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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 15

San Francisco, California
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5 PfPJf JH 1 6AJT FEANCISCO CHBONICLferEBNESDAT KAEOH 22 1905 fi 1 fy i si i i a i Wr vr i a i rr i 1tlMlM MnM ii tM iw hiiA VkA U2 AAai I Winf ion flGXlflM EdWln IT UrntnUt Tlnndif UinAvIB IL111 MMWUk Ml Rnmt rhirt LuinH hm 1mmImm 11 i tt IO 4Vlnrkfmffl Ihtt noldH Oat UNin Br i iUTERPOXfeMarel2K Th tlAlng gateiy of Wheat futures reported to the titn FrenV Cisco Merchants Exchange rompart tsfollotri i TABUniTiJRKs PAKIS rth Sl Tbe tloln rU 6 tuw Wff follotn 3 Mm 201 opiS 0c S3f 90c 80f 10ei 3tt SOe JUir 20 clMe23f Ate 23f COc 80 SOc 3It 35e Mr 21 tt3t r0 3f 0c SOf 19c SU SOe Mtr21 clo23f 60e Ztf80 SOf 20c 3Jf 3J 1 TVfiEKLT 1MPOKTS LIVIffiPOOIivUreV Tkl wuVh InivirO into Uetlnlt Ktndjm for tb pt tw i a im 5aooo 40000 VTUUKS 0 PASSiCE rti nttltiMef What b4 Flour i ptuti if wee Is qnrtM re a tPUwr Pnlte4KlnU COBtHiit Mareh ii iTO000i 1410000 Mtrth 20 yyy ti43jQQ0fr IJ70000 QENERAIr MJJtgETS BABLET CboU So 1 rMd S1S0Q123 IT tTdf 1 ITHftl 1S blilpplnr and Brew Inav SGiet 2Si Cbttlr 11 281 30 OATS 0mm1 chW White 1 42KA1 Ml BL 1 40fll CO Black 11 32U1 4A BXE Good to choice pel ctl 1 2VA1 5SJ COBN Good rtoW ptr ett California Bewi larp Yellow 1 3THQ1 40 small 4 aom loal Whltf 41 WUfll 4 mUfd 1A5 Ea II 8TH61 40 HAT AJrtJ FEEDSTUFITS ltT Pr toa Nw crep Wheat JKX313 50 Wheat ul Oit S012S0 Oat S11 Bar 17 Sei0 ClOTer fli Altalft J810 SO fctock ISfflT STBAW Good to choice per bale 234250c FEED CORXUKAL Choice nade per ion CRACKED QORX Cholca ttock par ton MIDDUNOS Per toa 2C021L BBAN Per too S21 60O22 Ml ROUND BAHLET Per ton 23 30028 S0 FEEDHIxed Feed per ton f24Q23 Cal filfa Ueal per ton 142 30 la carload lcU COCOANCT CAKK la lota of 10 tool S22 0 tooa 22 SO eaa qnantltj 23 Prlcetare nia ratea aod are lubject to chtof wlthaat uotte OILCAKE UEiL la lota of 20 tons 132 50 pe tea 10 toot ajoni ksoo wu qoan tllf 34 Pricee ara nflU ratea aod ara aobject chaaca without aotlee BEAX8 AND SEEDS The demtad for Beana la aot rljorom but la tk afxresata the oBtward moTement It of anf acieat tmobm to bold the market in a Arm do1 tloa for tellers TVnltee and Baoa are leaders ia point er demand and sound descriptions are dteldedlr Arm at the ton nines limss are selllnf tlovlr but holders are not Inclined to press sale bi ottering farther ooaceaskma Ia Seeds VluStard Is entirely cleaned nf sad values for Timotbr are a shads higher BEANS Prices per ctl tor sound selections lares Whits S3 003 small do S3 23Q3 50 ft i fszsosoo umu VS3 20 ueo stmr I2T33 Red Kidney 1 4 503 Btln dimired hi ot all descriptions offering from 50cQ2 a ci neiow rorefour axurea DRIED PEAS Prtces per etl for Al stock Nllei 32 2332 95 Green Peas 32 50 Field 40 KBED5 Prices per ctl Yellow Mustard nnnlnal Trieste nominal Canarr Imported Hemp 5 23 Flax 32 2582 40 Rape 222 50 TUnnthr 35 50Q Alfalfa California ncmlaal do Dtsh 13f314 EASTKB CHICAGO Uarch 31 Ne 1 Flaxseed 1 28 Xo 1 Northwestern 1 38 Prime Timotbr FOVLTBY A GAME Poultry was la light receipt yesterday and voder a snappy ctll the market was firmer and hitter for most descriptions Fins Yonaf Chickens and large Hena were partlcalariy farored and were quickly cleaned op at the Improved prices There were no further arrlralt of East ern ttoex bat the third ear for the week It expected to be offered to day Game was scarce and largely nominal la price PODITUT Old Boosters per dot 4 SOQ 5 50i young Boosters 707 50 Fryers 6j 60 Broiler SS 6015 Hens small 3 SOGfi srg 9 50aT Lire Tarkeys per lb 18020c Pressed Turkeys per lb nominal Ducks old AST yoaag 3T8 Geese per pair 32 SS 33 60 Goslings 3S3 50 Pigeons per doa old 1 2MH 50 rfluna lgeonsf3 603 OiUE Per dox Hare II T52 Babbits CottonUll 22 25 Brash 150 Gray Geese 303 50 Whits Geese 1 60 DA1IIY PHOTOTCT8 The Butter market dereloped a firmer tone yeiterdty under a good demand for local needs ad a rigorous call for shipping purposes both the north and south placlag some liberal orders With free supplies available prices were quetably higher but full outside figures were easily obtained for desired grades and the market cloaed well cleaned noiBB in an excellent position for seller The market for Eggs con tlonrd cnwttlfd ind coder re inppilei of the cheaper aorta euler price prettlled Bnylng was rather caattoos tt the decline and the general undertone leaned toward easiness The weatlier has Interfered with storing to a marked degree and as a reeult large lines hare been thrown an the open market While the top quotation for Btnch waa generally regarded a a extreme for the best selections occasional sales were still recorded at high aa 21c Cheese wtt In good request and the appearing prices were maintained with marked steadiness Receipts yesterday aggregated 72400 pounds Butter 186d esses of Eggs and 7100 pounds Cheese BLTTER rVr lb Creamery extra 20 Cretmery good to fancy 24 Dairy extra Z3 Dtlry choice 22 a4 Nominal Nominal 20 18 J1S 16HQ1TH 8 tore California storage Cittern Creamerr EGGS Per doa Btnch selected large Ranch good to fancy Btore CHEESE Per lbt California Creamery mild new extra 13 Q1SH CalUemla Creamery mild new choice 12 612H Ytvttg America 13 414 aUtUrn New Yerz Cream Cheddars ad fUta new 15 Q18 BA8TEBN CIUCAGO Uarch 2I On the Produce Exchange to dty the Butter market waa Una Creameries 2026c Dairy 18622c Eggs strong at mark 15Uc Cheese Irm 12cQlSHc NEW YORK Uarch 21 Butter and Cheese stranger Eggs Ormer Western first 21e pnovisiojrs Continued quiet CMdltteu prertll tkrongboat tie general market for Prorlskini but with the routine movement of fair volume the undertone jrt a steady one and prices are about aa pre elooaly quoted Barreled Beef ia a trifle higher HAMS Callfornls per laru4Q12H laat 124J1214cj Picnic BACON Prices per lb Sugar Cured Brsak fait lmJl4Vie EnglUh Cured Belly to 13 lb average lSQ14c fancy Short Backs lie medium clear lOHc tight medium dear lOUc seUcted clear lie light 12Hc extra light ISc IsABD Prices per lb are Tcs bble 50s 20s 10s 5s California pure9 ae He Compound 6ic Hc He 89ie laatern pure 9 8Uc a 0S4c 9e Compound 6V4e 64c 6e i TUc 7Hc It 3 lb tint the price per lb la He higher Us In Mb Unw PORK Dry Salted Clear Sides 94r BeUiee lOWe Backs SHc Pickled Pork clear bbl fl5j hrbU 39 15 Pig Pork bbl 22 hf bbl til 23 Souaed Pjga Feet hf bbl 5 kit BEEF Jfctr Family bbl 12 hfbbl 8 23 Family bbl 311 CO hf bbl 6 Uett bbl til 60 Smoked tt lb outside 13e intldet We CANNED anCATS CaUfornls Prleea are per dexi Canned Beef 2 2 40 Is 1 33 Lunch Tongue Is 33 23 Deviled Ham 40c J5C Chipped Beef nominal Terms yet cash no discount Prices subject ts changal without notice EASTEBK CHICAGO TUarch 2i PiTiTiioD were iretk eoedypcoif taking In Pork The market lacked support from packers Hlahsr prices tor UvaHoss bad a slightly bullish effsrt earl Inlha dar tmtbrieea toon eased off At the lxfMy Pork was off 12HJ15e Lard waa sewn TsHy iwoawei 1 rjRBSSBD MEATS ftirXi i --Spring Lamb la conUag to hand more freely ill li qaale4 atarsraer sharp decline feup pllea of ether Dressed Ueata keep well cleaned on aadths gcoeral market exhlhlu a steady ton at sustained valuet i BKEt le tbt Kor siteera MMei do aacend uaallty efOKe Ulrd quality We iv i aeavy itaiOH io sno nium ettci aecoad oualUy 6J third qailityj 4cS VEAL Per lb Heavy o4BHeaaedluaa 6cO HtfTei do euciught TftTVio poor Calves CfltSc UPTTOX Pr lhtl Light Wethera Kwet KK SlaCu LolilBlnee lbf Suckllnc 1 let 12c DUESiLD tlOOBrer lb H4gct Hwes HftTet bear Wetbart Bf former price are mtlatsined wiM marked irm neaafMttl ssA T4m 1iA In hnlnt aT AmtnmnA and tne outside rates are readuy obtained for A loea -CATTLE Xev Steers THsJSer teeondquaU JMrd quality Vic Nol Cowa ladiHilfer 6tVe tteonS nuIlUi 55Hj lUnT quality 4c bin Cowi and Heifers Scft 4ej Bulls and Sttgt 3414e Prices for all da acriptloBS less 50 per cent for shrinkage CALVE Ught per lb 4HS5c gross weight SBediem 4fI4hc heavy 3MS4e gross welghU fcREEP IYr lb Wethers Mo tW T7iwBt Bw 4JSV4C gxpen weight LAMBB-Per lb Sucklings 27303 per bead of 5Hcj5 per lb live weight HOOS Per lb Hard grain fed weighing Slve SO to 130 1 SUc 130 to 273 lbs 514c SM to 830 lbs 534e wgh heavy 4VeO EASTERN CHICAGO tJfarrn 21 CatUe ReeelnU 4000 8teady Good to prime Steers 31549 4 a poor to medium 50S5l gtocker and njyW WWiWJCon 1349440 Helfert 4l5i Cannere 1 ft33 40 Bulla 3 5004 ClveAi2 73350 llpglcelpt 15000 to morrow 80000 Strong to 5c higher I Ulxed and butchers 33103 23 good to choice heavy 33 30S5 50 rough heavy 3 103 20 light 50523 33 bulk of aslea 332533 40 Sheep Receipts 18000 Sheep and tmbs 10c higher Good to choice Wethers 33 T543 20 fslr to choice mixed 6M SOt Western Sheep 3 1003 00 native ttmW 5B07M KANSAS CITY March 2l rCittle Eecelpw 10000 Steady TNatlTe Steeri 41200560 native Cona and Heifers 284 73 Stockers ud Feeders 334 73 BuUt 12 SOm 10 Calves SStta Western fed Steers 42033 50 Western fed Cow 3325S460 Hogs Uecetpts 12000 Strong to 3e higher bulk of sales 51565 33 heavy 3 80B 40 Parkers 3 2033 30 Pigs and light 4 303 Sheer Receipts 4000 Uarket lOe hither Muttons 14 00ffl Lamba 3dtOAT50 range Wethers 3SO00 fed Ewes 4 0035 60 OMAHA March 21 Cattle Receipts 8000 Market 5c higher Kstlve Steera 3 T34J3 60 Cows and Heifers S3Q4 23 Cannera 213 Stockers and Feeders 3Q4 50 Calret 2 759 3 75 BuUa and Stags 2 2534 50 Hos HecelpU 8000 Market 5e higher nerT 3 C3423 23 mixed 5 103 15 light 3t5 17H Pigs 434 75 bulk of sales 41 e5 i7H Steep Receipts 3500 Uarket lower Western Yearlings 33 750 13 Wethers 35 oog 5 73 Ewes 4 7530 Lambs 0 7307 40 HOPS The price ef new crop Is 23fJ20c per lb according to quality EASTERN NEW YORK Uarch 21 Hope Easy FRESH FRUITS Receipts of Oranges yesterday were surprisingly large amounting to twelve carloads all of which were long overdue as a result el the railroad blockades following the recent storms Five of the carloads were consignment for tp dsys auction sale while the remaining seven were distributed among the stores In the open market Despite the Increased supplies and a none too active demand the market for sound selections of desired slxea held up well at previous prices dealers anticipating relatively light arrivals for the remainder of the week showing no Inclination to force sales of any ttock showing keeping qualities There waa much cheap stock available at low and irregular prlcea and large lines showing the effect of long transit were neglected although offered at ridiculously low figures Supplies of other Citrus Fruits about balanced trade want aod the prevailing prices were maintained with marked steadiness Apples continued trholly without feature and outside of a few small orders for the best lines the movement wss sluggish at uneven prices TROPICAL FRDIT8 Bananas per bunch Hawaiian 75cfl 75 Blueaeldl fl 603 Tineapples per dox Hawaiian 2 50425 at to site Datea Fard per lb OHCTttc do Golden 5c Smyrna Figs per box 14316c CITRUS FROITS Per box Oranges Navels fancy 1 65ffi2 choice 1Q1 50 standard dVgl as fV site Seedlings 5c2l Lemons 132 50 Limes 164 50 Crape Fruit per box 502 50 Tangerine per box 5ct2l 23 DECIDUOUS FROITS Applea per box 1 CH 23 DRIED FRUITS JiVTS ETC The firmness tn vslnes for Dried Fruits continues a feature but there is only a moderate volume ot business passing Prunes are showing more steadiness in tympathy with the stronger market East More Interest Is expected to be centered in Raisins now thst the organisation of a new growers association is assured Honey Is very weak and is pressing for sale at unsteady prices DRIED FBDITS rnces tor carload lots tt California commas shipping points la bags for 1904 crop are per lb as follows Apples Evaporated 4Mi7c Sun Dried noml aa Prunes Sack basis bJ for boxed goods sdd lie and He 80s to 40s 6Wc 40 to 60 Ms to 80s 2HQ2c 60s to 70s 2cQ 2 70s to 80s l21Ke fcOs to 90s lHIHc 90 to 100s lUe loo to 120 le Plums Pitted GSStte as to quality Peacke Fancy 9Hc choice 8H69e staad tru 8l46SHc neeleuy I5jjl8c iUVer Prunes 4H438C as to quality Nectarines White 7H8Hc rears uartieti unpceiea nsives stnay 4ve iC i sea standard SHQaftc Uoorparts fancy UHOlZttC NUTS Per lb California Almonds Nonpareil 164317c Ne Plus Ultra 164216c IXL 134316c Ijniguedoc Pecan ilQ12c PInenuts Z3c Peannts California 6Tc do Japanese 4H3c Braxll nominal FUberta 1213c California WtlnuU soft sheila No 1 UOlSe do 2 ltvailc hard shells No 1 llTa012He do No 2 lOgiOHc Hickory 8tll0e Oocoa autt 4Q4 60 per hundred EASTERN NEW YORK Uarch 21 The market for Evaporated Apples wss held at full late figures but buyer show little Interest for thf time being Common 43Hc prime 5435Hc choice 6Hc nd fancy Tc Prunee unchanged and quiet with quotatlona ranging from 2He to 6e for California Fruit while Oregon aell as high at 7c for the larger sixes Aprioota are quiet but firm with choice quoted at 10H3Uc extra choice llU12He and fancy 1215e Peaches unchanged at 10c lOVie for choice 10H104c for fancy and HHc 4315c for fancy Raisins show no fresh feature aave aa the supplies of cheap stock are cleaning up and the tone seema to be steadier Loose Unseatela are quoted at 4ViVie Iod dpn Lavera 1050125 and Seeded Batttnt 3HSc POTATOES AND VEGETABLES Firm prices prevailed for the upper grade ot Potatoes yesterday and close clean ups of the desired varieties were easily effected at the maximum figures There were no Coos Bay Potatoes In first band and 1 23 waa an outside figure for the best Oregon stock available River Burbanks continued In oversopply and being of low quality dragged at uneven rates Seed descriptions were In good demand at maintained figures the Eastern kinds being particularly active weet Potatoes were quiet at easy rates snd the moderate receipts of New Potatoes more than balanced trade wants Onions were Id fair demand and the market for prime stock was steady at the top quotation There waa still much off grade stock available down to the Inside rate In the miscellaneous ktnde of Vegetable there were practically no offerlnge of southern descriptions and values were purely nominal tn character Asparagus met with a good sale and prlcea were well somlBed the free receipt being readily absorbed between the demand for local wants and shipment and the liberal call for canning ftnrpose Rhubarb was plentiful at the appesr ng prlcea largo lines of cheap stock pressing for sale at the inside rate Peaa were In good supply and offering bad to bo extremely fine In quality to bring the eutaide quotations The bulk of fh day sales were closed with 4c the outside rate VEGETABLES Asparagus per lb Extra 6c No1 5JSHe No 2 3H4Hc Rhubarb per box 4083c Tomatoes per bdx or crate Los Angeles 1 25421 73 do Mexican 1 6032 Green Peppers per lb Chile 812c Bell Dried Peppers Southern per lb 12H15c Stockton lltfl2c Dried Okra per lb I0e 12Hc String Beau 20c Wax Beans per lb Green Peaa per lb 2M5c Cucumbers hothouse per dox 1411 50 Summer SquaSh 1 per nox eg riant per ID Unrile per lb 84310c Mushrooms per lb Marrowfat and Hubbard Squash per ton 30 FOTATOES Per ctl River Burbanks T6c4 1 Watsonvllle Burbaaks 1104x125 Oregon Burbanks 1431 23 small Seed Burbanks 142 1 13 Early Rose 1 4061 63 New York Burals 161 23 New Potatoes per lb 3c Sweet Potttoct T3e90c ONIONS Te ctl Yellow choice to fancy 3a S3 IIIDBS WOOLS AND SKINS Quiet markets are generally quoted for Hides but with offerings not regarded as excessive previous prlcea continue unaltered lOHOiie enoice sv etanaara to rigs one nttjaKc macs zttSHC Aprlcota Royal fancy 104311c cholei Northern Cholee 364E26el averts Middle Counties 184l20e Southern 1517el uregon Eastern etaple 2021e Clothing 1843 19ci Valley No 1 254326c Territory tMdabo Fine jzoe ueavy rine I6lcrine sie if Aim jj2fjfv wroslBf FlBe mifiimti HevylW ISftlec Fine Medium 18ft 19c Utah and Nevada Fine liaiSci NEWS OF THE WATERFftONT lTaisctv Heavy Fine 15l6cs Fine Medium ltHO isc JAontsBs iM cnicTi4jzc tine average 10620c Fine Medium choice 21Q22c Average 19620c btt hlouisv March 21 wool anil medium i al ITa llU grades Combing and Clothings 23624c Light LI 1161 MiaillCUa tUVClJ ildlUUI ftuvs AOijAU tjc Mi UiVf Atfitin iuv Washed S0637Ue uijijua uarcn i ine ooenngs at tb wool tales to day fcmounted to lattOO bales Good soft haired Meriik greaay realised high rates the continent paying la lHd for Combing There was a strong demand far Cross bredt and prices hardened Punta Arenas Wool told briskly at full ratet Americaat taking several lots AlSAR COFFEE AND TEA SUGAR The Western Sugar Refining Com Kny quotes net cash prlcea to jobbers in Call rnia Waahlngtoo and Oregon on order not less than 50 bbls or Its equivalent packed In 100 Ib bag aa follows Tablets per bf bbl 9 80 bxs 8 S3 Cube A Crushed and Fin Crcahed 3 03 Powdered 5 00 Candy Crsaa iated J3 90 Dry Granulated fin or cearse S3 SO Sugar 5 10 4 Crystal Domino JS 60 bbl and 50 lb bajs lOe addltJonal bf ptlt 25c tddltional hxs 50c additional per 100 lb for all grades Hogan Table and Fruit Dry Granulated 33 45 HHH Extra Flp Fralt Granulated S3 68 Terms of salat FW ear at Saa Francisco it loaded st refinery If not then delivered ts carriers In ban Francisco without charge for cartage Buyer to assume any and all loss for damags arising while good are in tranalL rem sitting leaking breaking and chafing Sellers responsibility ceases unpo delivery of goods to carrier IMfts are per 100 lbs and subject to cbahfs wltboot notlc COFFEE The leading grade of Coffee in Ue local market are quoted per lb aa follows Costa Rica strictly prime to fancy washed 1SH613HC rood to prime washed 10612c common to fair 6H69cr Salvador strictly prime to fancy washed 11613c good to prime washed 960Hc inferior to ordinary 6Hc6 Te Nicaragua prime to fancy washed llc3 13e good to prime unwashed Feaberry 9Hct9 10c Guatemala and Mexican prime to fancy washed ll614c strictly good washed lOVcQ UHf inferior to fair HjlOc good to prime trashed and unwashed Feaberry 94611 ic good to superior unwssbed 8J9V4c Hawaiian prim to fancy 12614c fair to good loQllHe Feaberry llfillHc TEAS Good medium grade Japan are Jobbing at 254230c KASTERN NEW YOBK Utrcll 21 Th rairket for Coffee future closed quiet at a net decline of CQ10 point Total aalea 15820 bag May 630c July 650 September 663Q870C October 875 November 683 December 6656680 Spot Rio quiet No 7 invoice 8 He 8ugr Quiet Fair Refining 4 7 16c On trifugaL 96 Test 5c Uolasses Sugar 4 8 1 6c Refined steady BAGS LEATHER AND CORDAGE BAGS Standard Calcutta Urarb Bags spot 6c June and July delivery Ji6He San Quentln Bag 550c Potato Gunnies 13c Wool Bats 8H lb 29c 4 lb 31c Fruit Bags Cot tou Extrs 7c do A 64c do aa do tc Jute light brown 6H6He do tttu Cnlth 7Hc LEATHER Extra Heavy Sole 814333c per lb heavy 29631c medium 28630c light 274J29c Harness heavy No 1 85c No 2 80632c Calfskin CScQH 30 Side Leather 16610c per foot Bough Leather 264330c Rough Split 10612c No 3 667c Head Split 263c CORDAGE Quotations are basts price on Inrolcei of Ill thih 10000 pound lc off on Involcet of 10000 to 12000 pounds tor all kinds and they are subject to change without Mtlee Manila Sisal Duplex IVln cir fl 16 dia and up15e 10e 9Ve Blaal Bale Rope UKQ12ie Terms 60 day or lu per cent discount for cash Cartage on all deliveries Extra lengths plain iatd Rope over or under 123 fathoms lc extra SiETALS QUICKSILVER S37 50639 per flask Special rate for carload lot for export LEAD Per lb Pig carload lota 370c smslltr qusntltles 4406470c Pipe efl7c Sheet 7Q8c TIN Plate per bx afenlo Roofing redlpned 3 23 Royal redlpped 7 73 Coke 4 706 5 50 Berkeley 4 75 Bar 30632c per lb Pig 80S2Hc EASTERN AND FOREIGN NEW YORK March 21 Th London Tin market was higher closing at 4136 2s 6d for spot snd 134 10s for futures Locally the market was held higher In sympathy with the foreign improvement Spot Is quoted at 29 63 62i 80 Copper declined in London closing at 168 8s 9d for spot and 68 Us 3d for futures Locally the market Is reported firm with very little If anything offering below 15 37H tor Electrolytic Lake 15 87315 50 Electrolytic 16 2515 37H and olstlng 14 8TH4J15 25 Lead unchanged at 14 8s 9d in London and at 4 6064 60 To the local mar market Spelter also was unchanged in both markets remaining at 23 7s 6d in London and 6 1566 23 the local market Iron firm at 54a 6d in Glasgow and 49a 4Hd la Ulddlesboro Locally the market It reported Arm with No 1 Foundry Northern quoted at 17 95318 25 Xo 2 Foundry Northern 17 60616 No 1 Foundry Southern 17 75618 25 and No 1 Foundry Southern soft 17 75618 25 MISCELLANEOUS I COAL Yard price for Coast Coal to dealers are quotea per ton ss roiiowt Botlyn 7 00 Coos Bty 550 Wellington 8 00 Bryant 660 Seattle 6 50 White Ash 3 23 New Wellington 8 00 Richmond 8 00 Beaver Hill 5 50 Cargo lots of Eastern and Foreign Coals are quoted per ton as follow Wallaend 7 50 Oastle Gate 860 Brymbo 50 Clear Creek 8 50 Cumberland IS CO Rock Spring 8 50 Pennsylvania hd14 00 8unnyslde 8 60 Cannel 8 50 Col Anthrscltsl4 00 Welsh Anthracite 13 00 COTTON LIVERPOOL Uarch 21 Cotton American Middlings 4S4d NEW YORK March 21 Cotton apot closed quiet 5 points lower Middling Uplands 823c Middling Gulf 850c sales 1329 bales Cotton futures closed steady March 768c Aprilf 770c May 776c June 770c July 769c August 7T2C September 774c CARGO FOR SOUTH COAST The steamer Olty of Para sailed yesterday for Ancon Canal Zone with a general merchandise cargo consigned to the principal Mexican and Central American ports Panama Colombia Ecuador and New York Among the leading shipments were the following To Mexico Wine 233 gals 10 cr Potatoes 231 lbs Dried Fruits 228 lbs Bread 20 bxs Paste 41144 lbs Soda 8 pkgs Oils 1 cs Cartridges 1 pkg Machinery 1500 ft Lumber To Central America Flour 3802 bbls 134 pkgs Groceries and Provisions 205 lbs and 5 pkgs Bread 123 cs Canned Goods 3 pkgs Olives 75750 lbs Rice 609 lb Cheese 178 cr Potatoes 7 cr Onions 890 lbs Dried Fruits 1362 lbs Raisins 1628 lbs Codfish 27160 lb Lard 19723 lb Beana 2419 lb and 8 ca Sptce95S gala and 60 ca Wine 161 ca and 120 gals Whisky 18 pkgs Mineral Water 10 pkg Baking Powder 1613 lb Malt 10 pkga Fresh Vegetables 23 bis Fresh FrriU 614 lbs Hams and Bacon 1609 etU Com 81 pkga Paate 642 lbs Tea 16 cs Table Preparations 23 ea Salmon 66 bbl and 4 cs Lubricating Oil 20 pkga Iron Pipe 207 pkgs Machinery 60 ca Dry Goods 4 cs Drags 32028 lb Cement 830 Coal OIL 2 ea Hats 8 coll Bop 3 ca AgrT eultnral Implements 64 bar and 84 bdl boo 43 bar and 12 bdl Steel 16 ca Tar 2000 lb Potassium 2063 lb Zinc 4 bale Bags 3 bales Hide 11714 lb Soda 6046 mo Rosin 132 sk Coke 27 sk Coal 120 coila Barb Wire 7 hewing Machines 9700 lb Tallow 6 bale Hose 23 pkgs Nails 48596 ft Lemper 8 bdls Brooms 87 pkgs Oils and Paints 30 pkg Building Material 57 balea Paper 13 ca Cartridges 100 flsks Quicksilver 33 pes Car Material To Panama Flour 750 bbls T21 gals Wine SH cs Canned Goods 1000 lbt Ttllow 500 gait Alcohol 12 bxs Soap 2 coll Rope 31 pes Steel 4 Cr Doors 59479 ft Lumber II ca Drugs 106 cs Paints To Colombia Canned Goods 23 cs 770 lb Raisins 5869 lbs Bice 3 pkgs Groceries and Provisions 370 gals Wine 4 ca Champagne 20 Beer 80 bxa Soap 20 cs Coal Oil To Ecuador Flour 600 bbl 400 gal Win To Jamaica Salmon 60 ca To Barbadoea Salmon 13 ce 20 Canned Fruits To New York Wine 63405 gals 1 ea Brandy 49790 lbs Dried Hides 100843 las Atphaltum 100 flsks Quicksilver 500366 lbs Pig Lead 250 bbls Sperm Oil 100 hale Cattle StmCmlnaVin riceM offterahavlL v2025 Ibs Uer Dross 9 bile Juifc SOU luminal In price mo offerlnge btriag bees To Spain Machinery 2 pkgs HIDES AJfDSKINS For ro ne lota pru Atomobir MWesateTHWS lb heavy I JIERCHANDISE FOR HAWAII 51lto lOH hctvyCoTeTtoln 10c The bk Martton ctain jeater 12c Stags and Bulls THcj No 2 JUte IctJ Jf PIP shipments were the fol HUMiali tht fci fl ifi is 2 Barieyt2netla tr7T ra a wueir o3zu id Miaannr Z3C4H ii Bna Kin AfKiz nam utt uaiir jva i 2oe No 2 ltc rV Lk i -pry iupo Vt 1301 bale Hay 4282 lbs Bean 38 ctl firn 600 x1b Oil Cake Mesl IS akn aiut lr hl Mnmti MeaclF SalL 31 5ft aYhl DJrt i rOB Ptes 5624 lbs Bread 1238 lbs Mum 3 09 eacn nuu i a eaen ury 1 Miiistufrsnras lb Surer 401 Cid Salted 31 73 each medium 8123 eaeh Sheep Pelts Lour Wool Sklas 1 134J1 78 each medtojp Wool Sklna 73ctJl 10 each short Wool Skins 50675c eachf ShearUag 15640C JVOOL Prites nomlnsL EASTERN AND FOREIGK NEW YORK March 3L Bides qaiet Wool steatr BOSTON March 21 White the Boston Wool 2968 lb Tobacco 65 pkgs Soap 10 carbova market la considered by dealer to be la a Acid 2 bdls UalU 33 bdls snd 3 bsrs bteel strona notltlon nuslaeas is Ilabt tn moat rradea II oois ua sa oars irns isu DUls Tank Ma The demand aa a rule favor Fin Wools terlal 1 cs Hsts 11 pkga Agricultaral vimple Lva warfs sssifc ii itt i i At mi inn hi rtm it Tftfre lag good bujlcg lattrett noted through Wools am In fair demand and moving rather 3C2 pe Sewer Pipe ICO Telephone Poles 4 ca urpUe MllUtuffa 8633 1M Sugar 401 ea Canned Goods iuu psg urocmesi ana revisions DWQ IDS int ter 623 lb Cneose 3100 lb Lard 13 Whisky 494 gals Vinegar 6321 gala Wine 10 cs Liquors 23 csk Beer 266000 lbs Blee 70 pkgs Paste 1600 lbs and 8c Codfish 240 lb llop 1117 lbs Hams 10 cr Onion 2 cr Gar ll Av in viicu Jriiui imk anMjtom liq vvw FH ClUaV I ins uaiensj ioa pagf aiBiszcs Jllcohol Through the Norjh Channel on Account of a Rough Bar CITY OF PARA SAILS FOR SqUTHERN PORTS Peculiar Predicament of the Barkentine Fujlerton Near the Harbor Entrance Was Anchored by Trailing Line An extremely rough bar forced the ateamer Alameda to enter fhe barbor through the north channel yesterday morning Werterly and southwesterly winds of no great flOYerity were felt by the Alameda on the way from the Islands but in aplte of weather and the rough aea off thla port the1 liner waa not at any time uncomfortable a a place of abode for those on board In addition to the cabin pasaengera the Alameda broug ht 182 Japanese immigrants who had sojourned among their countrymen In Hawaii sereral weeks or long enough to learn how to land here and get jobs without difficulty An unusually heary cargo of 1BS0 tons of Island freight was brought by the Alameda the most Import Items being 750 tons ot refined sugar and 4500 tranches of bananas The Alameda was five days and twenty hours on the trip The cabin passfngers were Dr 8 Jordan Lewis Mallie Psrmelee Anderson MUt Beraer Brett Berry Rankin Mr Reynolds Miss Ola Mr Callundan Ura Hamilton Timothy Hopkins Miss Hunt SAILS FOR THE ISTHMUS A number of passengers and a cargo amounting to S500 tons of freight were carried by the steamer City of Para sailing at noon yesterday for all the principal ports of the southern coast aa far as Panama A large part of the cargo consisting of wine and lead Is to be transshipped at the Isthmus for New York The steerage contained twenty two persons for New York and two for Coast points but no Chinese were carried contrary to the general rule Following were the cabin passengers Miss A Weeks Miss Weeks A 8 WlUlimi Irving Netuchtler snd wife Howard Frank Uatterstein and wife McUurty for New York Mr A Lwi Dr Wunderllch Mia Beatrice Wander Hob Kennedy Weber Htekey Victor Femandes for Coast ports The differences that existed between Captain Brown and his chief officer Graham Coghlan resulting from a slight quarrel at Panama on the last trip were patched up satisfactorily apparently for both officers sailed yesterday In the City of Para Both men place the blame for circulating an exaggerated account of the trouble upon officers of the steamer Acapulco ANCHORED BY A HAWSER At the end of a run of ten and one half days from Kahulul In tow of the steamer Argyll the oil carrying barkentine Fullerton was anchored In the shoal water of the Potato Patch near a breaking bar In a manner not to the liking of Captain Mackechnle The Fullerton proved a heavy tow upon striking the rough water on the Patch am the parting of a big slxteen inch haWsr connecting with the steamer lft the barkentine In a serious predicament But the huge line going to the bottom and trailing Its length of 140 fathoms held the Fullerton fast There was danger of being too well anchored and sail was ordered made while an ax was used to cut awEay the big hawser Then the Fullerton skillfully avoided the shallow spots and came into the harbor soon after dark Monday night The Fullerton was In ballast BEGINNING NEW MAIL DOCK The prospects tor clearing weather have encouraged the contractors to begin actual construction of the first of the newMocks for the Pacific Mail Company at the foot of Second street The first piles outside the seawall at that point are to be driven to day or to morrow according to a statement made by the engineers yesterday Healy Tlbbltts Co expect to have the dock finished tn about five months and by that time it will be possible to begln work on the second wharf for the Mail Company which will jut Into the bay from a point near the foot of Townsend street The present Mall dock will have to be torn down to permit the construction of this wharf FRANCOIS STILL OVERDUE The only vessel of the old list left on the reinsurance market is the Francois which Is creating no comment now and remains rated at 5 per cent Yesterday the British steamer Ben Clune arrived at Wverpool after a voyage of fifteen days from Norfolk and the British bark Oberon ealllns from Iqulque for Ostend put in at Rio Janeiro One new vessel the British ship Eskasonl was added to the list and rated at 8 per Cent for re Insurance TO DRY DOCK TO DAY Instead of working all night Monday night as was originally Intended the stevedores quit work on the City of Panama at 10 oclock and resumed the work of discharging her yesterday morning The steamer is now empty and at 30 oclock this morning will take a much needed trip to the dry dock for an overhauling inSCELLANEOUS NOTES The Pacific Mall steamer Peru was to have arrived here to day from the south ern coast but on account of having left Acapulco five days late is not expected to reach this port before next Saturday The liner Dorlo Is expected to arrive on Saturday direct from Yokohama An Interesting bit of cargo on the steamer North Fork which sailed for Eureka yesterday afternoon was an old trailer of the Market street line going to the Humboldt Transfer Company as an addition to their car service THE REINSURANCE MARKET French bark Francois J87 days from San Francisco for Runcorn BTJer cent British ship Eakasonl twelve days from Lizard for Limerick per cenL MARINE NEWS Branch Hydiographle Offlee Merchant Exchange San Francisco March 21 1905 Tb Tim BaU on the tower of the Ferry building wis dropped exactly at noon to day I at noon of the 120th meridian or at Greenwich mean time in charge POINT LOB03 Uarch 21 10 Weather cloudy wind northweit reIocttn 4 miles per hour COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Time snd Helghtaiof High and Low Waters at Fort Point entrance to San Francisco Bty By official authority of thaJSoperlntendent NOTE The high and tow water occur at the city front Mission street Wharf about twenty five minute later than at Fact Point the height ef tides is the same at both places OlH WT A Ml Ia MARCH 22 TO 28 Wl Mi 631 08l CS 6 635 04 66 747 08 55 03 sl 932 4 OS 04 fitlll0O 5031 6011200 1H WI IP Ml IP Ml 12331 133 233 3441 8001 i8 780l 64 61 48 46 43 4 31 48 MARCH 22 28 712 789 832 8 VH wio it lO 13 21 26 29 31 Sun Rise iJMl Son Set924 NOTE 1 the shove tabula tioa of tides the dally tides are glvenltt order of thelroc currence commencing wUb the early morning tide In the left hand tide column and the ue eteoisg tiaea as tnev occur tne usual fourth wtys addltlv to the chart deptha unless preceded by tb minus sign or dash whan tb noabrrs trafubtrsctlT froa depths fifes pa the CBart VIBIWll JM OJKKVW1 steamer ant ana to aauito usy ana tor tea next six dsys an as follow DEPABT Steamers For Sail Norwood Seattle friiiUar 23 Arctic Eureka Areata etc Mar 23 Branawtcfc Fort Bragg Ms 3 Montara JesttleTv TUsr 29 Cascade Astoria and Portland Mar 23 Homer Gray Harbor Mar 24 Redoado Astoria and Portland Mar 241 Boslta San Pedro and way ports JaCar S3 8tate of California SanDlego sad way A ports 4 4afif 23 Colambta Aatorls ao4 PrtUBd tiiiMar it FCBla Poiiit irtttt ni Albion VMar S3 Baialer SestUe and Belllnghtna Mtf 38 Sequoia Will a pa Harbor Mar 38 Northland Lea Angeles Mar 23 PcmoBs Eureka Areata etc Mar 4 Eureka Areataetc Mar 24 Harold DoIUrr Astoria and Portland Mar 24 San Pedro Eureka Areata etc Mar 24 Coroaado rGrays Harbor i Mar 23 Alameda Honorula Msr 25 City ef Panama New York via AneoaMar 23 Point Artni iltndoclBd gad PI Arena ilif 23 Rotnoke Los Angeles port tUar 23 Vtngutfd Eorekjti Areata ere i ttar 35 CltyfPnbU Victoria Pnjet Souad and Alaska kyMAr SS JeAnle 8ettle and Tacoma Mar 24 Scaen ean Diego and way ports MarjM orona Eureka Areata teMar 27 Oooo Bay Mewpart San Pedro etc Mar 27 Centralla Grays Harbor Mar 27 EUxabethCoqalUs River Mar 37 DeK Norte Crescent Olty Mar 27 China Hongkong via Hongkong Yoko ha ma and Manila Mar St Paul Astoria and Portland Mar 38 Plant Coo Bty and Port OrfordMtf 28 Breakwater Coo Bay Mar 28 A Kilburn Eureka and Port land Mtr 28 ARBrVEV Steamers From Da City ot Puebla Alaska Puget bound and victoria Mar 33 Pomona Rurska Areata etc Mar 23 Eureka Eureka Areata ett Mac 22 Vanguard Eureka Areata etc Mar 22 Norwood San Pedro Mar 33 Pomo Point Arena and AlbloaUar 22 south Bay San Pedro uer zx attha UvaSteekJnarket and with enrreat firely at luMtlned price Quotations Call Carbide 6 pkgs Bicycles and Sundries 83 coila i tide oecurriag the foUowUg morning lc VICTORIAArrl JPpUe ot all offerUgs refluirementa fornU Humbeldt and Mendocino 37627Hc Bepa 2X106 ft LtunbrS40CXbF Queen San Diego and way ports Mar 23 Point Arsas Point Areas i4 Hand dno Mtr 2 Northland Portland and Attorla Mar 23 Coo Bay Newport Baa Pedre ate Ur 34 San Pedro San Pedro Mar 24 Del Norte Cmetit City tUtr1 34 Wellinaton ttanaimo Mar 35 Eureka Nanalfflo sar36 Ooronado San Pedre Mar 26 Corona Eureka Areata ate Mar 23 St Paul Portland and Astoria Mar 29 Breakwater Coo Bay Mar 33 Koanoks Portland and war nerta uar 29 North Fork Eureka Areata ate Mar 26 Brunswick Fort Bragg Mar 36 Arctic Eureka Areata et Mar 2 Plant Coos Bay Mar 24 A Kilburn Portland and way porta Mar 26 Eliaabeth CoqulUe River Mtr 20 Umatilla Alaska Puget Sound and Victoria Mar 27 Sonoma Sydney Auckland and Honolulu afar 27 State of California Stn Diego tad arty ports afar 37 Eureka Eareka Areata ate Mar 27 Santa Barbara Seattle and 01ympIaMar 27 Santa Monica Gray Harbor Mar 27 Doric Hongkong via Yokohama Mrr 37 Pern New York via Aaeon Mar 27 Curacao Mexican Ports Mar 28 Bonita San Pedro end wty porta Mtr 23 Pomona Eurekt Areata etc Mar 28 Pomo Point Arena and Albloa Mar 28 Newburg Gray Harbor Mar 38 ABRIVED AT SAN FRANCISCO Stmr Maggie Whitney 4 hours from Halt moon Bay Stmr Edith Hall lid hours from Lady tmith Stmr Kroger Nordberg 87 hours from Grays Harbor Stmr Montars Relllr 91 hours from Seattle Stmr Bonita Preble 60 hours from San Pedro etc Stmr Alameda Dowdell 6 days from Hono lulu Stmr Santa Crux Alberta 12 hear from Santa Crus Stmr Samoa Madaen 46 hours from San Pedro CLEARED FROM 8AN FRANCISCO Stmr Senator Cousins Victoria and Port Townsend Stmr City ot Para Brown Ancon and way ports Stmr Corons Glelow Eureka Wh Stmr Narwhal Leavltt whaling Schr Marsten Gove Hilo Schr Premier Olsea Port Townsend SAILED FROM SAN FRANCISCO Stmr Samoa Madsen Caspar Stmr North Fork Nelson Eureka with tcbr Vine la tow Stmr Plant Nelson Coes Bay Stmr Breakwater Johnson Coot Bay Stmr Corona Gielow Eureka Stmr Senator Cousins Victoria and Pogtt Sound ports Stmr City of Para Brown Ancon Stmr Krnger Nordberg San Pedro Stmr Maggie Whitney Halfmoon Bay Scbr Vine Dannevlg Eureka In tow ef stmr North Fork Schr Omega Nyman South Bend SPOKEN Per stmr Alameda Mar 16 lat 25 20 Ion 157 6 stmr Nevtdan from Sid FrtBclsco for Honolulu Mar 21 290 A mtt a tilling vessel standing south COAST PORTS ASTORIA Arrived Usr 21 Ger stmr Arabia from Yokohama EUREKA BAR Bound in Mar 21 stmrs Alliance Eureka and Vanguard GRAYS HARBOR Arrived Mar 21 stmr Newburg bence 18 PORT GAMBLE Arrived Mar 21 schr Alice Cook from Port Townsend bark Cokma from San Diego schr Alex Gibson from Port Town end Sailed Mar 21 schr Spokane for San Francisco PORT HARFORD Arrived Msr 21 stmr Atlas with barge No 03 in tow from Ventura SaUed Mar 21 stmr Coos Bay for Ban Pedro PORT LOS ANGELES ArrlTed Mtr 21 itmr Cella from San Pedre REDONDOArrlved Mar 31 itmr Ottlllte Fjord from Eureka stmr San Pedro from San Sailed Mar 31 tmr Norwood for Ban Fran SAN PEDRO Arrived Mar 31 schr Taurus from Post Gamble schr Alpha from South Bend stmr Jaa 8 Hlgglns from Port Loa An plea stmr Aureua from Astoria stmr Shasta SANTA BARBABA Saned Mar 21 ttmr Coo Bay for San Pedro SEATTLE Arrived Mar 21 tmr Bertha from Sailed Mar 21 Stmr Dolphin for Skagway Mar 20 cbr Ralph Long for Alaska TATOOSH Pteted in Msr 21 stmr Centennial hence 18 for Seato ISLAND PORTS HONOIPO Arrived Mar 10 achr Wright tram San Pedro Bailed Mar sear Defender for San Fran HOROLULO Arrived Mar 21 Gall bi Cristobal Soler from Nitrate port stmr Sonoma from Sydney for San Franeineo Balled Mar 21 stmr Nevadan for Kahuhrijl stmr Sonoma for San Franeljeo MANILA Sailed Mar 18 stmr Sheri dan for Saa Francisco EASTERN POSTS NEW YORK Arrived Mar 31 star Calabria from Marseille Leghorn and Naplea stmr Hellgolav from Clopenhsnrn atmr rjlavsul from Naples Trieste and Flume ttmr La Oaa SsLed Mar 21 atmr Kronprtna WUhelm for Bremen atmr Print Oskar for Naples and aen FOREIGN PORTS ANCON Arrived Mar 21 atmr Ootta Blca bence Feb 18 AXTWBHP Arrlved Mar 10 ttmr Zeeland from New York BBACHY HEAD Paased Mar 20 Br ahlp Dundee from Blake for Paget Sound DUNGENESS Passed Uar 18 Fr bark Koeml from Rotterdam for Baa Francisco FALMOUTH Sailed Mar 1 Br ship Bardo mene for Saa Francisco Uar 20 Fr bark Dupleix for KARATZU Sailed Mar 21 stmr Adato tor San Francisco atmr Forerte for Seattle LIVERPOOL Sailed Mar 21 ttmr Sylvanla for Boston stmr Lake Cham plain for Hall fax and 8t John Uar 18 Br ship Llamore for San Francisco Arrived Mar 21 Br ttmr dung from Norfolk LONDON Arrived Mar 20 stmr Minneano III from New Yerk MAZATLAN Arrived Mar 15 achr General Bsanlfts bae Feb 23 MONTEVIDEO Sailed Mar 3 Ger stmr Memphis for Hsmburg MOVILLE Arrived Mar 21 ttmr Bsvsritn from St John and Halifax for Liverpool TiAGASAKI Arrived Mar 20 US ttmr Sherman from Manila for San Francisco KANAtMO Arrived Mar 10 atmr Eureka hi nee 15 Mtr 20 ttmr Wellington hence 14 4 KEWCA8TLB Ana nailed Mar 19 Br inlp County of Inverness for Saa Francisco Arrived prior to Mar 21 Br stmr Indradeo from MsBlia PALEBMC Sailed Msr 16 atmr Slcilltn for Sew York PONTA DEL GADA Arrived Mar 21 atmr Canopte rom Boston PORT NATAi Arrive4l Mar 20 Br ahlp Car narvon Bay front Oregon QUEEaiSTOWN Arrived Mar 3I stmr Oceanic from New York fot Liverpool and proceeded BIO DB JANElBOArrlT prior ttf Mar 31 Br bark Oberon from Iqaique for Ostend SYDNEY Ana Arrived prior to Mar 21 stmr Ventura from Ban Frandsoo Fr bark La TouridAUvetgne from Taeoma st MieHAEL SaUed ar ti8iHir gtiu Drsroman rom Jtew tork VBSTXOR Paed Mar 18 Br ihip Baraib rrom ABiwerpi lor san sranciaco Arrifeo ugr zi Itof Bride Tbt foliowbif aurrttsa llrtaies were Issued ytittrdtrV Dayton Vtndrnff aged 23 saa uenruae Lawlervlboth of JEW Meson tr rt Pletro CsndkJto 603 Green street 80 and Mamte Craso 484 Union street 18 Edward A Shivers Berkeley 21 and Elinors Rbouton city 18 i Edwla JT Flsnarsn 1217 Miaaton street 24 ad Lola Rutherford WtsonvUl21 Thomas Davie 36 and Catberln Adair 23 both of Metropolitan avenue Martin Kaesstle 3615 Sutter street 81 and Harriet Reed 40 Wlldey arenue 21 Mattel Smith St Helena 26 and Minnie BaUki 1621 Howard street 26 George 8 Eaites 87 sad Ida Bleb 21 both of Los Aaft jtm mmn Berth Kuh1 both this city Frank Heaatlnger 918 Reward street 29 and Bertha Ttsche 800K Folaeaa street 38 Edward Spotton 834 Taylor street 21 and Faaaie GaUager 3SS7 Pin ttreet 18 Alfred Gump 1234 Geary at rett 2i and CamllU Rosenblatt 2001 California street 21 Henry Krabkenhsft 84 and Frieda Bcha ler 24 both of thU city 1 i I i i 1 1 I i i ii AV i3WIlTHtiV OrIB In tnl dty Mtrcb 14 the wife of Ed HOelbcfasea JOHKSON IntlO city March 14 th wife of SamueiF1 Johon ef a daughter 6IMPKlN8 In this city March 20 the wife Simpklaa of a daughter kabriagmc DE LA TORRE MORALES Ia UU dty Msrch 20 by Jostle of the Peaeo John Van Noa traad Anthony la Torre Jr ot Saa Fraa clsco to Jesuslta Moralct of Mast tu8 MxieawV MOREHEJUJ EBINHAEDT UthU city March lV by Bar Schroeoer Harry Mort ksado hiB UUlrardtr 2 deaths Armstrong Annla ias Backua Oicar 75 Bockoek Denis 67 Brady Bridget 67 Brown 4ttS Bumm Margaret 84 Cochrane Mary 48 rvwr hl Cook Fernando 78 Engraber Catherine Galbralt Walter Gerbardt Julta 45 Gllmors Petty ChrlaUana TT1 RemphlU Elisabeth Hlcksy janaee 83 HantT Joseph 69 Krnger Maria 32 Luaatedt Henry 48 McDaniel H28 Mats Chariee 43 MUl JameaE C2 Moore James Overly Prlscllla 60 Prip Fred 64 Russell Dedrlck 66 Sehwsrschild 66 Sbermia Mtrtba 69 Stanford Jane 76 Woodman CL S2 0 ARUSTRONO In tilt city March 20 Annie Armttrong a nttlve st Saa Mateo Ctl iged S3 year 2 month and 27 day Friends nd acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Wednesday March 33 at 115 oclock from the parlors of Yalente Martol A Co 1624 Stockton tract between Green and Union Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery BACK US la this city March 20 Oscar Jerome Backus beloved husband Anna Backus and father of Mrs UT Holcomb Mr Dr Holme Mrs Dr David Hidden Mrs Beil and Oscar 3 Backua Jr a native of Nw York egtd 79 year Friend and acquaintance are respectfully lavltsd to attend the funeral services Wednesday March 22 at 2 oclock at the home 82 Monte Vista avenue Oakland Interment private BOCKOCK Ia this city Marcla 2i at the City and Ocmsty Alfflibotus Denli Bockoek nttlve of Holland aged 67 years BRADY In this city March 20 Bridget beloved wife el Daniel Brady and sister of Thomas OBrien and loving aunt of John William Patrick Margaret and Nora OBrien a native of County Waterford Ireland aged 67 years Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Wednesdsy March 22 at 845 oclock from her late residence 65 Clara street thence to St Patricks Church where a solemn requiem high maas will be celebrated for the repose of her soul st 015 oclock interment Holy Cross Cemetery BROWN In this city March 20 William Thomas Brown husband of Anna Brown father of Edward Brown and brother of John Charles Toil and the late Samuel Brown Mrs Wright and Mr Jacobs a native of Ohio aged 62 years 1 month and 13 days A member of Carpenters Union No 22 Friends and acqualatancea are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Wednesdsy March 22 at 1 oclock from Clark A Booths chapel 612 and 614 Van Ness avenne near Turk street Interment Cypres Lawn Cemetery BUMM Id tbt city March 20 Margaret widow of George Bumm and mother of George Bumm and the late Mrs 8 Banna a native of Philadelphia Pa aged 84 yetrt 8 months and 3 dayt Philadelphia papers please copy Friends and acquaintance are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Wednesday Msrch 22 at 1 oclock from the residence of her granddaughter Mrs George Hopps 3717 Union ttreet Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery COCHRANE Ia this city March 21 Mary beloved wife of the late Thomas Cochran and beloved mother of Thomas and Samuel Cochrane a native of Norway aged 48 years COGGER In this city March 20 Edward dearly beloved husband of Maggie Cogger and father of the late Edward Cogger tad beloTtd toa ef the late John and Elisabeth Cogger and loving brother of John and Thomas Cogger and Mrs James Fitxgerald and Mr Lixxl Nelll a native of San Francisco aged 20 year Friends and acquaintance are reepeetfully invited to attend the funeral Wednesday March 22 at 830 oclock sharp from bit lite residence 8384 Oapp street theaee to St Peters Church where a solemn requiem high msss will be celebrated tor the repose ef hi soul commencing at 9 oclock Iaterment Holy Cross Cemetery by carriage COOK In this city Msrch 20 Fernando beloved husband of Margaret Cook and father of Mrs Lyon a native of New York aged 78 year Friends and acquaintance are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Wednesday Mirea 22 at 3 oclock front bit late residence 929 Valencia street near Twenty first Interment Odd Fellows Cemetery Please omit flower DAHN In this city March 19 Bebert Dahn beloved husband of Agnes Dahn a native ot Iowa aged 25 years 7 months and 1 day New York Wyoming and Iowa paper please copy Remains at the funeral parlors of the Maaae Company 917 Mission ttreet EBZCJRABER March 8 Catherine Engraber Funeral service Wednesday March 22 at 216 oclock at Cypres Lawn Cemetery GALBRAITH In Vermont March 12 Walter Galbralth beloved father of Galbralth of Santa Crux Mrs Mary Masters and Mitt Alma I Galbralth of Berkeley Interment in Vermont GERHARDT In this city March 21 Jules beloved husband ef Mathllde Gerbardt rather ot August Jules and George Gerbardt son of Mrs Gerbardt of England brother of Una and Juliette Gerbardt and brother in law of Mr and Mr Arthur Davidson a nativ of Straaburg Alsace aged 43 years 3 months and 13 days New York and Philadelphia paper please copy Notice of foneraj hereafter GILMORK PETTY In thU city March It Christiana Mary wife of th late John 8 Potty and beloved pother ef Mrs Era 8 Gilmer and Mrs Tboma Foran of Vlsalia a nativ of Bahama Islands British West ladles aged 77 ysars nsonth and 12 days Saa Antonio Tex jDrspleas copy Funeral will take place Wednesday March 22 at 880 oclock from th residence of ber beloved dsoghter Mrs Eva Gilmore 1823 Sutter street thane to St Dominie Church wher requiem high mast will be celebrated for the repose Of her soul com mtnelng at 0 oclock Interment ttrictly prt vate Holy CroeaCsmeUry by elee trie funeral car from Eighteenth and Guerrero Btrettf iPlitte oolt ftowerf HEUPHILL In tkieltyVMarciS KUxabeth beloved wife of Rev i John Hemphill Friend tr invited to attend the funeral services Thursday March 23 at 2 oclock at Calvary Presbyterian Church corner Jackson and Fillmore street 5 Iaterment private IUCKEY In this titr Mtrcn 21 Jam Hlckey a native of Queenatown Ireland agea ea years if iBterment private 4 HDNT Ia East Oakland March ii at the residence of bis daughter Mrsp Arthur 1704 Nineteenth avenue Joseph Hunt a native of England aged 60 years 8 months and 26 days 1 rr loved wife of Henry Kroger native of Por Temue 4 rs seeaina ana xz dsys il i Mf LtSSTETyr In tbl clty WMarctf 31i Henry LuastedC beloved brother of Mrs Herman WObber Mr me Balpb Edward and Theodore Lunstedt a native of Sonora Tnol nmn countyaged 48 Jean 0 month and 28 dsv rr 1 Frnd and scqUalntanee are respectfsllr Invited to attend the funeral Thursday March 23 at 1 oclock from the Masonic Temple corner of Post and Moataomerv streets undrr tb suspires of King Veblomons Lodge Ne 2ow sou a sav XBiermeni Jiount OUvet Cemetery by electric car from Eighteenth and Guerrero atreets i MDANIEL In thlsetty Uarch Vl EdwU Henry beloved husband of Catherine UcDso lel and father of Thelma McDanUL and brother of FandH MeDanleL a na tlev eanFrancUco aged year 9 moatha and 26 day A member of MlUmaa Union No 413 and Court Kensington No no4sAOV ir Friends and acquaintance are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Thursday March 23 at 10 odortrrrom the mortuary ebapel of the Ooldea Gate Undettaklar Company 2475 sMIloa streat near Twenty Brtt Iaterment Tiount Olivet Cemetery i F0mcefi and membera re hereby notified to attend the funeral of our ate proUer st 10 Oelorh tmn iha uklngiComptnya prlorari4IJ Mission Hreet Mttlt TtawatMt Ussaa avtia asiryiisiiiiL i MAT2 IB bit city March 201cbarletJ bf nana or Meat Mitx native or ucrmany gd 48 year Remains eaa be viewed et the parlors ef MeAvoy0Htra Co 1230 Market ttreet near latb until this evening at 5 oclock when remains will be snipped to Portland Or for interment jr MILlJS In this etty March 20 James Edgar oeioveo nnsoana or Kaoeiic aiuu sou father of Dorothy snd Hurl Mills a native or sing sing Sew Yofk aged 63 jean and 9 months 3 Th funeral serf lees will take place Thur ly March 23 t2 oclock at the Mateaio Temple comer of Post and Montgomery street nnder the tnsplce or Orleattl Lodge No 144 and A it Iaterment Odd Fel toTl CMtU7v tf MOORE Eaterfd 1st rest in this ty Mir tr st his late residence 1903 Baker tret James Moore rJk Ts QVERLY In Berkeley March 19 PrisdlU Overly dearly beloved motker Mr Charte Mlcbelsen Jltt WBlaacbtrdBlehard Water Elwood and Harry Overly a na tire of St Joha ft taged tOyeart 11 months and 8 daye i Friends and acquaintance ar respeet fully invited to tttrad the faaertl rVedadr March 22 at 2 oelock from krr lit mi denee 1003 Cedtr ttreet Borktiey JaUfv ment lienntaln View Cemetervi PEHRIEn DisIntermeBt of Urt Perrfer aid reburui weanesaay Marc xz at a ocjocs Holy Cross Cemetery Jf PRIP In this city Msrch 20 Fred beloved brother of Han Prip a native of Dea mark aged 64 years A member of Unity Lodge No 27 rt i Friends and acquaintance and offlctr sad members of Unity Lodge No 27 A OyU are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Wednesday March 22 at 2 oclock from tbe parlors of Bohr A Co 1137 Mission ttreet between Seventh and Eighth ttreet Incineration Odd Fellow Cemetery to RCSSELL Ia thlt city March 20 at tho City and County Almshouse Dedrlck RuastU av native of Germany aged 84 years SCHWABZSCHILD In this city March 20 Herman gebwarxscblM a oauve orjrraaxion ou the Maln Germany aged 66 years 10 montht and days 4 The tuaeral services will be held Wedne day AUrch 22 it 10 30 oelock at tb par lor ot Haltted A Co 948 Mission street In terment private i SHERMAN In this city Msrch 19 Martha 3 filierman aaotber of Mrs George Dwat and Ethan Sherman and grandmother of Earl Dawson a native of Michlrtn tjed 69 years 8 months and 3 days i STANFORD Passed away in Honolulu HT4 February 28 Jane Lathrop Stanford widow of the late Leland Stanford a aatlv of Al bany aged 76 years 6 months and dsys Funeral service will be held oa Friday March 24 at 3o oclock at the Memorial Church Stanford University WOODMAN In this city March 21 WUllahi Woodman beloved husband Of Lldlt Woodmtn aod brother of lid Woodman a native ot Vermont aged 83 years 3 months and 17 days 4 3 i zi EMANU EL KE EIECTS BASBI AND CANTOS At the meeting held last Sunday tha Congregation Emanu El elected Rabbi Vooraanger for a term of six years beginning August 1 1905 Tbe term was made six years instead of five as the current one because Rabbi Voor sanger wlil then have served at the completion of the approaching term twenty five consecutive years in the pulpit of Temple EmanuEl Cantor Stark was also re elected for a term of five years from the expiration of the present term As a further token of appreciation the trustees added a substantial Increase to the salaries of both rabbi and cantor Dr Voorsangers salary Is now 19000 a year MAELN TEACHERS MEET SAN RAFAEL March 21 The Marin County Teachers Institute convened this afternoon tn the assembly hall bf the High School A number of Inter estlng talks were made by various county preceptors and Dr Elmer JJrown of the University of California gave an address on agriculture Miss McKlnne instructor in English In the San Rafael High School spoke on What the High School Expects in English from the Grammar School She was followed by Miss McFadden who told of her experience in primary language work The Masonic Quartet comprising members of the local Maaonlc lodge enlivened things several times during the afternoon with songs which were accorded hearty applause Professor Dal ley president off the Normal School at San Jose and Professor John Drew of the San Rafael High School were also among the speakers BODY WASHES ASHOBE SAN rafael March 21 The body of an unknown man in ft soldiers uniform was washed ashore to day be tween Lime Point and the fog bell He had been in the water for several weeks and was unrecognizable Cofo ner Sawyer was notified and he brought the body to San Rafael where 1 an Inquest will be held The Coroner 1 has communicated with the officials at Fort Baker with a view to establishing the mans identity There was nothing in the pockets of his uniform which would throw any light on this subject SSS Al MISCELLANEOUS I Nervous Women Their Sufferinfj Are Usual Due to Uterine Diwordem FerHepe Untrutpeeted A MEDICINE THAT CUBX3 HIHytfwVTXtf sssF ssssssssssnT laaaaT A tssnV gcwi I I aV tr Wm 1 YM9L xwcaf I 1 lay v3sgayv ve I I vlaavKA 1 jimsmt VHi sMESholclk Can we dlsrmtti the well known act tbatAmerican iwomen on iter TOUS How often do ws heax the xpre slon I Bra soner i Tons Itwemsesif I should fly tr Doxitpttt me Little tUsif bUuioy von avrxdl make yon irritable 1 yon cant sleev yon are unable to quietly andslisf perform your dslly task or eajre yburldreii The relation of the Cnerre uiira tjratiye organs In women is to close thatnlne tcnths of the nervous proa tration nervous debility the biuos sleeplessness arid nervous irritability arise irom some aerangement trzthe orsranlata which maltesher a wornan Fits of depression or restlessness and irritability Spirits tasily affectedso that one minute she latihs the next minute weeps rain in tne ovaries and between the shoulders fJoss of voioe 5 nervous dyspepsia Alendency lolcrf at the least provocation All this points to nervous prostration 1 Notnnitrywlll relieve this alstreaslBtj condition and prevent months of jpros tratibn and arafferlngao aurely as ldia 15 lkriams Vegetable Compound Mrs Shotwell ot 105 Flathnah AvenneBrooklyn Nj Yi writeeJL rt camne3msihewi have arperienoed by taking Lydla Srtak ham Vegetable Compound 1 suffered for long asM who nervous ache headaeh 1 lrsva of not sleep and would walk imm proaBaaeo Uaek the floor alisog 1 MI hdtbTttoAactanaaAtrairinbftjkri Ufe was a burden I was advised to 1 LydU Plnkhams Vestabl Ctmmots asdic has worked wonders tor mv I tun a well woman my nsrvoTiineis ts sjl WiUnot the Volumw of lektera fvomen made strong byLydla lilPUik hams Vegetable Ccanncrand era tine iall woaen Jts virtues Stireiy yo vortiuoi wtan xo remain eiotr and weaic fntl 4teyriiageai cxhaMte4 eje ry vw tmcamij mxwM iijv women trHA 1 nZJte ri iv se im ir itf ieSTeV1 li i 4 sCafcia5 St 5S SfeaiiJSiSiiiir Ei p7 mmMi Jfe.

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