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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 11

San Francisco, California
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wkw mifWWW PAwf1 SS 49 mmm wfrw HU 1 1 li 1 lW LllIMU Jl amaiMOitiu i it GENERAL NJ2WS SPORTING NEWS Miscellaneous tad Classified AdvertUemenU au jTsmrfew inirlr SECOND SECTION PACES 11 TO 18 i FOUNDED 1865 SAN FRANCISCO CAE THURSDAY DECEMBER 12 4918 OL CXIII NO 150 TVISDOM OF RETAINING DEFENSE COUNCIL QUESTIONED vi I Taxpayers Ask When Body Formed for War Period Will Dissolve Original Appropriation Depleted and Argument Advanced ItsVPerpetuation Will Duplicate Service Performed by Other Boards and Institutions ITH th elgnlng otVth armls tic nd cessation of war ac fto Tali a tlvltlee throua hout the Nation I spend IIS Much Intereat Is bains manifested In th efforts of th Stat Council of fenae to porpatuat Ita existence beyond th war emergency period even though It ancroaches upon th actlvl no or otnoisf tat board and com missions and duplicates work at th xpna ot th taxpayer The programme th counell ae already mapped out lit order to keep alive1 admittedly neceaaltate treapaaa upon the work ot other State organisations In view ot thla taxpayer are wandering whether the Governor In whoae hand the life of th council rests will dissolve the council In the Intereat of economy or whether he wll await atiecommendatlon from th nawly appointed Stat Efficiency Committee Thla committee la headed by Boynton prealdent ot the Commonwealth Club and waa named ovember SI by Governor Stephen to rormuiata a definite plan for lm th Proving of th administration State affairs and for Introducing uch coi5mla as are possible without prejudice to th publlo welfare Impairment otpreaent efficiency Appropriation Exhausted Bat Council Plans Go On Particularly wa th committee In structed to report on the statutea un 4rwhlcir each department bureau commission we organlaed and to what extent their power and duties overlap and duplicate The Council of Defense waa created March tl 117 Th act pro Tided that Its speclfia duties should be to consider measure for public defense and security to Consider measures for the betterment and protection public health for the nub cre and aaslatanc of Individuals upon whom th hardships of war would fall moat heavily to examine into measurei to increase th publlo revenue to meet war demand and to fleet th elimination of waste and xtravaganc They wer all war raargency tasks the State was called upon to meet and for the work th council was riven an appropriation by th Legislature of 1100000 This appropriation has already been exhausted and a few days ago the State Board of Control granted the council an allowance of 115000 with which to meet currant expenses until th Legislature shall pass upon the question of a further appropriation That the council see no reaaon why it should be dissolved because th work It was created for has automatically been eliminated Is indicated by Its preaent plana for increasing the scope of Its activities anjorgantiallon Council Launches Scheme to Create 5000 District Branches It haa launched a movementfor the creation of 5000 branches throughout the State one In each school district These branches It proposes shall give local attention to problems affecting the State as a whole but all shall be under the general direction and Jurisdiction of tAe council The expensea are to be met by th countlee in which the school district are situated In working out this plan the council ad mlttedly proposes to make Itself a llfornie Chamber of Commerce It also has under consideration suggestion that It may make to Gov 1 enor Stephens that th California Development Board be co ordinated with It and It th general plan la approved It propoaes Who establishment of a California consular service in the countries of South America In this way 11 Is endeavoring to convince Governor Stephens that It need as a permanent Institution as a body that can be Ifkened Ito the conscience of the State is vital Council Member Seek Aidof Some EnterpriingPaper On November 2 the Governor wrote th director of th Council ot De fense pointing out the need of a comprahenalve unified after the war programme that may serve as a basis for recommendations to th Legislature and asking the council for Its suggestions for inch a programme On thla th council is new working It la examining particularly th question ot increased i agricultural production something In which the California Development Board the various Chamber of Commerce and therspectiv county farm advisers together with the University ot California agricultural experts have long been concerned In Its suggestions or a plan on thla aubject the council will recommend that some central agency be named to handle the problem which ot the State organizations should be elected for this task In the opinion of rtr council will not be specified But the attitude ot the ouncll may be Inferred from the remark of one of it paid department heads who said yesterday The oouncU could not afforo to command that It Intrusted with th responsibility of working out such a problem But If some enterprising newspaper should recommend the council for the work and the sugges tloa should besccepted the newspaper would be performing a duty th Stat government Regular State Boards Feel Duties Come Within Province i Tit Stat Council of Defense has Ataov Interested Itself with a view 9irpetuatlnd its existence In securing their old Jobs for California sailor andsoldlers or now1 Jobs with equivalent pay The wefare of those who are aerlously maimed and crippled nd their ra educitlon and rehabilitation la another self imposed task It propoaes to look after although the Land Settlement Beard IndusUktl Welfare Commission State Labor Board and State Board of Education feel that thla work cornea within thelrprovlnce and that the assurap tloiof th task by the Council of Defense would constitute an unnecessary duplication of work and effort This problem la on that belong ts th Bd Croaa and la looked after by thatl organization At th last election San rraaclses rote Jfffy i iHT ft amendment No 18 new city 1160 000 mzmLm which proposed commission to spend 1180 000 a year In providing for th dependents of Sailors soldiers ana marines The amendment was lost because the poople saw It meant a costly duplication ojt Red Cross work and work which the Red Cross was especially quail led to handle Th Mayor proposed to ral the money by local taxation Duplication of the work by the Council of Defense would be a drain on 8ta taxes The principal work of the Council of Defense during th war emergency period for wbjch it was created waa outlined yesterday by on ot Its department heads as follows Increasing fire protection for warehouses and food storage places Helping the draft boards trace deserters and enforce the work or tight order Suggestions for war economies such as the reduction In th number of store deliveries Help In Liberty loan thrift tamp and Red Croaa drlvea and war donations Suggestions for curtailing nonessential construction work Tlf signing of the armistice virtually ended these activities for the oounoil aa well aa its activity In behalf of war gardens the womens land army and boys working reeetv Twelve Post War Problems Are Outlined by Governor Goiernor Stephena has outlined twelve post war problems th Stat a called upon to meet aa follows 1 Development of new constructional projects for the Immediate employment of California eoldlers and sailors after demobilisation until they have been distributed back Into their normal occupations This It I pointed out comes within the province of the Land Settlement Board Industrial Welfare Comls slon and State Labor Bureau 2 Utilization ot California limitless hydro electrical energy to its fullest possibility Vhls Is a problem tor which the Railroad Commission Is qualified ana In which It baa long been Interoated Extension of Californias plan of land settlement and colonisation Fpr thla th Land Settlement Board waa organised 4 Labor problems resulting from demobilisation 6 Industrial readjustment resulting from demobilization In these two the Stat Labor Bureau and Federal Employment Service ar now taking a practical intereat Rehabilitation and Education Of Returned Soldiers Planned I Rehabilitation and re educa tlen of returned soldiers utilizing existing publlo Institutions 7 Development through our unt versltles and aehoola ot scientific research and technical education as an aid to tnduatry In these two the State Board of Education the Stat School for th Blind and th Polytechnic achools ar keenly Interested and qualified to act I survey of Callfornlaa agricultural area to determine If land la being put to greateat neonomlo use The Stat Board of Agriculture and California Development Board are working on thla and have been fer some time 8 Finding of foreign markets so as to prepare for cheap Water transportation and preparation of our harbors for handling Increased shipping Th various chambers ot commerce the California Development Board and the Stat Harbor Commission ar working onuthls problem 10 Organizing Callfornlaa agricultural horticultural and other industries olfi Increased production For thla the State Board ef Agriculture Horticultural Commission and Market Commission are qualified 11 Study ot employment problems and consideration ot a minimum wage that wyi Insure th maintenance of an American standard ef living State Labor Bureau and Industrial Welfare Commission qualified 1 Consideration of plans for stabilizing food prices andreduc lng th cost of living United States Food Administration for California working on this 800 Workers Employed by Defense Board Since Creation How the work of th Council of Defense has been automatically eliminated by the armistice Is indicated by th return to their old occupation of hundred of volunteer workers who offered their services free during hostilities The Counell ot Defensr has em ployed sine its creation as many as 100 paid and volunteer worners out even though the volunteers are leav Ing now in big numbers It la coating the Stat at th rat of ICOOO a month to maintain It Thia includes th pay roll charged to the State andpoatag expense but does not Include the salaries office rents and other expense that ar shouldered by tne various oountles in which branches have been established This would bring the total cost to the taxpayers to a much greater figure Th war la over and with It haye paaaed th abnormal conditions that led to the creation of emergency com mlssloni otvwhlchthStatalrCouncU ot Defense waa one it haa been pointed out How its prssent attitude differs from that of similar organisations Is shown by the fact that in other states and In th Federal Ofv ernment men holding war emergency offices have aaen no further need for their services and have returnee to ther former occupations a Belgian Advance in German Territory LONDON December 11 Belgian advanoed Infantry marching toward th Rhine has reached th Hit VIre Oulkea southwest ef Crefeld MM Jg5l ytPa if rW tPm SHIPPERS END TH IMPORT 0 Abandonment AsKed to Help America Retain Business Going to Japanese CENTRALIA CASE Is CITED Local Men Point to Return of Vessel With Unoccupied Space for Cargo San Franpleco shipper are urging abandonment by the Government of Ita Import license policy now the the war ts over saving that such action would retain for America and particularly the Pacific Coast valuable shipping business In Mexico and Central America that is now going to the Japanese Atprese ht according to local ship pera restricted cargoes or shipments of goods on which embargoes have been placed since the war began can only be carried by certain vessels designated by the War Trade Board As an Instance of how this affects American vessels they point to the Stark Mason Navigation Company vessel Central which arrived re cently In San Francisco with unoccupied cargo space RULING I SOt CUT The Centralla entered a South American port prepared to take a cargo north Much of the shipment however waa what has been classified as restricted merchandise which coul1 be carrlefl only by ships authorized by the War Trade Board The American Consul refused to certify the Centralla Import license for the shipment because the ship was not designated as a restricted cargo carrier At tne Custom house yesterday Hi waa aa 1 a iuai wivre are only two vessels on the Pacific Coast with that designation th steamers Stetson and Nehalem It was also explained that had the Centralla Piled for designation as a restricted cargo carrier It would hav been given It Stark and Mason however have taken up the matter with Washington to obtain a ruling on their status JAPANESE PROFIT Ten thousand tons of coffee are re ported by th Csntraltas crew to be awaiting shipment to the United States from South America but as this cornea within the classification or restricted merchandise the Jap anese are taking the coffee as well as quantities or enrrmpa dyewoeds rubber hide and other materials which local shippers assert will ultimately come to this ceyjitry from Japan at prices much higher than if brought here direct The only relief shippers can see is abandonment ot the Imgert license policy This they say would permit the first A merlcan ship calling to load the freight and would saves the shipping buelness for America that Is now going to Japan Reports from the South American agents of the shipping companies say food commodities are roUIng on the beaches while many San Francisco vessels return to home ports with cargo spaoe MRS ELEAN0R DIMOND JARBOE who will be mar ried this evening to a retired Army officer MRS JARBOE T0E1HD 4 HUGH TO BE SUBPOENAED rnn mm nni7 run dunryuiLi i Moifey Mill Stalls at 75 0O 0 0 Oe fteo All Day Grists Shows Loss unfilled It wal explained yesterday at the Custom house that special authority to carry restricted cargoes was required of sblpa during th war that th greater part of tonnage could be held for shipment of war essentials Farnum Film Holds Interest at Wigwam William Farnum in The Rainbow Trail is th big film attraction at th Wigwam Theater for the latter part of the current week At the presentations of this great picture already afforded Wigwam patrona the atar and hla thrilling vehicle have proved of moat popular quality The Mendel and Rose comedy playera have made a big hit In their forty minutes of hilarity The American Opera Trio the Lutes brothers In an unusual act King and King In comedy and music and Phil Rock in a medley of nw songs are others on the current programme Blanche IHertx alnglng and dancing kiddles will an added attraction tomorrow night Daughter of Late General and Retired Colonel to Wed This Evening COLONEL GUSTAVBI WOODSON SMITH STEVENS A retired of New Orleans and Mrs Eleanor Dlmond Jarboe daughter of the late General and Mrs William Dlmond of Menlo Park will married this evening at the home of Edwin Dlmond brother of the bride to be who resides at 2204 Pacific avenue Miss Laura McKlnstryof San Fran cisco will be the mad of honor and oniy mempers or tne immediate family will attend the ceremony BBirXIANT AFFAIR Mrs Jarboe Is a sister of Mrs Joseph Sadoo Tobln of this city and Burllngame Her marriage to Paul Jarboe was a brilliant society affair of twenty years ago but a short time later they were divorced Mrs Jarboe was then married to Dr SUversteln of Detroit weihaah met while traveling to New York A brief courtship followed the meeting and the wedding was celebrated at Chicago RETVRJIS TO CITY Mrs Jarboe secured a divorce from Dr SUversteln a year ago and returned to San Francisco It was here that aha met Colonel Stevens Colonel Stevena who served at va rloua military centers on the Paclflo Coast for eleven years la wall known In this city Hit father was an officer attached to the engineer corps of General Lees Army After the wedding this evening Colonel and Mrs Stevens will go to the Hlllcrest Apartments 1200 California street which they will make their permanent home i Army of St Marys College Mustered Out TJte last vestige of th Army at St Marys College will disappear when th final hundred members of the students Army training corps serve their discharge thia week On If of th men were discharged last turday while the remainder will become civilians before th end ot this weak Assistant Attorney General Says i Officials Block Invastinatinn DENSMbRE AIDS SOUGrlT Fickeit Expects Employe of WorkersDefonsV League 1 Will Testify Tonight Pete McDonouarh will be subpoenaed this morning by Assistant AttornVy Genersl II Power to appear before the Countv Grand Jury tonigm testify at the Investigation ou ducted Into the disclosures of the dktagraph report of umr Four or flv other witnesses aljo wlll be subpoenaed rower announces yesterday He would not divuigeme names but eald th list os not Include Tom McDonough who he said la not connected aufflclently with the Densmore charges to be of any value In th Investigation Decision to call pete Mcuonoun and the other witnesses waa reacneo by Power last nlgnr arter a ran ance with local Government omciaie and other Interested parties What witnesses win appear ni the county Grand Jury when It resumes ltsi Investigation tonight Into the disclosures of the dictagraph report of Densmore no one was prepared to say yesterday with cer tatnty Subpoenas have ben issued for nearly every peraon mentioned in the Densmore charges but with few exceptions they cannot be found Assistant Attoriiejr vi Power aald last night ne nau iwi made any definite plan of procedure for thla evenings eeealon of the Grand Jury District Attorney tnaries ert said yettrday that twenty paiu employes of the International Workers Defense League assisted Densmore In the Instillation of dlcta graps and the wire tapping ui th man ha aald he hopes to nave at least one appear before th Grand Jury tonight rickert oeciinea to discloss th identity of any ot lha twenty aids ARMSTRONG EXPECTED AGAIN Ignatius McCarty and George Par Json who have been mentioned a Densmore neipers wore saia yeir day to have left the State fer an indefinite atay Several other puted aeeletants also are believed to be beyond the reach of subpoeitas Power aald last nlcht that Wil liam Armstrong sallor operatlv of Densmore who refused to testify before the Grand Jury Monday night on the ground that he might Incriminate himself probably will be called aa a wltnaas for a aecond time thla evening Should Armstrong appear remarked Power he will be questioned again and If he stilt refuses to testify I may be forced to Vclte htm for contempt of court Of courseit la more or less unreasonable to ask a man to give evidence against himself If he a WJ1EN qhriJHan yranoJTr also Vriown Chrhftan Bulcoruky agent for the money making machlneAwas brought into the prisoners dock Superior Judge Dunnes court yesterday morning another of his yictims recognized him and another swindle case was charged to his record PhiHif Louis ZurkolT former restaurant owner pL St Louis Mo Krosbed up to the dock and seized Yranoff by tbe shoulder Youre the man Zurkotr sfiouted Wnm did you do witn tne 2500 I gave you for that fake money making machine Detectives Kalmbach and Richards quieted ZurkorT who then told hla story Two years ag6 he said when he was a prosperous restaurant owner in St Louis he became acquainted with YfanorT The latter was a tegular patron and after a time Introduced the money making machine a black ebony box which he sajd contained an apparatus that would grind out 5 and tr hills It looked good to me said ZurkofT so I sold out my restaurant and bought the machine for 2500 The first day I turned the crank all dav and could set onlv t75 out of it He Dromised to keen the machine in repair for one year but I never heard of him aAin until I rtad of him in tfie papers yesterday xranon wnose true name tne ponee say is Lnnstian vanon appeared before Judge Dunne to be arraigned on an Indictment re turned against him in December 1917 The indictment was returned on complaint of Torpo Lozio another victim who charged that YranoiT then posing as an artist swindled him out of 1500 for a half interest in a boras contract for S400000 worth of Daintines Yranoffs bail wa fixed at 500 but at tbe request it Assistant District Attorney Berrv Judge Dunne rahed it to110000 cash and the case was postponed until uecemner il ior piea i ii in believes that evidence will implicate him In any wrongdoing PROGRESS IMPEDED Power yesterday expressed his disappointment at the lackof co operationoperation on the part of the Federal government This is the only occasion I know of he said where the Government has not given full assistance to an Investigation being conducted by th Grand Jury Secretary of Labor Wilson promised to give what aid he could Thus far he has not done so On the con trary he has Impeded our progress In many ways It Is unfortunate that we have net th co operation of Secretary Wilson and the Federal Government for ithout It the investigation likely will come to haght There are start men ts In th Densmore dictagraph report that ar endeavoring to establish aa facta but wa cannot hope to accomplish anything without jjis help ot all parties concerned Power aald that th one Issue Inn the Investigation now la to asoertalrtl whether th District Attorney has beenU guilty of any Irregular acta Should thla be proved he atated he must be removed from ofllco but if Innocent he should be exonerated of the stigma left by th charges STREN0TH FOR THE BAYfc WORK in these times of food conser vation is no longer a problem fer the man or wcmianAiolmows Shredded Wheat It is the ole v4ieafothingvay least inoney and it is readycooked andreafy to eatNo arisre quired simpty milk and a dash of salt ftAK AT OAKLAND CALIFORNIA th FLAGS Flf MUM TO RETURNING BOYS I flll 4 San Franciscos Streets and Civic Center to Be Ablaze With Patriotic Colors 2000 TROOPS DUE sat5 Minor Changes in War Revenue Bill ReachelinSenate Sraoot Presents Minority Report Suggesting Radical Alterations WASHINaTONDecembr 11 Formality of reading and considering minor and unopposed amendments to the war revenue bill waa reached In the Senate sooner than expectedbe cause Senators preparing addresses were not ready to proceed Reading of the bill by Senate clerks proceeded for several hour without dlacutslon by Senators and with lees than a dosen members In their seats Senator La Follette of Wisconsin requested postponement of consideration for virtually the entire Income tax section and thla and other controverted provisions went over under unanimous consent agreement Senator Smoot of Utah presented his minority report predicting that the country requirements In 1120 will be 1000000opo and suggesting radical changes In the bills policy proposed a 1 per cent gross sales tax and opposed th excess profits and other provision ef th pending bill I yogs Death Causes Arrest for Cruelty Walter Buss of 7S No street was arrested yesterday by Michael Hennessey of th Society for th Pre vention of Cruelty to Animal on a charge of having beaten a dog to death with a mallet Hennessey found the dog burled In Busses back yard Busse defense was that th dog which belonged to a neighbor John Butler of 1772 Twenty first street was killing his chickens regularly Car Inspector Guilty Of Canned Milk Theft Walter Roliand a car inspector of th Western Pacific wa found guilty yesterday by a jury In Federal Judge Bourqulns court on the charge of larceny of condensed milk aad other freight from railroad cara Timothy Halloran foreman of th Weatrn Pa clflowa found not guilty of Tecelv lng stolen property i i ictnsl a Bailtik hmiwa nm st Wrlakf Snilrt lca a Sills strtet AdTt iMillionsFlow IntoXoffers of Gtfs Treasury Tide Tjims on Financial Low WaterMark of November The cly treasury which waa low In funda before Jthe tax payments began to com In with a rush In No vember la again In the posseaelon of millions On December I there wa on hand 9CSte41S33 That was the largest total thla year Yesterday the treasury had tSOOot less At th beginning ot the fiscal year in July th treaaury total waa 17J 111 II On Auguat th cash on hand waa I5I6JJ1I In September the total had shrunk to SS7J5277I In October th available money waa only 11481051 23 The decrease continued ateadliy and on November I low mark waa recorded when the total cash at th citys command was tlSTI481 II Then th collection ot taxes began In earnest and on No vember ID there was 4 Its 415 IS Another million Is expected In tbe next few days from the sal of Hetch Hetchy bonds to he Anglo and LondonLondon Paris National Bank a i Order Forbids Navy Personnel to Dance Officers and enjlsajvd men In the Twelfth Naval district were forbidden to dance In publlo places In 8an Francisco Oakland and vlclnltv on account ot th Infiiienxa In general order Isaued by Rear Admiral Jayn yesterday The order alsd Includes the women yeomen Gloom pervaded Navy circle as a result ot the order and many Christmas and New Tears Parties hav been spoiled it waa saldT i to Ooen Labor Bureaus for Soldiers Flans ware announced yHterday by the United States Employment Ser vice tor th establishment ot employ miiit hnrallab tfl th litaDortent moblllsatkfifcintere of the Statartor1 returning aoiaier ana sauara ui flees will be opened In various parts of the State and gather Information concerning etnploymenttor discharged men Special Illuminations Evergreen Festoons Planned for Gala Occasion The 2000 returning soldiers who will irrlve In thla city Saturday morning from Camp Lewis In four special trains will find Market street the Civic Center and the City Halt decorated In their honor aa far a th limited time will permit Thls was announced yesterday by Superintendent ot Parks John Me Laren who Is chairman Tf the decorating committee The Other mem bers ar John Raid Jr Supervisor Raloh McLeran TA Reardon Earl Cummlggs Arthur Kempston and Milton Clark This morning th decorators will begin th embellishment ef tbe poles on Market street for which wagon loads of evergreens have been cut la Golden Gate Park Special attention will be devoted to the Liberty tower opposite The Chronicle office If pos slble new Illuminations will art ranged The entrance of th Ferry bulrdlng will also receive attention In th decorating schema All th principal point between th Embarcadero and the Civic Center on Market street will be festooned and an effort mad to erect temporary triumphal arches The artistic features ar In char ot Cummlngs ft Reld The entrance of th City Hall will be gay with th allied flags and that rotunda will be decorated with banners and palms It is the ltentle of the welfare committee of a hundred members to make tbe Civic Canter the scene of the special ceremony ot reception McLaren aald yeaterday that th decorating committee will continue it work attar th soldiers from Camp Lewis have been welcomed back Returning soldiers will be arriving often from now oh and th War Camp Community Service and the committees ot citizens associated with them will se that they ar properly welcomedhome There will be A meeting ot th Joint committees thia afternoon In the chamber of tbe Board of Supervisors Both Parties in Action Are Denied Divorce Judge James iM Troutt yesterday denied a divorce to both husband and wife in th suit of Mrs Lurltn Freed against Adolf Freed wholesale hides and tallow dealer An Injunction she had secured tying up 110000 worth of property was ordered dissolved Freed was ordered to pay his wlfs HO a month for th support ot their two daughter Mrs Freed 1 wealthy In her own right and wa awarded no alimony In her complaint ah aald he waa Jealous of her and cruel He filed an answer and crass complaintcomplaint In which he said she had affinities He asked for a divorce but Judge Troutt decided neither was entitled to one Bucharest Is Joyous As Rulers Come Home LONDON December Jl British Wireless Service Kins Ferdinand and Queen Marie of Rumania were decorated with flags ot the allies received enthusiastically whan they made their official entry Into Bucharest December according to advices reachljg London Th buildings wr Th Rumanian ruler war received by General Berthelot th French army and by British officers Many residents of Bucharest rushed into the street to shake hands with th returning King and Queen Children strewed flowers In their path A Common Glass Is Like a Family Toothbrush Thi brings Tiome to you with a jolt the evils of the office drink ing glass but its true How do you know it is not germ laden You dont And in this day of intensified sanitation it is ridiculous to continue the practice Why not use LILY CUPSf 4 i The Johnson Locke Mercantile Company Representatives JW NfM Cr fc VfnwVaTV3EWM ijHHf A vjtlfJt I i.

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