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The Arkansas State Democrat, and Helena Commercial Advertiser from Helena, Arkansas • 4

Helena, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GLAD TUNNC3, STATU QF JtRKJWSJlSmlr- For rising est the band or fa-era, aad IT AS tttaat to "wiiams we Mik Jam. by trw Cepula of ta a rormwey aieva. who ftlkj kimsslf STEPTO, MisayslMaeioa-f la Ifr. Skiokar hi St. Louis, Uieaouri.

Said aero about 50 years oW, dark eompUxioa, about 5 feet I or I iuehet high. The. owner of add fa h) qoestad to eomo forward, pore preae ty, psy charges and take biat swtyiier wise he will boektJt 4Jt iteta. j-1 -4 1 tbs MILLER iRym.swu and Jailor, FhiUit eo. UarchSlsi.

1843 IWIIQf, In tbe Ci wit Court Cf PbiUipt maty staiagia eitcer, at the term tbereofj begun and held on the first Moaday ia ay, a. u. 1040. James D. Ltttiaiar, jCtm -ljoijatnifY Fleetwflod Ilasks, Was.

Hanks. Jaaaes Hanks, William Dtasar and Unas his wtfe, Neeey Deroar, sad Alien Hanks, heirs at law of tbs lets Miltinder Hanks, deceased; Nancy Fere-bee sad William B. Dune, Guardians of Robert M. Fere-bee and Ambrose Ferebee, ia-fant heirs of George W. Ferebee, deceased; Fleetwood Hanks sad James Hanks, ad UZta Cnsntcf ry, for partition ttwe eije par- Jen ministrators of the Etta's of Millinder Hunks, deceased; William B.

Duncan, tad Nancy Ferebee, Executor sad Execu trix of las last will tad teats-ment of Oefitfu Ferebee, deceased Fleetwood Hanks, pirtnerof the late firm of M. Hankt Co- Dtftnimlt. AND now, oa this day, come the Complainant by haa Solicitors. Hant sad rxteeatshit petition or bill against tbo aefamdants, wherein he si- ledges that preTious to tho 5th day of uecemoer, a. u.

IB S3, ooe Ueorgt W. erecee, enured in but own namejlhe following described tracts or parcels of land, to wit: The east half of tbe south east quarter of section tnsoty-nihe (99) of township No. two () south of range 110. ara i) east, eoatsiainc eichtT (80) acres; also, the southwest quarter of tbe south west quarter of section No. twenty-eitht (S3) ia township No.

two fSl south ot range at. ore (5) east, eoofaininc for- iy W) acres, maaiog in all oae hand red and twenty (ISO) seres. That also preTious to the day and year aforesaid, the said George W. Ferebee conveyed by deed, in fee simple, the above lantis to a company of merchants, who traded in the town of Helens, under the name and style of AL Hanks 4 that said com fmy consisted of George W. Ferebee, I eel wood Hanks, tod Millinder Hanks, snd no other: that tines the last mention ed transfer or conveyance, the said ferebee and Millinder Hanks have deceased that on the 5th day of Decem ber, U.

1838, Fleetwood Hanks sold to this complainant, all his right, title k. 1 1 Tx ti the firm of M. H.nk. and gave him a penal bond for title to said Dart of said lands, snd the Complainant files his bill, praying a division of the said land. according to the rights of the partners of me said arm 01 M.

Hanks it that he have a good and sufficient title to the part coming to him by virtue of Ihe said purchase from said Hanks. And the Court being fully advised of and concerning the allegations and prayer of said being satisfied from the affidavit of Thomas B. Haoly, that William Hanks, Allen Hanks, snd Willam Demar and Lerina his wife, who are 1 portion of the defendsnts to this bill, are non-residents of this Slate, and they are. ucjiuHu mo junauicuoQ OI llllS tOUIl; and on motion ot the Complainant, by his Solicitors, it is ordered by the court that the said non-resident defendants be notified by publishing a copy of this order in the Arkansas State Democrat, a newspaper printed in the Town of Helena, for eight weeks sussesively. so that the last insertion may be four weeks previous to tne first day of the next term of this court, to sppear on or before the third day of the next term of the to be held on the fitHPBdivja lo them, nnde decide entered accordingly i lure copy 01 we recora.

Atteali JOHNS. HORNOR, Clerk. Helena, June IS, 1840. S3-8w Printer's fee $45. tr, f7o.

Uy TfcrelkeltlT- Physician, Surgeon, and Aecoucknir, ESPFCTFULLT informs the cuizenso Helena and vicinity, that be stilt con tinues to practice Medicine ia all of iia vari ous branches. Office next door to Skinner and Bond's Grocery, where be mav at all times be found unless professionally absent. Has also just received and is now opening itnre, irete, ana spieuaia assortment of Drugs, Medicina, Dyettufft, Perfum ery, out. 4c. All of which be will dispose of on accomm.

dating terms for caah. County practitioners are particularly invited to tall and examine tor themselves. W. H. THRELKELD.

ggraiLAfi ncwti ami. WM AVING returned to Aitannt and per-m maocatly settled bimsejf on Lick Creak, Pbillipa county, two miles, north of Jaaaes Nelson's, tendert bit services to his friends and lbs public generally, ia the practice of meoicint, 10 all ita various branches May Its 1840. 193m TDwoka, tU(lsiary. IHE Subscriber has now on. hand.

a small supply, and will, in a abort time bo in poMoatioo of a general aaaorl roe ut of Books, Stationary, atc all of whjckhe will sail low for CASH. J. B. PORtY m-A U.J A I lvuwiucu ui uv Mica iw I fipHXSS Pills sre no longer amonf these of doubtful utility They have passed away from the basdreds that are daily launched tide of and now stand before the public higher in reputaiioo, tad more Uten4vejy.s mpioyed in all parts of the Usited lbs Csnsdas, Texas, Mexico, sad the Weal Indies, than any med icine that has ever been prepared for the relief of sofEerini man. They Itave been introduced wherever it was found possible to carry them; and there are but few towns that do not ountain some remarkable evidence of their good effects.

The certificates that have been presented to the proprietor exceed twenty thousand I up wards of five hundred of which are from regular practising physicians are the most cesMelert jadfes of their merits. Often bnve the cures perfi-rmed by this medicine been the subject of editorial com' ment in virions newssapera and jourtalannd it may with truth be asserted, that no medi cine of the a nd baa ever received tetiimont sis of greater value than are attached to hit They sre ia general use as family med ieinetand there sre thousands of families who declare they are never aatisfiod unless they have a aupply always on hand, Tbey havs ao rival ia caring and preventing Biilious Fevers, Fever end Ague. Dys pepsia, Liver complaints. Sick Heae-ache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of. the pleen, Piles, Colic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, Faired tongue, Nausea, Distention of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Habitual Costiveness, Loss of appetite, Blotched or sallow fjompteetioa, and 10 all cases of torpor of tbs Bowels, where a cathartic or aperient ia needed.

They are exceedingly mild in their operation, pro ducing neither nausea, griping, nor debility. tiead-acfie, tare and nervous Thuse who have suffered, nd are weary of Buffering, from thorn distressing; complaints, wilt find in Pettrt vegetable piltt, a remedy at once certain, and immediate in its effnett. In Jhupeptem thev stand unrivalled: many have been cured in a few weeks, after having suffered under this dreadful complaint for yeare. In habitnal costiveness, they are decidedly sopenor lo any vegitable rill ever yet discovered; and beaidea tbia, they are recommended by all the most emineMand leading members of the medical faculty. Each box eontainea 40 pills.

Pnce50 cents. That the public may rest assured of the salutary effects of these pills, and the truth of the above statements, the following letters from medical gentlemen of the first respect ability are most respectfully submitted: LJUBXgvu.Ut, Mecklenburg co. Va. I February 7, 1838. Dkai Sri: I embrace the opportunity of expressing to you my gratification at the success which has attended the adminiatra- tion of your valnabie pills, in thit section of country.

It it a common fault with those wbo compound and vend patent medicines lo say too much 10 favor of them; but from what I have seen of the effects of you Pilli, I do not think as yet tbey hare received un merited praise. six months ago they were almost entirely unknown in this part of Virginia, they are now the most popular pills we have. In dyspepsia and sick headache, derangement of the biliary organs, and obstinate const 1 pa tion of the bowels, 1 know of no aperient more prompt and efficacious. I would add that their mildness and cer tainty of action render them a safe and effi cient purgative for weakly ludividuahj snd that they may be given at all times without apprehension of any of those injurious con sequences which so frequently attended the application of Calomel and blue pill. On tbe whole, I consider your Vegetable Pills an invaluable discovery.

Very Respectfully, T. II. HARRIS. M. D.

Dr. Jot. P. Pbteks. ftBe careful aiul enquire for Petem' Vegetable Pills.

They are aold wholesale and retail by Da- Wx. H. at their Drug Store in Helena, Arks. April 4, 1840. Th aoova Invaluable Pills are offered, by wholesale, at the New York prices.

TO THE AFFLICTED A CERTAIN CURE BECKWITH'S Anti-dyspi'piic Pills, the beat ever discovered for the cure of the Dyspepsia are recommended with confi dence for tbe following diseases, in which tbey have been si successfully employed, in almoft every variety of functional disorder of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Spleen; aucb as bean burnt, acid erucitations, nausea, headache, pais and distention of the ttomach and bowels, incipient Diarrhea), Cbolic, Jaundice, Flatulence, habitual costiveness, loss of appetite, sick head ache.Azc. They are a sure and comfortable aperient for Females during pregnancy and subse quent connueinenl, relieving sickness at ihe stoimch, headache, heartourn, and many of the incidental nervous affections. Liter ary men, students, and moat other persons of seoeniary nabtte, and them very convenient. Those who indulge too freely in the pleas- urea 01 tne table, find speedy relief from the aneseor oppression and distention which fol low, by taking the pills. Those wbo are drinking mineral waters, and particularly those from tout bent eltmate, and ague and fever districts, will find them a valuable ad junct.

In tbe full dotes, they are a hiffhlv efflee- eioua andsaft ami biilious medicine. Dr. WM. II TIIRELKELDt Co. the sole agents for Helena, baa a full aupply of mm meatciae on band.

ajenjl ttftaoM TeistV en wen as rhrjw huti id Itt, oietsnest will befouad a moat excellent remedy -It may be timHy atplied oo children by touching slightly about the sores with one finger, or spread so oM ptoses) of silk. Woinjory, whateeor, eta arias from the ate of the oiatsxeat, nor to aa intent even, at it it one of the most innocent remedies ever applied to the human syetesa, alt the materials being of the asset pore, and wholesome character! conseqatnlyf there san be no Htbility to cold at any season. In most of the diseases for whack the ointment has been racoomodedr it virtue haa been fully tested by, '4. r' WILLIAM W. CRAT- tV.

H. Taaajurau atco at this place, have now on band, and will keep cooslant-ly a large quaaiiiy of the above medicine at their Drug Store, second door above lbs Shield, ofaee. Helena, April 4, 1840-18-tf. MILES COMPOUND EXTRACT OP TOMATO. The tubititutt far cttomt.

THE proprietors of this article, having devoted nearly seven years, and expended a large amount or money, in experimenting upon the various species of the Tomato (Soteaum Lycopercicum.) having at laat succeeded in obtaining from that vegetable a principle which as a medicine possesses all the beneficial properties or calomel, and yet incapable of producing the deleterious electa sometimes resulting frem the ate of that drug. This principle hepatine) is a mild and efficient cathartic, and, aa com pounded, also act aa a tmk, dimrttu. and diaphoretic. (See directions accompanying the mewtcine.) particular action and Its action upon the system it very general, no part escaping its influence is, however, upon the uertloriet, and that iia great power ia particularly manifested; from this it will be seen to have a direct effect upon the biliary organs, and to be particularly adapted to the treatmet of bUiou ft vert and other diseases where torpteityor congestion of the liver and portal circle pre- vailes: hence the great tuccet that has at tended its admrnistratiofi liver sflctios, dyspepsia, and diseases of the stomarb and bowels generally. Being diffusible in its opperattoo, it producea a free circulation in the vessels on the or the bodyiecom-panied by a gentle perspiration.

It duet not exhaust like drastic purges, still its action it more oni and it may be often repeated, not merely with safety, but with great benefit, this becomes indispensably necessry in cases of long standing, for in (hem intense temporary impressions made by strong medicines seldom, if ever, do good, and tend to injure the stamina of the constitution There ia probably no medicine, capable of doing to much good, that will invariably give so little pain in its operation at this: and yet, no person ahould expect to have a severe disease removed without feeling it. The medicine could be so modified, as never to produce nausea, vomiting, or griping. But to do this, It would be necessary to destroy more than half its medical powers. A physician, in a recent letter to the. proprietors on the aays, aI think your! medicine as good as a medicine can be no I --mm improvement can or neea be made In chronic, or long atanding diseases, such as affections of the liver, of the various kinds Dyspepsia, Jaundice, the varioua diseaaesof the skin, ill conditioned ulcers, die.

Begin lo take the medicine in ordinary directions,) and continue it for weekaor months such diseases, cannot be cured immediately, but the continued use of this medicine, will certainly relieve, and here the disease ia within the reach, and power of medicine, a cure may be confidently relied Upon, no fear of bad consequences, need be apprehended, or ot acquiring a habit of taking them; for when the functions of the body have become regulated, and all the organs have acquired strength, sufficient to maintain their own actions, there can he no further use fin this, or any other medi cine As a general deobstuent, it ia altogether superior lo mercurial preperationt, even were aucb preperationt aafe in their nature and tendency. Aa a family medicine, one which may be relied on With certainty, in the first states of disease, of almost any form, it exceeds all former discoveries in medicine, either from tbo vegetable; or mineral kingdoms. It is put up in a neat and convenient form, for the use of families, or persona trav elilng. 07" A full aupply constantly for sale, by WM. II.

THRELKELD Co. Wholesale agtnit for Dr. Miltt, Helena, April 4, 1840. 18-tf. Ranaway Negro in Jail.

HERE waa delivered into my custody on the SMth of December laat, by pt. u. Washington, of the steamboat frinehester, as 1 Runaway slave, a Ne gro Boy, who calls himself Lewis, and says he belongs lo one "Mr. Frickard, of New Orleans. -kI boy is about 17 or 8 yeara of age, of dark complexion, lour leet 0 or seven incnea nigh.

a a The owner is requested to come for- ward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise lie will be dealt witb as the law directs. MILLER JRVIN.Skerifand Phillips county. Kara 1840 yini Of every description neatly executed ct this Ojpct MdniMt aad tmrii. rhnussa lb Paieee. TttterB.

Em- Geres, mm sstereal diseases psraiiy VmmmJ ih Patentee IViltwM Ch, ortdareoed ft. Sold -Wkoleeele, Mi EtUiL rVr-r WlL THXTLKELD ItCe. General Atrnlt Ekurn. Ark 02 )DXOF AmiCAT10TW tiaepy success wfctsh bad attended tlis Omt- RMfltyMfMialljndir my own mode ofep- efethBWaf OW toreeewMweeCJ IM HtMtiMioftaSt-dbtlr, accompanying each box. It Mf Be aejrapod unite elesa villi talfe, nlWr kaMiag ft to the fire, end fresh aiatment spread thereon, to thai ooe piece will answer for several dressings; in doing winch, obssrv fit followiag general ralest Do wtt wo in tor or hot do not bandage liebtlv patience, prsservancs, and grtat reaularitv hi tbo dreesinft, art essential to twccett.

Tbo Ointment may also bo applied ea an old pioeo of sBx, tales mom manner. Tbo plaattr mat bo apraad thin, and large eaouth to com both tbe wound and ion aaotiou around it. Hsaa. If the band is too sore to twehaved witli a rotor, cot tbo hair off quits clooo with scissors. Then tntke the mat BMnt vara, and rub it on the bead with one infer; over which, draw a cap made of old ilk, or the oil-cloth.

When the cp ia re-moved, poor tweet oil on the bead, for the purpose of softening tbo ointment, then with a pocket knife acrape it off clean. Abo clean the cap then repeat the ointment: After tbo head become sufficiently healed, bate the hair entirely on. Apply the oui- aneat daily until an inflamatioo and soreoei la removed when the akin oftbc head will be white and toft. Then soften the oint ment on the head with aweet oil, and remote it with a fine comb, alter the cure ia made. Coma.

Cut the Corn down to the quik, end apply the otnment on a piece of silk Aa the corn grown out, continue to cat it a- way, and repeat the ointment two or three timet a week, until it it completely removed For an alcer, tumrur, burn, or eruption (bat diecbargee freely, apply the ointment one in twenty four hourt, hot rt ia frequently necessary in each cases, to remove the platter in tbo courae of the day, and wipe off the matter drawn to un turtace, by toe act hi operation of the ointment) for which purpose, a toft dry linen or cotton rag mutt be used; taking care not to nae water about the tore in any manner, that it may be kept regularly under tbo influence of the ointment The discharge! of matter from a cor. rapt tore of long standing, are generally dark first; and in tome caeca of ibit kind, it may be proper to apply the ointment twice a day, nay morning and night, In order to ezpediate the work of cleaning, at well aa to subdue inflamatioa and prevent mortification. When the affected part ia entirely drainee, a dispo it ion to heal ia eenerallr manifested bv i discharge oTwbite healthy matler.t be edge becoming flat and white, and the center fil ins up with email red pimples of sound flesi Ii this state of the tore, apply the ointment only once in fortyeigbt hours, and cleanse bat once in twentytour, as above directed In ulcers, prod need by mercury, the Sana parillv drink should also be osed. For inflamationt, fresh wounds, swellings, sprains or bruises, once in twentyfour hours, it often enough to apply the ointment. If applied to the tore breast of a female, it can be rendered more mild, if neceaaary, by spreading a small quantity of motion tallow on each piaster, and mix it well by beating In long atanding and deeply corrupt tores, I particularly recommend that the platters be spread large enough to cover toe whole inflamed part; in fact, should the sore be ait vated about the middle of the leg.

then wrap the tame in ointment, from the knee to the foot, until all inflamation ia subdued; and ahould mortification be apprehended, let the plasters be made warm, in order that they say he rendered mote active and powerful. In the bite of a snake, this course is siren ooualy urged, taking care in the first to scar ify the fleah around the part bitten The spider bite, if not early treated, will extend to trie none, iron a core, and some times produce deep ulceration For soreness about the breast, (produced by cold or cramp-col a plaater large enough to cover tbe whole cheat Foa Puxs. Take a bit of sperm candle, one inch long, and make it full of small croovea, and fill them with the ointment then introduce it up the fundament, and let it remain there nntil an evacuation, then repeat it nntil a cure ia effected This ointment makes an excellent res ting to follow a blister, in order lo produce a free suppuration, and thereby more effect ally relieve the part affected with pain, particularly in cases 01 pieuniy Some cases of the nicer, and scrofulous tumour will require the ointment for months, perhaps Jfore a thorough cleansing can be effected; therefore, patience and preeerv-ance must be exercised, with great regular ity in the dressings, while strict attention should be paid to diet, in. order to pre-" vent the system from becoming gross. In early etafeeof rnflamatory rheumatism, and soreness about the breast, produced by cold or colic, from oar own experience, this ointment stands swivelled.

It la soothing, yet so stimulating, that is the coarse of two or three hours, the system ia thrown iato a gentle perspiration, sad all pain or soreness rspiaiy resaevecji In fresh wounds, tha flesh betaf astjid; healing sooa takes place, after tbs use' of the MBimaet. la the bitaref dog saaks, and spider, I bare smpte tvtdoaaa aits sfaeacy. CU sad JVeah STATE OF ARKANSAS CcmntffPkillipt, In the Circuit Court of Phtlll v.T,-aw sitting ia Chancery, at the term tfcainK begun sod held an taw first Monday la May, A. D. 1843.

at MosmG. Cseaptriatju.r vs. fill for Foreciasana. Ileaskisk Burnett sad James March. Daftndmnu.

fmHI3 dayeoms we mid Caajsiaiaaais, by their Jeha Prewee, Jr sad it appearing to the Court from the return of the Sharif, that Hewkiab Bornatt, one of the said defendants, is But a resi dent of the State. On motion of said is ordered, that slid Burnett be notified, by publishing copy of this order ia the Arkansas State Democrat, a newspaper printed in the town, of Helens, for eight weeks successively, in such manner that the last aoUieetioa. shall be at least four weeks prevrotit to tbe next term of the said Court, that the said complainants have filed their bill of complaint, whereby they complain that on the 19th day of September, 1837. the said Burnett and-Murch, executed to one SatathieJ Knight, a naertgageoo a certain tract or parcel ol land, situate, lying and being ia the county of PhiUipe, Sum of Arkansas, and described at being a part of the north-west quarter of section 5 in township south in range 4 cast, containing twelve and one half acres and sixteen poles, to secure the pay ment of three joint and several notes, executed to the said Knight, by the said Burnett nt Mnll mm wiw una note for the payment of one hundred dollars, due firrt day of Janoarv. lS one for the payment of two hundred and fifty dollars, due on the first day oT January, 1839, bearing 10 per cent, interest from daUjarrfleM other note for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, due the first day of January, 1840, bearing to per cent, per annum interest from date; and that they the said Complainants, are the holders of the first of said notes, by a regular transfer from the said Knight, that the said Complainants inttitued a suit on said note sod recovered a judgment against said defendants, before Peter -Edwards, 1 Justice of the Peaecon which judgment an execution was issued, and the tame returned by the Constable, "no goods or chattels found whereon to levy and make the amount aatned to said execution;" snd that by said transfer tbey are entitled to all the equities and securities belonging to said note; and on motion of said Complainants', it is also ordered, that said Burnett Notified by Said publication, to appear on or before the third day of the next term of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in November next, and plead mawer or demur to said Bill, or that the same will, be taken as confessed, and a decree en- HORNOR.

Clerk. Helens, June lx, 1840. 13-6w JPriof ert fee l3, A PHOMliiSORY note drawn by Clement, Brown, payable to toe order ofibe uo-deraigned, dated about jbe 7th of October, 1830, due and payable one month after dale, for 300. One other note, drawn by Q. Broadnax.

payapie aa before, dated May 85th, 1 MO, due 30 daya after date, for the sum of 50; and one other orom it- tor note, drawn by Joetph Aldrjde, as ana via I hompeqn, as te-eurity, piy.ble at tome time in tbe latter part of tbe year, 1839, ihe time when payapie not recollect for the sum of 70. AH person; art warned from trading for, or purehaaing aey cithers pf said they hare passed from his hands without consideration. WILLIAM STACY, June 88,1840. 85-tf sLAW NOTICE. HAroeew J.

Gaxaa and J. C. P. Touwoii, AVING estered late co-partaership in the practice of Ihe taw, ofier their pre femoaal services to tha eitiasna of St Francis, Green. Poinsett, Crittenden, Mississippi, Phillips.

Desha. Chicot, and Monroe coantiet, Arkansas and Tunica and Coahoma countiea. MiasieainoL Lettera addressed Jer tbejtt azllslena. Msrioo, or Greenock, Arkansas, will bs promptly attendee to. AtM.

T.I4 May $, 1840. JO-iy.

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