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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 16

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

3 MSSr3asssa2Wi 2 jri a Ea 16 SAIT PBAtfCISCO CHKOKICIXE SATURDAY JULY 20 1895 4 A 1 IX i Kj rg WHERE THE BAND ill PLAY New Music Concourse in tie Part SUGGESTIONS ARE SOUGHT 1 MB REDDIXG EXPLAINS THE PROJECT PROPOSED PLAN FOR THE MUSIC CONCOURSE ON THE SITE OF THE GRAND COURT AB I 4 Based on European Park Concert Arrangements With Local Modifications The Park Commissioners appreciate the fact that the one great attraction of the Park is the outdoor concerts said Joseph Redding In speaking of the plans prepared for the music concourse These concerts have grown from small beginnings Ten years ago we had a band of from only twelve to twenty pieces and on pleasant days audiences of perhaps 2000 people Now we hae forty five musicians and sometimes nearly 50 000 people In attendance The concert feature has resulted In the edu cation of the public taste so that now the best appreclators of music in San Traneiscff are not the fashionable classes but the bone and sinew of the population While our temperature is favorable the high ocean winds are a detriment to outdoor life Accordingly In selecting the location of the music concourse the Park Commissioners were careful to place it In a sheltered spot and to afford it additional protection from the ocean breezes The cable roads show their appreciation of the situation by contributing to the payment of the band but the Park Commission era do their snare and It Is they who own the music library and the new musical instruments and It is they ho will furnish the new uniforms for the men The institution belongs to the city and to the people and is under their control through the Board of Park Commissioners They have reached the conclusion that nothing would so beau tify the Park and add to Its attracts ness as a handsome permanent musi cal amphitheater and in a short time a new band stand and an arena will be constructed on a scale of magnificence to compare to our credit with an simi lar Institution In the world The Park Commissioners requested me to prepare a plan of a band stand and an arena which I thought would meet the public requirements and on a scale which should awaken the pride and interest of the community The matter was talked of so long ago that when I was Jast In Europe I carefully studied the musical arrangements of the parks of the old world Has there fore prepared to suggest the plan to Mr Swain and he has made this de sign on those Ideas Whether it shall be adopted or modified or some other plan devised depends upon the approval of the public and the Park Commissioners In the first place the late Mr Stow and the other Commissioners and mj self went over the Park carefully and concluded that the grand court of the Midwinter Fair would be the most available location for the music con course The area is sufficient for a car riage drive around the entire amphitheater The land lies In such a way that it will be a comparatively easy matter to construct an embankment and erect a structure so as to break the force of the wind To avoid the unpleasant ef fects of this wind to secure the comfort of the audiences and to prevent the dissipation of the music have been cur objects To erect the peristyle in atone as It should be would be very costly It would be the handsomest structure of its kind in America but the financial point of the scheme is the most important to be considered Any suggestions as to the location and design of the music concourse will be welcomed This is an important matter Involving the expenditure of a great deal of meney how much I cannot yet say and one In which the people are directly Interested When the change Is made it should be a permanent one and on a large scale and on a plan Involving a large outlay It is better to do this than to put up a temporary structure which would be a mere makeshift and please no one We have to get out of our present situation The space Is contracted the audiences are uncomfortable the arrangement for carriages is Inconvenient It Is unsafe for pedestrians and from the standpoint of acoustics so bad as In some places the music drops and In others is ragged and blatant It will be decided In a few weeks when work shall be begun We ask the sympathy and support of the Board of Supervisors While the expense of the Improvements must be primarily borne by the Park Commission if some of our wealthy citizens desire to immortalize themselves and at the same time confer a benefit on the people I know of no way in which they can better do so than by offering to erect the peristyle In some of our stonea or marbles quarried in California Oregon or Arizona fr MISCELLAEOtS Plans for a besntlful and permanent ramie concourse have been prepared by direction the oo den Gate Park Co nmtssionert Tle design were drawn on the suggestion of Joseph ddinff bv Edward wani the architect Before their final adoption or mod Scition the Parle Commission deslr sine Judgmni of the people of San Frauc seo and to tljat end make plans public at this time The music concourse will be sitmtel in Co cert valley or that portion of Golden Gate Pirk which was the grand court of the Midwinter Fat In a few dars the electric towr will be removed but the Museum will remain overlook ng the amphitheater and band stand rom the sojth According to the pans th isle concnurs 1 be rectangu ar form th ehptic ends It wi feet long and 3 feet wide The ma i floor wi 1 be sixte tet below the driveway It 1 be surrounded bv a footwa tweit feet de and a nagn fluent drive ly seventv 1 fet in dth and 2140 fee in length The man entrance wn be from the north dr ve th subsidiary entrance on the so uh drive thro ijh the center of the peristyle The band stand will occjpv a position at the meeting the long axis of he western ptical en1 and the great axis of the ectarg I wiU he tagonal lorm ffty feet It diameter and capable of holding 100 mus cians The stand will be sed su eet above the level of the coicoune will 1fty ee high and be covered bv a domed roof supported by eight colnmns These latter wll probably be of ma ble anl the roof of copper The treatment is as cl From the owerleve to the drivewav wi run a series of four terrace each funlhed th a row of seats The te race will tv ded in sixteen sect oij 1 be turt1 ani prm led with ample pasagewavs The seats on the lower leve are la off in wenty two sections served by broad aisles The seating capaci of the terraces and parquet wi be 000 but space for reclining on the terraces br ng jp the imber of persons who mav to the concerj at one lme to fuU 20 0O0 The fool walk is reached bv stairways wh ch also lead to the terraces and will serve as a promenade for pedestrians in the same way as the drive for carriages Back of the musical concourse tndij high above at the same time an ornament and a pVection from the harsh wet ill will oe the peristyle Beginning oa the line of the long aril of the elipse of the western end the perutvle will run around the outer side of the drivewav It wi 1 make ha of sn elipse in Its plan the long ails of which will be t00 feet and he contour 1 tan 1000 feet At el her end of the pori tyle and coincident with the ong axis the tpe two pavil on will se as termlna aid likewise as coverings to ta wan leading tunnels passing jnder the driveway and opening on the lower level of the music concourse The ubs diarv en ranees to and ex ts om the driveway are treated as triumphal arches The perlsu le tuo 1 be formed a doub row of columns sixteen feet apart which will ae an a nbu aio hat port on of the pubic which may desire to view the animated scene below rom Ightlv evated ground The roof 11 a so se ve the purposes of a omerade anl po it i obse vation The peristole wi I standon a terraced embankment eight feet gh and from stv ovate to he too of the cornice 1 measure twenty our fee Ban the pr yle the emoancment will be thick planted with trees designed to assist in protection against the ocean winds A th easterly end of the con ourse and on the long axis of the rectangle will rise a pavilion simi ar to fiose at the ends the per styie and intended to cove the stalrwav to the tuine for pedestrians Etch th pavilions wilt be reached by numerous loot paths lead ng from he no an the so i drives space has ben aid it bevond the driveway and so itn th conco irse for btcvcles I iiente ed by tne be path from the south drive and will be provided th racks for the whee No sroixiD products are to be thrown away when Prices Baking Powder ii used a SOOTH SIDE HAPPENINGS The Improvement Club and the Burned 4 District The South Side Improvement Club bald no meeting last nicbt but wtll have one on Monday when a new constitution and set of by laws will submitted An ef fort will be made to have the Merchants IK Association and tba Half Million Club nteo oparate Tbe latter organisation has rgfalreadT interested itsalf in having tbe Xy burned district rebuilt in a substantial manner The Meoidoffer House on Third street tf has been leased by the proprietor of the Bhiriey ttouwand win twrenttea The uronertv at Third and Howard tvAt VnAVn si th ITnffhM TTat1 itit i TV IaIII nnr nn IffiEaOUlU SU II VMM TCUV fu a fin business block at the cornet of Third and Folsont streets Tha water malna on Sixth atraet are being increased to fourteen inches rJrreral uses ot flinders hare bean re tKjrted among horses on tbe south side JL TALE OJT A TAX TITLE Mr WbJteomb Snffated br th MliUke an Official Jt Whiteomb el 1205 Third street was 4 surpriied rtcentjy on receinng notice that i certain oi jLnoo paym tiunuc Tebrusrr 1894 In Jnne 1891 tba Tax Collector sold the property to 8in clair a purchaser ot tax titles The ml take not dlicorerea until Whiteomb I was informed that 12 64 including the original tax and charges ior delinquency was due to Sinclair The not ce directed him to call at the Tai Collector office He informed tbe Judicia Committee of the Bupermors yesterday that when be went to the Tax lol ector oftW one of the clerks to whom he applied told him that to save tbe property he should pay the second amount to the Lit Treasurer He did so a id got a receipt Whiteomb learned from the committee that be had been duped His receipt for tbe orig nil tax was sufficient All the committee could do was to order that tbe money he paid In H94 be returned to him Whiteomb is S7 60 out of pocket and Sin clair 11 gainer The turn which tbe City Treasurer received was turned over to Sine air who bad paid about 6 20 for tbe tax title SHE HAD IIEU VA Henrietta Emerson Allowed to Dla miaa a Suit for Dlsoree A peculiar state of fa ts wasi brought to the attention of Judre Trnutt ester day in the rliiorce suit of Henrietta Cmerson against Fdw ird ird Emer son The wife commenced the action In June last allejring at she had mar rled the defendant fivi years ago and that she had beien compelled to cease living with him on ac unt of hi cruel treatment Since makl lg these charges the couple have patched up their differ ences with the result that Mrs Emer son was in court yeslerda asking to have the suit dismissed Strange to say thfi although the husband and wife were satisfied th request for the dismissal was violenth opposed The opposition came from 1111am Tomsky the Utorny for Mrs hmerson who InsisttJ that the suit should stand until he received his fee In consequence of the opposition Mrs Emerson was called as a witness It was then developed trrt less than two weeks ago and during the pendencv of tbe suit she and Emersnhad been mar rid by a Justice of tha Peac In Sacra mento The wife confessed that there had been no previous marriage notwlth standing the allegation to the contrary Jn her complaint I had no reason to bring the divorce suit she said I was influenced to to do It by Mr Tomsk and now I want the case dismissed Judge Troutt concluded that the ladj had a right to abandon her suit and an order of dismissal was entered desplt Tomsky opposition 1 To Clear the Tempi Tbe Tarious California uniona of tbe Womans Christian Temperance Union are reeairing letters urginc them to assist inn struggle to lift the debt resting upon tbe national society magnificent bmldfnjc Tbe Tetnple in Chicago With these letters come temple wheels round pieces of cardboard with thirteen boleiln each for the reception oi a 10 cent piece These wheels bare been distributed among the various unions of the order and as soon as filled will be returned to the president of the Temple trustees i Pood made with Prices Baking Powder is a standard style all tbe year around LOCAL NKWS NOTES Edward Sweeney a elerk has petitioned to be declared insolvent He owes 798 and has no aiieta Curry fohen merchant tailors applied yesterday to be declared lniolvent They owe 3741 ot which 1366 a dne the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company for rent and 550 45 due Stein Simon Co The application Mrs Theodora Me tiler widow of tbe detective for an allowance 50 for tbe burial expenses of her husband waa granted by the Saperrtaort yesterday He waa a Union tailor and that allowance la made for barylng indigent reterana The feast day of St Vincent de rani the Slaronio Catholics ot Saa Francisco offlci elated i Phthcxaxs recommend the Crystal hot see water nb and swimming baths SortaSeach PLANS FOR NORMAL SCHOOL STUDIES AIREAm CH TI fOlRst la In Favor of Admitting Mndfi of Both mf to the School Principal Kenndy will Introdurr man radlril chins1 in the methods of Instruction at the Ni rmal School I am not et prepared he said to go verj full into detail hut I am of th opinion that the school should be open to both boj and Rlrla residing In thl clt ho are qualified There should be a high standard of admission Een applicant should be able to pass a cred itnble examination In the studlps requi site for a grammar grade certificate All graduates of accepted high srhooW and those of ither schools of equal rank should of course he admitted upon their diplomas of graduation Whether the crure of the Normal School should be one ear as at present or two years I cannot sa until I hae as certalned the scholastic standing and needs of the students The course I shall recommend to the Board of Education will be sufneienth broad both In its professional and technical lines to insure the graduation of thoroughly competent teachers for the public schools On such students as are fully prepared to teach will graduated The curriculum which I have in mind will comprise a regrulir professional course in practical child stud the history of education psychol og and its application to the methods of teaching the different branches taught in the public schools also a thorough reiew of the studies upon which applicants for teachers cer tlficates are examined and the latest methods of teaching them The methods followed by a teacher If he or she is an intelligent worker depend upon his or her phllosoph Consequently all practice in teachinr should be directly under the supervision of the teacher at the head of the philosophical department of the school I shall accordingly recommend the establishment In connection with th Normal School of a training department Where students under the immediate supervision of their teachers may learn hcrw to teach It has been the custom previously to eerrd out th Normal girls to the differ ent schools so that thty could get the benefit of observation and actual practice In teaching While In some schools under this sj stem studenta have beei given opportunities do independent teaching yet in many others they hae acted simply as assistants without any chance to practice the methods in which they had been instructed Relative to these methods there exists also in the School Depatment a rreat diversity of opinions and practices It follows if the normal student Is to be well Instructed in the principles of education he or she must be Informed not onl upon tne pnnosopny out also the method which comes from It Iff organizing this training department I shall recommend that two or three primary classes including the lowest and highest grades be transferred with their teachers to the Normal School These classes can then be subdivided into sections with a Normal student assigned by the nrinclDal over each The students will of course be under the Immediate direction of the regular class teachers and each student will thus be enabled to teach from four to six weeks during the year Students will In this way be thrown upon their nn resources and enaoled to deelot a practical knowledge ot the methods in which the hae alread ben in ructel I ndT this steni the will als acquire a confidence in tvei abllit to discipline and leacli a class success fulu hile students are ccupied in this practice teaching he will be ex reoted prepare th Ir class lessons lall an1 to submit hem for th ap pr val their teacher bef re putt ng fiem int practice I will ge ou a topical outline of the ure of studv which I shall recom nJ to he Board of Frtuoatkn for Hd ptlon The professional course wi I comprise child stud psycholop his tor of education and methods The lence course will Include georaph bl log pfnsiolog chemtstr and rhslcs Th course in language will comprise reading spelling grammar mmrosltlon and literature In math rralics the essential studies will bp rrithmetle algebra and elemental gpometi The course In drawing and la deling will Include freehand orawlng and designing mechanical crawlng and elementary clay modeling 1 he cl 11 goernment course comprises hlstor the science of government and olementar political econom There will also be a course In ethics In which will be taught the principles of morality Industry patriotism etc Miss Fowler is an able and experienced teacher and will I am sure be to me a most valuable assistant Miss Ball a lady of high artistic attainments PEACE Chicago He succeeds Ha wood ho becomes manager in consequence of the death of Bissell INSURANCE MEN HAVE A PLAN OF UNITY IttTE CITTING TO BE 0 ItNGFIl FA ORED THE COI WAS UKMJHE The Scheme tnlon I to Orarsnlie local Throughout the atate A Storekeeper Charges a Woman With Pasting Coontrfit Honey Mrs Capta Baker wife of the mnster I of the bark Carondolet now in port was I arrested yesterday afternoon on a cOarge afterward prored to be groundless i I wnUh originated in the mind of an orer i cantious storekeeper Mrs Baker arrived here from Aus ralia on her husbina vessel but a few davs eo ind yeslerd ay wsntoutto make some purchases Uur ing tbe afternoon she went Inicj tne I ore of McCauley 31 Sixth street and bought an artiel tbe price of which was 35 tents Inpayment sh tendered a 30 cold piece received tbe change and left the store She had gone bat a law eet when an attache of tbe store ran after her caug ht her by tba arm and blew a pol ce wblitle When a policeman ar rived tbe fr gbtened woman wai turned nvi ts him with fh AmTA Ihl formation of the I tah Montana and i Ul Der t0 priMn and chlrge wlh iurinwri Ltiions ana wuntneproD passing countarfait money She pro able lnterention of the egtern I nlon tested her Innocance but her plea was in Colorado the war Is now practical cut abort bv tb arrival of tbe patrol circumscribed to allfornla This has I won hlch 1ewtePn a Llhn 1 i co I uken t0 the Central Tollce Station Thara encouraged several San Francisco man ih lucceded ftUlt a heilrng ird atrers to look about for amodusvhendi riUn Ppectal Airent Harm wai lent In this State and the prospects are fal for to eiamine the alleeed SDurloua com that an understanding will be reached hen he arrived took him but a mo There are signs of peace on thelnsur ance horion The threatened exten slon of hostilities to he entire region formerly occupied the Pacific Insur ance nlon has been presented th will also be continued at the head of the I The rnoement for the burlng of the mnt 0 pronounce the piece of money draw Ing department dav afternoon Several runaway horses will be tamed and a number of vicious kickers will I subdued in tbe same way as at Mr Olea son a previous successful exhibitions at the faviiion ire raqueros will break bucking bronchos and do the fancy riding of tbe plains Tbla is to be Profesaor Gleasona last exhibition in San Francisco OI EASOt AT CEtTBAL PARK A Han Eating Stallion to Be Faced by the Bora Tamer Professor Oscar Oleason it to enter the ring at Central Park on Sunday after noon at 3 clock and attempt unarmed to tame the man eating stallion Jim Wicks Tbe horse is noted through tbe Santa Clara valley a beitg utterly useless because of bia ferocity and for three years no ahoer has been found who would dare to attempt to shoe him hatchet will come through the Board of I Juln 1Jt cck whch rbbd of Its ring being the only defect Mra Fire Lnderwriters At its next meet I Blker her liberty lng a proposition will be made to strike from its constitution all except the name of the organization This donp a committee will be appointed to form I a new constitution laws and regula tions for the goernment of the citv I managers Should this be accomplished I the next move will be rm similar I lrcal unions throughout the State hich sha 1 report to the main body and thus harmon be restored Those who I hae the project in iew are confident of Its success Thev do not design bring about any such a tight bound Nom ranks ao high in purity none makes auch delicious biscuits and pastry aa Dr Price Baking Powder An ex Wife Saka Protection A warrant was issued by Police Judge Campbell yesterdav for the nrreat of Watson a former commercial traveler for threats to kill The complainant In tha case is son a divorced wife who la now living at 820 Geary street Sheaayi taey were married aome veart aa in San lma eaterdaya number of horsemen were I comnact as was the Pacific insurance Obispo but the husband treated her cru working two hours befoe they could get i nlon They admit that the high in ev and he obtained a divorce Upon bim under subjection He is to be brought surance rates of the past can no long 9 promise to reform ahe married him to this city thia morning at 11 oclock er prevail and sa that with a small but was agnin cfivorced because of He will at once be led to tbe Golden Gate I margin of profit there will be no longer hi drunken nesa RecentlyWatson served stables a work that will require at least a temptation to pay Irregular commis a erm in the County Jail for refusing to four men and can be seen there till Bun i inns The fart that all of the warrino pay hn ax wife alimony companies cheerfully signed an agree 1 ment to preserve the peace in the North A Brlht Ian of the Wasp west Is taken as an Indication that the The Wasp comes to hand this week as can he brought to put an end to rate bright and as breezy aa ever Just now cutting in California Among thos our enterprising Dictorial weeklv i mv Embrace this opportunity to learn that Ponds Extract is not the same thing as the stuff some druggists would sell you as just as good Ponds Extract is pure Accept no BubttHutt for grnuin Pm Extract Bulf trrrtpper and ftUe label PONDS EXTRACT CO 76 Avt New yi jlpRTEfts SIGK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills They al Hic re Dttrcs frorn TVipcpsa Indigeion ard Hea Ea rg A pa feet remedy for zzme VaKra ijwji ness Bid Tae ir the Mouth a ed Tongta Paji in the de TORPD LIVER They Regulae the Bowe Purey egetahle Small Pill Small Dose Small Price Tbe Cass of Murderer Fredericks So far the Supreme Court has ignored the appeal of Murderer Fredericks lawyer George Col well from the order of Judge Murphy denying a motion to have a jury inquire into Fredericks sanity Warden Hale la doubtful whether the appeal staa the execution of the aectenre and has aaked an opinion on that point from Attorney General Fitzgerald The date fixed for tbe hanging is next Friday i Fos tbe latter all American hotels are noted when tbev use as Dearly all do Prices Baking Powder Funeral of Forrest flenbury Tha funeral ot Forrest Seabury took place at noon yesterday in tbe presence of many prominent theatrical people including members of tbe Actors Associa ton of America and the Theatrical Mechanics Association of this city Kev John A Emery of the Episcopal Church ot which body Mr Sea bury grandfather was a famous bishop officiated The remains war escorted to the Oakland ferrv a band leading tha proeesalon and were Interred in Mountain View Cemetery i A Brilliant Idea The edtorial la this weeks News Letter suggesting that young miHIonairea would makethe best city officers is ablr written The idea is a good one and the article I auouia xtaa 07 every unhung penon M111111111 mill im QHctJfi BRAND Guaranteed Collars Cliffs at our Outfitters The bf I Cheapen rite Jcr our 4 jSOVYE IR OF FASHTO3 i Cuaranteed food art safe I It it Outfitter v5 NAU SHON See currr coo a co iirt 0 Bo 2588 San Fraaclsao Cal ItioTvd Vj 111 tin Uilur FsTiirui ui rttuitt FREDRICKS SANITARY TOOTHBRUSH With Toogaa Creaner A ttaehmen Don 1 go amund wlm a bad ue in ror msatt or coated loopie A preventive ataintt taroai dlseasea Mailed to au address on receipt ot 30 cents WILLFINCKCO 818 820 Market street Opium Habit Sav rivricoCAL HaOna watcjw the coorxe ot many raaes und tin ns tie4e brother phyl lan sncreiuou lr trathfullT tmr Ut HOTERIA Is the out mi do iom the profession whicti rmoe tbe deslrs s1 caren Uie silent wuhli a eek 1 oondeaur recommend It to my brother hTiclns F1BHERMR Late A A Surgeon Arm nd Imle restdB physician Himmund Mnltariam ashlnjton ANTHONY CO 89 Chronicle Building SAN FRANCISCO ratlrnta Treat at Home If Delra perrnis slon to withdraw his famous non inter course letter which precipitated the conflict Some of the companies declar that they will never enter Into an aerree ment to which the Home and the Phoenix are parties John Cofran of Cofran Belden Pacific Coast agents of the Hartford Fire Insurance Compan has sane Kast to take the position of associate manager of the Western branch of the company having Its headquarters In who signed was Arthur Matfll and It i lng Mture of ha tone ot Is reported that he has asked perrnis nrominnt in loei miI 7 ties music and the drama Several striking likenesses of well known celebrities are presented in this weeks issue The colored cartooni are fully up to tbe usual bizh standard some of tbe work this week being drawn by leading East era artists Asa wboea better or more readable paper has not been issued from tbe Wasp office in a long lima Tarrarxo any kind 6f books Blndlnt de partment Myaell A Eellln 521 Oar ia Powder ABSOiVIEIPUBE ft Qail Border Eagle BRAND Condensed Mflk HAS NO EQOAt THE GRAND HOTEI SAH FBANOISCO GAL rl C07TECnrB WT A TO rOO BMDOa with tha Grand Coort of toe Valaea wksje atrtnt and reed archestra pUra two tvaniDfsaaeaj week where taeata can crosa tor mcala or lade corridors aepartofi Enropeaa niaa BfJ il a day ana upward partor and ftata JgT ttonal nlaolrooiaaiiU aiJaday aecartftsf ta alac and lacatlaiu Bamn roonu Ua4aawr rwunattMHaaossnin ft Ladies Grill AS BTKS TglASUSWCD IS Hot ACE HUIU 1HW Vjfit BaataBTaaV win oitacs eoiraacv ii street Iater shopping wiU flad tau irabla place to tnneh Prompt nVZi rata cbanes anclt aahavs jtvan 0Ji OrtB Beom aa International rtpwaoea mm yati la tula ajw ceparUMBfc tv Xv sut 5aategS iPJae gaafeawSfegaMga.

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