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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 4

San Francisco, California
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WWW rcwrvjftr ft W1WUxVvwwsmo VW i rJ I May SAX FRANCISCO CHRONICLE MONDAY MAY 23 1921 as ta Ml 3 1 Ifl I IV 3 i 11 iSGKOOL PUPILS SET no III MUSEUM VISITS About 800 Children Study1 Exhibits at Memorial Institution ATTENDANCE INCREASES People From All Sections Enjoy Collection of Rare Articles in Park Hi pant nrfk at the TOtinf Memorial Museum In Golden Gate Park ha eatahMahed ft record In hlatorv for the rtateat number of laitlrR children from Ihe pub ftft echonls that hare been recorded IllCft the opening of tha building Twenty three sihools totallng about HOC children were taken tttfburn lb Mutfum last week th cUteea either slinl In some epeclal exhibit eg an addition to their arhool curriculum or vlffwlna the eolleo tlene at a whole The natural bit lory fa Her lea on the meisanine hart drawn mitir visitors from tha ranki of the children aorordlnr to the curator of the Museum elnce thev Ufl lki many adult nerer fall to dla cover the exhibit feint nr nvDmra The collection of birds numbertnf many hundred eperimene eass cofltaininjr on from almost every aperlee and 1hft caeea of shells are especially Interentlng to the children aceordlnt to Muaenm offlewa and are much used the Juvenile students of American bird life AmoTim the rollecilon of bird nesU Is a rare iceclmfn of the nest of the halantrnne or Feculent a tallow of I the ftolo archipelago which In ported from Taa In trreat quantities 1o China for ihe manufacture of the celebrated bird neat soup Other ncm of unusual utrurture are thoee of th wpjuer bird ehh lied In a near bT caae with enec mens of the bird mounted be Id them AMONO itir iiTnn AmonR the schools Men aent Clajen to the Mum urn dnrlntc the 1at reek are New York Heat Causes Wine to Bombard Police Show en Inrush brought wiiif relief to New Virk and the surrounding territory after sweltering through the hottest day of Lbe sen son thus far The days highest temperature 85 degree wi within one degree of the record for Ma 22 The heat gave the police of Morrisania police station a real thrill vtliu M00 bottles of home made wine which they hid selzul and stored on the top floor begun to explode A police saliagf situ ad braved the bombardment and moved the home brew to a cooler spot SI JOSE FI HOLDS DAY OR SAN FRANCISCO Ad Clut President Tells of Work Being Done in Campaign Pauline Frederick And Lillian Gish ToReturntoStage Spoken Drama Also to Claim Mildred Harris and Dorothy Gish 1 Utn in TVa tNMvirk I IH 1J I mlrm -M TORK Maty Il Puln 1 II STILL EXPLODES AND SETS FIDE TO lEjHDEICE Investigation by Firemen Reveals Well Equipped Plant in Oakland BfW4a Tanari The trmMi sN 7fr Mut 5nmnel fcreyer president of ihe San 1 ran cjftro Ad hib ad4roaed hutirtrd of people the Indunirlal htpoitlllon tbli afternoon 11a told about the Palrrt lommlttee Tndit wa iin rranrlaco 1av at the Mr fair and thoueonds of people entered ihe a aten ft om early Jn 1he nftprnoon unl il laU at hlrht when the brilliant lumlnated fl In a Hearan Prerer was preanid to th crowd Iynn Klmer presirlent of rh Hui Jose 100 Per Cent Club whirl ia rnn ductlnc ha show He spoke In the Industrial tent Urn inn Is the heart of the exposition 11 in remark 111 Koosior rampalm Northern Callfor nia Is wdrina brought hearir ap plain ftiiow id fiTTO7nKn The exposition committee derided to continue the show for ten dajs membfrs explalnlnr ibat an In lereated visitor would tje unable to view all or Ihe exhlbita In one day and do lb em Justice Teelerdaya programme Included band concert by the rtposltlon Rand led by Hill Lake and contalnint forty pieces In the JnduslrlaJ and Automobile tenia ard the Pace Boy Band of Ios Anajeles The Fleet Quintet from Savn Francisco ae one of the most popul ju numbers on the pro trtmme Tbiy will sing eery dsv until the ahow lionet rrHfruk and ltlUan Gish at pree i film favoriies arf shortly to re mrn to the spoken drama while MM 1 HELDFOHTAX Half Million Tied Up in Banks by Internal Revenue Collector lOS ANOFl May Th I nilnl RtatB nTfronment acting Ibronfh BIRTHS MARRIAGES DEATHS CARD OF THANKS WtCm obnemenCa WHkmkfaw Oytaaftaaa TU lurkii Mr AA II arc I fnrmortv Mlldrftrf 14SrrlS hplln ajid norothr 5lh Ihe ltlr artr ollfrtor of Internal of whom ha nvr been on th Rfruf Ker iaa lid up mora thun ataaa wtM atiortly taJta ft chance a half million rfc llara iaah hrtonainit for lha footllfnia Miaa tin win 10 in uwnpri oi nr i ijiinna tw plajr In Canada thla sum rraca in an nort to accwrc a aeltla Birr with har huaband Jimn Rennla menl of Income laiu II clalma ara Mla Fredarlck will rmirn 10 th due from thm according to a iu filaaa undr lh miniirmxl of A I mr nt hire lonllht hv Tarter Wooda while Lillian jlh la rln I The oMrni7int took Ihe position ninit lo co Mai wlih Arnold Raljr In i I ii ih It emlflad la the hl ran rtolra ompany at the Oroen from th track ownera ch Vlllajra theater I 1 Mildred Harrla according to re nlted tate ud mall lhr bom a i I In iSllfArnti ports nlll lake a try hi liuatviiiM On op of this news comes word that Maude Adams has entered the motion picture buslneea as a producer She li Interoated In a new color process a nd haa already started work in an upstate studio Miss Adaros say aha herself will neTer a before a amera and Is planning lo return to the elae early this coming fall Smoke I esq In from Ihe upper wlaj ws of the handsome residence at Tlwlaom Tiller nrnmin Mnol Hi Ptt rial RHerf Manantt hhriM KiW4 Jafatie Ititiir AnMmo fain nlet Htale Nnrrnul Prtml KVnk1n fhol Jrtm limit Vwtn lntermetHsie rur not Monroe ln 1 Wrb ii I ulhfi niirhnk Ceatier Int pan Unm cowhty Khti Oil MKadbn 0klnJ IV mt sriiw Itirb asanrl Theee pup la mafle a total of 71 retlat rations which with a weeks fatal of ft and esterdttv a Ittrs bfniisht the number of persons at the Museum during the eek to lLtl ATTKTDAflrrH AlhT8 Kaoh month accord In a to Lhoss retrial erln visitors shows a fain In sttthdancer over the prerlout month and rtcorda of ear wnlrb give a tetal of CAnClS In romparleon ltb thona of this ear lo date of 216 3t 9 base flaure hich do not Include the more than 000 visitor of th Maaeums opening da gle etrenctli to the report that the If I iouna Memorial Xlueum has a Jarffar numbir of visitors than an similar Uttltotlon In the Lnlted maiea RK HftT IiOATIO1 Among the receni donations to the collections of Mr de Young are the following articles ltle nf an PmnrWrv ht pnsentad two emt vtit nlat tviiumt India It JO lira MUm hlrfnhy of fan utrita aqnar if Mich vtri lsf rbn pattern fined tH ntfcuv HfHh mirtf in I WO ttf doiwit aftoU for eV of aw Hi flnax Partwell Johntmt Mima wim antBt mwn na latitede jnt lonfihM pnipfriy at pts Lactitnl JhnH HftrtweM Arrnit plnrer honors falhir rW Irnteenill nno Iutt oriPintll OavmJ Patau famlM Mhm bomlhj Firn44 HAn nneiKa pwiifi tone pitnes aaweaoiia eloth one fruceil made by the donor frtcnuulButhr In 16U a riiild a dreta and natt sudt in IKJO and ranvartcleA tn tMtt darinc tea ml War Rn rn rf neat 1nf inantitnMt iud mm rt a rbild a lrt made In 1HJ0 ua 4r iimirtiii and ahirt baud attdt in 180 ftiiH a aorta mada or ftvini pacapln Umi lttU dust in nnotvzE In addition a bust In brome of Frank bacon California actor and author of Llthlnlng hai been tlVen to Mr de Young by George ofeer a sculptor of New York with a letter cf uiuoh the following ie an excerpt I send the bust that the art of Dacon mav be remembered bv future generations in honor to hie profession and his native state The original bronee is at present exhibition In the National Acatl ftray Of New ork city High Voltage Fails To Kill Electrician VTKhLtA VTAJLA CWash May 12 George Hrnr electrician Is in Fl Marys Hospital here after having 2560J rolls of electricltj paas ihraurh his body He had two tinkers amputated but will recover He waa Injured at a substation on tbe Blue Mountains Saturday afternoon and brought to Walla Walla twentv Are go Ilea automobile flo 46 llockrldre boulevard In the heart one Oakland most select home districts yesterday led to the dls oery nf what the police say was an rlaboralely equipped private din tiller the thlrti gallon still of hlch had exploded and aet fire to the houe Firemen answering the alarm sent In by neighbors found the plati empty ajid the front door open A minute or two before their arrival th said ihe nctlted a man in his hlrt sleevea running out of he house Tpstalrs a room etlaentlr intended for a bed chamber was ablate from floor to celling After putting out the fire an Investigation of the prem Isen a made 1 wo bfdrooma Ihe firemen said apparent had been set apart for home brew purposes In one waa found the thirty gallon still nhuh had exploded and Which led to the dlsrovei of the plaol In hr name room were tight barrUft of jimMi There ere numerous ara plates demijohnu and other uniainer in fact everything used In distilling booth ar wMiky on a generous scale The renldenve Is owned by A Pint cashier for the American Hail way rxprrls In Oakland who lives at 1 3T Twent seventh aenue Dana said vemrrday that he leaaed the place about fHe months ago to John Kid ridge alio lived here with hie wife ZCldridgt ta well known in Oakland During the war he wm a lieutenant in the aviation corpn of the Army He main thin art aeroplane of his own ai Duruitl field Captain illiam Kl of lhf Oak land morals squad was detailed on U1I i1 I a a a 1 I IJMItainallt Kl AlftPUANFs PfltFOntt The aeroplane squa perforn ed mar eloua feats wii 1 1 luminal i planes start Ing ntn rt It after oclorh With fire trailing shlpn slipping throiipih moonlit skv do Ig Ing Hmons tic clNid hikI tng all manner of etunte for tl benefit of the thousand of speitati rs below Ihe aerial uirrn i ot ed a distinct ucens The flnl a it sis inn nanaiiM I Hie Por hi outs and the i ood beef lul 1 tin mpltelv i i pped in rlurlng a lav nursrrv irr tuitilers ma ihf chllHren to plav while the Ian i hi ai unfui 1 iunclN to pniiiion The ernerae hopitl le I nn ducted bv tli i ij i larj Nure Assocluttor is fit i eguppod hn de auidetis i sitiir tun n4 on Lbe rr in It Poxer ft I son and 1 Hm mono 1 la ni have olmu i rd i heir i it I tu the week Irish Independence Friends to Meet A mas meetlnjr will be hehJ tn night In Kedmen a Hall 3611 Six teenth slrert hv John McRrlde branrh of the AmTlfan Asmw ialion for he Ha oznlt of the Irish Repuhll Atlorne alter Mt tovem will be tlr prlnclpRl upenkrr and the pihllc Is il The MfUrtle Conn il Is the iinn dilrit brain of mm Iwt Ion saiil rtant te wmttnaodant Pt NtJ trtrt I naTT ton mdrT rwarurau ntrrLon than Jitnr 14 1 1 fnmen Mande Hylvimi la nmt jal Bout on Mats iindrr pntrUrml ltutrnrimn not aifF Than Jun 1 I FViaafu Pord il Piialnr ney ri Brwlon Mai iiiueT ifv tj aj inwtnirtion no auar Uipi Junr 14 1 1 hnarrn Jtaralcl Ti Butwt to naT7 ird Hrtait Mmia tnrtar rrl3 i inatrunioa not na 14 11 Ui uienani junior nlaj 1 ortan rxnt cnrtftntrU tuqw naJ td Bton mdf itiil rt luitruriti not later i hn Junr 14 ll Ientetianrt I rt II rfti mnrlara orn nfi luamin lwriif tan I liiladr lptLia I tv I lentrnan HfffiaD kowtiar at limitwwni uJiam Kunkey lo nrj ard A il iprliyi 1 1 I pun ivrn initA puirm mm re indHy afifr of iipi and UTixinu nav krri knktan lo ni A I kcuienam I erimf 1 lneH npjj ie ia air uiinr i a ma I enrviani i uninifidp har I Mn nea ar laltn TrnMrota Vta Irtiirian jm Ki4i Krtnk Mullen im PATMK1T RRFOdRD The owners he said have declined either to pay the tax or to make any return becnuee they claim that Ch earnings result from aji enterprise outside of the Lntted Rtales the track being located across the International boundary In Lower California Mexico and they further claim that because of this condition the oernment has no claim on tbe money To settle the question Collector arter has caused distraint warrants to be served on banks in Los Angeles Han Plego and other California cities and baa tied up the following sums Money to the credit of Marvin Allen tmmbe to Ihe credit of Trank I Ileyer t29o 45 1 fi and to the rredll of ar Wlthington llH IITFHKn AIW1TTFI All three admit Ihei are Interested In the Tm concession at 1 tjuana I fri 1 me to lime bin en uapwiM In i nnui ting it he cntf Nojf ilrs im uid ither pom If teliw Mi bi rl i iiin sirl I he ifrxun rim the iovrrnment ere undetermined if ii be flu il until urns ere set red rt hi hi ee unr Womans Body Found In Swollen Stream 1 A Mj I hi tU Mrs I I Hoilseman of nesdei Im whs driwnert in swollen treu tie rr near Pisjili halt inlj i rrt eiri all iia rt i Mr port rvni gttrhftr to melt Tia snula1 Jaa JnlniiV 4X Clock Rachiu 5 tank Orliw Bolton Mfcnrarat 13 btennan Barns Jolm Jtnberv 2 Cuitnirtchtm Kniiiartna i mtlni 1 1 tn IXbh Herrtat Prrfoua Mniy It ltebi Ann MsrtrmTwrtM yWruan WlUisin Vank Clara ritffaraid Sr jitt 44itM UK11U Kln Bw fha Rl lmhy Bridnrt Kl leniMlA Mirnrrb 43 I Inrlnimm nna Hilrla Pari kmao iwrv Mabrl rtrlaon idler ItomiTiw nier Hrmlv Jed feuaaiauar Nntliit 5 4 AS MfP nde Mary 1 Miintiy I rnrta MantB Adiflpn 4 NiUPann Antm 2P I rr Join 14 ilatai John 9 Ialmnr Ilrj khnlpa Ainae JO Ketin klamanta flO Bonk iai khhup Mem RajHr Rnadrrat Thsfnaa RaayHim Catfcartnai 7 tatltii Rosa ftniiran 1 0 nharlni nrlotta Wnna iar ft Tl I I BAnATUT At Iladaoorl Tllr Mu 28 1W1 Jami Jnihia betovwl hmband of rhltomena radt loving ton of Julaa and IoatM Bae dat nf John aad arane pajdt tm Ui ft Alffnrlrw John Mltchtdl sad Aldnrf Bar adat and lira Eoulla WUu a native of Oriftunt akanvel 11 tn Pnanda ara Innuad to aUand fae fmneral WorlnMttkV at nlrrL from hi a Ut donoo Balmoot lntonsani Uotj Ormm On alery I alma BMTCIJV in rui mr Ma i mi rnr imp psnaier aaQCUIW nt AJina rv aaai i Mllii KPd 1It Johnson and Lho late rnir iii MalUim and MirhMh Jl Ofdilln ftNtive oT Sjin rYrUirirw A moreber Ll Ho antr Hortrt Mticn lilnr Ivttin Mil fkUtfnrnia Uuiuil Nik Knht i irnihtn I ha funaral arltl take plar Uawiwivw fTune dr i rU tl ilid frt Um lttnrTl hunt rf Moorhan i ih aJid Pnlrm at wire ir MiiwJnri lloria I horrti hara a roqiuam hiaii idm will ha ralohnUaal Iot rai irf Inn ui nomirsnotln at VBO Oloa lntarmet HuW irm natorr tub nrtnutaiA ami koiMBCR or rVlttjrria Ounral No SAO KnifffeU mi lumhoa ar hfwrtt reonaaiod to aawiablt at lit ftinanJ kotaa ot Monnn lAtti an oorao ili tomorrow Ttiawtmy ai rjoT Lt attaMid ha rnBMa1 oar Isle or in limn tltn By IIIHiU drar btlortd Itushahd of VafMlda Mnart dniori father of IMlla AJW Hafry and nd want Mttffttl and bttinvad hmth of rTnnry and Rivlolph Mwrcro and lira Man Stork mina tViniaas aad Attanda ktuatfs a ntU of OermanT aod 43 aoara inontii od day a member of Uoiiistor caaip Ml Ui Atir Tlin If Rt 1 IM Tl I TXNrrnHAat tn tfcla rltv 1 Katharine dou lv holnvad ail of OirmtRriiafli lortaa laotarr Jehn tnuwt nlaht I Hea of oh aloKl Rathanfko ami jMrlon I nnaitwawaa aad drfnted daturtstat of Ua lau Oar asairT a naUo of But Praavioeo annnuit daja rVtanfla and aAomalBtaneaa are raar wtfaTry mil ad attend tna funeral Monday at I Irato too partora of Har A VTiobcidl Mil Valencia aL heu EMh and Sb In Ti aw La Omerer MOitpUT In thla cuty Mav J1 tttt rtaarta Miirrthe denrU boiofed ambaad Re bawa Mnrptiy bslnrad faUior of FYanrt A WiUUm I atornb and tlia ata tnro Mtirphy a naii mi IrWaod aid yra A nrmbi of Ui TarA th der of ftt rrana ind nntnher of CavM Am No TMC Aa cint Ordw of Fttnfora mmda atM aoainUiMH an iiiapiHf Inrtied to Ui funanal nn Toaada 121 30 A aro Ja late ram dene 1S tfrdo MTMU taanee Bnd a Ihomrti Van sa avoauo and Bnaadwai wtion a nrauiotn ttwh aiaaa will bo oaiaUraled rrmmmm ni oia nu Aaaasionoina BB iaarii faaei isa iarlaa Haek agad S3 year fiienda and aroalntnea Sra raapartfally WL JL In Cah ry imdted te aUeed tan faoarat Wednwpay at WWJTyN la tkts rtty day alliil Aiwa sa at i froia tbe narl abT a mr Aw alaaai dtprotrd dauawtor nifDoiot 14RI lajonrki tr fifth asd twanty aixt BI PaHtr lau Jlocaai aod sifter of ioaapb TW oa th a 1 4 LP to an early hour lat night he had not found either Jl dridge or his ife a U1 OADKfM I CVliTM MAT 11 lileiiionant tin imli Jum AI on sirttrttoti rxirpp na nird Ph lndHphai l4uinanH irnmander A Tml It 1W la ta naval pro nt frotiod ludaan lleitl Md I tentanarW umw gradt harta I Bohreaa aanrikra rorpa lo tara IidmhIi rto a IAatitenant 4oniBtatidfr 3Mrloa It ark6nm In onmmand I Pi bm I loiitenanl Hrn Bnrihrih naaJ nrnvlbi grvund lndlai Hoad Md tjaptain limicv Bnt ar to eiaaoiintnt horr epartmant athintl 1 Ijlriilohanf Iunald iarion1ar el Caitrnm a LJOuTrnon rajwU Cooneil to 1 Amoptook ljoiitenant Vee CVirana ie ntI nail emy Anna poll Md Iirnitonant nin grd rikHr It ic liman ronatruri tm rort a lo itati yard titladelpl a I a I tfn tenant liiiftw rradai kerl Iouiai norti a on In naia i np it i ft I I mittMtant kthattlil Dtshn aupply orpa to I an fir fleer I Innenani lia Hofrwiae lo df ftWMrr rw PirifV flaet IifiiteDoni in or gmdrl vnimh i nAimna rjaiio lotiert i loa 1 i im ani inn Arirnna I irnienn Jla Irn II harna tt noj tUian frodf Ti Muf ir Ja tor and I oau Reoaar aim Barboxa poaast ur nil itirr OBTDOrutDai HUBIiiiiH un oc rn iera Tni ftioenj will takv oiaw bwiawiaK fTuea dayt alay My 1921 at 9 etoeJi A frnm tit narfm of iWr Hnaitoh 118 Oomrr at insnna te BL Bentfansa Jvwcb wbora a nuifm taaaa will rftonKl for the rapqaa of har aofli onaamenntnt at a 0 rtoct lotar rlvaia Hol Vrtaj Oisirtjsry BLACaT In thla ohj MJ IU 1WU Ork lowed biiafaaod of nYnaadae Black and lsvust fatasr of Orlnw BUrk Jr Funaraj pmaia todw at atartta 4 Brxavei InlB fVwt at BIXiK In thk Hty Wt 1 121 Raohal Blork halmed tfa of tb laU Wolf Bioek Mint anther of Mrs Olaa Bloet PJtla Illeek and Mnt Pannia Kaaffman and stater of i than raara a natlva of Ruaata acd T8 yamra I rrtMida and aoqualnuaora art ntwprctfqllff I Itrrltad to attmd fnncril aarrloaa Monoaj stay at 11 A ibtrp from II a brew Baltl Psrlora HIT Bacbanan sL naar Onidea ilate ae Intrnaneit Halan tenaUry Ploaaa BBil riowara BRFWNAI In thla cfty Hay 24 93l Jb Brennan mm of Ute late llorriant and Man Brennan rarutbor nf Patrtrk and Nary Bron nan Mri Jamna Tammony Mra Oharlna laro tnony and tho late Jama and ntol Rramnaii a nadT of CImiMm I ountv Ionagl Ireland JVtonda nnl arqiantiniti re iMjwrtfiiM lnirltJ1 lo aiiend the funrral Tuofcdaj Mr al 8 10 A from Uoe parlor ol MrArnT llsia A i Jl Market ttrowL naal CI iirrl llsnra to HI Paula lnrol whTa a ft A nau mil to roJabraloil tor tha rNh mi Itiemr nt 11 roaa omeirrt jrpy vjrt A jv B14 kIM In itua elt May Jl 1 1 lanmBj tulii 01 UK rjrval Oltrol nnOhltU I I Ilinnni i i ai I laUier of Marwnl It i i nd rothw I ami A Itti Ivard Mint 1 and i aUimne Bmklo and Mra Man Imiimi iho lata Alt Irhtsndnd Maavrol lliirklFT a taUa nf sk blienw i it Pork lraiand A mmN rf i i and trptiai Ajd Sorfy of the San rriii I oltno Ieer1init atd tha Thinl irlrr Hi rVarwai rf hi Rim laow Crnin Hex a nn al lua latp noatilomf i McA Islir jpiL nr lanl im intir a if ndl sntt wart rr fnrlh 1 mi a Lj a hf it tit Wnor kl arkot atroeL batoean rVse aimata tkenra PanPa riifja Vm a rMfllM fcltn Mkaa Il aliaawJ faar tit laiiiaa nf hMT an commonclnj at I A at latawwaaau Hair Vrrm Omattrj IUfcHI In tbia iiv May 22 191 Aaa Mar puwfaa Dlohl heJnaad wlfa of eke late WII Wm Dtabl aad levlat notbar af Una ad luwa IXekL Flneral noom kasr VW tHeaJ al hat bUkMtaeiiM sJCU irradartek abraet BOlTOt In ibli Hty alar 19 1MI Mae BrM rraocai daarir bwarad da rath lor of vtri aad Rll A Rolaon idolisad aiater of Dana jt A Ma and Pcvlonaa A Bolte ot afro Cbarlntte TU and bliw4 kfra VeJnbmnn ruj Nn Omiaabr a a lira of Chtnagt aoad 2 yaw imuimr PViandB and aoanainlanrefl an iwawajtfiuly mned Lo attend i anaa TneagajTAt taw uiai lauitn of aojir TP 1 MM Valamna amat Datvaai IVaMj nnti aiui maal of Sbjir 4 WliaJft I Tmintm nf laniMiail Onrm Uh In IMi altj Mu la jm rno ail mJu7 ni Vnk KhM4 A U1lan MaM rVatt ciib a aatita at CaalUrflllaj oat agw iy rmtt lUnalai at ta parlan af Man htaaii anaaittfalll fcuraal a atfj Ibi aiaai Haelu it ii rtoca rfaaa IU rklllpt Chunk ikuoaaal Bs Otna Oaa IfRNK la Modaita Uar 1ZL lolttBob art Banta blcit bnabana af Olara I vnraa Ml fatAac al Bdltl A ad Oara Sanaa a rthn Ualaa aaad 1 jam 10 auaaka aa Manila an tattled at attakd Bit tnaral atnirn alwiiUj Ma I 12I i olacl at Ua naUtmca bpH af 1Taxia itmaklMI Oa Talaraak an at SOU at Oat luid CRlsa afj met BantM Oral rturtw at Barilla a aiuaa ol Oiua mda ara latad ta artaad toa raneial rkai Maadaf all last at 8 aVIari al al tai laatdnra obapS of Oia Tniiatn DadtrtakfBl Ca lalanaa ata at TklrUata at Oiklaad DatFOUS Mar II 11 atirj IU daartr haloed mmmn of rtaa Barkla aad rwnii Oarti Iralod atari It mm a taaia oar of Cmla AlliaAca rtu Totilca a Alljaiioo of Araartoa Prind and anninlalaoroa ant rporrortrnllt limta ta attaa4 Oi faruaaj ta3aHlaa YJ fmai tn fooaral partora of Ba klUornrl A rmno hoa l5 Vilaonta at tkaora ta Bt Jaiara Oiarrk abara i raqim blih ai Ml ka rolirbratod lor tba raaaaa at bu aauL roaa Mnmni 1 A at lalaraaoa 1U1 Onaa PAUklKn la ata il im xt Talmrr balpvad boataaad of liar Paluaa Torti utd oi fmn A dK3l la tta rdtj oraa anatrao Naa Tor ud annar at Naar ia lOHiMl mAmm Mill k14 dajl at I edoot bL onaar t5 awaraoaa of flan FniDraoso Loraa Na I a a at tba onipal ol lialalad A Co 31X1 Sotfar at latanaadt fauu jjata Pao taataat Cararaaro PHEIra la thla My Mar 10 ln Una aa Irnrd wlla of Alfrorl Ibaloa aiotbar of Atnaa Pbalat daanttar of Mr aad bin Cnartaa atltibad alator af Kama aad naaia atabod a aatlaa of ralfamla agod 2S rian Prloadi ana lorltad to attond iVa laooral II from too rxrlara 3 aararn an rtaanr at aad Blttb ana tiH vmi a namaa Daoab 1TM ftbar of John and th lata IMmrd tan Knt Udp 1 Od 8 a laatta oi How on Haa fc Tlia fnnatal wilt taka nlae Mondaf May tt from tho parlor of Harry ntynn A K4 iHih eL naar tatro at 80 A kt thonee to tie Cbttrrh of Al Pbttlp tb Apa atla si a a a I alaa4a afe al I BaA KaT aa I akal r1 rr 1 I Iamt mi A 17 I tilt a elry Hay iti Jrau in tueraJd Sr of Bono Nf lrtoarl hobband Ixm ai I Ibnfiild and ing rather of PliOoiai Ultam ntjerald Jr and Mm fUJa Payton and Imint rrocnT of aiar Htamarana of Lfaa Hutera of artlT of sc lnceni da Paul Charity Hospital New tiCouiit la a native of UirjiHr Oi aaad lift tm A member ol Reno Iodfa No 0 id Cntirordla Jdfe No 1J2 I frioafa and aoajnalittannej ara raapeaHnRy to Uwd tanerat arrriraa 1aadav May S4 at 2 VI at Witboldt a faneraj parlor MS falmvia su bat lUi aad 20tk Ua 91 1O01 rfl Rnn bolorrd wifa of Caoria Rau and mother of rrsd fT Ellu Bui I alsier of Mr Vary Ulia a aativa of ChUi am ow yaara Fnoodl ara IntriLawl rtroi Mntidty May In Una nty War IX HUM Prank rrt failior I rdtil iurn ini liana vrandfa her of Ulta Mu lnrk en Kjtd Udla aia a uaua hfl 111 It llurhr lon MOll Irattll lti a on 1 atiii iid aeqnaininiaa are raiipeetidlly I left Ui HitMid lha moral riierlav Mi I a ft fli A fn 1 tla pari ra if 1 A to Mam A Jtll Warkrl auft no 1 ur I thrnrf 11 the Mn Holt Hrdennrr re i rr iq nnn gh mat nl ts nlW rami in nw if hi ml at 10 A Interment Holy tVoan 1 enirlery iOHIIN In tns 1 Ma fc lPI Jamm 1 ItMU i la ilt awi af i lit aio I alric and nru Van I in 1 wins tinxtior of ta horina I ilrlN a row Ueiiinant Hum a Piitabatn nommtad 1a I as fc rinaiin jouii a imium i in i lara nranor ala Mrhaafor le I A tihialioma Ma ft tiariM haiun oataj prrrnni bt la I on in Hfad Md I lenirnaitt itnninr fra tr ttiam Smltaa to nan raid ash nflon 1 Iat Mfnum junior arada Hrni Tohl aaj iU i har wtian Deputy Is Beaten By Crap Shooters Martinez Man Tries to Stop Scavengers Game RICHMOND May II When Dp tlty Sheriff Frank lJtrkln of Majln7 trietl In imp a rrarj came played by San Prinrlaco acavenffera on thtle annual picnic at Glut Park naar hare thla afternoon ha waa baaten oter the head with a rlti allot Uruari lr tMth with Ma own gun and prMlpltatail a aravengera riot whleh rould only be atapped by one of the rloterd ausffeatlna a contlau atee of the crap game The am waa In full rwlna and all ver dollara were ringing merrily whan IArkln attrmpted to interfrr he aaya Th devoleea bf the game Immcdi alely forgot tbalr dlfferenrea to end what they considered Blae Law Inlar fbrence Arter knocking latrkln aanaaleaa he aliot with hla own rtielrtr which one of the rioters had taken from him Latrkln waa reaeued by Ijeo Bunner 8an franriaeo detective and taken to the Emergency Hospital here Hunner arrested Alfred Hoberteon scavenger 17 Wayne street San Francisco who Larkln aaya ajisaulted him mairw Ftatriia to noaa mnnMlo Hajnir Descriptions A Beethoven ttring quartet is truly as some one hat said a scraping of borsei tails on cats bowels and may be exhaustively described in such terms but the application of this description in do way precludes the simultaneous applicability of an entirely different description William James To describe foods service or ideas accurately interestingly and convincingly is the highest art of advertising Any message delivered to an entire nation warrants the best effort of writer and artist The publisher whose vast machinery carries the message to millions realizes the importance tb his advertisers and consequently to himself of advising the employment of the best advertising brains Our experience and advice is at the service of any manufacturer contemplating national advertising without obligstioiv of course AefrtUin tjxux fat tin dttri fVMiMtiotM it tml aArwiifa dvrxtreoUtast Airtimf ageneuM Butterick Publisher Itti Oellneatr a yr live Designer ttXX a Year Aroostook I ifiitenant Paul IT at alio tv Newpun Avtesani Otto ie to dniy rTnatgn sort Tl fin to 9 Arrso tnol I isuLArnni joniiX mAm Pan llatiiea otiatrurUon i orpa le nar rd Ptu laiiatph la Pa Rruiicri klaaoa I Ham to nary yart Bcatana Mass Liouienaai itJbssrl nooror California Lifutenarrt RoyaJ Jots1 nediral eflrp to i rrawiaro UautanonH oaainanilor TTTJ hm Karr to buraaii niodlrina knd aurtary Nal Iepamfteif Waahinfion Knalt Wlllian at Ixtbrana A i Ife tit A jbiaigri Mainoli Msian Robnrt Madaen Jf to a MrDaaAsM aiadtoai Daily Fire Record ofiowlnf flra alarm ware tartrneri in up i 11 fim a lasi Hon 1J TO A levadftay mtrrm Roanofca njanatdkraMa danfo a iTi til I otwm arani i a trwma aij ora iJtic tjl a arm 1 1 06 A ftl inuar turejat ni ftaanar ftitll akrm 1 Oh Msmisti and BraJ lreoia nn damars HtilJ alarm 2 1 PTmneenib and rornt miiwui danaajB Boa II lQ aTtansnto and inrisn nirenta futae alnnn Hm StR 4 Bnmtarar and vm1 talfw alarm Br ft 1 Psjirth and Brannaa Ktresia false alatn pot HSi 7 41 Frrei and I mm rtj nsL no damafa Hull arm SM 3n7 Sutnat no damae Mrn for to 9 Arpnatuok lAou Aoxj tenaht FTSrlsrtrl to virgin laianoa orpa to virgin lalanda Wirsandor lUibort Mannef to rrrratnandant of naval araiinti Cnkntaeamo ha Oob Wantenaat Jobo MUJi to I a InhUtan 1 low tenant Venban IV Milla madiraj taanna atpadtUonary frsrra 5aota Gainer riiaam Moore to iaaj aJr anaujaga ion San Inoi I Im tenant fcklwut MurnAy Nail am I rosuuiaetJoa naj vranaai rnuiat Indus Matd aid lieutenant twWrv air lUUim Jlftkaaat litarl lautanajtt Wllltaan Vlrhols corns to naty ram rnuauei tua a lAnUanant iuntor trad tlarlei A it Uitoa naty ard PliLarfalpbl Pa I vruLcnaM laaih Partrer lo omtnajjtj 4 1 Uentenant tunvw gmrUi Jobn RtrJi arda TeiihB shsj Ph lad noia Fa Himin Oarit Tratia a rfmmaort 17 ft sub baser 27 4p1an Gootre WUlafastl In A Sre Meiir Captain Ward rwUnan is BosaUjn klaaa EAT At Pre War Prices Ham and Eggs 25 Bacon and Eggs 25 Rib Steak and Bacon with Fried Potatoes 40 V2 Spring Chicken 65 Merchants Lunch 40a San Franciacoe New Home of the English Mutton Chop 50f Spencers Chop House 105 Powell St Back East Excursions I I On Sale June IS to August 13 i Thre month limit not to eicted Oct 31st ffl I Chicago J106S0 New York 172 14 ffl FLaiuai Cuy 87 60 Philadelphia 165 66 Denver 77 40 Boiton 179 10 Omaha 87 60 Wahington 1 62 30 Sl Paul 10S00 New Orleans 106S0 aad many others Plus 8 Tax I Liberal atop arer privileges I I Visit Grand Canyon on your way fa la Masao Wisataai rauiasar Aaaat 9 Idk laaWrAa4barTlrtatOaWal alarttSu sear rraavlaca WM dklarkoM Sltaal Tarry Saa fraartaea I A Kl PHtH Faataa Agt WW laaa0 WjaiTTiOaVa1aUrtSMatOaklao SBJ fjr rUataavaatl 1SU Pajsa eStk uaa Sata Pakaa Aasaua Oakbaavl TSJ II rr at Mini hrr 11 Iv 1 po i wi into tho hw Urn airr am wk i tonipipri dr vo thr uirli kM ar I hi ai tns ho urn i I mil he In ifK Titctl ri irr he I i lo ni i ni morn na I jaMaUjAsaanannHBJS The bull the I ZvJ 1 1 dirt out of MTITF i hhp clothes TvkA afQvl a ae wa aw imw is II If I a la Jlina If uid il SOAP il CHIPS SL Jill Ill Ml Iff1 Hi UTr nrT ll tM aJBN ljiril ill fllM ratt41i InVIHOTJA Vfi I 1 SsslflSKlr I aMlaa mWmWJimiWl ii LlilB mm I llM a Jt anM 1 IU mmi HifiM JSmJBmM Mv IHnMrf IH lillmWrMPfflH llvaajU virnni wWawPXzrWl HIB UitAm Nmm I llfliaaaaaaaHalll IHi Tv nuUafair fsH liillrL vti7 0 aClassaH K2BS1HEAH Wmk BBS3m SIbobax WEaaMWMIMllaiM i chips Tsl mnhm trTSmal tAuatoav a arrcairaj ymvJM aaamaaaataaaaiaja VjKf I iSSSSty itsxiv i HiaarnuaeT vaDD ia4i na ffi Raoa Net nanara rlaaaa rort I rtnids and a fjiiatntaiVcM are reai seLJull inriiari Ut attend lha foaarkl Wednnaday May at 81 from tht tarlni nf ale 1 Itrmrtj A MrOrmirk 4lt 4G TalarHda atreet 1 ntWfen r4nttlaanhh and KifritimUi tbanr te muii Dolors I hurv wter a raqtiietn Idib nil 11 ated fur Ua rafiuNs of hia iiL rnmmtvtrinc at A at Interfu Holy tVuaa lemnerv I Kit MI In this HH May 20 1W1 lat be I wrd oifo 1 Jrarlew PnHa inolJinr of KiMitirU fJlaworUi anl dauchlar of Mra 1 nny Kpsix aiaUf of Fred and Isaaa Bart a mi ta of 1 rrk igtMl Sfl yeara 1 sida mar caJI al parlors of Asnltvy A MnMullrn toarf Birth itaiufc rvmanU tuts laiv FRAN7KN In llrta ism hHnr hnsbind vol wl faliiw of 1 1 ham and Ann is Kranwn aad atrpfatlii nf Mra Jo I steraon a na hi of Hambor rtniiDr agd ynara A anrmber of ktartilnlsta I nton Iocal No Tnanda and cqnatntaniM ira resnertfnlty tn vii ad i attenil tba funaral Monday al 1 A0 from th nartora of Buhr A isholrtt 1465 Yaenrna at bat 2lMh ad vflta latar tint Ol vsl I fmanry HArKMANN In tjiia oitj Mat 21 1B31 rr tly May OT 1131 Wil id of uulu Franrn attend tho on oral Ibli toll a si st nor lata raaidattctx luee 4M aa Intemirni rivals SaNCRKN In Berktlay May 0 ion Cta arlna Ranrkwn doarly baJtw rf nf Chria Dan Baaekam and lovtoit notkar ol tin Tillia Boryfoldt and heltd rraudatJf of Ray mnnri and Wilroa JlorafaldL a aativa of Oar aeaii afsd 67 jean if moiiihl and in data Ptienda at InvKad atand tha fasral tsrnrei Monday at 2 R0 clock al tha than of It 8uhr A 2919 Utfe atofi at bet AntQ and afolA laiUBal Mouat OI4 OemHra tiMITn In Uili riU May 22 1W1 lUm brdoteart ami of Matilda Haitah and brrdb of Mrs ln MsnitJi Lawlor and iuy Smtlh and fatiinr of Rma rkatlb a naUra nf Haatlnn A nenbor of aJifomia rnandary No 1 and Baal ata Lodf No afv and A of Lot Aofaaaav Ijc AftCTblra paperi plaaaa ropy funeral aernrm temorrn Tuesday at 10 J4 A at Martin A Rnni tlfi Stmt Itraa nrai Pout I laaa omit fl iwora KDCVAR I Una olty May 3X Itta rtinmaa Suedsor a native of Miaaonrl aarw ytmns A nombor of Caigau of ITthlaa UI 1 odr In 14 of HlMn Oal JVetirs of fonenai hereafter riwda aau taTi at tba rhapaa of II fhr Ca 2S1I 01 ing hnsbsod ol Sophie Hsrkma an and ds oiMl lawirT uga aim Asm iismnann aaad SA anil 4nf arUonrry orksra naliv of lirr of Bskar a No let nnda and ariinaintanrsa ar rMrnertftlXly im Id attancl ihs fnnaral Iuetday at 9 I from th rarior of Ktthr A VV sbotdt 148A Ttianra ulrrt batwat Twanty fifth and Iwentiiitb ptlrreU lncQnnOea Orproa awn rimaior HA1IBIM1N In 11 lty Maj ItXl MsM II liimMm Irnyiad trtsr of I lof Inaald 1 ar ood nt and Ilnlm aihenno Himson a irr of Alfred and Joser I yearee and lha la Mm Blancfca Muspliy a Dttsra oi IMn rNanraM a I Funeral wilt ha ltald Tyavdat Ma Ja 111 ai nrinr A Irom MarTl iPanhat Ouxnti tlaiifornia and taiant a ts req 0101 miei will retntn aled fat I a rtjiof rf hr arnil Intarunar atrtctl nnrais Kejnain at tio ruapal of Data lead A I 11U Mttlar at BARIIRin In tha rtli Ma 2f 171 Pmily do riv peiowi wits ni irnn uinitr nsvol unntbsr of 1 onto II Ulrtiard Mttdrod and iba lata Alfred and Waltt A Hart lat lor na aiatar of Mra oona Knopf and It loved granrlinnthtr of Drain and Nanry Hartler a natirv rf Nsara A aneaa brr of Kt Paultta Frauen nao Fnanda and stqiuintaorea ar rvanertfnlW tn Had to aUend ill funeral aerrtra Monday and tU Prtai Miaalrsn street letvaen Twaaty flti aa4 nat74BitJi street ROOMANN Jn tins ilty May 71 1021 ok a 1 I Boomknn draiiy Krlorsd hiuband of the lat Nana nVwiinana and lonnj father ml Fward Jobn and FYad rtiwjcaua nnrad Mnar Jr and Mra A Wtlhama a a tit a of tsrmany fed il rstra mnntha 11 day A mm her of nnrkot litMigf lfta ana a aiirorrua tiaiHnr 5 A han tranoiniv Ilraimd Na 1 Kciota ahila are tntited ii auand IJia fsnarai a betd nndm lha aanMrea of Ovsrhat odx No 13 and A at Maaofda Isanpla Tan Neat steins and Oak ataet Tuesday May 4 jfl rlorh fntnda may rail at ilia ohaoal of Huhr A aWlft sn aavst battnwa twontyfrtb and mtntv aiith sUatsta rmu 1 0 rkirk Inieraaent Cnraa 1aj Cn eisry fnKS In Ikif onr May lRL Bwauain hionfd huaband of Sadi Btern devotad fair ni OtM 1 and nenUd Biaym kwtnl la o4jihr Mra Intta nayjahfaaaoker lU as II aetibLaii ethrw Ijtvsm arris Kaafnaaii Malt a uin and hlmanoas I and Mowa Mnrn naJ ivo nt A Ihui i FVTDRIM ittiuaM In tins raty May 72 12L harlot te ba1fd wife of tho law Ctp I lain NtrtioJae enunni ds otad tlanathtaar 17 2PM at her lata bona Sift nnat hlton Intarmstit pnvata MdL Mav 2S Hiatnar Windurtsd kr 11 A fVt anntisrsarv mM will ho hjtd for tha raixiss of tha annl of ttts Ui latMll Centla Haj bslo iM rnfs of Paul llay at li lork TtiewJ Mat 4 lo Wtrlrk a liurrb ill Knlv In this oil Mav 22 101 MWiaH daarlv belos so husoand nf Mary A Hue hf and lohc ft hr of Huuen William 1 nuK53 I Kotaen i and Wok Una Hus iIt haUienns Traeej Mr Van Nortro and Mnk loiiia KiUer and nnrls of a Karlrs Mmnrmou and hnVhar of tlia la is Patnok Rohart aad James llumaty ana Sirs ise Anne Pansy a rstir of Albany awd 71 tsv Alhahv per and Brookin papara pleaac py i rtrnntTil will taks psna toniorniw fTnsa dv it 175 A from the parlor of tVtnifky A onrrolly 112 ajanlk ac naaj 23d at rhtnr le Rt Jaaar 1 han ra a requlfm ma a will ha nMabrsted far Ui rltna of hi man I awnmanelnf at 4ft Ja trtnont Hot iSnav fmaffry K1F1N In thla tj Maj 22 121 Bartha BV dearly bload arils of 1odt Klnin and loving ataKv of Rant ard Wilril of Iaqs AnttHsa lJ a navtiva of HwilaortaiMl aaod r4 iAnk A mam her of nan Fi annaco Tuna ScaiwAitarn jne Anrntooa OaL papors piaaaa oupy Notes of funsraJ heroaAar FYirasd may rail at Oi ffcapa rd Thaa Disrka A noyfisd Dtyiaador and MnADIstir straau IVOUMFR In tali ty May JO lBll rrd Euoitner dearly balotrd hashaod of the lata rvHlla Komraer loving fatksr of Lot tla Rdna and Fntd Komer Jr and tea lit Marat and Nails horn mar md tbsr of Cbartsa Kom mpr a oat ta nf Philadelphia Pa at sd 02 roar 1 month and 27 data A laarabar of Ktn FraBr aar Crnmaalte Uub and Book bind an Fnlnn IspsI HI Frtsnda ar inrited to arkand tis fnneral I aarricas today Monday at 1 Vt a nlock AM al Lha ekapei al eJ A M1S Misston at fews 2M and JBLk aU InoinrTBtlon Cypraaa I aw KOMMKR In tiua Qby KasTUaier aomsner Frad Krsmm Jr and Aa lata Haaal and Nsllia asanav atsd atater of wu avn Turk a nitiv of Pa Nauaaea atad yflam a oniBf ana 1 tor uf Mlti4intl Rajweil and Mra Josngshitae iaay krernkt a natlfs of San Fraitaano agd jasia fl inontlia Rawnaina at 9 inhrddt a funaral pad MO faleoma ad hat IfMii and 2rth WHIIT ln thia mu May 2 1A21 iT arta TL bolnverj huiahand of Amanda White and baloved fathsr of Aubrey Ray RjUpti Karl and Royal AMilto Mr A Clark Mra John Hutrliisrm and Mra I Cratiiptasi a natis of Rnshon Mass atjeil year SaiUa Urua and Madera paper paeaoe ropy FYtnirti and aAqnaintatHms ara ranrtfrIv IntlUd to aUd th funeral arrtoe lontnr dow Tiinsday at 1010 rlonk A mm tht dont parlora of Barn A McTentuitkU 7W T70 aUasaaa aUrsai Lftlaraaant Qypra Ijan awiay ornrirms ahd MiaiBEfts or twt lyrnftaatln Clnb ara rsKrowited tn attend ta funeral of our lat broths Prad Koammar Hhoot Mafrtioo nar rt at otu hall it 9M A By ordar ALFRED funiA Pra A HALBTED rildet V0S Pn xii old ruin riROT KXMSjLUOjI HALSTED CO no BuJrnn 1122 SUTTER ST Phonp Franklin 123 afar A 191 NraiH doartr botrowt wife or tAo Tare rrart loTlna anothar or Lottie Kkl aarVwai 1 A mda ara I ay tat tn Udai lHandati Oat rf ItstfoBORMMthe soap that does the wort Kjuaran teed MX A to Raise M000in Drive Campaign for Many New Works lo Begin Hm prtnclnai Item of the TyrutiAT Men ChHetiaji Aaaocimtlon bu1srt of 124900 for which a drire win atarted June 1 were mada public by Uhi board of director of the aeao clatlon yeerterdaT Tne budget eella for futrde both for recular activities an enlirirementa and InrsfoaasrbentaV The principal Itema aro rttTia3t SHppnrl fao dtrfrsno nutwiaafl On sonrrss nf tnonois fret msnynerstitp dormltxelea dlinaat kflral fas atr and lbe post of naa iterl attend the fuixval ha silav Mit js fnanoe and adrniniriraiaon 01 otjiiamn at If A from Wlstwldra tiuMraJ par thetr prTil gm 111800 lora VaJrnda at ft lftih and aunb A isralknns of ths praswait aatfltawlv a aw Ibrnna to 1 Jinar nrrarrfi wbsr a rwnJtm pre Ida greatly rMd auaUkary Orianaaaiiia asa4 I gh maa win Jotiriivl for the reinas of aonral mom R0O I rr wnil a I i iRtraent Holy Utom Enlargsm nt nf the phttsjetal opsrt iift drsaatsa and lorAsr rnran rannnm Te mM sum Im damand and mala vwaiBihl an fncrnaitrd rya nsMrrro aUaiadanns will IU Larrar vafaaan fj oon I para rive tiapalis and wi ai iwi tn Oa aaartral huildlnr Jfi ntarr 4 rrtl rleparlnish etc tTStV Kwjvarwion ad in uu nonn iwawn awTTir attMaai fn fBBrai al lOJtd aVLaara at tb Ota mi Stakr A Co tlia Mlaa krtwsea ZUh and IBth Irannrratifm Oytrta Lssn Otanetj7 LKAltT la uV ortT May 21 Rrldv bdrsal wife of tha Ut Jaintw Leahy dawntad noaher WlUiaan Lmiii Mra Ana Ratfety Mra NMIi Ahraria Mrs flarai Kmrnsand tie lata Jamas leh attd Mr Mar rV4iatifiatai and arandBknchar of Janpti Hcgwa a native nf Ireland acrd i yaau Fnartda ovid aAqtwfhtaiieaa ara rsnpTiirfy tn mrtr LIN I STRUM In Oakland May 3 1H21 Anna Hilda UndbMJotn hskieed daugl of raj and Uve lata Aophta I indMrran and nstr of toward Kinma ant lianos land strata a niUi nf HaaiUau Ho 4ou 81 jrtara fl montiis 11 da Fun oral 100 laior rhs remains ar at riy i San Rafael Subscribers SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE are notified that Mr ALLEN Is Chronicle Dealer with Office at LOVEL BERNAL CIGAR STORE 638 Fourth Street Telephone 769 HOME ADDRESS 4 NEW ENGLaND VILLA Telephone 873 the raapn of the Irrnnaa UndeMAkini oan jreadJ ootsmd into In ro opisraUm witjj Uire nUiaw rnanhaitiaana aXJan KxpUnatlon la made that ajnonf thw Items which call for public ip port of the iutoooimton programme are SIR JT6 for bm a writ rot rrverei by the Inoome from boy member ship S949 for educational and recreational artlwIHeta alon factortea Mores and chnrchete 350 for Ainer loaplzation and work for doth and Tounff men In the forelajn aectinna of pony IstasraBpa asanas at TairueUi tUttw 1 nFJavwi UllFTPt In tht olty May 31 21 Mer garat IxsreiA halosad wia nf Joseph Iawoixu a nallvo of Ireland nd 42 yean 0 monui davs Ft anda and aw ttainlanoas an naperfnT1y I on ted to auend tba funeral sen ret uda Monday at 1 I from Uis pswlrtra 0 Arot Rar A iXTH MarkM auesa near Utaorch lAtafsnant Holy Uro Caam sery MrHRinB ta tin try Maw St Mary I MfBrida dairiy fcolossd raoUisr of rraftrls 1 halm ami Wllaaa IVstav ri ut Mil the rltj 1I11S IOf POCiaj Aitd re FraUrT a nsttn of moniha and 20 lo reel No 4 8 A Taeaailk aad Biilkua papwra nisast ape I Funsral sarvirsa and btrrnent tn fiinQj plot at Vanrtla Sotaaw 00 CL Monday morn tn Fnanda tray rail at bar las raaddstvo aflft Ta ncia at naar at I Funsral ar rajjgomaata rmdar tha duwotlon of Suhr fo Mission atflCANN In tbli slty Vat 30 1B21 rrarataai dearly batwt4j nl at Jaaaa MeTaaa and alaisr of Raiatla A Jo ea a naUva Wataonvill Cai fWatanaialU and Cnu papers pteaaa ropy na arsd 4 ywara nhar of Costrt Hi Frle hoi and aMttaJtitannsa ar reaneelflflhr ln nted to aLtend fka unseat Monday Ma US at A from ra rba1 A A VTbtta 2JO0 fttitrer ft oorr af Ptaaeet tbaate to bt Marr a Cathedral wbers a raqalaia lufk taaat will ba oeiatMalad fftt Ue rweosa Bar aonJ oo3Mnoine i im A lataeaint itfiKrrifa Jak at IU MMULIIfls i Ulaw illKloui rfk fream which no reafmue can be derived Palace Guest Loses Platinum Bracelet Mra Walter Llllenthal lhira at lha Pal vr a Hntel reported tha nolle lajt nhrht tliw loss or a lleithl pliaUnum bracelet aei with fonr dua mondt ajid four sapltlrea AresaHling tn the police report Mra TJHenlhsJ waa motorlnr with friends dnwo ths penlna nla auvl dJsvrred hr loss tiKn rettimlBr tt tho ntty No hi wit aet upon tha bracelet tar Ira JjSlft flMf 1 Ly riwm gaaiCV.

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