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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 9

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

as VtUaoockSMi HrUtIM IMMSn 35 Lrr tai HI MtMdoa st ar II BUHMT LBkufrAa wiiiiywvt ana iac rooatsa ladle parier Acs Mttato rnaeait 2SnM FrJMcn epUnt and respectable raa 122 Si55 sotTSTTi etftc ttaw reading room frae tMsbaajage XXBunny stag room running water Ma AonaDiev 5 i TTI -Ma TvwiiXayii Xlcbanas room ooDMrUnrM cop cUng A THB WALDORF pigw luccr comet lor cbMart ONinaM Fifth nr Market eial ntMnvsli A fONNT room in an iMouat vraie DALLAg 214B Farrell jjhjnny persons furnished room tor 1811 FarrSJit oa or two BOHEMIA 239 Post cor Stockton Wnata and cor sunny suit for gentlemen and lUBiua nui wBirr ana eiev touruw vtrj xusuf oppficnmiTiBs CTCTTg with undanaied rate vriu tn litviirf htfnmanfc IB parMt SMftantils or manufacturing eoaesea city aoewtry ptoasestate proaoattloevdan aSUar aa ae Iblev gS box Hawlofc AX laterest in a rich placer ana mTaea county or tele at a very reasonable arise Apply to TOMLINSOX XAMMAN 48 CaliforniaCalifornia A BRANCH bakery and candy store must JJtetl to day COWING A COVUs Market A COBWEB grocery double store cheap this vXJLday COWING CXtllfc Market at Afl saloon prominent tactaeag Screw beet In the city for that moneys clearlr over monthly HOLT 8T0 Mission A CORNER saloon good outside trade cheap XVaooouarot alclavesa 7S8 Bryant Ar0Oi partner wanted Us oldUstaVlshed CX business Mbox 70 Chronicle WHUWfft 1 JW Ifa lr WM WW MttlHUVT AIU1 SFvmshea rooms amis single also unfit T3USH 1420 Pleasant JL snnnr room mantel alcove grate room or lars VBU 82C Large sunny front room suita ble for gentleman lAJUiOLTON 120S Vaket Sunny comer urntshed and nnf rntshed rooms and office EDDT 1 sunny front room aa bath phone closets reasonable rent EL14S 81 6 Sunny parlors nicely tnrniebedf reasonable TTtUXMORE 1204 Newly furnished JJ gentlemen onlyr strictly private rooms Vl EAUT pso rPuncy back parlor suit double AJTand single rooms phone bath reasonable 3BANT Tkicely nrnlsjied ejilt ls Jtthtrs transient a specialty GBAltV 05 The Navarre Oeg antlr fr alshed rooms suit or slrlt Ufa flyers HANDSOUB suit of jpariors unfurnished runnlnt water suitable for professional rurppses central location 332 uoary si near PoweU Wis ii i mrti ii ax TTTDB 811 nearOeary Sunny front ptrbre JQ SLogle or euttf centlemen preferred iThlrd Newly rene SloQtOfSwK OlPS Mln res fortnne Mak rsi vZJi1 tUlJott reoordr 4uotd on Plfl Stock fcxehanjre 60c hare or monthly Jnstall trotetu Carters Gold Mlo tnr Co SBO Callfornia st rooms anilT Ua Printlnr ofllce complete 9 prrWfS paper eutter lull line Of pe and other naii chnry QUAKE 87t Mission sU tOAlyard best partofAlameqa account of AlkraedS fj Apply 2101 Central aveM jnWJ TOWN coal yard complete with iwuj traae maa anini mri ui tMifnBtai A i be sow owner wishes leave city vurumcid 8J3T yBAKOlStX CH3ICtNICIJf WW 4aiaPVMppqMpMHMMpWvk4Via niMijiT TiTi mi LEElUTTtEtO fc BEIROfBri MRS ANN HARRIS WILL FILED FOR PROBATE jpAH AMES RgMEMBEHIdO WITH DOtXARS rf fct WMjiyriuii urv rvmanrtMiiHMwtr mvi a tfi I ll i I is St Sa TOWN RBCORDEg IS OUSTED FROM FBIQE IjOR aali rsnt Large factory and machla a HtsJ DvBT 7777 wvm fcr AJIgepeit Aav PLUMB1NO shopj stock and shop tools good location box 70 Chronicle rvi rlS the Chroniolel route In 5T naeies Aaare boeotK South 109 Broadway LosUigtUa SUALI frag ton and medical praeUco for sale 2003 San Pablo rkin TTUQHES HQCSE SI 4 Xlvated 25c to 90c per night TTOTKL yRANCISCO etesaat sultir single XA transient MRS KIN Oi Turk Taylor HIUSDALB Hcwse S3 SUtfc6unnr suits and single rocros slerator transient TVrAN6IOV Hou Cfll 11 1 Ion Changed XVLhjnds nicely fhrnished rooms transient XTEVAULINQTOK lOlSMarket Nleeiyfurv nUhed 38c day up 3 week up transient 7ARRELL 20 Eunny furnished rooms ele vator and electric lights unfumd omces PLEASANT sunny suit newly and nlcilr furnished IIT 803 Stockton at poyfELL 142 near fyFarrell Newly pa JC pered partly furnished suit for office pur poses ObT 14la Larpe onfuraiEbed front room ajoove grate runnlnswater POST 22 Lovely sunny front suit single rooms running water closets grates YT3ENO house JV loO single and family i lr nlghti 1 to 3 per week open all nlghtw C31 Sacramento below Kearny 180 single and family rooms 23c to 80e tTtOHZDALE S21 Ellis nr Tailor100 rooms JX 29c a night tl a week transient Loard it Te joi Plerce St CJUNNT rooms newly furnished quiredi reasonable rate corTnrk OTTER TOO A convenient jnodern offlcej also other sunny rooms ST JAMES a cor Lagans nnd McAllister Choicest cheapest rooms and apartments TITAN NESS 4ll SIngH and double sunsr running water mo buj interest Jn esUbltehtd business by a young maawell and favorably known nf Mini1110 ereantll affairs with cplUCboxaehrontcle VANTEDA businsss nuut with capital vh eharTkiiltUllact0Or Indorsement as to lihirtn buness already tab Cbiele ruirenweapitaL ci box fl LODGINO HQUSES FOR SALE AJnoors l8 IT5J7 rooms 1200 in S52r Cor Ane fumlture23 roomsi 8RO j2tIev 0n Turk tl rooms 40ft Transient house clears 200 28 rooms 110O frJryL on ost lerooins inxi ijJtII cw awil rooms fiOO llood investment on Market t2t rooms 800 rLJtnwafi tjjarslJOOftOroom 000 n2tstoft and bar 35 rooms est In the city clears 300 84 rooms 4000 Apartment house clears 200JS rooms 1000 2ew ijl itt 8 rooms 400 Sunny corner 28 rooms 2200 HyMJLMifiin 2 rooms 1100 In payments 10 rooms 350 MONET TO LOAN ON ANT HpUSE a mjziriijmvi jiihn Cv DECKER log Market st opp girth offer TAN NESS 49 Sunny furnished housekeep mg rooms a iso otners reasons Die HotijEicEisrixQ noosis GUERRERO 1151 Three and three furnished Housekeeping roomsrplano bath 3 adults 10 and 114 UNNY unfurnlehed three room suits Qrore St cor Van Ness ave 202 mwo or three rooms suitable for houskeep tof in private family uee of piano 24u8 Sacramento st tTTOKJLD like one or two children to board Vytb 12 years old reasonable Address 871 OJVreirst ROOMS AND UOAUDIXG A PLEASANT room with board bath ai CVtohed us of parlor other roomer or boarder 1031 Pine st A VERT desirable sunny suit of beautifully famished rooms for famllyr sun all day Nob Hill excellent table box 80 Chronicle AgFRlVATE family hotel new Interior fur wTTVJnUhlngs and management the old Steven son mansion opp Grace Church 807 California i 1400 Van Ness mve newly furnished rooms with or without board references BUSH 1124 Elegant rooms and board Are sun bath beautlfol reception room rea aoaable references elegant home BELQRAVU JIOTELTlolk and Clay Sunny sum best board for 2 kjo up single 2q ftkhlFOllNLK D02tThre handsomely furl KJ nished roomsr marine vlewt rtftrences GHQICE sunny rooms excellent board 45 week up references CIS Taylor nr Sutter BDPT 123 United gtates Hotel Clean airy rooms II 80 A week up single room with board fa 60 up handsome suit for 2 with board 112 a week excellent table board 23c a meat or a week eeator day and nlgpt TCTDDT 626 lrvlngdalej Sunny jjjhmow suiu board S43 up A 20 ROOM corner house for sale wanted DECKER 1020 Market St TAR WINSTON CO 1020 MARKET The Leading and Reliable Brokers 10 rooms Post st rent 40 only fSOO i winsfiw casn piano rjne piacef tso IS rooms elesant house Onnrat i 3nn 23 rooms Market St cheap rent 8T3 Z4 rooms eomerj rent G0 payments 750 24 rooms elegant corner part rash 1700 65 rooms finest corner la city offices 3250 A 100 rooms corner cheap rent 11000 55 rooms rent S3 party clears 3000 in two years 1500 30 rooms rentS5 sunny corner J20i 20 rooms rent 30 corner 630 isr ju room nouses at iborKaiD --15 rooms Alameda vartyi can live rent free and keep chickens large lot S54 Hotel lodging houses sold and exchanged EITEL 100SH Market st 1 VI I I il mi I II 1 the best lodging house in the BONSBLLT CO Ten Thooand 0olar Estate Goes the CblMroa ofllcr Dr ceaaeil Brother Joint Ainea Oakland Brstieh Office of the Cbrontcle P30 Broadway corner Ninth street QaKIaAND January ITJr Thewl 11 of the late Mrs Ann Harris whose litigation for several years with her brother Joriah Ames had brought her JntQ public trotice was filed for orobate foday byE Wilder Churchill of Napa wno is named as executorwUbout bonds Mrs Harris xm disposes of the estate which is estimated to he cf the value of about 10000 to the children of ner aeceasea protner John Ames The children are also entitled under the will to a money recovered under whatever juagrments may be rendered in favor of thnestateagainst Joslab AmesJn ths suits now pending Mrs Harris rememberedremembered the brother with whom she has been at war with a bequest of 5 The will is dated April 14 1898 and re cites that the devisor was 81 years of age Churphlll Js named as executor and In case he refuses to act or for any reason he failed to act William Ames Is to execute the terms of the will Sirs Harris litigation with her brother Josiah Ames was the result of a dispute over valuable rronrtv which she alleged her brother was holding as his own when she claimed that In reality he was but holding it in trust for her Two suits were brought hi the Superior Court of this county One was an action for an accounting which has never come to trial and the other a suit to determine the ownership of valuable bonds of the Dayton and Ohio Railroad on which a judgment was rendered In favor of Mrs Harris for S3760 The judgment was rendered several months ago by Judge Oerden but th case is still unsettled as the defendants ouoraejs are preparing a mil 01 exceptions on an appeal to the Supreme Court It is said thai a motion for a new trial will be made a Jr 5 9 qi AN LEANDRO January 17rJame3aEvQuiflfi who for seven years Btiea tne position or iown ecoruer was jast evening removed rrem or flce by the Town Trustees James Wither ell was Immediately appotnted to fill the vacancy Quinn also holds tha position of Justice of the Peace of Seen TOwnaWpSome umt ago he rendered a decision as Town Recorder that did not meet with the approval of Dinlel McCarthy editor at one of the local papers and McCarthy was not at all backward about crittcielng Qulnn The latter retaliated by talcing a faU ou I of McCarthy uslnff another local paper as a means or attack McCarthy is comewbat of a politician and has no little influence In the town Npt long agoliodeclded to make fight for the removal of Qulnn That his flshtras successful was demonstrated at the meeting oL tnc Jloard of Trustees last night when f6ur of Jhe nve Trustees vbter to remQye Qulnn The affair has treated more interest than any other political hghtthat ever tool place JhereV andil not at all unlikely that when another town election held all political lines Will be lost Bight of In the efforts of-McCarthy to tlect aboard opposed to Qulnn and the friends of Qulnn to elect one favorable to him A mmiwm Iscbool ward 4 i jEUWI flSHi ALLEGED FIESUS A 6 HAS HiS HEAWG IN WILL RsMtAIlClY 1 JAIL 44 SSr 4 V4 ALAMEDA GETS FREE TELEPHONES DEMANDS OF CITY TRUSTEES JOJBE MET CGJPlllESCE TnAJfSPORSIS A TEL EPIIOKE WAIt INTO A LOVE PEAST morning a childs long coat with a cape and a smart jacket for ladies Get these paterns at the Ban Francisco office ef the Chronicle or at the Oakland Branch ICO Broadway corner of Ninth street Mall orders are filled at the main office SOCIALISTS HEAR SHAPTER i Instrument Put Rack In City Clerk Xanitubraa OUIee ancl Other DeV pnrtmenls Will Have Free Service A 32 rooms city for the price C3Z Market SU NEW furniture of modern seven room 3at cheap steady tenants 810ValencUst SHE CHARGES BLACKMAIL HOUSES TO LET BROADWAT 1831 bet Lacuna and Buchanan Elegant bouse of 12 rooms bath servants room et newly renovated For further particulars apply to JL UM9SEX CO 14 Montgomerys 20 fine house seven rooms and bath Btockton St NATHAN JOSEPH 041 Clay BROADWAT aeos Sir rooms bath laun dry marine view rent 20 even rooms and bath sunny 16 i also flat 5 modern roomsbatb sunny side 012 Ellis it near Van Nees ave TTOUSE JLX Ellis stj also FUItXlSlIED HOUSES AND FLATS A COMPLETELY furnished ll room house on California st bet Laguna and Buchanan modern Improvements will rent for one or mors years HGILMORE 821 Montgomery st front hav single 20 up A VERT CX 7 rooms and bath Second ave desirable furnished corner house 3923 California cor take Saeramento st car BUUT I2 Ths Heath Newly rtnavatedf elegant sunny rooms flrst class board ELLIS 873 Sunny suit or two three eon necting beard first class IjtRONT room southern exposure ererythlng first class billiard and music room refer eoces 20 Eddy ct iniy 1 1 1 1 YiEARf W3Rooms with Frsnch btiard S3Q pef TOomb 30 fof wo bathrtelephonu EART Klcely furnished rooms hot ura row water genutmen prererrea HOTEL FA1RMOUNT 1T14 Market Elegant new furniture fln Mass tn every reipeet isbte uflsurpasaedT hot ad old watet ele vstor suits with boarcrfor1 sao a month up TTOiL Robinson lM8AMarkeTVt3Ftr jI LpUhed rooms SI CO upward board optional TDE D13 Sunny room man vvlfe conveniences with without board mod reas IAS TALMAS 1820 Market Sunny suit two 4 or 3 rooms connecting bath 1 board optional TEAVEORTirl3a Jf ewly renovated Xi rooms with board privats family ret HANKANDLE All rooms tunny and facing south Hayes st cas 20 minutes from jiearojrj lassyellat sutts or rlcglej 30 vp Wf 1 1 i ii ii J1 1 1 1 1 rm 1 piNEv 1222 Newly furnished sunny rooms A suits and single table unexcelled OStV lI14leontlyfurislihe4sunny rront rooms excellent board reference i ii 1 1 1 TPOSTVBOO Sunny front furnished roomi first A xlass boards S20 up uii 1 1 ii 1 1 i 1 1 1 hi 1 1 ii TJOIYELL 24 Large tunny room sultablt JL for Uwojl separate bdteaonable also ingle rooms ARTISTICALLY furnished housev nine sunny moms 1203 Leavenworth nr Clay 90 I l1 II II BARTLETT 434 Modern 7 rooms conservatory tiled bath silver 1 3 to 4 garden f10MPLETELT furnished modern alx room KJ flAt including upright piano fiat for rent furniture for sale 1304 Larkln st furnished corner Sacramento and Laguna eta 17 rooms 2 baths biniard room furnace etc targe lawn races pudii square jippiy cxiai WALD BUCKDEE Si CO Mr SpJnra Comments on the Dam nee Suit Afralnat Ifor OAKIxAND January 17 Mrs Ann Sptrs who was yesterday sued by Mrs Edward Lane for 225000 declares that the suit is wholly unwarranted and Is lnstK tutedwlth blackmail as the object She charges William Lane brother of the plaintiffs husband with advising the suit and being In league with the plaintiff This William Lane denies In every particular though Ed Lane declares It to be a fact Mrs Lane in her complaint charges Mrs piars a wealthy widow with having alienated her husbands affections and asks as a compensation for the loss of her nusuanus love jzouw A mere is nothing in the suit except blackmail eald Mrs Splars to day Mr Lane came to my house and rented a room some time ago because as he claimed there was no room for him at his own home I have no fear of the result of the suit Ed Lane saldr ltIs a shame that Mrs Splars should be dragged Into the matter She is entirely blameless Mrs Charlotte Lane who brought the suit against the widow repeats orally her charges In the complaint arid declares her Intention of prosecuting the matter to a finish Her husband one says left their home and went to live with Mrs 8piars It was only when I was driven to desperation at the thought of my husband neglecting me for another womansays Mrs Lane that I sought the advice of my aU torneys 1111am Lane who has resided in Oakland for years and is well and favorably known denies that he has taken any hand In hla brothers affairs exceDt to act am pactsuuer WHITES ASKING A HOME TJIOR LEASE Handsomely jl nouee TT AIGHT 225 Elegant completely furnished jlj irooro upper nai very nesiraoie TO LET Sunny furnished flat six rooms and bath Apply on premises 032 Fillmore st near McAllister COTTAGES TO LET A 41til modern flve roonxecrttaares fine hornet Second avenue nr Point Loboi KREDO COi CTi Geary at FLATS TO LET A 25 to 130 Strathriiore apartment bouse 2QT Larkln st cor Fulton ft and 7 rooms and bath eaeh elegant modern flats elevator service telephone etc the wily first class apartment house lh the city SHA1NTVALD UUCKBEE A CO 218 Montgomery A BEAUTIFUL new corner flat of eijtht Xx rooms and bath also large attic 1807 Stelner str every modern improvement electric bells speaking tubes porcelain baths etc ere of the finest Qatsjn the city SHAINWALD ButwitK a KU egjents siiua ouuajog A Beffulns Letter Sent James Lick Years After His Death BERKELEY January 17 A begging letter containing a request for a grift was received at the University of California to day addressed to James Lick a quarter of a century after the death of the mil lionaire whose generosity provided the State University with the Lick Observatory and its great telescope The letter which cornea from a city on the Atlantic seaboard asks for the sum of fjOOO with which to buy a home for the writer who acknowledges herself to be a very worthy old lady The request is worded as follows Gentleman Sir I saw in the Cleve landiLeader a Paper Intake a List of the Dig jDonors for the University of Chicago and iow 1 wilt ask a favor of you who are rich in this worlds roods and would you donate me a gift of 5000 dollars for a Hon eC My brother Served in the Civil war ana tost nis weajin ne gits only dollars per Month from Washington and his name is on tne Kecora at Washington I am poor and I would like a Home Please send by Wells Fargo Express You will never mis it and it will do me so much good or gust ijucn a aum as you see proper and you will have my Heart felt thanks I write you this letter in confU dence please let me hear from you soon ALAMEDA January 17 The local telephone war was brought to sTsudderi finish entirely satisfactory to the city last night at a conference of City Trus tees and officials xt the Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Company City Clerk Lamborns office telephone which was peremptorily removed was put back to day by thetelephone company arid as a result of the understanding the city will have twelve free telephones instead of nve as formerly The telephone company also agrees to waive its claims outstanding against the city for use of switches All of the City Trustees with City Attorney Taylor And Clerk Lamborn were present at the conference the telephone people being represented by General Manager Jacob Alameda JC punty Manager Flemmlng and Attorney Pjllsbury The telephone company officials took a conciliatory attitude and stated at the start that they were willing to iagree to any reasonable demand Attorney Plllsbury explained that the removal of the free telephone from the City Clerks office was not intended to establish a test ease but was due to a hostile spirit manifested by Clerk Lamborn lie thought the company was losing nothing in having telephones located in public offices but instead was gaining new customers Xamborn recited the advantages deprived by the telephonffcompanyr which had the use of COSpoles belonging to the city while it had an Income from 8Q4 telephones in service here I will inform Mr Pillsbury he said that I want no more as a city official from the Sunset Company than that corporation Is under the terms of its franchise bound to give to the city of Alameda The matter was finally left In the hands of Attorneys Taylor and Pillsbiiry for amicable settlement It beingagreed that a reasonable number of telephone instruments should be allowed lor official purposes Under the new arrangement the StreetSuperintendenttroflice and that of City Treasurer Wheeler are to have free telephones theadditlonal service being greatly to the convenience uf the puplic MARRIAGE TIES StTKDEREU A SUNNY dipper fv Hanover Sac olaee off Sacramento ihn yoweii Jippyju aiooTgomery si Ajgl SoTnew wrmyTflve rooms bathTflce basement 2032 Pierce near Sacramento ELEGANT new Hat six rooms and bath lanr basement T18 Grove st FURNISHED flat of four rooms in rear rent cheap 2408 Sacramento at IF you want to move net printed list flats to 1st from BALDWIN HOWELL 10 Mont gomery st TTS aWQlraen sunny room good board rsfer tocer central Kr box SO Chronicle TrAN JNES8 AYR 1714 SeJeet phvato board trig bouse can accommodate a few more gvt cTerytblng flrst class and bon ellae hioatt location references ashiootbt location referencesr V7 AN NE5S 510 Elegantly furnished sunny parlors all convenlencear best board OAKLAND ROOMS ANO BOARD TTWRiBENT With board ln private fam A llybandsomeiy furnished sunny suit of rooms with verymodern convenience furnace tteat cete desirable neighborhood and van veaient to cars Cnrontele branch Oakland i ifnHIS Urd wlli ntrodwoeJH SCHELLHAAB inrniture aetuer Kirrentn St ossiana SAN JOSE AE IS near84tn New modtrn sunny Oats 0 rooms bath rent MT SO DRESSMAKING a DOUELL pressmakiasr School vattern cut easy paymenU evar cUsses 03 Post Dressmaklnr Ladles Tatiorlns Partarsc Freach system taught SOB Van Nesa ave LEGAL AKIt OFFICIAL Bs CHILDRSLV BOARDBD iLEAANThotaofar child food care terms nu sa now cnrooicie OFFICES ANO STORES TO LKT A TWO alee sunny corner moats for or dentil Apply 1148 Sutter A 18 11 aw rear buJIAjaw sulubt fe A wekhopyATHAN JOfaBPH Mt Ctayat AROK aleamttt atw Xg Vateacia busfn AJceoter lew rent 1 1 1 I I il ii 1 I Mi I mHREB HTORV ts swrtmnt brie jl ing ejevator aaamed ror storage StML Jlfwttw8 nrT Ssi TKBiam1Vwm BSB 11 buii mmm sain aSMUBCf F9ommb MiwmMlTMar sg 36 lit i i 3 Si si A TREASURT Department WasalngtoivD January 10 19oa Sealed proposals for the purchase of the revenue steamer Corwin wlllbe reoelved br Captain ToslerrR SV until 12 oclock SATURDAY Febroarr 10th next The Corwlnls a steamer of 318 stom tons top sail schooner rig with Oregon ftr iraroe aaui copper ana saiTamsea iron fasten ings extreme length H5H feetibeam molded SS feetr draft a feet Inches forward and 11 fact 8 InchM aft has one Inverted direct actinc engine and oue cylindrical Scotch retuan tubu lar bailer built In 18M and Is supplied with saua awrungs anenor cnatns noaiiL steam wiadbsa etc The vessel can be reen atPprt TpwnUMod Wash upon application to either Cntala Tosier or her commanding ameer and will open for Inspection until the date above named Proposals should be Indorsed on the envelope Purchase of Revenue Seagser Cer win and adereeced to CAPTATX TOTIER 8 Port Townaead Waab Signed OL SPAULDINO Assistant Secretary XTOTlce is bereky gives that lwffl aa JN THURSDAY January 36 100 at oclock at the Courtbouao lYu City tetter ootuUy Cat receive sealed propoaaht for the nineaMr MUX laauad on vea DastMct 3 of Ststter county accoreiac to an am of Rally at Hearst Hull BERKELEY January 17 A successful student rally in honor of Mrs Hearst was held to night at Hearst Halt Many Students and alumni were present Speeches were made by prominent college men and the University musical elubs assisted in the programme The Teceptlon Committee consisted of Miss Elise Went zellburger Miss Zena West Miss Mary Powell Miss Dosler Miss Mc Klnne Mies Annie McCleave Miss Davis Miss Mathilda Richards Miss Lena Macauley Miss Ruth Wilder Miss Fern West Miss Wiltshire Miss Kdna Blven Miss Isabel Godln Miss Eva Powell Miss Bess Graham Miss Grace Crlch ter Miss Muriel Eastman Heno Hutchinson Robinson Harold Bradley HaselUne a Miller Decoto Moulthrop Peck Oreene Southard A Dtofcson JR WTnllv xmuan Jj Alien a Aiorgan i a oe uoto jjM issneiman di Smith Earle and Ralph Phelps Du Ray rtslsr nwrni ev ihw ww eaUaw Me AH pm Anrtl tSMaasaaa baas bio ssaaai i teaaaaaS asHssesB parweu ftc aassa aaoainaeirtaa paa WwTS ii mi i ahi miimi ciai Wmrmmmmrm nyrrUiMm Cotillon Club Assembly BERKELEY January IT The Berkeley Cotillon Clubheldits flrst assembly Of the season to jilght lnShattuok Halt The nrst ofvthe winter functions of the college town was well attended from hoth sides of the bay The affair was under iue patronage oi Airs Benjamin le Wheeler Mrst Anson Blake Mrs John Carber Mrs John Deane Mrs Buff Mrs Bunnell Mrs Edward Oooici aia Mrsc ae iert A 1 New Divorce Snttn for Desertion and Cruelty The following divorce suits were beguri yesterday Julia Cohn against Jacob Cohn for desertion Hose McGllllvray egainsrwilllam McGllllvray for failure to provide Edmund Dake against Florence Dake for desertion Annie Farron against John Farron for cruelty John Koch against Lottie A Koch for cruelty Judge Bahrs yesterday granted the application of Kate Gees Harte for annulment of marriage with Henry Gess Harte The marriage took place in London England on January 21 1SSS and the couple lived together for nearly three months when the plaintiff learned that hex husbands true nam Bina Htftrv Jfs Hart and that he had another wife living The giaintin matoen name was xiartridge he said that the name that she now used was Kate ltyan Josephine Rothkopf was granted a divorce yesterday from Albert DRothkopf a manufacturing Jeweleron the ground of cruelty and was allowed to resume Iter former name of Mrs Hupers She stated that Rothkopf frequently quarreled with ner on account or ner momer iaw cats which fled from the house when the two children that she had by her former marriage sought amusement wlththe animals She Was1 married to Rothkopf en that he blackened her eyes and otherwise uumtticuuer xna unai assuvu was on last Christmas toward the close pt their holiday dlnner Judgr Murasky divorced Wlllamelta Hutchinson from Sterling Hutchinson for desertion and failure to provide i The Fire Record 4 An overheated stove set fire lo the two story frame building belonging to IL Meyers at 17 Clementina street yesterday An alarm was turned in from boi 184 a 946 oclock yesterday iorenoontThehulld ik was urvuujeu iiy xouis who ineioss will amount to less than MOO At 1021 dclock an alarm was sounded iviu uvam uuawuuiiivt a puiai viaze in the fourrstory brick building at 402 Mont immArv fttpt iTh r1g trae tatinAA Ithe exploslonof a coal otl lamp The loss no Reeounts the Storr of the Cuban i Cainpalsrn General Shafterrecounted the leading events of the Cuban pampalgn before the Social Democratic party atthe Turk street Temple last evening being greeted with a crowded house The General toldhuw the comparatively small army under his commandembarked for the first war the United States had ever waged beyond seas and landing in a country occupied by the enemy in the face of sreat difficulties waged the shortest and most effective uimuisn ever recoroea in History in conclusion he asked ids hearers to put this victory beside the war now being waged in South Africa where the magnificent trained troops of England were brought to a standstill by an army of farmers Hn the Cuban campaign the tralned troops of Spain far exceeding the American army in npmber had been conquered and two fleets destroyed 600 American soldiers in all laying down their lives and 13C0 being Wounded while not a Blngle American soldier horse gun or ship was captured At tho close of the address the General was asked some pertinent questions and speeches were made by Rev Scott and Messrs Brltton John Reynolds and Larsen the general tenor being a protest against war In all guises physical and economic and a plea for a higher victory thah can ever bewrousht with death dr ing weapons In his final reply General Shafter said i The reason whv we nr br lnnioht i ccijF ur speaK our own minos is because inn uiuvu ot oetier men tnan we pas been drunkUD bViAmerir an snll PvhgMlam secured to the people the power to rule If you dont like the way things are get wotk ana apply the constitutional remedyremedy and elect your own men at the polls Incidental he ciimut Wo ht ko ranked with the working classes by reason i io six rose ox piow team which he haa left behind him to enlist in the Army of 114V AfrCIJliiUU Firemans Fund Election Immediately after the election of officers of the Firemans Fund Insurance CompanyCompany yesterday afternoon the dlrectors officers and employes assembred In the largeroom on the west side of the building to take leave of the retiring president DJ StaplesTvhcr had been connected with the company for over thirty years and its president for the past twenty five years Treasurer Lougee on behalf of the officers and employes presented to the retiring president a magnificent album containing the pictures of all the Officers and employes nearly 100 In alt The fly letff of the album la haadsomely engrossed The cJIowlngOfflcers were electedVPresl dent William Button vice president iiernara iraymonvuie second vice presidentpresident and marine secretary BLevlson secretary Louis Wetnmann treasurer Wt Lougee general agent DIves i Santa Fe Tugboat Xamed Richmond is to be the name of the new freight tugboat just completed for the Santa Fe Railway system for service be tween point Richmond and this city The tug is about the slxe and appearance of tne sea wueen it win oe several weens before she Is ready for service as the ma clilnery has ye to be placed and interior finishings to be perfected Tt was rather expected that the tug would be called the Spreckels In honor of the chief founder of ine Valley itoad butane nrst locomotive put on the San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Mne and numbered 1 bears the name Claus Spreckels The new passenger ferry boat riow building has already been given the name San Pablo though some had predicted that it would be called Captain Paysoru 5 Some Baraaglnir BvUeace Presented Asxalnst Accused Saloon Keep er at the Preliminary BxamlnaHtw feAN RAFAEI January XI Patrick Boyle the saloon keeper charged wlt fa having attempted to bom down abuHd inghnFourth street on the raoralng of January 10th had his preliminary examination to day and was held for trial Damaging testimony was given to day atthe examination The lives of eleven peoplewere endangered by the alleged attmpted aron Mrs MSheppard whose heroism aayed the building from total destruc tlpn added to her former statement testimony directly connecting Boyle with the affair She stated that when she went down the back stairway for the purpose of learning the cause of the unusual commotion in the saloon Boyle was Been breaking up chairs and cutting kindling evidently for the purpose of starting a flrel After watching his movements for several minutes she returned to her room Shortly afterward an explosion confirmed her suspicions and the alarm was given As further evidence of Boyles guilt she described his actions during the excitement While apparently sober he walked around in a listless manner making no effort to quench the flames and appearing to regard the work of the fire fighters with disgust In a searching cross examination Attorney Cochrane was unable to break down materially the testimony of this witness Beyond a slight confusion as to the hour she told a straightforward convincing story George Shearer a real estate tnan who lives in a building adjoining the saloon testified to the action at the defendant after the fire had been quenched When taxed with the crime by Mrs Sheppard Shearer said Boyle sought to lay the responsibility upon John OMalley the ownerof the building wth whom he had had difficulty on the previous day To Shearers demand for an explanation Boyle replied John OMalley said he would make It hot for me and I guess he has been keeping lus word And when directly charged with the crime the saloon keeper said You did not see me pet it afire Where is your Droof Shearer also told or his investigation after the flames were quenched Iden tifying the charred panels of the wall rags saturated with kerosene and two cans of coal pil found in the midst of the names Thetheory of the prosecution that revenge was the motlye for the crime was brought out by John OMalley who testified to having quarreled with Boyle on Monday on which the alleged firebug1 threatened to injure him Ive a cinch on you Boyle is alleged to have said and Ill make you feel it It was also established by OMalley that two days before the fire there was considerable more stock rn the place than was found afterwaTd Martle Johanson chief of th Fire Department testified to the result of his investigations and William OBrien a clerk in a merchandise store stated that he had delivered a five gallon can of coal oil to Boyle on the day before the fire The defense declined to offer anr tes timony and Attorney Cochrane moved for a dismissal on the ground thatth oniy evidence connecting Boyle with the 1 a a tl ri he characterized as conflicting District Attorney Mclsaac replied demanding that the defendant be held justice of the Peace Rodden held coyie 10 answer to the Superior Court At the suggestion of Mclsaac bail Was fixed at J4XXt Boyle was unable to furnish it and was sent back to the County PttES SALiKIK WStSTf PB0TSSTS 1v AT WROf MPTfr tv Stm mm Atw S11 srrM2 a ALLWlie Jfe 3 vim enierntesHtenttSyyiiHe ana4 it kWccvre Sat4faeitoifAila4 iU Jfrwnea hi 5 Amimmtpwzitogt94 ye teray lo fixJthe alariesf Beputy 8u Fr1ntBdcntVof Schools at 1S a year during the pleasured theBoard Bn periatendeflt Webster protested that tn Board oUgfat toagree a definite sum for at least a year as appointees had no assurance under the wprdlng of the resolution that the rateof compen satHn wotildnot be reduced at liny time lie also sajd tHattbcrate of pay proposed was Inadequate TbeBard Immediately without debate passed the resolution which was introduced by Casserly and seconded by Denpnafc President Mark excused himself Jrom votltig 5 Superlntepdept Webster was unable yesterday to say what courselieTrbuld takejri regard jo the appointment of deputies He said lie could jnqt get men he would like for Assistants to serve for the compensation Axed by the Board and lMf was not decided whether ha would make any appointments The law he said contemplates that the Board shall grant payment In accordance with the dignity of the office and he Jntimated that this had not been done On motion of Desman the rule were suspended and a resolution was adopted to transact business under the rules of 1896 It being represented that the Lafayette School was overcrowded authority was granted to rent a room In the neighborhood to be used as a classroom at a monthly rental of 10 It was stated that another room was consld ered necessary Instructions were issued to George Walker Inspectorof buildings to turn over all property of the department In his possession to the Board of Public Works except a horse buggy and hart nees which the School Department will retain The secretary was Instructed to draft specifications fori the removal of the garbage from school buildings and ad vertise tor bids to perform the work President Mark stated that theworlc had not beenattended to for some time and that conditions were getting very pan Several applications for positions as teachers in the department were filed Miss Patrick a day teacher presented her resignation Mrs Greenan made application for reinstatement tsA communication from the Board of Public Works empowering the Board to renovate its rooms was read Miss Ida Roberts was transferred from the Grant to the John Swett School vice Miss JDworzazek Leave pf absence until the end of the school term was granted to MlssK BChllds The West of Castro Street Improvement Club made application for a ecboolhouse west of Diamond street between Twenty ttecond arid Tweqty fourth streets STRONG EVIDENCE AGAINST MOLINEUX He the Mrs Hearst Called BERKELEY January IT Away Mrs Phebe A Hearst will notbe at home to morrow having been coited away on lartBt business Railway Men Tin nee A well attended jnstret eatertainsiwit and dance was gty en last night Mtaafoa Opera hall by the Market street Railway band After tjie rendition of several selections by the band a farce by iiasey entitled The Black Detcttver was wMipJBted Dancing fallowed a late laour tTOenmBite ptt arrangamoBts was eontpoaea of whaffBr 8 An CV Debnelty Tnvrnanfid It Aj JfceCMntock aal RX Haaseay playli ase In ing with matches started Children a lively blase In the frame cottage of jsemnari at zk i a torn a street shortly before 1 oclock yesterday afternoon An aiarrn was sent In from box 62 at 1249 OclockThe flames did damage to the extent pf about 300 1 a 1 1 1 iWaenendorrji Effects Wlthheltr Dr Qt Ce Wachendorf got out a warrant yesterday to search tho premises known aa10i0 Montgomery street forhls trualtand a collection of personal effects Wachendorf attracted public attention several months ago when he was arrested on a charge of murdering John Kehlen beclcwho died while undar his care After being aecrttltted Waehesdorf attempted to coraplt suicide and wounded himself so severely wth a rasor that it van several weeks before he was Able taleave his rooms Wachendorfs surgical instru sasmu are in Ms trunk and he claims that his former landlady Is withholding them haeause he gat Moad upon her carpet when he attempted to end his lrfe 1 hi 1 tyllea Street fiarments The Chranielef tterfli deiiartsient isekes a sfyeeteltj of 1 street swrapsifpr aU ages aadall kinds of weatfeer These garments sappoeed to bahard fo handle are not bo with the directions given with SMf4 aatra ffara Illustrated this City Must Pay for ft Riot The lury In the suit of Adolph Rehfeld against the city rendered a verdict Id his javor ipr fip yesiernay xiesueq iQr e5934 92 Rehfejds place consisting of a store restaurant and saloon oh the corner of Greenwich and Lyon streets was destroyed by a mob of soldiers on Sunday April 16 1S39 It was shown that at the time of the riot an agent had a contract from Rehfeld to sell the place for 1200 of which 100 was to be paid for commission on the sale Rehfeld was disappointed at the verdict The testimony on behalf of the city and county was to the effect that he had swelled his demand for damages by charging for articles that he did not have and for others which were not destroyed German Societys Nominations The nominating committee of the General German Benevolent Society metTues day afternoon and named candidates who will probably be chosen to administer the affairs of the society during the present year The election will take place in Druids Hall on Wednesday January 31st jno nominations were presiaent ard Finking first vice president Isidore 3nttc second VJe presldent Johann Fischer recording secretary William HerrniannT flnanclal cretary MlxBer lueau treasurer Frederick Slebe directors for two year term Samuel Bibo Dr Qustave Gutsch Carl Lamps and Oeorgo Vols On Trial for Entbesslemeat The trial of Thomas Atherstonefor embezzlement was resumed in Judge Lawless court yesterday Judge LawlorWle nicd the motion to instruct the jury to acquit because of the alleged insufficiency of tho Information Assistant District Attorney Alford introduced the letter written by Atherstone In 1S96 toW Fry1 general manager of the Singer Manufacturing Company stating thatrhU account was short about 48U0 of which tiO was for tags that he put in the safe with the names of other persons to make it appear mat mey naa arawn ine money The testimony yesterday related to the Vuuijpait uaua acvouiile JalL VICTIM OF A VICIOUS DOG Joseph Zamlnl Is Frlgrhtf ally Bltte at San Rafael SAN RAFAEL January 17 A vicious bull terrier the property of Mrs Sophie Meyer a wealthy widow living near West End attacked and severely bit Joseph Zumini a butcher this morning Zumlni was so seriously In lured that was necessary to carry him to his home XUU11U1 aucu ai iue Aieyerirestaence to deliver a parcel of meat The dog seeing a stranger In the yard made a dash at him Zumlni was thrown to the fioor by the vicious onslaught The dog first caught him In the calf of the leg then lrt the knee and sfterwnnl thA iw innir fresh hold on his right hip tearing and lacerating the flesh in a frle hlful mnnniv The servant who was attempting to drive ine miunaiea ammu rrom his vlctlm was also severely bitten in the arm The cries of the injured man brought other members of tha houaehold to the scene and the dog was finally driven away Zumlni is the only kunnort of hi mother anu two sisters wno are in poor circumstances The accident will keep him from work for ome time It Is probable that a suit will be commenced to recover damages from the owner of the dog Pound master Begley has Instructed the owner to Kin we animal la Positively Identified a Man Who Rented the Pri TSte Letter Bosln Dlspnfe NEW YORK January 17 The prosecution to day practically elosed its ease egainst Roland Jdolineux on trial for tho murder of Mrs Katherlne Adams with the introduction ot the testimony of Nicholas HekJman proprietor of a private letter box agency at which Molleux is alleged to have rented a box In which ho received patent medicines from manufacturers He testified that be had known Mollneux by sight for five years and that be had seen him 150 times OnMayI71S3S Sfoltncux went into witness place and engaged a box for receipt of malt He gave bis name asH CBarnet correcting witness when the bitter in entering the name spelled it with two ts Witness testl lied that Mollneux came in about twenty times for his mail which was mostly pat nt medicines Witness remembered putting In defendants box a package of pow Oer This powder Is the one in which the alleged cyanide of mercury was conveyed to Barnet Witness never knew Harry Cornish Recorder Goff took the witness In hand and asked whether he had been promised any reward for his testimony He calmly renlled Absolutely none I dont exnect any reward and I dont want any ruoyoa realise now vuaiiy important It Is and when I say that I want you to look deep in your conscience have you any doubt in your mind any doubt whatever as to this defendant being the man who rented that letter box from youas BornetT None whatever ta THE SYMFHOXY CO Jl CERT Hurt by Manhole Explosion An explosion of sewer gas in a manhole at Jhe corner of Sacramento and Mont gomery streets broke some glass in the adjacent houses and painfully burned the foreman Of Grav Brothers stret which is making some improvements in Bacramento street The explosion was caused by lowering a lantern into the manhole and was followed by another upheaval About JfJ feet east on Sacramento street which did no damaare Tin Jum i man was treated at Schmidt Am fat Sacramento and Kearny streets by ui gnr auu was later remorea to his home He was burned about the head and 1 Married WhlleOat on Ball Gertie Campbell accused ofyagraricy Informed Police Judge Frjte yesterday that she had taken advantage pf a continuance of her ease to go to Oakland and marry the man of heraaoloe She gave her right name a Birdie Ciawsoa and said that she had married John Henry Boyn a prccam aerobaVwaH known la vaudeville clrelesv As there was no evidenceevidence of a nature te warrwat oeavtistton oa a charge pending asataat Mm ride the case wasi dismlseed A 1 1 i ICirst of the Series Under Henry Holmes Comes To Dny At exactly 815 oclock to day Henry Holmes will raise his batonfor the first of the series of symphony concerts to be given at the Grand Opera house The rales indicate another crowded house such as the one which astonished even the managers when they gave an experimental concert before the holidays The orchestra of sixty six musicians wilt Include all the prominent soloists of this rlty Into the ranks have come John Mar quardt who has taken the responsibili ties 01 concert masteritana MotnerWis mer who will be among the first violins The programme will open with the overture of Buy Bias by Mendelssohn to be followed by the Haydn symahony in Wagner Siegfried Idyl given by special request and the magnificent Symphony Fathetlqus of Teebalkow tfn 11 1 11 1 1 in Wanted In Snti Jose Delos Collins was arrested on Webster street yesterday afternoon by Patrolman Gould on a warrant from San Jose charging grand larceny The cojapteialng witness A ZicQVlch Of San Jose says that Collins In company with two mea an tered his winery about ha mUdle of last December and stole pumpa aad hraaa and copper fittings and madhnWyto tka value of 0 The property was sold te a Jnak sbop It was recovered Another Term for Senator Cear DES MOIJiES la January 17 To day at noon the Iowa Legislature met In Ijolnt session and re elected James Gear of Burlington to the United States Senate LD 38 Governor Shaw Ill White ULX uovernor enaw lmmemateiy signed Senator Gears certificate and forwarded it toWashlngtont Presiding Jnatlee ElertetL TheJustloes ofthePeacemetonTuesday and on motion of Justice Cook seconded by Justice Barry elected Thomas Dunn nresldlng Justice The office baa been held for the past year by Justice Kerrigan Justice Dunn will ask for chambers as there wHl be more work for him to do than before Learn vof the worlds coffee trade lrt ths Chronicle Almanac for 1960 Price si cents Engineer Roelrwell A rr ameaJ ReekwelCenaineer of the train which killed Charles Patten as agad shoemaker at Ocean View Tuesday mora lug vwas arrested yesterday afternoon by Corporal Shanahanand tmlcad at the Seveateenth etreet PoUoc Staaon on a charge of aoanataaghter hRoelrweo waa Sn The CbraaWe Atqiaef toiW Jthe Oakland branohpwKe pf F0roa4cJw a lift Of the laeaatai ogart iecated at mi Snwdway ceretr Math ilwfwfteW Qt MitfCBLLAHKO US A BBAWHI SCOT Bggs and Grape Nuts I would like to give you my expertenca since ueiag Grape Nuts ten weeks I be gahweigwiagHg pounds with abig stomach owfag to lasproper digeiUbn now weigh HO founds and the flesh Is oa ta sfgfjt ptaoesf ev tae eettrerauscu jar anatomy Before trrjag Orape uUI looked upon itteteat aa a Yankee dodge to fleeoe the paWia yalteoteKIamgladtoadwit mynftffajrs I stfr two raw eggs oee half evpOrapeNats sugar to taste beat all toCtar iwonuautes add boflteg water oaadn if cup tat atasd two mnH and yoaihave a dna that would satlafrtha Prinea of Wales for ae in lf apy hawri aWa deMeace stater tt aVMabarga Jhasiiad irtya wants 0ww iu cM awe aattM tfc4wr OiiK MVMf1 pBie OvrirJiisst C4 jj 3 4 si 1 3e 3 Ii mm.

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