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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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wsmm Hfl HTFJiiw i i fffl 1 SWwWBPB ten JvniiM fctfiwte a VOL 01 SAN FItANCISCO OAL THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2G 1012 NO 78 TAFT WfUM Will ill CONVENTION Thirteen Real Members of the Stalwart Party Are True 1 to Their Principles WOLFE LEADS WALKOUT I ij Electors Are Named Who Will Stand for Progress and Prosperity i By KARL ANDERSON Special IHtptrt to tb CroDtcleH SACRAMENTO September 25 Nominee for the Legislature of California and hold over Stat Senators who voted to repudiate the nominee of the Republican National Convention and the platform adopted In Chicago by that body were read out of the Republican party of California I by the real Republican members of the Stat Convention this afternoon Thre I wu no demonstration no attempt to hoot or Jeer thirteen men who ar loyal to the Republican party They walked out of the Senate chamber of the State Capitol aolemnly and with eet face determined to secure tor the Republican of California the right to cat their ballot on November 8th for William Howard Taft and John Schoolcraft Sherman th nominee of the Republican party of the Nation Tvlth words pf commendation for the dignified fight they had mad In th hot11 convention ringing In their ears that little band of italwart Republicans proceeded to a committee room on the fourth floor of the Capitol and there organised a Republican State Convention the only convention worthy of the nam held FARTING IS DRAMATIC It vii a dramatic moment whan Senator Leroy Wright of Saa Diego announced that the parting of the way had come All parliamentary tactic had been exhausted to force the delegates to the convention to act a Republican or show their hand as members of a third party Finally the leader of the Bull Moose party agreed to come out In the open and fight The Bull Moos leader had Jockeyed until they had named their electors and had rushed to the office of th Secretary efstate to file the name of the men selected Th fight then on and It wa a merry on wjrtl It lasted It retnahred for Hlnkle of San Diego ons of the members of the third party convention who had voted with th Bull Moo party from the tart to utter thai word that wer bitterest to th third party leaders Hlnkle voted against the LUsner Johmon crowd when It came to the repudiation of the Republican national platform and the nominees of the Republican party He voed agalnt tabling the report of Milton Schmltt by which elector pledged to Taft and Sherman were to be named I feel morally bound by my oath to support the Republican nominee said Hlnkle I do not Intend to Wave this convention with any body of men but I cannot vote against th Republican platform and the Republican nominee and feel that have lived up to my oath FIRST WALK OUT EARLY Early thl morning th flrt walkout of Republican occurred Then Senator Wolfe and Wright left th platform and resolution committee when It was apparent to them that a third partys nominees and platform were to be Indorsed The committee bad already voted against the Wolf resolution Indorsing the Republican nominees and platform Then the resolution to indorse the plan to transfer the control of he San Francisco water front to San Francisco came up That a Southern Pacific plan de clared Assemblyman Walter MacDon ald You are employed by the Harbor Commission In San Franclaco ar you not Mr Mac Donald asked Senator Wolf of the Ban Francisco Assembly man Sure I am replied MacDonald Then that ettles It declared Wolf Whn thV convention wss called to order at noon the report of the committee on Presidential Electors made Its report through Chandler Its chairman The names of the Roos velt Johnson Electors the same names used on th petition blank were ub mltted MOOSEITEI Ann CORNERED Senator Wolfe demanded to know of Delegate Johnstone a member of th committee If he did not know that the Elector named would vote If elected In November for other than the nominees of the Republican Convention Of your own knowledge Intern posed Senator Boynton the Bull Moose floor leader Johnstone declared he did not know of his own knowledge but had a good Idea Can you Senator Wolfe assure that your Hat of Electors will vote for Taft and Sherman continued Johnstone who had been singled out he suae In committee he had declared the committee selections for Elector to be Roosevelt Johnson mn Tbey certainly wilt replied Wolf Assemblyman Milton gchrnldf TijmberTJfthe comm1tteer thenpr entea a minority report concurred in by A Murray of Woodland Th nijnorlty members of th committee presented the name of the KISSING BARRfiD ON BAVARIAN TRAINS BecauseMfe Put Her Head on Husbands Shoulder Order Is Issued Special Dispatch te the Cbroolele MUNICH September If The Bavarian railway have placed a ban on kissing on th train platform or premlaee of the companies The decree laaued by the railway I due to th Innocent behavior of a man and his wife who boarded a train after a cycling tour The woman who was fatigued laid her head on her hue bands shoulder and he placed his arm around her Other passenger on the car did not like thla and summoned th conductor They accused the couple of klaelng and asked the conductor to make them behave themselves The husband complained to the authorities of th action of th conductor In interfering with him He denied the klislng charge but th officials seem to hare assumed thath wa guilty and laaued a decree prohibiting kissing on trains or railroad property in future BAH II MAI LOSE BILLET AF1IIIII OF NAVAL Fill OFFICES Wounds One Policeman and Is 1 Then Killed by Patrolman Robert Tower HAD HELD UP A CAR To Teach Schoolboys to Use Military Rifle Plan to Make Marksmen Out of the Nations Youth Hai Support fof Many Officials Special Dlpatea te the Ckfealelen WASHINGTON September IS To stimulate Interest In rill practice the national board for th promotion of rifle practice la planning to offer a number of trophies to be competed for by students of high school throughout the country It Is proposed to have various armories and rifle ranges pf militia organlsstlons In states thrown open for the use of schoolboys Acting Secretary of War Oliver ha written to the Adjutant General of each stat asking If the voluntary services of military officers designated aa Inspectors of amall arm practice In ths National Quard cannot be enlisted furthering the plan It Is proposed to turn the schoolboys Into the armories In the afternoons where they may be Instructed In rifle practice by regular mllltfa Inspectors of small arm practice Kaiser Complains at American Stage Pay Emperor Sayi Be Cannot Compete With Panes of the Yankee Bperls Dtapatrb the Caiwilelai BKRLIN September Th Kaiser 1 tne latest to lift a complaining vole against the high wages on th American stage It hea been a long atandlng grievance of European manager to see their best artists lured away by the longer American purses and the Kalaer a th owner of the Royal Theater Is In the same boat witn more humble Impresarios The Lokal Antelger says that the Kaiser In talking this matter over with the manager of the Municipal I Theater at Berne during his recent visit to Bwltserland said These are bad times for theaters I simply can not pay the salaries demanded Amer lean managers hire everything away from They pay an Imperial chan cellors salary three times ovsr to an actor or actress I simply cannot keep up with them i i See a Way to Avoid Paying Canal Tolls I 11 Japanese Flan Transshipment to Escape Payment Special Dlnpatch te tb Chronicle WASHINGTON September 25 Th bureau of foreign and domestic com meree received a report from Toklo to day which said that nothing had been decided by the Japanese Government concerning the Inauguration of an At lantlc steamship service from Japan after the completion of the Panama canal Leading members of the Nippon Tu sen Kalsha desire the Inauguration of such a service and advocate carrying out tne necessary Investigations while those of the Toyo Kalsen Kalsha con Jecture such a service to be unneces sary and ar of the opinion that if a cargo is transshipped at San Francisco to American coasting vessels the shippers using their vessels will be esempi ed from paying canal dues i MRS LESUE CARTER SOON TO BE OUT 0 BANKRUPTCY Special Dlapatoh to tbe Chronicle NEW YORK September IS Seaman Miller referee In bankruptcy has finished consideration of the specifications of th objections to ths discharge of Caroline Payne known on the stage as Mrs Leslie Carter and ha decided In her favor and recommends that her discharge from bankruptcy be granted Applications Will nest be made to the United States District Court to confirm the rsferees report This la Mrs Carters third time In bankruptcy The liabilities are 10 143 and the nominal assets 70 Kratlaued ea Page 2 Calusaa 1 iL Answers Description of the Robber Causing Trouble Past Few Weeks STILL TRYING TO CLOSE CONTRACT FOR CHINESE LOAN NEW YORK September JS A representative of Morgan Co said this afternoori that last nights statement bearlnc on the Chinese loan situ at lor did not indicate that negotiations had been broken off We have not abandoned the lean ha said we have not abandoned our negotiations and we have not changed our position We simply thought that a statement concerning tb situation wa da tb public An unidentified man about 0 year old bareheaded and In hi stocking feet was hot and killed by Ofllcef Robert Dower about 10 SO last night on Commercial street between Pavls and Drumm streets a few minutes after he had shot and Inflicted a slight wound on Special Policeman Albert Kaufman at Jackson and Battery streets The dead man was later Identified as the man who held tip car No 1390 of the Kearny Third and Powell streets line at the beach terminal Jefferson and Powell streets about SO and robbed tne conductor motorman and a lone passenger of sums aggregating l5 90 Motorman A Jackson and Conductor John A Lldden viewed the body before It wss removed tothe Morgue and were positive In their Identification of the dead man aa the perpetrator of the hold up one of the most daring and most replete In sensstlonal details In the police annals of the city MAN I SHOTS KXCHANGED Numerous shots Were exchanged between the bandit and the pursuing officers during a slgtsg chase from Kearny street and Broadway where the robber left the ear to the point where the fugitive was cornered In the narrow street between two advancing bodies of policemen and succumbed to a volley from the revolver of one of them Th beach terminal la a dark neighborhood occupied chiefly by lumber yards In one of these yarda near where the beach car switch back the hold up man Is bellevedto have laid In wait A Conductor Lldden descended from the car and advanced te the rear to reveres the trolley he wa startled to feel a suddsn pressure on his left side and to hear the command Threw up your bandsT Lldden wa at first Inclined to believe that someone wm trying te play a Joke with him and parleyed with the owner of the voice until he looked down and saw that a revolver wa being held to hi aid DBATn WAS TRRB4TBNRD In obedience to th command of the rohber Lldden handed over a coin sack containing 28 90 in silver Where Is your goldT demanded the man If 1 go through your pockets and And you are trying to hold put any 111 kill you fie tnen starcnen waaen en found only 14 in ellver of the con ductors own money He permitted Lldden to retain his gold watch when the conductor pleaded with him and then ordered Lldden to get on the car Motorman Jackson next received the attentions of thebandlt and was forced to turn over a purse containing 13 A passenger who boarded the car at this iuhcturev was relieved of 1 He was John Uhren of US Margaret street The hold up man then ordered Lld den to take his stand In the front door of the car and with the revolver pressed to his body direct jd him to order th motorman to proYeed at top speed threatening Instant death to Lldden if any attempt were made to stop the car BANDIT LEAVESCAR With Lldden covered In this manner by the bandit the car sped on through th darknees passing swiftly by several persons who were left gsplng after th car and wondering why It failed to stop at their signal At the corner Of Kearny and Broadway the hold up man evidently fearing to venture further Into the well lighted section of the city ordered the crew to stop the car He alighted and carelessly perched himself on a hydrant for a moment Lldden descendd from the car with the Idea of calling for help only to be driven back to the car by the man with leveled revolver Lldden hastily clambered back upon theu car Aa the motorman threw on the current Lldden set up a cry for help and the bandit sped down Broadway Officer Moran and Louis Droulllat heard the cries and took after th fleeing bandit The motorman and conductor stopped th car and took up thechaae Down Broadway to Sanaome with the officer the car crew and a number of cttlsens in pursuit ran the hold up man At Sanaome and Pacific streets the trail was lost FIRES Of rOUCKMAN The path taken by the bandit from this point until hs was accosted at Jackson and Battery street by Special Policeman Kaufman Is not known As Kaufman approached him and saked an explanation of hla condition he had lost Ma hat and divested himself of his shoes during the pursuit he opened Are upon the policeman without a word sending a bullet Into Kauf man left forearm Kaufman lent three shots after th bandit and then went to th Harbor Hospital to have nis injury areaaaa Onthe way to th hospital he came upon the hold up man at Clay and General George Stone May Be Ousted Under Scheme of Economy PLAN OF CONSOLIDATION Eureka Added to This City and San Diego to Los Angeles Customhouses General George Stone will lose hi billet a Naval Officer pf thla port in June next according to advices received yesterdsy from Washington This Is In line with the economical policy of the Administration which also Includes the consolidation pt the Custom house at Eureka with that of thla city and that of San Diego with Loe Angelea The dlapateh says A definite date was set by the Treasury Department teday for the consolidation of tbe Eureka Customhouse with the Ban Francisco Customhouse and the San Diego Customhouse with the Los Angeles office This date will be the latter part of nex June just before the next fiscal year whlth begins Julv 1 1913 There te a chance that the Treasury will reconsider Its decision to consolidate the San Diego Custom house with the Los Angeles office It was jald at the Treasury today but there will be no change In the plan to combine the Eureka Custom house with the San Francisco office Following the publication today of the decision to consolidate the Cuatom houses a Urge number of telegrams arrived at the Treasury from the four cities affected vigorously protesting against the proposed consolidations This will have no effect however on Secretary MacVeaghs plan to reduce the coat of running the Custom houses on the Pacific Coast In this policy he Is backed by President Taft who derives his authority to cut down the custom expenses from Congress in the last executive legislative and Judicial appropriation bill The consolidations have been recommended by the special Tre saury board appointed a year ago to lnveatlgate the cost of conducting the Custom houses of the country Th San Francisco Cuatona houe will Ice several official when tbe con solidation takes place with the Eureka office One of the choice placea In the San Franclaco office to be abolished wlllbe the naval officer of the port who place will be taken by a deputy auditor with about half th salary now paid the naval officer Jt waa positively stated by Treasury officials today that the San Franclaco naval officer would be replaced by a deputy auditor The officials said the only customs employe left to take care of navigation business st Eureka would be a lone deputy at a salary of 1400 annually All ths other employes of the Eureka office will lose thslr positions All detail of the consolidation on the California coast havs not yet been worked out by the Treasury and probably will not be for some time as the rearrangement does not go Into effect for about nine months No explanation Is mad at the Treaaury Department why the appointment of Stephens deputy surveyor of the port of San Francisco is held up Customs officials said today that nobody In the Treasury knew why Stephens appointment Is delayed except Secretary MacVeagh who Is In Dublin for several weeks OHMHIMMIIMMM his shots took effect however and when Hlgglns returned the flre with a volley of about three shots the man atarted to run up Clay street toward Davis BANDIT SHOT DEAD Officers Droulllet and Moran who had made their way to the station and Officer Robert Dowsr Joined Hlgglna In the pursuit up Clay street Wltlt th purpose In view of cornering the bandit Lieutenant Dlnan With Officer Cum mlns Patrol prlver CNelt and Ed Cotter engineer of ths police boat patrol alt of whom were In the station started up Commercial street toward Davis street They had not gone far when the form of the hold up man was seen skulklng along In the shadows of the buildings on ths south side of the street in front of the rear entrance of Haas Brother warehouse the fugitive stepped behind a packing case As the two groups of policemen closed up hs flourished a revolver said said with a marked German accent Her I am It alt right Almost Immediately he raised his Drumm strsets within a stones throw of th Harbor Police Station Kaufman ran Into the station and brought out the officers atatlontd there Officer Hlgtlna emerged first and the bandit lotfStfiUlm lit opining Ore Non of Peckhams Resume Fight for Custody of Children JbbbbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsB sssBBBBsaaTaBSBSBW BBBBSSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBsH SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSBSSSV HaBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBSSSSSSSSSSsk SBBSBBBSBBBSBBBSBBBSBBBSBSW feBBBSBBBSBBBSBBBSBBBSBBBSBsW aSBBSSSBSSSBSSSBSSSBSSSBr fO BSSBBBSBBBSBBSBBBSBS7 fVj rt PaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT SSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBHif VSlsslsBBSBBSBBSBBST sssbsbBP jbtbbsbbsbbsbbV9 3vSf iWC MMWli sbbsbbV asL SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV eBBBSasasBBesBaW ifsaH a ftS ssbbsbbbsbbbsbbbsbbbsbbbsbbbsbbbP Hfi i sK I ir A j7 aBBBBBBBB Br BBBBjeBe iw sbssE jL jut sbssbssbsPwIx JsssP Wsv tlfMSfT A sbsbbsbbsbbsbbbsbbHl A SSB Wl raBBBBI JBBBBBBaSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBBSMlr 1 BBSS I MarytL Ptcham Eugene Franklin Peckham and their ton Mailer Eugene Woman Makes Remarkable Admissions When Charg ing Man With Varied Offenses HE long fight for tbe custody it their tWo children wss resumed by Eugene Franklin Peckham and Mary Llse Peckham yesterday before Superior Judge Murasky The father and mother were both In court aa was little Eugene aged 10 one ot the children In question Laura who ta two years younger than her brother was permitted to remain away The battle began with the filing of a thlrty flve page affidavit by the mother In which she charged her ex hus band with misconduct He responded with ai affidavit alleging that Mrs Peckham who Is now the wife of AR Pedder a real estate man of Mar tines wis a totally unfit person to havs the custody of the children and claiming that she openly lived witn one Benjamin bherman a deserter from the United States Army during the year 10 He declared further that she had been known as the wife of several other men during the period shortly following ths great fire and had gone by the names of Mrs Kimball and Mrs Diaz among others The woman a reply to these allegation Is on of the most remarkable exhibitions of frankness that ha been seen In the local courts for many a day Mrs Feckhaim began by admitting her paat relations with Sherman stated that Kimball and Dlai were mere aliasea of Sherman and then proceeded to relate the circumstances which lti her opinion justified her conduct Her marriage to Peckham took place May i 1901 She was then she deposed a refined and educated but inexperienced girl of SO while Peck ham was an Illiterate Journeyman painter of JJ Th rest of her story was to the following effect MRX PECKH TELLS STOItV The husband was unable to pay the appropriating relief supplies In th wjfas opinion She said that prior to the great fire had rcelved a letter from his superior officer denoqnrlng him as a rascal who had defrauded women out of Jewelry he tells how by denying herself food for a long time she saved enough about thla time to buy a small chicken for Thanksgiving dinner But Peckham went to a dance and she had to eat alone and afterward hear him tell about the girls he ha 1 danced and flirted with Soon afurward showed her the picture of a woman In i slapped with German pancake at Zlnkand VOT CIVEX MEDICAL CtRE She said her husband had provided her with no medical care at the time her first child was born and later when the baby had the croup ne forgot to bring home Its medicine Again In May 1906 the woman was suffering with sn ulcerated tooth and having been refused care by the husband she declares thst Ben jam ki Sherman appeared on the scene and secured her the services of an Army surgeon Five years after tjie wedding the Peck ham family finally separated and Sherman bedame the woman a means of support She says that Sherman loved her and wanted marry her aa soon as she Waa free fche filed a divorce complaint which sh afterward withdrew to let Peckham get the decree Sherman by tals time had taken to drink and he de cided not to marry him she describes Mm as a msn of prominent Eastern family and a gentleman It waa after Ith ilvore that th battle for the chil dren bejran The decree gave them to the father Tiere were aeteral kld naplngs on both sides and onre the woman walked nearly half tlve length first months rent anl took her to hlsot th 8ae nd ernln her living by mothers lodging house In Stockton vsrious Jobs en route in a vain effort where he remained Idle and unem ployed for three months living off the charity of his relatives Com ing 1 back to San Francisco she pswped her mandolin to pay for a room and then was taken to a two room flat on McAllister street having to carry the furniture in her arms and not being given even car fare There aa she declared ha stove In the new home save a gas plats nd suffered much from cold She told Peckham that she could not en dure such a life but he wept and revolver Officer Dower was nesrsst induced her to try hrnr again to the man and before he could move two shots rang out from the bandits weapon Dower then aent three shots directly ai the man The bandit died almost Instantly in his pockets was the entire sum he ha obtained from the car crew and the passenger also a considerable amount of Jewelry Th German accent of the dead robber coupled with the bo manner which he carried out his plans led the police ta believe that he may be the San Mateo street ear bandit who shot City Attorney Klrkbrlde of San Matso ILLPfOM HAS A IHAKB ROCKFORD UI September 5 Two distinct earthquake shocks war fait here teday Dlahea wer scattered from dinner tables by the tremors wtlicU ontlnqed for sareral seconds I on account of being discovered mis She then received J0 and bought J200 worth of urnlture on the Installment plan and moved tea bette placu But there he lefj her aloni There was enother quarrel more weeping and another reconciliation The next move was to a basement at Hit Green street where her fstn fuund hef alone without even a light The husband finally obtained emplonment with the Fuller Company at ITS a month In Baden But the wife claims that he still failed te support her bat compelled her to live largely upon the flab and duck that were obtained In the Immediate vicinity Peckham Joined ths National Guard and at the time of the calamity of 190 was Captain of Company First Infantry acting1 as assistant commlasarr In charge of one of the relief Stallone He afterward resigned to discover their whereabouts he sajs th once she wstfcompelled to see the children leave her In tie custody of Mabel Brown It la claimed by the mother that Mabel has poisoned the minds of the children and she declares further that It Is Peckhams Intention to make the alleged affinity his wife i a POLICE MAKE SEAECH FOR MISSINO AECHITECT Wife of A Oakey Fears He Has Met With Foul Play The finding of th empty pocketbook of A Oafley a San Francisco architect In a doorway on Post street between Grant and Powell streets at oclock this morning started a sesrch over the city for Oakey by the police when Mrs Oakey frantically asked thqm to locate her husband whom she fears has met foul play at the hands of footpads Oakey telephoned to hi wife at their residence lilt Sutter street at I oclock laat night and said that he had been detained but would be bom Ire a few minutes He had collected too during the dayAaccordlng to Information gven InVjVolIce by bis wlfeT Oakey has been ill from blood poisoning for several months and has only been attending to bis business fr the last month Mrs Oakey says that he wa always very regular in bis habits BLACK CONFESSES LOOTING HI ASSOCIATION Senator Says He Is legally Guilty of Taking Funds of Palo Alto Institution HIS SHORTAGE 100000 Transfers Money From One Company to Another in the Course of Speculations Black Declares No One Will Lose a Cent JiteHal Dlapah te the nirnnlrtf PALO 4LTO Keptember HI am legally responsible for tbe preeeat ceadltien of tbe Palo Alfu Mntnal BnlMlos aad 1 oen Afteoetatloa bat the esse elation Itself I solvent Tbe assets of the Pain Alto Mutual BnMdlsg and Loea Aaaoetatloa T9 la good rnedlttoa If tbe properties deeded to the company are carefully bandied there la no ejaeetloa bat that the amount realised from them will be considerably larger thaa any deficiency which Is claimed te etlaf Tbe total assets of the tarjous corporations which I have organised and managed exceed ft 100000 aad all are per fectly aoltent TVo depositor or laveator will lose a rest From a litrnrat given out by Sen stor Marahall Black nt hla home In Palo llo this afternoon 4 sa i social Dlapatcli to the Chronicle PALO ALTO September it Haggard aid worn with an appeart ance of nalng spent a sleepless night State Senator Marshsll Black who Is accused by the directors of the Palo Alto Mutual Building and Loan Association of embeixlement thl morning made a verbal confession of hla guilt I am legally guilty for the present condition of affairs In the association aatd the downcast Senator have turned over all my aisets to the company These amount In the aggregate to about fl309 000 My personal1 property Is valued at about 100000 Tne Senator made a pretense at a careless demeanor but It was evidenced by his general appearance and nervous manner that tne trials of the day be fore and the subsequent publicity of his embetslement had kept him from enjojlnj the careless comfort which feigned From the latest dAelopments of Auditor Iasett lnetlgatlon th snortage already totals above 70 OOP and shows every Indication that It will amount to th 9100100 whch the Senator admit may Je the extent of tie deficiency Haasetta Investigation has shown that Immediately following the auditing of the books by Commissioner George 8 Walker In January tne accounts show a sudden dropping Of flO 000 In all J50000 are known to have mysteriously disappeared during lie four months following the State Commissioners audit BLACK TRllSKtSns rUNDS I transferred fund from one account to another of the six of which am manager and which I handled from the offlse of the Palo Alto Building and Loan Association admitted Black In the course of hla morning Jntervlew Then you practically loaned th money he waa asked yes answered the Senator The slit companies of whlchty the Senator made reference are as follows The Palo Alto Mutual Building and Loan Association tle Alta Mesa Cemetery Company the Fraternity Hall Aa aoclatlon the Palo Alto Investment Company the Cressey Colony Company and ths Marshall Black Investment Company It Is stated here tonight that according to the Incorporation ot the Alta Mesa Cemetery Company one third of all moness received were to go toward a Inking fund which waa to provide for the jipkeep of the cemetery premises According to this ther should be about 1 13 OOj on haiM which jts lacking Tbdy workmen who have nft re cently been able to obtain their pay tiled chims to obtain back wages which they claim they haue coming tu them IT Jewell a Palo Alto HI i i Continued on 1age 2 Column 4 CHAMPAGNE PIPER HEIDSIECK 1 Anc MTHEIDSIECrv fondee i 1765 KUNKCLMANNaCfSucc REIMS CHARLES MEINCCKe CD Sess ra mim Mm Imuh sv a I.

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