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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


NO. 179. I QUIKCrTS8ANFBMCISX A TZACU2I Dm10 07 THS ICROOLI 01 TEXI CRT. ftka Bay AM Sa4 Mk raw tin- 4 tk It kak K4taeUaal ria reaa. T.

lit IVtMr al fTUoatob Bit I Lr rftlttt pm than Bin la intwer tbi tJ4IM trs lh MI BrhfloU tvsIpii. trim irt ilM br a writ Mil- IrM ath. i tin jBt 7 mum. pak- siti th ClMVICl. but wwf raw Ik arlMMl s4N wWoh I.

aMay M. TMlr thrwiiflmt IW try II. illU HI pMTI 141 Mn U. araMM I li fin MUM manned Ii Ib. ihrt UMW MU er ki wtlrklitoU44 itaahTaaMlMr thMMof uaan MI PSIiI Aet ibMrfcorto a all uiftrrM Nvr Urtaf Ul ot to hf a Ikil 44.

HdtmlotM method sthcA I bin Uatkl li Pa FriB ieo alauwt iatoB ran mat trUe rein that Urn ii PrUMipal and sppOtd to tiamta and allow vMtBaay If prbooli. I IM Unity obyt tothi tap4d pcaltiua aoj tb iir trt ir a lfn4 to ua. Tbh Qalaey ryt- I Mi tfedlUy Infumied. wai orltlmUy 414 fruit t1 sIs4 by Mr. Pirn tb KprrtnUt of Qulney Beano Yet I r.

IIIT. st Ual urn. tbat at Bt. Loali a Uewben tk word cthod wu luai twenty-Ire yan BIO. Tk pbonU method ram.

Uur and eombtn with word 4lMd kai ti4 DM Iraoolne day. lot my cwnnectloo wttb our publU cbootL defenac tb ah 1 the Qulney lh1 Gnmmltto I doubt whether tb UABC tkronibout Ib country. For Ik ei411 of oarcomntry I iho4 bop noti Bad I am too palrioti and too proud of our country to bar puUlibed to tb rt of tb world. QVUCTI 0000 LCCX. If Ui tood pus of Qulney hare Joel wtked p.

or wit IBI up bios Bud mo noi about It tkan othn they mut not tblak otben ar tin aaUep. Lv. withoit Inrtitutetawl ditlL when procreive teibn meet todkwvjB Individual eipeneaoriaadpopuUr tetbad then I. apsjeiUy a Bkonta aunoo- plcr efaarred with tzvUzu which ocr- nlndi ttao or a Oliver Wendell llolne wrote many jean so Tb iporoc of a treat man i iea an Aoaunt about la tb taopbcr sad almoit ofocnity tic tIacd irsobor if a In or. ucoot ducard Mob sc uopbtionpbloc1 ntbod.

Any tnefaer kiowi that tb uiId will not rtal. what it do not underrUnd id trup mor readily that which love. jug ii tb body will no Ubanefited by the rood tb stoaiach cannot diteat and eni that wick pl uant to thta te. Kill no doubt the tbe Quincy School thiItt. do decor treat crwdlti eat heeauM tbey dwoovend a new method but becauM tbey bar.

peeilt enforoed. and liberally provided their rooc. with toya Uocu and bides ranted to afford facility for play raraiua IiI1IL1 LtGIiLAfOii. Al early M1819 tbe tendril llatofo for PTUIM to lb. preabl of tic.

Octool law of that country itated that then ttnil bo Kln A uitbto income for sebool teach- en and a ocoderit. prortouc for tb super-A wet1-doctgicd bolMing sdoptd fiirtMchlnc Bndfor tirrrtw with proriuoa lor rrtxln Bid Ur Tblrd liaraiura books. pktnrwi. ocups tDodcU InitraocaU id otbr nice 17 PPB flint. Fourth PecuDlBl uri Uj for lom irbolin.

tndttick Wlllitm III of ProMlB eUndi ID tuwas public dix tloa cud lb malnw- MM of It Br not Too lor sip of tb MrocbUI BMCMIUM or oUlau ibnf rcr. 1 tit art to koo twang lh obltrto to prorUcd lor la Lb. brut tb. Iflu 8a lr 5n doBt UXMW lk rHIIUr for tearbiog that tb Klntdt- Mlor Lii mlji Uer th ro al- wWd I of Qutney ttuvtJi tot thug tawk n. I nr thol tic.

word aid pbooW method. ar nototw ton lodMii by ar BUrnd by tic par Brtbwl preeattuiloa or word I on ttaaf that ar naturally attorvd la cl reedoa by good rndrr. la rhool mart wnnltar at Br listed a mom by a ewod a tl i th SoOn In muil and arc to ex- bol th of tb dr unUM MTtral ml oatllr as on word. now tout vcioou rum iti Initrrlkn to moiened with uibypre- trritiof tjvt Ib oWect. thee th plctai UI Ih tdMI la hwiliar rnavenallua its eII1rvn are led to dlMlnnUh Utwin too real object sad lif ytor4 rtnr enUutop.

UtteB pos eblIdeLltdecIaretbipfrturstsrp caab curs. lad only span tb attempt being actu ally said. win the nattak. Ii dUwvenxl. boa tb children bacon Iwnlllar with Ibe ouect and lee Ilkocea.

isort. IOtr4 tIilnf them bat then Ii another wa to show what in a way la which nwlnot rpwk and seed rx mak tb plctun. Ibni wolatrndBOfbotB written and print words. llaced aid by aid th dtffopnr. between tb prlnud and wrlttMi word obwrved Vies- rlly lb.

word. test nwd an almnet allk. la tue-es sod uiand. a. eap pod oat.

Tk. gbaro Un their social. and nndi ar oomprd and their diStrenn noted. After giving enough werul. to nutala as Intertvt.

tbsp an treqooUy atTanged la different order. to sip- arall rolimea. tb written and printed word fce its. alik Thai tbj twisiluntly diiliopurb not only between different words bat al bitwiois tk written and printed word. The wordi at tnt all ret sine.

oldest. hen a number of word. can radllj pwooiiod at ntbt. IL. or a I are.

tted to each. and tb child tissegbt to read thorn properly toarityr words an glue la th an way will run will bit taiy ran. nay bite can ron. run Uto ud atord much amusement by Jadictotu conMO- bus with a voluble word. Tticiuo nr i LID wtmxa.

RMdlni wyltiag arc tsagbt almort rlmalOLaMJiuiy. Tb. tthr careful to bar. tb rbeldrsa otoery. bow th words ar formed and try to tmhuL bar week.

Arabia and Ranua number see lilutratcd by ob level. beau sod dots children immediately wmivut bow mach euir it is to auk. tb fawn than core aloe dots. ocapeecitioe ii cBBK eMl as sion tbe child ran writ. word OfeourK.verjMuipl.atCm.butflj- tlnctly wktrg tb diScrcnoe between son- teaec tkat pik and tnon that tf II toiaetkkif Uttdof or iccie caually familiar lubjoct so toldCnttoakKiinetimt AU work ii eueimDy aj appred or rmoc Kotxted i Moreover.

bar been pruided with ynattxiae that pan from Kbool to reboot. In. teresit it. children. and tborantbly teat whether our readen are merely neemothed.

llooor to whom honor ii due. and ladle. to u. Arsasu tlazny. I nion PrOnary School.

EA Viarvseo. Jainary 81 fO Tk Ii tb Polls. Ooait yerterdu monint Tbosos. Smttn. found ilty of stealing a doua of tmoaia and Jane.

Murphy in Uktnf a kit of saekerl wen both sent to tb lieu. of Correction for tier. mouths. JOB Bali arrented for an attempt to rob a Lao. and the chart bayIng been reduced to fcalxtaal intemperance was teal I.

th County Jail for twenty day For working bon. withaict. neck and bark William Hooper nudabwofflO. WUuta F. Keil.

far rob. Unt lou D. Brown liii room-auto of was held to Banter bSfOTS tb Superior Court IB Uw aa of 1000 and witk bail at 11000 Ah Tasajor boring intend tb lsoiai of Mr 6lby. on Vaa bttt avenaa aad II Ah XlmandAaDoek. aha Lb bvin a tk 224 alt.

shred a pawnshop ea Wmb- tattoBaawetaad atoMa ateut OOO worth of WOTerty. Th chair Bninat Waaley liii- teiberg tie anaaitinf with Intent to murder JdatCM Wiliest was reduced to battery and the uminaao. eontiBaad. Tk aiamiaa- I. Manck.

preterred by ea UchoS. or. saW friday. Tk TB roraltan to UM Federal Coarti to located latha wAppnuer1 bed Woe are. iisrdiU to tb octziet into.

a th 7th I Beit mootk. then at raw. placed la po-ltion A few oay alto their aoyicI tb Court and aatho lc i att bd thent wiaretaovjtotb a joartcra aod th old Vmbaati Kzeban building toil ujoccit yssisd. Jndx. tiawieraftb Qreait Court In UM new holdIng will oaoupy srsrtmeuts oa Lb.

third floor. a i rcort Vraahiaf aoaaad Pin HUM aaetawhil JmAf S- Baaaof tb. District Court wiU be tocatod at it. earBr it Jarkran rewt sad 1 alley. Tb.

old Nsothant zetuuic bujd- wBl probaky snvrt4 into a tarf A CUaeaa dil aimed Hung Un sad bet ml commit wot en Soaday last JIthIs oily is wanut charging them wUhtb ortms of triad lazvsny oemwslttd Siortesooto It being rgrsseatd tkat tb Ilant toos. itmnt th. pea- Mrfaa it tb ma. tarlmatanl porpoem. YBB Uek boa ptitbeaed logs writ of kabaai earpi.

to frfot woman. Tk nattaj waakardby Jadn Kflni anTaealayand JmaiBjud. A second typliostios was and MI Tkuraiajr to tb ttaprvm Court and thu GibBaaTraitorday all. Ucuamd tb wnt. rdMiactk wauva tot.

tb emsedy it tb Atbactu At tb lUmatloB Oroundi to-day thor. riUfcBoUiUrotckparadpatodla kyaB tb plsJT5 it tb Oakland aid Wanderer daba. Os sirs eatarday lb. abar aim eUUwin play tkalr fovtbtuncof tbaa. MM tk BUB rreunda.

and o. tb BUM jr kandicap ne of Wll ymri will rn. tk eoatpMiton bring embse of tk troibsIl UM. la moo Jssiob Qeess Tb. reaDciti torUrtel 6 otonU UtngraBBBiii rsitrdss sitercoes.

Edwari BoaoaitaitiaaitBat bad kwi rBtponaV aCaiiM tby rl8W bad kaowl. ad UaiatexrUy. Robert iMatrkUtoM WttDeatbnarfMorran tkatkbada- easad tied earn UCMM wer a maul ituittiribti II raU ous sad bmbewa atia Bi BaarO war it hal heal. aeuaoi aatW satp Tha aTimlaali WM taam ail aarillkii aiiratii Tk taaciado. Ttenm tlh xicu at I4 a tlB laJtlbBraoVewbC.

ad TrwMDnr nportod la arm of i aM aiUaTr to proownita fM tkBym rt of pmxivaa UM TBX VnXoz com. Ulaa- Jcdc DBlnterfield ha. idied thit krarUrDooB wUlballow pried. la diniUa4uth. bar by Ih prtrn Ooit Tb County CSark at tk lam.

Uffl wutntrMtodbfar tk filial fany sislutceiwsyorip oaaajnl whit. to kitty Macelf that tb psicon of. losing It had Li. Malttod S. preUe by ih feproRM Court.

Tin JodfM of lbs mess Drptati wr fsrtbcrmor nvutt so tafurMtbMnUkadrvfBMto ntot1 otlo fka rBir arruwBtl from a ay rut ImUatol. TkU rdrwlll siVsonslp itartiU peacesi kiT. obtoland la the all cii. lit which MboMifcinjdilwi A lit of January. nabwnofdei dtobM eop4ld.

The lBf Jtjlre will then dluitt them BBMU tb Jadfti of UUt fn nl dpn- via Jade rUlaey1 Court tormrly Ih anjy Court rctUrday. on niotloa of tb utrirt AttorncT ll wu ordered that all pp. peal eases Iraa the foil Court now pending and pndetermta4 In till burl be tram. erred to Jodfe Ferrari Urart. and that all ap cue yoa th old ty Oiaiinal Uaiilrred to Jadn Fnelon1 Court.

rb caw of tb oyprItlo of John II. Bark. to th rcoanl Sled by th eirvoton of Ik estgt. of W. S.

O21aien whIch was to bar hrrabardre rdy morning beto RiCer. W. A. Swart sot. esotlonod until Monday that an order tstbt ohtalnod loom the Pr- aidtn drorthefapf rior Conrt sesijoing It to pepartment No.

8. Probate Jade lean It I. not ezpeetd that its. Tins' Dtport- raentf will In rytnlar worklnf order until Monday tb IDtk InrtaaU XcOILLXLAJD LZL Tfc. Cause Wblrb 1 I the Polk.

IlIspess. James MeOUblaDi ails. Thomno Ilarrold Autos. Duboli Johanpi Murphy and Marine Nunan tb quartet who iuggd la a nad- rangulir diapaU la Polk Ian. on Tuesday iitbl.

la which the former prevail tb yWor and noc iled la biting a mouthful of reb thorn Ihlboia' lip and chock dad blackening tb eyes of tb women and other way. dif- turing them won before tb Polite Court yesterday afternoon on rbartee of mayhem and battery final MpOillilaad and drunk. enBM Bfaiart Ib other tbe eiyrusaatauceo of thedtfpat. were related bvt the arroUng it nd la our llonor yon mast know oSleers and MrflilJItand took th llo Lien drinkln wbiiky by th mdvii. or my donor fur th.

rb itnaluta In pip arm and feet. Two weeki an I wont to iolk Une to a oboip room thlao ran along imoolhly until ueeIy ultbt wba th rheitua- Him Ulber in so much thu I drink about yi ioU worth or whltkyand wee twit to buy mm saints to rub myarmiwlth At the time I hailflftn In my pastel. land whan I tot down stairs Un Murph tittle till took the money from pocket At thai tb liquor Sq Lena to work sod I frit that tb ton or my boU yas romlntoff. After that I dlsiremombrwtat what kippened. 1 our lions I'm 04 yean of ate pit Iv.

Lien In tb army. ant IvenUcr Wen blon a tnagatiit. tpit oneo and then 1 twenty-four bows The Court held Me. iiItlUhts4 toan werthch rn St uaybem In UOOo bill an ordered blia to appear for sontonrs fur batter. tiboii and tb cumin win baud putty of drunkenneat THE UBZXZ COURT.

II Or lBBil naeler Ib hew alllavlUH. Tki two depart menu of the Itoyrem Court will during ib early part of nut week be oracatsid In isoordano. with Ib new consti. lotion. ration Artlrle VI prrldis for two departnuta to alwaM spin for trcnotion of business.

Tb. Chl Jutloe Ii npowtrad to amigo three of hi. sitielI to department. and they nay Inturrhint by gremunt or order of tbe Chief Jnsittea. 8o aoootilei an eomp Vrnt to lit la either department.

bat lb. proaino of three quired Snr tb traniaction or basin zoipt. log eurb 14 may dnoeln rhoonorri. and then spin th tsmenrronrs or thre ibet. lutily nesoroory tor tb yronoanring of jud- meat.

When th apportionment itch Stars been made two court rooina wilt be found aetwMiry and until the sood is provklid on ndoprtmrnl will oocnpy chamber adjoin- Inc tb pruot room. Whether Chief Justice Plorripon will artirily psrtkdpati in th proceed Inn of th Court or not baa not let been derided by him. Znaumurh the two oepBitmebta. Independently of cb other. oan vii In ditereut looaUtlra.

there well vtrtnafl be two eort and business therefore will be more rapidly dicptcbed tbereby avoiding tbe tJlousdelaoszjeer5eneae1In the pest. Tk divicke of tb Court will. It claimed. aim eeewttati the ippofatBMnf of two depute elect. Tie.

pDointsn. of so. only boivq provided toe It expected that lb. Lr nl tureln tbepa reof the required appropri. ntleas wilt provide for a end deputy.

The qntlu of additional aopommoditioni Ii ate. other whject to decided during tb torn- fan week. WZDXZSDA BLOW. III rtw I l. A telegram rerelved yesterday by tb owner announce tb oraneping and Ion off Port Ran of the Twssi Aftmca a twcnty-eiz foot niaek and one of titi Soot beloncinf to the Italian fobermen.

Tb. Jcuiw Asia. with I crew of four men. left toll port with other tenti of her clam on Saturday Ian for a load of lob. A stiff broom tht ryrung Monday uteruses uerweed to a tale and the effort of the men to beat back to ware were unavailing.

On Wednesday night three of the boats bad been driven about eighty tulle. up the en wh tb 1 mf dsirie was rvitwpcd by I heavy tea that struck ber broadtid on. Two of th men one a lortu rues named Frank Ben and an Austrian wboae nauno la unknown were drowned. Tbe other two wen picked np by one of UM other boo tr which sbartly afterward effected a landing at Bodes rum. fifteen mile this tide of Port Ron.

Another boat which I. out has not been heard from. and foam pr entertained of her lou also. Several boats of tb fleet ar lying in Larbor at yarsoeg pout alon tic. onset wsiLing a etaaatton of the Mona before aUempUix to retam horn The okeemtJoni taken at tb United State.

Signal Sink. idle at 8 o'clock but even- Inc. nhow tb rriarU for tb paattwanty- MaTBOBIt have beat andfortbe pcane lO arainit 3 3O and 679 inohctfor tee eoireaponduw teajona of tb two previouj nan. At bm of taking tbe obterrationi tn barometer wu 29 0. the tSrmomrt t3Z humIdity 03.

and lbs wind blowing froui tb southwest at a velocity of ten nib. per hour. Th report of the nal feeme. stated that It neanikt that s. Ter tiara was nentrat.

pparently on tb essit of Orer sad orthem cwiiriti. but of which no reports bad be received. A Fatmlly A. old Iced saWed between tb ne1liei of Robert Great seed Patrick Troy who roold. rwpoctivcly at 1510 aM l5i4 fiaenanato Itrid.

la re rlrintbj roof In December last flung did BOB triiinf damage to tot rust tb Loin. tenanted by Prop. Troy shot a II. eJcbaor. and wu arretted op aebamof aa- psilt with intent to marder but in it Police Mit wa dneebarncd so mbedaLm 5 proeS tbat rd Uu to trkkuo awxy tb.

obnoxioo ntifhbor. la reuliation Gner wuamitod Ice sisdIrisaw nwebiot and yt- lerdey was aura dijeharyid. bela provep thattb damage ta ta roof WM ant oa with Bay malicious Intent Tk new ConiUtnlioB tiM-tb JsIeeV Cooniniaitiof fcrdbU entry tad uaUwful detalnor coocuryant jnrlitktoon with UM tuMrtor Court whey. tb monthly rental door- not exceed 25 or tk daBjatea 3OO. I petet wo ywUrday rabid been.

Jsilo rk. tkat it wai Beecvary tar tM Legi. tartoauk en. psertlue blntk Jaa- lice Court could acquir kal Jwrndlctiaa la tb ctaa of caae did attic Bark.kew- Ocidedthit UM Court bad die loo BiurHnbcr saou OB tb part of tb CbtoMl John P. Ebcrban who for oovmal ye rtpaflalbldtk 15.

51 a. larpMtor tbitoma Ii tkiidty. lUdtBiiraidBe KWS UarfcBt Knot yosuvdu mornIng. UoMl pbcrborn was Mtir hew LaauvUi sad wai 4V of U. oTki death.

UaiTwrW Army la lint PB aymoo tb datUoBlaU amy. rim. mmmi Tb. Caltoi Stat. Grand Jarykai pr Natd true Ml acaiatt Jaha Hu a aa.

a wbolceals Hqvor dfkt OB Trout stmut Ii karini UdlTentlaM rowed tiatilled rplr- rueraea 12. fta liihiBBtM satin tb traMB tk beiag rooordedfai thteoka. A ktl wit ah toa efcawjn dame. Warf with rumninc Wlct bil enr it e4 jilaylaitfatb to tbo i a Ko0 M05ET W15TXD JL5D TO LOA5. MO ET TO LOAjB CKf JO fOTOX mUAt MKkVB.

P. Will EE3 CtXCe iaat. Xf CtAtIIHEO UM ADYIITIIIU lAW lOeeataanaelbitnl WI will to ul4 iWaMklB. an I w. lines.

a ward. Er r11 tratUeB Pr Its. charged iliu JIEL5TJMi IUI. Km rrMMetll. R.

II. PmiiioiB enWy. lt SPECIAL NOTICES. Ma Mtl 4 II 4 a. a trllMpM llnr.

10 2. 1 ta 8. Sin. UAYLIICAITL UBIIM ilMtl 31 tdcfr. sesi MrtM jl tr Walek.

Classed Hi hoc Silver AmwkaB Watrhes tlis kl at Volrule price Aaierlc. CMi 87 Blxik it. Ulncki repair T. P. liALL.

rr rrvre Mr A. A. KaB rr will I 1 a itontxm Put TUkjlAt 175. bit al II. ca4iey 71 Mew Uoatiuawry net.

It kevtln eblae 1 SU. 6 Market above PIOCktOO. tolhoMDWt Of hMltb. Orrer. debility I of vital rnerry sad pctal dl Jcri iiill to Len cured at home no medU-ln for par- tlcuUn is.

THE FLrX TEIC RkVIEW 513 Movigonrry t. 8. r. tbploi mailed Int. JaMf rr- see.

1 Bhaaa lleaaa masS. MixllnmUO7 React ili CircleIn day nd Frtdr rrrnlnn- mttlwn daily JUH iu w. treat. meat of Cripple Ihbiasors of the Kpllie Hip Kin hub Furl troabd Uab. thinlTiii Ptlr.

fT nn. la. W. a aalt BIT UvV tnw prndo.l alal wrltari bourn Irom a lo a tf Ulaat ra pllrd at trW Anwrli-aa Xewi Co. ilnrt Hu rnnclKXh ir lat Wuili WMfitnrtoo plus.

A. Mr1 simy rmi nUr. prllii i bale birth and lnArki. HllowttrM buck irn. wart.

BV. Car. ftofltr fl. D. lVJoM.

j3ii ir Ma4. V. AHlanli Pains live 10 UMry it tr a lailr IU owl' lit IliJ Mill rlotblni lioi of tbli city 1 el our rMprctiv plsei or bualBMi ii 5 r. 0' Mr trin 1l Wdpful rktiloal TM Mxillvm IMt MMoa tlrwt. Or linn.

Test' even1 KltilDii lm Ti- v. M. hall elM. lex llrej an silt Mrkrtit JT lm if Hr L. W.

rub. Ml bri U- for IUT rwsrballs rwrM will jMtrwitr afl Mwkl Pt. rues. 7 aad B. 1.

for Bilno uii cable road. nock cine coMl ou baud. L. KEYAULDM I I rr-i t- U. DMary bill UV h.

rrmovNl bii tilt. to NoT 411 Monl. tuurry mt Wlwiea OarranuaU tied llror ala. lf 5 Mr M. I 4.

ew wl rllr Uuilam Uuu EI Elimination of OTM. 1 lu rounh. dai I 5. Paaa r. uS Kearay estees li ff nHrUtuhdlvouallyerpwIlihifBaoiii rta olin mainfaduros to.

Ihlna. Oar lhasnls in reid tUroiMrb a patent. roc ad we WUTUI tbToTto unabrlakablo- A Ss. lla. of NerkwMr 430 A tkMM who wSaI to sad bat India lut feud a rnvUop.

to V. PUFFER Onuml Arat tar lb. UnClad Statos and ConsI. I ft Moo wonwrr B. UI.

lm xarwss Baths I Paat at DR. JknOME HUKMTHMler. ln K- attentIon to Catarrh Dearness iro1 Lung and Hurt affections. Office 3il Suiter tZM rrrr Emalrrw Oyler Sleanerd ar UrO' rout in Ih. ibelt OCb415 Plus rtr et.

Sir WakSIg Mmjrwetle Il l- or. Chronicdliem. llit8B rkrtiUta lai rs. Ada TeTts MKeany itThurkrwBlock Rittiniri rarny. ouuaoni ay A.

to r. MI tirtle. Bun Ta. and Frt. so's.

41341 MnB bt ll JI lwM l4rw ell Lrv sTkar I. Uwy Mi a ttrerl nxu-Markrt. meetliui Twodsy and Friday vealngn So eeauj Hdoikr 4174 mla tesic of STTLMH GOODS FROM PARIS. enbndat IRON PIECES COMBS. UT STIlL aid FLORAL OESAMiTTm for the laIr.

yjEUIiiU Baldwin. lm Dr. B. J. Saaltk.

kr feM nIam P0r5. KoermofBed 74 rket. ly yean' exprrienr tIll. from Pandas din i abort Ditkil prioM US. TRE6 LLA1 Part.

6 sad S. 38 rk nireot speeds. Tonrlh. lm DIYDED NOTICES. EHrUeB JaUeo Th nib.

St. latiagi and Lisa tacitly. N. 1 eara itOBtfOBMT Ml Put MlMto a FlTUM CO urA. lWii.

At regwUr mrMr of th. BoutfoTINnctanoC lbs. Mdrty brld 111. day iTtilnart at at. rate of 65 per eat pie ur tbTaix moath.

riding wtth Ueormbrr 1 187 cap WcluTd OS alTeVj ita. paytAli ma lad aitor thli free trot y4rai tax. LOWAJU U3TDi nlary. nd alter Jnaury A dlrlj t. lbs Workbollm baa been led prM Mine di Iw LVCIii RRASD Ptciemarp.

ocMCy Tb. rd luncon la vMrtand dtvMarf tt rtt aum tm teem ttfatUm pr ii oNMaary 4ep flta aadzla ftt on commercial I nr wttu SwamI. 1187V. Woe Frd psld i aad aflv Jaarnrv in It lrt lia5TMAN. BM UrS SaSagn Pink Xa 216 SUMOIM reel Ik.

tx moatki radial WeBbr 11S7V drndnadbukMB declared al lb. ti if iso 6 I. a 54 rlcr Juuuy 18050. WlAFlELUB. JONKABcn4uT.

Ma Yyaadioi. MabrSlU7A 1411 r-r ataa vlati aM Ixi. tMcMy. Fr IB. hilt ynreadmg Ibis a lied of Directs.

to. Cenraa favtoie sad Lama tacley a eUndadlvVlMd a boa deMlBal Ikem atxaa4aimtMjIk. per BBBWIU 4 tm trtoutn pMll4u Ih. nM Iv. aad t-fk.

Baud btnc4M. eland a vkU4 fee lb. katfiwir uuiiB BI. 7tt. al tM rat.

Wk sad wa-kHth Vi pvM Mpr adBvaB tZt MM pr sanea a ardlaary orpnTUjTM tt reAml Ux. Payakl a aad after RATUiDA YJBwarT 107i 9U. Ur CBWaala raiB63SOaIllorBUtrMx iscar Tar Ih. kaU Mr ealtag wttk It. caavar SI.

1ST a ea4l hat BMB tailed at thrpNofSIz sad z4bi per eat 10 pirosat par taaam a Una parlta. 4 Tn ad Oaa half peroaat 5 Pf at per sum a r4laary aeaMUa Int ft Tttntl tax. poynhls JM4t LOTRXL WHITE. RORSES AiD WAGOS. 170B SALB a chROJICLR ecu BfXM Bad iA a4 topic MM am.

SITCATIOXS WAITED. i BmAnac ro 14 1 MM Al ViiiralB e- pa soil if aaalMiuwJ 3 de OM Csassicta. if a tlttrfnttU sorb lidtnsi 10' 15 aMflawk MMrflMewA ndldef ItoiBiMa. 4 Nlan ry atfiMi dab IMr vial to HM VT A BOTBTAWTWOMAJI AHOY 14 TBABS OLD VAMJTt A P1W. atMii ea molt every kiad of work ii wnuUVlkitor7talnaa AdOnM IWY Piwt.

mMOaU I 4I 8ITUATIUN WAit JllAi flXIIC AD kMwrawMf MkUlMM 4 Mr Iji rr'-iis'NI al- liLii iisi1iy Annivxr Ill" rilBBIIMI I HMli wnrk Mwral baw wnti MmU A ir rltOTK TAKT WOMAN lrari eltjr A or orlsoobsipmr I canisters. 1. Nlth BY A RRi slo won Arit eouk I ut r. 121 ion an t. jrj SFTCAT10X IT A WIIJU Oini nnkiBBoVntaadi au kind.

or couklnt. Apply 47 Clara 5101. jal04l AOKO MAN WANTS A JOB ptsltral country preferred. AoMrex HTABLKMAS thli offlot lUfitu tfafea. A GOOD COOK AND LAC1 DRESS W1SI1E 5115115 nna arm.

Apply al 1 Kvrrrtt iirMiBmr Tblrd. jot-in' AdTfATION WANTED BY A YOlN girl nunrry toviroiBi no objection tIn' country. Apply 1UI4 Oumro it ja a A YorNO MAN OF KUAVIkQ lIFtS anus la wakh-naklnc alas cell. a lair prn a Jack jar-211 band wishes a sIlatioa1. llallto Irvn ear 111.

of bwlaMe. Address W. K. 1207 ARKXPfcCTABLl GIRL WANTS A MTUA lion in cook i noobirttloB to plain wwlilnf Apply 1515 Luwnwortb street. js34t' A TOCNOOERH AN jrrr ARRIVED FROM lUmburr casts iltiutlon ft any kind also ho eouid wukhlmMir turfnli 5 abrer- Ivrwrr br profMiloa.

PUue MVIrw. GERMAN thli oDkv. HK IMPORTANT TO AN INU. ptlc bunlBrM man wiibn to negotlats with a rrlhUe hoiii. to goods on roinalslo or Ml- aryt canned itonii.

ttwrlr. clean ete. PIT. frrH i no ylijcciloiii io to on th. road.

Addm. lABLlythli offlc. Ju YorNo LADY baRD in nf loi lion In a rrnurd fkmllyai nunorr torirtiMii alary not no mui in et am the pluleetlon of ahoma. Address i UnPllAN thliofflc JaKIt WILLINOTO DO GIN- iijr or country wad. a Ji Pnr ATIIOROVOIILY OOMPETKNT 011 wtnti Oiluutlnh to do nntral nnnwwork or cooking Apply IV llusat it off Taylor rharre of a botet i tort of rArvnrMi rrn and alr Wl hHweca 1 1 ud 1 o'clock B4 Third YoiiKaTwoMAS wno IIAI Jf her tint lbrwlihn a Ur.

Wit-nuns. laUM Shoe SinaI. MEnrnAKTB- iTtATio WANTED TIT room iij 17 la a whJxxl or im- portliKhouwi ipMki sad writes lout lIe Am r- ipwkiaiid on IB i rin Un uai- ltk lb. nitil I Ml of relesanentwrttq. to bun.

Mir aad IntWIty. Address WlLllELM Ibu one Jt71 A ANEIIICAX WIDOW LADY WITH In. tilt rhlUrra wllb a vnry pl0aMnl home will taki so. or two rhulAras to bouruu rnii na on bli. Apply 347 FlWi street A rBEXCIlaiRL WANTI A ITVATIIN KEOTOr ft LADIKH-CAIL AT Tilt MW EMPLOY mral offlu 1301 Pub unrl whan youna Otid tnt Dunn waltnveiaudmoki 71 HELP WANTED.

ijipifestisa sd Mri. It lir Wr be ieesp5ihd ay dsesruiic- MniMMMl M. ndasad M. fie. Imw 5055 38 tmH for ft.

nt tmttrUtm 4 131 SICE YOCNO 01 Rt hwuework IB mail family an one Boor wacetl2 per mouth. Call it 214 Bn ItTMt. lt Till GARDENER THAT cillrd low Montgosiry streot on There. day to eaii M. It' ANTLD A PBEPOSXES8INO YOCNO lady to teal pool act at amannrnaii to elderly cattleman.

Addnai BItOKEIt this elite It' WANTED MAN. YOUNG AND nartt com well reeomeeedd and vndentaad eadertaklng upholstery awl tenen repairing for reentry store wina 16 to ia per week. Call at 78 sad 75 Now Mootffornery 5111011 St JOHN 1111011. WANTED-A FRENCH WRL THAT CAN ip Laglid sir feacral booMwork nmt i5d34DdrtLPl malt b. kind A MAN Or BUSINESS AND utrarlty la on of 115 puttf cub burtDMn.

la Na. Pratcteo bas lb. oalzol of two vrtuhb patnt. la grat liftasde toraeh a par. I coil tIe.

a .1 lnducesint to jniv dflialy A COMPETKST MAN TO TAKE clang. of tb commercial department ot a dilly paper. Applicant for the yeoilla wtl pleat Vldrww JuUKNALlST Lock Box 2362 firing full partkoIare as to sapintree. and refer- YtrANTED TOCNG GIRL FOR GENERAL if homework and wtlUat to aivut with baby family eunstials of tentlemaB. wife and child.

Apply at 85 Uutro itnet. OaUaad. JOLLY GIANT OUT AGAIN I POTS coaled suit tkrm Irtdun and satvrd1 nut. Oars 0111 BookMora. 3 Koruy 174 every town Os th Psetoc ilnpr UrtproflH rudyaato.

CALIFORNIA JiOVELTX WORKS. kddy attest ui Traaciioo. j74t A GENTLEMAN OP GOOD ADIT diMu4aot fnMof work aa fetal lo- mUv. suployweal by ndHf MI A L. BANCROFT A 00 721 MukMMnrt mMtb.


jicl. teat article i IndupeMabl la every lj nadyatle a4nBtwdprolltn6ti 10 t4i Room 8406k ryit SSI PARTNER WASTED IH A MGUT awauUctarintbBilMM mrttotut lMlMtrlMMuinqbi4. Apply at Iu NM tomeryilnot. Oom 11 A. a 1 r.

M-7t PARTNER OOF- ft. and clip BOOMI la. Click 04 addnMpMtpi4MMTMTtorn. BiadaeoplM AGENTS rUYA gEBJ WASTED FOR OCB HEW YajoaaruWMv naf Lilies' Qk i Mil lf to. ins' 1 ujy the thCB A XX.

4 Gsry ACXm WANTFJ SOP RILLI MANrAT. if 1541 aad BadBrM Form i aw otttlov rnatryeahvndaiM MFJrutly UrnatnlH. TIM Mth. ass betuul staler sad rM erll TWAINS NEW BOOK fArTramp Abnai. a eoaipaalM TtrATTED-tALXiMEir TO TAXI CUY soul But.

iii In lary Ml tnrtta pall niSred. TItIL7M10 wro CoTlltkUarMilrMtCaleafaia ew3a uiuum purl PAID TOE OFT O. 0455051. A. hLEIN.


wUMBwulaWa. A atCaaainaaM Bi thhonflaaYrBv CATXBIBAjnSt nSE tGOOSB. BdyrfBtiMcaMfMtHUayatnei 2 Per Year. THE Weekly Chronicle ENLARGED AND PRICE REDUCED. opxirioin or THE Pulls 715 CBMXiai hat bwm wr la tbo Ptss.

pm wMMwak aid lorisas viitliodi of MmM of tb Psohe oV4Mr rfca 4. TH WORT ii tb rw tl at OMnl QraBl pibll1Md by lb. Countless WM Iloisrisil. MMkalMOkaU a rf lifer. BBMBialliktd lb.

OUrfw d. Vt. cniOStCll ritotl. It wawmpor rlN-'OWdM JK CM. 4 Pits CUEOIICLXI al rpriM Is olbeUii new.

I iaalid bf tbat of asy papas II FUN VIIIOJICIN Ii 0 leading jeer- taf AaMrloa JtoW Ku 4. TUB CnnOXICLB will always as IX POINT. of editorial and bud. ness fw rt to. Csoacs ho.

no rival- tail. Cfara Itfkt OtMtr 4. Till PROPRIJTORI of lb. raaoxina mar wall Is proud of Ibrir suncesl4fts.p Or. Sq.

THK CHRONICLE lbs loading nwspspay rcUw.iitt Yeaec4d. labile 10. TIlE flV8IN3 of iktCiaonciB rdnmd I. a pert i Max Qnctr hsafrp rOad 4 8. TON CIIEONICLE la oo of tb butt papers nbll Bo i Cineald.

0164 4. THE CIIRONTCLI S. no nlMulnly dmiUWd a. any a wipa ta AjBMlca. ITglmj Jcmnil Till PROPRIETORS of lbs Cnasinn ban dmlriMr soorerd4 la Duklnf It a tal lln paper.

dtMtar Octal 11. TUI CUTIONICLI to. ry fonmort t- paper a Ib Psc13c eat Jiwtor. Pmt. IT SIMPLY tocIhIng the ntrprhas lb.

of th Eo icii bus ibowa. THu CnKOMIOtl I a pwer 500 only la Ctnforala but ill ever to. Tatifle cout Ball Lao. 1 Or 1. THE CHRONICLE Is lb.

to. paprr of It. md rtn Omfr Reroriicr TOT rnnO' TCIE 51111011 punt TUB ENTERPRISE trlt and vitilIly of lbs proPrtoOr of th. IOHICLJ an Ii TICS CHRONICLE ha. taltal matorprl.

and THE rtOmiKTOM smuori her. MbUvad newt rlW4 suries la tMr BWI pr aarNf Uvtt UaClt Oplalar 4. TUB CTIBOXinB ho. always Iota rHV 4 semy TUB ClIflONlCLI I tb swdsl a Btort THE CIIROXICLB tXaadmr ku bail a of tk awilMl paptn. TIlE CIPOIIICLN i plwk ltd 4rl na Maid with ort4 iletlily In Its sip.

it wriwn. 001150 ITS PISTOZY- Ik Osasnicts has iboern km wMtdtdh lUwatvotMacb- AM 014 IWtar llyfcmtr 90 THBCnBOXICUIlBrib most lad. tad iarnU a wi TUB CHRONICLES InHoimiUbl. nitcoptisa tad snngy ar aatqaaM. UMItHr THE mROXiriX OB of Ik Mt ably.

4114 journal. on th Paulta Ooatt- fiwpJ thai fty 4 30. TUE CORONICLZ oa. of II. ImllBf fapar Of lb.

BUtiK Ti IMtlU Jryl OXoto 4. THE CUROXICt ta by far lb. lppid newspaper wtrt of th flucky Moutalas and to maIntaIn tb Urcttl clreolattoa. TUB CHRONICLE ii Ik mane popalu Bad ntnrrMnt joiraal on to. coast Raiding Dd thasdy MxlimJ.

00462. 2. THE CHRONICLE I in sdalrnlly oomplot. paper. IlencUei Xis.

LtUtr 27. THE CHRONICLE usual dlstunre. wry paptr on to. COM Solnt TIM mt 80. THE CHRONICLE to the largest sad K.

arraiif Bvi Kr stablkbaat on lb. tout. Sf Otl Ofmrttr Motor 8. Till cnnOSICLE sithltshmnI to OB of tb most oomplet In Am 8. cwro JMoc port Otdhi 1 THE CHRONICLE a ppn for lb.

Rid Pluf ii Mi4W 80. TUE ISTIBPnjSE of to. mnage of the tInnoalcin rarpuiw that of lay newpoprr S. tb Culled Ut K.t vWJ IT IS lWPOtOIflLl not to admit to. plork and dub of to.

Caaomcia. Lot Antn UtnU rto 1. THE CItttOXICLE oa of th sisrel popmnu la tk 114 Ut ti Tb WEEKLY CIIRONICLII ha. recently enlarged from 64 oolamaito 79 otteDne In rii while th ynlo. too boon ninccd from 12 50 to 12 per yrar.

II tb eheaput lrget and beet WMklj publlontlon on It moist. As a family piper It hit no sIvil It ll in nc olopcdla of news literature and Inforniatiuo. On. of Its particular feature a wll- ondurtod Arioultuzu1 Dopintiasoit. lIt dlturlati on current events ar of icknowl.

oJied alillity. TERMS On oopy on seer 31 tbt. sipls on year 1 75 muhi Sn. eopl on nr 1 no each i ten mplci oa 1 80 each. Tbii Includes pottaf Pond for aped.

men oorlit. All ptwtmuUn ar tuthoiiwd to rcol subeoripuons. Bond mony by portal crier rtwtrd letter or by xpm addrtd to DE TOVilQ A to. rrai la LOST AND FOUND T-A PILVEn WATCH flALYAMZED. IjVtw uii ad MoikinB and ls i and Mi Kilr Mwraa4BlA oTlk oa rrt.

rnpu WAnoif JANUARY ATM A i xJMiTd yali. fMilalalnf sIdrIs and uadrrwrs The ltn1r ill n. seitaily rewarded upon turnln Ib. seal. In ID Port ttr 4 lo I OKT flRDO s1fTCit 5501.

WITH TAO sad ue with owaeri ypd iV1r i on rolUr. ttrtor. lu DHdW CIIUSI01IIC. dKJ Sorbs ttnot sad nrvmnward. Jai BANK BOOK nhi Uinihr sod rMioa W-rLEA EKE Mi AT MY 01710'S Nonotoy soy 13 clock So 1 ran xjilila I.

you alnl Mn. k.l 4U lt VICTIM ugi nirm YOUIMOX Torn Ol fur on month at ISCLE Kurnyrtrr1. II YNrOUMATIONWANTEDOrTllRWIirUK- I ibows of JuUN WOOIHor JOllX D. hART Wbrsiul bi rdtrom 7li wen to lesko ViTi a AcUrM K. B.

WOODS 4l7t Pin. Rurnnclico. p10415 IWITL PAY FIFTY IM1LLAHS RrWARD for tke recovery of Oi. body of P. HA DO 1.

on tOe ichooier Poisseroy 50115 I eciutiw 4ltrT UlKit AiADOUOOdayit VBBTTt WOCLD LIKE TOIlS IV yow tame time sad place at Yrtiy jolt-It' CUBRELLA. OAKLAND I HOPE YOU WILL not taM around slyest corurn in futun and maah. jolt BLACK tylo. GOVERNOR-DO COME ABOUND AND uuxber axwd man from oj wronf. al IIATTIE.

CDARLKfl 7. JtACHIE-ADDREyI5 a SON for ADDRESS OCT. WE DID EXPfcCT A HAPPY but oh I v. to dl LA PIERCE. Or OAKLAND WILL heir of tomethmrto II.

s4niutgs by Ddini LI. adIrrea to T. VAUGHAN Cuts. ewi Co. 8 TTtacUco.

at FAT AND DEUCIOU THE POET 019- tm o. If AMMNQ 4 MISS KOX LATE OF 704 POST ITEEPT PIMM call it tkli office tf SARiB-HEET ME AT CHICAGO AUCTION Howe 134 Mztb red I mini Kir of UMM 4 hotto Mbbl. eat MUMrkvrnnck 4Mlb coinc. to el boots DIVORCES OBTAINED LEGALLY AND promptly BO publicity suit. satisficuon ru nl li edetre tr r.

Address ATTUINIT OStofIkos Nez 1S115se rraadan as- Di WASTED-A GOLD IIVNTINGCASED snssndhiid Waltbam or Uowwd Wit mm be ii exeelient Umrkreper. Address with BartteuUnWATCHthliofaoa il4f OPIUM YOU CAN BE CORED without pals Addresa la eoaadenee. Paz 1014 Ponof8cV5r 00. laud ER8JOKe nyitreM. BUSINESS PEJISOSALS.

FM. PUNRTT. GENERAL AND EXPERT mid. MeowUati bros of Rfenaare. Ad.

dnM through XUE 0103 POBTRUT STUDIO IS STILL at Pt. Ann PalMIng. H. W. SACDON.


MGILBERT 24S TUnL 4i TTIGUESTCAIII PRICE PAIR FOR LADIES' 11 and irati bud thIs. mrpos. e. pall tha Mhw dM dMbn ordw. by rott promptly I.

Sri. MATHAS WM MaTtrl. tm mi PaririaaatiBiplat. 443 851 at. Oil STOYE AND UNPO AND CIJULA.

MMurUtMUU. Ulna fourth at li LADIES' AID QUIT. CAST rr CLOTH- lat. guess. ldjioU aaTalvw rU DCR.

nomi Bu fMtp uriwocmi ot btMP' ip lya tatM taVprlnA. tt pubti hMlrteui. iinMalwayewch a ruaklac bMlaMl BiimuM CTTM tb. bwl vmlM lor Ik. BMaeyur urybMrfla Ib.

UUW ltMMbMMM tb. seSm sad UutMaM it BMaa7 jlx minI ticket for II hard aad todjat Mr 1 4 JUnar tm FBAXK EDT ATTORUTaOs 04 551. ebsoemse noMl rrohu vorrt RMBMe MtUe 4. 411-41 OLD AID FADED OWN 55715. ka 1bythfRRIfER lalpiaM Oaly aBktottttyll4TvkiB lm anaiiafaB th JvUjto a4 It SKS- ooijr noAnnno AND ROOMS.

821 JIoar IIO TtBK" T- PilIY BAYWI1 A Lao iiil emi. clliif gas PM bIh also sltgin roe. with limed TI lit UruUhrd sultabl. I doctor i 550 fur- nlihr ultot with ftnl lui board. Apply at Ill ft A LI roll MA A LAROE AJlvl uniy room will board i nnox ST.

Pt1TS 01 nui nipiHor board PIrr- 1250 1949 31155103 1 1 drrn to board 1 EDDY IT FRONT 1 penior moil ulIlabs fir a ph icl utl or muilclu wlik or without thbMt Gin vr vroRTii ST-A FRONT O1U raiKof nonui alwhaaiiKiai. psninre with Uii bou4. It POLK IT- UXNT SUITES 515 to board per week. lrt Oft JNOLE BOOMSSEW. Ul ly rvnUlMd with boarii taSte beam CT.

LAW RENCB HOTEL. 065 SlItlION- llongr4 landau nicely unUitMd rooiuwith ou 13 per wru ja POST FINELY FU YCINISRED bou4. OQ Mc HI-CHANGED UASl newly th gas. bath sidrr. Improvement plauant loin.

privilege parlor and Ore many roomi VU to pin month toodboardi day I oardrn aconmmodateJ 4 LC VE StIlTS Ifornia trret On large may front room with beard. ja4-7t 1 ftft VAN t38- SEAS 11017 roo i. 7JO PINE a ii Tllsb 0 real to pay will miilMmehr. PBIVATB AND ELEGANT HOME Tom A flu tmtlcnrp three hiseko tram II. Baldwin.

A rRirk 325 pLABE2CIK 110008. 674 FOLIOS ST. nor of Sunny window lulte. and ringe roomi table dim tsniea moder- au. timW H.

Hill DES. lm 502 415 ft WILl ST. TWO SINGLE 517151 vMxJroom. board and waiblnt 122 6042040 OlO i v. owiui uodm lBraVMMtt bMlthr lOCUlo.

BM VMW r. tad rood 101. din rONTGOMERY TEMPEKAXCE HOTEL. ku rn ani Second set iasl ticket fcrllibnrd aadjodxint 4 20 see weeks rnomifromluir3pwWOTkUMeuBAirlof a La. nuuuedi i pliVali UalBa too famillei bMti Iota.

la and Sea lb. bowl LKATCNWORTHST.8UNNT 00111 r. sail. or lsle moderBlmprovtmali aupjjorhoardi term. gala.

LARGE SUNNY SUITE. WITH BOARD la a pnvau sitip torbebsi or uamrmlah- rin1 rerpo sIts a ate. sInI. room. lOt.

iiMMdi nfenaeMTlll LuUa Buttrr. tint TTAXCOCK HOC8RT71 MInION STRAND 11 Nevada Hems 133 Sinta attest annay RUeandidBiler Mnw1th or wlthoat board prfcriMiuit. SHAKOOCK dj74t TII TAPIR FOR 7111 LABORER. MR. I ckaak-BMrckaat end nrm I tb nair CBioaictx.

Prio. rdw la per itod HatleoptM ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED. TWO 04 to tie BOARD WAITED-IT SAP AND WIrB. taim-ctaj Srtr 1111 MM poem tit pslYIicga of parlor nvmlnd rtk at XzkM aO par WRESt.

CHRON1CLB HAS ISIS ITTOBXETSATLiYT A I. WIlCE LAW 494 At DIVMMe tasatepeop pew bueeaiM. promptactioa sad tow hartBJ aadurawe vtM. UODra A BLARSTOW LA ROOMS TO LEI. 630 ii CAUFOMU iraMhs4 tBlIM a4 sassy e1.

mBMibaib IMt prurnt St BOO rn IfTTEB rDBXHNEO Olrx roomwlihfTl ia4iaia. 78 910 Iiru NxiT IfLl riMi 4r i lr i wkk WMI II mat Buwlln tMUaatMi kMrTu ki rtui BBd 448i CnniTiviiM rxJiT-rtRxtuip NOSU fBKUM rU41lBUVw OJJ TAYWR KIUI lUJTMTBABt tat point sosiholpi it BIB 4UW klitlwB ikra rtiiwu 4 sinuSs roumirwrt ITW fci loam lor a My. It tail of KOMI OTTAVIA IT KLI. faUr4unl M. tuar.

Nrw1Bf riti4 fcj Uj urau Namahla 105 535 Ifl rt Aud aow aluwRkkrick a. 027 cciTEorrBOiTorrici 113 iota on sreoe4 Boon a salts of thn. lee. 511 roomifor luAlJnuAtw koOMkeeplu a etacle Tue partViulan call at 84 NISMOM-ELECAMT rCBNUHKB roooii to let lary aad aaajL SACRAMENTO ST-A PLEASANT roowitlbosd JaMt 1709 riwHOPi rooau la SpasMS family i aa XMNrul opportuilty forapwioa to Brmctli' or two roomi raralihid 13 10Ja loi MAI1TIIA PLACE. RI HEAR rnUbedor arurmUklroo ntoe plnci nr reaioaabU.

504 MISS A rCR. IUtI LA ROE front ronmi tunnri alsi two ln l. roonit isatlotien PtihreII refrrencea. tH weMweialM ilul. ren from roana lu MT rnifli wltkout ckildnai leatton.

and red. so' J97 Sl nislisd oat room I UM TUSK rf SHED PA ni ku-f. frtil rtYB OS SIX. ROOM I 11Q tlOlYEXKEmOi SIR. IllO BHhrdrnomii buy window vhwjii74 10 STOCKTON rrRaim A itb ktujmriibaikial ln HOI noOMJ IT TUB DAY UO1 wwkwBtoatb.

art TTTIS I 0 GENEVA 1101751115 SLLIS SINGLE ruuauiululfcrfMU moa. 475 718 TCBXIT. NEAR TAN KM AVC. I JO ruraiabtd Int Boor Bn rounu furhnoir kwpni StIXIOY rtlRNUUCD BAY. 17 window auto with klldtMi sad blk icluilv It koimkeeptm room.

ri THIRD llT1 rUBXIMItP MOUU. tnlubl. fry oftcss or ilMpInt Ja TI TUREE ROOMS TO RENT AND rCRM- tee for wtot eorpk for hoowkMeuii tell. IM. boa wiser lei runs 1A.

I nCr JocVST 4 fjjy TORE TO LIT UEOAXTLZ U1U rinliked many rooaia a nUt or 191O OASOIe T. LARGE 171. llU ruBiitml or rorniiUd RMU I. kl. wisabli tot ryoni.

Jw GEARY ST. room Sot ossor two genIimes jaidl' HOWARD StINNY TVSNISHED raltwbouMkeeptnialnlrooiiiiij4 99 TIPTU ST i i nUh i samy TOOBM ma mil. or IfngI. by thidy work or orneosto jMTt POWrLLSTNeAROBABT- 7NNT 4JU niteof ikntrooB. pulor loori wlik hot and gold ur.

1.4 one BUSH FRONT tl room alw alcove too. Oft SOOTH PARR A SMALL FAMILY Oil where thor. iaacItbrr rhildra. ran. rn thre.

neatly furuabrd rooB. rompln for aud eJtaap to putk. without ehildna or OOI BVSHST CORtERMOkTOOMERT- Room by day 70 SUTTER ST. or NICELY. I ts funlmhed parlor.

rousonsbl. lot SPECIMEN COPIES Or TUE WISELY UBaoxiciiMttoaay iddlei Becantlyea. asttf KKAEST Slog SINGLE ROOMS u4nltMomc 1 is nit. or ilnrU with or without to oh. It.

Jamop VOfl Market itnel. roner Blbi Silo many room. for oOtcat. foraaued or uafur for bptlea or fkslliMi tf 131 A BUSHST ATXIOIXLNGRDMROCSE- e)171 A nirtdeu hour with naeyroomei by thdayweekormoath MKSELMU FURNITURE YTASTED. XtME ONE.

COME ALLr- MOOO WORTH Vy of wcoad-haad furaltun wut 4 thta week Ill my eauntry ocdm For wklch I wW pOTocalmontiMB na tker mu nm Mcond-k book boajli KIVO' Howard. IXTILLGUALNYUA A PRICE AT ACCVON or pay cub tow year leMons nrp 4i ml. CkOoriead Asotlourn IM Mock of oaiboM imd. dwiaoUerted. BUuctlMiouaatn and portal card to YOJI AK1H iEY lMf Market at peaS ilitb.

Lergu imdioii Isad. ftouatry or. EDWARD SPEAR A CO. ArvtboIotonts 7210 Market buy ill 151. of romltan Son CMkiorifdMlndwill aaUataarOoa.

of DO NOT SELL 101711 FCBNIT yea call MI S. M. SGalMA347 lflibst pale raidtkla wash. P5IRNITCBI TILL 7 XhbM M. 4U- BIO BOOM 1124 MAR.

tapayiklfketprlea lot IPO. hri satalasre eadpuuL kM stra4 ppMit. FURITVEE FUR SUE. 600 BANGES AND EATING IV umnia IM OUT TOUR PARLOB AND CUAMJIR tLAIRTOTANTS ASTROLOGEBS ROr. DAHM.

TIll WELL AS. trol nrta tall ally aa synod hi prim 5at7MHowardalnt Ms. 3. tt aS Tiifcia BOtSBS TO iz. 4 san wl MB ad.

55. ttlfa Ml Arftf BMM tU Bl IB tl TO RMPOJIilJit flI lhtk daiai rnOMM St frt A. 141. 4 4 biyiirMli rww aa IV lat 4 by fMpoMlbl. panri ahriU JpO rvumii Modera laiantBiBUi attaatoa Mvale maryaeM gfar raeia Mneliiw 729 aa TKXKJIIJtT Of IX BOOM MS.

pOBNEB HOU OS 37 400 KEAB. ayMmt. 4l4t HUE WSILLT OLY pw l5a5a iSIl. curia. A eaal lo dy fpOEB WINDOW rLAT lUbouM faraaiaUlamlly.

175 HU 810. rjlpWEB CWBO' ICtiriV tTBr OmcEs AND STOHE8 TO LET. pledky PrDot r. beau HOfwt Jtjl 4t MALL 110115 OX ITUCITON ITj BIST. SMALL IX.

MATIlAlf ON REAUNY fTBS ITIUtT STOJIS TO lVn rjlMlai haul Apply to STORE Noa. Ofl AND BIS roUBTII Sfnooi. la rxri MMil wbwh Mi yanli PU4 0r to B. A. BBVKEB.

A atTtie. nil nj H. lW LITUSS ill ruUBTII T. 1 I 4raU leaul. AnM K.

A. Bit B. Dial. A MI. ft.

o4 Jiarar so. It HOUSES AND MTORES WASTED. A 117115151110 1000101. koua. oV 1J ff 14 roMMi nMlaoHo ttrmmri.

AiOnM 0. B. UK oW fvit Af rS rREsCOJT 7503151 Or BLOCC- ill tton. tioisIiUdXar4sorsO jalo a QPANIisll TREfOIl ITALIAN COSTIMA- tlewaliMoah ODoai 74. lm AGE TLRMAX.

L0 0 51011055 pl.4 MxW ttviUnii la REllDETY pIIKAPAXD GOOD PIANO IXJTROCTIOX- jtfz WJ vmisLK p15111 so ELLEX COD MIX. VOCAL TUCIIIR PIT. pil Js Bk Q. BIB fiotkloa ii La' Efi WWSa Tni PROP. OTTO 9 41f TTO 9KYD.

TIAC1IRI Or rlAJIO AKNOFLACa. 338 POST TRACBE1 of UaiTMnt. racUc Jrtboi. 4 lm I 54 JUUA A MELVlfcLE A MASON 8T ill IMne Ma and locatfcw im flHAXGE Or xxcii Vfocalart Vo331 ffrarreUUnet. la MBS.

INN ITT. 1013 YuLloM-PIuO la iii artuliaUAea xUaa. TTJIUIttMYOlTOBADCATlOriUnnCH CoMrvatorylneberofpUae llMTark unit. Iloanftomla r. a.

lme Ml OS 0071 Or TBX WEEKLY OBRONIOLE tea sow to byl is year dm 13 tan. eoplea me. year. St 73 iSCIl Iv aspic. on.

JM 1 051 snct tea ImpOrt. a yew fl SO MC 500515 laclnded. DENTISTh. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ft CP FILLINGS. r.

gas. WCROOMES3S Market. Of IILLINCS fl UT. TEETH 1XS IT without plattj or pala. 130 reortk.

3 LKMrwrttn7t Tkariiw Bl rWLTON DINTALAISOCIAT1OSono 15 street ntnct. tMtkwitaiMMJBud ptSsisisM tU tytnUtm la tlnry. LITE AND LET A IPLENDID SIT teeth for oaliM al th. Mul noau ai T. IWlTpIMMrUowarTatrMlt allinri a ip daily 11 work wnrrnstsd.

523 DR. OflARLU I CASE. ORADDATEDE4. UtrMwvedtauvKMnyrtmc Aruacul tr tk sod wpwud pi14 M4ie 3 sad r- wud iilvw 1 ud 3 enractlat Mle1 epnyuMdi workwamatod. 41341 tROWEL D.

D. 8. SIS KEARSYITKEET TMtk Sea 5 lo tlti work wurutMUrM TkT 1011 DEXTAT. 50055. 1 SIXTH.

MW Mwklt a tU Ml Use At iztrtla i with ruTlli 11150. Ili. Wea HOUSES FOR SHE. ALOT CISOBOp WELL 101155121 udniU cMM wytac MKB iUkioU ehMB te CMh. ApplyMlraJ Bn Jw CVk- XIIXT4TRIT 1030150.

oMfewBMbuikUatft wig oh. br MatU lb. PiVmOLItftySOwdic luniWie4 roomet a largats. YOJi iU 1 UYLA Da44 UrkMitr H. XD 1030110.

il ALL 12 Tfnrvt raB FOB SALE- EAlJ3c5L. 4rM BALI I. a XVSICAL LSSTEUJtENTh. OWTXO TO XXTB1STTB ALTIZAT10 taMTiMwwtllcH I Keel tf ahuua aad MIU tt ndacH prl at tad wMU aa. 7wTMk7cxs4Yoausa ruta wM a.

4u ta ttwt MtwopUlfca Tompla. Ji4f UBOSrOSSAUOBTOBEn llilr taMt inral ef lit tilAJ BVSIN8 CHlSCEri. RZ.LL- BWiTB FM KALE. riAii MATEDco aww cV I LABOB IVM wM sew iriaia. 5114 VIII sal hlRir neisesllsolps law MUM wwkly a ti eoaM stat will wtt Ik PROPERTY TO LEASE.

MAIKETfTBEET LOTS TO larogh so Mtevaia1Mwea Sloth TraIl. Apply MOEOC VlflWAIE. 2000. SOOO. II Sb.

Inn seeqeno tl daportute eT Brr rrwa tb city sbf a mis Ikl ObsbSehe prt rW a thlirlirt waao euil usIng rrS JW tkieaik. posiloeles apply to KkiafXYMK rByi i HMlH IATSI WAXTBA IX A utt lIslos ao iwrMBin Se Bn niM lk lf a tubtr BIB full satisdetlas Ii itrja la rmrlj tb. kmlwMj MM cramtK Si 500. ttUff gtr a lvtHeta tewU mai nw tl M4 Br tfrythak tr rrlwlBiur1k wtltl a blaMrtrflH work tJMMUul I10it 4 50510 to sib ta lkoro7E jVru ilo. wuTa jW Ar lf K.

JlYM Keuayelnel. I FUB SALE. AS OLD. Istiallalal aJ Mrlai eltai bMlarM ea I proaHa a WMi no. TbbrrtfrM SSST1 044 SsnUS siossi.

S1200. tS i jorewltk auuwhctiaToimBKledi ewMrWvm S700E1 wttk a pet butMMiownrr 1M Wla hefty. VO ilinia till LAXB. 644 Market treat. WUILT CHBOSlCIJi 15 TH J- Liml ktriM sad nbapo weekly UuiVthOMM rrfandWltrJp MEDICAL.

MB DR. I. t. 51021 Kaoy Uaunli TIOCTI11S A. 1.

HOFFMAN. 14M ayi coil UMrMukly knat aJ dwM of wemea aW cb dnajik. waaQ 1 r-n nrrlai tMtnt MBS. WULIA t' lli1S Pw a to all MIDWIFE. LATB 14 amSnmn eM s3sr a i DyPOHJOtTT.

KEAUT STRICT ghes panMi Hr tK 1 tb. trwOMl 5 ekmi. angelaadlM itliiiii. CTWW 4W ktlty private titmmt aa anailakuea. aaJ 4iM peculiar law byaUIlarui MBA DR.

Ht0U0W. BOMEOPATHia fkntcta. aad li me fr lm lnmOtn SpialaI 534. deaUoe un I if rim SUMIhluB wbinbaMrkewepotMtk nomdILaIawdaja 1211 Miarta. m.

R. GMC15B NIDICINES. I ttd sd for at sely i OBOSdranMeoraw RMny sod Ineta aalli Dwroat an. Mo Mu. YR Scow.

K. I CELEBRATED ros ill miwTaita an emakanta 4 wrrtri BB4BU14lkMiMBM IWMVwf vtbW cow V. cARDAXOWITY ir. 21. 33 port zsovrn TO 3M.

7 117550. 5. aor jtM lease Ta lam. jtf Jf. WINPURTOS 1.

D. PHY T0 uljl SM r' r1 AtTT. UcBAEirD PnTliai tfDICR tMariKMf eytHto4HB4a.Jua WL vtrLAiro ABTtRTUtjrryr vrCaBomB will I. ywriv4 tpn. BI att aoBTa GJLXL15D A I 3rn4fl hWflUfr.

t' 4 17 qUINcYT iRXNcIsco Tfl WI i wardb It.p If A. bavi wtrbi4 itd wHM br pS lb. twer that i Lrj I. rt Ii1. 6 iwm tiir Is r4rliwlwvil ih psI fl INII 1 fe I 1.

4. Ii 114 I las. bkh k4 I. I4h. bkh I.

U. sl I th h. rlw MaDtst kks Nil Lcc tm iw t4ft 1oia a TrDho Mt p. sIM I a4 illowsd wwt mm7 ttU ts lb. s1 i.

Qst. r. ib. pwt4t pbi4 Dr. M.

IbMI Jd I. I. bIn4 th. od. rIDcrO di thi7 Ii I 4a4 pib1y tocir ThIrstnf itb 21 dte II thi UZ obwthr lb.

aItho4 1. I. tb. lb. 04t COiitTy i4 itor tboopuLU dtothrtoUworjd A Ifth.

Qiatoebsve ip. to oo4s a Ml. to dl. ij. xpenooooaod popslmt n2 itb ii ouvr 3' Tb.

mans tflg ths ocr An sic. doi nr. to the nol hi the ytonosot jctIto. Pti2Liodoctotbomembersotth. tbo hire be pee.

It n41ibera1I LIOWiO4 PIVaILo 4 Meyaa1819thsen4nI. le tucDr the A tic. tiacting and for etb iorptlriad testis 7 Thed-lurcilur. plots odlsiijtruiieiu otberaooeear aditiov lUst Prusuladealud aduoctton it. atic arc I 1.

reatyasd eth it. wbitanver They bi reotcoid It. tl b. ItoSarpnoaoow do4powi. the be hug di- asi4diut MWictaor thi 1 twhrs I rfa are Oat DW to II- a pbra' eel ire natarailypttred tics ny wc ceoais ar tnt ft equeatli do ic tic oooeia hi tnusli.

Li priodsauwb Lb. sac nowsou ciii. a. by pr. a2u tIc lb.

It reareocataslop rs thi acti- WI. I we by tWi lb. we a a ci aorJ pot ipetaudaepdnMmaktbidota we lIredw boti prict4 old. tic. it.

pit arealmwtalIb sounds ire it. alwi Md. by itic that peaer tici mu La iced and lb. word. esriod by a gauss of and alibi.

also it. 1Lee a I. ud tie. a tti urn. will bit.

coo. 1 izrio aid be it. it. are lb. a.

ocesesesiad a. Ut ieee. verPisapl. at tnt. biitdic- b.

ierenoc ton oqpollrn liiruldrt it aid it. cta bid trot to ask oneetbbeg sbsit i t5i to tl1 something about it. or ot. oiea sesauhaid and aoreoy. wi il into I I inIcn Ew a.

-II TkI raise. cre it. i lb. robs its poo days. a WUliaaulooper Iteilfor O9O lbS Ithesieaofl000eandwithbaolat lb.

ieiSclby tVsiZes vesand him aM A Dock a. In baying si lb. teatea cit aid it4i1ist 000 i isle Tb. den 0 lb. chary.

its. aieaaIt agplnst Ibasit agci. 5 W4rl ThttrwthtuYrdon1Courtato I. thosewApyrliirIbUding lb. to.

ofooutrsoictbnd theist neoctbplaoed I ttoA dipi Lb. Il it. attithnd oil nmor so tle new thi I Is. sst. Ws.baig- so.

and danie mzt orbits 11.3- sisiitb. thISdwisI ir Jsek i be A aI Ttea. yt a with Lbs 1 ibi 0S lb. to 5osasoal yc si thqwomun Thi matur was booM em Tuluj and madi. iLl titlmasI da ardortig lb.

vhs thi emsitsboc sot. tsta btrsSoraaeat th. 1 b. a olho2I match poilpstd Ii by all tic. tb.

at siand stats win P3ith poo it thi sis. tbmmugrcandaudeatbisomsdsy I a so. be tofl lbs 1aoow trmoea bocsi it thi tbciz. sooIl lab. will hi.

a haiti ea lb. amu Tb. tSIIM IgaI Isti tsad besqol tiM4 thu I. lb. pier 184 best ii a- it his bad toM aI teau tbslabsd aas4 situ ibsi eraag I ksa vemas of WuIa at beid mittoe k4YKsiMa oeaMm Tn Oml AUwed I.

rrsitle A majosity of lbs Zadg. pg. birisitor no osi wtfl b. IIInw4 5557 of its delUtasinOj I. sirtor Court salewhbesdmttidInthbe tie.

premCnsri TIaConnbyOestat time was tnss. bifor fbi it sip muter. lb. lbs rstJ afuiii Lii rdls sad rfn I. pp mMIcSWbUit arga sip bit cod.

weji orb. I. 44iitUlfocifflowajlm is pnetle In osn p.nli-nigy tflstytt Lbs a4 lb sri awesi4 to ia4rtts ijastictk i ib. prms 1Mr. Tbi Jpdg.

stlb. Ito. lwf ba sri it th. spla. Pitpvues burl bs.

Its right so adesti so tt sier Pin' ubs 011. siri4emifl pies. uiI thee. earn. twblijs ifse4sitp bi aalyiI pIpido4 5 dimsrrit is lb.

5g4ss. upjisiot them. wsesemplid 7eardyl so Peelr isisiati mInt Toenai in4U 1 o13adirihi Pr ocnd aft. lesssop rIi aball Li lisQead. atthsIdsi4siwQjjalj from lbs boteri St a.

to 4 p. fior be irpc. St 0e 1citarrmptj4ng Was Lii bsi issnoti itoci ha olJzuy 1577 des bs rrt4ia jipts neo thi iIidg olgtg gosiral lb. Couat nujt thi lSctrrtAIlorncTIl wnao4y4 th Polesi appsl its Jest curt. Tb.

tbi it. tbs eLi ha hen heard yetrdy to oldireg Jdgi of tb. Superior Liepsrunent 9 WhiobLod Las. rro it. quad.

thu uoceeded tL. the lb. it. it. diiti by the stood las own defonor.

1 I've the rbseputiam wiqk a get vboprooui 1btugmalocgrunooebir vrt it. bQtLarel ni wsituul buyoopeg my are. with ties ta1 160 ib I my lb. in. tb.

101 osd omingo I yviotg. lb. lb. nire tf ti grit to anowir lbs rhal'- sal cod Ine ddruakencem. Is.

OrrsaIa15us hi dipartmou ibi earl it. 0 Wi Li lb. tldef eseb by Snob eonepteat I rc- tb. Li done In St. I lb.

tIe. rourtrooenu b. willsiooupyebsmb. lb. lb.

proeedinga etth. buoot bybtin. as thitwo ofrarL Tb. tie. opel Legiula- tar.

In tee psaigs of hi iii. lngweek. A Tw. if Jail. thowney annoaneesit.

buff foot Fans irs th tonbore loaM orb. lb. isi ths anon bud the deetar. along Withv Pugneitlanetlsis lb. ev lb.

it. pitt twenty- Sour bocri areeeding 8 o'clock Coat evicting to bavbeenlii Sac. for the sootb 151 and fortb. 1051. apinit 320 Inebcsfortnooorrrapoodongsisonsoftls.

yroviousycars. tsiofUklng lbs 2950 tbrmouittodl2. th. Ssgnal wit Torq reotraLapparvutty lb. bc read.

nba hizrco is lb. a4 a yfasri. if wits hi oral prosthM be bittozltbtsaswapth trout cm arrasted Stat it. totbroot notion. Sn atlow c.

Tb. Costtlniltistfurvtbl. thi the IPo1M woo VserdiJ as tar. to neake betie' the aequircjcgai thecIuastejes JooicBerksbw CoutbadMnidlittjs oalhepsrtit lb. Datk SI' V1511 brbmr peatipess has held lb.

it thu oIly. 414 at hi. otsideme N. P95 a of HaneeIre or. 4 pears at lbs tine.

it to. 11. enetsr bVs1te4 Stat. 1564. ujdecea4 lMstsaiit it lIe bet I7nitsd Statea latontyp lcd 44 a.

Aeditsat Adjutant 01 the Qeneral Dirties if the Pacils. U. oral diactargid Ii 1870 17 risiositib. rddlas Li thi Ira rao Jail baa a aSIoMJaba 1hsaaagaa dIeee Shoes It Mm iOphllnhaeih as 51 lbs trennectie. recorded Ii lb.

tools ski teosad it. CIntilIery sitnad. at WLicTEDAIDTo neta aattbreSorsOU tbiItotita 5. jsMf OX CAtLAiD 2Z0UTT 5100. I.

tasted usual soside. gi weiss tea siest 1 prI1i ripital. Mile BLOW n. zeal iai1 gIema iOsbtnaLlof MOJKT TO L0W0h PILWOc IVJXI. am 5emandeaJnetoMm eirJs UaMMnaN5s1Al.

lOotwi. i8thoIM Parsiorn its. uad hUso VPsiustttsaihr 1 a erata pr be. Ire lb. Sto lartiea5 Peat.

PO II. Iuib Sib. mal lnnartroa Sr 76 pee Iii. I pontb. Inlo.

irkd fotuis Itos Ito naps. I. iJesuS lsittosinta air tot. as hi. 5stSOpiuIrpaal7wot.

qeak iopptIoutSI 705Lmprmatfk piilol JulIe. Ii seas. p. lisa. lrI Itairtbee ratit5sib salsqat IniehWal Si a III.

111 asahI. It V. lro tiirpsit sipy. Ports. NIqe wsefl Ja toe 151 5514 Io5 5 iso.

rlirit ill. as OT1CE ne Drasia md Ta. Mere I Tii. stag Sagas. 111 1wt arw SI angie proaa IS erd.

ii tr155 le. 1st a. 1111 fi7s iii. AgvbyuIIral I.slasy- IlTf AasaJ Tbo sasinil siuitlag if Jon. Unss booniiry 1iry1 RSgbIonIh Aeuil Ow tug Sf lbs ate lbtidriq of tbi Jlruaeaa laid laurnas imPsi 5' the steriLe of oly birrtoss to sire.

dsrtg lb. ii.1 net 54 tbolrsnssotina sleuth thrbeeinesu a- li 010. P. 50 515 y. ECIALNOTICES rr1ir.

A flatS adsdObbsi trial Jres. SIn. to lit. a. DaaIlat and Eddy aIi It0 lrn SI laIn.

I 11 pete. A ertenCleeh Dreut alathiL Vtkrp1rsi. TDIIALL4staoes Pveftear A esmadere iCr. ntsh p-i. leclag ilsobiup.

I. lk ol-1adaIa ir lie. lesson. 1dpesdat Uy' iInWdrtladiiJasutreeo onJne ir- ass. nasilk lhsisid lk5 Co.

diseIcrsprcliar Fo 7LICTRIU no ft. si ipham Ikf Mellum. 207 stewS Clod. i a. and yvrn lag.

lally. ri- hailosal worwial lsISSt 315 Bait lrsot. 1Sleotsd to tieo 1rpIea hoe PCI and SLid. visit. apotIuee Tb.

prefsths Ii- cited to lavslignl silted. of trnetmn I---- ieeondhmd Pak bsgat IIy. aid sold. KiNGS 2Uts roartb iiT4f ia fl Leat II mnh street wrli.r frolniA. StoOps oat A 5.111- ttif Swdraters an a IsAillul' Wablu os Tt' a Afl1 leJ' pnflnaaquy oeparfluis sark.

as lowues wwms md pie. hil 015515 tcl wtor all all. mane. aftIo hot a la ir- Arlia UalI. 5.

P1 ILi sad ksorny Ill. lohteIsli brad ltotlotqors jiOnedim IIrIItS 1155511 a4 I' Ib. a5bnaiaisaadadll. Nanaslo C. gIres.

ISa stor. 1puol. 1041 rs w. Irs4iag toll boqas Cil wIll oh. 5k1utdsssirswt.

CtrLI4AN Illtli ci ltATlRn I CO. PIIAIR Is ftt. 1445 kAYilJt bili yr liii reman. lesaIelu rwea rs. trsndla PhortoalTrol OleIiinit1 StolonaIrnat.

r. In. oven in. a rmae Iso. 5tIC.

eras. harLot it. It 7. la i Pits. lbrmid iti ha oIl ptrsii a.

it' ash In I a. Pa. eilleioalsnhud 1. anns LIII to 117 alien street la ioi. fr5g Pabti.

hairvordb us ci- h151117PIPdIUi. ii tErse. tn r.ll-NitlingutaliyiStove. la t' i5w5. Clut.

Wrllrr gdlam soil Itadonuforea ifupawib. I. a Papr laps. icof near Iliouli brat an thai to II. In' Ti Us 5y5 morod reratasonoi UPLRYIV.

oCt SIAlL rRcKLzs LIVXlt IPOTS. BLACIWUIrtIS CULIOi Mc. I wIll pal a klaas. lb. groat cbrmt plant mt 137 Iloatgomory5.

70C41. din a Dr. EOCiebr Daissuai Mactel 104 earact Stsktoa 5 7. 0l2a4 Dr. inhaler Devta Sac lbnt dlc3ll SnLlerdLetl fl.

4a 55ro routlnthsbelI 55s1. in eu. hen. 1110 iIarkrtddinta Ti- tIy 121 erny 1. ITburlow Blast daily.

ilrtlgnoaWsdnsdoy iroclngaItitot ii-4- Kr. 11. E. Geld 11 45. i Laths' grit.

ci. rd inadI. ndd sad sea. lath. whA or cbS.

oat board. Its. 120 Uiarrsil stoat. la Xr Eggert AlIke. 3101t.

Li7 526 Kairay Conaltatlon daily a. a eirvlebnn Pr a iir. BbbS mou lid Pew- Ll. 1' Utotlu. OaslnLyaTbar o- flaw.

mDldmednaneiWi her' boar Market. tiUlogI daIly cdosk a. T. III FebO ti S. STROZYPSI Luslait onceteed hIt rsi.

1 27 1111. it. lt PbrchgInO ltv ssdcueafthagpbystrlaao3 CnL. 504. n--- sihsifnd a Ilofis tare.

Kosoraliofa 34. 74si 5rketdlS4y i Twely uoi ulrc itS' eq Poets. TR10115Aq. 53 kaki 7' mew toatgim t.wt.-iaa Prauttorn Jsaaary 6 to 5011 Diosroors of adIyb44 svideas as. a the uoz 187a.

ill dflla dali lt kcastary lt rrm.e-.erae. vi 10f Saab 4214 healgeisrey For halt Prcnebr 31. il7i a diZMmad hsbsddai tO. aas ada. 0.

mat pee sea sa Twa IWPiIsi end lea 10) pircast pir sen. iO to lOsposuln Iris 1 rater tan psyaiI on aid 25. 1500. dividend also ae last. J34w UbIdt Sypga iel tai.

air sksa mat pr lain. dets tad pmoaI par as. fee I ely year 1 hits St Yrdral Isa is eu flarIaaaore 3e1401 A. tasitry lit. DuSIl iaosis.

secarOty I PeeIbseizostisoadl brmbrS117V. behead to. baa 6 esn1 pr lain. a. tsr.

depeslig asd Iv. 6 p. seal per annie is dlaary deIOOIU. fr. 7drwal tax pn as'S.

is WiSrlLLuLJOVintbror Itosasbor 1 135 r- Dlyid md heesis Tb. sic lacy IT Ieai Or del. 1 1 Gerirsaboetagi I. be. I.

dared a dIeldiad dsptit al Ito Iwo. 5 all aid aln tenths tI Wl iet an 1 sawy 13w04rder. IIi Insole. DrIISO1. 1EL soaii D5it4d or.

n. 1355k. l9' ii. Melagi sad Lisa tactoy II. I Peers wa.s.-Th.

1 Ikror5nsav. I. bait 0.. 51 153S1 0e 4o pr em sic a lava lipid sad I. sad iidialt 5l ma ibId Tb101 csmnaiL Mmssay a Divided Pm- 0 etam.

laulagi Vail. 631 Iblilecila ir5. balRgiar otbir11131sdlIlsd hbie II 10 simlrpadIssM ad OaabsUprssnt is rdlasyleas fridToliool Isend ftrTBURSDATfleb5Jaswpliain SPLZJDIDI000TjIXaLT Furl TI2WIIRLT PlIh i 0t15 ssoniewif etade. Isis ila lead i se d4badlaor Sail rltmSl Mm tolles sib Sc. 6 mints.

AbealInai ty ie4siuiie 8 Md. PM. P1OTJTAW WOXAS lv aples4saqaS bselty. inmatry PlOT A Salt esr LE aw AdslraswnT oct. it 011154 1i45 A JXr1IIE5CI Ii IIITCTllctSWAiPD IT 6 nrn OCIL I- pnlmAmevastbj4sasoolig bieseeoh Appi lIlA Poe-all rail 1111 lItbAfloos WASTP Al Ilk A SIIPIsiTdMLI It foes itt.

Sal ekr sItsuttists ness jocesfwocewes.rnl TA5KD-flVA YlI0tl.4Jd roox A 1 elIto1455 itt pt lll I will dq plqla wsabtni Apple 117 iLllst lees 1Oi1TlU wANTiiY PPflTLCTAST lLXflU A It pLa is diggairal blieworIl 0117 50 Ci. try Apply PlO Jisi. 1041 fCATP0N IT A 0000 0005 I7 wisher sad rilecas' n4PP1 1115 Muon iitvIox woen-sy 00IPJIJST bour TAD IS THS 01375 151Sf A A i. isob. wota or eons kilcosbep.

Poe partleeler eel at Ibis nitosOi A POSITIOR LI MLIRA 11. ePobsol. or reouiltibri. J. 50thbi.

Itt IT ATION WASTRD- U7OPWT. wosnun class 055T11 rtrscrrs 12 lras. Jolt-fl' WZSAUQflL miut i inderdanda QITVAirION WARTID lIT A YSIClIG MAN 13 obirk salseasa bookaopr so OiIImOtOrl Ito. had eprlrcmt good roles-cares. AbIrres It.

P. I. thIs oft jolt A MIDDLJAOID It p. TAULLlANtblolltoeatiting nps. LALXflREzlWlthlD is i farm.

7 retell smao noon A tlTIATION II It 5 to AppIyli34 t' 17 IIAVIWO wstdimskI Jaskop trroL 1 PPPIICTABLL I tInncookl Orso OrtolAfi PRO A a kln iks trail loatt lcrwarbyprofln FIOaddZeSS ols. 1 cub ho. 11 IIILIASLE lIla Aft WISPIrtI Pop A rrIlnr as guesri ma a a bone. tbla otlkw 71 A GOOD 005 WILLING TO It peal hoisoewsb Ia oily atry pod referenots. Apply 4 TIOnOtOIILY It a ii tot A LAGY OF RI7INIMINT WOIILO LlSCi Ia I psIton a.

hoiesokoaoa Is flIully at tot. rberguoraltotslj frr. alernend err qairrd. allhlwmalaadl nluckt4 srradruoet Oil. avrta I TtlltIl WOMs7 JlT LOOT It liLy wishes play.

as i at 1541 JncnA7eTs-eITl'AT1ne 1 a neon is'S 171. In. portiaii 5nqal besot. sal Iletiogli isogaasu wolliiqnlnt4 atlb b' and lutgrlly WiLllLLMij lw irrep reuuatl J044 FRENCh 0151 iiIow LAIiY lit REDUCID ZICtIM 1 1 euostasoora 4. was poaltiom 5 truss I ffoSlbaa5osaPsasalics.

t25 1157 07 ItRIP AT Till 751 150CR IX. na rho air 3 OtamUiloero 0. W. PCIIKUR. DIII Maagrr lalI LOIN cli.

artrlas waItresses sad rook. 1015611 EMPLOTMINT OFFICE 707 1 Iliaioutrot LAOS IIIUNO. s11t AM XII RIPe PIRIT4LAM CUIRIi eapioyiatrntoillee No611 Bashit. dlol TILOTCLAO IERVANTO ALL NATION I sites etCKOAXTT A COinso lultrIJOtl Zn praued t. 55 is dIespa piiaar fee ft.

base Lb. 2' cJitthsfes4adtbsipecppfrs. icr. miebs' sea a. sdwdemses4 ahist.

boa It. os ilrd sad 127k a. foe aaA atmieS Moss. A oili. TOE OV goneeni a tsonllyoc wages 512 24II1b Tlll 1 1 I agula.

A 1 7 Add nilce. XITANTTDcOLLECTOR0I Pfli0ANXcT. I I 218 iaisnsa. ttet 5 10. It' UTAIOTID-000D 1 must wall general 51 a Moot osneny Pia1-J A OV rpak 01 btaatciaptk nMj.

wItilag 54 oullgI4. 53 it Es514 Tan Nres arcs. it' A 7y plra to serb in. s1 ly Add. J.

A. lust. Market tia0 A I to. Cli A ylicunt. 04.

Ztn11 TOCNO bouseworkan4wflftgtsawIthsby 0 i 536 Itattosuesl I I. StIll WANTID-CANTAPOKIOS TO aILL THE 1 1 saw I3ecvnic Keruspo lamp Purer In to. she Ion tout read sale. NOVILTIWORKS 0 544 Sos 74e djwsoiadateafr14gwotcishtal. rats A.

I CItQFTCO7131arke0rt gad solicitor. of T3ARTXER S. bed. l1l pay 5000 pa. yner.

A. lt 151 IT71StJe. teallyl ready mu' gconntrd rr5t1 0. p. work.

Apply L. u. ion ary st.ML3- PARThIRWANTIDINA LtJ masatee-endn bnslara anedy sad Isdierlessiss reqesrud. A pI parry 11105 0 B. 7o q9 A l7tIUJ.

maid chins basi barpala. pply Is TLLLADARHO 336 pJ5.5I DRICE REDCCRDA310 PAPER INLAJOID 1 Tin Wausay tksoaarna Will Ii seat to any sddrnnepstpad a. ymn for 2. lasgI copbii 6 cases WANTED. IANYAmEIP TIesIt.

Wasesopoeit so asiutdf woasopasi IFIbtIR ote. is dived. p54 A GTS 11 Pad. PiretI iiestlysnt. ad tta rc-lSseIISag tak a.

toM sistlrM Pcl tones sad ito. satan. A. I. bASCIOJE a co to Yeas.

alas. a GENTl-A1X oo toiedtatsly LI. 8AbCSOIYT1 Pr. dostkl it IY iescls. suer red 10.

115 Mw. 5t- Aicais ilL 1IOeIOI WANTED kLRINlte 1tIse541341 XIELLANTOUS Ii ENGLISH 001 WODERl PiERCE. 1 bohr. li pesads. 1 pagema lou toe.

OCTELUTLT7NO AYD IHUWCAJIE vI its. C. 5 SalMAN 1 StatUses d. If L1NJ TRENCH PLATE PLACE WALNuT freiwirTo 44 masocbsaop bosasI. A44iAZabtolhss.

Jsoft tIOVNTEU AND SUERTINO VERA 315tSasnsth a SMALl. 1114f0131 tOo balk. Attals. 1nqMn 043 dJ54 jaMe Tlwg 1 I 2PerYear. SAN PILA2dISCO WeeklyChronicle.

CflldXlCLlhashwmapiwor Itsslai It. itale 554 to I PUN CUPONICLPbabooaIls I. Torh lbs Zkae ena Tili the pWeI5 toil. 150 protalily niei Hsss lii s- isor Ii is Eadi. Sirdeabsith emit Ski astoit its4l ApaasZ 4 be RSpiepisOolalirll.

manuomast iterpotss CM 4 oftblr ft War 0563. 0i lb. Wasaarlfl otth. I. Qmew end Odobir one the pqbIl1Md.dii Mwnpspor 5 WglsisJvorud Or-I.

4. ha nsiAln II paper. very newof an the 2 alanagemant lbs Canosicin Malerep Wsfursisu Oqdocbe' 30. Ii tf blot. WbUIaid HT1ONICTN an- chaalcally41am4.

Aagus pSaibor 20. situ Ciostcsn to idmlred- TM. 1bsM cM 4 veestlllty-M. dna Iitrposda4 Crabs 4 1 prfta4 eowp Ma pmtud4 as is. it II.

mist etsnpviilag sad jesss' ill Ii iha ie4.ds LA 17tSisss SqoPUbirDu. 5. lbs end PMrlas a. II ii IhaIidlaiJossoial 1 ski soul- 1445 PblIr PM OWbir 11. TOZCIiSONCVLIIsa4nsbu a.

ISO LOop. Aim S. SO ku dartag om lit. Wit tosser a lb.

Itod SC ta' TSP niwopapses rit. Xe a litJlMS.r X4mjrlsi. 46ee 4 5 ho on. thi most the l51 Pi's Poyuiakr tsM4hobutiuic4rpo. 4 I Is brebeqdppid ill.

manages lb. MaMa0 taJs adohir 2. the OIqidmI I. LeohiBqlis6. ry Soes.

SqtaOSO beet. irnin awppry ono lb. Ss. Jwon5wa Stab ResteE 1. shhr ofiny lbs Stales.

ls.ka14d4 CoaderCo4funsts OrdJes' 2. Las thOsh. oat 114 p11114 the Stake 3. Omlb 9 Tha bern 2 silt. lb.

the striglopedla WOli-tObdlWtsd arc On. one SI en. pear onm yor ire reoetvi szprois HARLEt Precise. AN I A lAP YASIZID lJbetwiwnP14 end II hana ti4 lhip' tSrmIiiolwesadenit doi. rsitu SikihhOtrml to astir wIll 5's rwandsd lilt 7011 14 iphaJping I' I.

strotjsio4 1' OOT-41lItDtN Ii Lateitls a. nu Iilirrea DLOinCIlLINiIIl Ill pa' rewind. SAVINIJI 4 5. imId sitaat tasiasash rvasIsPP4. 5510511.

reward is PERSONALS. fl PSI 21 II 5' lurk 5 an lain tyniilonticr K. 10031751 1 PTIt7OITIltE II ro. 01si 3115 UAUIO' Alt stray trat TSPOUMATION WA0TDOfTliIlWilElib. ofJUUN toerdfrnci 1072 NspoIa AddnssLLUQDS JInst is Yranrir WhILPAT A tbirreovsryofIkhotlynfppPIALtI ii alec 141075.

ljilootl T2V2BTh ARLAND 4 5 indaath DROP AROUND SJ7IPAYEYEi nJ AS ir WIRE. OVEANOR DO frL IIARLFN 0. farther tarry. mtkuu it' WE tI NenTanbut cur. Sa4ty dim pdnbo it box was sd w.

no Ill OOIUbHmsoCIe Llio2t1 1013. I fI. icaistiola to sndl IewCoMa LATAND T11I In. Inms yeai Sr. Sow 115 pold at ILANN1NQO 428 P0.

sinaI. jas4f ihuIZOILAT8 iiaas QASAB-MUT 17 Iam cat. In l.utlsn for 53 50 tory ha. 31tt4 bs neat itt gnirsatreli Icr. jo54f roIYuRCLq OBTAINED BY Till UNITED Ii Slit.

Baroans lieS erychr cask inn1 an publr-Oty Staffintk aound due. wsalmd. Adds' P. 0 15sz 1821. jallei WANTED A I Woiihaooliuusrd sartlcelara WATCH.

this silos. If II TO 01001 BIITANTi YOR PINE A shori is neiman. 22 Depoat steam. js3Ia Pill cos8di 1024PaslolflciS707alL 13 ElAJRINQ FANS AND IVORY 0000 J. Lb 0ILMSTERiIOKrayserie MY BECSOILP CARPET 1WED AND 15111 ante 1.

I1CMAMN 117 SIZIK41041 1 5. I dr. Pu IrascI. Postoim It' TA5Q0Z5tAD8 VNTIISON 1 I' 417 tt Pashspti Cal. ThesIs WIUINPRIjsotr P111 1.

a AIba yte TADI1W 11E0NTLy L. cent. des DWIER. song Nandlnlchoailel Of TTIG11T 11 chslb UlG1LBUT243 T11I54O4 1IWING3IACOINU 53 TO 33. J.

It. I IIWZLLK lu7l bveaiaa sereol 71' TITAMIASCLL a AmOSCLL DEALSU Is1a4IogsdalL. tied' haIr slaw oukei shawls testy sad lade. dra 004 dtseMBizneo. geak sic 055 Ia FQALADIES Ii.

51. ttl or sdlnas 801503337 TIled ss541 io nAIV WORTH OFIWTRINO ASD twrlnyeaasdI 40 pod. iwo toastoutdmhve altisdid MarastilIl. TSAIITlTVI SM OROIDIRIPE 2. ParMia.

0 nO4104. bIb 10 V. 55 tsIartlgbt MI. as 103 P07151. SCOXD-ItAXb CIOfIIIwl WAiIT5D.

2pnes 575. LSMbacfl7 Tklzdm4. ADIWAID CASTOTP 1i eli gold sad dIver begtt Call ornddnis MIIRSATIIAB 525 MirIsi. dm4 LARPENYZI AXD pIT. 5.

D12 MtlosL ores. a4oss 5 CI oi SMiia elage aM TT10RT SlId PAID TOP CASTOv7 Ildolbig JPIQERtOSTblyl of UnIT PO MONTGOMERY'S TESTER. CT sam Hold a. irsd sio. alwapi I.

peel tasts bodies tb a has. Is lit 4 Li1gV pm. P7511 prinCe ui risueir In TEE TATI-0000WIII eta turod isO W.akt-st I.e. aa4 al51LiesI4Isila sad ADI' AID CUll' 0557077 CLOTh TAU 17 r.1s- Pr5atolaoro ha. ahsaspie m04lsci4 is 1154 lip lIe SICIITIR pntaO die Is lb.

dty 114 Reek WROLIALI AND RETAIL-A LI. Uoj4IgflB A0lliNsaOSIlrkeesodisd EAJBTOIAPLI Pemou ina tta icesad slesi is. bI30IflXISS4. nOzlb Its 4 051 IttOII I RON 0011 WITh Q. A Sl04oulae lot I 1 5) TLPK ST WINDOW pull.

inUnanssiI 1 It ii' TAYLOR PARLOR FLIXTIUN. I sit p114 lratrlam 3117. 1IlLh IAUVOIIrSIA MT 1Lt onll1ned. Jas-bt PlSl 5 Sd swiy ruumi sopor SC 3a74 1 WANTED PIlL liaIJod droittoliotyol It. 911 1V selis Icatiit lb.

0ut bald 5) PUTTEU Noose AND DOAI1D. Y15 Iii LR ZOIJNTJUY. 1175 8 1OIVENWOUTII ii OIte of iias handsaw whlharetsliw 4O7HQNTjiALo9sT 1 F' PT. iJaiid SJSILCIZ45 lVTFSR ST. 1005 NEW.

tu a adI 174 LAWEEIICI J11re1y4rnloh4 nose. witS cnedfd be80 1153 crib. ji 57lQ 3CM ST WITH BOIRD v17 ferntib4 a anttrnllbi lor 41POoT ST. Xii neeny rooi. with 8nelos 14 5 itttrd roolna123 530 It 71LHOWAJtDIjN74y AL4VE I Ii doshlu ad tiigl.

roe. with in wIthast beard I. mafl Assert family p471 1 Ill I VAN Ntl3 AVUCY NEAR CAL- hforalsetrrot 1IoQ MISS. iQasia parlor suit. st 7 4 ST.

CORNED POWEU. Mrtll rases. wIts toaat 536 Is at- leolag pO. no1 II thin othors. jM4t DRIVATE 1 SOIlsS Sal Able.

RLrkltENCth1a amos. of 9 1113 tT. PLEASANT StINKY OtJ roon. SIb bound. 3.31 sloth.

OlkI W. kllt-btl 7UN74Y PATWINDOW ROoIs WITH OR 07 wIthout board 1524 rII. 04 p2 POWEILSUNNY WINDOW t1Uhi silt. ttntclai beard. j10-Iut A NICE OMFORTAILE HONE ISA Pill.

12 vat. tooThy lot a young man I. a Ie mod. rnbullt bnai i.e. modeac rMrreoss r.

qufre-o 12 P041 Closet bOcas Van 3hs i.e. a nod Franklin stst dintf d1 EDDY SUNNY 20011 1It LInJIeelosel1 board ret-eras. 4174 I vii roam. wnbIng5Jl 21 3 PINE 81. LR0giUiiij sad etow05 Slay fOITGOMlItY5 2255rrOd il toned ssof Sodilng of tea.

baggge S-a. I. s5flQ tJO. frboIrdb A It vat. 4 zwoI roas oili rofsinoou 1131 slnoe soar OUt boss 771 5 ND A stIles nsA single snow.

Ill Os Se salt. 8 01 a StINKY P0015 0313 wIth loud SieIiil t-raie. alnor tormr Ii lbs Senate resivoad to PS. postsas incledsut toagI. copla 8 tea.

A StIlTS 0 THREE 110111 furnIshed rassos. witS board is three. Ad. dress. with prhccJ.

8. ibis eI5ss it. RD WITH StIlt OF PAR. 13 lose. or large firaI5od resat priest.

ashy by elasea. sad 1k. Adds. 1. Boa 3013 Piesinos.

jelse. tuAeTsD Tonsil SICILY 1171. hi II' SVANTZD IN PRITATU SILT I for oulk. aid dasilas child Iv. peas s5ds Mallytetaeaslsn5d4 arisairy as AMMthosaL T3OARD Lp 58 dim lid elk k0k0siiad 10 emaeathA4.

PHI 5 Owe r5 sad ISe a 1. I. roland On. 3 01) si 3 psymn a' idadad. mee4a ousi.

DOPER Nil 271017t1TATLAW is1 IA. Cobilsirile stnClruou 3 it TOAH P. Fh00D LAW 01 1i Lisray stud Pa. 2. 12 11 Il0b Law orriczo L7XrisneseP asses.

1) U. LlOYD ATTORZEJA544WROO5 Lhi12SarsdaPlssk. TkAXWIN a- scpny AT. 81 law miceaoasy d.d.- 4701 TL' a. pJ Ro To 0n POWARD ST 50151 uuu fr.

rsanwhlS kItobe. siapl5 leO' 407 Irsus OPFUiITSCALIFORJI RAS I jbsipy hash In 154 iU Nsaa5 151611045 lIes angle rsou I. eo5sm. iyJio 53 1 5845SF 0051. El sad Magie usa iieat.

hI IIISTTES utJxlees with gao. sad bale. 21040 It UAUIO It SD IOU NoSaelelnkcS7 hi A Xit.flT-SVRRLsIISV PAId4O so. Lt. I0III ii pMMsiL a.

ft 2 4AQL TIllitIt PNOPT S5NII11 A 1073 padothuudsl51sstoepjlOdI 1 fl5s titIsliox U9lifiilITi Ud adIpmipioitlbpsSSa 151541 Bislkt,1.4I ilItlTU liOVIS 104 PUSSlIPS I 551 Cn11 tsQ IIOWAIID 5TIl55 YST LACOS ualJ sun. boesebsiptl4. 50 I a s5ItIiIUSST NAIL dlallieusS SPree ad nest veel Is Is 4 13 I SEAS SLS. 1 fl 11101 TWO PLMASTIVXNT 1 U5J Post pose with kirdh S0Cll PIeSOR. ibIs to 415) 0 SASSY ST haol sdsuitoeapd rsiU bsea labs t4 l1WIll3.

iQF4 NJcx.Ly.rvSNlSISID usoi seat roses. 40511. 154 dngI. 55515 iAr IIOWARD 57-41755 IATWhN dowMo5wklkltcbsu. 1545 5 17 FOliOS ORB 051 TWO 1tIN55 aitiralbnI rooiet sat.

mi 04om404' A FVRIIhOIIED FRONT 5001 WITS 12. fret. 518. 000 Peed jot CCITS OF FRONT OFFICES. FLOQUs rms for Ililt alas his I rim-Ms.

4 KaanylPo. 1105. ut-li 1 fl I ft JiJta ramsloletlsrpsdaall not 1 flOfl iuu 1 flCt STOCKTON 5 tYPOS 5OCt17- I I U. Slorl ranilubsd en. zt ta57Z1 1s31 I VAN 5116 NEAR PITISlI-ONI A celworooisleriiibd55lOJasSn 1 MAsON 1.

Fennl.h.d or nIhralh4 rae for hnass. ksplngl vicy 155 .1 SUTTZR-ILEOAS'r rUSItIolIED rooa sassy tidal will batS. tt 15)a IT. URGI th. nayl sIngli lili PISTIl NEATLY P17518010 t3A I canny rumor window salt.

kiesIry si OPARSELL ST. 1105 Ft 7004 kisibrs If p. sIredISlu if 015 VNFVRXIIED PAP. 13130 Satulaleshatgufrnatrosmjas4f I 1 1 OLllTlj 1IVI ZiA Iterniabd toe bcnnbeptollltaupjas 118 IX eons. elSdowIvtow74 15P5) MARkET PT.

CORNER REAliST- Osi Frost suesy totalled room. It 3 ST. PLITI Witbliklsolllbaokustasilnglorooa 74l flO YtIISltUtlo 501015 UI. by day w5 so meaths sIms VOr islb4 Pess lee guatlmo sO8 SASSY VERY NICU III de otruomathesp. 741 110FF iIOViS Sill OLtll IT.

Ill MOIST- 0 5 oqop an4 Yheroeghl rtuoelil fSoiisIioi OS aaflltnlslptd sloIl5ia4 slairnnesI Irenenot paIrtosoge idIcitsd laldi 715 MISsION ST 7175. uua uiah4 sell. wIth bush sod dIalagu taos. lot light hoosusakaipisg Jl7a 11 PUTTER IT. FItOIST 1311) leralbreSpeoos7adb5.

joist' 15343 A LA-id 0551 YflONT I ftrniubud ire aiIu ue Iwo 3sb00 131 7 IlhINT 7103 20015 0) 1. I 1051054 I 41511N140. 10404 wish 51 month. jsl7t 777 IEsSYA i3 reams slelIsbis If guatlasa fur bnnrkmrpag Id 0000 FIJSNISUEDIA. so lao htdMorrdi iso-Il 107 SIYSNYPUIINiOIILD A- I rrios slsplngjas71 mUSES I.

hoteorke nt UIZt. IqIn sCsS4 i A as 1 11 7 fnrallsdorrUnal4 504 TO' I Xhde Qi fl UA3lDtOU 17151 ULU antI. and dalroom SOS 1 1 PCH-AUNNTmUbTZ ALPOOINOLS UiI neosas leeabila4) pea. olorats tas ft I IlAu silk' boosekeaplng alngl. room.

j47t 5l nlahsd lIt. day 91L7POWKLLST. SLINNY Lu seitsoflhinnosi waIst. 8 8 IRONY YI7LNISIIED Jo5 sIc jatl0t Who ann ions. leoukornian.

or Is aMmo msito Ml 0 esatid atk. loge. 2 50 I BUSftSTOORNSRMONTOOMERT 5eJL reek or 5oMb lot 9O 99' TUNISIIED R0011 al0 furpatleaes1O. of 1PIM5N iJ UnnoxIcLi sins 0 liY 5csndy en- longed id polo. rdcag sH4 n' tJO 54 5loil alaesa TI TOIl WANT LWANY SONIT 500314 codnil.

1mM SI Sun a5bdopIrndld sppartasStp fur a 55011 by Jan. aaq 1Ot ps-h. I. salt II. tIN 414 QO FOURTH ROOMS IN SUITROS 140 anglo.

PUBNSTADJOISINORIIISHOIIRL- quiet than inne reoai lb. dsywekor aosth. ililil. ELSIE. P70340 SCIXY SOON- Pal.

I vi Milli 1' aafots au 0 ALL IS. se wastad pa 40 patronS muse than S. tIe. bad. Dr.

ii. anndaaJ Call St sit JOb Boulder. 106 Iserth sie4mswe. at 1. I RiRG.

PIICIAT 1 earpOs iIsflrsacdpostaleozdtoLTUNA 11341 54i sa be. 405 aOkdOd 5aOIiatlsa scaisatod. I2DWARD 0. co iS fUll ir If dslnsd will sill it aertlos FLO I paid this 414. 0 TO XILOOirl LAST-HI WANTS ItO.

VP furaite 136 Youth Cl. If TIlO Iso a. sotopay. kIgbiI plcsi s40ssd said pslt 42041 DARTISS HAYING IC1tNITVRI TO SILT. will so a.

514 doutag iiotmmoS Ito. aisebasla. 74-7 blabS iii. post 417 WILL PAT YES 111011111 PRICE TillS A work fnr Fereisire Corpus bsddlag pie. SAIOJE 22 PsurtI ae ends flAn WOSTU OF 1VRIITTURS elJIUuuu v501 poSses rt1t1ILankaoasad r5 tURNiTVSt FOR IAJI CHEAP-A 1AZ 1.

ppormaiLiLtpartsiwMhI41. g. I. Ii. kepaag well I.

sell at srrealaytilaspear. ceO it 11. aweor loSag lass. Call 55 1520 Issdullattaarlng 4si flA3Lt l1fI Msk4 ieresloua 5105K La 5) 1017010 rticen IN FVRRITVRZ. i.

Sb- p04 matsoums Speniot Cle. now 5 em 4bs5 Tb. pie Sac beegulnu Is I. 11 511. sOns 138 Youth Cl.

alanest Uwn4 unit ip Ihyiller a. Insisllssst1 spiaa any. usa. sea PraaklIn. 8551014.

1201' Irojiler Os In. It. me it in NIeClI 120 11113 THE OPIATES 101. Lu 01. ata1 Sonn4 aid teekysskeeo gte1 sutapsa 5agii easadsd1 ha 52.

705 Ma. Maid our leanS. p14 970 IJIPOOITIONI-flOT. 005510511. LN hpaIs4 Iuouai4sIIiv see 551 5elt toie 7I.

426 Iming 117LJ A-9 Rov5 dial pM. viof soa4 di. slpseotpeto pad I has. pito sd So 5 p54 boul dial dibpMorlWsaMmClieisl ta diaCuaici 4sadeadiiadpty anie bs2 all diabid 1 i1O5JIIOAD LACLOFSOCIII NRA LA 1iplibpes I peasso alp snlisue moS flieaallie Si aad sense. A SPLIPPIDLY 11111110 50015 95 12 ltprilis ptsis IiaSiIIU PIPIi as lb.

boa i isetalso 4 IS isan itt. 1111 Ps 40. SATMAPJUSRIIVIIIIuIsS l-i' I slyorit riem pm a seupsos ss.d-s cOMFOlubkt TV 1 IIysI PIES OtPn alp 15 1511550PI4. VlOV5MTLpf 62 50o 5si4eia to. 444 aldfpIisatlvpql aid as E4 ISr" Ii55ioCsI 70 LB7 SD ILIIIIII A sirafler So tit Tprk qvee esa TspI.

a pal tolls IIriIIe pel5 em iiSii sIrad ansi I notiary au swyiio iee4 IMpart sidalasoeso ii an sIt. SO ore21Itsuanry 4 prowIiItSs also oeas suIte aemnglp riM liv. Coil is gamlan. r1tO P137 011 Apal 7051 ROllS ERA 5 5 noted. iiiioi TUlIP 80015 WASP.

AND VMS 52 1. miNe. Iii ill sews iteM. sOf ruRrS pooss LOWEE FART OF I10tf11 3. mdi.

Ut. 4 ito cold wdor. 1011 toomrat. islSl0. di 157 SICILY.PCRNISRID uoCsLes4 1.

Idia street. 145. lead ito TIlidi a7anO. dl f0D8RN ALSO 1tboaqsefurnaaflfafly ililluoK 1141 1fh TRill 10 e21LOJ. boasrkspl I NO.

1506 PruklIa 000 aotr Bell Odd tad nIpsClMl. localIty wltrfrna syapdlri. dl ypiti WSRRLY CHRONICLe dl' alt. 1. languid 55 Id ealeaus Ii Isral1Md hobbs aS aiM 6OFn rut.

PIbicrtpllsa pttosl 52 psi 755 Sinilsmsi55wog. I STORESTO VITS OP 0771011 POSSIIILY 0 I717. p54 by 155. Inbos liii Ptal st4lWt tIMALL IT i 555 i IIAlfAh JuOlrIla cUdtOlayJal lOTFICLI STREET TO LI oe. Apply I.

NADISOSO lfJkK5sror ifSscriaste sad Sea sanpie. TFURIIYSTSZET 151 70 JLLDIQ5 sos 17 1 a scat w5orlusril riitlwaasepe14 Apelpi. LA Seal kMa5a Apst 36 044 Ksa so 150- a Jic ijiISt LOW I I nlnilIi Applyja 1. ES Agent sanay A fr5IRGI IT1I oo BASS. pply 171 taiO.

stn4 amrh 5ssJd 51 CIt PlOT A Iii' WIlE Jl5i Caaosc pr pinOl Situ aOStoS ta PITORES1WANTED. TTANTND-P ASO1WEL TORN lUND XhjtAad alula tiii3 Sni EDUCATIOJAL ZLOC IAR i1OIm 071556 tloeai imasa. P. 6 Ic 1674. 1.

A GSNTLISAN 1030 f5 11. paIa sd 5ebo eteot Ii. Spas aIhoaollcs EIPANULIhlssftrjsbla USA-PA-ND A yoang IauS ho baa US pMs4 bar ma. sical douIic wll sec. I bailed iamb.

50051 4 nealb Shiv' lessors par r' Ajt VLLSN OUJISIN Li it 814 61 Block JOSH L11505OIYXN 105710 P5 13 to 0:30 pa at 01 ereat0hasdrsr AddrshSiKlAIVA 67Xs4 1 A MONTh- IllICIT CL3sELj A1It URAVALLEfl3 leavuwusoth MI4. L1OUIoS VOICR CVLTOTRZ. Ij 004 7 as. ass bolldlag 4 La ITTOBIYD TIANOFOSYL V. 411141p5s5 4wd 2UtIt ERILSINOINQ 11371 7205 I tIle italian Opur.

lie. 14 4crato Street beOwso. Bash ant PIne. of A KNOYLACU. ST TIACIIER 2 penedral ot dIt4a i MZLYtlLIeIA 57- 0I 11.

stagIng lHA1G1 tI vocal art. 3 331 OYPaZTeII itteit 1113. RUNrn 0IOSIIgGIarVk4s Arcaodioa CPANIOII LtQNS GIVEN AT 725 GRAIl 7 smuts by thaeoegl Wesley. ol SITIUIIL3I V0ITORADUATjOfNjflfl05 I Cansovionoy ieebsr of pisaut land Tint Mounfra15to3p. PtdI0 TAUGHT 01 P1301 BOO LtL tMsrp ao 53 a mealS.

lea NJ 01155 bad 21 Sv. 51 5 sea 1 5001 atoiloptm 0 511. A 57171011. tiy W. citosoilt.

130 GOOD SET TEETBI 5117 17OCalifsrnlstnIs1 BaouIltoi 51bJn04 IIIOS WADE. DENTIST I. 17 GNARl l. slsiibOe Krcnay sl lMpas1 1.51 IT iSOlaTED PSIISAPSSY. Lla lywitboulpioanerpai.

1201egtja541 flACR1TT a ossuns. 126 Ll. Kesray sian Thn5 Nlis jelU bURR 0 NIUlIASS OTYICS. 13 Near. series betsem Csri nod FLa141 1 COO A sos on ZIARNT-PUTD.

VA 8 ha 61 sold LIling a ipnclslty la itAT ts.OI wialsat pe sad dUClry il-i. I 171 iJ sftrelbforel Ohaliaaapa04 601703. hOd Macset spa. 15. 050011 DEe.

lea reneevedsa 9151p Rear 04. 1Mb 5 Sp- iRddhUOltilSl iiOTncIlOUcl 1) apes 55dl work Wifli05 5 lEARNT 11711Sf hi wnnonassd4eoj sTEW 15 id 11i1aon. Sszqe 5i0 04151 tea 515 513. Wlap5plousoranoosj. of A L000INO0O1741 JtsdfOIIOgO4 Issaeawllllmmld rr A it tlTQflflfl I10t30Juu.

koieestne botidlag Ow 141 5 re. 04 MlNit a 111USD. 044 MackU sIted VOR SALI'-IOARDIXII AID 1' hoinel teed bIltSI 5SIl lINt 1ne 37 tamsad asadwiss. jn141 A ISALL LODOIXO-IIOOII roilkiai ttiits5sihSMSerPl5iI poSes 1 ill Jw a. ass ThUS jaidil' iina 51011151 10117011 OP A ti7 rn Smaltos.

lean iqnlslai 14 S. roe. ill reald 5s psghiis cbs desIre Ia Nlap fannitsi 5w peis0 gesJ114oa hiss ODCIIOI4000SI 701 PT 5a BALIIaGKLen4 0leaIamsipCld33la IWINO 2 I srsn ci will die an peessa 1 000 11305 7CR 811 OR TO 591 I UT STtUSITTP HTIPTO I El s. ATh PG ruts pcria rflas 1551051 lois to4t 7 btInsra toill alanOTI be. ad aiiM iSdtrI Plait ViIste 55ies isa aura sos porsetie as 11 505 05 VOl 6 851 AID 170CR 1AIOUIS.

Ius. sian PSdI sueS. hUeu lad bellohapil sSWvlelol iJUu-dssOlsi qewe 15151 NI bed1tsi lice rirs I010I17 sop Is. ip1. IIhiI 'uS'i'p lupan sq oe a uses ie 5 loam Is soase5essfl I elsi I ilIlago ilsaesski' pan heq 11005 50 Lay Sue pan.

son7 coil pussio part psjmoe4 00. 12. woan ooesy ad tpreeiqa a PsIUpeln iSr7J VITUT OSS eat our Fine. CITSIAL ARDITIONI 70 ovlIIWi 53 grad. h511 anal.

pselory am limb. roach. see pasolpi bacaalass sale. dngitp. iloal rollalM Sirs.

aid bisems seo 065c. 7tH Ms1Me asiss. TITI LOTs S3lSOLCII. 01 roEii 1. pioaS islr Teuslydnti so Iareii ie ladallmnet.

JASER 1. 1121021 lvi s5ri. moulT 0554. 45344 Ip AG1 IS CIII. PRINTED 035 zzer 14 I pr.

nice inIsetalatol tar. pula 1115 pa he sKepqe will lbs Wntsy Canngua pjs lassoed I' 2 psi 7iitIaeSmliaisgt. 51 0 TA1EETSTUIT LIARS 071. Slave. taurs lid Applyle OIO0WJVRWARLCrI4 01111 Jol-i o.

DPCI ZEPUVID-V5s 11011 0 1 CaBssicLi 55 iSis raleei5 to go QBnn 1UrcIIu STALLS. FTXYVR56 e17deUu. plark Ssaeoie asrkK IslApoore 1war snees4 sm S. asOflAn TOUTEYTWA.L151175- quuu. tkaass-Fas ml.

I Sr- badse. I. ie sq IL. aiM lerlp1s elU. lb.

s5t 061 stabS. Ii tic at It. aol esaplsse 5 Olin beet oeilsllae 60 1111. ate. OilS parialofVU5Ufl54 L0Se.444MM1mClA.s.4 wAJEtr 9jA1o I weehrthifmisJi taos liThe bZlesd OtaSIsfOis 5 Is uneng tlssa lesem 6.

Mnnk stout sa I loeliar biptbyjtiniiewnorulpa tile St ii YZ56CUS 0ALOOW iUtJj sali OS IS I. bareIss eae 11 14 I 0. vlty no1 45 5 It. iwaoIISOtlO. awulbi 5 ii s5 epa the piesdy Oil in St is liiM Oh.

teal Pb sutstoRXE5STflsarupalpejsjslo 11Afl LOL UJ sSo.semoeer hiUsans a. a lbs basS 04sJ. us 514 Mii aid 4sse 540. 590 Is 5IIIWISIaI lIe b0 posl 51 sa4y coil run I. emitlie PereeiWertSelsttasU FLhpsrqhe.

lay. Pie N. 115 6 1 id Roaav Clra4 15441 TODpivJ 017Juv. lb. wagna dalInse sc nsl 51.

Seem nIr Ia a Sosiasiul Jesuit i ise. awolhssheorlerbyhpiseeby WliIte5 1541 hiipqsf5lew5t4saS5 SlIOlpac thanie It I. llqMpe will Si ira App41L Ntoypa A It 551150 A P111172481 It real sM head. pnylag 73 pee tons pqe tses4lou te4IUa OR ITAT1ONIIY AXIS T11Ii A. stioa gione Sultee nod oaskhs Koeus5 peoprtOor hieing S.

Fmsclees 551 hod ottottj harps sad qiot. ni1isFj racIst botlLtrssii Swlo hofe. nfl and want I 705 511517 ISTLASD14 MotoxtInod iFnn TI 1 WIBLE PAR csiui wIth Ills aesnial 1 Se Mel IiYLUl13u44 Lbel sorsit. jAd 3250. II.

nIdeK pisass Is the artbsre port of lb. eleyf sPeokasi bsgure ouaoutp I. krby i aaeibClya5k Toll El1lNaulLASDe44noarje uion rroai- 701 sail psyla bust. pTosial Tb. bad fra Poe.

ram fng 001St SO spplleaua. iq YQ ROLlS A IITLJID sits iisk nuou 7 10 SALZ-DRCIO TO5E NEW AND I7 aesp5oa stool sied saelep boou1 Addle 7 V. lbklasA- jale IJOCOS OF SIX 100115 AID LOT ilOilO8. L1 cUb otid ptytha budsesi I. AMaads.

or I. abap ecistsuisg IS Lsnnpe lav 4 1011 die 0 N1flAL11Xrg5L ill 1001051 AID 0 ascII. wewbi proiely walsrsabsed bad. ssts11tutu 5 ywe. For prUouIssq abiniss J.

I NUS3TCb1 71. g44 i nn TO UTERI 5TA11LE11E O1WUu. we-Tee tale-A. aslMld 54 parIng bisinois desirably and amorally IsLaM wltSaocap54sa4 nit be toe sad tarcs1V tkw ah7 ND 41745 a2OAn IOISALS-ASLZNDThi miJ1dftJ. lotilod sad iePIy 5usd star sUb aasaflcoury SSaBstOa15 east Ie II Olso.

osS rant be adileg. Pusurelu VON 111211 a IIILND144 MatOK 4. 7OO. IIJiIII to ha YOS 511403644 li 1151 1 Tftit pd Man is 01. aid Pat.

rdmsd Sn 53 pg yner puKe. 155614 Isa. 5 ma. 0 LIES AONOVCRRVI lA 11am. UI is i p541 P077312422 roii 1 gneobtuess TanS sd Tb5 pIlot SWVOIPS050ie Is.

ho dipisal II hadbsaisitliarmuy alp JiB55. 5. 55Jri1. i Iatlas 0 Mdl. a8oung Pa.

1yIad1sa 501 tIe Is. a san. pactls foe aesal t. Ito all eeaenbootss sinlnOly otaiisslt3. U.

VenfflOngai SM. sag Lying-la ItemsaS I sq 1423 Id sieK. SIms sat. will risen lb. bat 1 aRI 5llda5si5l MrI metierh nbiei6el0ial4ps 4d 13.

IIDWIPILAT1 Au Ptat TPeslHspsol buruaseed 1 Pewell 61 kim sapsrtp iadplienObsaat5S0dSssflgskkassp44lJm TIN. II001ILTT. Ne. 31 RAIl 8J eSMeOM. In' Is wIssa Atleic.

554 anftds by men or sap. el4m 5L1 IZOJOEOPATUIEI 1JL fly1cisad Ierssc gvalat Ina Ohio sep and Aet. dials 5 0e paid 15 4155. ssw 1mbsrt. or tytmo as tbi Mci TL lipartid IS.

Ag. a 006 daonto tenor Wsshtgiam KnsasiTll aloof fno. 1) LU gmat esrvsssia tea blobs lad SisgI. has rm Ie Isi riM dante 13177 Sadie w1m. ladies cii owoic lb.

Lrsi orem aii. Ia asosmrct ada. PJITSIcLLNS. ti i IiriiOiISOrnStellsadito45Ojn5dpe Ski. A.

S. msis. p4 4 IL mottil 15 NUSoaso 133 lesS K150Ies I D0 A000VCUKCdiou sb my La dii all ksn 7dss I P. IOTSIt1 Lrn ROAG. 1.

0. AND 15111 1i. dtta us siMs canes 505 XOsallklSSSsndSt5710L. ItOWEL A SP2XTALTY WhYhfOtI VHS is. 111 or encillag pals.

Mid. isa. 310 524 Pamase TON. I. SILTOI IOW51I DhSiilU or 8.

wsaaS1lmoep1Isita4pp. A DPPITSICItW 5550 125 gueS31eareey3ha45g33 Ions OLA ELY' PAPIS 07 TEE 4 saul 5 lIe Wineti Caissen. wbeb Ma Jul 5as elra4 in Id iMies 1115 la pd-a vm hisib Toi TB 01 nI sily 0IC1A3TuS54i JlN 7. 0AZLAXDATAIrFBAFR FEXii T73173 TWOSTORT 01 11TH 0018 oit t1i2kLelic a L'.

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