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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 2

San Francisco, California
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ggEBIJByBl NpfflHjjpiw Tffii wwRfwrJ vi JTM A Ifi 1 BAN FlUflCISCO CHRONICLE TttESDAT flgCEMBER 101912 I fer I I I 1 I II I MM SS I I I II I 8 IICIGfllSfflDj a Vi ft I BR TAINATTACKSTH CANAL BILL PRO VISIONS Strong Protest Against Plan to Favor American Shipping CatlBB4 from Fart 1 Coltuaa 3 William Schuyler Moses Most Venerable Mason in California Is Dead wer treaty was Identical with that suiting from the boundary water treaty of 1909 between Great Britain and the United States whl In brief provided that the boundar watnrs should be free and open to commerce applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants shlp vessels and boats of both count lea but all such rules and regulations all I tolls charged shall apply alike to the subjects or cltlsens of the high con trading parties and they shsll be placed on terms of equality In the use thereof It Is also asserted that a similar though more restricted provision appeared In the treaty of Washington and It la recalled how strenuously the United States protested as a violation of the equal rights against the sstem which Canada had Introduced of a rebate of a large portion of the tolls of csrtatn freight on the Wetland canal and how In the face of that protest the system was abandoned RULES OF T1IK SIKZ C4XU Referring to the third article of the Hsy Pauncefote treat the note points out that the Sues cans rules which the treaty adopts for the Panama canal is that the waterway shall be free and open to the vessels of commerce an 1 war of all nations observing the rules on terms of entire equality so that there shall be no discrimination against any such nation It Is said that th Prealrfent statement of the case Is wholly at variance with the real provisions when he treats the worda all nations as excludlnK the United States because It had constructed the canal on its own territory and thereby acquired an absolute right of ownership Including the right to allow Its own commerce the use of the canal upon such terms as it saw fit They the British Goernrnent consider says Earl Grey that by the Clayton Bulwer treaty the I nlted Statea had surrendered the right to construct the canal and that by the Hay Pauncefote treaty they recognised that right on the fooling that the canal should be open to Hrlttsh and Unltad States vessels on terms of equal treatment If the rules set out In the Hay Pauncefote treaty secure to Great Britain no niofe than mrst favored nation treatment the alue of the consideration pl tn for superseding the layinn Hulucr treaty is not apparent io his majettty Gov ernment Nor Is it easy in see In uhitt rer way the prlnclplo of article VIII of rttn iey ivii Lvr I I ea 1114 II vtdea fr equal rr at mint of British and Untied States ship has been maintained COCEDKS RKHT OK FKOTKt TlOV The argument aJanced In the United States Senate that the words a na tlons cannot Intlude the I tilted Males which would otherwise be prevented from using Its own tej rltory for ro vlctuallsing Its war ships nt landing troops is briefly dismissal by the statement that It Is ompletrl overturned by a read the Iay Pauncefote treaty In onnctlon with the Sues tana contentions As the I cited Slates did not th canal sone when the 1 Ia Iaum frie treaty was made it did not Include tho Sues canal rules whlih rctognlZMl the right of Turke the Im al aoereiKn and of KftTypi to take si mcaiiin aw mlffht be necedia th defriMe of hor poRHesKton blr bJwarl re tontinuen Jsow that the Lnlted Mates hm luumu thts practical so erelKn of tli i anal his majesty government may not question lt title to exert Ite I HlKTrnt rights for Its protection The next point made ihit th ex emption of A merit an oa tviao hlp ping from lollt viouUl dertakln tha 1 lie tolls should Just and equltahl I nlesa the whole olume of shipping punning through the canal In takt Into a junt there are no mens of determining whether th tolls i harmed up any particular vessel presents her fair proportion ji the i urrent expenditure properly hargedhle against ih anal There la no guarantte that the easeM upot whih tolls are IHng levirl art nc being niadf to bar mote than their fair ihare of the upkeep Thei efore lh Hritmh vernntnt ii entltld to Ihe lenuitnl I Bill Ish shipping hi ill trHHi Is piisa I rig tlin lii I hi an a I halev ei heir flag or liar a yall taken into account In fix fii t1 i i ml the tolls KegardniK IimIiIchi i nil ntlon that the ffeM ih Hrlt i Ulm would re to it the I nite 1 States from anJlriK tinmtr In way that all null im rnu lo it Is said riWl tsawPisaBaf jHBaaWMi I aTaTaTaTaTaTaW JwiaT rLaPa I arararaam vS wA Haw av ftx laSHBaSJaf4niaaSHaSJ laaPfiailaH aff KL JE3LSffl Mosa who died yesterday AUSTRA GATHERS HER FLEE FOR CONLK Significant Changes Also in the War Department and New Loan Secured Cootlmntd ram Pca 1 Cl Was Made a Mason in 1 849 and Was Founder of a Local Lodge 1LLIAM SCHUYLER MOSES probably the oldest Free Ma son In the world by years of membership died nt his home 1730 Irvine street at 6 clock last nlgit Death was caused by apoplexj He was born In Rochester August 8 1S27 and came to San Fran clsco in 1 850 At that time he clt waa bounded by Montgomery street on the cast Stockton street on the west Pacific street on the norti an 1 California street on the south Deceased was known to Mason as the Elder Brother and was the oldent member on the records of the ti ind Lodge of California He was made a Mason In Rochester In 1 and becsme a Master of Golden Gate I lge No 30 November 11 1SG2 He was ti oldest past master in California join 1 an Francisco Chapter It A VI No nd California Commandery ari holies ut the Rite Oran Ker of smnrt fonHllory In I 9 1 rror1 brouiht out Ju rcs in me roio 01 military expert 1 In 1853 So 1 In 18S7 thr Vaffonle 1 nnnictlr nx Ifollo ws lalam shrlnu In U9 Master I Yerba Buna rjOKo Pfrfillon A and A No 6 June 11 H69 nfllc In Mauler of hi tirunn onHislorv il hnnorirluni if tho tranil thlrlv ifrnnl dcicrpp nun of In 1HJ2 Introdtn rl onlor of the 1 iiat rn Mar un 1 IIW ut Muv 1 I 1H61 of whlrh nilcj he nrler of the and haptei tt enerahle pavt Kraiil putlon hil he InHtillpil In 1 fflcea rointel with Vljai nr 1 I timet and al S5 vear of Hue lie was all an enthulaal lr Hlue Iodite Maann and noldrm mlaeed a nretlnj of tho lj iliipn IibIi Ij dKf 1 hlrli wna the founder nnd a member for elxly eftrl The funeral will take place at thojyna Hrtttlah Kite ta thed ra 1 in sundnv Srottlalj Rite and Shrlner hodlea will attend and Gnlden itate Iodxe on of the oMeat In tha Ptute will onduct the aervlcep prevailing Irritation ujii If Auatrla dJre war with Serrla It wilt come It will the moat bitter flfht In hl tory Every Servian min and woman younj ard 44v will take part In It and Austria will bav to exterminate the entire Servian nation before conquert Ing It liany Servian vleltlng Auatro Hun carlan frontier town on builneaa have been arretted on eharfee of apylnaT The Servian Government hae protested to the Auatro Hunarlan authorities AUSTRIAN ACTION SIGNIFICANT LONDON December No explanation Is yet forthcoming of the sudden reilrnation of the Auatro Huniarlan Minister of War General Auffenberc and the chief of general staff General Schernua They have said their action was due to personal reasons but com Ing at this time It cannot be doubted that It will have a wide significance It had been expected that In the event of war General von Boetsendord would be appointed chief of staff and his appointment now to suoeeed Schernua coupled with the news of the renewal of tho Drelbund and that Austria and Hungary have negotiated temporary loans of 60000000 cannot but have a disquieting effect on the International situation It Is supposed that Auetria wishes possibly to exert a strong Influence over the coming conference proceedings at London and especially to prevent the entry of Turkey Into the Balkan federation The Austrian war party la Inflamed agalnat Russia In the belief that the defiant Russian attitude Is due to tha Franco Russian alliance and eome Aus trlan newepapers are urging that un leas Russia ceases mobilising the powers comprising the triple alliance hould fall upon France and crush her before Russia Is able to Intervene However the crisis may end the fever Is having a disastrous effst on Auatro Hungarlan trade A complete nnincial stagnation prevails throughout Galila where the various banks recently have paid out more than 45 C00 000 to nervous depositors without atemminff the run TO eTRKNGTHE PBENCH ARMY rRS December The discussion today In the Chamber of Deputies of the Government 1 bill providing for an adequate number of officers for the Rumor That Irish Jewels Were Returned Report That the Gems Stolen Long Ago Have Been Found 1 ONItON December 9 A rumor is current In London that thn Irish crown Jewels hlch wore mysteriously stolen from Dublin fastle In 1307 have been as mystei ionsly replai ed Intact In the original positions It has heen Impoi slbln so far to obliln orrohoratlun of olaie the un llLM rer ine jeweia that thii Ii spe fried Ii BrltUh jfi not follow ha i i not bt debam I grunting a nubh itn fit at ihat th tilt treii it a rn inert lalini lnlted Matt may bv th tn nt from 1 1 1 i ihlpptnK in parth liar if tin rf unuM be to impo upon Hritmh rr jther fut ahipp ti iinalr Uip the buiden if i i ipk he miimI or to cieate a i rirntri ittun prejulue HritUli ihippliig rjlitu DE 14 KK riir is IOI ll Therefore It is lull i nvi mp tlon of the A in i i ti iip I Inr as well rt of iMrun inn lesrly cnnrlii th tin i mar antees of jal tr iiri nt Hi timi und Amerli an lls an I a inr i ik of foreign natlt nv mlrj erionsly injured in tw i Mrst In plac ng the building of the urui up i lrn vessels and un1 In the American roantwir irie preferential position ti re i orh hip pin Thus it Kb he tiit a cargo Intended for a rnltri Mitnoit teyond the canal In either dlr tlon shipped on a foreign ship ouM ue sent Us destination more cheaply by being landed at a Unlt3 tttaes port be tors rcnlng tha eannl and thi nce Arrwarifai km coaatwla trail IAmsrlein vessels blan Wn amKi tolen ere those use in the ceremonv of ln entlt tire In the Uriler of Patrick the pro efwtonal irftiM studded with dUmoiiih anil the Jewel tword valued in all at 0 000 Mr Arthur Edward Mckarv an the jwtodian of thM Jewels but he fusM to appear before i commission whltii wan appointed to investltcst the affair and was dismissed as I st King Arms thereby entering into llrnct competl tlon with forelxn essi while they retained the right of re pikkuk1 throuKh the canai Theje tnli ud fall more everely on Irlllsh sh plnj thin on uni ot ir The llltlh ioernment il not rMl in Mini of he Purism anal pi iiht tinK railroad ow nd nr tru it own I Hilps I turn minft De anal a 4 npilntt to AfTettlnf Bit nh hlp but il rld tliat If thN view tsiten thev nnwtretiervethelriiKhttn i i mine ire matter further and to nu tueh con trTitloru an may nem 1 nt 11 I VIM KKI1TN HIZ VIOLATED In conclusion 1 Iward trey re Iterits Ms to i i riineti assertion eit the pr In 1 mi of tha anal a I as to trtlln i nHlnt with th ftrltiahi Hit ildfie liaiv rlirhfi af a A Am ni I i i aili iiiian uirj rer ok nlze that many pf noni of noi In Ihe Inlted states whone opinions are entitled to great weight hold that the proviKlonj of Mn at do not ln frlngre the conventional obllRatlons by which the I nlted SlHten In mud anJ under these 1 uirmtft i lhe ilxlre to itate their perfect readiness to submit th qirstlon to arbltratlin If the Mover nunt of tho Lnlted tales oul 1 prefer to take Mils muriH A efrene to arbitration wo ill be rt le 1 un necessary If the trovernment of the nlted States should be pre parrd to tike mich steps a a Wi ull re I inoe the objections to he a wnlch his nirnle fty iiovernment hive stuteJ I ir ully ir Ivlwiir I urey derlar it wlUi grmit reluitanre that these ob I Je tiui dt heer raised thai thev The socialist leader proposed Instead of the Government bill a scheme to abolish the distinction between the active armv and the reserve By It all men between the ages of 20 and 25 yearn would be brought together and subiv ted to six mo hths service supplemented by regular periods of training The offl erg would comprise one third regulars and two thirds civilians This Jaures contended would the army an Indissoluble part of the nation instead of a separate organization as st present He pointed out that Germany now was able to put 1300000 men In the field as compared with too 000 by France Ills scheme not only would oppose a superior fori to the German army but would compel Germany to substitute a democratic for an oligarchic system Isures eulogised arbitration treaties waylng that to have offered arbitration before letting loose the clogs of war conferred incalculable tnirtl benefit on a nation lift commented on the sensation cauied by the recent statement of Bonnefoun that there were 80 000 renrh citizens who had eluded mill tary service or deserted and pointed nut thit since 1103 Germany had abandonabandon tho publication of the number nf iermans who shirked military services for In that year they amounted to 130 ooo rOVsTANTIVOrLE December I Offiial announcement was made to nlght that Sellh Bey Minister of Ma rim Hechad Pasha Minister of Agri culture and Osman Nlzmal Pasha Embassador to Germany had been appointed plenipotentiaries to the peace conference which will begin at London December 13th The delegates will start for London tomorrow K0UMAUIA PREPARES TO SHARE THE SPOILS Auto Racing Circuit Planned for Coast All Bif Cities to Bo Included in Gigantic Scheme for Good Auto Race Special Dlspatea to tse CbronlcUN SBLATTLJE December San Fran Clsco will have an auto race meet In 111 to compare with anything ever held In th West If pratent plant materialise and lh men actively In teres ted In the proposition are of the duality that auiurs wall for tha sue casa of the project Sine a time prior to tha races at Taeoma and In a greater decree since that meet tho possibilities for bis national meets along tha Coast have been argued On Seattle man who waa an official at tha Taeoma races has been to the tor in this matter and betore th week la out It la hoped that full details will be announced for tentative plans motor drlv will be built here and Seattle will be on of th main point on th racing circuit planned for th Paclflo Coast Including Los Angeles San Francisco and possibly Taeoma and probably Including th Santa Men lea road course and Tanforan This circuit would Insure th preience at these meets of th pick of th world best drivers Millions Taken From the Confiding Public Hen Who Operated in Western Mines and Oil Weill On Trial 8 peel I Dtspetcb te tbs Obroolclt NEW TORK December 8 On the OoTernments charge that they toolc over 3000 000 of the publics money In le of stock In twenty one different Void copper and oil rotnlna companies Archie Wlsner and John Meyer operating as A Wlsner A Co 80 Wall street and Standard Securities Company 22S Fifth arenua were placed on trial In the United States District Court today The twenty one companies Involved a capitalisation of 50 000 000 and oper ted mostly In California and other Western states A majority were metal mlnlnf projects while three of them were oil developing enterprises They were operated latterly under the title of the Standard Securities Company Most of the witnesses will have to be brought from San Francisco and In ss the Government will have to stand the expense of bringing these witnesses here as the defendant Meyer claims he Is without funds now The Indictments of which there were several and which have not been Joined were originally handed down July 7 1911 against Archie I and Emmet Wlsner Qeorge Humphrey and John Mejer Announcement was made by Assistant United States District Attorney Arnold today that the case against Humphrey has been dropped as he v111 appear as a Qovsrnment witness Humphrey was In Berlin at the time the Indictments were handed down He had gone there to sell stock in the Philippine Plantations Company another of the Wlsner enterprises Humphrey Is a wealthy Sun Francisco lawyer and his action In aiding the Government proved a big surprise to the other defendants te mmm to WIJ PRISON Union Official Explains His Vote Under Fire of Attorneys IGNORANT Pt XHE CHARGE i Letters Apparently Referring to Violence Given a Gentle Explanation INDIANAPOLIS Pecember Tor voting tor jonn ucwamaras le tlon as secretary atth Mllwauks convention or the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workr In 8eptmbr nil fly month after UcNamaxa arrestsd for dynamiting Edward Phillip of Syracuse on of th forty one accused bomb plotters was subjected to severe croes eiamlnatlon by th Qovsrnment at tn dynamlt conspiracy trial today Phillips aa sscrstary of Syraouse local union told of many letters he wrote to McNamara but denied that they pertained te the proposed explosion Where was McNamara whsn you voted for hlmr asked District Attorney Miller In jail In California JURY EXONERATES MOTHERS AVENGER Clements Is Found Not Guilty Although He Confessed Killing Landis REDDING December 9 The Jury In the case of William Clements oharKed with murder In the shooting of William Jandls near Buckeye last July found a verdict of not guilty to nlrht It Is probable that the case against Thompson and Clrlfflthd In connection with the kllllnar of Landis will be dlsmssed The Jury only took two ballots The flrst one was 11 to 1 frr acquittal and the second unantmous Tho verdict was the qnlckeHt ever Riven In a murder trial In this county Landis was a merchant In the little mining town of Buckeye four miles north of Redding On May 11th last he shot and killed Mrs Bradford mother of William Clements in front of her daughters home She fell Into the arms of her daughter Mrs Robert Hyatt Landis who had had se eral quarrels Ith Mrs Brad ford asserted that she was following him and had threatened to hoot him She had a revolver at the time Landis wii Jailed but he was re leased on ball earlv In July He returned to Buckeje and celebrated his liberation Sitting on his front porch he Is said to have sung a song entitled Another Shovelful of Farth on Mothers Orave so loudly that Clements In the Bradford home across the street could plainly hear the words On July ISth a Iandls was driving toward his home he was shot from ambush and killed Though there wa ELECTED VHIUD IX JTAlX Did you make any Inquiry as to whether ha was guilty of murder I dldrtt know was charged with murder bat thought was dynamiting and I knew only what I read la newspapers Tet you voted to re elect him sec retary of this union Tea Charges against Phillips were based on letters In which he referred to a Job at Brewerton as follow Tt le a fine place to make an ever lasting jilece of work and est them thinking It can be done very easy and I am going to look for something doing when the right time comes The barge canal work looks all to the bad here The witness said he was trying to Induce McNamara to employ two or three men to ascertain wether the eight hour law was being violated In another letter he said Brother Butler will be Interested referring to 1 Butler also a defendant and also added Some of the brothers are getting restless and are anxious to see something happen WARNED TO BE CAtmOTJS In reply McNamara wrote I am afraid you speak a little too plainly In your letters I am not criticising you but no one knows who reads my letters and this Is Just to give you a pointer Our people should be careful what they put on paper when writing to headquarters Numerous dsshes In the letters Phillips said had no particular significance In reference to all his correspondence Phillips disavowed any purpose to use any violence on non union work and added he never heard of a dynamiting campaign on non union work throughout the country until McNamara arrest Aslfed why he did not report to the State authorities any violation of the eight hour law the witness said tt waa necessary to employ men who would work on the Job and make affidavits General pickles in More Difficulty Foreclosure Suit on Yetenni Sew York Huuioa Ii Filed by Bank Special tnenatck te the CtroalcU NEW TORK December I Qenoral Daniel Blokles found himself In more financial trouble today when th Bowery Baring Bank filed a suit Jo th Supreme Court to foreclose a 111800 mortiat on hi Fltth arenu horse The suit brought today la not afalnst the General alone Other named a defendant are his wife Bank off th Metropolis Richard 8 Child Edwin 8 uodsre jonnij Kicaardson jjyeta a other Bersona who with Qsneral Sickle constitute the Commission for Battlefield of Otttysburr and Chat tanooia and th New lork Monument Commission Plan a Long Hike in Suffrage Cause Women to Walk From frew York to Albany to Plead Their Cause Ipeetal Dispatch te tie Chronicle NIW TORS December I Suf fragist ar solnc to tramp to Albany carrying messages to OoTernor Sailer They expect to leete New Tork Monday morning December tfth Fif teen day later th Votes or women Pilgrimage will enter Albany That will be th last day of th year Just In time to catch SuUer with th petition that he put Into his message a statement favoring the submission of a suffrage amendment to the voters in llli Suffragists who dont feel like taking the 150 mile walk will join tor as much of the Jaunt as they can manage Knapsacks and cllrrlras staffs win be sold to the tram peri at the atarttng point The knapaacks are regulation ones used by the Boy Scouts but they are emblasoned with the Votes for Women motto These knapaacks are to contain only literature for distribution as the trampers intend to forward their suit cases each day from one stopping place to the next foea CLEARING HOUS METHOD HOWN FAMOUS 1 STEAIVe IS LOST Dora of Alaska Companys Fleet Will Be Total Wreck on Seward Shore SKATTLK Decemher 9 The famous old mall steamer Dora of the Alaska Steamship Company fleet which went ashore at Seward Alaska Saturday probably will be a total loss When the Dora struck on the beach it was believed that she was undamaged and would float at the next high tide hue cablegrams received from Seward tonight said the steamships Mariposa and Cordova which had got llne aboard the stranded vessel were unable to move the Dora and with a southeast gale rising It was feared the steamer would go to pieces The hull was damaged and the vessel had taken six feet of water when the cable dis patches were sent For years the Dora a little 112 foot wooden steamship has been opersted on the run rrom Seward to Dutch Harbor Unalaska making the round trip of 2177 miles every month The only regular means of communication between the outside world and the villages and settlements on the Alaska peninsula and the Aleutian Islands the stanch little steamer has figured Id many thrilling experiences She has a long list of rescues at sea and her arrival at Seward was always looked forward to As likely to unfold a tale of shipwreck or volcanic disturbance along the bleak cosst which she King Declares That Army Will Be no dlret evidence against Clements to TTJ dj tin it connect him with the trsgrl he was Found Ready When Needed immediately arrested Several days PI IIAREST Roumanli Decern later Clements sent for nislrlct Attor hr Mna harles of Rountsnla In nv Chenowrth nnd made a rnmDlete served hi Kpftch frum the throne at the confession I did the Joh he said I Six jears ago the Dora attracted at Afrieinhlv of the Roumanian Parlla ot ashamed of Ii Landis killed theitentlon when she left Seward for Dutch nifiu today asked th legislators to 1 best friend Thai mymother Harbor and was not heard of fo fcUf the Roumanian Government the Dnn A Thompson and Marcus A Mahty four days when she appeared hui port necessary for the fulfillment Griffith nela hht of Cljm nt were disabled on Puget sound having been of ih hopB of the nation in th forth arrested lompllcltv and tho threeiblown nearly to Honolulu and then nmiiiK changes brought about by the wrs Jn1ntly charged with murder Kalkin war He significantly re jWhen they wre arraigned In the Su inarki 1 that the country confidence Pe0r ourt all pleaded not guilty iney aemnnoea separate trials ana Clements was tried first Money Trust Inquiry Hears of Domination of the Banking Concerns WASHINGTON December I ClearingClearing house domination of banking In stitutions formed the basis of the flrst days examination of witnesses In the House Banking and Currency Committee investigation of the so called money trust which was resumed today Samuel Untermyer counsel for the commlslon In conducting the examination endeavored to show that there was a general movement among clearingclearing houses to Impose on banks a rule enforcing the collection of commissions on out of town checks collected by banks In this connection he ascertained that the Baltimore Clearinghouse declined to admit the State Bank of Maryland to a clearing membership because it would not forced to abldo by the clearing house rule enforcing such collections From Pittsburg bank era Untermyer elicited that a suit was pending to prevent the enforcement of a rule for collection of commissions on out of town checks which was adopted In injunction with clearing houses In Cln nattl Cleveland and Columbus The Mellon National Farmers Deposit and the Lincoln National Bank of Pittsburg declined to accept the rule and are seeking an Injunction to prevent Its operation Robert Wardrop president of the Pittsburg Clearing house Association told the committee that the collections of out of town checks free of charge did not embarrass the banks financially ut that the Imposition of a rate of exchange was for the purpose of Increasing the earnings How much does your bank earnT asked UntermyOr About 22 or 23 per cent on Its capitalisation answered Wardrop Ib not that a pretty fair return es that pretty good Hut with a rate of exchange It would be better Is that It Tea tt would be better Untermyer placed In the record the rules of the Clearing house Association of Salt Lake City which prescribes an Ironbound series of regulations gov erning the charges to be made by its members for service performed for a depositor A Knox of Pittsburg president of the Mellon Bank characterised inese ruies ss unreasonaDie aeciaring they practically took control of the bank out of the hands of Its officers Cracked and Swollen Could Not Sleep For 2 Years Nobody Could Cure His Eczema CutlcuraSdap and Ointment Completely Curd i tOS LoveQ Flaoa Chicago EL Th traufalalbecaa bT ar fcaada burainc sad itclilag 1 rabbet and aerca4 than tai on day I saw lltil rrt ore main out Mr bands irer djafiur4 and swollen and troubled Bs so that I could mot ttp Thar erackad and wbea til saaS sort brok white tatter would com oat I could not do any bad works IT I did th on would com worse Tor two year Bobody could CUT lay csssaa imttt a day I Owofhtr I would try the Outtour Soap and Ototmant used warm watr wlta th Oatlcura Soap and altar that I put th Cutlcura Ointment on say hand twlc a day for about At or month wbaa I wa eompJately curteV BKod Baa Marcus Nor MIL Not only ar Onttonra toap ad Olntmeot Boat Tataabl nt th tr taunt at ecsssna aadUu dttlrasstm Tugttan ofafctaaad cat Tmt otbtr eneoUisot do to nueb It JiaBptos HerHisarts rod roagb aUsaj Itchtaf aetly scalps dandruff dry this and fTHw balr chapped Trr and aaplsso aaDs nor do tt so coaomlcaOj atafs oak Cutlcura Soap C2r and box sa Oattoara Olataent SOe ar often sofflctaat when ail da ha faflad Bold thtoojhoa th world liberal sampl of each Ballad free with S3 Sato Book Addr posh card Cutlcur Dept Boston awTendsr faead men should us oapShartaf Stick ISO Sampl fr tKlH OF BEAUTT A iOt FOREVER TFELIX 60URAUDS ORIENTAL CBEAM OB MAGICAL BEAUTIFO hts Tb Plsiple Freckles Moth Pitches Kasa ana osis iDlsaeees sol every Wemltl ea beauty and detea detection ll has Hood the test of It years sad Is so aara laas we laste It to be sui It I properly siase Accept te counterfeit slsillar aasis Dr A Sarf said to a lady the hauttoa a patlenO A you ladles wlU as nwm I recomsund Gnd Cream ai the least lannful stall rht ski prtsararloet for sale by all drnrftcts and Fancy ooods Dealer SI th Utltad Statee Canada and Earope mi Urate fn Insl Sheet Inlin lit rWB th varfw On Steaks It adda a reUah which makes many a dlah featt LEA PERRINSl 8AUCE Saperlor fr 1 flab atoesst AnAppetitsar Josv DcircASs Son Avertts The Richmond District BRANCH OFFICE of the Chronicle It Located at MorrUon Stationery Stcra 236 CLEMENT ST Bet 3d and 4th Ave Advertisements and Sub Bcriptiona Received OMMMMMMM IMIMMMt nf haw Ytftn ii nnni 1 to tr narrnwtat for Paibla limit had rfOKTlzd in the a Inn tui i mannoi th right of the United in a Statin to untroi the canal and that the Brlds i Government looiced with ponflm to the 1 nlted Statet not to Impair th ftjuarda granted to British shipping by treaty In the Roumanian army waa fully justified and the tro would be to ind ready to fulfill their mlaaion Roumanla polley declared the kin is for moderation and peace within the limits compatible with the hlifher Interests of the country HemHrktng that Rou mania had preserved Htrlct neutrsllty during the Balkan hostilities King Charlen pro led Ue hsve the right to hope tlat this attitude will give favorable result for our rflatlon with the Ralknn states In their new constitution an 1 that our Interests will be respected Roumanla an Important fart Of In the concert of Europe and in thf tin It 1 set tlement of the questions ralne during the Balkan crlnla Ho i man in irj wll he listened to The Kin alri nnnnunred thst th xirnanlan Parliament would be Invited to tti Inireaiiel apprt prlatlona for military purposes TO BEGIN REBlTIlDDfG THE REPUBLICAN PARTY NEW YORK December 9 The Re publican speakers League of tne MOSEY WASHING MACHINE The bank note washing machine which has been In operation at Washington lor a short time ha a capacity of 20 flAA tn 2t0oa nlet In mm i ik I FIRE OF DfCEHDURY ORIGIN THREATENS CATE Early Morning Blaze Creates Excitement in Hayward HAYWARD December 9 Fire of incendiary orl trl ri In a restaurant cttn ducted by Phlcofulos on nnd Com tro streets raunetl no ml mil da roar at an early hour thla morning A pile of oil soaked rags had heen heaped at the front entrance of the restaurant and Ignited The flames had eaten the screen door and were attacking ihf woodwork of th door whn tne ftr waa discovered A general alarm Man sounded and for several minutes grtat excitement prevailed The fire vni ex tlngulshed with patent extinguisher The attempt to burn tho restaurant 1a not the Arst time that the place has been fired by supposed tntendlai le The place la located on the ground floor of a bulldln In the heart of th business district of the elrv Th at tempted arson Is believed to be the Lnited btaes with Senator Ellhu work of sn Incendiary who had sue Root and other prominent Republican at Its head will begin work early In 1913 on an active propaganda for tho rehabilitation of the Republican party and the election of Republican President In 1911 The Uague held Its first meeting here yesterday A committee of nine submitted a constitution and officers were elected to serve for I AMa vaaaa ii TTTHnH ETlLryJTniC7 ceeded In destroying the valuable barn of Lehman In Castro valley lst week NEW LETTER MACHINE A new machine little tartar than a standard typewriter seals stamp and count letters at a rate ot 70O9 an hoar Irrespeotly of their alia shsp 9f inioan worked her way back to Seattle for re pairs The Dora had completed her laat trip of the ear and wan preparing to sail for Seattle for overhauling when she wen aground laat Saturday She was built at San Franclaco In 1181 for the old Alaska Commercial Company and was om of the pioneer steamships In tha northern service A3XS FOR ARBITRATION ON PANAMA JANAI TOLLS Letter by University Professors to xau urges Action I BERKELIV December Professorl George Stratton of the department of psychology at the State University haa forwarded to President Taft a let ter carrying the alunetures of many people here and In Pan Kranclsco Jn re gard to a aettlement with Fngland of the Panama canal tolls qu ntlon by ar bltratlon The litter In part says We believe that our Government should ha ready and willing as a last I reaort to submit this matter to arbl i tratlon But our pride compde ua tot urge that our Nation Itself hasten to1 correct any wrong that may have been committed rather than to await tne formal award of a tribunal of arbltra tlon It la our most earnest conviction that as a people we had better suffer som limitation of our freedom of legislation and some commercial disadvantage rather than to disregard or appear to disregard a treaty negotiated In good faith and solemnly ratified Th lgnrs at th petition ar for rn most part uoivmity professor NO CHANGE Df BRITISH NAVAL PROGRAMME LONDON December tv All doubts were swept away today of th possibility of Great Britain curtailing her own naval programme In view of the gift by Canada to the British empire of three powerful battle ahtp at a cost of S5 000 000 Winston Sppncer Churchill First Lord of the Admiralty speaking In the House of Commons said he adhered to the point of view of the Canadian Government which Is he announced That aid given by Canada ahould be In addition tn the xlatlng British programme and that anv stepa Canada might take should directly strengthen tha naval forces of the empire and th marifln available for Its security Mission Branch Office Chronicle a I ROW AT Haabs Stationery Store 8264 22d STREET nd Talaavia sa Advertisements and Subscriptions Received 6 HII4HHI The flub Oh a Keilu ft Co 726 MARKET ST The problem that confronts a clothier is whether he is going to depend on the quality of the clothing he sells to make a living or to rely on the credibility of the buying Public for his success It is undoubtedly true that many men prefer to purchase inferior garments that are said to be 25 reduced to 15 rather than far better clothing at the same price that pretends to be only what it is the best of its class A Few Choice Offices SINGLE OR EN SUITE TO LET IN Chronicle Buildi ing APPLY ROOM 218 CHRONICLE BUILDING I vnnunauj sgAUrTAIJfl A BRANCH OrriCB AT ITU nUHOM TTtrnT WHERE AnvTMMSrr ru aillSMUS 1 rt 7r.

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