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San Francisco Chronicle du lieu suivant : San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
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San TEiLereiseb cheqcee hoiDjOT joty 23 is4 KOOHS TO LET COR MARKKT SUITS AXB Jingle woai 1st floor 1 50 gp Iransleata jirra mSr HsOlXS Htm avr ur rwjsuriu iwo i nn unf amUfced rooms tutor 3 feaei con makkht bet valescia andioerrero 3 or 4 furnished hoosekeep aaWOtM from 12 up Rrr PLACE OFF CALIFORNIA BET 5 i fttncXwn and Powell Furnished flat of three jaasT xoows and hath 12 KUJs TKAxeiKirr suirs sisgle 4y wcflf llluroatave TflOUTH PAHK TVO OP THREE WELL 10fBmlsbed sunny housekeeping rooms very esp sunny furnished front room 5 IS untarnished room with kitchen 10 MOXTUOMERY NICELY ICBJflSHED XO rooms suiti and single f6 up BRICK BUIIPtNO th eleaantly furnished isits sonny single rooms for tourists Brat das 121 SIXTH NKAR MARKET SUX3Y FCR nUbedrooriH prices reasonable transient 25 2G aits and slniie rooms 5 op Oft OAK THREK OR POUR K00M8 rCR nlaet complete tor housekeeping cheap booms id xbi cosMtKinsb nlsrlit newlr furatihMf zoiin mmiil si 9S to 15 per wets transteat MKs uQSJ3Frops YOSEMITB HOUSE IMS MARKKT BET sixth and seventh single ana sotts per night Sic tol per week 1 60 to i families houskkkepjmj Kuans I of nice noma 4 rooms bun tarnished 35 SEVENTH G1RARD H0USE1 6UIT sud kitchen other housekeeping rooms ninny famished housekeeping rooms Ql 7 MARKET NICK FDRXIRHED Oi I rooms single and en salts also offices 7 LARKIN NEWLY FURNISHED SUM I ny corner bay window salt with kitchen 1 A1 0A BPSH TWO NICELY FURNISHED ATtLu nanny rooms with running water complete for honsekeenlng BOOMS AND BOARDING rooms large grounds good board refa Qflft VAS NESS iRONT SUSNY ROOHS OUU private family superior board references with board references i SIXTH TIIE niLLBDALKV NEW BRICK I fenny rooms salts single transt elevator 39 i slXXY BAY WIJ5D0W FAR An POST CORKEARNY PAIMKR HOUSE I Elegantly furnished salts private bath FURNISHED JOXKS SUNSY PAP1AIR SUIT AND sunny uii light housekeeping use of laundry bath etc terms reavjiibl 117 good dean beds a pecaiy transient nollciled OfUA POST JIANS IKlDl rlNEST iTR ZUO nlshed rooms In tli city alcove bathroom suit iranaifcuts FcrmWIy 29 tTriint av inoderale price 0 rooms separate beds 7 basement IS 100SINGLE AND KSo to 50c pe night 1 J4 voek ormn all mull satisfy yourself AM HANDSOMELY nished carlors and alcove rooai single suits 3 or 6 nois all sunnv ch private fntnily fTences 404 4063 rooms new brink building lutet 419 419 ARY MCKLY FVHVIKIIKD SUIT nv sinele rooms rensgimoie 508 512 EAT ROOM ro Ql VAN NE8 1 8UN NY FURNISHED Oii room bod private family references OlOBDDY IHlCATUl aUNXY BAY WIN ol dow and single rooms table board rets Ql 7 JONES NEWLY PURXI8H ED SUNNY OJI rooms with board In private family 1 nlabed rooms with good board references Jewish board sonny rooms piano 1 Nicely furnished rooms wttMward Kfl7 POWELL COR SUTTER THE CUF ton bunny rooms board reasonable CI A OEARY THE LOXJWORTH1 NEWLY viJ furnished throuchouf snnnr sincle rooms 517 MASON SUNNY ROOMS THOROUGH ly renovated board Amern cooking ret 518 601 61 II A New Night Feature of CitfLife Breezes Pregnant With the Hamburger JIow Curbstone Chefs Dispense Fragrant Food From Their Little Carts They love darkness whose deeds are evil is probably as good a reason as any why Hamburg steaks are cooked and eaten on tbe streets at night A popular demand tor this luxury at 2 oclock in the mornipg has added i strong flavor of onion to that delicious combination of odors which surprises and delights the stranger who visits the business portion oJ this city between twilight and dawn Market street from Sixth to Kearny is the jnain srtery for this fragrant current which flows in on tbe night breezes eddy in around those perambulating Kitchens stationed along the curbs of tbe side streets The sandwich chariots are on tbe increase and have been of late until now the low musical cizzle of the frying onions mav be heard on a dozen corners in the tenderloin district People passing on Market street on their way borne from the theater encounter wavering banks of reeking fog rich and oniony It settles in their clothes and clings to their hair sunny small room board vlth board very desirable 1 920 single rooms V10 op excellent board room larae sonare snnnv window bnaatl ful view of city and Berkeley bills rooms with or without board reasonable Hay es or McAllister ew home Inst otened snnnv suits and single rooms private baths electric IwUi eleva tor till 12 exoeilem table strictly lirtt class single rooms excellent table table board room conveniences board optional rf i rooms and board table board hoe table transient accommodated 925 cellent boar YDE PRIVATF BOARDINO HorSE suit single rooms board or without board private family T9n OTABKEL OoV furnished 605 SE vltb kitchens complete for keeping house 622 single room bath snnny central FURNISHED SUNNY 718 LEAVENWORTH bay window tront ro 1 snnny room hot water nished rooms comfortable for honsekeep lng or single with or without board moderate 13 sunny housekeeping nnrt other rooms OATK AVE KINK FrR honsekeeplng QOI TURK TWO FURNISHED HOUSE OIJ kepifs rooms complete reasonable month private family JOU newly I lng bath etc BELOW SIXTH ACME 100 single and tstnl rooms 2oc tht SI to4rreeK orn allneht 1 ilYEE SUNNY FURNISHKD FRONT XWvU roobts gas bath Ileh housekeeping ste Colonial Hotel reference 1 fljn PINE FURNISHED ROOMS OPPO 1 iJ Kunnv corner suit and sirzlo belroom first floor with modern conveniences In private xainuy bosra in same buiiainf BUH ST SOUTHEAST COR HYDE i room suitable far housekeeping alloslngle reference 19AA CAIJPORNIA HANDKOMELY FUR I Uu nlsned apartments singl and en suite modern light housekeeping terms reasonable I 2 nex suit furnished also small rooms rooms furnishe I for housekeeping 15 furnbhed housekeeping rooms roomsbesutifnilV6ltuatedlarce grounds vnimoaeraie agreeable be taken in nocrn ts runninp wrter ciis evntor reatriti room pi parlor bsibs free suits and slngie rooms tOcenla pemght per week Irom i5 and 2 50 uparn especu1 iow price oy uie monin RL1NOTOX ITraannt 9UI flritchu Ill evt HOUSE 127 BURLINliTON AIUOlMNti iliOU MOTE Traveilng puiillr soln HeU eiegaoiapartm CBAT8rJRTH HOTSI T03 LTrEPi Klcely furnished rooms at reasonable rail tpUROrh HOUSE UPS MISSION OPEN Ali iJent nished TTANCXJCK HOUSE TF1 MISSTON SPECIAI AjL accommodations ffir families nd transient tareicrs suns or sin ie roms ana 1 per irtL cars sss ine tiouse lS Bight Mission and Vu HOTEL HKOsYhNOli S19 PUTTLK XEW elegant and suj Siartmenis elevator MEW ARLINGTON 1CI3 MAJtKET KICKLY fnrnlfrtied room rales not Increased THE PHINCESj LIS gauUv furnished rooms 4KJIELL ELS week or month No MtlffE Itfl A rVAWKNTO KKLOW KeajTy UOO sinMc and iamilv toomv 25c to per miitl vitiirvieek open all right SUNNY VXFriXlsllvi SUIT RUNNING water hath private family 1100 Van Ness STS eTmfOURTII NEAR MARKET n1d atnUyeooms25cu61 anight Yf rythiPg new and first class mwq WKLL FURSISHED ROOMS WITH OR witint ooard terms reasonable Address wu a iiia ooice THE HAMILTON 6N POsT ELKOANTLY lurulshed rooms traveling trade solicited COR WAPHINOTOS nlcely furnished new house board optional private family central ELEGANT SUIT WITH OR WITHOUT board all modern conveniences S35 Post st GRAND VIEW 714 BUSH THIS BEAUTI ful sunny house has been reopened nnder new management no pains wit oe Market st system term reawnable reference AND WIFE CAV OBTAIN sunay front moms and board In private fam ily Western Addition references Address It A box 42 this office the roof and which eenerallr contains enough smoke fa suffocate half ajfozen men Until sandwich wagons are compelled to wear smoke eonsamerj other tnantnecoot tt is hardly probawe mat they will becomf nnlversally popular as public insiitationx Whilo in full blast the peripatetic kitchen presents a busy scent aglow with life and light and onioni Everything is done according to a carefully prepared syetem and for this reason there is no hitch in the culinary activity even sbonld the cook be overwhelmed with orders which he sometimes is On a broad shelf extending along the open side of the wagonisdisplayed tbe chopped beef and onions for the Rambures which seem to bo a specialty around he entire Circuit This item is arrange in tbe most tempting manner possible The meat is neaped up on a platter in the shape of a parallelopiptd with rounded corners A small parsley hedge growing along the top of tbe truss like tuft grass on asand dune gives tbe whole a Frenctiy aspect whic cannot fail to please But it is in decorating the perpendiculars ot his chopped beef exhibit tbat the chef shows great originality of design The fancy work is all done with raw onions sliced and fashioned into stars and crescents diamonds circles rhomboids and rectangle and sometimes the symbol of the secret society to which the artist belongs These mosaics in white when stuck into tbe blood red background of Chopped beef produce a novel effect and one whieh lingers too with those who patronize art in this form A deep bowl of hashed onion keeps company with the beef on the front shelf At the back of tbe wagon is another shelf containing a platter ot sliced bam and a box of eggs There is also a paper roll here for the accommodation of the luxuriously Inclined who send out for their sandwiches In the rear end ot the cart is the bread shelf the front portion being ocenpted by the range This is a gasoline stove with three jets so that the entire repertoire ham and eggs ham and Hamburg may be cooked simultaneously Tbe chef is dressed like those spotless individuals who fry cakes in front windows lie realizes that his position is one of much prominence and that to appear in overalls and a gunny sack apron would mean ruin It issurprisinz tbe amount ol business a sandwich chariot will do in a night Sixty pounds of steak and onion besides ibe other items have been disposed of in a single seance from 9 urrtil 3 a One younz man who can do the iry King pan flop with th hands at he tame time saiu mat on i ourtn ot juiv night he sold 200 Hamburg steak pancl wiches in addition to a phenomenal run on bam and ecus However the street caterer always does well on the iourth and other hoitanys as it is on those occasions that tbe public spirited citizen feels constrained todo ail the eating be possibly can in the open air The sandwiches are 10 cents each and quite profitable at that which accounts for the number of people investing in wagons and onions Patrons as a rule are people who wander about the streets for want of something better to do The news and messenger boys ire good customers end the young men who make the rounds of the Deer halls take their late suppers at a wagon Sonr and dance teams belated politicians and bunco steerers are not too haughty to be seen supervising tbe preparation of their own sandwiches and not a few of the wagons particularly tbe one with the memorial window boast hi ATTRSCTID BY THE OrOB OF THS OXIOtf board In beautiful cart of Berkeley For nar tlculars address MRS AICOCK 10 Kearuy St who lives In this vicinity OPSNY FURNISHKD ROOMS St nr VanNessave box 43 tbisomce cINULB OR references Oeary AHBOTSFORD BROADWAY AND Poik autet and homelike suits and sintrle charges moderate board optional all cable cars dlrectstransferrtng cityPark and Midwinter Fair THF Pol Ifornla All sunny rooms hot and cold run ning water gas and bath nrstclass table PRISONER IN A MINE THRILLING ADVENTURE IN ARIZONA A Workman Fires Four Blasts and Cannot Escape From the Shaft Frank Bagley a miner had an experience yesterday afternoon at 3 oclock at tbe bottom Of a 300 foot shaft in the Little Jessie mine says the Prescott Journal Miner which he never wants to go through again and which no other miner would care to experience His escape from instant death seems little short of a miracle He was engaged with a companion in putting in four blasts and when the work was completed bis companion climbed up a rope to a place of safety ab ve leaving him to apply the light to a fuse which was to explode the shots He had an abundantlength ot fuse to give him plenty of time as he supposed to climb up to tbe timbered part of the shaft out of reach of flying rocks from the shots The distance was only about len feet but be had no ladder on account of the Inconvenience of handling it while shooting and the only meaus of escape was by climbing a rope He applied tbe light to the fuse and started to climb the rope but it was wet and slippery and as soon as fie made a few feet his hold would give way and he would slip back to the bottom of the shaft where four pieces of fuse were sizzling their way to as many sticks of giant powder His first unsuccessful attempt did not alarm him much as lie had no fear of his ability to get away but as ha tried again and again and each time to only again slide back to the bottom he began to realize that his positiou was a very critical one He had blown out his light and in the narrow confines of the shaft there was not a crevice or a projecting rock big enough to shield even his hand Tbe place was black as midnight darkness itself and his only way of escape was through tbe agency of that slippery and treacherous rope Ho knew about the time tbe explosion must inevitably occur and as the time grew nearer and nearer the more desperately did ho attempt to make the ascent but all to no purpose The first shot went oft scattering rod in every direction around him and hitting him in various places on the body limbs and head The seeod third and lourth followed in rapid succession but with less serious remits to him The injuries he sustained acre mostly received from tbe first shot He is lacerated and bruised from head to foot although none of the wounds were deep While they are serious and quite painful they are not considered dangerous Zoo Meat During the Siege Letters just published written during the siege of Paris show what high prices were paid for curious meats A certain Deboos bought up the Zeoloeical Garden and sold the animals at a profit The cassowary sold for 40 and the jtaugaroo for only 2J Two caruela brought 1000 and a wild boar J440 Elephants flesh was a luxury and the two were sold steaks for 540 1 like a pestilence earning a reputation as an onion eater for those sensative creatures who turn away in horror from that pungent vegetable At the same time however the wagons afford unlimited facilities for the rounder who lores to eat bis meais on the run Hunjrer need not drive him from his favorite corner a hardship he has endured for years until the sandwich chariot made its advent But the free lunch suffers as the price of the drink which entitles tbe nighthawk to a nibble will purchase him a nice hot sandwich in either one or three varieties ham bam and egg or Hamhurg steak With or without onions The menu with price list attached is plainly painted on eacb wagon About 9 oclock in the evening the wagons emerge from their lairs amply provided and victualed for the cruise Each chef has his regular stand where be holds forth night after night in an earnest endeavor to please bis patrons Some of the proprietors drive a horse but most of the rigs are drawn by hand In shape tbe sandwich wagon is not un like the cage in which tbe giraffe is exhibited at the circus furnished and decorated in accordance with the taste and means of the gentleman In charge The majority of them are plain white lightly but strongly built to withstand the muscular resistance of the food prepared on tbe nside A few of the carts are polished bard wood neatly paneled after the fashion of dining cars with ground glass ventilators at the edge of the roof One esthetic youth has fitted his sandwich emporium with memorial windows of stained glass on which pastoral scenes are depicted with great fidelity to nature He does a large business as Hamburg steaks cooked in such magnificent surroundings appeal directly to the poetical nature of the rounder Another of the carts would be an object worthy of artistic consideration had it not fallen a victim to that singular and universal fatality which prevents tne sign writer from spelling things correctly The art of lettering and orthography it seems never do well together In announcing in four places on the front of the cart that sandwiches could be had there at reasonable rates tbe artist got it sandwltehea At the end of a week a disinterested party and a scholar too called the attention ot tbe chef to a misapprehension under which an educated public was laboring With his breadknife the chef scratched out the and moved the wi back one lap leaving a large gap in the legends and giving the wiches the appearance of being engaged in a perpetual attempt to over take the sand Although the artistic beauties of the cart have thus been ruined AmericansNotVery Highly Pleased Little Money in Sight for Concessionaires Prices Low and Passes Nomerous The United States Ex hlblt Divided A special from Antwerp to the Chicago 7t4uM dsted June 15th gives this review of the Exposition there The second month of the Antwerp Fair is slipping by and the place is still unfinished The aisles of the main buildings are still blocked with unpacked exhibits arid the construction of pavilsens booths and kiosks about tbe grounds stilt goes leisurely on It Is said by the Exposition officials that everything including the air castle will be complete before July 15th Tbe cold weather with an almost continuous downpour of rain since the opening day has also contributed to lessen the attendance The biggest day attendance so far has not exceeded 10000 The concessionaires and the exposition consists of but little else than concessionary enterprises are losing money ard murmuring and discontent pervade the place The American building is finished but not as it was originally planned It is a handsome and imposing building nevertheless and would still look like a piece ot tbe Worlds Fair if it were painted white instead of a light stone color and were ornamented with a little more staff The scarcity of ataff on tbe wooden walls and tbe substitution ol wood for marble in the construction ef the front stoop are the noticeable devia tions from the original plan and these were made at the last minute Inside the American building is pretty The walls are covered with crimson Jute and the ceiling is draped in amber and white striped bunting and the Stars and Stripes The building is scarcely tilled with exhibits and as the American representation is a private enterprise the lack of exhibits had much to do with the modification of the architects plans There nre plenty of exhibits herefrom the United States to fill the building and more but Deputy United States Consul Haine set up an American section in the Uaierie de llndustrie on his own account to which he diverted about one third of the exhibits Thus divided neither ser tion is large enough to satisfy the pride of visiting Americans notwithstanding the fact that the exhibits individually are highly creditable Since the arrival ol United States com lone the arriy officer go In 16 see thera on half pike tjegeta A pan the programme of the Wild West thow4epTet the rfatM of a hanrinf UVitern hrtre thuives Tile l8i1tt of the band long haired cowboy called Happy ok Jones got tired of hlppor drome horse stealinc and raft way one nignt last weec wiui two ot rawiiew am a pinto broncos A young lady wbff talks with a fine London accent and dldtlie split and other grotesque tblngalaPattl Boytoni water show disappeared the same rtfgbt The police were notified and sent out descrlptlona i the harsc Uitevs To make sure ioMhiir rrestnd toe re coverr ot the horse co tarrttl In dlan followed tbrm The rural gendarmes rnistool tne Indian awjmart a od th fiursuera were arrested tn every YHiage hey cam to ami lost much time In this tray that they had to elTI up the cUs The fugitive were cap turea In Bruneli As it pot the enstomj totypch home tnieves jv Mtfglura they were brought back MAntri And put in jail After they were In jail i Pawnee Dill offered to withdraw the Charge but the authorities would not listen to sush an btferv They aid thejr h44 aufficjefit evidence to convict of they wouId not have made the arrest As the burden of proof according to Belgian law rests upon the defendant Hippy Jacs and hi statuesque partner have every reasonable assurance ot a term of penal servitude SKELETON IN A TREE WHITENED BONES IN PJNE A TALL Startling Discovery Made by Mountain Farmer and His Son PILIII FOB WIS More Rivalry Needed for Championship Ail Exports Advice to Young Players WHjld FgUQW ft Large Entry LUt missioner Gilbert of New York hack trade Teople of sportii2 proclivi rV VZ mssioners tt ware ot Virginia ties have been known to drive up in a back and hive their provender transferred from one vehicle to the other Let a solitary traveler saunter up to a wagon say at 2 oclock in the morning when the street is apparently deserted There is no one in sight as he orders a Hamburg sandwich but before that dainty is well underway the gentleman has a large and enthusiastic constituency at his back Of course he is accorded the place of honor nearest the counter where he assumes that air of placid dignity noticeable in tbe prominent citizen the plat form at public catberinES He keeps the cook under constant surveillance while the crowd is equally divided between liim lhere are always lamraon of Washington Alphohze Le Due of Louisiana and Adlai Ewing of Chicago are expected in a week They will give a few banquets and gt tbe Belgians in a good bomor or the big Fourth of July celebration which is contemplated The American concessionnaires who opened with a flourish have since learned that it takes time and patience 10 get a franc away from these European sightseers Hoping for an improvement in the weather and the attendance tbey are determined to stay the season out so that they caji return with the mark ot an Euronean success if thev do not bring back any profit The Oriental concessionnaires nearly all of whom were on sen sou toe operative mere are always pi ij ne ihrtnr hnv in mm the Mid way Plaisance are located in the pany brought to bay as it were by the If kPfl opposite end of the zrounds from the American amusements The dancing hourls the donkey hoys and fakirs with their streets temples and nasal toned music are reminders of tbat strip of revelry at the Worlds Fair They are not half so gay as they were last summer The music baits and the barkers hare not so mirth to say At the mention of tbe name Chicago the dullest Oriental face lights up with a smile Were you at Chicago the obese and wicked manager of Cairo street asked Then he drew a fine big silver dollar out his pocket and holding it up proudly he said Thats Chicago and this be added producing some coppers but read that sign On the box office was painted Entree 10 centimes When this is Converted ino plain United States ft means that where 10 cents admission was charged In the United Stales but 2 cents is charged here Ah there is only one Chicago he aid turning away with a sigb Whichever way the visitor turns in the grounds there is a bid for his centimes and the concessionnaires might complal of excessive corapeiition There Is not a free seat or a fre drink of water to be had fascinating character of the scpne before on tbe grounds and an admission Of one them Then there an actor out of a job i halt franc Is charged to the art gallery tne museum unu me aquarium it costs tPfSi jjjypi A LUXCH OS THE CURB 10 centimes to sitdown but one Is afforded a choice between a chair with a nlokel in the slot attachment and the ordinary kind guarded by ticket sellers Tbe natives do not drlnk water and probably never thought of providing it for foreigners With generous foresight however thirst has been guarded against There ate ninety four beer pavilions and bars In the yLOPPINO TWO BaXSrftGlatS AT THE 8AXE TIME it can no longer be regarded as an abode of ignorance Nothing shocks a person of scholarly attainments more than to partake of a repast no matter how slight or humble where the viands are not properly epelled There is just room enough injbe vehicle for the proprietor and hi paraphernalia While operating he stands in a little cockpit or basement suspended at the bottom of the wagon between the trunks Hla head roaius about in the dome built on a policeman in citizen clothes some hackdrivers and a number of those well dressed young men who stand in front of cigar stores and all night saloons for a living Not infrequently one of those frivolous drunks rolls up but tbe melancholy nature of the assembly instantly awes him Into silence and he falls to blinking at tbe glaring lights with a freshly awakened interest In life Not a word Is snoken bv anv one after grounds where beer Is sold at frora3 to 9 tbe customer has ordered There is a cents a glass according to the quality and total absence of that levity which ebarac measure terizes street crowds in general as the What the people of Antwerp etll the Cook pinches off a wad of chopped beef clou to the exposition is a concessionary He places it on a small board amid an or reproduction of the old quarter of the pressive silence takes up a broad bladed city It is historically correct of tbe six knife and spreads the lump oatas though I teenth century eren to the smallest de be were making a mustard plaster Then taiL The music dress and fetes of that with four deft strokes he squares the period are reproduced It is the best edges whips tbe knife over and with the patronised place on tbe grounds One back of the blade ho corrugates the surface day last week 17000 plates of sausage and of the steak until it resembles the sole of 400 barrels of beer were sold there The a new rubber boot Every eye is now i concession is owned by the officers ana fixed upon the cook as he sprinkles some stockholders of the exposition chopped onion on the steak and rubs the The admission to the grounds is 1 franc particles into the crevices with bis knife i but nearly everybody in Antwerp of even A ID U1UIO lllUUpia U3IC JUI tlCU IU Uiuilllj llDlliluil MM 9UI IVIkV throng by this time and with craning costing 25 francs or a press pass necks view this interesting proceeding It is said that In trying to favor Old from the remote rear They tod are in 1 Antwerp the exposition officials have stantly imbued with the spirit of the oc i discriminated against the concessions in casion and tacitly refrain from doing that i the American Plaisance That end of the which would dispel this brief season of i grounds has beefi utteny neglected In the unspeakable bliss Not a move is lost on I maSter ot adornment and has not been the breathless multitude as with glisten properly provided with gates lng eyes it watches th chef transfer the The most talked of person in Belgium steak from the board to the pan and turn next to his majestv Leopold II is on tbe gasoline This is the supreme mo Pawnre Bill of Oklahoma fame pro ment when the compound begins to sizzle nouneed here Powny Bilee He and the onion struggles out into the cool brought a big Wild West show and seven night air and makes itself manifest tons of thrilling lithographs to attract Slowly and unconsciously the crowd people to it He had t6 pay 5 centimes a presses forward There is on each face a square foot to have it stamped before he rapt expression of mingled regret and inv could post it but the pictures attracted so as tho owners watch each grease bubble i much attention that he did not mind the form ami explode with a unity of senti cost of the stamps Half the restaurants ment as rare as it is pleasing in this see and estaminets adjoining hla place and tarianage every building there contain one or tbe The silence grows still more oppressive I other such business were rechrlstened in hut the customer says Put a little more his honor It was quite flattering onion in that will you and the spell is to see the Lion of Flanders and broken A general relaxation foiloT i other time honored names replaced by during which some of the spectators the sobriquet of the hero ol Oklahoma cough slightly Sundry gulping are also I When the show opened tor business heard as others swallow the overflow i these compliments took on a doubtful superinduced by the savory aspect of the meaning From the windows antl roofs victuals in the pan The cook now turns i of these houses which overlooked the to the bread shelf followed by twenty arena SCO people witnessed the show pairs of linmrin search lights ard cuts I while the benches ot tbe grand stand two thin slices bias from the loaf He I wereemptr Enterprise of certain kinds must carve the Lread at an angle to mage is a fine art In Antwerp Scats have been the slabs tit the steak which is neatly in 1 placed in these windows in tiers and also serted and handed over Away walks the on tbe slanting roofs and tbe proprietors customer biting with both hands to bis do a thriving business at 25 Centimes a face as he goes and leaving a frail which seat Of course this is frowned upon by a puna man couki ionow un rry one tne nominy ana oetier mis nut I hey the crowd disperses having revelled tn have been provided with press passes the spicy breezes from a sandwich while which admit to all the shows Tbe In tbe cook wipes out his pan with bacon dians however do not scalp the Ion rind and wails for the next order trappers for the edification of deadhead A strange story was related to an Oro ville Afercury reporter last evening by a resident of this county whose home is the mountains near Ntrashew About a month ago I had occasion to build a new barn on my little place near Nlmshew and to save expense on Its con struction I concluded to split out myself II tbe shakes Iwould need I had known ot splondld sugar pipe tree ever since I had lived in that locality that stood on a hillside about two miles from my home It was a solendid specimen fully twelve feet in diameter With tbe assistance of mv eldest son we went one morning about a month ago and in tbe course of few boars felled the forest giant Then we proceeded to split out from the trunk of the tree the shakes that we wanted Ope day my son saw a squirrel playing in the boughs and picking up his gun fired He went to pick up th ttame which bad fallen at the report I paid no attention to him until I heard an exclamation of horror and saw him standing on the trunk gazing intently into the tree top Fastened securely in the second limb fork of tbe tree eighty feet from the ground was a human skeleton it was wedged in so securely that even the all of the tree had failed to dislodge it and it was intact A few remnants of rotten clothing still hung to It and an old sole less shoe half supported the flesliless leg in the crotch ot the tree One bony arm was twined tightly about a limb And the skull still held by the ligaments rested on the breast We dug a shallow graveand bnried the bones on tne hillside The skeleton was that of a white man of average size and from the condition of the teeth and skull he must hare been past middle age From Its bleached condition it must have been in the tree top for at least twenty years Now the question arises and it is a question that makes the whole story seem improbable is bow did that man ever get into the tree lopT We made careful measurements and it was a little over eighty feet from where It rested to the ground and in that space tbere was not a limb or even a knot to which a man might llng In climbing the tree KUIN WROUGHT BY SQUIHRELS Hundred of Aeres Devastated by the Pests in Washington The squirrels have actually devastated the grain fields and in fact all vegetation is destroyed tbe entire distance from Endicott to the BnaXe river The grain fields look as though a heavy ball storm has passed over them hardly a stalk is left standing Mr Fudge ot Waltsburg had 400 acres of fins grain about twelve miles the other side of Kiparta and be purchased 120 worth of poison being determined to make a fight with the squirrels for his crop He had two men and himself fighting like Trojans for two weeks but every nigbt the squirrels destroved from twenty to thirty acres and Saturday night despite all theireSortsOnly about twenty acres of the grain was left and he gave up tbe fight and abaudonfed the remainder to the voracious pests The ground Is literally covered with dead squirrels but for every one killed three take Its place They eat everything green vegetables of all Binds and tbey eren dig below the surface of the ground after the young potatoes Tht squirrels seem to be traveling toward the nake river and the efJecu of their presence can be noted in the grain fields between Alto and Prescott It alia Walla SiaUr I7KJ7W Tennis like pther tports has ft dt yaara Fftwft Vr tjtre year pest Va pIU ior instance uJ4ssftijtxisr The txtk receipts were hardly stifllcient to pafthe KfTeJiPR if TtFS ijJitSW laveryining wa5 in st ais couraping voum tion hV season of JfSi has re rqwirabJft rhSjOge Baseball is how the bi drawing cart ot any pnbiic entejuiitr ment before the Eastern people Xafretf league city save ltistonf the dailyttend ahce at this games runs up into thslhqa sands The cycle is complete The sam up and down movement Is seen in tennis One ieil is marked iby1 Sch era for pfayinf that the conrti of the different clubs are unable to asv eommodaV the numbers who wish to rise them In Iht EssUwhero gfsM courts find favor the cranks tmpatlentlr wait fur the dew to dry away in the morning that play xnay begin and thisrois nooes sat Ion until the shades of night have brought play lng a close Another year finai tne courts unoccupied almost env tirely deief ten It would seem that neves again would tennis change from Jts lethal ficatate For the recent championship tourna ment at Sari Kafael there were only a moderate iarober of entreiniiMbei quality of thettennie plSyeitwaa but mod ratsly good taken as a whole On the oilier band eerr match sras played There were no tltfaulta and no halfi hearted attempts to win rurthmor thef Was a larifakrid enthusiastic crowd of fpcetatora alwaysi present mefv and women wno appreciates im nt piaya and encouraged the contestants with their applause These gro indications that in lerost in tee sport is not on tne wane Another rnalter for congratulation and which speaks Well for a renewed Interest in this game was the entrr of several young players some ot wjjqm madea far superior showing than most ol the older men Prominent amonif the new players was Holmes of Alameda Who came within one rdond of reaching thViop of tbe ladder and who disposed of fcianhora a veteran with comparative ease Brown of Alameda another player not beard of much wort for himself many lautefa by disposing ot Magee wbo badhopea reasonably entertained of winning tho all comera Then there wei Crowell at the Olympic Club who had to deal with Sumner Hardy inhis first round The showing Which he made against this wcli known player should be enyouraging to any beginner and Ought ta encourage other pew men to take ah active part In the championship events Naturally ibe lorers of tennis like to see familiar forms on the courti Those who have watched with interest the I careers of men lit Taylor and Hubbard regret to see them remain qui oi ma championship contests It docs not seem like attending a tournament when th names oi ut Long cteison uaus liud hard and Taylor do not appear outh pro gramme unuauoteuiy uu is a matter to be regMtted MADS A KAILUDAD BICYCLE Hake A Wheelman Who Kxpecta to TWltty Mil an Hour Beason the traveling representative of a wheel company had been de layed tn Spokane for a couple of weeks so several days ago he concluded it was time to mors on He accordingly went to a mechanic with a sample bicycle and an extra wheel he carried with film and told him to rig the wheels up to ride on lherallroad track Tbe mechanical genius get to work and made as nice a design of a frame tor riding on the rails as could he invented A trial trip was made by the inventor and he made the trip down to Marshal Junction nine miles distant Gain hack he fasted his speed and made the nine miles In twenty six minutes Jtr Beaspn left Spokane on the machine over the North err pacifle tracks and expect to make an average ot twenty miles an hour on bis trip Spo tane zcanga 1113 Lr NOT HIS NliCK How an Attempt attMuleide by Banging ItesnltaeL Reinhardt Bplttel aged 40 years was taken to the Maryland Central Hospital last night suffering with a broken right leg It was stated he attempted to hang himself at his home 519 Klrby lane by placing anogso arouud his neck andtumptne from the second atonr win ldowT after tying the other end of the noose to toe bedstead The noose slipped over his head and he fell td the front jcp bJgafcfag hla leg ffqftf more Sua LAKQK S1ZKD COCKltOAtUlSS Giant Bugs That Coma Front Southern Ktotesv When Jhj transportation companys barges broight ties of the trolley here tbey also brought some Southern eocl roaches that lwrj th Jocsl specimens The ties come from North Carolina and Georgia where these giant cockroaches are abundant Ther are about twoinrhes long and Tvaen their fing are spread ont In flying Ihey measurer arly ix Inches across Ther era bitmt rri look sntiiSiliinc like beetle wlimthie i wing are urawn inji artjord CWant THBraxxrcx slu and in uunr csaoxtctj threemonths lor 45 eiarges prepaid iThea mactet the Coned males Drltlsa Columbia Uti Ice and tanaua ever BubhoaK oTiSi ueaeAT tttawa io tora eio weuuteaea ruiier Tn a war tt i unfortunate inasrhtieh aa thereby Interest on the Part of tharjablid Is lessened But this fact should not deter those who have the interest of the game at heart from encouraging new men to come ont ana nit tne vacancies mere must be a substitution sorpe time and is better that the substitution a gradual firocest than suddenly made A few ndivtduals cannot be depended upon to keep Up an Interest in any sport for alf time A change must be made sooner or later It is not only wrong uiereiore out it is a ruinous poucy to create in any manner by published statements or bv individual acts an im pretsion among the new players that they are hot wanted In the chwrIonhlp event Only fay hearty encouragement to tne men wno nave decided to enter these events arid by proper Inducements to those who have not decided can tennis be kept upon Its feet as it should be The old players can do a much for tbe success ofihe game by entertaining a spirit of this kind as they tan by remaining a th rank themselves This appeal for new players to enter the championship contests should not be con itrued as an encporsf ement of poor or even mediocre tenuis There ate a score or more of men the veterans not included in tbe different clubs in this Vicinity who if tbey Md entered the Ban Ilalael tournament would have made an equally good showing with the best players who did enter Then there are many player throogltout the t3tate0t whom we hear very little from time VOtime and whodo not join In the ehdmpionshlpoontests be canoe tbey have ho been mad to feel that the events are distinctly representative ef public contest It Is the aim of the Pacific Coast Lawn Tennis Association to 1 diffuse such an Interest in tennis all along the Coast that every player wlltfeet that Hi person ally needed in these coDtest The easo ciatlon desires to be and it Is it wish thatthe champtonthip events may be rtpresentatire nf a wide fietd and not of tbe few cUUe In th vicinity of Ban Francisco What is needed 1s a wot active participation by the clubs belonging to the association Every club should be repreeentrd in every charnp1onbip con tr st They should hate local to ornament of tbelt own h4 gnt their winner to compete in the bit tournaments Ifthl policy were entered into jrit a system and aided bv a few active member in thn did ierent club there would be i an immensely increaseu interest created Tennla platers on the Coast sesm ia be animated with the mistaken idea tbat because they stand no chance or a very lit no cnnneor winning 6 tournament tney sbonld not enter at all Qutof thetevV ehty fiv or more men whofchnuallyenter the united fats tea champion tournament at Newport how many really stand a chahfeol wihnlng th all c6mersf Possibly five or Six Anybody who had followed the tennis events of the season could edwiy ielectir half dbser players one vl whom trould almost certainly earryoff tbetUke Of course there the possibility of some big aurprisefirneUor so to speak thet suddenly come Into the firmmnt and iday htoe wjth all calculations This i not infrequent in tennis annals It occurred only Ut rear when RD Wrehn fought hi way through the Oik comers unaeieatea tnny match and thereby became chamnionot the United Srate Bncuevenu will occtirr hut with no certalhty And thenj lion aboiit thft remaining OTjrnty men who know tbey haw rery small chances to wlnf Wei they enter the tournament hoeausa tbey love to play tennis because they will gain experience by meeting men better than themielres and becaoso they ihavejjie suctpsa of thsgaroe at heart They knoer that when the men rli are now wtr leaurs retire triey wiy able jo TiiiMfiie yacapci and they Ar mi nfH Cienllv intnrsei nrlth tl sicnifii snca rand honor of th occaiiori to willingly wer veing neiraieu ir me time oeing ThU IrittAj commended and en couTigd66lonft a the players entertain thl feeling lor lhe snccfss of the game It will not lose its plara in pnblio recdgnfUdnhut on the contrary will Ida crease in interest from year to year OlOBO bTOgIl.

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