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Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii • 13

Honolulu, Hawaii
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With Army HONOLULU. TERRITORY OF HAWAII, U. S. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 3G2 Prowler Cases On Police List in 6 Months Premiers, ru-de atterrpts an4 ether cases at miscellaneous account fcr II tnvest --it by pc.iee every day. areordirf 19 report rubmitted to O.iet VT.

A. Gabriels by te statistical bureau Topptr.g t.He lift are premier. Of 73 ptrwl.rg caes reported in tbe first s.x months of 1541. Walkikl had 5. Kaimukt 42.

KaKala Jt. Ma- rsoa 77. Pawaa TM and M.U I. I "Wlud" th renewing: St known by the Hae Sf layman ef the ef ir fJL eous service rendered bv the po- 7 trjured emre4 Uremm Ouef Gibr.e'v-n Urf Wd lrtWirlt, "When not catrhir.g burglars and mswirc persons 2.

thieves or round. rg up drurks, he1; The m.ceUaneous public rrotp Keep Well and Strong With Good Food FORVIM VIGOR WDVflnUTY Science Academy Hears Talks -j" v. i rM Ss tryirg u- f.nd the ct found up to 1 Include, besides prewl- i 1. 1 i 't I prcperty cr kx-ate prrperty lost by sorreone. investigatirig a suicide or quieting a mould be suicide, working on an insanity case, get-tang sick cr Injured persons to the rmergency rvvpiUl, cr trackirg the hillj for a lost person.

ers, poftce requested iruch aa checking vacationers hemes! domestic relations 1M, repcrta unattended deaths 54. lnfarrBa-tioa msnted 28, neighbor troubles 25. landlord ard tenant It. rrt-dents less than ZS damage 17. darn age to property dead A.

Exploratory work: by the East Base party cf the 1333-41 United States tntarctic expedition was summarized by Lt. Richard B. Black. USN. in an invitational paper presented Thursday night at the first session of the Hawaiian Academy of Science's annual meeting held at the Social Science hall.

University of Hawaii. A symposium on Water Resources in Hawaii will fill tonight's program of the academy. Dr. Chester K. Wentworth.

geologist with the Ho Fr year up to September. 4 Ali miscellaneous services are nolulu ooara 01 water supply, win act as chairman and four author i- I ties in this field will present the.r Ijnu If (jfiRi o( L-J Boys Admit Burglaries, Car Thefts scientific papers. The meeting, which is open to the public, will begin at 7:30 p. m. in room 105 cf Social Science hall.

In one of six capers cresented Thursday night. Lt. Black, who commanded the East Base Partv. re Letter Mailed Here Travels 23 Miles in 33 Days Some kind of record mas established this meek when It lok letter S3 days te travel from the Ifonetula pstof flee te Schoflrld Barracks, a total of miles. Brigadier A.

W. Bremer mt the SalTatlon Army mailed a letter on October to John A. Van Tatten of the SSth dlvUUn field artillery band at Schofield. The letter arrived November 1. At that rate It traveled about three fifth of mil a day.

133 feet an boar te ZJt feet a mlnate. 3" lated the discovery by a sledging party of Alexander I inland, formerly known as Alexander I Land mm Blowflies caused the death In 1940 of manv calves on Kauai. ISLE HORSE IN SERVICE: Corporal Robert II. Hoffman of department headquarters detachment, mounted section, is shown with foil field pack on Banjo, five year old Parker ranch remount, after a 75 mile five day field training trip completed recently by the section. Uncle Sam purchased 29 of the Island born remounts from the Bis; Island ranch In Jnly.

star-Bulletin photo. Via Clipper The California Clipper, carrying Saburo Kurusu. Tokyo's special envoy to the United States, arrived In San Francisco this morning from Honolulu. The China Clipper will leave for the coast today at 4 p. m.

instead cf the regular 1pm. takeoff Two boy burglars, caught aa they mere about to steal a car Thursdae night, have admitted to at least IS burglary, car theft and promhrtg cae. including the National market burglary Kalihi Wednesday night. Detective U. John CluneV said today.

In arresting the 24 and IT year old boys. Detective Richard Ya-mada and Roland Sagum reeerrered V1 cartons cf ctgarets stolen from the National market, a radla and other stolen property. The lootless Walalua planssOon office burglary of October 26, ts ether reported burglaries, three esr theft and numerous prowllrsf ease hav been cleared, polioo aid. During their two month rrira wave, the boy foiled police frar mhile by stealinf a car and exchanging its license plates f.r the Michigan plates ef a car owned be an army man on maneuver mhe did net know of the smitch. Carson Sails To Take Movie Post Frank Kiti Carson, chief photographer cf The Star-BulleUn for tr pest tm-o year, sailed on the Mt-sonia today to rerume his photographic career in Hollywood Mr.

Carson hat taken a position a cameraman with Columbia Pictures. He was with this studio before he came to Honolulu. An enthusiastic yachtsman, Jdr. Caryon is a former commodore cf the Honolulu Yacht Ai Boat club. He and Mrs.

Carson railed here from the coast in their own bxat USO Committee Enlarged To Correlate Holiday Plans Adding temporarily to Its personnel in order to dovetail all the community's Christmas plans for hospitality to service men. the USO entertainment committee at Monday's meeting welcomed several new mmebers. Invitations to Christmas pageants will be extended by Stevenson intermediate school. December 15 and 16, and by Farrington high school. December 17 and 18.

Roosevelt high school will invite enlisted men to an a cappella concert December 1 17 at the school, and will take its Welcomed were Mrs. Mark your kitchen. It mill pay dividends. The Central Nutrition Committee contributes It as a reminder of Health and Welfare Day. Friday.

November 11. This day Is a part of National Defrne Week, which was featured by the great Armistice Day parade and program. For editorial comment on Health Day see Page n. KFEP WELL ivmi GOOD FOOD: Here Is a graphic suggestion from the Central Nutrition Committee of Honolulu on how to utilise simple goods for maximum health and strength. "Defend America by Keeping Well and Building Reserve.

The First Line of Defense is a Healthy Body. Clip this picture and paste In on a cardboard for daily reference In Port representing the Jewish Wel fare board; Mrs. Harlan Benner. YWCA; Mrs. Paul Wysard.

Junior Review of the school o-oo ooo ooo oo Group Approved The Anzac Clipper arrived from the coast at 8 this morning nd ill head for the Orient Saturday at a. mail closing tonight at 9. The American Clipper arrived In Manila Thursday and m-a to leave today for Singapore. The Pacific Clipper, delayed 24 hours at Canton by engine trouble, mill now arrive here Saturday at 4 m. and leave Sunday for the i coast.

The Philippine Clipper will arrive Sunday about 4 p. m. from the Orient. Passengers who arrived from the coast on the Aniac Clipper this morning were: Arthur Morrill. fence Hall.

Frank Wilber Fit. Palton rrh. Davwl N. Howe Juan VifuI F.llraMe. Carm B'rrut Wir.fT A.

Home, J. Jaeobi. It. 5inimn. Walter C.

Peten. Joeph Rrody. Charles Mrs. Joseph Peae. Ehxahelh Pease.

Adrian K. fercumn. Planners Approve Kalihi St. Widening The city planning commission choir to the Pearl Harbor arena December 20. The Punahou music school will include enlisted men and civilian friends as guests at its Christmas concert, and Hanahauoli school will ask a few service men to join families and friends at the children's carol singing December 18.

Another new member added to the committee is Mrs. Malcolm Mac-Intyre. who will assist Mrs. Philip S. Tlatt and Mrs.

Forest J. Pinker-ton in their plans for hospitality for service men in Honolulu homes during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. Summary of Important Work Dr. F. C.

Holdaway. entomologist of the Hawaii agricultural experiment station, told the academy In his paper on Blowfly Strike of Young Calves In Hawaii. Three species have been involved." said Dr. Holdaway. "the Oriental blowfly, the gTeenbottle fly or European blowfly and the Australian green blowfly or 'hairy maggot' fly." In his paper Proposed Meteorological Study on Ma una Kea, summer of 1942, Dr.

Stephen B. Jones, assistant professor of geography at the University of Hawaii, proposed a study designed to throw light on the behavior of the summer trades and upper winds nnd on the variability of Hawaiian summer rain. Dr. Jones said it is to establish a base at 9.300 fee? and to maintain instruments near the summit. Highly satisfactory results have been achieved by the all-Hawaiian emergency poultry ration developed by the poultry department of the Hawaii agricultural experiment station at the university, Charles M.

Bice, assistant professor of poultry husbandry at the university, said In his paper on The Nutritive Value of Certain Local Feedstuffs in Emergency Poultry Rations. About one third of the local dogs have passed through an attack of leptospirosis. possibly within recent years. Dr. Joseph E.

Alicata. Hawaii agricultural experiment station parasitologist, said in the parser on Canine Leptospirosis presented jointly by him and Virginia Breaks, research assistant in the University of Hawaii's parasitology department. "These organisms fcanicola and laptospira icterohemorrhagiaci are transmitted from dog to dog or from rat to dog through urine contpmina-tions, said Dr. Alicata. "Because they can also be transmitted ti human beings, they constitute problems of considerable veterinary and public health importance." mum Kilauea's paroxysmal steam blasts of 1924 consisted of pure water steam, chemically distinct from slag gases of lava fountsiu-ing.

something new to present volcanoloMc experience. Dr. Thomas A. Jaguar, research associate in volcanology at the University of Hawaii, said In his paper. Steam In Volcanoes.

Dr. Jaggar said that these steam blasts, like those ot Mount Telee, Soufriere. Santa Maria. Vesuvius, Bogoslof, Katmai and Lassen, "showed how engulfment of the pit walls in the depths determined a series of geyser eruptions of pure water vapor, when submarine outflow drained away the lava and the lava furnace had been lowered below the artesian level." The incorporators and board of governors of Iolani school were approved at a meeting of the bishop and the executive committee of the F.piscopal diocese of Honolulu Thursday. joint congressional committee on statehood, appointed during a Dem ocratic administration.

The com- i Officers of the board are Bishop mittee wrote in its report, submit- ted in 19.18: The Issue basis Harrington Littell. warden and become the old battle of he conn- president; the Rev Kenneth A. Benjamin F. try district again the power of Bray, vice president the metropolitan ftlalf-iVlinute Hawaiiana By DONALD BILLAM-WALKER 1 Dillingham, secretary, and George JM. Collins, treasurer.

Mfmbrr of the executive council mum The mandate contained in the or ganic act reads in part: "The legislature, at lis first regu- of the diocee are the bishop. Archdeacon Henry A. Willey. Archdea- tm-o years ago. Mrs.

Carson, mho m-ent to the ccat a mon'h ago, i now ero-plojed by a Hollywood ttudio, Wiina7r7r HwiV On Way to China William P. Hunt, bead cf the New York financial firm of William Hunt Co. with extensive Interests in China. m-s stopover visitor in Honolulu, preparatory to leaving em the clipper fr Hongkong and Chungking Saturday morning Mr. Hunts firm has 14 offices throughout China and Includes shipping, m-arehouc and engineering projects.

"Much cf our property ha been destroyed or damaged, but we take it in Mr. Hunt said. He was acmrrpanied from the mainland br Charles C. Frlek. general manager cf the firm.

Mr. Frwk. however, became ill here and now recovering in a local hospital. Mr. Hunt m-ill go on without him.

Archdeacon E. -v. ,11 w. a jifn James walker, went on record at a meeting Thursday afiernoon at the ctty hall to recommend to the board cf supervisors that a 12(1 fort right of may be provided for Kalihi St. in anticipation of eventual construction of a tunnel through the Koolau range to wmdmard Oahu.

ll Ml 9I1.1JI JT 1 111 At i t- (Tanner Rmwn. the Rev. Wat On league; Mrs. G. W.

Root. Council of Social Agencies: Miss Regina Hannon, Columbus Welfare: Brigadier A. W. Brewer, Salvation Army; Don George. Musicians' union, and John F.

Gray. Red Cross. Reports were 'heard from those appointed to enlist the aid of churches, schools and homes. While arrangements are still somewhat tentative, the churches already have outlined their participation in the general scheme, said Mrs. S.

Harrington Littell. Central Union church will Invite 400 service men to each of its performances of Handel's Messiah on December 12 and 14. The Mormon church has set aside December 2.1 and 26 to its choir to the Schofield bowl and the Pearl Harbor arena. The Methodist church will invite service men to its watchnight service December 31 and will emphasize the Christmas note at its Sunday night fellowship services during December. The unity center will invite men Into the homes of members on Sundays before and after Christmas.

The choir of St. Andrew's cathedral has offered to help, but has not completed arrangements; likewise the Lyric society and the Morning Music club. Robert M. Faulkner summarized the returns coming in from the circularization of the public schools. The following have already signified their desire to invite service men to class room parties and assembly programs: Kaiulani, Kala-kaua intermediate, Waikiki, Kapa-lama, Kawananakoa intermediate, Manoa, Palolo and Waialae.

High schools and private schools were approached by George Carter. from time to time thereafter, shall reapportion the membership in the senate and house of representatives among the senatorial and representative districts on the basis of the population in each of said dis Shim. Dr. Thomas A. Jaggar.

Arthur G. Smith. Frank A. Lufkin and Arnold Richardson. to discuss selection of a successor to James L.

Friel. Honolulu harbor- REAPPORTIONMENT (Continued I reapportionment has been near the top of legislative and campaign agenda for many years. Until this year it has fared better on the campaign platform than in legislative halls. Principal obstacles to reapportionment action by the legislature have been 1. A lack of certain data required by the organic act, although reapportionment advocates have contended the plan could be carried out without this data.

2. A legislative majority in the outside islands which has been able to throttle efforts of Oahuans to take reapportionment action. 3. A disagreement as to the best mcrns. That disagreement still exists and Delegate Sam King, whose personal representations to the legislature this year were held largely responsible for the success of the resolution, conceded that even the present plan is "not perfect." But he said it is fair to both political parties and to the people of the territory.

Two federal investigations, the last amounting, in effect, to a mandate on reapportionment, have been held in recent years. One was conducted by former Assistant Attorney General Seth tricts who are citizens of the terri- tory. m.i'ter the past eicht years. i fr FViel rllet to active rfti. The army has gone on record as approving such route, to George K.

Houghtailmg. assistant planning engineer. Daughter to Conrads Cigars m-ere being passed around today by Conrad W. Conrad of the firm of Dahl. Conrad Preis, in celebrating the arrivat cf a 8 pound 1 ounce daughter, born Wednesday The legislature favored reappor-i ty in the navy as a lieutenant com-tionment ct the membership of only rnar.der.

one house rather than of both. I Meanwhile, Dan Raich, chairman thereby failing to obey the man- of the board, said that Capt. Frank date literally. But most reappor- I J. Untermann.

assistant harbormas-tionment advocates there believed ter. will serve as acting harbormas-the session had proposed to congress ter until a succesor to Mr. Friel is a plan which is both a fair and prac- found. No. 232 WHY MANELES WENT OUT OF STYLE An oldtime Hawaiian conveyance was the manele, a form of sedan chair carried on the shoulders of four men.

A note in Andrew's Hawaiian dictionary of 1865 rives one of the reasons why manele went out of style. Says the note: "This method of conveyance is said to have been, formerly, very common among the chiefs; but a certain chief of Kauai, very corpulent and very crabbed to his people, used to make them carry him up and down the palis (cliffs), nntil weary with his petulancy, they allowed him to fall, or threw him down a deep pali or precipice: since which time it has not been so fashionable for chiefs to ride In them." 1941. by Donald Billam-Watker) a I. News Calendar rnniv at 2:30 p. m.

in Queen's hospiUL It is the second girl for Mr. and Mrs. Conrad, their first erne being Sandra. tical means or carrying out the law. Today the matter is no longer i merely a campaign plank.

It rests i with congre-s. Delegate Sam King said before his return to Washington recently i that he anticipated congressional ac- tion late this year or early in 1912. 4 Dr. Jaggar said there has been Richardson, an appointee of a He- Holdover Investl- TOMORROW: gallons. no appreciation of such new fea- publican administration, who ob-tures of volcano structure as rift served that "the people of Oahu Orchid show, Honolulu Academy of i rupiure.

ine steam Doner oi pure- are clamoring for a reappor- water and timing. This is the result, Board To Consider FricTs Successor tionment. and the majority Interests in the legislature wjll not consent, The other was handled by the he said, of "a failure of the o'd textbooks to believe that erupted water is possible that the lowering of magma and submarine outflow brings this about, and finally that i i The board nf harbor commission- i ers planned to meet this afternoon I released of pressure creates an intrusion furnace under a boiler." Arts. 10 a. rru Iris root sale at Castle kindergarten.

King proceeds to go to an entertainment fund for the Australian and New Zealand cadets, 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Meeting of the Surgical section, Honolulu Countv Medical society.

Mabel Harvest food sale at Unity center, 240 Le-A-ers Rd. 10 a. m. Zonta birthday tea, Mabel Smythe building. 4 p.

m. Woodcarving class for beginners, conducted by Lurene von Piera, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 7 p. m. TOMORROW An exhibition of orchids, sponsored by the Pacific Orchid Society of Hawaii, at the Honolulu Academy Arts.

10 a. m. to 9 p. m. St.

Andrew's Priory alumnae are sponsoring a bridge and mah-Jongg party to rai5e money for their building fund, American Legion clubhouse. 1 p. m. Kappa Alpha Theta sororltv will meet at the home of Miss Charlotte Hall. 2447 Oahu 3 p.

m. Exploring the academy, free classes Vll say Vm shopping earlier this year! I'm faking no chances of having my packages to the mainland arriving too late for Christmas! Ther ars so many places you want to shop why not hava the convenience of CASH 7 We'll supply it. You pay cash as you go and pay us back In 1M1 in easy installment. Investigate our friendly personal loan plan today! for children. aged 6 to 9 years, conducted by Miss Alyee Hoogs, Honolulu Academy of Arts.

9 a. m. Travelers' groups, free classes for children aged 9 to 12 years, conducted by Miss Anne Mott-Smith. Honolulu araoiiwraatsiaf aormafajwaaeaaeaaeaae. Ideal Finance Mortgage Ltd.

Academy of Arts. 9 a. Art classes for hltrh school stndents, conducted by Elizabeth Watson. Hono Potroffic Fh. 2335 Christmas Mail Scliednic lulu Academy of Arts.

9 a. m. Night football came at the Honolulu stadium, interscholastic league, St. Louis college vs. mnanou, 7:45 p.

m. Flashing again to the front in styling is the new Pontiac Torpedo a worthy successor to the greatest Pontiac in history that of 1941! Included olso In the 1942 line ore the Pontioc Streamliner end the Pontiac Streamliner-Chieftain! Mechanical features that have distinguished Pontioc for years have been continued and improved! You must see Pontioc for 1942 to appreciate its sensational quality! OO- To the Mainland Leave ITonolala Arrive Coast Nov. 21 Lurline 26, San Francisco Nov. 25 Monterey Dec. 1.

Lo Angeles Dec 2 A vessel Dec. 8, San Francisco Dec. 5 Lurline Dec 10, San Francisco Dec 19 Lurline Dec 24, San Francisco To Australia and New Zealand Yes, wise shoppers ore shopping earlier than ever this year. You get better selection. You avoid shopping congestions.

You have plenty of time for careful selection and wrapping of packages. You make sure of pre-Christmas delivery! Seven Body Styles Six or Eight Cylinders (AMD LAW! MOTORS, LTD Nov. 20 A vessels (departure and arrival indefinite) Watch the shipping news of The Star-Bulletin daily for changes, additions to and 1 cancellation of sailing dates, I KAPIOLANI BLVD. AND SOUTH ST. rUarasaaJaaajaaIisiaai Tsa ftja tftsa taa 0.

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