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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Pi Is 4 I The iv I irfe 3 1 TillrTi 8 lpirjHiHHIljpa 3 4Z3 SSf BTtAXCISCO OHEONICU TUESDAY AgBIll 188tX FATAt EXPLOSION inotherPragedy ajtfie mole worKs i rv vs 1 MAS BLOWHTO PIECES Thft Months of Employe Ire Suled lint the Pacta leifc Oat in explosion of nttro lrcerinoc carrcd about noon yesterday at the California Powder Work downing station half a mile from Pinole Contra Costa county Instantly Wiling John flwan and severely Injuring Charles Jessing foreman of the works Bat for the providential drcnmstance that aU the employes were at lunch at the time1 the fatality would hare been much greater The works are owned and operated try the California Powder Company which has its oflSeesat 230 California street Ban Francisco and a branch factory at Bairta Cror The last explosion at the Powning works occOrredcn March 10 1888 and resulted in the death ofJTIi BwiharV foreman and a Chinese laborer Swi hart tad told the Chinaman to break tip disused nltro glycering rat for-firewood and a moment pi recKiess ness eeicedan ax andatruck tae yat i IT bich exploded blowing him to Stoma nT ThcjQiinanian fared no betterand the relirtinfthftrwlr had loibacollectad piecemeal in a basket In the calamity which occitrred yesterday the cridence of careleisnear is wimn bit this mar be becauce there Vas tao third party left alive to tell the taiei very employe on uie wora bad eridenfly been pledged to secrecy when a Chbosicxx reporter appeared on the scene It seems reasonably certain that the Tictim Swan and the injured foreman Jessmjrv were the only persons about the place at the time and essing was not in the mix ine honse in which the disaster oo ensred bat was walking outside TThe storyi as gathered from rarions eourpex seems to be this The men at the works numbering about arty fire are accustomed to quit at 1130 a SW 1 ft IM port Jt is surmised that this ressci will conyey Bishop YIadbnlr On his tour of the Alaskan niocese xne Kreiseris a comnoslte Tesselbark rigged BheUlMO tons burden with engines oi iau oozas power iik i drirlngher li2 knots an hour at full speed Her armament consists of three six Inch foor ton and four four Inch guns of the Obukoff type of breech loaders as well as number of Nordenfddt machine guns The Kreiser may be expected here early in May and will probably beta port in company with the ironclad Admiral NachunoH the flagship of the Bosnian Pacific squadron It ir also learned that daring the present season a Bussian cruiser will patrol the Si berlan coast of the Behring sea Ito presentpresent illicit trading and hunting I AM NOT MAD TOE WOED8 OF MBS EDITH BTHTMtCT 5 0 1 i lfvi jr ah pa Bib JAY Plan California Ponder Worlt 1 GlrrlDe houe Acl4 bcrae 3 Pneldnt tioose MixlDj lioue 6 Pump boose 6 CWnese laborers qnarMra 7 BojuMing honse 8 Sapertntea house IH FW tff 5f 3 for lnnch the ranch time being half an hour faster than local railroad time They had hardly been gone three min otes before the mixing house went up witK an explosion distinctly felt for miles around As is common in such cases places quite remote from the factory experienced a far more considerable shock than others which were quite close to it One of the night watchmen stated to a Chbokich reporter that he was not eTtn awakened from his slumbers while at the Pinole Postofflce and grocery half a mile distant with a lofty hill intcrrening the entire building was shaken and boxes Irere displaced from the shetres The class in the windows of the factory bnildmes was blown out but no appreciable damage was done to the buildings themseires owing partly to the slope of the hillside and partly to the fact of their betag substantially constructed below pround with rery light upper works The mixing house in which the explosion occurred was entirely leveled and a space about 40x 20 was corercd with prostrate shattered timbers which in some measure hid from Tic the crater excaratcd by the esplorire Swan the rictim was aXew Yorker and bad been in the employ of the company about three or our years He was about 23 years of age and unmarried All accounts agree in describing him as a very popular young manwith a character beyond reproach Cbesnnir the foreman is somewhat older lie was seen walking about a short time after the explosion but one cf his limbs has become rigid and It is feared be may hare sustatuea spinal concussion The Pinole Postmaster says It was preciselT 12 oclock Paciflo time when the explosion occurred The same reticence and professed ignorance as to all particulars relating to the accident was obserTable among the rostoffice and grocery frequenters as among the cm 2 ployis at the factory The California Powder VTorks cover about forty acres of ground and are chieflyi located on iht Interior of a iSi fTange hilu rising abruptly from San fahlD bar twentT fire miles from Ban i Irancisco yiewedfrom Pinole sta 4v tton the only Tisiwe portion are the sa iii mfl ktt4 Tnntt4nhtS the white men reside with their tami ip iiesThe Chinee laborers haTesepa 1 iTatoguartenin the rear On ascend ing the hill and tpaising to the right of i the unerintendenta bouse the factory buildings comeinto Tiew Jhe mixing bouse In which the explosion occurred is located at the farther angle of the a quadrilateral area otforty acres coyered by the workxr iI ne cun on wot oay ae runs oown The Is Confined In Dr VThltwella JLsylum and Her Mother Can wt See Her Mrs Edhh a Blakeslee is confined In the priTate insane asylum of Or Whit well on Bryant street Her mother Mrs Cordelia Kinkaid on learning that her daughter was there confined tried to see heir but was refused admittance to the asylum on the ground that the patient was too hysterical The mother then sued ont a writ of habeas corpus which was beard before Judge Murphy yesterday The patient was not produced Dr Wlutwell baring resisted the entrance of the officers on the ground that it would be injorious to take the woman out of the asylum rhe story of Urs Kinkaid aa given court is tbati she went to see her daughter and on being refused admission she went to a side window where her daughter was sitting and said Kever mIndBirdie HI have you out on Monday Jit this one of the attendants threatened to have her arrested As soon as my daughter saw me said the much excited mother she threw out her bands imploringly to me and cried Oh mother for Cods sake take me out of here1 1 am not crazy I could do nothine to aid her ana I stood looking at her till I saw two big women tear ner trom tne wmaow Thev must have weighed 200 pounds each I then went to my lawyer and got out this writ of habeas cornus now oia is your aaugnier asxea the Court She is 24 sir and has three children She was married when only 16 years old I believe that her husband put her in there to get her out of the way Is she not insane No sir She has been examined by physicians and they say that all she needs is sunshine and rest Her husband is at the bottom of the whole business Dr Henry Gibbons Jr was then called to testily to the sanity of the woman but he was not willing to say that she was sane if Dr Whitwell said to the contrary Dr Whitwell said that the woman was without question insane She was hysterical and violent Why did you not let the mother see her daughter when she called asked the Judge Well we had orders not to let any one see her Who gave those orders Mrs Blakeslee8 husband was the That is not a good enough reason said the Court I am surprised that yon should give such a reason You ought to let a mother see her daughter no matter who orders to the contrary I shall order yon to let Mrs Kinkaid see her daughter To night the mother may choose several physicians to examine her daughter and they will report to me to morrow at 130 oclock EDGLOTHfevONLYii rBlarWEoWiilMe Nothing Else THE DETECTIVES PUZZLED Story of a Bride and a Bed Why a Couple Went to the Baldwin A XOUWO BUBaitAB Enters a Canning Factory In the Daytime Joseph Giordan 20 years of age was arrested by Officers Egan Manning and Hall yesterday and charged at the north harbor police station with burglary and grand larceny Last Friday BiordanjWith two companions entered the canning factory of A Paladmi corner of Battery and Union streets Pal adlni caught Biordan and locked the man in his office while he went to notify the police While gone some of Biordans friends i broke in the door and released the prisoner The officers arrested me teuow in oca a piece on Pacific street between Front and Battery He was identified by Officer Hall as the man who stole some merchan dise from the ship A Fuller some mornings ago Hall took a shot at him at the time but Biordan jumped into the bay and escaped A CABSiESa OBIPMATT A XtsJCnJared Throvgh Bis Heedlessness The carelessness of a gripman on the JButter street road on Sunday afternoon caused a painful wound to a small boy besides severely shaking up the passengers The gripman of dummy 43 attached to car 47 neglected to let go the grip when the train reached the end of the road at 115 pm and sent the train with a 3erk into the abutment at the end of the line The boy spoken of bad his head thrown against the forward fence of the dummy and his fore bead cut open fbrthe length of an inch or more lie was taken to a neighboring saloon and cared for while the careless erinman proceeded on his war as If nothing of consequence bad oc curred MEM8TES BTflTT On the evening of March 28th some person entered the residence of Cyren Tyler a special policeman 1523 Folk street and quietly removing the pillows blankets sheets etc from a bed departed unobserved Mrs Tyler had stepped out for a moment about oclock leaving her husband reading and her son In an adjoining room The robber gained access to the bouse through the front door but it Is not known whether or not a pass key was used new suit of clothes and an overcoat were in plain sight of the thief as well as other articles of value but they were not disturbed The residence of Dn JE Cummtngs corner of Bush and Polk streets was quietly eoteredon the evening of the 27th of but month evidently by the same person who paid a visit to Mr Tyler on the following erening He took from a room on the second floor two pillows and a spread and from a room above jill the bedclothlng In this latter room Mrs Cumniings had left two dress patterns one otcas si mere and one of silk The cheaper article was taken but Camming thinks this was unintentional on the part of the thief as it was on the bed and be probably wrapped it up in the blankets This room was locked but the sneak managed to unlock the door He also locked the door again on leaving the room This jobbery was committed between 7 and 10 oclock in the evening and the members of the household wer i at home as usual One oi Mrs Coders roomers also mourns the loss Of his bed covering Mrs Ouder resides at 1642 Sacramento street Last Saturday evening between 7 and 8 oclock the street door being unlocked some one walked up stairs ana mvestea a oea oz ui its loose clothing On the same evening One of Mrs Ridleys lodgers met with a similar misfortune lira Ridley resides at 1640 Sacramento street and was in the room adjoining the plundered apartment at the time the theft was committed Another lady was also in the next adjoining room Nothing was seen or heard of the thief Lazar Levy is one of the best known and best liked of the many young men who erace the social circles ol tne folk street settlement Lazar bad long wooed one ol uatianas lair aaugnters and after much encouragement from his friends he mustered courage to propound the momentous Interrogation and the happy day was fixed The happy day was last Sunday After a Dleasant dav snent in Oakland Lazar brought his newly acquired better half to tne city ana maae taste to snow ner the cozy quarters which he hadpre parea ior ner on roix street nut alas the destroyer had been before him The apartment looked as if it had been the training quarters for a young cyclone There wasnt even a pillow sham left Lazar cast a beseeching glance at the partner of his future joys and sorrows and remarked that the boys must have played a trick on him Lazar chartered a room at the Baldwin for the night and esteraay ne mvestea izo in a new out it and a dangerous looking gun In all of these robberies the obiect of the thief appears to have been to get Deaciotnes only witniae one exception noted nothine else was taken No one has seen the mysterious despoiler and ne mares no noise it has been suggested that the larcenies have been committed bv a Chinaman as a bundle of bedclotlnng would resemble the usual load of a laundry hand and excite no suspicion Several Chinese laundries have been searched by the police but nothing was found Sometime airo Mrs Trier found a woman in her hall who acted suspi donslv She inauired for some myth ical person and departed On examining the front door Mrs Tyler found that the night latch was on and consequently the woman has a pass key of some description It is possible that other robberies which have not been reported have been committed master Aryan fir Us search1 for Mr ton beorze wno vaaian nearaoiraiaiseiiT ltt June 1888 Bernard Merer and William Thomas irere arrenea DT umcer ma wcu eany jw terdar morninr for knocking rdown and attempting to rob William Uctner a farmer from Santa Clara county Therewlll be a union reception for young men at the Young Hens Christian Amooiatlon Hal this evening Complimentary tickets may bo secured on application at the ofoce of the association Charles Green was arrested early Tester day morning feyOSlcerVoneban near the Cosmopolitan Hotel on Finn street Oreen had an assortment of burglars tool in his possession His real name Is said to be kaedlngv It is understood that the British Ironclad wUtsnre will leave several dars earlier than was anticipated In eonse qaence ot the continued attempts at desertion by members of the crew The vessel will go to British Colombia 4 The Coronerheld an inquest yesterday on the body of John Fincer who was killed by a Howard street eat A verdict of accidental death was returned and Bernard DmTr the driver who had been arrested tor manilsngbter was discharged BobcrtKclraa was arrested by Omeer Bolbrook yesterday for allowing nls child to appear upon the stage in an acrobatic ErformanceatanOFarrell street theater was released on bonds but will not be prosecuted unless he permits the child to again appear Daring the process of excavating the buildings recently demolished on Third street between Market and Mission last evening one of the workmen atrnck a large water main with his pick and a Jet of water spouted npto the full height of the snntranding buildings The excavation was flooded and it was with great difficulty that the flow was stopped lkrfeh -V A i fe 3 i Jv ixt tweeni Powninpa mere flag sUtton everyjray dose to the loot of the cHft 7 While there are many theories as to howXheaeddent wasrausedjitis well known among experts that such occur Yxences cannot be foreseen nor can they always be prevented The manuiactttre of rUtro glycerine Involves a far greater frisk than that of gunpowder in which the chief danger is found In theintro VliK tlnn of mt into the erindinr mills br passing birds or a gutt of wind In I the fase of nitro glyeerine it appears that the molecular or atomic changes particularly when the substance assumes the crystalline form are such at to render arr accident possible at any time The process of converting the mtrglycerine into dynamite or giant powder consists tdrnply in saturating infusorial eartb with the Cuid and Is not dangerous If ordinarycare 1 used haoaom nnlv amall nu intities are operated on at a time But it is during the tttocess oi wasning auerj we nux titreof sulphuric and nitric acids has Anre tt vnrbroiv the el rcerine that the cbiefdanger Js tJs be apprehended It vas 4urig the last stago of this process ht iiitB nrineui occurreu yraieruai 1 ThklCpf6wnrabxmhrman glcu iiio arms uui uniin iwuig suuhi aereredfromtlrnnki Tejt itruittntav TrtAtLt ATirass Tbe explosion of UiVpot jwflli atPinole point Uk tlay about noon wa4tlisilnctlyJj card and tj bcsfet bereiany thought id pCZr IlesaltStMfi Stf ri itV1 KWhnkvtrMaiba sfst i Jtyie Arrival of thoKnroy to tkalkado JcbxvTr8wiftjctbenew maiaa to Japani arrived 4a this clfjr 8unday morning Mr Swift says that he was much impressed with the earnest manner in which the President goes about cos wort Air swut uunxs mat mere will not beranV immediate chance In the rjoaltion ofmsul GeneTalto Japan as Mr Qreaihousej has appar ently given sauaacuon air i win says that be will leave for bis new post on the steamer Oceanic which Will sail April 23d Of lhe two missions the Chineae or the Japanese Mr Swift tne one ne nas tne more agree Tt Blnsiat i von Ehein the executor of the Belm estate states that the property was appraised at iiroyuuananotiz 000 and that the deceased while rigidly economical was i not miserly in bis habits givbig liberally during bis lif ftp jVVl I Ti jOpimm IatT OKeeelTod Tbe3olleetot of nstomayesterdsy IteelTedi f3U0iiho regular jdutyjlm aw cases oi prepared opium wnicn came nyue iwamer vy oi Dvaney A iJoul received 200 cases of it and Macondray Co ten cases making a total of a0 pounds valued at XlffllaX -A OerdteilTiiVLfCfosieii The store of Henry Gerdcs who was implicated in Ibe recent smuggling ex rosilss nowfor jrent iOerdes wlfe sold all the goods and paraphernalia but Saturday and nas not been eeea since tShe bat evidentlygone to join her truant husband wno Js in parts ynknoyn jarroo cisril Txtv Bfy roc Pot fcoald we eieet what things were of aTsBngetosortlval Oorpalasaiul actus wswoold transmit To soma detested rlTal JSut It cant be donei Ton haTeto ache it out ror jrouraelf nalfsaTM fbOsir thaex ample of these wUnesses rk A Plen Yoar Comrornid Oxyxea ew mo wow otery ob thoogat I bad wsinptir Unst xm Ames lmvlh SUtkey1 Palsai Cdec Oo4 1 com pound oxr THE GLOW OF WAK BKIGHTKS3 TJPOX OEIKNTAI HOKIZOS The Chae Chan Plng Case If De cided Adversely to China Stay Cause Dire Disaster Colonel Bee othe Chinese Consulate did not have a war sword dangling at bis side when a Chkosicli reporter called upon him yesterday His regimentals were not stained with human gore in fact he wore no regimentals and the blackened gdme of new burnt powder was absent from his hands His eyes flashed with the light of battle however and it was evident that he scented the flame of war from afar very far in short as far as China The Cnaosicuc sought his opinion concerning the dispatch from Shanghai which appeared jn these columns yesterday to the effect that one Won Kwang Pel had advised the expulsion of every American in the service of China as a reprisal for the exclusion of Chinamen from America at the same time speaking of the American navy most contemptuously saying that it would be powerless in an aggressive movement Colonel Bees opinion be was sorry to state it was that China was only awaiting the ultimate action of the United States courts with regard to the Chae Chan Ping case before dedd ingupon a definite policy with regard to this country what that policy would be if the case were decided adversely to Ping Colonel Bee left the reporter to judge and the journalistic soul was filled with dark torebodings as his eyes beheld the threatening aspect of the Colonels brow The diplomat lit his pipe and shook his head ominously the while as he said that the missionaries in China had not yet reached that portion of the scriptures where the earthhngs are advised to tarn the other cheek and that the Chinese were in consequence still following the eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth adage This being the case It would not surprise Colonel Bee to see unina exciuae Americans rrom ner shores if the Supreme Court decides that the Exclusion law is constitutional When asked what be read between the lines of Peis reference to the American navy Colonel Bee laid aside his pipe and said that be looked upon it aa a menace at the same time waving his left forefinger at the unoffend ing reporter in a manner to seriously endanger the exceeding shapeliness of the journalistic nose The Colonel further stated that Won Kwang Pei was a weu xnown aipiomat wno was for three vears secretary of the Chi nese legation at Washington He was a man well versed in American affairs and one whose advice was likely to have great weight with the Chinese Government The Consol General was nresent dar ing the interview and by sundry hods grunts smiles and blinks of approval expressed his concurrence in the utterances of Colonel Bee i A BLIND MAXS rOBTClTE XBISH aVLBUAMJOrXABIAXS THr supervisors Fire Commissioners Are I Appointed HACK ORDINANCE PISSED Sonerrisor Ellerf Stroiifrly Ob jeeU to Barrys Resolution i XV a iht PHunt tww we tjjej Sis Jin Vs i fr I I ir iisst SssSkLisilSsf beism I my In ywr Com pound Oxy tn Trvatment Mas Euiassth Otns iarnian Viaiey KcKcao coanty fa evtrls3oa cases In which UMlrCempsond OargfaiTrtataieBt ilias lnTK4lyphystr tiaaaiB thoir praetico savl byteTattds sd iiejeirtiyslfcsttbnrtareofSWpagsswat Mftwwarded Ctm charts toaayjMaad SSSadta Their Barbeena to Be Held on JEaster Sunday The Irish ParliameDtary Club met last evening in Knights otheHed Branch Hall John Spottiswoode presiding The following new members were elected John Williams Frank Bhea Rev Mathew Coleman and Bev McCabe of Marysvllle and Eev Andrew Twomey oi Bmartsvme uo scriptions were received from a friend and Hayes each 20 from William McGill Barry 10 and 5 from each of the new members as well as from John Dodin The barbecue which was to have been held on March lTth but could not take place owing to inclement weather will be held on April 21st Easter Sunday at the residence Of Vt OToole Glendal ough Berkeley Dr OToole will be the host and has invited the entire club The receipts for the evening amounted to J80 i BOBBIKO CHIIJJBKN A Gang of Tounr Enfflans About the Uarrlsoa 8trt Brldro There a a gang of young hoodlums haunting the xdghborbood of the uarnson stjeet nnage woo snoma receive the attention of the police They are fit the habit of stopping the children who attend the aLongfellow Primary School making them throw up their bands In true highway robber style and rifling their pockets A few days ago the thirteen year old son of XLHtHamert20 Folsom streetwas robbed of some trifles by these young ruffians and struck in the face Tes terday afternoon another young sorf of the same gentleman waa ordered to throw up his bands Instead of obeying he ran away when the hoodlums bit him with a stone in the back of the bead inflicting a severe wound 4 HeBfflOOCISCAMPAlW The IJkeUhood ef a Tnblli In ilirf jivesUgation The recently published report to the effect that a trio of feminine teachers in the public schools had spent a few hours in a hllarlon jaunt about town lritbf School rirectornrinding up vrttb a I champagne supperat Vwell known restaurant does not lack con firmation The parties are known but tneir laenntyis oi course wunneia from the public in order to avoid scan daliring the department Certain Directors who were questioned by CnBoaicia reporter with reference to the matter indicated by their actions that thevwere rjerfectlvicogniiant of the facta in the case They were averse to A puoiio in vcsugaHon Bowever on the onml that such a course would have a tendency to in jurethe depart meni jr yaVpCAIV MsCTTgV gprgSfe TAvrrATmTL a eatntek broke his nose yesterday by falling from a scaffold at a verona piace i Offlrer John 11 TVsttlns was dlsTDissed bom the police force last xdght for Uvlng WlUKpiUkUlUW Herman Voikerstnrard ol the brig Parry Edwards committed suicide yesterday apom noon snooting imsri i jiiiwsa oonseii win i ujb rf TredEctbel stole a lot of wearing apparel from a lolelni htmse at 1300 Stockton street Vonilay morning and was arrested hyBpeolalJIelnr FTani Heller Is anln1n the efty prison He escaped last Wednesday but broke Into stole several arUcleti lie Is now charged with bntylary iT John Elelly of Hollldsysburg Hair counlyTa has Invoked the aid of Post A Suit Oyer a FenoU Peddlers 1000 SsUte Peter Holmes was a blind peddler of pencils in his lif etime and in bis death be made bis grave with the paupers He rests among the paupers because be died in the Almshouse for he was not in fact a man without means baring accumulated S101S which he had deposited in the Hibernia Bank Shortly before bis death Holmes gave to Patrick Keenan bis bank book in consideration of Kecnans long friendship Keenan could not get the money from the bank however and brought suit which is on trial before Judge Lawler The Publio Administrator intervened and bis contention is that Holmes did not give Keenan the bank book but that the latter took it from Holmes trunk after bis death i ALASKA CBmrNATS politics ior jrears and wifl be remembered as a prominent figure on the side of thedefense in the notorious Morrow trial vIOSSIOS 8TKEET mi zJtgf iftv rire of Them Ars Imprisoned In San Qaentin United States Marshal Barton Atkins for the district of Alaska is at the Pat ace Hotel having returned from San Quentin where he took five prisoners sentenced at the recent term of the court at Sitkav The prisoners are Lewis Sharp the murderer who was arrested in this State and returned to Alaska last fall Aorman Dubuque who serves three vears for robbery Kankins a Russian two years for selling liquor to Indians Aaron a Chilcot Indian four years for mayhem and Kaatwat another inaianuiree years ior murderous assault Ik WaUr rront Tarrant Thomas McDonald one of the young hood rums who congregate on the wailjassxrested yesterday by Officer vixen ana cnargea wim vagrancy at the north harbor station 3 George Foster a young man rknowi to the police as a drunk roller was arrested on East street by Offlcers Cdck nu rana iicuratn jreswraay ana charged at the south harbor police station with vagrancy Tho allnlag Bsirean State JUneralogistKelan docs not anticipate that the Mmlng Bureau will closejor suspend its operation even if the appropriation proves unavailable onJuIylstjthebeginningof the next fiscal year lncase lt is determined that the bfll is fatally defective defl Hciency bills will probably be presented to the next Legislature to pay the expenses of the mtovening two years i I Tested and proved by over thirty years as la an pans ot ih world AUcocks Porooa Ratten have Uw ia tonemest ot the highest medical and chemical authorities and minions of gntoral patients who haT bees eared ofdlstzesflng ailments voluntarily tesOty their toertta AUcocks Poroos Piasters art partly reset able They mild bos eflVctlre son and quick In their action and absolutely li ar alMa Beware of tmiutions and do sot bsde ecind tv mlsieuie eiiuaon JLsk sbrn eockaaBd let no explaaatkMi or aoUdUUoir lixiaca yon accept a Kuwuune i WHAt So you don ten ni that the 83 Faaaxisco Hfnut Cstaosncui for etMytaiaadlts superior split bamboo rods and complete tUhjng ontats only cost 90t A liTTxa from John li Ward oltheKerf Tort Baseball Club and author of the new bookBasebsirr Ponds Extract Co Dear Sirs HTtag tow awrs uinn mm aa aj pneawn roruo hnuaes sprain and otheriJortM tnddentw ban rlayug I can safety Teeorasaend It Tours only JOHH WABD iltowHietlme ta stasnperlorfrpHt hamboo nsMni roa and ootni ana me star VcsxiiCJUHnncu foreat year for S7 aaicnrdfprti4entTiii reapbiglUrtwardU thsfaclfio Bank 3 Supervisor Ellert tried to steal a march on bis colleague Barry at the meeting ot the Board of Supervisors last night Mayor Pond being absent Ellert moved that Mr Barry should take the chair Barry looked at him coolly smiled signmcantly declined the honor and moved that the honor able gentleman from the First should be chosen to preside oi course the motion was earned and Sir Bingham clutched the gavel and stroked bis gray beard In a statesmanlike way Ellerts Idea was to put Barry in the chair so as to prevent if possible the introduction by Baxry of a resolution to appoint a new Board of lire Commissioners The Water Committee reported the commencement of the Snring Valley suit and the Committee on Health and Police called attention to the recent fatal cable car accident on Geary street and emphasized the need of legisUUon by the board lo compel th cable car companies to put guards around their cars At this point on motion ot Barry the rules were suspended to allow tne appointment of a Board of Fire Com missioners Mr Barry then introduced a resolution appointing as a Board ot Fire Commissioners to have entire management of the Fire Department Wilshlre Charles Haswell Jr Mann Dunne and Maurice Schmitt Ellert asked bow such appointments could be made if no vacancies existed Barry replied that the appointments would vacate and fill the offices It was of course expected that the presen commissioners would vacate Mr Ellert said be thought it illegal to make appointments in that way He opposed the resolutions for the same reasons that he had opposed the fire order and he wished to go on record to that effect He had therefore reduced his reasons for opposing the resolution to writing and be handed the communication to the secretary who proceeded to read it Ko power existed in the board to pass the fire order said Mr Ellert and therefore no power existed to carry out its provisions Mr Ellert though that the movement under discussion was only preliminary to reorganizing the Police Department and other commissions of the city government The board assumes be said that all other bodies performing municipal functions do so simply by sufferance and that at such time as best suited thev can be wined out of existence bv legislation to that end on the part of tne Doara lie caiiea attention to tne fact that the Constitution from which it is claimed the power is derived cannot in anv sense be construed as con 1 ferring upon this board any such legis lative runcnons Mr Ellert next called attention to the clause Of the Constitution under which it is said the Board of Supervisors has power to act as It was proposed and he also pointedly referred to the clause requiring two Boards of Supervisors in a city of this size It must be self evident the Su gervisor concluded that this Board of upervisors created and holding office unaerana oy virtue oi tne ixmsoiiaa tion act can exercise no other nower than is specially conferred by that instrument and the general laws subject to all restrictions and limitations that the Board of Supervisors provided for by the constitution when elected can exercise and carry but the powers granted by it except in so far as they are limited and controlled by a charter adopted by the people I do not know what right the gentleman from the Sixth or any one else has to say this is only a preliminary move mat tne next proposition wm be the Police Department said Mr Barry The Police Department Is not now before the board the Fire Department is There are several departments in the city government including twelve Judges forming the Superior uourt a ao not wins anymemoeroi this board has anv authority tonass upon the legality to this matter The judges nave ana anytning isaone by this board which is not liked by the people affected or is considered illegal by them they have the courts to appeal to 1 am tore that if this board does anything illegal the courts will so declare but as an bumble member of this board I do not think the pro posed resolution is illegal atninsitne Fire Department is now well man aped and is verv efficient for the force But we think it ean be greatly im proved ana tne way to ao tnatis to change the commissKm If the object of the resolution Is to have a fall paid department why ia it necessary to change the commission Mr Ellert asked This question Tfr Barry adroitly evaded by saying that the only matter then before the board was the appointment of a commissioner and not a fully paid department Tne roll was themcalled on the adoption of the resolution It was adopted by the following tote Ayes Pescla Wheelan Becker Pllster KlngwelL Barry Noble Bingham 8 excused Boyd i Absent Bush Aresolutioa offered by Supervisor Pilster was adODted It teaulres cable railroad companies to place buffers or guaros in iront oi tneir aummies ana around the dummies and cars within sixty days The companies are required to report to lb board their compliance wiui uio xcaoiuuoib It was moved that monthly allow I ances should be made as follows for the receiving hospital rJrom the prison funds forahead nurse J60 two nurses HO each diet for the sick not to exceea asi amontn ine motion was referred to the Finance Commit The attention of the Judiciary Com mntee was cauea to tne eprmg vauey suit end the committee was instructed to ascertain whether anv additional legal assistance was needed by the city ana to report to tne Doara Tbe back ordinance was finally passed It requires that bkekmen shall solicit natronace in a oulet peaceful gentle civil orderly respectful man 1 ner and in a quiet gentUt orderly conversational tone of voice wtthout outcries calls Or noise i They are forbidden to lay their bands on the person or baggage of any one without express permission and they are also forbidden to interfere with any other man who is Soliciting business so as to harass or annoy the prospective patron Infringement of the provisions of this order a misdemeanor and Is punishable by a fine not exceeding 500 or by Imprisonment not exceeding six nthav I The monthly bills were passed and the board then adjourned That something may bel known of ibe new Fire Commissioners their business Is berejrlvenf A AvSshire Is bf the vTilshire Safe and Scale Company atr201 Call tomia street 1 Chartea Haswell Jr lives at the Union Club and is general freight and passenger agent oi the Oregon Development Company Mann is of the well known insurance firm of Hutchinson at ann Peter FDunneis a young lawyer and Democratic tntitiQan witnBasb street affiliations llevwra defeated by James 1L Page tor tbomce ot instnet Attorney at the last electiony Evervbodv knows Maurice Schmitt the dapper stockbroker He nas been conaectea wiia emocrauo maenme The Small lroprty Owers Be BMTal of Conmussloners A meeting of the small property holders i on Mission street was held at ficolericks Hall on Saturday evening and passed a resolution asking the Board of Supervisors to remove from the commission on street widening Healey and Ceorse Law Smith on account of their close connection with the Southern Pacific road and the large landholders They also resolved that as the road to be widened from Twenty sixth street to the county line is a county road the city oueht to nay the ex penses of widenin ccuiivo urn since mcapuk ia circulation for the removal of Healey and Smith All were notified to be present before the Street Committee next Thursday when the matter will be disposed of THE MAN FAINTED SEBPEXT AT A LSCTTBE Mrs Annie Jennsss Miller Brings Blushes to the Cheek of a Person With Whiskers A weak puny bit of bumanity wear ing whiskers occupied a small seat in Metropolitan Hall yesterday afternoon About 500 ladies were there but the person was alone He was a man and had cause to regret the fact He accompanied his wife to hear Mrs Annie Jenness Miller lecture on dress reform and received a succession of snubs that culminated wbenlbe was asked to leave ttehafl When be entered the building and stepped up to the door a young lady fashioned like a May pole shouted ticket At him He handed over the pasteboard with fear and trembling and became from that moment until he was ordered to leave a blushing grinning shrinking human idiot among the 600 immortal goddesses who were there to applaud Mrs Millers way of speaking of and and skirts The fair lecturer she is a very pretty woman spoke on the best ways of dressing for beauty and comfort and showed her figure to advantage in some lightning changes she made off tne stage iue piatiorm was very beautiful when Mrs Miller was on it Flowers and ferns and smilax did the natural for the dressmakers artificial Mrs Miller is opposed to ahem 1 corsets and ahem bustles She wore the divided skirt and one of the goddesses asked that she show it ana the wave of hot blood that rushed to the lonely mans face singed his whiskers The lecturer showed just enough of it to let the ladies know it was there and promised a fuller view when the man went away She might have proceeded with the exhibition the man had fainted Mrs Miller had named the divided skirt leglet or some such name probably from leg a leg and let let into The lecturer said for the past four years she had worn one garment that served the purpose of corset corset cover and skirt She pulled the law necks of her dresses to one side to show she had no unsightly bones in view if she had had unsightly bones where they could have been seen she would not be traveling for the dress reformers Then the man was told to march which he did not do but fell down stairs The further pro ceedines were held in executive session and Mrs Miller gave an exhibition that was thoroughly enjoyed by every man who could una a keyhole CAPTAIN HOOKERS AKSWXB Ho Declares That His Failure ted to Domestic Troubles Hooker has filed his answer to his wifes complaint for divorce He denies each count of the complaint and declares that she deserted him nather than the reverse He declares that the Hooker household was happy until ms ousmess lauure in issb men matters changed His wife exhibited an aversion to longer living with him She wanted to sell ber house and go to Germany He would not allow her to sell the house but he gave her money for her European trip When she returned she again wanted to sell the housed but be would not let her do this She left him and then sued for divorce THE CABLE CAB AGAIX rcmjHALIrPLANS TheyCtYere Taken Away by a Stranger EXCITED COMinSSIOXEES Chief Draughtsman Weston Arrested for Felonyv An Aged Man Knocked Down and Badly Hart John Barbn an aged man While attempting to cross Market street near the Sixth street crossing last night was caught by the cowcatcher of car 3 of the Hayes street line and thrown to the ground and dragged for some distance He was picked up by Officer Greenan and taken to the receiving hospital where it was found that the man bad received an ugly lacerated wound in the left leg near the ankle Berlin Is a veteran of the Mexican war He arrived here but a few days ago from Fresno ii PIXCHEB WAJfTS FREEDOM JTTeston chief draughtsman in Architect Levers Office at the hew City Hall was arrested yesterday after noon on complaint of Mr lAver charged with stealing or destroying the plans and specification for the west wing of the new City Hell which were completed last week after an immense amount of labor and expense The announcement yesterday that the plans were missing threw Mayor Pond Auditor Strother and City and County Attorney Floumoy who com pose the commission into the greatest confusion These officials raced up and down the corridors with long faces and excited manners which attracted general attention The report was soon current that a robbery had been committed and thai the New City Hall Commissioners were somehow con nected with that event A special meeting of the commission was called by Mayor Pond at 11 oclock to consider the theft of the plans and to devise ivway and meansfor their rer covery and if psftlevlo punish the thief Jlr Weston was called and asked to makea statement About 1150 oclock on Saturday mornfrig said he sv man entered the architects office and demanded the plans and specifications for the west wing saying that he had been sent for them by the Mayor I knew that the commission bad just been in session and I did not regard the request as unusual or unreasonable Without taking special note of the mans appearance 1 wrapped up the plans and gave them to him He then left and I forgot the incident until It was brought to my recollection this morning by Mr Layer who asked to see the detail drawings I then discovered that the plans had not been returned That is all I know Canyon describe the man asked Mayor Pond I cannot I only know that be was of middle size I do not know whether he wore a beard or not or whether be was stout or slim After some consultation the commissioners dismissed Weston and decided out a search warrant for the purpose of recovering tne pians possioie sergeant Avers of the new City Hall police station was sent for and after Architect Laver had secured the necessary warrant it was placed in his hands to be served Officers Carr Dihan and Callinan were detailed to search Mr Westons house at Leavenworth and McAllister streets but after an hours hard work they returned and reported their non success A second meeting of the commission was held at 230 oclock at which time Detective Dan Coney made his appearance with a warrant in his pocket for Westons arrest After some discussion it was decided to serve the warrant npon Weston in order if possible to frighten him into a confes sion The warrant was served upon the draughtsman in Mayor Ponds office but he did not appear to be Unduly frightened and stoutly reiterated his former story The commission adjourned to Architect Levers office with Weston and Detective Coffey where another long consultation was held It resulted In the discovery ot nothing new the mvsterv had not been cleared up and Weston was taken to the cen tral station where ne was booked on the charge of felony and given a cell in the tanks Themisslnz plans have no material intrinsic value and can he replaced within six weeks time Thev were to have been used in advertising for bids to day and their disappearance will necessarily delay matters for at least two months The commissioners say the entire business is a piece of spite work on Westons nart because the commissioners have repeatedly disre garueu iiui pcuuuua wr an wurcaw ui salary Weston when interviewed by a Chbosiclk renorter at the dtv orison looked careworn and sad and repeated wnatne had told tne commissioners He stoutly maintained his innocence He has a wife and family and hitherto has enjoyed a spotless reputation among a nost oi friends damages widen was tried in Justlcei Bolanis eourt yesterday The case was taken under advisement Vwniiem Beckett charged with essaaU to murder dotcn men in a Ulsslon stree salami on Xew years meat win maze nltr him defense His rase was called yesterday bat because of the absence of sv material witness was pat over iur inn week Beckett Insists on biting all who eoma near him Hattie Wctberiey obtained a verdict yesterday for 1101 against Jaeoh Straus in Jndge Finns court Mra Wetherley owned property la Serada which the told She brought the money to this dry and bere attached by Straus and others on isazainst ifrs Uetherlevs husband The lory was anxious to give damages but the Court would not allow It Annie Waters and William Green appeared In Police Court 3 yesterday to answer a charge of robbery preferred by Frank White White had the couple arrested oa Sunday claiming that they had stopped him en Eighth street and relieved him ot his cash Subsequently however he retosedto swear ont a complaint and the case was dismissed js When the case of Carey Triedlander and bis friend Winters was caned In the Police Court yesterday those Individuals did not answer although it is true other names were given The complaining wltnessv it was reported was too badly cat up to appear against the young men and to a eon iinuance was granted The name given by Friedlanderwas Wtchilen GANGS UEFMS1 HOXAGHAK AKD WAVOT COX TBADICIEO The Jury Tit It Chinatown Fermi and tfouthnrd Undsr Arrest lai Court Ganohopes to be acquitted by proving that Monaghan and McAvoy lied when they testified that be received bribes from the gamblers tTothis point goes the feain body of the evt dence so viarrmtrodnced for the defense Officer Clifford who used to beta Ganos squad said that McAvoy was with him at the timearhen McAvoy declares that he saw Gano given gold Jby the Chinese Gaston Goldjmith a letttTarrier testified that he heard Monaghan say that be was down on Gano A boarding house keeper mimed Brqwn testified that be bsd once bought off Monaghan from arresting him for a drink and 2 60 in coin Officer Adams who bad once been on the squad said the reasons more arrests were not made in Ross alley was because the Chinanien were too wary When we got there they never were there was the way he put it Officer Conboy thouglrt Gano bad done his duty because Gano had once led a raid ona gambling house when he was a member of the party Officer John McCarthy one of the indicted men testified for Gano in a very loud and tough manner His story went to confirm that of Officer Clifford The witness was perfect uto dates and hours The slightest detail ot bis many weeks experience he seemed able to recall with remarkable exactitude The only remaining witness for the defense is Gano himself who will be put npon the stand this morning At noon the jury at the request of Attorney Sullivan visited the Quarters where MeAvovsaid that he saw the money given The purpose of this visit was to prove that It was impossible for McAvoy to have stood where he did and have seen what he says he did During one part of the day Assistant District Attorney Southard and Attor ney Ferral cot into many lively dls Icussions over law points after the vuu uou Kiren rulings a ucy were warned that they would be put under arrest if this continued bat not heeding the warning they broke into a wordy auarrel after Jndee Garber bad passed on the question and were ordered under arrest This however was a matter ot form it amounted to nothing as the order was rescinded on the adjournment of court TEACHERS EXAMINATION mSCKIXANKetreU FP5I Absolutely Pure una rowDM siveh vartks A mami or parity Mrength and wboUmmov rOWXtSB UXTAHT LOCIUJ MEBCA STILB Bole Agents lor taa faeise uoat VOL mto The Tndicfm Bbnlai Balfptir May Tory Jl A Deeiilon in Ti eaults First Home 11 PJ10 HiSS AIL JR ENGLAND OST rAS0U3 ACTHOBTtX TTS any recOTunendaXISOSF OBDI OSWEGO 8TAECI1 as being the strongest and purest known For invalid and eu dren use KING8TORD8 CORN 6TAECH J01DSOJ LOCKE MER CO Bole Agents ior racifie Coast INTERNATIONAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE NP400 GEARY ST BAN FRANCISCO CAL fm The Half Interest Swindler lues Out a Writ of Habeas Corpus Simon Hamberg has sued out a writ of habeas corpus for the bringing into court of Pilcher the only one Of the Hamberg Neustadt Pilcher gang of half interest swindlers still in prison Pilcher will appear before Judge Wallace to day It is claimed that under a recent decision of the Supreme Court Pilcher having served his term of sentence cannot be kept in prison to work out the heavy fine imposed tj 1 i i Albert Coming James Albert the pedestrian writes to Manager Hall of the walking match to be held in this city next month that he will leave Atlantic City on the 15th Inst for San Francisco with his wife and trainer He says The present indications are that I win be in better form for this race than I was in mv last one and as I told you In my last this will be my final race and I shall use every enon to regain tne cnamptoi ship of the world in the six days race and then retire forever from the track1 aa It Was Not tho Brother Frank Murphy was stabbed by pen nls Murphy oa Sunday and the latter was1 arrested Frank has a Brother named Dennis and the police officers who furnished the news to the press somehow got the Idea that It was the brother wno committee tne crime This is not the case Dennis Murpb brother of Frank Is not the Denn Murphy who is accused and who is under arrest for stabbing hini fi A rioaeer Oonev rWflliim Tepbam aaUvetf Ireland aged CO years died in this city Bandar evening He came to this coast in 1814 on board a sailing vessel but returned East He arrived a second time in 1S18 and again in 1S19 since which date a period of forty jrears bA nas been Jn the employ of the Pa afic Mail Steamship Company in this ptrCfe jy jL v7 aiSiViBaiTewi tSi Private advicessUta that the relief lUUon atomt Barrow Alaska will not be established this year as the ap propriation voted by Congress wilt not be available unta air making ft Impossible to send the necessary material and supplies to the Arctic ocean untD next season 2 M3PliTnls5STlVr business and social COUET NOTES List of the Suceestfal Applicants for Tacancles Tho Board of Examiners of the Pub lic School Department met yesterday and announced the result of the recent examination of applicants for posi tions as teacners in tne public schools About sixty were examined twelve of whom were in the first grade and the remainder in the second The successful numbers are the following ram uraae zuz zmr xu7 xuy 212721332138 Second Grade 2110 2123 2121 2130 2140 214L 2114 2152 21532158 2165 Special Bookkeeping 2109 FOK PTSPXP8U Drink Phosathe delicious and In TlgorarlnttcversgaarXr lL Fxaas soap secures a beautiful oomnlexn KesroisTXAir should bo without the Vnur Bis raaxenco CsaoarcuB1br eaa year and one of Its elegant bamboo rods oompietsoBUsroTST so i i Caixroaxu glace IniJU 80 cents pound Towmeads 8S71UrXet Falacs Hotel T7 90 yoa a Splendid split bamboo Bsh lag nd and ootat and the star Wsaxi CaaojrrcusioroiMysai Judge Bnnt has granted Christian Wendt a anal discharge In Insolvency Kate Osborne was tried Testeraav on a charge of vagrancy The Court took the case under advisement I Jacobt has been appointed assigned of John Hill in Insolvency by Judge levy with bond axed at 124 Heller arrested a week ago for obstructing the street was discharged by Judge Lawler yesterday Thomas Wilson charged with assault with a deadly weapon Was acquitted before Judge Murphy yesterday Alfred 8chmldt was held for trial by Judge Eix yesterday on a charge ofsteal lsg 150 from lisxte Corbeft Frank Williams wu sent to the Industrial School yesterday for robbing the room of MrsEmnia Pool on Sixth street Josede tadesma who was charged with forgery by Mis Carmen de Lane was discharged by Judge Klx yesterday The jury in the ease of Mrs Oust Oeger cnargea wiia arson unagreed ana was discharged by Judge Sullivaa last night lira Cordelia Thomas leaves her S30000 estate to her daughter Urt John Jar ooe ana ner granddaughter ataoet urmy Urs Gusta Ooger Is on trial before Judge Sudlvan for arson She Is charged with setting fire to a house in the rear of 2111 Jones street GeorgftCooper was held forlrialby Jadge Lawler yesterday for stealing some clothes from the room ol Joseph Held at 233 fjteuart street Judge Wallace nu dltmused the divorce suit of Mrs Kate Cruuhart against Robert Crqnhart The dlvoroa was asked for on tho ground of eraelty Judge Rlx yesterday dltmlsscd the ebarge of felony against Rhodes the druggist who sold morphine to Frances Eoouey with which she eommlued suicide 1 Jodlth Alexander did not appear yesterday before Judge Garber as ordered a week ago and the Court sent an officer to hey home to bring her before the court to day John Anderson played an April foot Joke on Officer Briggs and was arrested tor disturbing the peace and using vulgar language He was convicted and paid 10 fine yesterday in the Police Court Osmond wards was Uvea unta Thorn day by Judge Klx yesterday to raise 10O Jorthspaymsnt of his wife expensce to Chicago If the money is not then forth coming Judge Rlx says lie will give Warde a run sentence Martin Ward as theasslrnee of Sawall Knapp has sued Thomas Robert end outers 10 rouBia incur num iransiemng real estate In order to prevent the plaintiff from recovering sooou on a Judgment ren dered la Stanislaus county Chartes Ecelson a seaman was held la 250 ball for trial by Untied States Commissioner Sawyer yesterday for battery on Charles Ellert another seaman of the American schooner Trople BlrdThs as tanltoeeansdoa AprU lit whlls tho vessel was at sea DW Spear haslsued Columbus WateT1 house for 5000 shares of stock In the Can deiaria mine in Mexico and lor one twen tv lourth of the proceeds ot the mine it nee November 1884 The suit grows out et the part Spear took in making the curt hats tor WaterbouM and his associates Arthur Bull of the Bull A Grant Farm Implement Company has sued to enjoin I eU frem brlnring suit on a guaranty that stock held by Pell in the Half A Grant company would pay SO percent dividends Bull avert that th guaranty was later rescinded by agreement Charles Mother wuyosterusy removed as eiecntor of the estate ef Charles RRu dolpV and Endolph appointed In bis steady The gronndr for the removal is the chanm that Mother neglected the estata allow tor a suit to safer defsnlt and th enure property to be sold under the hammer I James BoseeUe a Uqoxdealer bonihtabarrelofwhliiv some time aco from a drummer named Brown Use Hortfords Acid Phosphate Dr HcWUUams Denlson It saysr I have used It largely In nervousness and dyipep sia and I consider that it stands unrivaled as a remedy In cases of this kind I have also used it in cases of sleeplessness with very gratifying results BircnxLoas Hair Dy estahUahed 18SIJ bst In the world Bold Joy draggists a Jcst rarirx or Ir I Only 790 and the utratxcmxWcnuTCsaoKicxc for on year and a split bamboo nablng rodaod ost BtBTitwa hat the only reliable method to fit defective sight 47 Kearny street inBCKIXAXEOCB i iBssnsnwi 2 TBB BEST IQTJTPPZD rNTKESA tlonal BoTVleal lfistitnt mad HmMw west of Ksw Yota deyotedtothe treatmrat or Chronic nemos and Boigteat IHaeaMa Its appointments tot the Ueataent of all Dl 01 us itaTwi Byswm siooa ana BKia In th imrlif Ttrmrmm te fnFttlMMf UHf StlAd At Kh 1 nstltnt jnrstclsss Board and Boomra win tlenu at the IoisUnte Saniuriw north of dty Fof terms and particulars appty at Dt penaary auaeral wier ana bmwh mew csted staaa baths free to paUeot Ott qoemon bUok for weatment of atl chroaicwKt vnrglcal disease By correspondence Remedies scat tvcrywbsr by express CmU or wrtte to to onlyresponsibls international tsarglcal InstUato oa la coast treat IngsnccesstuUy Private Chrooie and Sargicat diseases of MEN AND WOMEN 8end for Dnetrated book and paper explain ing way uonsanas cannot get rarea ui wf causa eeminai uompiaim loss of Memory pment Prosatorv ioaty atamn caml Manhood ImBrooer rhosa VadcoeaU eto address LIEI3IQ WORLD DISPEXSABY dOOGeary 8tgrCa4 Mention this papers Wfr larlu irxralry Th InAUnMtl rhargei hirai with a auJ tenses Balfour is bring fimith MConserratlT 55Si i Commons 0739 wwva wan nas 1 arrtlatijaIon The trial of the libel results against the Ton to be very IntcrWUnr The nouse of Commc Ecotush home rule mot Epcclai IHspatches to th TBS ritKSCH The Froteeutloa Ills Snpp raais April 9 against BoulangerJ xum wits cdnsnii republic Is speeiaflyl count umonJij the Chamber of Dcrj and DuWail and Parish The Chamber of Del cussed the bill nrescrl procedure to be folloal when sitting as a eoud Boul anger Klafosse denounce a mockery of Justice the public consdend that the 8enatr beini could not actimpart juis assertion caused The members exel epithets and the scene 1 oisoraer When Delaf osse we 10 continue he said cency required that at the assizes Oth would be an ontrae disgrace to the Senate caused a renewal of ti The members nf attempt to reply to I mediately moved to rnlej The motion car A motion was ther the discussion of the Carried 321 to 22i The Chamlier rejc ments suggeUed by Bight The proposal majority oi seven twt axe do necessary to sentence pronounce Boolanzer was also dc Was adopted by a vote Warrants have lire arrest of Count DiJit ion BJxssixs April 9 ernment has infonnn linger to abstain iron tion The General ha that if he complies wi the Government in thi sot be expelled irom i BOOMING Bi mik yMwmflfrM ZSmmmW I waWENATOltX Combinet itie oiceofihe Blnei Pip of Caliiomls to laxative and nutri dowithineffle4icinilttii planulnowhtOW to the hoinin system formlnr the ONLYPERFBCT REMED Ysio acityjetprpfflpdDtnffl deanse the8yitem Effeetnily soTtur rCBE BLOOD KKmrsntHO griTEp HKALTH and STRirwnTn Natuially foUowvEyery one Is using it an4 all axe aeUgnted with Iti Ask Vovdrat for SYRUK OFFIGSr Msnnfictnred onljr by the CALII ORNIa SYRUP XXLt Saw Faaxeisco Cat lopisnuA Kt Nrw Toasijr jtvwiir jI THEOBEAT THI AC i BTBKSaTnEJJCTO IB OTTKlDtMB to siw irs 8Eiiasfa eniT stilT perroas Sebnity anl wirtTB sSi i restores lost Manhood to sv Sil Howeer esmsU TO aSI V3B t4 lh eau arriTixa bi KSTS IJiE i Prmanenfly preVsrS tUSriH7wn 1wa uivolontary TOXS ASB AUK i weaksalna tmmmmmj tt Jt drains npon the sy urn no matter how they occur eHminatlnx an the evil effects of yoathful indiscretions and excesses It also cares aU Kldoey nnd jsumow vomptww Axzpnra wnaiuOBS ot the Blood Pimples Ernpuont tc AH commimlfnUona ttnctly oonttdentiai by jetcer or a wco vau orwooiee DC D8AIFIKXIV SIS Kearny Ban Franelseo Cal mmvi mebigs Wonderfbi GERMAN TOUENW MuXkclAUXV XMOA IS AS TSCPAXXXSIE CtJAE TOR JTEU voas DebUity Weakness Una of Memory Manhood Bnrenis aU nai spiral drains front the system and restores eomnuaUons wrecked by JWUes and xcessesv AU Blood Kkln Kidney Bladder and Westing Ciaea speeouy cnioa or us use Ylt7XTJSkilS nHs Ita i Tbsscy cars for therompllcaUoa hlch errrants Utonsands froca betas Corel rrice per botOe 9 bottles for flO 1 trial bottle sent frea sa appUcatloa by icttet or la person at IXEBIO WORLD DIBPEKSABT 400 GEABT 8Tw San rraadsco Cat 1T Is Proposed foi leader of the Loynoxi April 8 OauHi announces that orable William Henr Lord of the Treasury raised to the peerage Ihgly resign the Gov ship In the House Of take his seat in the The GaieOeiasinlaXhrni candidates for the Ier cession to Smith nan aoipn vnureraii eir Beach Goschen and 1 named is the best choir that the Conservatives I any leader other than 1 AGNES liOCCJ A I ondoh Conrt Or mony Be raid Loxnos April 9 A the divorced wife of li inade application to to day for an order to toent of the alimony awarded Ip her in 1 that payment be made cecosoi ner iormer cotrrrkhts Boudcaul aterred Hut all the pnx eopyrights wereassigne Cadogin of Ke York 1 Boucicaults present siding Judge express Cadogans existence ao any case the arrangemi lent and roid lie or such copyright moneys sionoi ins coon ce 8AMOAN ATI WholsialepealeTSls KflMterafcafewofil ttA SfUMaykD TO represented that he was an agent of the uve oak Distiiuag company oi cti The whisky was to nie bis sxpresslon Cincinnati lire Oak Distilling Com Tha whiakv was to rot and Uist the easse of his suit for AKD SCHOOL KUBSItllRE Jsanutaetur41y ArilWrnrtaCa OHICAeO mimmfiis diSbMI fflO ASTr OSS ATFUCTED tS AST manner affecting tharpriyaM ergaca whether of long or recent standing we would most seriously say oail on ns and ws wBl can oJdly ten yoa hT yon rsisa cnraols case ot not A consultation at offioa or by letter win cost i obserrsd teragard to you ease and wa education la Soeae oi the largest horotUU la Earope wears Jastlfled la saying after years ofTjracUceand experiesos that we are tM most suLnaifnl of aLspedaliats oa the coast Addrestthe TKGtlSU XEDICAXSISPBSSABT 1 llKeaMiystrwtVgsVCal frcifift mm mi nitw HlNMh imt mfmft MTt cues of Oeaorrnaa and Chroslo hetag aa mtsraat remedy Core Baraatced oeed atCMvlngtoal recuoax oon laUL Prteal Maitrtorr Stry riaxxsl OtnvaxnaaT Baa Jose Cat dosing UttfyOar JEiM WC KOTT wvtr vreKwvwa atirtn COLi and other fin Una ol BmtaTsstlsg BaetgTM Atlestthwcortorisopana un uuuumieas BOBSRTaaDDI3t CO UddlvAKaedins asaiagwnsw avr im mm esded tssajtstaabs susw ffiHAP An Agreement BetwJ itiil Kcw Tobe April 9 SFcqal to the ifail asj Your correspondent hai est authority for the tt agreement has been State Department and Foreign Office that ih re enforeetnent of the tI belonging to the two Co en amy at samoav is wm be to force unta aft Commissioners haTe I laoor It ia understood osition Rr this agreemd uvns KisuiarcK to oecreii JCmcaeo April the United States stean rived this morning fn Cisco He left Samoa fit lie expresses the opinlol had been more coal at llres might have been sal cent storm Sr Bom Bat fori lsrio April fl Tl Commons this eveningJ to rejected Cld iome rule motion posed the motion in speech In which he sai was not ripe and would pressing measures He however that when fie rnouslv demanded hbm I ment would accede to he In Heraory of the Vixxxi April 9 Xn osepn has purchased estate which was own Crown Prince KudolplI building will be convertd rnelite nunnery TherJ the Crown Prince coml will be turned into a jparts wUl be fitted np asl aqea ana mnrm reside Cerefonr fjtyid UiwoxvAriI ftTh annogncediU dfojsinn 1 JcAnrucarieinenisssrl whd snpeaJed froeBtsM ssB aanths impriaonwiont swr tfje Cttcaee ack 4.

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