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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 4

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i ni vap iAfN MtGISGOmOOT3LE 3t351X3fr PMCBtftlJsgfe VIMS iT fcuiwi 0 jjyj Itesrilt ol flig Usagff tI Inmates FACTS TOLD JRE GOVERNOR SECRET MEETJXG OF TBCSTEES rt AKA THE EXECCT1TE The Beam ts of the Recent InvesUr Uan la die Sth st l4Ut Bf Kaoira bard tfl understand thalr crtraV ease TTb first report recetvedhere was Just arter sentence was spaasedTt was thenvutiderstood that the term1 was elghteeaarwiThe letter passed troBsb Uietundaot it censor vidTot course vdoea not tell an that the prison rcfeelad mould JIlw to havellietr friends here know Howe though poor Cofliefif iiSBanlKh RrrHbit famfhr prominent laSonomatountTltlitory OVER AT07rOBS MOXET Serei Contest TJeeldedrii the San Jose Cvt SAN JOSE September It Some tnonths ago Dr Ea Meade diedsud denlyhere She left an estate valued aftMOOO Atthe time ndTrtfl was foOTdVbut recently a note addressed to the underfiierdlrecUns thecrema Uon 6f her body and giving other details as to the disposition of her remains was filed as a wQLwlthasetlttonforlts probate The note requests that her brother Porter Sherman at Kansas Cltr act as administrator A demurrer was filed to the Petition for probate claiming that there was ao bequest so the document could not be considered a wttt To day Judge Reynolds sustained the demurrer and dismissed the petition This practically holds that the document Is not a will It win be appealed to the Supreme Court Attorneys say there Is no case on record in the State of exactly the same points A WATCHMAN DIES IN FIRE SACRAMENTO TORT rrBXITCRE DESTROTED FAC The Remalna5 of an Old Max Foand In the Debris Rapid Work of the Flame FATAL END OF A HORSE RACE A BEGCLAR SOLDIER KILLED AT WAWOXA nis Aalmal Fen aad Threw nil Another Trlrmit Deaerta the Army I Special Dispatch to Ui Chronicle SACRAMENTO September 14 The Whlttler Reform School the Institution tconcemlns which there baa been so pouch adverse tldsm arrived In Sac ramentO this mornlnr In Mituinu Ml Invitation from Governor Rndd and rnaJrd 1nnnii1U1v tr nKi Budd and Attorney General Fitzgerald Toeing present mc iuuinww executive ana every Fin nrantarif wil i a yi wining tuttuj tain secrecy as to the matters which Were discussed An adjournment was sot taken until nearly 5 oclock this I evening when Attorney General Ftts zeraia Bupermtenaent Jonn Coma I and Trustee Patterson lmmedi 5 ately took the SdO oclock train for San Francisco Professor Charles Keyes I arid Mrs JohnW Mitchell the other trustees are still here Jiut their Una are sealed 1 The Governor in an interview aald To days meeting was simply a con jferenee between the Attorney General uu uijbcu uu vwt siue ana me trustees cuia int supennienaent ox me wnituer Reform School on the other concerning lithe affairs of that Institution and the 3awa governing it The meeting was executive and manr matters were dist cussed and I believe that good will re pwJt to the Jnititution More than this cannot say A great deal of what went on at to day meeting however is known It seems mat Mrs Mitchell nnt norm lar with other members of the board of irusiees ana wnen abe wished to bring about certain reforms her views met frith what appeared to her to be a cold retention from her filnw inmhm aa pjen went to work alone and found that system of corporal punishment pre L111 the rtrls war1 that one ywng kit uaa oeen nung up Dy tne wrists and hernaked flesh beaten so hard tint th girl In desperation after the punish pent was over attempted to commit suicide I Mrs Mitchell wrote to the Governor concerning tnis and other business and the Governor ordered an Investigation This widened the breach between Mrs Mitchell and the other members who thought she should have come to them instead of writing to the Governor The Investiaation derelooed th fact tht Mra Mitchell was right in the charges i she had madeand the renort to that ef it was sent to the Governor together jL wlththe sUtement that the abuses had peen re meaiecL The papers containing ne evioence nave oeen nied away among the secret archives of the Governors Office the 7TMTltlV rlvlnr his reasons that he does not think pub i yviv nwuiu uu auj kudu To day is the first opportunity the Governor has had to hold a conference Kjrlth the Whlttler School officials and toe purpose 01 tne conrerence was to ascertln If harmony existed and If the ibuses had been entirely done awar with The Governor explained that it nun aim very much to feel that there Should be anv differences between the trustees and Tnlalnd that mrs jlr mr militated against the good of the i insuiuuou ae asaea mem 10 seme au differences and work together for the i stood of Whlttler and incidentally for i the good of the administration that put hfis iThe trustees otf the other hand acknowledged to the Governor that aome of the employes had been in the siDit or wmpptng tne girls and otherwise ill using them but assured him that this had all been changed Corporal punishment was they said a fS1 nv fckC as L4 A9 tn 1 A Mm Aw A A Tn lH kfK ten of the employes who cad taken an active part In or countenanced the 111 iisaa of the rirl IntnatMkhart hn rll charged Oneot these was the matron me nw emmovea nan npn vrvm in ft understand that alt casta reanlrine 1 lld on Diana street punishment must be reported to the ranas ement under nealtv of lntnt dlschargei The Governor appeared satisfied and fe the trustees made a proposition to him tpatiiney oe iuovm to use 110000 of accumulated money la erecting a brick adjunct to be used as an Industrial department They explained that there were 300000 brick on the premises wiaK Koi4 kAn tmMI ttp hc and that the inmates under proper direction could erect the building them seives rney runner cxpiainea anat rwheathe building was completed it nd machinery and the Inmates could fr be given instructions in useful trades ft No action wa taken In the matter and the meeting adjourned John Coffin superintendent of the Wnittlef State school and Pat iMirson president of the board of trustees were shown the foregoing dls tnatcn Tney say taat no girl was ever punished ar stated nor wasany such harge ever mde Beyond the state 5 ment tnat many or ut items mentioned iwre not discussed at all at yesterdays conference they positively declined tb maxe any statement wnaiever t9tUl Dtepateb to tht Chroclele WAWONA September 14 Private Cnaitem Roche tte ot Troop Fourth United States Cavalry was thrown from a horse here yesterday and fatally injured Be died this morning after suffering Intense pain through the night Three of his ribs were broken and he received a scalp wound He was on his way to the camp from Wawona with another soldier when they began racing His horse which was not A troop horse but one that was blind In one eye left the road and ran into a pile of rocks falling and throwing Rochette who landed on his head He was considered one of the best men In Troop Bis remains will be buried here to morrow Laterthe remains will be disinterred and taken to the Presidio at San Francisco for berlaL Private Dick took French leave of the United States Army last night He hired a horse on the pretense of going to Fish Camp and as he was not at roll call this morning he has probably left for parts unknown The horse was left at Fish Camp RAILROAD MEM AT TAHOE Trip Throsg the Monntalaa said Aroamd the Lake TAZjLiAC September A railroad party consisting of Charles Crocker Huntington Kruttscbnltt Jerome Hart Alexander of New Tork and Wright arrived at Tal lac yesterday via Placervllle and remained until to day When Interviewed as to the proposed railroad between Truckee and Tahoe City they said that there was absolutely no truth In the report and that while It might be constructed in the future it would not be for several years To day the party left Tallac on the steamer Meteor and went around the lake taking In all the points of interest Shortly before their departure they were joined by Herrin and Hall McAllister The entire party was conveyed to Truckee by private conveyance where they took a special train for San Francisco iCMDEitR DR ROSS AGAIN ATPAL0 ALTO UIPRESSIOXS OF JTSE GREAT eastern irrbnsrTr rF Be Math Prefers Staafor Talks on Bla Work la the TTir cityX wmw WORfcOF THE CONFERENCE sj REPORTSiOF TABIOUSCOJIMrr TBJBS BEARD Special DUpatca to the Chroalcle SACRAMENTO September It The factory of the Capital Furniture Company one of the large manufacturing concerns of this city was burned to the ground at an early hour this morning The loss is estimated at 25000 slightly Insured In the upper part of the building wasau old night watchman named Christian Heintamann It being his duty to look out for fire during the night Heintsmann went down with the building and late this afternoon his charred remains were dug out of the debris The factory was a two story brick affair which stood on the corner of Sixth and streets across from the sub statlOB of the Electric Power Company The fire was discovered about i oclock but so rapid was Its progress that before the department could respond to the alarm the entire building was in flames The beat was so intense that the windows in the sub station seventy feet away were broken and the handsome oak door scorched so badly that it looks this morning like a mass of charcoal The fire communicated Itself to a frame building licking it up in less time than It takes to tell It and for a while It looked as though the whole block would be destroyed The story went abroad shortly after the fire started that an old man was in the upper part of the building but no effort could be made to ascertain the truth of this as the heat was so Intense that no one could aproach within fifty feet of the fire Within half an hour after the fire waa discovered the roof fell In and a short time after both of the htgh brick walla felL It was late this evening before the bricks upon which a stream of water had steadily played since daybreak were sufficiently cool to be handled The firemen then went to work with a will and in a short time laid bare the remain of Christian Heintsmann There was nothing there but the bare trunk the head and legs having been entirely burned away From the posi tion In which the body lay the unfor tunate man must have been either In Special Dlfpatck totbe Chroaldi STANFORD UNTVERSITT September 14 Dr Edward Alsworth Ross head of the department of economics and soclar science returned to the university this morning from Chicago where he has been for the last two months delivering lectures before the department of sociology of the Univer sity of Chicago Although he thinks the Xvr Olrers of the Epworth Leasrne Aaother Day of the Sesaloa 8pUl DUpatca to the Chronicle PACIFIC GROVE September It To day one of the most delightful mornings possible tempted many pas ton wires and friends to enjoy a drive around Cypress point ortoPolntLobos Inside the church there was sunshine In the souls of many pastors as they anticipated the probable completion to day of their conference labors Their Chicago University one of the greatest participation In the sacred songs of the In the country he says that he hardly mornings exercises was given wixa realised what Stanford University was such a swing as to realise an Ideal Jolly until left it to work elsewhere for a preachers chorus Bishop Foss added short time I thereto a short but Inspiring and sym The college organisation at Chicago pathetic speech The amount of the is entirely different from ours he said of eloquence flowing through the this afternoon am I tbink we are nOUSC WOUIO oeiermme Uie lime 01 aa iiww slated varylngt rlewav but tberesoln tion passed by a isrge majority Huga Copdand for the Sunday school Union committee reported over 200066 American children enrolled and Gltnew schoola The conference resolved to give a special half day or evenma next year to this work Rev WiJBeattyfor the eommUtee an statistic save some interesting fis ures His report showed Probationers I E53Smmm at the yard schooU J44S6 library books 21000 tfecrv paid on bulldina and improvements XJOltedeVn5500In THE THETIS XEARLT BEADT FOB vrw salaries IX200 there bail been an ln crease membership but a decrease In fundSL i vrv Thomas JFilben brought fa the report of the conference treasurertjCol lecUons missions J3111 decreaaevSSn church extension J17S0 increase 1M Sundayrscbool Unions 2 decrease S41 Tract Society 230 Increase S34 Freed mens Aid and Southern Educational Society mi Vdecrease ai education childrens fund S554 decrease tin SERVICE Ships Camlaa Fre PrVpart njf to Bekfa Carrier Fla eoa Experiments ther Xorth ahead of them In many respects For DR A IIOSS OF STANFORD WHO DELIVERED THr COURSES Or LECTURES at chicaoo cxrvERsrrr Instance The departments there are presided over by about fifteen professors who are so far removed from the students that it Is almost impossible for thm tn rpcalve that tralnlnz which the Ms hd or verr cla tn rhra th mnt direct dally contact With the heids Of I of Dr Dllle had hfs relation chanted fell carrying all three floors with it departments here Insures There are from supernumerary to effective and After tnat ootn walls had fallen and i many courses eaMt i 1 was connnnea as new secretary 01 me wnicn are 01 no consequence In Chicago I noticed Journment but he did not think It wise to adjourn at midnight or after Rev 8lnes then announced that yesterdays collections amounted to 1141 Referring to a question as to whether ministers wives were included In certain arrang ements to pool expenses the doctor answered In the affirmative The suporannuated list was then read with the understanding that unless some objections were made the relations were to be considered as continued Rev Clark was granted a location at his own request Rev August Petersen was continued supernumerary but requested to locate or be put on trial The same motion prevailed regarding Rev Bailey Rev Thomas Leek had his relation changed from supernumerary to effective Rev Duncan was voted to be entered as withdrawn from the ministry and discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church When Rev Peeks name was called his well known hoary head and picturesque figure appeared above the crowd and In a clear loud voice he said that for forty years in succession he had answered to his name at the first roll call of conference although In 1S35 his Bishop had been doubtful If he had ten years work left in him A his next birthday he win be 84 Rev Bria gs on motion 6pUt DiTatch fatheCarcBlclai VALLEJO September It In a few University of the Paclflc rrusdecrease days the steamer Thetis which has J4468 American Bible Society J3de spent the summer alongside the dock ararvdecraelUFrS navy yard will saO for southern Womens Home Missionary Society iyiag the coast of southern and lower L47SSw Increase J185J California and the waters adjacent conference claimants collections xnis win leave tne yarn witcoutasln KSW Book Concern dividend J170J re gje ship in commission However the ft nJ205atoSl i Monterey will arrive very soon after S8g3ES jStkVtSS monthdurlng whwr ference expenses 2Jz lslie cruised along the coast from AH these reports were adopted ssan uiego 10 eeaiue ana taxen part Bishop Foss sent word that it would in the fleet drills of the Pacific squad be Impossible to finish the business of rnn Ttiet aonnd TTnon thearriral the conference to day tv vrftntro her nresent comman BlshoDi Fos nreslded over the even-Ing Session at 730 oclock which was Xr IZZr cL fully attended a great many ladles fill Ueved by Captain Charles Clark who Ihg the auditorium I has had command of the old receiving The conference granted requests from I ship Independence The newcomman Jennesn Mackay James aer of the Independence wfll be Captain 5icSKvJ rlheR Lo8 Kempff Ute a member of the ijrTwari Md rl9us reasons Robertson Ruriey and pepn yjStteM iwll h02t 1 take place socn the relief of the pres wMfl inTa ieot paymaster and ordnance oncer tJAtS irt5f iSitftwl Henry Skelding who has been the tional comity reported that fco way tOJ tia va such comity which would consonant i fT He will be relieved by itivit AUtitm vA sn IOT lour years ne i rejiec jTUTiwrtTr Paymaster William Berry on oc fpunoV but the cmek coaedDf tober 1st Paymaster Skelding bavins McLean to 1U platform to state bis Mh hm r0rrtrpeerricir views He said that It was both un i5V wttih ia4 anon the retired fr1 hTSrfJnJd wtttIS52i Ht ner honorable service for thirty lations to be burdened with rival The navmaster hia rTnol InTdauSfearTweHtata ftU thev iLn 2S2S Sa Francisco He contempUtes gott wrbasU should determine which bU8tae88 ln San Francisco after church could best occupy the ground ttremont Such methods had proved brtOy ac offleer of IwSS repyed that Methodists lSitS7SVL would do well to form a league offen antirvriThandrdidtominand the body was found buried fully six feet under a mass of red hot debris As it was found directly under the corner where his bed had been on the top floor th most reasonable theory Is that he bad been overcome with smoke before death came The rapidity with which the building was consumed and the great heat was due to the fact that the building was filled with highly Inflammable material No one seems to know how the fire started There had been no fires ln the furnace for several days so the belief Is entertained that It might have been the work of an Incendlarv There Is however no apparent grounds for tls belief other than the fact that there had been no fire about the building WITH THFDONNER PARTY HA1TT CLAIMS WITHDRAWS Obstmetioa to the Valley Road at Fresno Hearlr at an End FRESNO September It AU the property owners disputing the Valley Road rights of way over Diana street have now relinquished their claims Today two property owners on street who had opposed the road coming through the street also withdrew their claims leaving only two claims to be settled The committee is confident that these will be adjusted to morrow Engineer Story wired from San Francisco to the committee at Belmont where the companys telegraph con struction car is now stationed that the road would be at once constructed along Diana street The committee replied that the street trouble would be sure ly settled by the time the tracks were XtGnTS pH THE DOME I ntamtnatlon af the Tower Fresnos CoarfBCBse FRESNO September 14 The new dme fof the4 Fresno Courthouse was pUi hted to night for the first time by teJsht are lights of 2000 candle power each arranged around tne lantern of tne dome The light Is reported easily Visible at a dlstaace of fifteen miles on Ithe plains Thrpower Is derived from the north orkrof the San Joaquin river iuurcy nve mnes atstant XX A RCMIAS PRISOX iwa Frem a Qonoiaa Sealer Who PoachedjaBd as CaDght PETALUMA September It EdVard pIpwera4PetalumAiVs5 hunter who is eervws ixraiu oiucria wijji several sfether of thexfewVof the schooner Sal pan for poachicirHrf ites tiome that he expected a would be released in June Iwt Kai mlatakeit Ha haabten Inlall Keght months two before the trial and 4 under senttnefc JThrseotencWas rnteenmontBaiTneueuertr dated MESSAGE IS A BOTTLE Written by an Alleged Survivor of a Wreck SAN DIEOO September It A floating bottle was picked up at La Jolla yesterday in which was a scrap of brown paper on which was written in pencil the following blurred lines August it 134 Shipwrecked Ave weeks ago and sinking Name vessel Eldo No water and only a quart bottle of brandy Enough bread to last about ten days Calculate 1150 miles from nearest land Are ln long boat twelve persons name or captain Sawyer Thirteen persons drowned I am the only one who can write In the English language JpHN SMITH 1 1 KILLED BIS FORMER PARTXEIt Crime for Whteh a Fresno County Mam Is a Trial FRESNO September It The trial of Lambert who shot and killed Alexander Betbeder at FJrebaugh last July was commenced in Department of the Superior Court to day before Judge Coraley of Madera sitting for Judge Webb Betbeder waa formerly a partner of Lambert tn a saloon atFlre baughf Lambert is nowroadmaster in the First Supervlsoral district this county A formidable array of counsel appeared on both sides The trial will be A protracted ene OBXTUtQ PARETTS OUTWITTED Weldlak oa A raebt at Sea Off Port Las Aaseles SXKPAJV6iilCX September 14 Impatient for the few months 0 elapse before the bride should be com of age John Cripe andMUs Lucy Rlge both of Santa Monica eloped to day on the yachtCanon Bell and were married on the high seas by Captain Frank Wugbe tTheraffalr0ccurred off Port Llos Angeles threei miles north of here The brides parents opposed the matctt fsriners speajr Russiafi therfiad It A Flaari forCIesiwodt5ehoaL ISATA ciUiSenlimber1 1 4 ilHTfon EyanJjSiM iDnlted SUteaiArmybas presented thcQlcn wood School with a uagrne ceremonr of raising ltwlll be performed next Saturday afternoon by the First Infantry which breaks camp htre on the mornliLgof that day THRILLLtG LIFE STORY AGED SPANIARD OF AJT Voir Pfrklag Bopa Ranch la Sonoma Cownty Special Dltpalcbei to th Cbronlcle SANTA ROSA September 14 Among the hop pickers at work on Hairs ranch near this city is a little dried up man who has had experiences that would make a book If truthfully written up He Is Juan Bap tlste Trauvlc and he Is nearly 75 years old Baptiste as he is generally called is a Spaniard He Joined the famous Donner party ln the fall of 1S45 hiring out to drive cattle for Oeorge and Jacob Donner He was with them when their party became separated in the terrible storms ln the mountains and was a member of the party at the Donner camp The old man is getting feeble ln body but his mind is active and his memory strong He delights in telling of the experience he had In that awful winter and according to his statements It was he who saved the camp from total destruction In the storms of that memorable season He was the only one who was able to do any work for 1 a long time and upon him devolved the responsibility or keeping up the flres preparing the scanty food and attending to the sick during the last days before the rescue Baptiste tells many incidents of the Imprisonment of the party ln the snows and tears come Into his eyes when he relates the sufferings of those who were cooped up with him The old man thinks that the State owes him something for the part he took in that historic tragedy and has been trying for some time to have a relief bill Introduced into the Legislature ln his behalf His home Is at Tomalea He picks hops In this county every fall and makes enough money to buy his clothes and catches fish and digs clams during the rest of the year for a living IMPROVEMENTS AT SAf JOSE Plan Tote Bond for a School and Sewer SAN JOSE September It The Common Council at its session to night adopted an ordinance calling a special flee to day that Robert a patent election for Saturday October 31st to vote on the proposition of Issuing bonds to the amount of 1115000 It Is pro 1 Saturday The report states that Rob posed to build a High School building at a con ortaovw tne pians or Which hava been adopted showing a handsome Tour story structure and base Iment It is also proposed to complete the main city rewer a distance of 6000 feet to drain into a slough near Alvtso The bonds are to bear 4 percent in teres payable semi annually and to run forty Tears The ordinance provides that they shall be payable In gold or legal money of the United States Ah ordinance was also adopted can ing for ap election Monday November 1 mio elect niteen freeholders whose duty shall be to prepare new charter for the city to ro before the coming session of the Legislature for ratification It Is believed the bonds will be issued as the public schools are so crowded thata new bolldlng is Imperative The sewer completion Is also generally favored ilnregarij to the charter it is the general opinion that a new charter Is necessary Another thing a lack of that college unity which Is so prominent here The students nave many Interests other than those of the university and coneequently the professors do not have the hold on them that Is one of the features of Stanford Professor Ross said that there were men from many universities delivering lectures at Chicago while he was there but Stanford was ahead ln point of numbers having had three while no other Institution had more than two and most of them only one He said the fact that his lectures were listened to by a great many divinity students was of no small significance Besides his university work he delivered lectures before COO teachers in the Cook county NormaT School and wrote a great deal for the Chicago papers on the silver question OX TRIAL FOR MIRDDR Opening of the Attendee Caae at San Jose SAN JOSE September It The trial of Harvey Allender for the murder of WUburga Fellner on August 9th was taken up In Judge Lorrlgans court this morning The attorney for the defense ssked for a continuance for one week upon the ground that he had been so occupied that he was not ready The request was refused From the questions ot defendants attorney In selecting the Jury it is clear that Insanity will be the chief reliance of the defendant Slow progress Is being made In getting a Jury The courtroom was crowded with spectators AUenders trial for the murder of Crossetl will be taken up as soon as the present case Is finished Before court adjourned this afternoon a Jury had been selected It was expected that at least two or three days would be occupied The Jury will pass on the question of the sanity as well as the guilt or Innocence of the defendant The taking of evidence will begin In the morning SCICIDE IX A FIELD A San Fraactseo Man Eads Bis Life at Madera MADERA September 14 Coroner Payne was summoned this morning to the ranch of George Hely to hold an inquest over the body of a young man named HID of San Francisco aged 77 who committed suicide last night Hill bad been sent to the Hely ranch from an employment bureau In San Francisco and had been here only a short time Hely saw a cloud of smoke from behind a hays tack In the field and thinking the stack waa on fire ran over to It Ajhe rounded the corner of the stack he almost stumbled over the body of Hill who had loaded a shotgun and fired It with a string The charge entered his left breast and killed him instantly ROBBEDOX A WOrXTAIX ROAD A Patent Medicine Mam Tlelds Cp Hla Cola SACRAMENTO September It News was received at the Sheriffs of medicine peddler had been held up and robbed by masked highwaymen last ert was driving along the road between Clay station and lose late 1st the evening when two men armed with guns and pistols and wearing handkerchiefs over their face stepped out in frontof bis team and commanded Jvlm to halt While one of the men kept him covered the other1 went through bis pockets tak1natISfroiphlm CRriBED tTXDER BIS WAGOT Fate of av Teasnster Haallns Ore Front aa Idaho Mlae BAnradaho8epUraberlt Sld Head Ateamstefairtd6 years and a native ofryermoni waslllld tOrday while descendlne the grade from the Idaho Democrat mine nAf Halleywllh a load of ore He was sitting on the dashboard of the wagon which broke and he fell with bis head under the wheels and wasr frightfully mashed He died before medical aid reached him California State Sabbath Association Rev John Appleton had his relation fixed as superannuated with claim on this years fund Rev Weekes who Is suffering from mental aberration was similarly treated Rev Oale moved that the next annual conference should convene at Pacific Grove The motion prevailed The committee on Bible Cause reported that since 1849 there had been 407347 copies of the Bible distributed tn California and Nevada In the year ISM there had been 6238 copies furnished to individuals and 2095 to Sunday schools It was therefore resolved that this conference fully indorses the work of the American Bible Society at home and abroad and will continue its cooperation ln this work by taking an annual collection Dr Thompson then addressed the conference on behalf of the Bible Society Reception of fraternal greetings from delegates of the Lay Association was next in order It was a notable sign of the times that these delegates were all ladles Mrs Dr Cronemiller Mrs Abbott and Mrs Lombard who were then Introduced to Bishop Foss and by him presented to the conference Mrs Cronemiller responded congratulating the conference on the years work Bishop Foss reciprocated the kindly Interest shown by the laity In church affairs admitting the great value of the laymen In the general conference As to any right for equal representation ot the laity and clergy therein there was no such right He wished equality but it was simply a question of expedience snd youll never get it with your fists doubled up The right of laity to choose pastors must not be Insisted on be said cr Methodism could not stand Five thousand conversions ln this conference the years to come was the Bishops motto for the laity The report of the periodicals committee was read after which Dr Hammond spoke on the affairs of the book con cern stating Incidentally that unless California Methodists did some very earnest work there would be more members connected with the Portland than with the California conference The Portland conference already represented 30000 church members A lively discussion then took place as to the advisability of doing business with the Cincinnati Book Concern the Western Instead of the New Tork Book Concern many members participating The part of the report so advising was stricken out The nomination of conference trustees brought out the following names Wesley Dennett Heacock A Hammond Dillle Bovard Robert Bentley Hopkins Case Urmy all of whom were elected A resolution commendatory of Rev Goodwin who Is Joining the Southern California conference was passed unanimously Rev Jewell presided over the session in the afternoon to receive the reports of committees Rev Kirk bride brought In the report of the com mittee on auditing Bovard that on Chinese missions Wallls of church extension and Beechgeod of Epworth League The new officers of the league are Bovard president Kellogg Norton Snook A WBenedict vice presidents Beatty nnanciai secretary The committee on freedmens aid and Southern education reported 9000 stu dents but funds entirely inadequate S4Z000 belnr needed Aj Johns reported plenty of work and much encouragement in the Japanese mission Hester reported that funds were much needed for the missionary society Dr Dllle on behalf of the Fred Finch orphanage committee reported that Institution as having experienced a season of prosperity within Inmates the admissions for five years being Revi Robert Bentley was elected presi dent On September 1 UN there was SZ90S 07 caan on nana Rev a Briggs stated that the Sabbath observance committee object ed strongly to three things Sunday railroad travel bicycles and Sunday newspapers A resolution was introduced br Dr Dllle that the field secretary of the California State Sabbath Observance Association have1 ac cess to the pulpits of conference mem bent Considerable discussion took place before this action was taken Wesley Dennettthoughtexamplobet ter than precept and aa long as the elders themselves traveled on Sunday ulmlsations against such travel fell flat Summer moved to strike out the part regarding Sunday traveL Crtv Buck Case Dllle Gober and others slve and defensive with all Christian churches Dr Hammond said that what Dr McLean wished was practically being now done In the Bishops cabinets Dennett strongly urged the need of Methodists falling ln line with the modern spirit tending to the unification of the churches Mr FUben moved to refer the report to a special committee to consult on the matter and report next year Revs IX Bovard Anthony and Dllle discussed this and the conference adopted Fllbens resolution In consequence of the unexpected prolongation of the session of the conference the formal Installation of Dr the United States ship Plnta the gun boat stationed at Sitka for duty on the Alaskan coast The flagship Philadelphia and the Monadnock and Bennington will come down the coast in a few weeks probably reaching the navy yard by Octc br 1st to be docked and repaired The work of repairing the seven ships now out of commission at tnis vara is pro ceedlg steadily giving employment to 1300 workmen The old steam sloop of war Pensacola now being fitted for a station ship at the Goat Island ap 1 prentice station has had all her engines and boilers and interior fittlngr removed She win have the upper deck 1 housed over and a small boiler ana COLORADO MEN CONFIDENT EU McCllshAs president or tne univer errfne win be mounted for condensing ally of the Paetflc wnien was to nave 8e water and miming the electric taken place to morrow Is postponed Ught plant whlcn to ba furnished Her lower decks will be fitted with officers quarters oraces schoolrooms and messrootris The latest building erected at the navy yard is the carrier pigeon house on the bin near the naval observatory In it a number ot homing pigeons of the best breeds will be placed They will be trained by sending them cut on ships leaving the yard so that they may be liberated out at sea to bring In messages DELISTS TRET BATE DC3BAM IS JAIL Saa Jase Officers Inclined to Doabtfnl Deaerlptloas Do Xot Tally Be SMClal Ditpateh th CSronlcW SAN JOSE September It The Sher iffs office to day received telegrams from the Sheriff at Ouray CoL and from Stlteler there who claims to have rnn down the suspected Dunham saying that he Is undoubtedly the man The Sheriff is simply watting for the letter and photograps which are expected to morrow or the next day The difference in the height of the man under arrest and Dunhams height as given on the Great Register Is a little over two Inches As a man generally stretches all he can when he measures TWO SKELETONS CX EARTHED Find of Railroad Workers Jlea Astoria ASTORIA prSepteraber It While Working on the railroad near West port some men dng up human bones Digging farther the skeletons of two white men were unearthed By them were two old fashioned muskets The clothing had entirely disappeared and the only article found waa a 20 gold piece of the date of 1855 The oldest residents of the locality have no recollection of the disappearance of two men The finding of the coin dated 1S55 shows that the men came to their death tv di rauHi uai i UfiTarU5 rSSE witbln the past forty years Tha muskets are of very old design that has been out of use for many yean LADIES GATHERniQ A Saloon Mas lasolreat 8AN JOSE September It Tnni Corkerra well known saloon man fiiea a petition Insolvency His liabilities are 139009 assets widOO Corkery owes tbeHIbernlaLoanand Savings Society 11000 which secured by a mortgage Jurors to Try ArdelL iVISAlJA September ltThe jury ctaptetetoaayu thertraIoC Charles ArdelL charged with belharan accomplice of SI Lovren under Cfe sentence far train robbery i A Country School Baraed VTSAUtA Septemberi4 Tbe itod wood district scheaihanaa tfct mu lyest of Otis city was burned early Bun ioss snwriniur in i Jiat ntwiOTHoate JUn4 Map The Unltd stales and th world fete for cents aadB coupac Tea cwtalalr want aaa eajrootwaa SUSCELLAJf EOCS may have been measured In his stocking feet It Is thought possible this wouia maxetne difference 1 Those in a position to know best are rcrnntic afrald that the man is not Dunham aT ttUMI When the photographs come if the lo cal officers deem It necessary they will Heetlnv of the Ala Society at Santa send a man to see If it Is the right man era TBE WEATHER AD CROPS I SANTA CRUZ September It Dele I gates to the annual Grand Council of rui I th Catholic Ladles Aid Society at Condition of tfie Past Week Geaer Hote dei Mif arrlve mt evening a ally Favorable the session begins to morrow morning SACRAMENTO September lt The ewi 2 bfrS rnTinvrf a A i iv bt establishment of a home for glra followlx is a synopsis of the weather and piajj for increasing the usefulness and crop bulletin James A Barwlck of the society Thursday evening the section director The average tempera reception of the delegates takes place lure for the week ending Monday September 14th was as follows Eureka missing Fresno 72 degrees Los An geles tti Red Bluff 72 Sacramento San Francisco and San Diego 63 The reports indicate that thealmond crop wUI only be fair and of good qual Ityj The walnut crop will be good particularly In Orange county Hop pickingpicking haa closed early around Wheatland The crop picked before the rain Is of fine quality The prune crop on young trees in Tolo county Is almost a total failure old trees will yield one third of a crop Sugar beets are being harvested successfully although damp weather has reduced saccharine matter The weather conditions of the week hava been most excellent for fruit gathering iui owwi 10 me neavy ones ana partly cloudy weather ln the Interior valleys and foggy mornings In theSanta Clara valley and along the coast counties fruit and raisin drying has been alow The weather has been too cool for rapid fruit ripening of the late varieties Free Fish for the Ior REDONDO September it There has been a phenomenally large catch of blr fish here during the past few days nearly a ton of the surplus being sent to Los Angeles Saturday for distribution among the noor of that city VWH When a Utile one is expected in tna fzmlly now lovinrlr tna parents plan totlxcr for its future wdlfare They sometimes even forecast its education and career Does this seem too early to anticipate while the child is jret unborn It isnt The childs destiny bis already been partly mapped out by Nature according to thedispbsi uon and habits of the parent Thai i best plan a mother can make for the lunxre Happiness ot ner unborn enuov is to maintain her own cheerfulness1 and health while her childs nnde veloped being is still a partchersX Her health at this critical period 4s of tremendous wuscnueuce to tha little ones whole future existence Every prospective xnother wiU tfiadV direct nonnshmefit comfort asdsos taining strength in Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription win shorten theN period of coacnezacst and stake labor easy acdalmoet painless It imparts strength snd elasticity to the organs concerned in parturition and invests the mother with recuperative energy agauist aa after period of waknesi Xesr Deder Your Favorite PTeKrip tionyvis the best aedkiae to take before coasaemest taat eta be fooad ItproTed sowha me I sever suseRd as tittle with aayof ny chfidrea as I did with raylaaVaad she Utt heatthlest we hare Wheal besaa your trtatspcat I ccmld not staad on my feet kagesoarhto wsth my diiaes without tat I teriag ahacat death now I do an my boaseJ work wsshiar CBoklar rrtng and ey Iliagfcr ny2tany Mas pd Oakley Ortrtea Ca Teas iaumtifaaj2fm inliyiXlip.

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