Be 20 Sevada id ialiimtr air Baa rra ut rwrxlTio St DEB Wed Maaw HaU Aaeurta I ea ef Ha a rraar A aaaelal aillB ef tbe a weaeidra ef tee saaeeeaaa tieeae star aattu ef ret nam win he held as tea Mall SCO Jew street Bear maTL DAY lYESIXO He ten lrwA as a aelork tar tba anrpaa aria as epeejewry CwTe baudla rreeatry centra cd by are asom all atkas Boaster aDDrruj at i ADAB ayiTiifl ima at a sqsirTaai niiy rr sa a ms rrmwmrrwT JLS Vi natoa 1 at paty as mn auwaes ejfei rCKWITTBE WABTEl lAOlaV 33 aad go nh street FG CECOBDBABD Fntxrnntal aj pet Boag at ktrg er amairioit Bdooa nerearta etree ftu raj WtLUtat atTTTEltriPLD uoaeera is and la nstu Big ant eaaa sab price tor bura as eed earaecai Had aa Mai rtTstxrrttx roav a11 75 1 hews euwat Bear 1 rUtEAPEB THAw EVXR rt7R lynrpetsaadbeudJBg HS1X ro via bUsos eppaaue arwai FS BALE ARIM KODT Bil carpet tit aUlea Mr St a 7 1 re eatra stalrnr aad aeawreattcl kali aewi era ale Aa re ttval TUnVrTuniCARrxTiiacrl Jbailrilas atat aU tae marked Bsares us aa aneaosaaraoM B4eavJ ilS KT COl1 auae 1 lil aUJtT a atOUtVa 1 aad Masai VV2 Wstttr Sbmsu a ft a R1 IAwnAWDeTOY elEETli Badal Win timia with the foel eavtaeT er UH rmaeevw neeaa1 BUare Iraas BV awwaraa Mark a WABTX USCE XABl WHorr paicr paid poe ca afe aig is at tut iut I 1AirrXD A MAOIC LASTEXl ta an so nu uupa a aaas at ar ntrrulnmret mnst rers ana VWrwa AadaatLvLACitUua aV4 let as aaaaaasaemea aaa rAWTXi to atrr a ntxtywil en a earnewievs tawus wan cs drat A tSEIT taAOPusur FOB AtI MLwCaXLAXI rn nnn a nrEi tab at Bar aaw OcaVe at aoJIcre twe awwaso vea air caesp a I Stan aHKLVTwaa SHOS1 wawii nawis sate i5onria xxb tSasxA As cheap tbtes blues swwrt her eae ae hnr eea laa Sir I am ana eienieii ojmwj aiH tv heraa Asyty a CaTTT aaaarUy heafceei aas Apeiy as jo aArjreoBE Tnit wS asd taapape AMJeea aneC Foa atLtv AS cvKionx srfal tUMR irlwanEa here twaivl svraaai aanaaia Bar ee Saabeat el BtsIlSirA Wlr pmiBXeitieaty AwriaaitAJtx rust aAiat tX tb USca OABXAXXS AXES fVsBLASrD AJYTSTiaa tI 1 1 OsheC iaweTarxawwISeiaiieal ny rr a Tlltu su eareawWwy tfW SI til tot a.

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