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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 3

San Francisco, California
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IV ami ftg1 Lrlt Vl rrHV wr 3 i Vft iM wjfY i SATURDAY 8 1929 fc Jffjf gAW FRANCISCO CIIKOKIOLE SATURDAY 8EPTEMBSB 1928 1 iW aiispoi Soitime Uittush JriiiyQ Stricken rt fti i fi I tiiL i I ft svv it ii in i i in it i ii ii I mmg tit fmt ai itei Irifliirsir hPnuiVA SH1PSCHEDULEU 1 Military MercwSKiiB SeK Relief to japan Large Military MedicaL Mis sloh WillEmbark or Dash to Yokohama AUTHORIZED BY ORDER Army Surgeons and Nurses Will Be Included in Personnel of Expedition Th trrut military madlcat nil Ion Tr aant from an American port to foralvn ahorea will laar Ban Fratclioo wttUln tha nazt tbrao dan for Japan on tha army tram port Somma tha tantatlva aalllnr tint for which haa baan aet for Monday Bantambar 10 at oclock It waa announced yaatardar at tha military lntalllranca dapart mant army headquartar Fraaiaio On hundred and fortynlna army tnrcaona nnraaa and oldlrawlu comprlaa tha paraonnal of tha expedition which will taka with It 3000 tona of inadlcal anppllaa 5000 tenta and 00 ton of rice baaldaa aubalatanc nppllaa AiLnra authorized Authorisation for aalllnK of tha medleal paraonnal to Japan waa ra calrad yaatarday mornlna from Ma Jor Oanaral Ireland Sur Kaon Oanaral of tha army who In an order to local medloal commander directed that all arallabl paraonnal be lent bn the Somma All parta of the 1th Corp Area Includlnr the local poat and ta Uona Camp Lewi Waah Port Hlnoala Mont the ooat defense of Pnset Sound Fort Ruuell Wyo mlns Fort Douslaa Utah Vanoou var Barrack Waah Ind the coast defen of Ban DIero were called upon to end datachmasta to 8an Franclaeo In Urn to sail on the transport MAJOR IIBADS HlSSIOlf Major Charle McBrayar a Utant urceon of the tth Corp Area will head tha medical ml Ion which will Include the following officer from San Fran elacoi ilajor 8 Parker Fort Wtnflald Bcott Major Mount of the medical supply depot Major Harden and Major Berle both of Latterman General Hospital Major Claude Cummlnr Presidio station hospital Major Charles Bank station hocpltal who will be txanaport surceon Captains A Boyle Elmer Tenner PIna er and Henderaon all of Letterman General Hospital and tha following members of the army nuraa corps from Letterman Hospital First Lieutenant Reba Cameron chief nurse and Second Lieutenants Anna MoUe Alma Skooc and Anna McQulre 5 Women Tourists Escape Japan Quake Mr Aiiraa Morton whose husband la at the Hotel Cecil San Franclaoo la aafe In Japan The news came to Morton yesterday afternoon In the form ofV wire from tha Bureau of Unlrarattr Travel at Newton Mas under who au ploe the party Includlnc Mra Morton la touring the Orient Tha telegram told Morton that tha entire party of ten waa aafe at Nlkko Japan aooording to a radio gram reeelred from tha head of the group Dr Soberer Japanese Earth Tremors Subsiding OSAKA Sept by tha Associated Press The Tokyo oentral observatory report that the eelt ralo movement haa en progressively diminishing and that no anxiety la felt as to any sudden renewal of Violent ebocka From September 1 to yeaterday at 1010 distinct hock were felt til on Saturday and Sunday 1 19 Monday 1TI Tueeday 141 Wad naaday and II up to I oclock lait evening sWuHHIiHCBaBBBHillllllBBHBVJIIHr4 JfiivmlZ aHtWiaBBSDH jTiSiigaisajjfWifjMMiBiMMMMM i i i iii i 1 1 i 1 1 i i i mi i i iMHf iiijiiM iljiiifj MMsMMssMMMJBBMMMMBBMMMMBWMIWWWrf i i i i i itu a smmmiiYfwzrryv 1igsHsfeLgHggB itmlm i MiSWSMiMMm mlHB 1ffWiFfflrmiWMtaMlll1ffli1iH fcaaaaBaaaasaaaaaaMiMisaaiMei II I I muffle MinpiNrisn Ii REPORTS Jt Destruction of Island Em piros Capital Sight of Awe and Horror Japan Leader In Plea for Self Control NAGASAKI Sept by the Associated Press Premier Yamomoto appeals to the people to exercise self control in this time of orlsls We must show the world he says that even in times of disturbance and distress the Japanese people are able to keep a balanced mind by doing what is right obeying orders and showing their love of peace The Premier insists that all peaceful Koreans must be protected even if it be true that certain elements in this section of the population have been responsible for rioting The transport docks at Fort Mason present a picture of unwonted activity as details of soldiers load the Somme with stores of medical supplies The Somme will tail on Monday with a million of army lurgeons nurses and soldiers to assist the stricken in the earthquake area Consul Oyama Voices Thanks San Francisco Aid Will Be Remembered by Japan Conaul General UJlro 5rma representing Japan In San Vran cUco who was In the Baat when he reoelved news of the Japanese eataatrophe yesterday vlelted Mr Ttninh to exoross hi grati tude at the prompt action taken by cltlsens In coming to the relief of hl people Consul Oyama stated that he eet out for San Francisco to aid In the relief work Immediately after the disaster waa reported said San Franclaeo understands the Japanese situation and haa given It sympathy with a full knowledge af what tha condition In Tokyo and Yokohama must be The people of Japan will be forever grateful and are deeply touched by Anjerlcae kindness Saa Franclaoo haa set the world an example In the rebuilding of a city after Ite destruction by fire and I fell sure that the people of Japan will build newer and more beautiful cities where Tokyo and Tokohama were destroyed Japan Profiteers Face Prison Term OSAKA Sept 7 by the Associated Press Under the moratorium declared In the disaster sone by the Japanese government persons pro4 Steering In essential commodities face imprisonment for three year or a One of 1000 yen while any one found guilty of spreading rumor with the object of encouraging riot ing damaging property or disturbing the peace may be Imprisoned for ten yeara or lined 3000 yen The promulgation of the moratorium as well aa the edlota against profiteer ing and the circulation of falae rumor I made public In the form of emergency Imperial decree Relief Fund ponbrs Warned By Committee Steamer Crew Raises Japanese Aid Fund Every man aboard the Standard Oil tanker John Archbold had a hare In raising a fund of 100 which waa nt to Rohlfa manager of the company yesterday by 8 Babrlck master of the steanysr with the request that the donation be forwarded to the proper authorities Captain Babrlck not accompanying the money atated that the fund waa raised by voluntary subscription and that every man master officers and crew aubeoiibed UO NOT give cash subscrlp tlons for Japanese relief to any person unless he or she shows proper credentials as a relief fund worker This warning was given yesterday by Charles Fay chairman of the general committee for Japanese relief and chairman of the San Francisco Chapter of the Red Cross White ribbon badges with the inscription Official Worker Japanese Relief Fund will be issued this morning at the committees headquarters 1004 1 Oil Merchants Exchange building All solicitors for funds will wear these badges aHd will also have subscription cards and other credentials 1 Priest 4 Nuns Die In Yokohama Quake NEW TORK Sept 7 One Cathollo priest and four nuns were killed by the earthquake In Tokohama according to dispatches received today by Right Rev Mon slgnor Frerl general director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith PEKING Sept by tha Aaaa clated Pre A Japan Telegraph Agency dispatch from Osaka 4a crlbes the experience of Eda Unl steward In tha household of Prince KunJ EdaUnt vii la a notion plotura theater la Asaknsa Park when the first earthquake undermined Tokyo Just before noon last Saturday He managed to gain the exit In time to ee a twelve story amusement tower fall tha top six atoriea going first and demolishing moat of the surrounding building II eaw hundred killed here ha aald riRBMEIT FLEE III PAXIO Fire broke out Immediately and Edatanl fought his way to the open paoe et the parkl which waa flooded by broken water mains as tha tires spread Firemen fled la a Janlo Ha tried to reach his heme In tha northwestern part of the city but many timea waa turned Back oy fire Ha finally waa driven to Ueno PartL where thouaanda already had taken refuge At nightfall la the wake of flames that cleared tha blocked streets of debris he made hi way out of the danger son From high point ha saw Akaaaka ward burning a sight ha deecrlbed aa one of awa and horror Night and day fot awhile Tokyo waa a city delivered to mad panlo and wild report Premier Tama rooto waa aald to have been assassl nated and Korean revolutionists were reported to have begun a destructive campaign Both rumors since proved false said Edatanl In Tokyo many victims perished merely from the stifling heat In the atmosphere during tha great Ore The thermometer reached ISO decrees Fahrenheit according to a Routers dispatch SHANGHAI Sept 7 by tha Associated Press Refugees from the earthquake at Tokohama are proceeding to Kobe tha Japanese consulate here la adyjaed Three shiploads of them ara expected to sail for China arriving here probably this week end MEDICAL SUPPLIES JfKKDED Telerrams from Kobe urge the Immediate dispatch of large quantities of medical supplies The first Red Cross unl waa due to leave Shanghai today Other will follow Beside the measure of the British colony the Chine ara organising relief unit MANILA Bept 7 by the Associated Frees The current report that tha Bonln Islands oft the coaat of Japan were sunk or altered greatly by the earthquakes la doubted by the head of the observatory here The scientists explained that such a cataclysm was possible thousands of yeara aa when the earth crust waa thin but now that the crust Is many kl6metera thick It would take an unparalleled shock to sink Islands the slse of the Bonln group TohyoFilmMan Wife Girl Flee Disaster Ruins PartvReaches KobcvAfter Harwvvrng bxpenences Report Others Dead KOBE Japan Sept the Associated Press Thomaa Coch rane the American representative of the Famous Playera Leaiy Cor poration la Tokyo hi wife and her sUtef Mlsa Lasky are amener the refugeea wha ihav arrived her from JHyanoshlta fashionable mountain resort about forty five mile fromTokyo Deecrlbing tha blsaster Cochrane aald ha saw mountains sliding Into valleys roads obliterated and houses and building transformed Into puesof dobrls In a few minutes The Cochrane party waa staying at the Fujlya Hotel i which waa destroyed Miss Lasky waa planed be neath the fallen walla and waa rescued only after three nem ex fo rerun digging Other refugee report that cap tain McDonald founder of the Grand Hotel at Tokohama 1 be lieved to have been burled beneath the ruin of the structure which represented his life work Roger Moore the American assistant general manager of the hotel and Jack Reed of the Canadian Paclflo Company ara also reported to be dead at Tokohama yUlbMltdULId fflttKQfa fiitaiBi iH Response to Call of Red Cross Gratifying Marrrt Rltarftf frt SfihcKrlricAJ Aa verwhelmlna reepone Uhtli appeal i rZ I Coolidge Gives 100 To Japanese Relief WASHINGTON Sept 7 President Coolidge haa contributed 1100 to the American Red Cross fund for the relief of the stricken Japanese VWwte OCARV AT STOCKTON TCLCPHOMC DOUOLAS 4500 Togs for Admission Day WeekTJEnd What Are You Planning af Whether youre out In a ten gallon hat to meet the Pony Express or out on the Units to make a record youre certain to be out of doors In the California sunshine somewhere and need the proper togs GOLF KKICKEBB FOB I8TAJfCE Just now any man around San Francisco will choose these of Irish Linen bleached or unbleached as he prefers but smart and trim looking and wash able at is 00 a pair It all depends however on the weather A sudden chill wind and every man selects one of the new plaid effects he will anyway when he sees them for theyve lots of dash and style and are faultlessly tailored These are priced at S60 to 10 Swagger golf hose to match are 246 IKPOBTKD GOLF STTEATEHS of end and end cloth In solid blue or gray at 350 AS FOB A CAP Ton can scarcely week end or holiday without a cap Its the Ideal headgear for comfort and W0 I good looks These new models are made with generous tops and visor out of suitings and homespuns Priced at 3 00 18 YOUB TIF SMABT ENOUGH Look at It carefully and if you have the slightest doubt come and get one of these silk knitted ties In new striped patterns Toull say theyre smart and swanky enough Every variation of stripe and smart color combination is represented In good wide ties well fashioned and finished at 3 00 If you want them wf i A5 EXTRA 8mET IS KEYEll them at 350 AMISS SHOPPING IS EAST JBspedally a white oxford with Jnst step Inside the door at the button down collar attached at Stockton entrance and youre in 300 or a collar attached shirt tha liens Shop pAtMufiiJ In Snt FrmtJtf IMfl -iy yjkMimMmmmMMm are Indispensable for sports wear These fine English and Scotch sweaters are as easy and comfortable as they are handsome becaLse theyre col tost right Good looking too In unusual colorings at 1600 each itA JjwiLUx ii efl tkettflHir fnJHPVc iTjn irffliiiir daSMfllV I rmlSk mU yLBmmjjf tp J0E0KwJBEr I amS Stbserit to Safiandsco ip Afill SeptV sflBEtfp to ProvedJnavancc ccr I JUBfBKBSUf tainty of performance Reo I HHJjt Speed Wagons and lissenger Cars I 9jJfL were selected by both the Army and I yjmJJ Civilian teams as the official motor SI convoy for the Pony Express Relay I Cfb RaccifvfHi urn MOTOR TAR rOMPANY of California I Van Ness Ave at Geary St Phono Prospect 682 I I BBAircmsi I Los Angeles Pheentt Sacramento Stockton I BjHHK Lv4 I i Tj I jBBvflrki La Vek37sV I I II I ZHBR JHm JvB jsjwsa a 11 Radio Corporation Swells Aid Fund The Radio Corporation of America last night added a contribution of 110000 to the relief fund for the aid of Jepaneae sufferers of the earth quake dlsaater It waa the Radio Corporations station connection at Tomloka which for four tense days Supplied the only Information to an anxious world of conditions ex isting In the devastated area Iu addition to tha company contribu tion employee donated one days alary to aid the employes of the department Of communication In Japan aa a pei sonal contribution to fellow craftsmen In the radio Held i 5 Ship Board Official Safe A message etatlng that Captain Whitney Irving EUIer Shanghai representative of the United States Shipping Board la alive and well In Tokohama was received by the Robert Dollar Steamship Company here yesterday from lta agent In Kcbo Captain Blaler had been re ported dead Army Air Pathfinders Arrive at Bismarck BISMARCK Sept 7 Lieutenant Kenneth Garrett and Victor Bertrandlaa who are making a SOOO tnlle pathflndlng trip over the United States arrived bore at noon today after they hopped off from Fargo at 010 a Tha flycre are expected to leave this afternoon for Miles City Mont the next stop areTwhelmlna reepone UVO uA tu Ion of the American Bod Crosa for subaerlntlon ta tha Hihium nli i VbuS la lnAtAAA hm mmwmttf reoelved yoeterday by wlUUm Cart ffiM HunL maaaarer af the Pardfla kJ Mffll ten Seoraa of talegrama arrtvedl erery hour all day and la each and all there waa expreed the belief that not only would the quota bo filled In abort order but that thai quotaa would be exceeded The Pacific division covers all the Western States to the Rocky mono talna and lneludea ATifu Th Juneau chapter aant a reply to Jha general query tatlnff that lta quota would be mora than doubled Many other similar reports were tecelved EXrEDTTtNa IVORS The neceeslty for quick work wag felt by every chapter and all re i portal their organisation perfected and the work being puahed to tha limit It la believed that the Pa fid division will be able to aar nounoe the filling of lta quota be i fore the time limit of next Monday A decided feature of tha roeponoa to the Red Croas appeal haa boa tne remaraaaie number of offers of rerric In tha atrlcken sone Manager Hunt reports that offers have poured In from doctors nurses engineers ambulance drivers fool and shipping experts cooks offlea i and welfare workers and that ml treat majority of these offers have come from men and women whs era veterana of the World war Red Crosa campaign Hunt states that the offers of these veterans la jMpof daily gratifying Inasmuch aa they will be the first to bo selected lavt case a call comes flora Japan or workers MAirr voLTjirrKKR services Over a hundred nurses have vot unteered their service and signed the Red Cross contract However neither nurses nor other1 workera are being sent at this time Manager Hunt said Information waa received yesterday from tha national headquarters that the United States Department of State had assured the Japan government that no workera would bo aent except by request It I believed that the Japanese Red Cross and the government and the people are equipped and capable of furnishing all the assistance needed Money and supplies er what Japan needs Is the general beUef vj FAMOUS BARITONE TJda Waldrop announcea that ine announce Cllffort Lott the femoua baritone win stir to his aoeompantment cm in Sunday at II a In tha Vint Congregational Church Post and Mason Dr Gordon will speak on the Japan Karthquake PubltO Invited Advertisement i BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaYfleaaV T9agaVlT 7H Double breasted Suits 33 65 The double breasted suit is among the most popular of the Fall models The Roos selection is large and offers many new designs in brown blue gray taupe shades in plaid checked and self striped materials SliaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBaaBBBBfl lEaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBaBPT Six Store Buying Power ft mur a a i.

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