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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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mr uxiffi iWi wfif yMifwj wvaMtaraiWk rjFjw injrfiftiiw a ai ajjfsw tv ryyss jjiritj njn tsr Tutvmsrmrv ssrijawrY tBtft rrjr rftjwf wi jHnvntisiy wjj iwiii vjiwujftiv st a wmto mivMisf 3 va ijMfr serwv rat rniB fKLifl aww iiiwifvA jps i jW jmbimw as UiBiM a irjMS Wlll iiAil fjv i xivwHUKrmri iHiBA iM4 BrfirrfvaB bbbv bbB hb a eai fa nm II II1II 1 Mlr evm hum raBWaB avjiv kKia BBi am amj i bbbbbubVsjV bbbV mrta rm i wv V35 WfMTiwWi a Jm SFiu Jw lTftwfTw ST SaWeTCtfy im sjtfea 11 iKj1 a rjft mnW lv imw ftVjaswfo 3ji jww Tot clV A tJlW 48Ar RAypISOO CAWMONHAYk yOVffttBEB J8t llV iAXMllH ubanaris nd lurks JNpw in LecisiYp iv a Mill CftiftrinKAWi DaKol tnHiohc 1 jj CtmrintAM DaKol pestipoyjjd Ayithputarnmg IUUIB IlllldUlltllUS if barbrousticsused tsf Afiflrterfll Rnpnmfltism Hnnniiftrs BURGLAR HANGED MMfcMfet frt uenerai nneumausm uonauers hMlen Ooremntlt ddtermlned tlv cirrjr out th thTt jtyMiiiiM lh vaciicB nipi97a bo uccefsxu4ir uj 0f nral RoUa In th StU of Horelo nrnn months ro 1 Indicated br tho rprt of th Wr jDfprtnient lounelnv toUJ destruction bt erl imU towni and lUoiyjri northern iroounUlns of Oaxaowhr th rorolution an JrampankJJ Inotbef TlJanoo tho QoTorn nnt UUntion to aU onorcy in rettorta pom la th iouth I tho an aounetmaiit bjr hll official tHatltoi ldlr now opratin In north ehloflj In Chlhuahna Coahnlla and En W0I0iBi alMfITbl in vtha rBtoUsf MaxloOiPuoolCouarraro and Oaxae ThoOortnunant eon4 ur i now noarly In band that araallar forcaa will ba abla to rtatoro Bormat oondlUona IxtpJl and J3v twoof tba Dlaoea xorK wara tb ttToscholda of tba oarrano Indiana wbo bars apt baan uojuBataj br tba eauoalca hm in to vllk tba atata capital aftar an attempt had baan inada to eaptura tba ltyf PohTlaead Uat tba Inhabl taiu of tbaaa toVnuwara iaccord ywJta tbatabala erdaraVara laiud for tbalf deatfuotlon Without iiui Bie1ababltUtiwrtndriw5r tlUatr baraa Ita wortr cealnt only when tba town had bean raduoad to a TOa of rulna TSatndlaha ara aotiva in otbar dN raetlona Offloiil raportt aay oondl tlona In tba States of Moralos and Max Ico para Jmprorad but It Is knpwh that tha rebels hold Important hills near Cuamavaa and iarelyi control tba rual dlstrlota and many of tba minor towns in tho State of Mexico The situation In tha State of auer rero has become worse on account of the leadership of Juan Andrew Alma xn who tii said to1 hare a court following and controls much territory alone the Pacific coast General Arullarwho Is supposed to be dlractlac a larg aipart of the rebel forces is operating in the southern part of the State of Fuebla Encounters are reported dally but la all of them the Oovernment has bean Tic tsrloua with siicbt losses1 At Hua quecheuta tha federals dlalodBed the rebels from a strontr position eight rebels being killed and one federal Numerous1 haciendas and small towns hare been sacked and the crops da atroyed EL PASO Tex November IT General Rheumatism has conquered ienaral Pasoual Oroseo Jr according to a communication received here to day Unable even to mount hia horse the leader of the rebels is reported resting under the care of an American physician la a canyon camp amid tha Burro mountains southwest of Eagle PaisK Tex Seven hundred of his mjn ire with blm Colonel Joee Cordova seeretary gen ral of the revolution having evaded arrest at Albuquerque by the United States military authorities is said to be on his way to tha rebel leader to consult him upon the defense of Colonel Pasoual Qroaco Br ed by the military authorities at ort Sam Houston Tax me nggJttiUp KeaV Clnetei letha CkTNtaleleH rl sn i7i irtIf ttfAiirmkV It was Leonera Lewie sentenoad to ftfoirJtaobisut onrgiarVbajtgedisjtrrldayiDoui UurvillofQayrmlstakafo taonar4 lawls whowas isenteneedti baLoxei cutedfot inuTderl TlaV4uastlonl ia woryylnf Stat pflsonVomelali thejudgawhoordered tWaaxtCutlpiiantni Sharff Whi led th iobis ndiprunthe trapjif1 IPV1 WasduVtWthe7aetjthatJetwnegr ettylcUfrooutbfLtewn eountleW both aniadloriard ftwls vindbotb very much aUk Jn persbnal appaarT anco were confined In tha Atlanu Jail for af a keeping prior to the execution of sentence Soohj attar the hanging rumorsba camacurrentthat the wrong ieotiard Lewis had beanhangedaad that Leonard Lewis Who shouldhavA died on the gallows was servnga four years sentence for burglary Imposed on Leonard twla who waa executed Judge Roan of the criminal branch of the ultoiioounty Superior Court has da elded to1 ordei a thorough Investlga tion tV decide yerhlch Leonard Lewis was hanged 1 ii 1 Stranded Grew of Sloop Is Rescued TheConddT Wreoked on a Jetty tt towport Ore foa Ii Total losi OTTWTORT Of November IT Tha aloop Condor waa wrecked here early today She lbet her wheel and was thrown on tba and of tba north Jetty The Taquina Hfe Savlng crew took tha officers and men off to safety Tba orat WiuTbo jiftotaljloes aithbufrh pari of tba cargo may be saved Tha Condor In company with tha schooner Mlrene sailed from bare for Alsea bay yesterday but could ot cross In beckusaOfi rough bar and returned Tha Mlrene with the Condor following attempted to enter Taqulna bay The schooner aueoseded but when opposite the jetty the Condor dropped her propeller and the wind and tide swept bar on to tba Jetty rocks The life saving station near by succeeded In a few minutes in removing the cap tain mate and engineer who comprised the crew i PANAMA OH BEDS IN TWENTY SaUAEE MILES Product Eeported Saperior to That 01 Caluoraia Rpwfet Olepatch te tit CkrwUele PANAMA November J7 Mr Ktn of Seattle Wash returned to tbts city today fromlhe Interior and ha brings flattering reports of the dlecovery of oil lit mile from Panama City In the region of the Oulf of Darlan The olf 1 reported to be Infinitely superior to the oil of California There are twenty square miles of oil beds Three companies are negotiating with the Oovernment for concessions Including the Standard Oil Which has several representatives earing for Its interests Two claims have been made 1 1 a EDISON TO BE CKTF7 07 HIS ALLIED CONCEBNS 1 nraMfMtlTTTirTIT MggfawsMMis hn VjAel lljtl jSiSS mm KHrXXAim ims tK i i aaT Ki 1w i ST jz Batde at theeapitals GS 5 IW nBHAnMssn xJi mRtfmh mm forces a BSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBsHBSBsBHBBSBSBHKaVW Bi IkMMKEBB 1 MM III I I I afl si I I I aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBParBsVBBBKMIalVgB 1 4j1BBBBBBBBbVKbBBBBBBBBBBB 7 LMll aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBsHbVlDeBiM SSSSSSSsH LyKBBBSBEBBBsBwKJeBBBBBBBBIBS I Lt I I I I I IHIbWV HHLKHKII sBBHLIBBBEHf VMy Vs MaBL i PlSla HEAVY ARTILLtRY DUEL DURING DAY BB7 JS Turks Aided bv Warships ReportGrcat lHralftii I VMfl Success and Capture of 12 Guns IBlK 18 AIaaHMWsf KZbsbsH BsHIHVi WfiflBMSm and IIN PmnitRK SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBaa td Aj BB VB BBBBHSSfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi UIIU WWW saavrvsevav BLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBll mj nKBM i 1 bibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbB ft mUKZryim JBRmXsEBESM SBBslia3BBWrF TfliBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVB HBslBflK JlU bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbbbbbbK aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVJaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm aad i Mitt fiiiT tn ccA a VL UIILI I UUI IU ULJl Tha ral larward soveaa ef tba aervlaaa fcasbegasv SENATOR RATTrER CWnCAIXT TtL WA8HINOT0N Jlovember 17 United States Cfeaator Zaador Rayner of Maryland Is critically 111 with neu rltls at his homo bars Wizard Plant to Saceeed Dyer at President ol Corporatiom 8peciel Dbeetenletbe Clroolcl vTBST ORANOB November 17 Aa bis tlth birthday approaches Thomas Edison is credited with planning to become preeldent of the Thomas A Edieon Company incorporated and Other companies to be embraced under that title The resignation of Frank Dyer now at the head of the allied corpora tloaa based an Xdleans inventlona bai been received He Intends to become president of tbs Motlon Patent Picture Company of New Tork Edison hlmsslf declined to discuss tha situation Pysr becama preeldent in 1J9J succeeding v71111ani Ollmora Nazim Paha on the left in tht above pktttrt hat been called the Turkish Kitchener but in this aar he hai not thovn military ubiEty at he hat been beaten Kith great regularity by Ceneral Savoff the Bulgarian commander TvhoH portrait it thowii en the right Unprecedented Ratns Hurt Jamaican Fruits lVeitylTePerOentif1hCrop DeitroTed and Kingston IayCtt Off Sperttl ptpttTh te bo fChroalele KINO3T0N Jamaica Novarabor 17 There have been almost unprecedented rains iters continuously for nine days and they are Mill continuing There was a five days norther and high southeaet winds both of which destroyed about 15 par cent of thai fruit TOP The roads have been blocked and shipping on tha railway has been tied upi Tba city of Kingston Is completely cut oft from the west of the Island wfclch according to report waa struck by a hurricane on Saturday Next seasons fruit crop will be an exceedingly email one Tha United Fruit Company interests have been heavy losers i OPENING GUN AGAINST BENO DIVOBCE 13 FIRED Amendmenti to Be Submitted Will Wipe Out Haven the Unhappy Bpedal Plspetck te the ChrooieleM RENO November 17 In tha closing hours of tba annual meeting of the Nevada Bar Association yesterday Samuel Belford a prominent Ne vada attorney sprang a sensation when he Introduced a resolution directing the committee on substantive law to prepare and recommend to the next legislature amendments co the present divorce law Tula Is the opening gun In the campaign to change tha reiidence reQulremene In Nevada from six months to a year before a di vorce may be applied tor Divorce lawyers Immediately raised objections to Bsltords resolution but the Bar Association agreed to submit the mat Iter to a vote of the full association EEDDING POSSE ON TEE TRAIL OF TWO BANDITS CtJT THIS OUT mim TleviaJr4Aaylw4 fSJ POPULARITY CONTEST Name Dccicatlon i This Coupon Counts Five Votes ETl Not Good After December Jf S8 KSf Ail Connons mult neaur irunmed packed in oat raeuaret aisi LTX IZ ft 1 a vJ I mm nl I sen to ropnianty ionics i iauor wnm av vuramcie puiiaiagt int Toroeiore ueai oi npinusn pnotea we tcapeg SS s3yQrVVv4v9vY 4 napBseaBrvsaifcieBVeiaia1BaveaeaaasianarvBsisvBespiw LK uKJ 7 tf I 1 i Hi iMuffi Rich Hani Made by the Pair in a Siihiyou Saloon BEDDrNO November 17 Posses of horsemen are scouring the mountains today for two bandits who bald up Victor Warrens saloon at Kilt Siskiyou county lata last night and secured 11000 worth of loot Including money and jewelry Fifteen patrons of the saloon were made to hold up their hands whle the robbers ransacked the safe Werrens lost a diamond ring tiu ii PLAN TO1 FIGHT TOR CHINAS RIGHTS IN MONGOLIA HONGKONG November 17 The principal representatives at Peking hare Informed the Canton officials of the attitude of Russia in Mongolia They urge that the provinces make Immediate preparations to nght for Chinas rights sad that the officials ftelojrrsph to the Oovernment advocat ing prompt action BOTCOTT JAPANESB OOODi AMOT ChtnaJi Wovsmbsr 17 Th eityj lsi placarded with posters Mnouno lag the beginning of a boycott against JapsesagOsTJUlsiMnprotsst agaim Jspaasaa aigresifon In Man chorla 4 I Signora Moschiniand Nayy Officenjaikd rbmeT lnlTJaYanTCo Arrefted at Instigation of Huibani on 8pdl Ptnxtcb te the Chroglele ROMK November 17 Slgnora jtloa ehlnir formerly Lulu Devla of Austin Tex wife of Deputy Vlttorla Moschlnl was arrested here laat nlgbt at tha Instigation of her husband The police surprised her at the house of Naval Lieutenant Bellegrqdt who was also arretted The couple ware placed In prison on a charge of flagrant violation of the law This being Sunday tha two have not yet been interrogated and therefore have net been allowed to communicate with their lawyers Advocate Vlnat who defended the former Mies Davla In bar recent separation suit was not aware of hie clients arrest until ha was Informed by a newspaper man HISS ESTHER CLEVELAND WILL MAKE HER DEBUT Ex Preiidenti Widow Iiinei Invitations to Function Spedtl Dlspsttb te the ChrooMe PRINCETON November 17 Mrs Qrover Cleveland widow of tba lata Preeldent Cleveland will present her eldest daughter Esther to Prince ton society at her home at Westland here tomorrow Although Mrs Clove land would not give out particulars concerning the function it is under stood that It will be a brilliant affair Mlsa Cleveland will make her debut at a tea in the afternoon and Invita tions have also been sent out for i dance to be given in her honor tomor row night It Is slso rumored that Miss Cleve land will make her debut In Washing ton and New Tork later In the season FRANKLIN TORRET COUSIN OF PRESIDENT TAFT DIES The Former United States Consul at Genoa Pastel Away in Florence Rpcdil Mnpatcb to the Cnrenlcle FLORENCE November 17 Franklin Torrey SI years old la dead her of bronchitis eld heart failure Me waa the father of Mrs Edward Berwlnd fHermlnla Torrey of Newport who Is now here Torrey waa a cousin of Preeldent Taft and was formerly United States Consul at Genoa He came to Italy In his youth to study sculpturs some of his statues being In America and was a leading member of the American colony In Florence Tba American church here waa built largely by his energy and munificence LOUDON ItevassWr 18 A Dally Man dispatch trwss Caastaaftae mtved at aarei TJaeSlrtal raparta eay the Tarklah fereca have sralad a trreat eoee Tie battle peaed at Vloek la tha ateralag Tba Tarka after eesee hears ef vleleat gghtlag la defaatlag tka rlgrM Belgariaa eetac la reraising the left wtac They raster twelve anas sea SoOprs eaers The TaraJah was afelps eeetttbeted largely te tala leami Ji V5 LONDOir Neveasaef lT Tbe ervlaa Legatlea here baa peeelved lafeijv saatlea that the gervtaa peeittea befete Measuttr hasibeea srreatly lasprered by the eaatare after severe flghtlear ef hHgkte eeeapled by ke Tarhlah fsreee The geaasal ferward saevee Of the aerrtaaahaabegma Six Oakland Nimrods Rescued From Perilous Plight by Life Saving Crew Caught In tha strong currents that pass through the Golden Gate when their engine broke down six Oakland tuck huatsre ware betsg swept rapidly heBte aes la thetr thlrty flve root gasoline launch Doris last night when they attracted the attention of the men at Fort Point Ufa Saving Station by firing off their shotguns aa rapidly as they could load and empty them The men Johnson HC Evans Dean Randolph mes and McDonald all of Oakland wsrs found at 11 oclock by six aurf men from the life saving station who searched an hour for them In tha darkness The Doris was two miles out from the Heads and well on the way to the open sea when the life saving launch located the hunters by the reporta of their guns The Doris was towed in and landed at Harbor View at 1110 oclock The duck hunters had been cruising around the bay the greater part of the day when their engine broke down Their experience of drifting out through the Gate In pltoh darkness with only the hope that their guns would be heard was one which they will not soon forget The life saving crew of six men which went out In the power launch was under command of aurfman No Qunnereon Hamburg American Line After Docks Shanghai Manager of Company on Way Here to Close Heeotiationi for a Wharfage Site Dorgelob Pactfld Coast manager tor tha Hamburg American Steamship Company with offices In San Francisco announced yesterday that George Gleee the companys manager at Shanghai China will arrive here In a few daye to close negotiations by which the German line will acquire docking facilities In San Francisco bay Tha new wharfage la desired for a branch service which will operate between the United States Pacific Coaat the Orient and Furope After the Panama canal la opened for business the steamers wilt be sent around the world through the new waterway The Hamburg American Una waa one of the first of the big shipping companies to start preparations to participate In the additional traffic that the canal will bring to the Pacific Coaet More than a year ago rf present tlee of the company came to Sen Francisco and investigated the commercial hy drographlo and docking conditions and tt was stated at the time that they had secured options on several suitable pieces of property North Beach Islals crsek and Point Wchrmiwl are among the points that may be rlrted from LOirDOlT ITevessber IT A saeaaage frees Ceaetaatleeele akeet 4 erVleett la the afteraeea said that la sieve ef the heavy enaaeaadlac ail day the Ess 4 beeaadeea had decided telaad detach meats ef blaejaekete freas the ferrtgm war seise te staard the streets leadlag te Perau The assail Qersaaa war aaJpft Lereley was aaalgaed te preteet the railway elattea ONDON November 17 The negotiations for an armistice have failed aqd the Bulgarians today opened the attacR against the Turks all alone the Tchatalja lines The heavy tartiDery luel continued throughout the day It appeared to be a Bulgarian preparation for an infantry at tack The Turkish fleet participated vigorously in the defense at the Marmora end lines and presumably Turkish war ships assisted at the Black sea end also Nazim Pasha the Turkish commander in chief in a dispatch this evening claims to have repulsed the Bulgarian attack and destroyed the three Bulgarian batteries No news has been received as yet from the battle or any ini formation as to the strength of the forces engaged on either sidei GREAT BATTLE CEASES AT NIGHTFALL Nazim Pashas headquarters are near the Hademkeut railway station According to latest reports the battle ceased with nightfall CONSTANTINOPLE November 17 1045 The gTeat battle between the Bulgarians and Turks is on all along the line of the Tchatalja fortifications Nazim Pasha the Turkish commander in chief sends the following dispatch tonight The battle which commenced this morning with an attack by Bulgarian infantry lasted until one hour after sunset The enemy who advanced chiefly facing qur right wing and our center was repulsed by our infantry and artillery fire Three Bill garian batteries were destroyed All through the day the sound of the heavy guns booming distantly were heard in Constantinople It ceased only with oarkness The firing along the entire line was evidently preparatory tc an infantry attack TURKISH SHIPS SHELL BULGARIANS The Turkish batteries replied vigorously The Turkish ships in the sea of Marmora shelled the Bujgarian positions Undoubtedly the fleet in the Black sea also took part in the engagement though details frortthat point are lacking In the afternoon the wind shifted and it seemed for a time as though the battle had ended but again the booming was heard and the movement of troops could be observed not far from the very gates to the capital A detachment of several thousand from the Tchatalja lines was replaced by fresh troops who had been held in reserve near the city The refugees behind the lines began breaking camp early in the day and moved back toward Con ffir i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fsr Read the Last Page ON THE last page of this issue wilf be found an article containing facta and statistics of interest to taxpayers and which may aid them in detehninhowY on the charter amendmentslon December 10th Read the last page a aij i a oi uua paper vrsn Oee see esses sees ee eeee eee eeee eeeeee eeee eeeeeO stantlnople The Greek rlllagere who heretofore had remained Indifferent to events prepared to deeert their homes White calm prevailed there was a deadly tenelon in the knowledge that the fata of the capital of the Turkish army and of thoss who waited anxiously In Constantinople waa at atake Several members of the legatlonej and ether foreign reeldente witnessed the artillery duel which they deccrlbed aa magnificent The shelling from height to height across Blyuk Cskln edye lake and over ths plains toward tha north the flashes of guns on both sldee were visible tov observers over miles of low country Within the olty every military precaution was taken Pickets wsre posted at various points and patrols guarded the streets The Embassadors bsld a masting at the Foreign Ministry with the commanders of the Ottoman gendarmerie andadtfted for the safety of foreign JpwasdscideiMhat detachments Jor the protection of foreign Institutions Will be landed at dawn tomorrow They will remain concealed in the buildings and will co operate with the local Centlaaed ee Page 2 Celama 1000 Shares of LIFE Ismiram 0 ww lams for it lltV Aaoihrr tspeclaltr attractif offer in 1000 SonnTvale Land Co at 65c At this price it pr tl per ceet tacema eeured br subaresa lead WE WILL BUY SOU weettre tatoa life me 100 oaU SUte Xlf las Vsieea lire Ise tsoa TlaSwetar Bwthers hi loe ttecktea Termiaal ase I jt wwm WDpnv yn 0V 100 yynuaia 0U CHESTERKELlJiSiCft UrfMt Dlril la Osiluel seeajSlaissI tbsisselBCeaatsvTiiBrT A I I pi it 3 ev Sii rj jll A JffijT 1ATlrW ilV TwaJiJ5r.

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