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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 10

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

111 Mm8gmmmmmmsm ST J5A3T ERAyCESCO CHBOITCCIjE TO 30 1892 lafc 1 Brsnrtss orroKicinTiEs DRUG STOHE SI250 DRCG TORylOtt DKCtJ STORE S2S0O DKUO H1 0KR M000 AB buttln BECKER 906 Market TO BUY 8KLL OH EXCHANGK A BUSINESS ANY KTND Writ or call on DECKER 906 Mrktet Ptatteoery Morfc Martsen TJECXEK 906 Market St GOOD RALOON ONLY 230 MCSTSKLL DECKER 908 Market st TO BUY HEtL UK KiOMAWU jU KIR EJHn A IJ Anythlng in any State Writ ORGANS EXCHANGE 22 Kearny st Sail Francisco BELL OUT YOUB BUSINESS OOTOLIX BARNARD 22 Kearny established 1859 QfUl PARTNER WAITED EITHEB OOu ladv or ceotleman In a first dais cash business dHib StfX per month kept by present owner lady for several years do night or riundav work rrevtous exrieTieiice reQuired KEVXT bUHirr uwi siarcet at OK A A WOOD AND COAL YARD THBEE bone and wagons dally business S18 enap rent TRADERS EXCHANGE 1007 Marretst dearing 1125 Dei month oxer tul ex penses fine location near Market tod Htocitou beat cf reasons for selling any one can run tbrs buslne KENN MfKUTT 109 Market at 2 1 0N ACCOUNT OF THE DEATH of one of tb IJrm obe balf Interest lo large down town whole mercantile cooo Irrn house la offered for sae neat sacrifice sale 35000 per year ears 350 per month estab lisbedaad tavotably known all over lb Pacific coaat and Kaat is an exceedingly profitable safe and ore of onr good aid solid and successful business firms as will satisfactorily proved befnrs pnrehaslng no better investment In the world reference all Iadwx wbolesaie bouses half cash UKO KTEWART 135 Kearpy InilT lnnlM on XJarkpt riosltivelv Clears MOO a month PACIFIC EXCHANGE 33 Kearny si QOflft A FIRnT CLASS HIGHLY RE uJJ soectable retail mercantile business AdT A box 51 this office faocr fcrocerr and produce str cash trade f50 a day will sell half cash or exchange tor ranch ttELIi 310 Kearny at OlAfk CASH LIVERY ASP t3jVjj lioarilnxsiabie wanted loaen balf of nnest op ton ifvery bnsinesa li the state conceded to be the handsomest best anpotnu and conducted in the a proved bosinea manner of any stable In this city has iW stalla 50 boarders 35 first class horses 25 Thicles bacales car rUm hacks etc clears 500 per month lease moderate rent rbeap at 7000 mast sell needs help greatest btritn ever heard of See OEO STEWART 135 Kearnr gt at rrat sarrlfivje Aoply to JACK RACES of llceofilr Hardinp 421 Mar tgornery st AX ELEOAXT CaXDT STORE AND SODA parlurs with or without factory doing a pood batioes sd1 well established good InTestmcDi Inquire and ee for yourself Address SL box 2 this office A WANTS AND now TO MEETTHESL if von want to buy sell or exchange your real estf te or nosineoa It too want to boy sell or exebaena frnlt grain oriv lt ranth If rou want reliable Insurance acatait ion or daniae by hie If yoa want your bills collected promptly If you want any conveyance or other papers drawn 1 1 yon want the services of an attorney or a no UrT If yon wsni entire ebsr taken of yonr property whether at home or abroad If you want to ierriw or loan money Call on HENEYand DONALD DOWNIE 323 Kearny at rooms 2 and 3 BfBlNKSS OPPORTUNITY ARE YOC looking for a paying business If you have 1100 I will rive yon the sole agency of something Dew that sells readily and neu 300 per cent In quire k6 Market su room 25 third floor COAL YARD CLEARING 100 PER MONTH W50 guod saloon 325 coffee hoose S00 cizar store 50 Sue grocery and bar fl200 eicbanees a specialty JEWELL A CO 223 Karny at CIGARSTORQATACACRIFICE MUPTBK sold this week on acoonnt of death TRADERS EXCHANGE 1007 Market aL DTK1NG AND CLEANING WORKS FOR sale the well known establishment of A BertlE first clas lastallatirm ttrouthoot end In perfect order FnU particulars and Investigation oy applying on tbe premises 430 Rash st 1TOR PALE GOOD PAYING CORNER GROO ery wjlh bar horse and wagon 1 years lease rent 50 per month Apply to WILLIAM DAMES 610 Front it FOR WALE FIRST CLASS GftOCERY AND bar must sold at once on account of other huines no reasonable offer refused Apply LIEBES STORAGE 0O 1 Stockton place FIRST CLASS SALOON FOR SALE ONE OF the best corners on Market St good lease nearly rent free Apply 1 Taylor su I OR ALE CUSTOM BOOT AND SHOE bnslness In town of 2O0G population estab lisned 11 years owner can be seen to day at KLOPPERS findln store 116 Ellis st 1OR BALL A ITRST CLAS MILLINERY tulDss In a tbr vie town population 3600 Tor terms and particulais address box 6S this ofhee FOR ALE A WELL ESTABLISHED COAL yard la rood locatlop Apply to CHARLES AiiLEN 16 Howard st FOR SALE OXK ITALF INTEREST IN Mc Garvins paeut fruit irock model on exhibition at state fcor rd of Trade moms under lirand Hotel san Francisco Address SMITH McGAR VIN San Jose CL UK SALE ONE OK THE FINEST AXTl oldest established road houses on the Pacific ccast Apply for particulars to SROUFE A Mo tTHM 2j8 anl 210 Market St Li SAL CH A EST A PLISHK TTN and piumhine sbon In a large town near Sau Francisco a good paying business Addreas box dl this office RiCERY NTORE FOR SALE STOCK OF erocerles liquors elzars and tlxtures contained In those certain premise known and designated as 1831 Markets In this clt aKo on 1 horse and wagon Any Information regarding same wU be given at sa0 ernines a II WEDFMEYER WrsTKNRUHG Execntors of Marx deceased riOOD PAYING STATIONERY STORE 340 VJ Geary st no omenta GENERAL MKHCIIANDISE BCSINKSS AT GlenbruoK Lake Tahoe Nev don xod buslneas is otTered for sale on account ot death of owner For partVu ars app to TORRKY 8AN Caraon ilty Nev or MRS SARAH A SHOOT GlenbrooS Nev Inventory may be seen at Harris Brothers Co 403 and 411 Front st 6an Francisco iiiiiEM An Innocent Man Five Days in Jail The Mistake Made by a Watch Thief A Fisao Seized The License Qaes tion in Alameda Berkeley Sotei GROCERY DAIRY PROOUCE BRANCH bakery Rhe corner no oopostlon four sunny rooms Aodres box 9 this iffice GROCERY HARDWARF ETC NEAR SAN Francisco for sase a afe and conservative business capital required from 3000 to MO00 Inquire of HA AS BROS 102 California at IK YOC WiSH TO rURCKASFOR DISPOSE of a Iegllimate bnslness call or write to the Commercial Agency Department of THE CAB 2JALL HUPKIN8 COJIPAN 6U Marketsu LADIES WITH SMALL CAPITAL CAN bear of splendid chance to make money Particular at room 59 Murphy building MILLINERY STORE 132t POLK BET Basb and line Is will remove to Market st tore to let and fixtures for sale rent and fixtures very cheap store tn best location PARTNER WANTED WITH 2000 MANU fecturlng business yielding large profit with ln reasln demand for prodnct no agents box 35 this once 1HYRICIAN WANTS TO PURCHASE PAY tg location reasonable price paid lor bona fide business Address IX box 122 this office PARTNER WANTED IN MANUFACTUR lng bualnew and coal yard coal alone clears 4 a day WELLS 310 Kearny st KKTA1L TEA AND COFFKB STORE Kearny at splendid location for sale on account of the death of owner Inquire A FOL OER A CO 110 CaJIfOTnla st RARE CHANCE IF TAKEN AT ONCK Partles going out cf business wish to dispose at a sacrifice a fancy aod dry gooda store rent low Call at 613 Ninth at Oakland TO BCY SFLL OR EXCHANGE ANY ihlni In any State write MORGANS EXCHANGE 22 Kearny St WANTED A PARTY WITH lo000 OR II ch re to invesi tn a gotd manufactnrlug busW reea thsl will pay 40 per cent on Investment first yean will bear in vea ration For information call 1 ik WvtfT Y11I1T HfVFflTMVVT ftsrt Tr ANTED SAWMILL AND LOCATION BY it mill man where market Is good on accessible body of timber rive full particulars BIGU Sa Lake Oty TrANTKP AN INTEREST IN A SAFE It commercial or mercantile bnslness by a young man who baa a god bosines education and practical business ex erlence and who can invest 20000 or more tit cash would take a clerical position Jim with a vew to partnership aa above ifprelerred lYtnclpafj only please addresa A Postofflce box 210X tan Francisco CL VOraO MAN WITH ORDINARY rNTELLI 1 gence to travel as cashier with traveling organization about to tour the United sum must bare 1000 cash and be satisfied with 3d per week and expeneea SHBLTON 1032 Market at 6TOKAGK 1 iURNrrUBE TBCNKS PIANOS ETC i for urttved reasonable advances made LIEBES riONKKRatoraita Co 10 Stockton FIRSTCIA8S 8TOBAUE UPPER JTXTOH8 62and644MUalonat CHAS TAYLOR 1 CIFICBTOBAjGK Ca301 STOCKTON 8TJ farniturandrnerchAodi adyaocea mada UniAlly when th Oakland polie whisk a man into the city prison through the back war or it ii mora familiarly known the underground passage he is in there for good and no one outside of Chief Tompkins and possibly the detectives and the jailers knows that he Is there If be has friends they look around and inquiries are made for him It be has none he could remain in the prison until he rotted and no one would be the wier It was consequently a lucky thing for Charles Doraus tnat a reporter happened accidentally to hear that the underground passage had been put into requisition again or Doraus would haYe still been in cell 5 of the city prison and aa has since transpired an innocent and in jured man Probably no prison in the United States can boast of such a complete and absolutely secret entrance as the Oakland city prison in the basement of the City Hail The arrangements are perfect In San Francisco members of the press hare access to the tanks In Oakland it is only by permission ot the chief or captains that one gains ingress and that privilege is begrudgingly given Outsiders and friends stand no show at all unless they press their demands for in the celebrated Sergius case where Chief Tompkins arrested the Cbristisn Jewisn missionary in the nignt time he promulgated his famous edict that he possessed the power to and would not allow counsel to see prisoners unless he thought best Sergius too was locked up like Doraus held and discharged and his pitiable story would never have reached the Eublic had not a reporter stumbled over im as he was being turned ont of the prison one morning Prisoners are brought In through the jail yard from Fifteenth street taken into a room in the center of the prison booked there and consigned to a cell A ticket is then made out which is copied into the book in the ooteide office open to the public or is placed on the small book visible only to the police as the case may be Any person may thus be brought into the prison and kept there indefinitely As in the case of Doraus the favorite method of the police is to arrest somebody on suspicion lock him up in the tanks and put him as they did Doraus through an inquisitorial course of sprouts I lnua lar toess men nave all been released as Doraus was yesterday but only after they have aufiered the indignity and disgrace of arrest and confinement The Penal Code declares that a prisoner shall be taken at once before a committing magistrate but Doraus lay in jail five days City Attorney Johnson expressed himself very forcibly yesterday when the case of Doraus was called to his attention In referring to the practice of the Police in locking men up at will and indefinitely Mr Johnson said This thing is all wrong A Chief of Police has no right to infringe upon the rights of American citizens in this manner 1 have myself seen Chief Tompkins order a man to leave town if I had been th man I would have replied Ill go when 1 eet ready A man when arrested should have a charge placed against him at once It is not right to keep him five days in prison without filing a complaint If he can be kept five days he can be kept live weeks Deputy District Attorney Church at the time of the Sergius case expressed similar views and was of the same mind yesterday Yesterday as Doraus friends were going to swear out a writ of habeas corpus they having learned through the newspapers where he was Chief Tompkins brought Officer Scanlon who arrested Doraus and Leslie Blackburn before Mr Church to have a warrant sworn out against him As neither had any evidence yesterdsy nor have they had any since the mans arrest he refused to issue it stating that the police had no evidence to connect Doraus with the Henry House robbery Dunng the talk Scanlon became abusive nd Mr Church told him to be civil ot get out of the office Mr Church was firm in his refusal to hu a warrant except upon something other than mere suspicion and ordered Chief Tompkins to discharge Doraus Tompkins however did not do so until late in the afternoon Doraus when released was very indignant at hfs treatment by the police He said he would sue Tompkins and Scanlon tor damages He said that the police had treated him worse than the Russian police could under similar circumstances and had bullied and bulldozed him as if ne naa oeen a criminal condemned to tne galleys Scanlon the officer who made the arrest has been doing detective duty during Denny Hollands illness He was ordered back on patrol duty yesterday Mr Church issued a John Doe warrant but warned the police not to serve it on Doraus Be Snatched the Watch At about 7 oclock last evening a young man entered Braettes jewelry store on Washington street near Tenth and asked to be shown some gold watches He was ace ommodated and picking out a watch ran out into the street and escaped The case was plated and not solid gold as the thief supposed Mr a Mitchells Flano Mrs Carrie A Mitchell who is suing Thomas A Mitchell for a divorce contracted bills to the amount of 100 at Taft Pennoyera dry goods store Yesterday on an attachment issued against her the Sheriff seized the piano in the ladys house on Thirteenth street near Brush and she moved it to the courthouse Not Young YTittram The statement made yesterday that young Frederick Wittram of Berkeley wss engaged in a fight on a ferry boat was erroneous Some sne must have personated young Wittram for the latter has been in Southern California for several months AAA3IEDA The Board of Municipal Trustees has refused a license for a bar cm High street in effect deciding that no liquors are to be bid east of Park street There have been two large business structures erected at High street lately with an idea of opening a bar in each and this decision will causa some dismay to the owners of the buildings David Starr Jordan president of the Stanford University will lecture at the Presbyterian Church in this city Friday evening oil the Passion Play The electridower that fell recently at the comer of Pacific avenue and Park street damaged an awning of a building belonging to Fossiiie to the extent of 49 15 lor which sum he has put in a bill to the City Council The cost grading curbing and macadamizing Eailrosd avenue between Oakland Benton streets Is 17713 SS or 150 a front loot The cost of extendinir Carolina street is 8172 73 Alt but 169 or this goes to property owners for land taken and property damaged The Commissioners are to get 50 each for their services The Board of Municipal Trustees at a special session last evening decided to re sewer Park street by laying two sewers one north from Central avenue and the other south from Central avenue There Is already a shallow sewer south of End rial avenue now in good condition and the city will reimburse property owners for it to the extent of 936 53 BEBKELEI At a meeting of the Town Trustees a communication was received from the South Berkeley Improvement Association demanding that the houses be numbered and the streets placarded that free mail delivery might be secured The board settled the school board question by rescinding all past acts in raising 50000 worth of bonds The board will no order a new election for 75000 worth of bonds with a rate of interest higher than 5 per cent It has been found that 50000 was too small an amount and that the low rate of interest and uncertainty as to the Jwundary lines prevented their sale In Tact only one Did that of hellers of He ntcia lor 2000 worth was received The town map matter was filed The ordinance widening Sbattuck avenue was passed The Western Union Company was again notified to remove the poles from some of the streets The ordinance to open Walnut avenue was rescinded The board also requested the electric road to erect places of shelter at its terminii at Berkeley INFECTED TEEES WHAT IS THOUGHT HERE OF THE EASTERN LETTER Aa Well Take Off the Tariff as to Send Us Fruit Pests A Sew Insect The letter of Jackson Perkins to a nurseryman of San Jose which was published in yesterdays Chsosicle was read with interest at the State Board of Horticulture The letter makes threats of inaugurating a movement to have the duties removed from foreign fruits if the practice of destroying diseased Eastern trees is not stopped in this State This is to be done for the avowed purpose of destroying Californias fruit industry Chief Quarantine Officer Alexander Craw who is the one who does the destroying of diseased trees or has it earned out thinks the whole thing is a bluff He said If the Eastern nurserymen had any decent trees to send that is trees that are fiee from all diseases or pests there would be no trouble But they have the yellows and other fruit pests out there and so every load of Eastern trees that comes here is rigidly inspected If the slightest trace of any disease is found the trees are sent back lo the shipper or are destroyed If one of the trees infected with yellows gets in here they can take off the duty on foreign peaches for there will be no need ot protection California will nave no peaches to protect and she will never be able to get rid of the disease The Eastern nurserymen talk of ruining our fruit industry if we do not take their trees Well there is more danger of ruining Californias fruit industry by importing their diseased trees than by taking off the tariff We might recover from the effects of tampering with the tariff but when some of those Eastern diseases get here the yellows for instance they come to stav Mr Craw has discovered a new insect that may or may not prove a destructive fruit pest The insect is of the icerya family and is a species of cottony scale They came from Australia on some ornamental trees a species of Norfolk island pine that were received in this city a few Uays ago There were only four species of cottony cushion scale known The new insect though very like the other species has some distinctive features They are much smaller and have a jet black body Down the center of the back of the insect proper runs a ridge of yeliow cotton while the cottony sack instead of being corrugated us in all other iscerya is smuotb and of a grayish white color The fact that it belongs to the cottony cushion scale family presupposes that it is adestructive fruit pest but it may not be one Mr Craw is investigating it with a vie to finding out if 1 1 is tmrm les or not A Sheriffs Serious Mistake Charles Fisher has sued Sheriff Lau meister to recover 7500 damages for the alleged unlawful seizure and attachment of his business at 22 Sutter street under a writ ot execution issued in Los Angeles county against Urowail and Fisher The plaintiff alleges that his name is not Fisher and that he is not the judgment debtor against whom the writ ot execution in question should have been levied COUKT NOTES The estate of Sarah A Davis has teen appraised at J22177 80 Therese Rohde baa filed a complaint for divorce against Charles Rohde Xmnta i Llnsley has been divorced from Fred A LiDkley because ot his willful neglect A Oscar Borcbardt has applied for letters ol administration on the 5o00 estate of bis deceased wife Elizabeth Sarah Fait baa sued Peter Stretff to recover possession of a lot on the north side of Fayette street near Minna and for Iu0 damages The will of James Blrge was filed for probate yesterdar Ue bequeathed the greater part of a o5O0 estate tu two listers and a brother residing In New York Charles Walker and Albert Smith charged with forgery and burglary respectively pleaded guilty in Judge Slacks court yesterday They will be sentenced next Friday John Collins baa sued Bingham Co to recover 10000 damages for being buried under a falling mass of coal while in the employ of the defendants as a stevedore Cnarles Goodall has sued Francis Ignatius Ralph Joseph Patrick Ktipa and others to quiet title property at the southwest comer of California andEroderick streets Edward Kiel the capitalist has been ordered to pay his wife Matilda 200 alimony within five days and 70 a montn hereafter until tne termination of her suit for divorce The will of Hannah Donlan was filed for probate yesterday She bequeathed an estate of unknown value to her daughters EUrabath and Katie Two sons ar expressly disinherited Joha Chard the English sailor who asmulted a Chilean companion during a dispute over the Baltimore affair was sentenced by Judge Troutt to thirty days imprisonment in the County Jail Werner and Weinert who were cauzht circulating libelous boycott handbills against the barber shop of Schoeii at 14211 Market street were held to answer before the Superior Court by udge Elx yesterday Mary Cassldy has sued the Southern Pacific Company to recover qfiOOOO damages for the death or her husband Thomaa Cassldy who was killed by a fall throngh a roof which he was engaged in repairing at the instance and request ol the defendant The will of John Ct Dovle was filed for probate yesterday His estate Is valued at 95uo and consists ot money in bank and a halt interest in a aaioou at the southwest corner of Howard and Third streets Ha bequeathed everything to his ared mother who rosides ra Ireland Richard Kingston the cruel landlord who was made to psy 200 by Justice of the Peace Cook for abusing his tenant John Guerrero has now sued for the ission of his tenement at 262 Clementina street and for foo damages alleged to be due for negligent treatment ot the place The trial of the suit of Archibald Douglass against the Pullman Palace Car Company for 53 was commenced before Judge Gather yesterday The clalmU for baggage lost by Dr tolly and Isabel PDouglass Dicx who were paasengera rom Colorado Springs to this dty In November 1890 ItawJwUt telli mUfiV spectacle will uiu your eyaslght Jodra by oumparlsoB Mulleri optical ticpyt XM ittatomer street nr Bush Gominissigners Jayor the Idea California Plants at the Worlds Eair Meeting of the Exposition Committee of the State Floral Society The Worlds Fair committee of the State Floral Society held a special meeting yesterdayyesterday afternoon at 230 Sutter street This committee was appointed last July to prepare a floral exhibit representing California at the Worlds Fair Owing to the delay iu obtaining the Supreme Court decision on the State appropriation for exposition purposes the committee was unable to accomplish anything until this week The committee consists of Mrs Helen A Cross Captain Kellner Mrs Townsend Mrs Ewer and A Miller Ail of the committee were present at the meeting yesterday with the exception of Mr Miller Mrs Hodgkins foundir of the State Floral Society was also present by invitation Mrs Cross reported that she had seen Commissioner Thompson who had listened attentively to her plans The Worlds Fair Commission seems inclined to put the floral display in the hands of the society The Los Angeles organization and the Florists Club of San Francisco have volunteered to render any assistance in their power Mrs Cross also said it was her Idea not tc have California compete with any other State in cut flowers as on account of distance and difficulties of transportation this State would appear at a disadvantage She simply advocated an Independent display in the State building A great part of the exhibit should consist of growing plants started in time to have them bloom during the fair The most interesting part ot the whole collection Mrs Cross tnought would be the native flora of California She believed it advisable to search the forests mountains and canyons for wild flowers fdrns and shrnbs peculiar to this botanical region The other members of the society agreed generally with Mrs Cross Captain Kellner thought however that the State might make a fine display of cut calla lilies He believed that a special conservatory car and a refrigerator car for the purposes of transportation might be constiucted at comparatively little expense He was in favor of starting a sufficient number of plants immediately Mrs Hodgkins thought the expense of collecting specimens of wild flowers would be much greater than that of preparing an exhibit of cultivated plants She advocated a specisi display of the Stale flower the EschscboUzLa or California poppy The committee will ask the Worlds fair Commissioners to allow the society a sum sufficient to cover the whole expense of the floral exhibit as the society has never attempted to accumulate iunds At least 25000 or 30000 will be required it is thought desirable to maintain the exhibit during the whole time of the exposition The committee wants at least 5000 squsre feet of space and can use more if allowed it The matter of a floral exhibit at the Worlds Fair will receive further at tention at the next meeting of the society THE AND I SOLD KNOCKED DOWN TO LEDEEER FOR S1250 Court Proceedings id Abeyance Until the Money Is Paid The sale of the TJ and I theatrical company at auction in Judge Wallaces courtroom at noon yesterday proved a very quiet affair Very few people were present outside of the attorneys and others directly interested in the pending litigation between George Lederer and Professor Alexander Hefrm inn The sale wu conducted by Heceiver Wolfe Falk and Harry Piper a deputy sheriff acted as auctioneer After the notice of the sale had been read a statement was made of the articles to be disposed of They included the right to produce TJ and I the good will of the company scenery properties etc Kibsy Levy started the bidding with an offer of 100 1 bid 500 said Edward Bloom agent for Herrmaan Five hundred and fifty returned Levy Make it 1000 said Bloom I bid 1250 chimed in Attorney Waldheimer representing Lederer Make if 1500 continued Bloom There was a lull in the bidding at this point and Bloom inquired of Receiver Falk If the manuscript of and 1 was included among the articles sold Falk replied in the negative stating that he did not even know where the manuscript now is Then I withdraw my bid of 1500 ssid Bloom 1 do hot care to buy property that cant be delivered Waldheimer also withdrew his offer of 1250 whereupon Auctioneer Piper announced that no manuscript was included in the sale and called for new hids Levy offered 50 Bloom raised to 100 Make if jaw said Waldheimer Then by gfdaal stages the figure was raised until Waldheimer reached his previous bid of 1253 Bloom declined to go higher and the property was declared sold to George Lederer A return was made accordingly and at 2 oclock Judge Wallace was asked to con firm the sale An inquiry by counsel for Bloom elicited the fact that the receiver had not Teceireu the 1250 called for ty Lederef bid A motion was thereiore made that the sale be set aside Attorney Waldheimer requested delay stating that be had telegraphed to Lederer and was expecting anv moment to receive the money by wire xCd word had been received however at the hour of the conns adjournment when Judge Wall ce grauiea a continuance untu iu a today Should the money not be forthcoming then It is likely that he court will accept Blooms highest Jjid which was 1100 FOOLS IN TSCKOPE Gullible Foreigners Inquiring After Fictitious Katates That people in Europe are being defrauded by ihe bigvestate game was stated recen tly in a dispatch in the Chbos iclx It was there related that papers on the coa tfnen were printing an Item about the death in Sau Francisco of a man named Mnrtinl who had left an estate valued at 2000000 and that many opposed relatives were being assessed ty sharpers who offered to secure their shsie of ihe fortune Tbis news is confirmed by the fact that Chief Crowley is dailyre ceiving letters ot Inquiry from credulous ones abroad One msh writes that be has already communicated with bis friend Baron Harden Hiekey cf 522 Frtmont street San FrsjKnsca Letters have also been received asking after the estate of Wolfe Horwitz an enormously wealthy Pole who Is supposed to nave inet bis death cere The death records hare been searched and do not contain the name of either Horwitx or Martini The Horwitz faxe was exposed sometime ago A F1BEMAX KNirr Engineer Began Cuts a Mam In a Saloon Brawl During a row in the Bouquet Saloon on Grant avenue at 230 oclock yesterday morning John Regan engineer of 5a 10 fire engine cut a young man named John Stewart in the neck The slash was a vicious one but the wound resulting is hot serious for although five Inches Ion it is not deep Both men were locked up in the dry prison after the cut had heen dressed at the receiving hospital They were very drunk and could grve no lucid account or the trouble that led to the cutting Stewart ssys there was a general fight in the saloon and that Regan cut him when they were on the sidewalk in front of the place This statement is denied by the proprietors of the saloon i i Beat Estate Transactions The following real estate transactions have been recorded John Jfortto Faktor loton tins of Athens street 100 feet of Japan avenue 75x 100 1U Walter liner and wife ta Tymfa Land tnt on llneof Hartford atreet 1026 of Tweo una 2i uiz IU Ferd Tilar and wife to Sol aad Get lot on IT line of street 571 of Forty third avenne 18211 Jf 190 120 70 9211 Slzo S10 Jacob Herman and wife to Charles Faiilhaner tM6 llnof stn et82 6 of Twenty seventh Charles Fanlhaoer to Annie Wilson same 10 Jchn IT Pchlesselmann and wife to Charles A OBrien lot on SW corner of Oat and llerca streetaSSOrl063 S10 A Paddnct to Frederick Paddocit lot on Uneof Ihlrty flrst avenne 200 feet Jf of street 25x120 S3 James Rent to Sims Bent lot on line of Twentv fourth street 1768 of bonglass 518 xlHS50a Catl alfield and wife to Bortenae Davidson lot on line of Washington street 247 of Spruce 27H27SV flu Oscar Jacobsou to A a Peterson and wife lot on 8 Hue of Minerva street 390 feet of Orizaba 12xJ2i S10 Same to Olson lot on line of Minerva street 515 feet of Orizaba 25x125 S10 Julius Jcobs and wife to Oscar Jacobson lot on 8 line of Minerva street 390 feet of Orizaba 200xlU SU Hewlett to Robert Mercer lot on TfK line of Stanley place ll 6 SE of Harrison street SK6 12xil2 tt 110 Frederick A Weaver to wmtam AUingham lot on line of street 1076 of Thirty seventh avenne 25x100 10 Fitzgerald and wife et aL to Bates lots 17 and 2J biocS Pane Lane Tract 3 S10 A Merrlman and wile to IX Lamoree lot on Vrner of Forty fourth avenue and street II leo WHart to Sarah Dwyer lot on 8 line of Ellis street 55 reet of Pols 276x120 Sift car Wood hams nd wtfe to William Stevens lot on line of C1y street 10S feet ot Fillmore 23x127 8V S10 Charles A Hlchr to Heenaa lot on line of streer 826 of Fony flrst avenue 23xlOiS10 Jacob lieyman and wife to Samuel Axelrod and wife lot nq YV linemf Thirty third avenne 250 feet Sof street 8 25x120 SIU HOTEL AKRIVALS GRAND HOTEL 0 Ifewton Sacto Mabel Prior Xapa Berry California Maud Rates do EH Green do Holloway Ollroy Itopke Louisville A Baamgartren Cat Moore Stockton Farnald St Paul Qulnn do AT Forbes Maas 1 Rolft Nevada City A Sptnts California A Brown Sacruneeto I Boaxs Newcastle Katfn do Rector Kevaia City Hutchison Victoria Turner do Jensen do Walker Sacramento Nachell do KC Miller Ca 1 torn I a Redfiell Fa Roberta Vancouver Patterson Auburn Rradiey Sacto A Tregfdgo Grass Valley Alien Nevada City Perrlnxton Sacto Briscoe ean Jose Mrs Wood Napa Miss A Briscoe do Hodson Redding hattnclt Cal Nag Kostbn Rev Hamilton Vallejo Fisher city BobL Sacramento JHerrinOrovfIle 1 Dobbins i Cal Elliot Grsas Valley Enelebrifcht do Drew fcacraaieato Richmond Auburn I Perkins do Uewes Ophlr Colby Dutch Flat Consul Heading Fheiff Auburn Hoc tux Grass vy UrmlD Fresno Threekel AewcasU TJpham city Tbomann fct Helena A Cross widni Weston Mich MrsMABarr do Parks Amador A Call Amador Tregioaa fc Cat Walker Sacramento Batchelder A Cal Mrs A A Barber jdtc tmill Kacraznenta CJodiclns Fresno OUallewyWatsooVUla auianaino ap tfatnmaaa sicacv 8 Holllday Ukh Honey Santa Bosa A Hardle 8 Obispo Frank tierce MonUrey Arael do A cKtnnon Stockton ThreeaeL Newcastle Miiler A city Key A Bneii fcw Mica Moulton Colusa James Woodbarn bavtv Bates do Hunter Denver Caon Petaluma 0 IU do DAM cEwen WatsonvU Bryan buisun Kennedy Livermre 1 Reed Calaveras McKee PlacervlUe WlJiam Ash Colusa Carr do PALACE HOTEL Cadwalader Red Blu Rucker 8 Jos Briscoe Jose Bottom Mt View Miss A Briscoe do Mrs Winchester Clara Adams Oakland Mta Mernman do A Krao Seattle Cora sex SLO A mold salt Lake Dr Percey CSS Harvey 4 BC Mrs Percey Mare Island Mrs Huntings Spokane Gros Rosa Ode Tacnma Mr Mrs Ehrman 8 MrMrsBriltainBwood JJCrawiord PlacervUe Laurence Auburn Aldersen do Doilitle Cal Brown do A rtudthe NY KS Ruw do FKtssen do II Morey do WLeidenburgao Snow do Marcus Polssky Fresno Dichman Col Woodworthdo iiinninzbam Tow Uuadelnxer do Davies La Aug Robarsoo A Port Davles do Hi La Ang Meinloger 8 Hoffmann wanefleld Detroit Tnolomin Chicago Hudsell Chxago A Worth Fresno Prof Hansder Jos nr Unness eac Brsdy Mateo Anders Rafael Voorhlea Creek 0 Mctarnahaa A on RC33 HOUSE Moore Holllster uardner Gtlroy 11 PAubard Holllster Mrs A Adams Kelseyvle Bruwn Ho lliter Jamison aan Jos Fr Hopiand Orr Huron A Fitch santa Cms II smith Vtsalia A Harden Reno Barrere California Webster Medford Bovren Los Angeles Corran Washington Lawler Ieialoma Klltrelt eanta roz Jonea 8anta Rota Body Grass Valy Chatten Vlsalta Nethertuglon Gms Fisher Bign Miller Calnor iia Douglas Vancouver Haywood Vancrr Ironside Vancouver A Herman Denver McKean Victoria A KtUy Calltorula A Swift MeatUe Wbllams Valiejo Wilson Sacramento Clark Lna Aneees Bowev Butts Jobns Los Angeles Martin Butte A Hamilton Livermre Kaisic At La Grand Hub Auburn Uonant Madding Gregory isprlnghld saibee Shasta A A Dewing A ty Boone Howard California Jtiss Bostelereeirska Miss Hanks do EUlgginSttresuo Me son Ynoa Mayea Camptoriville I West3trawberry Vly Sanders Lincon Houga Table Rock Clary ran Diego Hamilton Holllster Dr Tfi Smarts ville rye Rutherford A Brown do WaIlngNevada CTy Place Omega A nk do UermannUotd Ron HordletdGraas Tally Bpe icer Iowa 1IU1 Hegard Quincy moraine do WW neJogz do Jones Beckwith Harm UnraeyvI Ray Visalia cMnllen Detth Betd Beno dwardsL Angales May Modesto A Crawford ieysers Tryon A ngeis col YonhgHtaldsbrg Finning Forest Hm las Bryant fJao Jos Knapp BioomfiKl PansbSoU Barbara Mrs HoxnesW liters BIBTHS BEAGBEN In this ctly January 10thwifcf rtt agren oi a son LANZKBIo this city January 19 Uiswtfsof jonu leaser of a uaugnter MAGNIS In this city January 18 the wife of Magnin ofaMa 3 EARS Oakland January 15 tha wife of A Hears of a son BLOOD In Oakland Jannary 7 the wife of Dr Blond of a daughter MAEKUGES EVANS FEBfirSON lnthiaclty January 18 by Rev Robert 3 aekrczie Albrt Evans to LooUe Ferguson both of this city TVj ON DAVIE8 In this city January 14 by Rev Father Solllvan Charles Tyson to LOhai Davles both of this city FATCHEI PEDEN fn this dtv Januarr la by Kev Dr Leech Frank A Fatchel to Lulsa leden both of this city BECKER 6CH REISER In this city January 16 by Rev Foendellng Eugss Becker to Katie acbreiner COHN LADERKR In this city January ilbr Rev 8 levy Wraorr Cohn ef lastrovills to Mias juua Lmamt ot aan rraacisca CELLER IKSG InthlscitT January 11 by Ber Levy a celler of Aston to jfls liDa Lent Ban FrancT ea MOHR MOELLER ln this city January 16 by Rev Fuendelug Adolph Mohr to Wllhei mm atoetee BECK DITZ In this dty January 17 by Bar Fnendeling Gerhard Beck to Mrs Elizabeth Dis LSWIS BtES in this ritr January 17 bv Rev Levy Abe Lewis to Miss Jennie Blev METER ELKAN In this dty January 17 by Kev a Levy fclmjn Meyer to Miss Mar Ukan DEAfHS TWOHIG In this dty Jatraary lg Jeremiah oeiovea nusoanaoi josa i womg a nanv or Ire and need 67 years OsTFuneral W1U take place this day fWednes ayj at ojo veioca irom nis iai rsamenee i03O Treat avenne thence to St tars Chorch where aaole mo requiem mass will be ceieorated tor in repose ot nis soui com mo clnr at 9 Voocc Interment Moiial calvary tioetery VTIIXtAMSin 8o Wegof Cat Jaa gr 16 John beloved husband of laabeu Jaud father ot De Fht iToree ana Johnnie WUIlamsand brother tf Lewi and Bessunln AV mums of BIsbeeAlTanu Mary Wuftams Mrs EUsabeth Blibeeand Mrs Toong of 6an Francisco aed 47 years S3 Funeral will take olac this day Wednes dsry at 130 ociock from SU Pauls Churcov Caliromia street near 8telner WALBH Ib this ertf January ia Tttr William Waish late asshtaot lector of St Josepn Cbarcn sasrr of Ban Jfrancisco ageS6 Tar sarThe reverend crgyfrteztds and acquabit ancea are raspectrottyTuvtted to attend the faaeral this day WeenesdayL at 10 wclock from St Josephs Chorch ARBIS In this ctty Jannary 18WUII Headeo poa vv xaua to isw annee Arwa Harris aged 1 year 1 month and days S9T Ftleods are itMriIy tarlted to attead the funeral this Car Wednesday at 1130 oclnet from the residence of Dewitt 600 Oak street Interment private Mountain View Cemetery Oakland Kindly omit flowers HOWK In Alameda Jannary 18 Henry Howe aged 45 yeart and 7 months Ay Friends and acquaintances are respectrnlly mvttedto attend the fonerai this day Wednea riay at 3 oclock from th fnnerU parlors of Cray Co 641 tsacramento street later meat private MACKAY-In thU dty Jannary 18 Mrs Blsa Deu aaacsayr uewjvea mntner ot airs iLr Brenaa natlv of Princ Edward Island 3 Friends are respectfully innted to attend the funeral this day Wednesday at 8Jd oclocx from her late resldeuce 23103 Post afreet thene to BL Dominna Ubarch where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated fut tb repo of her soul intermsut tit Uttft Cemetery Oakland BOOLE In this city Jan nary 18 Florenc Emma infant and only daughter of George and Emma Boole a native of Saa Francisco aged 9 mouths aod 1 day A3 fnends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services this day Wedaedav at 130 oclock at 13 Poplar street Oakland Adeline station Interment private GRuOAN In this dtv January 19 atBt Marys Hcapitau Miss Asnw urogan a nattve oi county Tyrone frelaid aged 80 years 83 rTtenas and ai aualataoces are respectfully inviud to attend the funeral to morrow Thursday at 1113 oclock from the chapel of et Marys Hospital corner of First and Bryant streets tbeoc ey train to Holy Cross Cemetery WESTERBERO In this dty January 19 William dearly beloved sou of Amanda Malm berg an I the late Uasiaf Wrsterberg stepaon of John Maimberg aod brother of Lull and Gus Westeroeig and Cnarlorte Maria and Albtn Malmberz atuilreof an raacisco aged 23 years 4 months and 23 days ttyFrlenda and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral to morrjw Thnr day at oclock Irom to faniy resldenoav 20d Hermann street comer of Webster under the auspices of Mission Parlor No 34 14 interment Laurel Hi cuitery Xi OFFICERS AND MEMBEBS ot Mission 1arior So 38 are requested to aa sembtfe at xeblor ilali 2319 itaatjix street to morrow Tburaoay at 1 oclock anarp to attend the funeral ot onr deceased brother Westerners Fines for non attendance will strictly bforctd Yours iraternahy POWEruS President Exxrsox Secretary DCFFIE rn this dtv January 19 Mrs Christopher Duffle beloved mother of aod Will lam DuS and Mrs Oultan aged 79 years gr Fronds ana scqualataoce are respecruily Invited to attend the funeral to morrow Thursday i at 2 oewek from the residence of ber daughter Mrs OuUoo 621 veath street between Brannan and Townsend Interment odd Fellows Cemetery DUVN ln tel dty January 19 Arthur loved son of Taomas and Esther Dunn a native of San ranciaco aged 10 years 11 montna and 4 ditya Friends and acquaintance are respectfully invited to attend ta mnerai to morrow Thursday at 1 oclock from to family reatdnuC 1003 Mason street NACH MAS In this dty January 19 Carrie beloved wife of Sachman and daughter of Mrs Elisabeth Green a native of Viaaua Oat aged 26 yean and 7 onths A3 Friends are respectfully lnrrifd to attend the funeral services to morrow Thursday at 11 oclock at her late residence 1426 uesry street Interment Hills ot Eternity Cemetery Son Mateo OIBSON In Oakland Jannary 19 Lauretta Beatrice beloved daughter of William and Tela slne Iibson a native of Oakland aged 3 montos aad 14 days New Haven Conn and Baltimore Md papers please copy SaTFrt nds and acqua ounce sxe respectfully invited to awead tbe ionera4 srvtcea so morrow Thuisdayi at 11 oclock at the residence of her grandparents Mr and Mrs Johnson 567 sixth street West Oakland Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery Saa Francisco HEALY In this dty January 18 Pater be loved nrtber of Anal and Edward ueaiy a native of ew York aged 29 years and 6 months A3 Nonce of funeral herea tar ECHWArtTZ Ia Seattle January la CeHaonly child of Hannah and tbe late Louis ochwaru atTNotic of fuaeral hereafter MOOSE In Chlco January 7 Orleans only daughter ot Mr and Mrs uu Moose aged i year 8 months aad 2t days ROGEKS Ii Detroit Mich January 19 Eva wife of Ford Rogers aad daoghter of the lat Dr Samuel Adaiaa formerly ot San Francisco McCASH In this dty January 19 Charles A MeOasQ a native of Iowa aged 42 years 3 months and 18 daya Burlington la papers pieasecopy McGtBBEX In this dty January 18 of diphtheria Jennie Isabella only and beloved daughter of James td Haocah McGibben aod grandenitd of Mrs Jan Solan and Robert Mc Ulbben a naUve Baa FraacJsco aged 1 year 11 months and 8 days MISCELLANEOUS rAaa 4 za tsaxw1 rsj rsst vr i I HATE TO ASK BY DOCTOR Falsa modesty and procrastination ait responsible for much female suffering We can excuse the instinctive delicacy that suggests concealment to tbe young but there is no excuse for those who reject the assistance of a woman LYDIAEPINKHAHScp is an entire and permanent cure for the worst forms of female disease and instantly relieves all weaknesses and ailments peculiar to the sex It is sold by all Druggists as a standard article or sent by mail in form of Pills or Lozenges on receipt of Si Of For the cure of Kidney Complaints either sex the Compound has no rival Mrs Pinkham freely answers letters of Inquiry Enclose stamp for reply end twe 2 cent stamps tor Mrs plrkh am besullhil 3 pagt ntustreted hook ntiHef GUIDE TO HEALTH AND ETIQUETTE contains a salome ot sawaBle Inwreiiuon has saved litres and mat gave jours Lydla Pinkham Med Co Lynn Mass Send beau rtcoi Ji will be paid for a redpe enabling us to make Wolffs Acme Blacking at such a price that the retailer can profitaL sell itatipca bottle At present the retail price is 20c This offer Is open until January ist 1833 For particnlars address the undersigned Acme BtACriNG Is made of pure skohcl other Uquid d3sings are made of water Water cosU nothing Alcolsol is dear Who can show us how to make it without alcohol sathwecsnrnakeAcMEELACKiKCaschearj suiratcT dressing or put it in Clancy packages like many of the water dressings and then charge for tie outside appcarince iiw atcaa vi coarzisg lor wc coukeis OI Use bottle WOLTP EAJTOOLPH Philadelphia is name of a pamt of which a 25c bottle Is enough to make six scratched and duDcd enticbairsrlook like newly lmubebVxra uogames 11 wiu ao many oiaex nmarsaoie thiagt wbica no other paint can do AUretjalersiellit A HaUTSUIk IUKSLSTsUD HALsYEAlO COe TJ3TEBTAS3UL Tfo B4d MISSION STIIKEOV TELEFHONK 8164 jiMCgrwKSTn THX BTJaHrSTBltSTr thItw MxL VL TL IT atTl vy rttVsx nfl TSais if VrraiTnfraJ TO ijAY AT JiVUiJiGS AX 8ij Jui ATKTJB TOBkEBT AjadaaExcrrentCxmirianyUthGralVv BTareTneaierSwesi9 CAPTAIIT BWiJtIL PA PT AWT SJ I fiw Kkxr ospiT gfoitt MVittfifgi SEW CALXFORN IA THEATER BaadaonMst Thsatet to the World KTr flrrrr TiishW Hxsar MAjts BOAKS OT XArGHTEB AT XTeST IOe HtTNDBEDS TTmNEIJA WAT LAST SIGHT i otti HOYT OsfstaieBsi Cokibt iSeMsii 31 A TEXAS STKER I A TEXAS fJTKEB lA TEXAS 8TEIB I tt A WITH wa fnnn Ptash Vsr EVEBY JSianT STCTBAY ISCECDin Tibst MATntkc BxTCmBST Trrou OPERA HOUSE XaxLraa Bon roprletoriaadalaaajt Trj Niarrntt rrt ft tr rli I TO NIGHT TO NIGHT TONIGHt TO NIGHT TO NIGHT TO NIGHT TO NIGHT TO 3TIGHT TO SIGHT TO NIOHT TO NIGHT TO NIOHT TO NIHHT TO NIGHT TO NTQHT TO NIKHT TO 5IOHT One Week Onlx a i OILBKBT srtxivAira Ucau ax JLmtiwosx PSaT YEOMEN or ITHEGUAEDf POPULAR PBICES KOT isrf EXPEBxjfzirr BTTT TB3BTia3t TEABi or toaTcrroc rBospntntir anno II BALDWIN THEATER At Baykaw Arx SYrfafa ALVaZP WrrVrs rfsnirsf BEC02TD WEEK and last but easf CHABLE8 FBOBMAirS COJfKDIJjai In th Howling Bucceaa MB WrLKIN03r3 WIDOWS A T0BBIXT OF BXFINKO BrKxt week IS the last and voorsaaow cur seats for all the remaining perfomacs MATTNKE HATCBDA ONLTi AXCAZAB THsiATER Waxxxwxoo Btocxwxll WlitkT leasee ana Managers EVkT tnsr nryr nww OClnsgl Evxsmrei jsAtciBar Th Eminent Character Actor MB GEOBGE OSB0CBNE Ia Steele Mackayea Bomantle MUodrama A SOBll XT I Snppottcd Iry THE ALCAZAR THEATEB O0MPAXT POFCTLAB Evening 25 50 and 7 ceatk PRICES i Matinee 2S and SO eeata Next Mr Geokos Osbcitjux ta SAINTS ANO 8CINEB OftPHETJSI OPEBA H0nBEj EXH tfCT 1tn4rmMYiimjm ERMINIE TO NTGHT EBMINIE TONIGHT EKMISIE TO NIOHT FBMINrK TO NIGHT ERM DfrE TO NIGHT IS IB TO a IBHT BBMrKIB lO JHOHT FBMINIE TO NIGHT BRMXNIE TO NIGHTi MELUDY A CDXKDY MELODT COMEDY Slff TOREi OPERA COVIQTJlV i OUMTASY I POPULAR PRICES 38c and 60s Worth Three Time th Money UNITARIAN CHORCH Cor Geary and FrankBa st RECITALB BY SII36 SCSAS HALE Tics rot Wakefleld WednedsyevnIngJae rv OLb at oclock Children of th Abbey Wednesday evening January 27th it 8 oclock TheFiixlr of Yootb aa ortrtnal monotogae batnruay anernoon January sum aa a oaoca Tickets B0 cents for each redtai tat sale by Sherman Clay A xl KARL TO Th Bnnerior ProvMentlal Annt vtt read this fWednesdav eventna at and after 805 at at the Metropolitan Hall Fifth street tha Providential lecture entitled Th Boprm Providential Governmental Orxaalxatloo of tb Grvat Universe and the Lawful Crloo of sv Beal man Beiug Admission SO cents ro JaCELtAJNBODS DR LIEBIG Mp tV I Dlt L1EBIO CO IXI theoidsst and most reuaW iK pAlsw 00 to Pactfls coast 400 Geary street ta i Francisco coo tlnne to speedily and permanently eur aUehroole special private and wasting diseases no matter how complicated or who has failed Blond asd Ksia rosea Los of VIgor and Manhood Pros tatorrh Mrlctnre etc 4end for CooSdeatlal Book explaining why thousands cannot gt curtd of above disease and complications 1 Dr Llebiga Wonderful German Iavtf orator at aur ayocillo for above com plaint One DoUar Trial Bottle given or seat fm on sS plication sjali or address 400 Geary St Cal KOTIClv TO COrnRACTQRS 0TFICE OF THE BOARD OF STATE HAB 1 bor ComrnlssionT 10 Cartfomia street 6aa Frandsco Cal January 11891 Sealed proposals or bids win be received at this office at or prior to 3 ortock at on TV BfD A January 2 1892 for repairing and rebuUdlnf portions of Kerry Sip No 8 an tbe Water Front of the dty aod county of San Francisctv according 10 the pans and speciacatloos theretor prepared or the Chief Engineer cf the rtosrd and adopted by tbe Board on January 12 1892 to which sptcUl reference is hereby made Ko but wilt tie received unless It la mad on a blank torm furnsaed from this office and is accompanied by certified check lor CO payabM to the order of tbe tecretarr of th Hoard aa stguaf An tee on the prt of the successful btier Mat be will within sit Cays after UtesxeeotazWsf bJa bid entertnto a written contract to do said wort according to the ptass and pedltcatirat prepsred tberMor and wiu also execnt and fil with tha boards good and sufficient bond to beapprnv by said wrd to such amount as it shall direct and conditioned foe the telthfut perform sac of such con ractTrt wilt saibid be considered by this Board unless llvered to th Secretary orj tbcAssistant Cecretsry as the Office of th Peer taryv at or prior to 2 oclock on TEESDAT January 26V1892 at which place th bids will opehod i i --The Board reservrs the rfgut to reject any a bid if deemed for th best interests of th State Bidders are Invited to be present st the opening of th bids BASsiETT CHASO ALEXANDEE WHBBOWN Board of State Harbor Cbmmaaonrs MassPEw MABSOir Chief Englaeet JJ Kraoaw secretary NIP TUGSE A Lli PERSONS WBO ABE rSDa3TXTT0l the lata DR 0 ADAM4 are Uerby tioned and notified not to pay any bills to DR ilUNDPUGHoi 8 Mason sU an Franclaoohl authority to collect th sama having been revoted by me MBS KATE ADAMS Baa Frandsco January it 1892 IMSTAIsTllEliCr Car ta daysrjJ till 1 SSrill PssssCE 1 11 ni 1 1 eTsOisxAtt rwts a auapl meaas of certain self curs so aaferar rress youthful Trora early decay ioatwaaaoad aerrou lya tranilln isstaBame Marshall JDelW I VUSfiSIiat igL9ttiii hOiJiSC il iiisjafisxS.

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