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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 3

San Francisco, California
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Ijji nil tnH i JheyArmSWp at SahDiego iJslprbldden to All the i rL Newsnarier Men isit CAPTAIN EVADES QUERIES I Refuses to State Whether Any I State Department Official Is AboardfShip pertai TMspetcfc tUaumaUtm SAN DIEQO ADttl 10 Sentrf gttard te gahgwajri and vrr other nuoi of access to tl Aimy trn port Buford anchored In San Dtega since 1L tonight and onrrineni hereof the sMbsi company are lowed to board NewsnaDer man queated permission of Captain Frank Ely 8JL offloor In charge to coma aboard and wra told that the must keep away Captain Ely spoke to tham from ijiv iiawft rail BYIiUiaaJUWl10 every aueetlba that asked and olearly liymattna that ha was under orders to wltahofd all Information pertaining to the Bufords announoad mission of rescuing Americans imper lied on tha West Mexican coast Bven the deckhands on an attending tu bad explicit orderi to be allant concerning anything tbat they aaw aboard tha transport The Army tug Lieutenant Harrla want alongside tha Buford with a supply of crated vege tablaav an4 from that time on tha harbor boat became a much a mystery aa the transport itaeif When tha Harrla docked after leaving tlieHrans ert its aeca waa guarded from the 013110 Captain Ely came ashore for mall Ind to telechone a message Ha waa Interviewed at the wharf and again vvuvu aaswerinay any questions ie wai asked six aaparata tlmei for Information concerning the United States representative Claude Quran re ported from Washington to be under orders to epbark aboard the Buford for Mexloo but ho successively an werea every question without even nitting at tha desired Information The captain waa aean again an hoar afterward at leisure and ha parried all questions araln while still managing to retrain from directly saving that tla lips were sealed Frederick Moore a newspaper man of San Francisco suc ceeded In shipping aboard tha Buford tn a quartermaster capacity but an Unavoidable lncldehtnadeH5TaIdeimfy Known and ha waa put ashore at San Diego Observers In a launch alongside tha transport estimated that 160 persona were In sight on board at tha time ot anchoring There were about fifty soldiers soma officers of the Army some civilians and three women said to be nurses The Buford la expected to re in in Han Diego tonight and to sail early tomorrow for the Mexican port Topolobampo and thence to all other west Mexican ports where Americana are to be rescued HARVARD SCHOLARSHIP GIVEN TO STANTORD MAN Franklin Wolff Awarded Coveted Honor Etpertal Dispatch to ths Cnrotilele STANFORD UNIVERSITY April 30 Franklin JvWol graduate atu lnt In the department of mathematics Ims been awarded the Harvard scliolar Hhlp from Stanford and California for the coming year In awarding tbe holarshlp to Wolff the Harvard Club Han Francisco breaks a precedent by making the presentation twice In suc anion to a Stanford student It has uUAlly been the oustom In the past alternate between the two California universities but Wolffs record kerned tn Justify the action of the Western Harvard men Wolff was graduated last year from te department of mathematics and Is ni present an assistant In tha depart lent of psychology His work at Pnrvard will continue alone lines of lie latter study Wolft registers from San Fernando and Is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Is enrolled In the Philosophy Club 5XULL AND SNAKES INITIATE NEOPHYTES Thirteen Stanford Men Honored by Interfraternity Society Spwial Dlipntcn tn the Chronicle STANFORD UNIVERSITY April So In a public Initiation which took the form of a continuous circus performance here today thirteen Stanford men were taken Into the Skull irfid Snakes honor society As Is the custom all the neophytes are either athletes or men prominent In under KiAdoate activities The Initiates were Campbell captain elect of the 1913 track team I I Ingraham editor elect of the Dally Palto Alto A Ambrose student body president fl Watklns Card Dc ollng S5 A Terry Hafrlgan Beal Olmsted Mc Kee and Argabrlte PORTLAND WELCOMES FAKE LODGE ORGANIZER Prominent Citizens Overzealous to Mi Become Loyal Bisons i Sperlal Dlsptteb to tbe Chronicle fORTlAND Or April 3d Wsl ler Wilson a dapper swindler who victimized San Francisco people by organizing a fake fraternal order and pocketing the fees according lo nd vices received by the police was today sentenced to six months on the rock pile for working the same game here Wilson In this city formed a branch of th Bison Herd of North America an Imaginative order From each applicant he pocketed from 5 to 111 Wilsons victims are nearly all prominent Among them are a dozen physicians many of whom had been promised the position of medlcsl ex aminer In the order Ex Mayor Harry uane juage Morrow and County Clerk Coffey were among te men signed up WOULD CURB GOVERNORS POWER OVER PRISONERS PHOENIX Arlx April 30 If a bill recommended for pasaags by the lower houee of the Legislature today becomes a law the Governor will be shern to a great extent of his appointive pardoning and paroling powers The bill proposes to create a board of control consisting of the Covernor Secretary of State Auditor Treasurer and chairman of tha corporation and to endow the board with powers exercised only by tha Oov arnor The House passed the Senate bill re Dealing the bullion titx law OAITOB1A Bean the sJgnatuse of Cass Kxestsssa In tor eve fclrty yease aod TKtCmd Ytu MavtAtnty mrH CAITOBXA Bears the slrnsture of Cms ILFix rcmxev la use for over thirty years and SAW FRANCIBOO CHBOiaCUE WaBITE8DAT MAT 1 113 WW vv Wf ft Masoueit I lonoc Stanford Women lillii i yf fljJyOs KB Mia Emily Coleman of Star ford elected to membenhip the Masqueri DRAMATIC SOCIETY ELECTS COLLEGE ACTRESSES STANFORD UNIVERSITY April 30 Two Stanford actresses Miss Emily Coleman and Mlaa Helen Ballard have been added to the roll of the Masquers tha college womens dramatic society Both the new members gain this dramatic honor In recognition of their successful appearances upon tha Stanford stage Miss Coleman who register from Tacoma Wash tn tha department of history has taken part In the Ull Junior opera Tha Uvernlan Prlnceaa tha 1111 Football Show and tha recent Junior opera She Is a member of tha Alpha Phi sorority and tha Schubert Club Miss Bullard who Is a sophomore In the history department made her debut In ooUega theatricals as Dora Hed way In Christopher Jr which waa the 1314 sophomore comedy Miss Bullard registers from Los Angelea and la a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and the Schubert Club The Masquers society Includes Misses Oertrude Workman Nina Molss Alma Holmes Florence Wendllng Ruth Sampson Ora McDermott Dorothy Parkinson Ileen Bullla and Florence Ober QUARREL CLOSES HOTEUN SOUTH Lessee Works Novel Scheme to Fill a New Rival Hostelry Special Dlspiteh to the Chronicle LOS ANOELES April SO Early this morning a nve yafr disagreement be tween two women reaulted In tha sud den closing of tha Hotel Hollywood one ot the largest foothill hotels and the turning out of mora than 350 guests without notice Tha unfriendly parties are Mlsa Mlra Harahey owner of the hotel and Mrs Anderson lessee and manager They quarreled regarding certain Improvements Mrs Anderson has Just completed the 1500000 Beverly Hills Hottl and this she opened today and as her leaaa on the Hollywood was nearlng expiration she decided on a coup that abould give heir most of the guests of that hostelry for the new one Everybody was called for breakfast at an amatlng hour and then Informed that tha building would be closed from that time until a new leasee should take held Then tne entire torce of cooks aerv ants and employes of alt kinds left in a body toward tha Beverly Hills and most cf the guests saw tha humor of the situation and followed They found everything prepared fof them Meanwhile the owner of the Hollywood got wind of the situation and quickly ar ranged to reopen tomorrow ALL IN READINESS FOR DARR0W TRIAL IN SOUTH Accused Attorney Will Appear in His Own Behalf LOS ANGELES April 80 In preparation tor the trial of Clarence Darrow former chief counsel for the McNamara brothers indicted on charges of Jury bribing Arthur Keetch deputy district attorney has gone to Chicago to participate In an examination of the character witnesses the defendant will call to his aid Preparations for tha trial which la scheduled to begin May 15th have been nearly Completed Nearly all that remains to be done here la to obtain information about tha veniremen In order to facilitate the drawing of the Jury Darrow haa algnlfled his intention of appearing as an attorney ot record In his own behalf EASTERN MARKETS PAY BIG PRICES FOR FIRST CBERRIES RpecKI DKpllch te the Chronic SACRAMENTO April 30 St Loula ran the price of cherries up to 377 for the first ten pound box shipped from Sacramento according1 to Sales Manager Bennett ot the California Fxchange The first box from Sacramento county waa shipped from the orchard ot Ernest At Oammon of Courtland In New York with tha novelty of the first box gone tha prlca was con 1 slderably less A box from FlnKham McKevItt sold for 110 one from the California Fruit Exchange for 10 and one from the Buck Company for Flnkham McKevItt and the Buck Company are members of tba California Fruit Distributee SAN FRANCISCAN IN PRISON IN COLORADO DENVER Colo April 30 Charged with embezzlement Charles Eaktns 36 years eld formerly of San Francisco Is In Jail here on tha complaint ot Mrs Clara Hummel According to the complainant Eaklns who says ha la connected with the San Francisco TAiiiMnv OmntnV ave eautiani awav wJthijkkItJbonghtjtCiLmotlnfjU4 rJXKVmVJ2JtXBt Aytt tura theater A drawing was then al leged to be made and tha holder at tha lucky coupon was entlUad to a cltylot I in Sonoma CaL Tha complainant al leges that th lot eh draw wa worlh mmtiM MM ti1a1ajifA iiir yWffiW tWL i raa nmzrz 21Mjitir Student Found Gagged and Bound on Chicago Campus Unable to Explain CHICAGO April 30 Authorities of tha University of Chicago and tha Chicago police were pusiled today over tha circumstances surrounding a supposed attack on a young woman student of tha University High School who waa found bruised bound and gagged on tha college campus and who has not ye gl ven a lucid explanation Tha girl la Marlon Dorsckl daughter of Stephen Dorecxl and a student at tha High School since last fall Much secrecy aurroundad tha Incident and It waa net reported to the police until today The first report waa that tha young woman waa tha daughter of Countels OoereskL To tha physician who Anally brought her to consciousness the girl told a story of having been seized by two men and carried away In an automobile Several ring and trinkets tha girl was accustomed to wear were not found when she was picked up on the campus i i i 4 i i ITSONILETO BE MAY DAY HOST Commencement of Work on Port Cause itf Big Celebration in Apple Town Bpeclsl DliTMtck te the CbroDicte WATSONVILLE April 30 Seven thousand people are expected to participate In the May day festivities at Port Watsonvtlla tomorrow In commemoration of the beginning of work on the new 3100000 pier which will give direct steamer communication with San Francisco The Commercial League haa arranged a programme of events which will keep the great crowd busy all day Special excursions have been arranged from Holllster Santa Crua and Salinas A big crowd Is expected from Salinas as the Salinas Burbanka will open the local ball season In a game with the Olants Both teams are primed for a hob contest the local fans being In a fever to see Snowdens team In action Tha hew ball park la ready for the game which will be the main event of the day Mysterious Mitchell will pitch for the locals and reports himself In fine shape Among the other amusements provided are various racea from 10 to 13 oclock in the morning for which suitable prises have been provided An address by Mayor Hall and response by Snowden president of the Watsonvllle Navigation Company at 1 oclock official opening of Beach Park and the ball game at 2 oclock dancing at the pavilion and a monster clambake at the pavilion at 530 oclock For the event 6000 clams have been provided GUNBOAT ANNAPOLIS TO BE PLACED IN COMMISSION TODAY A Will Relieve Yorktown in Central American Waters Special Dispatch te the Chronicle VALLEJO April 30 The little gunboat Annapolis la to be placed In commission at Mara Island tomorrow morn at 10 oclock There Is some unof flclal talk at tha navy yard the effect that tha ship la to ba rushed to the Mexican coaat as soon aa possible Conservative opinion however Is tnat the Annapolis will not leave Mare Is land until the Yorktown arrlvss next month as It la most likely that tha crew from tha Central American gunboat will be transferred to the Annapolis The collier Nero which la being overhauled preparatory to a trip to Alaska with the Mare Island electricians who ara to Install a new wireless system Is now In dry dock to receive repair work amounting to I500O POLICE WOUND FIVE STRIKERS IN BALTIMORE Use Pistols on Mob When They Are Attacked With Bricks BALTIMORE April 30 Defending themselves when about 1000 striking stevedores many of whom were armed with sticks and atones swooped down on them a squad of police guarding pier No at Canton today drew their revolvers and fired many shots Five strikers received slight pistol wounds while several policemen were Lbfulsed by bricks BANK PRESIDENT GUILTY OF STEALING TRUST PROPERTY Speclil Dlipstca te tils Cbroslels VALE Or April 30 Charles Thebaud former president of tha United Statea National Bank of this city wss convicted today In the Circuit Court of stealing trust property While president of the bank Thoband was given four notes of 15000 each by Examiner Goodhart to hold as trustee A year later It was found that Thebaud had traded he notes to Brogan the promoter of the Willow river irrigation project for SIM00 worth ot the Willow Rlvcc Land and Irrigation Com panys debenture notes Thebaud It Is understood will appeal his case He has not been sentenced NAVY TO HAVE TWO SHIPS TO CARRY 0LL Spwisl Dlipetch te tbe ChroDtcle WASHINGTON April 30 Tha California oil Industry received additional encouragement today when the Housa Committee on Naval Affairs decided to Include in the naval appropriation bill two fuel oil ships to carry oil for ths new battle ships Nevada and Oklahoma which will burn the fluid exclusively In place of coal Tha fuel ships will carry huge oil tanka but otherwise wilt resemble colliers DrPcar JK CHICAGO April sTha tuner tvot tha lata Dr IO Pearsons tha ma ad phllanthroplaU who distributed IS00O 000 to email collegeiwae held In the suburbs of Hinsdale todayiTha body lay In state i at the HlnsdalavCongra gatlonal i Church from noon until 1 oclock in tha afternoon while nearly in entire population of Hinsdale paased by the body Burial was in OakwoodCemetenr at Hinsdale where Mrs Pearsons was burled aeveral years ago i Search among tha afreets ot the aged philanthropist has thus far failed to reveal a will Jt was announced by A Pearsons and JC Pearsons nephews today that there would be no contest The family wishes to say that so far It appears that there will bo hardly sufficient funds left to cover tba expenses of Dr Pearsons burial and lata sickness said A Pearsons last night Tha two i nephews have guaranteed the expense of the funeral of tholrj unciewno gave away aoout leoooouu to missions and small colleges CAiOlWN WBBfiM Newly Organized SQcIetyof Golde State MentHold firBaruet NiriciMiUiohs Loaned Qut by the State California Has an Annual Incomevof Hundred and Eighty Thousand Dollars From Bonds Spectsl Dlspstch the Chroelcl SACRAMENTO April SO If tha State of California were a person he would ba rated as Independently wealthy for with a total of IS130290 loaned out at Interest In tha various banks ot the State It secures an annual Income of 1188000 a year and allows Its money to be used by the pay ment of and 2H per cent interest This money Is secured by bonds and then the State exacts a requirement that the money can be called In at any time This explains the low Interest received by the State The State Board of Control counted the money In the State Treasury and found a total of S107S411S 18 consisting ot 11220785 In gold 34S39 75 ln silver nickels and pennies 374 74 cur rency SHI 810 warrants paid out 71853 45 Countyi Treasurers certifi cates 164580 45 and certificates of de posit In the various State banks 38630390 Spee1sjWWtekV4jteClwele CHICAGO April SO Too Ca Ufor nlans In i Chicago met at the Hotel La all tonight to I wriro tha 1 memorial of their 8Ut Mora thajl 100 membera of the newly organised California Society of Illinois attended tha banquet and listened TO the programme toast and eulogite of VOode Country The decoratlona conslstlnr of flowers and plants such as ara now In bloom In California lent local color to the banquet room Tha feast walk California banquet throughout every Item on the menubelng furnlahed bythe garden and orchard of the Golden State Chlnoaa waiters Imported from San Francisco and wearing native coa tumes served at the banquet Stephen Maher president of tie society presided as toastmaster In responsa to tha toast California Own Dr Frank Lydaton gave a humorous sketch In Chinese dialect A Hobba of Fresno responded to tha toast California Spirit An address was made by Frank Brown director of the Panama Pacific International Exposition CHURCH WORKERS WILE ADVERTISE IN THE PRESS Fifty Thousand Dollars Will Bo Used for Publicity Purposes NEW YORK Aprtl SO Fifty thousand dollars worth of newspaper advertising apace Is to be purchased next fall by the American Horte Missions Council In order to present current social and religious problems fufly and frankly to the people of the United States The money has been innro prlated by the Home Missions Council composed of the twenty seven general boards engaged In national home mission work and the council of women for home missions which has nine constituent womens boards nsttonal In their scopes These organisations represent practically the entire Protestant Home Mission forces of America New Scheme for a Parcels Post System Bourne Has a Plan Which Fixes the Lowest Rates Yet Suggested WASHINGTON April SO A sone system of parcels post Is provided for In a bill Introduced In tha Senate by Senator Bourne chairman of the Committee on Postofncea and Postroads The ratea are the lowest yet suggested but the Postofflce Department ex preeses the opinion that the system would be self sustaining Eleven pound packages are authorized and 15 cents fixed as the charge for maximum packages in cities For one pound packages tha rate Is 6 cents and a cent is addedfor each additional pound For the fifty mile sone the rate Is 3 cents a pound and 2 cents for each additional pound For the 200 mlle sone 7 cents for tha first pound and 3 cents for each additional pound 2000 mile sone 12 cents for the first pound snd 10 centseach additional pound more than 2000 miles Including Island pos sessions 12 cents a pound GOES TO PRISON FOR MISUSING THE MAILS Guilty New York Swindler Pleads and Takes Sentence NEW YORK April 80 Samuel Rol ler head of the Broadway Bargain Company pleaded guilty today to a Federal Indictment charging the uss of the malls to swindle out of town merchants of goods worth more than 1100000 On one count of the Indictment Judge Holt sentenced Koller to a term of aayear and a day In the Federal prison at Atlanta Edward Eg genberger Edgar A Whitney and Samuel Lederer Indicted as Kellers associates entered tentative pleas of not guilty KAHN ON HIS WAY BACK TO THE CAPITAL gpeelsl Dtipatch to tbe Chronicle WASHINGTON April SO Represen tatlve Kahn has sailed from Cherbourg France on the North German Lloyd steamship Prince WllhelmKaJui will arrive In New York next Monday In a cablegram received here today Kahn said he had entirely recovered from his attack of diabetes and that he was coming back to Washington ready for hard wij STOCKTON CLERGYMAN RESIGNS Special1 Dltpstch te tbe Cbronlcl STOCKTON April 30 Rev I Borders for aeveral years pastor ot the Grace Methodist Church of this city has tendered his resignation to take effect immediately The action of tha clergyman was quite a surprise to the members of his church It Is thought thai he Is compelled to go East on account of his wifes health MOOESfO PIOeTEErt DIES Special Dispatch te tie Chraolcle MODESTO April SO John Areham beault who for thirty years conducted a lodging house and harness shop In this city died at the Modesto Sanatorium last night following a paralytic attack last Friday lis was born In New Brunswick sixty four years ago He leaves baald his wife two liters and a brother a COSTLY FIRE IN A SKYSCRAPER NEW YORK April SO Fire broke out today In tba top floor of the twelve story Exchange building on West thirtythirty second street and before It waa extinguished four floors were burned out causing a damage eetlmated at 1500000 The offices of Applaton 4k Cor publishers wsre swept by flames A CARACAS VanasualaJ April 30 Tha Venesuelan Cabinet resigned to daJv TDa reason tOrUha step Is not ln dlcated ftTha dlrsctora Of the varloua ministries haveMakea charge tem Jporarily of tha tarlous dartments 4 Custom Shirts In our Custorn Shirt Department we are showing alt the New Spring and Summer Shirtings offering a great variety of pleasing and neat designs Our cutters are thoroughly experienced We guarantee fit and workmanship to be most satisfactory 250 to 600 HASTINGS ost4LQrantAye CONSULS AID IN THE TEACHING OF GEOGRAPHY Unique Scheme Devised by Kansas City Teacher KANSAS CITY Mo April 30 A unique plan to teach commercial geography has been adopted by Virgil Jaudon principal of a grade school here From every American Consul In the world he obtained soma article showing the most Important product or Industry of tha country In which the Consul Is located The school children now are making a commercial map of the world with the samples the various Consuls sent CALIFORNIA POSTAL CHANGES WASHINGTON April 30 The following California Postmastsrs were appointed today George Burk Sal slg vice A Gllklson resigned Marietta Ransdell Shawmut vice A Ruoff resigned John Lam me Sutter vice McLean resigned Edwin Stanton haa been commissioned Postmaster at Avalon CaL and James Colley at Nevada City CaL California summer Postofflces will open aa follows Homewood May 16th Mineral May ltth Vichy Springs May mm It sasasaresasasasBsagasaicn Low Rates Chicago and East 0 Round trip tickets at rates shown be low are on sale oo varloue datee via Chicago Union Pacific and North Western Line Liberal return limits end favorable atop over privllccte Theae tow rate tlckete are available for paaaase on the luxurletisly equipped eltetrle llhttd 5an Frmnclmca OeerUnat teenth St daily at IO J3 a or on trains leaving at 937 a nu 717 and 733 Dtrtct cannaeneM ft Cncf mil Unit EuL 7250 CHICAGO ILL and Return 7350 ST PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS MINN and Return 7950 PULUTH MINN and Return 10350 NEW YORK and Return 11050 BOSTON MASS end Return 10850 PHILADELPHIA PA and Return 10750 BALTIMORE MD aad Reture 10750 WA3mNQTONDCend Return 9570 TORONTO ONT and Retosa 10850 MONTREAL QUBW and Return 11650 QUEBEC QUE and Rerorn 11350 PORTLAND ME and Return Modem equipment convenient schedules perfect roadbeoV automatlo elee trle safety signals The Bent of Everything Pun particular dates ef sale ete ea reiuast holder Ceti rFawra Att Nitf yaMtktFIBUl CuJl 5aW Fwsawce Al PmwtrmtrDltt LWVrrlr1 am rsKka cmi JlJlJQtlm9 gjLafc i iiipiatUNrfY1 i1 Unique Decision Handed jTJqwti by Butte County Jadge SpKUl Wspatck tbeVaroBlcleri ORtVlUa 1 AiJiistJF fupirlb Judge John Gray In awarding decree of divorce to Mrs Mary Fran ces Watson ot Grldley from John Everett Watson banded down a de cision that is the first ot Ita kind in the SUte ao far aa known All ft lh JuM ltMMWtv IbVK1 ft I VMHi I TVrf 1 WIV tha wtfi uponthaf ground tBtt1ar Atj property uiett in liner nanor ot ma husband would be squandersd la the Hsaiooaav Si A WETW SIAnKlCT The Importance ot South Africa aa market for bulldmr material la reflected In theract that during the past two ytars buildings to the value of about 1 15000000 have been erected In the Jo ot hanneshurg municipal area alone Union square touwiiTsigM cearystocktom Exposition of Hand Made French Lingerie Beginning Wednesday May 1st in our French Salon 2d Floor we will hold a Special Sale of the finest specimens of the French needlewomans art at prices jnuch below the usual All Band Made and Qand Embroidered Chemisesfrom Corset Covers from Drawers from Gowns from Combinations from 150 upward 175 upward 200 upward 400 upward 450 upward Princess Slips from 1000 upward Continuation Sale of Imported Models In our private Dressmaking Salon and our Ready to wear departments of our entire stock of Imported Gowns Suits and Coats at a reduction of 1 3 off their regular prices Beginning May 1st and continuing through May June July and August this store will open at 830 A and close at 530 aM i Gold Medal London 111 tsrpit Salt HIGH GRADE TVs in WtrU Her Majestys Blend One bud and two leaves Thats all that the workers in the worlds finest tea gardens pick at one time for Ridgways Its the method that enriches the plant and assures the exceptional quality that marks every package It the method of carelui selection ana expert packing that has made Ridgways the tea that the English housekeepers have ordered for the past seventy five years The method that brings intrinsic strengthwnore cups to the pound and greater fragrance Used by Queen Victoria For Last 45 Years of Her Reign 1 lb 25c lb ataaaaasaH ESS la US ABrtV rtssy All Blob Class Grocers Order Trial Package TO DAY I Jte 1 Special Offer For HomeseeKers GOOD UNTIL MAT OO lia Two 30 foot Lots for 575 Regular Price 600 Two 30 foot Lots for 475 Regular Price 500 Cement walk and water main in front ot each lot Street surface graded An exceptionally na marine view Farallone City Its clean sand beaches are maUnr It famous One hours ride from San Franciscos civic center No chanje of Cars A beautltul scenic trip all the war Call al the office of the CAlTTOTTfti STTTirmillY Uhwr COAXrtoosill Jtt i Street aa4 save yourself tie ageBrs fommJuIoa i i I JJ VJl 1 aWSftHi rkrji Kifai kSSrrs isiU JirtM AMmkM 0 jec fii ilc tf fftrjiflv it 1.

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