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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 2

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tv 14 jhrncwiltmkk X1T811SM CSWICLk BaUSCl OmCES tuuHl Bread war TM OMIHU Ktliy THC ICXKTK laaarb Mr MM eaw Bare Mm DAILT mm i Oca tar a a aviornmr ryetrpaytng Ac tnrmtw AlCTMI tUH TtVMt TBS GBXBOUCK IXATrOmC Tsttlao aspe i 1 tioaalf ovaro aaf CnmUftm oa Thursday at trasses BJ Into lor lYeaidant and a Vest of Vlsttsslppt lor sTce rroHeat ptaa plaisxrm snd adjourned The total vote waa 20 which ni dlstllbtTlod follows oa ItaMtaM Totee gwomfiiiw KUAi WaeBau Fly Bflpear larwatare eta at Hinn 134 Start laar at aO tk rfc tan Fwsalusr a ta mrBvnBr I vtsat a stsi ttstb Ifc at as taial aa ek AKtmmro tbi cthih tVeawwasi atars Pllasa saa a JnimB Taa rca The Do AA BUMHttnUM Intwjjmil at late SZZXgF Trra i no at Htlm An Vioxi Ota Hamani lul tto Tocattm HmUllr xrtmuw Wresar state iitn CHArrcn XXTX TAa I i aa taU by a caU de dav tww at tmad rolrrmne a review at Sttars Bat vein of a Bistery Twenty Tsars of Obo KUurfnr with lMJ 4Kal twpec Uy a berating aa Croats am th Amerieaa drfl ac TS Tlasts stjlnclar flits at faUat at tanW narrative la papular ant aat waatlfalfitd style and remarkably rend moderate la ton The twenty sU and last chapter at taa tc me ttrs 3aal Biveu exdaslrctr a tbe foreSga re aunt of I raa ata the Called Elates bom JricXitot iclosaef cwar Hildas thaee yean tori ruurrr ni at the md aT Urn Jtrlth Cwvcr metd wl Lord Jon toattt aa hi Geeretary Mala and tha ra rut Tmaimt Chancellor at the chequer Lorn KtroLEos was I tptror et Traaot Tae two Gowta mme md lata aa all nee more or Ian earn bat aot tit salted auiy lswa treaty tbe objector ess cotb part aarlaad vat purely Jerceuery and taotsr aktng on the part pf Xsc ctoocatroy lac Amerieaa Cnloa and American power eo tab esmteat eadeaaO rreaee or aearehy bached by Xa wuobta aBrn foot tn Mexico Tnucbepurttf tar history dealt withes events fraa the reopjnltloo of tta ODQltdctate Sutat at UKcraott to tha plaM at the war aad caoTtcU tka twe in Bana all that liu ever liaaa trti axicstUnuacrw arcpaa aaamlai of UMtBtsaautatvaOer ta falM nlatcf ImiifalttT Th aarrallra aaocUet amaricf lot tUrtr atx raceavatttta UM aaort arei aad caaatic arralcniitafUia TAlMMtMmx Jtetstu Corcnawat tat doplidtf MUab Beai and dlarrsard of political morals and koooraUaarlacijaatbatBaa yatbaaa aaea la ptUA Jtaxlalaa that taa aeu of JJfUMk Oaaeraateal rm tin at Tluabl BldlaUwEoutbaodacittaUr cradttia Utrtta ta mlllurr aamUoot cf taa rnUHK aidtbataIUieaaawer flaacBadertlMsalMoflaiparUal acstnt Itj IIct rooaa aiji Butzi walla la aaiuealr antdlnt pvfatla napooalBUltr imarsB fcelp to the Confedmc as aOKtiTaaaUtaalateaUaa bad bean pra CtalBMd Tbcwhotapruerdarewai la dav rejjard af tatanMUonal yHm aad wa aautsrrthof wnat ILfazroR raaowx rmclrlMBMiMuaafla4naUr Et flraoaaoti It aa aaenttallj meitauaijT fafcatlBX ao ajcral aenaa ladiflcrcnt fo taa hlfhor tbt low laaHa tatalrcor deaf to JaatfctBinaaBtrr or tricadtUiT CTBleal mocBlUan of it troth af tbe old prorerb It li an in wlad that Uewi goad la aa tmtT a turket puUertLum sclaclrJa anaa Which EogUnd dadarea attb aaaaetout MaUimi Oat alia canaot aierlflo that Mtloo of bar ladlaa rrrraa which caaMt Iroa tha opium trade or tha capital which Inwtmm ta tu rrawth aad mawafactara had that China mast thcrrfun take tha pol aan that 41araan and drtnda her popola Uon Tbt French motira in tht nabolr aHiaaec bdlapaaed af la thawwerdt Lor Kanumr anterpriat wa dlitucfl tmwd Oath wttcr deatraeliaa af tha Aaierleaa oloo Th CoTaTsmeat el TiXKtKStvt whlcLraata IMS kaew thh aa well a XiMLaos did aad anlued hh aru bath la the railed Males and Mexico till It taw Cleartr that tha OoBfrdaracy matt ceCssn sad thai the Mnttoa llariboTr maoardir 1us doomed Then tha CocUsh qoletlr WUhdmr from tha whole bntlaeet aad left tha rreach Cmparor to Doonder aiona In tha ratat af aa aaietprhw aaaiaat lihairj which Uthatttlx cost htm his throne and tbe XsMbuts protect hit life at Qaeretara Ke chaaur of modera hldarj it mora lamiaeua thaa thl twaatf aixtb ut BuiKUt DM ro ttnw which BMrcUraUr au Jbrth In thalaacaac of troth one of the darknt cpUodrs tbe Uatanr of aUnd aad eon rtcUaoaof Ut adnlnlnratloaa aaort poa tOar ataanc tba rutin dam at that tiatethaa anr 3oTerarewl bat been atace nf dnpUcUr lahomaoJtr ararloa aad a Vwmvempt af laternatlooal abUxatiout ta Ut trontaf ciln that would dhraea tbe moat xaenaaaryatonr la tha world Whaatb laodaa arcu of tberallnc dtti ea bawda laelf as tar aa ta eaJojItt toch a book at rcmarUUj fiOr and modttau la tone we ate jiwtlltdUtbe ronrtniloathatpoa clararinloelaEnxUDdkitelixreeocaited by tha arhBaeraey aad ta octan ata jowerahora jlnrnUra AraMreac of ranavtraau To 1 Brnst barter majorttrarer an was dccUred Um aamlneaaB4 War tu auJ the aomlaee tor Tlat Pfatldeat by aacuraa with tbe atlertlf af tenia aa tha leader aftttapartyawCM croaad that ha It seek lar It boailnarion fan taa Democmie AsOonal CoBTentton The pUUorsa apslaads tha deckdaa of tha Bapratta Cawrt atlatlaa to sjrasnhaeki de miirMifnaiiiat tn1 tZl mms jBiaadly Wats that they suaU be used la rlteivaisKpaTSMStofthevabUe am intltm that the saeaerlrlas Idle la theTTttanijraaladlawtoldaBd stlrer tar a aadaapUoa frmrt aatll ba paid out la HqnidaUaa af Hlabti denaoncat eJt ma BOpoUat trors the forfeiture of sMtpeM land taata and tha bntbtadlnff lithe pobUelaud tor tha Uaeflt of actoal aot tlart aurm the waaetaatat eft brio rernltlt fatentate trsasportstlan eon lrmBtlhawaurinof elock peoUnfaad dhwrlmrirstloB by taflwiyt IntStat that an aHlyttlnnt pay money onsbt la be taxed aad aa Intuit tax wants tha emditloot aad heart of labor to be regulated by Uw aad child labor aad the toirrlct Ubor arstea aloilthed toiouaaslai penad eon tract WUc In rnrnpatll too with free tabor faron a cemttltntlorial amendment taahartaa tba term af Catted sutat Benalarn ttsem that the aiJywartottOe the tariff quetuon to abolish Indirect Uxet twt far tbe pretest euuatnla to tbe plaa af tariff rtritkni en tbe beau of a larlaTaertwMaBa earft ertTea aa ahond aace of cheap mooey for the sasaa taetarari tad ftrtaen eo that they can pay htchwaret for labor and compete with an tbe world i propotat aa amendment to tba Conttltatlon to enable women to rote and lor the rertUtkm ot the liquor traicaad demands that aU disabled soldiers of Ue Ute war than be aQoltably pentlOBed Tha major part of that wantt propoaa aad demand it ptohaUy tha bandiwark of tha crafty aid man whom tbe eonrenUon tai placed at tbe head of 1U ticket Jt rmtleriaa throuch aadtbrooch VbateTar orcnodltlaltaaialwaTt been Republican doetriaeaad the cranay pane am malaly dbrtnaed or enalified The tseometax is to be cradaaud without referenea to the oontUtatlossllty of each a tax Tha fifth rewrtntVia may or may not according to tha onwttraeUaa of It meaa that the national bonds shall be taxed The tn asterts abates of lerUstlre power by the com mltleet of Ooagrees bnt tntrertt no remedy Thelaath boldly attertt that free trade It tbe tight policy bat qnallnatthe attenlon by throwing a top to tha tario ttr reTenne onrr people at tbe expedient Ihlngfbr thlt raiapslira The female saSrage aad rrobtblUoa ratal It tor the Xew Eaglaid aad tthto markem The rondert nation of Imported contract Tabor It tor tbe FadSf Elsies where All parties adapted it loaf tea The cheap aad abandaat mosey claote to catch tbe farmer and suit lactam It dMlneUrelr a Craenback tdet and aacranky at the philotopby of the at autla Cotuc Cheap mooey for the farmers cheap money far ererybody cite aad cheap money implies dear bread meat doibta high rents 40 priest for crerythlag that eaten lata the aub lUtence of sun It does not prevent panics It promotes them It aa oarages watte extravagance reekleta peculation wlmaat esooomy prudence in bosinett aad frugality are the Tirtaet moat aoeded among the people Jt Is not owing to any scarcity of money ta tbe coon try that the beaks aad brokers aad dealers raprtrUegetattbEaitare now tlUng Hooey It more abundant there thaa hen a here we bars no failures out of the ordinary nm la record It Is becaute regular Donnetttiad toralonr time aiTen way to gsmbllagla otarat aad tbe wlidatt tpeca uuoa TO money of tbe eoontrylt three timet at great la amount per capita as It hat neea when there were no panics If It were three timet as great as It is It would not are tha ratten banks aad the atoek dealers wba bought by tba rallUont at xrieea la Sated from SOtoSOandeoperceotabOTe their rati tsIuc Tbe lint resolre In this plataum eoadudes with a demand lor tbe hau of tba hoards of tuttT now locked no la tba pabUe Trcatarr and that It be ap pnea to taa payment et the public debt now lac Alsrge part of this muoey Is gold and ellTer collected there as a fund tor the redemptiaa of autHaading greea backs Tbe retolotiona alto fkTor tbe ittnc of tome MOOOOOOOO mare greenbacks HI bat would bappea if the ronreation could realize both demands Tbe greenbacks would be presented for redetnptUo with cm cola to redeem lbemad tneirrtlue would luddenlyiall from 1 00 to to CO to 50 to4 eenu oa the dollar Thlt would be Hiring tbe country cheap aad abundant money with a vengtane the solwer jsjmssgmtsat PI A Palriotle Ctltlntlw at ttie faTilloa DeTotees of OstilQorSport Custom aad law hart comhlued ta nut taa 30th nfiUy sacrad to thememary of tbe amdiers wba gsre their Urea tor tbe ntiloa dnrlog tie rJrtl wsr What waa at artt a plow act of recognitioa oa the part of tba taw tewerde the haroes of the Woodr contest ta the rjoramey of tbe laws and me preserratloa of the Crdon cf the States batracetred the taaetioaef the aation aad the conooneuet of the eaUte people eo that new Ifeaaatttl Day stands aeeond mlr 1 tba ltriotlc calendar to tbe annlTsnary of wuuiun um lautptmaesct of the tblrteea eoltotts which lormed tbe aaclent from wbieh the Cmted States of la day has become oral red DeorUi Day wt etaerred tbUyearla this city and fin this coast elsewhere ttroo4koutlM republic with all tbe terror af them later years The solema character ofthaocctUoa was marked by the dlsnUy of hagt at baU matt Mot targe number of betiding while at many places were to be teea sntpended smsa haaaers tcsrlag the Imprint oftha badge of the Grand Army of tha BepohUe tmder wbota aatpitaa the eommtiaoiatioa of tbe eoldktr dead was told An laderal State aad maaielpal oSQoet tbe bsa ks and commercial txchaagtt ware doaad at well at aumbcrs of hmlnnta boaseafbrthewboleora part of tbe day la the ntarnlng a pranmlun toak puca aad waa loUawad by the daearatlonof the grares of those la whose memory the day is ob sened while la the creaiag patriotia liter try and musical exereitet were held la tbe afechaalca rarilloa which was dentely thronged Aside from the strictly commamonDn character of the day Ita holiday aspect ra curca attention inert ceiag ptcaica shooting athUlic gamat and yachtiag by those wheat lore of outdoor inorti leads them ta strata rrery opportunity presented for lu mTSrrimi the raocEssiox irag la Xukm aad Galtaat ta ApBtfaraaae Tbe procession yesterday in honor of emonai Bay was a Tery good one and com pared arorabty with those of former years um uiuiuuoi cu carauy katuuion aad the artillery and Intantry regimeaU miking a rsryaUrscUte line According to the orden announced by Grand Ilarshal tTmlrt the dlaerent dirisians farmed thalrputuat BJO Tba Omnd Atar saai ana nitaiat aad Slajor General Turn bun and stair assembled la tbe courtyard of tbe Palace Hotel where tbey awaited tbe order to adranee The police faattalioa whleb lormed the adranee guaid of tba proeetsioaaudeoosisluig of platoons from Captain Douglas and Captain Shorts watches formed on Ute south aide of ilsr ket street left retting oa Montgomery under command of Chief Crowley Each platoon bad forty man It and the battalion made a Tery presentable appearance especially when matching np Market street with the platoons in stnrlt rsak thirty roar filet front Troop I Can tain Carr and Troop It Captain Ilarrit of th First Lotted tltatet CtTalry which acted at tpedal etcart totkeposuo the Grand Army of the Betnbllc formed on the south side of Market itieetla front of tbe ralace Hotel the battalion bring commanded by llajorSanwd The troopt made a eery gallant ar njsnee and madathoa who taw tbem taa that they could be teen rtearrla attract parade The Oraad Army posts did not lona on ilrauon street at 030 a a at announced in orders but took their place tn column at the line adranead brigadier Ueneral Dimond commanding tbt aeoond Brigade and hi staff took nations OU th Caat tld ol kt Unlmnan ttraet below Market and on their right wi rrmucisco uuasart taptain Eeeoe who arted as eacon to Xltjor Oen erti Turubull Tbe Second Artillery Eegl mot Which vat tha firmt reVhnant fi nation asemblcd oa Xew Sloatgomery tirtct below Market and on lit lea was the rim initnrry itcrimcntuaionel Wcilnton Tbe Third lufantrr lierfment rviimi bin attembled on Uowsrd street In front of SAKAVISCO CHBQITOlaBt gATCJBDA MAX 31 8l lcal01mxicef rmo cSTV oirin popular istor not only Tial TflV kBn saWlars earerad wttb PAEADE AXD DECOKATIOX that aural tributes bat tha grant af a uct ouicn equally weu IDTaol Or yrtenot anA lrfa vim brought Sowers were not Blgfardly In their bestows aad many a gray wbote eccupaat ansBuwa toe insuiDutar el aoral oeckea aaamaaelo iptay retatnonn TbattnWr tuf ttxereftt WBalwttH im lerJrnrefmiawteirans by a seetioa the vuucu rates Mrautry as ahat la the eeatattiy waar Mm arawuer Tse Wehih uura utt piayaaAaiTaaunnc which she amcem of th day tok their iw i a iitue ptatrorm elected on the west sMe of tba uMnmnt iui tha radet formed in a hollow nmn about rtm rterT Koble Department Chaplain tw wMa jKTvr wnu mm yMprmflfs tuodaturaUrely aad with aacBtanftbeaaa toutrt rites of th ltrar waa thea rendered by tbe Verba Buana Qaanet after wbieb Department Commander 3SL Daris delirerad aa address in ahlUihesaldthat was aaa gun nru to nswt tor the I ntoo are tha world leseoue tn patriotism from 1 Ml to 18C5 aad Is rough th seactful chtnaalt af drU Uie ther aara awn dolnr it erer since the doss af tbe war The Grand ATaryof toe Keponuc does not eoaMderlu mssum fulfilled unlets it keens th Or of purtotlsm arer burning apon the altar of liberty Tbe day will eome when iu tanks wili a oeswMtoa oyattta ano a tew but turrlTOfi left stand ins trembling upon Its edieofthegrsTe But the lessons iangbt by it aad the exampMrtglreabyit will he traaatuad op la th toanaof all fa tare gen erationa Tata Oraad Army of thabemuV Iw is baaweathad thtokmn duty of ktea iog altr tbeprlnclpieaforwbieaaomaBy brsr Urea were sserinced And if the day should erer come when toe raraembraaee of the dell war becomes faded and indistlaet aad this holy sentiment it dtartgtnted then it the country threatened with dissolution and anarchy But I do not believe that day win erer come I do not belter that the comrades wh tvm Mm hhM nB llred marcbed fought aad died In tsJb tor tbe work aorjomplisBed by the alien army of baf a million patrijU wbuaa grayeaJl acautatd aU arar our laadilla mlnalea anerv lmwm of mit Mmatr hLuw and it uduausss the bills and mountains they lored so well CLcanro scesix Tha addreta wa rAllnsMt htr 4h of tto graret tn tha Grand Army of tbt Ka iq iam oomraaea woo one ay one Oeootited tha tokentwhleh thrwhtA carried in their hands to the cemetery Twremouy was aemg perrormea tbesongReu soldier Best was sung by th Quartet IDA tha hanri vjarf arAlA dirt Lincoln 1on then nred a salute orer the graret and after each discbarn of the anas a tattoo was besten by the drummers The firing of the salute wss the sig nal for tha dispersing of the throng aad there was a sound of rushing feet OTcrthcwalkt as those on foot scrambled to tecum plaots on the cart there was a noise of wheels orer tbe grareled roads as the carriages battened away and tbe comrades marched from theaceiie with Lincoln nd iu armed comrades in front tha amury bringing op tha rear while tha light clouds played before the tun and the cowers on the grares still ssnt forth their frsgrsnoe About the gatewsys all was bustle and confusion and It waa not until early eretuag that tbe last Traitor had left tna scene TXTZXAK CIHEintT Immediately after the decoration cere moniesatlha Wd sallows Cemetery yes terdsy a large delegation of the maibera of the Grand Army of the Republic compared of members of the eunerent posrt tn this aty nailed the hw buiul slat nmimi granted to the Grand Army by the Board of supervisors sod dedicated It with appropriate aarrlcea They were escorted by Kit taut Band which kindly volunteered for wamjon pun it tituated within the bounds of th Golden ate Cemetery ifest Commander I Cashin mads the dedicatory address accepting the clot for the etrreas Cemetery Association after wnica a nag wss rsiara to Half mast en the new flag pole donated to tbe Grand Army by Kenton Holmes and kindly placed in potion by at Uogau the contractor Keso Son0tu1k Phtsrd to Comrade William lslladT of General Meade ot for his generous donation of too to the VetsrsnsCsmetarTAtaecitiian tf fittnaan for hit kindness and aid in securing th grantoftne plot from the Board of buper Tlsors and to the Board of Hnperrrsors for their generous and timely gift The arrsn littloa of the Sons of Vetersnt commanded by Itadore felmous oarUcinttod in th dudl eatory aerrica 9 Mnt SkilLk it laaatLtif tr rttHi nt KtSZtHl aT8 tUHerlal iz iV twwavsw lenneat WW1 In 10 Walker the wV1 ft rth la O10V WaUrrDbuined the gold medal far wli irtwS1 bimf wd Time 4 iEEiSZS Ametlcsa tune thstof UE ilytrs 0 3 iV m2 ihr TlT J2ar Locke at nraihtr xinM oi yardajrLlylOOyardt A7browa JJ5PblitwtwiBse4tafntaf txoyaraa aatl Lmr iiu tssiowt vauarar wart aa 12o yards petediaai oneererrb and Jennings were leO The latter who tt iAtTJwte stamina and Ploek by holdlHt bit said to tha last Ilia ttma was 10 3rtU AlnSLTif Tint Bt Ulrtcritcht iZS i804 kjat htewart scratch Siif walker 15 7ards Drlf ifirSu ltps won tfie first heat AHSlSu tJnillipTBBeBtnyBa aad jwiiheld was won by Ftyaa A44ovysrdscrslch rsce in which were LOCke 6leWrt JmrIim an VI a Jsxaln waa won by th buter ta 015U lB aH7lnubeslaarna SSSr4 Jumn L1jr bchuster Suwsrt Ulbton cad Doolan Ua alto put the aix Huad that BJ feet 4 laches beating fchuttar Htewart aad Tenaast slcilllitij msnaw aiaooanttd lb contestants by tOWinr ta hAll UnMh 4MtilH mJ them There were alx contattaau ectartd In a mila msidan bicycle race of tore beau out they narrowed down to Glououi aad Cook the latter wlaalng ia Siuv cook also tost Flnkler in a hall mile scratch In lSWJt tbe beet lime erer made here but riokler refused ta hare the honor of a flre mlle handicap wrested from him by either Cook or Day The time of ibis last contest WtS 174VQ Th Amnain day was an obstrnctton race the umrcuiuca orercome Includliig the ivi grcaacu puut etc Vstsmns with tha oBcert of tan day of that town and nrtweideJ as ihs miTiTi whtttogmTtsofthatrdceated saeaabem were Oecorajad aad aaoraoriata raemariti ttaclsei gott torcaawttaT Jfy kreeoraaoa Day wmaamtmpclaidydbaerred ta thia dtr ttv 25i L10 lo ta Katira Sena af th rli Wos Eiiaworth Pott Grand Army of the Kepublie aad a lanra nuaberaf school rhildrea and i ciUasns headed by the rJV841 Bali the fmsry where flowers ia abuadaaoe were WWftOTer tha artres of dead soldiers Tha pwiaiaslutt than marcbed back to a targe lot at tba earner nf sATFh mnA wberethe ceremonies were held i cram ucurerea tae orauon Sa BAasAATfay sa VeaaerUl Day artstirlately observed ThiSi tarr swiBf utr so aa oraad 7J ti Srsfswaoitt ttsiiiniiteq In I kew Aovmenaaaaa ThePlazaStores A in a twe rmie baioJcsp race One by ltPostnreswtedwItba wMmuMW MIV BImIUHT eompaay and brass bead lb Maxlttta veterant aad many tf Useos Ua prneiitsitn pracaeded to ta cemetery where burial tervtcee were bald and a number of soldiers taborateiy decorated with bouquets and baskets of Bowers la the pretmtuoe afliewat pUnd which is owned by John Uuntar of Uaataetlo a Mexlcaa vtv eraa It was sir to to bim by John ueaaoa of Davit regiment dorian hit campaign la Mexico and waa carried through the Morat lng of Jiouterey and the battle of Baena lsta Chico May 30 Deeoratlon Day was wen oaaarved heretlM Chico Guards escorting members of the Grand Army the eaae i7wUhmUll mutle A great taaaj Tehlclea followed the procession nojjjsTgiL May SO UtmorUl Day was ppropriataty observed here te dsy by Jesse Portl IOA Grand Army of the Uepublle aad by th cttisen ewnsraliy Tr1 Vl dtspUytd at naU tnatt aad all or trre business houses remsiaed closed durinr the exereJsea at tbe cemetery Tbe SSf onlb orgsnisad a few weeks and thU wss the llrst obnervsjic of Deeura Uon Day ever held In Uolliater Ttootrt monUs Incidenlsl to deooratlng the graret of the aatiea dead wr witnetted by a large awrnblt ge of people Th grsrss of Lnioa and Confederate toldlert received equal honors p2u KV Th bankt and pub lie offieea were rioted to day Tbe national ensign wet dltplsyed apd the graves of eot dim were decorsted with son era roxTLtno Or Msy 30 recoratioa Day wsseelebrsted her by tbe Grand Army of the Republic and Mate militia an Immense rowd visiting Lone Fir cemetery In the evenintr lilrarr MnA niulji1 avahia held at the Courthouse General A Mor ndKnfos Mtllory being the speakers Vancouver csercues were ermaneUHi by the military assisted by tna Grand Army of the Kepublie About 2000 Bartons went rom nere to aaeouver BtLT Lsxc Msv nnTvmrrI opened with a heary rtlnnotwlthitanaiiig which a Urge crowd of dUxent went to rptl Douglas and carried out tbe programme of the day THE OCN CLVB A line Laurel Xtajr a apart Orarve The annual picnic and pigeon shoot of the GimCltib took place vesterday at Laurel Grove Sots valley The proceedings were more of a bolldty than a business character tiany laaies were present and took a lively interest in the sport Tbe day was til that toe sportsmen couhl wlah There waa brreteto spoUthethootlngandmotSof tba birds were active njrem Iu tba second match there vat better scoring tbsn tbe ant though tbe syttem of hsndicapplng precluded serious eriitasm JOrrwst Iht winner of the trophy which the club pre ssnied and at th eouetueion or th matches mad an approvnat speech esnrastlv or hit thanks and of tbe pride which he frit in taking the cup away from younger and brighter eyes Ia cun clrnlon be begged the dub to consider his proposition ot returning to thst body the second medsl gained by him last year to be competed for under th cluo direction Thoinat Kwing tbe lYewdent put MrOrrt proposition before the member who adopted tbe motion without a dissenting voice The following were tbe scores made by the competitors Ue match being tstelve turd xSyj fly jWw jimi I JlliePav AT TKK PAVILION DLCOKATIO DAT Koatw who wtlaetiid ysatrday tpleadld Twgrantwni say that tbe raemory of our dear dead It beeemlaf dim Aa array af fineea haadrad of our city ooldirry Mvchrag with the pnendou of did treopt a gallant band of wrettor larateB veterans of the war aad a vest croo augvly eontUtlr cf the best people a4 the heights of th lair eex literally kstried the eastatery wadtr a atuaw af Bow ret aad tutmed wlih secerning term nee tbe roournfal straiaa which spoke a dty sorrow as tae day came round for the yearly Yta tMttogmvmefttodead Letaoone say that Aartrleaat are torgetful and above all let ao awe pram about atoUahlag Daea ratlooDsy It shall be cherished long after ta caaaes of the war are forgotten after tbe graves themaslres hare snoldered attttatodU laweaof Atttvtean respect tan very aad loyalty aad honor aad love of cooatry Thane of ta to vhomtb memory of the vutjrtruriapangat wencail a ftthtr twecacr a eon wbote bona lie under th tktattora tad take esatfort sw taiak that with all tit atorrata war eaaobliag II teaches asea that there It eomethlax higher thaadallars totter than ansa Want art tudlione to bim wheat aaxt breath may to LitiaatT Ttoataawh takes khi list btt toad 1a what to daessa toayaatcaata spume tha atate ateawy getter oad atone tbt cheat BlttimUUBilfBoblttbecon ataat aamraam af death lifts hat soul et saV Dm lselghu to Ibrtw tto lotui tttw THE DOOTUING rAKTT sottytrmof Chrty Bucb a bum at not only the algtost type of aamaatry to leavens th whole people among whom to tires Aad when be taOs It It a privilege re be al ItwsB a scatter Bow em oa hit grave and ata alt story a caildrBatbat ttoyta chair taraay kaew that there It tomathlag ttmer la the wwrtd thaa arribbrac tar Tat waken kept wi la Sew Tot was aae af that elaborate tna of aarot Jar which tha mtnrcpoBtea paaee aat become Ikaons This maa swiadlad tto toak wtth which to wa eoaaectad oat af nearly XrOOOOOaad Jt waa sm paUla attatsf ak eSTram traa a atoral giiimnl ktot ads old autorwto tod more toaor thaa th nan saved the bank tVautltuii tram ami by tto saeruVe of lanw part of at trtra aartaao lap appears so bsa ao tytwefttoaaprlaclaledaiisrsrslsi Betot etcaped teZterope wtta ehaadant vriins aad dnnbrjam expects ta Mar ta tt ttw yatawtoattomamery at bia ratcalhlm tot totoese tarn ltwoald toartadthlag Jar tto atctsl ataaarptosa of Sew Tarktr tocat tallows ware treated Uke ewerrkett aad tsSowattottaaUoaatttmtJeatwapardi statstneaeaf ttotalef or ae wurgVsr Jt anient iadaot ttoss who tore a thirat far epcrtrltUoB madtort more ctotary to lagiO atam mtosat la pislaer wards to keep ttorr toads off cola which toes aot belong to them Tax ad Arxasswtux who tos toea eryiagtoatttwtaaaatvatoystceestalpraw la Texas secant to aero succeeded afatr hat setBrato Brtglaad Ba bat cot lata aaea waaWa attjrterytotmgsain Uaarae rowea ait way back from tto rjarbyaad aaatlacaaalaf badly taxkaa It may to elilwil wy ait arbtucii tile wit ads that to it alii Mil Me bed Labi to Taxes tat tto W1l xt Lard aXLaowtcn aad ottor Tbt Democracy win go Into the contest this fa handicapped with a do nothing record In tbttBtata tbe leaden charge the tailor of tbe extra cation upon the per tusslrt power of monopoly money but turcly the railroad did aot buy up Conrrua aad yet It hat dots ne store thaa the LegU Utnrc of California Ofthedosrn or more mcas jreto reform and accessary legltU tion wbteh the country required aad the arty rvosuted lest December not one bat became a law or alaadt tto smallest cnanot ofbeenmiaga law Th revitioa of Ue tariff iu beta postponed Tto Vormou eatiou Temaint where was Aotblns has been done to remedy the detect in the organic law for tba election et a President So tjLnkrupCJaw toe beau enacted swaera forfelutr af untamed land graau has been etnsMlthed Nothing has been doae to core tto crying evils of etatgua eleetleauatlheouth No deflnna Jollcy toe bean tdtwud with regard tottocoilee tlon of tsxtt oa bonded hlghwlaes Ke bill hat yet tocome a law authorixlng tto rresident to retalmm against nations which dLrrimlnala against Aateriota prudaett ta a woraue fenxcrsue majorliy la tbe lower house has done absolutely aothing enaer ia domestic or naUoual trgklstloa Tbe people win not aland this It wd nettle In a Teat narJoo of MrWOOOO of peopla with varying Interests aad new cou diUaaacointanUy growing out of the rapid development of eommrree iadustry and clrilliatioa new taws are conttaatly required enact thaa lawt the people ad taaa to Omar ess every wlater aad pay them wen to discharge their duty When that doty is neglected tbe country is cheated AndttoMrtwtoMtmrcaeauUlrei cheat tto people a properly told TesponaUtle for tae rraou It at tor tto Democracy to explain If It can and excuse if dare tto auer IsHare of ttorjcadiacteasiou of Congress It has beta said and Justly said thst tha people af California Bill head the Dctaocracy of tats mat rtapoatlble for tto tailors of Ue sTlra tetsleii topatt tto astatureeef relief trhlch the rople demanded laprcciselr like asaanrr tto people of tbe ratted States win told tto dominant party ia Congrats iwspoBtlhle for tto faiha of every meatus at reform mat Asa toea Introduced since mat December It will to exeust to plead that Ue XJemecracy were divided la Uetr councils aad that with obUontty of poUttcal vhnaa while they kept one eye on th wants of tto people tto wther wet atcalfarly fixed on tto eltctlua next 5 vember Tto peopla rtn tmaclade that aa axoat of Ibis tots It intuOcismL aad taking a targe Ttew of tto mnart tto party ta do tto work which It aadaruok win decide that It It tacoaapeteat and derelict la duty nowvaraamtrdlftrootbtt or that jo Btlcal tetttliia tbey are aH anlted la tto etnloa that a party whir caadonotblag but wraagte aad Jawwad wtoas truly capital ta trad sweats to to frothy aommaa Tsaftosbootttot3nmhjaoftoappoBecsls Is aot lit to to Intrusted wtth trig rmlriasi of tto Baatry Ttnple want asea who wm work and to toraihtngtad tachatea ataant ate aot to ta found la tto ranks af the Democracy vac osbkb or an sen The order to adranee ni given prom pUy at 10 oclock sod the march commenced First cam Ue battalion ot police under Chief vowley tbe officers marching very KMufwuininus iwq wa jametA armireGrand Marshal followed mounted upon a beautiful black hnraw dreeaed tn fatigue uniform and wore a canary colored sash across his body Instead of a chapeau th black aleuch hat of the irand Army adorned his head Although be had a sword belt on Ue Grand Marshal did not wear a tword Hewaaaeconipaoied by Uentenant Colonel Ilromwell of the 1 irtt Infantry ilegiment who wss his chief sid aad also by the following aid A MclsuignUn 1 HCIoarT Oets liag Oeorge Smart Magary Fither Cowen 8 rayre Thomas PennellW A talker £. Salomon 1 Mallady and A Mnleg Tbe route of the procession was from Ua Palace Hotel to Montgomery to Clay to tvearny to Market to Lddy to ian Sett avenue Tbe irtnd Mtohsl and tuff weTe escorted by Iroops I and 11 of the lint Iniied 6tate avalry uadsr oommand of Major faanf ord Majorvoaneral Walter Turn bull command lot divlilow of Ue National Uutrd accompanied by bis staff and escorted by ibe San Fiwncrtco Hussars Captain Keens came alter the Graud MarthaL The Ilut tart at usual made a very bandtome ap iawrai pauins asKnu luny nve men ThoHcooad BrUade of the NaUoual Guard iiaiierenTai 21 inmona com auaudlng composed Ue main rait of the precession Tto second Artillery egiment Mcuwniukoiouci tisTia wuacreouiriiand ingbadUe light of tbe lreeand all th oNBvatibw except paraaea tn angle rank ktm iucs sxoni isjmpeny paraaea two plttoout arh of twtlre files rront slnsle rank Th First Infimirv RMliMnf Colonel Dickinson commanding csm next and wss followed by Ue Third Infantry Kegiment Colonel Tobin Each of the regiments was preceded bv Its tauid and dmm corps Tha brigade mad a very handsome appearance nearly au tne companies Mowing to good advantage Tire USA GCtKD rorty Mexican war vetersnt eommanded by Captain Duucan followed tae brigade aad after thaa cam a dleatlon from tb ot of aterana Fadnc Diviaion bo 3 Inlform Kank Knlghuof Pythias commanded by Commander II Bcnsffher who wet assisted bv First Lieutenant II Keep aad aeeond lieutenant A Aimstronc paraded taenly eicht men who lookea vary well in their shining helmets lhit orgau Itstion deserves preite for Its dkpltyaf pstriotltm The invited guests and ofiicen of the dav were in a double column of car risgea which waa Wd by a barouche oou taiuliig Davis Depanmeai CommanderCommander af tbe Grand Army of th BepuMie and reiident of the lay Rev Noble Departtnent ChtDlalnaid tiisrt Tuiv orator of Ue day Tbe Graud Arm posts ware preceded by the Eighth Coiled states iulaiury Band and marcoad la Ua follow tog ardert Linaotn foat Jia 1 which sarawa tntmii lo men aaa had a firing party and drum eores First trriiierr Rsrf George Thomas Port 3 Jtmet A iiaroeia rnst at Kltzsrrt Military Hand Colonel Cass Pott a 48 and Gen eral UaadalsUo4 A Urge number of waaoisa suivu wius uorai osjsringa sasmy ol which ware very beautiful and a number of tocks containing Dtmb ed rcterant doted tbe toegproctttkra Wbaa the van reached the comer of Eddy strtet aad aa Ness areou tba ooluma arat baited and toraMd la left tat tha north sad of tutor BttevLand the troops ramatoad tntlrtiprjaiUoaaad preaeaied anna ae Ue brand Marshal and the Grand Army pasted their front hen til tbe posit bad pasted they marched down aa Xeet avenue to McAiUster atrwtt where can Wert taken or Ue eeraelery Tb batulloa of the Flsst cavalry Uea retarmd to the Preardio aad th tieotad Brlaad lornted on the treat side of Van Nets arenoe where it was reviewed Msjor Ocnertl Turnbuil and BrtgadleKreaeral Dlmond and was then Musical srewEs at Tne lealetcbt smstttom at tn tto stack aad ami cveaa ttta tmakaastdrara It ata wabar aragaler asatareoftto stssy antaarataca ta SewTark tatadeiasbetsayaf ditita kaaaaaatj MllraMsasaui jsmtoofata paieto Mattwrtattata astatassywf tto withkyaswatowtotrvo ta a arjsBsstaBBwM BfmsaVA attaint flf l0MPMl0wal tsS ttiittataua watiH to weat awtof tfwwt uu i ia Hi tat to tM twetantatareat fri1 Corvxrwactto ttarrrllou rrewch tour aalatt aad tx eamstnnltt la aald to to aosr tag oat tto wiala of ass abut eat tto toad of nsamlGsASkimitmgttossttarscoa aoelty la tat reeetrt eoOaptt ta Wan taxeeL Tto xaaaoa Jar ttk stsied to to that aaairr iwlostd torteaiswtto waraute tour astllstwtaa topaMarhotto Uie country ssvatal paasa tsr woh twaaaa aat ito aavill aaoral taatsn tf Xaausoax He is laccpabrs of aprwecsaUng the fine tjaaltiiat afCaurrand tto taJstortaaea wf tto old toUier waieb aught to totpeafc for him tto smptihyttf til asyean out tram thatar aament of tto rwriaiaa pram abate and slander TWsmajto toarnallambTit It It afltoysranebitl pestrjn totter tatlttd to a toctTrtode eawa ton towhatttornmeh sondly Imaglae totatto capital of tto world sUtV TLattsttaid attracted share at tootloa thaa any eaa ales la Ua ritcoraiioa Day iiiiintlm taSewTerk It may tava been tto prestige which the fatahan tmnlnitVai fee tto ttoeidaacj bad lrea tt may asnw tooa hmasaaaer af aa kxarwlttltrtos tto jrsmketlet af tto crowd for aid so It aeemapOatod ta aaoh taiaga At biij lilagtasttaaBTaBwttaBssMtsaU bonort wbteh ta tweets ra a large store of nwsrtciv aad tiawwe tkaM daw to hat smart a looks as though tto eraald gtt to neworatlaa xhe Crave CxarcUea of tttelkay St tttew tto grave of Ue dead soldier triU tow tolhssta totto aolatsa dltgat ptured forth la weal aad stow eadeaee from military bands to near rwrulema sung far tto sleeping wsrrlor prtrert for hhi eternal peace aud rest and glowlngword Uttibalatohsi Ttilinl darfl wtrt tkt ob pacts for whtob tto great throng gathered la ueuaa reuowr Cemeterv yaturrday after Bona The crowd cam from all dirt itoui tat the great auiorlty passed into tto sacred ncUauu by tto touth ootranee where a long plank walk aad neea said tor their convenience from MeAllhWer atrett Those car rttgas came Urough th north gaiewsy arer which draped nags and tcsloocs of etetiietut werabanglag la gmatfnl loopt and folds To Ito weat Just inside tto etmotciyat this point was placed a huge arch on wnica were tatetibed ta back tutale letters oa a white find Kespcct tto Graves oftha Departed aad opposite thst aad about 10O seat away waa another arch hearing UaarurdX Honor tto Isaad Both arches trere tastefully coaeated with Bawenaad gtwea fstiaiaii Tto large caotely truamed an aad eedara aaar tb main eutmaee were etrrerea wua immrnte aoral designs an chats uomtssjs and links aal alt atowg the avenutatn tna vicinity there waaadsr play of nags aad atrtngt of grttntery mOBOBS TO THA BBATg With ttow and tolema tread tto comrades of the Graad Army af tto Republic marcbed Into tto ttteteteryaad two by taa Urough th Barrow passage toft for Atom la tna large array of visitors to tto aoaa they ptinid toward tbe eetdstrt taatitmtant Tto cawjrades under arm of Lincoln Pott were near tto toad ot tb rmnaaliiii iniidiliit wiU reverted arms and draped toanert to Use low sound of ttuglrd atruaaa BauW arrival af the cumradMagreatnambcr af pttfiie tatcctr them assay ladles who wrwagat tin tam isaat or newer ta latoretUac Lilerary anil Exercise a Tbe exarelast at Ue Pavilion last night were of a no leas interesting character Uan th proceedings of Ue day Tbe hall was profusely draped in flap and bunting while the stage was converted Into a miniature camp by means of a number of tents some of which were inhsbtted by drummer boys The Eighth Intantry Band furnished th music opening the exercises with a well executed overture Bar NoUe fol lowed with a abort invocation and Uen Deputy Commander 1L Davit the Chair man ox tne evening welcomed tha au dience which numbered nearly 3000 Mr Davit reported that la accordance with custom th living comrades bad decorated the graves of Ue dead during tha afternoon and they had new met to pass in brief review before Ue minds eye the ww vi suv ar su rcietn tne memory with song and speech of ibe events of Uat great epoch of Ue nations history and to tell one mora of tb centra whieh Into existence tbe Grand Army of the Kt rmblic lie doted bvaklnatha auiinn to Join tn Ua tinging of the battle hymn of sue rcpuuuc umt grano oia song watch tbe boyln blue bsd so oiten sung to battle and then the band struck up and at Ut melody cams float log over the vast audience one after another felt Ue inspiration and bctore the second stanza had been finished every one of Ue vast utemblage wis sstitt lug to swell the volume of soug one of Ue heartiest singers being Justice Thornton of th BupreaM Court It waa an tlrainr an experience thst Ue audience applauded Itself It was then in a Biting condition to listen to the venerable alter Lrmant recitation of tha Death of Lincoln prose ij vj wuBwiiiiini ue pieatea to well that be bad to give anoUer recitation Tut oaavtoa Comrade EtnartM TaylorwatUeoralor of the evening Love of country never growt old be said lore of Uote who died for our country thould be immortal too Tn nation has mad this the toldlert babbath It it a day sacred to all tne mothem In the land above darling boys found unmarked graves on Ue UtUe Ceid do not believe thai oblivion is tbe Sower which abojld grow upon their memory and to we have gathered her te otght st erowad a ibrine to recall taa vlrtoet of our dead comrades The Piurrim lathers left merrv iM Vi land for freedom of cousclence aud Uey taw tha rising of the start of Justice and equality Tbey suffered hut Uy conquered Our own immortal America is a record of their deeds Tto Evolutionary war tod Irs roll of honor loo alasi bare loo long suffered the weeds of neglect iniw over weir graves ineir ooaiet ere in dust but their names shall live for evermore Let us ctve to the victors of 1st a a wealth of love Nor should forget Ue veterans of Ue Mexican war for to their vaior we owe this glorious blaie A good republic should never be forgetful of iss vaiueu sons mm of them we nave witn ua ami tor what rilt our heroes fight and for wbat did UvnUlr LnOk JV JT life lfhM mnA Joys pursuit Tbe sneaker next touched upon tne rise of ue Kabailion analysing Ue PB Meshaaa iu Bant Wilton rr I Blaok 30 birds 11 A Saeht Cm The yachtt of the San trandsco Yacht Club five in number left on Ue Autaocb trip yesterday They eootisttd of thswtr anu one other The MX and daw will go up to day and retnm with Ue fleet on BrJtday AT TUB EAST Haw the Day Waa Observed Beyond th Hackle New Toss May 30 Deeoratlon Day waa observed in this dty and Brooklyn by processions which eclipsed those of previous yesn Fully 10000 men were la line on fifth artuue Including fifty Grand Army posts from neighboring dries At early at 5 oclock Grand Central Drpot was filled with crowds from tbe country and Ue offldali said the rtuh wts unprecedented Fifth awnue Ue line of march was noticeable only tor the lack of any kind of decoration wn upicu aiyuau oareucn arat by bar horaei kh bim were Mayor Kd ind General Hancock tb latter in fuU ACROSS THE BAT An Imputing ProMttion Serricet at tb Canwtery Decoration Day in Oakland waa observed with unusual ceremony yesterday Most of of the business houses were closed throughout the day and flag floated at hair matt in various parts of town At 10 oclock the procession begin to form on Franklin street with Ue right resting on Twelfth in tbe following order Platoon of police Oakland City Band Grand Marshal and aids mounted Unitary guests mounted Depsrtmeut and Pssl Department nffieen Uraod Army of Ue Kepublie mounted The foUowlug companies National Guard of California Company A unattached car al7 Oakland Light Cavalry Second Brl gtde Company A fifth Infantry Oakland ouardlSeound brigade Company Third Intantry tUaneock ruflesl Second Brlgada Lyon Pott No of Oakland Joe Uooker Pott No 11 of Alameda Appomattox Post Na 60 ot Oakland Uexiosn war ttterans Lincoln Guard or iionnr nwi young girls with florsil trlbutet Women Relief Garpt Lyon end Appomattox rusts Oakland Fir Department In riled guests Th lincoin uuard of Uonor was repre J01 ixynen equipped la the full uniform of the order seting as escort to a magnificent catafalque drawn by four hone draped la black and bearing upon iu summit a butt of Abraham Lincoln Immediately following the catafalque came loo voung girls bearing flowers flsnked ou either side by thirty nine boys each bearing a black aud white banneret wlu a tiugle silver star npon its face and representing the thirty nine State of tba Union After passing Urough Ue principal turtle of the dty Ue column marched out to the cemetery where appropriate exerdscs were held Tbeoemeiery which was one tw uuwen wss crowuea witn peopi cacicuu as ins tour ton am nnllorm Olberrarnamfllnwt sirk at toruey Ueneral Brewster Secretaries Teller and Lincoln and Maior beneral Denial ieklt Th party left procession at the reviewing stand in Madltoa square The President saluted every battle flag be came part of which thort were over 200 The rtiameae Embassy occupied a petition directly behind Ua Presidential party A taint round of cheers greeted Arthur whan he fook hit rjtaflr hat rhn ha Ufft th form at the dose ef the parade the cheering nv anu pnJUFUSTU IDinsQ who received Ue biggest ovation during the march was Oenerai Butler a bo was wvwm innu sue sian so tne nmsn A feature of the parade was Ua Vnk Commsndery of Knights Templar mounted being ue first time Uey erer appeared lu a public procession Considerable rivalry bat vaiswi ueiween tne urooklyn and bew York Grand Army potts tbe former dty havtui secured Oenertl Sheridan a lu mii officer and made liberal expenditure for niNo nay in parade la urooklyn wat witnessed by an Immense concourse and wat Ue largest and finest thst dty ever witnessed You eta bo doubt cenceire the despair which 11 the breast of a man when in the abort predicament with no reined dote tt hand Bat come to as and there is no danger of such a pitiable occurrence We hare just reccired and tre now offering large twortment of ODD PMTS In til vtrktiei of material stylishlw cut and well made and which we offer you at rock bottom price Por Men ODD A ISTTS For Youths ODD PANTS For Boys GREAT REDUCTION StraTsr Hats Drop in and see for yourself mmi Arc two ox dot prowrnr nrtndi ofill clcir Haruu KeyWestCigars They are fire inch tad delightful smoking ess be found in the world The price of those brands is IOC each per hurt ared and 5 yij per tbouund We recommend them ta the two best brands of Cigars offered for the price tnthe world EEAT srsL Advertising Pays AUllltED Uonst Tain is Offered Forecasiiflg Coiflkl coxrxKB or Kcaray and tacrdil Streets There an imitation of the Ltno brand spelled LAZZO whTch we hare in stock and sell for 5 per hundred liePtaa Stores Ibe WbtCb Drodnced It anrl raalnlalnln that poliUot wss not cue or them belnth ambiuooba said wat th latptriagcaus and treason Ito nun It wat to ask us to forget It waa at vain at an attempt to SI back lb breath of life Into the nostrils of dead toldlert The Immortal truthtof the Declaration of Independence were proved by tbe emancipation of a race It wat not couQuetl aad destruction See whleb nr armies went forth hot for glory bat for liberty The soldier loved the cause aad the principles Jar which be fought llauy sane of these lay boned where no towers wiu ae piacea en nit last Tsstiag place saauy a grave weuia never nnow ta rain nam xi tna living Ba mono worthy their memory Ian them remain a hand I tba living ba found worthy let them remain a laud brothers prosptroat free aad Independent a air AT THg rtrBTCgjati Tben treason might rear its bead aad revolt might threaten Tbey need aot be ktpt grams lmt limed to be feared If tb ij was ro a maoe one 01 wen ret aud Joy let but th mlnUuert preach that 1 was a day tor revelry and the sacred fire of patriotism which should be unquenchaUe would asoa die out IntrioUtm it la basts af ail aOuctll tb aoiuei ttotw of aa tloual bappiaess Cudermine tt and the whole structure matt fall and ebaoa mutt take its piece Out power and grandeur would then beeoane our rota Taearattoa abased with a fervent appeal itm kenaliof tba VeteraaaIlawti Air tartar etssraewt nbrt waa rtwtrdad with prolonged appiaaaa Tbe remainder or tbe programme wa musical Welter Mead atmr Walmcaa aotnr La if a uta a Huldler Fan lira JUake Alveaon raa dared tne tUu Epangled Banner tha leader af tbe band a corset tola si 1st Aiuu Karen favored tb aadlanoa witn aannr and tbea tba aadmae dtspersed uader tna tmptnung strains ef liaU CoinmMs BuuMrous designs nlsta aad nreumiiaoL cheep aad eomiy mada their tray to tba in pieaaaat and will their onVrtnrs aa tba ha ear wat ia trnt antd tb air warm and aiimnwtllka lb work troATitasd rapidly and soon at aeeir tura aae seat eea tbe retell af this labor ml lav la aa vast ncasber ot iiMqaett cemetery and begaat tag laaur af layiag asZtlats sombt Tan vea ef taa detwrtad tasitta sitrttaiea wnairi gtt sestr 1 wmlTwwt tale year wane taaa tnmst aw at tsasl 4ast Smtwettstreu ttmBsaam aa aat araaatttaa aaaaaaat 1 ta navea of tb 1 iwtaiy tstaaoats aetta attmr aad THE rOLTHriC rOBTA Eaewltewt rwart Raciag Ansalcar Tae OlympieUaosspriiig maatlug at the Oakland grewnds yesarrdsy wat well at teaded bat there rt scarcely auffident variety In taa entertarnraent ofltred the ritbv ingpubllcth programm nf sports being about evenly divtdad Between tb tsot rsxsrn aad theUcrr riders It wss not al together tba salt of Aba msunigmtient trawcTer that this wat eo th dlatppolnl irnlrth 1T lrrh wtl hn naa taiuntaerea ta attempt to lower tbe 220 yard record tailed la keep Ale promise aad did net appear Bis axcuat by Ma rrsrwssUiatbewasengsgedtorrmroLca Angelas sotwlthstandiog that It was about ail uf ana tort Ibe nayaapart wat however good COok a na man I th pubUc lowered th aalf mU record tor tbaBtataoa the tying wheel aad tbe acrtormaaces by thttsrintcn were eonttderabty above taa arerags for amateurs Tba Artt event of the day wat a 100 rard maJdea vaet It waa wow byA raUlm tn 010 In a tali baiuH cap walk tor watch there were tighten trie the vretorwss a Blliaoftb sletimm oa af the two scratch man A Beejsatln asiagstBotm xtutaaa lx yani allowed hrm HstUtsws7sJOV A lBOtard Me aa tamla msi iiailMlil by Mate of tbe east of tbe Towager aiuissas aasmsg His Being Daley la CX ehtmpsoa Imuaactaad btearart Hyatt aat a new aad mwteutar eamtaataatil Alantt ncastyaa a beat Loess I lieaa ptek aad white deWtes panties of I Far a leo twd basdican every bat aad a aAe Tlrgsamargueriict I law tWhrvtag coaitstanui i tot ta string wllb ids bead whan ha abatud baa braaatad It Tba taaa was traa but but wat cnaouted and taa tuae as iiiiliasl too tstat raa aaata Ailkttwa mm bad ra titw atari ih ay nysa ta iw rev a tirv yaru AUbntwb i ltrmBji akiand Light Cavalry itand prtytr by Um Bnlc Of wu iiwm vuvrr inem uver lib Beautiful Flowers bv iorra a wt too oration by Kv lr stcKalg Tn band played a selection at the clow of the oration during which th Grand Army svis nans louvwea oy the Lincoln Guard of Uonor and th vif can warTsteraut and arranrin in tne foot ot the graves knelt down at tne tame tiate the companies of lbs haUoaal Ouard wheeled ta tae left bailed at right angles with the left wing and fired volleys siavet wre men ouriea In blossfun snn the ceranuuiia ram a eud In tbe eveam nature were hi Church a IN TIIE JWIJUUOR Tb IMry Generally Observed Throughout th Stat SiLiiiS Hay 3a MemortaBay was observed here by a general ausDenslon of bust nets and a display of Aim ling at naif mast There wss a parade through Use streets by Bteedman Post Jo 68 Graud Army ef tb Kepublie ctconad by tb local fire companies Good Templars and all the public school children wttb Sags and flowers preceded by the Salinas and Uonterey dry brastbeads An Immense crowd of people followed in over ISO carriages and waront totbs Odd Jellewa Cemetery where public exercises and a general dtooraUoa of graves took place Lpa Ancxixa stay 30 To day was generally observed as a holiday fubllcofhcet tanks and many ef th pnuelpal storas remained elated The turnout wat larger than ever betore and wat participated in by three posts of tbe tinnd Army ef tbe Be pobUc ilexlotn war vsurans mlUtary firemen In uniform and a large aember or rltiscatla carrttgea LitttUntnt Oovernor Manafleld acted as President of th Dsy snd A Cheney uUvrd th ovation Tha grave af all tbe soldiers were profusely decorated with flowers UratncrTO lity 30 The business bouses end banks were all closed today The memorial deosonstraUoo under la auspices of tba Grand Army ef the Ee public waa tb meat imposing ever witnessed in ihs city The literary exerctset were held ia the theater la the evening Siocsrrot May 80 Tbe Irvenratlcn Day exercises were generally pariieiaated In Nearly all the business house ware closed and Bart were at half mast all crrr in dry At 10 odock tha procession started and moved out to the Sural imtr Company Second Artillery of ban Fraa mtoo twenty atroar arrived tbie mornlnx oa their wa to tba Yoaemtta Ttiv aaigncu in eecouu ptac ra tne order of so jiiiaua iuu its ortaa Armyaf to Kepublie turaad oat tevtotr tosir atrosg Th ettoeklOB flnaM anri tnrmat fnM Veteraus Of th alniran war Ctihl rt ryinias lajnornia noneert ana rirt Department were out In creditable numbers ia arriving at tha osmatary a ealat of after sTmttag by choivKev John klruy tjOeTed a prayer Judge A rstmoo rresident of tb Day made the opening ad dreet in cbesca and Bolna emu kn a sxodham a member of the Grand Army of tba Republic delivered aa impressive erev tMsn warn waa iuiiami a sua HMnnitM af the graves nf Oraad Army veterans military aau arewrca sui tao eo muea sous pan ta taa Bower strewing AtzaccBv May Sa Memorial Day was gerteraiiy ebttrved her Tn bankt eourt oapunsi rKlWONAL hOIES at VhniaTd1riinhe UUl Admiral Tpshur of the United State navy itaitheralace lieutenant Kicklt of tbe Fnlted Statet nary It retritttrtd at the Falsce AWCstilJsy aad Miller promt nentdtixensoi Denver CoL are registered at the Baldwin IL Coukiin and James Kusel dele rates to the Stock tou conveutlou tre registered st the lick liouse A line Repairers Mishap Daniel Shay residing tt 4 Prospect place wat carried to the receiving hospital last night tufferlug from a severs scalp wound and a number of cuts and bruises on hit face He at emrunvpri usIImmmIm th fir alarm teleiraph and waa worklag lattrvenUig a a boat on th aontaror Msson and rnlon ttreeta repairing a broken WlasmadiBg ou the edge of the building he lost bis balance and fell over bsckwsrds to the ground a dittance of thirty feet receiving ihs injuries In the fall The wounds were dressed by the folic Bur Eton snd he was afterwards removed to hit onie DBSEBVINO OF COS FIDEtPlCTha hi no trtldt which so richly deserves the ea tlr eonnaeuce of the community a BROWN BKO NCHIAL TKOCHkA Thai vurrerlng from asthmatic and bronchial rtlsiasus coughs and colds thould try Ibem rrlceUcenta ANOOSTCIIA BITTERS were prepared by Dr a edegert for his private ate Their repulaltoa kr such lo day that they bav bacon generally known a tbe beet appetising tonic Beware of counterleftt Ask your grocer or druggist fcr the gemrine srtide 40TFAB91 FXPFBIESICi OF A WOLD KURSE MHW WINSLOW8 BOOTHIXO 8VHCPU tbt pretcrlpUoaeforMortaabest female physicians and aartes In tbe United States snd has been used lor 40 year wtth never laUlna tuoom by uOiiont at mothers tor tbalr elidra II raMavet the child from rata ears Dysentery and Xnarrharv Grtptar la tb Bowers and Wind Colic By glvmg health to the child ttrtsu the mother Price Ucakaul RCB THE GUMS WilX wttb SO Ml DOST when they become sporuy or detached from ths neck of the teeth Let them bleed Ireely snd so recover thex tone sad health This OZODOXT the best remedial agent for As eased funis sad teeth Try aad learn CASTOBIA When Baby was sick Wegsve her CASTOBIA When tba was a child Rbe cried for CASTOBIA Wbmabe was la Mw clang I CASTOBIA AVbea tbe had children Bbo gave tbem CA8T0BIA BLTUtETTS COCOAIXr tbe best af all balr oTsaatug It altars trrtutloa removes all landtncy daadrnn and invigorates tbt actios Ibe capillaries tbe highest degree thnspromatlnga rigoron sad heal thy growth afbair Iu effect upon tb tliissl and rlcaaamofthaaairhi such at tturael baser FECflHEIilER i JIcBOTLE Successors to Looms 706 TO 720 KEARNY ST R2IlArlE1WS aa aaea article fraea whleb tbare a aVrvla Hon IwlluaitlMcsatorMssMrtires tr twad fcrkn Cataloaa of goad and price faent free to any address TO THE TRAM W15 54 VE bocoiit ic a broubkr terslnvrresltaaurflrmaodsKmofIrTa POPULAR PRICES OCR LARUE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes Of oar Own snd Best Easltro Mu DEALERS will tear In mind that aotwUb stauhng this geaeraaa offer our goods art of The Highest Standard of Excellence AXD MADE BT SKILLED WHITE LABOR ONLY City and Country Verrhantt win do well to give ut a call or curreapond with uaefora making their epring trlectloiss All our xoodt are stamped with our Una nam Rosenthal Fcder Co 33 35 BATTERY ST arLd tiUSI im af tae aalty papers WHITE SfflRTS Had beta itaasuvtarra raQed lb 150 Stanttard Sife Tbe body msintil of rttre XOa Matila Msrattttnatsl NB 150 AND JJNEUNEN VJI the mvTGATir aPropccta of thl Knight JUH5 JHEIUUUr Lll ViesT of Polit tie Pwifle tl Dclesaicsl The Bdveaee gated otdl JUpoUieaa Tllliatal Cans ttvtdmCtirag Tba Ball logsa krsdiartert aara I their imeagrfi aar begaa i TheVrsd ef see ot the I dalettraewaanycualwlauti Cariraled bt Appearance LaparaTleled la aimptlcity VtuwrpsMMd la CaartrweH t7wprrleatd 1st SwxabttUy I xcelied ta Ecoasrany TnL JiUd iaticBROiD CLlIMof Imfo EEa BIST OKRATIXO UCICKEST SELLTX0 HlXDSOaEST AXD MOST PERFECT COOKING STOVE Ever fTr4 tba publi KADX 03LT BT EXCELSIOR MANUFACG CO 18 014 1 CIS Atala 8t ST IrOUlS MO BOLD BY COLEMAX 214 Suraaealo SIrtd SAX FRAWCISCa NEW YORK Hat tore 02 KEARNY ST Xer Califaraia All qualities and styles at manufacturers prices Hats of ail descriptions made to order without extra charge van ana examine our stock and list of prices be tore ouying BERTRAM CO No 502 KEIKXY STREET want to rul tbe trade THE only reliable place to boy entctacltt and eyeglass si tt A REKTiXINO 8 SJ7 Kearny atreat Do aot asssuske lb aasaber IXWDBOBO 8 PatRrVME Kdenla LUNDBORCTB Perfume Abrnchal Xltl Rose LTJNDBOriO8 A Inlet Violet LlSDBOluj 8 FerfumsvLlly of tb Valley CTRB for Bncosnatlam and Ksnrslrl slm pie peaetratmg aad giving laataat reBer TBAFFlUfB OIL Bold everr where at Me a flask DR BOWXXLa FIBE OF lire an draggka AtvLrvtcanrarrbauraatbm VT ttllAKFFKB atCOS OBKEV tEA I CIGARS madt af naest Havana Tali ix it csataow seanirg norai wreatna aad garlands tsoorttd by the local sandmarcLd to th eemeterie and decorated the graves of tbe eoldiera 1m press atetaorial ter rlete war held under tb auspices of the mmmmnue IIBIWIUHJ Uorrrrro May 3a Xemorul Day wat obserrcd br A nraceaatnn ia th MmtUn and puUwexerclara Jkt NaUv boas of Ihs Casldea wttJt Warkausn Kaigbu of nomews irutian Tarperaaoe Jaioaaad sirsat roSo Grand Army af tb Bepublle ail turaad out with tail ranks Taa bullet turned oat forty strong Thegrave ot the blaeend tb gray were unmans sure ii was tae largest a tbe lion that vwr turned vsnt fa trill a puuUe eierdaot est Kagtn suatau itriium Aakta Cars Slay 3a IecoratioB Dav has been aaaarred with mora Abaa oaoai fervor to day Tbe sights ol Pylhie krtxteaa eterana Firtatoa Fatrtetie Dtsxhlars of America and Ualkm Taaa petaaot Brkeade Joined with the Ctantl iwu aapunus ta taa paraua Tne norai tribute wer abuadant aad man af tbom wary beautiful Spslsbcry dtilr cad tae ttratiop eassa Tauxt Jsay sa lienmrstl Say wsobsarved Bare by tbe peopi ia canerai irnirxg out end deraratina the aravaa af raetr dwmasad relatives aad Meads Taa business bousas ware all closed for the grssiar poaioaof tba day aad themlnen at several eg tae atiastwwre gtvswaboH AtysilowUatbmlabaerve ta day A ape aial trala was raa net frees Sanson CHy id wraaa tt avo vuy aaaat taaara ugi a ststaeii KETF AJTttBTUEatEKTfc 5 Better LASSO AND ESTRELLA Key West Cigars lOc 19 Hanilrtfl 85 a Thioiaad JULIUS MORRIS 12 Third Stmt THE GREAT WEEKLY MISS MUD HOWES NOVEL The San taio Ranch tVILL BUOBTLY ArrEAR BOBtCT BKOTHna Jalkaara keatse Look TwiiBj and DeauliM AFTER USING Sliaws Glycerine Lotion rvrS wsoal eeacem fjw fejjA ttSSttt dsasga fllbvk frTlfe I tsiiiawi WflYAJJSl etvalersa SiVJWK tea eZf VJiiUl sstshlagdlt yrvaWJ etBaallf iyTfVa TX ttstlitnats Ci VlfCf FjmW wd Aaatawlist ZdJZmWX ft that wiu aat ttBBBpiCQ Zl iM isiatiai eg aBK vs2ta tbetpwidcob naaay TVjVfr start to HaWsSirf sanrad health SaWaK aad vigor that sSss a saawira fCr tmrmtUrm ta tb real wsed Mm mentwIJcboMltmHestettertricnTnrt so eased tsa lavsrtraal WtjVbyaU iwwgaitts aad aimbmsTtamrtitoT oO Cents T1lAlJAWCI8CO WEEKLY a inauaiua us aeai aad moat penert IfSStrSH wnbltdstd aw tb ESS wiu sea aaaasr lda tar ddrsta mum Untied atmuibiTiJmMmtiiiatmSm ttsiKyEair as at ft uvu Bpecbaea coptet tent frea PANTS SUIPS0X SAilPSOX SAMPSON SAMPSON SAMPSON SAMPSON SAMPS0x SAMPSON SAMPSON PANTS Sampson Pants The Best OVERALL fhe IbrlxL 14AWCTACTITIJKD BT LELKUSC0 101 103 16 STEEET SAOR AJlIEIlsrTO t3Sta Ut Staple hitni IMPORTANT Kasr FaaJirracD Itay 901884 AVISO OBTAINED FROM THE a ln tor tbe Castries sUkraaJLh t1 sf ttrasra 1 ayoa tVi tv tfcta etty a tamUtaJtwv intaaetlaB JMaias tbem from makinc aeiiiha or sataa KvTESJiJSiSi0 WS3 Freorsa eammoaty knswa a lb ratororu aurrxaaoT Otovlaa watbaat ur tvrwvlaa mfrbwisumof our isstrnt udjaas tb maannsrturvv teller oTuaer bmajtaae In rtamatw and that we intend to rbihtt by presecntins I la full ex teal tb tew all wbaa ttnrmg MrabntT HEKTOGRlPfl MINTFICTIMS Ctt NOTICE Osnr Sol Afalt tVr aal oa taw was sss acus vast art craixciiAii ccunss i WLICH 337 320 331 188090 Kb aAK FBAKCISOD 4ay et BlaraU ami ass lbs praw 1 50 At which tbey an sold suae their iw rod art Ion are riittal le taMlbattbe bav beta far tTV moat sananila eitensllmai lava csVarty aa wina rslla tba taa UsesbUcnSiralaad sad apswecsu a twad Ihlacaad aawtasr a Ifwev prsr Ibe traab saey art Bttwetat syiltscatta taMleadla Stans Fwxritsbiaa Cassia rttotwa SJty Ottda stabHsbataata Aad Oathler a its tty A exaaataatiaa wm coavtaee tb msot tktptlcal that Aw 150 mwiik Bros 3IXCTACTCB OP THE 150 Ask lor Them Patent Safety Boiler from Uls John I asamaaUttlytsplrss al ether ear bav aot I ealssed bs tb rata GxeahJ Jnrd by tb aoery of tt i Cosotktt lridron af 1 TAaretsllBl lain af tao taousb rtstdeai Wa varsity has ati tarn QtetUit place ao the I a Wrttera maa Tba Call wash eepuB8 a ysaltrday aa User east i ra bwa Ibey were svmJveil taoaia tiATini tssnast tbaw wt i CtradMaael vans I yataaBsrwtr cnaowtcL Chpcsco 5lay 30l Day aad the artt warsfoas I weaAsnJtaattrttttsrscri coureatlon been bald da I week tt wool have bad weather Jade Foraaer to day II I to I Tb Sherman tsea Battel believe that tbey ttret to the contention ah ttraif hlfccwsrdly aorarnan Itts knows that bs thia may utaiti 300 thaa sTpon BOtnina but EepubU wlIllBf to tacrine either ttret it A portaws deaperauiy cua ta Cdmii draw eat tad ht aellevtl Blsloa and ArUrur are rthl win name down ta bera i date of tb liTvOBoeilahUa Baaday shall tt Us Ci pendent prtaltn roots iatoUMlr hands JaaattVaryeawaa at ttt la the rdca eon vena I at tb Craad Ftfle Hatl tbowa btststlf an wpriJ Arthur II la aunt af a I af rather a pale face and 1 that boiU about the sbotrM 1 auylns Iq IttJea Be at dootno vary laawn ue til menu bat be pats a eertaia I Arthur tt ttfaxsaial Frank flatton wbota I mi eUaed to make any areas i Arthur If taJO to taw rvtnisrd moveutent her 1 If any men are to stay trieulttmnstbti Zdmrl RISDOX IROX ui LOCOMOTIVE WORK aot Xakert sad Aswai for the FacUc Ceaat Teatrswowlal iMlMn Hnbc sstw tbannehrvSM nyyeaatour rstatumaent we take nsswtar tVmttmZS VT Tr mapiswdwitbnws la aad lb raraas very siaboral aad aalBlil teat lb HUSK 6lLbMrvedlia wjltty lirvala mmn wrr wUb set rl aad wttb Frast safety trots jn aioa thaa aay ether bnbac that wvtr bT sVsrrVxWrTtTm IltUwyi AFETY ItOILtK a all SMMraetarert steam saarblaarv Tonrs trnlr AsaxiNeHiiixciI aarwixr Axrw KBWm HPslALU tvaper rwilttl 30 DAYS1 TRIAL VfZJ2cnTAxioTnxa tr vimrTfc aasva are teas waTBlnv 2Jriw sw saawrsaa news Maavorw of suuvv li muir wvi Wala aaataaad all Is tbsMii sf fstsotsL Marcaa rvwaltta from AannawaOrstaa Cacsaa Hpardy rUef aad easnnlea rsww ta HaaSifvioaa lad MaZVSaT TJ ATI lUavtrated rampa YOLTAIC BELT CO llilLSgl MICH TJIK A Keep Out the Dust with BMDSTREETS ROBER MOLDLNI 641 IlisMea Street HACK STA30 TO LET Aiyttte Ckraakle 0c WV a HsyT Otfa UtKilKRlT RIJPTXJ1EIE A stew lavwatiaar tv ww ia nHTi Bwa MCTrwas CwatMoraa Est ttrstr DaraMHrr seW sMrahfreaatatats tYtSIt lat a1ttterlraAla wtBtyaaFrtnimT NERVOUS 1ML1TY staastvow TaaavwairT FJBses dar2 PISHINO TAKLE TDK BALK AT WILL riNCKl Taw atarkat trraeC ASTTswBU TTAXS Iwaojotwedrae itwo taa otadratevfKtBionfcrmdbytswfJaB icomaanlei of firemen aud members ef I Mclftm Orsna Army of tb BepoaaleaiMl Cnloa Saawjomt HOCK vtawr fi A2cZmhSgZJa7 wttared aad fnTiatr alar Ei way aer i ii STAPTD FXastAtisOtTLY UT TCKIi brllllaal I new lto fstastitipV alar boo last alar enaata aw aad Mvmih I of OUO FtanoaU rant alia WT SB tettanmesuareasb aktUTBAKL Bwwm Msaorra Stead Grangers Bank vTTLt tU tOTE TO WkttrtBSts OS JUNE FIRST grlOWFlMW on vtxxt SAirJr bat followers have Use I taa to ault Tb EJaaasxil araaller ta rraavbtr bate a 1 1 Meaaf poliyct Tbey thin I lowtna a batter atei Tbwy form a part at tb aa1 and I should think tbey every mesas to aomiast1 rnsBtt men sucttsiiuwst and lb Edmunds men sdet I to have a aoava marked to Mr BaUoa thai seal bin at a delegat Iowa it a Btt ta aal yean hat tt at aot a peel atate Sod will wot bold tot eh acre at very Wav tisnaiw cvpia a MrGmhsm baa tufleTaJl fa lb uefalcadott bf ba side Tbepotnt made ta baa been that ha wa Boot errata to hi laaaests postc tng dclaulters aad bow I neve 1st his aithnnfm el paid la whole depart taie Btrtte aa Use ary aad inatly steat more tther bsttenod la Uoa tbat slaoe the Fretitl bea bs Grtthams basnet Mount faon Company BALTIMORE V3PBwroxltI HATTWO aTtW swwobMad aawaw lb rwalaaer retwwmttarn wrwaiy all araek all Xaatbore Bydxaavli aH Ssasm artmwsd WttjwwZtsMk Traa 30 ta 110 lac ta Wldo And a eotnalat attsrlssial mt an anamiaa ArVbseb iaack fraaa 1 saw IA saw tttr7 MCEPBYGRMtlCO Fmenchbn KAISER BEER 4 On Draught COAL OIL High Test Ex Warehouse fir Bala Lot Stlt ADOLrUE IiOW Jt COn CalifarilA Strtc DRP1ERCITS EKSS 1UJ ljwdaSraIa drrfcewred TTS Fas nvtSSrmTtriZ tarwaiislt ttran Bm rtascwessT Extra Tm Cni Aft Al 1 Lll OtflttTr Ttriw wr Vf twtbsr 13ramtswim year sisisw isi I fssami am asawsaasusS OMCa a street eiaa fiaw TOTOURMTS AND VrSTTOAt I aw asm Miry LiilfcwS iai ZfilZmi mt abo ntox SATURDAY 3IAY 31 haptam badly at tbst Ua FrsaUentlsi hope I at is WU lathe stiiadaars mea Tb evenle aow nanpea tba aoavean First a aesai beateaaairntrs aau an Weal rrfttrmer Sti Cortla who wiU breathe srassaa aarunuttka tb i kwavealy dove aad last ml kumaa maa Bka Btalae popaltt support raoanmrr rt5 i CWr btberareprteturlJ ef tbe Supreme Conn Supreme Court who life he I lag af eve bis aatoow In laok Jade Dav If I bad a chat srrtn blaa kmd fashtnr mat awl ytar aCWIprl easy to make fan of Ut par bat be blends the aoaweU Time Is untax bead Is very ItveL I amitlene about Ceaaral as at stud sosaa syarnatby fcl Uaco litloaaf aaerpJ Ud aot ask wecl on anawt i ben Llaeu baa beaw Davis Chit go people waul Irncola tb ongb tbey da al about alas Boateef tbem that ba was mttltt as ma I ta Uattnlaa teUa tattteetf went tows blmia rrr arat Csant did whesrh aedae ad lab taie I It wss tb move eat sssmianetlaMS which ti ba up bit simple rial om 1 1 aad lad hiss lor tseila et I Artht tbrai 5tw York dy tod lb ttti deTlaUywtakla tapporter tba Bat eXbusiat ker tw advwa tb wai at tod aaata Arcs nrmsr harm that i cocl a a ill i mast Hare at Dav I mimmv Ik ptolttsliett jl graad rsntvm Knew i eeat wWanasrt and all I ta Dwa at tertafd atv tTU iwdta waara i gave tad acta alien ttt TorkJohalL Star the Bar lb I ckasjaaaa EaUroa cratie Fitstdeav Sam atoaw aaeintad BerwU cio Air Anhar if be ata ess at rnn or a rtujMirax 1 was talk to Boat Talladslph thia BUiaa ia ta better than ha baa ever beta btft4 elestewts of lead i JOaJat it a maa sea set eg ad ttt was read 1 FOR aULE Fifteen Tead DEVON CATTLE TRHCtA BVLtJiABBBCtJ falTW Bv urn aad BeHWaa9rart trwndanmof eww starwer sacd Vesm IV Atasiln Aavwa Bseavd byaslh ssrtaar btstltt fivat Vaara aX taaa Ve at IV Amerlraa Bard sacoad ttra Tltiwaur low rsajniiitti raimer Waaarr Vaeasa IV Dwraw Bsswrdrt ta sirs rflarbar753 Vol IV Adi Ja stcbH FT a TcaL aaliorwraaoMfrldl wbaa be bad CaaUer i tuats i of bit orgaa ttl ttroatwtt Ml Tha and deleaarlnae i be 1 FOB It IX 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