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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 5

San Francisco, California
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ify it Hff a If mmwwmmmmm mswm I psisjjsiSmassp 9 SX TXJtS CISCO CmiOTflCtE Sf WEDNESDAY DECEMBEK 18 1918 LT SI Railway Musical Satire Feature of Coming Bill at Pantage Commission misses Complaint of Pingree Company NO RELIEF IS PROMISED State Board Says Kings Lake Shore Line Is Deserving of Support Smell railroads cannot be expected to maintain rates as low as thos of the bis carrier or the reason that therels a dissimilarity In th volume trafflo and commercial and transportation conditions aeoordlng to a Stat Railroad Commission decision yesterday dismissing an otlon broufhtbT the Pingre Sugar Conv panr ot Kins county against th Kings Lake Shore Railroad Company for reparation based on alleged at eesslve rates for hauling sugar beet Th railroad charged a carload rat II a ton for hauling sugar boat from Corcoran to liberty Th sugar company hld thla waa too high and aocueed th railroad of discrimination In favor of grain producers citing a lt ent rat oharged by th Southern falflo na Santa Fa BUaJlf OOF STATS BOARD In It decision th Commission aaldi Rate that will yield a proper re tirn for well established eystem jnay prove entirely Inadequate for a mall branch road Whll It la neo aaary for th Kings Lak Shr railroad to maintain service throughout th year the revenues of th company ar derived chiefly from th trinspor tatlon of agricultural product during sv period of four or At month attar too crops ar harvested In thla ahort itn the carrier rauat cur sufflclent evenue to nabla It to effatt th rv au for th remaining months Thla railroad la newly constructed and should be enoourag to expand and net be retarded If it la to aerve th useful purpose of whloh It waa era tad fair earning should be allowed thereby affording opportunity for at tention of facilities and Improvement in service with corresponding benefit ts th territory tributary to Its rails XO OPERATIOpr IS URGED If the building of this road waa responsive to the needs of farmer and ibtpperi and auoh appear to bo th ease no obstruction aheuld now placed In the Way of Its successful Aeration It la suggested that a closer relationship hetween this carrier and Its patrons would increase trafflo with th resultant diminution of transportation cost which would ultimately be reflected In lower rates French Troops Enter City of Wiesbaden PARIS December 17 Haras General Comte commanding thai lltth corps of th French army tered Wiesbaden yesterday lElMsMlssssssssssi uraSBBBsai BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBss Vsssssi stsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSKA SSSSSSSSSSSSS stsSSSSSSSSSSSpP1 JstsSSSSSSSSSlI Kssssssssi Janet Correll one of the merry members of PanUget bunch of entertainers due to arrive for Christmas week Phil Adams tht Comedy Star Will Be Supported by Big Company THE Pentages bill opening Sun day la bright with alluring Yaudevirfe talent and will headed by a musical satire The Owl In whloh the oomedy star Phil Adams 1 supported by a big singing dancing and comedy company Tom Edwards besides being a ventriloquist Is an actor and a comedian of great ability and promises an un 1 usually entertaining act He will he assisted by Alice Melville Joe Rvm and the Oaynor Iris promise an aot of agreeable oomedy and sartorial appeal th Toungers will be seen In a beautiful posing act Taylor and Correll will offer a budget of clever songs and1 oomedy and Ruth Roland will be seen In th last episode of th ploture serial lianas up The current weeks programme Is proving popular with a slx eyllader musical oomedy otherwise called The Lev Race as th principal oCerlag Big Chinese Gathering To Dedicate Lodge geectal DUpetrh to The Ckiws1al MARTSVIIXB December 17 The nw U5000 lodge hulldlnc of th Hop Sing Society In Chinatown was dedicated her today by a high offl del A Ihl nHf Ua Chines from various parta of th oiate nirus ana ivresTon are her for th celebration which will last three days A Chines musical organisation from San Francisco furnished the muslo and several banquets to which county and city officials have been Invited will mark Mi ceremonies MATHER FIELD EVREUmGHJ BELAYED WEHGINE TROUBLE Three Army Planes Carrying Five Men Make Early Start From Sacramento MATHER FIELD Seeraraento December 17 Three Army airplanes carrying five meri from the field here left early today on a flight to Eureka CsL The aviator planned to top at Marysvllle Redding and Wee vervllla and to stop overnight at Eureka Ueutenant Gordon Harwell was In command of the flight Other pilots were Lieutenants Richard Lymer and Frederick Xrlckson They wer ao companted by lieutenant Bmll Xll and Sergeant Raw MARTSVILUE December 17 Three military aviators from Mather Field arrived her at 145 A today After taking on a supply of gaeolln and water they left at A for Duns mulr From there they Intend to fly across to Eureka Th aviators ware received by a delegation from the Chamber of Commerce KXOlrfKS OIVB TROCBIJ4 COTTONWOOD December 17 At noon today three Army airplanes dropped down east of town The squadron was In flight from Mather Field to Eureka and planned to stop at Redding for gasoline but engine trouble in on of th machines forced an allghtment at Cottonwood At oolook two of the planes flew back to Red Bluff to get some needed parts If repairs can be made tonight to the orlppled engine th thra planes will resume the flight to Eureka In the morning going by way of Redding and Weavervllle PLANES LfflAVEl ROCKWELL BAN DIBOO December 17 Three military airplanes piloted by Lieutenants Doolittle HsJns and a Smith left Rockwell Field at 11J today for an air mapping flight to Needles and return They expeoted to average about elghty flv miles an hour In th 110 mile airJllne flight and planned to return Thursday Colonel Harvey Burwell commanding at Rockwell Field was much amused today at a message Which he reoelved from a telegraph operator at Meoca to whom a message had been sent asking If ther was a suitable landing place for abrplanes there The operator replied Population of this burg Is three white men and two Indians No food no gas nothing but sagebrush Advise that th airplanes kp going Mecca was eliminated from the list of possible stops NEEDLES December 17 Three military aviators who left Rockwell Field near San Diego today for a reconnaissance flight to Needles and return bad not appeared hete early tonight and no word of their having been seen along the Santa Fe Railway had been reoelved Reports indi cated the weather was cloudy east of Barstow Much of the territory over which the aviators route lay is desert HippodromerBill For Next Week Is All New Comedy I iHsssss Jsslk LLLLLHHFIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbKV sbbbHjI fJssbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVV iEr fJtSSBBsHsl ft KrSV4 L4eBnsBBBW BBBBBBBBBsf 11 ssssssssssssssssssPlET iBr tssssHl CbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbF 41 1 4X aBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH i i ssftlff J1 i gBK ue eTji WbbhbpBbV PSBBBBBBBBBBBBBMifISSBBBHli I SbbEsbbbbbbihTsbbbbmS SAN DIEGO AIR SQUADRON WILL GO TO WASHINGTON WASHINGTON December 17 The squadron of four Army airplanes wnicn is nying across the continent from San Diego will come to Washington Instead of branching off from Bay MInette Ala to th Atlantic ocean The war Depart ment announced today that the squadron has completed 1100 miles of its long air trip Pioneer of Nevada County Dies at 85 William Crawford Came to California in 1856 William Crawford a Nevada oounty pioneer died yesterday at the horn of his daughter Mrs Boat 1001 Morton street Alameda age6 IJ years Crawford who was a native of Buffalo came to California by way of Panama In 1U and went to Nevada City wher lived fifty two years Durlna th first twenty flv years he was a hardware merchant and served a term as County Treasurer Later was agent for th stages running into th mining country tributary to Nevada City He had lived In Alameda ten years Two daughters survive Mrs Bost of Alameda and Mrs Carroll Crawford of 4 SOS California street this city The funral will at St James Eplseopal Church Sixth avenue and Clemont street nt 11 oclock tomorrow i i HOTEL TENBOSTE SAJT JOSE 14 mrr baatfol ironodtl Mttl for tonrlttt and fimilleti If prtTlct Baa Jma Coantir riab fnUt Uaka Mao ment CHESTER We KBLLSI AdTt Peasants Kill To Possess Land 1 vf very irain to Warsaw Brings Refugees WARSAW Monday Deeember It by the Associated Press Every train arriving her Is brlnglnr the families of Polish nobles landowners and sugar manufaoturers refugees from Ukraine and Lithuania wher bands of peasants ar massacring and robbing This Is particularly true of Ukralnla from which plaae the Germans ar slowly departing Th correspondent talked with Count Roman Potockl who was obliged to flee from his estate ad Joining that of the Countess Josef Olsyokl formerly Mies Patterson of Chicago In Volhynla The Countess left at the beginning of the war Count Potockl said Last year the peasants burned and robbed but this year they are killing since they want the land They noted that during the German occupation the owners came back so now they Intend to do away with the owners and do not wish to destroy property which they later expeot to own Fire Rase rlleoK eUKKATOON Ose neceraber 17 rtra todej wiped mit en entire Morkln tbe hesrt ef Eu Alberta riTt steres sre a tots 1 lees Florence Thorpe one of Will Kings merry makeri in his musical show at the Hippodrome TA TlCXT weeks programme at the 1 mppoarome is called a non JL 1 holdover bill everv act on It as well as all the songs of the Will Kins musical comedy attraction beingbeing brand new to Hippodrome followers The Klnr nroductlon will Introduce the full strength of his company Including his California oeauty chorus The musical comedy is called appropriately Oh Jov New costumes and new scenic effects are promised Marie Staub and her pretty girls win oner musical comedv bits Marcell Marlon and Janet Wlllard will present their original comedy Swam porum the Maybelle trio promises a musical surprise Rogers and Jones will offer comedy In dlaleot the Xafka trio In an Iron jaw exhibition and Mary Hill In a new set of songs and stories wilt complete the forthcoming programme This weeks attractive bill Is headed by Will Klnr nd tils bright musical comedy company In Tea Brother and Include nothing but the highest class acts on Its vaudeville programme IS Industrial Bureau Will Aid Soldiers The A has established an Industrial Information bureau under the direction of Wllmot Mlllhem Its purpose Is to give vocational ad Vice and guidance to returned soldiers and sailors PROMINHNT WOMAN DIES MOUNTAIN VIEW December 17 Funeral services were held here this morning for Mrs Catherine Fellows wife Of Otis Fellows one of Mountain Views best known cltlsensi Mrs Fellows sucoumbed to pneumonia brought on by an attack of Influenza She was a native of California and 83 years of age Dont ferft the trett Curtle Shidlo Luxe auction Today Sle Sutter street Adtt 250 DJULY HERE sf 178 Mustered Out Yesterday but Higher Mark Now Effective Oris hundred and seventy eight officers and jnen were discharged from the United State Army yesterday at Fort Scott and th Presidio At the artillery post 880 men have been discharged In addition to th number sent away yesterday whll II mor have been moved to Army posts within 110 miles of their homes for the purpose of being discharged From the Presidio 110 men have been discharged and 100 sent to other posts for demobilisation Including these discharged yesterday bCGOER It CRARGB Brlgadler Oaneral McClernahd commander at the Presidio ha designated Captain FDugger of the Ad juianfoenerars department as per aonnel adjutant In charge of demobilisation He has attached to his office a staff of aids medical corps meni quartermasters and railroad men who Issue tickets to the home stations of the former soldiers For the next few days 150 men a day will oo given tneir discharges from Cap lain uuggers orrice The demobilization at Fort Scott has been authorised to a point within 80 per cent of the peace ttm strength of tbe artillery forts protecting San Francisco bay No such definite orders nave Been received at the Presidio Recent demobilisation orders or transfers at the Presidio include bakery companies 111 and 411 all of the members of the school for cooks and bakers numbering 150 men and a few score United States Guards rERMANKlfT DCTT SOUGHT Orders wer reoelved by General McCIernand yesterday permittlnr of ficers who care to remain In the ser vice to make application for permanent service About 15 per cent of the Presidio officers hav already designated their dealre to remain with the Army Hew many will be kept will not be known It waa said until the sis of the Array the United States Is to maintain has been determined Strike Threatened by NY Marine Workers NSW TORK December 17 Marine workers on craft working In New Tork harbor will strike next Thursday morning unless before that time word Is received from the United States Shipping Board that demands of the union will be arbitrated It was announced after a meeting of representatives of the unions here tonight Employers previously had notified the Shipping Beard that they were wiling to leave th question of wages to arbitration but not the question of an eight hour day Th strike as planned It was said would tie up New Tork harbor traffic Smyrna Bombarded Ten shipyards employ more thani Four hours sleep ottt of twenty tro ar is enough iartriMpBanc eOOOOO workersr TUs 1 Wo9 of Series on Wqr sWms CUtkaag lMt1ssjlVflbf 9SUtKSSSBi INssVsVsM Every Fxuhauf Foundation is Marked by Hand THERE are over 500 separate patteens from which your size foundation is locted Each one i marked accurately by an cxpci cutter Vfhj aQ mis trouble tot a Bnen foundation fat a tnatri salt It tart troablo ltt tbe only way a tailor caa males a correct fowrklsTtVxi BoridrejCsi are marked aa essifly one if yen hare trained experts Pruluuzf assf mMI rig of the coatM reduced to a edence Bach pert fits jwt Eka the fabricated steel ships or gubrnarfare chasers 8eefax a fmkhed salt of overcoat helps yoa to appreciate the Talne erf markSag the fbundatkma one at a tine A fTflTirMtJ TlrveTtrfHv4 Tilrww CWMng here now Your sise mode and farbrite fabrio at 30 to 90 fitted by an expert jj jr 1 tMlft MriV MImJ ww i zi ay Allied warships tt Safe mm Infantiasid InTalids HORLICKS THE OIUBIHAL MALTED MILK in powder lorn ctuMr ATHENS December 17 Th sltua tlon in Smyrna 1 critical according to dispatches from Mltylene Toung Turk officials have posted armed bands In the town and these have been bombarded by the allied fleets liraButritionapbuiUiMlVi whole bod Invkorata nuranc nethars aaa More sratritiou than Ma comte tc Instantly prapand Rquncookint Sosttitites Cast T0U Sum Price Read feUDYARD KIPUNQV The Eyes of Asia With the old Kipling flavor I i i i 3 io 4 Shall the mighty maehinery of power which won the war be scrapped How can the millions of soldiers millions of women great factories vast capital compelling energy mobilized for war be employed to conquer the problems of peace MM Hows pur industries be Readjusted How shall our man power and woman power be distributed How shall business meet me new conditions How shall war taxes be revised How shall the great fleet of ships be owned and profitably engaged in developing Americas foreign trade What new fields for investment will be opened in Europe 3S information on all such vital subjects in TTi The TV AVE SEKVlv WAGNALLS COMPANY Pabllihen of the Farnou NEW Sundard Dictionary NEW YORK JifotfMimii JiMmmwn i dM Si mmMmmmmm i J1 Maiaim5BltfiJi vi Air IkiW1 yx.

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