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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fe OTiiii lii ri i MtALKMyHISNTHONY SPEECH MADE BY REV ASXA Sir MADE BY 8HAW Kne5 Edivards Hoore Tell of the 1 Success of the Caue Is i Heir Zealand taaldnsrproYisions to eradicate eviland soSeriag i rlr In support of this she told of Twbmen jgolng year aTtetyear to jet pooeo from thellttnols Legislature to foufid an Industrial home Xor lrtslitthey had failed Men witaoVotesTin live days sot the State to appropriate 30006 for atooytfliomei Atihe close of the lecture many signed the books tookpetlU6nrrollsaBd several large subscriptions were madrto thelandV VidSsT Jaitas it wao thouKhfrthataUrhad lbeen dandtiontrochenmealiid iyuu naaonnaoaueniiTeimcnercame orward andtgaye anlnteretingVacvr counuoi sunrase in newzeaiana and iiLRv inorougmy sausneatsjujwereiwiin the change The lady was lme EdwardsEdwards Moore at present visiting In this dtr Ttf jv The next parlor meeting ytarill beat Lime Sorbiers 220r Yantwess aVenue Thursday afternoon a tjcfelock 1 1 A FRIEXD IXDBED PI re Tbooiaiid Dollars Sabscrlbed to the YlICi AJBaUdE Fund President Valentine efthe Young Mens Christian Arspcfatlonqfectlved a letter yesterday fromtiifrUttd 0 that organization rubscritttngTSOOO toward the 100000 which the directors have undertaken to raise for the purpose of canceling the tadfcbtednesslncurredby the erection of the new building at the northeast corner of Mason and Ellis streets As the total amount now subscribed vQtigp mmm 251 MH lllfclllll Mrs Austin Sperry opened her beau tiful home at 2100 Pacific avenue yesterday afternoon for the first of the aeries of parlor meetings to be given la furtherance of the suffrage propa ganda Mrs Sperry was assisted In receiving by her daughter The large library was the point of central interest and in it a malnritv or issfioo the directors feel confident the guests were seated Through the i that the remaining 12000 will soon be doors the crowd overflowed into the i ured and the building freed of in WUIard room andhalL I debtednew and prove more than self ft aJuL i supporting The membership is con 7 J7 Wh tr8ur he stantly increasing State Suffrage Association Introduced i ttgSinnSii BAILEY HEAVILY FINED to a request for an explanation of the alms and possible good of suffrage Miss I Anthony said it was so vast a subject that she hardly kpew where to begin i tut would commence on that part which was of most vital concern at paesent I the necessary work In order to secure the passage of an amendment when it came before the voters of this State on the 2d of next November She said I am delighted to hare Charles A Bailey the druggist at the opportunity to talk to women who Grant avenue and Sutter street con ARRESTED ALSO OK A CHARGE OF PERJURY Judge Campbell Imposes a Severe Penalty for Selling Morphine iipprintlie A THOUSAffliiiESiBOtliHT THE mtREj xai cbaiFAsr OF THE Great ResourcesVof the zStrand Country tbBeSpeedlly Developed fe afre comfortably circumstanced to those Who have had good fathers kind broth ers and have married tbe best of men Who do not believe that husband and wife are one and he is the one Ladies thus fortunately circumstanced can afford to advocate for the sake of right and those who needed it this plea for equal rights which has been before so unpopular Your work and influence vlcted In Judge Campbells court Fri day last of selling morphine without a physicians prescription received a sentence of 500 or six months In the County Jail at the hands of Judge Campbell yesterday In the afternoon he was arrested on a charge of perjury on the complaint of Mrs Sarah McConnell mother of young Hall who was con srill do much to further th fnr vlcted of vagrancy a few days ago which we are all striving And remem Baileys attorney first moved for a her In your work that every vote counts new trial but It was denied I have that of the most ordinary man as well as the talented statesman Election Is the day of all others when men are absolutely equal before the law Remember what dignity the franchise gives a man Think of how hard friends will work to get the erring one pardoned if but for twenty four hours before the expiration of his sentence so ae will not go through the world with the stigma that comes from the inability to vote To give women the ballot will give them an added dignity It is not a ques ro personal feeling In this matter said Judge Campbell but I propose to stop this damnable traffic in morphine Every morning the dock of this court is crowded with human wrecks driven to crime to satisfy their cravings for the deadly drug You are a man of intelligence and should know these things Yet you convert your drug store Into an opium Joint and a whisky mill In the case of Chinese I usualjy In filet a penalty of 100 or 150 but with tlon whether the laws relating to women you It Is different You are a Christian are good or bad If they were perfect I and well educated and there is no ex would stand for fifty more years If I ruse tor thus violating the law when a could and ask for universal suffrage I legitimate drug business will bring you because It is right i a competency The Judgment of this Hev Anna Shaw was next introduced i court is that you pay a fine of 500 or and after telling how mnch good work could be done she said that it was what Webster called the rub adub of agitation that told In the end By that an opinion could be formed which would find expression Continuing she said Many women call themselves conservative Why the conservative women of to day were the radicals of yesterday and we are an doing things socially polltlcallly and religiously that would shock our grand mothers Why In time to come Miss Anthony will be styled one of the most conservative women of the day No woman can escape from the added dignity which will come Any kind of power commands respect Beauty is power so Is intelligence so are riches and why not the ballot jMlss Shaw told of her trips to places where women voted in order that she might know exactly what she was talking of and gave graphically a picture of the uniform kindness and courtesy extended to women She explained that in Boston where women vote on school questions it had become general for women to avail themselves of their right and where at least thirty five polling places were In saloons before women voted they were now in school houses She told many amusing anecdotes and said When women have the ballot they can better do the work the world be Imprisoned in the County Jail for the period of six months An appeal bond was filed and the case will be taken to the Superior Court Mrs McConnell swore to the complaint charging Bailey with perjury before Judge Low During his trial Bailey produced a certificate sighed Morrison which he alleged that Mra McConnell gave him when she pur chased the morphine The lady and ner mend Mrs Forter swore they had iio order or prescription He was released under bonds of 2000 Judge Campbell has received a number of letters from druggists in different parts of the city commending his action in Baileys case Judge Conlan has refused to try the case of Otto Jackson Carrolls clerk on the ground of his friendly relations with Carroll Johns Brings Salt William Johns yesterday com menced his threatened suit against the Markeit street Railway Company to recover 60150 damages Johns Is the stockbroker who was ejected from a car after his transfer had been confiscated and who resisted to the extent of soundly thrashing both conductor and grip man Th street car employes caused his arrest on a charge of battery Johns was tried before a Jury on this charge and promptly acquitted Puget sound is excited by rumors that the western terminus of the Great Northern Railroad is soon to be finally fixed at Belllngham bay and this means a boom for New Whatcom and Fairhaven towns which adjoin each other andare practically one The Great Northern crosses the con tinent between the Northern Pacific and the Canadian Pacific and strikes the sound at Everett In latitude 48 degrees from which point it runs northward through New Whatcom to Vancouver and southward along the Sound to Seattle in which latter city it has been doing most of its western terminal business though It does not own terminal grounds there Its western re pairing shops art at Spokane about 160 miles east of the Sound These shops were erected outside of the city with the understanding as Mr Hill president of the road says that whenever a municipal governmentshould be necessary the territory occupied by the shops should be annexed to the city of Spokane Some enterprising residents of the suburb however thought they would rather hold all the offlces themselves so they obtained a separate town incorporation under the name of lnilyard and thus threw the whole burden of maintaining the new town government on the railroad property This action offended Mr Hill who said it was a violation of a contract and an unjust burden on his company and therefore he gave public notice that the carshops would be moved from Hill yard and that the order of removal would not be revoked or modified by any compromise About two weeks after this announce ment reports were published that on the 13th Inst deeds were filed in Whatcom county conveying the Great Northern Company an undivided one half interest in 1088 acres of land including nearly all the frontage of Chucka nut cove or bay part of Belllngham bay This land is well adapted to be used as the terminus of an extensive railway system and has little value for any other purpose Chuckanut cove is two miles long from north to south and half a mile wide with an entrance a mile and half across and two Islands In the line of the entrance The water Is from three to seven fathoms deep at low tide and the shore is solid ground with good opportunities for building wharves The land however begins to rise near the water into high hills so that though there is room for warehouses and shops there is none for residences and tbe people employed In the terminal buildings and yards must find their homes outside of the tracts recently conveyed to the company For several years Seattle as the largest city on the Sound has honed to ob tain the shops terminal grounds and main western omces of the Great Northern and recently when Mr Hill was there a party of local capitalists urged him to buy from them at a moderate price a large tract of valuable waterfront property in their town but he refused because he said his company must have its terminus at a place where taxation insurance and the cost of land and wharves would be less than at the one which they offered to him No other spot equally good could be found at Seattle and his decision meant re moval to another city The notice of fSe intention to abandon Hlllyard the purchase of the land at Chuckanut and the rejection of the Seattle offer all occurring within a period of a few weeks are evidently parts of the same plan of now making apermanent terminus on the waters of Puget sound Belllngham bay is about ten miles frqaaorla fcsoutf andflverailes wde from east to wesuwith aa average depth or abot twelyerfataomsV and good holding ground and excellent anchorage i for sJMts shipping Its chief towTJJ New TVTiatcom theshlre town Of WhatCOm counts nossesodrnr iLhniit 10000 inhabltantsland a larcT nf level Uhd about thirty feet above the seai with room or a very large populai viuu irameaiatety adjoining it on the SOtith is Ihe town Of Fairhaven arid a mile south of thatla Chuckanut ove wmen latter piace nas been notable hitherto or nothing save its tjuarrr of excellent sandstonemuchused In the costly stone bulldlngsof the cities on the Sound The Nookiack river empties Into the northern end of Belllngham bay and sweetens Its waters so that the te redo Is not so destructive to pllesas at many other places on the Sound Besides its line across thexontnent the Great Northern has aCcast road from Seattle through Everett and New Whatcom to New Westminster In British Columbia and can reaches new terminus at Chuckanut by constructing about two milesof additional track Everett has claimed to be Ithe tSound terminus of thejGreatiN6rthern but it Is a small place has no harbor accessible for large vessels at low tide and has never been advertised as a terminus by the company The capitalists of Everett have shown much enterprise by establishing a ship yard a wire nail mill and a smelter and by building a railroad sixty five miles sr nmi rilDMastlie Titifcspr i SAYS SHE ONLY DID HER DUTY vlf THE ALEIAJTDRAIFIRE PROVES jifi Hev Crew Think Injnstlce Has Hea IFW udbc laim nrsomipnihMi i sdRLt uura acconnu 3y tf You may be sure It was nota plea ant experience but really1 1 cant see bow you young gentlemen make me out a heroine dont you know I took the long to the Monte Crlsto silver mining voyage with my husband and mxjlace deck and shes as clever a littieWoraan ss ever came aboard a sea going craft Nobody knew Just what the danger was There wasfire down there Jiut we couidnx tell Its extentfi We were ail Interested in getting the bark Into port but It that couldnt be don why life neiore everytwng of course Tht tugs Fearless and Vigilant pumped water to the Alexandras hold an Monday night anda good part bt yesterday morning The pumping did not stop untirit waa certain that no VesU of the fire was lef unfJL In fact the Alexandra was resting on1 the mud which forms theflats beyond the ugar refinery When Is was decided that theflrewas quenched the wbrkof getting the water out began The dum on PVatC nQ WJant were reversed the tug Alert was brasghHntoserviceand the tons andton vof wateirwhich had gone i neganoo pourouL It was expected that th wtei4trralrt nnmnat out sufficiently Jboclock lastnlght vj cuuiciaeBrs to noaiwitntthe rising tide btrt th nAMiHi rtfconv Ail a frriarcouldbeJudgea yesterday the Alexandra isnotMamageda great deal butjhow muchsthe cargo is dam aged cannot be determined without fur ther examination and perhaps a discharge of the cargo It will doubtless be some time before the Alexandra gets under way for her port of destination pecJooner Helen Kimball Eap te Helltngson wnjCh was on its way ft1 Pfrt Hordi to Tacoma gets 150 a day for standing by thAlexan beginning with last Friday The third mate of the Alexandra went aboard the Kimball yesterday to settle up ah pay her off but It was too late to get a permit from the Custom house to remove from her the effects of the Alexandra and her crew so 1 that there i had to be a delay of another dav Ing the Alexandra or her insurers another 150 Jsundt00d that the Fearless gets 3000 for bringing the Alexandra into port This together with the fees for sianaing oy and pumping water in and oui win maae tne bill of the Spreckels tugs about 5000 JCMCaHXAJWMM tmm kj VlrJL 11 tJu jLYs RAILROAD IXSPECTIOjr Return of Southern Paelfle Railroad Officials With the exception of General Man ager Kruttschnltt all of the Southern Pacific officials who went on a tour of Is PLV Xi UlTrlBSBHBslaSWlTrSsK VV iffaV IIRaisDn JBaWaaTlaBBBBBBVIBBBVaVStlBBA i WV 7 WWVUf I imsaalf 1 Iftsa SbbbbbbI I ssa BBVm PARIJOR MEEm0 bPDFFRAOTStsATTMAHOilEOFtMB TIN BPEERT i I I W0ttGitotlifBmS nfaaHasaaaa dl A Representative Number ola ProesiTe district but these Investments have not yielded the anticipated profit The town has not enough business to attract the main terminus of a transcontinental rsllway In 1893 the Great Northern completed its line to Puget sound but crossed the Cascade range the continuation of the Sierra Nevada by a switchback in which the road ascends the mountain with sharp turns the engine going in front of the train in one stretch and behind it in another This switchback Is a temporary affair and the route by which it crosses the ridge Is unsatisfactory and therefore the company has been making additional surveys Rumor says tnat the permanent line is to cross the mountain with a tunnel a mile and a quarter long at the Cascade Pass about latitude 48 deg 30 mln to follow the Skagit river on the western slope passing near some valuable coal mines in which the railroad company has an Interest and to strike the Sound first at Fairhaven The Sound resrion enloved a mat boom from 18S8 to 1892 when the Union acme and Oregon Improvement Companies were embarrassed pecuniarily And were compelled to stop work on their large railroad enterprises In Western Washington Since then Seattle Tacoma New Whatcom Olympla and Port Townsend have suffered a great depression In their business but the country has great resources In its forests Its fisheries and its farming lands amd it must at no distant time enjoy a higher prosperity than any known in ine pasu DEATH OF ABRAHAM GUNST AX OLD TIME MERCHANT OF SAM FRAJf CISCO FTRE AND WATER ON THE ILL STARRED ALEXANDRA Conducted a Wholesale Badness la Georgia During the CItU War Is delegating to them As it isv woman lalengagedin making a crary patch worsr along the line of reform Thejnen arewllllng she shall gd out and tryto save the drunkard and find his wife and helpless children and patch them up temporarily men are willing that women shall form Dorcas societies and gteeiInkandyeilow teasrand all sorts of jworlc to get funds to do this worlds patchwork InsteadcOf intelligently get ttag at the source of the trouble and Abraham Gunst father of Police Commissioner Gunst died at his residence 1804 Sutter street yesterday afternoon at 130 oclock Hls death had been momentarily expected for several days The deceased was 84 years of age having been born at Hildeshelm Germany in 1812 He came to this State In 1853 and engaged in business in this city Two years later he went to Georgia and opened a wholesale dry goods business On the surrender of Atlanta he left Georgia for this city From 1857 to 1876 Gunst conducted a merchandise establishment where the Phelan ouilding now stands He permanently retired from business during the latter year The deceased leaves a widow three sons Moses Lee and Silas and one daughter Mrs Emanuel Katz The three last named reside In New York The funeral will take place this afternoon from the late residence of the deceased The interment will be at the Home of Peace Cemetery State Floral Society Annual Show The thirteenth annual flower show of the California State Floral Society will be held April 1st and two following days In the Marble and Maple halls of the Palace HofeLCSeveral teres ting features1 wiirbe introduced anda very flue display Is expected A choice musical programme wlll be rendered by a string orchestra Complimentary Invitations wlH be Issued by the society to the Lick Old Ladies Home Crocker Old Peoples Home Protestant Episcopal HomeXadles Relief Soclety and tbe various orphan asylums this cltyv KWTOHYClA3fS 1KD XIDWIYEB Your attention It retpeetfnllT called to the tMimVui moisUoa optet yih Bor4 rf HMlUk attaetrnMthiK arid on lh lata day Msrch 18981 BraorriiB Tiat on and after titar of AvrUV 19 all pHylcIR and mMlre aet comgrtic with the pror1loaf thetaweoenK lac Rexutratton of Births win immwUately precsld yr ii All pbyttefMs haTtsf railed to rtstaUrtheir Stsaator at th Saallb Ufflee vin pleaae da so at encsk By order Basra of Hlttt UvJ KOMOSIGOPCBAiXcrtry The Oakland office of 4ha ChroaklaV is bow at Srosfrrtriv was with him especially after he was hurt by the explosion though dear knows it was little I could do for him or anybody else for that matter him staying right on his feet and seeing to everything as was only his duty of course I Mrs Barfield betrayed some contusion as she talked of her late experiences twlxt fire and water and her refusal to 14ve her husband and the bark Alexandra of which he is captain notwithstanding that the cargo was a mass of glowing coals She bad read the newspaper accounts of the danger she as well as everybody else on the Alexandra were in and of her bravery in standing by She could not be angry about the complimentary things said of her and she didnt pretend to be but she was not conscious of having deserved public praise She sat with her husband in the cabin of the tug Fearless yesterday and talked of the matter while the water which had been pumped into the Alexandra to put out the fire in her cargo of coal was being pumped out again Here is one of the young gentlemen who make you out such a heroine was the way Captain Barfield introduced the Chronicle reporter to hiswife Well rm sure Im glad to meet him waa her response and greeting but he did very wrong in saying so much about me when really dont you know there was nothing to say Some of the things the papers have said have hurt the mens feelings very much YotI cant blame them They dW everything that men could do and there wasnt any shirking on their part i This Is my second voyage with my husband Our home Is atvGravesend near London I went with him because 1 was tired of being separated from him so much and thats the truths Of course 1 didnt expect any such experience as this and I dont want to go through it again but nothing shall keep me from going with my husSandln the fu ture iV --How did I feel when the danger was learned Why I hardly know isup pose LXelt like the rest of those aboard that wr must trrto saverthejvtKellf possible and If not we must look to saving ourselves 1 Mrs Barfield is a falr halredngllsh omaB wholookaacuahd talks like one who would meet anrmergenc thrust upon her Jwith calmness and unconscious bravery JThe statementrlthat Mrs Barfield appealed to the crewto star with the Alexandra till they brought her Into port made Ithe crew feel lmuch ag grieved She never snoka to the men atall said the matevvolclnr the feel ing aboardthe Alexiadra Stee never Inspection of the lines south of this city returned home yesterday They were absent eighteen days and traveled 2300 miles or a little less than half of the Pacific system They went as far as 400 miles east of El Paso to the Pecos river where some of the party saw for the first time the famous bridge over that stream It is the highest structure of the kind in America rising 221 feet above the bed of the river and is 2180 feet long From that point Kruttschnltt went on to New Orleans to meet Messrs Vanderbtlt and Depew The rest of the party returned to this rcity or their other points of duty The party consisted of General Manager Kruttschnltt Curtis Wallace Small Division Superintendents Wilder Frasler Burkhalter Mulr and Randolph and Resident Engineers Palmer Culverwlll Ambrose Swalne and Srouf tnlted Presbyterian Church Concert A concert In aid of the thank offering fund will be held at the United Presby terian Church Golden Gate avenue and Polk street Thursday evening An excellent programme baa been arranged in which the jubilee singers and several well luiownlocal artists will participate Eenewed attention to the Magazine idea has been direct especially of lata to the aeMerementa In th direction of cheapness The publishin of Schib hUEHs appeal to the readers who want the best material and are willing to pay a reasonable prica to insure tha highest staadati The Kew Tort Tribone speaking of maaxines a short time ago remarked that The yearof Scrlboer Magazlna just ended strengthens the Impression made from month to month that the topics treated araseleeted with iLrare Insight Into the Various laates of the body of msgajtlne readers Scrlbners is pocular without being puerile It maintains a high standard of quality wlthoutgolnglnto the bywaysot literature and art for subjects but presents to the people the thing that they themselves are thinig nd tiVlg about The endeavor pf the publishers is not only to carry out the very admirable statement of tha Magaxlnes aimj printed above but as cannot be said too often they mean every month to increase the Magaiines real inflaence and in the best sense broad popularity The contents of the April number may be pointed to as bearing out this purpose Ths number opens with an Interesting sketch of the life of the late Sir Frederick iLelxhton luxurious ly Illustrated by reproductions of pictures selected by 8ir Frederick himself Etlictsibytsi lrtUt1 the article MrCosmo Monkhouse Also views of bis bouse a fine portrait etc ENTIMENTAI TOMMTUf Rp rlers new novel reaches its third number ano estaDusces it is filrTredtrlekttlgntos with liprcdsetieu Btrrii Mutorfal UotbL believed the real supremacy of Mr Bar ries work The Ab r4avn taVaaaa Tpsiaiaa says or it ve nave sot only humor ana pathos but human flesh and blood human spirit and manifest dramatic powers Henry Norman who cams to America as correspondent of the London Chronicle at tne beginning of Htary lomu ta astrlesis 1 the Venezuela con troversy addresses soroerimporiaat suggestions and opinions The Quarrel of lhi FiB irihRnv Peoples Mr Norman waa thsnrst who succeeded In attracting the attention of Englishmen to the aerlUof thla Slcus fian ahd bis work mad a sensation ea both sides of the Atlantic HU remarks now addressed chiefly to Americans should meet wlfh a cordiarreading The rerlved Olrrapic games Is the sab ject of two kindred articles showing in Jtext and iHustrations the plan and purpoze Tit Oaati at Itltii of the athletic contests which are to taxe place Athens this sprtn cos of th tags by A Darat dt rmnlAi anrn subject has beautiful draw os of this ngS by Llnxom rennxlurlns 1 th scene and sports of the old dars sothat with the account of the new plans both the ancient and modern aspects of athletic sport are shown in comparison President CBenjamln Andrews ills tory of the Last Quarter Century Is brought to a close In thltltm mmm 4own to such recent and stirring events iexow uom Tkelmt Jmittee and the re jiorm aaministratron lln New Torkv ths tirenaents message ifi Qtsrtr0tury on the Venezuela nneaf tan a It may be said In this connection that no celved with more enthusiasm than this series by President AndrewaThe author at present revising and very greatlr enlarclnr hl wort ai ni 1 iSSSSf Xlk wJLube Published containing i vifli2 1 vi uraiions maaing it 1hlleTt1 KV0 of lasting value of this quarter of the nineteenth century Mr Richard Harding Davis contribute a new Van Bibber sto Btorlis Ij Slolard Hardisr Dtrii sad Jotl Clwdlir Harris i MISCKLLA2IEOCS CHANCE Of a LIFETIME The Wholesale Stock of Greenzweig cVCo 2 and 4 Sut teratreetIs being rotalied at less thanyhore3alo i costTher saving tb purchasers i3 enormous 7 rr hV 0WEJ iStisesnliVtlbbii ry entitledClnderl la which will not disappoint his read ers Another character istic storr ts Joel Chandler Harris en iuieu a nioy in ins Siege Professor John Trowbridge perhaps the first American to experiment with the Roentgen ravsahd a lasricss Bsymst Bglgffi t4rin vnausuauMSAsysiaiscoYery tens Just Iwhatpeople wantlttf know about the cathode rays anddoes it In a simple and Interestlna war niuc trated by his own photographs The Ethics cf ModeralournailsnL by MiSS Aline Oomn im also of tlraelr inter newspapers sre always subject ot euicruuning Q1SCUS Kodira JnrssliiTa slon and especially so In these days ofr sensationallsm and jnarked cheapness Tha three departments are entertaininir land touch lightly and Til DesirtaiiU iriSfrr upon ta ABf vepsnnsau jtoplcs of presentay iL Mic ne Of literature ot art and ths affairs at the wona 25 Ceat adaaSTea CHrVRLESCHmBNERSTioSs 1xsKsAroaw Vorki HOTEU i Siip jtelgoi HW VKS yyi Direct Enfranee from Market Street Open jaatlT 2gidnht THfMBlO BAITSAjr 01300 OIL cxTxxscTmi ar i mimw Wftk A araad Cmrt at tfc Muk UUta4rMgreBMtrapUritvrrtaMA w7m miw 1 imm iw BT 4 aasa ctrKaystsanan Kswsaaa aUa sacsNiwsHKi HttutHii rartsr ka saau stM at imsu ai ts fit a UtiuaaAl bmriu ir yl fflUlUI iJ S4 jC jj.

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