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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
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1 Kt SATTv FRAWi318Cb 0HBOW1CLIV TUiWDATJ OCTOBER 10f MMfl MMnnaMta GAINORS PINCBHIT IN FmiRTCElTO FOR KEES 0 00 0fl 00 00 0O OKI OH 0j6 A OKI OfO OKI OKI OK OKI OKI OKI Babe Ruth Humbles Young Smith in Sensational Pitching DuelJFmished Aiter Sun Goes Down Alt i vllHJ HOBLITZEKS FOURTH WAIK PAVES WAY FOR THE RALLY Myers Homer and Scotts Triple Score Other Runs Great Fielding by Myers Lewis and Scott Saves the Day Several Times By GRANTLAND RICE peelal Cnraiolnt The Chronicle tress Beetea BOSTON October I Tore habit still stands aa on of tha controlling alementa In tha eternal drlre of destiny It gathers power aa It moral along ths narrow winding highway fate Boston formed tha world oarlss habit thirteen year ago and today she surging alone to her fifth poit ituon triumph with tho bulk of Brooklyns barrier blown from the right of war The road now haa been opened up where nothing tat tha entrance of our college chum Henry Miracle eaa halt tha winning Red Hoaed ruth to per cent of tho net racelpte For fourteen Innings today Bherrod Smith the Georgia shrapnel pitched hla arm off and hit heart out In a herolo effort to bold hla bard prssssd matea In tho fight For fourteen Innings the Brooklyn attack led by HI Myers stormed and hammered Boston Impregnable de feme In a vain effort to cut away through to the promised land But for fourteen Innings this Boston defense formed a long wld wall of ateel and atone back of Babe Ruth and against this wall Brooklrn rebounded to her second defeat The Score was to 1 Boston predominating and tha winning tally arrived safely Into port when MeNallr an Intruder running for Hobby cored oa a safs Isft fisld smash by Del Oalnor aa Interloper batting for Gardner with one oat In tho fourteenth frame When the dope upon this second game has been dleaected fully you wHl find ehe story of Brooklyns defeat written In tho amaslng brilliancy iaf Bostons defense Wo sUted abors that thla defense was a wall of ateel land atonV but It was something mora It was a wall of human fleah that fahlfted and sweryed to meet srery point of Brooklyn blind but game gressivs attack Sharp cleanly hit smashes on the way through tho Infield were amothered and collared by thoee two bell playing centipedes Qardner and Scott and when these amaahea sailed on bsyond any Infield reach Lewie Walker and Vtooper like circling birds of prey swooped la upon the ball and gars Babe Ruth a chance to win his first worlds aeries start There mar kin been for1 Brooklrn no lewel in toadahead of defeat tut neither waa there aayshsms Ask anyone of the 4100 New England fanswho saw the record star Inning run and you will get the anawtr that iiHrooklyn played tho string out with her tarrunning hiunasrs mors man A arened up by the courage under lira CUTSHAWS SUP COSTS GAME I Brooklyn loet but those lnchargs of the hero fund beyond the bridge Mould go out to tb highways and byways and collect all the spare change In eight to purchase ollre and laurel for tha clammy brows or in Myers and Bherrod Smith But for a rolplay or a slip by George Cutahaw In tha third Inning with Everett Scott on third East Liverpool a and Mansfield aa would i Bare peon repiet with bonfires ana ensering villagers lonignt i East Ldreroool and Mansfield Oa can whooo It UP for their farored ona even as it is but giory in tnis gams does not isst lor long wnen auacasa to defeats It was HI Myers who assaulted Babe Ruth In tha flrat Inning with a savage wallop that whistled on between Walker and Hooper for a home run In tho opening round It was HI Myers who robbed Harry Hooper of a homo run In the elsth by launching his stocky frame through tho gray October mists as he came np with the ball scooped In a headlong dire from the top of the burnout grass and ones again It was HI Mysrs who took Hohtltsels fly on the run In the ninth and shot down Janvrln with a perfect throw to Miller as the Boston runner was cruising boms with a cargo composed of the winning run MYERS AND SMITH HEROES This should be enough to get some space la the flourishing dallies of East Liverpool But East IirerpoOl haa nothing at all not eren a hoarse bnssah on Mansfield Oa Bherrod Smith had eren a bigger day than hla winning opponent Babe Ruth the Baltimore billiard Smith but for that one fatal alip by hla caet dowta mate should hare beaten tbs eminent Babe 1 to 0 orer the regulation route Befar as Smith and Ruth wars concerned as rlral sntrles In ths rifle pit 1 to 0 should bare closed out the debate Smith bad fine defenae In spots but no such defense as that apectaeular stuff thrown around the Babe The battle between theses two left handers southpaws slds whsslsrs port tldsrs or what you will kept orer 41000 In the throes of a trance Tho scrap between theee two started undsr heary ski mored en Into 4th sunlight again and at tha doss shlftsd back to a ftsld that would bars been faint with starlight except for tha fact that no start whatsrer tbs toffenstve strength eould break through the heavy skies that were threatening rata and darknsss when Oalnor split the winning wallop at Buck Wheafa feet BABE RUTH WAS OUT PITCHED IRuth for the decision but for that Smith pitched ths better game For thirteen Innings he had tha Red Box lashed to tho phantom swinging as helpless aa tbs bewildered old dame who attempted to sweep back the ocean with a mop They couldnt bit with a machine gun loaded with buckshot It was not until wily William Carrlgan rushed a total atranger Into the uarrsl that Smith toppled over Into tha gorge with his crown still on bat his kingdom conquered That finish will not be forgotten very soon Brooklyn had finished her half of tho fourteenth without a flurry Aa Boaton came to bat a drift black threatening clouds acted aa a convoy to approaching darkness There was only a half light acroas ths field and It was srldent enough thst With Bostons Inning orer the gams would hsre to be called It was here that Smith mads ons of his few mistakes For some quaint reason unknowm to the human dome of thought the Brooklyn pitcher had found Hobby a tough target all day He had already latued three passes to tho ox Red when Hobby cams up to load the days last charge FEATURE EVERT MTHTJTE STAB FIELDING STUNTS Boston won second game 2 to 1 14 Innings Babe Ruth beat Sherrod Smith In pitchers battle Ill Myers made Brooklyns run tn the first inning with a home run drive Myers starred tn field He made shoestrlna catch on Hooper In sixth and tn ninth doubled up Janvrln at plate saving the game Daffy Lewis made seemlnaln Impossible catch of Smiths line drive In thirteenth with man on second Scott played sensational game at short and made two hits Attendance Is 41373 Receipts 82626 Near the Record noiTO October The story of game la agures laeladla tho to tals for the two gataea fellewsi Todays atteadsaee 41STS Todays receipts aSMM Flayers share 9UJ1SJM Each labs share V143TIM national Coats share SMSa Atreadaaee two days IT Total receipts loSMlBJlS Total for player a8S3zsT Total each club gX8S4STa National Cesaaalsslea IMMLaeV Players share la tho reeelpta for tho ant rear ansae Money le divided a per swat to players per rent te risks and per ea to Natloaal CoataatseteB After first tear naaeee elaba re eelra SO per ceat aad Natteaal Cose aalseloa IS per rrmU HAPPY BOSTON FANS HAIL THESE PLAYfiRS AS HEROES Bab Rotb Ui aenaaUonaJ soutlipAW pitched wondcrrnl pnM sJIowinf bat six bits Del Gainor with hit pinch hit in tha fourteenth breaking op the nmt naturmllx broke into the lime light Thia boy Scott not onlr cored the first run made triple and a smgle bat wi whirlwind in the field pallinf tops and throw tbatmade the spectatora maxreL sHsasaaasal rFSalBnaaaaaauT FsataaaHsaBaaBl SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB TaBaaaaaaasaaaaHsJ 0 fllaaaaaaaaW aaaaaaaaaaaaRVEtiitSA Iaaaaaaaaaaam aaaaaaaaaaaaf aasMaaV aaaaaaaaaaB faBBBBBBBBBHaH k9RoMey 4saaaaaaaaaaaH iBaaaaaafsBBBmnTjatfffISfaV JaaaaaaaaaaaaW iMBaHHaw X2ataaaaaaaV rTaaaaaaaaaT rlnfaBBvkiiXlCaaaaaaaB aaaaaaaaaV Laaaaw9AJJnBaK JL ataaaaaaaaaaaaaV TlMHaHiBBnlBTl aaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT WaW I AWrt sliIiyjaaaaaaaaaWVl itaaaaaaaaRjKBaaaafat guV Vattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal iiaaaaaaHaLsPeaaaaaaa rlVPlWWeSll npL0SKKKmKtkrWrI fW1aaBBWafl9aUBaaal JrmTiJtikJYMirj yjfr WaQaV aafiBBaaaaaOaTaaaaaaag Mi WKwJ KBHu IOIiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSBBTTIi afBBaWlnal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTsaalfaaTAaaaatFaaa TVlaaaaaaaaK aff LlsaaaaaaaaaBT 3liM aaaaaTaVeaaaar aaaaaaaTaV aaaaaTBaTasxl aBafaal sas naamOiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB KkV WJv rK Asv awiBBaBBBBBBBusBmsBTB jbe a sBUaBBl aaaaaaam aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaausc saar aV aaVaBsBBBBBBBBBBaLuaBBBBmaaB i bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr eaaaaal BBBBBBBBja Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatsaatsaaylgyamiyl 2M 3T9MSWlJtSKKmlJWJIM flaaaaaVlaV alJaf afaaaaaWaTlPIWBaaaaaaaiaBaBBaafP jaaataaal BaaaaaaaaaaaaaWtSBaBnKJi 1 liaiaaaaaaaaflI aaaaaaaaHf Blfai HHaaSll HaW inL HBaaaaaaaaaHliWII aaaaaaaaaaaarWPyiffl lW KffaaaaaHBKi aaaaaaaaaaaaWfllC2iHii AlHlHii5BaaarZ LaaaaaffA laaaaaaaaValrraaaaaaaaalalaaaaaaal aaaaHPlH aaaaaaWSf ililiiffSfl aaaallaanWllil11 Til JWM IICTMialiflisltaaamfeaaaaaaft Wtg maaaaaaetf SSji JIJRlCVHIHBiraifnl I BBaaaaaaaaafMeMk jf Hiiiifflrtaa aaaaaaaaaWTMI Hiliii A aaaafWIWsllSlJMiBB 111 fflHaaaalBaaaaaaaV 1 BaiHLaV IM iiililiS saaaaMKlilMIlM Ml kPHRH BBaaB MB IwiMIBiilVjrjiaaaaKlii aaaaPBiaaaaaal I aaaaaPPuaaaaaaHaaaaTaa vtww wjmmrsmsMsmsfyLteLZZZr Vm 01 iafaaaaaaaaaV yaaaaaB aBaaaaaaaaaBaaal aaaaaaByaaaaaT aaaaaaaff chMsss oiar jei srainen tmj 1 Laaaaaal laaaal BaaaaaHi T3 1 brtororA tM JH jm I BROOKLYN WAITING TO GIVE WELCOME HODODGERS OPicororoMs Fans Not Discouraged Wro 1 Will Pitrh Trtrfou Mn Mi IVVHJI ilia us Coombs vs Leonard BROOKLYN October All Brooh lyn la waiting for the morrow to Welcome home their gallent warriors wboJ met with two reverses at Boston local fans are far from dlscourareif and are looking forward to theNs tlonsl tragus champions erenlag Qp the count Osmes will bo played hero Tuesday and Wednesday and then If a fifth game la neceeaarr It will be Blared at Boaton with the tilth at Brooht All reserred ssats for tomorrowo game hare been aold out days la ad ranee and a lino of fana Uwalilaa I tonight to get Into tho hleaoh sr seetlona Ehbets Field has not tha I testing capacity of Braves TletJ but It Is expested iTiat over I00 will bo In attendance It will a Brooklyns first new of a worMTI iy ssrles on a homo lot and tho fans afs nturally anxious to on hand Of course Brooklynltss hare mads aa i merous trips to New Tork to ass tha Olanta contesting for worlds base 1 ball laurelt but there Is a different Incentive this tlmsv js GO AHBADr PICK TOUR riTCHKltg There Is a deal of comment asta who wtll pitch the opening game at Brooklyn Managers Carrlgan and Robinson have tho experts as well as bleacherltea up In the air as to thJr choices It Is likely that they do apt know themselvss tonight Oeneral opinion Is that Brooklyn wtll at last send Jack Coombs to tbs mound Thst was ths schedule for todsy but Robinson made a good swiicn in trusting young Brail There Is a chance however that Jilt Freirer or Larry Cheney will bo his choice Then there Is Rube Marquard who could come back easily I I aflr hla nf DiliiMl I Bostons pitching selection narrows down to Dutch Leonard or Carl Maya Manager Carrlgan may follow out his system of alternating with first a right hander and then a left If he does Maya will likely be on the mound although Shore Is available Leonard has been held la reserve and looks to be the host bet I ENTER MR DEL GAINER Hobby promptly drew his fourth past and pattersd on to second when Puffy Lewis gars rent to a timely sacrifice line of Industry where Boston sxcslled Carrlgan then took one more look at thoae night fringed clouda and after chasing a Mr McNeil out to pinch for Hobbys reteran legs chased Oalnor la to hat For a brltf momsnt It looked to be a queer shift as Larry Oardnsr the supplanted batamen was the leading alugger of the club But Qardner was a left hand hlttsr and Csrrlgan had discovered long before that hla left handers wsrs at Smiths berth mercy This after all Is aa unimportant detail Tbs main fact at hand It Oalnor re entered the big frame again after a fire years absence along loet trails by rapping a Una drlrs to lsft a drlre that Wheat picked up and arove pace lowara me piste two siriaes 100 isio to save ui game TIMELY HIT COSTS 72000 This smash of Osinors did somsthing more thsn send Brooklyn home without a victory to shew for her two days campaign It did thla aleo Tssterdsys net reeelpta with the commissions Isvy deducted were 171009 As Gainers blow preveatod a tie and therefore aa extra battle It will very likely cost ths two club owners the tidy little amount mentioned above When tTtOtt rides away on ona baae hit the high cost of plncb hltters has even the high cost of living beaten to a seft end soggy mush A pinch hit thst brsaks up a ball game Is one thing But when you hare to pay out I7M00 for It that Mawrua la another aquawk It la hard sough on Joseph Lenny who obtained a victory through the emaah but thlak of Colonel Horatiua Ebbeta who had to alt In sorrow and watch I1MM roll along on a hit that was beating bis club Ms wonder the Colonel would Ilk to sell his franchlts snd retlrs to the anharaseed section of private life Sdglng back to tho story of ths fins contest further mention belongs to Bostons wonderful defease and especially the spectacular play of Ersrstt Bcott After Meyers had struck off a horns run In ths first grott tripled la the third and scored whsn Cutshsw fumbled Ruths Inflsld tap DUFFY LEWIS THERE AGAIN NO STOLEN BASES SO FAR IN SERIES CATCHERS STAR Jake Daubert Star Batter Hat Yet to Make First Hit Former Coast Leagueri Breaking Into the Limelight BOSTON uctotisr One of the outstsndlng festures of the terles so far haa been the superiority of the catchert to the bate stealers Not a bass has been pilfered In either game although aereral attempts hare bssn made Cady Thomaa Meyera and Miller hare been throwing In great form The Coaat League runner Jimmy Johnaton made two trlee today but on each occasion Tbomss peg had him nailed easily Brooklyn fans srs woefully dlssp polntsd at the failure of Jake Daubert to come through at bat lie haa to get hla first blngls and hs hss bssn at bat officially nlns times Jake led tho National League In hitting during tho season of Itll and 1U and fori tne last two aeasons nas phi ui mini the laadera Hs Is a lsft handed bitter and there la a chanee Lewte left geld Brooklyn Staves Off Defeat in Long Battle 0O Ooh freO 0H frerj Official Figures of Second Game in Boston BOSTON October 8 Following is the official box score of the second game of the world terles ployed today at Braves Parlr In the Hall of Fame 00 OreO SrOHO We Have Del Gainor BROOKLYN AB BR SB PO Johnston right geld Daabert first base Myers center field Wheat left field Cwtaaaw eeeoad base Mewrey third base Oleoa shortstop Miller catcher aaltk plteber Totals One oat wbea winning ran wsa scored BOSTOV AB BH SB PO Hooper right field Jaaerta second base Walker center field Walah eeater field IlebHtiel first base McNallr that Fred Merkle may sub for htm In the erent of the Box pitching another southpaw 0 Formsr Coast League plsysrs ars coming through Johnston Olton snd Lswls srs hitting up around ths III mark Thomaa and Chief Mtyera 110 and Hooper 100 Cutthaw haa not broken Into the hit column yet It was after this that Brooklyn batsmsn atartsd aftsr Ruth only to find eaa noel blocked oa drlre aftsr drive At th elaaa af ih im Aim Li corered no less thsn sight brilliant plsys on the part of Scott Gardner and wi wfvmmy my wuv mug vi iwv na saliva orooaiyn mignc aars janmsd her way across Boott alone ran down nine chancea and four tvff fkaa1 waf ktvMj All Rftrm kill Tabs tip again tho thirteenth Inning Mowry startsd this round by pussplng one at Gardner Ths third baseman with a world of time took tea careful alas aad fired low to Hobby Mowry should hsre rsached second easily but failed to sdranos Olson sacrificed and after Miller had fouled out Smith drove a low line smash to lsft osnter If there srsr waa a base hit that looked aafe this eae was tsggsd for freedom out Into ths epen spaces but Lswls alwsys a world ssrles star cams charging wildly IV riakM mmA that Avlra Arfjv that mAW aasgged the ball with Jeas than aa Inch to spars I lais oiw vmt wu iuh iron ineteea ouirieiaers out of sweaty but tho redoubtable Puffy hat eyldestly mads a row that no fly ball aaau ever ore aaieiy taio isri neia as isng as no has charge of the portal I Jt waa aot osly Bostons defence thst counted If you will exsmlos the re sards of the two gsmea you will find ths Rsd Box teats has bn apeaj to ro sewi ssrea aaorlflso buata Oa each occstlen the man at thai bet totaled perfectly advancing the rusner beyond say chance of mls all slmpls things calling for no great atrategy or power but they count In a game where rival runs are aa far apart as ths outposts of a Siberian frontier Brooklrn sgreatett dsfenslvs stand cams In tbs ninth with ths score still snd 1 Janvrln started with a low line drive to left Wheat came In fast on ths bslL but It bounded safsly from his finger tips for a two base hit Wslsh batting for Walker taDoeA to Smith who had Janvrln five tm mt tir thlril Rut Mowrev let the near bound away and Boaton had runners on first and third with no one out The situation here for Brooklyn looked about aa bright and cheerful as I A in a raln wst alley Hobby who followed lifted a high fly to center Myers circled back of the ball and tben cama In for a catch to put extra Impetue back of the throw Janvrln darted for the plate but Myers hsd ths bsll thsrs on desd line to Miller with a half breadth to apare Uoeton drew another chance earlier In the fifth when Thomaa drew along Dlow to left and bumped heavily Into Olson on hla wsy to third Umpire Wuigley ruled Interference on Olsons part and sent the runner on to third but the unperturbed Smith promptly struck Ruth out JOHNSTONS HIT WASTED Brooklyns stsr rhsnes to win cams In ths third With one out Smith doubled to right Rut unheeding the cstch hs plunged blindly on snd was nailed st miro from tiooper to wain or to Scott Johnston followed with a long alogle that thould have meant a run if Smith had curbed hla ambi tion and atayed at aecond Brooklyn had another great chance In tha eighth Mowrey alngltd and Olton aarrlflred Miller recked a Una tmatb to center but Mike was held st third when hs might hsvs scored ss Wslktrs throw wss Aftssn feet wide But these were all tfo or might have beena ruling elements In tbs Isnd ui second guess One of the meln contributions to Brooklyns downfsll was ths Inability of Jsks Dsubert snd Buck Wheat ths clubs two lesdlng sluggers to solvs ths mystery of Itutht stuff Brooklyn left for home ttlll de termined to make a fight of It but Gardner third bat Galaor cott ehartstep Thessas estcber Rath pitcher Totals id 43 SI Gainer batted for Gsrdae fa feartreath MeNaBy raa for Heblltiel la learteeata Brooklyn 1 0 a 01 Baae bite 1 SXSIOaSSSaOO 4 Beaten 0 1 a 1 Baae hits a llSlsaSllSSS 1 Two base hits Saalth Jaavrla Three base kite Scott Thostas Hosts ran Myers Sacrifice hit Lewis SI Thostas Duet I Doable plays Scett to Jaavrla to Heblliseli Mowrey to Cutthaw to Oaabertl Mr era fa Miller Left oa base Brooklyn Beaton First baae oa errors Broek lya 1 Beetoa 1 Baaea oa balls Og latlth a eaTRath aV Hits aad ewraed rana gstltb hits rait la III laalagsi onT Rath a bits 1 raa la 14 laalags Straek eat By laalth 3 by Rath Vsaplreo at plate Dtaeeai oa baaea Ualgleyi left field 0Oay right field Ceaselly Tints of gaatt Ik S3ss Nap Rucker Famous Star Takes the Mound BRAVES FIELD BOSTON October Tne Boston Red box put in soms stiff bsttlpg practice with ths lsft hsndsr Psnnock oa tho mound Aft wards Mansgsr Carrlgan tsstsd ths batting sights of his playsrs on tbs offerings or Wyckeff a right bander Aa It grew dark with the gathering cloude the managers of ths two clubs bsgan to look ovsr tbslr apssd ball pitchers Nap Rucksr ths old tlms left hsndsd pitching stsr of tho Brooklyn staff toassd up his currss to the Brooklyn during their practice Darkness Would Have Ended Game at 14th BOSTON October Sympathy Is being extended to Sherrod Smith He waa within two outs of pitching a 1 to 1 tie game In a world a series Osrknstt was fast coming on whsn Uslnor delivered hi pinch hit It waa a foregone conclusion that no more Innings could hs played Then came the bust up The club owners lost a tidy aum of 171000 It Is fig ursd for the extra gems that would have been necessary msrsly one or tnoee things thst msy happen but are hardly worth debate Carrlgan ttlll haa Dutch Leonard prmed for the next atart and to far there hes been no sign of weakening In the Red Box defenae Unleet thlt defente cracks no club In the world It going to beat Boeton four out of five Brooklyn hat thowed a tharper and more powerful attack than the box score puts upon dltplsy but the greater part of It has bsen choked oft snd rendered null snd nil by Scott Qardner Lewis and Hooper who eoaked hlta aa open budr sosk up tbs dew Myers alto round the one tystsm to foil this foe snd this wss to launch a lino drlvs bsyond sny human or Inhuman reach a drl that no man could atop who was not scrompsnled by taxlcab and i sixty foot net Ho aa affaire stand upon thla Octo her day It la no longer a queetlon ei to who will win but Juat how many games Botton will need to complete her conquest of ths ball playing rsslms which It now halted at tha tbree mlle limit where another game is under wsy Copyright Itll The Tribune At aoclatlon Reglatered In accordance with the copyright law Canada 1111 HIPPOLMrrFANSwTLl WATCH BE00KLYH GAME Thaw lartl kurktll fiat eta tare kMt ftllag is ttt suaua aama tt tn HltfayiroBk IB HOOPER ALMOST SPEARS HI MYERS HOME RUN noSTON October Oeter rteKlar Krere sit utralr that tt tkt far outlaid batwota Wtlker tad Hooper Hooprr rvnolts faet Biatlt gratt tor ttt aorteeiaa tea im it in ball estrta Motor Sals aoreer almoot te tke tan rts see straps ki Huopor baa Ma of tlsie te rat seder It Rain FeuVJust Before the Game 1 i Wa have la tho hall of baseball faats today Del Galaor only a aaaw stltate bat a here at that Bctaaja right handed bitter Gainor was pad la to bat for Oardaer a left baadedj sticker He delivered with si twe base blagle that batted up the gassoj la tho fourteenth laalag Galaor la ta yeara of age aad baa been playlag hall aevea yeara Ha ii begaa hla profrssUaal career la with Pert Wayne la the Cewfral Let sac II waa porchaaed by Do IStO bat fsrsaed oat agala Detroit recalled blaa BOSTON October Intermittent rain fell ust before the came All the outfield stsnds were filled snd the Indications wsrs thst a largsr crowd Port Wtjte than on Saturday would watch the a 111 He sesame the Tigers raa eva game lar firat aackcr and played taraagb Thsra wss no sun to bother the the eeassa of 111 He broke ls fielders and the outfielders rsnged wrta at a tha back and forth without difficulty In i gauging high Ilea The high aky and Detroit aold kl at tpe glare of the sun on Saturday to the Red Box Hs filled la as llsb tpoilsd In a large msasuro tbs outflsld lltsels anderetady oa first Oslaer work of tho last fsw moments i MYEES CATCHES HOOPERS LTJYE DRIVE OFF GRASS BOSTON October Is Iks sixth Beoper Use dries te llan wee after haa dUtUgalabed hUasdf darlagtb sessaa by stepplag la with a ttaaely kit la tho placa THOMAS IS RUTHS PARTNER BOSTON Ortobar Tka faet that rjui tbtrp tprlat egbf tb ball IT tb toe of SlTS VX 1JT 7Z be eccalot aar ntirim ttmee tomaraatlt aad eaoia no im a iu lLk with tke btll la kit hand It waa tka rohrl ZIIJZlJJl Tli pU i tJ14 ssd wa make a awltcs though Thomaa la a left eeed appltaded br Braoklja tod Boataa fana alike bitter wmcHssfM iHllllllllflillllllilillllilllipillllflilllllli TbMtor wll oeer to Hrooklas arltk atMceptloa II low the ttssit todar Stolkor rapadl aiMlWsc saa ttta ror ite aatoue eoaiaat Ko alttalloa vta war taoro taoM la ttar lbaa tbai la the fourlaootb loalaa llbu od Mat iltleer bad kit aafalr aad eaa is fai rotoora aierptr eipiaiao til ef the aUeatkiew of lb saaat tad wUI eoe tlaoa to do ao roe lb balaoea of tka aorloa WOM VIIl OI 111 Itu only the ghott of a Ibln hops for tka reaulslag Sanaa a tb it 15 els each 6 for 90 ch lsft She hss Jack Coombs for berllwdsy This perfect bunting cosled with tho brilliant flldla offd Vrll V1 lotlSw I ibui Dr trnaiDuai am naaiiiaiar iniai icahri if Tv IM lV tour Vamt ptflvV is ISIs AsHBY nXtn LEXlCONa54i Arrotn COMjARS A SMART GlOMFORTABLE STYLE GOES WELL WITH BOW OR FOUR IN HAND CLUETT peab6dy voa jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii nun i IbbHI KlH0vHi eeaj rrBaBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBa asxeats T7 aBBBBBBBBBBBaBal 1 HBHljHl dBBaBBBaBBBaBBBaBBBJ a aaaaaHaT i BBBBaasBaaaaas ib ssBEaaBBaaaaaaaai aasBaasBaasBaasBaasBaasBaasBJ MAKERS 32 35 351 and 401 Caliber I Smlf IoaiingIIifzes When you look over your sights and sec an animal like this silhouetted against the background you like to feel certain that your equipment Is equal to the occasion It Is If you arc armed with a Winchester Self Loader Not only does this rifle ehopt sui tjr onuiigiy Huturuiciy oui gives yuu euancc 10 in a numoer ot shots In quick succession It Is the rifle of fifles js OR ALL KINDS OF HUNINJQ iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiliiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiijiin.

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