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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TSPg ew Kf aj Jfraisc stnnp 3pLjtcg ioioq iswsrt ijsJscir 7 tiM ar Sf Sf3 fsflieTfV iiiiKPi ste ws 7 prom Bm wm wimw 0NiMTT GREATSUCCES G00 C0UNTRV LARGE PROFITS 7711 illli ill FliFlli fliiilM lft POOR MAN OFISIRAGUS i i in TFbrtile Part oi SatGrarriento igation the Ntlrtove OR manyiiitCJlfevt portion of the great Sacramento yillej of which Glenn jp3uri li a part watj egarded as merely a wheatTraUlngr and tok grarinsc6un try Perhaps th arlst anfl most remarkable CernonitVaUort pi ihVabil of thli land toraifce fruits iand vegetables of many ltlnds ano tor tup porta great populatjah wai given by one man who for twenty seven yifearc devoted himself tothf cultivation of a single acre of lahd with great sue ces In J877 Samuel Ceek a carpenter from YirRliia hougiit an 4cf oMand in the corner of 4 Whelt fleldfeear the then newly plotted townsUt of Orland Cal For many1 miles In any Haireetlon from Mr Cleeks acre th land w4s uEed for gretywheat tahchisandpaa tursge for theep llr Lleek had A very meager capital He bulll a small ontrooftitdt lean to jjut tip a windmill ihdstarted in to rilse veg etables ani poultry llost of the ranchers did hot even raise their own vegetableE and Vbatfreth vegetable they did consume Were usually brought un on the Sacraniento river Mr Cleik did well with hJs oneacre rancn nflflgreai jauti ui me country and a time tvent by be planted many vafetiesof fruits ber rlesandvegetblel He demonstrated that these could be profitably frdtt in the northern porttorr of the Sacramento valley Mr Clcek died afew iKrirllh ao artA tndv his acre farm which is VconductCd by hlJ wlfe who ttill survives hlmt lsj a mostje matkablV prQor of what cam be don on a ltTnited acreage by Irrigation and intensive cultivation A representative Of the California Promotion Committee visited the lit tie farm the other day Although what hs been accomplished cn the farnt has sometimes been exaggerated a statement of the quantity of itrets and plants crowded on this limited area Is a striking commentary upon the ability of theSacramento yalley to bring forth the products of both the temperate and seraltropleat zones Every foot of the acre farm is utu iztd Here Is what the place contains Cottages and porches SOby 30 feet barn and corral space including chicken coopr etc 75 by 5 feet two windmill towers 1 by 16 feet each garden 46 by 94 feet blackberries 1 by SO feel strawberries 60 by 90 feet citrus nursery 90 by 98 jCeet in which there are always 40 hudded Orange tree a row of dewberries along the fence 100 by eet 4 aprldbt trees 2 oak trees 3 peach trees 6 fig trees 0 locust trees 7 eucalyptus trees 30 as soritd roses 20 assorted geraniums 12 lemon trees 7 years old a lime tree from which wrev sold last year 160 dozen limes 4 bearing breadfruit treest blaring orange trees 6 pomegranato treer 6 beds of violets about 6V feet etcn paten or oamDoo Deaor caua lilies 4 prune trees 6 cypress trees 16 stands of bees 4 huge grape vines 1 bed of sage 1 teed bed besides honeysuckles and many rare shrubs The little farm looks artistic Mr Cleek kriew how to make everything fit said Mrs Cleek and If some people put half as much upon two acres it would look overcrowded Mrs Cleek explained that a printed statement that she had 2300 orange trees in the nursery was a mistake because she said when one thinks of orange trees in a nursery he only thinks of budded orange trees ready to sell and she had only 400 budded orange trees What Mr Cleek proved could be dqne in Glenn county is being done In many sections of the Sacramento valley At the present time the heavy rains have covefed the valley with the bright green of nexv grass and crops Glenn Is one of the youngest counties in California having been separated from Colusa by act of the Legislature of 181 The county has fin area of liO000 acres and is bounded on the south by Colusa county on the east by Butte onthe north by Tehama and on the iwest by Trinity arid Mendocino Willows the county seat has a beautiful location with a gentle slope to the south and east Although there is a heavy rainfall from November until May in this portion of the Sacramento valley yet the aufnmers are quite warrh with sometimes two or three hot days often followed an Interval of balmy weather The frosts in the winter are not what are Done Much Wo for Development Yet Much Remains 16 Be Done khbwn as kJlltXfcfrflslsand for this reason citrus fruit culture ts success Jul Many of those who haVeobtamed the best results in citrus fruits feel ns irrigation is necessary inougq therft are many large prchardsrlntbls section of th Sacramento valley where irrigation Is little resorted tbi One of the best opportunities for a settler of limited means who hopes for quick returns Is hog rajsing In Glenn county thousands of hogs are raised It is estimated that twelve hogs can be raised on an Jacre of ai ffilfa the year around Thlsdoes not mean that adozencan be pasturedjon an ade throughout the year For part Qf the time the animals are fed on the growing alfalfa while a portion of the land is reserved so that when the alfalfa sf well matured it is cut and stacked and fed to the hogs A man with from J10OO to J1500 can stirt in the business Although lie will not make much money the first year the second heshould be able to payfor his land andsave a little be sides Lfind outside of irrigated land can tie bbught at from 315 to 40 an acre while irrigated land range as a rule frbrn 40 to 75 an acre Property suitable for orange growing can many timesbepurchaed for the latter figure All this land makes good hog country Durihgithe pastyear A Scrlbner of Orlandrs6jd180 hogs for something over 2800 Morrisey bought 2350 at 8 ajieal Grass will keep hogs untlj thestubble Is ready and many are sold right off the stub ble without being previously attepedi Mr Morrlsey shipped 6000 head out of Orland In one year Many hogs are raised in the hills and then turned intothe stubble of wheat And barley which makes good forage for5 them since on the uneven land the crop Is not closely cut and much grain is left Hogs are very healthy in this region and there Is only one year Jn the last eighteen in which It is recorded that they were afflicted by cholera Turkeys are very successfully raised In this county William Roser carne to Glenn cc untytwelve years igo with 150 He invested a small amount of something like 50 or J60 In turkeys uisi jcj lie Him tavu viuuu ui ivi yi keys and had sixty left Mr Roaei lias a place worth 7500 and he has twenty five head of cattle He has made the bulk of this money from raising turkeys raising 400 or 500 every year on an average Sheep and cattle thrive well Water is plentiful In turkey raisineT the turkeys are herded like sheep Aftersheep JiaVe been over the land intlie hills and It Is bare a flock of turkeys will thrive on the grasshoppers that abounU there In the fall they are pastured on a stubble But the greatest promise of this part of the Sacramento valley Is In fruit raising Some day the entip country will be placed under irrigation through the diversion of waters of streams well supplied from mountain sources Irrigation in this section of the valley does Jiot mean that there is a lack of moisture but rather the water supply should be controlled and regiilated Drainage is another subject which is receiving some attention tHerieceslty lor such being strongly emphasized In the recent rains Irrigation and drainagi although terms antithetical are corollaries In the practical work of the scientific farmer Prepared for the California Promotion Committee A Huncfredhnd Fodflvejyliies of HighwaKeptUp by this Method In Kern County Alone E0AD TO SUNNY HUL Supervisor William Frahck has de cided to contribute from the road fund of his district the sum of 306 toward the construction of a proposed new wagon road between Oho arid Sunny Hill The new road connects the old sawmill road from Ono with I the Ono and Sunny Hill It will bfe about a mile and a half in length and will be an Improvement over the present route of travelj says the Redding Searchlight County Surveyor Reading William Taylor and Shuffletort have presented to the Boards of Supervisors their report as viewers qf the proposed road show jnglts location arid giving the estimated cost at 1000 It is expected that the Marina Marsicano Mining Company operating the Sunny Hill mfnes will contribute the larger part Of the cost of the road over and above yie contribution of thesUpervisofral district iSutter countyj beautifully situated iij the center of the Sacra meri tojajley is justly renowned for the profitable production of all of the etorie fruit grown in a semi tropical climate it i the home of jthp peach Tjie bulk of the high grade canning peaches grown in California are roni Sutter county and its immediate ylcinltyi They are shipped from here for canning purposes to all parts of the Stale Within one rrJle from Yuba City the county seat of Sutter county 4re to be found three of the largest fruit and vegetable canneries in the State each employing for five months In the year an average of 500 pertoris Under long contracts they pay the orchardist 25 27 60 arid 30 a ton for the fruit The dejriand for the Sutter county yellow cling is unlimited The average net profit from large peach orchards In this county is 80 an afire andy 100 nd upward for smaller ones where the greater Tart of the labor isperformed by the owner and inembers of his family All other fruits raised in this State thrive in this county and particularly the pear prune almond plum etc Sutter county so its farmers say excels any other locality in the United States for raising the Ladyde Coyerly Or Thompsons seedless grapes Here la where they were first introduced oh the Pacific iCoast and here Is where the finest grapes are raised and the finest raiwns cured The net profits from a first class and well nurtured vineyard are large All of the citrus fruits are profitably raided here In great profusion and to the highest degree of perfection and ares ready for market lx weeks earlier than in any other portion of the United States 1 No county In California and the In habitants believe no county in the United States can be irrigated more extensively and at less cost than can Sutter county The Feather river a large and navigable Etream runs the entire length of the county on the east and the Sacramento river the largest in the State the western boundary The Butte County Canal Company a corporation has run its lines and obtained the right of way for an immense canal from a point on the Feather river in Butte county through trie entire length of Sutter county north and south and will complete the same during the coming year The supply of water will be absolutely unlimited it will not be sold by measurement but by the acre the purchaser taking all he wants without any restriction The land in at least one half of Sutter county is as rich and deep of soil as can be found as a Whole on the Pacific Coast It has been raising forty five bushels of wheat to the acre by the summer fallbw process for forty years and Is now being generously planted to fruit grapes and alfalfa Three crops of alfalfa can be cut annually upon thousands of acres of the best lands arid with liberal irrigation the amount can easily be doubled thereby rendering it an exceptional locality for dairy purposes There are many large dairies creameries and cheese making establishments and all are enjoying the greatest prosperity The average rainfall in Sutter county for the fifteen years last past has been 1965 Inches and a drought or crop failure in this portion of the Sacramento valley is unknown Sutter county excels in raising hops on the river bottoms and beans melons buckwheat sweet potatoes and all kinds of vegetables on the reclaimed tule lands Very handsome wages can be and are made from five to seven months In each year by the hundreds of women boys and gins in the large canneries and drled rult packing houses by piece work It Is not unusual for deft fingered girls from 12 to 18 years of age to earn from 3 to 4 50 a day and all of the experienced workers make 2 per day and upward Hy vlrtueof an ordinance passed by our Courity Board of Supervisors some eight or ten years ago Sutter county is a strictly prohibition county Intoxicants cannot be purchased within its borders not even from a drug store exceptupon the production of a physicians prescriptlonWWrltten by the Sutter County Board of Trade for the California Promotion Committee Two hundred buildings are in course of construction in Sacramento and 150 lnFresno Northern allforjriiaatfKOffer Inducements 4o Industrious SettlerSjdf Moderate Meansi Kern Is one of the most notable counties of the State as regards the extent arid excellence of its system of oiled roads Facts and figures collected by the pepartirient of Highways show that there are now In Use in Kern county lOOnilles of such roads and about forty five miles of olleB streets in cities and towns says theTsacrarhento Unloiv he first work of this kind by the Supervisors of that county was done in 1901 The roadbeds varying from sandyto heavy soUs Were first graded and rounded up slightly and the oil applied to a width of ten or twelve feet arid then thorbughl mixed with a harrow In applying the oil use was made of an ordinary wagon tank with a sprinkler or distributer made of four Inch gas pipe with halfinch rifles drilled every two Inches the section of pipe used being about ten feet long From seventy five to 100 barrels per mile were used on the first application the sandy soli rW milrlrur the lurcpr nuantitv to make a solid surface After an interval ofi one or twq weeks a second application of forty to sixty barrels of oil per mile was made the roads having been traveled In the meantime The oil was applied In hot weather artificial heating being considered uni necessary The oil used varying In gravity from IS jo 15 degrees was obtained from the Kern river McKlttrick arid Sunset fields at 20 to 30 cents per barrel the expense of each application to the roads being 30 to 45 cents per barrel In addition to the cost of the oil From thirty to fifty barrels per mile have been used each year subsequently In maintenance and repairs but this has been found cheaper than maintaining roads not oiled So satisfactory have the oiled roads of Kern county proven that arrangements are being made for the construction of about fifty miles more during this year The level nature of much of the country and nearness of the oll fields makes Kern county particularly favored In the matter of olied road construction THE VERY VINEYABD OF THE EARTH Sacramento being the point of transfer for the colonists who are coming to California over the Uijiori and Central Pacific railroads thousands of home seeker will during the nexLf ew months spend several hours in this city The route in question is by fat the most convenient for the rnajorjtj of these who are availing themselves of the low colonist fate and for this reason is being the most heavily pat ronfzed by the westward bound colonists In Sacramento newcomers leaye the car from which they have traveled across the continent and take train for their several points of deT tinatlon the great majority of them going dbwui through the San Joaquii valley tri Southern California saysthe Sacramento Union The southern counties have advertised so WelLthat the average colonist in starting for California purchase a ticket for some southern point The colonists are men of small means trained to hard work who come to this State to better their condition They will find Southern California the paradise it has been described to them but a rich mans paradise not aT if trior TVi nrtrtrt tHrtlff Ae titil NOneiOropjGfes Ucft Profits on Jnyestltienti and Qemand Isreater Than tieSupply BXTENSlONk OPYREKA LINI A 1f feK 3 fJ6M PfJS feoplof tita jand ortiJ 0 Believe That traffic Would tMake Enterprise Prpfital What an Eastern Newspaper Says of the California Wine Industry The grape packing season is about over in California The wine industry of the State has assumed enormous proportions In the last twenty years and France the home of wine making the very vineyard of the earth has taken fright at the formidable competition which this country has engendered says the Pittsburg Dispatch If there were an doubt of this attitude before it has been dispelled by the action of the Jury at the recent Paris Exposition which barred from competition all California wines bearing labels In imitation of celebrated French vintages Medalswere awarded for California wines In the first exposition in which they were entered namely the Vienna Exposition of 1876 Since then the finer varieties of grapes such as the Zlnfandel the Mataros and the Ca rig nans have been Introduced and It is now possible to equal and even surpass the finest imported brands of wines The making of wine In California has been taken up in the characteristic American fashion and developed along scientific lines The wine season lasts from the midv die of August until the end of October sometimes right up till Christmas In Fresno county the principal sweet wine district the picking begins The red grapes are the first to ripen and the vines yield from Blx to ten and sometimes even fourteen tons to the acre Fruit pleking has become a distinct occupation in California and those who engage in it start early lri spring and find plenty of work through the summer and fall The cherry crop comes first then follow the berries then the peaches then the pears and the prunes hops and grapes prolong the season until winter Expert pickers can earn from2to 3 a day and are furnished sleeping quarters by the planters In some districts they board themselves and receive higher wages in which case they usually camp out poor mans The opportunities which they seek they Will not find there and in course offline the majority of thein will turn to other California communities not quite such pleasant places of residence perhaps but where a little money and much energy and muscle can be used to better advantage In this backward moveriiCnt from Southern California that cominunity which makes a good impression upon them as they paes through the State Will be given preference over communities of which they have no knowledge Of all northern communities given opportunity to make a good Impression on these southward bound colonists Sacramento has the lead In the transfer at this city from the Eastern to the local trains several hours delay cccurs which gives the colonists excellent opportunity to look oyer Sacramento They are availing themselves of It as the most natural thing for them to do This Is the first spot in California which they are given opportunity to gee and although thefr tickets may read to other points ttiey are eager to see What the first stopping place in the State with which they propose to cast their tot looks like Sacramento should so arrange that they may see their fill This is not only the first stop after reaching the State but the last place they will have leisure to see before reaching their destination It Is possible then to make a lasting impression upon their minds of the resources and opportunities which the worker may turn to account in Sacramento valley This can be done by having at the station a representative exhibit of Sacramento valley products The specimens now on display at the sta tion are excellent but there are not enough of them neither are they so representative as they might be The whole side of the Station could be very properly and at small expense filled with an exhibit which would be remembered by many a colonist when disappointed witrl the southern part of the State and planning to go to some location better suited to his needs Under such circumstances it is plain that by far the most effective advertising the Sacramento valley can do at present is at the railroad station at Sacramento the point of transfer of thousands of colonists who are on their way to the State Pains too should be taken that the colonists see as much of Sacramento as possible At the Capitol Park they may see as fine orange trees as they will find anywhere In the State This alone will be enough tp make them re member Sacramento the Sacramento tMucriatteritl6ri Is being patcl at the present timej tos the growing of asparaV gtis In this Eection of the Stale The cultivation of this vegetable is prac1 tically iiL Its infancy throughout the Westbpt the demand for fte product has beenjincreasing from year to year tin til the fields devoted tp this plant have beenTUnabie tp meet the demands While much of the asparagus own firids avery ready market In the cities as it is one of the most toothsome vegetables von the market yet a very large quantity iflrtdsJts way to tbeblg packing establishments where it Is packed and shipped to all parts of tht world saysthe San Jose Mercury The Sacramento valley has leen yielding the greater quantity1 of asparagus grown in this StafefQr several yeaft pasf but the industry has been spreading During recent years large tracts of land in Sarita Clara vUley have been utilized for the grtiwth of this product anffi the results obtained liave proven Very satisfactory The roots of the plants are setapd it faee about three years before the asparagus begins to yield Its belt and then with comparatively iittie care the return are enormous Meanwhile tomatoes or other sriiall vegetables are grown be tween the row of asparagus so that the ground does inpt fail to produce revenue while the asparagus is coming Into bearing Asparagus Is harvested all summer lorig One crop after another Is cut and froin5lto8Vcentsa pound Is received for all that Is raised A gentleman who is well acquainted with the asparagus Industry has tated thatag much as 30j per afre season Is cleared front asparagus land In thls county He further stated that a very large quantity pf land which is per fectjy adapted to growing asparagus is to be found in this county both horth and south of the city Ittakes damp loamy soil to produce the best results but a good product can be raised pn other soil with irrigation He stated that asparagus growing was destined to be one of the Jeadlng Industries ofSarita Clara county iiv the near future Asparagus farmers wll reap a harvest from their crops thls seaspri The largest fields upon hich this vegetable is grown lie In the flooded districts ot the Sacramento valley and It Is not exprtcd that the waters will recede sufficiently for the asparagus to yield toany large extent this year The large packinsr establishments along the Sacramento river and In San Franoisco which make a specialty pf asparagus canning have had to lopk elsewhere for the vegetable and they have come to the Santa Clara county growers arid have already contracted for the entire seasons crop Local growers will receive large returns for their craps this year be cause of this fact Outside of a few fields where the rusf has attacked tha plant the asparagus is looking fine and the first cut ting will begin within a short time The recent rains and the warm weather have been especially favor able for a luxuriant growth of the succulent young shoots So successful has the growing of Arourigriiass meeting tlier townjjf EtursdanlirhitanH ariptherLJn Fort Jones Wednsafty nighty the purpose of Twhlch waito sound the xltlzens of ScottsyalUy regard tbt extending the rallroatrorri Yrt ka CtoEtna says a tpeciaijdlspatgh of February 27th to the Sacrarrterito Bee 777l Spmejvveeksv agoa nrpp0sUPrfi rnadepy Mr Prait trie timrrtmfhV tij bririg in a railroad from GattijeT yiaMofret creejc tapping his yiajppus tiriiberclalms and the YrekA peoble werp aroused to activity atpriceas they dp not propose to iosethjad vantages of having the railrPdVrtlrL from their town it iMessrs Coburn and Collier atlorf neys of Yj eka set to work andbOJioV ed the railroad stock of the Yrieka Ralirpad arid have succeeded Jnlrir terestlng Eastern capital in thepror jecicd route Mr Tucker of DenveH Mr Harris of the came city andDri Elliott of Canada are here looking over the proposed route In the Jnterelt of Eastern people They were accomV panied to Etna by Messrs Gtllis Brlpr xer Coburn Autenrelth and CardweiL of Yreka and by John Wheeler of Fort Jones Tb mass meeting was held at the CliffHouse and Was presided qVer by Dr Nutting who made a strorigiftilfa in favor of the railroads comlriff Other notable speeches prevrriadeby Mr Coburn Mr Isaacs Mr Glllis Mr McBride Mr Hostatter arid A Bar Messrs Harris dnd Tueker of Dehver also added rohslhg WdrdS tp the eloquence of the evening Arguments were centertd about the timber rtEourcEs of the valley the ihr ctmiihg freight which amounts to oQOOOOO pounds a year and the Uh 11 oiited mineral wealth tributary to Scott valley Although Mr Harris engineer fpr the capitalists in the East estimatrs that It wil cost something like 15000 a mite to build the road Mr Tucker who will probably hold the officc pf president of the new corporation says that those concerned are very favorv ably Impressed with the propasltlon notwithstanding and that It wilt hot be long before acceptable plans will be laid down before the citizens of Scott valley and that he hopes soon to be himself a resident of this town nm mm A ri 5r 7H 15 KEW BUILDINGS IN OLD SONOM Eise of Modern Structures ProVei That the Historic Town Is Waking Up There Is no denying the fact that a building extension has struck Sonoma the liHepf Ayhich the tovjri has never I before kiioband it Is a permanent ana neauny jooom too ias me inuex Tribune -The latest contemplated improve ment is that of William McElroy the retired capitalist who has purchased two lots on Broadway from Jr BIO INVESTMENT IN BEDWOODS The i California Promotion Committee orange trees will be the first they will i rePrts that CFoster of Fairchjld 1 i Writs rkt A1r In ikn litmfAB VV 1 have seen growing in the open atr The rich green of the grass the luxurious growth of all vegetation the description that can be given of vacant lands and rich soil all will impress the visitors with the resources and the opportunities that the Sacramento val nrA CAvOJA a a ilt this plant become in this section that erect thereon a large and commodious farmers who have land adapted to It residence plans for which are being are planning putting in a much larger drawn by Norrls The other im provements now under way and to be commenced in the spring are the following Two story stone building on Napa street Mr and Mrs Castex owners This building will be used for a bakery and residence Handsome residence on Broadway to be erected and occupied by Mr and Mrs Btofen Cottage on Napa street foundation for which is already laid being built for Mr and Mrs Claude John eon Residence on Broadway for Mr and Mrs William Goodman Dr A Thomson upon his return from the East will erect a residence acreage Jn the near future especially Lin the iowlaridsbetweeri this city and the bay in the vicinity of Alviso where the ground is peculiarly adapted to Its growth One gentleman has stated that the acreage which will be devoted ic the culture of asparagus will be doubled In thli county within the nxt two years Wis formerly in the lumber business in that State has secured over 27000 acres of redwood timber Del Nprte countv and will Khnrttv oront isrm mill in that section The average on aPa street price was ioo per acre me totai in ley has to offer They will not stop There are a number of parties in here how their tickets read to south terested with Mr Foster irr the eri ern points and they are not to be terprlse The lumber output of Call turned frorrr their destination But fornla states MrNFoster will begreat rlght here in Sacramento while the ly Increased in thejiext few years as colonist rates are in effect impressions many Eastern lumberriien having can be given the southward bound about depleted the Eastern ad Middle Cottage on Broadway already In hlUl4ll III I vestment inyolylng close to 11500000 iSur8e consiruciion uwner yv act Modern cottage on Broadway to be erected by Miss Florence Murphy The private residence of Miss A Winkle on Spain street is nearing completion Plans for a modern cottage to be colonists while waiting to be trans West field are turning thelp capltaliRUnpS forrori from the Eastern to the Pail this wnv nnM inrmv V0 are vne preparea oy A tjiu ukiviuyiuciu ui lie fornia trains which will In the end timber districts will naturally follow bring more of them to the valley It is probable that a branch office seeking homes than can during the and lumber yard will be established in same period be done in any other way San Francisco Adler A stone foundation is being laid for Fred Bulottls new residence on Napa street and it will soon te ready for the carpenters i BUSH BROTHERS i STILLPROTEST HavihgBuitWSll onjddwalk They nf the Supemsors A I Attorney Joseph CQffiappeared yesterday befof the Comtrittees Jori Street and iudiciarysitUnKri joint sesiion tA oiuioer7ptlti6n by Charl A Harrf BfrshVf or The dlli rnlssal ofranracUont brought agatrijlt them to c6mjpe the rfeihovkPof lk firtck walllHegiJfyrisrfuctebHeft4rn front Vrtherr5 UteffliftV tthefiorthV faitEj fdrneir dyai rtpkllp treet iCoffey PDpeedthjeirAUng the petition and paid hlklreipects to trie petltlonersj rio1lIeHntifhkied Kd4rtikHsaccTltttlfW1fjan1tatr emSlH PHfef tec the thMAISslfc AsTtftc thi cauiT the dumv8 wSRartk hertCoarttraBnisaHuwmy SeSVlVf uth Jht thev Jhicor thelsupef vlsBf Jild1 betn ftuetf as iheiUity Attprnsyv luthontyj tograr pad ben Mif 3Pi lyit tbarHthfiy4hfti6 aftptbl tfefmltiifPt ObsttUctidUKpii VHK QcterfiinM itM iorajia i idiwajujudJre Seiveiis 1ci16n aralntt spciiilFpr Firmer CitAttVhetSeasioejr ited with Cifttyj In the cili uhder discussion ato iddressep Aht cbtrlf mitt He vildihfthBuih acted entirely butildH 6f ithe Resolution granting them a permit hk permit was to fillQwijitepjt tp extend jelghtetn inches over the sidewalk But the steps extended along the Whole fifty twojfeet frontage with a brick walk ori the sidewalk the entire fifty two feeitahd about fifteen feet high at one end tt Herbert Chdynskl attorney for Buth Brothers said he knew the motive actuating Mr Lane In repderingan onlniori whHedtyAttornev in sun prjlof the Pelsold protest against the Bush brlckwall That motive he said was In Tils bplhtori a deeire to support an oplnlon Me hadpfeviouily rendered Larir made a pleasant ili lusibn to Chbynsais pSychoIogicAl Powers and expressed the opinion that trieattorney shone as resplendently frjom a psychological as from a military standpoint jChoynski continued saying that the arguments of ACoffey and Lane were not ipfedicated ori facte The plaps ahd specifications for the teps he sildl had been in the office of th Board of Supervisors fortwpweeks unornskt aia coney bad demanded 250 for his client to quash proceedings He assertedthat ihe action pending had not been brought In good filth by the citr jThe committee announced thai it would take the question under advisement Jje preparation of an ordinance regulating fire escapes was referred to Firei Chief Shaughnessey Architects Mooter and Dean 4 hearing of th prbtests against anotdlnance forbidding public speaking on the streets went over for two weeks A JEIIWANK I MKSING ElUs vianlt wiip according to his brbther Moses disappeared on March 6tfi With iuite a large iumfof money In his pockets has ben reported mils ingi to the police He was head of the Metropolitan Picture Frame Company of SIS iockton street and had A prosperous business He Was 46 years ol flve ftet tall of dark complexion with a full beard arid wore a aray suit of clothing on the dav that he disip 7 7v 7t77vV ftej Ej io4 Ej rlid Grtonlitrd Crtlidi tail Atlier Ejt trouble cured tr Uulas Ki litmajr MINE MUST Cited to Appear Before Court and Show Cause tiy They Should Not Be Punishd owneB and by threatening employes who expressed a willingness to worki at the mines is not known whether others will be summoned to ap pear and explain alleged unlawful ac tlons tr Tho Otklanl Branch Office of tbe nhronlcle is row at 1160 Broad vrijr ar Thirteenth stn et BOISE CITY CITIZENS THANK JUDGE MORROW Judge Morrow of the United States Circuit Court received yesterday three handsome testimonials from the municipal officers and club presidents of Boise City Idaho thanking him for the part he bad taken in getting them a Carnegie library When Judge Morrow passed through the city oh his way to Washington recently a committee pfl citizens waitea upon mm and asked him to second their request to Mr Carnegie He did so and as a result Boise City 1 goi uw monlals ley Mayor of Boise City the president of the Board of Library Trustee AnA the president 3f the Womans Columbia All the workings of a modern battlebattle ship shown by a new sectional xau oo a icauu JJUim aliy a io00ofor a new building Thetesti 1 process and explained by a naval lals vwere signed by Jkmes if Han expert in Sundays Chronicle James Marsden presfdent of the Jamestown Miners Union JCov 185 a brarich of the Western Federation of Miners Albert Sciarbnl a member of the executive committee of the same union and Robert Oarth walk Ing delegate for the Tuolumne county Mlrijsrs Unioni Noi 75 Were served With Summons by United StatesrMar shal Shine commanding them toT peai In the United States Circuit Court hereiat lOToclock onthe morning of March 28th nd show Icause Whyi they should not be punished for contenipt li disobeying a mandate of Judge Morrow Marsden was served InStpcktpriyesterday and Garth and Sciaronl were served near Jamestown the vday before The trouble grew but of a strike at the Rawhide and Appmifies The men struck there and when help was brought up from San Francisco the hew irieri it Is alleged were drlveri out of camp and threatened with bodily Injury should thfey attempt to return Representatives of the corri pany also alleged that the strikers threatened to destroy valuable property For these reasons the United States Circuit Court was petitioned for an injunction restraining the union men from In any way interfef ing with the property or employes the mining comphy Upon the show Ing made Judge Jiorrow granted the restraining order prayed for Nov the mine owners allegethat the strikers openlj violated the Courts order ly asaaulUna tha I curing tne troubles which make motherhood impossible Wne of Cirdui has jbransf prmed many sorrowing nd despondent wives into healthy and happy mothers imotners who have brieht and healthy babies MenstrdisordeleucbrThoeabeann pains sap the vitality out of womanhood Wine of Cardui mesimojtherhbbd possible be cause it cures ese trouble put these diseases xompletelyi No woman heeds to despair of becoming a mother when Wine of Cardui can be secured from rrer druggist and can make such wonderful cures as these to 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