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The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania • 4

The Morning Calli
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i THE ALLENTOWN MORNINulCAIl. She is survived by her husband and several children. The funeral arrange, ments have not been completed. Optical Goods Dr. H.

D. Barnes, diseases of men. ALLENTOWN BIG DEPARTMENT STORE tW We are serving to all who visit our store. cooled with artificial ice, Middie-Aged Men Incompetent for ple sii res and duties of life becaiiHe of weak nerve. lowered vital-itv and declining pow-era, cured to manly men forever.

YOL'NQ MEN Reaping reeult of early indiscretion, ei-eere. drain, copi-Mtilt me and obtain manhood and Mtrength and be auccesbful iu lite. OLD MEN, PhyHlrallv exhausted, mentally weak, vital ily debilitated nrf having prostatic and and urinary trouhtet, restored to strength, energy and vitality. IJuH I DO NOT TREAT ALL DISEASES, BUT CUKE ALL I TREAT. Catarrh The cause exiitfi in the blood, ta what cause inflammation of tha mucoui membrane.

It is therefore impossible to cure the dlsase by local applications. It is positively dangerous to neglect it, because it always affects the stomach and deranges the general health, and is likely develop into consumption. Many have hn radically and parruaaaatlF aura by Hood's Saraaparllla. It claansaa th klMd and kaa a paeullar alurattr and tflnia tract. R.

Lone. California Junction. Iowa, writaa: 1 ead eataira Ihm jaara. lost mr spaatiu as old not alaap. My el pained ma and 1 fait bad all orar.

I wok Hand's Saraaparilla aad bars a co4 appallM. lnp wall, aad ba no annptoma of catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. It is better not to put off treatment buy Hood's today. Skin Diseases Kceema.

Krysfpe.las aud ru tion a i in roved at once aud cured to stay cured. Women's Tailored Suits and Coats. The many bargains offered in the different departments on Tuesdays are absolutely unparalleled. By devoting the one dull dav in the week to "true bargain we make of it a busy one. You can not afford to miss this day's sale.

In our endeavor to make this season the greatest in the store's history nothing has been loft i ndone. Our Cloak and Suit Department is beyond a doubt one of the most complete in Eds-tern Pennsylvania, and every visitor will find assortments and values that cannot be surpassed. WOOLTEX-The Guaranteed Garment-WOOLTEX Private Diseases are cured speedily afe-ly aud permanently by me Blood Poison quickly cured without injnriPiiadniira, Contracted Diseases ured in 3 to 10 days, painlessly and without harm. Stricture cured without rutting, pain or Iosh of time. Ulcers, acute and chronic, are dried andem ed at once.

Drains and emissions that weaken and lead to loss of power, I cure permanently. Urethral Discharges of all kinds cured uiek-lv, painte and forever. Nervous Debility is cured never to return hy niy Klectro-Medical System. OFFICES; SIR Hamilton Street. 2nd door front.

I'ommon-weaUb Building. Bladder ney conditions hbow Ini-provement at once with me. Reflex DIseaies, originating rm otner diseases, such aa Varicocele, Strictures, Blood Taint, 1 cure by reuio ing the cause. Catarrhal Symptoms Causing Deafness, Head Noisea, Dyspepaia. cured pleasantly by local and con- mtitutional treatment.

9 A Certainty of a Cure Is What Vou Want In These Diseases. 1 give a GUARANTEE to cure you. What I have done for others I can do for you. 9 I make no charge fora friendly talk or I have been, treating Men' disease? all niy life. Nothing science can devise or money can buy is lucking in my treatment.

I will treat yuu honestly, just as 1 would want you to treat me. it our caes were reversed. If incurable you will he told so and advised, no you will not I humhtufged by unscrupulous practitioners, who claim to cure all. If curable, your 9 restoration to health will tteadtilltnl aud with the leant discomfort and expense pos side. If yon cannot call, write fr HOMK TKKAT5I KNT.

and inclose stamp for rc- ply All ileallriKs strictly vutiOdeutial. TKfiATMENT. MKDH'AU ECKt'FKI- Dress Skirt colored waists of attractive designs be worn this winter, nothing well as a black skirt. The of a good cheviot, bands, fastened on the upper the hips and sides of the skirt. and attractive model, suitable occasion.

I'rice $13.50. Paris Mode. Monte Cailo, of red kersey, narrow strappings of black, of unique distinction. The effect is produced by small running over the shoulders buttons adorn the front and the are both new and attractive. lined with the best quality of favorite.

Price $20. A Pretty Hodcl. Is a Wooltex Kersey Jackel in Muthtcom color. Around the lower edge runs a border of narrow cloth bands in straight lines broken by half diamonds. Big wrm pearl buttons trim the double-breasted front and the lining-is a ch guaranteed satin It almost as attractive within as without.

Pjice $12.50. Tailor-Made Suits. Styles have come to stay, but severity of outline has gone forever. Tht Woo lex cos tume of black and blue cheviot, designed for serviceability as well as style, is one of the latest productions of modestic ai t. The skirt is lined with fine percaline an i a graduated flounce is simulated by a band of stitched taffeta.

Price $12.50. DR BARNES Sr'- I llourn, 9 A. M.Vti P. M. Snniay.

Itt A. M. to 2 1'. M. (NinsultHtlnn Vrve.

No Incurable Caxea takeu. Mi'itii'inpH Furnistieil anil Mailed or ttelit by 9 Varicocele cured without cutting or tyiug operntiou. No pain or loss of time. Vitality weakened, impaired or lout, is restored immediately, it respective of time. Rheumatism In all its fornix ii cured by my special treatment.

Hydrocele Swelling impediments or tenderesn cured without rutting. Prostratic Troubles are tired to stay cured when 1 treat them, Rectal Diseases, such aa I'tlea, Fissure. Fistula and ehronic Constipation. I cure without the knife. Organs that are shrunken, unde-veloiwd or wasted through dUeaas are re-stored to normal condition.

VsV and Kid- WANTED. We nay Its a week and 10 per cent Cmii mission to men with rigf to introduce Pasture Stock Food. Farmers preferred. Send 25 cents for sample box or 2 cent stamp for full particulars. PASTCKK STOCK FOOI 725 Koyal Ins, Chicago, 2St GRAND DANCE.

A grand dance will be hdd nt the Lyon Va-ley Hotel on Saturday evening. November 1. You are invited. 2(Md J.C.ADAMS, Prop. GRAND DANCE.

A grand dance will be held at the Four tain House East Catasauqua. on Friday ever ing to which you are iuvited. Uood music. A good time assured. 17-tt H.

C. YOCUIM. Prop. Morris Chairs. business, we are not limited to one set there is a great variety to our assort we never had as good Morris chairs to Suite of Our Own Make We havj the agency for the Wooltex garment in this vicinity and carry a full line of this popular ma Inside of every garment is the trademark that means PURE WOOL and FASHION FAULTLESS.

Schantz's Pure Spring Water, FOLIO, QUARTO, OCTAVO, DUODECIMO. Wc have all sizes in mauy styles and bindings. Your favorite authors are represented by their latest productions. Also authors you dislike but should read if you wish to keep posted. These are some of the most popular works just uow.

STILES. No. 29 Hamilton Street. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Want positions for male and fema clerks.

Stenographers. typewriters, teamsters, 01 all kinds of employment. Terms rea- SOHa ble. Consult L. B.

Transue's Employment Agency, 96 S. Wy- A With the many that will will match so Wooltex is made double taffeta edge, embellish This is a new for any dress A The Wooltex embellished with is a Paris model broad shouldered graceful capes U'ancy metal collar and sleeves This garment is satin and is a 1 1, Mai miSSSrHam HELP WANTED. A dining room girl and a kitchen girl wanted at once. Apply, 10-tf M6 538 Hamilton at- t. FOR SALE.

Twn rino fox Terrier three months old. for le. Tali at No 111 North Eighth at. HELP WANTED. Two kitchen Women aud two din inn room women wautd at once.

tiurgeaneimfr's hating Hdise 26-tf 538 Hamilton street. FOR SALE. Two job presses and an Otto ga engine for dale. Apply at Hoom 8. Stiles building.

a 29-tf b. UUMft. pro. To Buyers of Havinir been manufacturers of uuhuUtered troodi for nianv years, with a true understanding of this part of the of ideas or patterns. This means that ment of stylish Morns chairs, and swell carved frames and beautifully cushioned.

We can make large enough orders to command the best and we do not have to take and sell the last season's stock, or some shop put together Morris chairs. In our many years' experience sell ai we have to-c'ay and the thing that rules in this preparation is that every Morris chair we sell at the wholesale price direct to the consumer and to have only such goods, as will t.ot coliapsd in shape or workmanship after used a while. Entirely Fresh Stock of Morris Chairs. No Old Goods on Our Floor Whatever. Prices Range from $4.50 to $14 apiece Dr.

1. F. Huff, No. 643 N. Sixth Mreet, Allentown, Pa.

7 tears experience- Lehigh Telephone. Glasses. Under the age of 45 it is not necessary to change glasses very often. If they are correctly fitted thev can sometimes be worn 20 years and more. But after that age conditions are different.

The glasses must be changed frequently on account of the changes taking place in the eye. It is not necessary to buy entire new spectacles each time. If the frame is good we will put in new lenses. E. J.

FAUS7 Jew elar and Optician, 723 Hamilton Streit, AND MOKNINU CRITIC. ALLENTOWN, PA, OCT. 29, 1902. Beware of Typhoid Fver. Drink pure water.

We will supply you with pure water which we get at Schanti'i spring dally at following prices: Gallon bottles, at 10c; 12V gulon bottles, at 50c. AMERICAN MEDICINE 18-tf 643 Hamilton street. CHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS. Martin Rune, the young son of Clan Ruins, cornetlst In the Allentown Band, Is ill with typhoid fever. Mr.

Rune's daughter died recently of the disease. Frank Oatward, who has been the organist of the Church of the Nativity Fountain Hill, the past three years, severed his connection with that church last Sunday. Mr. Gatward and his talented wife will now give their time to the development of their school of music. Miss Adelaide Laird, who has been visiting her brother.

P. Laird, of this city, left for Pensacola, yes terday. Miss Laird has been a train ed nurse in the hospital for the in sane at Washington, D. for some time. Miss Polly M.

Ebert and Henry A. Derr were married on October 25, at Xew Tripoli by the Rev. H. S. Fegley Uoth are from Lynnville.

Undertaker Eugene Schlauch, of Schnecksvllle, was a visitor in town last evening. William H. Snyder, of Egypt, came to town last evening to hear the Re publican candidates. Undertaker James A. G.

Hunsicker of Germansville, last evening attended the Republican meeting in the Lyric. The wedding of Miss Bella Bration. oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bratton, of West Catasauqua.

to Charles C. Young, of Philadelphia, will take place to-day fn Philadelphia. A reception will be given on. November 1 at the home of the bride's parents. William Wehr, of lhighton, did business In town yesterday.

Charles B. Snyder, of Standard, did business in town yesterday. Rev. C. O.

Lehr and family have moved from Fogelsville to No. 195 Green street, this city. Mrs. Levi Hunsicker, of Saegers- ville, was a visitor in this city yesterday. Squire W.

G. Grosscup. of Germansville. and Leon P. Rex.

of Best, were among the auditors at the- Lyric The atre last evening. J. Jeremiah Snyder will leave this morning for Scranton and Lackawanna to address Republican meetings. He will return on Monday and address a meeting that evening at Saegersville. J.

George Snyder will hold a horse sale at Wilkes-Barre on Friday. He shipped a fine lot of stock to that place last night. Miss Drelsbach. of Kansas. Is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs.

Samuel Lewis, Sr. O. P. Knauss. of the Marungle Prog ress, was a visitor In town last evening.

N. H. Kemmerer. the Eraaus druggist, transacted business in town last evening. Howard lx)ng.

who was foreman on the Kutztown train, has reeclved similar position on the East Penn Railroad. His position at Kutztown was taken by Oscar Rhode, of Allen-town, a former resident of Kutztown. George W. Graffiti, T. A.

Smicoe and John C. Swartz. of town, and Dr. C. E.

Milson. of Catasauqua, will leave in a few days on a ducking trip along the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. P.

F. McDermott returned last evening from their wedding trip and are at home at the Hotel Bellevue. Dr. A. S.

Miller, of Saegersville. returned last evening from Philadelphia To Buyer of Morris Chairs. A complete line of 50 styles of Morris chairs are ready for inspection at the Allentown Mattress Factory of their own make. Never before had they as line a line of Morris chairs to sell as now. The pricea are whole sale direct to the consumer.

These chairs are of quartered oak and mahog. any, with artistic carved hacks and a fine piauo polished finished frame. The cushions are filled with hair, covered in beautiful velour and verona am! tapestry covering. All have patent spring seat. Their special offer this week on a five-piece parlor Biiite for which they claim you can't buy of any retail dealer for less than $34.

Repairing and reupholsterlng old furniture is their specialty. They do the best work and have the lowest priceB. See their this week's advertisement. Will of Mrs. Jhn M.

Stevens. The will of the late Elinor Anabel Stevens, widow of the lale John Stevens, was offered for probate yesterday afternoon in the office of the register of wills. She disposes of an estate valued at $40,000. Four thousand dollars is placed In trust for the use of her father during-his life. After his death it Is to he given to the Allentown Hospital.

Mrs. Stevens alio bequeathed $4000 to the Allentown Baptist Church. A number of bequests nnd mementos were left to personal friends. The executors of the estate are Edward W. Rune and Reuben J.

putt. Proved Priceless. Ruby coats and "Innanwn flavor. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are household favorites.

Impurl tie leave the system. The nerves are toned. The biood is purified. The complexion is bright and ruddy. Headaches vanish and perfect health follows their use.

40 doses 10 cents. -St Sold by American Medicine No. '43 Hamilton street. Deafness Can not be Cured 'iy local applications, as they ran not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional rem--dies.

Deafness is caused by an In- Hnmed condition of the mucous lining if the Kiistarhlan Tube. Whn this rube Inflamed you have a rumb le found, or imperfect hearing and when it Is entirety closed deafness Is he result and unices the Inflammation an be tak'n out and this lube restor 'd to Its normal condition, hearing will destroyed forever; nine cases out ten are caused by catarrh, which Is lothlng but an inflamed condition of he mucous aurfares. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by atnrrh) that ran not be cured by ball's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F.

J. CHENEY ft Toledo, O. Sold by rmiKiists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best.

Alleged Army Deserters Arrested. Detectives Miller and Sharkey, em-iloyed by the secret service depart nent of the United States govern- nent. were in Allentown yesterdar unking for deserters from the regular lrniy. The detectives say they have warrants for the arrest of forty-one nen who found the Irksome duties of army life not to their liking. Yesterday morning Henry C.

Flugge. who onducted a recruiting office In the Commonwealth building, was appre-icnded and was taken to Philadelphia iy the aovernment officers. The local willce arrested Daniel Cain, of No. Iwrence street, who Is also soused of being a deserter. Mr.

Cain, inwever. claims to hav an honorable Uncharge fnm Troop 1. Sixth Cav airy, wlih which command he served during the Spsnish-Amerlran War. He gave ball before Alderman Merti last evening for hla appearance at court on Thursday evening. for Nent, About September 16.

three floors of actory building, 10 by 60, la central ocatlon. V. OCHS. I I Room euies Block. Look through our stock of Optical Goods and we will never need call your at tention gaia to the fact that our line is the largest, the neatest, and riuest and the most durable tu the city of Al-lentown.

A costly outfit of optic il goods can be purchased of us at bmall expense, when compared with the prices generally asked for goods of the same quality. We deal exclusively in Optical Uoods. PROF. W. A.

WEIDNER, oisanirio optician. 528 Hamilton Street Artificial IfM IntirUd. Telftphone The World Is Full Of Pianos, some good, some bad, some indifferent. Among them it is not always easy to make a choice. In the opinion of its seller every one is a remarkably fjne instrument and marvellously cheap at its price.

We believe the seller is usually sincere in these opinions. The trouble is that not one music dealer out of ten really knows Pianos as tbey ought, to be known. There is nothing in the world in whuh expert knowledge is more strongly needed in order to distinguish between the good and the bad. On this point, we have but one thing to say. Wc want our Pianos to speak for us not the new ones on our floor, but the used ones in Allcntown houses.

If they are giving splendid satisfaction, it may be taken as presumptive proof that we know our business. A little investigation along this line is but acting the part of wisdom if you seek to buy a Piano intelligently. G.C.ASCHBACrl. 539 Hamilton St. Our Phomiirrai.liy Departf ment 1 a vpry litiiHirUttt feature thli more, liava you over it 1 RINGS RINGS! Diamond Solitaires, $20 to $150, 10 $350.

Rose Diamond Rings, $5 to $15. Solid Gold Kings, New Designs $2.50 to $5. LARGEST ASSORTMENT. Mm Optician, 0 Hamilton New Pure Maple Syrup. Gallon Cans, $1.00 Half Gallon, 60c Bottles, 25c and 10c A good combination Hot Buckwheat Cakes and Maple Syrup.

JOHN BOWENj 809-811 Hamilton St CIGAR SMOKERS Aiwar hr tp ailad that to ewl rour non 'a worth tu Cigars und Pipes fu want to bur from tvllah! il.atrra tlif.t. line, and rtnmtH.r the at lllll NSUICK HIL.UAKU t'AK Ul US. No.lU amUlon altwl. If you want (rood Cab Service aud at reasonable charges use the FAREWELL SERVICES. Rev.

W. A. Relmert Consecrated to the Work of a Missionary. Lehigh Classis of the Reformed Church last evening held a missionary meeting in Zion's Reformed Church. The meeting was Interesting from the fact that an affectionate farewell was given to the Rev.

William A. Kelmert. a member of Lehigh Classis. and the former pastor of the congregation at Summit Hill. Rev.

Relmert has been chosen as a foreign missionary and will leave for Zoehow, Hunan, China, on November 15. He will be accompanied by his wife and daughter. The church was well filled. Behind the chancel were seated about twenty ministers. The Invocation was offered by Rev.

Professor Knappenberger. The scripture lesson was read by Rev. David Sheirer. of Bethlehem. Rev.

Dr. D. Schoeiller. secretary of Lehigh Classis offered prayer. After the singing of a hymn Rev.

T. J. Hacker delivered an eloquent address of welcome expressing his thanks and appreciation for boldlng such an Important service In his church. At the conclusion of another hymn Rev. Hacker introduced the Rev.

Dr. Allen R. Bartholomew, secretary of the board of foreign missions, who delivered the principal ad dress. The preparation was one of the masterpieces of the doctor and was delivered with great force and telling effect. An offering for the cause of missions was lifted, after which Rev.

Relmert spoke a few well-chosen parting words in which he asked the earnest prayers of the congregation in his behalf. Dr. Wagner offered a prayer of consecration, followed by the Lord's prayer In unison and the benediction bv Rev. Dr. Keller.

Doing Things by Halves. Only one excuse Is admissible vis-Eating oysters on the half shell at PETERS JACOBY'S. Scrofula with Its swollen glands, running sores. Inflamed eyelids, cutan. eons eruptions, yields to Hood's Sarsaparilla.

Allentown Bazaar Ht eulBrc.onii,iiton HttleThiirmlav, October am. at 12 o'clock noon. One carina.) itf units, on ami two year oM, rm thf West i-onxittiie nf 31 hond: nUo fV) ht-mil it Pmnsvl1 vnnin h'Tea. Farmers, iteslr! nnA othtrf are all Invited to rnm ami btiv them "anti-era, horsemen and others, brine In vour Uick and Tour cah ritr hnyera will he present. Sale every Thnrttlav dnt-lne- the vear.

JfcKfcailAH KOTH, Prop. GIRLS Girls WRllted at tlie naDer Hot iminufiu'tnrv of H. VAN, tor. Hall ami Maple streets, 2S5t Allentown. Pa.

GRAND DANCE. A rand dunce Satnrdur prunitiff Knvumttf-r T. at the Ontinental Hotel. WeaenesvIHe. Very bod tiviten.

ami have limp. a-4t DAVID U. GILBERT, Prop. WANTED. Hurriu-nnd Kiniihri first elan mechanics.

ie. fctmtli 'nun a iin iiu wui a unnwu At 16-W Philadelphia, Pa. EVERY GRADUATE to day is flUiiiff a position They are rem Died hy tmiijeKR men everywhere a thtir onahiy qualified and frequently secure posi thins without further credentials. uninMaka-bi evidence of the superior training afforded re. A scire or more a month for the past year ih h- record for placing young men and women iiit' the choice Ht and best paying nositioua.

veiling neMons nfford unequalled opportunities. Forcatalogue arfdres O. tIOKNEY. P. Founder and Principal.

for the best work in dentistry go to the Pliila. Dental Parlors. Bcaulifu' ticd Fillings. Perfectly I'outoured hilw Fillings. II shddes of Cement Fillings.

IVi-fect Fitting Crowns with Solid Cusps. Artificial i'ceili that look natural and ht well. AllWork Guai antetd. TM HAMILTON I' Broad Silk Quillers IT Adelaide Silk Mills LYRIC THEATER. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30.

PKU'RH-flallerr, li-, Kntii Haleniv and First r-'lcor. Parlor Cnnlm, 50... SATURDAY EVENING. fcOVFM3ER 1st. The young nman'ie actor, Miller Kn pri -emitig NV.C.

(ile a 8ti. ce, The Cowboy and the Lady Br CLYDE FITCH, Wllh Ihupntlri- Original Knii-kerltocki-r Theatre I'mdiirtiuii. EVKNINU I-fonr, anil r'iriit Floor. AO anil far lonhilr. II.IKl LYRIC THEATRE.

Friday Evening, Oct. 31. Jefferson De Angelis -ANI THK-Jff-rmi DeAtigelii Opfr ('nmp-wiy. frep-tion Sam. 8 Miuiwrt, in the Hent'd tjniire Theatre iperaiir 8uce, 8r AMhur Suiln mil la-l opera.

The Emerald Isle. Practically direct from Vm mm New York engagement. Original New York lU-r a Kijuare Theatre raMt and Kiiinptiioun production guaranteed in every detail. PHH'KW Uallerv 25e; HaVonr. ami 75; Floor, IV and S1 Parlor 'haira.

II LYRIC THEATRE. Thursday, October 30. FIRST TIMK IN AI.LKNTOVVN. Howard Hall'. Drnma, Wry intfifNtiiia atorr.

Kidnapped in New York By Mr. Barney Cilmore. Alt'! bin original eomfianv. 8nU'tie l.y Mr. Ujlmnre.

HiliyHalli.mii tthe faoioiie lat hall pUwi, Power (tlnfl on wrjeel; Lillian urv. ng am. Qti rem. nuMtai in trumentt HTrK-rtallere n.i 50e. Urtt floor, and iOr.

pwior Chatri too A -Five-Piece Parlor for $22.50. Imitation of finish, piano polish and covered in silk damask, tufted backs ut.d filled with nbre and hair, moth proof guaranieed. Best workmanship tir 22.50. This is our strictly wliolesa'e price direct to the consumer You can't buy the same suite retail for less than f3i. IX) from any dealei.

We have a selection of 40 styles of parlor suites on the floor. Each one represents a different style and different price. It is worth while to see them and compare prices with others. Kcpairint, and reupholstering old furniture, we will you 25 per cent, on any estimate given. OBITUARY.

CAROLINE HEN'MNWER Caroline, widow of the late Samuel Henninger. died on Wednesday at her home near Coopersburg, aged 82 years. The deceased was a well known and is survived by the following children: George, of South Bethlehem, Mrs. Amelia Dilliard, of Coopersburg; Frank. Martin and Benjamin of Wash, ington state, and Samuel, of the Klondike.

The funeral was held yesterday morning at her late residence and pro ceeded to Apple's Church, where Rev Kletler officiated. Interment was made in the cemetery adjoining. CAPTAIN JESSE L. GEIST. Captain Jesse L.

Geist died at bis-home in the village of Fagleysville, on Monday morning, October 27, at 6.15 o'clock. The cause of his death was general debility incident to old age Deceased was twice married and hit second wife, whose maiden name wat Lizzie Pennypaeker, survives, with two children, Lawrence Geist and Albert Geist, both residing at Fagleysville. Five children from the first wife also survive: Harry Geist. Oaks. Henry Geist.

Philadelphia; Mist Ida Geist, Philadelphia, and William Geist, Leinholdsvllle, Lancaster cottn t.v. He had a great love for military life and early joined a company of state militia called the Independent Greys of New Hanover. He received the ap pointment of first lieutenant in 184!) He served in this capacity during 1S4! and 1850, when a vacancy occurred for the captaincy to which he was elected in 1851 and commissioned by the gov ernor. When the Civil Wat broke out and the pressing necessity for more troops for state defence he again came to the front, and was elected as first lieu tenant of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Militia, of which Dauiel M. Yost was captain.

Mr. Yost being appointed colonel of the Eleventh on Septembei 16, 1862, Jesse Geist was appointed captain September 17. The company was ordered to the southern border oi Pennsylvania, but did not get Into any engagements and were soon mustered out. After the war he settled down to farming and carpentering and was Justice of the peace in the township )f New Hanover for many years. A few months ago he resigned this office on account of advanced years and his son.

Lawrenee Geist. was commission ed as a justice in his father's stead. He was born in 1825. CHILD OF GOTTLIEB WEISHANK. The child of Gottlieb Weishank.

of Smokctown, near Ironton, died Sun-lay night and will be buried Thursday forenoon. Services at 9.30 o'clock at the house, followed by services in he Egjpt Church. The child was 4 months of nip. JOHN HOCH. After an illness of two years from consumption, John Hoch.

died at 11 o'clock Sunday morning at his h.rnie at Kaston. aeu 34 years. Deceased is survived by a widow and two children: Bessie aud Kaynimil. These 'ruthers and sisters also survive: Ex-County Superintendent William Hoch. if Palmer township; Howard and Mil-on Hoch.

of Bethlehem: Mrs. Leidy Wooilring, and Mrs. Martin Wagner, of Palmer township. Mr. Hoch was a member of the Lutheran congregation at Farmersville.

MRS. CECELIA LERCH. Mrs. Cecelia Lereh, widow of Rich ard Lereh. died at 3.50 Sunday morn ing of pleuro-pneumonia, at the home of her daughter.

Mrs. Amandus South Easton. after being confined to her bed for five days. She was In the seventy-third year of her age. Besides Mrs.

Charles, Mrs. Lereh is survived by three other daughters: Mrs. Henry Yahraes, Mrs. Kobert Cochran and Mrs. Harry Young, all of Easton.

Two brothers and one sister, also survive: Alphenus Sohug and Mrs. William Kemmerer, of College Hill. Easton. and Henrv Schug, of Allen town, Deceased was a native of Easton. and was a daughter of the late William Schug vand wife.

She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, South Easton. ANNIE SMITH. A telegram was received yesterday morning announcing the sad death of Annie, wife of John Smith, of East Catasauqua. Mrs.

Smith died from the effects of an operation In a Philadelphia hospital at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning. Draceased was well-known and was held in high esteem by all. UNDERTAKER 6th and Chew Streets. DEATH8. SEISLOVE.

In Hanover, October 25. Cloyd son of Alfred and Annie Seislove, aged 22 years, mom lis und 21 days. Funeral Thursday at 2 o'clock p. from the residence of his parents, oear Itlttersvllle. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited with Jilt further notice.

Burial and services it Hittersvllle Church. DAVIS At Worcester. October 25, W. Gwynne Davis, aged 2d years, 1 month and 26 uays. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p.

m. at the home of Mrs. M. Alice Stuart. No.

2fi Second street, Catasauqua. Rela Urn and friend are respectfully Invited without further notice. Ser vices at the house. Interment. Fair-view Cemetery.

K. S. BRUDER. At Danville. Octo- ber 24.

Andrew Bruder, aged 43 years. 5 months and 1 day. Funeral services at the residence, No. 303 North Third street, this city, nn Wednesday at 1.30 p. Relatives snd friends are respectfully invited without further notice, Interment In Highland Cemetery.

OUTH. In -this city. Octobre 24. I mil'. Jacob A.

Guth, aged 26 years, 4 months and a days. Funeral on Wednesday at 1 o'clock p. from his late residence. No. 1204 Gordon street.

Relatives, friends. Livingston Castle. No. IAS. K.

of G. mum nnuenaii Mutual Hcnetlct- al Society and employee of C. F. Rlt ter ft store are resepctfully In vtled without further notice. Burial and services at Jordan Lutheran Church.

BURKHOLDER, LICENSED UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. No. 113 North Eighth tU AllsntOwn. Call! anwr.d at all hours, itf and night. cr Tolspboot ConsscUon oat aM4 ALLENTOWN MATTRESS FACTORY No.

44 North Seventh ALLENTOWN, PA OPENED UNTIL 8 P. M. Lehigh Telephone No. 203 Every Day is Piano IllMNMNHMMNNH ALLIE ME AS, Milliner, 52a Turner Street. All the Latest Fall and Winter Style Hats.

BOYS WANTED. Wanted by the Allen town between the ages of la and 15 years: girlR between tlie axes of 13 and 20 7ear. Good wages and steady work. Apply duriutr the day Nt the mill, corner of Gordon and Jordan treKf, or in the eveniuu at No. 301 Nortb Fourth street.

PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY by bavin it insured in the Home Mutual Fire Insurance OF EMAl'H. LEHIGH t'OUNTY. one of the best ma-iaeed. itafot andchtaneL Mutual Fire Insuian'-e Companies, i fi h- of df hu and all other miarciai ooiiffauont. insurant nearly suwo.uuo.

liirtureH Buildinc. Builder's Risks Men nsr- dice. armors' Stock, Household i-'uroiture 1 and other property. risks insured at SI per fl'W Mad only 15 small assessments In the last 1 yenrs All losses carefully adjusted and pioinptly paid. ELtAS BITTNEH.

President. PIIAOV i WEAVER. Shcv THOMAS K. SEISLOVE. Gen'l Man.

I 23-1 No. Law Allentown. I'a. rrj wanted. Experienced trimmer wanted at once nt 624 Hamilton Street.

No other need apply. 24 At i for SALE OR RENT. A farm of 15 acres, situated between Weirf- wmT'Z'n-rliT Uo0 Jt. A(p to K. HKSiKV KNKHh Weiilasvllle.

Pa cKinished .1 .1 Sales' Day NEW IDEAS IN CLOTHES Exclusive patterns in Suits and Overcoats that will not become common by our production. SWELL CLOTHES. The product of the best Clothing Makers in America. Nothing Inferior, Styles Exclusively Confined To Us. THE OVERCOAT I THE SUITS in all short, medium ami lung1, cut lull and perfect ti ttinif citicaic shoulders and c1j ri 1 1 i liars, made ot popular niitinals and every garment warranted by Kocii Pros.

OverS lines to show at JS 5', 10, $12 $15, up to $3h. We ara offerinjf some wou-iU rfnl coats in all lengths at $5. 50 and $7.50. Extra sH'cidl values Trousers A great selling of cur three thousand pairs men's trousers that ordinarily sell at $2.50, and iM, this week $1.50. $1.85 and 0.

at our music store. We have at all times such bargains as will keep you a-coming. With a big line of the leading makes, and the many medium and lesser maki-K of our vast stock Pianos, there are many bargains in either one or the other of the Pianos we represent. In fact all our prices are little bit lower than elsewhere. Therefore, we again urge you to compare quality aud pri You know that such celebrated Pianos as the Stein way, llardman, Lester, Harrington, Wescr Hobart M.

Cable. Shubert. Milton, Ricca, are, in their resectiv-e grades, the Inrst that the world can produce.and you will find them here in different styles of cases. KRAMER'S Music House NO. 544 HAMILTON ST.

ALI-FATOWN, Siuyle aud ViiWIo lireasted. all the new "Coronation" twoeri-, cheviots, thi-bts, cassimeres and fancy worsteds, perfect titling-, the new shoulders and cellars, stylish and desirable, 50 to $22. A few liuiidnd suits, the lines hrokon, son small lots, this t.eas'jn's best selh rs at $5, 6.50 and i7.50, al.ou. half their real value, The Smartest Clothing in Town Made to Your Measure. Ureal 5sle of BOYS' CLOTHING liov knee pant auit.

in dauhle hreaatitl tyte, to 1 yi ma, Norfolk ntrlea. 4 to 15 year, and piece 'ylca 7 to it jreara. The (jreateM aaaortmrnt we've ever hud in thi atore and by far tt beat value. Nobby ne pattern in all aludea, plain blue. bUck and tine pure woratcda in fancica and blue crgea, a stock of boya' aulta tmeip'aled anywhere, 2.V to iM.

in ur tailoring department. Oistiuifuishtd swell clothes, broad s'louliler ivht-in-the-neck clothes that hum ALLEN GAB LINE, 1 High grade WnralDita anl I.K nna broken line special thia week nnine odd lota of hoy' aitita, i rich in quality, rich in in its within the reach of till. Our high grade unfinisl it fancy worsteds cheviots, over one hundred styles to show. No better style anywlere, $18 to $35. 1901.

a treat oarffatn ana fz. liny' aizea 2,4 to In yeara, an immntte aaaortment tn choon'' from. More than tv.ntyhve ditlereot liuea in oi frc. ta'is, browns, ack and bluer, nobbv. warm Karmcnta, in all length.

(J.SO to $10- bxtra valuea fl.f fl.K5, f2, and ft. OFFICE AT TUB AMERICAN MEDICINE 643 Hamilton Street. Lehigh Telephone His: Pennsylvania 2.VJ4 We make a specialty ot Theatre, Weddings and Parties. Clean Cabs and Courteous Drivers. Oo to the Altwa TtentlMa.

a No. Tot Bamlltoa tree. vbe jea went oo4 wot to mxnt Wc have on hand a number of used Pianos which we have taken in eichantfc as part pay ment for new instruments. We have given them a thorough overhauling, and now offer thera at prices so low that anyone can buy one. We guarantee them for five years.


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