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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 3

San Francisco, California
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5wv traxcisco cnnoNiOLE MONDAT MAltCIT 12 1017 VXV a JOHNSON READY TO RELINQUISH GOVERNORS CHAIR OF BEHREM1 Report at Capital Is That He Will Give Up Office in a Few Days STEPHENS PLANS SECRET New Executive Withholding Names of Men Who Will Be His Assistants By WILLIAM JOEDAN CHRONICLE BUREAU lafNxiU March 11 The date of Hiram Jehnsons reelgnatlen aa Qoxeroor de pesos somewhat upon the lenerth of Mm It will lake him to clean up unit of the formal official matter ot bull aa with which hl own position associated at th Capitol The an ncuncemont will ba mad tomorrow Unofficial word at th Capitol toJaj waa In affect that tha Uotrrnor will able to complete that woik within fw da a It la undaratood that lie I aa had hla offlc ataft busy In antic patlan of Ma retirement from tha gubernatorial rhalr Now that It Is definitely known that fl a loetr will make hla announce ment tomorrow the Interest has turned to the prospective early Incom lnf of Lieutenant Governor 1111am Stephens to the Governor post STKrilBilS REMAINS III IM No official word haa been given con tt rnlne the personnel of the new Uov mors executive family Until It la determined exactly wlien Oovernor Johnaon purpoaea to retire there will be no atatemmt made on this subject Humor has It that tl present executive serretart Martin Madsen will remain In the Governor fflcea In tha event of a hanse In the prl ate aecretaryahlp now held by Alex ander McCabe It was aaid today that Edward A Dlckaon of Los Ancelee who has been mentioned for the place will not be appointed It waa said that If McCabe reeisns Madsen will become Oovernor Stephens private aecretary Dickson is very close to Lieutenant Oovernor btephena Polltl cal foaelp credits Dickson with hav Ing been the man who really per auaded Stephens to relinquish his Congressional aspirations to resign from Consress and accept the ap polotment at Oovernor Johnaon kanda which he now holds DICKSON IMPORTANT FACTOR But Dickson who figures as an Im portent political factor la said to pre far to continue his work aa a member the State Taxation and Revenue Commission No word has been given out aa to whetner or not Alexander McCabe Johnson private secretary wW retire with his chief Rumors run both ways Finishing touches were put on the Governor announcsment today He has been in consultation the last few days with a number ot his closest advisers Among members of the Legleture there waa talk of a farewell to be given to Oovernor Johnson arranged by the State Legislature with fitting programme after he has made public his plans for retiring and for depart vre for Washington aa United States Senator a lw Ski EGISIATURE VIEWED FROM THE GALLERY a jv By EDDIE BOYDEN HRONICLH MI 1 rived but after that the wheals be ItRAU fteerw lggd saeate Mareh It seemed In an Instant as though eVArV IllMman hat 4wAtAka4 IftlA Blackemlthlna itUdent of pomology Not until the la no longer fair maldena had gone did the legla trade QUOtnlftlv lnAr mitrmA In tvlAA Ing the usual amount of wind pres sure necessary to patrlotlng McCray the patriot from 8 haa a county velopedand en I There Is nothing prehistoric about larged Into a small daughter of Aaeemblyman akllled profession Oosttlng In fact llttla Marie Is Just and Ilka all other out two stepa ahead of the at supposedly maa manac despite the fact that aha Is cullne callings no larger than a pint of peanuts Tes laMav VbIa kka Aa a haa been Invaded by women terdar Maria attended a tea I read tha other day that a woman the home ot new acquaintances diploma to Iowa waa granted pratlce blackamlthlng That a nothing at all Why up In Shasta county we have an Amaion who la the champion smith of the territory She has been known to shoe the wildest heree In the county In private life Assemblyman Mc Cray la a commercial traveler and lommerilal travelers are some story tellers a Match your step wss the vhls pered word heard In Senate and As sembly today Nosing sround 1 found the cause She Is Mra Henry Ward Brown charming and fluent matron from Burllnareme Mr Brown Is here to see that tha solons do not pull a bloomer when It comes to Indl vldual attitude on the proposed an nexatlon of Ban Mateo county to the city and or San ranclsco In other words the beauty from Bllngum Is fernlnst annexation and heavy on the fer nlnst Fddle Wolfe one of Ssn 1 ranclaco a Supervisors already li wearing a nervous look now that Mrs Ilrown haa wheeled Into action and ained 1 er oratorical gum on annexation achemes MIS FIGHT ON Mill Bill Measure Backed by Chamber of Commerce Up for a Publio Hearing STRIKE SETTLEMENT AIM Act Is Intended to Minimize Industrial Disturbances on Public Utilities county COMPENSATION FOR SALOON MEN ASKED OF STATE Hop Grower Asserts Bominger Bill Should Provide Payment for Bunnell It Would Deitroy CI1ROMCLE BIRBAV laeraaaeate Mareh It That the saloon men of California should be compensated by the 8tate of California for the loss of thslr business was the argument sent today to every member of the Mate Eenate by Donovan a hop grower of Santa Roaa lie gave tl opinion that at least II 000 Otto ahould be appropriated to pay for flxluree and the like If the Rorolnger bill that puts the aaloon out of bualncaa ba cornea a law Senator Romlnaer waa asked If 1 I erould accept such a proposition aa an amendment to his bill He said he would not lie said It waa entirely a a There waa large excitement on the Sacramento river early thle morning when on of our statesmen Shepherd the anchorite of the As sembly was fished from the stream after swallowing a couple of quarts of the stuff which purls under bridges To all corners ex plained that he went fishing snd fell out of a row boat But later he confided to me as fol lows I started out this morning to go fishing I prepared a lunch sand onion Th tim fnr th rv rnmmitlctl 1 7 7 7 I a openea in ppr Dig ana ooin Qnlona fell Into the aqua In an In etant It lathed across my mind that preiclous onions must bs rescued So I simply dove after them After whlcl li sauntered over to the rtgar stand to shake Elsie for the smokes the Ooettfnga As nearly as I can get It tha Other little girl was not as retav evnlna In tha Sen generous as he might have been In chamber en the compulsory medl sharing her toys with little Marie aaa bill that waa Introduced In the Wall said Mra Ooettlog If any Legislature by Assemblyman Charles body bad treated me that way when Ooeltlng of San Franclaco Repre I waa a little girl I should have come sentatlvas of the Ban Franclaco straight home I Chamber ot Commerce will make the Mttl Marie ehruraed liar tiny ara umenta for the measure which shoulders and ssl I Mama things have changed since jour day I lapped her face and stayed Home little Merle 1 Tlerhle Slater the pink cheek patriot from the alley of Bonoma to riav declined an Inx llatlon to don a diving ault and arte on the bot torn of the Pa clflc In and around Monterey ba As chairman of the Hah and Oame Committee In the Senate It rb I was being Importuned bv Thompson the statesmsn from Santa Barbara to visit Montersy bay to In vestlgate abalones Why exclaimed If you 11 come to Monterey I II get you a dlv Ins suit so that you can go to the ocean floor and see for ourselt how scarco these delicious shell Ash are No chan responded Ilerhle you might cut the string and then the Senate wo ild be out one of ita lead Ing lights llerble doean like hlmaeir a bit does he There Is on flls In ths Assembly a bill which seeks to throw mora pro taction around the waa drafted aa the result of atudles by the legislative committee of the organisation The bill alma at the preventloa by mediation ot attlkea on public utll Itlea It will be oppoaed by the leaders In union labor circles Including the labor legislative commisalon which has been actively at work here during the aeaalone of the State Legislature The measure will be heard by the Public Utility Committees of the Senate and Assembly It Is one of the bills which hae been Indorsed by the hambar of Commerce The other Is that of Senator John Ballard known aa the antl boycott law This Is also being oppoaed by organised labor The Ban ranclaco Chamber of Commerce Is making an open cam palgn on ths mediation bill asserting that It purposes to accomplish by legislation tl method by which In dustrlal disturbances In so far as the nubile utllltlaa are concerned may be lTAlrVTrN Fault jJl I Ure ii Amen csnus mora fa mlllarly known as the Inn a on bear Jack Pet tls the eagle eyed erupter from Fort Bragg scanned the bill I today and de tected what seemed to him to be a Peter Maloney the champion boy monologlet of the Path of Gold senda me the following If the dry bill becomes a law the only thing that win be brewing Is large amounts of trouble fl tt Fifty Oakland High School girls each of whom waa of the peach varl ety stormed Into the Capitol today to watch the legislative wheels go round The machinery waa running smoothly until the peach crop ar stood Mendocino county statesman and offered to substitute for the words Ursus Amerlcanus the words plantigrade omnivorous quadruped of the genue Ursus Amer Icanua The asms being according to tha oracle from Fort Bragg the true and correct sclent flo cognomen of the lowly cinnamon bear It rained cats and dogs last night and part of today Alt of which called to the mind of John Bal lard the tall aycamore from Ia An galea tl at It rained during the flrat day of the aesslon of 1891 and rained during each day thereafter while the Legislature waa on the Job and the aeaalon laatad ninety one daye avera the long treaaed legislator from the City of Angela Fish and Game Commission Urges Law to Stop Marketing of Trout Restaurant Men of San Francisco and Lake Tahoe Fishermen Oppose Bill Before Senate CHRONICLE BUREAU SaerasBesnta Marek II The Fish and Game Com mission will go to the bat next Wed nesdsy evening at a publio hearing in the Senate chamber on the bill It Is backing to stop ths sale of trout In this State The hearing will be before the Fish and Oame Committee of the Senate rank Newbert presl foreign to his measure and should be dnt commission haa defended Incorporated In a separate bill If the author of the plan desired to get It before the State Legislature Women Are Injured When Autos Collide pedal Ptapatek te Tea Cbroolcle PALO ALTO March II The auto mobile of Dr Wltllame Palo Alto phyetetan and prealdent of the athletic board of control of Stanford Unlveralty waa struck by a speeding machine on the State highway here tonight Mrs Fred Heine and Miss Irene Watsrman of 4 I Mfth avenua Kan Francisco who were In Ihe ear drl by Fred Heine bill on the ground that market fishermen have uaed ruthless methods of destroying the flan to get large catches ftr pe jnlary profit The at tempt of the Commission to put up a barrier to the marketing of the Rah has been resisted by the Lake Tahoe Fishermen a Union and there Is a David Starr Jordan Ready to Start East STANFORD UNIVERSITY March 11 Dr David Starr Jordan chancellor emeritus of Stanford University will leave hero tomorrow for New York and Washington to ronftr with palntar living at rolleaguea and officials In tha raat aa petition before the committee from the reatauraters aaaoclatlon of San Franclaco oppoalng tha paasaga of the bill I may be aet down aa arbitrary and all of that sort of thing said Nswbart In defenss of the bill today but If the people of the State knew how ruthleas was the handling of this fish by market fishers they would view with aa much alarm as does the Commission the destruction to our wild natural life that has been going on In many caaes It has besn checked This bill la but In the line of the Com mlaslons policy to further check this waste and deatructlon IS WIN Tornado Kills Two Score And Wrecks Indiana Town CMilaei Freea Page II Member of House Asks That Ships Be Taken Out of Honolulu Harbor FEAR SINKING ATTEMPT Teutons Renew Plan to Send Craft to Bottom Is Charged Special CerrMfMHieeaee ef The Chreelrle HONOLUIU March a The Oerman refugee merchant ships the machinery or which waa destroyed by their crews ssveral weeks ago at the same time an attempt waa made to burn the Oeeman cruiser Oeler are still moored In the harbor of Mono lulu In the opinion of some members of the Territorial Legislature the ships constitute a grave menace to the water front Bernard Kelekollo a member of the House of Repreaantatlvea haa Intro duced a resolution demanding that the Board of Harbor Commissioners order the Oerman vessels to be towed out of the harbor and anchored out side on the ground that attempts to sink them might be ma le again OOFS TO COMWITTluK The resolution was referred to the Military committee of the lower liouae and has not yet been report ed on That fi rther damage hss been dons to the I Ig Oerman freighter Tom mern by her crew and that explosives were foi nd aboard her a few days sgo la reported Vigorous hammer Ing was 1 card aboard the essel Naval guarda were Immediately eent aboard to make a thorough search According to their report they found tha Oerman sailors busy constructing pig stlts on ths deck A BLlKp Further search the report ststea revealed that the building ot the pig knee deep agalnat the proteetlng wall of the basement they remained there until the storm had subsided A revised fist of the dead follows I Jeaiee Nellie rr Derm Mr Joke Ilerl Ore lie Daele ate a nn of tlrar Kafle Mra Archie Fletrber llaler renat itansater er Joaa lleler Raaer twelte rr el I eea ef Rater Mra Arrkle WHItenem Mlee Oael VHHIemeofl rtanghter ef Mr Wllllaai ena lewtna fWniee Par Jess Par Mra Mtrr Willi Mra vara nitftee ler nf Mn wllllaaM Ereeet watermaa ased Hill am Leerrr aied Tl Ttael Par ased IS two eaee aad ope her saMeatlSetf Among the missing are TII lam Perl MeUae ae twe eeea Mra 5ewtee Will aai lwery Reports reaching here early today from surrounding towns were that three persons had been killed at New Usbon three at Moreland and three at Mount Summit TWO lllllmK KILIED RICHMOND Ind March 11 Twe children were killed and a man prOb ably fatally Injured In a tornado near bare late today The storm spent Its force Just south of Hagerstown where two children of Harvey Oray were killed when a brick house waa demolished Ora Smith a farmer waa picked up by the storm and carried lot feet and dropped Into a pond Ills back broken and he probably will die TIIIIEK DEAD AT CIXtJK ATI CINCINNATI March II Three persons are known to have lost their lives four others are probably fatally Injured and a score or more less seriously hurt ss the result of a tornado which tonight wrecked thirty haueea In the residential district of Hyde Tark In ths eastern seetlon of this city Tl known dead are Matthew Me Crlh Jr aged 1 years Omer Olenn Nelson at Urace and Orleet avenues Buffered the heaviest only a fsw residence being undamaged The wind reached a velocity estimated at from sixty Ave to seventy miles an hour In all six aquares felt the full force of tha storm Telephone and telegraph poles trees and wreckage or nouses made Impassable To add fire broke okt In a number of the wrecked boules making rsscus work difficult It Is balloted there may be other persona burled In the ruin and lata tonight police and firemen were still at work searching tor poasible Mo Urns MATOR CAI LS FOfl HELP MUNCIE Ind March 11 Mayor Rollln Bunch received a message from Mayor Lab Watklns of Newoaa tla early tonight saying The town la gone ssnd all the help you can OMM KILLED NEtR DAtTOv DAYTON March 11 One man was reported killed by todey tor nada at Brookville fifteen miles from Dayton a score of houses wsre an roofed In Dayton and fifty homes re ported demolished without loss of life at Trotwood near here In Day ten the storm passed quickly I IH1P Fair Volunteers Replacing Men in a Wide Variety of Positions ZrLZV FLYING CREWS AT WORK to the confuaion Daughters Mothers of Men at Front Prepared for Any Emergency Old Man Falls Asleep While Smoking and Burns to Death Edward Cotton 75 Years of Age Loses His Life While Alone in His Room ALA11LDA March It Edward Cot About two weeks sgo according to ton years old went to sleep with ponce me oio men sppeared be 10000000 People Approximate Toll Of Big World War Caatlaaed Freaa Page I wounded and 45 000 captured and mlaatng Belgium and Servla the two small states overrun by the Oerman ma chine after desperate resistance have both lost very heavily In proportion to population Belgium a casualties come to 112 000 with 80 000 dead SJOOO wounded and 10 000 captured and mlaalng Serbia a dsad come to 00 000 her wo inded to 11000 making a total of II 000 with the number of mlaalng and captured large but un known Germany among the central em plres Is given as by far the largest loser her total casualtlee being 1 116 100 or itl 000 leaa than France Her dead come to 193 200 hlch Is slightly hlsher than ranee while her wounded are set at 450 000 and her captured and missing 245 000 proportionately the lowest of the na ing on YnteTor without havng I oppose pasaag suffered a bloody rtrat and with a rvct i hA Juhi highly efficient meilcal service Mrs 211 Buena lata avenue a In the houae when the pens apparently was only a blind to tr aTftlr occurred The room In which kI a imm ri be ant waa badly burned and charred within the ship and that sled had hJdfl11 tH1Zr been uaed to lomplete the work of mated Was found by neighbors destroying the machinery which was begun prior to iebruary 3 a The crewa of all the German mer 1 tirtD PFPORTS chant ahlpa who were arrestsd reb AK tVCeirVJIV a aj marv 4 and removed to the Immlgra A tlon etatlon have been released and allowed to return to their veasels On some of the vessels are mlnla turo farms where vegetablea arc ralaed Hume of tie sailors lave gone In for chicken raising and I ave Urge flo ks of fine birds The Board ot Health cleaned and fumigated the veasels when ths crews were removed hi i i i fi A hraf nee i ana com I pislned that his son Fred Cott 10 aeatn tonignt He had a room at the home mechanic at the Union Iron Works bsd put him out of his home at 1212 Park street and be had no place to go The case wss postponed In the hope that the son and the father would become reconciled and In the meantime the father went to live at the home of Mra Lewis VIVISECTION BILL WILL BE HARD FOUGHT Humane Societies Lining Up Opposition for Battle Before Medical and Dental Committee rllRONICLH BLHKAl Kaeraaaeata March 11 The State Humane Asso elation of California and the Callfor nla Antl vlvlaectlon Society are among the organisations that GERMAN BFRLIN March 11 by wtrsless to Payvllle fter Infantry lighting yesterday with Brltlah troops near Irles on the Ancre rler front aas the official statement today Oer man rear guard detachments In ac cordance with the orders of their commanders retired to the Teuton main poaltlona trench attacka launched yester da between the Rivera Avre and Olse were without succese Re newed attacka agalnat the Oerman poaltlona on Hill 111 and on both sides of Champagne farm It Is add ed were sanguinarily repulsed not withstanding the use by the French of strong forces and large supplies of ammunition Danish Vessel Sunk And Six Men Killed LONDON March II A dlapatch to the Central News from openhagen aa the captain of the Danish steam er Rosborg 1174 tons has telegraphed the owners of the essrl that It has been sunk His of the men of the crew were killed PARIS Fehnisry Jl Correspond ence of Ihe Assoclsted Presa Thra thousand women volunteers are flow In the service of Ihe national defense the Asaoclated Preas la Informed by Mme Fmlle Routroui wife of the eminent French philosopher and cousin of President Polncare Mme Bou trous presides over the Women Wlunteer Fnrolllng Committee besides directing the auxiliary hospital Installed In the establishment of the Thiers Foundation for original re sesrch Hhe said Hundreds of our volunteers are replacing men In clerical positions Others Incl idlng many society women are looking after the ehll dren of women munition workers Utile by little oir volunteers are assuming every kind ot auxiliary service women are capable of doing Several different crews of women 0l11nteers have been helping organise tha distribution of coal In Paris during the severe weather At Saint Ftlsnna our volunteers sre supervising tha distribution of sigar cards releasing lust so many men for military service We have ready at all times what we call flying crewa that are at the disposition of different depart ments of publio administration for new or 1 rgent service anywhere Permanent crewe are being formed to establish new ktndergar tena in populous quarters where reside many mothers who are engaged In making shells or cartridges dur Ing ths day and I ae no ons to look after their children Others are or ganlslng canteene near munitions factorlee for the accommodation of women workera Women from all classes of society are enrolled by this committee those in easy circumstances working gratuitously others for ich pay aa may be given The main object however Is to enlist women who have never worked before Increasing the number of hands mailable for mechanical and other tasks and Increasing the producing capacity of the country ery few In captured wounded but her offensives have led her Into heavy losses In dead Nearly one third ot her losses are estimated to have been suffered around Verdun Austria Is only slightly less heavy a loser than Oermany with a total of 1 411 100 Her dead however only number III 100 and her wounded 115 00 Her captured and missing run up to 451 000 owing to the heavy loasea of prisoners In the two retreats before the Russians Turkey also has been a heavy lossr having a wide sweep of front from Qallipoll through Syria Arab a Meso potamia and Armenia with serious pressure from British Russian and native armies Her total is glvsn as 107 000 with 117 000 dead 110 000 wounded and 70 000 captured and missing Bulgaria Is the smallest loser th the meager total of 20 500 largely be cause the Serbian campaign waa won merely by the threat of her entrance Into the war Her dead total 7500 her wounded 7000 and her captured and missing 1000 FRENCH PARIS March 11 French troops last night made set oral sue cessful surprise attacks on tha Oer man trenches In ths sectors of Las slgny and Canny sur Mats and north ot Jury Wood In the Woevre region ssys ths official statement today I lfteen prisoners and machine gun were captured before the Medical and Dental Com mlttee of the Asssmbly on Mar to Rnaintr 20 Asaemblvmsn Hush Baldwin preal DUllie MS IUglTlK dent of the Humane Aaaoclatlon aald Milgtm Fmm StintlaffO liuliv there wera hundrada of netl I lTlllVS a TUIIl JUIIUUJU tlona coming to him from all over SANTIAOO Cuba March 11 The the State urging votea against the Government forces and the rebels are bill Thla bill goea to legalise vlvl fighting twenty miles from Santiago ssction by compelling the pound The Cuban gunboat Matansaa with keepers of the cities and counties to Colonel Nlcolaa Jane special repre deliver dogs and cats to medical In sentatlve of Presldsnt Msnocal on atltntlona aald Baldwin That la board arrived here today Colonel 1 Just what we do not want to do In Jne had a conference with thecom California Vivisection goes on but mander of the United 8tatea mine we do not want to stamp It with the Sn Francisco authority of ths Stale The Stale Humane Society la a Brnaa Paaeela Mlaelaa Fred Meyer federation of all the Humane aocietlea Howard atreet tie tee poiie lf of the State numbering 10 000 bera I aorctlas bis proper tr st las Marleenta atreet ftaturder se rouud eererel braui fa reta veined at IIS mlaalas Woman Will Teach Oriental Creed Here Miss 8ekamakl ssfd te be the first woman taacher of Shlntoism to come to this country arrived here yestsrday on the eteamer Korea Maru tor several ers she taught this Orlsntal creed In her native country and now Intends to teach It hare both through lectures and a magaalne which she propoees to establish 1110 Stanyan atrsst San Franclaco to the preaent crisis confronting tl received epralna and bruises when the Nation Beyond the statement that machine collided with that of Dr ha Is emphatically In support of Pres Williams In tha automobile with Ideot Wilson Dr Jordan would say Dr Williams wars hla wife and two nothing of lie mission nor how long Children who eeraped Injury he would remain In th East WELL KNOWN JEWELRY HOUSE CLOSES ITS DOORS THE HOUSE OF SILVER RETIRES 1 The Houae of Silver tha well known Jewelers who succeeded II Barbler at 111 Grant avenue corner ef deary strset have decided to re tire from buslnsaa and their atore has been leased to other pertlee Their magnificent stock of high grade watches diamonds silverware clocks and gsnersl line of Jewelry must be disposed ef I mnedlatel and prices will be no obje when the alora reopene for business aj 10 alack this morning Tha diamonds were selected two year at by II Barbler the well known expert aid ha a been ill tel recently In lb 111 iWslfu el platinum and gold aelllnga Tha fact that the dlamonda were purchared ao long ago Insure prlcss very much be low the present merket rales Sale of the stock la compulsory ss thronagaint Inelet upon th disposal It at one If prices will sffset It etr baa been oleaed to ar lent fer th ssl which will begin todsy March lilh at 10 A at the old location 11 Grant avnu A glance at the goods displayed In ttielr window will bow eome ef th gVaat reduction which hav bee mad Mr William A Oalvla will be un hand te rclv eld cu tooier Ad I 01 i saB of ru 1 Ijgj bch no embarrassing sounds shing and gurgling water can raid from the 7tyr closet TtwK rt suppresses those sounds you do not want to hear yr fei is an unusually attractive closet It is made of pure white vitreous china white all the wy through Like all the TPttific line it is guaranteed forever against any defects in workmanship or material VTrlte Ur Folder Jfa I Kwyeta Siicat CUitf Ifiacific Plumbing Fixtures Main Office and Showroom 67 New Montgomery St San Francisco Factories Richmond California in BOWEN i SPECIALS for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Ton snow are figuring close whe we hare to split the alrkels te price oar special sales Nobody Is naderselllas as Our specials will rontlaae as loaf as we hate goods to sell regardless of market rendition TEA SALE EogUtfc Breakfast blend lb 42 Oar reg We tea 4 lbs OO Me saved oa lbs good tea BEK BRAND CEYLON Beg sOeX libs 3 HO lb B3e COFFEE SALE AXBEB BOTAL lb ran 32 Beg tie and It can I lbs 05 WORLD BBAND lb 3Ue Be 0e balk lbs 17S Fresh Irons oar roaster No charge tor expensive containers premlams etev here joa pay jast for the tea and coffee IT make 70a a special price each week Watch ear sales BUTTE Hazelnut Creamery 2 lbsq 75 EGGS Extra fancy large and while doz 30c 8ABDINES In wine or tomato saace 1H 01 can special 121 FLAKED CODFISH Inderwoeds all codfish prepared Ige can IN flMIEXTOH street peppers lO dos etl20t Ige can 1TH dos XACAUONI SPAGHETTI VERMICELLI Alphabet World lb 12M LOOANBEKBIKS No ran IB dos tl7n CATSrP Solders 2J MINCE MEAT Home made last chance pt Jar 35 qt jar 03 TOMVTOEM Sea Foam No can bv case ds 1 10 can 12H rOTTED BEEF A Sandwich Paste 10 far OS FBE1CH I STABD Famous Los It Ireres bottle 23 GINGER CLOVES CINNAMON A extra slreagth ox en 8 VTALNITS Soft shell extra taloe at 23 3 lbs 1 03 lb 22 PILL PHKLLS Dos 3 Sliced Famperalckol jar 22 SALMON PASTE 10 cans OB KIPPEBED SALMON ran 14 MEDICINAL LIQUORS HOME WINES WHISKEY Old Mellow Bje A Lof botUg gal 300 boL 83 COCKTAILS Earlj snd Often popalar kind bottle lOO BBANDT Extra California 11 A Co galloa S3B0 bet DO CLAHETV a mild rich table win gallon TO 8AUTERNE Plata Vista dot YaUe 1 dos largo bottle at lTS This white win resembles the fameas types of French nines 8HEBBY OB PORT No 1 Callferalat faljea IJIO hat WO APBICOT CORDIALtaMorala bot IV bottle SO HAOET SHEET CIDEK Delicleas wholesale hot 30 dos 380 CANDY SPECIAL Satnrda only 0 MoUsses Taffjt lb 30 SO aUTTKR STItEKT Sivea natter I Ska CALlrOHMA VTHKtrr fheae West 11 101 HAIUHT STHBttT rseae Market I OAKL4NU aTUMM Illll i rwaelwart UkUe TOO Tray Sale 65c 200 350 135 225 150 250 500 A LARGE assortment of fine trays is shown at the special prices given above COME are plain mahogany some laid mahogany some are mahogany with glass covered cheerful colored tapestry bottoms CTILL others are made of dull gold wicker and effective tapestries THERE are small trays and large ones oval round square and oblong TTHE Sale takes place on the Main Floor Main Aisle NatK I THE HC AivoirnaiM HOUSE OF HOUSEWARES VJ GEARY 6 STOCKTON STS UNION SQUARE See Those Little Black Spots One Great Britain another it Belgium one Servia Youll learn a whole lot more about the great World War and tbe part acb aatoa plays if you study it geographically from a CHRONICLE ATLAS ihe world 19x25 inches Contains 24 page of map aad data Photographs of the rulers of the world aad all President the United Stales A LIMITED SUPPLY At the EJjeFOtttrll Mn 45 Cents ft Cm EITBA BY DAtlt.

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