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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 17

San Francisco, California
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wmw TOWMM ffiOsSLifSS toinUaW WKC flUiaa ii iiin i ran i TpW i XEjWimB ENJOYABLE rM 4 Cr CKM3 HM iVtan Entertain at Luncheon Hjtj jNMtto BJtlolt tt Mar ten rWSiP 1Mu 4stM Allan JeltoiUt HkN MUMruhl eai Mum mh will BMuovithB I tfpradtrkfl iaWd hfeM ltothe avnmr iU Mrs kP a JNWHt rain tm wU talte wnilMiu W4Tf kemfiMKWMHMWI MPKrpMi HHMMCiM tMrai iWfrir uKi0i jMiwr ijaaafliiiiiwttfr JPw lWtffcwM MmtNtmmuKsmmm mvstm SamPigWfWiMII JHWl 7 Ba A i timtmiim Ji turn to Gtrminy and resume her stud In the tall An enjoyable dasoe wa men day evening JnUhe sequoia Crul Tnurs Chub The ball ma tentofully decorated with balms mounlalnfern and spring flower Shortly bofore raldnlgh a buffet supper jwas served Among those present ware 0 MUNI AND VBfllUMRg i wiiinoi MiHnUir 1BS Jf UMDAmM WW MM WtofiPWMrt JsW LPi i HMk vi wwos at van khit i i iA JOTaiijamaiiw nF wwiiamawc KdeUgfctful brldg lunohon it Ikar brtn VUaaU hminAim autwwi cmm bahmri AZi a 1 JfttVJXJi4alwtP Btewtrd tat Ur rj I er UwWpUWtUt hdm Wplwai4 i 1 ciarfc wy Tha buM room llwJKtAl JUjWI 111 tuiTU Tf MM IWJtjillW A WLi Wilf i mm ivyrmai ron oal tlj Uffhrt whloU produoad chirmlMcitrooonllBht effect tatnriira yuitotrtfCfon ttiarnrtttflumte ofaviry rom wMtntKUhhbnnbA7wp aa vliiABkU WVm taMt AhrjlkAA Jt ntiifA MfAiu irttiniA um3 hhuiu A1Q TtyvvuiUiucWiaM yi vim KrvwnH HchUul afld vtntirralJiejqwh4ohra a tt the gaiters rcnt iHMwUinot iWtttliome thlaikltrnaoilaa ieVtheIr jif JUH iLMAhMikMMM tijiMiiiiiifiiiilii mi nf iVirtfir ftl fli 1 T1 I MiAirftY1 i 1 TfTMB i is nr a i i Uu i i i i i Jr xiv i i a hflSSWNKABLOpM a charming belhiwl 1 Y1 will become Mrs Joseph Gordon atctfpretW home wedding this afternoon att to which they telong on ih drat Suaday in 8ptmbaj Hi ft Ji iiYf if1 rPiandMry Huntliirton who 3 H4t beaitliv tt lOMti forhMt monin wj Tmnfvna taoar 0111 jlmonei tupse who haye The mplcjt ol iravel ara the Ci Myerteln They irtn4TA aiiftoinJja tur ol jpurope lajearjand ai i novelet ns ibr the Hawaliao lelanda nn4 ih Orient Mri Myeratena duhler Vlnea Marlon w3ll aobtnpftny thenft Hii 4iJ 4 ri tv Ooiobetwho liMibeenvabroad aludylng tfnufle will be delighted to learn tha xtne coming jwime jor par Tauaupru Bhe ealledi fromHAmburg the early artot thla irtek Shal xiaeUlQ raJ libftfln i i panded ivere jftoiiped wound tha roonv NumarouaorfthfajtraaaMMan with elTfrum jompleteuj kh lovely aoaf Lmog tfioea whoanjdyed1 ha fnjtereitlne and happyevehlnf vrtoJ tWRHKRJl Ino unmun Rpenoe MneldlKj i Mlae Ltoteiu if nH priN CwllBlxior4 A ftfMit Akiik IrflMr Knhrrti fiul lioulao Widm lrilij thmlTe MaliwMjr UWIiunmn WH8BRS i Jr Albert HMder i CmptBtliMl AKUfowl a Ht til 2 iiXit Ki lieendoranteftaUed 4oentrJana eawMij1 bee lend nuoiieinoun recently jn to wecu wjiere eheand hefj livtMd nd tlielr liman dauunteAr inaklnrtliirhoma Te nerveiltln1 the pPompeUn jub par lorot iile ecJHrruadediji apieaiatit afternoon jr i 0i Wh Mi borothrBatry rllifba oda tha yive Many Afdis Are Arranged for the 4 I th ear Future Wltllemf Meraoeoa Join UrtlllTMr JoaephiMongee Jemi Polk A odrewt Petereee Warrea Bhaaoon If faelU lrfwnard gebwarta AdclparWolir iiiiiioiJyVayniJ AmMy VI vthe not tJPirnUi dinoea pit oaiuraay tbbiui VUpTil 45th In th CHforir Club Th vambly lftoda thirty oouplea 6t tha tTepreerttatlva men Mi omea or Sn irttriOtaooi and vm orBanlaed several montha fB4 hy Mr McQIJvray Jr Bach llonday eTenlne durlor the wlnUrhu been devoted by tho mem Ira to jpodarn ballroom davoaa pndar tha JlrdUon oft Mr Anita Tettra jWflght r1 Amon the nev datioaa which lie jncmber tha1 aaaambly have mat tared ire Tjtre varldui neaitation walties thak tatitf In Ha different lorme tha raaxlxe and tha oae atep From all Indlcatlone tha Monday Evening Assembly aa coma to be ana lot Jh permanent feature ot toolal a filre lr Saw Franoleoo ind Mr Mo Ollvray vJr la entitled tO a great deal ef credit tor ooncelylnr nd organti lnt auoh a riretentlpua netltutlon 1 lAmonr thoae who attddd the dance SaiurdaV eenln werei MBSSaS AND MISDAMS lOwe IrmMt TVIIKam MrkfH viwh jihiht Ivt Crlin Kamofl Crlm Lm Irlln Melrllle Dollar Owrti Eto William Hmpr Oiomaii Uofrmann Cliarlna 3 Kmiiii tHApriaai Xvoea It taiAdrn Warloa Hlltoa Barelce Jolioaon BUial oeddla irtssns Slack Cbarlea PDm Uji a itra Jllaxanda Wrlrht San JfVanoleco a paasonfef 6nHhe Qoin vernor to Loe1 Angelea vUHlntf Mr sAHan eel fwho wai Mle Bthel bvrOltand Mips mbIo her alatar t7rom ther Mra VTrigrn want to Rlyeri Ida ai a delegate fronj theiAdelphlan iClub Alameda to the Bute convention TlieJewUhJgiiloTi ot San Bruno will five a benefit dance tonight In kajeitio Jfall Alt their memer and frlenda try Javltad tottd 1 A party waa gl van it the noma ot MadellneiFeenoy U4i Bash street last Sunday evening After A pleaeant Itna lot alnklng anddanolng a light repitt iwaa served Among those present were Misses Mswn Kernlee Peters Walter Coaler Xdlta Taesaobst Iaa Oaalmi JanTTodaie Obarlee iConleai Hl Body iFraeelsOMaUsyi 1 4 nnMtaaH i glKnaitaiai tVaaae ate MoOerera Xnmst Fseney SJi A The second annual ball of tha Bon rraa given la Uajestlo Hall last even rug was one of the most brilliant ind aoolal triumphs of the season tn this endeavor fthe pieraber made effort to mak tha evening one of pleasure Bps uii muais jwaa engaged and tha hall prettily decorated Arthur Carey waa eHalrmao of the affair and wa assisted by B4waf4 fcrawford JSdward Mortarty Jamas Tlyniu JohrrUlllWJamea Mlskeli e0 i sMrKion antf WalteijCtVoodall Mrs jeseia Brryoff Hajv jrrapolaoo i i A iri roithyBafJyi A pijmrin VI ran ana are now rn omf Attar liultinePrlthyiwm returitlYo San Ilanclaco and tike up their raaldanca bAA diughtarMlas Albeftlne ewman have moved into their new florae isev yoidjn rj tne largest and mo elaborate dansantg of the month will be given Tuesday evening May Kth bf the Tuesday Night Asserpbly In the key Route Inn OverssOrJrivltattons have beeaf sentathroushouv the 4y oltfes Slid a Jiga aitindanco Is aooted ffivnrv toonlderktlOA and at Li tontion jvaa Doen vaxen care vi ui omcers ot tne wis nu i the most delightful events or tfla months Tm danaunt is only on or the jnaiyr thaf ira to 4 fceld thei re malnder oft the year ThtfoluMsi Sup ported by a notable list Qf ollloers and ion woU known ipatronossos Another assembly that will hold Its dancsa In tha Key Jioutei inn a na lArdlt Assembly whose first dancv ot aerla win held on Tuesday evening May lltal Over 00 InVita tlontwera sentiout This aeeetnliyil oonuotrf by well know lis of jot noers ana jiaironee Ajv Informal reoeptloa was held In the studio 00Halght street by a few of tha matrons Mrso Lioul can poured tea and waa assisted by Mrs Jf Flood Mrs Mol1ettMriuJ Reardon Mrseorgef Taylor and Mrs WHUam Swift Catherine Osterberg district deputy president of District No I 0 0 entertained her atari of otflcars and tha president of tha Sebekah Assembly Jams A Bennett at her home 1U7 Clay street Monday evening April 20th the dining room was beautifully daoorated In pink and green tne oolors of the ordir Covers were laid for twenty sl guests dinner being served ai 7 eTolock Aflienu consisting at eight oouraeswaa served afr wWohithe guests were entertained at cards Hand painted china was given as prises Tha hosteat also presented liar staff ofpfnoerseacti with an elegant Lhand paJnted oaka plate Thdae prs tinf beatdea the hostess irsre Janle A Bennett Alma A Jensen TUly Craig Catherine Cronvy Bassa Monroe Anna HenwoOd CarrlaLemmon Dannie My 1 ers Sadie Serman Martha Ooldbefg HedWlg HellfroDV Xucatta Bpalford Matilda Berg Helen Roblneon Jennie BUeldenOye Cooper Iulu Robinson Sra t0hrlng Mary philips Anna Ud barglMUdrod Rosangren Zalda Peter tod ilnnie Tobelman Belle Carlson Mary Johns Ellcabeth Dewsilj Jessie Pater6nfMary Dayton na Mra Harris ft 0 iji 6a accountof UMiealth of Mrs dore vanTlostetter her husband hi taken har tot a ooupla of weeks Into tha aorthetn part of the Bute The bansanfUes Trois wlll1iold1Hs danoa Thursday avenlagMay lsth at aoroals Oub Hall Butter street I The floor committeet William Hadeler Salter A BIHeter JJdWard IfatfiericJC Mlsa Ulllan Blireter Mlsa AJlce Blletrand Mlsa Jotprne Wr and Mrs Robert Qraan oftha Keystone Apartmant San Franoleoo wiiipms the summer months at Rosa Vallsy Thay have Ulcan tha ATounf hottaara afc VAArfii inrw rV Tin AVI pvyf months beglnnlngVMay 1jit a id Fremont Parlor ih witlu nk I tuiu laj zfisZt iSmzjL wrsas maning sxiena V4 1 oreearat Wini tytob Jieldii Native i Sona I If sMUHBbm III cm sHa JHaHsaHBKIHlB vjavJRSKas TNaBpjpjpjpjpjasfiSESeu AsKisaH JK1 SsfflEWTtWaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa liiassssssHsBsaiiaVr Wrbi iW iNssssssH iHHLM mm tHHaTW sssssH ssssHsfsssHlf AdisssssH ssssH ssssLsHsiHilsBaWs IsssH HsssHsiK Hssl1 I HHV flplP Kla ss a vww rr BHHi9P IVa hs7 Ji LssHHsaHam 1 tllflisssssHsBieiiiasssssslslsrPlis MUlisHBlBsHassBnllHH fllBHIsVjPwafiiiiBKCsaHMisHEpf cSr 7fuilHBElQreCsflBBBHIajHHH 1UsssKssls VrsssssssssVaHsssBolsSRmliiar I laVJjaTjaTjaTjaTjaTjaTjafjafjafJH rriaaisVStlafjW MSVyrJWaJT iTJaTrfflSBfJBlMlI I i i mt tysv rvaTTtintT VTauSSTi1M MmAwM I lrM5 mm WrllKjir a ty fX IM JaOVaMHHPi iiii i jjilr A a ir ni LZ III HI nnanclallyandMsoolartyi ikraJiaWfU Bulger pasts grand Tegat kots fli PaughMriliJrtjH reseni in ine niaie aoa an aqwva mam berof Fremont Parlor 7s twidtag arary lfartacicf3ittli iiiiiipiayiiioW Rturday evenln M4y HNVat LMoose HallOoldeVOaleaiWiadns iV iwfv On Tuesday STsntng Myth pertole Parlor ovittj lxa vrtlj give acabare showr hotoa JhMdlr toiMpnMftl avoueMiriaJayVBSrr oim ranaaraauw rue uannraHMSS in oharro oaiialaei rt Uormtoi rwmL ohalrmarK Franoea Brt ttV tttlf Katpiohnaoii iilPmlm CampboUiIinCurryyMyVluoair itjfarji ffr ji Jfhai JSrat annualraoeptlbaindjiliooa grveuundei tlis ausDlOea hi the Bella Clulj atfMciaAorluAJMtaa daVjyonUB5Aprli5lthwaa1 aucoBVMThaaffalrfwajrtyeBTlundr thevlmmedlateidlrectlon of Ahei Misses AilcelHughesAd18mithandiVirC fcooparJrepromlaetitrwhbaifof tnaMub The tngo7haltatlonan9 BblahiiwAitiarA IndulgediiiVUhlnsarshrblmafairai petition of these pleasant gatherings wllllbeeglyenJ itt Wll Ifli1 XlkrftiiiliViWii6i iCtSai riV wlllTJiold Jts egulari monthly whlat partyoaWedneadafevnlngriMaytW aWiclaHalllatheNSitCivWi building A lot of valuable prUeaJviri be awaried to1 lucky playersi The par lor Till hold its regular1 quarterly 4aneeln tha banqoet Tiall otbajNBJ 1 OfWi bulldlng oni Thursday evening Maylat Tbarlalryui bo at In leavlngotftndonoiaraeltTa auoMsa TbeoeealttMi looking pleasure timmmutttkxiiLit tqpiitt jr dlli WJMtjDSrilt ataafpMiks L1W TEAT0ilOLaiOWTl MVitfflMECTi tivjvvr i5 TnavlSMiUOffuhfAABAiiawUnlU aaMtoret Hiillfciub Wm daVtfaaWnaiainVaVlAuaMlihM ijiM pawaot wllblranaaetad and th mm naporta raadat the buslnaaa i ng afterwhldh th itd anA teated ajllteyrwlll drown thalr ao mnmirnafrViv nMAVtinMini MtrayifhsthaQA yranXwHl be boi Thuradaiyanltjilt04f the featureai wUlv raaak ttMvdMU 1H 1 if i Hdi lftvoklngj tvo ooon ttml ujjiwlneMv end of tba programi JutlAmowohaTlntwdBirn hardeMkis waniyMVwiUiUMisa neajwsjanaiawyorajwiuiakAtliaarw Jonai wlttinaaldaaa JwUrj rf ttii owl aad asrcerrlea Ute ifcia9talaiai lag ta eiej inMloltva Ur i i i a i TwawwiiWV jv vKJ r1 Sfc lt jrr arm MTa i bmooj aroi a praiwijtf J1awfcotiWaFw malforaovara4iwavaTw tbeylwlUHtoWlutfceiFraoai VT sjt Vtf Mrs Oeorge Hauerken annouBoesta engagement of i hit daughter Bdnavtt AugutaLDlbold Of Honolulu ibA So car Mri and Mra Adolph Newman of Mo desto announcethe engagemsnt of thslr daughter Miss iUllanI adyaNwmaii1 tHarrViCShrade i Mlaslfroiray ofiltedwood CJtypilalsUtng elaUvJallBs iLoisAH gelSsVi il iai 1 The sormai Installation of offl wwsoy recenuon to Pit and membera Iiitral aWoiortttViftarnoonio irnmareVwIll iukriAniia 1 a buslnese mitii i ij 1 1 WAwia1 4 Ul SBvaLL JAHr TMkMlH11 fftiaiKEcra yMairiizr7rrTn vuf4fji ifJT aftV ffUMtl At th aaJtl a a 1 iwiH UfW MSiliu DT ytit iy fHalsat Meuma ai il MIMDben tnitsxABiTv iiirii AidenrtaallvV bhlidreto i tbroVi gavVttoirtbw drrtioiiMrjkIdwiUvIsT 8eweJidwfcVjlc ttBsUrvi Uacher Tlow majiy ohlldren would she vi Anriaf Knougiur iJewTorkBanlngsoat Mm rntfaa JasgtUot DlMIW A Ula Ulhi JWR Peniu wrsv i Is Djjrnsw BeoTe a jv vol a iiiJiii hotia committee will be the tea hd poi wijDa assisiea by ImAWHeitls Ofi cvOwaaa Peart Ay SMarmai Via Vorrti 1M WftUk i 0i iWlHlta aohard jiS8ps3ii 5EToafcr vVf rWuun yIeNalty t0Steea cJMAlONCI IT OSlOHTi LuPftoufaa yotiJ hava madai promises you didnt ioenr Taatf rnli4RnaAi flAvvWiiM never yet oroaeapromlsertova wunout giving 01m a better one atead TWaahlngton Bttft 1 laf 1 witiiV iarat amv 4 4ylM JDAI Werai late theyre BeethoyenV NlnthSyinpbotiy WS rrhereiirwbat a pity wa nlairedi etnar inn ieitire fc jT oomprtlngMrs Francis Barton ohalr man assisted by Mesdamas Thomas Bulger Wv Daniels and MIVs Frances OCallaglian president 4t thai parlor and Miss Hanna Are busily engaged In arranging for this event which Iff Is txpsctsd will be the biggest event In the Native Jaughtersr olrclost In tha way ol aposb lnetn affair Qua1 to the wortny cause and the prominence of those on the commlttae thta whist la bound to be a most successful on it jvr i aioraio4wnisrpeji In Tosamltar ttitlf iitha biilldlna iMaiioniitreet on 5gT7iyel 1 hngf ai latif VWiDnaaaflBkaW afaVJBBir MaaasBBBg9Bvw pBBBaVJJaVJBlVlaBaBBjBMlBBBBBBPlBBHPKVi VB7x 111 aVTaPaPar aBVBrr lsssTBBBBlsw 3eBBBBBsaaBBBBBBBBBBr JTV SILK 5jM 1 1 1 1 PI Hay iiiji it XbJPPJPVi I 4 ll 1 1 i i 1 AM i 11 Jl Var eycs oU rvXSaBaw II II Wlfl tM lS fevl SEE BOTH py 1 ls ipp 0 window wBJgggaBiasBsB Mi ana interior fyffTisfisWssMafrsm yMmtMm urlil lk at MS JA IL VirSSHBaHHl fa sortment1 so i MZSA nrnan inn aiaa laii 1 ti rvvvXATi ji asav rraa 1 sSJMHi slMty jB need lection 1 easy LfJIPjHi tf t5 HP I itaL 1 1 vlil rs II laVjBEaaBl jj LT 1 lswglBlWSiyvv K9aSaBBP Kli rillapn I PSiJKyES iJ gMBssus 91 91 sis i1 REALIZli many tfiwxki smau vwrj vris mgly nbraalj psjife i aioti thase wpipieiei FrldaV avan I I ingVaysth tor the benefit of tha Na A tlVe Daughters Homa JA oommlttah I Silk Gloves through the eyes ol lyoUif i own experience Compare all other silk glove tjllifc KAYSER 1 stantkrd oucar of Tfi of i fyc and the wult vrilHpifbVohy in ore KAYSElSnk GlbTea arei told than all odier Llk lovw in the wo4d rt Jklw lCAYSERkiiiete ft Vn ai fi iifK USajsi Tei avskakaivai at ws 3 traarantee Hclft wkhtewrv balr that the tip oat wear the glow Short KAYSERT Silk GloVftiiBOffto t2Sw LoorHKAY9SRn 3flkGkT 75c to 200 of the West bymanya mercK thaftianittlej ui ti Your inteiestv welcribJwouIdtBe smlT unlcTrou coiilcl be BrougKt lb realii iKe Jmjnrifocp MargfasJorlTOent Einarneled lrmturffiniCa WM fe ijSSi offer i Weii8kxoutto axep ccrrivyburscllm lorH hcRouaf unnteresttoy in greatest yi JfryoU Would behold partiaillusUafe Avaithessif our Mirriledirbiture display ushpulrl see pur tert nwindpwsrusy IrievernebTthe tr Vractfvel arranged albri vyithvsuitebl wg wallrpapers JSucn carpraliaUentibri fonflure thai ve of design or priceveimeriri con krti Arid leVlare ttllhrig price werrught welt wjf ture5 business pi itaay rM a ii i 7fJ I rS Jiomi 1P a 1 iff fi I 1 fAT5Tlffil ft 1 War iS Ittoally lb front rrniture bf gpofi woods ana gooa mes sfurnirure thaillendurj mwissim ihe sessmqrih -vv mv tr rn Tl tl Hl vl VA iiSa A iwirJrraV rt mrrmr 7 ms HI FJMWMmaaminsg Ssaiiiai i a J7 wocxifoirWojAJuuTO es flf vt1 i AMiiyiuiam aaini wJk ifef imlXMixL rtiiir ni li.

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